THE PARLIAMENTS Thanks to The Citie:
For their kinde complyance with them in all their Treasons
from time to time committed against His Maiesties Honor, Crowne and Dignitie.
To the Loyall and treacherous Citizens; the valiant and cowardly Citizens; the wise and foolish Citizens; the wealthy and poor Citizens;
the square and Round-headed Citizens;
the honored, and the Horned Citizens.
The second Part.
A Challenge From KENT, And the Counties of Surrey, Sussex, Essex and Hertford-shire; TO The Citie of LONDON, for her treachery ready to be undone.
TAme, cowardly, Kuckoldly Citizens; that for your Treachery and Disloyalty are grown shameless before men; perjur'd before God, Traytors to your King; Robbers and murderers to your Countrey; a Reproch to your Religion, a dishonour to your Nation, and a hissing to the whole VVorld; the chief Protectors, upholders, and Abbetors of Traytors, Murderers, Theeves, and Schismaticks; and a Pay-master unto them that are over head and ears in Blood, Tyranny Rapine and Oppression; That have made London (once the Phaenix of the world, that burn'd in Loyall flames to Soveraignity, till it renew'd it's Honor with it's Age, and its Prosperity with its Peace; a Citie at unitie with it self, that fear'd God, honoured the King, were obediently governed by his Lawes, and became Rich and happy in all blessings whatsoever;) Till you with the superfluity of your Moneybagges have waged Traytors in Rebellion against your lawfull King, to the undoing of all the Kingdom; turned your Citie (once the Paragon of Beaut [...],) into the Pa [...] tern of Deformity; your Phaenix into an Owle, to be whooted at by all Nations, and made the crowne and Pride of England, (by your treachery) to be the Scare-crow, and scorn of the world.
WEE the long abused People of England, that now justly take up Arms to redeem our King, Religion, Lawes and Liberties of the Subject from the Tyranny and Arbytrary cruelties of a Factious and over-awing Prvalent Party; VVill and require you the Citizens of London (as you will recover your crack'd credits) to doe the like with all convenient speed; Else we shall doe our utmost to stop all Provisions from comming to your Citie; and use the uttermost of our indeavors to reduce both you and your Citie to the Obedience of his Majestie, and all criminaries whatsoever to the tryall of the knowne Lawes of the Land.
God save the King.