A Pleasant Spelling-piece, &c.
How many ways do you spell the Syllable
- Ac. Rule 1.
Ac is spell'd 4
ways, Viz.
- 1. With ac, as Acca.
- 2. With a, c, h, as Achmon.
- 3. With a, c, k, as Sack.
- 4. With a, k, as Habakkuk.
- Ec. Rule 2.
- Ec
is Spell'd 4
ways; Viz.
- 1. With ec, as Ecclesiastick.
- 2. With e, c, h, as Abimelech.
- 3. With e, c, k, as Purbeck.
- 4. With e, k, as Ephek.
- Ca. Rule 3.
- Ca
is spell'd 6
ways, Viz.
- 1. With C, a, as Cathedral.
- 2. With C, a, i, as Cain.
- 3. With c, a, y, as Decay.
- 4. With C, h, a, as Character.
- 5. With K, a, as Kadmiel.
- 6. With k, a, h, as Azekah.
- Ke. Rule 4.
- Ke
is spell'd 3
ways, Viz.
- 1. With C, h, e, as Chedorlaomer.
- 2. With K, e, as Kerchief.
- 3. With K, ee, as Keeping.
- Ki. Rule 5.
- Ki
is spell'd 3
ways, Viz.
- 1. With C, h, i, as Chirurgeon.
- 2. With c, h, y, as Alchymy.
- 3. With K, i, as Kindle.
- Co. Rule 6.
- Co
is spell'd 4
ways, Viz.
- 1. With C, o, as Coherence.
- 2. With Co, a, as Coal.
- 3. With C, oo, as Cook.
- 4. With K, o, as Korah.
- Fa. Rule 7.
- Fa
is spell'd 4
ways, Viz.
- 1. With F, as Facility.
- 2. With f, a, i, as Fail.
- 3. With f, e, i, as unfeigned
- 4. With P, h, a, as Phares.
- Fe. Rule 8.
- Fe
is spelled 4
ways, Viz.
- 1. With f, e, as Felicity.
- 2. With f, ee, as Feeding.
- 3. With f, i, e, as Field.
- 4. With P, h, e, as Pherecides
- Fi. Rule 9.
- Fi
is spelled 3
ways, Viz.
- 1. With F, i, as Fidelity.
- 2. With p, h, i, as Philosophy.
- 3. With p, h, y, as Physitian.
Why is fa, fe, fi, fo, fu, spelled sometime with f, & sometime with ph.
Because neither the Greek nor the Hebrew Alphabet hath f; so Latine, English, and French Words, are spelled with f, but [Page]Words comming from Hebrew or Greek with ph, as Fine, Phares, Pherecide, Phillip, Phocus, and Phut gave fair Phillis a fillup o'th Cheek.
- Fra. Rule 10.
- Fra
is spelled 4
ways, Viz.
- 1. With f. r, a, as Fraction.
- 2. With f, r, a, i, as Frailty.
- 3. With f, r, a, y, as to frail from the Fray.
- 4. With p, h, r, a, as Phrases.
- Fre. Rule 11.
- Free
is spelled 4
ways, Viz.
- 1. With f, r, e, as Fresh.
- 2. With f, r, ee, as Freedom.
- 3. With f, r, i, e, as Friend.
- 4. With p, h, r, e, as Phrensie.
- Fro. Rule 12.
- Fro
is spelled 2
ways, Viz.
- 1. With f, r, o, as Frolique.
- 2. With p, h, r, o, as Hermophrodite.
- Re. Rule 13.
- Re
is spelled 4
ways, Viz.
- 1. With r, e, as Restitution.
- 2. With r, e, a, as Read.
- 3. With r, ee, as Reed or Cane.
- 4. With r, h, e, as Rhetorick.
- Ro. Rule 14.
- Ro
is spelled 3
ways, Viz.
- 1. With r, o, as Romance.
- 2. With r, oo, as Room in Rome.
- 3. With r, h, o, as Rhodope.
- Se. Rule 15.
- Se
is spelled 8
ways, Viz.
- 1. With c, e, as Celestial.
- 2. With c, e, i, as Conceive.
- 3. With c, i, e, as Cieling.
- 4. With s, c, e, as Scepter.
- 5. With s, c, h, e, as Schedule.
- 6. With s, e, as Severity.
- 7. With s, ee, as Seemingly.
- 8. With z, e, as Hezekiah.
- 9. With s, i, e, as Siege.
- Si. Rule 16.
- Si
is spelled 11
ways, Viz.
- 1. With c, i, as Circumspection.
- 2. With c, y, as Cylinder.
- 3. With s, c, h, i, as Schismatical.
- 4. With s, c, i, as Science.
- 5. With s, i, as Simeonites.
- 6. With s, i, e, as Synterisie.
- 7. With s, c, y, as Scythian.
- 8. With s, y, as Sycophant.
- 9. With t, i, as Repetition.
- 10. With z, i, as Amzi.
- 11. With z, y, as Zymbraus.
Here followeth Examples for the aforesaid Syllables.
- Ac.
- Acca, accad, Isaac, accent, acept, access, inaccessible, acquire, equisition, pinnacle, Acshaph, Pasach, Taanach, Achbor, Berodach, Stomach, Shop-hack, Habbakkuk, Ishbak, Jehozadak, Akkub, Bakbuk.
- Ec.
- Effect, select, confectioner, defect, neglect, deject, project, protect, perfect.
- Ca.
- Cag, Cage, cacophony, calm, cast, calamity, Cadesh, Micah, Ecclesiastical, pervicacy, Caitiffe, Mordecai, Zaccai, day, decay, chaos, character, Rechab, Issachar, Hachalia, Sheehamiah, Olika, kadmiel, Ahikam, Kallai, Azrikam, Bakbukkar, Miphkad, Kekaniah, Elkana, Azekah.
- Ke.
- Zacchens, Chedorlaomer, Sennacherib, Chephirah, Kedemoth.
- Ki.
- Kib, kibe, kick, kidron, kinderkin, kindle, kish, kittim, kishi, hezekiah, Chyrurgeon, Zidkijah, Catechism, archite [...] chirography, Jachin, Jachish, hachila, alchymy, alchymists, chymera.
- Co.
- Sycophant, tekoites, sycomore, cook, cool, cooper, couzen not your cousin, melancholy.
- Fa.
- Fact, face, faction, fashion, familiarity, fair, faith, phares, phantasy, fantastical, not faulty, not guilty.
- Fe.
- Fellowship, festivity, feeble, fee, feed, feel, counterfeit, prophetically, topheth.
- Fi.
- Fidelity, fiction, figure, filial, firm, firmament, finish.
- Fra.
- Fraction, frangible, fraught, fraternity, frail, fraie or scare-away, fray or scuffle, or skirmish.
- Fro.
- Frock, frolick, frontlet, frontier, hermophrodite, epaphroditus.
- Re.
- Recreate, remain, respect, recoil, reiterate, restitution, reverence, rhegium, rhenish, rhetorique, rhetorician, rhetorically, rheumatick.
- Ro.
- Rochester, rogation, romance, corroboration, corroborate, incorrigible, root, roof, Rhodes, [...], Rhodians, Rhodog [...]e, Rhodope, Rhone, Rhoxane.
- Ce.
- Celestial, celebrate, ceremony, certain, concerning, deceive, perceive, receive, deceitful, sealing, seal'd, seal, sceleton, scene, scepter, sceptick, schedule, second, secresie severe, securely, secure, security seriously, seed, succeedeth, Hezekiah; Zerubbabel, Baalzebub, Zedary, Zone.
- Si.
- Silence, consider, sinister, similitude, sighing, easie, poesie, synteresie, reconcile, incite, scismatical schism, science, conscientiousness lasciviousness, scilicet, cyb, cymbal, cymical, cypress, action, section, scythian, sycophant, syllable.