Reade in this Image him, whose dearest blood
Is thought noe price to buy his Countryes good,
Whose name shall flourish, till the blast of Fame
Shall want a Trumpet, or true Worth, a name.

THE SPEECH OR DECLARATION OF JOHN PYMM, Esquire, To the LORDS of the upper House, upon the delivery of the Articles of the Com­mons assembled in Parliament, AGAINST WILLIAM LAVD, Archbishop of Canterbury, in maintenance of their Accusation, whereby he stands charged of High Treason.

TOGETHER With a true Copy of the said ARTICLES.

London, printed for Ralph Mabb, 1641.

A TRVE COPY OF THE Articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament, against WILLIAM LAVD Archbishop of CANTERBVRY in maintenance of their Accusation, whereby he stands charged with HIGH TREASON.
TOGETHER With a true Copy of the Speech or Declaration of IOHN PYMM, Esquire, upon the same.

My Lords,

I Am commanded by the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses now as­sembled for the Commons in Parliament, to deliver to your Lordships these Articles, in main­tainance of their Charge against the Archbishop of Canterbury. Their desire is, that first your Lordships would bee pleased to heare the Ar­ticles read, and then I shall endeavour to present to you the sense of the Commons concerning the nature of the Charge, and the order of their proceedings.

Articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament, in maintenance of their Accusation against WILLIAM LAVD, Archbishop of Canterbury: Whereby he stands charged with high treason:


THat he hath trayterously en­deavoured to subvert the fun­damentall Lawes and Go­vernment of this Kingdome of England, and instead thereof to intro­duce an Arbitrary and tyrannicall Go­vernment against Law; and to that end, hath wickedly and traiterously advised his Majesty, that hee might at his owne will, and pleasure, leavie, and take mony of his Subjects, without their consent in Parliament; and this hee affirmed was warrantable by the Law of God.


Hee hath for the better accomplish­ment of that his traiterous designe, advi­sed, and procured sermons, and other dis­courses to be preached, printed, and pub­lished, in which the authority of Parlia­ments, and the force of the Lawes of this Kingdome, have bin denied; and, abso­lute and unlimited Power over the per­sons and estares of his Majesties subjects maintained, and defended, not onely in the King, but himselfe, and other Bishops, against the Law: And hee hath beene a great protector, favourer, and promoter of the publishers of such false and perni­cious opinions.


He hath by Letters, Messages, Threats and Promises, and by divers other wayes to Iudges, and other Ministors of Iustice, interrupted and perverted, and at other times by meanes aforesaid, hath indea­voured to interrupt, & pervert the course [Page 4] of Iustice in his Majesties Courts at West­minster, and other Courts, to the subver­sion of the Lawes of this Kingdome, whereby sundry of his Majesties subjects have beene stopt in their just suits, depri­ved of their lawfull rights, and subjected to his tyrannicall will, to their ruine and destruction.


That the said Archbishop hath traite­rously and corruptly sold Iustice to those who have had causes depending before him, by colour of his Ecclesiasticall Iuris­diction, as Archbishop, High Commissio­ner, Referee, or otherwise, and hath taken unlawfull gifts and bribes of his Maje­sties subjects, and hath (as much as in him lyes) endeavoured to corrupt the other Courts of Iustice, by advising and pro­curing his Majesty to sell places of Iudi­cature, and other offices, contrary to the Lawes and Statutes in that behalfe.


He hath traiterously caused a Booke of Canons to bee composed, and published without any lawfull warrant and autho­rity in that behalfe; in which pretended Canons, many matters are contained con­trary to the Kings Prerogative, to the fun­damentall Lawes and Statutes of this Realme, to the right of Parliament, to the propriety, and liberty of the subject, and matters tending to sedition, and of dan­gerous consequence, and to the establish­ment of a vast, unlawfull, and presump­tuous power in himselfe, and his succes­sors; many of which Canons, by the pra­ctice of the said Archbishop, were surrep­titiously passed in the late Convocation, without due consideration and debate; o­thers by feare and compulsion, were sub­scribed by the Prelates and Clerkes there assembled, which had never beene voted and passed in the Convocation, as they ought to have beene.

[Page 6] And the said Archbishop hath contrived and endeavored to assure & confirme the unlawfull and exorbitant power, which he hath usurped & exercised over his Ma­jesties Subjects, by a wicked and ungodly oath in one of the said pretended Canons, injoyned to be taken by all the Clergy, and many of the Laity of this Kingdome.


He hath traiterously assumed to himself a Papall & tyrannicall power, both in Ec­clesiastical & temporal matters, over his Majesties subjects in this Realme of Eng­land, & in other places, to the disherison of the Crowns, dishonour of his Majesty, & derogation of his supremeauthority in ec­clesiastical matters; & the said Archbishop claimes the Kings Ecclesiasticall Iurisdi­ction as incident to his Episcopal and Ar­chiepiscopal office in this kingdome, and doth deny the same to be derived from the Crowne of England, which he hath ac­cordingly exercised, to the high contempt [Page 7] of his royall Majesty, and to the destru­ction of divers of the Kings liege people, in their persons and estates.


That he hath trayterously endeavou­red to alter and subvert Gods true Religi­on, by Law established in this Realm, and in stead there of to set up popish supersti­tion and Idolatry. And to that end hath declared and maintained in Speeches and printed Bookes, divers popish doctrines, and opinions contrary to the Articles of Religion established by Law. He hath ur­ged and injoyned divers popish and super­stitious ceremonies, without any war­rant of Law, and hath cruelly persecuted those who have opposed the same, by corporal punishments, & Imprisonments, and most unjustly vexed others, who re­fused to conforme thereunto by Ecclesia­sticall censures of Excommunication, Su­spension, Deprivation, and Degradation, contrary to the Laws of this Kingdome.


That for the better advancing of his traiterous purpose and designe, he did a­buse the great power, and trust his Maje­stie reposed in him, and did intrude upon the places of divers great officers, and up­on the right of other his Majesties Sub­jects, wherby he did procure to himselfe the nomination of sundry persons to Ec­clesiasticall Dignities, Promotions, and Benefices, belonging to his Majestie, and divers of the Nobility, Clergie, and o­thers; and hath taken upon him the com­mendation of Chaplaines to the King, by which meanes hee hath preferred to his Majesties service, and to other great pro­motions in the Church, such as have been Popishly affected, or otherwise unsound, and corrupt both in doctrine, and man­ners.


He hath for the same traiterous and wicked intent, chosen and employed [Page 9] such men to bee his owne domesticall Chaplaines, whom he knew to be noto­riously disaffected to the reformed Reli­gion, grosly addicted to Popish supersti­tion, and erroneous and unsound both in judgement and practice, and to them, or some of them, hath he committed the li­cencing of books to be printed; by which meanes divers false and superstitious Bookes have beene published, to the great scandall of Religion, and to the se­ducing of his Majesties subjects.


He hath traiterously and wickedly in­deavoured to reconcile the Church of England, with the Church of Rome; and for the effecting thereof, hath consorted, and confederated with divers popish Priests, and Iesuites; and hath keptsecret intelligence with the Pope of Rome, and by himselfe, his Agents, and Instruments, treated with such, as have from thence received Authorty, and instruction, he [Page 10] hath permitted, and countenanced a po­pish Hierarchie, or Ecclesiasticall govern­ment to be established in this Kingdome, by all which traiterous and malicious practices this Church and Kingdome hath beene exceedingly indangered, and like to fall under the Tyranny of the Ro­man Sea.


Hee in his owne person and his Suf­fragans, Visitors, Surrogates, Chancel­lors, and other Officers by his command, have caused divers learned, pious, and Orthodox Ministers of Gods word to be silenced, suspended, deprived, degraded, excommunicated, and otherwise grieved, without any just and lawfull cause: and by divers other meanes hee hath hin­dred the preaching of Gods word, cau­sed divers of his Majesties loyall Sub­jects to forsake the Kingdome, and in­creased and cherished Ignorance, and profanesle amongst the people, that so [Page 11] hee might the better facilitate the way to the effecting of his owne wicked and traiterous designe, of altering, and corrup­ting the true Religion here established.


Hee hath traiterously indeavoured to cause division, and discord betwixt the Church of England, and other Reformed Churches; and to that end hath supprest, and abrogated the Priviledges, and Im­munities, which have beene by his Maje­sty, and his royall Ancestors graunted to the Dutch, and French Churches in this Kingdome; and divers other waies hath expressed his malice and disaffection to these Churches, that so by such disunion, the Papists might have more advantage for the overthrow, and extirpation of both.


Hee hath maliciously and traiterously plotted, and indeavoured to stirre up war and enmity betwixt his Majesties two [Page 12] Kingdomes of England, and Scotland, and to that purpose hath laboured to in­troduce into the Kingdome of Scotland, divers Innovations both in Religion, and government, all or the most part of them tending to Popery, and superstition, to the great grievance, and discontent of his Majesties Subjects ofthat Nation: And for their refusing to submit to such Inno­vations, he did traiterously advise his Ma­jesty to subdue them by force of Armes, and by his owne Authority, and Power, contrary to Lawe, did procure sundry of his Majesties Subjects, and inforced the Clergie of this Kingdome to contribute towards the maintenance of that war, and when his Majesty with much wisedome and Iustice had made a Pacification be­twixt the two Kingdomes, the said Arch­bishop did presumptuously censure that pacification, as dishonorable to his Maje­sty, and by his counsells, and indeavors, so incensed his Majesty against his said Sub­jects [Page 13] of Scotland, that hee did thereupon (by ad­vice of the said Archbishop) enter into an offen­sive warre against them, to the great hazard of his Majesties person, and his Subjects of both Kingdomes.


That to preserve himself from being questio­ned for these, and others his traiterous courses, he labou [...]ed to subvert the rights of Parliament, and the ancient course of Parliamentary procee­ding, and by false and malicious slanders to in­cense his Majesty against Parliaments.

By which words, counsells, and actions, hee hath traiterously and contrary to his Allegeance laboured to alienate the hearts of the Kings liege people from his Majesty, and to set a division be­tweene them, and to ruine and destroy his Ma­jesties Kingdomes; for which they doe impeach him of high Treason, against our Soveraigne Lord the King his Crowne and dignity.

The said Commons doe further averre that the sayd William Archbishop of Canterbury, during the times that the crimes aforementio­ned were done, and committed, hath beene a [Page 14] Bishop, or Archbishop of this Realme of Eng land, one of the Kings Commissioners for Ec­clesiasticall matters; and one of his Majesties most honorable Privy Councell, and hath ta­ken an Oath for his faithfull discharge of the said Office of Councellor, and hath likewise ta­ken an oath of supremacy, and Allegeance.

And the said Commons by protestation sa­ving to themselves the liberty of exhibiting at any time hereafter, any other Accusation or Im [...]peachment against the said Archbishop, and also of replying to the Answers, that the said Archbishop shall make unto the said Articles, or to any of them, and of offering further proof also of the Premises, or any of them, or of any other impeachment, or Accusation that shall be exhibited by them, as the cause shall ac­cording to the course of Parliament require, doe pray that the said Archbishop may bee put to answer to all and every the Premises, and that such proceedings, examination, tryall, and Iudgement may be upon every of them, had and used, as is agreeable to Lawe and Iustice.

The Articles being read; hee proceeded as followeth.

My Lords,

THERE is an expres­sion in the Scripture, which I will not pre­sume either to under­stand, or to interpret; yet to a vulgar eye it seemes to have an As­spect something suta­ble to the Person and Cause before you: It is a description of the evill Spirits, wherein they are said to be spi­rituall wickednesses in High Places. Crimes acted by the spirituall faculties of the Soule, the Will and the Understand­ing, exercised about spirituall matters, concerning Gods Worship, and the Sal­vation of Man, seconded with power, au­thority, learning, and many other advanta­ges, [Page 22] doe make the party who commits them, very sutable to that description, Spi­rituall wickednesses in high places.

These Crimes (my Lords) are various in their Nature, haynous in their qualitie, and universall in their Extent. If you exa­mine them Theologically, as they stand in op­position to the Trueth of God, they will be found to be against the rule of Faith, a­gainst the power of godlinesse, against the meanes of Salvattion.

If you examine them Morally, as they stand in opposition to the light of Nature, to right, reason, and the principles of humane saciety, you will then perceive pride with­out any moderation; such a Pride as that is which exalts it selfe above all that is cal­led God. Malice without any provocation; Malice against vertue, against innocency, a­gainst pietie: Injustice without any meanes of restitution; even such injustice as doeth robbe the present times of their possessions; the future, of their possibilities.

If they be examined (my Lords) by Le­gall Rules in a Civill way, as they stand in opposition to the Publique good, and to the [Page 23] Lawes of the Land, He will be found to be a Traytour against his Majesties Crowne, an Incendiary against the Peace of the State; he will be found to be the highest, the bol­dest, the most impudent oppressour, that e­ver was an oppressour both of King and People.

This Charge (my Lords) is distributed and conveyed into foureteene severall Articles, as you have heard; and those Articles are onely generall: It being the intention of the House of Commons (which they have commanded me to declare) to make them more certaine and particular by preparatory Examinations to be taken with the helpe of your Lordships house, as in the Case of my Lord of Strafford.

I shall now runne through them with a light touch, onely marking in every of them some speciall points of venome, viru­lency, and malignity.

1 The first Article (my Lords) doth containe his endeavour to introduce into this Kingdome an Arbitrary power of Go­vernment, without any limitations or Rules [Page 24] of Law. This (my Lords) is against the safe­ty of the Kings person, the honour of his Crowne, and most destructive to his people.

Those Causes which are most perfect have not onely a power to produce effects, but to conserve and cherish them. The Se­minary vertue, and the Nutritive vertue in vegetables, doe produce from the same principles. It was the defect of Justice, the restrayning of oppression and violence that first brought government into the World, and set up Kings, the most excellent way of Government. And by the maintenance of Justice all kindes of government receive a sure foundation and establishment. It is this that hath in it an ability to preserve and se­cure the royall power of Kings, yea, to adorn and increase it.

2. In the second Article, your Lord­ships may observe absolute and unlimited power, defended by Preaching, by Ser­mons, and other discourses, printed and pub­lished upon that subject. And truely (my Lords) it seemes to be a prodigious crime, that the Trueth of God, and his holy Law should be perverted to defend the lawless­nesse [Page 25] of men. That the holy and sacred function of the Ministery, which was or­dained for instruction of mens soules in the wayes of God, should bee so abused, that the Ministers are become the trumpets of sedition, the promoters and defenders of vi­olence and oppression.

3 In the third Article (my Lords) you have the Judges, who under his Majestic are the dispersers and distributers of Ju­stice, frequently corrupted by feare and solicitation; you have the course of ju­stice in the execution of it, shamefully ob­structed. And if a willfull Act of injustice in a Judge bee so high a crime in the esti­mate of the Law, as to deserve death; under what burthen of guilt doth this man lye, who hath beene the cause of great num­bers of such voluntary and wilfull Acts of unjustice.

In the fourth Article, he will bee found in his owne Person to have sold Justice in Causes depending before him. And by his wicked counsell, endeavouring to make his Majesty a Merchant of the same commodi­ty, onely wi [...]h this difference, that the King by taking money for places of Judicature, [Page 26] should sell it in grosse; whereas the Archbi­shop sold it by retalle.

5 In the fifth Article, there appeares a power ufurped of making Canons; of lay­ing obligations on the Subjects in the nature of Lawes: and this power abused to the making of such Canons as are in the matter of them very pernicious, being directly con­trary to the Prerogative of the King, and the liberty of the People. In the manner of pressing of them, may be found fraud and shuffling: in the conclusion, violence and constraint; Men being forced by terrour and threatning to subscribe to all: which power thus wickedly gotten, they laboured to e­stablish by perjury, injoyning such an Oath for the maintenance of it, as can neither be taken nor kept with a good conscience.

6 In the sixt Article, you have the King robbed of his Supremacy: you have a Pa­pall power exercised over his Majesties Sub­jects in their consciences, and in their per­sons: You have Ecclesiasticall jurisdicti­on claimed by an Incident right, which the Law declares to proceed from the Crowne.

[Page 27] And herein your Lordships may observe that those who labour in civill matters to set up the King above the Lawes of the Kingdome, do yet in Ecclesiasticall mat­ters endevour to set up themselves above the King. This was first procured by the Archbishop to be extrajudicially: declared by the Judges, and then to be published in a Proclamation. In doing whereof he hath made the Kings Throne but a footstoole for his owne and their pride.

7 You have (my Lords) in the seventh Article, Religion undermined and subver­ted: you have Popery cherished and defended: you have this seconded with power and violence, by severe punishment upon those which have opposed this mis­chievous intention: and by the subtile and eager prosecution of these mē, hath the pow­er of Ecclesiasticall Commissioners, of the Starre. Chamber and Councell Table beene often made sub servient to his wicked de­signe.

My Lords,

8 You may observe in the eight Arti­cle great care taken to get into his owne [Page 28] hand the power of nominating to Ecclesi­asticall Livings and promotions: you have as much mischievous, as much wicked care taken in the disposing of these preferments, to the hinderance and corruption of Reli­gion. And by this meanes (my Lords) the Kings facred Majesty, instead of Sermons, fit for spirituall inftructours, hath often had invectives against his people, incourage­ment to injustice, or to the overthrow of the Lawes. Such Chaplaines have beene brought into his service, as have as much as may bee laboured to corrupt his owne Houshold, and beene eminent examples of corruption to others; which hath so farre prevailed, as that it hath exceedingly tain­ted the Universities, and beene generally disperst to all the chiefe Cities, the greatest Towner and Auditories of the Kingdome. The grievous effects whereof is most ma­nifest to the Commons House, there being divers hundred complaints there depen­ding in the House against scandalous Mini­sters; and yet (I beleeve) the hundred part of them is not yet brought in.

9 The ninth Article sets out the like care to have Chaplaines of his owne, that [Page 29] might bee promoters of this wicked and trayterous designe: Men of corrupt judge­ments, of corrupt practice, extreamely ad­dicted to superstition: And to such mens cares hath beene committed the Lycensing of Bookes to the Presse; by meanes where­of many have beene published that are full of falshood, of scandals; such as have beene more worthy to be burnt by the hand of the Hangman in Smithfield (as I thinke one of them was) then to be admitted to come into the hands of the Kings people.

10 In the tenth Article it will appeare, how he having made these approaches to Popery, comes now to close and joyne more neerely with it; hee confederates with Priests and Jesuites; Hee, by his instru­ments negotiates with the Pope at Rome, and hath correspondence with them that be authorized from Rome here. He hath per­mitted a Romane Hierarchie to be set up in this Kingdome. And though he hath beene so carefull that a poore man could not goe to the neighbour parish to heare a Sermon, when he had none at home; cou [...] not have a Sermon repeated, nor prayer used in his owne Family, but hee was a fit subject for [Page 30] the High Commission Court, yet the o­ther hath beene done in all parts of the Realme, and no notice taken of it, by any Ec­clesiasticall Judges or Courts.

My Lords,

11 You may perceive Preaching suppres­sed in the eleventh, divers godly and ortho­dox Ministers oppressedin their persons and Estates: you have the Kings loyall Sub­jects banished out of the Kingdome, not as Elimeleck, to seeke for bread in forraigne Countries, by reason of the great scarcity which was in Israel; but travelling abroad for the bread of life, because they could not have it at home, by reason of the spirituall Famine of Gods Word, caused by this man and his partakers. And by this meanes you have had the trade, the Manufactury, the in­dustry of many thousands of his Majesties subjects carried out of the Land.

It is a miserable abuse of the spirituall Keyes, to shut up the doores of heaven, and to open the gates of hell; to let in prophane­nesse, ignorance, superstition, and errour. I shall need say no more: These things are evi­dent, and abundantly knowne to all.

[Page 31] 12 In the twelfth Article (my Lords) you have a division endeavored betweene this and the forraigne reformed Churches. The Church of Christ is one Body, and the Members of Christ have a mutuall relation, as members of the same body. Unity with Gods true Church every where is not one­ly the beauty, but the strength of Religion: of which beauty and strength he hath sought to deprive this Church by his manifold at­tempts to breake this union. To which pur­pose he hath suppressed the priviledges granted to the Dutch and French Churches. Hee hath denyed them to be of the same Faith and Religion with us; and many other wayes hath he declared his malice to those Churches.

13 In the thirteenth Article, as he hath sought to make an Ecclesiasticall division, or religious difference between us and forraign Nations, so he hath sought to make a civill difference betweene us and his Majesties sub­jects of the Kingdome of Scotland. And this hee hath promoted by many innovations, there prest by himselfe and his owne autho­rity, when they were uncapable of such alte­rations. [Page 32] He advised his Majestie to use vi­olence. He hath made private and publike Collections towards the maintenance of the warre; which he might justly call his owne warre. And with an impudent boldnesse hath struck Tallies in the Exchequer for di­vers sums of money, procured by himselfe, pro defensione Regni; when by his counsels the King was drawne to undertake not a de­fensive, but an offensive warre.

14. He hath lastly, thought to secure him­selfe and his party, by seeking to undermine Parliaments; and thereby hath laboured to bereave this Kingdome of the Legislative power, which can onely be used in Parlia­ments: and that we should bee left a King­dome without that which indeed makes and constitutes a Kingdome; and is the onely Meane to preserve and restore it from di­stempers and decayes. He hath hereby en­devoured to bereave us of the highest Ju­dicatory; such a Judicatory, as is necessary and essentiall to our government. Some Ca­ses cannot be tried in any inferiour Court; as divers Cases of Treason, and others con­cerning the Prerogative of the Crowne, and liberty of the People. It is the supreame [Page 33] Iudicatory to which all difficult Cases resort from other Courts. He hath sought to de­prive the King of the Love and Councell of his People, of that assistance which hee, might have from them; and likewise to de­prive the People of that reliefe of grievances which they most humbly expect from his Majesty.

My Lords,

The Parliament is the Cabbinet wherein the chiefest lewels both of the Crowne and Kingdome are deposited. The great Prero­gative of the King, and the liberty of the People are most effectually exercised and maintained by Parliaments. Here (my Lords) you cannot passe by this occasion of great thankes to God and his Majesty for passing the Bill whereby the frequent course of Parliaments is established; which I as­sure my selfe, he will by experience finde to bee a strong foundation both of his honour, and of his Crowne.

This is all (my Lords) I have to say to the particulars of the Charge. The Com­mons desire your Lordships that they may have the same way of Examination that they [Page 34] had in the Case of the Earle of Strafford: That is, to examine members of all kindes, of your Lordships House and their owne, and others, as they shall see cause. And those Ex­aminations to be kept secret and private, that they may with more advantage be made use of, when the matter comes to tryall.

They have declared that they reserve to themselves the power of making Additio­nall Articles; by which they intend to re­duce his Charge to be more particular and certaine, in respect of the severall times, oc­casion, and other circumstances of the Of­fences therein Charged. And that your Lordships would be pleased to put this Cause in such a quicke way of proceeding, that these great and dangerous Crimes, to­gether with the offendors, may be brought to a just Judgement.


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