A Brief DISCOURSE OF THE Most Probable Cause of that Grand Mystery of Nature, The Flux & Reflux of the SEA.
THere is a huge Variety of Opinions, that Entitle themselves to have unwound the cause of this Grand Mistery of Nature, The Flux and Reflux of the Sea; But they are erected upon untenable Principles, and so entwin'd and Complicated, that I may say of them, as Florus did of the Mountainous Inhabitants of the Alpes, Pluris erat Invenire quam Vincere; It is a greater Difficulty to trace out, and unravell them, than to Subvert, or Dismantle them.
The First Opinion, Is,
OF Leonardus Lessius, who affirmes, That the Motion of Reciprocation or Replication, commonly styl'd, The Flux and Reflux of the Sea, Entitles its Primitive and Original Causality, to the Supernaturall Guidance and Managery of an Angel; But if the strength of Man be seen in his Reason, and the strength of Reason evidenced in his Judgment, and the strength of Judgment manifested in his Knowledg, all these Three by this frail Opinion must be destroyed; for, who will ever Attempt by a noble winnowing and Industrious Pursuit and Inquest after the more eminent, but Cloudy and Abstruse Causes of Nature, to unlock the Mysteries of them, which are laid up in her Gloomy Cabinet, when he can affirm, that their Operation owes its Original Emanation, or Efflux, to the Supernatural Conduct of an Angel, and this at last will become the Common Sanctuary to Shelter a Universal Ignorance? Indeed, I do not Deny, but the Hand of Gods speciall Providence is sometimes stretched out and extended to support Nature when she is feeble and faint in her Operations, or else to Knit and Twist Extraordinary Causes with Extraordinary Effects, when she is not able to perfect and perform this union, and then only when she is Defective either in her Strength or in her Light; But to do it always, and Assert that these Extraordinary [Page 3] Efforts of Gods, special Providence [...] are visibly manifested at all Times, and in all seasons, is to Ravel and Discompose the Chain of Second Causes, whose Operations are still Interwoven with the Concourse and Concomitance of the First. But the Irregularity of this Opinion will further appear by this Question, Why have not the Baltick, Euxine, and Caspian, Seas this Flux and Reflux of waters, by this Angelical Motion; since they are as Capable of it, as other parts of the Ocean abroad, that daily Receive it? Besides, it is Absurd to imagine that Seas divided by such vast Intervals, should at one and the same Instant swell into Tides, and fall into Ebbings, by the Transport and Managery of one single Angel, and yet these waters being equally mov'd, should produce such different Fluxes and Refluxes. And now I hope by this time Wise Men will laugh at this Opinion, not in Applause, but Contempt, of the Vanity of it.
The Second Opinion, Is,
THat of our Country man Lidiat who avers, that the Rlux and Reflux of the Sea, owes its Primitive Efficiency to Subterraneous Fires, Fed and Fomented by a stock either of Sulphurous or else of Bituminous Matter; But this Position of his meets with so many Ruinous and Destructive Difficulties, that it is almost impossible to Reconcile it to Truth; for it is by [Page 4] all Agreed, That the Flux and Reflux of the Sea, is Periodical in its Revolution, and so determined, fix'd and certain: But if this Opinion of his should be Assented to, where there is not this Collection of Sulphurous and Bituminous Matter (as on the Coast of Norway, and other places) there would be no Tydes at all. Besides, where this Stock of Combustible Matter is wholly wasted and empair'd, The Flux and Reflux of the Sea, must wholly cease: But then 2 dly. Why should not the Dead-Sea in Palestine, or the Lake AsPhaltites, that has such an eminent congestion of Bitumen transfus'd through the Bowels of it, be Capable of Prodigious Tides? but this we know is Contradicted by all Experience. 3 dly. Why should not the Baltick Sea that is replenish'd with many Bituminous particles (as appears from the Generation of Amber, which most do Conclude to be a Coagulum or Concretion of Salt, Sulphur and Bitumen, and which is frequently found upon the Coast of Liesland, Curland, and Prussia) have these Tides and Ebbings which every one knows to be contrary to all Observation? 4 thly. Why do not the Tides upon the Coasts of Sicily and Naples, Swell to a very Important Height, since both their Circumambient Shores, abound with such a Copious Quantity of Sulphur? But this we know is evidently false, the Sea not Swelling upon those Coasts to a Diameter of above three or four Foot when it is [Page 5] at the Highest. But last of all, if you ask Lidiat, what Superior cause Produces these Subterraneous Fires, he will tell you, that is the Reflexion of the Beams of the Sun upon the Convex Superficies of the Sea? To this I Answer, That by the Consent of many eminent Philosophers, the Rays of the Sun never operate by penetration upon that watery Body above Fifteen Cubits, and so Impossible, where the Sea is of any considerable Depth, to produce these Subterraneous Fires. And thus, I think, I have Sufficiently disarm'd his Opinion.
The Third Opinion Is,
THat The Flux and Reflux of the Sea, is caus'd by some prodigious Eddies and Whirlepools, that suck and transport the Sea from the North to the South; and from the South to the North; That there is such a vast whirlpool upon the coast of Norway, is most certain, which is by Mariners Stiled, The Navel of the Sea: But, that there is such an one in the Southern Hemisphere to refund back the Sea by a motion of replication, no Observations either of Ramusius, Linschoten, or the more curious De-Leat have ever discovered to us, whose Searches and Inquisitions into the Mysteries of the East-Indian and West-Indian Seas, were never yet cavil'd or quarrel'd at: Besides, if there were any such in those parts, upon the [Page 6] reciprocal return of the Southern waters towards the North, that multitude of angry Circles, which discompose, by reason of that Voluminous Whirlpoole, the face of the Norwegian Sea, would every 24 hours disband, and be smooth, as the aspect of peace, and even as the margent of a Poole, when it is not disordered into wrinkles by the rough breath of a ruder Tempest. But this is Contradictory to the daily Observation of the Inhabitants that confined upon the Fringes of this stupendous Whirlepoole.
Thus, I think likewise, this opinion, that is Supported by such feeble Crutches, is at last overturned.
The Fourth Opinion.
BUt as some have found out a Navel, so Kepler hath found out the Lungs of the Sea: for he asseveres the Terrestrial Globe to be but one great Animal, and that the Flux and Reflux of the Sea does proceed from the Sistole and Diastole, or the Contraction and Expansion of dits Spatious Lungs: But then I ask; First, Whether does this Motion Result, either from Air, or some Spirit? or Secondly, Does it Issue either from a Sensitive or Rational Soul? And Thirdly, I enquire upon what Coast these prodigious Lungs are Situated? And until the Abettors of this wild Opinion (if there be any such) do give some Satisfactory Answers to [Page 7] these Queries, this Opinion is Demolished by a bare Negation of it.
The Fifth Opinion, Is,
OF Picus Mirandula, that this Increase and Decrease of waters, is caused per Mutuas & Benevolas Aquarnmd Allicientias; that is, by a motion of Aggregation or Simpathetical Connexion, by which water does vigorously endeavour to unite and Conbince with water. But if this were granted, Streams would seek to entwine with Streams and Lakes twist with Lakes, till at last, long before this the world must have Suffered under the angry Baptisme of a publique Deluge. Secondly; where there is this Motion of Aggregation or Connexion, the Tides would swell to an Important Height, as in the Caspian, Euxine and Baltick Seas, where all Geographers that have display'd to us the Topography of those places, have discover'd to us that a multitude of huge Rivers do daily disembogue themselves: And on the other side, those Seas that do not swell with the Additional Supplies of very few or no Rivers, as the Norwegian Ocean, and others, would have very little or no Tides at all; Both which are evidently false, and repugnant to daily Observation: Therefore this Opinion of His, establish'd upon such fraile principles, does easily shrink and languish into its own Ruine.
The Sixth Opinion
DOes aver, that the Sea does entitle the Causality of its Flux and Reflux to some Currents that either set from East to West, or from North to South: But if this were assented to, the Red-Sea, the Euxin-Sea and the Baltick-Sea, would improve themselves to a huge Increase of Tides, considering all three are fed by a Communication of perpetual Currents: but this is manifestly false, for the Red-Sea and Euxine have little or no Tides, and the Baltick-Sea none at all; Therefore I wave this Opinion as altogether Erroneous.
The Seventh Opinion
ENtitles the Motion of the Earth, to be the Cause of the Motion of the Sea; Those who abet this Opinion, affirm Three things.
First, That the Earth and Sea have but one Center to render the whole Globe more regularly and Uniformly Orbicular, and so more apt for that Motion they are designed to receive.
Secondly, They assert, that every part and particle of this Spherical body is so tyed and threaded together by a magneticall union, that it is Impossible that the least Atome should start out of its natural situation, being fastened and fettered to its station by so inexpugnable a Magnetism.
[Page 9]Thirdly, that its motion is circular; now the Flux and Reflux of the Sea, is motus Transversus, or a motion of reciprocation and rejection, like water that is justled and thrown from side to side in a Paile or Bowl: now, if it should move circularly, every part would move so evenly & Magnetically, that there would be no Flux or Reflux of the Sea at all. Secondly, since the Euxine, Baltick and Caspian Seas are such Considerable parts of this Globous body, they must move equally with it if it move at all; and then why have they not the same Flux and Reflux as other Seas have, since they have the same Aptitude, or natural intrinsique Capacity, to receive this Motion as other Seas have? But that they have not Flux or Reflux at all is Demonstratively true. But whether this Opinion be so or no I refer to the Scrutiny of the Judicious Reader: Indeed, I could wish that those who defend the Motion of the Earth, would produce more vigorous Arguments to fortify and secure their Thesis, meerly to Subvert the Popes Infallibility; one of whom, not many years since, by a Signal Determination and Definition ex Cathedra, blasted it for Impious, and Heretical, and Condemned the obstinate Assertors of it, to his truest Purgatory, the Inquisition.
The Eight Opinion, Is,
THat the Sun is the Sole, Primary and Efficient cause of this Flux and Reflux; that the [Page 8] [...] [Page 9] [...] [Page 10] Sun is a partiall, Concurrent or Concomitant cause, I Affirme; But that it is the sole and principal, I deny, and that upon these Foundations; for, if it should be, the tides in the vast Wilderness of the Northern Seas, would upon the Apogaeum, or Recesse of the Sun, shrink and Contract themselves, for want of his Vigorous Excitation to a Considerable Decrease; and again, upon his Perigaeum, or nearest Approach, swell to an Important Magnitude; Both which are evidently false, for it is Generally observ'd, that about the Autumnall Aequinox, and sometimes after, the Tides in those Seas abovesaid, are Improv'd and Increast to an Extraordinary Height; & on the Contrary, about the Summer Solstice, they suffer a sensible and visible Diminution and Decrease, rather than any Augmentation: both which were absurd to Imagine, if the Sun was the Sole Efficient cause.
Secondly, why should not the Caspian, Euxine, & Baltick Seas, be Capable of this Motion, since they are also expos'd to the Impressions of the Sun either perpendicular, or by Vibration, when he is in or near his [...]irgaeum; But this they have not, is Evident; and therefore the Sun is not the Prime, Sole and Efficient cause of the Flux and Reflux of the Sea.
The Nineth Opinion, Is,
THat the Moon is the principal cause of this Marine Motion, that it is a Subservient, Concurrent [Page 11] and Concomitant cause I shall Grant, but that it is the sole Efficient I shall never affirme, for if it were it would universally and equally move all Seas, especially when they are under its Perigaeum, and then the Baltick, Euxine and Caspian Seas would be Capable of this Flux & Reflux likewise, But that they are not is apparently Evident; I know it is objected that the Moon hath a principal efficiency in the Flowings of the Sea, because it is observ'd, that when she is in her Sextile & in her full, Shell-fish do swell and Increase to an unusual Bull [...] and Corpulency: But to this I answer, that this is produc'd not by any direct Causality of the Moon, but only by accident; for those great Tides, which Intervene at those Times transport with them a large Quantity of Mud & Sullage, which treasure up a fat slimie unctuous juice which shellfish greedily sucking in, by the supply of so luscious an Aliment, inlarge themselves to that Dimension they arrive at at those seasons.
The Tenth Opinion.
WHich I adhere to is, that there is a Vitriolated, Volatile or Armoniack Salt or Spirit, that is wrap'd up in the Bowels of the Sea and lies there clasped up and Imprison'd in the Embraces of the fixed and Nitrous Sa [...], which upon its Excitation, by the Agitation of the Superficies of the Sea, and the opening of it by the combined and complicated Impressions of the Sun and Moon, dislodges from its Inclosure, and [...]ors it-self up to the watry Margent, [Page 12] and drags along with it, that Heap of waters we stile the Flux, (though I do not Deny but that it is something aided and assisted in this Operation by an Elater or Spring of Air, that being rescued from its Compression and confinement, ascends up with it,) and upon closing and Contracting its Face upon the Recess of those two great Luminaries, shrinks back again, and with it pulls along, that mass of waters it before had eleuated, and this produces the Reflux. And this Opinion is Supported by three Experiments: The First is that of Zuingerus a modern Chymist cited by Fremondus in his Book of Meteors, who observ'd that some sort of Chymicall oile of vitriol did ascend and descend in Times proportionate and adaequate to the Flux and Reflux of the Sea. The Second is that of Athanasius Kircherus in his Mundus Subterraneus, who there discovers to us, that an Infusion of Sal Armonick lodg'd in an open Vessel and plac'd obliquely to receive the Influence of the Moon, when she was in her Sextile, did Increase and Decrease as if it held an equal Correspondence, by an uninterrupted Chain of Atoms, with the Flowings and Ebbings of the Marine waters. The Third is that of Gre atricks, Glasses, upon whose sides if you beat with Important onsets, they resist their Impression, but break it at the Top, and it flies in pieces with much violence and tumult; And the Reason is, because the Armoniack or volatile Salt, that lay impriso [...]d, and cloister'd up, in the claspings, and Circumscription of the Nitrous or fixed Salt, finding it self, enfranchis'd and redeem'd from the strict Enclosures of those two rigid Adversaries, [Page 13] sallies out, with an impetuous Eagerness, and that Eruption occasions that disorder and concussion.
But I know it will be objected, why have not the Euxine, Baltick and Caspian Seas their Flux and Reflux likewise, since it is probable their waters imprison as great a stock of vitriolated, volatile, or Armonick Salt as other Seas are entrusted with that have the same Vicissitudes; To this I answer that it is as probable they have not; But suppose they had, yet its volatile Spirit is check'd & depres'd by that multitude of vast and deep Rivers, that perpetually disgorge themselves into those Seas above said; And it is likewise possible, that there is a Considerable Quantity of Sulphur, Bitumen, fixed & Nitrous Salt, conducted along with there Currents, whose fixing Quality may improve the Depression of the Vitriolated and Armoniack particles, and so benum their Volatility that it is almost impossible for the united Influences of the Sun & Moon, to excite their so stupified Vigour. But if it be enquir'd how it happens, since so many capacious streams disembogue themselves into those Seas, that the neighbouring Territories, doe not suffer under a constant Inundation? I answer, that the water that is treasur'd up in the Cells and Caverns of the Earth, which it is probable here are more than ordinary copious, entice and allure back the Marine waters, Per Motum Nexus by a Motion of Adherence, Aggregation, union and Connexion, and so by a continual Circulation, reimburse, and new Stock the Rivers, with Additional streams which are daily paid in so profuse a Tribute, to the vast Exchecquer of their watry Soveraign.
[Page 14]And thus have I as compendiously as might be wound up this Essay, yet I am not so confident to believe but that posterity may by new Discoveries, & Scrutinies for arts are not yet Solstice, nor knowledg in its Zenith) improve it to greater Advantage of the publique, than could be expected from this faint Result of my Pen; In the Interim I shall desire the Reader, to acquiesce in that Amicable and Ingenuous Determination of the Poet, — Si quid novisti [...]ectius istis, Candidus Imperti, Si non hic utere mecum.