A Proposal for a Yearly Increase of Wealth, by Subscriptions to Advance Money upon Lives: Examined and approved by the City. Which will produce great Advantage by Survivor­ship, to such as please to Subscribe for one, or more Lives of the Ages of any, or of all the Ten Ranks, and for any of the Summs of Money of each Rank, as hereby is Exprest.

Subscriptions. Number of Persons in each Rank. Summ Total. Interest per Annum.
l. l. l.
5 2000 10000 600
10 1000 10000 600
20 500 10000 600
25 400 10000 600
50 200 10000 600
100 100 10000 600
200 50 10000 600
400 25 10000 600
500 20 10000 600
1000 10 10000 600

EVery Person from the time of Payment of the Money he Subscribes, shall receive the full In­terest thereof at 6 l. per Cent. per Annum; and as any of those that are in the same Rank dye, his In­come increases, the Survivours of that Rank being to have the whole 600 l. per Annum (which is the Interest of all the Money Advanced by that Rank they are in) divided among them; and so in time the Survivours of that Rank, happening to be but three or four, will have the whole 600 l. per Annum during their Lives among them; and at last, he that shall continue the longest Liver of the Rank shall have the 600 l. per An­num wholly to himself so long as he lives.

[Page 2] By this meanes, he that will make several Subscrip­tions of the five first, or smaller Summs, which all amount to but 110 l. and Rank himself accordingly in each of those Classes (of his Age) which belong to those Summs, hath a Prospect or Possibility to have for his 110 l. five times 600 l. in all 3000 l. per Annum during his Life, as is Evident by the said Scheme or Table.

If he will make several Subscriptions of all the ten Sums, which amount to 2310 l. he hath the like Prospect, or Possibility to have ten times 600. l. in all, 6000 l. per Annum during his Life; and although in this Case more Money is advanced; yet there are fewer Competitors in the same Rank for the great Summs, and so more probability of Surviving.

If the Person Subscribing be at any time, during his Life, minded to transfer, or sell his Interest, it will eve­ry Year sell for more money than it would the Year before; for the more dye, the greater is the Income to the Survivours. And as often as any shall desire to ex­change a Life, having first made an Agreement with the Chamberlain of the City for the time being, and the Managers of the Rank, he may have liberty so to do, the Fine for such Exchange not exceeding the Income of the year last past, one half to the City, and the other half to the Subscriber of the Rank.

The Fund for Security of these Payments shall be settled on Trustees to be nominated by, and chosen out of the Subscribers in each Rank or Class, before their Payment of any Money.

At Mr. Hill's, Stationer in Exchange-Alley, Cornhill, Subscriptions will be [...] for this and the City Bank of Credit.


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