THE Quakers Farewel to England, OR Their Voyage to New Jersey, scituate on the Continent of Virginia, and bordering upon New England.

To the Tune of, The Independe [...]s Voyage to New England.
COme Friends let's away,
Since our Yea and Nay
I [...] England is now slighted,
To the Indians wee'll goe,
And our Lights to them show,
That they be no longer benighted.
We'll teach them to Quake,
And wry Mouthes to make,
And pretend Inspiration;
That the Priests that are there
Shall readily swear,
We worship the Gods of their Nation.
Is inspired there
When the Spirit into him does enter,
And turnes up his Eyes,
And trembles likewise:
A Sy [...]k without peradventure.
Yet the Worlds People
That worships at the Steeple,
Will confidently aver it,
(Though it be a thing uncivil)
That it is the Devil
That both of us call the Spirit.
Yet be it what it will
So we get our fill
Of Riches, and good possessions;
When occasion shall be,
We can change, you shall see,
Both Habits and Our Professions.
The Country is good,
There's no want of Food;
'Tis fit for the Righteous to live in.
Nor need Sisters fear,
But this Country Cheere
Will make them plump and thriving.
For 'tis very meete
That such should well eate,
And farther Propagation,
Or else ISRAEL'S Race
Will decay apace,
And lowe us a mock to the Nation.
There shall we be free,
And enjoy LIBERTIE,
No power our Will controules;
Then what greater Bliss
Could any of us wish,
[...] desire from our [...]y Soules?
With the HOPE and the TVRK
We before made no work;
But if either now comes near us,
We'll let them both know,
That power we have now
Shall make them to Quake and fear us.
Neither IVES nor HICKS
With all their Tricks
Shall baffle our Inspiration:
We'll make them to bend
If they date here contend,
And come to a Recantation.
These BAPTISTS, Alas!
Had a very bad Case
To prove no Christianity
In Quakers in found,
Since we have good ground
For what we pretend to be.
Then why do we stay,
And make such delay,
When we to a Canaan are going?
For who stayes behind
May afterwards find,
That it may cause their undoing.
They have proved already
Our Faith is not steady;
Therefore we no Christians can be.
Then next they will prove,
(If we do not remove)
Us guilty of Heresie.
Then will they perplex,
And the Outward Man vex;
We shall have no peace in our Quarters:
But if we get away,
Go hang themselves in their own Garters.
In this Land we can live,
Get Money and thrive,
And follow our own Inventions
In spite of all those
That seek to oppose
Our Zeal, or its pretentions.
To New JERSET WITH speed
Come all Friends that need.
Wealth, or large Possessions;
The Indians we'll make
To serve us and Quake,
And be Slaves to our Professions.
What they have is our own.
As plainly shall be shown;
For before us, Israels Race
The Canaanites did spoyle,
And make them turmoyle
For them in their own place.

With Allowance.

London, Printed for J. G. 1675.

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