J. P. The follower of the Lamb, to the Shepheards Flock Salutation, Grace and Peace is with you in the Spirit of Power and Life, and be Infinitely multiplyed unto you. Amen.
HEare O HEAVENS, and learn O EARTH, For O third Heavens in thy Antient Records it was enrolled thy Elevation from the lowest deepes, and Exaltation unto the glory of the Supernall Dominion, to be made the most Glorious Throne of the most Glorious of Glorious, which in this the Day of the mighty power of God is come to pass, according to the predestination of Time, by Eternall Councell from of old; and now manifestly reveal'd (in the Resplendent year, which is the one Day without Night, and as a thousand years with God, and more than ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousand of thousands of years with the Sonne of man) through generation of the Word of the Power of Creation, through the fullfilling of the naturall Course of time untill the Travell, and through her Pangs to the Birth, and after it through Temptations and Tryalls, through Sorrows, Persecutions, Combats and Battles, through Fire and Water, through over-whelming floods, and exceeding strong ascending flames, whereby the Ample advantage hath accrued; in all which may be possibly conceived, yea more in the superabundance of the Immortall vertue, then can be spread upon the longest and largest Land of the Kingdom of Comprehension; but this is undoubtedly understood, the man-child hereby (which you know to be the fruit of the womb of the woman, which the Dragon drove into the Wilderness) is grown unto the Stature of a man, full of the Power, of Wisdom, [Page 2] Life and Light. And as Deborah was a famous and Renowned Judge in Israel; even so also is become the Virgin-Daughter of Sion, excelling all of her Sex that ever were before her; This is shee which was born of the Virgins womb; in which also was conceived the Man-child, Behold, I speak a Riddle, for these three are the Twins, and the Twins suck at one Breast, and the Breast is the man's mouth, and the milk is the Fathers voyce, and the man's strength is the Fathers might, and the Man, the Son and the Father, is one; and the Father hath married the Son to the Virgin, and the Virgin Daughter; And so all souls in the sweetness your maker is become your husband, for you have given the Virgin your impolluted and undefiled Souls, to the Spirit your Brother and Husband, and so call him Lord, and give him the Reverence as Sarah did unto Abraham; and hereby the Kingdome is known to be In you, and the Lord in the Kingdome, as the Lord, and you in the Kingdome with the Lord, not as your owne, but as the Lords, and so the whole substance is consecrated unto him who is the Lord of the whole Earth. And thus whether your body Lives or Dyes, whether you in the Body or out of the Body, the Soul is the same with the Lord in the Kingdom, though the Last you will finde to be Best.
Ah Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou art my Sister, the glorious work manship of thy Maker; yea, thou art my Lifes love, prepared for thy Spouse in the bed of the Bride-Chamber.
Ah Clear Christall City of God, come down from above thou blessed womb of Princes, and renowned habitation of holy Iudges, thy SPOUSE hath endowed thee with Infinite Riches, and adorned thee with the rarities of farr Countreys, and Costliness of Lands and Kingdomes; thy LINNEN is as white as the snow of Heaven, and is a Lanthorne of light to a great Nation; thy ROBE is of the Die of the Bloud of Life, as precious as the Ransome of Kings: thy CROWN is an Innumerable trayn of starrs, which shall follow thee to the end of Time; blessed is the fruite of thy fruitfull Womb, for thy Daughters are the fairest of thousands, their face is as the Christall [Page 3] glass, which shews every Soule its shape; they are as the Gold of Ophir in Judah's Land, and as Pearls in the City streets; they hang as Iewels at thy Breast, and Bracelets upon thy Right-arme; they are the Beautifullest Princesses in the whole Earth, the glory of God is their Dowry. I am Over-flowne Over-whelmed and swallowed with the floods of their Love which pursue me; Thy Vertue O JERƲSALEM is as an Impress of ten Thousands upon my little Cottage-Walls; I am surprized by the Bow of thy battle, made Captive to love Everlasting; for the hand of thy Husband did break a Chayn, and truth lincked me to the love of Life, and her. I am full of thy weight which is augmented in the Ballance of the Sanctuary, and weigheth the world as wind; I kiss the cheeks of thy Daughter, I wooe her as a Spouse for my bed, shee is mine in the Covenant of Conjunction, as the Coupled Dove to her Mate; I am Bowels of her true Body and shee is Bloud of my heart-bloud.
Ah surpassing sweet SHILOH, thou art the Husband of Jerusalem my Mother and my Brother; Sion is the only Son, JƲDAH my Sister is a faithfull Daughter; Treachery is no more lodged in her Land; I am plentifully filled with the sweetest refreshment in the solace of endless Life. Beholding the order of thy house, What Gravity? What Modesty? What Chastity? What Wisdome? What fear and trembling? What Faith-undoubted? What Patience and Content? What Charity and Unity? Yea, What Bowels of Love and Life? Ah! how plentifull doth the glorious vertue of the Lord God abound in the mantion of thy dwelling among all thy dearest pure-born seed and Children? And thou O GOD art Rest to the wearisomness of the Weary, and Bread to the hunger of the Hungry, thou art Strength to the weakness of the Weak, and a Support of the feeble knees; thou visitest the Sick with the medicine of mercy, and raisest the languishing with love; thou droppest thy dews upon the Heaths of the Mountaines, as on the green herbs of the valleys; thou hast made Rocks in mountaines, and Stones in dry walls to sweat with moysture, though they changed not from the nature of their hardness; great hath thy Grace been to all Generations, though the Rebellious have kicked against thee: my soule is a fire of praise, and a sacrifice of thanksgiving before thee, my spirit saith in this behalf, Glory, Glory, Glory to God my God for ever and ever, Amen.
Speak ye Barren-Mountaines, and Answer ye Dry-hills, Where, Where are the parched Heaths which say, Or the Rocky places which can Avouch, that alwayes they were dry without the Distilling drops of the Heavens?
Stand up ye Brooks, and Surmount ye Rivers, and speak to the Barren Mountaines; And declare O ye fruitfull valleys unto the dryest hills, though you be dry, yet we were as you are, when both the Sun shined, and the Heavens showred upon the just and the unjust, [Page 4] upon the Corn and the weed, upon the Lilly and the Thorn, the Rose and the Briar; And we knew it not. Wherefore Weep your part O ye Wildernesses, and Lament your part O ye parched places, and fall down ye craggy Rocks, and come and drink of our waters in the valleys; and loe you shall be such streames as are our streames, and you shall be a Vineyard of sweet grapes, as we are a fruitfullness to the Lord of the whole Earth, and there shall be no difference betwixt you and us, for we were as you are; and in all things like unto your unfruitfulness in the parching times when the earth did Cleave and Chap, and Gape for water, before that we found the Way to the fountain.
And O ye sweet Waters of the Consolation of Jacobs Well, Speak, speak unto the Waters of Meribah, which once was a hard Rock, but now are the streams of the waters of Bitterness, why runneth thy streames as a brook of such great Bitterness? O Waters remove the Rock which is in the bottome of thy Waters, and then let a drop of our Waters fall into thy Waters, and behold they shall be no more a bitterness, but as our Waters, like the Milk of the breast to the babe; and so our Consolation shall be thy Consolation, and thou shalt be an habitation of joy in the Land.
All dear seed and Plants of the Lord God, from the Crown of the head to the sole of the foot of the entire perfect body, every member which stands Purely, Firmely, and Sollidly knit Joint by Joint, Bone to Bone, by the strength of the Sinews which hold [...] all in the soundnesse, free from maimes, or haltings: My dear soul sealed in Spirit, greets, salutes, and kisses you as Gods dearest Children, pitched as Torches, Lanthorns, and shining Lamps of his praise (in your respective Places and Callings) and everlasting glory which shall never have end. And so all Saints dwell in the holy City, and there I am with you all, known to you a brother in the life of the brother-hood. John
The 20th of the 5th Month. 1660.