A MANIFEST TOVCHING M. W. F. Aversion from the Protestant Congregation. AND HIS Conversion to the Catholique Church Presented to the Right Wor. ll Sir A. P. his much honoured Father, and his other best Friends, for their better satisfaction and his owne Iustification.
Viam iniquitatis amoue à me: & de lege tua miserere mei.
Viam veritatis elegi: iudicia tua non oblitus.
Dominus det vobis suam Pacem.
Hauing obtained à copy of my deare deceased Brother Williams Manifest which in his life was presēted vnto my Father, I make bold to addresse it vnto you in print, as more legible and vsefull, to fulfill and execute the will of my Brother, who was in his life most entirely deuoted to you, and most singularly Zealous of your souls salvation: which according as my bounden duty requires I equally tender and affect. [Page] I can not tell what acceptance it may relish with you, in respect of your olde age; yet sure I am, were you trauelling vnto Hierusalem, and should be informed by him or me, though inferiour in years, of the great dangers assuredly you would fall into, if you held on in the new way you had commenced your iourney in, doubtlesse you would take it maruelous kindly of vs, and as an argument of our true respectfull loue towards you, that by our notice you were prevented from falling in to the hands of bloodsucking enimies, or being swalowed vp in some vnknowne gulfe in your new passage. This is now you case: you are traueling in your Resolution to the beauenly Hierusalem: but vnder fauour and without offence, giue me leaue to tell you, that if you proceede in this new way, and new Religion you are in, the perills are unspeakably great, for that all going and holding this new way ar robbed: not of their temporall wealth, nor of their temporall life depriued by drowning, but by à Diabolicall crew and an Infernall gulfe spoiled of their sowles, to their owne irreparable dammage, and the opprobrious disgrace of Christ most pretious blood spilt in vaine for them. And howbeit this new way you walke in, may peradnenture seeme to you to be right and secure; Yet vndoutedly except you turne out of it, in the end it will leade you to endlesse perdition. You can not be [Page] ignorant, that the Origine of this new way, and occasion of putting our poore distressed countrymen out of the old approued path and good way, in which our auncestours walking, securely arriued to heaven▪ was the sacrilegious auarice and insatiable lust of King Henry the eight (in whom alone, not I, but, Sir Walter Raulie affirmes, all the markes of à Tyrāt might be found in case they were lost) who as all know that are versant in the hictory and tradition of our Nation, withdrew himsefe and the Realme from the obeyssanee of the Catholique Church, the old and only assured way to Saluation. Deus vnus est, & Christus vnus, & vna Ecclesia & Cathedravna super Petram, Domini voce fundata Saith S. Cyprian l. 1. Epist. 8. This Henry the eight because the Bishop of Rome S. Peters successour and Christs Ʋiccar on earth would not dispensc with him, to put à way his lawfull wife Queene Catherine of Spaine of blessed memory: he vsurped and tooke vpon him to be head of the English Church, and put àway most iniuriously his Queene. Which vnheard of arrogancy of his vsurped spirituall supremacy how God hath punished in his Successours, is too too sad, and too too fresh to rehearse. Patres nostri peccauerunt & nos portauimus iniquitates eorum, If God hath not his due in his vicegerent of his Church, it [Page] is no wonder that Caesar wbo by the grace and fauour of God temporaly gouerneth, hath not his due obedience from his subiects, and that they vsurpe à power ouer him: In quo quis peccat in hoc punietur. And seeing so much innocent blood of Catholiques haue beene spilt, and so many Priests slaine, as Prophets sent to reclaime her, I doe not wonder that God after so long à patient frustrated expectation of our Countrys penance and retourne, doth now bring forth the yron rod of the sword, and chastise the Kingdome with so much effusion of blood to auenge the contempt of his house the Catholique Church, the innocent members and Pastors put to death, and that the Bishops and others Who so much striued to put down Catholique Religion, should now, by the iust iudgments of God, be pulled downe, and haue their Church and Religion destroyed by themselues. I will set the Aegyptians against the Aegyptians and the brethren shall fight against the brethren Esay 19. Vaegenti peccatrici, woe woe to à sinfull nation, which by its hainous schisme and heresy hath forsaken God; teaching and speaking in his Catholique Church: which hath blasphemed holy Israel, and followed its owne giddy priuate spirit which seeth nothing aright: where euery one at his pleasure, carues & cut to himselfe à Religion out of the [Page] Scriptures interpreted according to their owne priuate and vnwarranted spirits: as if all were Apostles, all Prophets, all Doctours all Pastours contrary to the Ecclesiasticall order and Hierarchy instituted by Christ our Sauiour; as witnesses the Apostle S. Paul. 1. ad Cor 12. But alas will our poore distressed country neuer rise and retourne againe to her Mother the Catholique Church, that shee may haue accesse to God as à Father? Nunquid qui cadit non resurget & qui auersus est non reuertetur, quare ergo auersus est populus iste in Hierusalem, auersione contentiosa, apprehenderunt mendacium & noluerunt reuerti? &c. nullus est qui agat poenitentiam super peccato suo dicens quid feci &c. The turtle Doue, the Swalow, the Storke haue obserued the time of their comeing, but my people (saith God by his Prophet) haue not knowne the iudgment of the Lord. Hier. 8. And for as much as our poore Countrymen will not reflect vpon the manifest iudgments of God vpon the Kingdome for its reuolt by Schisme and Heresy from the Catholique Church: therfore is shee become desolate Desolatione desolata est omnis terra quia non est qui recogitet corde. Hieri. 12. Wherfore, Deare Sir, to preuent the maine misery of miseries, since God of his immense Clemency hath [Page] lent you space to returne (whilest thousands, and thousands in these calamities of our Nation are ingulfed in the bottomlesse pitt of hell) promptly obey the voice of God by the prementioned Prophet Heremie Aske of the old paths which is the Good way, and walke in it, and you shall finde refreshing for your soules. Cap. 6. v. 16. But aske timely with all possible diligence, breaking with all worldly considerations of honour, riches, or pleasures, for the loue of sweet Iesus, who not only endured for your sake all contradictions and opprobrious disgraces, but layd out all he was worth, euery droppe of blood, yea his most pretious life, that you might liue for euer in eternall glorie, in neuer ending pleasures, and the rich fruition and possession of his immense Maiesty, the All Good, the supreame Good, and the soueraigne sole Good. Let not momentary pleasure procure you an everlasting paeine, nor let á short sufferance depriue you of an infinite reward. Breuis voluptas, sempiterna poena: modica passio, infinita gloria, Saith the Seraphicall Father Saint Francis. Therefore whilest you haue time work well for your soule, the one thing which is necessary: differre not so consequent an affaire, least forgetting God in your life, he forsake you in your death bedde, according to that dreadfull saying of S. Augustine. [Page] Hac animaduersione percutitur peccator, vt moriens obliuiscatur sui, qui dum viueret oblitus est Dei. Aske then I beseech you timely of the old paths: which is the Good way, and walke in it, and you shall finde refreshing for your soule, These old paths, which is the Good way in which all the godly and holy persons walked to the heauenly Hierusalem, is the infallible iudgment of the supreame Pastours and Gouenours of Gods Church, which they followed as the guide of faith and necessary way of Salvation. In the old law it was strictly commaunded by almighty God. Exod 17. insomuch as whosoeuer should be so proud, as that he would not obey the order and commaund of the Cheife Priest, who was the iudge in Ecclesiasticall affaires, he was to die: This also in the beginning and foundation of the new law our B. Sauiour so strictly commaunded as he that would not obediently harken to the Church, he was to be reputed (not as one capable of life euerlasting) but as à beathen and publicane, that is, à person out of the state of saluation. This was the way S. Austen (whom euen the Protestants affirme to haue beene à most excellent wittnes of Antiquity, as liuing about the Primitiue times of Christs Church) tooke to resolue himselfe infallibly in doubts of Religion, as is to be seene in diuers places of his diuine workes; finally this [Page] also is the finall and continuall way in all ages since, all Orthodoxe professours haue folowed in the determination of controuersies of faith, as is manifest by the perusall of the Ecclesiasticall Records. This way did my deceased Brother take to resolue himselfe, employing all his cares to finde out the true Church of Christ, that is the Catholique Church: which the Apostles, in their Creed, only teach vs to belieue at all times, it being true at all times, to say, I beleeue in the holy Ghost, the holy Catholique Church: and to rest himsefe touching all points of faith in her iudgmēt, she being infallible therin, as perpetually being taught by the holy Ghost all truth and no errour. He sought humbly with perseuerance, and through Gods mercifull goodnes found it out'seeke also and you shall finde. Shall you vouchsafe to peruse impartially this his Manifest I am confident it will contribute much direction to the knowledge and embracement therof, to the glory of God, the ioy of the Angells and heauenly Saints, the saluatiō of your soule and comfort of your best friends, among whom he is one, who will not cease to pray our Blessed Lord and Sauiour, that he will illuminate the darknes of yours, my other friends, and Countrymens soules, that he will giue you à true faith, an assured hope, à perfect Charity; and endue you with the knowledge of him: [Page] that vnited to the Catholique Church, in all things all manner of wayes, you may accomplish his holy pleasure in this life, and in the next, enioying him with all the Saints, you may sing his mercies for euer. Which is, and shall be the dayly praier of him, who humbly begging that the necessary discharge of his bounden duty sor your soules Good, may finde pardon for his freedome, remaines euer as he professeth and subscribeth.
ALLTHOVGH to some it may seeme superfluous to print any thing in this nature, for any of our Countrymen, for that the present confusion and destruction of the English Church is manifest to all, who know what belongeth either to the Hierarchie, doctrine or discipline thereof, By which it is evident their Religion was neuer Scripturall, but parlamentary, founded on the changeable vote of à Maior parte; Yet to satisfy the will of the dead, I haue done it, to the end it may the more easilie be communicated to all his Protestant friends, as it vvas by him intended. Some happily might haue expected in the publication, I vvould haue diuided it into certaine Chapters, and in the end of them, according as occasion required, haue confirmed vvhat therein is said or supposed, vvith some additions. But I am as vvell acquainted vvith the humour of the times, vvhich loatheth prolix tracts, as I am vvith the multiplicity of mine ovvne occasiōs, vvhich vvill not permit any such fraternall office: Besides that it is my intention only to print it according to the Copy of the Originall, vvhich is in the hand of à Protestant friēd vvho is à man of qualitie. I could truly haue vvished that I had had the benefit of those Protestant books, he perused in order to this Manifest, [Page] that I might haue put the forme and yeare of the editions of these Authours he cites, in regard the seuerall editions and change of the forme in the editions, sometimes in quartò: another time in folio, or octauo, make the citations not so easilie to be found out as othervvise: besides many enlargements in the latter editions, vvhich disorders the text of the former; yet this in part is obserued by the Authour. In the 14. page I knovv not hovv the quotations of M. Bruges, Broughton and D. Whitaker vvere omitted: but knovv that M. Bruges vvordes are in his 6. Section of his Apologie, and M. Broughton in his, aduertisment to the Bishops. M. Whitakers in his Ansvver to M. William Reinolds pag. 225. As for the faults escaped in the printing, I must in the Printers behalfe, craue thy charity to couer his defects, for that he vvas à stranger to our language; to say nothing of the ill caracter of the Manuscript, vvhich for the orthographie and mispointing must pleade his pardon: for vvhat is othervvise materiall, I haue represented vvith the correction, leauing the rest to thy charity, and recommending thee to svveet IESVS our Blessed Sauiours fauorable mercy and protection.
PAg 3. linea 17. In steed of their read your. | |
P. 4. l. 11. ouer vvauetring. ouervveening. | |
P. 16. this. | his |
P. 12. & alibi infalloble. | Infallible |
P. 22. & 23. & 31. insepable. | Inseparable |
P. 27. Champpon. | Champion |
P. 38. Conditions. | Traditions |
P. 30. Praeches. | Preachers |
P. 37. tho. | the |
P. 39. Mose. | Moyses. |
P. 4. Antinomay. | Antinomians |
P. 50. Alleagtion. | Allegation |
P. 54. & 58. Maine. | Many |
P. 62. Heathers | Heathens |
Ibid: put out | Math. 28. |
P. 63. Captiuite. | Captiuate |
Ibid. Madmes. | Madnesse |
THE cause of vvriting this manifest. pag. 1. The reall Motiues of making his Search into matters of Religion. p. 2. A fitt disposition for the finding out the truth of Religion. p. 4. The false deating of Protestant vvriters acknovvledged by themselues. p. 6. The blasphemous absurdities of Protestants auouching the Church to haue perished. p. 7 The vnion of Sectaries vvhich principally consistes in their common conspiracy against the Romane and Catholique Church. VVhat it argues p. 8. The reason vvhy none vvith à safe conscience can adheare to the English Church. p 9. The guile full deceipt of Heritickes pretending to flie to the Scripture. p. 10. VVhether Protestants haue infallibly any true Scripture to dispute out of, or to build their faith on. from the 10. to the 13. Theire falsifying the Scriptures and vnconscionable dealing in commending them to the people, for the pure vvord of God. p. 14. That Protestants can not proue any thing assuredly out of Scripture. p. 16. The cunning of Heretickes in affirming the Church can erre, & that they take avvay all meanes of ending controuersies in Religion. p. 17. The manifold old heresies Protestants haue renevved. p. 18. to the 20. Their contempt of the Churches authority makes them guilty of Antichristian pride. p. 20. VVhat effect the consideration of the Prementioned absurdities vvrought. p. 21. The perpetuall visibility or succession of Pastours as the marke of Christes Church (vvhich is but one) established. p. 22. of vvhich also p. 66. &c. That the Fathers sled therevnto [Page] to confute heretikes. p. 23. to 26. proued. The Argument demonstrating that only the Romane Church is Christs true Church founded on the inseparable marks therof. p. 26. Protestants Confessions that their Church vvas not in the ages before Luther, but that truth was vnknovvne an vniuersall Apostacy ouer spreading the vvorld till his coming. p. 27. to 31. The consequence dravvn from their style of Reformed Church incompatible in points of faith vvith Christs true Church. p. 30. Their euasions of the Argument confuted. p. 31. A triall by expresse Scripture of the controuerted points of Religion. p. 32. to 38. Protestants impious dealing vvith Scriptures. p. 39. to 43. A Triall by the auncient Fathers according to Protestants ovvne Confessions p. 44. The deepe hypocrisy of Ievvel the English Protestants grand champion in Appealing to the Fathers. p. 47. The vanity also of Witthaker therin p. 48. Also VVillets diabolicall dissimulation in that point. p. 49. The exeerable blasphemy vvhich folovveth from Protestāts pretēded Reformation of the Church. p. 51. A Further prosecution of the Argument against other Sectes. p. 53. Protestants Confessions in behalfe of the Romane Church that she vvas the true Church and that she never fell. p. 55. to 61. The issue or result of the former discourse, and the Authours Resolution. p. 61. 62. &c. An Ansvver to the obiection of differring his Conuersion to the Romane Church. p. 72. The Fathers testimonies of her. p. 68. &c. The Conclusion and reason vvhy he so much vseth the Protestants confessions and testimonies. p. 75.
M. W. P. MANIFESTE TO HIS FRIENDS IN IVSTIFICATION Of his abandoning the English Church and becoming Catholique.
BEINGE not ignorant, but very sensible how falsely my brother is voyced to haue seduced me (such is theire phrase they please to vse) to become Catholique; and againe how temerariously, noe lesse vniustly my selfe is accused of Levitie and inconstancy for abandoninge the Protestant reformed Congregation: I haue therfore thought it à very behouefull part to declare my selfe breifly by this ensueinge manifest, as well to clere my brother, as to render your selfe, an dmy other best freinds some satisfactory accoumpt in iustification of myne owne Action.
[Page 2] First then, although my brother doe much ioy with the Angells for my Conversion (as I doubt not but all godly people doe) and might much more haue gloryed, had he been the Instrument or Agent therof; yet vpon my resolution, I assure yow, he was soe great à stranger unto it, as that he knew me not to be otherwise then à Protestāt, before that some weeks aster my reconsiliation to the Church of Christ, I tould him I was à Catholique.
Yea soe farr was he from conceavinge any hopes that way, as that he ingeniously and playnly tould me: that I was one of the prophanest Spiritts that ever he heard speake against his Religion.
How then was he an Actor in my Conversion to the Catholique Church, that was not onely such à stranger to it, but allso in à manner dispayringe therof.
As Concerninge the obiected Levity: I sincerly protest it was the due Consideration of the vanityes of these transitory affayrs, the vncertaynty of this present life, the Innumerable daingers that therin occurre, the Dreadfull Iudgement that I was to vndergoe, and the fynall sentence of eternall Ioye, or misery, never dyeing but everlastinge, wich I was to receive:
[Page 3] These important poynts (I say) seriously pondered, and not levity, occasioned my search into matters of Religion, on the verity or falsety wherof accordingly depends the salvation or damnation of every mans soule: which is the Vnum necessarium, (to vse the Gospell phrase) that aboue all affaires is to be regarded, What exchange will à man make for his soule? Verily by the irrefragable testimony of our Sauiour, If he gaynes the whole world he profitts nothinge if he suffer damage therof; Vnderstand yee these things that forgett God, whilst peradvēture ther will not be any to redeeme yow. Ps. 49. Oh all yee who are enthraled by the loue of perissinge riches, temporall honnors, Carnall freinds, and wordly respects; who by their actions and deeds deny God, nothinge fearinge the fynall sentence of eternall woe, or wellfare! Oh all yee (I say) tymely consider and take to hart this most Consequent affaire; least hereafter when it will be too late, ther wilbe none to releive or succor you; and therfore lett vs while wee haue tyme, worke good for our soules: Let vs now (I say) while it is A nunc acceptabile, seeke our Lorde while he may be fownd, and be prepared to ascertayne our selues in the knowledge and embracement of the one Catholique Church, [Page 4] out of which ther is noe salvation; least when wee little thinke of it, the Sonne of man will come to call vs to à dreadfull accoumpt, and finde vs Et minus habentes, & ad recte credendum tardos:
And forasmuch as that in the Inquest after soe weightye an argument, ther can be noe worse preparatiue disposition, and more disadvantagious to the findinge out of the soule savinge truth, then to haue aforehand an over wayueringe conceipt of the one syde, and to be prepossest by preiudicate opinion of the other part, I was resolued vtterly to divest my selfe of the passions of loue or hatred towards eyther syde; and dilligently with the impartiall eye of Charity, to looke into the principales of both Catholique and Protestant Religion, And seeinge fayth is à fupernaturall guifte descendinge from the Father of Light, and the goodnes of the Allmighty of his parte is such, that he would haue all saved, and forsaketh none that Cordially, humbly, and perseverantly seeke him; It was daylye my earnest and humble petition to him, soe to illumenate me, that if I were in the right, I might be Confirmed therin, If not to state me in that Church which is the pillar and foundation of truth: assureing my selfe that [Page 5] in such à disposition and resignation of my selfe into the hands of God, I should never be confounded, but secured: accordinge to that of the Royall Prophet hee that dwelleth in the aide of the heighest, shall abyde in the protectiō of the God of heaven: And therfore freely excite vs with an Accedite ad Deum & illuminamini & facies vestrae non confundentur; Psal. 33. v. 6.
Now then to the eye of the matter amongst many other motiues which warrants my aversion from the Englishe Congregation, to omitt the many absurdityes and daingerous Consequences of Protestants, Iustification by fayth onely, the impossibility of Gods Comaundements: the blemishinge the best works with sinne; their impious impugnation and hatred to Gods dearly beloved freinds, the heavenly Saynts, the negation of Frewill, the neglect of the Sacrament of pennance, and the penitentiall Acts: (vzt) humble confession, harty Contrition, and effectuall satisfaction, the fcoffinge at fasts, Corporall mortifications: and such lyke Doctrynes, of theirs tendinge to vitious liberty of lyfe: As allsoe the manifould deceipts, falsifications, and impostures Protestant wrighters doe practice to support their Religion, of whom Sir [Page 6] Edwin Sandes an eminent man amongst Protestants In his relation of matters of Religion pronounceth these words. The Protestant writers in relation of things, haue abused this present age, and preiudiced posteritye. Loue and dislyke haue soe dazelled their eyes, that they cannot be beleiued: Agreeable to which is the Confession of that Learned, and ingenious Protestant Zantius in his 10. Epist. to Strumus in the end of the 7. booke, and 8. of his Missellans: wher he vttereth these words of the proceedings of Protestante wrighters, Doctors and pillars of the reformed Church: The state of the question that it may not be vnderstood, wee often with sett purpose ouerclowde with darknes: Things which are manifest wee impudently denye, Things false without shame wee auouch. Things playeinly impyons wee propose as first principalls of fayth: Things Orthodoxal wee condemne of harisye; Scripture at our pleasure wee detort to our dreames &c. To omitt I saye the prementioned motiues with many more which exceedingly averteth me from the Protestant Congregation; the prime motiues, which warrante my aversion from Protestants, are for that not onely I haue ofen heard them averre that the Church of Christ might erre in matters of fayth: and read their [Page 7] many testimonyes that it hadd erred, made an vniversall Apostasye, and that for à longe space Truth was vnknowne, before that Martin Luther an Apostata, both from the holy order of S. Augustins Eremitticall Fryers; and the Catholique Church, became à new Apostle to them, whom they tearme à man sent from God, to illuminate the world, another Elias: First Apostle of the pure refined Gospell; The father of Protestants, and reformer, which restored the decayed Church of Christ to the primitiue Modell which is most blasphemous, contrary to the predictions of the auncient. (Note.) Prophetts, contrary to the promises made by God and Christ touchinge the perpetuall existence and assistance of his Church: yea distructiue of Christ himselfe: The new Testament: The Creed of the Apostles, and exceedingly strengthennige and advantaginge the perverse Sinagogue of the Iewes, as here aster in place convenyent I will further declare, not onely (I saye) this: which principally moveth me aboue all; but allsoe that I finde in the 39. Articles of the publique Confession of the fayth and Religion of English Protestants, that particuler Churches, as namely Ierusalem, Antioch &c. might as [Page 8] well erre in matter of fayth, as in livinge and Ceremonyes: Now seeinge in reallitye, the Englishe reformed Congregation is but à particuler Church: not onely for place, but for that it is never able to demonstrate that any other Congregation of men in the vniversall World, eyther before Luther or since Luther, ever had Communion with them in the 39. Articles which is the propper essence of our Englisse Protestant Religion (Note.) Howbeit by the way I doe grāt, that as ther are many falsityes howsoever different compared to each other, yet all are against one truth, Soe lykewise all Sects, that formerly were, and now are, as Protestants, Anabaptists, Puritanes, Brownists, Sacramentaryes, Hugonotes, Arminians, Gomorists, Sosinians, Semilutherans, &c. howsoever they iarr and impugne one another in many and werghty controuersies of fayth, as appeare by their innumerable bookes eagerly writt against one another: yet in this one thinge they accord by Common vnion, or rather Conspire, (to witt) against the Roman Church, which clerely discovereth it to be the true Church of Christ, were all Catholiques silent in her behalfe: If then the English Congregation be but à particular Church; [Page 9] For that it wants Communion with the Christian World in the 39. Articles of their Religion, consequently by her owne acknowledgment shee may erre in matters of fayth. Which beinge soe, what infallable assurance generally I pray yow can the mēbers of such à Church haue for their salvation? Seeinge accordinge to the testimony of holy witt It is impossible to please God without fayth: (wz [...]t) orthodoxall, much lesse to inioy him, Beinge then that the Certaynety of the salvation of the Churches members necessarily dependes on the Certaynty of à true fayth, without which they cannot please God, noe members that really tenders their soules salvation can with à secure Conscience followe or haue Communion with such à Church, which by her owne confession is lyable to erre in fayth: which is further thus demonstrated:
For eyther such à one followeth his whole Churches authority and doctrine, or he dissents from it? If he follow his Church and generall doctrine of his Pastors and teachers, then hath he noe certaynty or securitie, seeinge she is subiect to erre in matters of fayth, accordnge to his owne Confession: If he dissents from her, then is he more perplexed and endaingered, for if his whole [Page 10] Church be lyable to erre in matters of fayth, how much more any private member therof; and indeed it were intollerable pride for any inferior member to arrogate without showinge anye Divyne warrant, such à privilidge of not erringe in fayth, which his whole Church, as he supposed (accordinge to his owne confession) doth not participate.
Now to come to the pretended foundation of Protestant Religion, which is vsually to all other heretickes, the more colorably to disguise their errors, imitatinge the Divells transformation into an Angell of light, and vsurpation of That it is written, I meane the Byble, which they soe much appeale too, though with as little reason as ever auy Sect; for if these plaintiffes that accuse the Roman Church of Error, superstition, Noveltye and Idolatrie, be vrged to produce any playne place of holy writt to proue their accusation, for example sake: wher in holy writt it is syad That Gods Commaundements are impossible to be kept? or where in holy writt ther is any prohibition to craue the assistance of the heavenly Saints to ioyne their prayers with ours to our Lorde Iesus Christ, that wee may be made worthie of this promises? &c. the whole pack of them are not able to produce [Page 11] not soe much as one expresse text to that purpose but givinge slipp to the demaund in question, they fly to bye difficultyes, fabulous, or impertinent narrations, relatinge many tales of Cockes and Bulles, of this Pope and that Pope, of this Bissopp or that Fryer, Soe destitute are they of the ayde of holy writt which vaynely and frequently they pretend, soe that the sayeinge of the holy Prophet is well verifyed in them, The vngodly haue tould me their fables, but not as thy Lawe, Ps. 118. But wheter haue these frivolous impertinences of Protestants wrested my discourse? To retorne then to the Byble, on which solye they pretend to build all their fayth, although it be not controuerted betuene Catholiques and Protestants, or any other nomynated Christians: whether God hath any worde written which is infallable, vsually called the holy Scripture? As it is one thinge to question, whether ther be à Kinge of Spayne, and another thing wether Phillip, or Ferdinando be the Kinge therof? For that though the first (to witt) that ther is à Kinge of Spayne be most Certayne; yet the latter may be debated, which is the Lawfull true Kinge (vzt) Ferdinando, or Phillip; Soe though it be most Certayne that there is à written worde [Page 12] of God infallable: yet iustly may it be questioned whether that booke which Protestants haue and call the Byble be the holy Scripture or noe: For (as the Learned doe obserue) in the Scriptures three thinges are to be consydered, First the Cannon or Catologue of divyne bookes; Secondly the translation; And thirdly the sence which is the soule of the Letter:
Now then I demaund of Protestants what Infallible assurance they haue that the bookes which be in their Cannon, be onely divyne? And those which they reiect (as Apocripha) be really such: Will yow saye with Luther, and with other Protestants as Whitakre, and Doue, that yow received them from the Roman Catholique Church; Then it followeth if her authoritye who yow Credit therin be infallible, yow are allsoe bound to stande to her worde in other poynts of Religion: For if she be infallible (as she must) if yow haue any infallible assurance that the Scriptures yow received from her be really divyne in à matter soe fundamentell, much more is she to be Credited in other poynts, as namely concerninge the true interpretation therof &c. Secondly out of this answer it followeth, that the Roman Church cannot be Antichristian [Page 13] (as some Protestants vaynly pretend) For it cannot stand that they should preserue the Scriptures for soe many ages, wherin yow pretend your Church was vnknowne and latent: For then may Israell be fownd in Babilon, and participation bebetwene Christ and Belial: And she who is falsehood it selfe, be, by your owne inference, the pillar and foundation of truth; To be shorte then, must the whore of the Apochalips (Thus is Antichrist become Christ Servante and best supporter) Keep safe those Recordes wherby those many hundred Thowsonds of Christ virgins make their Clayme to the inestimable reward alloted for their vowe of Chastitye: As easily wee may beleiue, that the Arke, and the Idoll Dagon may be placed together. But indeed though yow haue the Roman Churches warrant, that those bookes that yow admitt as Canonicall to be divyne: yet never did the Roman Church warrant or assure yow that onely those bookes placed in your Cannon, be divyne, and the rest which yow reiect, to be Apochripha: It resteth then that the greatest assurance yow haue is the authority of your owne Church, which Confessedly is lyable to Error what infallible assurance haue Protestants of the purity and incorruption of [Page 14] their translation: especially seeinge many of their brethren hardly Censure it: How stall I approue (sayth M. Burges) vnder my hand à translation which hath many omissions, many additions, which sometymes obscureth, sometymes perverteth the sence, beinge sometymes senceles, sometymes Contrarye: M. Bronghton the great Hebritian thus sayth, The publique translation of the Scripture in English is such, as it perverteth the Text of the old Testament in eight hundred forty and eight places: and it causeth Millions of Millions to reiect the new Testament, and to runne into eternall flames: And to omitt how Bishopp Tunstall noated two thowsand Corruptions of the Bible in Tindalls translation, And allsoe how the Remists noated two hundred and tenn corruptions of the new Testament out of Greeke, which Protestants pretended to translate, not Chardginge them with an infynite number of their Corruptiōs repugnant to the auncyent authenticke Lattin, To omitt (I saye) these, and many other Catholique observations for which they Iustly except against the English Bybles; I add this Cōfessiō of the famous Protestant, D. Whitakre who though favouringe the Englishe trāslation of the Bible, as much as possible he might, yet thus he [Page 15] confesseth, I haue not sayd otherwise but that somethings in the Englishe translation might be amended; Now what infallible assurance (I saye) haue they to warrant their translation as incorrupt, seeinge the greatest warrant they haue for it is the authority of their Church, which by their confession may erre, And with what Conscience can they Commend vnto the people their English Byble thus Corrupted for the pure word of God: (Note.) Againe what infallible assurance haue they of the sence which is the life of the Letter, (to witt) that their expositions be the true meaninge of the holy Ghost; but the authority of their Church, which by their owne Confession is subiect to Erre? On the contrarye what infallible assurance haue they that the Catholiques Cannon, translation, and exposition of the Byble are not Orthodoxe, but the authority of their errable Church. (Note.) Now thē if fayth be an infallible Knowledge, (for by falliable and errable doctrine it is impossible to be saued) can anye one with à safe Conscience build all his fayth vpon such à Byble whose Cannon, translation, and interpretation hath noe infallible assurance; And in this I was infinitely confirmed when afterward I read in M. r Shillinghworths [Page 16] booke, approued by three Oxford Doctors as conformable to the Doctrine of the Church of England, (vzt,) that ther was noe infallible Certaynety to be assured That the Scriptures were really Gods worde. Which in effect is to suye, That Protestants who pretend to beleiue nothinge but that which is contayned in Scriptures haue noe infallible assurance, whether their Congregation be truely faythfull Christiains or no.
Moreover I demaund what certayne warrant Protestant Ministers and teachers haue of any Lawfull ordination or vocation for their pretensiue reformation, and departure from the Roman Church; with whom sometyme their Sect-masters were vnyted in Communyon of fayth: but their owne errable authoritye?
And consequently seinge their Church can erre, how can Protestants be assured that their Church doth not erre in Condemninge the Roman Church of superstition? Or how can the vulgar be sure they are taught the truth, when their teachers themselues confesse that their Church and all their Pastors may lye: In à word noe Protestant can produce any prooffe ont of Scriptures in his owne defence, or impugnation of Catholique Religion, [Page 17] but it is glossed or expounded (litterallie or misticallie) eyther by his Church, or his owne private Spiritt? If by his Church, what Certaynty or security, when confessedlie she may erre: If by his private Spiritt, much lesse is he free from error: And indeed by how much the more I heare and see Protestants amayne striue to maintayne, that the Church may erre in matters of Fayth, it renders me more averse from them, and Iustly to suspect their Religion, for that they seeme to be heires of vnworthie progenitors; (to witt) of the Arians who taught all Counsells to be subject to error; The hereticall Donatists who condemned the whole Church of Error As lykewise of the Wiklefians, and Waldenses: And would yow know the fundamentall reason of this their assertion: Truely ther is noe other then that by disgraceinge the Churches authoritie whith errability their doctrine might be exempted from the note of heresie, and themselues avoyd the tytle of hereticks, for if the Church could erre in the determynation of controuersies of Religion, why might not the decrees of the Church in Condemninge of hereticks be called in question, and soe in fine ther would remayne noe meanes to know who are hereticks, [Page 18] for if yow goe to the scripture which they whith great forwardnes will alledge, and seclude the Churches exposition of the true sence, they can never be Convinced, but will allsoe easilye elude whatsoever Text can be brought against them as long as themselues be iudges of the controversie and sense. And whem I Consider the many doctrines renewed by Protestants which formerly haue been Condemned by the Church as hereticall Noveltyes cōtrary to the fayth generally and aunciently professed, how can I againe imagine otherwise, then that they maintayne this dangerous and absurd position of the Churches errabilitie: for noe other end, then that their doctrine might be the betther freed from the Censure of heresies: for what, is not the denyinge of mans frewill the heresie of Simon Magus? Is not the affirmeinge that distinction and order onght not to be observed in the Church of God, the heresie of the Prepusians? Is not the denyinge that all synnes are forgiuen by the Sacrament of pennance, the heresie of the Nouatians? Is not denyinge of the water of Baptisme, to availe any thinge to our salvation one of the heresies of the Mamkeans? Is not the denyinge to offer sacrifice for the Dead, ād that ther is noe difference [Page 19] betwene à Bissopp and à simple Preist, and that the fasting dayes of the Church ought not to be kept, the heresies of Aeriaus: Is not the affirmation that by fayth onely, men maye obtayne life everlastinge the heresie of the Eunomians? Is not the theachinge that Infants may be saued without Baptisme one of the heresyes of the Pelagians? Is not the theachinge Marryage to be as acceptable to God, as virginitie, and that it is lawful for Nonnes and Monkes to Marry the heresies of Iouinian? Is not the denyinge the intercession of Saints, And the honoringe of the Martyrs reliques the heresies of Vigilantius? Is not the breaking downe the Images of our Lorde Iesus and of his Saints the Iconomachians heresie? Is not the denyinge of the body of our Lorde Iesus to be really present in the Sacrament of the Alter, the heresie of Beringarius? In à worde to omitte many other renewed heresies of the Albigenses, Waldenses Wicklifts, Hussitts and other detestable hereticks many yeares agoe condemned by the Church of God, Is not the denyall of the possibility of Gods Comaundements condemned, (as the famous and auncient Doctors, S. Ierome, & S. Augustin, witnes:) Condemned (I saye in certayne ould hereticks [Page 20] yea verilie. What marvill then is it, that when they see their Doctrine Condemned of hereticall novelty if they contemne the Churches authority in Generall Counsells, and reiect the auncient Fathers: As patrons of Papistrie: (Note) What marvill I saye seeinge in these they finde their condemnation in most Articles, now in contestation if they affirme the Churches errabilitie in matters of Fayth: True it is as S. Paul sayes, that an heretick is condemned by his owne Iudgment seeinge he disclaymes from the authority of Gods Churchs Which is the pillar and foundation of truth: and betrampleth the Pastors and Doctors, lights of the Church, in which he manifestly preferreth himselfe before the holy Ghost the ruler and director of the Church. Accordinge to Christ infallible promise (Note) And what is this else but to extoll himselfe aboue God: Super omne, quod dicitur Deus: Which is one of the speciall markes of Antichrist, and yet this Antichristian arrogancie in treadinge vnderfoot the diffinitions of the Church and the authority of the auncyent Fathers and Doctors therof is the verie mayne grownd of Reformers: And therfore Peter Martyr one of the pryme wpholders of the Reformed Church endoctrinates his fellowes [Page 21] with this principle, sayinge: That soe longe as wee stand to the Counsells and Fathers, soe longe wee shall remayne in the Papists errors: Lib. de votis:
Oh when I seriously considered and discussed the former discourse with many daingerous Consequences, which thence yssued and seeinge my selfe to sayle in the barke of such à Congregation which had noe assured safegard against eternall Shippwrack, it was high time to leaue her, and spedily to imploy all my endeavours for findinge out of that Church which is the Arke of safetye, the mother of the faythfull, the pillar of truth, Soe beutifull à spouse of Christ, which hath neyter spott nor wrincle, soe infallible à Iudge of all Controversies of Religion, as whosoever shall refuse to receive her sentence, is to be reputed as à Heathen and Publican: It is this vnspotted Church, not lyable to error in fayth, espoused to Christ for ever, who is with her to the consummation of the world and directs her by the holy Spiritt which shall abyde whith her for ever, and teach her all truth: It is this vnspotted spouse of Christ (I saye) my cares were incumbant spedily to procure for my mother to the end I might haue God for my Father.
[Page 22] The Caracteristicall and insepable marke of Christ Church which is but one, is that in her shall allwayes be found Pastors and Teachers for the Contineuall preachinge of the word, and administration of the Sacraments, the ordynarie meanes necessarie to Salvation To this effect are alledged these words out of the Apostle S. Paul: A text for its Clearnes able to Comment its Comment; (to witt) that Christ hath placed in his Church Pastors and Doctors to the Consummation of Saints till wee all meet in the vnitie of the fayth: That is (as Doctor Fulke à Protestāt divine expounds for ever, Calvin himselfe expowndinge it thus, Concluds in these words, The Church cannot at any tyme want Postors and Doctors, Now that these Pastors and Doctors must not at any tyme in their office and dutyes be sylent It is not onely witnessed by the Holy Ghost (I saye 62.) but allsoe besydes (the nature of their function requiringe it) acknowledged by Protestants: And therfore Doctor Fulke sayth well, Truth cannot be continued in the world, but by the Ministry of the Pastors and Doctors: In lyke sort touchinge the administration of the Sacraments the same is more particulerly evicted from the cleare words of our Saviour, and S. Paul: seinge by the [Page 23] help of them wee shall Shew the Lords death till he come, 1. Cor. 11. A point soe evydent that it lyeth out of the way of all contradiction And therfore Willett à Protestante in playne words mayntaineh that the absence of the Sacraments makes à nullity of the Church: And againe in Doctor Whittakres phrase, That The administration of the word and Sacraments being present Constitute à Church, beinge absent doe subuert it: And againe as the some Doctor styleth them they are Ecclesiae essentiales proprietates: Thus doth Protestants ioyntly with Catholiques teach that not at same tymes onely the Church of Christ beinge his insepable and immaculate Spouse with whom he isto the Consummation of the world, is to enioy Pastors and Doctors for the vse of the word and Sacraments, at other tymes to be wholly destitute of them, (ague lyke havinge their accesses and remissions) but that at all tymes, and in all ages, in all seasons, the Church without any interruption is to Continew in his full Orbe, by ever inioyinge the aforesayd meanes of salvation.
Hence it is that the Fathers to confound hereticall congregations presse heretickes to shew their contynuall succession of Pastors [Page 24] and professors of their doctrine, because if they go to scriptures interpretating it according to their owne iudgement there can be noe determination or end Thus S. Ireneus confounded Valentinus, Cedron, and Marcion By this ordynation of succession (sayth he) the tradition which is from the Apostles received into the Church and the publishinge of fayth hath come even vnto vs, wee beinge able to shew, wee put all those to confusion, that through vayne glory ond ignorance broach new doctrines in the Church. l. 3. c. 3. 4. 5. For none of these Heretickes can deryue their succession from the Apostles, nor shew how their doctrine was received by tradition from thence; Thus Turtullian de praes. c. 11. confoundeth Valétinus Apelleus and other heretickes; Lett them publishe the Origens of their Church (sayth hee) let them vnfould the order of their Bishopps soe proceedinge by successions from the begininge so that the first Bishopps haue predecessors some Apostle or Apostolicall man, perseveringe with the Apostles: in that manner they produce the sence of the Apostolicall Church. In this sort doth S. Cyprian confound Novatian because he cannot proue his su [...]cession accordinge to Apostolicall tradition: Novatian: (sayth he) l. 1. Ep. 7. is neyther [Page 25] Bishopp nor member of the Church: who Contemninge Evangelicall and Apostolicall tradition, succeeding noe man, is ordayned of himselfe. Thus doth S. Augustin l. 2. cont. Retil. c. 51. confound the Donatists, and Sectaryes of his tyme, Number (sayth he) Your Preists even from the seate of Peter, and observe that order of fathers who succeeded one another; and the Successions of Bishopps, was one thinge amougst others, that kept the same S. Augustin, gloryous Doctor of the Church, from departinge out of the bosome of the Catholique Church: for thus he sayth in his Epistle to the Manicheans, Many things most iustly retayneinge me in the bosome of the Church, the succession of Preists from Peters seate to this present Bishopp keepes me in the Church: the name Catholique keepes me &c. Fynally hence it is, that S. Ierome thus Counselleth, In that Church wee ought to abyde which founded by the Apostles to this very day lasteth: yea such an evydent veritie it is that Christ true Church shall never want at any tyme Professors and members therof, as that it extorts this testimony from her aduersarie D. Whitakre Not without great ioy of mynde wee doe beleive, that Christ Church hitherto hath endured, neyther shall it perish, soe longe as the world stands, [Page 26] and the Contrary opinion wee esteeme as à prophane heresie. From this established foundation is erected this discourse for my purpose. ‘ (Note) The true Church of Christ which is but one, shall in all ages ever inioye à succession of Pastors and Doctors for the administration of the worde, and Sacraments; Therfore the true Church of Christ hath ever remayned without interruption of such Pastors and Teachers from the Apostles tyme even vntill this daye: But noe Church extant in the world can be assigned to haue remayned without interruption of Pastors for the administration of the worde and Sacraments, saue only the Roman Church Therfore irrefragablie it followeth that the Roman Church only and those which haue Cōmunyon of fayth with her, to be the only true Church of Christ, or else, which is most absurde and Blasphemous, that Christ hath noe Church vpon earth, but that the gates of hell to her destruction hath prevayled against her, contrary to Christ promyse.’ That there is noe Christian Church extant, but the Roman Church that hath withont interruption in all ages enioyed both Pastors and Doctors, is esilie demonstrated, for neyther the Protestant [Page 27] Church, nor the Iewes, nor the Arians, Donatists, Manicheans, Pelagians, Wicklefians Graecians, Mahometans, or any other Church can be assigned but the Roman: Therfore &c. First concerninge the Protestant Church it is but new and began from Luther, from whence it is called Lutheran and reformed, which is manifest by the restimonies of the learned Protestants, and Luther himselfe which I will here inserte. Let then first their Champpō of the Englishe Church, Iuell speake in the first place, he in his Apologie of the Church of Englād in the fowerth parte, and fowerth Chapter, And in his defence of the Apologie Anno 1571 pag. 426. Truth (sayth he) was vnknowne all that tyme, and vnheard of, when Martin Luther, and Vldericke Zwinglius first came into the knowledge, and preachinge of the Gospell, M. Perkins sayth in the exposition of the Creed and in his Reformed Catholicke; Wee affirme: sayth he, that before Luthers dayes for many hundred yeares our Church was not visible to the world an vniversall Apostasie over spredinge the whole, face of the earth; In soe much as Bucer in his epistle to the Bishopp of Hereford calls Luther The first Apostle of the reformed Gospell, whose vocation, sayth Conradus Sohlussburg, [Page 28] by reason of the then generall defection of all Protestāt Pastors was immediate and extraordinary, and againe, sayth the same Author, had Luther had any Orthodox predecessor ther had needed noe reformation, Doctor Whitackres Con. 4. qu. 5. C. 3. In tymes past noe Religion, sayth he, had place in Churches but Papisticall; And therfore in another place he thus write h: wee acknowledg Luther to be our father, Brocarde in the 2. C. Apocal. sayth thus: when the preachinge of the Gospell was allowed in Luther, and his first onsett against the Papasie, the knowledg of Christ was fownd missinge in all and every of his members: D. Bancrofte in his Survay c. 4 hath these words, both the Preists of all sorts and lykewise the people, began in tyme to be drowned in the puddles of Poperie, all of them together from the topp to the toe; Calvin who in his Epistles affirmes that they weere inforced to departe from the whole world in his booke of the necessity of reformation, thus writeth: It is manifest that the whole world was bewitched with these wicked opinions before Luther appeared. Morgastren in his Treatise of the Church avou [...]heth that it is ridiculous (to thimke) that in the tyme before Luther, any had the puritie of doctrine and that Luther should receive it from them, and not [Page 29] they from Luther. Consideringe it is manifest to the whole Christian world, that before Luthers tyme all Churches weere overwhelmed with more then Chimerian darknes and that Luther was divinely raysed vp to discover the some and to restore the light of true doctrine: And Luther himselfe in the preface of his 1. Tom. Here see even by my case how hard it is to get out of errors, which are confirmed by the example of the whole world, and by longe custome, as it were, changed into nature, And To. 2. This is written his Epitaph. Oh Christ he shewed thee, when all the world was overwhelmed with darknes, And li. 1. de captiu. Babil. beinge to wright against the Masse he sayth, neyther lett it move thee, that the whole world hath the Contrary opinion and custome, And fo. 68. Ther is allmost this day nothinge more received or more settled in the Church then that Masse is à sacrifice: Againe I sett vpon à thinge which beinge approud by the custome of soe many ages and consent of all, is soo ingrafted as it is needfull to change almost the whole face of the Church: But by the way will yow knowe by whose instigation and what spiritt moved him ther vnto? Let Hospinian, à learned Protestant speake Hist. Sacram. part. vlt. Luther Confesseth (sayth he) that he was taught by the Divell, [Page 30] that Masse, and cheifly private Masse is nought, and that beinge overcome by the Divells reasons he abolished it, And therfore noe marvaill if Luther li. de Abrog. Miss. fo. 244. thus writeth, How often did my tremblinge hart quake, and reprehendinge me obiected, that their strongest and onely Argument: Art thou onely wise what did all erre, were soe many ages ignorant? Behould how Luthers hart and conscience did tell him that he aloue knew Protestancie, and was the first Pastor and Preacher therof; Hence in his Epist. ad Argent. Anno 1525. he maintaynes this point against Zwinglius sayeinge wee dare boast that Christ was first published by vs. Soe playnlie doe the Protestants and Luther himselfe frely confesse, an vtter defection and want of their Churches Pastors and preaches for administration of the word and Sacran ents before Luther. And indeed this manifestly appeareth out of the name of reformed Church. For it is impossible the Church should be reformed except it first had perished and been deformed, soe that Protestants teach and professe à Fayth formerly decaied and deformed, afterward restored and reformed: But the Catholique fayth of Christ Church (foe firmely built on à rock that Hell gates shall [Page 31] never prevayle against it) is an incorruptible Fayth of all tymes and consequently cannot be deformed or decay at any tyme, aud especialy in such essentiall matters which the reformers pretend the Catholique Church to haue been deformed. (Note) Wherfore Protestants that doe teach à fayth which heretofore was deformed and decayed, doe not professe nor teach Catholique fayth, but à novitiall innovated Religion. Seeinge then Luther was the first Pastor and teacher which reformed it, it is evident, that imediately before Luther they had noe Pastors nor Doctors of their Church. But peradventure yow will saye that the Apostles, Evangelists and all the aūcyent Fathers, pillars and lights of Gods Church, of the first sixe hundred yeares were all Protestant Pastors and teachers of the reformed doctrine, but afterward for the space of nine hundred yeares ther were none extant till Luther. But this answere satisfieth not my argument, but rather Confirmeth it, (to witt) that the Protestant Church, hath not in all ages ever enioyed Pastors and Doctors for the administration of the word and Sacraments. Which is an insepable Marke of Christ true Church: for were Protestants Christ true Church, then should they haue had in all [Page 32] ages Pastors and Doctors to haue taught their fayth; and not decline the Iudgment of the Pastors and Doctors of the Church, which lived in the nyne hundred yeares before Luther and cōmunicated realy with, those of the 600. Secondly the answere is false, if they will either be tryed by expresse Scripture or Fathers, as it will appeare by the revnnige through of the principall points, which are now controverted betwixt Catholiques and Protestants.
First then by Scripture Catholiques doctrine is there playnly confirmed, and the reformers condemned, for example, Catholiques haue expresly, If thou wilt enter into life, keep the Cōmaundements Mathew 19 17. And that his Commaundements are not heavie. 1 10. 5. 31. And againe, In this wee know that wee haue knowne him if wee observe his Commaundements. He that sayth he knoweth him and keepeth not his Commaundements is a lyer and the truth is not in him: But he that Keepeth his word, in him in very deed the Charity of God is perfected, in this wee know that wee be in him. 1. 10. 2. v. 3 4. 5. and 10. 17. 6. Protestants who brage they know God better and that they are Dearer to the spiritt then other men haue noewher any playne Scripture, [Page 33] that they are either intollerable or impossible to be kept, or that they may haue life everlastinge without keepinge of them. Catholiques haue expresly, whose sinns ye forgiue, are forgiven, whose sinnes ye retaine they are retayned Iohn. 20. Protestants haue noewhere that Preists on earth cānot forgiue sinns or retayne sinnes. Catholiques haue expresly That à man is Iustified by workes and not by fayth only I am. 2. and that the doers of the lawe shalbe Iustified Ro. 2. Protestants haue noewher that man is Iustified by fayth alone, noe, nor that he is Iustified by fayth without works, speakinge of workes that followe, and presupposeih fayth of which the Controversie only is, nor that the Law required at Christians handes, is impossible, and that the performance therof iustifieth not à Christian; Catholiques haue expresly, worke out your salvation with feare and trembling. Phillp. 2. Protestants haue noewher eyther that à man can worke nothing towards his owne salvation, beinge helped by the grace of God, or that à man should make it is beleiffe to be saved without feare or doubt: Catholiques haue expresly Vow yee, and render your vowes, psal. 75. Protestants haue noewher, vow yee not, or break your vowes, as beinge vnlawfull [Page 34] to vow, Catholiques haue expressly: Doe ye the worthie fruits of pennance, Luke. 3. Protestants haue noewhere that fayth onely is sufficient without all satisfaction and other works of pēnance on our partes, Catholiques haue expresly, That every man shalbe saved accordinge to his works Revela. 20. Protestants haue noewhere that men shalbe Iudged accordinge to their fayth: Catho. haue expresly, That the Angell of our Lorde sayd, Oh Lorde of host how longe wilt thou not haue mercy on Ierusalem, and on the Citiyes of Iuda, with which thou hast been angrie: Za. 1. 10. Protestants haue noewhere that Angells or Saints Make not intercession for men in this miserable life, and therfore that it is idle to craue their prayers: Catho. haue alsoe expresly, that Another Angell came and stood by the Alter of gould which is before the throne of God, and the smoke of the incenses of the prayers of Saints ascended from the hand of the Angell before God. Revel. 8. Protestants haue noewher that Angells and heavenly Saints doe not offer the prayers of the Saints of the Militant Church on earth and that they cannot know them to present thē vnto God. Catholiques haue expresly, Grace to yow, and peace from him that is, and that was, and that shall [Page 35] come, and from the seaven spiritts which are in the sight of his Throne, and from Iesus Christ; Revel. 1. 4. Protestants haue noewhere, that S. Iohn the Evangelist did not invocate the seaven Spiritts or Angells (wherof in the first Chap: he maketh mention) for the obtayninge of grace and peace for the Churches of Asia: and that only wee must pray to God alone, and not to Christ as man and the Angelicall Spiritts and heavenly Saints Liuing with Christ. Catholiques haue expresly, that God is wonderfull in his Saints: psalm. 67. Protestants haue noe where that he is dishonnored in them, Catholiques haue expresly without any limite of time: And these signes shall follow them that beleive, In my name shall they cast out Divells, they shall speake with new tongues, they shall take vp Serpents, and if they drinke any deadly thinge it shall not hurt them, they shall laye handes on the sick and they shall recover, Mar. 16. And againe verily. verily, I saye vnto yow, he that beleiveth in me, the works that I doe he shall doe allsoe, and greater workes then these shall he doe: Io. 14. Protest: haue noe where that none which are of Christ Church, or fayth, and Congregation shall doe any Miracles lyke vnto his, and that it is à signe of an Antichristian Church to worke [Page 36] such profitable Miracles, Catholiques haue expresly, that: From Pauls bodie were brought vnto the sick handkircheeffes, or napkins and the diseases departed from them, and evill Spiritts went out of them, Act. 19. 12. Protestants haue noewhere that by the Reliques of Saints Miracles may not be wrought, and that they are not to be esteemed or regarded: Catholiques haue expresly Concerninge Virgins, I haue not à Commaundement from our Lorde but Counsell I give: 1. Cor. 7. And againe: the vnmarried shalbe more blessed, if she remaine soe accordinge to my Counsell: Ioan. 40. Protestants haue noe where that it is not lawfull to doe anie thinge except it can be warranted by an expresse Commaund from God. Catholiques haue expresly; And the Apostles & Elders came together for to consider of this matter Act. 15. 6. Allsoe wee haue sent therfore Iudas and Silas who shall allsoe tell yow the same things by mouth, for it seemeth good to the holy Ghost and to vs &c. Ibide; ve. 27. 28. Protestāts haue noewhere that when important Controversies of Religion doe arise, men must be sent onely to Scriptures, and to every ones private Spiritt, or that it is needles to assemble Counsells of the Pastors of the Church, for the determination of them, and [Page 37] that their decrees be not infallible and proceeds not from the holy Ghost, Catholiques haue expresly, that He that hath determined in his hart beinge settled, not havinge necessity, but havinge power in his owne will, and hath iudged this in his hart to keep his virgine doth well, therfore he that ioyneth his virgine in Matrimony doth well, but he that ioyneth it not doth better: 1. Cor. 7. 37. Againe tho Lust therof shalbe vnder thee and thou shalt haue dominion ouer it, Gen. 4. 7. Protestants haue noewhere that mā hath not free will or power to choose good, and to eschw that which is badd, througe the assistance of Gods grace: Catholiques haue expresly, This is my body, this is my blood: Mat. 26. Alsoe the bread which I will giue is my flesh: which I will giue for the life of the world, Alsoe my flesh is meat indeed and my bloud is drinke indeed. Io. 6. Protestants haue noewhere that vnder the externall accidents, of bread and wyne that really the body and blood of Iesus Christ is not there, and that it is not in substance flesh and blood indeed, but only à figure or signe of it, Catholiques haue: From the risinge of the Sonne even to the goeinge downe, great is my name amongst the Gentiles, and in every place ther is sacrificinge, and there is offered to my name à Cleane oblation [Page 38] because my name is great amonge the Gentils, sayth the Lord of hoste Mall. 1. 11. Protestants haue noe wher that ther is noe sacrificeing or publique oblation since Christ offerred himselfe at Ierusalem vpon the Crosse. Catholiques haue expresly, Hould the traditions which yee haue learned whether it be by worde or by our Epistle, 2. Thess. 2. Allsoe my words which I haue put in thy mouth. Shall not depart out of thy mouth, and out of the mouth of thy seed, and out of the mouth of the seed of thy seed, sayth our Lorde from this present and forever, Esay. 59. and. 21. Protestants haue noewhere that Apostolicall vnwritten conditions are not to be observed, and that none of Gods word by divine assistance shall be cōtinnallie deliuered by word of mouth, and not openly be still professed, nor that there is noe infallible deliverie of true doctrine by word of mouth, Catholiques haue expresly I will giue yow another Paraclet that he may abyde whith yow forever, the Spiritt of truth: he shall teach yow all truth. 10. 14. 16. and 16. 13. Protest: haue noewhere that the Church is not ever assisted by the holie Ghost, and that at some tymes she may teach some errors, Catholiques haue expresly: Thou art Peter and vpon this rock will I build my Church Mat. 16. 18. and [Page 39] that I haue prayed for thee that thy fayth may not faile; Allsoe Iesus sayd to Simon 'Peter, Simon of Iona lovest thou me more then these; he sayd vnto him, yea Lorde, thou knowest that I loue the &c. Hee sayd vnto him feed my sheep: 10. 11. 15. To thee will I give the keyes of the Kingdome of heaven: Mat. 18. Prostest: haue noewhere that vpon S. Peter (by grace made à rock) the Church was not built, nor that he was instituted Pastor to feed the Christian flock, and that to him were not given the Keyes of principallitie, and that he had not the priviledge after that he was Pastor of not erring in matters of sayth.
But can ther be à more evidēt argument that the holy Scriptures cōfirme not Protestāt Religion how impudētly soever they pretēd Scriptures, then their impious detraction from the authoritie of Moses, the Evangelists, the Apostles, and their writings? Wheras Mose, was the first that writt any parte of Scriptures and he who writt the Lawe of God, or tenne Commaundements. Luther thus reiecteth him and his tenn Commaundements. Tom. 3. Serm. fo. 40. 41. and in Colloq. Mensal. Ser. fol. 152. 153. Wee will neyther he are nor soe Moses, for he is given only to the Iewes, neyther doth he belonge to vs. In Colloq. Menfal. [Page 40] C. de lege & Evangel. I will not receive Moses whith his Lawe for he is the enemy of Christ, And ibid. fol. 118. Moyses is the master of all hangmen, and in Serm. de Moyse The tenne Cōmaundements belonge not to Christians, and in Convin. Coloq. cyted by Ourifal Cap. de lege, let the Commaundements be altogether reiected, and all heresies will presently cease, for the tenne Commaundements are as it were from whence all heresies springe. Islebius Luthers Scholler taught that the decalogue was not to be taught in the Church. And from him came the Secte of Antinomans who publikly taught that the Law of God is not worthie to be called the worde of God. If thou beest à whoremonger, if an adulterer, or otherwise à sinner; beleive, and thou walkest in the way of salvation: when thou art drowned in sinne even to the bottome, if thou belivest, thou art in the middest of happines: All that busie themselues about Moses, that is the tenne Commaundements, belonge to the Divell, to the gallowes with Moses. Luther doth not belive all things related in the booke of Iob. And with him it is as it were the argument of à fable; He sayth of Ecclesiasticus, this booke is not prefect, manie things are taken away, it wanteth bootes and spurres, that is, it hath noe prefect sentence, And [Page 41] in his preface vpon S. Iames Epistle, he styles it contentious, tumide, strawie and vnworthie of an Apostoticall spiritt, and againe Luther preposterously comparinge the fower Evangelists among themselues preferreth, the Epistles of S. Paul farre before the three former (to witt) before S. Mat. S. Marke, and S. Luke: and iudgeth that the onely Gospell of S. Iohn is excelent and true. Castalio commaunded the Canticles of Solomon to be thurst out of the Cannon, As an impure and obsceane songe. Calvin feared not to affirme that S. Iames approved superstitious vowes, and brought Paul to consent with him in the same faults, in Ca. 21. Act. and vpon the 2. of S. Math. wrights that Mathew did improperly and osten cyte the sentences of the ould Prophetts against their true and proper sence. See him alsoe vpon the 4. Chap. 13. ve. and in 8. C. v. 17. and n. 27. C. v. 9. And in his institutions li. 2. C. 16. 8. 10. doubt whether the Apostles Creed were made by the Apostles; and in the 15. C. Act. affirmes that S. Marke Was à forsaker of his vocation, and an Apostata &c. and that he had filthilie through his owne fault fallen from his Chardge. Elebitius opposeth the Evangelists one against another, for in his victorie of truth [Page 42] and ruine of Poperie, he hath these worde, Marke and Mathew deliver the Contrarie, therfore to Mathew and Marke beinge twoe Witnesses, more credit is to be given then to one Luke. Swinglius Tom. 2. cont. Anabapt. chardgeth the Anabaptists with ignorance for that they thinke the Commentaries of Evangelists, the Epistles of the Apostles, to haue been then in authoritie, when Paul did wright these things, as though Paul did attribute soe much to his Epistles that what soever was contained in them wus sacred &c. which thinge (sayth Swinglius) were to attribute immoderate arrogancie to the Apostle. Others as Witakres cont. Bell. Controu. 2. 9. 4. p. Fulk 32. Fulke against the Rem. Test. in Gal. 2. fo. 322. Condemne S. Peter to haue erred in matters of fayth, even after the holie Ghosts descendinge vpon the Apostles: (Note) But these things once admitted how then were the Evangelists and Apostles, Scribes of the Holie Ghost, and Erred not in their preachings? M. Rogers vpon the 6. Article confesseth and nameth sundry of his brethren Protestants reiecting for Apocriphall, S. Paules Epistle to the Hobrewes, the epist. of S. Iames, the. 1. & 2. and S. Io. of Iude, and the revelation of S. Iohn, (wher by the way yow may observe [Page 43] the Concorde, or Communion, which Protestants haue even touchinge the Scripture, and pretended principales of their fayth) finallie doe not our Englishe Protestants discarde as Apocriphall, and rase out of the auncient Cannon of the Church Tobie, Iudith, Esther, Baruch, the booke of Wisdome, the 1. & 2. of the Machabees &c. here I saye nothinge of the manifould corruptions and erronious interpretations made by Protestants even in these Scriptures which themselues admitt to be Canonicall; and how their Apostle Martin Luther whom they soe much magnifie, sayth in his. 1. Tom. witt. fo. 155. In regarde that Christ is the treasure, I care not for all the sayings of the scripture, Planè nihil curo omnia Scripturae dicta: And to omitt allsoe how in his Colloq ad Mensall. fo. 286. he calles the Apostles, great Knaues, these be his wordes Apostoli etiam fuerunt peccatores, & crassi magni nebulones: C. 2. p. 18 (Note) Here I appeale to the indifferent Iudgment of an impartiall reader, whether any men livinge wold ever like vnto the Protestants and reformers, soe reiect, deride, and Censure eyther the Prophetts, Apostles, Evangelists, and the sacred Scriptures, if they did favour their cause, as they vaynly pretend.
[Page 44] Now to come to the tryall of the auncient Fathers, who interpreted the Scriptures with great fame and prayse, in the Church of God, and lived within the first sixe hundred yeares; which tymes they acknowledg to be pure, and therfore appeale vnto them, as best able to wittnes the profession of fayth of the primitiue Church, as beinge the Pastors and Doctors therof. For brevity sake I will forbeare to alledge the Fathers testimonies in prooffe of Catholiques doctrine, which I haue reade, But I will make evident by the playne Confessions of the best Champions of the reformed Church, and greatest aduersaries of Catholiques that the auncient Fathers in Controversies of Religion are on the Catholiques side, for which reason they Censure them. For example, to begin with S. Peters primatie, M. Fulk when the consent of auncient Fathers were alleeged against them to that purpose, vpon the words of Christ: Then art Peter and vpon thee will I build my Church, Answereth it Cannot be denyed, but divers of the auncient Fater otherwise goodly and learned, were deceived, in opinion of Peters prerogatiue: And Zantius another great Protestant sayth, the Fathers exposition, vpon this Rock, that is vpon Peter is not admitted, And [Page 45] Luther the great Apostle of Protestancie sayth: Heare all eyther Fathers or Doctors as manie as hitherto haue interpreted Scriptures, haue stumbled, as when that of Math 16. Then art Peter &c. they interpret of the Pope; Kemtius Cōc. Tr. p. 3 sayth, hat most of the Fathers, as Nazianzē, Nissē, Basill, Theodorett, Ambroi, Ierome, Augustine, did not dispute but avouch the soules of Saints and Martyrs to heare the petitions of those that prayed vnto them, they went often to the monuments of Martyrs, and invocated Martyrs by name. Whitgifte, defen. p. 473. All the Bishopps and learned wrighters of the Greek Church and Latins allsoe for the most part wree spotted with doctrines of frewil, of merit, of invocation of Saints and such lyke. Doctor Whitakers de Sac: Script. p. 655. & 678. & 68. besyde that he sayth of Dionisius S. Paules disciple, that he was a great patron of traditions, and of S. Basill that he beleived Limbus Patrum and vnwritten traditions, he confesseth generallie of all the auncient Fathers, that they held Limbus Patrum, free will, merrits of good workes, invocation of Saints, Single life of Bishopps &c. And that the Popish Religion is patched out of the Fathers errors. D. Homph. in his Iesuitis part. 2. p. 930. teacheth that it may not bé denyed but [Page 46] that Ireneus, Clement, and others called Apostolicall, haue in their wrightings the opinions of free will, and merrite of workes: Lascitius à Protestant of noe meane ranke would haue vs to beleive: in his defen. pa. 146. that the Fathers devised Purgatorie, that they were of opinion, that prayers and Sacrifice of the Masse was to be offered vp for the dead, that they bereaved the lay people of the Cupp, called vpon dead Saints, and brought in such lyke errors. Calvin allsoe sayth it was à custome one thowsand three himdred yeares agoe to pray for the dead, but all of that tyme I confesse were carried away into errors. Those things which occurre here and ther abont satisfaction in the writings of all those in ould tyme, moved me little, I see indeed some of them, I will speake playenly, allmost all whose bookes are extant, haue eyther slipped in this point or spoken too rigorouslie and too harshly: But will yow see how Luther betramples the Fathers in his Colloq. Mensal. Cap. de Patribus Eccles. (Note) In the wrightings of Ierome, ther is not à worde of true fayth in Christ and sounde Religion: Tertullian is veri superstitious: Of Chrysostome I make noe accoumpt. Basill is of noe worth, he is wholie à Monke, I weigh him not à hayre, Ciprian is but à weake divine &c. Thus your [Page 47] grande Apostle Luther, who therfore readeth this lesson to all his followers; Lay aside all such weapons as the auncient Orthodoxall Fathers, Schooles and Divines, authorities of Councells and Popes, the consent of soe many ages, and of all Christian people doth afforde: (Note) Wee receive nothinge but Scriptures, but soe, that wee alone may haue the approued authoritie of interpretinge them: (Note) as wee expownd them, soe was the meaninge of the holie Ghost, what others bringe be they never soe great, be they never soe maine, it proceedeth from the spiritt of Satan and from à madd and alienated mynde. Peter Marter one of the principall of the reformed Church li. de votis, sayth, soe longe as wee doe insist vpon Counc [...]lls and Fathers, wee shale allwayes be conversant in the same Errors: Duditius sayth, If that be the truth that the Fathers haue professed with mutuall consent, it is altogether on the Papists side.
Alas what ment M. Iewell then with such deep dissimulation to the preiudice of his owne and others soules, by solemne acclamation in à publique Sermon at Paules Crosse, to vtter these words. Oh Gregoire, Oh Augustin, Oh Hierome, Oh Chrisostome, o Leo, o Dionisius, o Anacletus, o Calixtus, o Paule, o Christ! If we be deceived, ye haue [Page 48] deceived, this yow taught vs, had not M. D. Humphrey in the life of Iewell good reason to reprehend his bould appeale, affirmeing therin that he granted over much, and yelded more then of right vnto the Papists, and iniured himselfe over much, &c. And in à manner spoyled himselfe and the Church &c. what haue wee to doe whith the Fathers, with fleshe, or blood: had not D. Steephens his intimate freind better reason to abandon the Protestant Religion when vpon M. Iewells intreatie, he had revewed his booke and admonished M. Iewell of his Manifould falsifications of the Fathers, he obtained nothinge at his handes, but diabolicallie persistinge tould him, they would disgrace soe the Papists that they should not be beleived against him, though they discovered never soe many of his falsifications: Had not allsoe M. Wallsingham iust reason to leaue the Church of England when he fownd soe many corruptions and falsehoods in this their greatest Chāpion of their Church. Soe heighly honored by Protestants, as that he hath been kept in diverse Churches as à pullpitt booke.
Alas what ment M. Doctor Whitaker allsoe with the lyke damnable hipocrisie, soe [Page 49] confidently to saie. The speech of M. Iewell was most true, and Constant: when provokinge yow to the Antiquity, of the first sixe hundred yeares he offerred: That if yow could shew but any one cleare and playne sayinge out of any Father, or Councell he would graunt yow the victorie: Tis the offer of vs all, the same doe wee all promise and wee will performe it, what ment he (I saye) seinge be himselfe contrary to himselfe in another place de S. Scrip: avoucheth that the Popishe Religion is à patcht coverlett of the Fathers Erros. (Note) For I will demaund of him, whether the Popishe Religion be à patcht coverlett of the Fathers Errors, in these points of Religion, where both Catholiques and Protestats agree, or in the other controverted points? If he saye the first, then is his Religion lykewise the Errors of the Fathers, If the second, then accordinge to himselfe the Fathers be of the Catholiques syde in the points of Controversie.
What ment likewise M. Willett in his Antol. pa. 263. diabollicallie against his owne Conscience with such impudence to protest in this manner; I take God to witnes before whom I must render an accoumpt, that the same fayth and Religion which I defend, is taught and [Page 50] Confirmed, in the most substantiall points, by those histories, Councells and Fathers, that lived within five or sixe hundred yeares after Christ. When as he himselfe in his grosse survay of Poperie is soe bould to nickname antiquitie the alleagtion of the holie Councell vnder S. Silvester aboue thirtene hundred yeares agoe hestilles, Thevaine shew of Moath worme Antiquitie; and wheras Bellarmin thinketh it à probable opinion that Antichrist shalbe of the Tribe of Dan; For that manie of the Auncient Fathers probablie soe held, namely S. Ireneus, Hippolitus, Ambrus, Augustine, Prosper, Theodorett, S. Gregory, &c. M. Willett without ever strayninge of Curtesie, calleth them playne Hereticks, It is à verie fable and Couseninge device of Heretickes (quoth he) to make men beleive that Antichrist shall come of the Tribe of Dan. Surly D. Parkes in his rejoinder pa. 7. pa. 365. had good reason to tell him, lyke à brother of his; yow haue committed such faults even in that great worke, wherof yow bragg soe much, as yow can neyther defend with honestie, nor with modestie excuse: yea the same D. Parkes his fellow Minister, as Willett himselfe recounts, in his Lodoromast: Chardgeth him with folly, Hipocrisie, falshood, lyeinge Infidelitie, Impudencie, [Page 51] Machivilisme, Athisme, &c. And iudeed who but à Machauilian Athist, if really he had thought that there had been à God after this life to haue punished: durst haue made such à protestation: And to omitt the lyke vaine cracks of M. Vsher copiously discouered by Mallone in his replie to his answere; It is most true, that which Zantius à great Protestant ingeniously confesseth of Protestant writers viz: Scriptures at our pleasures wee detorte, to our dreames, wee boast of Fathers, when wee will followe nothinge lesse then their doctrine, soe he in his Epist. 10. to Sturmius.
But is not Luther then the author of the Protestant reformation with his brethren to be esteemed for havinge endeavoured to reforme the Church in diverse manie points of Fayth, wherin they affirme for manie ages she hath erred: Surlie noe: except wee should honnor and esteeme those who renew Auncient condemned heresies, and hereticall manners, wherof Luther and his sectaries are in à heigh degree guiltie: But as for reformation in matters of fayth: wherin they pretend the Church hath erred: They are rather to be avoyded, who glories in any such title: (Note) Seinge that herein they destroy the Godhead [Page 52] of Christ, and make him an imposture for if the Church of Christ which he promised soe firmely to build on à Rocke, as that Hell gates should never prevaile against her, and vnto the Pastors wherof he promised that he would assist to the Consummation of the world, and give them the spiritt of Truth to abyde with them forever for the teachinge of them all truth: If I saye the Church of Christ could, or had erred in matters of fayth; as the pretended reformers affirme, Then doth it follow that they make Christ not ominipotent, able to vphold his Church, against her enemies, and soe destroy his Godhead: or an imposteur in not fullfillinge what he promised, because the Church for Errors of fayth, and want of truth, is as much destroyed, as à man if he wanteth, or is deficient in any one of his essentiall parts, (to witt) if he be not à livinge, or à reasonable Creture, The defect of any of these destroyes him. Soe in lyke manner if the true Church of Christ could Erre in fayth, or fayle in truth which is essentiall to the Church, it could not subsist possiblie: For accordinge to themselues the Church essentiallie is à Congregation of faythfull where truely the worde of God and the Sacraments are administred; wherfore [Page 53] if the worde and Sacraments haue erroniously been administred for soe many ages as they pretend, then Consequentlie of necessitie hath the Church of Christ perisht and Hell gates prevayled against her: And soe by this doctrine it followeth that Christ is not God: and that the Iewes may well reiect him, and the Gospells anounceinge and speakinge of him, as à grande impostour, which is most blasphemous. And this doctrine of the Churches error in fayth, by which Protestants pretend to iustifie their revolte and speration of there reformed congregation, from the Catholique Church; is the maine motive why I ame averted from their societie: and relinquish their Communion; And soe much in proffe that the Protestant Congregation wants the insepable marke of Christ his true Church, and in confutation of there shufling evasions.
Secondly, the Iewes haue not inioyed in all ages Pastors and Doctors to administer truely the word and Sacraments, for their Church at this present is not Christian: nor the Arians Pelagians, Manicheans, Donatists, Wicklifians, &c. for they haue all perished, and that in such serte as had not Catholique Doctors, impugned them in their wrightings, [Page 54] and that these present reformers haue here and there renewed some of their heresies, ther had scarcely remained any memory of them. Neither also the Graecians, for they were in Communion with the Roman Church, of and on, about one thowsand yeares: Soe that for such à space since the Apostles tyme they cannot be sayd to haue bin à distinct Church from the Roman Church from whom the Patriarke of Constantinople was Confirmed, and the Bishopp of Rome by himselfe or his legate presided in all lawfull generall Councells, Celebrated formerly in Greece although now vnfortunatelie, as all knowes they be sepated by reason of the heresie touchinge the Holie Ghost &c. Mereouer their successiō hath bin interrupted by the intrusion of maine hereticall and not lawfully ordayned Bishopps, as confessedlie is auerred, by all Catholiques, and cannot be denied by Protestants: Neyther the Turkishe Mahometans, for they haue not had existance in the world ever since Christ his tyme, and soe cannot glorie of their Antiquitie, professinge Christian fayth, as indeed also not beinge Christians, and soe consequentlie comes not into question: For here wee treat of the perpetuall existence and Antiquitie of à Church professinge Christian [Page 55] Doctrine, accordinge to the Markes which insepablie accōpaine Christ his Church as in the begininge was established: Finally the lyke may be demonstrated of any other Christian Church that may be assigned (to witt) that they want the insepable Marke of Christ his Church that is the enioyinge of à continuall succession of Pastors in all ages to administer the worde and Sacraments.
On the contrarie, by the confession of the Protestants the Romaine Church many hundred yeares was the true Church of Christ, and noe Protestant is able by evidence of any Authenticke Ecclesiasticall historie to shew any Christian Companie or Church In rerum natura more Auncient of different fayth, from whence the Romane Church departed, Therfore as yet she is and onght to be esteemed, and consequentlie must enioye in all ages Pastors and Teachers for the administration of the worde and Sacraments, beinge the true Church cannot fubsist without them. Heer then I vrge, that if the Romane Church, whose fayth (as testifieth the Apostle; Ep. ad Rom. c. 1. was published and renowned throughout all the world, that is with whom all the Christian world had Communion of fayth, here I vrge, I saye, That if the Catholick [Page 56] Romane Church had departed from any other extant Church that enioyeth à succession of Pastors vp to the Apostles time, that they would name the time when she fell away from that Church: name the Companie of Christians of more Auncient, and of different fayth from whence she is departed, Tell where this Christian companie more Auncient is extant: Rehearse the succession of their Pastors out of Ecclesiasticall records: For seing it is à prophesie drawne from aknowledged Scriptures on all sides: and from the acknowledged sence on all sides That Christ Church shall forever enioy continewally Pastors and Doctors for the worke of the Ministrie, that is for preaching the worde and administringe the Sacraments: The verification of this prophesie can be drawne from noe other testimonie then the evidence of Ecclesiasticall history. And truly it is à strange incredible thinge, That seeinge Christ Church is soe visible, as she is compared to à Tabernacle placed in the sonne, to à light not hidd vnder à bushell, but placed on à Candlesticke and finally to à Citty of everlastinge foundation, builded vpon à mountaine, which was in such manner without anie limit of tyme to shine to the world (to witt) Cheiffly by her [Page 57] Pastors and Teachers, the lights therof: soe that it cannot be hidd: How is it possible that if there were extant, any such Auncient Compaine of Christians, but that some historie would give some testimonie of her succession of Pastors, and Apostolicall Acts: and certainlie if men were voide of reason or sence, perad venture they might be perswaded that for nine hundred yeares together men had noe eyes, noe eares, and noe tongues, as easilie as that there was à more Aūcient Church whi [...]h had Pastors that had noe tongues to preach with, had such members as had neither eyes, nor eares, to see and heare their Pastors to administer the worde and Sacraments, and yeld anie testimonie that they eyther sawe or heard such Pastors and Doctors: and questionles some historians that lived in those dayes would mention, the departure of the Romane Church soe renowued for her fayth through the world, if she had made anie deperture from such à more Auncient Christian Companie, professing à different fayth. Wher were the watchmen God placed vpon the walles of his Church that should not hold their peace neither night nor daye: Esay 62.? were they asleepe and silent, when soe notorious à [Page 58] breach was made? were the Pastors and Doctors which Christ had given to his Church for the worke of the Ministrie vnto the consummation of the number of the elect, and vntill wee mett all in the vnitie of fayth, Ephes. 4. were not (I saye these Pastors and Doctors able to confirme in sownd doctrine and stoutlie and corragiously even with importunitie to reprehended and argue the Romane Catholiques, for the introduction of such grosse errors as Protestants accuse the Romane Church to haue been possessed with for soe maine ages? Could they take notice of the least chinkes of the Churches walles, that is, of the few errors of fayth, (in comparison of those the Romane Church is accused of by Protestants) which eyther Arians, Pelagians Marchionists, Manicheans, &c. attempted to haue made? And onely were they vnable to argue the Romane Church? Or were they partiall or corrupted to be silent and dombe, vntill Papistrie overran and possessed the whole Christian world: And did the Holie Ghost, which by Christ infalliblie was promised to abyde forever with these Pastors to teach them all truth forsake them soe maine ages, and at last take their flight to à Sacrilegious Luxurious Apostata, [Page 59] Martin Luther, and à branded Sodomite Iohn Calvin who at last should discover the Romane Churches deperture from the more Auncient Christian Church, God knowes in what imaginarie spaces extant to be fownd? Credite posteri.
Noe, noe, soe farr is the Romane Church from havinge departed from any other more Auncient extant compagny of Christians professinge à different fayth as that her greatest enemyes witnesse the contrarie:
D. Feild. l. 3. de Eccle. C. 13. sayth, the Romane Church allwayes had Communion with those Churches which never fell into error: D. Sutcliffe allsoe pressed with the truth doth acknowledge in his answere to à Masse Preists petition, That the Romane Church never departed from anie visible companie of Christians, Bunny in his Treatis of pacification, sayth that she allwayes communicated with the true Church, and never went from the Christian cōpanie. Yea, Cassander much magnified by Protestants sayth, that the Romane Church is to be reverenced as beinge the true Church of God: And Somes in his defence against Penrie sayth, that by the Iudgment of all learned men and of all the reformed Churches, the true Church is the Papistrie.
[Page 60] Iohn White in his defence C. 41. in the name of his fellowes sayth, wee professe the Romane Church, in all ages to haue been the visible Church of God, wee never doubt, sayth Feild, li. 3. de Eccl. But that the Churches wherin those holie men S. Bernarde, S. Dominike &c. did liue and die, were the true Churches of God; and held the savinge profession of heavenlie truth, yea Luther whom with tytle of Father of Protestants M. Whitakers honoreth, sayes in his Epist. against the Anabaptist wee confesse that all Christian good is in the Papacie, and that from thence it came downe to vs; And in the selfe some place he sayth, I saye farther that in the Papasie is the true Christianitie, yea and the true curnell of Christianitie; And Anthonie Saddell in his booke de rebus graniss controversis &c. titulo de legitima vocatione Pastorum Ecclesiae reformatae, affirmes that sundrie Protestants Confesse that the Ministers with them to be destitute of Lawfull callinge, as not havinge à contineual visible succession from the Apostles time, which they doe attribute only to the Papists; And M. Fu'ke allsoe accordinglie sayth, Yow can name the notable persons in all ages in their government and ministrie, and especially the succession of the Popes, yow can rehearse in [Page 61] order vpon your fingers, soe he in his auswere to à Counterfett Catholique:
It beinge then made manifest by the Text of Canonicall Scriptures, the testimonies of the approved auncient Fathers, yea and from the plaine Confession of the Learned Protest: (so powerfull is truth as she extorts weapons from her adversaries in her owne defence) that it is an insepable true marke of Christ his Church, his spowse, which is but one, that she shall allwayes enioy Pastors and Doctors rightly to administer the word and Sacraments: Insomuch as wher there is à cessatiō or want of these Pastors given for the worke of the Ministrie, vntill wee all meet in the vnity of fayth, There can be noe Church, and consequently noe salvation. And seeing alsoe this Marke agreeth not with Protest: or any other congregation saue only the Romane Church, as hath aboundontly bin declared, it followeth by à necessary sequell, that the Romane Church is the onely Church to which wee must be vnited, if wee will be saued: she onely beinge infallable and secure, in her doctrine. For if she onely beareth the cognissance and inseperable marke of Christ his Church as hath bin demōstrated, then necessarily to her only, are agreable those prerogatiues, [Page 62] which by holy writt are conferred and confirmed on Christ his Church, to witt, that she is the foundation and pillar of Truth, 2. ad Tim. 3. That she hath the spirit of truth ever to abyde with her Pastors to teach her all truth, Io. 14. c. and. 16. c. That she is the spowse of Christ without wrinkle or blemish which he hath espoused to himselfe by à continuall assistance vnto the consummation of the world, Eph. 5. And finally that she is the Church, to whose Iugment in Controversies of Religion wee are to referre our selues, and to whose determination without further appeale wee onght to obey, vnder the penalty of beinge reputed Heathers and publicans. Math. 28. Math. 18.
Wherfore I thus resolue, that seeinge the Romane Church is Christ his true Church, if he hath any on earth, as most certainly he hath, and that in no age or season Christ his true Church can erre in matters of fayth: I ame resolued, I saye, to receive for à verity of fayth that which the Romane Church hath or shall declare to be such, and on the contrary reiect and disclayme from whatsoever doctrine she hath, or shall disapproue or condemne, as repugnant to Gods worde written or vnwritten.
[Page 63] Let then her Athistical aduersaries presse never soe much to receive nothinge but that which by their naturall reason they can be convinced of, I ame prepared accordinge to the advice of the Apostle to Captiuite my vnderstandinge obsequiously to the mysteries of fayth, as beinge supernaturall and transeendinge naturall reason: And therfore will I rest in the Iudgment of the Church, which is ever directed by à supernaturall Agent, that teacheth her all Truth: Hee that seeketh fayth seeketh not reasō, Sayth Tertullian and Chrisologus, Athens hath nothing to intermeddle with Hierusalem, nor the Academy with the Church; our schoole is the porch of Solomon which teacheth vs that wee must search for God with simplicity of Hart, and not with frivolous curiositie of naturall reason; what wronge doth the Creator to vs, if he would haue vs beleiue more then wee are able to comprehend? It is not for the iron to aske of the Adamant from whence those charmes and secret influences come, wherwith he attracteth and captiuats him; It is enough that he followe: when God proposeth à verity to vs by the voyce and generall consent of the Church, wee are not to appeale to humaine reason, and to sence, which haue winges [Page 64] tooshort to vndertake such à flight: while one proceedeth in this Manner, fayth wilbe noe true fayth, but à fantesy or opinion; If S. Peter would not haue beleiued Christ to haue bin the sonne of God, except naturall reason and carnall sence had convinced him therof; Our Saviour had not pronounced Blessed art thou Simon Bariona: for that fleshe and blood hath not revealed it vnto yow &c. vpon this Rock will I build my Church. For in the comprehension of the verities and the misteries of fayth, It is the spirit that quickeneth and the fleshe profitteth nothinge, as our blessed Saviour avoucheth against those which were incredulous, that the bread which he would giue to eate was his fleshe for the liffe of the world. For according to S. Gregoire: Fides non habet meritum vbi ratio praebet experimentum: and therefore blessed ore those who beleeue and doe not see, viz: by the evidence of natural reason or sense.
Lett also Heretickes obiect against any Article of our fayth any Texte of Scriptures, perversly or malitiously interpretted, and to theire owne perdition misvnderstood, according to the dictamen of their owne private vnwarranted spiritt: Lett them I saye with noe lesse pryde, then madmes, proclayme the [Page 65] Churches authority lyable to Error in declaringe what is truly Cōformable or repugnant to the worde: I value not their erronious Iudgments, knowinge full well that she is ever assisted by the spirit of all teachinge truth, accordinge to the infallible promise of Christ and cānot teach any thinge repugnant to the worde of God, noe more then God can teach contrary to himselfe, who is her director: And therfore whosoever harkenneth vnto her voyce, that is to the generall Iudgment of the Pastors and teachers, heareth the voyce and word of Christ, soe that the worde of the Church is the worde of Christ: Whence S. Augustin, who dilligently observed this rule, sayeth, The truth of Scripture is holden by vs, when wee doe that which know hath pleased the vniversall Church, which the authority of the same Scripture doth commend: that seeinge the Holy Scripture cannot deceive, whosoever feareth to be deceived by the obscurity of this question, lett him take Counsell therof from the Church; which without any ambiguitie the Scriptures doth demonstrate; And in another place he sayth, it is most insolent madnes, what she professes and practices to call in question, Epist. 118. ad Ianuarium cap. 5.
And why, I pray, is this most insolent madnesse [Page 66] to question what the Church professes and practiseth, but because this in effect is to denie, or dispute against the Canonicall Scriptures aknowledged on both sides? For if in the aknowledged worde of God, by most cleare testimonies, the authority of Christ his Church is soe highly magnified as that she is styled the pillar and foundation of Truth, the vnspotted Spouse without wrinkle; his body, his Lott, his Inheritance and kingdome given him in this world, in which he hath placed Apostles, Doctors and Pastors to the Consummation of the Electe, which Doctors are ever assisted by the spirit that teacheth them all truth, and accompanied hy our Saviour to the Consummation of the world, who Comaunds vs to harken to his Spouse the Church: Sub poena of beinge reputed Heathens or Publicans: Tell me then is not this most insolent madnesse to call her profession and practice in question: (Note) To be soe Antichristianly proud, as to preferr our owne Iudgments and expositions of the worde, before the Church which is directed by the Spirit of Truth; Is not this in words to boast much of Scriptures, and indeed not to follow them, for if yow search the Scriptures, that is profoundly, and not superficiasly or malitiously [Page 67] consider them, yow shall finde that the same are they that give testimony of her, and how she is to be obeyed and as eagerly followed.
Wherfore to draw to à Conclusion, seeinge the true Church of Christ which is but one, cannot Erre in matters of Fayth, and onely the Romane Church beareth the vnseperable marke of it: To vse the Apostle S. Paules words: From hence foward lett noe man trouble me, for I beare the markes of my Lorde Iesus in my bodie ad Gal. 5. from hence forth let noe man goe about to molest my conscience for being incorporated in the bodie of the Romane Church, which is only remarkable with the cognisance and markes of Christ vnspotted Spouse, whose infallible rules and prescriptions I will followe as à secure guide of my fayth, to procure the peace of reconciliation and mercy of God: And whosoever shall follow this Rule (to speake with the Apostle) peace be vpon them and mercie: This is the way soe direct, as that fooles cannot erre in it: This is the Church whose Fayth, as testifieth the Apostle, was published through the world, that is which had the Communion of the Christian World, which truely makes it Catholick, that is the Church, [Page 68] with whom all the renowned Saints and Martyrs haue had vnion: And of this they vtter such honorable testimonies as are agreeable to noe other thē Christ his Church. S. Lucius B. and Martyr Epist. 1. thus speaketh of her; The Romane Church is Apostollicall ād mother of all Churches, which is never proued to haue erred from the path of Apostolicall traditiō, nor depraued with hereticall novelties to haue fayled, accordinge to the promise of the Lorde himselfe saying, I haue prayed for thee that thy fayth fayle not S. Cyprian the glorious Martyr avoucheth in his 52. Epist. that to haue Communion with the B: of Rome to be all one and the same as to Cōmunicate with the Catholick Church: And in another place, That to this Sea, trecherie can haue uoe accesse, beinge the Chayre of Peter: S. Hierome alsoe that renowned Scripturist and Doctor of the Church, thus writeth to Pope Damassus, I beinge à sheep doe require from the Preist the host of salvation, and from the Pastor fasafegard &c. I speake with the Successor of the Fysher &c. I follow none first but Christ, and ioyned with Communion to thy Holynes, that is to the Chayre of Peter, vpon that rock I know the Church to be builded, whosoever out of this howse eateth the Lambe is Prophane, whosoever shal not be in the Arke [Page 69] of Noah shall perishe in the deluge: S. Augustin in his 162. Epist. puttinge à Catalogue of the Bishopps of Rome, beginnes first with S. Peter, and sayth that the principallity of the Apostolicall Chayre hath ever florished in the Church of Rome; And in another place aboue prementioned affirmes the succession of these Pastors from Peter, amongst other motiues to haue kept him in the bosome of the Catholick Church; S. Ambrose calleth the Bishopp of this Sea governor of the whole Church. That holy Seate, sayth Theodorett houlds the sterne of governinge the Churches of all the worlds: S. Ireneus that great hamerer of Hereticks sayth, That for the more powerfull principallity, it is necessary that all Churches haue recourse vnto it, S. Prosper, avoncheth that the Apostles Peter and Paul founded the Church of the gentiles in the Cittie of Rome, where they taught the doctrine of Christ our Lorde, they deliuered vnto their Successors peacable and vnited together, they consecrated it with their blood and memories accordinge to the passion of our Lorde, à Christian communicatinge with this generall Church is Catholick, but if he be seperated from it, he is an Heretick, Antichrist: Soe this glorious Doctor in his Treatise de Promis: & Predict [Page 70] dei part. 4. E. 5. finally both East and Westerne Fathers assembled together in the Councell of Florenee thus decreed: wee define that the holy Catholick Sea. And Bishopp of Rome haue the primacie over the whole world: And that the Romane Bishopp is the Successor of blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and the true viccar of Christ, and head of the whole Church, and Father and master of all Christians, And that vnto him, in S. Peter, is given by our Lorde Iesus Christ full power to feed, rule and governe the vniuersall Church: (Note) If then the Romane Church bearinge the inseperable marke of Christ his Church be accordinge to the Fathers the Apostolicall Chayre of S. Peter: Christes Vicar never depraved with hereticall novelties, with whom à Christian, communicatinge is Catholick, from whome beinge seperated is an hereticke: what shall I regard more the impious raylings and fictions of an ignominious Apostata Martin Luther and his adherent Sectaries against the Romane Church, then the vncontroulable testimonialles of the venerable Auncient Fathers: whose sanctitie and learnige, the whole Christian world hath ever reverenced? Or shall I adhere rather to à new reformed Congregation. [Page 71] The Pastors and teachers wherof are never able more to make good their vocation of the Ministry of the worde and Sacraments, then any other hereticall Intrudors clymeinge lyke theeves by an vndirect way? Or shall I follow à Congregation of such teachers which confesseth her selfe lyable to Error in Fayth: or rather cleaue to that Church, which is founded vpon à Rock, against which the gates of Hell shall never prevayle, as beinge directed accordinge to the infallible promise of Christ, by the ever assisting Spiritt, teachinge all truth, and noe falsehood; (Note) Certainly to this Rock will I adhere, otherwise shall I change à Certainty into an vncertainety, an infallibilitie into à fallibilitie. A securitie into à Ieoperdie, yea otherwise in à matter that concernes my soules greatest good, or ill, I should effectually demonstrate that I make noe reckoninge of the dreadfull generall accountinge day, nor haue any feelinge thougts of the hideous horror of the infernall Lake of the rauenige Devills, wher it is true that tenn hundred millions of millions of yeares in vnsuportable torments is but the beginnige, as it were of inexplicable dolors; o Eternitie! o Eternitie! wher it is true, that all the greuous paines that from the begnimge of [Page 72] the world all men vpon earth ever endured or could excogitate, is but the greatest ease or consolation. O extreame torments in the vnquenshable scorchinge flames of Hell fier. O God, what an Abisle is thy iust Iudgment in punishinge Scismatickes and Hereticks, who for wordly endes, willfull ignorance, obstinate adheringe to their owne private spiritts, will rather feele them, then before hand prevent them by seekinge to incorporate themselues into the true Church of Christ, which is the vyne out of which if any branch be, it shall vndoubtedlie be eternall fuell for Hell fier.
But some will peradventure saye that feinge the Moderne Lawes of the realme inflicts such great penalties vpon Catholickes; It had bin better for me to haue deferred my conversion vntill my death, and then to haue repented me, and then with harty sorow to haue confessed my sinnes bin reconcilid to the Catholike Church: To these I answere that though true it be, At what time soever à sinner hartely repents For soe longe communicatinge with Schismaticall and hereticall new Congregations, he may finde favour yet consideringe the innumerable daingers which often vnespectedly depriues man of this liffe, [Page 73] who is he that can promise himselfe Gods grace, without which he cannot repent and be reconciled? yea must he not rather thinke that he shall be debarred thereof, when he shall refuse to come to the banquet of the holy Lambe in the Catholike Church beinge invited by many inspirations soundinge in his eares, This day if yow shall heare my voyce, obdurate not your harts, and affect not to be ignorant of the true Church, least yow should be converted and liue forever. Moreover if yee consider the nature of Celestiall glorie which is such as the least glimpes therof but for one moment, in an eminent degree surpasseth all wordly honnors, pleasures and riches, that ever the eye of man did see in this world, or is able to see, the eare to heare, yea or then can be comprehend by the vnderstanding of man which in one quarter in thought can represent farre more then the eye can see in many yeares, or the care heare in à long space. what Marchant then is he who would not give all to procure the inestimable treasure of everlastinge glorie in noewise to be purchased but by those that be members of the Catholicke Church? For them doe I pray: not for the world doe I praye: but for them whom thou hast given me because, they be thyne: [Page 74] 10. 17. ve. 9. For none indeed be Children of the heavenly Father, who be not Children of the Church; who soe is sound to be out of her Communion, sayth S. Augustin: de Simb. ad Catechu. He shalbe excluded from the number of Gods Children: nor shall he haue God for his father, who would not haue the Church for his Mother, and it shall avayle him nothimge that he beleived &c. to the same purpose he speaketh in diuers other places, as, de verit. Eccles. ad Bonif. And S. Cyprian the glorious Martyr in his booke of the vnity of the Church, sayth that he belongeth not vnto the rewards of Christ, who abandoneth the Church of Christ: Hee is an alyen, he is prophane, he is an enimie, he cannot now haue God for his Father who acknowledgeth not the Church for his mother. Yea sayth S. Cyprian that great Champian of the Church saith in the same booke. He maye be killed, but he cannot be Crowned, for he professeth himselfe to be à Christian noe otherwise then the divill faineth himselfe to be Christ: accordinge to our Lordes sayeinge Luke: 21. Manie will come in my name and saye I ame Christ: O then sayth S. Fulgentius another Phoenix Lett them all make hast whilst they haue tyme vnto their Lawfull mother: For even as within the Catholick Church fayth is in the [Page 75] hart vnto Iustice, and Confession is made with the mouth vnto salvation: Soe without the same Church an evill selfe persuasion attayneth not vnto rightuousnes but vnto punishment, and à wronge Confession bringeth death, and not salvation to him that maketh it: &c. Hould it then for most certaine and vndoubted that noe Hereticke, noe Scismaticke, though baptizred in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Goast &c. can possiblie be saved vnles he be recounsiled to the Catholick Church. Thus S. Fulgentius. And that the Romane Church is that societie out of which is noe salvation, yow haue heard before by the many testimonies prealledged of the Fathers: and by what I haue demonstrated of.
These (most dearly beloued Father and best freinds) are the motiues which amongst many other I haue reade and Collected, which haue occasioned my spedy aversion from the English reformed Congregation of Protestants, which I haue confirmed by the manifould confessions of your owne brethren, not for that I weigh their Authoritie but partly for that Protestants contemne all authority of the Church, Councells and auncient Fathers, and with vnreasonable pride and arrogance will haue their owne words [Page 76] stand as Gospell: partlie allsoe for that these can not be à more excellent witnessinge then where an enimye doth approue our cause and Criminalls confesse the truth against themselues: These allsoe are the principall motiues of my Conversion to the holy Catholike Apostolicall Church of Rome, that is to the Cōmunitie which by obedience and in vnion of fayth communicates with the Bishopp of Rome, Successor of the holy Apostle S. Peter, and Christs Vicar vpon earth: From whose Communion in the Secte masters of Protestancy, viz: Luther, Calvin &c. ye haue departed not without the iust Censure of Schisme, as invinceblie and vnanswerably is thus demonstrated by M. D. Hardinge in his Text related by your great Campion M. Iewell in his defence of the Apologie of the Church England, parte the 6. fol. 576. printed 1567. in folio.
Whosoeuer departe from the Catholike Church They be Schismatikes, yee haue departed from the Catholike Church of these nine hundred years, ergo yee be Schismatikes, The first proposition yee will not deny, the second your selues confesse, the Conclusion then must needes be true, if we say the same blame vs not neither say we that onely but also that yee ar Heritikes. Soe M. [Page 77] Harding to which argument drawne from Protestants owne confession M. Iewel giveth the slipe, without answer, fathering in his marginall note à manifest vntruth according to his vsuall manner vpon D. Harding which any one that hath the least dramme of witte may euidently perceiue.
These most dearly beloued freinds I say are the motiues of my auersion frō the pretensiue Reformed Church of England; and of my conversion to the Catholique Roman Church my mother, of which I hould soe great an accoumpt and esteeme that fearing those more who can slay both body and soule, then those who haue power ouer the body only, as had I as many liues as haires on my head, I would most willingly depose them rather then be separated from Christ his vnspotted Spouse, the Cathelique Church my mother, to the end I may haue God for my Father. Corde creditur ad iustitiam, ore autem fit Confessio ad salutem S. Paul to the Romans c. 10. v. 10.
DEVS qui corda Fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustratione docuisti, da nobis in eodem spiritu recta sapere, & de eiusdem semper consolatione gaudere per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium tuum qui tecum viuit & regnat in vnitate eiusdem spiritus Sancti Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.
O My God that I had neuer offended thee in any erroneous beleefe or sinfull life, thee I say who art my only good, worthy to be loued for thine owne selfe with all possible loue; for thy loue I firmly pourpose neuer to offēde thee more, but by thy grace to do whatsoeuer shall be necessary, and I hope in thy mercy, which by the merits of thy Sonnes sacred Passion o Father of Mercies graunt vn to me. Amen.