BATHONIA REDIVIVA. To the Kings most Excellent Majesty. The humble Address of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of your Majesties CITY of BATH IN THE County of Somersett.

WE your Majesties Loyal Subjects the Mayor, Aldermen, Common Counsel, and other Citizens of your Maje­sties antient City of Bath, originally By King Bladud in the daies of the Prophet Elias as Mat Westm. Flores Hist. p. 25. and others record, being 800 years before our Saviours Nativity. foun [...]ed, enlarged and indowed with sundry Privileges by your Majesties Royal Progenito [...]s, Kings of this Realm, Doe with all thankfulness of heart and tongue to Almighty God, and demonstrations of our publick Ioy, and Loyalty to your Majesty, congratulate your most h [...]ppy and longed-for return to the actual possession of your Majesties hereditary Kingdoms and roya [...] Authority over them and this your City, with Safety, Honor, and Triumph (after many years deplorable Exile) without the least Opposition or Bloudshed. Which miraculous Restauration of your Majesty, (begun and compleated within the circle of one month) as we cannot contem­plate without Admiration, and acknowledge it an Unparalled Wonder wrought by God himself without human contri­butions soon after your Majesty was proclaimed King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland by Hereditary and undoubt­ed Birthright, by order of both your Houses of Parl [...]ament; Which Solemnity as we most Chearfully performed with all possible expressions of our publike Ioy, by reiterated Acclamations of GOD SAVE KING CHARLES THE SECOND, vollies of Shot, ringing of Bells, Conduits streaming forth Wine, Bonfires, and other Festivities: So we think it our bounden duties by this our unanimous publick Address, humbly to prostrate our selves at your Majesties feet, assuring your Ma­jesty, That we all are your loyal and dutifull Subjects [...] assistance, according to our bounden duties, bear Faith and true Allegiance to your Majesty, your Heirs and Lawfull Successors for ever: And shall with the last drop of our blouds and Fortunes, upon all occasions, evidence our selves to be, Your Majesties dutifull and obedient Subjects. In testi­mony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our hands, together with our hearts, and affixed our Corporation Seal the fourth day of Iune, in the Twelf Year of your Majesties reign; And shall ever pray for your Majesties long life, prosperity, increase of glory, and temporal and eternal felicity.

  • William Prynne, one of the Citizens serving in Parliament
  • George Long, Minister of Gods word.
  • William Green Mini­ster.
  • Samuel Bave
  • Iohn Maplet
  • Thomas Bruer
  • Robert P [...]irce
  • William Smith,
  • Berkeley Carne
  • Thomas Cilbs
  • Walter Baylie
  • Iohn Chapman
  • Walter Gibbes
  • Robert Penny
  • Anthony Colleby
  • Edward White
  • Henry Moore senior
  • Thomas Skrine
  • Ed. P [...]rker
  • Iohn Fisher
  • William Childe
  • Richard Biggs
  • Iohn B [...]sh
  • Iohn Reed
  • Wi [...]iam Bush
  • George [...]eeve
  • Benjamin Baber
  • Hen. M [...]ore junior
  • Robert Sheppard
  • Samuel Wintle
  • Iames Parker
  • I [...]hn Faire
  • Richard Carwardine
  • William Ho [...]bus
  • Iohn Harford
  • Richard Price
  • Iohn Biggs Mayor
  • Iohn Pearce
  • Matthew Clift
  • Io. Parker
  • Io. Atwood,
  • Io. Boyes
  • Richard Druce
  • Iohn Masters
  • Iohn Ford
  • Robert Childe
  • Richard Wakeman
  • William Ireland
  • Robert Chapman
  • Henry Parker.

THis humble Addresse, was presented to the Kings most Excellent Majestie, in his Bedchamber at Whitehall, Saturday morning ( the 16. of June 1660.) by William Prynne Esq ( one of the Citizens now serving in Parliament for the City of Bath) whom they desired by Letter to present it to his Majesty, his Fellow-Citizen being absent. Who after a short Speech (comprising the substance of this Addresse) read it distincktly to his Majestie, and then delivered it into his Royal hand. His Ma­jestie most Joyfully and Gratiously receiving it in his hand, commanded Mr. Prynne, to return his Majesties most hearty thanks to his Citie and Citizens of Bath, for this their loyal Addresse; which he took very kindly and gratefully from them; and to assure them, in his Majesties behalf, that he would upon all occasions most readily extend his Royal Favours towards them, the rather, for that they had freely chosen Mr. Prynne for one of their Citizens in this Parliament, who was so Good a Friend to Him, and had done Him and his whole Kingdome such good service.

LONDON, Printed for EDWARD THOMAS at the Adam and Eve in Little Britain, 1660.

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