The PROCEEDINGS OF The Grand-Jury OF MIDDLESEX, In Easter-Term. 1681.

ON Wednesday the Fourth of this present May, 1681. the Grand-Jury for the Body of the County of Middlesex, in the Hun­dred of Oswalston, were attended by a considerable number of Knights, Gentlemen, and Free holders of the said County, and there made these following Requests to the Grand-Jury.

1. That they would present their and the Counties Thanks to their Knights who Represented them in the last Parliament, for their good in­tention to have served them to their utmost, in these times of eminent dan­ger, had they not been prevented by a sudden and surprising Dissolution.

This first Request the Jury agreed to immediately? but Sir Will. Ro­berts being concerned as Foreman, the Jury ordered Sir Will. Cooper to give their Thanks both to him and Mr. Rainton (the other Knight) which immediately he did accordingly.

2. That they would present their and the Counties hearty and unfeign­ned Thanks, to those truly Loyal Patriots, and Noble Peers of this Realm, who asserted the Antient and Fundamental Rights of the Commons of England in Parliament to Impeach any Subject, by their protesting against the Lords rejection of the Commons Impeachment against Ed. Fitzharris.

Which was also unanimously agreed to by the Jury; and Sir Will. Ro­berts, Sir Will. Cooper, Mr. Herbert, and Mr. Edw. Biscoigne, were desired to wait on his Grace the Duke of Monmouth to give him Thanks accordingly; and by him to the rest of those Noble Pro­testing Peers, which was done upon Saturday last.

The Names of the Protesting Lords, viz.

  • Monmouth,
  • Kent,
  • Huntington,
  • Bedford,
  • Salisbury,
  • Westmorland,
  • Clare,
  • Stamford,
  • Sunderland,
  • Essex,
  • Shaftsbury,
  • Mackelsfeild,
  • Mordant,
  • Wharton,
  • Pagitt,
  • Grey of Warke,
  • Herbert of Cherbury,
  • Cornwallis,
  • Lovelace,
  • Crew.

3. That they would in their and the Counties Name, Petition His Ma­jesty for the speedy calling, and effectual Sitting of a Parliament, until the great and many Dangers and Grievances of this Kingdom be effectually prevented and redressed, which cannot be done but by the Wisdom and Authority of Parliament.

This also was unanimously agreed to by the Jury, and this day (being the last day of the Term) a Petition was presented by the Grand-Jury, Jury, to the Lord Chief Justice Pemberton and the Court, in these fol­lowing words.

To the Honourable Sir Francis Pemberton Knight, Lord Chief Justice of the Kings-Bench; and to the rest of the Ho­nourable Judges of that Court. The Humble Petition of us the Grand-Jury for the County of Middlesex.

Humbly sheweth,

THat we being appointed the Grand-Jury for this County of Middlesex, and having immediate address to this High Court of Kings-Bench, cannot perform our Oaths and the duty of the place we are in, without laying before your Lordships, and the Court, the imminent danger we all lie under, and most particularly the Royal person of our Soverain Lord the King, being expo­sed to the fury of the wicked and bloudy designs of the Papists, by reason their horrid Plot seems onely stifled and laid asleep, whilst they are still restless to procure the destruction of us, our Religion, and Liberties, having opportunity given them, as we have great reason to fear, by the ineffectual sitting of Par­liaments; all which evils may be easily and onely cured by effectual annual Parliaments, which onely keeps all the rest in its due bounds, and without which his Majesty cannot have Safety or Counsel according to his and the Na­tions Interest; his people cannot enjoy what is left them by their Ancestors, nor Justice be done on the most dangerous Offenders. We therefore in the Names of many of the Free-holders of this County, as well as in our own, hum­bly offer it as our request, that your Lordships and this Court, will in the most effectual and favourable way, make their humble Petition known to his Maje­sty for the immediate calling a Parliament, that his People may enjoy that be­nefit His Laws and the Constitution of the Government intends them: which is, that they may not be sent away before they have made provisions necessary in these most important Points. And your Petitioners shall, &c.


London: Printed for T. Baldwin in the Old-Bayly. 1681.

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