THE Quaker's Challenge ANSWERED, By a Stripling of the Lamb's Army.
WHereas one of their Champions, and great Goliahs, did in a vaunting, high, and vain Luciferian Boast, nominate and appoint two several Weapons, (as he called them) whereby he would try their God to be the only true and living GOD, and all other Sects, or Sorts of People, to serve only the God of this World, or their Lusts and Bellies, instead of the only true GOD.
Now the Weapons he named are these, viz. To fast from all manner of Food, and to abstain from all manner of Sleep. For Answer unto which, I am made to declare, (and that in the Fear and Dread of the eternal, everliving, everlasting LORD GOD of Hosts, Creator of me and all Mankind) that I am the Person, whom the LORD, even my GOD, hath chosen, and called out, to bear witness for his great and glorious Name, (which this proud and vain Boaster, with George Fox, and other of their Adherents, have so greatly dishonoured and blasphemed) and to receive and accept the said Challenge: And am ready, when ever Solomon Eccles, (the Author of the said Challenge) or any other of his Brethren for him, will appoint a Time and Place fit and convenient for the same.
Given under my hand, and published on the behalf of the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; yea, in the Name, Wisdom, Power, and Authority of the GOD of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego, and of the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, and of all the holy Men and Women at this day, am I made, to have this printed and divulged this Month, called February, 1680/81, in the Year of Sion's Deliverance, and the Saints Jubilee of Rest, from all and all manner of Yoaks and Bondages whatsoever.