THE MANIFOLD MISERIES OF CIVILL VVARRE AND DISCORD IN A KINGDOME: BY The Examples of Germany, France, Ireland, and other places. VVith some memorable Examples of Gods Iustice, in punishing the Authors and Causers of Rebellion and Treason.

BY H. P.

LONDON Printed for George Lindsey, July the second. 1642.


SO many are the Miseries of a Land embroiled in Civill Warre, and so enterwoven one with another, that like fine shaddows in a piece of rich Tapistry, they deceive our sight, and passe our imagination, as by wofull experience Ger­many, France, and other Neighbour Countries hath been tryed and proved. And to begin with Germany, who can be ignorant how much that Empire hath suffered formerly in Civill Dissention among themselves in matter of Religion, and since, yea at this present in the warres between the Sweeds and themselves, that goodly and most fertile Countrey wasted with famine, fire, and sword, now lying like a Wildernesse, in many places desolate and uninhabited, so that not onely men, women, and children have dyed for very hun­ger, but also wild beasts in Woods and Forrests for want of food have perished. Let me give you one onely example, which a fol­lower of the right Honourable the Earle of Arundell related unto mee (presently after my Lords returne from his Embassage in Germany) at Alburie in Surrey, which is this, A poore man bare­foot and bare-legd followed my Lords Coach to beg bread or o­ther sustenance of him, while an hunger-starved Fox followed this poore soule close, to get a piece of the calf of his leg to satisfie his hunger, which my Lord seeing he relieved the man, and cau­sed the Fox to be taken up (for so weake he was growne with hunger) and to have something given him, but he dyed present­ly after, notwithstanding his belly was filled.

Many men and women in woods, fields, and high wayes were found dead, with grasse in their mouths; so that what the sword [Page 3] could not devoure, famine did. Now though ambition in gene­rall, and private ends in particular, as Title and supposed right in Princes, sometimes malice and revenge, yet generally all is clo­ked under the cause or reformation of Religion, as we may read in Sleidan of those bloudy warres in Germany made by the Boores and the frantick Anabaptists, and their fellows in Munster. Da­vid, George, Knipperdoling, against the Princes there, and their Lords; But of all other let us cast an eye upon our Neighbour France, and take a view of that flourishing Kingdome, see how it hath been rent and torne in pieces (as the Willow-tree complai­ned in the Fable of her bowes and branches, which were lopt off to make wedges to rend her bodie) by her owne childien, and the fruit may say of her bodie, what bloudy Battailes have been fought between the Protestants and Papists, the King and the Guisians. But I will relate in briefe some particulars, as I finde them recorded in their own Histories, and by their own Wri­ters, beginning from the yeare 1572, when that great and hor­rible Massacre was committed upon the poore Protestants by the King himselfe, the Duke of Guise, and the then Queen-Mother, of whom was then made that true and wittie Anagram;

Catharina de Medicis Regina Mater,
In me regnat Thais, dira Medaea Circe.

And whom Th. Beza in a witty Epigram in Latine in all respects compares with Jezabell, saving that whereas the dogges eate-up and devoured Jezabell, he thought verily shee was so bad that no dog would touch her; Vel canes ipsi respuant Catharinam, be his words, but to our purpose, but take a view of some of her sonnes and the Guise his prankes, for they were all of a knot.

A marriage was pretended between the young K: of Navarre and the Lady Margaret the Kings Sister, which was performed by the Cardinall of Burbon 1572. upon the 18. of August in our Lady Church in Paris, in the presence of the King, the Queen-Mother, the Dukes of Anjou and Alenson, the Prince of Conde, and all the principall Protestants: at what time was nothing seen but banquetting, tilting, feasting, nothing heard but musick So friend­ly salutations, all old rancor and malice between Protestant and Papist seeming utterly to be forgotten and buried; and to this end the Protestants were solemnly invited by Letters and most loving Messages from all places, by the King and his Mother, a generall peace being before proclaimed. The Admirall was sent for from [Page 4] Rochell, where he was (dissemblingly) entertained by the K: in a most loving and friendly manner, who called him Father at eve­ry word; when the Admirall kneeled, the King tooke him up, protesting and deeply swearing, he was the welcomest man in the world, and no day could happen so joyfull as that, wherein he en­joyed his company, &c. The Citizens from all places flocked, from all parts to behold him (for his wisdome, valour, and expe­rience, he was of all wonderfully beloved and honoured) his Son Teligni was much honoured & presented with great gifts, to the joy of the Protestants, and the (seeming) griefe of the Catholikes. But this faire day was quickly over-clouded, with the hellish and black Clouds of Murder and Mischiefe, for as the Admirall was going from the Court to his Lodging, he was shot & sore woun­ded with three Bullets, as he went softly in the street, (from a house where Villemus stood, Master to the Duke of Guises Chil­dren lodged) reading of a Supplication.

The King, being at Tennis, threw downe his Racket, seeming to be extreamly grieved, and taking with him his Mother and two Brethren, went to visit him, looked upon his wounds, (for his forefinger was shot off, & with another Bullet he was woun­ded in his left arme) and told him, though he had the hurt and felt the paine, the dishonour was his, because he upon his faith and promise, had sent for him, vowing to secure him from all danger, & whosoever had done it or consented thereunto, should be severely punished; The Admirall answered, he knew the Au­thors well enough, but left the revenge unto God, and because he knew not how long he had to live, he desired to speake with the King in private of matters of great importance, the King seemed to listen a while, but the Queen-Mother cunningly brake off their discourse, and upon Saturday which was the 23. of August, the Kings Councell sat to examine the fact, seeming to take great pains to boult out the truth, but all in dissimulation, for the King seeing he had the Admirall and Protestants in a trap, in the dead of the night at the sound of a Bell from the Louure, Harguebu­ziers were sent out and commanded to kill all that came in their way, Cossy being their Captaine, and breaking into the Admirals chamber, one Besme a ruffian finding him at his prayers upon his knees, asked him, if he were the Admirall, he answered so I am called, with that he ran him through, another shot him into the brest with a Pistoll, and the rest stabbed him with their daggers, [Page 5] and after threw his body out at a window into the street, this was the Religion and fidelitie of the Queen Mother and her son to the Protestants. An Italian cut off the Admirals head, and sent it for a present to the Pope; others cut off his hands and privie members, trailing his bodie up and down the street, hanging it up after at Mountfaulcon their Tyburne. This Noble Gentleman was, for his wisedom, policie, courage and constancie in pro­fessing Gods truth one of the most excellent and famous men that ever were bred or brought up in France.

Now with this noble Admirall were murthered in most cruel manner of Protestant Nobilitie, the Count Rochfaucout, a com­plete wittie and learned Gentleman, dearly beloved for his wit­tie and conceited humour of Hen. the 2. Teligny de Montrevill the Amirals son in law, whose widow named Lois, afterward William of Nassau Prince of Orange, and father to Henry now Prince of Orange married, and by which Lady he had him. Besides the Baron of Pardaillon; of Pilles; Soubiza; and Puviant all brave men, and all Commanders: But to see the butcherie they made in the streets of men, women and young children, would have made an heart of marble to have melted, all the streets being paved with carkasses, nothing but weeping and wailing, and a wofull out-crie through the whole Citie: There being slain above 10000. persons, as well Noblemen as Gentle­men, Presidents of Courts, Counsellors, Scholers, Praetors, Prea­chers, Physitians, Merchents, Handicrafts men, women, maids, and children, the King and Queen with their brethren went in the evening to behold the dead bodies, amongst others, the ho­nest Queen mother would behold the bodie of Soubiza stark na­ked, because she had heard (she said) that he was not able to get a child; this most cruell and bloodie maffacre, plotted by her the Duke of Guise and her sonne then Charles the ninth, was act­ed upon Bartholomew day being the 24 of August, Anno 1572. and it is worthy of observation, that this King so led by his mo­ther was not past 29. years of age when he died, and dying, abun­dance of blood issued from all the open parts of his body, no question but by the just judgement of God, for the blood which he formerly had in such abundance shed.

From Paris let us go to Sancerre, and after the Sword shew the horror and miserie of Famine.

Sancerre after it was besieged by the Marshall Danville, Lieu­tenant [Page 6] for the King in Languedoc La Chastre, and the Catholikes was brought in the beginning of the fourth Civill warre to that extreme necessitie, that after they had eaten up all their Horses, Asses, Dogs, Cats, and the like, they were constrained to make meat of their skins, rosting, seething and broyling them upon gridirons like tripes, mice and rats were great dainties, and hap­pie was he that could get them; And yet more pressed with hun­ger, they made meat of their old shooes, horns, horses, and bul­locks hoofs which had many yeers lien in the dunghill, and little children would broil and rost their leather girdles to fill their hungrie bellies; roots, herbs, grasse and bark of trees were ac­counted for dainties. The father and the mother eat their own child which was starved to death, and for so horrible a fact were both burned.

The famine in Rochel was also very sore, but God did mira­culously help them in their extremity, being even ready for want of food to yeeld up their Town to the enemie, for he sent into their Haven (never seen among them before) exceeding multi­tudes of Muscles, Cockles and small fishes, whereby they plenti­fully stored themselves in despite of the Romish Catholiques their enemies, for hereby the women, maids and children took courage and exposed themselves to all hazards, animating such as sought by cheerfull words and hardie examples, and one among the rest adventuring in the hottest of the skirmish, and seeing one of the Catholiques slain, ran and took away his sword and harguebuz, which she carried in triumph into the Town, saying, she had furnished her self with the spoils of her enemies. But we will leave France, and come home to the modern mise­ries of Ireland, occasioned by their Rebellion.

The Rebellion began in Ireland upon the 23. of October last past, when the Romish priests (with whom the countrey aboun­deth) swore all the people to banish and drive all the Protestants out of the Land, if they resisted to kill them though they were their next neighbours and friends. In the North of Ireland they killed man, woman and child, they arose at once in nine Pro­vinces of Ʋlster, and at Longhall they cut a bridge in two, and then took an hundred Protestants English and Scots, with wo­men and children, and bound them two and two back to back, and then threw them into the Rivers. Within two miles of Dungannon, which is the seat or dwelling of Sir Philemio (or Phi­lip) [Page 7] Oneale, there dwelt a Scottish Minister whose name was Maders, into whose house they brake in the night, and finding him within with his wife and children, they cut off his head and threw it into his wives lap, telling her there was a New-yeers gift for her. A Scot walking upon the high way in the same Countie with his wife and six children, they murthered the man and all his children, and his wife falling upon her knees, and with tears and prayers entreating they would spare her that she might bury them: they stabbed her to the heart with their skeines (which are thick and long sharp pointed daggers, with dudgeon hefts much like unto Cooks knives) and threw her up­on the top of the rest.

In the Town of Machera in the Countie of London-Derrie, they killed a Parish Clerk and his five children, after they cut off his wives eares, whereupon she ran mad.

If they met with any English, men or women travelling on the wayes, or in the woods, they would make holes under their chinnes, and hang them up on boughs of trees cut off and sharp­ned.

Young children and infants, they will teare quarter from quar­ter, as hounds would do a wild-cat, or the like vermine. They cut of Mr. Rowlcie a Justice of Peace his head in the Countie of London-Derrie, then turning up the back of the body, they stuck upon a stick the head in his fundament, and after set it upon a stake.

With their Darts, and before named Skeines half a yard long, they stab and rip up the bellies of women with child, and then will not suffer them to be buried, but leave them for the woolves and fowls of the aire to devoure.

Some come from them that have the fairest quarter and mer­cie shewed them, with their hands, some with their eares, cut off, cleft down the shoulder, or with one of their eyes put out: silly women and young children, they will put into some old thatcht house, and then set it on fire, keeping them in till they be con­sumed to ashes.

To relate all the cruell murthers and villanies of these base villaines, would astonish and terrifie the hardest and most inhu­mane heart (I am perswaded) of the veriest Turk or Jew in the world, neither can any beastly villanie be thought whatsoever, but it is committed among them, and these forsooth must be ac­counted [Page 8] the best of your Romane Catholikes, but I leave their punishment to God, and the valour of our English and Scots now serving amongst them; neither hath any Countrey in the world been more plentifull in Treasons then this, though we our selves have had Traitors enough, whom God hath evermore cut off almost in the very execution of their Treasons, I cannot stand to particularize the men, nor the manners of their severall plots. Queen Elizabeth had plotted against her 35. severall Treasons, yet God delivered her out of all. Let me conclude with the just reward of a Traitor who betrayed the Isle of Rhodes to Soliman, being so long and so bravely defended by Lisleadam & the Chri­stians; this Traitor being a gentleman and a Commander in that service, sent privily word to the Turk, if he would advance him, he would help him to the possession of the whole Island and Ca­stle. Soliman promised him he would, nay more, he would give him his daughter in marriage with three millions of Barbarie Duckets for a portion: by his means the whole Isle, Town and Castle were taken. He then being brought before Soliman, was graciously entertained, Soliman sent for his daughter most glo­riously drest with gold and jewels of inestimable value; Daugh­ter, quoth Soliman, I have chosen this gentleman for your hus­band, therefore I charge you to love him, embrace him with all dutifull respect. And son, quoth Soliman, because you shall see that I am every way as good as my word, in those chests (which stood by) there is the gold I promised you, and some foure dayes hence your marriage shall be solemnized; no Bashaw was in more honor then was this Traitor throughout the Turks whole Armie. Upon the third day Soliman cals for his son in law, and tels him that he was a Christian, and his daughter a Musulman, or right beleever, and he feared they would not agree; therefore, son quoth he, you must be stript of your baptized and uncircum­cised skin, and laid all night upon a bed of salt, and if by the mor­ning you can find in your heart to turn to her Religion, she shall come to bed to you, otherwise you must lie as quietly as you can by your self. But he being fleied, & laid tumbling without a skin upon the bed of salt, which was a most cruell torment, died with­in an houre after: If all Traitors to their Princes and Countreys were served with the like sawce (especially those in Ireland) the world would be at a far better passe then it is; which God in his appointed time will accomplish. And so I end this discourse.


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