Mr. Partrige's PROPHESIE.

WHEREIN Are foretold the most considerable Events and Mutations in Great-Britain, France, Ireland, Hol­land, Germany, Spain, Flanders, Italy, and the Turkish Empire, &c. According to the Opinion of the Best ASTROLOGERS.

THat the Superior have Influ­ence on the Inferior Bodies, no Man that hath not given himself over to Stupidity can deny; but that their Influence is so great that their Effects are inevitable, is more than we affirm: For to what end should we disturb and amuse the World with the unpleasant Ru­mours of horrid and dreadful Cala­mities that seem approaching, but to warn and incite Men to a use of means for the preventing of severe Judgments, which otherwise will overtake them.

I shall first acquaint the Reader, that all Aspects and Configurations in the Months have dependency in Power and Effect upon the precee­ding Lunation and Ingress of the Sun into any Cardinal Sign; and so I shall consider them.

In the beginning of this Year, we meet with an Opposition of Saturn and Mars in Cold Signs, Virgo and Pisces, after which follows an Ec­clipse of the Sun, which has a very bad Influence. That Epidemick Distemper of itching after Novelties will be no less common now than it hath been these several Years past. Saturn and Jupiter being got into Virgo, and Saturn being there in Reception with Mercury, things will be Managed with great Secrecy and Policy. And the former Oppositi­on in a little time will discover it self, in making strange Divisions among the People; and to see one Impeaching another will be no mat­ter [Page 2] of Admiration: Also not a few shall pay their last Debts to Na­ture.

Saturn by his Retrograde motion returns into Leo, at which time ma­ny Pamphlets are dispersed, for which the Authors and Printers are called to Answer. Sol Opposes the two Superiors. Many forsake Ho­nest callings and turn High-way-men. The P—sh P—sts bestir their Stumps, for their God is like to be taken away from them. The Turk is busie in his Neighbour Countries, and many▪ shortly may tast his Mer­cy. Mercury is Opposed again by Jupiter. Old Sores begin to pain. The City is uneasie and the Coun­try little better. The Trine of Ju­piter and Venus may give some ease, but heals not the Wound. Mercury's weakness occasions decay of Trade. Saturn's Square to Venus will make Women wear Tears on their Faces instead of Pearl. The Effects of the Comet 1680 will I fear ere long be discovered. God preserve the Life and Health of all our great ones, and our City from contagious distempers. The Square of Sol and Saturn denotes Fears, Anxieties and Imprisonment to great ones, and that Rulers and Magistrates will fall out among them­seves; and the Conjunction of Mars and Mercury fills the Nation with Thieves; and I fear the time is at hand, when no body can call any thing his own save Tribulation and Affliction.

The Conjunction of the Sun and Mars will have a strange Effect in some Countries in Europe, and some Prince perhaps East from England finds it true. Let them therefore b [...] Wise betimes. Some Money'd M [...] shall suffer [...]oss, and that from the Breaking of some great Banker or Bankers, in and about the City of London; some Clergy men may▪ be Frown'd upon by their Prince, and several belonging to the Law turn'd out.

In the Figure we find Gemini Ascending, and Mercury Lord of the Ascendant in Scorpio, a fixed violent Sign, and all the seven Planets in the Ffth and Sixth Houses of Heaven, and under the Earth. This shews some great Meeting or Council con­vened to consult about the Affairs of Nations; the Design is consi [...]e­rabl as well as Politick, for it is in the House of Mercury, and his great­est Dignities too. The occasion of this Consultation is by reason of some defeat either in Council or Arms some few Weeks before this Conjuction; and it is so general, that the whole Faction both Men and Women are engaged both for Council and Action; but Debau­chery will either prevent or corrupt the Enterprize designed: It is for some undertaking to confederate in Arms or some other hostile combi­nation, in which several are Solici­ted to be engaged, as we may see by so many in the Fifth House, which [Page 3] signifies Ambassadors, Agents, Mes­sengers, and such like Servants, to a Prince or State▪ these are sent to engage some Prince or Princes into a League or Aliance, or to treat or negotiate about Peace, &c.

As to the Month of February, the Square of the Sun and Mars, and the Square of the Sun and Jupiter, with which the last Month ended, will afford us Action enough for this. Some parts beyond Sea, where Diets and other State Assemblies are Convocated, (as divers about this time seem to be) have divers Meet­ings to little purpose, and all pro­ceed from the different Opinions in those Concerned; every one dri­ving on his own Interest in which he is engaged. But the Trine of Jupiter and Mercury, will at last bring them to an Agreement, by the help of Venus and her Trine, and then Venient Rumores Pravi & Ter­ribilis: you will shortly here what these Meetings were for, and against whom. There is now an Opposi­tion of the Sun and Saturn, here on the Radical place of the French Kings Sun, and in the Square of the Emperours; you will certainly here of some kind of Disturbance, or Commotion, in some of those Trans­marine parts: The Stars, shew ho­stile Preparations.

The next Month begins with de­licate Gilded pretences, which makes some of our Forreign Neighbours, have strange hopes of some of their past Proceeding. Sed vide, Mox Videbis; you will shortly see what the effects of fair words is. And this doth principally concern the parts of Spain, towards Italy, and the Mediterranian, some part of Hungary. From these beginnings, will at last proceed Wars and Blood­shed, venient Contentione, inter Di­vites & Magnates: About Rights Possessions and Properties; The great Men of Nations shall Differ; divers City's in France, seem to be in an ill Condition either for Peace or Trade. And I fear something in that Kingdom is preparing, and not far off; neither when it comes will it be like the Overflowing of Nile. A Caelo Omnia. This is a Month of great Motion in Noise and Consults; and things seem to hasten towards Action: Sed Nihil Factum, I rather Judge Impeachments and Quarrels among Great Men of Nations, and the Fall of Great Men by that means.

In the next Month the late Square of Mercury and Mars, from Sagitari­us and Virgo, will not give Wars between Nation and Nation, but private differences in Princes Courts Divisions in Councils, and Trea­cherous Actions of all kinds, among Men: And this seems principally to concern France Spain and England, also, (but in a less degree) how­ever Germany, and its Emperour, will bare a share and part in its Effects: Also much News arrives about this time in the Eastern parts [Page 4] of the World; and those not far off neither: And this of divers qualities; some give account of the Confusi­ons abroad; some tell of the Gran­deur of the French, (sed non crede;) some give Intelligence of the In­trigues of Europe which are now very near at an End; and this a few Months will shew: A new cause, gives new matter, and new Actors to man­age it. The Trine of Saturn and the Sun from Virgo and Taurus, with the assistance of Mercury's Trine, also gives preferment to some Grave Pro­ficient belonging to the Gown.

As to the Month of May, we may observe the Affairs of Men and Na­tions, both then and through the whole Summer, and part also of the Winter, will be influced more or less by this double Square of Saturn and Mars, from Virgo a [...]d Sagitarius: But the Effects thereof, will not ap­pear till towards the end of this Month, and more in the next; but most of all in August, about the time they make their 3d. Square. And this carries a threefold effect, (1) It gives Violence among Mankind in generl. (2) It presageth a Plot in West Turkey: And (3.) It will give strange and unusual Weather. And pray let these things be obser­ved, for the fullness of time is al­most come. Deus Laudatur. How full of Business the States-men of Europe are now in Meetings and Consultations; and the Clergy like­wise. Perhaps some Convocation about this time in France, &c. I could tell you who the Plotters be­fore-mentioned are too: But—not a word of the P—sh Crew this Year. Fiat justitia; let God arise, and his Enemies be scattered.

In June the Snake in the Grass is not Discovered. R [...]ta▪ in Rota: The pleasure of the Artist is to lay the Design, and that of the Specta­tor to see it take Effect. Hereabouts you may expect the effects of some of the last Months Aspects, to wit, the Sextile of the Sun and Mars, and the Square of the Sun and Sa­turn. Erunt rixa at{que} Discordiae lites & interfectiones. Now you may ex­pect to hear of some Differrences and Quarrels, and from thence Du­els and Murthers; (the effects of too much Passion and Rage) with news of some Battle at the Lu­nation of the Sun and Moon in Con­junction with Venus in Cancer, a Po­litick Sign, and there in exact Mun­dane Opposition to Mars, and ap­plying to a Zodical Opposition, seems also to import and shew some Eminent and Famous Wedding, or the reunion of some Friends long at Differrence. Methinks the Squre of the Sun and Venus to Jupiter, shews a remove among the Gown-Men.

But now in July the hurry of the World seems to be allayed in Pub­lick; that is, things are not so much talk'd of as they were awhile ago; but still the old Leven remains, and [Page 5] that will again ferment, for true Malice knows no Bounds, nor can terminate any where but in the Grave; well let them go on, and they shall have other work when they least expect it. France and Spain look to it, there is the Star Jupiter in the last Lunation, in a Mundane parrallel with Mars, in Square to the Sun, Moon and Venus; and now in Square to Mercury, chargeth some Eminent Civilion, Common Lawyer or Clergy-man with some Crimes of an unhappy consequence. Erunt rixae inter sapietes legis: Skirmishing and Fighting in those Countries where Armies are in the Field; but especially about the Frontires of some parts of Spain, Hungary Dal­matia, &c. Mercury is swift in his Maturine, Occidentally is five times joyned to the Superiors this Month; Quid agiter terris?

In August the Conjunction of Saturn and Venus, considered with the Square of Mars and Venus, may give some light to the effect of both; and indeed shews some Eminent Lady's forsaking either her Fathers House or her Hus­bands Bed, and this on pretence of Severity. Significant multas for­nicationes magnum cupiditatum in­ter mulieres & viros contra legem. About this time we may hear of some Bankers, Merchants, or other Men of Credit and Dealing go off, (which People generally call Break­ing) and so defraud and wrong their Creditors, &c. Europe is now almost ready for Distraction and Di­vision: Here is somthing ready to break out that will carry a strange consequence in the end: It should be either some Murther, breach of League; Death of a great and Em­inent Man, or the Surprize of some Town or Castle on the Frontiers of a Neighbouring Country: It is now at the Door, Death is always bold, and sometimes takes two at once; Audi & attende.

About the beginning of September there will be an Ecclips in West-Turkey, and yet only visible to the great City thereof; but it will be known and heard of through the whole Country in a short time, and that to the Admiration of all. And the effect of this presageth the fall of some great Man, which will not be much Lamented; Death is an inevitable Fate; and those occult ways of Stabs and Poyson are no new things in the World. Purpure­am vomit ille animam cum sanguine mista: Mars and Saturn have made a 3d. Square from Virgo and Sagi­tarius, and immediately after the Conjunction of the Sun and Saturn, and a Square of the Sun and Mars; and this last from cardinal Signs: of Murthers, V [...]lanies, with Robbe­ries, and the like Mischiefs; great Discords and Differrences among Men of Quality; Accusations and Impeachments, and it may be Exe­cutions too, for some matters a­gainst the State; and this doth as [Page 6] well concern France and other parts as England: Multa cadunt.

The late Cofiguration of Saturn Mars and the Sun, have a great In­fluence on the next Month, and this Quarter of the Year; they most of them falling too near the Ingress of the Sun, into the Coelestial Ballance: yet this Month of October, makes no great alteration in the publick Affaires of Nations and Kingdoms, unless it be in turning out and puting in Some new Judges, Justices, Civilian, &c. And indeed there seems to be some occasion for it. Video Meliora Probu{que} &c. The Square of Mars and Mercury, from cardinal Signs, gives great rea­son to suspect three Things. (1) Some publick Accusation, (2) A Discovering some Papers Letters, &c. Supposed to concern the State. (3) The Breaking of some great Banker and Merchant, about this time or near it: To which we may add a Discovery of Clippers, Coi­ners, or such Merchants that deal in that way and Buisiness. This Month ends with rumors of Forreign Affaires: But for all their Talk, there is little or nothing in it to the Purpose.

In the figure of the last Lunation (as to the Month of November) there was a mundane Square of Sa­turn and Mars but being in the De­scending part of the Heaven, is of the less Note: However, it falling in with this second Square of Mars and Mercury, and those other Con­figuration will make it the more Effectual and Considerable: Places of Grandure are slippery, as may be seen by the motion and alte­ration of those that enjoy them. All that Felicity that comes by great Men, is subject to Catastrophe: Fata Regunt Homines, some Accused in high Places, and their Accusation followed with Confinement: 'tis well 'tis no worse too: Much Ridg­edness makes Children Rebellious; and therefore wonder not if you hear of some great Stolan Wedding, or of a great Lady that takes up a new Trade in defiance of Old; but Submission and Tears, (which some Women have Excellent Skill in) does Wonders in Reconciliation: The Month ends with divers kind of Privacy; that's well that ends well.

The Month of December, begins with a great Ecclips of the Moon in in the 20th. Degree of Gemini, the Horoscope of London: And Prochus tells us that an Ecclips of the Moon the last 10 Degree of Gemini, Pre­stantis famae viri obitum, ostendit. This I shall say in short, that Saturn at the time of this Deliquium, is in Square to both the Luminaries, as well Mundane as Zodical, and therefore of more Force; and also fall in the Horoscope of London: therefore we may Expect some of these Effects of it, and perhaps to the purpose too, for this is a Month of considerable Action; it threatens [Page 7] London with some Saturnine Di­sease, perhaps of the Bowels; and also some Disgust amongst the Go­vernours of the City; which will be soon over and forgot. Salus Ci­vitati, The Month and Year ends with News from Flanders, and other parts of the Low-countreys about some Martial Affairs, perhaps the Nominating and Electing some new Sea Officers and Commanders.

In the close of this Year some Countries are threatned with per­secution for Religion, and that pretty sharp too; The old Adver­sary of Mans Happiness will not cease to stir up the Wicked against the Just: and this is like to happen in some places in France, and it is to be feared many will be forced into Countries for Conscience sake; the great Whore will never be weary of her Cruelties till the last Vials are poured out upon her, when the joy­ful tidings shall come abroad, that, Babylon the Great is Fallen, is fallen; which all good Christians earnestly long for, and which we hope ere long shall come to pass.

To conclude, we have reason to fear this Year may prove more Ca­lamitous then most we have yet seen, there being scarce any Afflicti­on incident to men which we are not more or less threatned with, But yet, as I said before, these Judg, ments may be averted (if we be not obstinate) by our Repentance and Amendment of our Lives. Let us not therefore any more be active in drawing down Judgments upon our selves, but let us admire infinite Mercy that has spared us so long, and that shews how unwilling he is to destroy us by his placing his Signs in the Heavens for our Admo­nition; let us deprecate that great wrath we have incensed, by our continual Addresses to the Throne of Grace; let us fear God, obey the King and live in Peace, and Union together; which if we do, we need not fear (notwithstanding the great­ness of our Sins, or Malice of our Enemies, or the signs of Heaven) but we shall yet dwell safely every Man under his Vine, and under his Fig-tree.


LONDON: Printed in the Year, 168 [...].

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