But before I proceed, I must desire the Reader not to expect an exact Relation of her Disease in physical terms of art; because it pleased the all-wise Disposer of all occurrences so to order the spirit of the childe, and his own dealings towards her, (as you may see anon) that no means could be used towards her recovery, and so no Physicians did stay with her to observe the symptomes of her disease; so that it's but conjectural what it was; it's thought the rigid convulsions,
[...]. or rather that it was a complicated disease of many of those distempers which affect the brain; but I shall give it you in our Countrey
[Page 3] Dialect, as those that were usually with
[...]er did apprehend it.
1 Her Disease.
The Spleen-winde (after some time) did
[...]row to that extremity, that she could not
[...]igest her meat, but vomited up all that she
[...]ook, which yet was but a small quantity for
[...] long time; after which she was taken all of one side, beginning at her neck, which
[...]aused her to hold her head awry; and from
[...]hence it went into her arm, and took away
[...]he use of it for many dayes, and when her
[...]arm was better, it fell into her leg on the same side, and continued there until she fell quite down, which was after this manner. She had extraordinary fits of violent vomiting, and after that Convulsions, which occasioned extream torments, especially in the night, and so she continued (sometimes better, sometimes worse) for many dayes, sorely troubled with a stopping, &c.
In which time she had the use of her understanding, and could speak, and with many sweet words was able to exhort her parents to trust in God. Saying, If we had but
[Page 4] faith, it would carry us thorough all the tro
[...] bles of this world.
Then about
April the sixth, 1652,
[...] perceived such a change in her,
April 6, 1652. that
[...] thought she would die presently, and she
[...] into a fit of extream pain in her side, whic
[...] took away her breath, and her senses for
[...] houres; and she was stricken all over stiff,
[...] which time she lay (as if dead) hopelesse
[...] life in the judgements of those who behe
[...] her. Yet about the third houre she was enabled with great alacrity to express the joy
[...] of Heaven, and sweetly prayed for hersel
[...] and all her relations, as she conceived thei
[...] necessities required.
Her Prayer. for her father thy servāt, the head of th
[...] family, Lord, give him faith in Jesus Christ to lay hold upon thee, and give him patienc
[...] to be contented with thy will; and for ou
[...] mother who hath been so long weak, Lord, restore her, and make her a comfort to us all, and teach her to submit to thy will; and for my Grand-mother that old stock, that old stock, that thou hast made such a comfort to us, good Lord, we thank thee for her, and if I live, I desire to be thankful for her. And for our brother who is to be disposed of, good Lord, direct the heart of thy servant our father to dispose of him as may be most
[Page 5]
[...] thy glory, and for the good of his soul
[...]d body.
Good Lord, bless our sister who hath ta
[...]n so great pains with my mother and me;
[...]d our other little brother, Lord, make him
[...]ine, and guide him in all his wayes in his
[...]ung-yeers, that his soul may be precious in
[...]y sight; and my other sister the Lord
[...]ve her grace. And that other little sister,
[...]ood Lord, take away that infirmity from her
[...]ye, if it be thy will. And for that sister whom
[...]hou hast disposed of in marriage, the Lord
[...]less that family, and give them more and more of thy Spirit to guide them in thy wayes; and, Lord, give him a Spirit of prayer,
[...]ut let us not make haste, for thy time is the best. And for that little branch, Lord, as it grows in days & years, grant that it may grow in grace, and walk in thy way. And for that godly sweet servant of thine * (that prayed so heartily for me the last night) the Lord bless him;
Her Ʋncle,
Hatfield and, Lord, bless thy servant, who is gone to use means for her health, and bless the means, for without thy bessing nothing can profit; and, Lord, if it be for thy glory bring them together, and if not, make them contented to yield to thy will. Good Lord, bless all our Family, and make them thine▪ and teach all our friends to walk in thy wayes.
[Page 6] When she began this prayer,
Note. all about her were so amazed with the suddenness of it, that they could not (for the joy and astonishment wherewith their spirits were filled) observe each passage so exactly as is desired they had done, so that many of her expressions are lost; but these things set down are (as neer as they that were present could recall to their thoughts) related and written down in her own very words.
After this prayer her head fell, and she was as in a trance, and as she past into it she said, The Lord be with you all, I am now going to Heaven, where I hope one day you will come to me. And when she was come forth of that trance, in which they thought she would have died, she was exceedingly rapt up with joy (which perhaps was the Heaven she spake of, that she was going to) laughing, and spreading her arms, and clasping them close to her, that they could not be opened; but presently she opened them, and exprest herself in these words.
I have found my Christ, ô, I have found my Christ, how sweet is he to me!
After this fit of joy,
Conflict. she fell into a sore conflict with Satan, and opening her arms which were clasped with hugging her sweet Christ unto her, she struck so vehemently as
[Page 7]
[...] she had more then ordinary strength, and
[...]prest her self in these words.
Away, away, away Satan, with a stern
[...]untenance (which was a great change in her
[...]ce, which was so amiable before in her re
[...]oycing of it) and so she continued for some
[...]me, and then the Lord was pleased to give
[...]er comfort again.
And then she laughed,
Comfort. and rejoyced much more then before, and spread her arms, and
[...]lasped them close again, and said;
O, my Christ is come again, my Christ is come again;
[...] shall vanquish Satan, and cast him behinde me.
Then she fell again into another conflict,
Conflict. with striking as before, but never spake in a conflict; but the conflict being over, she spake, and laught, and behaved her self in the like manner as before.
Comfort. now my sweet Christ is come again, he is come again, and hath destroyed my spirituall enemy, who would have destroyed my soul. O labour for Christ, and that the Name of Christ may be written upon all your hearts with letters of gold.
Thus one time with comforts, and at other times with conflicts, she continued the greatest part of one night (which they that were present thought, was about the several times
[Page 8] that night, but they were all so astonishe
[...] both with the matter and manner, that the could not certainly relate how many of tho
[...] conflicts and comfortable fits she had; ne
[...]ther indeed (as they acknowledge) are the
[...] able to relate the manner thereof, as it wa
[...] made known unto them.
After this about 17 dayes,
Ʋntill April 23 she lay stiff and never spake all that time, and it pleased th
[...] Lord so to order her disease, that she came to her self twice a day:
viz. at twelve a clock a
[...] noon-day, and six at night, and then she did understand herself, but could not speak, and to these times she kept constantly for about 17 dayes, and then she would make signes to wash her mouth with small beer or water, they not knowing what she would have, but she could manifest dislike of what was offered; if it was not that which she desired; she took no food all this time, but onely washt her mouth (as was said) twice a day.
About this time coming to herself,
April 23 she fell into great extremity of vomiting for two dayes, and that which she vomited was like gall or soot, and bloud, and by times continued in that extremity for seven or eight dayes, and was carried about in the arms of one or other, or sate on their knees having little rest, save some short Dormes; she spake
[Page 9]
[...]uch, and uttered many sweet expressions.
Many times being desired to take some
[...]od, she answered; I would take food if God would give me leave, but I cannot, I
[...]annot; and when they would do any thing
[...]bout her (if it might be) to give her some
[...]ase, she would say, Alas, here's no ease
[...]ere, O that you will not suffer a poor crea
[...]ure to have some ease! there's no comfort
[...]o be had here, but there's ease in Heaven.
At another time, she said, O Lord, some
[...]ase for a poor distressed creature; Lord, for
[...]hy Son Christ his sake.
Again, Where's my father and my mother, that they may pray for me? I had a father and a mother, and brethren and sisters.
Again, she was much troubled, and said, What a naughty, naughty Lass was I, to be so impatient? but now I have more pain, and the Lord hath given me more patience; now I can say with
David, It is good for me that I have been afflicted. Good? It is good indeed, for my father hath got good, and my mother hath got good, and I have got good, and God hath got glory. I would not have been without this affliction for any thing; this is a good affliction indeed.
Her sister
Hannah speaking to her, Must these little pretty hands go into the grave,
[Page 10] and rot in the dust? I (said she) what should they do else? poor sinful corrupt flesh.
Her father asking her, Childe art not hungry, thou hast eaten nothing of a long time? She said, I hunger for nothing but Christ, I am very hungry after him, I would very fain
[...] have him.
Then he asked her if she would drink? she said, I am very thirsty for Christ.
They were speaking to her of a Physician, but she said,
My comfort is in Christ; I pray you trouble me not with the Physician. But speaking to her father; she said, Wil you not? I beg of you that I may have no other Physician; Jesus Christ will be my Physician: for my grave is better for me then to be here.
Again, Lord reveale unto me what is the cause of this affliction, what sin it is that lies unrepented of; sins of omission, or cōmission, or what sins soever they are; Lord, reveal them to me, and pardon them all, and give me repentance for them; with many such words which are not remembred.
Again, O Lord, I beseech thee, look upon me with pitty and compassion; Lord, do not forget me, but think upon me.
Again, Oh my sin is the cause of it; Oh teach me to say as
David, It is good for me that I have been afflicted.
[Page 11] Again, Good Lord, look upon me with
[...]tty and compassion, and enable me to bear
[...]y hand; Lord, mitigate these pains which
[...]e upon me; Lord, pardon all my sins, and
[...]emove all these afflictions, which are upon
[...]y body, if it seem good in thine eyes.
Again, The Lord hath in mercy looked on
[...] in his pitty and compassion; I hope I shall
[...]ot be from my Christ long:
Come, Lord Je
[...]us; O come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.
Then she comforted her self with
[...]ase, that though he sate on the dunghil,
[...]craping his sores with a potsheard, and though God gave Satan power over his body, yet not over his soul, and though his wife tempted him to curse God, (what a wicked woman was that? what a wicked woman was that? said she) yet his soul was precious in Gods sight.
Then musing with herself, she uttered herself thus by way of Question: Why did God create man? for his glory.
Quest. Why doth he afflict his children? for their good.
Quest. Why should we desire to die when we are in afflictions? seeing the grave praiseth him not, and seeing it is for Gods glory to live?
Again, she said;
Come to me, all ye children, and
I will gather you as a Hen gathereth her
[Page 12] Chickens: and you shall sing
Halleluiahs in Heaven with Christ, and all his holy Angels.
Again, Happy are they who appear for Christ, for they shall appear with him in glory.
Again, at another time she said, that nobody knew what troubles she had gone thorough (in reading the Word and Prayer) by reason of evil and wicked thoughts, and that she was glad sometimes to leave off reading, and to go to prayer, and said, I have sought to God many times with teares (which nobody knew of) to help me against unprofitable thoughts, but now she had got the victory thorough Christ: and then she laught.
This (I conceive) was the cause of those sad fits of weeping (whereof I made mention before) of which she could not,
Note. or at least Satan would not suffer her to give any account.
These and many other sweet expressions fell from her in those seven or eight dayes, which yet are forgotten, none thinking then to have presented this story to publick view; and whether these things be related in the order they were uttered, I'le not affirme, but this I may say, they are set down as neer as could be in her own words, without any additions, and this many credible witnesses will testifie.
[Page 13] And that you may be induced the rather
[...]o credit this, be pleased to take this character of this childe, that before this extream weak
[...]ess fell upon her, she was observed to be ve
[...]y frequent in private Prayer; and her mo
[...]her being exercised with long weakness, she would read by her out of such good books
[...]s there were in the house: and her mother observed that she would read with much affection,
of Faith. Burroughs
Treatises, &c. so that her mother thought, and said she hoped that her heart was taken with the things which she did read; the childe would say (Mother forsooth) is not this a good sentence (if you please) I will read it over again: she was noted to be a very loving, tender-hearted, and affectionate childe to all; and especially she manifested it in many pregnant expressions to her mother in her sickness.
After this,
May 1.
May the first or second, she was freed from that extremity of pain, her disease much varying, and she was stricken all over stiff, all her parts being extended, as if stretched forth, and if any one lifted up her arm higher or lower, there it would fix where they set it; and so buckle any joynt of her hand, and it would stand as it was set, & thus she continued for 17 dayes,
Ʋntill May 19▪ and never spake word, neither did she take any thing, but
[Page 14] they washt her mouth with beer or water several times in a day.
It was noted, that when any did speak to her concerning any thing of the World, or of any particulars (which as a childe) she had delighted in, she would then shew discontent; but if they discoursed of heavenly matters, then she shewed no signes of discontent, but seemed to give attention.
Then her Convulsion fits were grown to greater extremity,
May 19. 1652. the disease working with strange varieties, causing several motions and postures, and then at somtimes she had those stiff fits or congelations, and then she did utter those sweet sayings afterwards set down; and when she grew limber, she gave over speaking.
Here I shall briefly note some things, and then set down her speeches.
1 She spake not but in a stiff fit (or very rarely, and then but a word or two) and she continued speaking from
May the 19, until
June the 21, 1652: beginning usually about eight of the clock at night, and so continued with some little intermission between every sentence to speak for two houres or more, and then ceased until the next night about the same time: She did speak some things in the morning, or sometimes in the afternoon,
[Page 15] but so very seldome, and then she was limber all over, but then there were strange workings of the Convulsions, twisting her fingers, writhing her neck, drawing her mouth to her ear.
2 It was observed, that sometimes in those stiff fits wherein she spake, she would change her countenance, and look very sadly and frowningly; and it was conceived by those who beheld her, that then she was under some temptation, because the next thing she spake (after such frowning fits) was alwayes something against Satan that roaring lurking lion, and then she would smile, and look very cheerfully.
3 The manner of her coming into those stiff fits, was with beatings of her hands upon her breast, and she had sore Convulsions, and then of a sudden she had all her parts extended, and then she smiled; and then they knew that she would speak presently; she lay upon her back, and had the most sweet, amiable, cheerful coūtenance that ever I beheld (excepting one or two frowning fits in a night) all the time of her speaking. She had also rejoycing fits, clasping her arms, and laughing sometimes, and sometimes she spake when the Convulsions drew her mouth awry, and when she spake, sometimes
[Page 16] her speech was lower, sometimes more audible; alwayes with that vigour, vivacity, and earnestness of spirit, that it did much affect the hearts of them who heard her; and sometimes she was so weake that her chaps only moved, but no words could be heard: further, it was observed that she did alwayes speak very good sense, and when she mistooke, she would go over with the matter again, and make it good sensebefore she left off.
4 Observe, that when her times of speaking came, there was one who wrote her words, all helping to remember the very words as she uttered them, and after they were written down (in the space between her speakings) they were read over, and every one desired to manifest their assent if they judged the words to be truly related, and there were usually many present, many strangers comming daily to hear her, when her speaking times were known, and I do believe and know, and many will witnesse, that there was great care taken that her own words might be set down.
5 From this time untill a little before the Lord was pleased to restore her, it was thought that she neither did see or hear, or know any body, and that she never minded
[Page 17] what was said to her, nor answered to any thing that was spoken to her.
6 These wonderfull providentiall allurances some have sinisterously interpreted surmizing, nay, some speaking that she was bewitched, possessed, &c. and that Satan did speak in her, and that it was not her voice, but a voice in her; to whom God shall give an answer from Heaven in his late dealings and gracious dispensations towards her.
It was the judgement of a very judicious Physician who was sometimes with her, that her disease was natural, her speech supernatural.
It's true, we read in the Scriptures of God, that
Satan can transform himself into an Angel of light, and hath spoken sometimes divine matters, and quoted Scriptures (but corruptly often;
De spect
[...]is & l
[...]muribus.) Satan herein (as
Lavater observes) imitates Gamesters, who suffer young heires to win to make them more eager of the game; and so engages them till they have wonne all. Satan will comply with the tempers, and dispositions of such as he sees strongly enclined to gracious actings, rowing with the tide of their inclinations; but he notes also out of
Ambrose and
Chrysostome, that he doth this, b
[...]t to insinuate into them,
[Page 18] and to draw them by these artifices, by these delightful baits to swallow the hook of evil suggestions and temptations; but this childe never spake of her temptations, or uttered any of Satans language in those her times of speaking, but all her speeches were sweet and gracious, much of Christ and Faith, and against Satan; and against many Errours of the present times, both in judgement and practice, but nothing that might tend to promote Satans Kingdome, and I cannot think that Satan would have bin a mid-wife to help to the birth so many masculine sentences, and high-born truths, as this childe hath uttered; such Divisions would much tend to the destruction of his Kingdom; he would have mingled some of his dross amongst this pure gold, if he had prevailed so far as to gain any interest in and power over this childe.
7 In this long time of her silence,
viz. seventeen dayes, her friends began to be much perplexed, fearing God had left her, and many Prayers were sent up that he would please to open her mouth again, and upon the nineteenth of
May, God having much stirr'd up her mothers heart to seek that mercy from him; she comming into the room where the childe lay, could scarcely take her seat there,
[Page 19] before the Childe began to speak, and the first words which she uttered, and that with much vivacity of spirit, were these:
I was in darkness, but now I am in light.
Which vvords her dear mother (vvith others) vvho had mourned under the vvant of that mercy, did take as a most seasonable ansvver to their Prayers, and satisfaction to the doubts vvhich pressed their spirits, and they vvere much revived vvith the appearances of God in this svveet change in the childe, vvho proceeded on to utter those precious sayings, vvhich novv I shall set dovvn in the order as they vvere spoken, and taken from her mouth.
Here followeth the Childes Speeches.
Which I shall set dovvn, and place over against them such Scriptures as her vvords seem to relate to, though I cannot think that she ever had in her thoughts, or ever read many of those Scripture-phrases vvhich she uttered, but God did specially help and guide her in her expressions, to the praise of his glorious grace; in a poor vveak unlikely instrument; vvhich may justifie our practice in
[Page 20] publishing these things, vve not daring to
put such
a light under a bushel; and if you consider that these things vvere spoken by a childe not yet tvvelve years of age, and that vvhen she vvas under such prevailing distempers, vvhich took avvay her senses, and knovvledge of any friend, and her speech at all other times, but vvhilest she uttered these things, I hope it vvill render the meanest of her speeches no contemptible things.
The Childes Speeches, May the 19th, 1652.
I Was in darkness,
Ephes. 5. 8 but now I am in light.
Labour for Christ, Christ is crept in again, claspe him in your arms, hold him fast;
[...]ovv you have obtained Christ, hold him fast.
Avvay vvith that
roaring lion,
1 Pet 5. 18 chain him up, my God chain him up, Christ is come again; hovv svveet my Christ is! hovv good my God hath been to me, to give me Jesus Christ! when you get Jesus Christ, hold him fast; do not let him go.
My God hath spoken a word of comfort;
Matth. 7. 7
and ye shall finde; ask, and ye shall have; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: he bids me knock, and he will open.
How sweet is Jesus Christ!
Cantic. 3. 4 sweeter then gold and money; if you have him, hold him fast; now we have him, we will not let him go; how sweet my God is! Oh how sweet my God is!
May the 20th.
Oh, what a God have we, that hath given Jesus Christ to die for us?
My God hath cast me down with his left hand,
Psal. 63. 8. he upholdeth me with his right hand, but he will raise me up with both.
My Christ is heavier then all this world; weigh all the world and Christ, and he will weigh all down.
Oh what a glorious God have I, to give me his Christ to save my soul! who would but trust him? oh trust in him; when all things in the World fail, he will not fail, he will stick fast to you, trust him, oh trust in him.
Pluck Satan away,
1 John 5. 18. pluck him away, my God, let him not touch me, let him not enter into my soul.
My Christ is come again,
1 Pet. 2. 34 ô, how sweet my Christ is! Oh, how sweet he is! those that feel the sweetness of Christ, they will trust in him.
Strait is the way to heaven,
Matth. 7. 14. but my Christ is gone before me, and hath opened the gates, he hath laid up treasures for me in Heaven.
My Christ will not fly away from those that trust in him.
John 6. 37.
[Page 23] All the World is
vanity, there is nothing to take pleasure in,
Eccles. 1. 12. Psal 9. 10.
but all is vanity and vexa
[...]ion of spirit, but they that know the pleasure and sweetness of Christ, they will stick close to him: Oh labour to get him by faith!
Struggle, Oh struggle, let him not go, he is an everlasting good to those that depend upon him; I desire to depend upon him.
Joy is in Heaven without sorrow,
Revel. 21. 4. and comfort without discomfort, where
Christ will wipe away all tears from the eyes of those that desire to depend upon him.
Learn to know the sweetness of
2 Chron. 15. 2. Psal. 125. 1.
for they that love him he will never forsake them, and those that do trust in him, and live to him, he will never forsake them.
Labour for
Christ, trust in him, Oh serve him, and get faith in him.
Labour to trust in
Christ, and believe in him; those that know the sweetness of
Christ, will embrace him, and never let him go; and he will embrace them, and never let them go.
Labour for
Christ, that ye may have the joyes of Heaven with my sweet Father,
John 17. 24. and his Angels for ever.
Christ is come again,
Isai. 40. 11 taking me up in his arms to Heaven: Oh, how sweet
Christ is, embracing me in his arms, carrying me in
Noahs Ark to Heaven!
[Page 24] Oh, what a sweet Father have I, that doth all things in wisdom, for the good of my poor soul!
[...]eb. 13. 5.
My God will stick fast to me, he will never forsake me.
Labour to lay up
Christ, embrace him in your arms, and when you feel sweetness from
Christ, hold him fast. Oh, what a sweet God have I to relie upon! now that I have obteined Christ,
[...] 11. 28. I will stick close to him.
My God doth all things in wisdome, he knowes what is good for me.
Now my God hath pull'd back Satan that roaring Lion, and hath cast him behind me: Oh, what a sweet God have I! Oh, how sweet is my Christ, he hath laid up treasures in Heaven for this my soul.
May the 21th.
Whom I love,
Revel. 3. 19. I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Why did God create his Children? for his glory. And why doth God afflict his children? for their good.
Come to me,
Matth. 23. 37.
all my children, &
I will gather you, as the Hen gathereth her Chickens, & you shall sing
Hallelujahs with the holy Angels for ever.
Why should we desire to die when we
[Page 25] are in affliction? seeing the grave praiseth him not.
Happy are they that appear with
Jesus Christ here, for they shall appear with him in glory.
Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden,
Matth. 11. 28. and I will give you rest:
Oh, come to me,
John 7. 37. (
saith my God) and drink of my drink, and thou shalt never thirst:
Oh labour for Christ.
All things I count but dung in comparison of Christ.
Phil. 3. 8.
Get faith in
Jesus Christ,
Ephes. 3. 17. and that will draw you nigh to God, and not draw you back from him.
Call upon me in the time of trouble,
Psal. 50. 15 and I will hear you.
What a sweet Father have I to give me
Jesus Christ? who can be thankful? Can I be thankful? enough?
Pardon, and forgive me all my sins, oh let not that roaring Lion get power over me, pluck him back.
Cleave to
Jesus Christ,
Deut. 10. 20. Isai. 26. 4. Heb. 13. 5 trust in
Jesus Christ, and he will never forsake you; stick fast to
Jesus Christ, relie upon him; when all comforts fail in this World, he will never fail; therefore stick close to him.
Get grounded in Grace, and pray to
[Page 26] Christ; never forsake him, and he will never forsake you.
Labour for
Jesus Christ, and if you get him, what is all the whole World? if ye be poore in this World, ye are rich in
Jesus Christ.
If we could but get into Heaven, there is comfort without discomfort, joy without sorrow, where God will wipe away all tears: Oh, how happy are they that enjoy
Christ! to them that enjoy him, he vvill make vvay for them; therefore labour to get
Jesus Christ, and serve him,
John 14. 2, 3. and he will save you both from the dangers in this World, and in that which is to come.
May the 22.
Labour for
Jesus Christ, and to get faith in him and for the
life of faith in Cbrist.
Gal. 2. 10. Lord, give us the light of Heaven, that we may see
Jesus Christ with our spiritual eyes, for we cannot behold him with our mortal eyes.
Labour for the life of
Grace, that vve may behold the glorious God of Heaven; when all the light of our mortal eyes is gone, still there is light in
Jesus Christ.
Come unto me, poor soul, and follow me, take up my cross,
Matth. 16. 24. and I will be thy Saviour.
[Page 27] Take heed of despising God,
1 Sam. 2. 30. for fear that his wrath be poured out upon you.
If once we have obtain'd Christ, there will be no cause of mourning, but of singing and rejoycing, we shall then have no cause of mourning.
Come unto me,
Matth. 11. 28. all ye that are heavy laden, and I will ease you.
Oh, what a sweet God is this?
Oh save me and defend me from that roring lion,
1 Pet. 5. 8. that goes about seeking to destroy my soul.
When Christ which is our life shall appear in his glory,
Col. 3▪
[...] ▪
then shall we have light.
Pull back Satan, cast him behind me: Oh Lord, thou knowest my whole heart dependeth upon thee.
May the 23.
Labour for Jesus Christ, get faith in Jesus Christ, and he will lock up your souls in his Cabinet, and keep you from that roaring lion, which goeth about seeking whom he may devoure.
Stick fast to Jesus Christ, and Satan can have no power over you.
Ah, that we should be led away with Satans temptations unto lies, to follow our corruptions; Satan labours to get a poore soul,
[Page 28] and when he hath got it, he will cast it into hell.
Ah, is it not better to be with my Father in Heaven, where we shall sing
Hallelujahs with holy Angels for ever?
Follow not Satans steps, but follow Jesus Christs steps, and he will lead you up to Heaven.
Sing praises,
Psal. 47. 6. Psal. 103. 2.
sing praises to our God, for all his mercies that he bestoweth upon us, and be not ignorant of them, and forget them not; for if we forget them, he will be forgetful of us.
Take heed of Satan that roaring lion, take heed that he get not into you; for if he do, he will sink deeper and deeper into you.
Labour for Jesus Christ; for when all the helps in the World are gone, there is help in Jesus Christ.
Lord, give us repenting hearts, that we may repent truly; and come we to Christ, that we may repent truly, that thy wrath be not poured out upon us.
Seek for Christ, look for Christ till you finde him, never give over till you have found him; when you have found him, stick close to him; and he will stick close to you.
Get faith in Jesus Christ, believe in him; believe him in his mighty power, believe him in his glory.
[Page 29] Lord, give us the true light of Heaven, for we cannot see with our mortal eyes, but with our spiritual eyes we shall.
Oh what a good God have we, that never slumbers, nor sleepeth, but watcheth over his poor servants!
Come my Disciples,
Matth. 16. 24. Heb. 8. 10.
take up your crosse and follow me, and you shall be saved;
I will be your God, and you shall be my people.
O Lord, I desire to wait till my glass be run, for I long to be in Heaven with thy holy Angels rejoycing.
Those that hunger and thirst after Jesus Christ,
John 7. 37. Colos. 3. 4. let them come and drink of the water of life, and they shall thirst no more, and when Christ their life shall appear, then they shal appear with him also in glory.
Come unto me in time of trouble, and I will save and deliver you.
Come, my people, enter in at the gates of Heaven, and I will guide you in it.
My soul, O Lord, watcheth, and watcheth till the glass be run, to be in Heaven rejoycing with the holy Angels for ever.
Labour for Jesus Christ; what are we without Christ? we are but as a lump of clay or lead, full of corruption, and without the Spirit of God.
Oh, Good Lord, work a thorough work in
[Page 30] us, that we may be like thy holy Angels in Heaven.
Now my Christ is come again, oh that I could hold him fast, and not let him slip from me; Oh Lord, give us thankful hearts to thee, who hast given us Jesus Christ thy dear Son, to take our sins upon him; all our sufferings are nothing in comparison of Jesus Christs sufferings, he suffered the death upon the Cross for us.
Ezek. 36. 26.
take away these stony hearts of ours, and give us new hearts; and take away these thorns out of our hearts, and give us thankful hearts; that we may be ever thankful unto thee for all thy good gifts, that thou hast bestowed upon us.
May the 24th.
Isai. 53. 6 give us Jesus Christ, for without Christ we are nothing, but like lost sheep that are gone astray.
Take heed that the temptations of Satan overcome you not; lest he cast you into hell.
Not into our eares, Oh
Lord, but come into our hearts,
and take away these stony hearts of ours, and give us new hearts.
How good is thy Word,
Jer. 24. 7. O God! how good is thy Word! ground it not in our heads, O Lord, but in our hearts.
[Page 31] Pull back
Satan that roaring lion which goeth about seeking whom he can devoure, and to cast him into hell; oh follow not his wayes, nor steps, for in them there is nothing but blasphemy and lying; but follow
Christs steps, and there will be rejoycing for ever.
Before that
Christ take you up into Heaven,
John 14. 22, 23. & 17. 26. he will give you full assurance of himself, and lock you up in his cabinet, and keep you from that hunting roaring lion.
If he conquer me, he will cast me into helfire,
1 John 5. 18. but my
Christ will not suffer him to touch me; my
Christ is stronger then he; he will not let him prevail against me.
My body is but wormes meat in the grave,
Job 19. 26. but what care I for my body; so that my soul be in Heaven with my God and his Angels.
Seek for
Christ, and you shall finde him;
Matth. 7. 7 hunt for him, and he will be found of you.
Strait is the gate that leadeth to Heaven,
Matth. 7. 13, 14. and few there be that finde it, but wide is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go therein.
The afflictions of the body are nothing, but the soul is a rare jewel; when both body and soul are afflicted,
Pro. 41.
[...] then there is cause of sorrow; but pray to God that he may support your souls.
O take my soul into thy protection, for if
[Page 32] both body and soul should be gone, then all is gone, but when they are in thy hands▪ then they are safe, then there is no cause of sorrow but of rejoycing, and singing
Aalleluiah for ever.
Trust in God, walk in Gods way, the more you walk in Gods way, the more he will give you kis assurance.
Get into Jesus Christ, for in him there is joy and comfort, and no cause of discomfort.
If we could but get one touch of the sweetness of Jesus Christ, it would ravish our hearts, so that we would strive to get nigher▪ and nigher unto him.
Oh, what a good God have we! who would not trust in such a God? let us but eye God, and he will eye us, and the more we look unto God, the more will his power be exalted in us.
What if a man have not onely part, but the whole World, yet he can never be satisfied; and a poor soul that onely hath a desire after Christ cannot be contented; but when a poor soul hath gained all Christ, then it is satisfied.
A poor soul will be alwayes hungring, hungring, hungring, and thirsting till he have gotten all Christ, then he will be satisfied, and say he hath enough.
[Page 33] How loving and gracious is our God, that doth all things in wisdome, and mercy, and for our good, in pitty, and compassion!
Oh, how happy a thing it is, and joyful for
[...]o see, when a poor soul is going to Heaven, and Christ sayes; Come, poor soul, come,
[...]ome and I will lock thee up in my Cabinet, and keep thee from sin and Satan!
He is an everlasting God, stick close to him, and he will stick close to you.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent.
When we are in affliction,
Christ is all in all, but some in their afflictions are apt to say that God hath forgotten them, but whom
God loveth he correcteth; and afflictions are but to make us stick closer to God, that it may be for our good and comfort-
Let us sing praise to our God, and be thankful; let us not turn back from him, and he will not turn back from us.
Whom God loveth, he correcteth in mercy.
Correction is good for poor souls, it maketh them stick closer to Christ, and that they may know him the more both for his own glory, and their own good every way.
As the Father calleth his childe when he
[Page 34] hath done amiss,
Isai. 27. 18, 19. and asks why he doth so, and gives him correction: so God he gives his children correction, but it is for their good and comfort.
God scourgeth and whippeth his children, but he will not give them one whip, nor one lash more then is for their good.
Just is God in all his dealings,
Nehem. 9. 33. Psal. 121. 3, 4. Mal. 2 2.
he neither slumbreth nor sleepeth, but is diligent, and carefull in watching over his poor children.
Let us give him praise for all his mercies, lest he turn his blessings into cursings.
Labour for
Jesus Christ, stick close to
Jesus Christ, and he will stick close to you, he will never forsake you; till you have him, you can never be satisfied.
Labonr to follow things according to
Jesus Christ,
Phil. 3. 8. for if we gain
Christ we gain all.
When all helps fail,
Heb. 13. 5.
Christ will never fail you, he will never forsake you.
Let us labour to get into
Jesus Christ, that we may be like the Angels in Heaven and let us bend our mindes to
Jesus Christ, for his mercies are greater to us then we can desire▪
May the 25.
Come, poor soul, come, poor soul, see how God stretcheth forth his hand to an afflicted
[Page 35] soul; thou hast been afflicted, but now I will take thee up into Heaven; God will take a poor afflicted soul into Herven.
Good is thy Word (O Lord) to be esteemed
[...]ot onely in our heads, but in our hearts; take
[...]way these stony hearts, O Lord, that thy Word may work a thorough work in us.
Oh take my soul, O Lord, into thy protection, and lock it up in thy cabinet, for I am assured (Lord) that I shall be in happiness with thee, and thy holy Angels in Heaven.
Labour to get faith in
Jesus Christ, and it will keep you out of the deep pit.
Trust in
Jesus Christ, and be mindful of his wayes, and he will be mindful of you.
He waketh, and
neither slumbereth, nor sleepeth; who would but follow his steps, and not Satans?
Lord, open thou our hearts and our eyes, that we run not headlong into that bottomless pit of hell and destruction.
Come, my Disciple, and
take up thy cross, and walk, and thou shalt be saved.
Pray for fixed hearts and souls in
Jesus Christ, that they be not cast into hell-fire; God give us fixed and zealous hearts for
Jesus Christ, and fixed for Heaven.
The Lord will not turn back from us, if we do not turn back from him, he will carry
[Page 36] us up to Heaven, where there is no change, but joy, and rejoycing for evermore.
Trust in
Jesus Christ, and he vvill rebuke your spiritual enemy. Satan is the greates
[...] enemy to your souls; if he get them he vvi
[...] cast them into hell-fire.
Come, my people, into my Tabernacle, and I will embrace you with my arms, and there shall be cause of joy, and rejoycing with God and his holy Angels for ever.
If you can but
rise with Christ,
Col. 3. 1.
and see
[...] those things that are above, he will take you up into Heaven, and lock you up in his Cabinet; if you can but rise with him, there will be cause of joy and rejoycing for ever with my God, and his holy Angels for ever.
If we can but rise so high as Heaven, there will be cause of joy and comfort, and no cause of discomfort, if we be but raised so high as to seek those things that are above, then we are happy.
Psal. 149. 1 & 6. vers.
let us sing a new Sang, let the praises of God be alwayes in our mouthes, and let them never depart out of our mouthes.
Come, and let us reioyce, and be glad with our heavenly Father, where there is cause of comfort, and no cause of discomfort.
Let us labour to draw nigh home, for we are not at home whilest we are here; let us therefore hunger, and thirst after better places,
[Page 37] we are but
as pilgrims and strangers here,
Heb. 11. 13, 14, 16. but we must labour to wait with patience till our glass be run:
We are but as Travellers that travel to and fro, let us labour to come to an abiding place where there is no change, then there is comfort, then we come to that place that our souls thirst after.
What a gracious Father have we!
Psal. 103. 1, 2. let us be thankful unto him for our manifold mercies and blessings; what cause have we to give him praise for them? let us never be unmindful of giving him praise, and he wil never be unmindful of us.
What a Christ have we, that doth all things in wisdome! Oh, what he hath done for us!
Phil. 2. 8. we can never suffer so much for him as he hath for us, he suffered the death upon the cross for us.
Good is thy Word, O God, and to be esteemed of us; let us not be ignorant of it, let us have a token of thankfulness in our hearts, let us acknowledge it, that we may give God the glory of it again: teach us the way that we may acknowledge, and be thankful.
Come, my people, do not thirst, but
come and drink of the waters of life freely,
John 7.
and you shall never thirst again. I suppose, she meant,
[Page 38] do not rest in your thirsting, but come and drink.)
Come, my people, follow me into that pleasant place of Heaven, and there you shall have joy everlastingly.
Put thy Spirit into our hearts,
Ezek. 36. 26, 27. and take away these stony hearts,
that we may become new Christians.
Come, my people, enter in at the gate▪
Strait is the gate, but I will lead you and open the gate of that comfortable place, the gate of Heaven.
Oh, trust in God, and labour to be true believers, and he will free you from sin and Satan that roaring lion, that seeks whom he may devour: put your trust in the Lord, and then you will have cause of joy and rejoying for ever.
Oh God, thou art merciful unto thy children; and the more we hunger and thirst after thee, the more merciful art thou; Lord, we thank thee for thy mercies that thou hast bestowed upon us.
God is gracious in all his wayes and actions. Let us trust still in God: if we do but trust in God, we shall never faint: although I be in a suffering condition here, I shall be in a comfortable condition hereafter.
How sweet is Christ in his dealings and
[Page 39]
[...]ispensations! he will not let Satan that cun
[...]ing roaring Lion do me any hurt.
Oh, ground faith in our hearts, O Lord,
[...]pon thy Son
Jesus Christ: oh, ground our
[...]earts aright upon him, and he will provide for us: and take us up into his Kingdome, where there is no cause of mourning, but all
[...]oy and comfort for ever.
We are but as pilgrims here, and stay a time till our glass be run, and then
Jesus Christ will be our protector and guider, where we shall rejoyce for ever.
I will keep your souls in my protection. I will rebuke Satan that roaring lion for your sakes.
Note that oftentimes she would have uttered words, but could not, and then her lips would move, so that I conceive some of her speeches were spoken in relation to something that she had in her minde, and could not utter; and so in the last speech which is set down: and this may help the Reader to understand some other of her Speeches.
May the 26th.
Seek the things which are above, where Christ
[Page 40] sits at the right hand of God our Father; if we can but rise so high, there we should have cause of comfort, and none of discomfort, for ever and ever.
Happy shall we be when we are raised so high as to sit at the right hand of God our Father.
God my Father hath chained up Satan that roaring lion, that he cannot enter into my soul.
God doth sometimes suffer Satan to afflict us, that we may be drawn neerer to him.
God lets us lie in afflictions, that we may get good by them, and himself glory.
Let us praise God for all his mercies, and he will showre them down upon us the more.
The more we seek to give God glory for all his mercies, the more will God seek to poure down good upon us.
Though God do take away the comfort of this world, yet he will give us comfort in another world.
Gracious is God, and pittiful to poor souls, when they shall call to him for help, and saith, Lord, I am helpless of my self, my help is upon thee, and I trust in thee, then he gives him help, & comfort by faith in Jesus Christ. Who would but trust in such a God that
[Page 41] give us Christ that we may joy and rejoyce? Oh how good a God have we, that doth rebuke the Tempter, and will not let him have us, though he strive to catch us! he would make our going to Heaven uncomfortable, and pull away our souls, but God will not suffer him; for those that God hath chosen, they shall receive comfort.
How gracious is God in all his wayes, and worthy to be esteemed of; if we do not esteem of him, he will not esteem of us; he is
angry with his people,
Isai. 54. 7, 8
it is but for a while; but with those that he is ever angry, he will say,
Go, ye cursed, into hell-fire, and what a pittiful case is that?
God will stretch out his hand to a poor soul, and say, Come, poor soul, come, thou hast been long in affliction, but I will lay thee up in Heaven, there thou shalt be happy, and rejoyce for ever.
Our Father gives us his Son Jesus Christ, to save our souls, or we had been burning in hell-fire before this time, but our God is gracious to us.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit,
Matth. 7. 19. is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Lord, open our eyes, that we may see Jesus Christ coming into our souls with white robes; we cannot see him with our mortal
[Page 42] eyes, but, Lord, make us to see him with ou
[...] spiritual eyes; this would be the joyfulles
[...] sight that ever we did see in all our lives.
What disobedient children are we that do not go when our Father comands us to go▪
If you be risen with Christ, seek those thing
[...] which are above, where Christ himself sits at the right hand of God.
Let us have our eyes lift up to Heaven, that we may see Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of God: and let us be thankful for all his mercies, for if we be unmindful of him, he will be unmindful of us.
Lord, our hearts are empty, fill them with thy Spirit, and take away the corruption that is within us.
Why are our hearts set upon the World? there is nothing but pride and corruption in the World, and we poor sinful creatures are subject to run head-long into the World. Lord, wean our hearts from the World.
Good Lord, give us grace, and the eye of Faith, that we may see Jesus Christ coming though afar off, and that we may come nigh, and stick close to him.
Lord, give us faith, that we may trust thee, and believe in thee, and make us true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ; for we have nothing of our selves, but corruption to trust on, and that will flie from us.
[Page 43] How good God is, and merciful to all his
[...]hildren, in delivering them from all the
[...]emptations of their spiritual enemy, which
[...]aily seeketh to destroy them!
Oh, come, my people, into my Tabernace,
[...]nd I will take you up into my throne, and
[...]here you shall rejoyce with me, and my Angels for ever and ever.
Labour for Jesus Christ, and when you have obtained him, embrace him, and he will embrace you; cleave fast to him, and he will cleave fast to you.
Acknowledge Jesus Christ, who is our Saviour; and when all things in the World fail, he will not fail, he will stick close to you, and not forsake you.
Let us be thankful for all mercies, though they be but little ones; for when we are thankful for little ones, he will poure more upon us; and if we be not thankful for the least mercy, he will poure down great curses upon us.
Look into the actions of God; and the more you look into his works, the more power of God you shall finde in them; all that he doth, he doth it for the good of his poor Children, and those that fear him.
May the 27th.
Lord, purge our bodies, and purifie ou
[...] corrupt hearts, that thy Word may work▪ thorow work in us; cast back, cast back tha
[...] tempting roaring lion, that goes about seeking whom he may devour.
What disobedient children are we, for that which God commandeth, we will not do, but that which he forbiddeth, that we do, and run on headlong to our own destruction.
If the Spirit of God once work in our hearts, then we shall be happy, and shall sound out the praise and glory of our God, for he is wonderfull in our eyes.
Psal. 51. 15.
open thou our mouth, and let our lips shew forth thy praise; our God make speed to save us: ô teach us to know Jesus Christ, for how will that ravish our poor soules to know our Saviour! and then we shall draw nigher to heaven, and rejoyce with our Father.
Come, my people, come, enter into my Tabernacle, and I will have mercy upon you.
Help, help, Lord, for Christs sake, that I may obtain that happy place, for there is comfort without discomfort, and joy without sorrow.
May the 28th.
What disobedient children are we for do
[...]g those things which we ought not to do,
[...]nd in leaving undone those things, which
[...]e ought to have done.
Come, my people, enter into my Taberna
[...]le, and
I will gather you under my wings as a
[...]en gathereth her chickens; and I will assure you of your salvation, and you shall rejoyce with my holy Angels for ever and ever.
Let us labour to get faith in Jesus Christ, who will gather us from our enemies; when a poor soul thinks he is cast down into hell, then Christ comes and raiseth it up, then that soul will rejoyce with Christ, and he will keep it from falling into that deep pit, he will not let it fall again; who would but trust in such a God as this, that will give his children hearts to believe and fear him?
Labour to get Jesus Christ, for we cannot get him without pains: if we mean to be one with him: O how ought we to take pains and labour to know and acknowledge Jesus; we must struggle and strive for him, or else we can never obtain him.
May the 29th.
How good is our God, that takes pity upon a poor afflicted soul, for when a poor soul is going to hell, and seeth no help but in Jesus Christ, then it cries, Help, help, help, Lord, and then Jesus Christ delivereth that poor soul out of hell.
Labour for Jesus Christ, and seek for him: he is not gained easily, we must seek for him and take pains for him, or we shall never obtain him; unlesse we take pains we shall never sinde him.
Lord, give us hearts that we may seek after Jesus Christ, and that we may relie upon him by faith, that we may be made true believers in thy Word.
Lord, open thou our mouths, that our lips may shew forth thy praise: Lord, pour out thy Spirit upon our souls, and it will make us draw nigher and nigher unto thee.
Many are they, Lord, that cannot obtain Jesus Christ, it is because they do not take pains:
John 6. 27. but let us arise, and be doing; for without pains we can get nothing; we must take pains, and struggle for Jesus Christ, else we can never obtain him.
Lord, fill our hearts with Jesus Christ, for they are empty; fill them full of Jesus Christ, that we may be able to live by faith upon him; Lord, fill our hearts with the knowledge
[Page 47] of Jesus Christ; for our hearts are empty, and with the righteousnesse of Jesus Christ; Lord, enrich our souls, that we may enrich the Kingdome of God.
Let us be thankfull to God for all his mercies and blessings which he is pleased to bestow upon us:
1 Sam. 2. 30. Psal. 50. 23. for the more thankfull we are, the more will he poure down his mercies and blessings upon us.
How gracious is our God, that doth all things in wisdome and mercy to his poor servants! he doth nothing to them, but that which is for their good, in mercy and in righteousnesse. O Lord, give us true faith in the righteousnesse of Jesus Christ, that we may relie upon him for our Salvation.
What a sweet thing it is to enjoy Jesus Christ! happy is that soul that doth enjoy such a gift from our Father.
If we should be thankfull all our dayes, we can never be thankful enough; for he suffered the death upon the crosse for our sins.
Lord, pardon and forgive us all our sins, and wash them away in the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and then shall we be purified, and become pure Christians,
Let us give praise unto our God for all his mercies and blessings that he hath bestowed upon us;
1 Thes. 5. 18. let us alwayes be praising our God, and be thankfull, and ever thankfull.
May the 30th.
Lord, humble our hearts, and open our eyes,
Rom. 1. 22. 23. that we be not led away with Satan, and run headlong to our destruction.
We have enemies too many to draw us back from Jesus Christ,
John 6. 44. but there are very few that will draw us to Jesus Christ.
Psal. 119. 117. take our souls into thy protection and keeping, for when they are with thee, they are safe.
Let us sing praise to our God,
Psal. 136. 2. for his mercy endureth for ever.
Lord, take away our unbelief, and fasten us to
Jesus Christ,
2 Cor. 5. 17. that we may become new Christians.
Lord, wash away all our sins in the blood of thy Son Jesus, and purifie our affections, that vve may become pure Virgins in Jesus Christ.
Come, let us drink of the water of life, and then we shall never thirst again.
Oh hovv happy are they that can but obtain Jesus Christ: for if vve be never so poor in this vvorld, if vve can but obtain Jesus Christ,
Ephes. 3. 8. vve shall have riches enough, for then vve shall be rich in glory,
May 31.
The Lord give us faith,
[...]. 8. for without faith we cannot get
Jesus Christ.
The Lord give us knowledge,
Rom. 10. 17. Ephes. 1. 18, 19. for without knowledge we cannot attain faith, and without faith we cannot attain to salvation.
If we can attain to the height of faith, we shall attain to the height of
Jesus Christ; and if we attain to the height of
Jesus Christ, we shall attain to the height of glory.
Lord, humble us under our burthen of sin, That when Christ who is our life shall appear,
Matth. 23. 12. we may also appear with him in glory.
Psal. 50. 15. 1 John 1. 7 Ephes. 5. 27.
my people, Call upen me in time of trouble, and I will heare you and answer you.
Oh, wash us, and cleanse us, that neither spot, nor stain be upon us; wash us clean in the bloud of
Christ, that we may become new Virgins, pure Virgins.
Let us bless God,
2 Chron. 20. 22, 23, 24. and be thankful for all those mercies that he is pleased to poure down upon us; let us be thankful, yea very thankful; for the more we thank him, the more will he poure down his mercies upon us.
June 1, 1652.
Lord, pardon, and forgive us all our sins, and give us hearts earnestly to beg pardon for them; if thou hadst not been a merciful Father, we had all been burning in hell-fire▪ we had all been burning, and howling in hell-fire before this, but thou hast given thy So
Jesus Christ to die for our sins: for his sake we beg pardon for them.
Lord, give us thankful hearts, we have cause to be thankful, if we had a thousand hearts, we could never be thankful enough to thee for all thy mercies, that thou hast bestowed, and showred down upon us.
Lord, give us thy Word, and ground it in our hearts; Lord, give us thy Spirit into our hearts, for without thy Spirit the Word i
[...] but a dead letter.
I will be your God,
Jet. 31. 33. and ye shall be my people.
Titus 1 1. Col. 2 2. give us faith in
Jesus Christ, for without faith in him we can never acknowledge
Jesus Christ, to be our alone Saviour and Redeemer.
She spake not again until June the fourth.
Oh, my God, I give unto thee my soule,
[Page 51] my body, and my heart, and all; hoping that I now am going unto that happy place, which I have desired so long.
June the 5th.
If a poor man which hath not a bit of bread,
Ephes. 3. 8. Col. 2. 3. nor a broom to sweep his house withall; yet if he have but
Christ, he is richer then that man which hath all the riches of this World.
Who would but trust in such a God, that will save and defend us from all evil?
Who would but trust in such a
Luke 1. 74. that will defend us from Satan, and all our enemies both bodily and spirituall? Who would but trust in such a
Christ, that will preserve us as he did
Jonah three dayes and three nights in the Whales belly?
Jonah 1. 17.
Lord, humble; humble our stony hearts, that they be not puft up with pride and vanity.
How often would I have gathered you together as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her wings,
Matth. 23. 37. and ye would not,
but were stubborn and rebellious.
June the 6th.
Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I
[Page 52] have gathered you together, as a Hen gathereth her Chickens, and you would not.
Let not your hearts be drawn after the vanities of this world, nor after the steps of Satan, which goeth lurking, lurking, watching and waiting like a Serpent; but follow Christs steps, for if Satan get you, he will fling you into hell-fire.
Long is the way to heaven,
Matth. 7. 1
[...], 14. and much a-do we have to get thither: but short is the way that leadeth to hell.
What disobedient children are we, that will not follow Gods commands? that which is evil he forbids us, and that we do; and that which is good he commands us, and that we we do not.
Lord, wean our hearts from this world: let us not be led by sin, nor Satan: let not Satan get any power over our souls: if he get power over our souls, he will cast them into the bottom of hell for ever and ever.
This world is nothing but fading comforts;
Phil. 3. 8. nothing but
drosse, losse and dung in comparison of Christ.
What are we better when we are in our pomp in this world,
Mar. 8. 36. when we do nothing but pine in our souls, and our souls to be cast into hell, where there will be howling for ever and ever?
[Page 53] Lord,
Matth. 6. 19. pardon our proud worldly hearts, for we are alwayes hungring after this sinful world; where there is nothing but that which will lead us into hell.
[...]se 33. let us not hunger after this world, but hunger after Christ.
John 6 44. Joh. 12. 32▪ what a loving Father have we, that when a poor soul is thrown down as low as hell, and is in great afflictions, then he sends
Jesus Christ, and takes pitty of that poor soul, and lifts it up to heaven!
Christ will look upon a poor soul with the eyes of compassion, then that poor soul is happy, and he will carry it to heaven, where it shall rejoyce with God & his holy Angels.
Tet us hunger for
Jesus Christ, and when we have him, let us hold him fast; and let us stick close to him, and he wil stick close to us; he will be our keeper, and Saviour both of bodies and souls.
Good is thy Word, and to be esteemed; drive it into our hearts,
1 Thess▪ 2. 13. and not onely into our heads, but into our hearts, that it may work a thorow work in us.
Isai. 40. 31 let us flie up to heaven as a bird in the air; if we could get up as high as heaven, we should be happy.
Joy, joy, joy, everlasting joy.
Psal. 16. 11 Psal. 9
Come, let us sing praises unto our God with
[Page 54] mirth and joy;
Matth. 16. 27. for we shall sing with our Father, and his holy Angels for ever, and ever.
Rom. 16. 20. vanquish Satan that roaring lion,
and tread him under foot, that he may not overcome our souls by his evil wayes, watching every opportunity.
June the 7th.
This night came one of those commonly called Quakers, and all that came to her did judge that then she knew none, neither could she heare or did ever minde what was said to her or in her company; and this man and her Uncle Capt.
Hatfield being in discourse, she uttered the words following at that time (which are very observeable,)
Take heed, take heed that you sowe not Tares,
Matth. 13. 25. Gal. 6. 7, 8. Matth 7. 19.
lest you reap Tares; Every Tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewen down and cast into the fire.
Lord, give us faith in Christ, for without faith and knowledge we cannot come unto Christ.
Come, let us flie unto the Throne of grace as a bird doth into the aire.
Heb. 4. 16. give us zealous hearts for Jesus Christ, for there is help in him, but there is no help upon the earth.
[Page 55] Lord, resist Satan
that roaring Lion, that goes about seeking whom be may devoure: let us cleave to Jesus Christ, when Satan draws neere; and he will deliver us from that roaring lion.
June the 8th.
Lord, quicken our dead and ignorant hearts,
John 5. 40. Joh. 12. 35. which are stubborn and rebellious, (but before we be quickened we must lie at the feet of Jesus Christ,) for without we be quickened, we are like an ignorant man that travels up and down and knows not whither.
Lord, humble these proud hearts of ours, and take that burthen from us, for Christ saith,
Matth. 11. 28.
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavie laden, and I will give you rest.
If we be dead-hearted,
Joh. 10. 10. we must lie down at the feet of Jesus Christ, till he be pleased to quicken us.
Take heed of despising God and his Ordinances,
Luke 10. 16. for if we despise them, God will despise us.
Set your affections on things above,
Col. 3. 1. and not on things below, for your life is hid with Christ in God.
Labour for Jesus Christ, and he will cast out that spirituall enemy that would cast you out.
[Page 56] Trust in Jesus Christ, for he is a trusty God to trust in.
Let us put on the whole Armour of God.
Ephes. 6. 11. 1 Pet. 2.
ult. let us labour for Jesus Christ, and he will be our
Shepherd, and we shall be his
Sheep, he will lock us up in his cabinet, and keepe us from sin and Satan.
Mar. 9. 24. 2 Tim. 2. 1. strengthen our unbelieving hearts.
Let us labour to be strong in faith, and we shall be strong in Jesus Christ.
Let us labour to be rich in Jesus Christ,
2 Cor. 6. 10. Revel. 2. 9. though we be poor in the world.
I have obtained Jesus Christ.
When you have obtained Jesus Christ,
1 Pet. 2. 7. Matth. 23. 46. John 5. 39. 46, 47. you have obtained a jewell of all jewels.
Let us be partakers of the Word of God, and we shall be partakers of Jesus Christ: if we do not know the Word of God, nor be partakers of it, we shall never know Jesus Christ.
2 Cor. 4. 16 17.
When we are but weak in body, and are true Christians, we shall be strong in Jesus Christ.
If we be weak in body, our body loseth by it,
Luke 11. 22. but our souls gain by it.
Let us labour to get true possession of Jesus Christ, and then Satan that roaring lion can get no possession of us.
John 4. 14. give us the life of grace, to spring
[Page 57] up in our hearts, that we may be drawn to thee.
Iune the 9th.
Joh. 17. 17. 1 Pet. 1. 16 give us the light of heaven, that vve may be holy as thou art holy.
If once grace be but kindled in our hearts, then happy shall vve be and blessed.
Let us trust in Jesus Christ,
1 Pet. 5. 9. Acts 15. 9. and he vvill conquer our spirituall enemy, and purifie our double hearts.
Let us be thankfull and ever thankfull for all his mercies,
Mal. 2. 2. lest he turn his
blessings into
curses, and poure dovvn his vvrath upon us.
Lord, give us true repenting hearts for our sins,
Jer. 31. 18. Luke 13. 3 Revel. 21. 7 lest vve run headlong to hell for vvant of repentance.
Come, my Disciples,
take up your cross and follow me, and I vvill be your God:
joy, joy, joy.
Learn the lesson of faith,
Heb. 11. 27 Ephes. 6. 16. or you shall never knovv Christ; but, Lord, let us learn this lesson of faith, that vve thy unvvorthy servants may be delivered both from our bodily, and spiritual enemies.
We are poor dry creatures;
Ezek. 17. 4, 5. but, Lord, breath thy Spirit into us, that vve may be Saints in Heaven.
[Page 58] Good Lord,
James 2. 5. enrich our souls that we may enrich the Kingdome of Heaven.
Psal.▪ 24. 3 4, with 15. my people, enter into my Tabernacle, and you shall rest in joyes for ever.
We must labour to have hearts for Jesu
[...] Christ,
Prov. 2. 3, 4, 5. or we shall never attain to him: we must labour for him; he is not easily gained▪ but we must take pains, and seek him▪
Let us put off the rags of sin,
Ephes. 4. 23. Rom. 13. 14. Cantic. 3. 4 and put on the robes of righteousness.
Let us struggle for Jesus Christ, and labour for him, lay hold of him, and when we have obtained him, let him not slip from us.
Let us give God the glory of all things, and he will poure down all things upon us, that are good for us.
Luke 11. 1 pardon our sins, and give us hearts to beg pardon of thee for them.
[...] Thes. 5. 18. give us thankful hearts to acknowledge thy goodness, and to be thankful for every little mercy.
1 Cor. 15. 52. with 58 fit and prepare our unprepared hearts, that we may be prepared at the sound of the trumpet.
Let us labour to be married to Jesus Christ,
Revel. 19. 7, 8, 9. and that is better then all the marriages in the world; it is an everlasting marriage;
Psal. 73. 26. he is the richest above all: he is an ever
[Page 59] portion;
John 6. 35. he that feeds bodies with na
[...]ural food, will also feed the souls of all those
[...]at believe and put their trust in him with
[...]piritual food.
June the 10th.
Knock at the gates of righteousness,
2 Pet. 1. 1. and Christ will open the door of faith.
Trust in Jesus Christ,
Psal. 27. 14 and he will comfort you with that word (Come, poor souls.)
Put on the whole armour of God,
Ephes. 6. 11. that ye may be able to fight against the Devil and Hell.
John 1. 16. fill our hearts with the fulness of Jesus Christ, that no corruption remain in.
Psal. 4. 6, 7 satisfie our hearts, for without thee we cannot be satisfied.
Phil. 1. 29. Ephes. 2. 8. give us faith in Jesus Christ, that we may rest believing in him, for our hearts are full of unbelief.
Lord, take our hearts off from this worldly trash,
1 John 2. 15. John 5. 44▪ for this world is nothing else but trash. Lord, humble these proud hearts, that we may cleave, and stick more close to Jesus Christ.
Psal. 79. 9. Psal. 51. 7. take these base and ignorant hearts of ours, cleanse and purge them.
[Page 60] Let us not be forgetful of Gods mercies▪ lest he be forgetful of God.
Psal. 78. 7. Deut. 32. 18. Isai. 9. 6.
O how good my God is, that hath give
[...] me
Jesus Christ! Lord, fill me full of
[...] Christ, that I may dwell with him.
Lord, pardon and forgive us all our sin
[...] and wash them away in the bloud of
[...] Christ.
Lord, purifie our hearts, as the honey i
[...] purified from the dross.
Lord, give us faith to believe in
[...] Christ, for without faith we can never attain to
Iesus Christ.
Let us lie at the feet of
Iesus Christ,
Matth. 23. 12. Deut. 32. 18. with 19 Psal. 78. 42 with 59. Psal. 124. 7 that we may be raised to the height of glory.
Let us be thankful for every good mercy; for if we be not thankf
[...]l, God will hide his face from us.
Lord, keep back that roaring lion, and tread him under foot,
he did lay his snare for me, but thou hast broken it, and I am escaped, as the bird from the fowler.
Call upon me in the time of trouble, and I will hear you, and deliver you from all dangers in this world, and that which is to come.
Let us labour to attain to the height of righteousness,
Rom. 3. 26. Heb. 10. 22 Ephes. 3. 17, 18, 19. that we may attain to the height of faith; for if we do not attain to the height of righteousness, we can never
[Page 61] attain to the height of faith; and if we do not attain to the height of faith, we shall never attain to the height of
Iesus Christ.
Trust in
Iesus Christ, and he will conquer that enemy that would conquer your poore souls; but God hath conquered him in me.
Come, poore people, let us rejoyce together.
Come, let us sing a new song, for all his mercies that he is pleased to bestow upon us.
How great is the mercy of God to us,
Lam. 3. 22. in keeping of us from sinking down into that bottomless pit!
Let us take heed of displeasing God,
1 Sam. 2. 30
ult. lest God displease us, and be angry with us.
Iune the 11th.
Call upon me in time of trouble, and I will hear and deliver you.
So then all they that put their trust in God,
Psal. 2. 13. meeter. and call upon him, shall be happy and blest.
Cast dovvn that roaring lion that goeth about to conquer my poor soul: if I do but put my trust in Jesus Christ, he will conquer him.
Lord, give us righteousnesse;
2 Pet. 1. 1. for without righteousnesse we cannot get faith, and
[Page 62] without faith we cannot get Christ.
Acts 5. 3. Heb. 10. 22. give us true repenting hearts for all our sins, for without true repenting hearts we can never get assurance of our salvation.
Neh. 8. 10. ravish our hearts with the joy of Heaven, that we may labour and take pains for Jesus Christ, for without pains he will never be found.
Joy, joy, joy, everlasting joy.
Luke 1 46, 47, with 48. humble our self-willed hearts, that we may be thankfnll for all thy mercies which thou hast been pleased to bestow upon us.
Thou hast been a loving, and a mercifull Father, but we hav
[...] been stubborn and rebellious children: if thou hadst not been a gracious Father, we had all been burning in hell-fire before this.
Hose 10. 12. let us sowe the seed of faith, that we may reap gladnesse.
When we are in affliction, we must cry to Jesus Christ for help, and he will help us.
June the 12th.
Let us trust in
Jesus Christ, and labour for faith; struggle and strive for it, then our Father will give us his dear Son
Jesus Christ.
[Page 63] We can never do so much for
Jesus Christ as he hath done for us;
Luke 17. 10. John 15. 13. he hath laid down his life to save us.
Joy, joy, joy, everlasting joy.
Gods World and this world are not both alike;
James 4. 4. those that are of this world, they love the world; and such, if they do not suffer in this world, they must suffer in another world hell-torments in brimstone and fire for ever and ever.
We pray thee, good God, look upon thy poor unworthy people, and deliver us from all dangers.
1 Cor. 15. 45. quicken us in thy Son
Iesus Christ, till we come to that joyfull place where there is no change.
Lord, fill our hearts with the fulnesse of
Iesus Christ, that we may dwell with thee and thy holy Angels for ever.
Lord, keep our hearts close unto thee, and pull us forth of the snare of Satan that roaring lion, and make us to escape, as the bird escapes out of the net of the fowler.
What a good God and mercifull Father have we! if he had not been mercifull to us, we had been all burning in hell before this.
Lord, ripen us; for the sooner we are ripe, the sooner shall we have assurance of
Jesus Christ.
[Page 64] Lord,
Col. 3. 11. satisfie our unsatisfied hearts; i
[...] we had all this world, we should never be satisfied, but if we had Jesus Christ we should be satisfied.
We are here like poor captives withou
[...] grace in our hearts.
Isai. 26. 19. Rom. 8. 2.
Without thy Spirit, Lord, we are but as drie creatures,
drie bones, moscer'd away, without thou
breath the spirit of life into us.
Mal. 3. 3. purge our unclean hearts, that we may be purified in Jesus Christ.
Good Lord, look down upon thy unworthy servants, and give us thankfull hearts for all those mercies that thou hast bestowed upon us, lest all our mercies be turned into curses.
June the 13th.
Come, let us suck sweetnesse from Jesus Christ,
Isai. 66. 11 as the Bee sucks sweetnesse out of the flower.
Come, let us call upon the Lord in time of trouble, and what afflictions soever we are in he will hear us, and deliver us.
Come let us search these false hearts of ours:
Lam. 3. 40. Jer. 17. 9. Psal. 139. 23, 24. there is deceit in every corner of them, but we must desire of God to help us to search them, lest our searching prove all in vain.
[Page 65] Let us labour to get the truth of Iesus
Ephes. 4. 2
[...]. if we can but get the truth of Iesus
[...]hrist, it will ravish our hearts; first, he
[...]epares our hearts for the work of faith,
[...]en he works faith in them.
Those that God hath chosen he will pluck
[...]ut the blinde eye,
Isai. 29, 18 Matth. 6. 22. that they be not led a
[...]ay by sin and Satan, and he will give them
[...] light eye.
Lord, fill our hearts with the fulnesse of
[...]esus Christ: that we do not sink into the
[...]ottomlesse pit.
Come and knock at the gate of righteousnesse, and wait till Jesus Christ come and open the gates.
Lord, pull back that roaring lion, that serpent that goeth about, seeking to devour our poor souls. God will but suffer him to step in, that we may stick closer to Jesus Christ.
Zach. 3. 2. rebuke that roaring lion, and chain him up, that he may have no power over our poor souls.
Lord, prepare our unprepared hearts
[...]gainst thou call.
Oh God, prepare our hearts,
[...] may come before thee with thankf
[...] for every mercy that thou hast
[...] on us.
[Page 66] Lord,
Heb. 11. 6. give us faith, for without faith we cannot come to thee.
June the 14th.
Good Lord, enrich our poor souls, that we may enrich the Kingdome of Heaven.
We have but drie and ignorant hearts,
Psal. 143. 11. Matth. 25. 33, &c. 1 Thes. 4. 17. Lord, quicken them, that we may sit at the right hand of God with Jesus Christ, rejoycing with him for ever?
Iune the 15th:
Good Lord,
Acts 2. 37. what shall we do to inherit the Kingdome of Heaven?
Iune the 18th.
The Lord be with you,
Job 14 14. 1 Cor. 15. 51, 52, 53. Psal. 116. for I am going to change, and after shall never change.
I pray you, pray that my soul may be precious in the sight of God.
God is going now to finish his work.
My God hath laid up treasures for me in he
Iune the 19th.
[...] I see the fine sights of Heaven,
[...]mbracing me in his armes, and
[...] the light of Heaven.
Then she spake no more till
June 21th.
The Lord of Heaven be with you all; though we part here, I hope we must meet in Hea
[...]en; my Christ is shewing me the way to Heaven.
Pray, pray, pray for some help from God, and pray that your prayers may be accepted of God.
These valedictory expressions of hers, I conceive, might arise from that change, which now should be in the manner of her disease; for now she had no more the liberty of speech given to her untill the 29th. day of
Iuly, and then
Iuly the 29th.
About eight of the clock at night (as that was the ordinary time that she began at, and so continued some two hours with intervals to speak) she being in a stiffe fit spake these words with a smiling countenance.
My Christ is come again. I have obtained Christ.
I have my desire, I have now a crucified Christ.
Then she spake not again untill
August 11th, about 10 of the clock at night.
Now my Father hath given me Jesus Christ again (I hope) to save my soul.
[Page 68] Now I have obteined Christ again, a cr
[...] cified Christ.
Let us put off the rags of sin, and put o
[...] the robes of righteousnesse.
August the 15, about 7 of the clock, she lying in the same posture, spake as followeth.
My Saviour is come again, that suffere
[...] death upon the Crosse to save my soul.
I was in darknesse, but now I am in light▪
My Christ hath vanquished Satan tha
[...] goeth about to destroy my soul.
Then she spake not again untill
August the 17.
When she had the extreamest convulsion
[...] fit that ever; she was drawn with her face turned behinde her, and one eye looking up, and the other shut, and in that fit she spake as followeth.
I will be with my God, and my God will be with me.
1 Chron. 15. 2. John 8. 48. John 10. 28, 29.
I hope my soul is precious in the fight of my God.
I am not in the hands of the Devil, but in the hands of my God.
Which words much refreshed the spirits of her friends, who stood weeping by her to see her so sadly handled: then she proceeded.
[Page 69]
My Gods Angels have pitched their Tents about me,
Psal. 34. 7.
and will carry my soul into heaven.
I will never forsake my God,
2 Chron. 15. 2. Heb. 13. 5. Psal. 28. 4, 5. Isai. 5. 12, 13. and my God will never forsake me.
Take heed of slighting Gods mercies; for if we slight his mercies, he will slight us; if we slight his mercies, he will pour his wrath upon us.
August 20.
Call upon me in the time of trouble, and I will relieve you.
Ask, and ye shall have; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Ask, and you shall have life everlasting.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the Devil,
and all his Angels.
Let us wait upon the Lord untill his time appointed,
Psal. 27. 14 Psal. 31. 15. and he will ease us; for our time is of the Lord: we cannot have it when we would, but when the Lord pleaseth.
August 23 at 8 a clock at night.
Call upon me in the time of trouble, and I will hear and deliver thee, and thou shalt glorifie me.
Lord, humble our haughty and proud hearts, that they be not led away with this
[Page 70] world, for we are apt to follow the steps of Satan, rather then the steps of God.
First, he prepareth our hearts that they may be capable of faith,
Isai. 40. 3. and then he worketh faith in them.
Psal. 51. 7. purge our rusty hearts, that they may be clean, that we may become pure Virgins of thine; for if thou do not purge them, they will be like rusty iron that lieth long.
My Christ
will tread Satan under foot, which goeth about like à roaring lion, hunting to destroy my poor soul, but he can go no further then my God giveth him leave, he hath a malice unto my poor soul.
Those that belong to God Satan is alwayes in perplexing and troubling them,
Luke 11. 21. but God doth but let him step in to make them stick closer unto God: if Satan get but one step in, and get in his head, he will strive to get in his whole body; the least opporrunity he can get, he will seek it, and will not lose it.
Let us cast off the rags of sin, and put on the robes of righteousnesse,
1 John 16. Phil. 3. 9. to 12. and then we shall obtain Jesus Christ.
Let us suck sweetnesse from Jesus Christ, even as the Bee sucketh honey from the flower.
August the 30th.
Let us draw comfort from Jesus Christ,
[...]s the childe milk from the mothers brest;
[...]he harder we draw, the more we shall get.
Take heed you slight not Gods mercies; for if you slight his mercies, it is just with God to slight you.
August 31. at 10 a clock in the morning.
Ezek. 36. 26. cast out our
stony hearts, and make them
new, that we may be new creatures.
Lord, purge the drosse out of our hearts, and purifie them.
Let us stand at the gate of righteousnesse, and wait untill Jesus Christ see time to open the door of faith.
Lord, rebuke that crooked Serpent, that would destroy my poor soul, but my Father will not suffer him; he hath a malice to my poor soul, but God will but let him step in, and get a look in, but it is to make me stick closer to Jesus Christ.
Let us fear the Lord, that we may live in his fear, and die in his favour.
Let us take heed that we slight not Gods mercies,
Psal. 78. 60. lest he turn his back off us; if we
[Page 72] do not fear him and serve him, he vvill fli
[...] avvay from us,
Jor. 5. 24, 25. and then vvhen vve com
[...] unto him again,
Isai. 1. 12, 10 15. vvhen he calleth us not, h
[...] vvill say unto us,
Go ye cursed into hell-fire fo
[...] ever; and vvil not accept of us, but cast us o
September the 1.
Many there be that cannot attain to th
[...] height of Gods Word,
Isai. 29. 24. & 32. 4. but if they labou
[...] for it, he will give it them.
The Word of God is but a dead letter,
2 Cor. 3 6. without his Spirit be with it.
September 2. at 4 a clock in the afternoon.
The snare is broken, and I am escaped, even as a bird from the foul-catcher.
God will not make the Cup so bitter,
Isa. 27. 8, 9 but he will mix it with comfort, he will mix it with sugar, he will mix it with comfort as well as with discomfort.
September 3.
Prepare against the Grave open,
Deut. 32. 29. 1 Cor. 15. 17, 19. with 58. and the Trumpet sound, that we may be in hopes to obtein a joyfull resurrection.
September the 4th.
Let us labour to believe in God,
Micah 6. 9. Heb. 12. 10 11. Job 5. 19. and trust
[...]n him; for he afflicts us to make us stick closer unto him: he whips us with one rod; if that will not do, he takes a second; and if that will not do, he takes a third; and if that will not do, he takes the fourth, that he might bring our hearts home to him,
Psal. 119. 71. and that we might say,
It is good for us that we have been afflicted.
Prepare, prepare against the mouth of the Grave open, and the Trumpet sound, that we may be in hopes to obtein a joyfull resurrection.
September the 5. at 2 a clock in the afternoon.
Let us labour for faith; the greatest faith, the greatest joy.
Let us labour to believe in
Jesus Christ;
Rom. 15. 13. Ephes. 3. 17. Isai. 26. 4. no faith, no
Christ; no faith, no
Let us labour to trust in Jesus Christ;
all things are fading and transitory in respect of Christ. All things are but dross and dung in comparison of Christ. Set your affections on things above,
Phil. 3. 8. Col. 3. 2, 3. and not on things of the earth: for we are dead, and our lives are hid with Christ in God.
[Page 74] Let us labour to trust in Jesus Christ,
Heb. 13. 8. if al
[...] things in the world fail, he will never fail.
1 Pet. 5. 10 establish, establish our hearts upon thee, and let us pray for faith and grace, and all other good things, and make us thankfull to thee for ever and ever.
Matth. 7. 24. give us faith to build upon thee.
Lord, give us faith to build upon thee, for without faith we can do nothing: no faith, no Christ; no Christ, no Salvation.
Let us flie,
Heb. 4. 16. Dan. 12. 3. let us flie unto the throne of Grace, as the bird doth into the air, hoping that we shall shine before the face of the Lord as a star in the firmament.
Revel. 12. 10. Luke 10. 18.
cast down Satan that Serpent, and tread him under foot, that seeks to devour my soul, but he cannot; he hath a malice to my poor soul, but chain him up Lord; for he is always troubling and perplexing the Servants of God,
Luke 11. 21. but those that he hath overcome, he lets them alone, untill he cast them into hell, where they shall lie howling for ever and ever, where there is no end.
Zach. 12. 10. establish our hearts upon thee, and give us grace to pray for faith, and all other good gifts, and make us truly thankfull to thee as a Christian ought to be.
September 6. at 4 a clock in the afternoon.
Lord, purge our hearts that are stubborn
[...]d rebellious against thee.
Lord, purifie our hearts, as the honey from
[...]e drosse.
Again, the same day at 6 a clock.
My Christ is come again, and he will ne
[...]er forsake me: I will stick close to him, and
[...]e will never flie back from me.
Let us stick close unto the Lord,
Luke 1. 74 and trust
[...] him, and he will save us from all dangers
[...] this world; for with him in the World to
[...]ome there is no danger.
1 Thes. 1. 10.
September the 7th.
Lord, grant that as we grow in dayes and years,
2 Pet. 3. 18 we may grow in grace and holiness.
September the 8th.
This day a Physician came to visit her, being sent for by her parents; they desiring to use what means could be procured for her: and it pleased God (whilest the Physician was there with her) to shut up her mouth,
[Page 76] her teeth being set in her head, so as the
[...] could not open them; her upper teeth wer
[...] drawn somewhat over her nether teeth; an
[...] so they continued (save onely that the workings of the Convulsions opened them sometimes, & drew her tongue out of her mouth. I say, so they continued) until the seventh
December following; all which time she live
[...] with the least quantity of food that could be for they put milk into her lips, and how an
[...] should go into her stomack we know not▪ except some of it passed at each side of he
[...] mouth, where one tooth was wanting, and yet in this time she grew very fat, and he
[...] flesh very firm and solid, and she did look very fair and fresh.
Whereas you might rather apprehend that she was a lean, dried, and withered Anatomy; and yet we conceiv'd, she did take down something; though before the setting of her teeth, we could not perceive that she took any thing down, but spurted it out presently; onely by the effects, we gathered that she did receive some nourishment, because she had the benefit of nature; but her stools were such, as all that behold them admire: they are round, of the quantity of a Nutmeg, very hard, and like a piece of earth rolled in lime, and they have no smell.
[Page 77] Yet in this condition when her teeth were thus set, she spake in her stiff fits for several dayes, as followeth.
September the 8th.
When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we appear with him in glory.
Let us labour for Christ:
Heb. 11. 26 if a poor man have but Christ, and have nothing else, he is richer then the richest man in the world.
Christ hath pulled back Satan that roaring lurking lion, that would destroy my poor soul; but my Christ is stronger then he, and will not let him.
Let us strive for Christ: happy, happy, happy, happy are they that have Christ.
2 Pet. 2. 5. Heb. 13. 9. help us to build up a new building of thy grace; build them upon our hearts, and establish our hearts upon thee.
She intermitted speaking till September 20. and then she said
[...] 2. 7. lay a new ground-work in our hearts of faith, and make it stedfast; if thou graft it, it will take root.
My God hath vanquished Satan that hath such a malice to my poor soul, he would get
[Page 78] in,
1 Pet. 5. 8, 9. with 1 John 5. 4. & Ephes. 6 12. Psal. 131. 2 Psal. 17. 14 Psal. 73. 26 he cannot, he cannot, my God doth bu
[...] suffer him to step in to make me stick close unto him, and deter me from this devilli
[...] wicked world.
Lord, wean our hearts from the trash
[...] this world, and give us Christ to be our portion, and he will be an everlasting portion.
Deut. 32. 4 Lord, work a new ground-work i
[...] our hearts; for if thou work it, it will stand▪ and if thou work it not, it will fall to th
[...] ground.
September the 22th.
Her lips did move long before she could utter any words, at last she exprest her self, as followeth.
Take heed you do not despise Gods Ordinances,
Heb. 12. 25 and his Word, which he spake out of his own mouth; for if you despise Gods Ordinances, and his Word, God will despise you, and cast you of his left hand, and say, Go you cursed into hell-fire, prepared for you.
Let us labour to be followers of Jesus Christ,
Ephes. 5. 1 and defie the fiery darts of the Devill.
Let us labour to build our conversation upon the Lord.
[Page 79] Take heed of the Devill, for he is alwayes
[...]erplexing and terrifying the servants of God: but take heed, for it is more danger
[...]us when he commeth in white,
2 Cor. 11. 13, 14. then when
[...]e commeth in black; for he will but flatter
[...]ou, and make you believe that he will save
[...]ou, & shevv you fine things; but take heed,
[...]e vvill but flatter you, and deceive you, that
[...]e may cast you into hell.
September the 23th.
This night and the other nights follovving till the 19 of
October, she spake constantly about 8 a clock at night.
Lord build up our hearts upon the High corner-stones, vvhich high-corner stones are the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Lord, pardon all our sins; vvhether they
[...]e Scarlet-sins, or Crimson-sins; or sins of a double die, or sins, of ignorance, or sins of vvilfulnesse;
Revel. 1. 5. Lord, pardon them, and vvash them avvay in the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is our sins that is the cause of the sufferings of that thy Beloved One,
[...]3. 5. thy Son Jesus Christ.
No man can come to Christ,
John 6. 44. except the Father draw him.
[Page 80] Let us struggle and strive to have our conversation in Heaven,
Phil. 3. 20. with v. 14. and let us press forward to have our conversation there; for without we have our conversation in heaven, there will be howling and torment in hell-fire for ever and ever; but in Heaven there will be life everlasting.
Heb. 9. 27. Matth. 25. 46. prepare against the day of death; for when the day of death commeth, then after commeth the day of Judgement, and then cometh death to the wicked, and life to the righteous.
Take heed that Satan that roaring lion do not reign in your hearts; for it is more dangerous when he cometh in white like an Angel of light,
2 Cor. 11. 14. then when he cometh in black like a Blackmoore.
Lord, purge and purifie our drossy, ignorant and corrupt hearts, that we may be followers of thee; and wash us, and cleanse us in the blood of thy beloved One, thy Son
Christ Jesus.
Take heed that Satan get not power over your souls;
1 Pet. 5. 8, 9. for if he get in his head, he will strive to get in his whole body.
Then she laughed, and closed her Arms, and said,
Joy, joy, joy, everlasting joy.
September the 24th.
Lord, take away these stony, thorny, and corruptible hearts,
Zach. 13. 9. and purge them, purifie, and refine them, even as silver and gold is refined.
Let the Word of God be written in your hearts in letters of gold.
Take heed you sowe not good seed on thorny ground,
Jer. 4 3. Luke 8. 7. for the thornes will spring up and choke it.
My Christ will tread Satan under foot,
Rom. 16. 20. he hath promised to do it, and he will fulfill his promise, he will do it, he will not fail, he is to be trusted.
One glimpse of Christ is worth all the world.
1 John 5. 18. pull back Satan,
that roaring lion, that goeth about to devour my poor soul, but he cannot, but he cannot touch it.
1 Pet. 5. 10 establish our hearts upon thee, and set them stedfast upon thee, and fix them upon thee, and change our hearts, and make them new vessels.
Lord, wash us,
Ephes. 5. 27. 1 Pet. 1. 19. and cleanse us in the blood of thy beloved One, and make us without spot and blemish, even as thy spotlesse lamb.
My Christ hath vanquished Satan that
[Page 82] lurking, roaring lion which goeth about to destroy my poor soul,
Psal. 46. 1. but he cannot enter in, my Christ is stronger then he, he is an help to my soul in the time of trouble, in the time of extremity.
When a poor soul is going a journey to heaven, then Satan is alwayes in troubling him; for he thinketh, if he cannot get power then, he can never get power; then he is busiest, he sheweth his strength, he putteth out all his strength.
2 Tim. 2. 22. 2 Pet. 2. 11 abstain from all vices in this world that are so strong in us, as drunkennesse, lasciviousnesse, blasphemy, and drawing into evill company, and all other vices, lying and thieving; for if we anger God, it will be just with God to pour his wrath down upon us.
September 25.
Oh Jerusalem,
Matth. 23. 37. Jerusalem! how often would I have gathered thee together, as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings? but thou wouldst not.
Hos. 13. 9. Rom. 12. 2. Thy destruction is of thy self.
Let us wean our hearts from this world; for if it once get into us, it is hard to get out again;
Psal. 4. 5. we toil and moil for our bodies, but which of us taketh that pains for our souls? we are sooner fill'd with the trash of this
[Page 83] world,
Matth. 6. 19. then with our God; we are apt to seek into this world, but which of us looks into our hearts, and examines our hearts, whether they be for God or not;
Prov. 28. 9. Matth. 23. 25, 27, 28. and whether we follow the commands of God? if we do not follow his commands, he will not hear us. The heart of man is false and hollow; a hollow-hearted man will shine on the out-side,
1 Kings 8. 39. but he is rotten within, he sheweth it so to this world, but God knoweth the heart of man.
Seeing we have put off the old man with his deeds,
Col. 3 9, 10. let us put on the new man, which is renewed with knowledge.
Take heed you put not new wine into old bottles,
Matth 9. 17. lest the bottles break, and scatter the wine.
Let us labour to lay hold upon Christ,
James 1. 23 24, 25. and stick close to him, and follow his Commandments, aud not be
like the man that looks his face in a glasse, and presently forgetteth what manner of man he was.
Let us labour for
Ephes. 2 8 Phil. 3. 8. and get faith; the greater faith, the greater joy: Faith is a gift to win Christ by; Christ will not be won without faith.
Many there be that will not believe there is a God, but it is the littlenesse of their faith, the weaknesse of faith; they are fools
[Page 84] and do not understand,
Psal. 14. 1. that think so, for
the fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
There are many that say,
Matth. 24. 24. 1 Tim. 2. 5 they have Christ, and they are Christ, but there is no more Christs but one. Many there be that say that they have Christ, and they Christ, but they do but make a shew to the world,
1 Cor. 4. 10 and flatter the world; when God knowes,
Gal. 5. 24. they know not what Christ is. They make a shew to the world, and say, Christ i
[...] within them, and Christ is within them when alas they do not know what he is
[...] they flatter the world,
2 Pet. 1. 9. & 2. 20. and they think to flatter God too; but alas, alas, the day of judgment, the day of judgement; alas, alas, they are blinde, and cannot see; there is a mis
[...] before their eyes; they run, but they cannot tell whither;
1 Pet. 2. 7, 8 they stumble, there is
[...] stumbling-block before their eyes.
Oh how happy a thing it is, and joyfull for to see, when a poor Christian is imbraced in those two armes of love, that beloved One, that beloved One! those whom he hath chosen,
John 17. 24. he will take them for his own for ever, he will lock them in his Cabinet from all sin and sorrow, and from the Devils assaults.
In the day when I make up my jewels, they shall be mine,
Mal. 3. 17. saith the Lord.
[Page 85] She concluded with much rejoycing, but exprest no words.
September 26
I am the true Vine,
John 15. 1, 2. and my Father is the Husbandman: every branch that bringeth not forth good fruit in me, shall be hewen down, and cast into the fire.
Those that I do not chastise,
Heb. 12. 8. they are not
sonnes, but
bastards, saith the Lord.
Lord, pull back Satan, that roaring lion, which would devour my poor soul; but he cannot, but he cannot, my God will not suffer him.
Obey the Commmandments of God,
Deut. 6. 3. Exod. 20. 7. Rom. 2. 11 & 12, & 13 and do not dishonour him, but honour him; and do not abuse his Titles, Words, or Works: labour to make a right use of them; it is them that we must be overthrown, or accepted by.
Take heed you live not in a known sin; for if you live in a known sin, it is a double sin; and if in a double sin, God will double his Judgements;
Luke 12. 47, 48. God will denounce against you the greatest Judgement amongst the Catalogue: if you dishonour God, he will make you smart for it.
Take heed of Satan, that cunning Serpent;
[Page 86] beware of him, beware of him; for he is alwayes drawing and flattering us unto him; and when he hath got us unto him, hell-fire will be our end.
Let us labour to forsake sin,
Joel 3. 16. margin. and cleave unto
Jesus Christ, and let him be our safeguard; if you give way to little sins, it will bring on greater sins;
Ephes. 5. 6.
For which things sake the wrath of God commeth upon the children of disobedience: if you give way to little sins, it will bring on greater sins, and then the greater will be your Judgement.
Lord, sanctifie it unto us, that it may take an impression in our hearts; and work it in us, that it may take a deep impression in our hearts.
Let us labour to be partakers with that thy beloved One,
Phil. 2. 8. Gal. 3. 13. that suffered death upon the Crosse to save us from hell-torments: had not he suffered death upon the Crosse for our sins, we had been howling in hell this day: have we not cause to love him? have we not cause to love him, that suffered death upon the Crosse, that cruell death by the Jews? if we should suffer never so much, we could never suffer so much for him, as he did for us; Oh have we not cause to love him? let us lay down our lives for his sake that laid down his life for us. What miserable
[Page 87] creatures are we!
Isai. 53. 3. so that our souls be but saved, we never think of Christs sufferings for us; we alwayes forget that, but we must remember it, at the day of Judgement the Lord will call us to an account for all these things.
In the day when I make up my jewels,
Mal. 3. 17. they shall be mine, saith the Lord
September 27.
Lord, as thou hast fed our bodies with tempor all food, so feed our souls with spirituall food.
Heb. 4. 2. work thy Word with faith in our hearts; unlesse it be written with thy Spirit, it is but a dead letter.
In the beginning was the Word,
Joh. 1. 1, 3. and the Word was with God, and all things were made by him.
Beware of Satan, that Serpent that goeth about, and stands in corners to watch to vanquish my soul, but he cannot, but he cannot touch it,
1 Joh. 5. 18 he cannot enter in, labour to have the foundation of life, that he may not touch it, which foundation is an everlasting foundation, it will stand, it will never fail.
Let us labour for Christ;
1 Cor. 1. 27 for the stronger we are in Christ, the weaker we are in this world; the stronger we are in this world, the weaker we are in Christ.
[Page 88] Let us labour to build our conversation upon the three-corner stones,
Ephes. 2. 20. which is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Trust in the Lord,
Isai. 26. 3. Trust in the Lord
Jehovah; for in the Lord
Jehovah is everlasting strength.
Lord, satisfie our unsatisfied hearts, for if a man have all the world, he hath not enough, but he hankers, and hungers, and thirsts more after the things of the world; but when we have Christ,
Psal. 73. 25. Phil. 3. 8. Col. 3. 11. Oh what can we desire more, what would we have more? Oh! what can a Christians heart desire more then that beloved One, that
Christ Jesus? labour to have your foundation built upon that Holy one, that Holy One.
September 29.
Take heed you lie not one to another,
Col 3 9, 10. seeing you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge, after the Image of him that created him.
Be wise in all your doings, and be ye present, be ye present before the eyes of the Lord:
Psal. 2. 10. ô fear the Lord; ô fear the Lord, though you fear not men.
See that you
serve the Lord above
with trembling and with fear:
Verse 11. Mee
[...]. see that with reverence
[Page 89] you rejoyce in him in like manner: ô let us fear the Lord, that we may live in his fear, and die in his favour.
Oh that we had hearts to observe the Commandments of God:
Deut. 5. 29 if we had but hearts to observe his Commandments, we should never ruu upon our own souls destruction, as we do.
Labour to spend your time well in this world of abomination and sin;
1 Cor. 7. 29 30, 31. Luke 13. 3. for it is but for a little moment: and labour to repent before the day of death, (for after the day of death there is no repentance) lest you run headlong into hell to your own destruction for ever and ever.
Beware of Satan, that Serpent, and give not vvay to his assaults, but despise them, and flie back from them.
Let us labour for Christ,
Cant. 5. 10 & let us hunger & thirst after him; for one glimpse of Christ is better then a 1000 worlds; for one glimpse of Christ will ravish a poor Christians heart: for when a Christian is drooping and thinking that God hath forsaken him, then God out of his favour sheweth him one glimpse,
Hosea 6. 3. and then goeth back again, & sheweth him but by glimpses and glimpses, to make him stick closer unto him, even as a star that lightens and darkens, and lightens and darkens, to make the light shine brighter.
She spake no more until the sixth of October.
Come, my people, enter into my Tabernacle. Having spoken these words, she fell into an exraordinary fit of laughing and tittering heartily, six or seven several times, as she used to do in her best health, when she was over-joyed with any thing, and soon after fell into a mourning, and (as it were) wept in her brest, and then she spake the words following.
Beware of Satan that Serpent, lest he reign in your hearts; for if he touch you, he will creep in and in, like a snail, and if he get hold, he will not be got out, unless Christ pull him off.
Let us labour to follow the Commandements and Rules of our heavenly Father.
1 John 2. 3, 15. Oh, that we could but observe, and follow them; we should never have our hearts tied to this world of abomination and sin as we have.
Come, all you that are thirsty, and drink of the water of life freely,
[...]ohn 7. 37. and you shall never thirst again, saith the Lord.
Let us labour to repent of all our sins before the day of death;
[...]cles. 9.
[...]0. & 11. 3 for after death there is no repentance:
As life leaveth us, so judgement findeth us.
[Page 91] Let us labour to have our hearts tied to that Beloved One,
Luke 5. 4, 5 if we could but have our hearts tied unto him, we should
never run astray like lost sheep, as we do.
Twice she rejoyced, and laughed very high, and then she said:
My Christ, my Christ shineth before me;
1 Pet. 1. 8. oh, have we not cause to rejoyce in him, that shineth so gloriously before us in white robes? Oh, trust in him; Oh, trust in him: Oh that glorious sight; the Son of my sweet Father: Oh, let us labour to get faith, and let us never be without faith, that we may rejoyce in him for ever and ever.
Lord, pull back Satan that subtile Serpent, and chain him up, Lord, and let him get no power over my poor soul; he always maliceth, and troublerh and perplexeth the childe of God,
Ephes. 6. 16. but he can get no power over me; I do believe he cannot: I trust in thee, I trust in thee; for thou hast promised that thou wilt help me in time of trouble,
Isai. 41. 10. and in time of extremity; thou dost but suffer him to look in, to look in, to make me stick closer unto thee, and to deter me from this vain, wicked, transitory world, and from his assaults.
Revel. 7. 1 wash us, and cleanse us in the bloud
[Page 92] of thy onely begotten Son,
Revel. 12. 4. that we may become pure Virgins of thine.
Note: Psal 139. 23, 24.
Lord, help us to examine our hearts, and look into them, and search them to the bottom, and seek to the bottom to see if there be no dross left in them; neither dross, nor sin remain in them.
Let us not think too well of our selves;
Rom. 12. 16. 1 Cor. 8. 2. Phil. 2. 3. for when a man thinketh he is in the highest condition, then he is in the lowest: and when a poor doubting Christian thinketh he is in the lowest condition, he is in the highest.
Lord, humble our proud, haughty, ignorant, and rebellious hearts, that are not worthy to taste of the least mercy of thine; ô let us be thankful for the least mercy that the Lord hath poured down upon us, and you shall see that he will poure down greater.
Then she laughed very much, and clasped her arms several times, and said:
Phil. 1. 28. Isai. 1. 18, 19. let us hunger and thirst after that holy One; let us never be affrighted with Satans temptations;
Though your sins be as Scarlet, they shall be as white as wooll; and though they be like Crimson, they shall be like Snow: if you consent and obey, you shall eat the good things of the Land: but if you be stubborn and rebellious,
[Page 93] you shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
October the 8th.
Lord, pull back Satan, that lurking,
roaring lion, that goeth about to destroy my poor soul; he watcheth and waiteth for every opportunity to get in, but he cannot. My Christ will tread him under foot, that he can get no power of my poor soul.
There be many that say,
Matth. 24. 23.
Lo, here is Christ, and lo, there is Christ, but there is no more crucified Christs, but one alone.
Oh, let us rejoyce. Oh, let us sing and rejoyce; for the snare is broken, and we are escaped as a bird from the fowler.
We are poor dry bones, Lord, breath a Spirit of life into us, that we may become lively Saints of thine; for if thou breathest not the Spirit of life upon us, we are but like dry bones that moscer away.
Lord, pardon and forgive us all our sins, whether they be sins of Omission or Commission; or sins of ignorance, or sins of knowledge; or sins of weakness, or sins of wilfulness; or what sort of sins soever they be: Lord, wash us & cleanse us in the bloud of thy Beloved One, thy Son Jesus Christ;
[Page 94] there is not one day that goeth over our heads, but we sin every day more and more.
We poor nothing creatures, that are not worthy to taste of the least mercy of thine; if thou hadst not been a merciful, and a pittiful God, we had been all howling in hell-fire before this day; but thou shewedst pitty, and compassion upon us, or else we had all been sunk into that endless pit; but thou gavest us thy Beloved Son to redeem us out of that endless pit of torment.
Let us draw comfort from Jesus Christ, even as the Bee sucks honey from the flower;
1 Pet. 2 3. 4. if the Bee finde sweetnesse in one flower, she will not flie away to another; even so, if we could finde sweetnesse from Jesus Christ, we should not flie away from him as we do; but we must labour for it before we can get it: for how should the Bee get honey from the flower, unlesse it labour and suck for it? so how should we get sweetnesse and comfort from Jesus Christ, unlesse we labour for it?
The Birds of the air have nests,
Luke 9. 58 and the Foxes have holes, but the Son of man hath not where to put his head.
October 9.
Take heed you lie not one to another,
Col. 3. 9. for
[Page 95] the Lord saith,
Isai. 63. 8.
They are my children such as will not lie.
Take heed you despise not Gods Ordinances, nor his Instruments that he hath sent to preach his Word. God will but let you go on with your own delusions for a time, but there vvill come a day of Judgement to try vvhether you be right or false: he is the Judge of all Judges, he is a true Judge, that vvill try vvhether you be right or false.
These stony hearts of ours Lord renevv them vvith the knovvledge and righteousnesse of Christ thy
onely begotten Son,
Ephes. 4. 23, 24.
in whom thou art well pleased.
Lord, quicken these thorny, dead, ignorant and carnall hearts of ours that are so set upon the vvorld, vvherein there is nothing but
vanity and vexation of spirit: for what is a man better, if he have all the world and have not Christ? for he is alwayes hungring after more; for how can a round thing fill a three cornered? so this world cannot fill our hearts, nor give us satisfaction; why should we be so in love with this world? when we depart, we cannot take it with us, we must leave it behinde us; we must change either for a better life or a worse, either for a life of torment or a life of joy.
Let us labour to forsake sin and live unto
Psal. 49. 17
[Page 96] righteousnesse,
Matth. 7. 24. to 27. that we may have our conversation built upon the Lord substantially: if it be built on soft ground, it will fall; but if it be built upon that substantiall rock, it will stand for ever.
October 10.
2 Co
[...]. 5 17 Heb. 4 2. renew us vvith thy grace, that vve may be fit to come to the School of Christ, to learn the lesson of faith.
Rom. 6. 6, 8 cast out the old man, that he may not take root, that vve may become nevv livers; and vvhen that old man is cast out, labour to dravv neerer and neerer unto Christ.
Take heed you live not in a known sin;
2 Pet. 2. 22 for if you live in a known sin, and wallow in sins, even as a sow doth wallow in the mire, it is dangerous.
Job 34. 32. Lord,
that which I know not, teach thou me, and I will learn.
Let us search the secrets of our hearts,
Psal. 139. ult. lest there be any weeds scattered amongst them.
Wait and be patient,
Psal. 37. 7. whatsoever the Lord pleaseth to lay upon you, as patient
Job, in all his afflictions he was patient.
Job 1. 18, 19. Ver. 21, 22 When one came and told him, that all his Children vvent to feast at their elder Brothers house,
[Page 97] and the house fell upon them; he said, It is the will of the Lord, why should not I be contented?
The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away,
Job 2. 9, 10
blessed be the Name of the Lord: and his wife came to him, and bade him curse God and die: then he said,
Oh thou foolish woman,
Job 1. 14, 15, 16, 17.
shall we receive good at the hands of God, and shall we not receive evill? then there came another to him, and told him, that his goods were all gone and devoured; yet
Job was of the same minde that he was before, and said,
The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the Name of the Lord: and
Job was patient in all his afflictions,
Job 19 25, 26, 27. and was confirmed that his soul was precious in the sight of the Lord.
Lord, cast down Satan, that Serpent, and chain him up, that he may get no power over my poor soul.
Lord, humble these proud hearts of ours, that are so blowne up with the pride and vanities of this world; if we did but look into and examine our hearts, we should not please the flesh so as we do, but whil'st we are in the flesh,
Gal. 5. 17, we are apt to follow the lusts of the flesh.
Oh let us labour for that Holy One,
Matth. 13. 46. that Holy One, that Jewel, that precious Jewel, that Jewel of our Heavenly Father, that Jewel of all Jewels
[Page 98] Oh what can a Christian heart desite more then a Christ,
1 Cor. 2. 2. then a crucified Christ.
Oh if we can but gain Christ, we have all, we have all.
Oh that we had but hearts to conceive the preciousnesse, the sweetnesse and holinesse of that Beloved, that Christ.
Oh that we could but have Christ set upon our hearts aright.
Gal. 4. 19.
Oh let us glorifie him in all things; all honour and glory be given to him, to whom it belongeth.
October the 11th.
Lord, pull back that subtile Serpent, he is so subtile, that he is alwayes seeking in corners to devour my poor soul, but he cannot; my Christ is stronger then he: and when he seeth, that he cannot get power over the childe of God, then he goeth away murmuring and repining.
1 Cor. 13. 13.
hope, and charity, and the chiefest of these is charity; charity is love, is love in Christ; faith is a gift of Christ; and hope, is hope to gain Christ.
Oh let us pray for faith, and all other good graces that are necessary for us,
Heb. 9. 24. 1 Pet. 2. 5. and let us pray earnestly unto Christ, that he
[Page 99] may pray for us in Heaven; and if he pray for us, we shall be sure to be heard.
Let us cast our care upon the Lord, in all ca
1 Pet. 5. 7. for he hath bid us cast our care upon him, and he will care for us.
October the 12th.
John 7. 37. all you that are a thirst, and drink freely of the Spring-well-water of life, and you shall never thirst again.
My Christ hath pull'd back Satan, that lurking, roaring lion, that goeth about to destroy my poor soul; but if God bid him be gone, he must be gone: my God will pull him off me, I hope; if you watch not to him as well as he watcheth to you, he will flatter and deceive you, as he wou'd have done our Saviour Christ,
Matth. 4. 5 8, 9. if he had had that power; but he had not that power, when
he set him upon the Pinnacle of the Temple, and shewed him all the Kingdomes of the World, and the glory thereof, and said, All this will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me: if we do not look unto his corners,
Verse 6. he will get and command power over us, as he thought to have done over our Saviour Christ, when he said unto him,
If thou be the Son of God, cause these stones to be made bread.
[Page 100] Lord,
Isai. 29 18. open the eyes of the blinde, that they may see clearly into the errours of sin.
Depend upon the Lord in all your extremities and calamities, and when his appointed time is come, he will release you.
Cast your selves into those armes of love, and he will be your Saviour.
October the 14th.
She rejoyced very much, and then had an exceeding great and long conflict, and then she rejoyced again, and said,
My Christ hath vanquished Satan, that lurking,
roaring lion, that goeth about to devour my poor soul, but he cannot, but he cannot come neer it; My Christ is stronger then he; My God doth but let him step in, to make me relie more upon him.
Lord, humble these proud, ignorant and carnall hearts of ours, that we be not led away with this world, and the vanities in it, and let us not taste of them; for if we taste of them, they will enter into us more and more;
1 Pet. 2. 3, 4. if we could but taste of the sweetnesse of Christ, we shall be tied unto him more and more, and flie back from the world and desire him more and more.
Then she had another great rejoycing
[Page 101] fit, and stretched out her armes, and said,
Let us stick close to that Holy One,
John 15. 5, 6. and he will stick close to us; but if we sit loose from him, he will sit loose from us.
Take heed of living in a known sin; for if you live in a known sin, it is dangerous; for if you live in a sin you know you are guilty of, it is dangerous; ô look back unto your selves, and labour truly to repent, lest your sins be hardened, and God turn his back of you; for if they once be hardened, it is hard to get them off again.
Take heed you live not in knovvn sins, as drunkennesse, lasciviousnesse, blasphemy, and keeping of evill company, and all other vices; labour to repent of them, and say,
Job 34. 32.
that which I know not, teach thou me, and if I have done iniquity, I will do so no more.
October the 15th.
Let us hunger and thirst after that Holy One, and not follovv the vanities of this vvorld, as we do, the vanities of this world of abomination, and sin.
Let us labour to forsake sin and this vvorld, and all things that are therein, and stick close unto Jesus Christ, that Holy One, and not be like the svvine that regard acorns more then pearls.
[Page 102] Let us labour to have our conversation built upon the Lord stedfastly; let us labour to have our foundation of life built upon that substantiall rock stedfastly; for if it be built upon sandy ground, it vvill fall; but if it be built upon that stedfast rock, it vvill stand for ever and ever.
Lord, pull back Satan, that Serpent, tha
[...] goeth about to devour my poor soul; but he cannot, he cannot, he cannot enter in; my Christ will give him no power.
Let us labour to forsake sin, and live unto righteousnesse,
1 Pet. 2. 24 and truly repent of our former sins, which we have sinned, which we have committed formerly, let us truly repent of them.
Oh let us cry aloud unto the Lord, in the time of extremity and calamity, and he hath promised that he will give ear unto us.
October the 16th.
Oh let us trust in the Lord,
2 Thes. 3. 3 for he is a trusty one, he is to be trusted: let us cast both our bodies and souls into the hands of that everliving and glorious God,
1 Pet. 5. 7. for he hath bid us to
cast our care upon him, and he will care for us.
If we should trust a carnall man that hath
Psal. 146. 3.
[Page 103] no care of his salvation, but of the trash of this world, he is so greedy of it, and hungers and thirsts after it,
James 4. 4. that he thinks that that will make him; but the neerer we are to the trash of this world, the farther are we off of God: if we could but hunger and thirst after the riches of Christ, vve should not hunger after the riches of this vvorld,
John 4. 14. as vve do.
Oh that vve had but hearts to conceive the riches of Christ from the riches of this vvorld;
Prov. 3. 13 14. Psal. 49. 11 12. Prov. 1. 32. 1 Cor. 1. 20 for vve think that the riches of this vvorld vvill be the making of us, but alas, alas, they vvill be the undoing of us.
The wisdome of man is foolishnesse, but the wisdome of God is righteousnesse.
October the 17th.
Revel. 7. 14. & 14.
[...]. 1 Per. 1. 16 Matth. 5. 48. Heb. 12. 14 1 Cor. 15. 50. Lord, vvash us and cleanse us in the purity of thy onely begotten Son, in vvhom thon art vvell pleased, that vve may become pure Virgins of thine; for vvithout vve be in some part holy, as thou art holy, and in some part perfect, as thou art perfect, vve can never enter into the Kingdome of God, into the Kingdome of Heaven.
Resist the Devill, and he will flie back from you: he vvill go avvay murmuring and repining at you: take heed he enter not into
[Page 104] your hearts;
John 13. 2. for if he do, he vvill leave corruption behinde him: even as the snail leaveth slime behinde it: so he leaveth the corruption of sin behinde him. The corruption of the Devil vvill shevv it selfe, and the holy righteousnesse of God vvill shevv it selfe; but there is a great deal of difference: for where the corruptiou of Satan remainerh there is nothing but lasciviousnesse,
Act. 13 10 blasphemy, lying, threatening, and keeping of evill company:
2 Cor. 5. 17 but where the purity of Christ remaineth, there is upright dealing, righteousnesse, and true holinesse.
Ephes. 5. 18. Luke 24. 49. Rom. 8. 10, 13. fill us with thy Spirit; Lord, endue us with the Spirit of Christ, for where the Spirit of Christ remaineth, there can no corruption enter in.
Oh let us labour for the riches of
Christ; for if a poor man that is never so poor,
James 2. 5. hath but the riches of
Christ, he is accepted of God; for with the Lord there is no respect of persons.
October the 18th.
Trust in the Lord
Isai. 26. 4. for in the Lord
Jehovah is everlasting strength.
Let us labour for faith;
Rom. 15. 1. the greater faith,
[Page 105] the greater joy;
Heb. 11. 33 &c. Ephes. 2. 8. Acts 17. 28 faith is the beginning of wisdome: it is the first thing that doth belong to a Christian. Oh if we could but get faith, it would carry us above all; it would carry us from the lowest earth to the highest heaven.
Oh let us labour for
Jer. 42. 20. that holy One,
by whom we live, move, and have our being.
Hos. 11. 12 sanctifie our unsanctified hearts, and keep us from dissembling; for if we dissemble with man,
Psal. 139. 2 3. we shall not dissemble with God: there are many false hearts in this world,
Verse 2. Jer. 17. 9. but God knowes them; God knowes their comming in and their going out; though hypocrisie be hid from man, it cannot be hid from God: God knows our thoughts,
Revel. 2. 2, 19. Eccles. 12. 14. Rom. 14. 12. 2 Cor. 5. 10. words, works, actions.
The heart of man is deceitfull, but God can finde it out. God knows every work we do, every word we speak, every thought we think, and we must answer for them one day: the Lord will call us to an account at the day of judgement, he is a righteous Judge, he will judge righteously: if we deal not uprightly with man, we shall not deal uprightly with God.
Lord, soften these stony, ignorant, hard, and carnall hearts of ours; Lord, mollifie them with thy graces, with all thy gracious
[Page 106] gifts, as faith, that we may be fit to enter into the Kingdome of Heaven.
Oh let us be patient,
[...]ames 5. 8. Isai. 30. 18. untill the appointed time of the Lord; he waits on us, but we cannot be contented to wait upon him; we could be contented to be all our lives without afflictions;
Psal. 119. 50. Heb. 12. 11 but if we should not know affliction, we should not know comfort. We should be so taken and blown up with comfort, that we should not know our selves; if we should not have discomfort mixt with comfort, we should value it so much, that we should value the creature more then the Creator.
October 19. about 4 a clock in the afternoon.
Let us labour to be followers of that Beloved One,
Matth. 7.
[...] he that doth not the will of my Father vvhich is in Heaven, he is not vvorthy of the Lord.
Oh let us put off the rags of sin, and put on the robes of righteousnesse, that we may be fit to enter into the Kingdome of Heaven.
Again, the same day about eight of clock she spake, and she did keep to that hour untill
November 21.
Narrow is the way that leadeth unto life,
Matth. 7. and
[Page 107] few there be that finde it; but wide is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be that go therein.
Oh let us labour for Christ,
Heb. 7. 26. John 10. 7. with 3. & 9 that Love, that Dove, that undefiled One; he is the Door-keeper, he will lead us from the gates of hell unto everlasting life.
Lord, pull dovvn those that have a minde to pull down thee, and raise up those that have a desire to raise up thee.
Lord, give us patience to vvait upon thy time appointed: vve vvould be all our lives vvithout affliction, but it is for our good; not for our hurt, but for our good; thou doest not chastise us for our hurt, but for our good; for the Lord hath said, they are not my children,
Heb 12. 10 & verse 9. but bastards, whom I do not chastise not. Oh vvhy should not vve vvait upon him that vvaiteth alvvayes upon us? vvhy should not vve be patient? but vve are so naughty, and full of corrupt nature, that vve cannot be contented to vvait upon him till our Glass be run; he vvaiteth and vvatcheth over us every hour and minute: vuhen the time appointed cometh, he can raise any of us up, even as he did the Maid, vvhen he said,
Arise, and be whole; and she arose, and was healed. Oh vvhy should not vve be contented,
Mark 5. 41 42. for his Arme is not shortened, nor his Povver
[Page 108] diminished;
Isai. 59. 1. therefore vvhy should no
[...] vve be contented?
In this vvorld whilest we are in affliction we think it is miserable and grievous; bu
[...] hereafter it will be sweetened; while we a
[...] in affliction we think it is miserable and grievous; but the Lord will sweeten it with th
[...] cup of mercy; the Patient must taste of
[...] bitter potion before his stomack be cleared▪
Oh let us labour to fear the Lord, that we may live in his fear and die in his favour,
Matth. 7. 2. for as we do, so we must look to be done by▪
October the 20th
Ephes. 6. 1. obey your parents in all things, knowing that it is well pleasing unto the Lord.
Oh let us labour to have our wills melted into the will of that everliving and glorious God.
Matth. 26. 39.
The secrets of God are hid from man,
Matth. 1
[...]. 25, 26. and his wayes past finding out; but the Lord will reveal them to his children in some part, when his time appointed is come.
Lord, humble these proud hearts of ours, and endue us with the gift of Humiliation.
Oh let us labour to return thanks unto the Lord for all his mercies that he hath poured down upon us; for the way of begetting
[Page 109] more, is to return thanks unto the Lord, & to give reverence unto him; we reverence our earthly fathers, our natural fathers, Oh why should not we much more reverence our Heavenly Father?
Heb. 12. 9.
Oh let us labour to forsake this world, and all things that are therein; for there is nothing that is desirable.
Oh let us labour to stick close unto that Holy One: for when all things in the world fail,
Heb. 13. 5. & 8. he will never fail, he will stick close to us, when all things in this world decay, and moscer away, he will be an everlasting rock.
Lord, open our blinde eyes, that we may see clearly the weaknesse of our selves, and the strength of Christ.
Oh let us labour to lead our lives and conversations well in this life; for as we do, so we must look to be done by: if we sowe unto the flesh,
Gal. 6. 8. we shall reap corruption; but if we sowe unto the Spirit, we shall reap life everlasting.
October the 21th.
Let us labour to repent of all our sinnes which we have lived in formerly, which lieth unrepented of; for after the day of
[Page 110] death there is no repentance;
Eccles. 9. 10. as life leaveth us, so Judgement findes us.
October the 22th.
Oh let us cast our care upon the Lord,
Psal. 68 5. for he will care for us,
he hath promised to be a father to the fatherlesse, and a husband to the widow.
Lord, pull back Satan, that lurking, roaring lion, that goeth about to devour my poor soul; but he cannot, my Christ will tread him under foot, that he can get no power over my poor soul.
Lord, graft thy Word into our heads, and not onely into our heads, but into our hearts also. We are poor Earth-wormes, Lord, breath into us the breath of life, that we may become lively Saints of thine, that we may become lively Saints of thine, and that we may sing
Hallelujahs with thee in the highest Heavens.
Take heed you lie not one to another, for if you go in that way, the Devill will take that occasion to pour in more corruption.
Lord, mollifie these hard hearts of ours with thy graces, that are so hardened with sin and corruption.
October the 24th.
Isai. 29,
[...] Matth. 1
[...]. 14. open the eyes of the blinde, that
[...]ey may see clearly the purity that is in Christ; and the corruption that is in them
[...]ves they see and perceive not, they hear
[...]nd understand not.
Lord, enrich our souls with thy graces, that
[...]e may be instruments to enrich the King
[...]ome of Heaven.
Lord, pull back Satan, that lurking, roar
[...]g lion, that goeth about to destroy my poor
[...]ul; but he cannot: my Christ will give him
[...]o power: he will not let him touch it. He
[...]oth what he can to get victory; but he can
[...]ot: my Christ will not let him. The Devil
[...]aliceth the children of God: he is alwayes
[...]usiest about them, and flattering them; he
[...] alwayes thinking to make them fear him,
[...]nd flattering them, and thinking to over
[...]ome them; but those whom God hath
[...]hosen, he will take them for his own; the
[...]oor doubting Christian the Devil is always
[...]utting feares and doubts into them; but when he thinks they are in the lowest con
[...]ition, they are in the highest; and when a man thinketh he is in the highest condition, he is in the lowest; when a poor doubting
[Page 112] Christian thinketh he falls,
1 Cor. 10. 12. he stands; a
[...] when a man thinketh he stands, he falls.
Lord, take away these hearts of stone, a
[...] renew us with hearts of flesh.
Lord, humble these proud hearts of our
[...] that we may not be swallowed up with th
[...] vanities of this world;
2 Tim. 4. 10. we are apt to
[...] drawn to the vanities of this world, and
[...] flie back from Christ. Oh what disobedie
[...] children are we, that follow not the commands of so loving a Father: that which
[...] biddeth us to do, that we do not; and th
[...] which he biddeth us not do, that we do.
Oh let us labour for faith,
Revel. 2. 10.
for he that
[...] faithfull untill death, he shall enjoy the crowne
[...] life.
October the 25th.
Come my people enter into thy chamber,
Isai. 26. 20. sh
[...] the door upon thee, hide thy selfe for a little m
[...] ment, untill the indignation of the Lord be overpast.
He that doth not the will of my Father,
Matth. 10. 37, 38. which is in heaven, he is not worthy of me, saith th
[...] Lord.
Take heed you sowe not good seed upon thorny ground,
Jer. 4. 30. Matth. 13. 7. lest the thorns spring up, and choak it.
[Page 113] My Christ hath pulled back Satan, that lurking, roaring lion, which goeth about to devour my poor soul: he maliceth my poor soul, and thinks to get the victory, but he cannot.
Oh let us labour to be partakers with that Beloved one,
1 Pet. 1. 19. John 1. 29. 1 John 2. 2. that immaculate lamb of God, that spotlesse lambe that laid down his life to take away the sins of the whole world.
Oh let us labour for faith, that rich grace of our God; Lord, pour it down upon us, that is, that rich grace of eternity, that is, the grace, by which we must either live or die; without we have that grace, we shall never come to God, we shall never come to Christ. Oh let us labour for faith; ô let us labour for faith; no faith, no Christ; no Christ, no salvation.
Lord, as thou hast fed out bodies with temporall food, so feed our souls with spirituall food; that we may be able Instruments to enrich the Kingdome of Heaven.
Matth. 3. 16. Acts 13. 9. Rom. 15. 19. endue our spirits with the gift of Humiliation: for the Spirit of God is a humble Spirit, a meek Spirit, a holy Spirit, a full Spirit; it acts powerfully, and breaths where it listeth.
Trust in the Lord
Isai. 26. for in the Lord
Jehovah is our everlasting strength.
[Page 114] Come,
Isai. 1. 18, 19, 20.
my people, let us reason together: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as wool; though they be like crimson, they shall be as white as snow; if you consent and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land; but if you be stubborn and rebellious, you shall be de voured with the sword;
for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
October the 26th.
John 7 39. & 4. 14. Revel. 22. 17.
[...] Pet. 2. 25. all you that are thirsty, and drink freely of the spring-well-water of life, and you shall never thirst again.
Oh let us labour to have our hearts tied to that immaculate Lamb, that we do not run away like a lost sheep into this world, as we do; wherein there is nothing but vanity and vexation of spirit.
My Christ hath vanquished Satan, that lurking, roaring lion, that labours to eclipse my comfort; but he cannot, but he cannot, he can get no power; he maliceth the good of my poor soul, but he is never the neerer for that;
2 Cor. 1. 5. as much as he seeks to discomfort me, so much the more there is one above that comforts me.
The Works of God are wonderfull,
Rom. 11. 33. and his wayes past finding out; the wisdome of man
[Page 115] is foolishnesse, but the wisdome of God is righteousnesse.
Heb. 2. 4. with Heb. 10. 38. humble these proud hearts of ours, that they be not blown up with the vanities of this world; for we are apt to become back-sliders from that which is good, and to be followers of that which is evill.
Come unto me,
Matth. 11. 28. all ye that are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest,
saith the Lord.
In the day when I make up my jewels,
Mal. 3. 17. they shall be mine, saith the Lord of Hoasts.
October the 27th.
As many as I love,
Revel. 3. I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore, and repent.
Oh let us call upon the Lord in time of trouble,
Psal. 50. Luke 18. 1 &c. Isai. 62. 6, 7 and he hath promised that he will hear us: ô let us charge the Lord with his promises; for he loveth to be charged with his promises, of his children, and he will give more attentive ear unto them: ô let us wrestle with him, as
Jacob did, when he said,
I will not let thee go until thou blesse me:
Gen. 32. 24 26. he would not have a deniall of God.
First, he prepareth our hearts, that they may be capable of faith; then he worketh faith in them.
October the 28th.
Matth. 7. and you shall have; seek, and you shall finde; knock, and the door
of Righteousnesse shall be opened unto you.
They that do the Will of my Father,
Matth. 12. 50. they are my Mother, Sister, and Brother,
saith our Saviour Christ.
We poor drie bones that moscer away for want of one drop of the dew of righteousnesse: we moscer away; we are so deeply drowned in sin, in the corruption of sin, that we cannot of our selves attain to the power to enjoy that sweet enjoyment of Eternity.
Lord, pull back Satan, that lurking, roaring lion, that goeth about to eclipse the spirituall comfort of my poor soul; but he cannot, but he cannot; my Christ hath made a wall, and he cannot enter the wall, he cannot cast it down.
Oh let us labour for Christ,
that Love,
that Dove,
that Ʋndefiled One,
that Holy One, by whom we live, move, and have our being;
he is All in All,
perfect without imperfection.
Oh let us labour for the sweet enjoyment of Eternity;
Revel. 21. 4. where there is comfort without discomfort, joy without sorrow; and
[Page 117] all tears are wiped away from our eyes, and botled up.
Oh let us labour to attain to that eternall weight of glory,
Psal. 56. 8. 2 Cor. 4. 17 where there is nothing but joy and rejoycing, mirth and melodie, and singing
Hallelujahs with the Lord in the highest Heavens.
Ephes. 6. 1, with 5. 6.
Children, obey your parents in all things, knowing that it is well-pleasing unto the Lord: for the wrath of God commeth upon the children of disobedience.
October the 29th.
No man can come to Christ,
John 6. except the Father draw him.
2 Pet. 1. 1. & 1 Pet. 1. 7. endue us with those rich graces of thine, as faith, which is the richest of all; we are so benummed with sin, lukewarme, and key-cold, that we cannot apprehend them to make a right use of them.
Oh let us labour for Christ: for
when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall we also appear with him in glory.
We poor, miserable, and wretched creatures, that have sinned against thee every day more and more; if thou hadst not bin a pitifull and mercifull God,
Lam. 3. 22. we had before this been sunk into the endlesse pit of torment,
[Page 118] but thou hast shewed pity and compassion upon us,
John 3. 16, 17. in giving us thy onely begotten Son to redeem us from that endlesse pit of torment.
[...]rtifie therefore your members which are upon the earth,
Col. 3. 5. as fornication, adultery, blasphemy, and covetousnesse, which is Idolatry.
Christ hath cast down Satan, that lurking, roaring lion, that thinks to get the upper hand over my poor soul;
Gen. 13. 15 Rom. 16. 20. but I hope, nay I am sure, that there is one above that will defend me from him; he hath promised that he will tread him under foot.
The godly have their torments here,
Luke 16. 25. but the wicked shall have their torments for ever hereafter.
Take heed of Satan, for he is very subtle; for there is more danger when he commeth in white, like an Angel of light, then when he commeth in black, like a Blackmoore.
Oh let us labour for Christ,
Psal. 37. 25.
that Holy One: for he will never suffer the righteous to be forsaken, nor their seed to beg their bread.
October the 30th.
There be many that say, Lo, hereis Christ, and lo,
Matth. 24. 23.
there is Christ; but there is no more crucified Christs then one alone.
[Page 119] Lord, pardon and forgive us all our sins which we have sinned against thee, of what sort soever they be. Lord, wash us and cleanse us in the blood of thy onely begotten One: ô what disobedient children are we that are so rebellious against thee:
Isai. 27. 3. Psal. 121. 3, 4. Good Lord, pardon us, that we should be so disobedient to so loving a Father, that hath alwayes an eye over us, and watcheth over us every day and night, and continually; that which thou biddest us to do, that we do not; and that which thou biddest us not to do, that we do: but alas, alas, the greater is our Judgement.
October the 31th.
Cast your care upon the Lord, for he careth for you,
1 Pet. 5. 7. Matth. 6. 27. Mark 8. 36 and let not your care be upon the world; it will be never the better for you, but a great deal worse; for
What are we better, if we gain the whole world, and lose our own souls, and be cast into hell for ever?
Oh let us labour to be partakers of the immaculate Lambe: ô what a sweet thing it is to be partakers of that immaculate Lamb!
Oh! it would ravish a poor Christians soul; ô let us labour for him; if we lose him, we lose all.
[Page 120] Lord,
1 Tim. 6. 17, 18, 19. James 5. 1. to the 15. humble these proud and ignoran
[...] hearts of ours, that they be not puff't up and blowne up with the pride of this world; for God knoweth there is many of them; but Lord, teach them to know themselves, that they may live to please thee, and not to live in thy displeasure.
Oh let us knock at the door of Righteousnesse, untill
Christ Jesus that immaculate lambe of God be pleased to open to us the door of faith.
November the 1.
Rom. 6. 14 purifie these drossy hearts of ours, that we may become pure Virgins of thine, and leave them without dross or sin remaining in them.
Lord, restrain those that go about to interrupt those instruments,
Acts 4 24. to the 30. 2 The
[...]. 3. 1 2. which thou hast sent to preach out thy holy Word in thy Congregations: it is requisite that offences should come, but wo be to them by whom they come.
Oh let us labour to gain the Kingdome of Heaven, and struggle, and strive for it; for it is not gained with a little ado, but Heaven is won by violence,
Matth. 11. 12.
and the violent take it by force.
[Page 121] Lord, enrich these poor fainting souls of ours with thy graces, that we may become able instruments to inherit the Kingdome of Heaven.
November the 3.
Lord, endue us with thy rich graces, as faith, which is the richest grace of all; but our hearts are so stony, that we cannot apprehend them aright, to make a right use of them; but make them of a fit temper, that we may have our wills melted into that Will of that everlasting, everliving, and glorious Lord our God, that we may lie at the feet of that immaculate lamb of thine, untill those two arms of Love be pleased to take us up into the throne of Heaven.
Put on the whole armour of God,
Ephes. 6. that we may be able to stand against all the wiles of the Devill.
Oh labour to take notice of that everliving,
Micah 6. 3, 4, 5. and glorious Lord, our good God, and of all his mercies that he hath been pleased to pour down upon us; for if we take notice of him, he will take notice of us, both of all our needs and necessities,
Matth. 6. 32. 33. and necessary things both temporall and spirituall; for if we sit loose from him, he will sit loose from us.
November the 4th.
Oh let us labour to repent of all our sins which we have lived in formerly,
Gen. 35. 3. Psal. 136. 23, 24. and call to minde what the Lord hath done for us in distresse. When we were in the hands of our enemies, he hath preserved us from the hands of our enemies; for if we were as we should be, we should be thankfull every hour of a day; but God knoweth we are far short.
Good Lord,
Zach. 13. 9 refine us, even as silver and gold is refined, and make us without spot or blemish, even as thy spotlesse lamb, and cloath us with the righteousnes of him.
November the 5th.
He that knoweth the will of
his Father that is in heaven,
Luke 12. 47. and doth it not, shall be beaten with many stripes.
Lord, renew these stony hearts of ours, and give us hearts of flesh.
Lord, open our blinde eyes, that we may see cl
[...]erly the errour of sin, and the purity that is in Christ, and the corruption that is in our selves.
We poor, miserable, and wretched creatures,
[Page 123] Lord, pardon and forgive us all our sins, that we have committed against thee, and wash them away in the blood of that thy beloved One, and leave us without spot or stain remaining in us.
November the 6th.
The Works of God are wonderfull, and his wayes past finding out.
Ephes. 6. 5 obey the will and command of your Masters, which are upon the earth, knowing that you have a Master in heaven.
Oh let us call upon the Lord in the time of extremity and calamity, and he hath promised to give ear unto us.
November the 8th.
Call upon me in the day of trouble, a
[...]d I will hear you,
Psal. 50. and you shall glorifie me.
Oh Lord, endue us with thy graces, that we may be fit to come to the School of Christ, to learn the lesson of faith.
Oh let us labour for that beloved One; for if we have him, we have all; if we want him, we want all: he will stand unto us, when all will fall down; all things are but drosse and dung in comparison of him.
[Page 124] Oh labour to repent of all your sins:
Zach. 12. 10. but you must first lay the ground-work of faith, and then truly repent, and return home unto the Lord.
Oh let us cry aloud unto the Lord in the time of necessity, and he hath promised to give ear unto us.
Cast your care upon the Lord, for he careth for you; in the time of extremity and calamity, when all helpers in the world fail, he will be your greatest help of all;
Psal. 22. 11. with 19. Rom. 1. 28. he must do it, or none.
Oh let us labour to fear the Lord, that we may live in his fear, and die in his favour.
Come unto me,
Matth. 11. 28.
all ye that are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Oh what a sweet promise is this, if we had but hearts to apprehend it aright! but our hearts are so stony, and so full of corruption, that it can take no effect; but, Lord, mollifie them.
November the 9th.
Oh let us call to minde what the Lord hath done for us, and not be like the natural
man that looketh his face in a glasse,
James 1.
and presently forgetteth what manner of man he was.
Oh let us labour and take pains for that well-beloved One,
Phil. 3. and labour to s
[...]ick close
[Page 125] unto him; for if we lose him, we lose all; and if we gain him, we gain all.
Oh let us labour to
set our affections on the things that are above, and not on the world, wherein there is nothing but vanity and vexation of spirit.
Oh let us labour to wait and be patient untill his appointed time, for his time is the best time.
My Christ hath vanquished Satan, that lu
[...]king, roaring lion, that goeth about to devour my poor soul; but I hope he hath nothing to do with me, I hope my God will own me for his own; he is alwayes malicing and perplexing the children of God, to make their journey uncomfortable, and thinketh that if▪ he get not victory then, he shall never get victory.
Come, all ye that are a thirst, and drink freely of the Spring-well-water of life, and you shall never thirst again.
Lord, Lord, endue us with thy graces, that we may become lively branches in thy Vineyard; prune it, dresse it, and water it, and look to it, that nothing hurt it, nor harme it.
Oh let us labour for faith, for they that are faithfull until death, shall receive a Crowne of life.
[Page 126] Lord, satisfie these unsatisfied hearts of ours; for if a man have all the world, he thinketh that he hath not enough; but when he hath Christ, then he is fully satisfied. Ah, what can a Christian heart desire more then a crucified Christ, then a naked Christ? what can a Christian heart desire more? he is the jewell of all jewels, he is the upright One.
Labour to deal faithfully in all things: for as you do, so you must look to be done by; if you sowe to the flesh, you shall reap corruption; but if you sowe to the Spirit, you shall reap life everlasting.
Lord, endue us with thy graces, and set them aright upon our hearts, but they are so benummed, luke-warm, and key-cold, that we cannot apprehend them to make a right use of them: but Lord, make them of a fit temper
Oh let us labour for Christ, that love, that Dove, that undefiled one, that laid dow
[...] his life to pardon the sinnes of all the elect.
November the 10th.
Lord, forgive and pardon all our sinnes, whether they be sins originall or actuall sins, of weaknesse or wilfulnesse; sins of omission or commission, sins of ignorance or of knowledge, scarlet sins or crimson
[Page 127] sins, or sins of a double diet, or what sort of sins soever they be; Lord, wash them and cleanse us in the blood of thy beloved Son Jesus Christ,
in whom alone thou art well pleased.
Oh let us labour for Christ,
[...]0. 1. that habitation, in whom we live, move, and have our being.
Ask, and you shall have; knock, and it shall be opened to you, and the door that leadeth to everlasting life shall be opened unto you.
Faith, hope, and charity, the greatest of these three is charity. Charity is love, and the love of Christ; faith is a gift given of Christ; and hope is a hoping to enjoy Christ.
Now, Lord, of thy merciful promise, let thy poor doubting Christian feel some dram of assurance to this poor soul: let a poor sinner feel one dram of the assurance of thy love to his poor doubting soul.
Oh let us suck sweetnes from Jesus Christ, as the childe sucks milk from the mothers brest; the harder we draw, the more we shall get; the childe wrangles and wrangles till the mother give it the pap in the mouth, and then it's quiet and satisfied: so, and there she staied a good space, going oft over with the word [so] before she could get any more words; at last, she said [so] a poor
[Page 128] soul seeks, and knows not what it wants, and wrangles, and wrangles till it get Christ; all the world will not satisfie it, but (and then she lifted up her selfe, and strook with her hand upon her thighs with much fervour of spirit) when it gets Christ, then it is satisfied, (and then using the same actions again, said) when it gets Christ, then it's abundantly satisfied; all the world will not satisfie him, but Christ will give him full satisfaction.
November the 11th.
Be ye holy, even as Christ is holy.
Be y
[...] holy,
Psal. 37. 3.
as I am holy, saith the Lord.
Trust in the Lord, trust in the Lord, trust the Lord with all that you have; for he hath promised,
Psal 34. 22 & 17. 7. Heb. 11. 19 & 32, 35. 36. that he will provide for them that trust in him, and keep you from evil.
Lord, renew us with that rich grace of faith,
[...] will carry us above, it will carry us from the lowest earth to the highest heaven; we are not in the lowest earth here, we are but in the middle earth; but faith will carry us from the lowest earth to the highest heaven.
Lord, teach us to walk in thy paths, and teach us the way that leadeth to everlasting life.
November the 12th.
No man can come to Christ,
John 6. unlesse the Father
[...]raw him.
Take heed you
lie not one to another;
Col. 3. for if
[...]ou give way to that sin, the Devil will take
[...]hat occasion to poure in more corruption.
Oh let us labour for Christ,
1 Joh. 5. 12 that holy One; want him, and want all; and have him, and have all.
November the 14th.
Isai. 63 8.Take heed you
lie not one to another; for the Lord saith,
They are my children, such as will not lie, and I will be their Saviour.
Trust the Lord, trust in the Lord; for he
[...]s a trusty one, he is to be trusted; trust the Lord with your selfe, and all yours, and he will watch over you for good, and keep you from evil:
Psal. 125. 1 for he hath promised, that
those that trust in him!, shall be as Mount Zion, which shall never be moved.
November the 15th.
He that knoweth the will of his Father which is in heaven, and doth it not, shall be beaten with many stripes.
[Page 130] Oh let us not be forgetfull of those me
[...] cies
Psal. 10
[...]. 1, 2. which the Lord hath been pleased
[...] pour down upon us; but be thankfull f
[...] them, and prize them highly, for if we ha
[...] a thousand hearts, and a thousand hearts, w
[...] could never be sufficiently thankfull: th
[...] mercies of God are to be esteemed, and highly esteemed of: there is many a poor Christian, many a poor creature, which woul
[...] be glad to have those mercies which we daily and hourly enjoy; they are so common, that we do not esteem of them: but alas, alas, the greater is our Judgement.
November the 16th.
Hab. 2. 5. humble these proud hearts of ours, lest we betake our selves to this vain world, and so run headlong into hell, to our own souls destruction.
Let us labour and take pains for that immaculate Lamb of God; for he will never see the righteous forsaken, nor their seed begging bread.
Oh let us labour for Christ, that holy One; for,
when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall we appear with him in glory.
Isai. 33. 17. open our blinde eyes, that we may see clearly the purity that is in Christ, and
[Page 131]
[...]e corruption that is in our selves.
November the 19th.
Lord, purge and purifie these drossy hearts
[...]f ours, and refine them, even as silver and
[...]old is refined, that we may become pure
[...]irgins of thine.
Oh let us labour and take pains to inherit
[...]he Kingdome of Heaven, where there is
[...]othing but mirth and melody, joy and re
[...]oycing, joy without sorrow, comfort without discomfort; where all tears are wiped away, and botled up.
November the 20th.
Oh let us labour for Christ,
Gal. 4. 19. Revel. 2. 17. that holy One; he is all in all, perfect without imperfection; have him, and have all; want him, and want all; all things are but drosse and dung in comparison of him.
Oh let us labour to have the Name of Christ set aright upon our hearts, that it might make a deep impression, that it might take effect to work effectually.
Oh let us labour to have our conversation built upon that substantiall rock stedfastly; for if it be built upon sandy ground, it will
[Page 132] fall; but if it be built upon that substantia rock, it will stand for ever.
November the 21th.
Trust the Lord, for he is a trusty one, h
[...] is to be trusted; he hath promised, that
[...] that trust in him shall stand as Mount Zion, th
[...] shall never be removed, but abideth for ever.
Oh let us wait and be patient untill the appointed time of the Lord, for his time is the best time:
Heb. 10. 37
For he that shall come, will come and will not tarry.
Take heed that yon sowe not good seed on thorny ground, lest the thorns spring up and choke it.
Lord, humble these proud hearts of ours, lest we be blown up with this world, and the vanities thereof; if we could but feel one dram of the sweetnesse of Christ, we should not give way to the vanities of the world as we do; but while we are in the flesh, we are apt to follow the lusts of the flesh; if we could be so sensible of the sweetnesse of Christ, and apprehend it aright, we should be taken up so with Christ, and with the sweetnesse of him, that we should not be so carried away with the vanities of the world, but we should give up our selves to
[Page 133]
[...]hrist, and make him our Habitation.
The same night about 12 a clock.
She had great extremity of pain, and, as conceived, would gladly have spoken, ma
[...]ing signes that her heart was in Heaven, as was thought by those who were present with her) for she pulled at her brest seve
[...]all times, and held up her hand as high as she could reach, looking up with her
[...]yes; and then, after a short space, she spake, and said,
Me is not in the hand of mine enemy, but
[...]n the hand of my loving Father; he is an ever-living, ever-loving and glorious Lord God, he is a wise God, and he will not give his children one lash more then he sees good for them.
After this she spake no more until the eighth day of
December, which was the day after the Lord had graciously given her the use of her Senses and of her Understanding.
To close up this second part of the Narrative, I shall adde this, that some of these Speeches she uttered, (though but few of them will need such Apologie) in weaknesse, as a childe under such strange distempers, as did somwhat confuse and perturbe her intellectuals;
[Page 134] but other things she uttered thorow the strength of the Spirits assistance extraordinarily guiding her tongue to utter such things, as now she cannot tell that ever she did speak them. There be some things oft repeated; yet because either they are uttered with some variety, and were things that it seems her heart was much carried forth to mention; therefore I have set them down, and hope they will not be tedious, but may raise up further thoughts of them, when you read them over again, and compare them with the Scriptures in the Margin; and if you knew the state of the family, and the condition of some that came occasionally to hear her,
Exod. 12. 4 you would say, there was a Divine hand that guided her tongue, and that God was with her mouth, adapting her speeches to their necessities.
And I suppose her heart was more affected with some truths before this ill fit, and of those things she makes the most frequent mention: But whilest I am Apologizing
[...]or her Repetitions, some may tax me for Omissions: some have said, that she prophesied, and no such passages are here related; to which I answer, there is no ground for such a report: there is one passage related in one of her Speeches,
October the 19th. (in the end
[Page 135] of page 107, and beginning of page 108.) about, Raising of the Maid; unlesse they fancie this to be a Prophetick foretelling of her Recovery, I know not any thing uttered by her, nor could upon enquiry hear of any thing that might give ground for such a report; but the truth is, such Reporters (I hear) do some of them expect to have the gift of Miracles, and it may be of prophesying, and seemed to be much taken with Gods dispensations to this Childe, hoping it would have conduced something to the promoting of their cause, but are disappointed; for God hath opened the mouth of a dumb childe to confute their follies. It may be they prophesied that she would prophesie, and so have proved themselves to be false prophets.
My hearts desire and prayer to God shall be, that these Speeches may take as deep impression upon the hearts of the Readers, as they did upon her body, who was the Speaker: God was pleased to hold her upon the rack for so many weeks, nay moneths, in which she endured grievous torturings; and yet to enable her to speak such things, surely so extraordinary a Teacher requires more then ordinary attention. When
Jonah, who had bin so close a student in the Whales belly
[Page 136] Colledge, came to preach to the Ninevites
[...] the strangenesse of the Relation concerning the Preacher, might make his Sermons take more with them,
Exod. 8. 19
Shall not they rise in Judgement against the men of this Generation? some, it may be (with
Pharaohs South-sayers) will acknowledge
the finger of God is in this, when his whole hand is visible; but if men sleight such dispensations, no wonder: for
if they hear not Moses
and the Prophets,
Luke 16.
neither will they be perswaded, though one rose from the dead. God indulged to the Israelites (its thought) to enjoyne them Ceremonies of his devising, to prevent their use of, or hankering after such as were of mans devising; God seems to indulge to the weaknesse of some in such extraordinary actings of his Providence (in this Instance, and a few others which might be mentioned;) but if the Father of the Family take all this care, and yet men are not contented with his established Institutions, but
they are finding out new Inventions;
Eccles. 7. 29. God will certainly correct this wantonizing humour: It argues, our stomacks are foul and crazy, when we must have new dishes every meal, and cannot
[...]eed upon the standing dishes of Gods Ordinances:
Zach. 14. 16, 17, 18. 19. the
King of Saints will nor be thus affronted, but level and discharge the Ordnance of his power
[Page 137] against those that disclaim the Ordinances of his Grace. But I hope, through the pourings out of the Spirit many shall be so wise as to observe these things, and to profit by ordinary and extraordinary dispensations; and surely,
They shall understand the loving kindenesse of the Lord.
The third Part of the NARRATIVE; Containing The wonderfull Recovery of this Childe of Wonders.
MAny dayes had been set apart in the Family to seek the face and favour of God, on the behalfe of this afflicted Childe; which Duties her parents, (as
Obed-Edom the Ark) were forward to entertain (as at other times, so) now in this their afflicted condition. They have had much experience that God was a
God hearing prayer; and therefore would not be beaten off from these (now alas, too much neglected) meanes, from which they had sucked much sweetnesse, having
[Page 138] found God sometimes marvellously helping of them,
2 Chron. 26. 15. Dan. 11. 34. till they were
strong in the power of his might, but alwayes helping them with a little help, and bearing up their spirits under the trials, though they did not obtain a full enlargement: and when one told the father of this childe, that the room was not able to bear so many as came to seek God in those duties: he replied, The more, the better, so that those who come, can pray and believe.
But yet the Lord in wisdome seemed to us to be
as one astonished,
Jer. 14. 9.
as a mighty man that cannot save, the Childes distempers of body growing more violent, she having most terrible crying fits, (by reason of her extream pain, which crying fits continued till she vomited blood, and then she was quiet) which were very grievous and afflictive to the spirits of all that heard her; and the whole Family so continually under sadnesse, and their sleep so broken, that you might have seen
Every one with their hands upon their loines,
Jer. 30. 6.
as a woman in travell, and all faces turned into palenesse. Which dealings of the Lord with that family did serve to awaken them to a more solemn way of seeking his face, and it was judged, that it was his purpose to have his providential dispensations in relation to this
[Page 139] childe more publickly taken notice of, that so they might not be hid in a corner, but many might behold his glorious goings, and bear witnesse thereof unto the world, when he should finish his work upon her: therefore her Parents did write and speak to severall Ministers of his Word, (two of which have prefixed Epistles to this Narrative) and a Day was fixed to be set apart for Humiliation, of which many precious servants of God had notice, which was the ninth day of
Novemb. 9, 1652. In which Day the Company being met at Mr.
Hatfeilds house, and the work entered on, but the childe was observed by such as did attend her to be somevvhat unquiet; the reason vvhereof they knevv not, onely a thought came in, that if she were brought into the Room vvhere the Company vvas assembled, that then she might possibly be quieter; vvherefore her Maid brought her in her armes, vvhere she continued quietly all the time vve vvere at the duty, not once interrupting us, and the
eye did serve to
affect the heart, and to helpe them to vvrastle vvith God more affectionately; this passage is the more vvonderful; because (so farre as could be rationally judged) she did neither hear or see or knovv any body; and so vve knovv not hovv she should
[Page 140] understand that there vvas such a vvork in hand, unlesse the Lord should hint it to her, (as he did many of her Speeches, if not all) and indeed, some of her Speeches the night before and night after the Duty vvas concluded, do import such a thing. See her Speeches
November the eighth, vvhere she quotes that
Psal. 50. 15. and suitably to that she added after: Oh let us cry aloud unto the Lord in the time of necessity, and he hath promised to give ear to us; vvhich vvord did strongly call upon us to cry mightily unto the Lord: there are many other passages that night, vvhich I refer the Reader to, and vve took them as messages sent from Heaven to quicken our hearts in the duty; there vvas one passage that night,
viz. her fourth speech about repentance and faith; vvhereby she did direct us hovv to order our Humiliations as desiring they might be Evangelicall,
Zach. 1
[...]. 10. not legall; the fruits of faith, not of slavish feares: she vvould have us look on Christ, and then mourn; believe, and then repent; and vvhen the duty vvas concluded
November the ninth, at her usuall time she uttered severall passages, vvherein vve might observe God exceedingly ordering of her vvords, as the first speech that night, and the fourth, and the seventh, and especially the ninth,
[Page 141] vvhich was an admirable caution given in to us.
Novv to return, that vvhich vvas (in relation to the childe) set upon our hearts particularly to ask of God, vvas this, that he vvould please to quiet her spirit, ease her of her pain, so that the eares of her dear relations might not be filled vvith such dolefull cries, nor their hearts vvith those fears and amazements, vvhereby they vvere much unfitted to act Faith, or do any duty to God or man; extram sadnesse and faintings oppressing and overvvhelming their spirits; and in this the Lord vvas pleased graciously to ansvver the desires of his poor Servants through the Intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ, vvhich vve had notice of at our next meeting, and did desire to improve it, taking it as a pledge that God vvould do more for us, and ovvn us in our Attendances upon him in his ovvn vvay.
At the end of that day of Humiliation a Motion vvas made, that vve might continue once a moneth (at least) to seek God untill he should be pleased to come vvith
healing under his wings. Those that vvere engaged in that vvork living at a great distance from one another, vve could not vvell meet oftener then once a moneth, and vvith that
[Page 142] resolution we parted, waiting to see what the Lord would do for his Servants in that Family, whose condition God did very much assist those who were engaged in that Duty to bear upon their hearts continually, with much tendernesse. The time appointed for the next day of Humiliation was, as I remember; the 9 day of
December next ensuing.
But the Lord ordered things so, that the childe grew exceeding weak, not being able to speak from the 21 of
November, any more, (as was before noted,) so that her friends did think that God was comming to finish his work, and her time of warfare here in the body.
Wherefore her father dispatcht messages to the Ministers and Christians to meet & keep a day of Humiliation, on Thursday, the second of
December, (a week sooner then we thought of) and accordingly we met on that day, and found her very weak, (so that she was not brought into the room, where we performed the Duties of the day:) That which (amongst other things, as particularly relating to her) was desired of God, was, that God would manifest his power in enabling her to speak again, that so, whilest she lived, she might be usefull and instrumentall for his glory; her Speeches having bin very powerful
[Page 143] upon the hearrs of many (we hope, to the conversion, at least, conviction of some, and the edification of most that heard them:) God was also very earnestly intreated (with many arguments which his Spirit suggested) to raise her up, that he, perfecting his work, might have perfect praises; and his work might be cleared to the conviction of slanderous tongues, and the further comfort and satisfaction of the hearts of his people; the day being finished, we departed to our Homes, desiring to submit, and wait the Lords leasure, and (if she lived) to continue seeking of him. But, behold, God was better to us then we could think, and when we had scarce faith to believe what he had (in some measure) set our hearts a work to ask (upon the ninth of
December, the Day which formerly, as I noted, we had agreed together to have sought God for her, but did perform the duty a week sooner: I say, upon that day) we had (as a reall Testimony of her Fathers thankfulnesse to God, and reall respects to us) the joyfull news of her marvellous Recovery transmitted to us, which take as followeth,
Mr. Hatfield his faithfull Relation of the Lords Work, in recovering Mrs. Martha Hatfield his daughter out of her great Afflictions, which was by him sent unto the Ministers, who had sought God for her upon the second of December, 1652.
MOre works of wonder from Heaven, which may teach us, and all that hear of it, to depend upon the Lord in the Duty of Prayer and Fasting. Since the second of
December (in which day many sweet Petitions were put up to the Lordon the behalf of this childe) we have perceived some Symptomes, that God was restoring her understanding, as upon the fifth and sixth dayes of
December, she would have given notice, and signes of that which she had not given signes of before, since about
Mid-April, and upon the seventh of
December betwixt five and six a clock at night, it pleased God to open her teeth, being shut since the eighth day of
September, (as I noted before) she yawned, and triall was made, and we found her mouth opened, and then she took food without spilling; after an hours space
[Page 145] she knew her youngest sister, being about 4 years of age, who used to lie by her, and be very fond of her, and would be oftentimes kissing of her; and soon after she knew her Mother, and rejoyced to see her with laughing and stroaking of her face, and clasping her armes about her neck; and then her Father came, and asked her, if she knew him, and after a while (for her eyes were yet somewhat dim) she did the like to him, holding up her hands together, as if she would desire him to pray for her, & she did the like to her Mother. And we plainly discovered that God had restored at that instant the senses of Hearing, Seeing, Smelling and Handling, for when we called her by her name, she had an expression, whereby we perceived she heard us, as also that she saw us, and there was a pair of sweet Gloves, and we bad her smell at them, and she put them to her Nose several times; and she had at that time much use of her hands, which she had not before. And her Mother came to her again, & said, What hath the Lord done for thee? art thou not willing to give God all that he hath given thee, thy Life, Understanding, and all thy Senses, and Heart, and all? and she manifested her selfe by signes, that she was cheerfully willing so to do, by
[Page 146] holding up her hands, and lifting up her eyes with smiling, and plucking at her heart diverse times, and then lifted up her hand as high as she could reach, as though she would give God her heart, and all; and about nine a clock she knew her sister
Hannah, and her Grand-Mother, the Wife of Mr.
George Westby, a Gentleman well known in the North and South, (a very godly Gentlewoman) and she did express the same by laughing and stroking their faces, and closing of her hands to her Grandmother, as if she desired her to pray for her.
Then she went to bed, and God gave her reasonable good rest and sleep; that next morning, being the eighth of
Decembor, she had four or five sick fits, her body, face and lips being very much swelled; but when she was better, the swelling did fall again at an instant, and then alwayes she held up her hands and eyes, seeming to praise God, and all the afternoon she played with some odde toys, and Spice, which Neighbours had brought her, which she had in a little Basket untill betwixt five and six a clock at night, and then she fell into a stiffe fit, yet without any appearance of the Convulsions before, (as it had been formerly with her) and then she spake, as she used to do in a stiffe fit, and said,
[Page 147]
Oh let us wait and be patient until the appointed time of our wise God; for his time is the best time,
Hab. 2. And he that shall come, will come, and will not tarry; and the just shall live by faith; but if any draw back, my soul shall take no pleasure in them.
Let us labour for Christ, that
Holy One, by whom we live, move, and have our being, he is all in all; Oh trust in him, and believe in him for all things, trust in him, fear him, and love him, for he hath promised,
All things shall turn to the good of them that love him and delight in him.
Rom. 8. 28.
Oh let us labour for faith, for
He that is faithfull unto the death, shall receive a crown of life.
She spake all these sentences with much fervencie, lifting up her hands, and shaking her head; she continued in this stiffe fit about a quarter of an houre, and then she came to her selfe; and her mother being set upon the bed by her, she laughed, and rejoyced, and said,
Mother, ah Mother, how do you? Ah my dear Childe, (said her Mother) how doest thou? she answered, Me is pretty well, I praise my God. Oh Mother, love God, love him; ô get faith, get faith: her Mother said, So I have need.
[Page 148] It is observable (though I did not so note it before) that one of the last things she spake of, before God took away her understanding and senses, was to stir up her Mother to get Faith, & that would carry her above all difficulties, and now she begins with pressing that counsell again, which her Mother desires to make speciall use of; and the Lord help her to do so.
Her Mother further said to her: Ah Childe, thou hast been a Preacher of righteousnesse, and taught us the way to heaven. The Childe answered, Have I? Have I? me cannot tell, I can do nothing of my self; it was not me, it was the Spirit of God in me; I am nothing but a poor Earth-worme, and me hath nothing in me but what my God giveth me, for me is nothing but dust and ashes: and she spake all this evening after, and answered any Question (that was put to her) very sensibly, and was carried to bed, and hath had a very quiet nights sleep; she said this morning, being the ninth of
December, she never awaked till that time, which was about seven a clock.
The Lord be praised for his marvellous Works, for they are wonderfull in our eyes.
Thus I have given you a true Relation of things since our meeting before God in her
[Page 149] behalfe, whereby it is very apparent, that the Lord hath heard and answered the petitions of his people, and that the
Sun of righteousnesse is risen with healing under his wings.
Mal. 4. 2.
The glory of the Lord be advanced with much thankfulnesse for all, and of all; and more especially of you, who sent out the Dove that returned at the last with the Olive-Branch in her mouth.
The Copy of this Relation I received the ninth of
December, when the Officers and Members of the Church of Christ in
Sheffield were met at a private Conference, and I read over this Relation to them, which caused many tears of joy, and their hearts were mightily ravished with the appearances of God in this Businesse; and as they had prayed for her, so did they then return praise to him.
Upon the 15 day of
December, I did go to visit her, at which time did visit her the Lady
Lambert, as also Colonel
Bright and his Lady, who were much affected with the wonderfull Workes of God, which were so evident upon that Childe: When I came thither, I met with the Ministers, with whom I had joyned in seeking to God for her, though I little thought of meeting them there at that time: but so God mercifully
[Page 150] ordered it, that we might agree upon a day to call the Company together, who had joyned in seeking Gods face, then to exalt his glorious Name, who had wrought such wonders in that Family, and we agreed to keep the 28th. day of
December as a day of Thanks-giving for what God had done; but the Lord knowing our dulnesse and weaknes before the day came, did cast in further mercies, that so we might be quickened to make his praise more glorious, as you will see in the subsequent Relation, which I received from Mr.
Hatfield, whose fidelity and consciencious walking is well knowne in the Countrey, and therefore his Testimony the more worthy credence.
The ninth of
December the Childe lying in a Trundle-bed, at her Mothers bed-feet; her Mother (when she awaked) asked her what a night she had: she replied, a very good night, I praise God, I never awaked till now, which was about seven a clock. Her Mother said,
Mattee, God hath done great and wonderfull things for thee, in manifesting so much of his power upon thee, and to us in thee; the Lord set these things aright upon our hearts. Then
Mattee replied with a sigh,
[...]er sp
[...]ech Oh when the Lord is pleased
[...] do great things for us, he expects and looks for
[Page 151] great things from us; even as the Husbandman that sowes a great deal of seed, he looks for a great crop; if he have a great seed-time, he looks to reap a great Harvest: So the Lord, when he is pleased to do great things for his people, he expects great things from them.
Then her Mother spake again to her, saying, The Lord hath set thy condition upon the hearts of his people, and thou art a Childe of prayer, by which I hope the Lord will have much glory; for there have been many dayes set apart to seek the Lord on thy behalfe.
Her speec
[...] Then she said, Oh is not that a great mercy? those dayes were dayes of love to my poor soul. We do not discern mercies to be mercies, we are so full of corruption and sin, because the strong man armed had taken possession in our hearts, but there is a stronger then he that will dispossesse him.
Her Mother said, there are many Ministers who have wrestled with God for thee both in publique and in private. She said, I would be glad to see them,
Her spee
[...] that I may give them thanks for their pains, and love to my soul.
Her Mother further said, We are comfortably incouraged to depend upon the Lord in the duty of prayer, for we have had apparent
[Page 152] and immediate Answers from Him.
Her speech Isai. 45, 19. said she, that is a sweet mercy;
The seed of Jacob
shall not seek the face of God in vain.
That morning she very freely and cheerfully expressed her selfe in any thing which concerned her spirituall condition; and she was so free, and her spirit was so enlarged to speak, that her Mother disswaded her from speaking so much, for fear of spending her little stock of spirits, she being but weak.
Her speech no, no (said she) my spirits can never be spent with speaking of my God: if any would feed me with speaking of my God, I could live upon it.
The same day, being the ninth of
December, her Uncle
Hatfeild (a Captain in the Army, a godly man) came to her, and did ask her if she knew him? She said, Me have forgotten you, but I hope God will give me my memory in due time, that I may know you; then he asked her, how she did? she said, Me is pretty well, I praise God; but within an hour and a halfe after he came to her again, and did ask her if she did know him, and after a little time, earnestly viewing of him, (her eyes being yet weak) she said,
Oh my Uncle
John, my good Uncle, my dear Uncle
John! then said he, You have
[Page 153] been a long time afflicted, but I hope you have found the love of God towards you in this Affliction: for those whom he doth love, he doth chastize. She said, I hope so.
They are bastards and not sons,
Her speech
whom the Lord correcteth not.
Then he asked her, If she had not a dimnesse before her eyes? Yes,
Her speech said she, but I hope, that if God please to lend me life, he will give me the comforts of life, to make my life comfortable, and that he will raise me up, and give me my senses by little and little; then said he, You have spoken much of God, and have been an Instrument of much good to people that came to hear you: She replied,
Her speech My soul will rejoyce in that; it was not me, it was the Spirit of God in me: I am but a poor Earth-worm, and can do nothing of my self.
Then he said,
Her speech You have spoken very much, there be two Books written of what you did speak; Is there so, said she? I wish they may look at a good end. He did ask her, whether she did remember what she had said? No,
Her speech Psal. 66. 16. said she, I have forgot, but I hope God will give me my memory, that I may
tell to others what God hath done to my soul; I pray, Uncle, pray to God for my Memory.
Being asked severall questions of such
[Page 154] things as she had uttered in her stiffe fits: she answered to the same sense, and in most of the same words.
Quest. It was asked her, whether faith or repentance was the first work in conversion?
Her ans. she said, You must first lay the ground-work of faith, and then repent, and turn home to the Lord; you are not at home here, you are but pilgrims and strangers.
It was asked her,
Quest. what was the Cornerstone in the spiritual building of the Church? she said,
Her ans. Christ, but the stone is three-cornered, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
It was asked her,
Quest. what was faith, hope, and charity?
Her ans.She said, Faith is a gift of God to believe in Christ; hope, is a hoping to enjoy Christ; and charity, is the love of Christ.
It was asked,
Quest. how we may do to get the door of faith opened?
Ans. She said, Walk in the paths of Righteousnesse.
Here by the way you may note, that the Spirit of God did sometimes help her to speak things that yet she did not fully understand; she had in one or two of her stiffe fits uttered these words.
Knock at the gate of Righteousnesse, and God shall open unto you the door of Faith; in reference to that speech this Question was
[Page 155] asked her, but God had not at that time revealed it to her; I believe more of the marrow of the Gospel could scarcely have been uttered in so few words; It's the great question with poor souls; they say, If we could believe, then we might have any thing; but how shall we get faith? here many puzzle themselves, as if God had put them to shift for themselves: as a poor man works and gets money, and that will buy him all things, no though we must ordinarily get faith in Hearing, &c. yet not by our Hearing; the Answer is here, Stand and knock at the gate of Righteousnes:
Gal 2. 16. that Righteousnes which justifies us when we believe,
2 Pet. 1. 1. doth purchase faith for us that we may believe. Pardon this digression.
It was asked her, if the Devil did not go about to destroy her. Yes, said she.
It was asked,
Quest. Who conquered those Temptations:
Ans. she said,
Quest. Jesus Christ:
Ans. the Devil goeth about to destroy us with his Temptations; but I hope they will not be laid unto our charge, but to the charge of him from whence they came.
At another time she was asked,
Quest. why Christ had conquered Satan:
Ans. she answered, For his own Names sake, and for my sake.
At another time, I being with her,
Quest. did ask
[Page 156] her, whether she thought that God would recover her strength by his immediate power (as he had begun) or by the use of means? She answered me very solemnly, I do believe, that God will raise me up by his immediate power without means,
h.e. Physick.
Then I asked her,
Quest. if she did not desire that means might be used?
Ans. She answered, that she had oft prest her selfe to be willing to use means, but yet she could not finde her heart made willing.
Then I asked,
Quest. why she desired to be willing to use means?
Ans. She answered, Because her friends desired it, and for their satisfaction.
Then I asked her,
Quest. what ground she had to believe that God would raise her up by his immediate power? She answered,
Ans. Because God did not make her willing to use the means, though she had oft desired it of him; and if he would have her use means, he would make her willing: and then she had heard of that Providence, how God shut up her teeth, whilest the Physician was in the House from the eighth of
September till
December, about three moneths; and she further said, that she thought that God would not that the Physician should have any one part of the honour of raising her
[Page 157] to health, but he would have all the glory to himselfe.
At another time I spake thus to her, Cozen
Mattee, you told me that you did believe God would raise you up by his immediate power, he hath done much for you, but yet you have many reliques of weaknesses upon you;
Quest. Will you endeavour to act faith upon that power of God?
Ans. She answered, It is my desire, but I have nothing but what is freely given me of my God▪
One night when they were undressing of her, one told her, she had no shoes, (for they had given all her clothes and wearing things to some poor children, not expecting her life) and her Father said, there was a Shoe-maker in the Town, but he was a Quaker; she asked, what that was? it was answered, he was one that sleights Ministers, and Gods Ordinances: She replied, she would have no Quakers Shoes then.
At another time, the same thing being discoursed of, and she giving the same answer: her Sister
Hannah, (who was very tender of her, and had prejudiced herself with her care of her and of her Mother in their weaknesses) asked her, if she knew, what the Quakers were? She answered, They are such as are above
[Page 158] Onances (for then she could not pronounce many words, her speech being gradually restored to her) her sister said, What mean you? she answered, I shall make you understand, they are such as slight Gods Ministers, whom he hath sent to preach his Word.
Another hearing of this discourse, did ask her why she would have no Quakers shoes, did she think there was any errours sewed up in the seames of the shoes? she answered, No, but (saith she) they say I am a Quaker, and to convince them, that I am not, I will have no dealings with them.
Many other such passages there were, but I forbear to adde more.
She continued pretty well, and with much cheerfulnesse of spirit, and the Lord was pleased to make her meat and sleep comfortable to her; but she had no use at all of her legs, but was carried to bed, and from bed, untill the 21th. of
December, which day she being in bed about 9 a clock at night, her Father being in the room, she told him, she felt strength come into her legs: he asked her, How? she said, It trickled down, and came into her thighs, knees, and ancles, like warm water, and so continued a quarter of an hour: and after that working was past,
[Page 159] her Sister
Hannah took her up, and set her upon her feet, and she stood by her self without holding, which she had not done for three quarters of a year before, having had no use of, or strength in her legs, and when she was laid in bed again, she fell into extremities of hot and cold fits four or five severall times; one while as if she had been dipped in hot water; and again suddenly, as though she had been dipped in cold water, and presently after she was very
[...]ick and vomited; and that being over, she had much pain in all her joynts, and in great extremity from the head to the feet; then at an instant she said, I praise God, I am now as well as ever I was in my life, I am neither sick, nor have any pain.
Then her Mother spake to her, Ah Childe, now thou understandest how suddenly the Lord hath given thee thy limbs, even so suddenly did the Lord give thee thy senses and thy speech, but then thou wast not able to apprehend it.
Oh, said she, how shall we be ever able in any measure to extol the Name of the Lord in praises that are due unto him for all his mercies to us; I desire that the Lord would be pleased to perfect my heart, and frame it as he will be pleased to accept of it, for I
[Page 160] have cause to praise the Lord more then others, seeing the Lord is pleased to take notice of me more then others.
Her Mother said, Childe, is not thy minde full of the apprehensions of the Lords wonderfull dealings with thee? Yes, said she, but I cannot expresse it so largely as I desire to do; but I hope the Lord will help me:
[...] can do nothing of my self;
Her speech but I may say with the Apostle
Paul, I can do any thing through Christ that strengthens me.
Then her Mother said, What are we poor miserable Miscreants, that the Lord should make choise of a childe of ours to hold forth so much of his power and glory? She answered,
Her speech It is not any worthinesse that is in us, but it is the Will of the Lord; the Lord saw It good in his all-seeing Decree, for he had decreed before I was born, that it should be so.
Her Mother said, Oh, my unbelieving heart would never yield to think that there would be such a glorious end of this affliction. Ah Mother (said she) the Lord hath done above your faith,
Her speech what cause have we to praise him?
The 22th. of
December, when she rose in the morning, she said she could go; but we were afraid to trust her strength, it being so
[Page 161] long a time since she had any use of her legs, yet she desired leave to make triall how she could go, and she went up and down the room beyond all expectation, and the Lord so continued his good hand upon her, and she encreased in strength daily, so that upon the 28th. of
December, the time appointed for the Thanks-giving, when we met there, she was able to come forth into the Hall to meet and welcome us; and we did behold a Miracle, it was wonderfull in our eyes, so that our hearts did rejoyce with a kinde of trembling at the glory of the Lord, which appeared in that Object, and it did the more affect, because it was more then many (if not most) of us heard of before we came into the house; so that we see God had put still more matter of praise into our mouths: when we came together to the duty, she came and joyned with us most part of the day; but the place where we met being very full of people, she towards the close of the day grew somewhat faint and weary, and so withdrew, but was well presently, and much affected was her heart with
[...] goodnesse of the Lord; in the morning, before we engaged our selves in the duty of that day, she desired that we might sing a Psalme or two which she had made choice of,
viz. the 103
[Page 162] Psalme, or the 118 Psalm, which of them the Ministers pleased, and in the close of the day the Assembly were desired to praise God in the words of
David, written in the 118th. Psalme, and some of the verses of that Psalme which did best suit with the occasion of the day, were cull'd out, as the six first verses, and the 13th. verse to the end of the 18th. also the 21 and 23, 24. and the two last verses. In that day as we desired to exalt the Lord in our hearts, who had so signally fulfilled divers promises, and that in particular, Psal. 118. vers. 15. which had been often urged formerly; so were her Parents very solicitous, lest they should not render unto the Lord according to his marvellous appearances for them and to them; therefore was that promise urged, Psal. 50. 15.
Thou shalt glorifie me, which (as was declared to them) is not onely demonstrative of their duty, but operative to enable them to perform their duty; and so we parted with our hearts full of joy, and desires that we
might, be strengthened by the power of the Lords might to walk worthy of these glorious ownings of his poor worthlesse creatures.
Since this day of Thanks-giving the Lord hath in much mercy increased her strength every day: she did not then go so strongly
[Page 163] as since she hath done: one observable passage there was; she was sitting in a Chair, and both she and the Chair fell, and she hurt her leg; but not long after she was observed to go with more strength and nimblenesse then before; and God made that fall a means of her rising up to more strength, and not onely are her outward parts (through the goodnesse of God) strengthened, but her understanding, memory, and ripenesse of apprehension are much enlarged, beyond what they vvere before her sicknesse, which we vvere much afraid had been utterly and altogether destroyed in this sad visitation; and as a further addition, to make the mercy yet more compleat, the Lord hath been pleased to work a great change in the frame and temper of her disposition, which formerly (by reason of the prevalencie of the Spleen, vvhich she is novv vvholly freed from; as from all other infirmities vvhich she had formerly) vvas much inclined to sadnesse and fretfulnesse; but novv she is of a vvondrous, meek, quiet, and sedate temper, and vvalks on vvith much cheerfulnesse and evennesse of spirit; so that vve may discover much of God in her carriages; she is also very diligent in reading and prayer, and such other employments as her Mother sees
[Page 164] fit to exercise her in, so that she may be a pattern for many, vvho far exceed her in years; and God doth keep her in a wonderful humble frame; she is not lifted up vvith her Receptions, but desirous to vvalk up to her Mercies; she hath not much ravishing joys, but God hath made good that promise to her,
Jer. 33. 6. He hath brought her health and cure, and hath revealed to her abundance both of peace and truth.
It hath pleased God, since these passages of his Providence, again to try that Family, in removing from them that precious Gentlewoman, Mrs.
Fr. Westby, Mother to Mrs.
Hatfeild, and Grandmother to this Childe, an ancient Disciple of Christ, vvho had gained a great addition to her stock of Graces, and comforts by this Childes Afflictions and Restauration: She vvas full of the joy of the Lord in the beholding of these vvonderfull vvorkings of God in that Family, and is novv translated to Heaven, where she is praising God for those & many other Mercies, in a higher strain then our untuned spirits can reach unto; and when God had brought that affliction upon the Family this Childe perceiving her dear Mother to be much dejected vvith that dispensation, did much labour to comfort her; and amongst
[Page 165] other passages this vvas one. With tears she spake to her Mother thus: Good Mother, labour to submit to the Will of God; ô labour to submit: if vve do not submit vvillingly, God can make us to submit.
I shall shut up the
Narrative vvith this passage of this Childes dear Father in the Close of his Relation vvhich he sent to me,
The povver of the Lord be made knovvn in all his Works, vvith thankfulnesse to his glory for ever.
To which I will adde my AMEN.