Sad and serious politicall considerations touching the invasive war against our Presbyterian Protestant brethren in Scotland, their late great overthrow, and the probable dangerous consequences thereof to both nations and the Prorestant [sic] religion which may serve as a satisfactory apology for such ministers and people, who out of conscience did not observe the publike thanksgiving against their covenant, for the great slaughter of those their brethren in covenant.
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Sad and serious Politicall CONSIDERATIONS, Touching the invasive War against our Presbyterian Protestant Brethren in
Scotland, their late great Overthrow, and the probable dangerous consequences thereof to both Nations and the Prorestant Religion. Which may serve as a SATISFACTORY APOLOGY for such Ministers and People, who out of Conscience did not observe the publike Thanksgiving, against their Covenant, for the great slaughter of those their Brethren in Covenant.
THE English Independents new invasive War against their Presbyterian Protestant Brethren of Scotland, and late great rout and slaughter of their Army, meeting with variety of censures and constructions, according to the dive
[...]sity of mens inclinations and interests, some prudent Christians, ingaged to no parties, whose interest is onely the preservation, propagation and safety of the reformed Protestant Religion against the common Enemies and Underminers thereof, have these sad melancholy apprehensions thereof; That it is a dolefull Prologue and tragicall Scene, not onely to the approaching ruine and desolation of both Kingdoms for their manifold crying sins, but likewise to the speedy subversion of the true Protestant Religion, and extirpation of all zealous Professors thereof through our three Kingdoms, and in forraigne parts, upon these ensuing considerations.
1. That the Kingdoms of England and Scotland make up the greatest Body of the Protestant Religion in Christendom, being best able to defend themselves, and succour other Reformed Churches, when indangered and designed to ruine by Popish Enemies, as the Lords and Commons declared long since in their
Exact Collection p. 663.666.
A Collection of Orders & Ordinances, p. 354. Protestation to this Kingdom and the whole world, 22.
Octob. 1642. and in their Order of the seventh of
October 1643. And therefore the ruine of the Protestant Party in these Kingdoms, is the readiest way to indanger, conquer, ruine all other Reformed Churches in the world, and extirpate the Protestant Religion in all other Countries; as they there likewise Declare.
2. That the Pope of Rome, Jesuites, Priests, Papists, and their Confederates, upon this ground, have for many years last past, by open force, and secret practices, endeavo
[Page 2] the extirpation of the Protestant Religion and most zealous Professors thereof throughout these Kingdoms, and made it their chiefest designe to reduce them to their pristine obedience to the See of Rome, which by the Popish Negotiations with Spain, the Papisticall Match with France, the Agency of the Popes
Nuncio's, the practices of Priests and Jesuites in England (countenanced and protected against the force of Lawes) and the confederacy of Popish Prelates, Clergie-men and Courtiers with them in these Designes,
Exact Collection, p. 4.
to they had almost totally accomplished and brought to full perfection in all our Realms; as the whole House of Commons in their
Remonstrance of the state of the Kingdom, 15.
Decemb. 1641. and other subsequent Declarations; and they and the Scottish Commissioners in their Impeachments against the Archbishop of
Canterbury, largely remonstrate.
3. That the most zealous Protestants, then branded with the name of Puritans and Presbyterians in England and Scotland, were the principall and only obstacles to the finishing of this their neare compleated Work. Whereupon the
Exact Collection, p. 10.199 492, 493. Jesuiticall, Popish and Prelaticall prevailing F
[...]ction resolved to root them out of this Kingdom by force, or drive them out with fear, and rid them all out of the way. For the better effecting whereof, they thought it necessary to reduce Scotland to such Popish Superstitions and Innovations, as might make them apt to joyn with England in that great change which was intended: Whereupon new Popish Canons and a Liturgy reformed much after the modell of the Papists Mis
[...]alls, were prest upon them; and all the Arminian and Popish Doctrines broached, maintained, and new Popish Ceremonies practised in England, were in deavoured to be planted and set up in
M. Baylies Canterburians Self-conviction.The Scots Impeachment against
[...]hbishop Lawd. Scotland.
4. That this their dangerous ripened Designe finding no publike, but onely private opposition in England by particular persons, who were
Exact Collection, p. pillori'd, stigmatized, deprived of their ears, close imprisoned, banished and ruined by the Star-Chamber and High-Commission, to the publike terror of all others; thereupon the Scottish Puritans and
[Page 3] Presbyters were the first visible Instruments raised by God to give a publique check to their successefull design, beyond their or our expectations.
5. That hereupon the
Exact. C
[...] ction, p. 10.11.12
[...] [...]3 97.492.508.894.595
A Coll
[...]ion, p. 308.309.354.417.419.457.458. Jesuiticall and Prelaticall Popish Party raised two severall Armies successively to suppresse and extirpate the Puritan and Presbyterian Party in Scotland, as the only
[...]a's to their design; and were most active and forwards in their leavies and contributions against them; indeavouring to ingage the Protestant Party in both Nations in a bloudy civill War
[...]e to their mutuall ruine; to which the Puritan and Religious party in England were most averse. First privately murmuring, and afterwards publiquely protesting against this Warre, as dishonourable and dangerous to Religion and both Kingdomes in the Parliament, in
April 1640. purposely summoned to raise moneys to carry on that War, which they refused to grant to so ill a purpose, and did all they could to blast their malicious designs and warre against Scotland; whereupon the Popish party caused that Parliament to be dissolved, and did all they could by violent arbitrary courses, and illegall Loanes and Taxes, to raise Forces and moneys to maintain a warre against them; imprisoning and prosecuting those, who resisted or refused to assist them in this warre, in the self-same manner as those in present power have done, divers of their Christian Brethren for manifesting their dislike and backwardnesse to assist them in this ungodly invasive warre against their Protestant Brethren in Covenant against many publique Ingag
[...]ments, and not giving publique thanks to God for their late overthrow.
6. That the Scotti
[...]h Puritans and Presbyterians advance with their Army into England, in the year 1640. of purpose to preserve the Religion, and protect themselves and their English Brethren from slavery and ruine; was the
Exact Collection, p. pri
[...]cicipall and only means under God, of preventing their own and our thraldome to no p
[...]ry and Tyranny, of frustrating all the Jesuites, Papists and Prela
[...]es designs, of securing Religion, Laws, Liberties, and conve
[...]ing the last Parliament;
[Page 4] which through Gods blessing on their indeavours, through the assistance of the Scottish Commissioners, and countenance of their Army, over-powered the Popish and Prelaticall Faction, brake all their former Projects in pieces, suppressed all their Popish Innovations, Doctrinall and Ceremoniall, reconciled the differences between both Nations, setled a firm unity and amity between them, by an Act of Oblivion and Pacification, abolished the High-Commission, Star-Chamber, Extravagances of the Councell-Table, the Bishops Courts, and Votes in Parliament, Ship-money, Impositions, and all other illegall Taxes; quickned the Laws against Jesuites, Priests and Popish Recusants; passed a Law for Triennuall Parliaments, and another against the untimely adjourning, proroguing and dissolving of themselves at the Kings own pleasure, and thereby put our Religion, Laws, Liberties and Properti
[...]s in a farre better condition of security, and the Popish and Prelaticall party into a farre worse, and more hopelesse and desperate condition then ever heretofore.
7. That to prevent and frustrate these Laws and this security, the
Exact Collection, p. Jesuiticall and Prelaticall party whilest they were in agitation, indeavoured all they could by subtill practices, slanders, and private solicitations, to raise jealousies and divisions between the Scottish Commissioners and Army, and the Parliament, to ingage the Scottish and English Armies each against other, or to make the Scots stand neutrall to the Parliament, that so they might bring up the English Army from the North to London to over-awe and suppresse them, and hinder the Union between both Kingdomes; which through the fidelity of the Scots, and of some Officers in the English Army, was timely discovered, prevented, and a firme Union between both Kingdomes setled by Acts of Parliament, passed in the Parliaments of both Nations.
8. That these Acts of Pacification and Union between both Kingdomes, and the Religious party of both Nations, the extirpation of Prelacy and the Popish Hierarchy, and
[Page 5] the establishing of a Presbyterian Government and Uniformity in Doctrine, Worship and Discipline in both Kingdoms were apprehended, prosecuted and resolved upon by the most religious Protestant party and
Exact Collection p. 594.
[...] 605.
A Coll
[...] ction, p. 309.
to 313 327.358.359.3
[...]0.399 404.41
to 428.458.453. Parliaments of both Nations, as the readiest, probablest, and most effectuall means under God to preserve and secure their Religion, Lawes, Liberties, against all future invasions, and to frustrate all Popish and Prelaticall Design
[...]s against them, and were accordingly
Exact Collection. p. 97, 98 218.564. esteemed and looked upon by the adve
[...]se Popish and Prelaticall party, who thereupon attempted with all their policy and power, to uphold Prelacy, and retard and prevent the establishment of
[...]resbytery, as fatall to all their hopes and Designes; and thereupon improved all their int
[...]rest both at home, and with forraigne
[...]rinces, to raise what Forces they could, to break this D
[...]signe and the
[...]arliament too, before they should accomplish it.
9. That when the Jesuiticall, Popish and Prelaticall party in England, Ireland, Scotland, and forraigne parts, had taken up Arms, and raised great Forces to hinder the settlement of the Presbyterian Government
[...], suppresse the late Parliament, subvert the Protestant Religion, introduce Popery and Tyranny, ext
[...]rpate the Puritan and Religious party in England and Ireland, and were grown very strong and p
[...]evalent in both, the
Exact Col. p. 564
to 605.
A Collection, p. 308.
[...]o 312.354.355.363.371.372.428.441.467.677. &c. 66
to 810.933. Scottish Presbyterians (now invaded and defeated) out of their brotherly love, and Christian aff
[...]ction, in this extremity of danger, for the preservation of our Religion, Liberties, Lawes, Parliament, and the godly party in England & Ireland, at both Hous
[...]s earnest solicitatio
[...], did readily and chearfully assist us with their Forces in both Kingdoms, and thereby, through Gods b
[...]essing, were a great means of weak
[...]ning and subduing our Enemies, and prese
[...]ving our Religion, Lawes, Liberties, Lives, from utter destruction; which brotherly assistance, with so powerfull an A
[...]my of above twenty thousand Ho
[...]se and Foot in our greatest dangers, was so welcome to us, that the House of Commons on the second of February 1643.
A Collection, p. 428. Ordered, publike thanks should be given in all Churches for the aid and
[Page 6] assi
[...]tance come in by our Brethren of Scotland: And when the malignant party there, in their absence for our preservation, had p
[...]iled and routed only some few of their Force
[...] (nothing considerable in comparison of those lately slain and defeated) left behind for their defence, both Houses were so sensible thereof, that they appointed a speciall D
[...]y of Humiliation for the miseries of Scotland throughout all the Parliaments Q
[...]arters by their
[...], p. 721. Order of 2.
September 1645. which was accordingly observed; so much did they and we then condole th
[...] least overthrow and misery of our Scottish Brethren in Covenant
[...]being members of the self
[...]same Body of Christ) as if it had been our own: Whereas now on the contrary, we invade, slay, d
[...]stroy and ruine these our brotherly Assistants, rejoyce & triumph at their misery, appoint publike Da
[...]es of Thanksgiving throughout the whole Nation for their gr
[...]at slaughter and overthrow, and hang up the Ensignes taken from them in Westminster Hall, as publike trophies and testimonies to succeeding ages of our gratitude and brotherly kindnesse towards them, and of our religious observation of our solemne Nationall League and Covenant with them, not long since made and entred into upon their coming in to our assistance.
10. That in the extremity of our dangers, by the prevailing Popish party, the
A Collectio
[...], p. 309.310 311.312.327.358.359.39
[...] 428.458.459.694.751.768.769.798.802.806.
&c. 878.879.889. Parliaments, Ministers, and religious people both of Scotland and England did resolve it most nec
[...]ssary, and essentiall for Gods glory and their s
[...]fety, to enter into a more sacred and stricter union then formerly, for defence of their Religion, King, Parliament, Lawes, Liberties, the extirpation of Popery, of Prelacy, and the bringing of all our Kingdoms to uniformity in Doctrine, Worship and Discipline, by a solemne Nationall League and Covenant, as the onely means under God, to prevent all future differences and breaches between all the godly people of both Nations, to preserve and secure Religion, Lawes, Liberties, and priviledges of Parliament, against all present and future attempts whatsoever, and dash in pieces all the designes, practices, hopes of the Jesuiticall
[Page 7] and Prelaticall Faction in all our Kingdoms: which League and Covenant was accordingly agreed upon by the Parliament, and Assemblies of Divines in both Kingdomes, and after that most chearfully and solemnly taken and subscribed, not only by the
Scottish Parliament, Army, Clergy, and Generality of that Nation, but by all the Members of both Houses of our Parliament, the genera
[...]ity of all the godly Ministers and people in
England and
Ireland; and by all, or most Officers and Souldiers in the Parliaments Armies; who many of them carried it in their hats, hands, and fixed to their pikes as they marched, and amongst others it was taken and subscribed by
A Collection of Ordinances, p. 426.Oliver Cromwell himself and
Ireton; and every man by Ordinances of both Houses, was disabled to injoy or exercise any Civill or Military Office, or place of Trust whatsoever in the State or Army, who did not solemnly take and subscribe it
[...] whereupon it was almost universally
[...] taken and subscribed in a most sacred and solemn manner throughout the Kingdome, and followed with many glorious Victories and Successes, till the Popish and Prelaticall Malignant party in England were totally subdued; all Counties, and Garrisons fully reduced to the Parliaments Command; and a happy
Peace and settlement of our Reliigion, Laws, Liberties upon most safe and honourable terms, indeavoured, expected
[...] and almost accomplished by a personall Treaty
[...], with the KING in the Isle of Wight.
11. That to prevent this
Peace and
Settlement; the
The History of Indep
[...]ncy. Officers of the Army (who love to make a Trade of War, thereby to gain and keep all Civill and Ecclesiasticall power in their own hands, and to inrich themselves with our three Kingdoms spoils and ruine) confederating with some few Members of the Commons House against their Trust, duty, Oaths, Protestations, the very Letter of this solemn League and Covenant, and all the ends thereof; forcibly seized, condemned and beheaded the late King, secured and secluded the greatest part of the Commons House addicted to the Presbyterian Government, suppressed the whole House of
[Page 8] Lords, disinherited the Kings Posterity of the Crown, subverted the fundamentall Government of the Kingdome; usurped all Regall and Parliamentall Authority to themselves; and by colour thereof, now trample all Laws, Liberties, and Priviledges of Parliament under feet; remove all or most zealous Presbyterians (though never so eminent Actors and sufferers for Religion and the publique weal) out of all Offices and places of power and Trust throughout th
[...] Nation; discourage and discountenance all or most Pr
[...]sbyterian Ministers, especially the most pious; banish some, imprison others, recall the Sequestrations, and substract the A
[...]gmentations, and Tithes of all or most of them, to starve and ruine them; withdraw themselves from their Ministery, suborn or tolerate their monethly Prognosticators, and
Diurnalists to revile and rail openly against them in print, without the least controul, and to prognosticate their and their Presbyterian Gouernments downfall, to incense the people against them and it; invent and prescribe new Oaths, Ingagements, Publications, Observations of Thanksgivings, and Humiliations, and other snares and engines, thereby to insnare either their Consciences, or indanger their Estat
[...]s, Liberties, Ministery, Persons in their plundring Committees, and new Arbitary Judicatories; declare against the solemn League and Covenant as expired, abolished, yea, and dangerous and unlawfull to be kept, set up and inforce an Anti-Covenant Engagement to frustrate, null, and abjure it, debar all from all publike Offices, Pref
[...]rments, Augmentations, degrees of Learning, the practise of the Law, and the very benefit of the Laws of England, (for which we have so long contested with the Kings Party) who will not out of conscience or Loyalty subscribe it; oppose and traduce the Presbyterian Government, as Papall, Antichristian and Tyrannicall; exempt all S
[...]ctaries whatsoever from all Penall Laws, in not repairing to any publike Ordinances or Churches; Authorize them freely to meet when and where they please in private Conventicles, (where running Priests and Jesuites may and wil easily seduce
[Page 9] them) without the least danger or disturbance: and because their brethren of Scotland stick close to their
Presbyterian Government and Covenant, and have closed with their King at last, according to their Covenant and Allegiance, and will not disinherit him as they have done; they thereupon have recalled
Cromwell out of Ireland from prosecuting the Irish
Papists and
Royalists, made him their Generall instead of the Lord
[...]irfax, and sent him in to Scotland, without any real provocation on their part, to invade them with an Army, where he entred without the least resistance, seized some of their Towns and Garrisons, provoked them oft times to fight, when they declined fighting, and at last gave them battle in their own Countrey, routed their whole Army, and though he lost not forty men in the fight
[...] yet he and his Forces, out of their Christian charity cut down near 4000. of them in the pursuit, maimed and wounded above 5000. more, whereof many are since dead, and more like to die; took 10000. of them prisoners, 5000. whereof are sent Captives into
England; since which he hath taken
Edenborough and
Leith, prosecutes his Victory with all vigour, sends up all the Scots Colours to Westminster, where they are publiquely hung up in the Hall for triumph. And for this great slaughter and overthrow of our
Presbyterian Brethren, a solemn publike day of Thanksgiving hath been prescribed to be strictly observed throughout the Nation, and celebrated in many places accordingly, to involve the whole Nation in a double guilt of their bloud: First by their Contributions to pay the Army sent against them, next by publike Thanksgiving to God for their destruction, and that in those very Churches and places, where we not long since lifted up our hands and subscribed our Names, when we took the forementioned
[...] and Covenant in the presence of God himself, Angells and men,
A Collect
[...]on, of Ordinances, p. 424.425.426. sincerely, really. and constantly to preserve their Religion in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, Government, and with our Estates and lives mutually to preserve the Right and Priviledges of their Kingdome and
[...]nt, and to bring all to condigne punishment, as
[Page 10] Malignants, Incendiaries, and evill Instruments, who should indeavour the dividing of one of the Kingdomes from another, and each one of us, according to our place and Interest, to indeavour that both Kingdomes may remain conjoyned in a firm peace and Union to all posterity; and that we shall not suffer our selves directly or indirectly by whatsoever combination, perswasion, or terrour, to be divided or withdrawn from this blessed Union, which so much concerns the glory of God, and good of the Kingdomes, but shall all the daies of our lives zealously and constantly continue therein against all opposition, and promote the same according to our power against all lets and impediments whatsoever, &c. which how well and really we have performed, let that Almighty God, the searcher of all hearts
[...] in whose presence and Name we made and subscribed this Covenant, judge, and our own consciences, as we shall answer the contrary at that great day, if we seriously repent not of it now, whilest we have time, and space of repentance given us.
13. That upon the due consideration of all these Premises, we shall not conclude as some rigid Presbyterians do, perchance not without good grounds; That this invasive Warre with our Brethren of Scotland is an apparent violation of every clause and branch of the solemn Brotherly League and Covenant, and a very strange Act of Ingratitude and Injustice in invading their Kingdom, because they will have a King, according to their Ancient Constitution, Government, Laws, Covenant; and in indeavouring to deprive their King of the Kingdome of Scotland, because they have injuriously and per
[...]idiously dispossessed him of his two Kingdoms of Engl
[...]nd and Ireland, against their National League and Covenant, and other oaths, for fear his possession of that his Hereditary Kingdom should be a means to regain the other two, (which is as unconscionable and unreasonable, as if a great Statesman or Commander should wrongfully deprive his Neighbour of all his Lands and goods in a third Parish or County, because he hath forcibly dispossessed
[Page 11] him of all his Lands and Goods in two other Parishes or Counties, that so he might never be able to recover them by suit of Law, having no means left to maintain his suit against him) but rather infer from thence,
First, that this War with
Scotland is not only exe
[...]eding scandalous, dishonourable, and disadvantagious to all the Professors of the reformed Protestant Religion in both Kingdoms, and throughout the Christian world, to behold Protestant Brethren in Covenant thus invading, slaughtering and destroying each other upon such slender unchristian carnall grounds, but
2 Chro. 11.4. c. 28.6, 7.8, 9, 10.11. 2 Sam. 26, 27. Acts 7.26. Gal 5.14, 15. Obad. 10. &c. 1 Cor. 6.1.6 7, 8. 1 John 3.12. ungodly too.
Secondly, That this invasive war, and great slaughter of the most zealous Scottish Presbyters, is a matter of greatest joy, triumph and advantage to the Jesuiticall, Popish and Prelaticall party, and tending much to the present promotion and future accomplishment of all their former frustrated, successelesse, and almost hopelesse malicious designs against the Puritanicall and Religious party in both Kingdoms, and the intended accomplishment of the Presbyterian Government, and R
[...]formation of Religion in them, which they so much feared, and opposed by open force of Arms and secret policies, who will now indeavour to continue and heighten our open divisions (first plotted by them) till we have weakned and destroyed each other by our civill wars, and made our selves fit to be suddainly surprised and destroyed by their party, when we have consumed and undone each other.
Thirdly, That in these respects, the Successes, great Victories, and slaughters in this unnaturall and unchristian Warre against our Protestant Brethren in Covenant, are no matter of publike joy, thanksgiving and triumph to the Conquerours, as some vainly conceive, but of greatest publike lamentation, Humiliation and mourning, (it being both unnaturall, uncharitable, and unchristian for Members of the same body of Christ, and sworn Christian Brethren, ingaged by Covenant, and God himself, to protect and
John 13.34, 35. c. 15.12. Rom. 12.9, 10. c. 13.8, 9, 10. Gal. 5.13, 14. Ephes. 1.15. Col. 2.2. 1 Thes. 3.12. c. .4.9. Heb. 13.1. James 2.8. 1 Pet. 1.12. c. 2.17. c. 3.8. 1 John 3.11.14 16, 17, 18.23. c. c. 5.2. 2 John 5. love each other with a pure heart fervently, to murther and destroy
[Page 12] each other) an argument of Gods heavy wrath against us
[...] tending to our desolations, as the sacred Tex
[...]s and Presidents compared together, will fully resolve the conscientious perusers of them.
Iudg. 21.1. to 18. 2
Sam. 1.12.17, 18,
&c. 2
Sam. 2.12. to 29. to 3.30. c. 39. c. 4.8, 9, 10, 11, 12. c. 19.1, 2, 3, 4. 2
Chron. 28.5. to 16.
Ezek. 35.1. to the end.
Obad. 1. to the end.
Amos 1.9, 10, 11, 12.
Gen. 37.26, 27. 1
Sam. 14.7.7. 1
Kings 13.30.
Psal. 35.14.
Isay 9.19, 20, 11. c. 19.2.3. 2
Chron. 15.5, 6.
Ier. 22.17, 18.
Ezek. 38. 21, 22.
Mich. 1.2.
&c. Zech. 7.9. to the end.
Mal. 2.10.
Mat. 10.21.
&c. 1
Iohn 3.10, 21, 12.
Exod. 2.11, 12.
Iudg. 9.5. to the end, a sad story, 1
Kings 12, 14.15. 2
Chron. 11.4. c. 21.4.12, 13, 14.
&c. Neh. 5.1. to 10.
Iob 6.14, 15.
Prov. 6.16.19.
Isay 66.5.
Acts 7.26.
Mat 12.25.
Mar. 3.24, 25, 26.
Gal. 5.14, 15.
Iam. 3.14, 15, 16, 18, 18. c. 4.1. 9, 10, 11.
Fourthly, that the continuance of this unbrotherly Warre with Scotland, will be the utter ruine of all the Presbyterian godly Party in that Nation
[...] if God shall frown upon them; and the utter subvertion of the Presbyterian Government there, where the Prelaticall and Malignant party will soon get head and sway all, to the strengthning and reviving of their numerous party in England: or in case God give them after some overthrows, a glorious Victory over the English Independent Forces (as he did to the defeated
Israelites over the
[...]mites, Iudg. 20.) it will certainly ruine all the
Independent party in
England, who have so cheated and tyrannized over all sorts of men, that they will never be able to make head again, if once defeated, and find all mens hearts and hands against them, for their manifold extravagances and tyrannicall proceedings against all ranks and degrees of men, & subverting the whole frame of our civill and Ecclesiasticall Government. And if the Presbyterian party in Scotland be much weakned and impoverished by the Victory, and the Presbyteriall Ministers and Gentry of
England discountenanced, and thrust out of all power and reputation in the
interim, as they are through their cowardize and folly; how far this may indanger and expose them
[Page 13] to the Popish and Prelaticall parties power and malice hereafter, is very considerable; and how far their present Contributions (though not voluntary) without distresse or forcible coaction against their King and Brethren of
Scotland, and sitting still like idle neutrall
Spectators, without contributing the least visible assistance to either of them, may be interpreted by their King and them, to be a b
[...]each of
[...]heir Nationall
League and
Covenant, and of their
Allegiance to their
Soveraign, in case they should prevail, and restore the
King to the
Crown of
England by their own Forces only, without the English Presbyterians assistance, to the indangering of their persons and Estates, and the losse of all that favour and respect from either (which their actuall conjunction with them might procure) to the ruine of the
Presbyterian, as well as
Independent party in
England, and setting up of the Popish and Prelaticall Malignant party in Supreme power and favour in this Realme, is very considerable.
Fifthly, that if the Scottish Presbyters, and the Kings party in Scotland shall be both conquered by the English Independent Forces, and unable to defend themselves, or their
King, and to settle him in his Kingdoms, then greater dangers are like to insue to our Religion and Kingdoms, then otherwise in some wise mens judgments; because the Independents (as their present violent proceedings manifest) wil probably use their Presbyterian Brethren in England, no better then those in Scotland, and extirpate them if they can; and the King then will be necessitated to cast himself wholly upon the assistance of forraign States, and Kings, and their Forces, as his last refuge; which he hath hitherto declined as dangerous both to himself and his people. If he in this extremity throw himself upon any Forraigners, they must be either Papis
[...]s only, or Protestants alone, or both of them joyntly.
If on Papists only, which some think most probable; First, in regard of his
Queen Mothers great interest in that party, both in
France and
Italy, being of that Religion: Secondly,
[Page 14] in respect of the open differences and Wars already between us, and
France, and
Portugall, two Popish Kingdoms, which are like, to continue and grow greater every d
[...]y: Thirdly, in respect of that parties constancy and fidelity to the King and his Father: Fourthly, because that party is most powerfull, and most likely to close with the King for the advantage of the Catholike cause, and reducing of
England to it's former obedience to the See of Rome; so that without Gods infinite mercy, it will necessi
[...]ate him for a full compliance with them: First, to match into some great Popish Family, upon the same and harder
[...]ticles, then were inforced on his Fathes by
Spain or
France: Secondly, to alter his Religion, and professe himself a
Roman Catholike, and obedient son to the
Roman Pontife, as King
Henry the fourth of
France did: Thirdly, to
Covenant and ingage with them for an utter extirpation of the
Protestant Religion; and of all
Independents and
Presbyterians, as not only Heretikes in Religion, but
Regicides, Traytors, Rebells, Covenant breakers, p
[...]rjured persons, who make no conscience of
Oaths, Vows, Protestations, Declarations, and professed enemies to
Monarchy, who have murthered his Father, banished his Mother, disinherited him of three Crowns; and indeavour to imbroil and subvert all Monarchies and Kingdoms in
Christendome: Fourthly, to swear and ingage to set up and tolerate none but the
Roman Religion in his Kingdoms, when he shall be restored to them by their assistance and Forces: Fifthly, to promise satisfaction of the greatest part of their expences in this war, out of the
Puritans and
Protestants estates, who have been in Arms, or any ways acted, or contributed assistance of moneys against his Father or him, and to make full reparations of all damages to such Papists, who have left their estates and fortunes to assist his Father or him. Upon these terms he may easily gain the joynt assistance of all Popish Kings, Kingdoms, and States in Europe, through the Popes powerfull mediation. And if hereupon, through their aid, he should so far prevail as to get into actuall possession of his Thrones and Kingdoms by the meer power of the
[Page 15] sword, without any terms or conditions by way of Treaty, of which there will be little probability; we can then expect nought else but these dismall consequences. First a totall
[...] radication of our reformed
Religion, and of all zealous professors thereof, especially such who have acted any waies against the King or his Father, a full repeal of all penal Laws, against Jesuites, Priests, Papists, and a publike profession and practise of the
Romish Religion, and of that only throughout our Kingdoms. Secondly, a totall subversion of all our former Laws and Liberties, and a full exercise of all arbitrary and
tyrannicall power over our lives and estates. Thirdly, an absolute confiscation of all our Lands and Estates, together with our lives, to satisfie the Kings debts, gratifie his Assistants, and repair the losses of his faithfull Catholikes, whom we have undone by adhering to his party. Fourthly, an absolute inslaving of our whole Nation to these forraign Conquerours; if not a totall banishment, and extirpation of them out of their native soil; the case of the
AncientGildas. de excidio Britanniae. Fox Acts & Monuments. Vol. 1.Britains, when conquered and driven out of this their Countrey by
Saxons, and the extraordinary
Pestilence and Famine sent amongst them for their sins, and then a dieu both to our
Religion and Nation. But in case the King should not prevail to conquer us by their power, the least we can expect is, First, a continuall
long lasting Warre, and open hostility by Land and Sea with all Romish Kings and States, the very charge whereof, now we are almost quite
undone and beggered already, which will utterly ruine and undo us. Secondly, losse of Trade and Commerce with all those Kingdoms and States, with whom we are in hostility; which will utterly break us in one year or two for want of venting our Native commodities, our chiefest inablement to
maintain the Wars. Thirdly, intolerable
uncessant Taxes of all sorts, which will every moneth grow heavier and greater then other, which accompanied with want of Trade, will cause a generall Insurrection at last both of poor and rich against those in power, and put all into
confusion, to the enemies great advantage. Fourthly, a necessity of seizing and selling all Colledges,
[Page 16] Corporations, Companies, Hospitalls and Gleab-Lands throughout the Realm; and of new
Projects to make new
Delinquents, of purpose to raise moneys to defray the extraordinary expences of the Armies and Navies: And what garboils this will produce, all prudent persons may easily conjecture. Fiftly, a generall decay of Religion, Piety, Learning, Law, and all Arts, Sciences, Trades. Sixthly, an extraordinary new effusion of Christian bloud. Seventhly, an inundation of all kind of sin, wickednesse, Atheism, Heresie, Blasphemy, Murders, Rapes, Robberies, Oppressions, Whoredome, Drunkennesse, Dissolutenesse, Barbarousnesse, and disobedience to Laws, Magistrates, Ministers, Parents, and other disorders. Eighthly, Free-quarter, insolences of Souldiers, spoiling, plundring, if not pestilence and famine, the usuall Concomitants of Warre, which will reduce us to a condition worse then nothing in conclusion.
If he cast himself upon Forraign Protestant Kings, Princes and States alone, the far better, though unlikelier of the two; yet this will certainly prove, 1. A great dishonour to God, and scandall to reformed Religion, to see them so unnaturall and unchristian as to imbrue their hands in one anothers bloud. 2. An extraordinary ground of joy and triumph to the Pope and his Confederates, to behold their enemies thus murthering, invading, and destroying each other by their mutuall dissentions; when they by all their power and policy were unable to accomplish their ruine, and do them so great mischief. 3. A great indangering of all the Protestant Churches and States in Europe, by incouraging their Popish Adversaries to invade and ruine them, whilest thus ingaged in an unbrotherly and unchristian Warre between themselves, and
weakening, impoverishing and
destroying each other. 5. An effusion of much precious Protestant bloud, which will
Gen. 4.10, 11. Jer. 51.35. Ezek. 35, 5.6, 7, 8, 9. cry for
vengeance to heaven against the originall Authors and Occasioners of such a Warre. 6. If the King shall inthrone himself, and regain his Kingdomes by their assistance; though the profession of the Protestant Religion may still be continued, yet we may justly fear, 1. That
[Page 17] the purity and power of Religion will be much abated. 2. That our Lawes and Liberties will be much indangered and Eclipsed. 3. Our estates confiscated to make them reparations, and satisfie the Kings Ingagements. 4. Their removall hence will be disputable, when once possessed of our Country; as the history of the Danes invasions of this Island heretofore, and the Saxons full possession thereof, with the Britains expulsion, will manifest. 5. If the King and they be repulsed by us, yet this will prove a seminary of lasting wars and breaches between us and most Protestant Kingdoms and States; It will hinder all commerce between them and us, to the destruction of Merchandize and Trade; destroy the Protestants strength and interest; impoverish us through Taxes, fill us with d
[...]scontents, augment our divisions, if not conclude in our beggery and ruine.
If he throw himself upon forraign Papists and Protestants joyntly, then, First, the Wars are like to be more generall, dangerous and costly to us, and of longer continuance. Secondly, The divisions and dangers from at home are like to prove the greater, since all discontented and oppressed Protestants and Papists will then be apt upon all occasions and advantages to joyn with that forraign party they best affect, and from whom they may expect the most favour and the best conditions. Thirdly, If the King prevail, then both Parties must be satisfied, and his debts defrayed out of our estates; both gratified with a free toleration and exercise of that Religion throughout his Realms as both sides professe: and between them both all will be plundered, impoverished, ruined, and perchance inforced to quit the whole Kingdom to one or both of them, who will challenge an interest therein by conquest and the longest sword, and hardly part with it when once possessed thereof. Fourthly, If the King and they should be foiled by us, yet the wars and differences would survive, all commerce and trading lost, Armies and Navies must still be maintained, and Garrisons in all our Kingdoms to secure us; taxes, oppressions, and all publike grievances continued and
[Page 18] mul
[...]iplied, and thereby new intestine commotions raised; which of themselves alone will destroy us without any othe
[...] enemy,
And suppose the King himself should miscarry in these Warres, yet the Title and Right of the Crowns of our thre
[...] Kingdoms s
[...]rviving to his Brothers, or if they miscarry, to his Sister, matched to the Prince of
Aurenge; or if they all should fail,
descending to the Queen of Bohemia, and Prince Elector
Palattine; their severall new Titles and Interests will find means to infest us with new Warres, till they have either obtained their rights, or rui
[...]ed both themselves and us. So that unlesse God put so much wi
[...]dome, and spirit to the English Nation, as to restore the King to his just Rights upon safe and honourable terms, according to their
Oaths, Covenant, Protestations, Declarations to all the world, and Principles of their Religion; we can in humane proba
[...]ility expect nought else, but the utter ruine, both of our
Religion, Nation, Kingdoms, and totall extirpation by Forraign enemies.
And certainly if we seriously consider, 1. The infinite divisions, discontents, & oppressions that are every where amongst us. 2. The Heresies, Blasphemies, Sects, and Schisms that are lately broached, and publikely
countenanced by us. 3. The Generall contempt and neglect of the publike
Ordinances of God, and free toleration granted to all to withdraw themselves from them, without the least censure or punishment. 4. The generall contempt, hatred, discountenancing, reviling, and persecuting of godly and faithfu
[...]l M
[...]nisters throughout the Nation, and the
snares that are daily laid to intrap and ruine them. 5. The extraordinary Apostacy of many Professors, from the truth, purity, and power of Religion, almost to professed
Atheism, contempt of the Word, Prayer, Preaching, Sacraments, and all other
[...]dinances, to meer
licentiousnesse, lukewarmnesse, and
Prophanenesse. 6. The
generall inclination of the people to errours, E
[...]thusiasmes, and seducing spirits. 7. The little cordiall reall love and affection between Professors of
Religion, and the great animosities,
[Page 19] hatreds and divisions amongst them, both in
[...] Practise and
affection. 8. The little
conscience of Oaths, Protestations, Covenants, Promises; and great hypocrisie, covetousnesse, oppression, self-seeking, envy, hatred, and malice that is in the Nation, and amongst those especially, who professe themselves Saints of the highest form. 9. The universall inundation of all kind of
sin and
wickednesse, and open profession thereof in all places. 10. The extraordinary
Injustice, Tyranny, Cruelty and
Mercilesnesse that all parts of the Land complain of, and groan under. 11. The great effusion of Christian bloud, and of the bloud of our Christian Brethren in
Covenant, that our whole Land is polluted with; and our rejoycing in this bloud-guiltinesse, instead of repenting and mourning for it. 12. Our present decay of Trade and Merchandize. 13. Our intolerable Taxes and Impositions o
[...] all sorts. 14. The extreme poverty of our Kingdom, and increase of poor people in all parts, which have little work or none, and will not sta
[...]ve. 15. The divisions of our Forces into Ireland and Scotland, where
standing Armies and
Garrisons must be constantly maintained for fear of revolt. 16. Our great breaches with France and Portugall, and no good quarter with any Forraign States or Kingdomes, which as yet will neither own, nor hold full and open correspondency with our new Governours or Government. 17. The revolt of most of our Forraign plantations from us, and the late Declaration against them, as Traytors, and Rebells, who count us such. 18. The Negotiations with the Pope and Popish Kingdomes, and most Protestant Princes and States to incense them all against us, as enemies to all Magistracy and publike Government, and to
mankind it self, as
Salmatius hath published us in print. 19. The spreading the pestlence in many places, and the feared famine throughout the Realm. 20. The manifold injuries and afronts offered to all the Nobility, and most of the Gentry of the Na
[...]ion, and the whole Nation it self, in the change of the
Government, without and against their
consent, in contin
[...]ing and increasing their burthens, Taxes, and out-lawing many of them, because they
[Page 20] will not subscribe the Ingagement, in erecting new High Courts to take away their lives, without any legall Triall by their Peers, for offences punishable by no common Law. 21. The Ex
[...]cution of so many Protestants, and not of one Papist whatsoever by these or other Courts of Justice, though the chief contrivers of our late unhappy Wars, and
discontinuance of all Capitall proceedings against Priests and Jesuites, since the abolishing of the Oaths of
Supremacy and
Allegiance, made principally against them and the Popes Usurpations and practises. 22. The injustice of our present cause and Warre, meerly against Monarchy, Presbytery, and old English Peers and Parliaments, purposely to support the present Government, set up by the meer power of the sword, yea founded on the bloud of a Protestant King, and ruine of the very best of Parliamen
[...]s, to prevent a settlement of peace and Religion by an unbloudy Treaty. And then compare them with the
Premises, and Cardinall
Richelieu his Instructions and advice to the late French King, a little before his death, (published by an Italian of good note, and printed in Italy.
Anno. 1645.) to foment the late differences between the late King and Parliament all he could; and if possible by the solicitation of his instruments, to draw the Commons to change our Monarchy into a meer Republike, thereby to imbroil all our Kingdomes in civill Warres against each other, as the only and best policy of all, to weaken and destroy both our power and Religion, and advance the interest of France and Catholike Religion, which we see now accomplished according to his advice; and then we have just cause to fear an inevitable approaching ruine, both of our Religion and Nation, notwithstanding our late Victories and Successes; which do but weaken, impoverish, destroy our selves, and promote the designs of our common enemies, unlesse God give us a timely sight and Reformation of this our impolitick oversight, and incline our hearts to a generall peace and unity th
[...]oughout our Kingdome, by restoring every man to his just right and inheritance, from the highest to the low
[...]st, and abolishing all future seeds and occasions
[Page 21] of our intestine Warres: The serious consideration of all which Premises, are a sufficient satisfactory Apology for all Ministers or others, now questioned for the Non-observance of the late Thanksgiving day,
[...]or the great rout and slaughter of our Protestant Presbyterian Brethren of Scotland, against all their persecutors. We shall therefore close up all with
Abners Speech to
Ioab, in case of the civill Wars between the House of
David and
Saul; wherein the Is
[...]aelites (of the same Religion and Nation) unnaturally fought and slew each other,
Ioabs souldiers pursuing and slaughtering
Abners, whom they had discomfited in battell, addressing to those in present power, 2
Sam. 2.26, 27, 28. Then
Abner called to
Ioab, and said, shall the sword devoure for ever? knowest thou not that it will be bitternesse in the latter end? how long shall it be then ere thou bid the people return from following their Brethren? And
Ioab said, as God liveth, unlesse thou hadst spoken, surely then in the morning the people had gone up every one from following their Brethren. So
Ioab blew a trumpet, and all the people stood still, AND PURSUED AFTER
ISRAEL NO MORE, NEITHER FOUGHT THEY ANY MORE: which we heartily pray may be the fruit and issue of these sad and serious Meditations of those who drive on no other design, but the preservation of Religion and their native Countrey from totall and finall desolation.
A brief DESCRIPTION Of the future History of Europe, from
Anno 1650 to
An. 1710.
Treating principally Of those grand and famous Mutations yet expected in the World, as, The ruine of the Popish Hierarchy, the final annihilation of the Turkish Empire, the Conversion of the Eastern and Western Jews, and their Restauration to their ancient Inheritances in the holy Land, and the FIFTH MONARCHIE of the universall Reign of the Gospel of Christ upon Earth.
With principal Passages upon every of these, out of that famous Manuscript of
PAVL GREBNER extant in
Trinity-Colledge Library in
Composed upon the Occasion of the young KINGS Arrival into
Scotland, to shew what will in probability be the Event of the present Affairs in
I Here present you with a mishapen Embryo, having neither had time for Perfection, nor life to actuate Acception. A meer Chaos and disordered Discourse is it, yet for matter treating of wonderfull and famous Events, which i
[...] this European world are quickly to be performed. It is true, that
Primi foetus sunt horridiores, a
[...] commonly defective in mature Conceptions and ripenesse of judgement. Yet they that reade this Pamphlet seriously, will finde those Passages opened (I will not say fully explained) in Scripture, which Commentator never yet disclosed
[...] nor Divine unfolded. In such a
[...] intricate La
[...]rinth it is easie to stray: therefore I am confident, Charity will usher your Iudgements, and your love cover mine Infirmities. I know I have slipt in many places, but for the present can neither tell where, nor how
[...] Some Ariadne might do well to lead the way, and I shall be as ready to follow:
Secundae cogitationes sunt meliores: If I finde those Non-entities to be accepted with, but as much respect as worse ware every day is, it shall not irk me to bestow a week or two in licking it over into a better form and putting a handsomer Coat upon it's back. There are several passages in it, which (I know) will not resent with our Great Ones: but
Amicus Plato, amicus Socrates,[Page] yet
Magis amica veritas, which shall prevail, though all the world gather in battalia against it. I must confesse it is too too abortive: for it came into the world in fewer hours, then
Tostatus bestowed in translating the five first Chapters of
Genesis out of Greek into Latine. I wish it may obtain the end for which I made it: that is, to move us all with repentance to meet God in these great Mutations and Changes he is bringing upon us in this Land; that every one would strive to reform one from Here
[...]ies, Sects and Schisms, to suffer the Scriptures to be our Rule, and the holy Ghost our Guide both in Faith, Religion and Discipline, that so God may put out his hand in amending the Body
[...] Politick in the whole, that judgement may depart from us, destruction flee far from us; that
Peace may dwell within our wals and plenteousness within our Palaces.
I study
multum in parvo, and hope to give satisfaction to all, but such as are wedded more to their wils then reasons. For these I have no more but this, A good winde at their backs to the
Anticyra's, that they may drink
Hellebor lustily to purge their
Brains, that they may be more quick, and their Eye-sight clearer. I quote strange Authors in this Work; and good Reason, for the Work it self is strange. Yet they in whose hands these Authors are (and they are not in every Library) shall finde I have both dealt with them truly, and cited them faithfully. And for the Tractate it self, it will with the learned be either
Laudatus aut saltem excusatus; either of which shall content me at this time. Farewel.
A brief DESCRIPTION OF THE Future History of EUROPE, from
Anno 1650, to
An. 1710.
HAving with silence and admiration beheld these ten years,
The Occasion of writing this Trea
[...]. the horrid Broyls and civil Tumults in these Western Coasts of Europe, I cannot but adore the Justice of God upon his enemies, and his paternall chastisements upon his Church for sin. It hath made me oft
[...]n wonder, to behold how virulently and barbarously Protestants could oppose and massacre one another, when the Romish Froggs can live in an established amity among themselves, and laugh at our follies. I will not say, it is Jesuiticall projects which sets us by the ears together, so much as our own Seditious and Schismaticall spirits, and want of Charity. If we would but ponder, how much Popery hath won upon us by these Warres and Divisions, what fearfull occasions we have given to the professed enemies of Christ to blaspheme his Name, and deride our Religion, it would much provoke us to end our Controversies, and band against the common Enemy. The Empire hath got but a wofull Booty, by her 30 years Warres, having weakned her self with the losse of Six Millions of valiant Souldiers, and enticed that Imp of Mahomet to prepare an Army of 200000, now in the Field, and ready to march within the bowels of
Germany. We in
England have gained no better by our civil Warre
[...] but in stead of one Tyrant to advance a douzen over us, and from the height of Liberty to runne the broad way up the next hill, to the height of Slavery. Our Western Sun is set, on whom the eies of all Protestants were
[...]ixt, to
[Page] have composed their differences, and united them into a mutuall League against the Romish Dragon, and the false Prophet. Nor was any insufficiency in him to the performance of so glorious an Enterprize, had not the sins of his own Subjects, hastned his untimely Fate. Behold then what profits our Warre hath brought us! and what a blessing our sins have deprived us of! How fearfull are the Judgements of God and his anger against sin, when the Church is dilacerated, the Commonwealth disjoynted and dismembred in every part thereof, the lust of Tyrants, the pleasure of Pesants, the barbarousnes of Souldiers, dissentions of Churchmen, sad and tragicall ends of Nobles, confusions in Families, countenancing of Heresies, and applauding of Blasphemies are so rife and ripe amongst men! On the contrary, how happy are Kingdomes, how blessed be Commonwealths, when Princes, Magistrates, and other subordinate Officers, each in their sever
[...]ll place and calling, strive to promote the glory of God, with the Liberty, Honour and Tranquillity of Subjects; where the Ministry is incouraged, Universities countenanced, Courts of Judicature upholden, Subjects be unanimous and accustomed to the Exercise of Piety and Godlinesse: lastly when both Prince and people aim joyntly at the advancement of the Gospel and mutuall commodity of one another, so that there be no decay, no leading into Captivity, nor complaining in their streets!
[...] subject
[...]r of
[...]is ensuing Discourse.The disparity of these two contradictory conditions, and the fearfull effects, which they in all ages have wrought in the Consciences of men, have made me at length after a long time of silence put Pen to Paper, and through the intricate Labyrinth of those portions of Scripture which never Commentator yet ever medled with (I mean, the twelve last Chapters of
[...]kiel, the three last of the
Revelation, the last of
Daniel, with some passages in
Hosea and
[...]ry) to descry when We People of
England with all Protestants in
Europe shall see an end of these our Warres and Tumults, what shall be the Estate of our Churches, States and Kingdomes, from this present year 1650, to the beginning of the Fifth and last universall MONARCHY of the Gospel of Christ upon Earth, which shall begin in the year of our Lord 1710; and in what year we may expect the downfals of the Beast of Rome, the Red Dragon of
Constantinople, the totall Conversion and restauration both of the Eastern and Western Jews within their holy Land of
Iury: all which must mo
[...]t certainly be fulfilled before the end of the World. Of these high Points and Mysteries, I finde nothing in any Commentator upon the last of
Daniel and the
Revelations, save only
Brightman, who being acquainted in
Leiden with
Ioseph Scaliger, got some (but those very imperfect) notes of
Grebner concerning those Numbers in
Ezekiel and
Daniel. But that excellent Manuscript, which
Iohannes Bauden
[...]is writ of the Life and Writings of
Grebner, declareth all
[Page] these things most plainly and punctually, how that greater Troubles, fe
[...] Combustions, direfuller Devastations shall come upon the Western Kingdomes of
Europe, then yet ever did, before they can expect the downfall either of Turk or Pope, or the universall Monarchy of the Gospel of Christ upon Earth.
‘In which incomparable Work the Learned Astrologer bringeth Divine and Heavenly Reasons, why
Europe (for the space of thirty seven years, after that fearfull blazing Comet in 1618.) should with amazed eyes behold the infinite and sudden mutations and downfals of flourishing States and potent Kingdomes, the deformity of Empires, and mournfull faces of Commonwealths (as is lately happened in
England, Portugall, Swethland, Bohemia, and
Denmark) the Devastations of whole Kingdoms at a clap, and burning six or seven Nations at once in their ashes and cinders (as of late in
Germany) not to make them ask whether there be a God, Heaven and Providence, or not? or whether Empires and States depend wholly upon the will and power of man, or upon secret and hidden causes beyond the thoughts and expectations of the World? but to praise God for his paternall corrections, seeing by this they know he remembreth them, and that through this Fire and Water of Affliction he will bring his Church to a finall Conquest ove
[...] her Enemies, and both the Congregations of Jews and Gentiles to an universall Monarchy over the face of the whole Earth.’ Severall passages of which Manuscript I will insert here and there in this ensuing Discourse, as Method and Matter shall require.
Since the spirituall sword was sheathed in
England (which lopt off the serpentine Heads of Heresie and Schisme,
The Confutation of the wicked Opinions of the Millenaries of the Personall Reign of Christ upon Earth after
An. 1700. while they were yet growing) it is a wonder to see how all Sects and Schismaticall Opinions in the world have (like devouring Weed) overgrown and choked the seed of the Word.
‘Above the rest, the Millenaries have exalted themselves, whose abominable Pamphlets have flown abroad like Atomes, wherein they dream of a Personall Reign of Christ upon Earth, how he shall descend from Heaven
An. 1666, destroy all the works of darknesse in every corner of the Earth, make an easie passage to men from Earth to Heaven, so that they may ascend into Heaven, and leap down to Earth again, as oft as they list: how he shall keep a Quarter Sessions or Goal-delivery in his own Person upon Mount
Olivet, call all Nations before him, rebuke them of sin face to face, and shall cut out of them their stony hearts, and shall sew in their bellies hearts of flesh in stead thereof: that
An. Dom. 1700 shall be the day of Judgement, and that the Judgement shall last other 1700 years, because otherwise the glorious Attributes of Christ's Mercy and Justice cannot be sufficiently explained to the World and the Consciences of men.’ All which Fopperies with many mo too horrid to
[Page] relate, are contained in M.
Archers Personall Reign of Christ upon Earth,
Rich. Stirreys Kingdome of King Jesus, and in
A.R. his
Caelestis Hierusalem, Printed
A. 1642, 1644, and 1645. Now having unmasked the vanity of this Error
(ut contraria juxtà se posita magis elucescant) I will epitomize in this Section the truth of the future estate of the World, from this time to the end, which afterward I intend (God willing) further to dilate and prosecute in this Treatise. This year 1650 all
Europe are in civil Warres. These civill warres shall not cease till they have mustered out a great Army of the true worshippers of God to ruine Rome, which shall be about
Anno 1666. Rome thus destroyed, the Western Jews shall begin to learn the waies of God, and believe his Gospel (which they cannot do so long as Rome standeth) and shall
Anno 1683. enter upon the conversion of their Eastern brethren (the 10. Tribes now invisibly hid in Tartaria and India) and they two (none else) shall ruine the Mahumetan Empire about
An. 1698. and so shall be restored to the holy Land to reinhabit Jerusalem. Then must begin a comparative felicity of the Church of God upon earth, because after these times both Turk and Pope shall be destroyed. Neverthelesse this felicity must be mingled with internall troubles and persecutions, within the bowels of the Church, because the Church shall never be wholly at rest, while the world standeth. Lo, here the difference betwixt Truth and Heresie, betwixt the opinions of the Millenaries and right sense of Scriptures. The Millenaries say, Christ must descend personally from heaven: The Scriptures on the contrary say, he shall not come from Heaven personally till the last day, when he shall descend with his holy Angels in flaming fire to judge the quick and the dead. He shall send power and strength from heaven to his true Worshipppers (as he hath done hitherto) to destroy Tu
[...]k and Pope, from Heaven he shall give power to his ancient people the Jews, to regain their ancient Land of Judea, and not by his corporeall presence upon Earth: from Heaven about
An. 1700. he shall transferre his Gospel from Europe, as he hath done from Asia, and raise up and inspire godly Ministers after his own will, who shall implant his holy word in all and every of the Kingdomes and Provinces of America, and in all countries of the Southern and Eastern India, China, Tartaria, and in all the regions of the North unto the worlds end, and make it shine in as great purity and glory as ever it hath done in England or Germany. This is the felicity of the Church, the fifth Monarchy in Nebuchadnezzars Image, the ministeriall (not personall) Reign and Kingdom of Christ upon
[...]arth, which must not endure for ever (as Archer would have it) nor for a 1000 years (as Alsted dreams) but for a very short time, that all Nations (none excepted) may professe Gods worship, and none plead ignorance before his Tribunall, presently after which the dissolution of the world shall come, after which time shall be no more.
This Digression made, I return to my purposed method.
That fearfull and ominous Night-torch,
[...]ion o
[...] the e
[...]fects of the blaving Comet,
Anno 16
[...]8. which prognosticated all that misery to Germany and great Brittain, which they have now suffered, was the forerunner of all our evils. This Comet Longomontanus and D.
Bambridge say appeared but 28. dayes, indeed it was neither observed in Denmark nor at London before Novemb. 18. or 21. but
Erycius Puteanus observed it Novemb. 11. the first time, as he testifies in the first book of his learned Paradoxologie, pag. 33.38. so it appeared for the space of 37. or 38. dayes, foreshewing that first Germany, Livonia, Swethland, with other North-parts of Europe, then Scotland, England and Ireland, should feel the terrible effects thereof in warre and famine, for the space of 37. or 38. years, even from
An. 1618. till
An. 1656. This Comet was strengthned by a fearfull conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter,
An. 1616. July 18. The effects of both which were not to be confined in those terrible concomitants of war perpetrated in Germany (which L.B. and D.
Vincent so pathetically delineate) but were to end in the judgements of God upon Europe for neglecting the downfall of Antichrist, ruine of Rome, annihilation of the Sodomiticall Order of the Society of Jesuites, and in the extirpation of all Kingdoms and free States of Papists, to make way for the Lion of the North to erect his FIFTH MONARCHIE in the ashes of Germany, wherein shall be established the eternall felicity of the Church, by the conversion of the Jews and fulnesse of the Gentiles.
Shirley Fellow of Trinity-Colledge in Cambridge, once shewed me a Letter from his learned friend
Buxtorf, dated
An. 1624. May 3. wherein was contained a Prognostique Prophecy of the before-mentioned Comet and Conjunction, sent him from that incomparable Astrologer,
Iohannes Baudensis Nephew to
Paul Grebner, which for the strangenesse and rarity of it, I will here insert.
Caeterùm, quòd de patriae nostrae afflictissimae statu consilesco, indignaris; nihil profectò scribendum nunc hab
[...]o, nisi omnia (ut Poetae verbis utor) in pejus ruere, & retrò sublapsa referri. Tam Danus quàm Caesar
[...]nixè laborant, ut miseram Germaniam quamprimùm p
[...]ssum iri spectem: Nec milites utriusqùe quiequam aliud meditan
[...]nr, nisi strages & vastitatem. Accepi nudiustertiùs à Johanne Baudensi
(amico mihi multimodis charissimo) sententias nostratium Astrologorum de horribili illo Comet
[...], qui Anno 1618.
apparuit, & nuperrimâ Saturni & Iovis Conjunctione. En tibi vaticinium, si no
[...] Apostolicum, at longè (ni fallor) plusquàm Astrologicum. Surrexit Deus & gladium eduxit. Clades magnorum Imperatorum, strages populorum, regum funcra, rerum-publicarum eversiones, monarchiarum mutationes, assassinationes principum & ducum illustriorum, violenta & superba consilia, proditiones & rebelliones inter Subditos in hoc coelo nostro Europico exorientur. Exporientur religiosi à potentioribus Legum
[Page] & institutorum Ecclesiasti
[...]orum mutationem, à plebeijs novarum rerum inexplebilem cupiditatem. Boreales Europae partes ferro, morbo & peste laborabunt, depauperabuntur divites, Principes Dominijs exuti erunt, exulabunt patres & filij post longum turb
[...]rum intercapedinem in integrum restituentur. Hic quoque Cometa terribilem Romae ruinam, singulisque Europae civitatibus incendia minitatur
[...] Clerici Papicolae praecipuè Cardinales de gradibus suis dejicientur, Loiolistae ubique ad mortem rapientur, nec Gallis aut Hispanis animus erit carnificum l
[...]queos evitare. Quinimò cernimus etiam in terrâ sanct
[...] à veteribus incolis
[...] oriturum Regnum, quod
[...]rit Christianis miraculum, & Orbi terriculamentum. Novique Imperij Revolutio istis succedet, sub quo generale gaudium, laetitia & voluptas humano generi subministrabitur, improbis ubique de medio sublatis. Haec omnia per Regem quendam Borealem peragentur, qui pacem, Religionem, & Securitatem per totum Orbem miraculosè stabilibit.’
Whereas you are angry that I keep silence concerning the esta
[...]e of our most distressed Countrey. Truly I have nothing now to write, but that all things (that I may use the words of the Poet) grow worse and woese. As well the King of
Denmark as the Emperour earnestly endeavour to see miserable
Germany destroyed as soon as may be; neither do the souldiers of either of them, think of any other thing then slaughter and desolation.
I received the other day, from my dear Friend
Iohn Baudensis, the opinions of our Astrologers concerning that terrible Comet which appeared
Anno 1618, and about the later Conjunction of
Saturn and
Iupiter. Behold thou then a Prophecie (if not Apostolical) yet (if I mistake not) far beyond Astrological. GOD hath arisen and drawn his sword: There shall happen in these our European Regions, the destruction of great Emperours, the slaughter of people, Funerals of Kings, subversions of Commonwealths, mutations of Monarchies, massacres of Princes and illustrious Commanders, violent and proud Counsels, Treasons and Rebellions amongst Subjects: Clergie-men shall finde a change of Laws and Ecclesiastical Constitutions, by those of greater power, and an insatiable desire of new things amongst common people. The Northern parts of Europe shall be greatly oppressed with Warre, Sicknesse and Pestilence. Rich men shall be impoverished, Princes cast out of their Dominions; The fathers shall be banished, and after a long space of trouble their children shall be restored to their former condition. This Comet also threatneth the terrible ruine of
Rome and burnings in all the Cities of Europe. The Papistical Clergy, especially the Cardinals, shall be cast down from their Dignities, the Jesuites every where shall be drawn to death, neither shall the French-men or Spaniards have courage to save their necks from the halters. Furthermore, We discern a Kingdom to arise of the most ancient Inhabitants in the holy Land, which to Christians shall be a Miracle, and to the World a terrour; and these shall obtain the Revolution of a new Empire, under which shall be administred universal Gladnesse
[...] Joy and Delight to mankinde (the wicked being every where taken away.) All these things shall be effected by a certain Northern King who shall miraculously
[Page] establish Peace, Religion and Security throughout the whole world.
Thus far the words of this Letter. And how punctually all these things are come to passe, let the world judge. We in England have felt the misery of the one, and are ready stript to suffer the calamities of the other, having for the present lost what is impossible to be regained, and seeing a new storm of Devastations hanging over our heads by the young Kings late arrival in
Scotland (where he is received as absolute Soveraign) which fil
[...] mens hearts with pensive thoughts and doub
[...]ings what will be the end of these wofull beginnings. For my part, I am a zealous adorer of a Parliament, nor deserve I to censure the Actions of our Representatives, yet will I not promise the Term of an Age to our novel Government, but think ve
[...]ily, a change to the old Model is nigh at hand. It is casual to the best Kingdoms to have Interregnums, but as we stand now, we shall ne
[...]ther be for six years together a Body Politique, nor a true Church of God. That excellent Astrologer of Misnia,
Paul Grebner, was more then an Inquisitour into the Effects of Starres, being questionlesse indued from above with a Prophetick spirit, not to be desired, much lesse expected of all. He plainly affirms, That as
England ever was a Monarchy within it self, since it was discovered by the Romans, so shall it so continue and remain, even then when all other Kingdoms and States in Europe are swallowed up of the FIFTH MONARCHIE of the Lion of the North. His Prophecie of our Civil Wars, of the Fate of our late King, and the Restauration of his Son to his Fathers Dominions, runneth thus in
Ban. 72.
Per idem tempus Rex quidam Borcalis (nomine Carolus) Mariam
ex Papistic
[...] religione sibi assumptam in matrimonium conjunxerit,Grebners Prophecie of our la
[...]e King, and his Son now King.ex quo evidet regum infelicissimus. Unde populus ejus, ipso abdicato, Comitem quendam perantiquae Familiae regno praeponet, qui tres annos, aut circitèr durabit; & hoc quoque remoto, Equitem quendam bellicosum in ejus locum assumet, qui paulò ampliùs regnabit. Post hunc eliget nullum. Interea, unus è stirpe Caroli
in littore regni patres sui cum Gallicis, Suevicis, Danicis, Hollandicis, Burgurdicis
& Germanicis
auxiliis stabit, omnes inimicos suos cruentissimo praelio superabit, & posteà regnum suum felicissimè administrabit, eritque Carolo
magno major. And in
Ban. 74. he saith,
Circà Anno 1663
Brittaniarum Rex antiquum cum Belgarum Ordinibus foedus & amicitiam rumpet, ob ereptas sibi ab ipsorum piratis naviculas quasdam, qui pertrepidi ad novum Danorum
Regem (
nomine Christiernum)
confugient, qui utrosque primò compositissimis orationibus, deinde muneribus in concordiam alliciet.’
About the same time a certain Northern King (named
Charles) who shall marry
Mary of the Popish Religion to his great unhappinesse, so that his people (rejecting him) shall set up an Earl of a very ancient Family, who shall continue three years or thereabouts, he dying they shall elect in his stead a warlike Knight, who shall rule a little longer: after him they elect none; But in the mean one of
Charles his Stock shall land on the Sea-coasts of his Fathers Kingdom, and with
French, Swedish, Danish, Hollandian, Burgonian and
German Forces, in a most cruel battell shall vanquish all his
[Page] Enemies, and afterward most happily govern his Kingdom, and be greater then
Charls the Great. And about the year 1663, the King of the most ancient Brittains for the losse of some Ships at Sea shall break his League and Amity with the States of
Holland, who fearing, shall to the new King of
Danes (named
[...]) for succour, and he by fair Intreaties and large Gifts shall win either side to Agreement.
Nor ever doth he speak of
England in all that famous manuscript, but as of the most warlike and potent Kingdome in
Europe. Therefore all good Christians ought to wish the new Warre were concluded rather by an happy Agreement and Composition, then by Sword and Musket, and the King placed on his Throne rather with the hands of his loving and and rejoycefull Subjects, than with the swords of Forreigners. For if the beginning of his Restauration be in bloud, and tumbling of garments in bloud, the Accomplishment of it will be with burning and fuel of fire.
That this future History of
Europe, may be more fully and clearly understood, I intend to set it down by way of Chronology upon the principall passages in
Ezekiel and the
Revelations, as I lately collected it out of the two
MSS. of
Grebner and
Ioannes Baudensis, and afterward subscribed certain Notes and Animadversions upon the same.
THe woman travelleth, viz. The Jewish Synagogue bringeth forth Christ, whereupon ensueth the battel between
Anno Christi. 1Michael and the Dragon (Christ and the Devil)
Anno Mundi. 3947 Christ being persecuted of the Devil by
Herod in his Infancy, flieth into
Aegypt, in his appointed time of 34 years, suffereth and ascendeth into Heaven; The Devil enraged
Anno Christi. 34 that he could no more persecute Christ, raiseth persecutions
Anno Mundi. 3981Anno Christi. 65 against the Primitive Church by
Nero and others,
Revel. 12.
per tot.Anno Mundi. 4012
Anno Christi. 70 The first Seal opened
[...] The white Horse and his Rider, with
Anno Mundi. 4017 the crowned Bow, signifieth the purity of the Gospel in the Primitive Church,
Revel. 6.2.
Anno Christi. 71 Satan is bound for a 1000
[...]ears from raging against the Church,
Anno Mundi. 4018Revel. 20.2.8.
Anno Christi. 65 The second Seal opened, The red Horse is the massacre of
Anno Mundi. 4020 Christians in the ten general Persecutions about
[...]no 65, to
An. 330.
Revel. 6.3, 4.
Anno Christi. 104 The third Seal opened,
Simon Magus, Ebion and
CorinthusAnno Mundi. 4051 trouble the Church with damnable and infectious Heresies,
Revel. 6.9, 6.
Anno Christi. 173 The fourth Seal opened, Horrid Famine, devouring Pestilences
Anno Mundi. 4120 and outragious Wars, waste and depopulate the Roman Empire for cruelty to Christians,
Revel. 6.7, 8.
Anno Christi. 194 The fifth Seal opened, Mutual Massacres of the wretched
Caesars,Anno Mundi. 4141 beginning at
Pertinax, and ending at
Licinius, slain by
Constantine the Great,
Revel. 6.9, 10, 11.
Anno Christi. 288 The sixth Seal opened,
Dioclesian and
Maximilian give over
Anno Mundi. 4235 their Caesarships, because they could not eradicate Christianity.
Constantine strengthened with their Armies and Provinces, warreth upon
Licinius, slayeth him, destroyeth the Pretorian-Camp, abolisheth Heathenism, and setteth up the true Worship of God,
Revel. 6.12. to the end.
[Page 2]The seventh Seal opened,
And silence in Heaven for half an hour, viz. The Church enjoyeth rest thirty years, all the time that
ConstantineAnno Mundi. 4255 the Great reigned,
Revel. 8.1. Yet clouds of persecution
Anno Christi. 308Anno Mundi. 4286 arise in the interim in the sky of the Church; and the seven Angels
Anno Christi. 339 prepare themselves to blow the seven Trumpets for the space of 23 years, even all the reign of
Constantines three sons,
Revel. 8.2, 3.
Anno Mundi. 4310Iulian that wretched Apostata bending his utmost endeavours to
Anno Christi. 363 ruine the Gospel, licenceth 17000 Jews to return to
Ierusalem to rebuild their Temple; but God destroyeth them all by Lightnings and Pestilences: Horrible Earthquakes cast up into the Air the foundations which had been buried in rubbish till then. Therefore
Daniels compute of the Temples finall ruine must but begin then; there begin his two Numbers (
Chap. 12.
ver. 11, 12.) of 1290, and 1335, which in all must but make 1335 years, which added to 363, make up and point to
Anno Christi 1698, the joyfull Jubile of the Churches Deliverance from all Adversity.
Anno Mundi. 4373 The first Trumpet blown. Fire and hail (war and bloudshed)
Anno Christi. 426 cast into the troublesome Sea of the Roman-Western-Empire by
Valentinian, and the succeeding Emperours, untill the end of the Western-Empire, The savage Inundations of
Goths, Huns, Vandals and
Bulgarians into
Italy, Revel. 8.7.
Anno Mundi. 4553 The second Trumpet blown,
Boniface that Mountain of fiery
Anno Christi. 606 Combustions obtaineth of
Phocas the Popish Supremacy. Hence wars betwixt the Emperours and Popes,
Revel. 8.8, 9.
Anno Mundi. 4613 The third Trumpet blown, The Romish Bishop (the great
Anno Christi. 666 Star of the Western Christian Clergy) falleth from the Heaven of Truth and Godlinesse, and of a vigilant Pastour becomes a ravenous Robber of the Church, and the gifts thereof,
Revel. 8.10, 11.
Anno Mundi. 4946 The fourth Trumpet blown, The Pope fallen from Piety,
Anno Christi. 999 and his Clergy from the Pulpits, Christ the Sun of righteousness with his Merits, the Church the Moon, and the Ministers the Stars thereof are eclipsed, and vilified by
Sylvester II,
Revel. 8.12, 13.
Anno Mundi. 5018 Satan loosed out of prison beginneth to rage by
Gregory VII
Anno Christi. 1071 against the Gospel of Christ,
Revel. 20.4.
Anno Mundi. 5140 The fifth Trumpet blown, The Vicar of Christ with his
Anno Christi. 1195 Keyes openeth hel's mouth to let out his Cloister-fiends and satanical Locusts to overspread the Earth of Christendome, described by
Iohn most graphically,
Revel. 9.9. to 13.
Anno Mundi. 5245 The sixth Trumpet blown, The
Ottoman Empire ariseth, invadeth
Anno Christi. 1300 first the Eastern-Empire of
Constantinople, and winneth it: then flieth upon the
Germane Emperour with barbarous millions of invincible Armies,
Revel. 9.13. to the end.
[Page 3]The saying,
Revel. 9.15. of the Turks preparation for a day, a moneth, and a year, beginneth now. Which Number allegorically taken maketh 398 years:
☜ which added to
A. 1300, the year of the original of the Turkish Empire, sheweth that
A. 1698. shall be the final down
[...]al of the same.
Anno Mundi. 5462 The last Trumpet is blown, The Thrones, Principalities and
Anno Christi. 1517 Dominions in Heaven rejoyce, that God would now at length take his Churches Cause in hand, and raise up
Luther, and other Sons of Thunder to vindicate the quarrel thereof against the Romish Antichrist to the ruine of his Kingdom,
Revel. 11. from
ver. 15. to the end.
By eating of the Book,
☜Chap. 10. Measuring the Temple and slaying the Witnesses,
Chap. 11. is understood the Reformation by
Luther, and downfall of the Papacy under
Charles the fifth.
Anno Mundi. 5504 The first Vial poured out,
England, Scotland and
Ireland by
Anno Christi. 1559 the Reign of Queen
Elizabeth, renounce the Papacy; which generates the ulcers of spight and malice in the Romish Church against
England, Revel. 16.2.
Anno Mundi. 5518 The second Vial poured out,
Martin Chemnitius and others, pronounce
Anno Christi. 1572 the vengeance of God against the mortiferous Sea of the Councel of
Trent, Revel. 18.3.
Anno Mundi. 5528 The third Vial poured out, The stinking Waters of the Papacy
Anno Christi. 1583 are infected with bloud in murthering of the Popes and Romanists in Rome, the slaughters of the Spaniards in the Low-Countreys, and the Discomfiture of the Spanish-Armado in
Anno 1588. Revel. 16.5, 6, 7.
Anno Mundi. 5540 The fourth Vial poured out, The Protestant Champions
Anno Christi. 1605 Polanus, Whitakers, Perkins, Andrews, King
Iames and others, pour light upon the Sunne of the Gospel, in writing against
Bellarmine, Stapleton, Campian, and other Papists,
Revel. 16.8, 9.
Anno Mundi. 5565 The fifth Vial is now pouring out, The
Swedes in
Anno Christi. 1630 An. 1632. The English in
England, 1640, combine against the Papists, Jesuites proscribed in
Poland and
Swethland, Anno 1648. This Vial shall end in the ruine of Rome,
Anno 1666. Revel. 16.10, 11.
Anno Mundi. 5594 The sixth Vial beginneth to be poured out, Three barbarous
Anno Christi. 1659 Nations sack
Hydruntum in
Apulia, made enrodes into the Eastern Coasts of
Italy, and sack them with fire and sword. Factions and Massacres in
Rome and
Tuskany. The Pope contemned and invaded, The Western Christians make an Army, and fire
Rome in the 2419 year after
Romulus laid the foundation thereof, as
Sibylla prophesied.
Oracul. lib. 4. Revel. 16. from
ver. 12. to 17.
Anno Mundi. 5595 The faithfull and true Warriour riding upon a white Horse
Anno Christi. 1660[Page 4] descendeth from heaven with his Souldiers riding upon white horses, to fight against the enemies of his Church. The Angel in the Sun calleth to all the fowles of heaven, to come to the feast of God, to eat the flesh of Kings, Captains, mighty Men and horses.
Rev. 19.11, 17, 18. And I saw the beast and the Kings of the earth, and the Warriours gathered together, to warre against him that sate on the horse, and against his Souldiers. But the beast was taken, and with him the false Prophet, that worketh miracles before him, whereby he deceived them that have received the beasts mark, and them that worship his image: These two were cast alive into the lake burning with fire and brimstone,
&c. Ibid. 19, 20.
Anno Mundi. 5601 Vrbs antiqua ruit, multos dominata per annos:
Anno Christi. 1666
(que) armis gens scelerata suis.
Go out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, nor receive of her plagues. Forasmuch (O
Rome) as thou glorifiedst thy self, and livedst in pleasure, saying, I sit a Queen, am no widdow, and shall see no sorrow: therefore shall thy plagues come upon thee in one day, death, sorrow and famine, and thou shalt be burnt with fire; for strong is the Lord God that judgeth thee. The Kings of the earth shall bewail thee, and thou shalt never more be inhabited, the light of a candle shall shine no more in thee, and the voice of the Bridegroom and of the Bride shall be heard no more in thee. Rejoyce (O heavens!) for righteous are Gods judgements, He hath condemned the great Whore. Then they sung Hallelujah, and her smoak arose up for evermore.
Rev. 18.7, 8, 20. & 19.3.
Anno Mundi. 5614Rome being destroyed, Jews dwell amongst Protestants, and begin
Anno Christi. 1679 to search into the Scriptures, and learn the waies of God.
Anno Mundi. 5618 A g
[...]eat Conjunction of
Saturn and
Iupiter in
Leo. The Jews
Anno Christi. 1684 converted in the West, prepare to unite with their Brethren in the East, and raise a Combination to propagate the Gospel and destroy the Headless Turks.
Anno Mundi. 5622 Praise our God all ye his Saints and Servants, and ye that fear
Anno Christi. 1687 him both small and great. And I heard the voice of a great multitude both small and great, as it were the sound of many Waters, and as the voice of strong thundrings, saying, Hallelujah, for the Lord our God reigneth. Let us rejoice and be glad and give glory to him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath
Anno Mundi. 5633 made her self ready,
Rev. 19.5, 6, 7.
The dreadfull and terrible Battell of the Jews with the enraged
Anno Christi. 1698 Turks in the land of Judea, where the Turks are destroyed with an eternall destruction.
Ezech. 38. & 39. chap. all.
Gog and
Magog, (
viz. Turks and Tartarians) gather themselves together to battell, whose Number is as the sand of the Sea, and they went up into the plain of the Earth, and incompassed the Tents of the Saints abo
[...]t, even the beloved City, but fire came
[Page 5] down from God out of Heaven, and destroyed them
Revelat. 20.8, 9.
Anno Mundi. 5635 THE FIFTH MONARCHY.
Anno Christi. 1700
Anno Mundi. 5645 ANd I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven
Anno Christi. 1710 and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. The new Jerusalem came down from God out of heaven, trimmed like a Bride to meet her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold the Glory and Tabernacle of God with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be their God with them: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, neither crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the first things are passed away.
Rev. 21.1, 2, 3, 4, &c.
Anno Mundi. 5698 No more
Germany, no more any Western Empire or any footstep
Anno Christi. 1763 thereof; for God hath now transplanted his Gospel from Europe unto a more gratefull and pregnant soyl, which will bring forth the fruits thereof in due season.
Anno Mundi. 5699 Iam nova Progenies coelo demittitur alto,
Anno Christi. 1764
(que) atris Lucifer albus equis.
Anno Mundi. 5702 The holy Temple restored at Jerusalem: the holy utensils prepared:
Anno Christi. 1767 the glory of God fil
[...]eth the house, God lovingly upbraideth the Israelites for their infidelity and Idolatry, for which they were Vagabonds in all Coasts of the World 2400 years, without King, Law, Priest and Temple, and rehearseth their blessed and joyfull estate now being converted and victorious over all their enemies.
Ezech. 12. last chap.
per tot.
Anno Mundi. 5705 Behold I make all things new.
Rev. 21.5.
Anno Christi. 1770
Anno Mundi. 5728 The Jewish Magistrates and Ministers labour in the Conversion
Anno Christi. 1793 of the World to the Gospel of God.
Ezech. 46.
per. tot.
Anno Mundi. 5765 The seventh Viall powred out, And now are all things fulfilled
Anno Christi. 1830 which are contained in the Scriptures. After which all Nations may expect the comming of the great Judge, to render to every man according to his works.
Thus farre reacheth the Observations of
Grebner and
BEfore I come to comment upon this Chronologicall Index, it will not be amisse to deliver that saying,
A true Explication of th
[...] Number in
Rev. 20.8.Revel. 20.8.
(And the Saints shall reign with Christ a thousand years) from all those false Interpretations which have been fastned upon it, by
Papias, Bucholcherus, Scaliger, Brightman, Alsted and others, and declare the true sense of it, as remotest from Innovation, and coming nearest the intention of the H. Ghost. There is in this 20 Chap. two severall Epoches of a 1000 years, which are two severall waies to be interpreted. The first is in
vers. 2. of Satan being bound for a 1000 years; which must begin either at the Instant of our Saviours Incarnation, and end at
An. 1000, in the 2
[...] year of the Popedome of
Sylvester II, that infamous Sodomite, Necromancer, and Conjurer, under whom the filthinesse and Idolatry of the Romish Church was brought to the height: or rather they must begin at the Destruction of the 2
d Temple by
Titus, which was
An. 71, and end in
An. 1071, in the Popedome of
Gregory VII, aliàs
Hildebrand, who first broke bonds of Allegiance with
Henry the Emperour, excommunicated him, set the Gospel in a totall Eclipse, and Europe in the mournfull Flames of a civil Warre: but of this in the Chronology. But this in the 8
vers. of the Saints reigning with Christ a 1000 years,
Alsted, Bucholcherus and others expound of a Comparative Felicity of the Church on this Earth, for a 1000 years, beginning
An. 1694, when they say
‘all visible Enemies of the Church shall be overthrown, and must end
An. Ch. 2694. after which shall be the Warre of
Gog and
Magog against the Church, which shall be prevented by the coming of Christ to judgement.’ But in this
Alsted is wide from the right mark: for this number must begin
An. 1072, at the expiration of the former, and must be interpreted for all that time that the World shall last after the aforesaid
An. 1072. And the holy Ghost doth term this indefinite and unlimited time by the Number of a 1000 years, for three speciall Reasons: 1 Because a 1000 years are the Number of Perfection and of Eternity, and doth most aptly serve to expresse the End of these Earthly Troubles, and the beginning of that Time which never shall have end. 2 Because those things which the holy Ghost in the Scriptures affirmeth are yet to come, must not be plenarily accomplished till after
An. 1830, it may please God that the glorious and flourishing estate of the Church and Gospel here upon Earth, may continue much of 200 years longer, to increase the number of them who shall be saved, and to amplifie more the heavenly Attributes of Gods Mercy, Righteousnesse, Truth, Holinesse and Omnipotency in the Salvation of the Just: and his Equity, Judgement and Uprightnesse in the firebrands of destruction. 3 Because a vicissitudinary time of Affliction and Ease, Persecution and rest, pure Doctrine and Heresies, is signified to be the whole continuance or most part of a 1000 years, wherein those who are to suffer for the Testimony of the Word of God, and the truth of Jesus Christ, shall have their reward after the expiration of that time, which cannot be till after the last generall Judgement. The fearfull and
[Page 7] Warre of
Gog and
Magog (
viz. the bloudy Warre of Turks and Tartarians with the Jews newly converted in the Land of
Iury, in which the very name of Turks shall be rooted from off the Earth) must be before the beginning of this glorious Estate and Felicity of the Church of God here upon Earth, and therefore the 7, 8, 9, and 10
verses, are in order of time before the 5 and the 6. The Devil and Antichristianity must be chained up in the dungeon of Hell for the space of a 1000 years after the Incarnation of Christ.
An. 1000 must the Devil and Romish Idolatry by the Popedome of
Sylvester the second, be let loose to range upon Earth, and tyrannize over the Church for the most part of another 1000, ever till
An. 1698 (
numerus completus being put here
pro incompleto) before an happy and comfortable Estate of the Gospel can be brought forth to the World.
The estate of England with other Pr
[...]vinces of Europe from
Anno 1650. to
An. 1698. herefore all Christendome from this year 1650, must expect very sad and wofull daies, much persecution, bloodshed and savadge ty
[...]anny in every Kingdom of Europe (especially in
France, Spain, Italy, Swethland, Germany and England) untill
An. 1698. Some of those Kingdoms which have abandoned the superstition of the beast, shall by subtle allurements be perswaded to readmit and reestablish the same. Wofull and unsupportable Afflictions shall befall both the European Jews (which are the two Tribes of
Benjamin and
Iudah, now resident in Christendom and
Turkie) as likewise the ten Tribes, the Kingdom of
Israel (who shall insensibly and miraculously arise out of the bowels of
Tartaria and
India, about
An. 1669.) who neverthelesse shall be so extraordinarily supported by God, that they shall stand in little or no need at all of the Christians. Because from this time of the Conversion of the Israelites for the spac
[...] of 30 years, these 12 Tribes shall suffer much trouble, Heathens, Papists and Mahometans, shall strive to eradicate their name from under heaven, and yet all in vain; for an illustrious and heroick Prince
(è Tribu Nephtali oriundus) shall be their valiant and fortunate Commander, called
Michael, not
proprio nomine, but because he
Dan. 12.1. shall stand up and shew himself the Assertor and Protector of their Religion and Liberty. In which time shall be such troubles as never were, no, nor ever shall be to the end of the world. For like as the Christians had rest 30. years from the Ascension of Christ, and now have endured the fiery triall almost these 1600. years, since that time from the Heathen Emperors, and the Beast; so the Israeli
[...]es, which shall 1600. years till
Anno 1668. live without Prince, Law, Temple, Sacrifice, and true Religion (as
Hosea prophesied
ch. 3.
v. 4, 5.) beginning now to be converted to Christ,
Certain remarkable Numbers in Scripture, whereby
[...]he Epoch'
[...] of the ruine of Tu
[...]k, Po
[...]e, and the conversion of the Iews are more
[...]ully strengthned. shall have savage times of affliction and Butcheries for other 30. years (to welcome their conversion withall) till
[...] 1698. when God shall grant rest from their enemies, and begin a peaceable estate of the Church.
Entring at length upon my Notes on the afore-said Chronology, I think it meet first to strengthen the former Epoch's of the ruine of Rome, downfall of the Turk and Tartar, and the Conversion of the Jews by the Conduct
[Page 8] of certain memorable Numbers in holy Scriptures. Grave and judicious Authours have with wonder and admiration observed the heavenly and inimitable Method of holy Scrjptures, how all the Mysteries and memorable Occurrences in the same are comprized in Numbers, how within the compasse of such a Quantity of years, God alwayes divulged his Counsels, and manifested what he purposed should be wrought among the children of men. So that in considering the admirable consent and agreement of Times by
I things past, we may probably conjecture of things to come. From the Creation to the Floud was 1656 years: the Floud was a sign of the Consummation of all those things which are to be fulfilled before the conclusion of time.
Anno Christi 1656, let the Church of God expect with joy and comfort, the acting of the first Scene of the Tragedies of all those European Kingdoms, which have been implacable Persecutours of the Gospel of
II Christ. The whole Government of
Moses (who was a second
Noah to the Church) is a shadow of the Kingdom of Christ. The Law continued in force 1529 years to the Passion of Christ: But 1598 years to the Destruction of the Temple by
Titus: The Destruction of the Temple by
Titus was according to the accompt of
Dionysius Exiguus, A. C. 69. From thence reckon the Number of 1598 years, and you come to
A. 1667; which is the year which shall smoke with the ascending up of the Flames which consume
III the Kingdom of the Beast. From the Nativity of Christ to his Re-nativity in the preaching of his Gospel by
Luther and other eminent Ministers are 1517 years: And from the beginning of the Reign of the
Maccabees untill the Birth of Christ are 169 years: Put these two sums together, and you come to
Anno 1686, in which God having 18 years before enlightned the eyes of those who for almost 2000 years have sit in darknesse, and in the shadow of death, and having laid the Kingdom of the Beast and the false Prophet in the lowest dust, shall bring that people into the bosome of the true Church, which within 13 years after shall deliver his children from all
IV adversity. From the universal Deluge of man-kinde by the Floud to the beginning of the universal Captivity of the Church under
Nebuchadnezzar beleaguering
Ierusalem are numbered 1698 years: So likewise from the Birth of the King of Kings unto the final Consummation of the Miseries, and restauration of the Felicity of the Church by the Destruction of
Gog and
Magog, shall be reckoned the very same Number of 1698 years. From the
V Confusion of the Tower of
Babel to the return of the Jews from
Babel, are 1666 years: and from prophane
Pompey's spoiling of the Temple at
Ierusalem (when the Kingdom was taken from the house of
David, and Superstition and Gentilism began to spring up amongst the Jews) to the Birth of of Antichrist and Apostasie in the Church of God are 666 years; from thence
[...]eckon a 1000 years wherein the Saints must suffer Persecution and Martyrdom for the Testimony of Jesus Christ, and the truth of a good Conscience,
Revel. 20.4. and you come to
A. 1666, in which shall be fulfilled all those things which are mentioned,
Revel. 18, and the 19 Chapter.
VI So likewise from the Departure out of
Aegypt, untill the Death of Christ, are numbered 1542 years: to these adde
[...]hose 169 years, which are from
[Page 9] [...]he beginning of the Reign of the
Assomonaei or
Macchabees to the Birth of Christ, and you come to
Anno 1711; which year shall be wonderfull and terrible to all the world, because that in the year next going before (
viz. Anno 1710.) the abominable Names and mention of Papists, Turks and Tartars being eradicated from the memories of men, the glorious Estate of the Gospel, and the terrestial Felicity of the Church of God shall begin over the face of the whole Earth. From the Birth of
Moses untill the Destruction
VII of
Ierusalem by
Titus (which typifies the end of the world) are 1646 years: so many from the Incarnation of our Saviour, denoted that year, whose influence hath begun, and shall prove fatal to most of the Kingdoms of
[...]: adde to these 20 years to come after, from that time (which 980 years ago were prophesied of, to be those years, in which the
Kingdom and the Dominion, and the greatness of Kingdoms under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the Saints of the most High, whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and all Dominions shall serve and obey him, Dan. 7.17.) and it will amount to the year of the fatal Ruine of the Beast,
Anno 1666. From these few Particulars of the Consent and Agreement of times in the holy Scriptures, I infer thus much.
A Pr
[...]gnostick of the Estates of c
[...]tain years Of
An. 1657 About the year 1657 shall be great Changes and Alterations in Government in every Kingdom in
Europe, as well Protestant as Papist, attended and accompanied with such horrid Combustions and Massacres, as hath not been before since the memory of man. This shall make way (as I said before) for the Protestants to unite in a general Combination to send Forces under the Conduct of an invincible
Cyrus over the Alps to harrow
Italy with fire and sword, and after level the wals of
[...]ome with the lowest dust,
Anno 1666. For as in the year of Grace 666, Popery was brought to a full maturity in the Womb by
Vitalian (who ordained Latin-Service in the Church, contrary to Christs Institution, and the precedent Primitive times) and as 1000 the Number of Perfection and Eternity is seldom used in our ordinary Computes, but left out for brevity sake (as we use to say, The Spanish-Armado was in 588 for 1588, and the Powder-plot in 605 for 1605.) so it is most certain and indubitable, that as the Birth of Antichrist was in
Anno 666, so the death of it shall be
Anno 1666, though the Carkasse of it may lie unburied for 30 years after, yet questionlesse it shall with
Gog and
Magog b
[...] cast into the Lake of Gods wrath at one and the same time. This ruine of
Rome shall make way within ten years after to the Conversion of the Jews: For seeing the Kingdom of Antichrist (as now it is) is the only Let to their Conversion (for all the Jews that now are, live within the Papacy, and are prohibited from turning Christians, partly because of the Idolatry they see amongst the Papists in their worshipping of Images (the Jews being Zealots in the second Commandment) partly because at their Conversion with the Papists they must renounce all their goods as ill gotten, which rigid Condition a worldly people will never yield to) therefore till the very name and power of Popery be destroyed, and they admitted amongst Protestant Kingdoms, there can be small hope of their Conversion. But now Antichrist totally destroyed, they begin to see into their Errours and Ignorances, endeavou
[...] to learn the wayes
[Page 10] of God, and that the Saviour of the world (whom they so long expected) is come so many years since and suffered. This Conversion of the Western Jews shall be compleated in that fatall and terrible year 1683. And six years after that shall they be united with their Eastern-Brethren the 10 Tribes captivated by
Salmanasser, who have for 2433 years lien invisible in the bowels of the Kingdoms of
Turks and
Tartarians. The Christian world neither must nor ought to enquire, how this people which have lien hid and obscured so long a space, shall in so small a time as a year and an half, so visibly, so powerfully, and so magnificently arise to the Terrour and Conquest of the whole Earth. The holy Ghost declareth,
Ezek. 37.8. by the dry bones, fleshed and indued with life in an instant, so that they stood upon their feet, and became a great Army; what a strange, horrid and wonderfull thing this shall be, and how terrible it shall appear to the sight of the world in that year; which within 15 years after (
viz. Anno 1698.) shall fight that famous and fearfull pitcht-field with the united For
[...]s of
Turks and
Tartarians, which shal
[...] prove the Deliverance of the Church of God from all adversity. Thrice shall
Europe within this time strive to establish that power, which Superstition and Tyranny first pro
[...]reated: Thrice shall the children of this world raise innumerable Forces to destroy the Saints of the most high: Thrice shall the Power of Godliness prevail in the hearts and arms of those, who shall make the Land thrice drunk with the bloud of the Enemies of Christ; and whose grand Ancestours stew'd it so oft with the bloud of the Prophets and Apostles. Preparatives to these fearfull Wonders shall be those horrid and ominous Eclipses preceding the year 1660, fatall and conspicuous to
Europe; signs both of God's paternal Chastizements for Sects and Schisms in the Church, and of his consuming Judgements impending upon the implacable Enemies thereof.
In the year 1654,
August 2. shall happen a fearfull and lamentable total Eclipse of the Sun in the 39 Degree of
Leo,Of the Eclipse in
An. 1654. about half an hour before high Noon, where shall be seen the mighty hand of God working Wonders in
Italy, Sicily, Bohemia, Greece, Armenia and
Syria, the Kingdoms subject to
Leo. The body of the Sun in this Eclipse will be totally darkned for the space of two hours and 29 Minutes: it will be so great, the like hath not been before, nor after shall be: greater then that Eclipse of the Sun which was
Feb. 25. 1597. commonly called the dark Saturday.
‘Of this Eclipse thus
Baudensis M.S.
fol. 105.
Exercit. 59.
Papa,Baudensis Prognostication of
Anno 165
[...], 1658, 1661, 1663.dum Petri patrimonium dilaturus, Italicum quendam Ducem possessionibus spoliabit avitis, &c. The Pope attempting to enlarge
Peter's Patrimony by seizing upon the ancient Estate of an
Italian Duke deceased without Issue, sets his own Nest on fire, and
Rome in a Combustion. This year shall a new Sect of Sodomitical Monks arise, which being tollerated by the Pope, sets that Quarrel betwixt him and the Duke of
Florence, which shall prove the downfall of both in a few years. This is affirmed likewise by
Grebner, Ban. 75. Yet in the interim (saith
Baudensis) God shall promote the happiness of
Ierusalem, Peace shall be within her wals, and plenteousness within her Palaces. And
fol. 134.
Exerc. 67. he saith, The years 1657, 1658, 1661, 1663, shall be formidable
[Page 11] to
Austria, Silesia, Hungary, Holland, France and
Portugal, because that every one of those years shall be attended with four Eclipses apiece, portending the Mutations of all those several States, and that the Revolution of time is come, wherein they must give place to the Lion of the North, whose Scepter shall bruise their power to nothing, and his Gauntlet lay their Forces prostrate at his feet. At which time all
Europe shall sing this mournfull Ditty;’
Heu mala progenies fatis servata nefandis,
Gensque nefandarum domitrix altrixque ferarum,
Quid fueras, quid
[...]isque vide: tua prima propago
Yet he that returns back in reviewall of the conjunctions and fiery Triplicities,
A Description of the 7
[...]iery Triplicities. may see how they have in part prognosticated the present troubles and and distractions of Europe, with the Common-wealths of
England and
Scotland. Anno 1603 in the first great conjunction of
Saturn and
Iupiter, in the fiery triplicity, K.
Iames came to the Crown of
England, and so was fulfilled that Prophecie which an holy Anchoret made 890 years agoe,
English men for that they wonneth them to drunkeinesse, to treakson, and rechlesenesse of Got's house, firsten by Dancs, thenth by Nortmans, and the thrid time by Scots, whom they holden lest worthen of all, they shallen be overcompn. Then the world shallen be unstable, and so various and diversable, that the unstablenesse of thoughts shallen b
[...] betookeineid by many manner diversity of cloathing. This could never be fulfilled but by a Scottish King swaying the English-scepter; and therefore never came to passe till the Union of the two Kingdoms under the said King. As the second Conjunction,
Anno 1623. found
Germany and most of the West involved
[Page 12] in civil Wars, and as the third
An. 1643. found the King and Subjects of
England in the field one against the other; so the fourth Conjunction,
An. 1663 in Sagitarius shall begin those destructive Combustions in
Italy, which shall allure the Protestant Armies to make a third all-conquering Party in the same; and the fifth
An. 1683 in
Leo shall bring forth the Conversion of the Jews: but the sixth Conjunction happening in Taurus,
An. 1703, shall behold that which many glorious Saints and children of God have read of, and
[...]ejoyced and desired to see, and yet could not see them. For now
Revel. 22.1.
[...]hall the Sea (that is, the miserable estate of the World by Wars, Desolations and Sicknesses) be destroyed, and no more extant. Now shall the time of Tribulation, War and desolation, the time of torments, temptation, heresie and persecution be utterly abolished from the memory of men For a new Heaven and a new Earth, a renovated Church, purified Saints shall succeed in the room of those Wolves, who in sheeps-cloathing devoured the Flock of Christ. These are the dayes, for the hope of which the stones of
[...]ion cry day by day, though little esteeming seven thousand deaths in regard of that precious assurance g
[...]aven in their Brests, that they shall then, and in that day behold the Lord, which hath mercifully gathered them from all Nations, and hath so wonderfully preserved them from the sorcery of
Babylon (which hath destroyed all the Earth) that leadeth them in and out bef
[...]re Pagans, Hereticks and Idolaters, before the covetous and foolish-wise of this world, so prudently and so invisibly, that they seeing are not seen, and living are not known.
The Exposition of
[...] Image, in Dan. 2.But from these low things let us ascend up to Scripture further to prove the certainty thereof.
Daniels Image as it gave the first, so it gave the fullest Knowledge of this great Mystery of the Church of God,
Dan. 2.
per tot. In which Image is described in brief the Estate of the World, from the very day God revealed this to
Daniel, and he to
Nebuchadnezzar, to the full and final End and Conclusion of time. By the golden Head, silver Arms, brazen Belly, and iron Legs, we must understand the
Chaldean, Persian, Macedonian and
Roman Monarchies, which successively one after another, tyrannized over mankinde by cruelty, and by cruelty came to as miserable Destructions in the end.
The feet part of Iron, and part of Clay, denoted the declining Estate of the Roman Empire (after that indiscreet Division of it under
Charles the Great into the Eastern and Western) under the present Papacy, and now-vulturizing house of
Austria, which hitherto doth and shall continue until
An. 1694. Therefore
the Stone cut without hands (in the 34 verse) (
which smote the Image on his feet, that were part of Iron, part of Clay, and so brake them to pieces, that the Iron, Brasse, Clay, Silver and Gold became as chaff of the Summer-flowers that the winde carried them away, and no more place was found for them; And the Stone that smote the Image became a great Mountain, and filled the Earth) must needs be understood of a glorious Monarchy of the Church of God upon Earth, which by the Conversion of the Universal Nation of the Jews shall overcome all her Enemies, and reign triumphantly in all Nations under Heaven, in universality, uniformity, integrity and inn
[...] cency of life and conversation.
[Page 13]This blessed and happy estate of Christs Church upon Earth (after the aforesaid battel of
Gog and
Magog described
Ezech. 38. and 39 Chap. of which enough before) is graphically deciphered in the nine last Chapters of the same Prophet,
The Exposition of the 12 last chapters of
Ezeckiel. beginning at the 40; where under a specious and large type of restoring the old Jewish Temple with the Sacrifices (
chap. 40.) the measuring, ordering and disposing of it in every thing thereto belonging (
chap. 41.) as the chambers of the Priests in the Temple, the holy Utensils (
chap. 42.) the glory of God filling the house (
chap. 43.) his paternall upbraiding the Israelites for their antient Idolatry, and demonstrating his great and affectionate love to them for the present (
chap. 44.) is contained (as I said before) a pithy discourse how powerfull and magnificent these new converted Christians shall be; how holy, learned and unanimous their Ministers should be, how ardent and studious they shall be in communicating the Gospel of Christ to such as yet sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death (
chap. 45.) how vigilant their Princes and Magistrates shall be in being keepers of the house of God, that is in incouraging the Ministers,
tam praemio quàm paenâ, to instruct the people in the knowledge of the truth, that so both Ministers and people may render due obedience to their common Saviour, in love to God, and charity toward men. And again, the reserved portions of Land for the Temple, City, Priests and Princes all in just measures and dimensions, the waters issuing out of the Temple, ever increasing in Latitude and Profundity, the severall divisions of the particular lots of Priests, Temple, Levites, the City and the Princes secondarily repeated in the 45, 46, 47, and the last Chapters, evidently declare the undoubted certainty and verity of this wonderfull mystery, that the Jews shall repossesse their antient possessions and severall inheritances in the Land of
Iudea; how devout, pious and chearfull they shall be in the worship and service of God, intimated by the frequent performing of spirituall Sacrifices and Oblations: how potent and spatious their Church shall be, how great and infinite the Priviledges, and never decreasing Graces of God shall be to it, signified by the depth and latitude of the spiritual waters of Life.
The Exposition of the end of
[...]ls 11 chap.
[...]Daniel in the end of his 11
Chap. doth above all other, most plainly and specifiquely picture the two grand preparations to this spirituall Monarchy of Christs Church in the end of the World:
viz. 1 the
[...] of the enemies of God, and 2 the Conversion of the Jews. For in the 40, 41, 42, and 43 verses of the said 11
Chapter, declaring first, what Victories, the
Saracens should get over the
Roman Empire, by saying,
that the King of the South should push at him (
viz. the
Saracens should invade the Emperour) and secondly, what lamentable havock the
Turk should make of the Roman Monarchy by conquering and subduing from them all the Eastern Empire of
Constantinople, in these words,
And the King of the North shall come against him like a whirlwinde, with charets and horsemen and many ships, and shall enter into the Countries, and shall overflow and passe thorow; which was verified in the
Turks conque
[...]ing all
Greece, Scythia, Moldavia, Servia, Asia, Syria, Mesopotamia and the Isles of the
Aegean sea:
And he shall enter into the pleasant Land, and many Countries shall be overthrown, but these shall escape out of his hands,
[Page 14] Edom and
Moab, and the chief of the Children of
Ammon, which also came to passe when
Selimus I. invaded
Egypt, slew
Tomumbey the Sultan thereof, eradicated the very name of the Mamalucks, and so got all the wealth and treasures of
Memphis and
Grand-Cairo, and added also
Iudea as a member of
Egypt to the
Turkish Empire,
An. 1517. His son
Solymon the Magnificent, awed
India and
Ethiopia, and his Grandchilde
Selimus II. conquered
Tunis and
Algiers in
Afrique, yet neither of them medled with the
Arabians, Edomites or
Moabites, as thinking them a people not worth conquering. In the 44 verse,
Daniel saith,
But tydings out of the East and West shall trouble him; the conversion of the Eastern and Western
Iews, shall so inrage the
Turke, that he shall levy innumerable Forces, and march forth in great fury to destroy and root them out:
And he shall pitch the Tabernacle of his Palace between the seas in the glorious and holy Mountain, shall fight a most terrible and bloudy pitcht Field with them in their own Land of
Iury, and yet shall he come to his end, his power, by God's Providence, shall be overthrown, and totally eradicated by them from off the Earth, and none shall help him.
The Exposition of
Rev. 9.15.Lastly, S.
Iohn in
Revel. 9.15. setteth down in plain and evident numbers, the very beginning, increase and downfall of this hellish generation. For in saying
the Turkish Armies shall be prepared at an hour, a day, a moneth, and a year, he analogically declareth the very time of their birth, and the year when they shall come to a finall annihilation. Here
a Day is to be taken prophetically for a year,
a Moneth for 31 daies, which likewise make so many years, and
a year for the daies of a bissextile
Iulian year (which are 366) making in the same manner as many propheticall years as in the former Epoch's of
Daniel and
[...] So the sum's of 366, 31 and 1, make a compleat Product of 398 years, which added to
An. 1300 (the year in which the
Ottoman Empire first saw light in the world) plainly demonstrates, that as the
Turkish Empire began
An. Christi 1300, so in
An. 1698 shall be the fatall end and finall downfall of the same. Thus it is evident, that as the downfall and captivity of the Jewish Nation fell in the building and birth of that City, which was afterward the fourth Monarchy; so in the buriall and ruine of the same City and Monarchy shall be their conversion to the Gospel of truth, and the institution of the Fifth Monarchy; in which all power, and earthly magnificence must submit to the Kingdom of the Saints of God, and all Scepters bow to the Authority of the Church of Christ.
The cōmon Objection of Divines against the V. Monarchy and the universall kingdom of the Gospel here upon Earth, drawn from the badnesse of the Times, Answered.
Against these former Assertions it is thus objected: That these are but the Dreams of idle-headedmen, considering the sad Method of the World in the continuall increase of sin and wickednesse, and degeneration of all sublunary things daily more and more to worse; and because our Saviour said, at his second coming he should scarce finde faith upon Earth. But to this I answer; No time is God's time for the propogation of the Gospel, and enlargement of his Church, but in the Deluge of sin and inundation of impiety: then is his Power most manifest, when man is weakest; his Decrees most
[Page 15] effectible, when we think him the furthest off; and his Providence nearest execution, then, when the world is most irregular, and incapable of a Reformation. When the Abominations and Paganismes of the old World had destroyed all true worship of God, and an 120 years of repentance did no good, then was God's time to separate the Wheat from the Chaffe, and by saving of
Noahs family to preserve a seed for the implantation of a new. So in the n
[...]w World, when Idolatry had overspread all, the Judgement and Mercy of God most appeared in
Abrahams Vocation, by selecting his Church from the rest of mankinde, and continuing it above 2000 years in the House of
Heber, the true Heir to Grace and Salvation. Thus was it in the destruction of
Sodome and
Gomorrha, in the Babylonish Captivity, in the Reformation by
Luther, when all the world were become Apostates, God's Providence shone out brightest, and was most conspicuous in propagating Religion, maugre all the opposition the devil and the world could invent or de
[...]ise: So shall it be in this prefixed time: though the world must degenerate more and more in civility and humanity; Christianity be eclipsed in a higher measure, and the true Worshippers of God decrease above what ever yet hath been done: though Protestantisme in many Coasts and Kingdom
[...] shall be totally swallowed up of Popery and Mahumetanisme; more lamentable Warres and fearfull Massacres rage through
England, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and all European Monarchies, then we have yet beheld; and though some of these Kingdoms wholly revolt to Popery, others be lukewarm and at a stand, until
An. 1686; yet all these shall but make way for the finall Eradication of the enemies of the Church, and the glorious and wonderfull Birth, and erection of the FIFTH MONARCHIE UNIVERSALL, which by these pangs and sorrows of Christendome shall be brought forth about the time of the totall conversion of the Jews. For the season is now come, when Judgement must begin (not at the Temple of Antichrist) but at the House of God; and what bloud soever is shed upon the soyl of the Church, shall be no other then fruitfull showers and warm seasons, to make the Field of Christ more pregnant in production of that glorious Harvest of Saints, which shall cover the Earth. For as it shall be in the end of the World, this old, decrepit, and corrupt world must be purged and refined with the fire of the Lord, before there can be placed in stead thereof a new Heaven and a new Earth: So in the finall Conclusion of the troubles of the Church, warres, Apostasies, alterations and changes in Kingdoms and States, the
[...] of
Gog and
Magog, and all the enemies of Christ, the amputation of unprofitable Trees, and eradication of noxious Weeds out of the Garden of the Church, shall facilitate and prepare the way for the ingresse of the Monarchy of the Gospel into the eyes of the world. Far wide therefore is the Surmise of those Christians, how this doctrine of the universall Regiment of the Church upon earth is a vain-glorious and fantastick dream, considering the hopes of it now are small, and like to be lesser, because charity and devotion daily decreaseth: Nay rather this is the most evident sign that it speedily approacheth, because the malice of the devil with the corruption of mankinde, hourly augmenteth and strives to stifle and prevent
[Page 16] it. If God be known to be God by bringing light out of darknesse, and manifesting his power in weaknesse; then certainly shall these warres and schismes among Christians, the barbarous invasions
[...]nd conquests of Turks and Tartars, the encreasing Idolatry of the Western and Eastern Indians, be an Axe in the hand of God, to lop off all superfluous branches from his Vine, to make it overspread with nourishing fruit, the Globe of the whole Earth.
Certain Epigrams of
Petrus Damiani of
[...]he ruine of Tu
[...]k and Pope, &c. never yet before printed.And that these are no novell Opinions, these following Testimonies may give sufficient evidence,
Petrus Damiani flourished
Anno 1060. a laborious Divine, an acute Philosopher, and a witty Poet.
Gesner and other Bibliothecaries say nothing of him is extant. Yet I have seen in the Library of Trinity-Colledge in Cambridge certain Latine Epigrams of his, Of the conversion of the Jews, Of the destruction of the world by fire in the last day, Of the ruine of Rome, and Of the last Judgement, which Latine Epigrams I finde translated into English
Stanza's in an old Manuscript of
L. B. intituled
The Dove.
1. Of the Burning of the world by fire.
Primum foedavit mundum scelcrata libido,
Cujus quàm ad coelum flammea massa venit,
Diluvium immissum est, immensumque obruit orbem,
Vt mala tanta pijs eluerentur aquis:
O dira Ebrietas mundi faex prima secundi,
Te opposita interiment atque elementa prement.
Iustitiam Domini in cunctis sic cernimus actis,
Vnda lavat venerem, pocula flamma bibet.
Thus Englished.
As the first world did first by lust offend,
Whose burning rage to such a height did win,
That God to quench the same a Floud did send,
O Drunkennesse, the second world's first sin!
The course of Vice that Element must end,
Which is opposed to that which did begin.
In every thing Gods justice we may spie,
As Flouds drown Lust, Flames Drunkennesse must dry.
2. Of the ruine of Rome.
Effuge, Grex Christi, peccati à Gurgite diro.
Cui meretrix odio est, atque corona triplex,
[Page 17]Effuge, dum Tempus datur, & fera praelia cessane;
Ne ut tu delitias, sic sua damna feras.
Quum jam funestos Agnus superaverit hostes.
Pingue gregique epulum militibusque dabit.
Se mentem metet haec meretrix, quam sevit, eandem:
Iam Sathanae sedes, quae Domina orbis erat.
Thus Englished.
Fly, Faithfull Christians, from that Sea of sin,
Who hate the Whore, and the two-horned Beast;
Fly, fly, in time before their griefs begin,
Lest as their pleasures, so their plagues you taste.
When once the Lamb the victory doth win,
He of fat things will make his Flock a Feast.
Who as she sowed, so shall she reap those evils,
Once the worlds Mistresse, now a Cage of devils.
3. Of the conversion of the Jews.
Postquam Evangelium toto narretur in orbe,
Fulget & ignotis nostris genitoribus oris,
Quum Gentes Christum agnoscunt generalit
[...]s Deus aeter
[...]im aetherea dignabitur aulā.
Tunc amplectetur verum Solynaea propago,
Quod priùs invidid tam aversabatur iniquā:
Vltima Evangelium, Legem quae prima recepit.
Quos d
[...]cuit primos, postremos Christus habebit.
Thus Englished.
The Gospel once being preacht in every place
To lands of which our Fathers could not tell,
And when the Gentiles all are drawn to Grace,
Which in the new Jerusalem should dwell.
Then shall the stubborn Jews the Truth embrace
From which with such disdain they did rebell:
Who first the Law, last shall the Gospel have,
Christ whom he first did call, shall last receiv
4. Of the last judgement.
Indictum Tempus, quod totum territet orbem,
Per praedicta homines signa monere solet.
[Page 18]Praelia, Evangelium mundo vulgatur, adorant
Prophesies of Hieronymus Savanatola.Thus by this great Divine living in the mistiest times of Popery, it may plain appear, that it was a received opinion that the total destruction of Rome, the conversion of the Jews, and the fifth Monarchy should precede the end of the world. And this is also confirmed by
Hieronymus Savanarola (who died a Martyr at
Florence, A. 1498.) whose Prophesies are extant in the works of
Franciscus Mirandula.‘That in the last times Jews, Turks and Moors should be converted to Christ, a man like
Cyrus with a numerous Army of true professors should come over the Alpes and destroy Rome, and ruinate all the Kingdoms and States of Italy. That grievous Wars, Bloud-sheddings and Massacres should arise in the world by a Northern King for a happy Reformation, who should carry the Gospel out of Europe into a vast and unknown world in the end of time. That an Eastern King should blow the Trumpet of God from
Tartaria, which should reform all the Islands of the Indian Infidels. He likewise prophesied in particular of
Iulio the second, of the troubles of the Duke of
Mirandula, Of
Luthers Reformation, Of the Persecutions of
Merindol, Chabriers, Angrogne, the
[...], and other places of France, all which most evidently came to passe.’
A Prophecy lately found in France, of the future
[...] st
[...]te of the world till
An. 1710.Thirdly, A Prophecie of the estate and condition of the times unto the end of the world, was found written in Hebrew under the Foundation of the Church of S.
Denis in France,
A. 1616. by the Sexton of the place, as he digged for the erecting of a Monument for the Lord
Teligni. He gave it unto the Popes Nuncio (who rewarded him with 200 dollars for his pains) from him it was sent to the Cardinall of
Bruges, who presented it unto the young K.
Lewis XIII. It was written in parchment, and wrapped in lead in the form of an Heart: Hebrew numericall letters were set at the side of every Line, signifying in what Year of our Lord every accident should come to passe, and be manifested to the world. Out of Hebrew it was translated into Latine by
Iohannes Parmarino Secretary to the said Cardinall.
Let Christ's pasture be one, his sheep and ground.
Gods wrath and terrour doth the world confound.
But few that God do reverence.
A Prince shall rise of eminence.
Asia doth tremble, Europe shake.
Now is a generall Earthquake.
All Nations Gods knowledge partake.
Rivers are dried every where.
Pastor and Church only one are.
By this Prophecy great troubles must arise in Italy within this small time, cruell wars afflicting every State thereof, which must be preparations to the eternall destruction and ruine of Rome the head City thereof: Rome can never be destroyed except Protestants lay aside their unnecessary civill contentions, which may (God so disposing) come to them about
Anno 1665. After which great commotions are like to aris
[...] in Europe, till a noble
Hero arise, which shall quench those evils by imploying Christians in mutuall Leagues against the Turk. Suddenly after which comes troublesome daies in
Asia and
Africk. Then follows universall peace and quietnesse of Nations, prophesied
[Page 20] of by
Ezechiel and S.
Iohn in the Revelations, which must bring forth the purity and perfection of the Gospel over the whole Earth.
The true Explanation of the Prophecy o
[...] the cō tinu
[...]nce of
[...]he Turkish Empire, found in M.
Fox's Act
[...] and Mon
[...] ment
[...] 746.Of how large an extent the Turki
[...]h Empire should be, how far it should prevail against Christendome, when it should be at the height, and whe
[...] Christians should begin to cry quits with them by victories and conquests, is long since ex
[...]ant in ancient Prophesies. One whereof M.
Fox in his first Volume of
Acts and Monuments, pag. 746. antiq. edit. relates he found in the Persian language in a Manuscript of
Bartholomary Georgienitz: the substance whereof in Latine is this.
Imperator noster veniet, Ethnici Principes Regnum capiet, rubrum quoque pomum capiet, inque suam potestatem rediget.
Quod si in septimum usque annum Christianorum gladius no
[...] insurrexerit, u
[...]que ad duodecimum annum eis dominabitur. Domos aedificabit, vineas plantabit, hortos sepibus muniet, liberos procreabit, & post duodecimum a
[...]num Christianorum gladiu
[...] apparebit, & Turcam quaque versum in fugam aget.
Our Emperour shall come, he shall take the Kingdom of a heathen Prince, he shall also take the red apple, and subdue it to himself.
But if the Christians sword shall not arise by the seventh year, he shall reign over them to the twelfth year, he shall build houses, plant vineyards, hedg
[...] in Orchards, and beget children, and after the twelfth year shall the Christians sword appear, and put the Turk to flight on every side.
Fox expounds these 12 years to be 12 Turkish Emperours prevailing against Christians, beginning at the first Emperour
Ottoman An. 1300. and so
Solyman the magnificent to be the twelfth Emperour, and the last that should prevail against Christians; who began his reign
An. 1519. and died
An. 1567. But I think rather it must begin at
Mahomet the II. winning of Constantinople (called here
rubrum pomum) An. 1452. and must end at the late Emperour
Mahomet the IV. his death the last August, 1649. My reason is this: Other Emperours have prevailed against Christians, since
Solyman the magnificent. For
Selimus the II. his son wan
Cyprus from the
Venetians. Armurath III. took the Fort
Guiermo from the Hungarians, and his son
Mahomet III. took
Agria in Hungary, and had he pursued his victory, had won that whole Kingdom in lesse then a year: So the late
Mahomet is the 12 Emperour from
Mahomet the II. and now
[...]fter his death shall the Turks prevail no more against Christians. For fourty years agoe that Kingdom was at a stand, and is declining to an eternall destruction. The sword of the Christians shall now arise and prevail again
[...]t the Turks
An. 1696. when the converted Jews shall gather head to overcome them in a bloudy pitcht field, and root out their name from off the Earth. By this young Emperours decease without issue, the Ottoman Line is extinct, and none left. One
Sultan Hali (a Persian by birth) is now Steward of the Ottoman house, and the Crim-Tartar by old composition and agreement layeth claim to the Turkish Empire, which at present is in combustion because of this.
[Page 21] And though above 200000 Turks are in the Field, with an intent (as is thought) to invade Germany, yet if Christians could but leave o
[...] their unnecessary divisions, they might soon ruinate the Turkish Empire. For since
Armurath IV. his death,
An. 1642. (who began to reign,
An. 1623.) all the time of this late
Mahomet's reign, since there hath been continuall contentions and massacres amongst the Turks, the Jannizaries eluding and despising the young and weak Emperour, which terrified the Mufti and the Bassa's sore, because they had a prophecy, that as a
Mahomet wan Constantinople, so a
Mahomet should lose it again to the Christians. However the matter goes for the present,
A Prophecy of the year 1
[...]98, found in the study of
[...] Lypsi
[...] [...] the year 1698 shall be fatall both to them and to the Pope in both their ruines, and the beginning of the comparative felicity of the Church of God, as may be further manifested by an excellent Prophecy, which the learned
Erasmus received from
Reuchliuus, and was found in the study of
Iustus Lypsius by
Ianus Douza the younger, running thus.
Post mille expl
[...]tos à partu Virginis annos,
Et post sexcentos rursus ab orbe datos,
Nonagefimus octavus mirabilis annus
Ingruet, is secum gaudia laeta faeret.
Corruet hoc anno Turcarum i
[...]visa propago;
Roma, tuum in libris fabula nomen
Omnia tunc mundi sursum ibunt at
(que) retrorsum
Imperiae, ut populus sceptra novella premant:
(que) suum cunct as Verbum diffundat in oras.
Christus, & imperitet nomine ubi
(que) suo.
Thus Englished.
Six thousand years from Virgins birth expir'd,
Six hundred after that acquir'd,
The famous ninety eighth year shall come on,
Full of great Contentation.
This year the
Turkish hatefull race shall rue,
Rome shall a fable be, not true.
Then shall be tost all Kingdoms of the World,
And into a new Kingdom hurl'd:
That into all coasts Christ his Word may spred,
And be alone the Peoples Head.
The two Books of
Esdras are thought (and that by none of the least learned,
A true Exposition of a
Esdr. 11. c
[...]. as
Augustine, Hierome, Ambrose, Tostatus, Scaliger the elder,
[...]thon, Arrias Montanus, Bucer, and
Bibliander) to be Canonicall, because of the most evident fulfilling of many predictions in them contained. In the 11 chap. of the second of those Books, there is under the type of an Eagle, a manifest
[Page 22] prophecie both of the Roman Heathenish Empire, as likewise of the Papacy with her chief Leagurers to this present time throughout the whole Chapter. This Eagle is that Roman Heathenish Empire; her twelve feathered wings are the twelve first Emperours from
Iulius Cesar to
Nerva Cocceius. The three Heads are the three Kingdoms of
France, Spain and
Germany, preordained of God to uphold and maintain the power of her pride, when all her wings (her heathenish and tyrannicall
Cesars) should fail her. Neverthelesse, under her 12 first
Cesars are comprehended in generall all the Emperours which reigned in her from
Iulius Cesar (who first crackt the strings of her liberty) to
Augustulus Momyllus (her last Roman
Cesar) for the space of 474 years. Her 8 contrary feathers are the 8 terrible Inundations of severall Nations from the North (God's scourges) which overwhelmed her fairest Provinces, sunk her State in bloud, and by fire and sword humbled her as low as the dust she trod on;
viz. 1
Alaricus and his West-Gothes, 2
Attilas and his Hunnes, 3
Gensericus and his Vandals, 4
Odoacer, 5
Theodoricus and his East-Goths, 6
Totilas and his Spaniards, 7
Alboinus and his Longobards (who deposed her diminitive
Cesar Augustulus Momyllus) 8 and lastly, the intestine homebred Faction and Conspiracy, which proved more pernitious then the rest (as all included diseases are the worst) which in the reigns of
Otho the Great,
Otho III, and
Frederique II, so often strove to eradicate the Papall Superiority, and reedifie her S.P.Q.R. buried so many ages ago out of the ruines of the City. The Head in the midst is the
Germane Empire, begun
An. 801 on Christmas day, by
Charles the Great, which though
vers. 32. it long did and yet doth put the Earth in great fear, yet
vers. 33. must vanish in an instant, as did the Wings, and come to nought. The
Germane Empire thus destroied,
vers. 35. The Head on the right side (the Kingdom of
Spain) must devour the Head on the left side, which is the Kingdom of
France. Therefore it is manifest, That the Kingdom of
France, though now it flourisheth in what Glory and Magnificence Earth can afford, must ere long be humbled by the power of
Spain, with many Discomfitures, and brought to dolefull streights and great perplexities. I my self have observed one remarkable Adjunct of that Kingdome in particular, how that year (in which the Figures of the Golden Number were equall to the Figures of the year of Christ) hath ever proved fatall to that Monarchy for Warre, Bloudshed, Pestilence and Famine. It was so with them from
An. 1570 to
An. 1576. in all which seven years, the Guisian faction made lamentable havock of the Church of God and the Kingdom; so shall it be in that year in which the finall Tragedy of that Kingdom shall be acted, six years after which
France shall be no more. But when that shall be, no sign of
Europe shall remain, nor remembrance where the wals of
Rome stood. The LION (which
vers. 37. and
chap. 12.
v. 31. came roaring out of the Wood speaking to the Eagle, and rebuking her for her wickednesse) is the WIND which the most high God hath kept for
Rome and her wickednesse till the end, even the LION OF THE NORTH (of which you shall hear anon a Prophesie of the true
Merlin) which shall reprove the Roman Empire, and cast before her her spoils; he
[Page 23] shall set her alive in Judgement, rebuke and correct her, and deliver the residue of Gods people by Afflicton which are preserved upon his borders and make them joyfull untill the day of Judgement. In the 13 Chapter,
Esdras beholds a vision of a man rising out of the Sea, and devouring the multitudes of fighters that came against him, neither with sword, spear nor any instrument of Warre, but only with the fire and storm that came out of his mouth; which is Christ the son of man, who through a sea of bloudy persecutions and tribulations propagated his Gospel over the Earth, confounding and devouring the multitudinous Pagans and Idolaters fighting against Christians, by the invincible force of the Gospel. After a long time of the obstinate wilfulnesse and fulnesse of the Gentiles, he shall call to himself another peaceable multitude,
vers. 12, 40. even the whole Nation of the Jews, out of
Armenia, Tartaria, and the Eastern
India, whom God shall defend and convert to the Gospel, when he shall destroy all other Nations upon Earth. These are called the peaceable People, because after the conversion of the Jews, shall come that Ministeriall Monarchy of the Church over the whole World; that
peaceable and still Time, when all Kingdoms under heaven shall forget fighting one against another, Warres shall cease in all the World, and swords and spears shall be beaten into Plowshares and pruning hooks. When the seventh Angel blew the Trumpet,
Luther began his Reformation, then it is, when the
Multitude stood before the
Lamb, and sung the new song of
Moses; and then neverthelesse is but the vail only of the Tabernacle opened in heaven, and a great cloud and smoak covered that Glory. But it must be 180 years after, when the Kingdomes of this World become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and those be destroyed that destroyed the Earth. For then and not till then shall the Temple of God be fully opened in Heaven, and the Ark of his Testament (the very same modell, which God shewed to
Moses in the Mount) shall be seen in
Ierusalem, not in a Tabernacle, but in that Temple, which the power of God shall make. Then shall lastly, the four Beasts, the Elders, with all the Angels of Heaven, and all the creatures of Heaven and Earth, and of the Sea and under the Earth fall down before the Throne, and give glory, honour, blessing and praise unto him that sitteth on the Throne, and to the Lamb for ever, and the four Beasts shall say,
I have heard many Jews discoursing of this their glorious Restauration and Religion to come.
Evidences out of Scripture that the ten Tribes shall be brought out of
Tartaria &
India, and converted to the Gospel, as well as our Western Iews. They say, they never possessed (no not in the time of
David and
Solomon, when their Kingdom was largest) an half of that which God promised in
Deuteronomy and
Ioshua. Indeed it is said in
Ioshua, No good thing failed of what God promised, but this is to be understood of their peaceable settlement in what
Ioshua then conquer'd, not of the utmost boundders of what they were to possesse towards the end of Time. From Euphrates to the red Sea, all the Coasts on the West to the great Mediterranean Sea, with
Tyrus and
Sydon, on the North
Hemath and
[...]syria, even in length
[Page 24] from
[...]banon to
Egypt, was to be the confines of this sacred Commonwealth. Now if we consider, what a Moity of this was possessed by
Lot, Ammon, Esau, the Kings of
Tyrus and
Sidon, the
Philistines with
Syria, we may plainly see, that more then an half was never their own, of what God promised. In confidence of possessing which, and all the world beside in time to come, in their great
Hosanna they shake Palmes in their hands, in triumph towards the four coasts of heaven, to intimate that in their universall Empire every tree of the wood shall clap hands, and sing for joy. It is strange, and makes me give more credit to
Esdras then otherwise I would, to see how pat he goes with our Saviour Christ, in affirming the second Captivity of the Jews to be long, and that their return should be about the ruine of the
Roman Empire. He relates how the ten Tribes (soon after their Captivity by
Salmanasser) travelled through a great River or strait (perhaps the Streits of
Anian) in a long journey of many moneths or years to a Country not inhabited. Yea many good Authors, who write of the Histories of
America, relate how the
Maxicans have a Tradition (delivered from father to son, time out of minde) of a great multitude coming a great journey into those parts with an Ark carried before them on mens shoulders, with their God inclosed therein. These people certainly were Jews, from whom they learned Circumcision (which our travellers finde in most of their Coasts) with other Rites of Tribes, Heads of Tribes and Families, with some handsome Ceremonies of Marriages, Funerals and Washings, directly the same with the Jews or Israelites. But to prove, that the Israelites were first placed in
Media and
Carmania, and from thence removed into
India,A large Discourse of a probable co
[...]jecture that the ten Tribes of Israel were placed by
Salmanasser in
[...]ia and
Media, & that from thence they passed into
Tartaria, and so into
India. let us return a little back, and survey Scriptures and some approved Authors. When
Salmanasser King of
Assyria carried the ten Tribes into Captivity (in the fifth year of the reign of
Hezekiah King of
Iudah) he was a Prince of spacious Dominions and invincible forces, as comprizing within his Empire all
Media and
Persia, Mesepotamia, Assyria, all
Arabia and
Ethiopia inferiour to the confines of
Egypt, all
Syria and
Palestine (save only the poor exhausted Kingdom of
Iudah) and lastly
Armenia with all the Coasts bordering upon the
Caspian and
Euxine sea, as farre as
Tartaria. By this it will be hard to define in which Province of his Empire he placed them, out of his Dominions we may well think he would not abandon them. In the 2
King. 17.6. it is said that he placed them in
Hala and
Habor by the River of Gozan, and in the
Cities of the Medes. Which
Hala (or rather
Chala) and
Habor by affinity of pronuntiation, can be no other then
[...]hies and
Iberia, two Provinces of
Armenia, the first bordering upon the
Euxine, the latter upon the
Caspian sea and the confines of the
Tartars. East of
Armenia lies
Media, in the Cities of which, a great part of the Israelites were likewise placed to inhabit. North of
Armenia is the entrance into those immense and indiscoverable Nations of
Muscovites and
Tartars, the utmost limits of whose Kingdoms were never yet fully known. The chief River of which Countries arising farre beyond the
Hyperborian Territories, after a wearisome travel through many Nations and Provinces, disburthens it self at last into the
Caspian sea, at the very entrance into
Armenia, where it is called
Zolga (though our Mariners call it
Wolga) which is nothing else but a
[Page 25] Metathesis or a bad pronunciation of the word
Gozan. So that that saying of
Ben-Gorion is true (if that Manuscript be his which
Gallo-Belgicus fathers upon him, yet visible in
Bibliothecâ Florentinâ)
Salbumadzar (saith he)
rex Assyrius, exciso Samariae regno, decem illas Tribus, quae à divino cultu tandiu ante desciverant ad Idololatriam, abductas in Captivitatem conlocavit in Fasso, Alvati, Loride, & Bascapante civitatibus Colchidos & Iberiae Arm
[...]nicarum provinciarum, & in Ecbatan
[...] & Bocchu urbibus Mediae juxta Pontum Euxinum, & mare Caspium.’ Thus by the testimony of this great Rabbi it is manifest that the Opinion of those men is fond who think the ten Tribes to be utterly lost; thus likewise is it plain that the Jews Conversion must first a
[...]ise out of the East, and that
Fassum, Alvatis, Loris, and
Bascapan Cities of
Colchis and
Iberia, and
Ecbatana and
Bocchu Cities of
Media were the places, where
Salmanasser (called here
Salbumadzar) placed these Israelites in name, but Pagans in nature. And
Iohn Lunclay in his Pandects of the Turkish History,
fol. 769. writes, how there are certain Hoords (Troops or Families) of people near the more Northern parts of
Tartaria, which retain the names of
Dan, Z
[...]bulun and
Nepthali, and in the vicinity of
Rega there is a certain barbarous Nation of
Letti, which for three moneths in the year perpetually wander up and down the fields, having these words
[...]-mashalom continually in their mouth, as a kinde of lamentable tune or mournfull Ditty: by which words Authours credibly suppose are meant Jerusalem and Damascus the two head cities of Judah and Israel. He that diligen
[...]ly reades the history of these X. Tribes in Scripture, after their revolt from the house of
David, and combination with
[...]roboam in erecting Idolatry, may see that they were a Nation quickly overgrown with Heathenism, cruelty, and barbarousnesse, wholly become abominable Pagans in nature, manners, life, condition and conversations; as if they had had
Numa Pomphilius to their Father, and not
Abraham the faithfull: they only kept Circumcision and the names of their Progenitors in remembrance, but had quite forgotten the Stories of their religion and piety, thence it came to passe that in this their Captivity, being transported and implanted among those Nations, they quickly conjoyned and counited with them in marriage and affinity (being already long before coupled with them in Idolatry) and so ceased to be called Israelites, but being now all one people, were called by the names of Armenians and Medes. That these Israeltes likewise inhabited part of Tartaria, and from thence spread into India and the East, and that they likewise possessed a part of the Caucasian Mountains mingled with a people, which
Herodotus calls
[...] (a word not unakin to Turks) is manifest by these undeniable Reasons.
1. Because the Colchians, Iberians, and a great part of Tartaria used Circumcision in most ancient times, long before the building of Rome, which they could not have received from any people else but from these Israelites, who 30. years before the foundation of Rome were sent to inhabit among them.
2. The Crim-Tartars derive their Progeny from
Sampson (hence so many of them have been called
Camson, an obscure Notion of
Sampson) and in imitation of him wear long hair; which could not have been, except they
[Page 26] had had their Originall from those people from whom they had the memory of
3. The names likewise of
Moses, Aharon, Cham, Selim, or
Solyman (a vitious Pronunciation of
Shlemo or
Solomon) were proper names of men amongst the Turks long before ever they broke into Asia. Now what times the Turks first broke into Asia, Chronologers agree not among themselves: Some say they broke through the Caspian Streits into
Armenia major (now
Turcomannia) An. 844. But I rather suppose their first Irr
[...]ption into Asia was 20. years after the death of Alexander the great, about
An. M. 3718. when the Parthians shook off the Macedonian yoke, and began their Empire: for in those times we reade in
Mela, Pliny and
Herodotus, that a ba
[...]barous and savage people from the North had invaded and possessed
Carmania, which could be no other then this Nation of the Turks. Thus it is plainly manifest, that when these Israelites passed into America, they left a great part of their Brethren behinde them in
Asia, Tartaria, and
India. Millions of them are in
Persia, and their domineering at this present day in
Carmania, is rightly observed by
Benjamin the Jew in
Eyre, by
[...]rcator, Ortelius, and other Geographers.
Other excellent Proofs of the future conversion and Monarchy of the Iews,Abraham was told in
Genesis, His seed must thrice be like Dust, and then afterward like Stars (Stars not for multitude, but for Piety and Glory) onc
[...] in
Aegypt; secondly in
Babel; thirdly throughout the world in the Roman Empire, and afterward in the beginning of the FIFTH MONARCHY must enlighten the whole world with the Glory of God. And the Jews themselves have an ancient tradition, That they must have two
Abraham [...] The first should come about what time the Government was taken from
Iudah; he should lay the Foundation of their Redemption, afterwards be betrayed, crucified, and die by their own hands, and leave them in a dolefull plight in the jaws of destruction by the
Gentiles: him they called
Ben-Ioseph or
Ben-Ephraim, alluding to sorrowful
Ioseph, who endured so much hardship, being sold by his brethren into
Aegypt, and estranged from his fathers house; and to the unfortunate Attempt of the Tribe of
Ephraim (soon after that barbarous Edict of murthering male Infants came forth) to deliver themselves and the
Israelites by force of Arms from
Pharaoh some 12 years before the Birth of
Moses; when
Pharaoh levying an huge Army, made fearful slaughters of them, forcing them to return to their old obedience, of which you may reade in
Psal. 78.9. In this doleful misery they should remain so long till their second
Messiah came and delivered them from the hands of all their enemies, restored them to their native Land of
Iudea, and reigned over th
[...]m in equal fame and prosperity with
David their father. Him therefore they call
Isaac was mo
[...] wayes then in his Immolation a figure of Christ. He had two sons
[...] and
Iacob, of whom it is said,
The Elder shall serve the younger
[...] Edom (which Jews interpret to be the Roman Christian Church,
[Page 27] the First-born to Christ from
Isaac) must come to serve the younger,
The Iewish converted Church in the end of time, when it is once come up.
Iacob.Iacob a Type of Christ in his Descent to
Aegypt had two wives,
Leah a Type of the visible Church of carnal Jews using and leaning upon ceremonious shadows in stead of the true sacrifice from
Moses to the end of the second Temple: as likewise of the Church of the Gentiles, which from the Ascension of Christ was to continue in vicissitudinary fortune to it's end, full 1668 years. Thus
Leah was blear-ey'd, but fruitfull in her posterity, yet not so acceptable and lovely in the eyes of her husband as
Rachel (a Type of the glorious Jewish Church in the end of Monarchies) who was to be many dayes barren, even from the end of the second Temple, till
Anno 1683, then brings forth
Ioseph, leaves her fathers idolatrous house, within a few years after travels again, and brings forth the staff of
Iacobs old age with the losse of her own life.
From the New Testament,
Act. 1. That the Jews were to have a temporal Monarchy in the end of the Roman Empire, is evident likewise out of the New Testament. In the first of
Acts our Saviour Christs Disciples shewed how greatly the Jews expected for this time, when their
Messiah should deliver them from the yoke of the Romans, and restore them to their temporal Kingdom in
Iudea; as likewise how near they thought the season and period to be in our Saviours time, when they came to him, saying,
Lord, wilt thou at this time restore the Kingdom to Israel? Our Saviour in his Answer doth not deny but that such a time was to be, when the Jews should be restored to their temporal Kingdom in their own Land (which should exceed
Davids and
Solomons in magnificence, and should extend over the whole world) but only blames and checks his Apostles for enquiring of that which neither was needful for them to know, neither should be in their dayes; as likewise for being too inquisitive in the times and seasons when it should be, and was to begin,
Which (said he)
the Father hath put in his own power. And whoso reads
Hos. 3.4, 5. the four last Chapters of
Zechary, Mich. 7.15, 16, 17. Esa. 2.2, 3, 4. and Chapter 27. 12, 13. with
Ier. 24.6, 7. with divers other passages in Scripture, may plainly see that neither
Solomons house nor the Maccabees ever obtained their full propriety, nor were those Prophecies of their universall Soveraignty ever fulfilled in the Old Testament.
Moses Song, Deut. 32. The Song of
Moses in the 32. of
Deuteronomy, is clear, that many and great afflictions shall befall them in the latter daies, even all the time of their first Messiah, and the Roman Empire. No Jew in the world ever expounded otherwise from the 36. verse to the 43. of that Song. And to this place they referre their afflictions which they have, and shall suffer all the time of the Roman Empire till their Restauration. There is but few of them now, but will confesse that their Messiah
Ben-Ioseph, is come already, but their
Ben-David is yet hid in the depth of the Sea, and will arise from thence about the finall end of the destruction of the Gentiles.
From the history and life of
Ioseph The life of
Ioseph in Genesis hath in it more then History. At 17. years of age he was sold by his Brethren, and stood before
Pharaoh to expound him his Dreams at thirty. So he lived above 12. years in misery and
[Page 28] irons. And for those 12. years God rewarded him with 80. years of government in and over all the land of Aegypt. His brethren came and bowed to him according to his Dream of the sheaves; his father also was inferiour and subjected to him as he was Viceroy in the government of Aegypt: and was nourished and maintained by him according to his second D
[...]eam of the Sun, Moon, and the eleven Stars crouching and making obeisance. Though his Brethren pitied him not in the anguish of his soul, yet he forgiveth and preserveth them in Aegypt, and at their deliverance thence marcheth triumphantly before them to Canaan in his Coffin. But yet neverthelesse
Iacob was to stay in Canaan, and
Ioseph was to be unknown to his Brethren till Aegypt be destroied by Famine, and yeeld if self to
Ioseph. And the bon
[...]s of
Ioseph too must stay in Aegypt till 600000 men besides women and children be delivered them by the hands of
Moses and
Aaron. No departure from Aegypt, no passage through the Red-Sea without the bones of
Ioseph. Edom in the dayes of
Moses, and
Babylon in
Daniels time suffered the severest punishments God could inflict upon a people, and all for afflicting
Eber. And here is a mystery not so observed as observable in Scripture. As Aegypt was broken before the first Tabernacle was set up by
Moses: as
Edom was harrowed by
David before the first Temple was erected by
Solomon: and thirdly, as
Babel was Brought to nothing by
Cyrus before the second Temple was built by
Zorubbabel and
[...] hoshuah: so shall both
Edom and
Babel, Turk, Pope, and all Monarchies in the Earth be brought to dust, before the third Temple be built by the converted Jews in their native Land of
Iudea and
Ierusalem. Ierusalem now inhabited by Turks and hereticall Christians shall at that time be purged from filth, and be the only Receptacle of the children of God. But when that time shall be, I have abundantly shewn in the Sections before. And in that season shall
Benjamin be sent down from his good father in the power of his right arm, and
Ioseph (even
Ben-Ioseph) shall make himself known to his Brethren, who did hate him, shoot at him, cast him into the pir, and delivered him to the Gentiles. Which excellent Parallels of
Ioseph and Christ are fully explained in the
Massorch, Zoar, and in
Rabbi-Asse, besides
Ezechiel and S.
Iohn in the Revelations. Notwithstanding in citing these Jewish Traditions, I would not be mistaken, as if I maintained a second descention of our Saviour Christ from Heaven, as the Millenaries do; or that the Jews must have him come personally dowm from heaven to destroy the whole world, and restore them to their Land of
Iudea, I mean no such thing. God hath other means to bring his purposes to passe then, by sending his Sonne Christ to sojourn the second time upon earth. A second
Moses, yet a King, must work all this for them: yet not a
Moses of their own bloud, but a Captain from the North; who shall work the works of God in righteousnesse, and make peace like a mighty stream overflow the whole earth.
What uses Protestants ought to make of this blessing of the conversion of the Iews
The consideration of these future great blessings of God towards this Nation of the Jews, and in them to all the world in the advancement of the Gospel;
[Page 29] as likewise the laying to heart the grievous calamities which have so long tossed the Kingdomes and Free-states of
Europe,Description of the four Monarchies. should move all men with repentance to prepare themselves to meet those great and fearfull mutations which God is bringing upon all the European Coasts of the world. Historians have made their four Monarchies according to the rise or fall of severall particular Nations. 1. Assyrians. 2. Persians. 3. Grecians. and 4. Romans: but this is a lame Division, and comes far short of that transcendent Metamorphosis of humane affairs, which (by comparing of Histories, observation of new Starres and Comets of late, with the consideration of the manners and conditions of the sonnes of men) we may easily perceive must within these few years be brought upon the world. The learned Mathematicians and Philosophers (who have more throughly searched into the secrets of Astrology) rightlier place their four Monarchies according to the four coasts of Heaven. 1. The Eastern Monarchy of the Assyrians. 2. The two Southern Monarchies of the Persians and Grecians, bounded within the circumference of 3600 miles, or 11 degrees of latitude. 3. The Western Monarchy of the Romans. 4. and lastly, the Northern Monarchy (but in right accompt the fifth) must be of the Northern LION, which to the amazement of Christendome, shall arise from the Northern Sea, and pitch his Tents in the ashes of the Eastern and Western Monarchies. But now having made mention so oft of this V. Monarchy in this Pamphlet,
Reasons of the V. Monarchy. I think it meet to produce two or three Reasons of the truth and certainty of it, deduced out of the holy Scriptures and humane Authority.
First, The Jews have a Tenet among them, That their Messias must not
I come in the Flesh till the destruction of the fourth Monarchy in
Daniel, which is the Roman: and so will not beleeve Christians professing him to be come already: but say, this coming is deferred till the Roman Empire be totally abolished; which because it is not nor must be yet, they will not beleeve he hath appeared. But the Jews are deceived in this, for
Dan. 2.44. and 7.9, 22. the Incarnation of our Saviour Christ was promised to be in the very nick of the constitution and establishment of the Roman Empire, and not after the ruine of it (which was performed accordingly) else should there have been six Monarchies before the end of the world. For the dispersion and rejection of the Jews, the revelation of Antichrist with the Fulnesse of the Gentiles, was prophesied to be accomplished in the fourth Monarchy, all which we see are punctually fulfilled. None of which should yet have come to passe, if our Saviour Christ was not to be incarnate before the end of the Roman Empire. Therefore as the rejection of the Jews with these other signs and things was to be in the fourth Monarchy; so their conversion and remission into the Church, and the glorious estate of the Gospel upon earth must be in another fifth Monarchy, which is yet to come.
Secondly, So many Empires as are comprized in
Nebuchadnezzars Image
II (
Dan. 2.) must come to passe before the end of the World: But five Monarchies are comprehended in that Image,
[...]. The
major is manifest, The
minor is thus proved:
Nebuchadnezzar himself was the Golden Head of this Image, as he was in another respect the Feet of the old decrepit
Assyrian[Page 30] Monarchy, which by his Chaldean Empire and the ruine thereof (which was approaching) should totally be annihilated. The Armes and Brests of Silver are the Empire of the
Medes and
Persians. The Belly of brasse is the Empire of the
Grecians by
Alexander the Great. Lastly, the Iron Leggs and the Clay Toes depictured the
Roman Empire, with the present declining House of
Austria, and the breathlesse Papacy. Therefore
the Stone cut without Hands which brake this Image in pieces, and became a Mountain and filled the Earth, must be understood (as I touched before) of a Fifth Monarchy yet to come, in which, by the Conversion of the Jews and fulnesse of the Gentiles the Gospel shall shine in majesty over all Kingdoms upon Earth.
III Thirdly, If the rejection and dispersion of the Jews were to be in the fourth Monarchy, as is apparent by
Gen. 49.10. and
Numb. 24.24. then was their conversion not to be till the beginning of the fifth, and towards the end of the World, as is manifest by the Apostle,
Rom. 11.25. But the first is true and therefore the latter also.
IV Fourthly, the conversion and restauration of the Jews to their antient Inheritances in the holy Land (which
Ezekiel hath so largely described in his twelve last Chapters) and the glorious felicity of the Gospel of Christ proceeding from their conversion, must either be in the fourth Monarchy, or not untill the fifth. But in the fourth Monarchy it cannot be, for among the
Turks the Jews are kept in extream slavery, Idolatry and ignorance: and under the Papacy they are not permitted to use the new Testament (by which only they must be saved) and besides they are so inraged against Christianity, by the Papists Image-worship, that there is a flat impossibility (much lesse any hopes) of their conversion, so long as either the Turkish Empire or the Papacy stands in force.
Ergò their conversion and restauration cannot be, till both Turk and Pope eternally be destroyed, and so the fourth Monarchy finally ended.
Prophecies of the LION of the North.Thus having delivered the reasons of a fifth Monarchy, I come to describe the LION of the North, as I finde it in an antient Prophecie of the true
Merlin, and by
Of the true
Merlin in K.
Lucius daies,
An. Ch. 130.First of
Merlin. Many Scholars have often disputed what
Merlin should be, who he was, what time he lived in, whether those Prophecies be true, and his, which go under his name, or not: how he came by them, and lastly, what reckoning is to be made of them. Of every of which somewhat. It hath fared with
Merlin, as with
Tostatus in
Spain, and many Learned in our times; who for the eminency of their Learning, and approbation of their writings, became so famous, that Pedlar Authors father'd bastar'd ware upon them in every corner for easier vent.
Merlins there were severall of old; one a Welsh-man in the daies of
Edgar the Monarch, of an austere living and Monkish conversation. He lived for the most part in the Isle of
Anglesey, where he had familiarity and acquaintance with the
Bards and
Druides then not wholly extinct, who had incomparable skill in Divination by Birds, and other kinde of Magique. He was an excellent Astrologer and a great Chymist: so that many think those Prophecies, that are like his, to be deducted from no more then naturall reason. All those Prophecies
[Page 31] which I have seen of his (some of which I have) I cannot see how they smell any whit of a prophetique spirit; they speak him a great Scholar in Astrology, but no Prophet. But there was living in K.
Lucius daies another
Merlin (called the first) a Scottish man, and he is the true
Merlin, and if any Prophecies could be found of his, great credit was to be given to them. He was a great friend of K.
Lucius himself, and his daily companion. Of his there is but one Prophecie extant, which I found in that antient Chronicle of
Nennius of
Bangor of the
Saxons (who yet lives in Manuscript) K.
Lucius being as yet unconverted from Paganisme to Christianity, would needs joyn in confederacy with
Santoline a King of the
Scutti (now
Scots) to raise warre against the Roman Emperour; to which purpose he asked councel of
Merlin what he should do in this matter; who earnestly dehorted him from his purpose; and in the end prevailed.
Merlin prophesied to him,
‘That within lesse then a sesquidecumane period of time, the Eagles head should be cloven in two; one part whereof
Agar should burn with fire, and
Iaphet the other after the grand revolution of daies. Mark (O King) saith he, and consider,
Samothea shall be quickly overflown with a vagabond Army of an unknown Originall, spued out of a land toward the East, which a floud from the North shall quickly possesse. I know thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart; thou seekest Friendship from a people, whose weaknesse shall be thy glory, and their greatnesse thy ruine. A squadron of Fishers are risen up from the East, which shall ascend unarmed upon the world without spear and shield, to whom all Nations shall in time obey. They shall destroy the Temples of thy Gods (O
Lucius) and convert them to the service of their eternall King, who only can rescue from the grave, and deliver from the snares of death. Behold I see a great Sun arise i
[...]sensibly upon us
Brittanes! But (woe is me!) what black seas of darknesse, and rivers of bloud pursu
[...] after it? Hast thou not heard of the valiant
Angles, of barbarous
Neustria, of yonder terrible
Picts thy perfidious enemies? These shall overflow thy Land, and possess the Cities thereof, till the old age of Empires, and Government shall flow upon the world.
Illis autem temporibus revolutis, Cauda Virginis Leonem intrabit, & Sagittarii dorsum Scorpius ascendet. Borcalia Regna à Messoribus obterentur, Australes Principatus in statum pulvereum d
[...]t, & insulanarum Monarchiarum potestates sine fraeno aut milite ephippiabuntur; bella atrocia ventis dissipabúntur, & pessum ibunt judiciali grandine, quae per baculum ortum habuerunt, per spuri
[...]s juventutem. Sol ipse tympanizabit miniato clamyde indutus, & Luna cineritiis cothur
[...]is ad nundinas tolutabit. Rides, O Rex? At quibus haec supervenient, luctu & maerore contabescent. Haec omnia vix plenè peragentur, qu
[...]m Princeps regali origine coronatus ex Borealibus plagis proveniet, suis inexpectatus, alienigenis desideratus; qui
[...]ò quòd L
[...]one feroci
[...]nte in
[...]ignietur, Leo nuncupabitur, Non conquiescet, donec Synodo per eum convocat
[...] minis
(que) dissolutâ, victricia arma in hostes transferat, & lamentabili successu vicinorum Principum ditiones pessundet. Alexandrum Magnum virtute, Cyrum felicitate superabit: freta transnavigabit; à multis regibus Imperator sal
[...]tabitur; & Urbem quandam vetustam solo aequabit. Intereà ex Oriente Princeps bellipotens illum praelio lacesse
[...], contrà
[Page 32] quem Leo cum omnibus copiis procedet, &
[...]is Euphratem positis castris illum expectabit. Si Princeps flumen transibit, Leo superabitur; at ipse exercitu fluvium transducto hostem cruento conflictu superabit, & universum Orientem in potestatem rediget. Dum haec agentur, complures Reguli ex India in Suriam cum ingentibus irrumpent excercitibus, & circà vallem Iehosaphat praeliabundi Leonem opperibunt, ubi ab ipso ad internecionem omnes delebuntur. Nec multò post, Leo ipse fatis concedet, postquàm regnum Transfugarum mirand
[...] pietate in perpetuum fundavit.’ Those times being past, the tail of the Virgin shall enter the Lion, and Scorpio shall ascend the back of Sagittary: The Northern Kingdoms shall be wasted by Reapers, the Southern Principalities shall end in dust, and the powers of the Iland-Monarchies without either bridle or souldier shall be harnessed. Cruell warres shall be scattered by the windes, and quell'd by a revengefull hail, whose beginning were by a staff, their growth and continuance by bastards. The Sun it self shall play on the timbrell clad with a vermilion coat, and the Moon with dunne buskins shall amble to the fair. Laugh'st thou, O King? But those on whom these things shall come, for grief and sorrow shall pine away. All these things shall scarce be accomplisht, when a Prince of royall stock shall come forth crowned from the Northern parts, as to his own people unexpected, but desired by forreigners, who because he shall bear a Rampant Lion, shall therefore be called a Lion. He shall not rest, till having called a Synod and after dissolved it by threats, he shall advance his conquering arms against his enemies, and by wofull successe shall harrase the territories of neighbour Princes. He shall exceed
Alexander the Great in vertue, and
Cyrus in successe. He shall passe the seas and be saluted Emperour by many Kings: A certain antient City shall he lay even with the ground. In the mean while a powerfull Prince out of the East shall provoke him to battel, against whom the Lion shall march with all his forces, and pitching his Camp on this side
Euphrates, shall expect him. If the Prince shall come over the river, the Lion shall be overcome: but he shall passe his army over the river, and give his Enemy a bloudy defeat, and be master of all the East. While these things are in action, divers petty Kings from
India shall break into
Syria with mighty armies, and provided for battel shall wait for the Lion about the valley of
Iehoshaphat, where they shall by him be all wholly cut off. Not long after shall the Lion himself decease, after that with eminent piety he shall have established the Kingdome of fugitives. This is all that is extant of this former
Merlin, whose glorious works and inestimable Prophecies are utterly lost to the great detriment of learning.
[...]Not much unlike this, is that of
[...]er, Ban. 73.
Europae labes & imbecillitas singulorum ejusdem Regnorum sedem mirabilitèr struet QVINTAE MONARCHIAE, quae sub tempus exitii Imperii Romani ad terrorem totius mundi ex ruinis Germaniae refulgebit. Haec triennii spatio caetera Europae regna aut vi perdomitabit, aut belli metu ad soci
[...]tatem perpellet: quò universalem Ligam & Unionem omnium Protestantium e
[...]t sub specie bellum Poloniae inferendi, re autem verâ Imperium Austriacum Italiam
(que) invadendi. Nec eum spes fefellerit. Nam circà hoc tempus SECTA quaedam manachorum adeò abominabilis,
[Page 33] obscaena, & seditiosa in Papat
[...]s si
[...] orictur; ut compellet tam Protetestantes quàm Italiae Principes extremum Romae exitium moliri.’
The corruption of Europe, and the weaknesse of her several Kingdoms shall strangely make way for the FIFTH MONARCHY, which about the time of the fall of the Roman Empire to the terrour of the whole world shall appear out of the ruines of Germany. She within three years shall either subdue by force the rest of the Kingdoms of Asia, or for fear of war shall bring them to a league, whereby she shall conclude an universal confederacy, under colour of making warre against Polonia, but in deed to invade the Austrian Empire and Italy. Neither shall her hope fail her: For about this time a certain SECT of Monks shall arise in the bosome of the Papacy, so abominable, obscene and seditious; that it shall urge both the Protestants and Princes of Italy to endeavour the utter subversion of Rome.
Thus having shewed the Seat and Certainty of this V. Monarchie; I come to declare what People or Kingdom in
Europe shall obtain and rule it,
Who shall be King of this V Mona
[...]chy. and whose it shall soly be. Of the European Christians two several Kingdoms long since, and of late have mainly striven for the FIFTH MONARCHY.
Not the
Spaniard. The Kingdom of Spain hath alwayes for a matter of 170 years ago by incorporating it self with the House of Austria, and the most potent Families of Germany and Italy by strange Marriages and odde medlies laboured extremely to bring all Europe under her Wings, that so she might become the glorious Sun of the West. On the other side, the Swede of late by keeping an high hand over the King of Poland, and fixing his glorious Trophies of Conquest in all corners of Germany; hath brought the Emperour to so low an ebb, and hath of late become so terrible to the Pope and Spaniard: and lastly can in an instant enleague himself with all Protestant Kingdoms and States, either for fear or favour upon any necessary occasion, that many account him the man that both goeth the directest way, and whom heaven hath ordained to sway the Imperial Scepter within the limits of the Church. But neither of these are they who are ordained to the Empire of the fifth Monarchy. Not the
Spaniard, because he is for his inhumane cruelty so generally hated of Christians, all men avoiding him and flying from him, as the Serpent from the Ash: His Indian Plantations both thrive nor, and likewise for their barbarousnesse are so detested of the savages worse than vipers, and upon opportunities are accordingly massacred. Yea, those places
[...] of
Italy which are under his Protection, as
Florence, Genoa, Millain and other Cities afford him as much affection, as the Spider doth the Serpent. Thus is He the universal Odium of all the world, thrives in no place, and like oyl over-swiming all other liquids, and can hardly incorporate with any; so seldom is he conjoyned but in natural Antipathy with all Nations. Adde hereunto the austerity and unpleasantnesse of his Government, chusing rather to domineer over subdued Countries by rapine and cruelty, than to govern them by Love and Piety. And lastly, his Governours in every Province aim at their own ends, pilling and squeezing the Subjects, so that his Name
[Page 34] and Government is every where abominated, no Province continuing loyal any longer then they can get arms and stoutly rebel. The injustice of which hath caused Portugal to be rent from him, which while the world standeth shall never be his again. And moreover the Oracle tels him, that
Naples, Navar, his reconciled Provinces in
Belgia, with his Indian Plantations (the best Jewels he hath) shall be pluckt within 30 years to come from his ambitious Crown, never to be recovered again.
Nor the
Swede.Secondly, The
Swede cannot be Paramount in this Monarchy, because of the various Sects and Schisms he is pestered with, so inveterate and so predominant, that no Reformation can purge him of them. The male Line of that Royal Pedegree is extinct, and only a weak young Princess surviving; the whole Kingdom shared and governed by factious Nobles and covetous Generals, and while every one sucks from the veins of the Body Politique to cram his own, it will be soon evacuated, both of life and nourishment. Besides, it hath been since prophesied to
Sweden, that he shall not be so much as a tributary Kingdom to this great Soveraignty, but shall be the first, that shall be made a slave to that famous Northern Lion, who shall wear the Crown of that transcendent Monarchy. As for
France, Denmark, England, and the free Cantons of
Germany, they make account for the present they d
[...] valiantly if they can well husband what is got already. And for
England in particular, if it chance that she make war upon any neighbour Enemy, and enlarge their Dominions by Conquest, it is more to secure her self, and prevent the Invasion of the great Eagle, and her chief feathers, then any gre
[...] dinesse of extending her Bounders by the Conquest and ruine of others. If she keep her ancient soil and possessions in those times, it is as much as heaven hath ordained her,
Object. and more she shall not have. Who then must be Lord of this Monarchy? Or what people shall be parts and members thereof? Even a Nation which at this day is hid invisibly within the bowels of
Europe,Answ. which seeing are not seen, and living are not known: Which shall by a miraculous Resurrection (like the Jews from India and Tartaria) be raised to destroy all Idolatry and abomination out of every corner of the North, with the weapons of an holy warfare tending to the glory of God, and the Honour of their King. His Sword shall be Religion, and his Ensigns Righteousnesse and Piety. All the godly in every Kingdom and State in
Europe, the converted Jews conjoyned and united with them in spirit and habitation, shall (as I said before) root out all names of Iniquity, and be this Monarchy, which shall only consist of, and subsist by Holinesse, and an unquenchable desire of propagating the Glory and Gospel of God: according to that of
Daniel, Chap. 7. ver. 27.
And the Kingdom, and Dominion, and the greatnesse of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High,Of the Effects of that fatal Star, which appeared in the head of Cassiopea,
An. [...]72.whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and all Dominions shall serve and obey him. The first preparation to the Birth of which, was that ominous and fatal Starre which appeared in the head of
Cassiopea, An. 1572, the effects of which shall begin to operate upon
Europe, and the Eastern Coasts of
America, An. 1699, in bringing a Mystery to light which all the sons of
Adam are not able to effect. Of this fat
[...]l and ominous
[Page 35] Starre (or Comet, chuse you whether) I finde several Tractates written.
Nuntius Propheticus in Print:
Magell de quintà Monarchiâ, & Openheims Ephemeris Caelica, both Manuscripts, both excellently discoursing of the Effects thereof: How that,
Quo tempore accidet septima & ultima-maxima superiorum Planetarum Conjunctio, princeps erit Monarchia prima, quae caput ex ruinis quarti Imperii erexerit. Currus Lunae Zodiacum perturbabit, Cauda Draconis coget Pl
[...]iades in fletum prorumpere, dorsum Delphini ascendet, & flores Virgineos obfuscabit: continuae turbae, seditiones, bella civilia, strages, panolethriae luctuosissimae omnia illa regna & illustres Familias persequentur, ex quibus ista Monarchia orta est, aut ei ullo modo obviabunt. Burgundiae domus fi
[...]em accipiet, Sile
[...]iae libertas Gallico Neroni prostituetur. Belgarum Ordines potentiae & Aristocratiae suae finem videbunt, &c.
Openheim fol. 86.’
Magel is most plain above all three,
fol. 67.
col. 8.
Fateor majorum Luminarium deliquia sine insigni hominum pernicie pecorumque strage nunquam extitisse: Regnorum mutationes etiam, populorum clades, regum fun
[...]ra, bella & incendia in ipsorum Deliquiorum Articulis, aut paulò post evidentèr apparuisse. Fateor etiam superiorum erronum coitum malorum ut plurimùm Iliade comitari: atque hanc stellam (
quae hoc An. 1572
in vertice Cassiopeae illuxit)
suprà omnem elementarem regionem collocatam novi Imperij Revolutionem Dominiumque significasse. Quae tamen effecta haec aetas nostra minimè perspiciet: reservanda nihilominùs in gentem quandam etiamnum invi
[...]ibilem, cujus magnitudinis radij in universum caeli terraeque ambitum extende
At what time the 7
th, the last and greatest Conjunction of the chief Planets shall happen, the first Monarchy shall reign, which shall lift up her head out of the ruines of the IV Empire. The Chariot of the Moon shall disturb the Zodiack. The Tail of the Dragon shall force the Pleiades to break out into weeping, shall ascend the back of the Dolphin, and shall darken the lustre of the Virgin: Daily troubles, seditions, civil wars, slaughters, and most lamentable universal Destructions shall vex all those Kingdoms and eminent Families, from whence that Monarchy sprang, or which shall any way crosse it. The house of Burgundie shall be at an End: the Liberty of Silesia shall be prostituted to a French
Nero. The Estates of Belgia shall see an end of their Power and Aristocracy.
I confesse Eclipses of the great Luminaries never hapned without the notable Destruction of men and slaughter of Cattel: the Changes also of Kingdoms, the Deaths of People, Funerals of Kings, Wars and fires have broke forth either in the very time of their Eclipses, or within a little after. I confesse also the Conjunction of the higher wandring Starres is for the most part attended with an Iliad of mischiefs: and that this Star (which this year 1572 appeared on the top of Ca
[...]iopaea) being placed above the whole Elementary Region, did signifie the Revolution and Dominion of a new Empire. Which effects shall not yet be seen by this our age; yet are they reserved for a certain Nation, as yet invisible, the beams of whose greatness shall be extended through the whole verge of Heaven and Earth.
[Page 36]The Description of the flourishing Monarchy of the Gospel in
America and
India about
Anno 1710, and
A. 1763.In that same year shall the kingdom
[...] of salvation be preached by the Ministry of the Saints the most High, to those immense and unknown
American Coasts, to whom as yet the Name of Christ was never yet revealed. And that people
[...] who from the Creation till that time were the Empire of Satan, shall be called the specious and spacious Church of God. The gates of which shall be open continually, neither day nor night shall they be shut, that men may bring unto them the riches of the Gentiles, and the treasures of the Kings of the Earth. All Nations and Kingdoms, that will not serve her, shall perish and be destroyed for ever.
Within whose land shall be heard no violence nor destruction, nor desolation within her Borders, but Salvation shall be her wals, and praise her gates. Her Government shall be peace, and her Exaactors Righteousnesse. H
[...]r Sun shall never go down, nor her Moon ever be hid, for the Lord shall be her everlasting light, and the dayes of her sorrow shall be ended. The people within her shall be all righteous; for ever shall they possesse their proper inheritances, for God shall make them an everlasting Glory, and a Ioy from Generation to Generation. Therefore ought no man to be sorrowfull for the Calamities of
Europe, or the afflictions of the times; nor grieved with the mutations and Downfals of Kingdoms and Empires, neither should he be afraid because Wars and miseries rage in all Coasts of the world. For this is the eternal Law of Creatures (which the Creator imposed upon them at first) that the Birth of one thing should be the Death of another, and that the order of Nature should be preserved by the vicissitudinary course of alternate Mutability. And why should we be offended at warres amongst men, when there are daily and continual Conflicts between the Elements themselves? Cities, Republiques, Empires and Families are mortal as men, have their states of Birth, Infamy, Growth and Old-age as well as they. Glory, Majesty, Arts and Soveraignty began in
Asia by the
Assyrians; from them departed to the
Medes and
Persians; and from them (before they had well tasted the sweetnesse of them) translated to the
Grecians, and next to the
Romans: The Glory of the Roman Empire was eclipsed and humbled by the barbarous Inundations of
Goths, Huns, Vandals, and other savage Nations, who being themselves once civilized and mollified by the Effeminacies of
Italy and the West, were in 560 years space overthrown by the Potency of
Charlemain and the
Germans. Germany hath now fully possessed the Imperial dignity 790 years; and before fifty years moe be past, shall be made a scorned Servitor of the King of the North, whose Power and Religion shall transcend the utmost Confines of East and West. In the beginning of which Empire,
Venice shall not brag of being inaccessible by the circumfluent Ocean, and
London, Paris, Antwerp and
Prague, the IV Ladies of
Europe shall be humbled to sit in the dust of eternal Destruction. The consideration of this must teach men humility in prosperity, carefulnesse to know God and keep his Commandments, seeing every Plant which he hath not planted shall be plucked up, and nothing can be permanent but by his favour and protection.
Thou therefore the eternall and incomprehensible Father of lights,
A Praye
[...] to God to u
[...]ite his Church, end the afflictions of it, and to hasten the conversion of the Iews, with the monarchy of the Gospel. the indivisible God of peace and unity, look down at length upon the afflicted estate of thy Gospel and mournfull face of thy Church, clouded with sects and schisms, rent by civill combustions, dying by the wounds which her sons have given, and wallowing in that gore which was shed by the hands of her own children. Though our sins have deserved that we should for ever be cast out of the sight of thy countenance, yet respect thou the bloud of thy Sonne, crying better things then that of
Abel, and be once at one again with thy inheritance
[...]Abraham knows us not,
Israel is ignorant of us, but thou art our Father, and in thee shall be all our a
[...]fiance, with whom even the worst of men have found mercy. Extend the light of thy loving-kindenes to the Tribes of
Iacob, and return to the many thousands of Israel, for the time to build up Zion is come, and the daies of restoring Jerusalem cannot be prolonged. For why? Thy servants think upon her stones, and favour the very dust thereof. But remember
Edom, O Lord, as thou remembredst
Babel, which have cryed so oft, Down with it, down with it to the very earth. Pour thy-vengeance down upon the Beast of
Rome, and the red Dragon of
Constantinople, who never knew thy name, that so the sorrowfull sighings of the Prisoners may come before thee
[...] and thy servants be preserved that are appointed to die. Let thy work be upon the MAN of thy right hand, and upon the Son of man whom thou hast made so strong for thy self, that
Pharaoh, Elam, Mesheck, with the sonnes of
Tubal may fall in the midst of them that are slain by the sword, and may descend into the midst of hell with all that help them, even the whole multitude of the Uncircumcised, whose Lot is to goe into the nether parts of the Earth. There shall they have their beds with the Uncircumcised near those Valiants, which are gone down to the grave, with their weapons of war, and have laid their swords under their heads, because they were the fear of the mighty in the Land of the Living. But what shall be said to the Captain of the Nations, or to the Angell destroying
Edom and
Babylon? Even this, That the Lord hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it. He will leave an afflicted people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord: He shall give them a pure Law, that they may pray to him with one consent. He shall open the doors of darknesse, the gates of obscurity shall he break down, that the world may be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea. O thou sower of discord, and Captain of iniquity, how long wilt thou delight to murther, spoil and pursue the distressed? Knowest thou not that it will be bitternesse in the end? Command the people to return every man from pursuing his brother: for lo, a Nation is risen against you, a mighty Nation and terrible from the East, whose horses ace fire and his Chariots flames of fire to devour: his men are as swift as the Eagle, who will have no compassion on the fruit of the womb, nor shall their eye pity: They shall encompasse
[...]hy Tents with an intent to lay all waste before them, but neverthelesse be con
[...]ident and bold
[Page 38] in the Lord of Hosts: for fire shall come down from Heaven and return their wickednesse upon their heads, and their doings upon their own pates. O thou worship of Israel! how wonderfull art thou in thy doings toward the children of men
[...] Bringing light out of darknesse, strength out of weaknesse, and making Justice the mean to the manifestation of thy goodnesse and glory! As for me, I will expect him who is as well the King of Salem, Peace, as
[...]ck, the King of Justice, all my daies: and will heartily pray for his coming, who shall bring every work into judgement, and every thing to a legall triall, whether it be good or evill. He is the Lamb upon the white Throne, before whose face Heaven and Earth shall fly away, and the Sea be no more found: Death and Hell shall give up the dead that are in them, and every Name that is not written in the Book of Life, shall be cast into the Lake of fire. For which time all the Creation groaneth, crying out to be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption, and restored to the glorious Liberty of the Sons of God. Even so, come Lord Jesus, come quickly, that sin may be destroyed for ever, and righteousnesse eternally established in stead thereof,
[...]itan hunc aliquis verbosum dicere librum
Non dubitet: forsan multò praestantior alter
Pauca reperta pu
[...]et, quùm plura invenerit ipse:
[...]s & impatiens nimis haec obscura probabit: