A Particular ACCOUNT Of the Late and Present Great Sufferings AND OPPRESSIONS Of the People called QUAKERS Upon Prosecutions against them in the Bishops Courts. Humbly presented to the serious Consideration OF THE King, Lords and Commons IN PARLIAMENT Assembled.
LONDON, Printed by Andrew Sowle, and sold at his shop in Devonshire New-buildings, without Bishops-Gate, 1680.
A Particular Account Of the Late and Present Great Sufferings & Oppressions Of the People called QUAKERS, Humbly Presented to the serious Consideration OF THE KING Lords and Commons.
EVER since we have been a People dissenting from the Publick Worship of this Kingdom, we have greatly sought and desired to live Peaceably in the Exercise of our Tender Consciences towards God and Man: And we can call God Almighty to Witness, That such [Page] our Dissent from the Practice and Ceremonies of the Church of England, has not been (as some have judged) the Effects of a singular or wilfull Spirit, but our sincerity to God and true Religion, many People of England have good Experience of it. Nevertheless, we have been for near Twenty Years last past severely prosecuted by some of the Clergy, and by Writs of Excommunicato Capiendo thrown into nasty Goals and Holes, where some have lost their Lives, others have been kept in a Lingring Imprisonment from their Wives and Families, some Four, some Five, and some Six Years, till they have spent most of what they had, and have had little left to help themselves and Families; A Punishment not much inferior to Death it self! And these Troublesome Suits & Proceedings against them, have been chiefly for Not [Page] going to the Church (so called) and Not paying to the Repair of the same, and some for small Tythes, to the value of Eighteen Pence, Two Shillings, and sometimes less, as in the Relation following will more particularly appear.
Now we desire you to judge, whether these cruel and uncharitable Proceedings of these Clergy-men towards us are consonant with the practice of the Ministers of Christ in the primitive Times, or answer that Meekness and Christian Spirit manifested by them, in Instructing those that Opposed, and not seeking to Destroy and Ruin them & their Families, because they could not receive their Doctrine.
And further, We desire you to consider, when we are first cited to the Bishops Courts, although we do appear and are willing to manifest our Innocency, yet because we do not Fee a Proctor, or refuse [Page] to Swear to our Answer, no notice is taken of our Appearance, but we are soon after Excommunicated, and then thrown into a Noisom Goal, and there we must lie Ʋnbailable (how long the Lord God that is Holy and True only knows) and in the mean time what a Condition the Poor Family is in at Home, you may well consider. And whether these Actions do not greatly tend to Grind the Face of the Poor, which was an Evil Complained against by the Righteous in all Ages, and we hope will be Considered and Redressed by You.
And we Pray, That the Lord may Incline your Hearts with Patience, to Read and Consider the following Accompts, and to Afford the Sufferers some Speedy Relief, that they and their Families may not be utterly Destroyed.
- William Mead
- George Whitehead
- William Gibson
- Jasper Batt
- John Osgood
- George Watts
- Clement Plumsted
- Ezekiell Wooley
- William Macket
- Rawland Vaughan
- Richard VVhitpane
- William Penn
- Thomas Rudyard
- Ellis Hookes
- William Shewen
- James Claypoole
- John Dew
- James Braines
- John Etheridge
- John Vaughton
- Gilbert Latie.
- Berkshire, fol. 1.
- Bedfordshire, 2.
- Bucks, 2.
- Bristol, 3, and 34.
- Cumberland, 3.
- Cambridgshire, 4.
- Cornwall, 41.
- Dorset, 5.
- Devonshire, 6, and 36.
- Durham, 6.
- Ely, 5.
- Essex, 7.
- Gloucestershire, 7.
- Hartford, 8.
- Hampshire, 8, and 37.
- Huntington, 8.
- Kent, 10.
- Leicester, 11, and 35.
- Lincoln, 12.
- Lancashire, 14.
- Nottingham, 14.
- Norfolk, 14, and 38.
- Oxford, 38.
- Sussex, 15.
- Surrey, 15, and 39.
- Suffolk, 17.
- Sumerset, 19, and 38.
- Stafford, 22.
- Sallop, 23.
- Warwick, 23, and 40.
- Wiltshire, 24.
- Westmorland, 26.
- Worcester, 26, and 39.
- Yorkshire, 27, and 40.
- Pembrookshire, 34.
Goal, the 26th of the 3d Moneth, 1680.
THomas Davie, George Ball, Richard Nash, Thomas Pretty, Thomas Draper, William Ward and John Wyron, all of New Windsor, Arrested by Walter Cowdry, under Goaler, the 13th of the 11th Moneth, 1675. by Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to the Church (so called) and not paying to the Repair of the same, and not receiving the Sacrament, were rated as followeth, viz.
S. | D. | |
Thomas Davie | 3 | 0 |
George Ball | 2 | 3 |
Richard Nash | 0 | 4 |
Thomas Pretty | 0 | 3 |
Thomas Draper | 2 | 7 |
William Ward | 0 | 4 |
John Wyron | 3 | 4 |
All carried Prisoners to Reading Goal, and have remained Prisoners almost Five Years.
Thomas Marsh of Newbery Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo (for not going to the Church (so called) and not receiving the Sacrament) the 10th of the 8th Moneth, 1678. and still remains a Prisoner.
1st Moneth,
IOhn Barton of Studam, in the County of Hartford, Taylor, for not paying 2 s. 2 d. towards the Repair of the Church, so called, was taken by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, and kept Prisoner for some time in his own House in Hartfordshire, and about two Moneths after was by special Bailiffs taken and carried to Bedford Goal; Nathaniel Fisher, called Church-Warden, being the Prosecutor; and hath remained a Prisoner about Three Years and a half.
Henry Newman of Seawell, in the Parish of Kingshoughton, for denying to pay 13 d. towards the Repair of the Church (so called) was prosecuted by William Foster, Commissary of the Bishops Court, who obtained a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo against him, and threw him into Goal, where he hath been a Prisoner above two Years and a half.
3d Moneth,
ABout the beginning of the 6th Moneth (call'd August) 1678. John Stratton of Ivingoe, in the said County, Husbandman (having a Wife and eight Children) was taken Prisoner by a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, [Page 3] upon the Information and Prosecution of Francis Duncomb, Priest of Ivingoe, whose Son, Henry Duncomb was made Bailiff for that purpose, and did take and convey the said John Stratton to the common Goal of the said County at Ailsbury, where he hath continued Prisoner ever since, to the great Discomfort of his Family and Damage of his Estate. The Cause of his Imprisonment, as signified in the Writ, is, For not appearing before the Surogates of the late Bishop of Lincoln, to answer his absenting from the Parish-Church (as they call it) of Ivingoe, and not receiving the Sacrament there.
17th of the
12th Moneth,
WIlliam Ithell of Bristol, Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of the Bishop of Bristol, for not being Marryed by the Parson of the Parish, Imprisoned the 4th day of the 9th Moneth, 1678.
James Pounset Imprisoned the 23d day of the 11th Moneth, 1678. by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, at the suit of the same Bishop, for the same Cause.
Carlisle, the
23d of the
12th Moneth,
JOhn Jackson of Kirklinton Imprisoned by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 30th day of the 7th Moneth, 1677. at the Suit of Robert Preistman, for predial Tythes.
The 5th Moneth, 1680.
THomas Amey of Great Abington, Imprisoned in Cambridge Castle, the 25th of the 11th Moneth, 1678. upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, by John Burgin, Bailiff, at the Suit of John Boulton, Vicar of Abington, for Offerings and for Wild Pidgeons, as the Vicar says himself, and is still kept a close Prisoner, having been a Prisoner a year and a half.
Gabriel Walker of Swaffham Bulbeck, Imprisoned in Cambridge Castle the 2d of the 6th Moneth, 1676. by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of Malin Sawerby. Priest of Swaffham, for not paying Offerings, and for the Tythes of half a Rodd of Saffron Ground. The said Gabriel being put into the Dungeon, and there kept in the heat of Summer without Air, and in the cold of Winter without Fire, which endangered his Life, and is kept a close Prisoner to this day, having been a Prisoner Four Years.
Henry Harlow, Nicholas Frost, Thomas Edmundson and Stephen Sumes have been all Prisoners in Cambridge above Six Years, for not paying 3 s. 6 d. a piece to the Repair of the Church (so called.)
James Howton of Downham ▪ Imprison'd in the Isle of Ely, the 8th day of the 2d Moneth, 1676. for not paying 1 s. 4 d. towards the Repair of the Church (so called) prosecuted in the Bishops Court at Ely, and apprehended by a Writ, de Excommunicato Capiendo.
Ely, the 22d of the 5th Moneth, 1680.
Samuel Cater of Littleport in the said Isle of Ely, prosecuted in the Bishops Court of Ely for not Conforming, and Excommunicated; and because they could not suddainly obtain the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, his Adversaries caused him to be taken up, and being brought before a Justice, he tendred him the Oath of Allegiance; a Snare they well knew never fails to hold a Quaker: So to Prison he was sent, for refusing for Conscience sake to Swear at all; and brought from one Sessions to another, and the Oath again tendred to him, till at last they brought the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo from London, and delivered it to the Sheriff, with which he stands charged.
REbecca Hill of the Parish of Ryme in the said County, Excommunicated for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) and Imprisoned upon a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, dated the 13th day of July, 1678.
7th of the
1st Moneth,
MAnasses Orchard of Tiverton cited to the Bishops Court at Exon, where he appeared; nevertheless, he was shortly after Excommunicated, and the 7th day of the 11th Moneth, 1678. was cast into Prison upon a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, for opening his Shop on the day called Christmass-day.
Robert Welch Imprisoned upon the same Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying small Tythes, and hath remained a Prisoner several Years.
George Croker of Plymouth, for not going to the Publick Worship, Imprisoned by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, in the Sheriffs Ward, the 21st day of the 6th Moneth, 1677. and is still kept a Prisoner.
ROger Hulson of Northton, Imprisoned the 8th day of the 2d Moneth, 1678. by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of Thomas Davison, Priest of Northton, for Easter-Reckonings, Reek-Penny and Tythe-Hen.
Chelmsford, the
2d of the
2d Moneth,
ZAchariah Child Abraham Bell & Mary Bell, widdow for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) of Felsted in the said County, were, at the Suit of William Surrey, Warden, Imprisoned by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, and still remain Prisoners.
Note, There were Ten more in this County Prisoners at Chelmsford, upon the same Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo; but through the Moderation of the Bishop of London (Application being made to him on their behalf) they were discharged of their Imprisonment.
MAtthew Andrews Imprisoned the 16th of the 1st Moneth, All imprison'd on Writs, De Excommunicato capiendo sued out by the Chancellor of the Bishops Court at Gloucester, for not going to the publick Worship. 1677.
Nathaniel Cripps and John Mason Imprisoned the 4th of the 10th Moneth, 1678.
John Wickham, John Parker & Robert Tilley Imprisoned the 4th of the 10th Mon. 1678.
Robert Neal and Nathaniel Ogburn Imprisoned the 20th of the 8th Moneth, 1678.
Jenkin Hopkin Imprisoned the 6th of the 12th Moneth, 1678.
4th Moneth,
IAmes Brown, William Bunkee and Robert Cooper, all Imprisoned in the County-Goal in Hartford, for not going to the publick Worship, and still remain Prisoners.
WIlliam Baldwin of Porchester in the said County, Imprisoned in the County-Goal at Winchester, by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, the 29th day of June, 1680. (for not paying Tythes) and still remains a Prisoner.
6th of the
1st Moneth, called
March, 1678.
GEorge Clapham cast into Prison the 7th day of the 12th Moneth, 1676. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to the Parish Church (so eailed) and not receiving the Sacrament, and still continues a a Prisoner; prosecuted by Doctor Pocklington.
William Poole Imprisoned the 22d day of the 1st Moneth, called March, 1677. for not going to the Parish Church, and not receiving the Sacrament; prosecuted [Page 9] by Duellin Salmon, Register of the Commissary Court of the Bishop of Lincoln.
John Purkis Imprisoned the 22d of the 2d Moneth, called April, 1678. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for 16 d. small Tythes; prosecuted by one Drury.
James Paris Imprisoned the 15th of the 5th Moneth, 1678. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to the Parish Church, and not receiving the Sacrament; the Bailiff that served it being implyed by Duellin Salmon, Register of the Commissary Court aforesaid.
Roger Chamberlain Imprisoned the 18th of the Moneth called October, 1678. upon a VVrit, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to Church, and not receiving the Sacrament. The Bailiff that made Service thereof being implyed by Duellin Salmon aforesaid.
Benjamin Bennell Imprisoned the 15th of the 12th Moneth, 1678. by a VVrit, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to Church (so called) and not receiving the Sacrament. And being a Lame man, t [...]a can neither stand nor go, he was ordred to be carried on Horseback, by Duellin Salmon, the Bailiff riding behind [...]im.
Nathaniel Cowthorne Imprisoned the 21st of the 12th Moneth, 1678. by a VVrit, De Excommunicato Capiendo; Arrested by one William Clay, at the Suit of Duellin Salmon aforesaid.
Note, The Cause [...] of the aforesaid Persons Imprisonment, as expressed in the Writ, was for Contempt of the Court, in not appearing.
William Wright of Godmanchesber, for not paying small Tythes, was cited to the Bishops Court, where he gave [Page 10] his Appearance, and took a Copy of the Libel against him, Note: Qu. Whether they have Power to administer an Oath by Law, except in cases of Matrimony & Testaments? and tendred his Answer in Writing, under his Hand and Seal; but because he could not Swear to it, they would not receive it, but admonished him once, twice and thrice, and then proceeded to Excommunication.
1st Moneth,
THomas Clarenbole of Deale in the said County, Imprisoned the 6th of the 11th Moneth, 1675. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo; prosecuted by John Marsh of Okeham, Warden, for not paying 3 s. 3 d. towards the Repair of the Church, so called.
William Gibbon cited to the Bishops Court, for not paying small Tythes; and for a pretended Contempt in not appearing, he was Excommunicated; which being certified to the Justice, a Warrant was granted to commit him to Prison, though he was a poor Aged Man, and his Wife Blind: He hath remained a Prisoner several Years.
Richard Perry of Chartham in the said County, the 1st of the 12th Moneth▪ 1675. was taken at the Suit of Doctor Parker, Arch-Deacon, and Imprisoned by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for denying to pay 3 s. 4 d. towards Repair of the Church (so called.)
Alice Smith and John Smith her Son, Imprisoned in the Goal in Dunstones near Canterbury, about the 8th Moneth, 1678. upon a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying Tythes to Priest Allen of Crondall.
The 9th Moneth, 1680.
DAniel Fox of Thrussington, in the said County, Mercer, Imprisoned upon a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to Church, so called, and hath been a Prisoner four Years.
John Wilsford of Fenny Stanton in Huntingtonshire, Woolcomber, being taken two Weeks before his Removal from Netherbroughton, now forty Miles from his Family, having three Children, and imprisoned by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to the Parish Church (so called) and hath remained a Prisoner four Years.
Samuel Browne of Liecester, Apothecary, Imprisoned by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to the Parish Church (so called) and hath remained a Prisoner above four Years.
John Eliot of Norkilworth, Husbandman, Imprisoned by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to Church (so called) & hath remained a Prisoner above four Years, from his Family, having four small Children.
John Johnson of Norkilworth, Shepherd, Imprisoned by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to the Parish Church (so called) and hath been a Prisoner near four Years, from his Family, having three small Children.
Thomas Dash of Hinckley, Labouring-man, Aged Sixty Three Years, and hath an Aged Wife and four Children to maintain, Imprisoned by the said Writ, De Excommunicato [Page 12] Copiendo, for not going to Church (so called) and hath been a Prisoner above four Years.
The 1st Moneth, 1679.
William Parker of Long Clawson, in the said County, Carpenter, Excommunicated for not paying Tythes to J. Ray Priest of Clawson, and certified to a Justice, and by him committed by Mittimus, by the Statute of the 27 Hen. 8. and hath remained a Prisoner above Four Years.
John Marriot of Long Clawson aforesaid, Joyner, imprisoned at the Suit of the said J. Ray, for Tythes, and being certified to a Justice that he was Excommunicated, he was by Mittimus committed upon the Statute of the 27 Hen. 8. and hath remained a Prisoner above four Years.
Thomas Fellows of Whetstone in the said County, Husband-man, committed by Mittimus on the same Statute, at the Suit of Thomas Robinson Priest of Whetstone, for Non-payment of Tythes, and hath remained a Prisoner about four Years.
The 22d of the 12th Moneth, 1978.
WIlliam Edlinton of Crayes Loon, in Hacksey Parish, Imprisoned in Lincoln Castle, in the 3d Moneth, 1674. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying Tythes to Edward Coggin and Tho. Painter, Impropriators.
Robert Berryer of Cro [...]le Parish, Imprisoned in the same Goal, in the 5th Moneth, 1674. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of the said Edward Coggin and Thomas Painter for Tythes.
[Page 13] James Dixon of Croole, Imprisoned the 4th day of the 9th Moneth, 1674. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, at the suit of Samuel Ashbourn, Priest of the same Parish, for Non-payment of Tythe.
John Baldock of Wanefleet, imprison'd the 18 of the 11 Moneth, 1675. by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) prosecuted by Adlord Thorp and Adlord Sandome, John Chambers, Bailiff, and Thomas Organner, Parritor.
William Browne of Belton, Imprisoned the 13th day of the 1st Moneth, 1676. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) prosecuted by Robert Barnard, James Turr, Wardens of the Parish.
Robert Maw of Belton, aforesaid, Imprisoned the 13th day of the 1st Moneth, 1676. for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) prosecuted by Robert Barnard and James Turr aforesaid.
The 4th Moneth, 1679.
Thomas Cutforth of Epworth, in the Isle of Hacksey, in the County aforesaid, was Imprisoned the 16th day of the 7th Moneth, 1679. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of Richard Herrin, Priest of Hacksay, for Non-Payment Tythes.
John Hopkinson of Weston, sued by John Cock and George Woodriff, for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) and imprisoned upon a VVrit of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 6th day of the 3d Moneth, 1680. and still remains a Prisoner.
Jonah Titmus of Maulton, Imprisoned the 22d day of the 3d Moneth, 1680. by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) prosecuted at the Suit of Cock and Woodriff, Wardens.
[Page 14] John Aystrope Imprisoned in the Castle of Lincoln upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, and still remains a Prisoner, 1680. The Cause of his Imprisoment not signified.
5th Moneth,
THomas Skerray of Wrea, Husbandman, and Agnes Skerray, of the same place, Widdow, both Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, at the suit of the Lord Morley of Hornby, for Tythes, and still reman Prisoners, 1680.
9th of the
3d Moneth,
LEonard Marshall and his Mother, and Hugh Mostin, all Imprisoned in the 8th Moneth, 1678. upon Writs of Excommunicato Capiendo in the County Goal in Nottingham; the cause, for not going to the Church, so called.
Jonathan Reckless of Nottingham Imprisoned (by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo) in the County-Goal, because he refused to hire the Priest of the Parish to Marry him for Money.
1st Moneth,
JOhn Hart, Nathanial Bacon, Henry Pedd, John Norris and William Barber, all Imprisoned upon Writs of [Page 15] Excommunicato Capiendo, for a Contempt (as is signified in the Writ) for not appearing, &c. and still remain Prisoners.
Thomas Foster of Mulborton, Imprisoned the 15th day of the 1st Moneth, 1679. at the Suit of Danial Scargill, Priest of the said Parish, and still remains a Prisoner.
John Spoil of Mulborton aforesaid, Imprisoned the 15th day of the 1st Moneth, 1679. at the Suit of Daneil Scargill aforesaid, upon a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, and still remains a Prisoner.
20th of the
12th Moneth,
JOhn Ellis, Thomas Mosely and Mary Akehurst, a Widdow that hath five Children, Imprisoned by the Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo; prosecuted by William Snatt, Priest of three Parishes, in and near Lewis, for not paying him small Tythes, they were first committed to Horsham Goal, which was about the beginning of Winter, 1677. and since were by William Peck, Merchant in Lewis, removed, in favour to them, to the Kings Bench, where they still remain Prisoners.
The 15th of th 12th Moneth, 1678.
THomas Seaman of Shire Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to hear [Page 16] Common Prayer, and hath remained a Prisoner about two Years.
Francis Jones of Oakeing in the said County, Husbandman, for not paying small Tythes, Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, and hath been a Prisoner two Years and upwards, about twenty Miles from his Family.
The 17th of the 9th Moneth, 1680.
John Otter of Magdalens Bermundsey, in the County of Surrey, Cordwinder, Imprisoned in the County Goal, the 5th Moneth, 1677. by the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not answering upon Oath, in the Court of the Bishop of Winton, being Sued for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) by George Nutkins, William Browne, John Arnold and Richard Bugin, VVardens and Over-seers of the Parish aforesaid, and still remains a Prisoner.
Griffith Jones of the same Parish, Wine-Cooper, Imprisoned the same time. by the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, for the same Cause, at the same mens Suit, and still remains a Prisoner.
John Tarmton of the same Parish, Cordwinder, Imprisoned at the same mens Suit, about the same time, by a VVrit of Excommunicato Capiendo, for the same cause, and still remains a Prisoner.
John Potter of the same Parish, Cordwinder; Joseph Rawbones of the same Parish, Bricklayer; Henry Day of the same Parish. Taylor; John Farmer of the same Parish, Carpenter; Edmund Curle of the same Parish, Turner; Thomas Life of the same Parish, Salter; Samuel Marting of the same Parish, Ceele-monger; all Imprisoned about the 5th Moneth, 1677. upon Writs of Excommunicato [Page 17] Capiendo, at the Suit of the said George Nutkins, William Browne, John Arnold and Richard Burgin, Wardens of the Parish of Magdalens Bermondsey aforesaid, for not putting in their Answer upon Oath; being also prosecuted for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) still remain Prisoners, except two that are Dead.
Samuel Jobson of Bermondsey Parish aforesaid, Fellmonger, Imprisoned the 30th day of the 10th Moneth, 1679. upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for the same cause; prosecuted by William Browne, John Arnold, Richard Burgin and George Nutkins, and still remains a Prisoner.
The 25th of the 12th Moneth, 1678.
IOhn Manning and William Falkner, both of Alborrough, committed to the County Goal in Ipswich the 2d day of the 11th Moneth, 1675. prosecuted by the Wardens of the same Town, and Imprisoned by the Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to divine Service (so called) and still remain Prisoners.
Samuel Freeman of Shottly, Imprisoned the 7th day of the 2d Moneth, 1676. by the Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, at the suit of William Marksey, Priest of the same Town, for a small value of Tythes, and still remains a close Prisoner.
Note, Thomas Watson, Keeper of the Goal, hath been very cruel to John Manning and William Falkner, [Page 18] and cast them twice into the bottom amongst Fellons, where they remained above Twenty Weeks; and the last time he caused one of the Fellons to be chained Night and Day in a long Chain, which reached over the Room, on purpose to annoy the Room with his Filthiness and Excrements, and would not sufer them to have so much as a Stool, Chair or Stone to sit on; and they have been kept several Years close Prisoners, Eighteen Miles distant from their wives and Families.
Benjamin Reeve of Debenham committed to the same Goal the 9th day of the 2d Moneth, 1677. by a Wri [...] de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying Augustine Colliar and Thomas Pells, Wardens, 4 s. 6 d. towards the the Repair of the Church (so called) and is still kept close Prisoner.
Mariha Glanfield of Halksted, Widdow, committed to the same Goal, the 26th day of the 12th Moneth, 1678. by a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to Church (so called) and is still kept close Prisoner.
George Deane of Arington committed to Prison the 15th day of the 11th Moneth. 1678. by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo; prosecuted by Robert Man of the same Town, Warden, for the same cause.
George Driver of Clopton, c [...]mmitted to Prison in Ipswich, the 21st day of the 11th Moneth, 1678. by a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo; prosecuted by the Wardens of the same Town, for the same cause, and still remains a Prisoner.
William Feddeman committed to the same Goal, the 7th day of the 12th Moneth, 1678. upon a Writ, de Excommunicato Capiendo; prosecuted in the Bishops Court by Robert Cook, Warden of Ellens Parish in Ipswich, and still remains a Prisoner.
In Bury Goal.
John Downham of Assington, Imprisoned by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying Tythes to Priest Garwood of Westington; hath been a Prisoner almost five Years.
VVilliam Scarce of Northam, Imprisoned the 28th day of the 6th Moneth, 1675. by the Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo ▪ being prosecuted for not being legally marryed to his Wife; notwithstanding it hath been made appear since to the Chancellor of the Bishops Court, under the Hands of the Priest that marryed them, and other Witnesses, and that before he was called a Quaker, That he was Marryed according to the Manner of the Church of England: He hath remained a Prisoner more then three Years, and so still remains.
Edmund Howkings of Boxford, Imprisoned in the 1st Moneth, 1677. by a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying Tythes to Priest Bromwell of Pons [...]ead.
Robert Pra [...]ck of Bury, Imprisoned by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying Easter-Reckonings, and a Rate towards Repair of the Church (so called) He hath been a Prisoner Forty Weeks, and still remains a Prisoner.
9th Moneth,
IOhn Denny of Weston Zayland, a poor Labourer, was the 10th Moneth, 1674. Imprisoned upon a Writ [Page 20] de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying small Tythes to Sir VVilliam Powell, Impropriator, the value of Tythes being about 9 d. for three Year.
Jeremiah Powell of Michael Creech, committed to Prison the 11th Moneth, 1674. upon a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying Tythes.
John Wride, John Brice and Robert Tutton of Burnham, Imprisoned in the 2d Moneth, 1675. by Mittimus upon the Statute of the 27 Hen. 8. C. 20. for a contempt in the Bishops Court, as alledged, for not appearing upon a citation at the suit of Robert Collier, Priest of Chard, who lives there, and yet demands the Tythes of Burnham, also: It is for small Tythes.
Note, This was done upon a bare Citation, for not appearing, without any other Proceedings, Decree or Sentence; and the words are Conjunctively in the Statute; and John Wride one of the three, not cited at all.
John Parsons of Middle [...]oy, Imprisoned in the 9th Moneth, 1675. upon at Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of VVilliam Powell, Impropriator, in a case of with-holding Tythes; upon which he was removed to London, and remanded at the Charge of the Sheriff.
John Chappel of World Imprisoned the 11th Moneth, 1675, upon a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of Samuel Willan, Priest of Weston and Cowstock, for not paying Tythes to the value of about fourteen Groats, at the Priest's rate.
Edward Silcocks of Weston-super Mary, a poor man, and Labourer, brought to the Goal in the second Moneth, 1675. upon a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo for some small Tythes of Fish, which came to about 10 s. for five [Page 21] Years, at the Suit of Samuel Willan, Priest, who is an envious Persecuting Proud man.
Thomas Powell of Greenton Imprisoned the 5th Moneth 1676. upon a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not answering upon Oath to the Articles and Positions of William Powell Impropriator, in a Case of Tythes; the value at the utmost, for six Years stint of Meadow, 6 s. 9 d. and for nine Cocks of Barley, worth about 3 s. 4 d.
Henry Gundry of Streat imprisoned the 11th Day of the 7th Moneth, 1678. by Warrant from Robert Hunt and Henry Bull, (two called Justices) upon Letters Testimonial from Peter Bishop of Bathe and Wells, as alledged for not appearing before his Lordship, or his Official; the Mittimus expresseth in a case of with-holding Tythes from Joseph Glanvile Priest of Streat and Walton, who prosecutes the Suit, and yet by Violence, without Law, takes what he or his Servants pleases for Tythes; and now Imprisons the said Henry Gundry also, under pretence of Contumacy in not appearing; when in truth he did appear, and on the day whereon the Contempt was returned, was ready to appear again, but was hindred by an accident of Fire about half an Hour, the which they strickly took the advantage of.
Edmund Chappel the younger of World, Imprisoned the 27th of the 7th Moneth, 1678. upon a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not answering upon Oath in the Bishops Court of Bathe and Wells to certain Articles, exhibited by Samuel Willan Priest of Kewstock and Weston, for the Tythes of Pasture-Ground, to the value of Ten Groats, after the Priests rate.
☞ And to add to the Bonds of John Wriden, John Brice, Robert Tutton, John Chappell and Edward Silcocks, [Page 22] Five of the aforesaid Prisoners, Peter Bishop of Bathe and Wells, by the promotion of some others of the Clergy, threatned the Keepers of the Goal at the Assizes held at Wells, 1678. and there inforced the said Keepers to give him a Bond in a Hundred Pounds penalty, to be Forfeited, if they should let any or either of the said Prisoners have any Liberty; Such a President as the like was never read or heard, and is without question contrary to all Law, Justice, Religion and Reason.
William Beaton and John Allen Imprisoned the 26th Day of the 4th Moneth, 1679. Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not receiving the Eucharist, as alledged in the Warrant, and still remain Prisoners.
24th of the
1st Moneth,
PEter Littleton of Stafford committed to Prison the 17th Day of the 8th Moneth, 1675. upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of Thomas Fletther Priest of Haughton, for Non-payment of Tythes, and remained a Prisoner till Summer Assizes, and then was set at Liberty by the Act of Pardon and Indemnity; but in the latter end of the same Moneth he was again committed by Mittimus (upon the Statute of the 27 Hen. 8.) under the Hands and Seals of John Martin, Mayor of Stafford, and Francis Moss Justice, at the Suit of the said Tho. Fletcher, who granted their Warrant upon a Significavit or Certificate from the Bishop of Lichfield, that the said Peter Littleton was Excommunicated, [Page 23] &c. And this Priest has been so Cruel to him, that though the said Peter was very Sick of a Feaver, and more likely to dye then to live, (four Men dying out of the same Room in about two Weeks time) yet he would let him have no Liberty: But through God's Mercy (who is good to all that depend upon him) his Life was preserved.
9th Moneth,
THomas Palmer of the Parish of Stoteston, in the said County, for not going to Church (so called) Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 20th Day of the 6th Moneth, 1677. by John Osland and Owen Roberts Bailiffs, prosecuted in the Bishops Court at Ludlow; To which Court most of his Servants and Labourers were also cited, who being poor, and to avoid Expence, gave no appearance, for which they were Excommunicated, which brought such Fear and Disturbance upon them, that the aforesaid Thomas Palmer lost his Harvest for want of Work-men; he being himself in Goal and absent.
JOhn Marshall of Ipssley, in the said County, in the Year 1678. dyed, and having one Child he made a Will, and made John Marshall of Southwark, in the [Page 24] County of Surry, Executor; the aforesaid John Marshall of Ipssley being in his Life-time Excommunicated in the Bishop of Worcesters Court, for not paying three Shillings and six Pence towards the Repair of the Church (so called) after his Death, John Moore and William Miles Wardens of the Parish of Ipssley aforesaid, at whose Suit the said John Marshall was Excommunicated, got an Administration out of the Bishop's Court for their pretended due of 3 s. 6 d. and charge of Court in Excommunicating of him, and taking advantage at the Executors being at such a distance, they seized and took into their Possession, and carried away a Mare worth four Pounds, and two two Years old Calves, and seized as much Hay as was worth 10 l. All for their pretended Debt of 3 s. 6 d. and Court charges.
Fisherton Anger, the
2d Day of the
8th Moneth,
WIlliam Moxham of Marden in the said County, Imprisoned in Fisherton Anger, at the Suit of William Gum, Priest of Marden, for small Tythes, viz. of Apples, Eggs, Calves and Piggs, as in the Libel was expressed, to which he would have put in his Answer, but it would not be received, because he could not Swear to it, and thereupon was Excommunicated and Imprisoned, where he hath remained several Years, and still remains a Prisoner: And though the said William Gum hath had his Body in Prison, he hath also taken his Goods away for his Tythes at the same time, at his will and pleasure.
[Page 25] Richard Hilliard of Alderbury, in the said County, Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to Church (so called) prosecuted by the Envy and Instigation of John Foot Priest of Alderbury aforesaid, and some of the Officers of the Bishop's Court, and hath remained in Prison several Years, and still continues a Prisoner.
George Harris of New Sarum, Imprisoned by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to the Parish Worship, prosecuted in the Bishops Court, and hath been a Prisoner several Years, and still remains in Prison.
Roger Wheeler of Pottern, a very poor Man, having little for himself, Wife and four Children, but what he laboured for with his Hands; because he refused to receive the Sacrament, at the Instigation of Richard Bowman Priest of the Parish, and others, was presented and cited to the Bishop's Court, where he appeared, and was willing and ready to give a Reason of his Faith; nevertheless they pretended a Contempt against him for not appearing, and cast his Body into Prison, where he hath been a Sufferer several Years, and so still remains.
Ralph Wythers of Bishops Comings, in the County aforesaid, Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, prosecuted by some of the Officers of the Bishop's Court, concerning his manner of Marriage, it being not according to the Ceremonies of the Church of England; the Priest of the Parish loosing the Money he usually hath in such cases, which was the reason of the procedure against him, after he had remained in Prison several Moneths, at the Request of some of his Friends, a Release was obtained; but the Envy of the Spiritual Court (so called) was so great against him, that they prosecuted him a fresh, and renewed their Capias [Page 26] and for the same cause cast him into Prison again, his Wife bring great with Child, was in a short time delivered; but her Husband's Sufferings caused such great Grief and Trouble to her, that she could not quit her self of it untill she died: And the said Ralph Wythers still remains a close Prisoner.
12th Moneth,
THomas Moore of Newbiggin, and Dorothy Middleton of Lupton, Imprisoned in Appleby Goal, upon Writs of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying Easter-Reckonings and Midsummer-Dues, &c. at the Suit of Henry Hoyle Priest of Kirby Lambsdale; and have been Prisoners two Years, though the Prosecutor is dead.
20th of the
8th Moneth,
WIlliam Parr of Shipston in the said County, for not going to Church (so called) and not appearing at Doctor Crouches Court at Treddington, Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, and hath remained a Prisoner two Years and a half; and so still remains.
The 1st of the 3d Moneth, 1678.
IOshua Smith for refusing to take the Oath of Church-Warden (so called) Imprisoned upon the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, where he yet remains, having been a Prisoner ever since the 13th of the 9th Moneth, 1673.
John Moreley presented as Warden, and for not appearing in the Bishops Court to Citation, was imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 18th Day of the 10th Moneth, 1677. and still remains.
Nicholas Row sued for small Tythes in the Bishop's Court, and Excommunicated; and upon Certificate thereof committed by a Justices Warrant, upon the 27 Hen. 8. the 8th Moneth, 1674.
Christopher Walkington committed to Prison, upon Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 8th of the 11th Moneth, 1674. for not appearing, &c. to answer for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called.)
Joseph Travis Imprisoned by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not appearing, and not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) committed the 20th of the 11th Moneth, 1674.
Peter Simpson Imprisoned upon the Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, in the 12th Moneth, 1674. for not giving his answer to a Libel upon Oath.
Matthew Wildman, for not appearing to Citation sued for small Tythes, was by the same Writ committed the 11th day of the 3d Moneth, 1675. where he still remains.
[Page 28] Thomas Appleton Imprisoned the 4th day of the 5th Moneth, 1675. by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to Church (so called) where he still Remains.
Richard Carr committed to Prison, the 21st day of the 6th Moneth, 1675. by the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, for the same cause.
Honora Skipwith committed the 28th day of the 7th Moneth, 1675. by the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, for the same cause, and not appearing at the Bishops Court.
John Lightfoot committed to Prison, the 28th day of the 7th Moneth, 1675. for not going to Church (so called) by a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, and still remains a Prisoner.
Edward Evans committed to Prison the 28th day of the 6th Moneth, 1675. by a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not appearing in the Bishops Court, where he yet remains.
Thomas Milton committed to Prison the 26th of the 8th Moneth, 1675. by an Excommunicato Capiendo Writ, for not going to Church (so called) where he yet Remains.
Edward Gower▪ Aged about sixty Years, for the same cause was committed, the 11th day of the 5th Moneth, 1675. by Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, and still Remains a Prisoner.
John Lickas for the same cause committed to Prison, the 21st of the 10th Moneth, 1675. by Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, where he yet remains.
William Keddy for the same Cause committed to Prison, the 2d day of the 11th Moneth, 1675. by Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, where he yet remains.
[Page 29] Richard Hancock presented for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) & for not appearing, committed to Prison, the 5th of the 11th Moneth, 1675. by Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, and still remains a Prisoner.
William Blassom presented for the same cause, and for not appearing, prosecuted and imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 5th of the 11th Moneth, 1675. and still remains a Prisoner.
Thomas Bellamy for the same cause, Imprisoned upon a Wit of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 5th of the 11th Moneth, 1675. and still remains a Prisoner.
Thomas Jarret for not going to Church (so called) was committed the 26th of the 12th Moneth, 1675. by Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, and yet remains a Prisoner.
Thomas Wilkinson Imprisoned by Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, the 8th day of the 2d Moneth, 1676. at the Suit of Leonard Burton for small Tythes, and still remains a Prisoner.
Thomas Salkell and Francis Lund, committed at the same Persons Suit, for the same cause, at the same time, by the Writ aforesaid.
Isabel Milner committed to Prison, for not conforming and not going to Church (so called) by VVrit of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 6th of the 10th Moneth 1676. and still remains a Prisoner.
Joseph Denton for the same cause committed to Prison, the 15th of the 11th Moneth, 1676. where he yet remains.
Thomas Thompson for not paying to the Repaire of the Church (so called) imprisoned by Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, the 23d of the 3d Moneth, 1677. where he still remains.
[Page 30] Michael Simpson committed by a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, the 23d of the 3d Moneth, 1677. for not appearing at the Bishops Court, where he still remains.
Thomas Gargil for the same cause Imprisoned the 24th of the 3d Moneth, 1677. by a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, where he still remains.
David Nutbrown for the same cause was committed by Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, the 18th day of the 12th moneth, 1676.
James Conyers for the same cause imprisoned by the same Writ, the 21st of the 1st moneth, 1676. where he still remains.
Michael Todd for the same cause, imprisoned by Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, where he still remains.
John Hunter, a poor decreped Man, that taught Children for a livelihood; because he could not conform to take Licence to teach School, was Excommunicated by the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, committed to Prison the 2d of the 6th Moneth, 1677. since dead.
Christopher Stockton sued in the Bishop's Court at York, 1674. by one Thomas Flathar Priest; and for not giving in an Answer to the Priest's Libel▪ was Excommunicated, which was certified to a Justice, who upon the Statute of the 27 Hen. 8. was committed to Prison the 31st of the 9th Moneth, 1674. and the next Assizes upon a motion of the Illegality of the said Warrant or Mittimus was released, but was shortly after again committed upon the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of the same man, for the same cause, the 31st of the 11th moneth, 1677. and still remains a Prisoner.
Jarvaice Key sued in the Bishops Court at York, in the Year 1675. by Joseph Briggs, Priest, and by Mittimus [Page 31] committed to Prison the 8th day of the 5th moneth, 1675. upon the Statute of the 27 Hen. 8. And there continued till the Assizes in 1677. and upon motion before the Judge of Assize, of the Illegallity of the Warrant, by which he was commited, he was released: Nevertheless the Priest began again with him in the Bishops Court, and he was again committed, the 28th day of the 9th moneth, 1677. where he still remains.
Robert Trot prosecuted in the Bishops Court, for non-payment of Tythes, and for not appearing, was Excommunicated and committed by Mittimus upon the Statute aforesaid, the 6th day of the 8th moneth, 1677. where he yet remains.
John Dickenson committed by the same Warrant, at the same time, and for the same cause, where he still remains.
John Loggins, for not giving his answer to the Libel upon Oath, was by Justices Warrant committed the 29th of the 8th moneth, 1677. and yet remains Prisoner.
John Todd sued for Tythes of Bees and Honey, and nothing else declared against him in the Libel; yet because he could not Swear to his Answer was Excommunicated, though he had neither Bees, Honey nor Wax, and was committed to Prison by a Justices Warrant, the 22d day of the 2d moneth, 1678. where he now lies prosecuted by John Burton Priest.
William Hudson committed to Prison by Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, to the City Goal in York, for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) the 8th day of the 11th moneth, 1673. where he yet remains.
Anthony Wells of Hull committed to Hull Goal, upon a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, for Non-conformity, [Page 32] where he hath long lain in Prison, and still remains a Prisoner.
In Richmond Goal, 1678.
Richard Robinson of Countersett, in the said County, imprisoned upon a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, the 4th of the 11th Moneth, 1678. for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) and still remains.
John Fothergill of the same place, for the same cause, committed also the 4th day of the 11th Moneth, 1678. and still remains a Prisoner.
Christopher Routh of Hawes committed the same time, by the same Writ, for pretended Fornication with her that is [...] his Wife, before [...], and still remains a Prisoner.
Stephen Winn and Robert Gildart, both of Carlton in Coverdale, both imprisoned in Richmond, upon Writs of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 15th day of the 1st moneth, 1679. for not going to the Church (so called) and not receiving the Sacrament, and still remain Prisoners.
George Wilson of Relnbald Kirk, Imprisoned in Richmond, by a Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo, the 10th day of the 11th moneth, 1679. for a contempt to the Bishop's Court in not appearing, &c.
Robert Cutter of Kerby Ravensworth, Yeamon, Excommunicated for a contempt, in not appearing at the Bishops Court, &c. and committed by the Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, the 3d day of the moneth, called March, 1679. and still remains a Prisoner.
William Harlin Sledman, Edward Mounder Joyner, Judith Bond Widdow; all of Kingston upon Hull Imprisoned [Page 33] in the said Town, by a Justices Warrant, it being certified by the Bishop of York, that they were Excommunicated, for not paying Tythes to Nicholas Anderson, Priest; the Warrant dated the 1st day of April, 1678. and they still remain Prisoners.
John Normable of Lockington, for not paying small Tythes to John Willy, was Excommunicated, and upon certificate thereof to the Justices, he was sent to the Goal at York, the 5th Moneth, 1678. by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of two of them, and there still remains.
Christopher Hutton committed to Prison by Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, the 23d of the 5th Moneth, called July, 1678. for a Contempt in not appearing (as alledged in the Warrant) at the Bishops Court, and still remains a Prisoner.
Joseph Wytherill Imprisoned the 27th day of the Moneth called July, 1678. for not paying to the Repair of the Church (so called) committed by Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, and still remains a Prisoner.
Leonard Petfield Imprisoned by Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, the 20th day of September, 1678. for not receiving the Sacrament, and still remains a Prisoner.
Anthony Carr and Richard Woodmansey, prosecuted and imprisoned by Writs of Excommunicato Capiendo, 1678. for pretended Clandestine Marriages.
Benjamin Brook of Aughton, for not paying Tythes to William Richardson, was imprisoned in the 8th Moneth, 1678. by a Mittimus under two Justices Hands and Seals, and still remains a Prisoner.
Peter Scaife of Pontefract in the said County, for not paying Tythes to Jane Drake, Widdow, Imprisoned about the 1st Moneth, called March, 1679. by Warrant [Page 34] from two Justices, being first certified to them, that he was Excommunicated, and still remains a Prisoner.
William Harland Imprisoned upon a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, for a contempt, as signified in the Warrant, by which he was committed the 22th day of the 6th Moneth, called August, 1679. and still remains a Prisoner
William Padley of Northcave, prosecuted and imprisoned for not appearing in the Bishops Court, at the suit of Thomas Forger, Priest of Northcave aforesaid, being for the same Excommunicated and certified to two Justices, who committed him upon the Statute of the 27 Hen. 8. and still remains a Prisoner.
Richard Pursglove, Imprisoned upon a VVrit de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to Church, so called, 1678. and still remains a Prisoner.
8th Moneth,
RIchard Vickris, Edward Erbery, William Hill and Paul Moone, now imprisoned in Bristol, committed upon Writs of Excommunicato Capiendo. Also, there are above 20 more in the said City, Men of considerable Trade and Business, that stand Excommunicated, and threatned to have process taken out against them this Michaelmas Term.
23d of the
3d Moneth,
EDward Lord, John Burge and Thomas Kent, all Imprisoned upon VVrits of Excommunicato Capiendo; the [Page 35] Crime pretended, for not paying a small Rate towards the Repair of the Church (so called) and have been Prisoners two Years, and so still remain.
HEnry Browne of Nether Broughton in the said County, Yeoman, prosecuted in the Bishops Court, and a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo being obtained against him, although he did not keep from Home, or keep House to prevent his being apprehended, yet the Sheriff returned a Non est inventus, upon which he was fined 10 l. and had his Goods distrained by George Parker and Henry Bumns, Bailiffs.
Richard Chamberlain of Kilby in the same County, upon the same account, had three Horses taken from him, worth 10 l.
These Accounts before given of the Sufferer's, are but a few in Comparison to the many that have been prosecuted and imprisoned upon the aforesaid Writs of Excommunicato Capiendo, within the last twenty Years.
And further note, That most of the aforesaid Accounts were drawn up and intended to be delivered to the last Parliament (had they not been suddainly Dissolved) so that it being some time since, there may be some Alteration, some may be Released by Death, and some otherwise; and others may be imprisoned upon the same Account: But at the time of the Date placed on the top of the County, they continued all Prisoners. And the Prosecutions against us in the Bishops Courts have been more eagerly carried on for these two or three Years last past, than heretofore. In some Counties there are very [Page 36] few of our Friends, but what are Excommunicated, whereby they are debarred from receiving the Benefit of the Law, in Suing for their just Rights, or being Evidence for others, to recover theirs.
An Account of such of the People called QUAKERS, who have Dyed Prisoners, being committed by Writs of Excommunicato Capiendo: Also, the Cause of their Commitment; and Time how long they suffer'd before they Dyed, briefly signified as followeth.
JOnathan Collier of Culleton Rawleigh in the said County, Imprisoned in Stoak Cannon, the 30th day of the 5th Moneth, 1669. by the Writ, De Excommunicato Capiendo prosecuted by John Pope and William Tricky, Wardens of Culleton, for not going to Church (so called) and for not paying to the Repair of the same; he remained a Prisoner until the 15th Day of the 1st Moneth, 1670. and then finished his Testimony by Death.
Thomas Burgan of Artacton, Taylor, was Imprisoned by a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to the Church (so called) and for a Contempt of the Bishops Court, in not appearing, prosecuted by Richard Crossen, Priest, and Andrew Slathen, Warden of Artacton; the said Thomas Burgan was brought to Prison, to the Sheriffs Ward in Thomas Parish in Exon, the 9th day of the [Page 37] 2d Moneth, 1676. and was continued a Prisoner until he dyed, which was on the 19th day of the 4th Moneth following.
William Woolcott of Bridford Parish, Weaver, a Labouring man, having a Wife and two small Children, and their Dependencies was on the Labour of his Hands, was presented to the Bishops Court, through the Instigation of Bernard Gillard, Priest of the said Parish, stirring up his Parishioners, and gathering Money to pay the Charge of a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, to imprison him for having Meetings at his House, and for not conforming, by which Writ he was apprehended and sent to Prison; and after a long time lying in Prison, being a very poor man, the Keeper took pity on him, and let him have liberty to go forth to Work; but the Bishops Officers hearing of it, threatned the Keeper to have him fined and put out of his place: whereupon this poor man was kept from working, and was forced to be Relieved by his Friends, his Wife being a sikly Woman, and in a Distressed Condition; he was continued a Prisoner till the 27th day of the 3d moneth, 1676. and then departed this Life.
THomas Penford a poor Blacksmith, having a Wife and three Children, Imprisoned in the common Goal in Winton the 3d day of the 8th Moneth, 1664. by a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, for not paying 3 d. towards the Repair of the Church (so called) and for [Page 38] no other cause; after he had remained in Prison three Years and a half, he dyed a faithful Witness for the Lord, against such Oppression.
IOhn Norris Imprisoned in Norwich Castle upon the Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, and there detained until he dyed.
Mary Mawley of Nortwell, Widdow, committed Prisoner to Norwich Castle for the Tythe of a Goose, by Priest Mingly, then Priest of the said Town, who kept her a Prisoner in Norwich Castle until she dyed there.
THomas Reines of Great Tue, Imprisoned upon a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, being prosecuted in the Bishops Court at Oxford, in the 12th Moneth, 1664. And after he had remained six Years and a half in Prison, he laid down the Body: And notwithstanding he was in Prison, the Priest of the Parish still prosecuted him for Tythes, and took away two Horses from him for the same, worth six Pounds.
WIlliam Kent of Purlock, for Conscientiously refusing to go to Church (so called) and conform to hear Common-Prayer, was Excommunicated at the Bishop's Court at Wells, at the Suit, and by the promotion of Hamnet Ward, Priest of Purlock, called [Page 39] Doctor in Divinity, and by a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo was taken upon the First day of the Week, by Edward Stout and Robert Helbourn Deputy Bailiffs; And on the 26th day of the 1st moneth, 1667. was had to Ilchester Goal, where he continued untill the 1st day of the 11th moneth, 1670. and then finished his Testimony by Death.
Lucy Travers an antient Widdow, the 25th day of the 1st moneth, 1674. dyed, being prosecuted to Death, for 2 d. offering Money, by Priest Kittley of Queen Camell.
HEnry Day, of the Parish of Magdalens Berm [...]ndsey, in the County aforesaid, Taylor, imprisoned in the County Goal upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, prosecuted by George Nuttkins, William Brown, John Arnold and Richard Burgin, Wardens and Overseers of the said Parish, for not paying towards the Repair of the Church (so called) after he had lain some time in Prison, fell Sick and dyed, the 20th day of the 7th Moneth, 1677. a Prisoner for the Testimony of a good Conscience.
John Farmer of the same Parish, Carpenter, Imprisoned by the same Writ, at the same time, and for the same cause, prosecuted at the same mens Suit, remained a Prisoner until he died, which was the 12th Day of the 9th Moneth, 1680.
JOhn Jenkins of Clifton in the said County, Imprisoned upon a Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo, dyed a Prisoner about nine Years since.
PEter Buckston committed Prisoner to the County Goal, by a VVrit of Excommunicato Capiendo; after two Years Imprisonment died a Prisoner.
JOhn Green Imprisoned upon a VVrit of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not going to Church (so called) and not receiving the Sacrament, dyed a Prisoner the 12th day of the 5th Moneth, 1676.
Nicholas Raw sued in the Bishops Court for not paying Tythes, and Excommunicated, and upon Certificate thereof to two Justices, was by Mittimus committed to prison in the 8th moneth, 1674. and there continued a Prisoner untill he dyed, which was the 11th of the 12th moneth, 1678.
Besides these before expressed, many more have dyed Prisoners, committed by Process out of the Bishops Courts, which we have not received an Account of.
Dyed Prisoners, prosecuted upon Writs of Excommunicato Capiendo, 1680.
EDward Anger of Minster Parish, Imprisoned the 17th of the 3d Moneth, 1675. (by John Austis prosecuted, being Register of the Arch Deacons Court) because for Conscience sake he could not pay towards the Repair of the Church (so called) and dyed a Prisoner the 9th day of the 4th Moneth, 1676.
Thomas Deeble Imprisoned for the same cause, by a Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo, at the Suit of the said John Austis, the 7th Moneth, 1676. and dyed a Prisoner in the 11th Moneth, 1677.
Remain Prisoners in Cornwall.
Nicholas Emett, of the Parish of E [...]dellian, for not going to Church (so called) Imprisoned, being prosecuted by the said John Austis; committed to the Sheriffs Prison, the 27th of the 5th Moneth, 1676. and remains a Prisoner.
William Oliver, of the Parish of Hillary, Imprisoned by the said John Austis for not going to the Church (so called) the 2d day of the 2d Moneth, 1677. and remains a Prisoner.
William Way, of the Parish of Breage, Imprisoned upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo, for not receiving the Sacrament, prosecuted by the said John Austis, the 18th of the 11th Moneth, 1678. and remains a Prisoner.
THomas Crosbie and Joshua Crosbie of Ormskirk, were both taken the 13th day of the 1st Moneth, 167 [...]/ [...]. by William Leadbeater Parrator, and Daniel Travis Bailiff, both of Ormskirk, who brought them, the said Thomas and Joshua, to Lancaster the day following, where they both still remain Prisoners upon a Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo; prosecuted by John Chorley Attourney at Law, and now Mayor of Liverpoole.
Now you that are Wise and Ʋnbyassed Men in Authority, who are not destitute of Humanity, judge how these Coercive and Distructive proceedings of the Clergy, can consist with a Christian Spirit or Gospel Perswasion.