TO THE Kings most Excellent Majesty.
The humble Petition of Sir Thomas Pilkington Kt. Lord Mayor of London, Slingsby Bethell Esq Samuel Swinock, John Deagle, Richard Freeman, John Jakell, John Key, and John Wickham, in behalf of themselves, and of the respective Executors and Administrators of Sir Thomas Player Kt. deceased, Henry Cornish Esq deceased, Samuel Shute Esq deceased, and of Francis Jenks deceased.


THat Your Petitioners and the said deceased Persons were in the Year 1682, and 1683, by the Contrivance and Confederacy of Sir John Moor Kt. Sir Dudley North Kt. Sir Peter Rich Kt. Sir Edmond Saun­ders Kt. late Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, and some others, prosecu­ted and convicted for a Ryot; the Fact objected against them being no other, in truth, than the peaceable doing their Duties as Citizens of London and Englishmen, in Election of Sheriffs for the said City and County of Middlesex.

That in the Proceedings upon the said pretended Ryot, many Notorious Violations of the Law were committed, and Your Petitioners denied Com­mon Justice, by the Combination and Confederacy of the Persons last above-named, and others; insomuch that Your Petitioners, and the said deceased Defendants were, by Judgment of the Court of Kings Bench in Trinity Term 1683, Unreasonably Fined 4100 l. and were, by Imprison­ment, and otherwise, Forced to pay the same; which Sum of 4100 l. was long since paid into the Exchequer.

That at Your Petitioners Prosecution, the said Judgment was Reversed the last Parliament as Erroneous, whereby Your Majesty stands by Law liable to make Restitution of the said Sum of 4100 l. as Your Petitioners are advised.

Now forasmuch as Your Majesties Generous Undertaking in coming into this Kingdom, tended only for the Vindicating and Establishing our Religion, Laws and Liberties, and for Relieving the Oppressed; and for that it is agreeable to Equity, that such as did the Wrong should make Restitution; And Your Petitioners hoping the Parliament now Assembled will take the whole Matter into their Consideration, and pass a Bill for Re­lief of Your Petitioners out of the Confederates Estates, and not leave them to be satisfied by Your Majesty.

Your Petitioners therefore humbly beseech Your Majesty, That the said Confederates, the Prosecutors of Your Petitioners, and the Judges, and Others concerned therein, may be Excepted in the Act of Grace, in­tended by Your Majesty, as to All they did in Rela­tion to the Prosecution and Judgment upon the pre­tended Ryot above-specified.

And Your Petitioners shall always pray, &c.

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