An Affidavit made by JAMES PERCY Claimant to the Earldom of NORTHUMBERLAND.
WHereas Adlard Welby Gent. is Attourny for John Blackston Esq Def. this Deponent James Percy on the 21 h. instant, went to Mr. Welby, and offer'd an Agreement: And whereas Cost of 70 odd l. is demanded of me the Plaintif, the Deponent demanded 90 l. which was but tendred into Court upon my Lord Chief Justice Scrogs's promise that the Lord of Essex would not insist upon Priviledge, and that the Deponent JAMES PERCY should have a fair Tryal: the Money was not intended for the L. of Essex really, but it ought to have been remanded back again to the Plaintiff JAMES PERCY; for that 90 l. costs pretended for Mr. Clark, was Sued for by Capt. Biggerstaff that married the Relict of Mr. Clark; And that 90 l. Cost ought to have been set aside upon their own Demurrer; therefore Mr. Welby Reply'd, I must complain in Court: The Writs of Error ought to have been heard, debated, and determined by the Right Honourable Lords in Parliament; But it was blown over, as by the Printed Complaint, (prepared to present to the Honourable House of Commons appears) But it is hoped the Writs of Error may be Re-manded back into Parliament, to have a fair Hearing: Or if the Plaintiff and Deponent be forced to pay the 70 odd Pounds Cost; then the 90 l. ought to be Refunded to the Deponent,
Jurat. 22. die Jan. 1680.
IT is very hard for a man to be kept out of Possession, and his Opponents mannage all their Suits at Law against him with his own Estate; and that will not serve their turns, but they covet to get from the Claimant by Fraud, so that they may totally Ruine and disable him from prosecuting his Birth-right.
JAMES PERCY, (the true and lawful Heir-male to the Percy's Earls of Northumberland,) hath found more Injustice and Hardships here in England, than the Children of Israel found in Egypt, when they made Brick, and were forc'd to gather their own Straw to burn them.
When Joseph's good Works were forgot, then his Brethren suffer'd; But now the PERCY'S good deeds are forgot, their lawful Successor suffers in Prison; And therefore earnestly prays for a speedy Deliverance. My great Pains, and Charge in Printing, is really intended rightly to inform the world, thereby to remove Oppression, and to revive justice.