Viz. The
Universality &
Sufficiency of Christ's LIGHT WITHIN, through all Ages to Eternal SALVATION: fully Stated and Defended.
The Occasion of the Discourse. The Unhandsome Dealing of our
Adversary, with Respect to the Invented Weakness he chargeth upon the
Quakers, as the Strength of their Cause.
THere is a Book lately come to my Hands, intituled,
A Dialogue between a Christian and a Quaker; which with several others lately publisht against us, hath given Occasion for this general Undertaking.
I was very curious to peruse that Discourse, which should make a
Difference between them, having in my diligent Search after
Religion, ever desired to understand and profess
That, which upon true Convictions, I had Reason to believe was the most
Christian: But as upon Impartial View I found the
Weakness of that Book more favourable to us, then the Uncharitableness of the Title-Page,
which seem'd to dis interest a Quaker
in Christianity; so most unexpectedly I found my
Name, among others, often us'd, and as often undeservedly abus'd by the
Author. I was not willing that any else should answer for my Faults,
if any there
[Page 2] were; and if
Innocent, I esteem'd my self both sufficient and oblig'd to my own Relief, which will not be hard to do: and the Reason is, because
so little Reason, and so much Railing, have been by him imploy'd against me, as if he intended to
scold rather then
confute me; and to let the World know, how much better
skill'd He is in Scurrility then Argument.
This I confess, drew me first into any Willingness of considering his Discourse at large: Not, that the
Truth was not first in mine Eye; but because I know the Person most concern'd with him, to be both able and resolv'd to reply, I thought my Endeavors (at least for this time) might have been very well excused.
But so many Out-cries coming upon the Neck of another, if possible, to expel us the World, I found my self press'd in Spirit, to buckle my Mind to this Enterprise, notwithstanding that my late Concernment with some other
Adversaries had left the Wearisomness of a Combat upon my Spirit, and the Hopes I had of being spared, by the ingenuous Acknowledgment of our Enemies, from the like Necessity of further Controversie.
But as it fell out with the People of
Syracuse, that several very Bad
Tyrants were succeded by Worse; so truly it hath done with us: The Confutation of one
Adversary, redoubling Envy, Prejudice, and almost every evil Quality in the next; as if to be overcome were more intollerable to them, then to find the
TRUTH by it, would be Acceptable. Oh Lamentable Use that these Men make of our Love and Pains! But we have some Cause to think, that failing of that Reason, which is necessary to prop so infirm a Cause, they would, if possible, supply the Want of it with the LAST WORD, which at
Billings Gate, I hear, goeth a Great Way to Advantage, and turn the Scale in all Disputes.
And truly, if the Temper of this Adversary be but consider'd,
with what Help he himself has given us to do it; For my part, I should stand amaz'd that any Sober, Civil or
Christian Man, could refrain passing severe Sentence against him, as one that writeth of Religion,
out of all Sence of either Religion, or good Manners; and that only took Occasion, thereby to prove eminently to all Impartial Men,
he really has neither.
But to let that pass, I leave the Book to speak, for or against it self: I shall only premise, that though I
[Page 3] have particularly observ'd the Manner of his Dialogue, as an apt Introduction, and that my Discourse has been occasion'd by this and several late Attempts made against the Truth; Yet my Answer, to avoid their Accusation of Personal Heat, is not Immediate, Direct, or Particular to any one. The Matter of our Judgment, both with respect to the
Light, and
Rule (comprehensive of all) I have positively stated, and so
defended by Plain Scripture, Sound Reason, and
Universal Consent of former Ages: and what Force any Books, Argument, or Objections (present with me) whether from our
Adversaries, especially
T. Hick's, or my own Remembrance, I shall by the way Faithfully, and I hope, Effectually consider: To the end I may avoid the great Vanity,
of Bragging of a Victory obtain'd against a Man of Straw, and
Enemy of my own making,
As T. Hicks
hath done. and that Detestable Sin, and Dis-ingenuous Practice,
of charging those Lyes, and that weakness upon my Antagonist
he never thought, nor could be guilty of.
In short, what I have against the Book in general, and for the Truth and My self in particular, I shall in their proper Places produce; And now descend so to do, with what convenient Brevity I can.
First then, he has taken a very Unfair Way of Opposing our
Principles (if we may yet call them ours) since instead of collecting what truly are so, and those most forceable
Arguments We have been wont to offer in their Defence, out of our own Writings (which in
Honesty and
Justice he ought to have done) he presents the World with a
Dialogue between a
Christian and a
Quaker, which we may truly say,
are both of his own making, at once abusing both himself and that People;
For neither has he truly represented the Quaker,
nor much more honest is his Character of a Christian: And whilst he doth most partially render,
his own Opinions to be those of a true Christian, rather then a true Christians to be his, he brings in the poor despised
Quaker, saying any thing that may be most Ridiculous, Weak and Impertinent to the Matter; which Way of Confutation is so far from being truly Manly, much less
Christian, that the Wisest Man may be so disguised into the Greatest Fool, and Truth it self seem
vanquisht by the weakest Forces of her Enemies. It was by Wayes not less Injurious, though more Ingenious, that the esteem'd best
Heathen of his time, was by some of his Emulating Contemporaries brought into utter Disgrace,
[Page 4] with that only People, which once most of all deservedly admired him; as they who will take the pains to read the
Comical Abuses of
Anytus and
Aristophanes, upon
Socrates may easily inform themselves:
Whose Life being Blameless, and Vertue unparallel'd in his Day, did by his strict Precepts, and Example, so influence the People into a dis-like of those
Comedians, and their loose Adherents, that till the frothy Spirit of the Multitude became reviv'd, by their ridiculous Representations of that worthy Man
in a Play, it was impossible for them to work his Ruin.
Methinks, this Man's Dialect savours of the same Spirit, though its Grossness tells us, It hath not the same Wit. Let me never have so infirm a Cause to manage,
and grant me but Leave to make my Adversaries Answers, and I will never fear
the Consequence of such Encounters. But, who will yield to this, that doth not first resolve to be Overcome? Let
T. Hicks but permit me that Liberty against his
Water-Baptism in Defence of Childrens, and I will warrant him a
Rebel to the
Church of England. But doth he do as he would be done by? If this be the
Ne plus ultra, or Upshot of our
Adversaries Strength,
to feign Weakness for Us, that he may appear Some Body, I think, we need say no more, but leave it with every unprejudic'd Conscience to guess at the Meaning of such base Designes. Certainly, We have not been
justly dealt with, nor our Cause weigh'd in the Equal Scale of Righteousness; and indeed, this Imperfection is most of all incident to that Way of Writing.
The Gross Lyes
Tho. Hicks tells in the Name of, or fastens upon the
Quakers. Such proceeding, full of Envy, Folly, and Ungodliness.
NExt, he has as well made us to Belye Our selves, and Principles, as to appear Impertinent; a thing so fouly Uncharitable, indeed very wicked, as me-thinks, every Sober and impartial Mind may have just occasion to be scandaliz'd at his whole Enterprise. What! not only make us to answer in his own Language, but Lye
[Page 5] in it, and that against our very
Principles and
Consciences too; This is an Aggravation, at once, of his own Enmity, and the Imbecillity of his Cause.
For can any believe, that knows us well, that when we are ask'd, as he fictiously doth in his
Dialogue, Do you believe the Scriptures to be true sayings of God? We should answer
Pag. 66. him thus;
So far as they agree to the Light in me. For, though it be thus far true,
viz. that the true Light within is the same in kind with that which shined in the Hearts of the Holy Pen-Men, and therefore may rightly be said, to agree both in it self, and in the several Testimonies of Divers Ages; and consequently it may truly be allow'd to judge of what are the sayings of God, from what are those of Wicked Men,
&c. Yet has he disingenuously obtruded those Words by Way of Answer upon us,
which he cannot find so laid down by any of us, much less all the
Again, in another place of his abusive Catechism, he thus Queries.
Then may I not conclude, that the Reason why you so freely
Pag. 72.
Rail against, and Reproach your Opposers, is only to Secure your Credit with your own Proselytes? which he thus makes the
Quaker to answer.
A. I cannot deny,
but that there may be something of that in it. O Impudent Forgery! Whether this Invention becomes a Man that has the least honest pretence to Christ's Pure Religion, or one who would be thought as Serious as an
Anabaptist-Preacher ought to be, judge all you that read us? I cannot believe, but
Many who go under that Name, have more Tenderness and Conscience, then to abet this kind of Proceed
against us. In short, It was an uncharitable Spirit ask'd the
Question, and from that
became a Lying one to answer it. Our Witness is with God, as to our Innocency in this very matter. But he proceeds.
Will you be so Liberal of your Revilings, whether your Adversary
Pag. 73.
gives occasion or not? he answers for us.
It concerns us to render them as Ridiculous as we can, and to make our Friends believe they do nothing but contradict themselves.
Again to the same Unrighteous Purpose,
But doth not this signifie a very Dishonest and Malicious Mind in you? He makes us return.
[Page 6]A.
We care not what you think, provided our Friends think not so.
And to conclude his Slanders of this kind, hear him once more.
Doth not W. P.
in his Book against the Author of the Spirit of the Quakers
tryed, manifest great Displeasure against the Man for concealing his Name; Suggesting, that if he knew it, then probably they
[...] have something, to detect him? &c.
I shall omit in this place making mine own Defence; but be pleas'd Curteous Reader, to observe the Man's Answer, which he would have the World to believe was ours.
Whatsoever thou or others may think of our Writings, we will give it out, that we have both answer'd and consuted our Adversaries, and our Friends will believe what we say in this matter, which is enough to us. O Lyes, Madness, and Folly.
Certainly Reader, By this time thou canst not but with me believe, I had Reason enough to make this General Exception against the
Dialogue, as
neither becoming what I am so tender as to think, our bitter Adversary upon more serious Considerations might esteem a Right Christian; nor yet that
Character of a
Quaker, which the more Sober Sort of Men,
carry in their Minds concerning us: and in the fear of Almighty God, we do appeal to the
Consciences of all People, that shall ever read us, whether we have been treated by this Man in his
Dialogue and
Catechism with that Spirit of Meekness, Righteousness and Truth, which is, or ought to be the Rule and Guide of Christian-Men in their undertakings, more especially in and about the very weighty matters of Religion. Indeed, we need no other
Apology in this case, then the Folly of his Answers; For all the World will think, we had least need of seeking the Good-Will of our Friends
which we had already, and rather conclude it our interest,
to care after, and not to slight what others say or believe concerning us. 'Tis true, I perceive our Adversary is a great Slighter of Conscience, and that Light of Truth which should be the Instructer thereof, and therefore no wonder if we find so little of it in his
Dialogue: but however, he sets little by it, preferring his most defective Head-Conceits
before the holy certain DICTATES of the Heavenly Light in the Consciences of Men, as his Unconscionable Dealing with us sufficiently testifies; yet is it our Desire to act suitably to
[Page 7] that in our selves, and to seek the Approbation of it alone in others, rather then by a disingenuous way of Writing,
obtrude our own Fictions for Christian-Faith, much less meer Impertinencies and very Lyes, for the only and best Answers of our Adversaries.
That he does not only make us Impertinent, and Lye; But he mannages the Whole prophanely. That he who is an
Anabaptist, has forgot the Scorn once cast upon his own Perswasion. Men are not to be mockt out of their Religion.
BUt, He has not only made us to say what he pleas'd, Impertinently and untruly, but he has done it,
with a manifest shew of Prophaneness, by a Light, Taunting and Inapplicable Use of those Expressions, which in a way of Seriousness and Simplicity, may have been sometimes uttered by honest and Religious People. Such are these, that he makes us to give, in Answer to his Questions, which we refuse not to render a distinct account of, to any Sober Man at any time,
Pag. 2.
Thou runnest into many Words and carnal Distinctions, and wouldst have thy fleshly Wisdom satisfied, but I tell thee, that Dust is the Serpents Food. To his Answer against the Sufficiency of the Light, he makes the
Quaker Reply,
I see thou art a Poor Dark Creature, as by thy talking is manifest, yea 'tis manifest in
Pag. 13,
the Light. To the like Purpose;
Thou art a wicked Creature, Blackness of Darkness is reserv'd for thee; Thou art a Serpent, and
the Curse of God is eternally upon thee. Again,
Thou manifests
thy Darkness, and that thou art still in the Imagination. Again,
Thou lookst for Words, but thy Flesh must be silenc'd. Again,
We witness it; Poor Creature, Thou runst to the Letter, what dost thou witness in thy self? Again,
I command thy Flesh to be
Silent; I bear Witness against thee. At other times, in Answer
45, to such like Questions,
Yea, Verily. Alas for thee, These
are thy own Dark Imaginations. Now thou runst to Meanings,
We deny Meanings. Thou manifests a Perverse Spirit. We are
dead to Distinctions. We deny Dispositions, Thou suggests thy own Imagination.
Impartial Reader, with more of the like tendency, he is pleas'd to set down as our Strongest
Answers to his
[Page 8]
Questions, several of them such, as have receiv'd, and yet may, very Rational and Satisfactory Returns from many of us: However, if any such kind of Answers have been given to the Unseasonable
Queries of Airy and Entrapping Persons, neither is it more Ridiculous, then Christ's Immovable Silence to Inquisitive Herod
was judged of old; Nor
did he
Manfully, to assault our Weakest Part, if such he thought it.
But least of all is he excusable, that one who is reputed an
Anabaptist; the
very next in Religion, that seems expos'd to the Scoffs of Libertines, should take so much pains, not only to render a Sober People Ridiculous (though it will return upon himself) but with the common
Taunts of
Prophanenists, to venture to give
their Serious Language in a Jeer: An Employment, that had much better become a
Comedian, then a
Christian, and the Entertainment of Loose, then Religious Persons. Certainly
Reader, We must be at a very great Loss for Religion before we could embrace it from such a hand; supposing us to be as meer
Heathens, as he would have others to think us: For, how can we believe him, to have any Sincerity to God, who so far seems to have forgotten the Reproach, which his own Separation from others hath been attended with, as to make
that of ours, a Subject for his Mockage and Scorn. Let him call to mind some of the Infamous
Playes of those
Comical Wits, Sylvester, Shackspeer, Johnson, &c. with too many of our own dayes, wherein the Preciseness and Singularity of
Puritans and others, are abusively represented, and
expos'd to the Life, for the Entertainment of Vain, and Irreligious Persons. If this then be a Crime in an unconcern'd Wit, can it be excusable in a
Christian, for such he would have us think him to be? No certainly; but will be a great Aggravation of his Account in the Day of the Lord, unless it be wip'd out by unfeigned Repentance, as well as that it must needs deter all Persons, that are in earnest about the weighty Life of the true Religion, from countenancing his ungodly Attempts against us. And me-thinks, it is no small discovery of the exceeding Vanity of his Mind, that instead of putting away Foolish Jesting, he should entertain base Mockage and Derision, and that about
Religion it self. What? Is he grown so hardy, that he can handle Holy Things without Fear; and make bold with tender Conscience, so far as to abuse it self? Is Singularity become so offensive in a
Quaker, as an
Anabaptist must
[Page 9] show his little Wit in Deriding it: But certainly,
Reader, it can be no small Advantage, that both his Bitterness and Lightness, give us against a Man of his high Pretences to
Religion. However,
our Conquest here will be our Patience, Innocence, and Truth; Not that
I will believe, he thinks
I want Words (to whom, he more then once makes the having of them Criminal)
and all that read him may see, he hath furnisht me with Matter GROSS
enough: But
I delight not to spend my time upon
Invectives, did I, perhaps I might bestow
a Tragick Comedy upon a Railing Anabaptist, in return of that Ridiculons
Dialogue, he disingenuously would fasten on an unconcerned
Quaker: But my God forbid, that
I should Sport about Religion; or make so much as any Man's pretended Religious Dissent, a Theam for my Railery or Abuse; for
I think it an ill way to Laugh men out of their Profession, as well as
I can never esteem that any sincere one, which men are Jeer'd into: and as Conviction is the most Serious Ground, on which to receive Faith; so, to detract, or deal disingenuously with any man, may harden, but can never Proselyte; and this is our very Case, with respect to
T. H. Yet
I would have him know, That our so much reproached
Light Within, he so little concerns the Government of his Life withal, incites us not
to an Eye for an Eye; but teacheth us that Forbearance and Forgiveness, which we have some Reason to believe,
his Principles are wholly Strangers to; else, what can mean his greedy Endeavours,
To pluck out others Eyes, that never yet assaulted so much as one of his, either by Word or Writing. Well may we take up the Complaint of God's Prophet of old,
Jer. 20. 7.
are had in Derision daily, and almost every one Mocketh us. But let the
Carnal Christian-Mockers, have a Care; for though their Cruel Mockings be our Portion in this Life, yet also, for a Recompence,
shall their Bonds be made Strong, and a Consumption from the Lord of Hosts is determined against them, that persist therein.
Having now rendered with all convenient Brevity my just Exceptions against the manner of the
Dialogue, and spirit of the Man in general;
I shall proceed to offer something against the distinct Doctrines of it, in my particular Vindication of the Truth,
viz. The Universality and Sufficiency of the Light Within,
and Demonstration of the General Rule of Faith.
That a Right Relish of the Manner of the Dialogue is a sufficient Antidote against the Matter of it. His Questions stated. His Feigned Answer. A True Answer to the First. What is Salvation. To be saved from Sin and Wrath; not Wrath without Sin.
WHat I have already said, being duly weighed, may be an apt Introduction to what follows; For he that relishes the Unsavouriness and Rancour of His Spirit in the Mannagement of his pretended Christian-Dialogue, surely can have but little Appetite to feed upon,
a Dish cook't up with such Poysonous Sauce. Enmity and
Truth were never Companions; and where there appears so great a share of the one, as hath been truly observed, we may, I hope, without Offence conclude, there can be but very little, if any, of the other. However, let us see, with Reason and Sobriety, whether the Matter of his Dialogue be more commendable, then the Manner of it, writ with so much Railing and Immoderation. For Reader, this know, I writ not for Conquest, but for Conscience sake: and what I can grant, I shall; and what I must oppose, I hope, to do it with Truth and Meekness; being only desirous to approve my self to
God, who will Reward all men according to their Works; and to that Measure of Divine Light in every Conscience, with which I shall begin, and which, as the Lord God shall enable me, I will endeavour to maintain against the Angry and Undervaluing Reflections of its Adversaries.
To overlook then many unnecessary Queries, that are set down,
either to Abuse us, to fill up Corners, or make the Dialogue glide the better, no wayes true in themselves, and wholly impertinent to the Matter, I receive and prosecute the Main Questions, which he propounds, thus:
Pag. 2.
- 1.
What is that SALVATION,
which the Light
leads to?
- 2.
What is this LIGHT
that leads to It? and
- 3.
Who this HE,
are, that Obey this Light,
and in Obeing attain Salvation?
[Page 11]Sober Questions, I grant, and as necessary to be known; but I am willing first to set down the Answer he makes the
Quaker to return, before I give mine own, that the Sober Reader may judge, how different the Reason of a True
Quaker is from
T. Hicks's Phantastical one.
Thou runnest into many Words and Carnal Distinctions, and wouldst have thy Fleshly Wisdom satisfied; but I tell thee, that Dust is the Serpent's Food.
Is this to act the
Christian, or the
Scoffer towards the
Quaker? 'Tis not to be doubted but
T. H. knows better, and that he hath not herein done to us as he would be done by; For all his Pretences to
Christianity, he is thus far Debtor to, and Criminal by the
LIGHT he vilifieth: But the Truth is, he therefore maketh his
Quaker to render him no better
Reason, whatever he knew,
because indeed it was inconsistent with his Design that he should. But I will see if I can supply that voluntary Defect, in Rebuk to his Disingenuous Practice, on the behalf of the poor Abused
Quaker. I answer:
I. By
SALVATION we understand, as by Scripture is deliver'd to us,
A being saved from Sin here, and the Wages of it, which is
Wrath to come: Whereby we are taught utterly to renounce and reject the common Acceptation of it, as the full and compleat Force of the Word, viz.
barely to be saved from Punishment hereafter: In which Security, through a vain Expectance of Salvation, whilst not really & actually sav'd from the Power of Sin and the Captivation of Lusts, through the invisible Power of Christ, Thousands dye; and
T. Hicks is one of those that not only is inthroal'd himself, but earnestly contends for that Beggarly Faith and Religion, to be the most
Christian, which is so unable to deliver both himself and others that believe in it. In short, We call Salvation,
Christ's making an End of Sin, Destroying the Works of the Divel, Finishing of Transgression, Binding the Strong Man, and Spoyling of his Goods in the Hearts and Consciences of Men and Women; and bringing in his Everlasting Righteousness into the Soul, whereby to Cleanse, Wash, Regenerate, Renew and Refresh the Soul; in one Scripture-Phrase,
to Save his People from their SINS.
These are the
Times of Refreshment, and this is the
Day of Restitution; and thus is HE
King, to Reign; Prophet, to give Vision; and
High Priest, to Anoint with the Holy Unction, that leadeth into all Truth; whose Lips alone preserve Knowledge; and therefore is it the Unchangeable
Gospel-Rule to Believers: And those
who are thus freed or saved here from the Power, Nature and Defilement of Sin, are the alone Persons, that are or shall be hereafter
[Page 12] saved from Eternal Wrath and Vengeance, the heavy Recompenee of Sin. All this we understand by that Word
Salvation; and in this center the Great & Glorious Prophecies and Performances of Christ.
Second Question stated: Particularly what is meant by
Light. It is a Principle that discovers the State of Man, and leads to Blessedness.
second Question runs thus:
What is that LIGHT
which leadeth to Salvation? and if he pleaseth to give me leave, I will add to this Question,
How doth It Lead
to Salvation?
Light I understand not the frequent
Metaphorical Use of the Word; as when Christ said,
[...] the Lights of the World; or as the Apostle Speaks,
Now are you Light in the Lord; neither the meer Spirit or Reason of Man; but, that Glorious
Sun of Righteousness, and
Heavenly Luminary of the Intellectual or Invisible World, represented of all Outward Resemblances, most exactly by the Great
Sun of this Sensible and Visible World, that as his natural Light ariseth upon all, and gives Light to all, about the Affairs of this Life; so that
Divine Light arises upon all, and gives Light to all, that will receive it, about the Concerns of the other Life: Such a
Light I mean by
That Light which inlightneth every man coming into the World, and that leadeth those that obey it to Eternal Salvation; The Scripture sayes no less, John 1.
In the Word-God was Life, and that (very)
Life was the Light of Men, that inlightneth every man, &c. But to demonstrate it the most obviously that I can, to the lowest Capacities, I shall evidence the
Nature and
Virtue of this Light by the
Holy Effects of it, which is the
HOW, or the
WHICH WAY it leadeth to Salvation: This is so necessary in order to explicate the other, that as the
Tree is known by his Fruits, so the True
Saviour, by his
Salvation. If then I can make it appear, that the
Light, as obey'd in all its Discoveries and Requirings,
is sufficient to Salvation, the Debate wil end, and
T. Hicks must yield to the Efficacy of the
Light within.
I shall then by the
Properties of the
Light, prove it
Saving: In order to which I shall begin with the first Step towards
Salvation, namely,
A Sight of the Cause of Damnation; and from whom this most necessary Beginning must be taken, viz.
The Light within; which I thus prove by Scripture.
That the Light Within manifests Sin; yea, all Sin. That Apostacy, or Sin in any, is no Argument against the Light, but rather for it. That the Additional Services of the
Jews show No Imperfection in the Light, but the People, whose Minds were abroad. If Insufficiency against the Light should be admitted of, because of Rebellion and Wickedness in M
[...]n, the same would be objected against the Scriptures, which overthrows our Adversary's Assertion concerning their Sufficiency.
THE Light with which
Christ inlightens all Men, manifests Sin, as these Words import; for every one that doth Evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, lest his Deeds should be Reproved: Implying,
That if they would have brought their Deeds to the Light, the Light would have detected them, and tryed them. To which the Apostle
Paul bears express Testimony, in his Epistle to the
Ephesians, That whatsoever is Reproveable is made Manifest by the Light; where the Universality of the Apostle's Assertion shows, that nothing that is Reproveable, is, or
can be excluded from the Search or Knowledge of this Light; which takes in as well Thoughts, as Words and Deeds. So that nothing being Reproveable, which the Light doth not first Manifest: How obvious is it to every Understanding, that if our Adversary believeth all Men to have committed Sin, and so, as that they know it (which is Reproveable)
the Light must needs have been, and be in all Men, in order to such Manifestation and Conviction. It is as much as if the Apostle had said,
That is the Cause.
Sin is that which Damns all Men; now it could not Damn, if it were not Reproveable; and it could never be Reproveable, if the Light did not Manifest and Condemn it as such. So that our Adversaries affirming the Light not to be Sufficient to Discern all Sin, is a flat Repugnancy,
Pag. 8, 9. and a down-right giving of the Lye to the Apostle; For says the Apostle,
All things that are Reproveable, are made Manifest by the Light. But sayes Tho. Hicks,
All things that are Reproveable, are not
made Manifest by the Light. Sober Reader, dwell here a while, and after a little paws tell me,
Who deals most Unworthily with the Apostle and the Holy Scriptures of Truth, T. Hicks
or the Quakers?
Obj. But
T. Hicks objects, with some others,
If there be that Light in all Men, how comes it, that all Men are not Convicted of their Disobedience and Duty, as the Heathens
of old, and many Infidels
at this day? Did the Light in Saul
reprove him for Persecuting the Church?
I Answer, That this no way impugnes the Light, although it greatly aggravates their Evil that so Rebell'd against it. But that there were
Heathens, who became a Law unto themselves, through that Light they had,
by which they did the things contained in the Law, and were preferred far before the Circumcision that kept not the Law: The Apostle
Paul himself is very express in that known Passage to the
Rom. 2. Nor are other
Histories silent, but loud in their acknowledgment of very Divine Attainments, which by
this Light several Famous
Gentiles arrived at; and
for their Belief of One Eternal Being, his Communication of Divine Light to Men, and of an Immortality, with their Strickt Conformity thereto, are left upon Record. by Credible Historians; and their Praises not a little added to by after Ages, even of those called
Christians too. Such are Reputed,
Pythagoras, Timeus, Solon, Bias, Chilon, Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato, Antisthenes, Xenocrates, Zeno, Antipater, Seneca, Epictetus, and others.
But what if
Jews and
Gentiles at any time did Apostatize, and particularly? What if
Saul persecuted the Church of God,
putting Disobedience for Duty, Murder for Service? Will it follow, that the Light was Insufficient? By no means; but rather that
Saul was Rebellious, Stiff-necked, Resisting the Holy Ghost; as did his
Fathers, so did he; and thus much the Words themselves show; for
he kickt against the Pricks. Then it seems there were Pricks; And where were they, if not in his Conscience? And what were they,
if not the Light of Christ within him, which Manifests Evil, and Reproves the Deeds thereof: otherwise called that Son of God, that to the
Galatians he said,
It had pleased God to reveal in him? though
Paul knew him not, nor his Voice of a long time; his Eye being darkened, and Ear stopt by the God of this World, who had crept into the Outward Forms of Religion,
[Page 15] then, as now, and
in that employ'd many Emissaries to decry that Pure, Heavenly and Invisible Life of Truth and Righteousness, which was then, and is now begotten in the Hearts of many, to the ending of the Idolatries of the
Gentiles, and Formality and Outward Services of both
Jews and
Carnal Christians.
And I affirm in the Name of God, and with the Reason of a Man, That it is most preposterously absurd, for any to charge
the Rebellion of Men, to be Insufficiency in the Light: For if men are Wicked, not because they will not be better; but because they neither see nor know, nor are able to do better;
How Heavy, how Black, and how Blasphemous a Charecter doth the Consequence of these Mens Opinion fasten upon the Righteous God of Heaven and Earth; since it supposes him,
Not to have given either Inwardly or Outwardly unto Men Means sufficient to do that which he requires from them; and for the not doing of which,
they are to be sentenced to Eternal Misery. But I confess, How deep soever this may stick with Impartial Spirits, I almost despair of entering our
Adversaries, whose Souls are pinch'd up within the narrow Compass of a most
Detestable Kind of Predestination, making the Eternal God, as Partial as themselves, like some Ancients, That because they could not Resemble God,
they would make such Gods as might Resemble them.
I say, what else can be the tendency of this kind of Doctrine against the Sufficiency of the
Light Within, then that the
Gift of God is not Perfect, or able, because Men don't Obey it: and that the Talent God has given to all, is
therefore Insufficient for the End for which it was given, because Man hides it in a Napkin?
Again, Let them tell me, Would it be a good Argument, that if the same Corn should be sown in a Fertile and Barren Soile,
that growing in one, and not in the other, the Fault should be in the Seed, and not rather in the Ground?
Who knows not, how Tradition and Custom have eaten out much of Conviction, blinded the World, and that it is through Lusts and Pleasures become stupified, as to the Invisible Things of God. Alas! there had never been so much Need of many Exteriour Dispensations and Appearances in reference to Religion, so much preferred by the Professors of this Day, had not Mens
[Page 16] Minds been departed from the Inward Light and Life of Righteousness; so that they being abroad,
God was pleased to meet them there with some External Manifestations, yet so, as to turn them home again to their first Love,
to that Light and Life, which was given of God, as the Way to Eternal Salvation: Nor could any of those cleanse, as concerning the Conscience; wherefore God still, by his Servants and Prophets, admonished and warned the People of Old,
To Put Away the Evil of their Doings, and to Wash themselves, and to Cleanse themselves; for that all their Exactness in Outward Services, was otherwise but as the Cutting off a Dog's Neck, a Sacrifice equally pleasing: wherefore the Abrogation of all Outward Dispensations, and Reducing Man to his first State of Inward Light and Righteousness, is called in
Scripture, The Times of Refreshment, and of the Restitution of all things.
In short, Though there have been External Observations, and Ordinances in the World, by God's appointment;
either to prevent the Jews
from the Outward splendid Worship of the Idolatrous Gentiles,
that he might retain a Peculiar Soveraignity over them; or to show forth unto them a more Hidden and Invisible Glory; this remains sure forever,
That Light there was, and that the Ancients saw their Sins by it, and that there could be no Acceptance with God, but as they walk'd up to it, and were taught to put away the Evil of their Doings by it; suitable to that Notable Passage,
The Path of the Just is a shining Light, that shines clearer and clearer unto the Perfect Day. What was this
Day, but compleat
Salvation? Can there be any Imperfection or Darkness in the Day? Surely no: What if their Light was not so large? Was it not therefore Saving? Yes surely. But as where much is given, much is required; so where little is given, but little is required. If the Light was not so Gloriously manifested before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Flesh,
less was then required at that time, then since; yet it follows not,
that there was Two Lights, or that the Light was not Saving before the Visible Appearance of Christ, to as many as lived in an Holy Conformity to it.
And if it be agreed, that Blindness in Men can be no Argument against the Light of the Sun;
neither is the Light Insufficient, because the People of any Nation remain Blind through their Vain Customs: Nay, should any such Doctrine be admitted, what would become of our Adversary's Opinion,
[Page 17]
That the Light of Scripture is Sufficient of it self to give Men the Knowledge of God? For if those People, who have the Scriptures, do not so Know, Believe and Obey God, as
T. Hicks says, they ought to do; will it not follow upon his Principles, that the Defect is not in such,
as if they were Ignorant and Rebellious, but in the Scriptures? Certainly the Consequence will hold as well against the Scriptures, as the Light: If then such wrong the Scriptures, who so dispute,
Let T. Hicks,
I intreat him, endeavour to Right the Light, and not longer maintain a Position, that being admitted,
would equally overturn his Notion of the Scriptures, without Belief of the Light Within.
Another Objection against the Lights Sufficiency to manifest what ought to be done, though it were able to discover what should be avoided. It is answerd. The Lights not telling man all it knows, or man may know in time to come, is no Argument to prove it knows not all things. Men know more then they do, let them first Obey what they know, and then what is convenient will be further Reveal'd. It is proved from the Reason of Contraries; because it shows what ought not to be done: From Scripture at large, that it does instruct what to do; And that there is Vertue in it to the Salvation of all that Believe and Obey it. That there is no Essential Difference between the Seed, Light, Word, Spirit, Life, Truth, Power, Unction, Bread, Water, Flesh and Blood; onely so denominated from the various Manifestations, Operations, and Effects of one and the same Divine Principle.
BUt there is a Second Objection;
That there seems to be a manifest Insufficiency in the Light:
For, though several things are Revealed by it, yet several necessary matters are not, nor cannot; So that though it should manifest all that is Reproveable, yet cannot it Discover all that is Necessary to be either Believed or Done.
I Answer, this is but a peece of the former Objection already considered; I perceive the Pinch lies here;
that because Men do not Do what they should, or don't Know all that may be Necessary to be known, therefore the Light is Insufficient. The first will be answer'd by what I have already said; the
[Page 18] Reason being the same for the Sufficiency of the Light, against such as charge it with Defect,
because they do not do what they should, as against those who so impeach it, because they do those things which they should not. As for not knowing all that is to be known, I deny it utterly, For things are necessary in reference to their proper times;
That may be requisit to morrow which is not to day. It is fit for Children to learn to read, yet it is most necessary,
that they should begin to spell first. If a School-Master should be charg'd with Insufficieney, because he tells not little Children,
all that he knows, as soon as he initiates them in the first Principles of Learning, he would think himself unreasonably dealt with. What must we then conclude, but that the Master may be very capable,
were his Scholar so? that if the Scholar observe and obey his Master,
he will increase in his Learning, that the Defect of the Scholar
should not be laid upon his Master; that to tell or amuse him about things unsuitable to his present Capacity, were the ready Way
to overcharge and wholy Spoile him: And Consequently that the
Tutor, not telling his
Pupil, all
that is fit to be known, at once, implyes no Defect in, or Ignorance of those things in the Tutor; which to apply Scripturally, in short thus:
If you do my Will, you shall know (more)
of my Doctrine; I have
John 12. 16.
yet many things to say, but you are not able to bear them now. In short, If for a Man to say that the Light of the Gospel (for so
T. Hicks thinks
Pauls was) to be charg'd with Insufficiency, because it discover'd not to every Believer,
all those ineffable things, revealed to the Apostle, would be both False and Antichristian; to what an Extremity doth
Tho. Hicks's Zeal lead him in his passionate Endeavours against the blessed Light of the Son of God as he is the Inlightner of Mankind,
who charges it with Insufficiency, because it Reveals not to every
Pag. 14.
Individual, in every Age, what HE
shall ever know it self, or shall be known in future times. The Light then is not Insufficient, though it tell not all at one time, which may be a Duty to the End of the World; especially in extraordinary Cases, whilst it informs me, or any Man, of Daily Duty. Yea, the
Light is Sufficient in Point of Discovery, whilst it shews unto any Person something more, then they do, and which they ought to perform. If
T. Hicks will say, and can prove,
that he is come to the Upshot of the Light's Teachings, that he has Learnt whatever it is possible for the Light of Christ to Teach him, and yet is able to make appear, that there is some thing further wanting, he will
[Page 19] prove himself not only above Men, but
God also, who is the
Fountain of all Light; that searcheth the Hearts, and tryeth the Reins of Men by the Inshinings of his manifesting Light, and which, as obey'd, leads to God, who is the Fulness of all Light and Life: But indeed, this Light is the Savour of Death (
the Wages of Sin) to all that
Rebel against it, and the
Savour of Life to those only, who are Obedient to it; For, Such shall not walk in Darkness, but
have the Light of Life. But, whilst he pleads against a
Sin-less State, and shows so Sin-full an One in his
Scribles, let him cover his Face for Shame, for all his Attempts against the Lights Sufficiency; for in that State he shall never know the Life and Vertue of the Light.
To conclude, If the
Light be allowed to Manifest all things that are Reproveable,
then by the just Reason of Contraries, should it be Sufficient to Discover all things that are Approveable, with respect to Man's Faith, Salvation and Duty. If the
Light tells it is Evil, not to Believe in God, it follows, that to Believe in God, is according to that
Light Within. And if it Reproves
T. Hicks for being Passionate,
it consequently Teacheth him, that he ought to be Patient: If the
Light Condemns Theft,
it necessarily Instructeth to Honesty: If it Reprove me for doing my own Will,
it implies I ought to do his Will to whom I ow all: and if it Reproves for Sin,
it Instructeth to Holiness,
without which none shall see God. In short, If it Manifest Reproveable Things to be such, at the same time
It Condemns them, and Teacheth Things quite Contrary; The Unfruitful Works of Darkness are judg'd by the Light,
that the Holy Fruits of the Light may appear:
Ephes. 5. 8.
were Darkness, but now are ye Light
in the Lord; and
Job 32. 8.
Reproof of Instruction is the Way of Life. He that comes out of the
Reproved Darkness, walks
in the Approved Light; and who so answers the Holy Reproof,
unto Such is Sealed up THE INSTRUCTION OF THE WAY OF LIFE. And this brings me to the third Property of the Light, with respect to Men; and that is, It doth not only Manifest and Condemn Sin, and discover and incline to Purity; but as adhered to (or rather that Principle which is this Light) it is able,
in Point of Power and Efficacy to Redeem from Sin, and Lead to a State of Highest Felicity. I am the Light of the World, (said Jesus himself)
he that follows me shall not walk in Darkness,
John 8. 12.
but shall have the Light of Life. In which it is very evident, that,
The same Light, which Manifests Darkness, Redeems
[Page 20] from it, unto a State of Light and Life: that is to say, Those who confidently believe in Christ, as he manifests himself a
Light, to condemn Sin in every mans Flesh (whom he hath therefore illuminated) and obediently follow the Holy Requirings, and yield to the Heavenly Discoveries of that Blessed Appearance, relinquishing the Pleasures of Sin, which last but for a season, and taking up the daily Cross; such shall most assuredly find that
Divine Principle, which in reference to the Dark State of Men, and that Discerning and Conviction it brings,
is rightly denominated Light, to have
also Power and Efficacy, to Save from that which it manifests and condemns, and to bring unto that Glory, which it gives a true Revelation of: For, that same Word of God,
who is called the true Light that inlighteneth all Mankind, is also the Life, Power, Wisdom and Righteousness of the Father, in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom, and unto whom all Power both in Heaven and in Earth are committed, who is Heir of all things: who also said,
While ye have the Light (for their Day of Visitation
Joh. 12. 36, 46. was almost over) or, as some Translations more truly have it, While you have a little Light IN YOU, believe, or walk in it.)
believe in the Light, that ye may be Children of th
[...] Light: Again,
I am come a Light into the World, that whosoever believes in me should not abide in Darkness: So that a Sincere Faith in, and Obedience to the Light of Christ, as it shines in the Heart, whereby to give the Living and Experimental Knowledge of the Glory of God unto the Creature, is the Way to be Redeemed from Darkness, and to be made a Child of Light;
or that there is Power and Vertue Sufficient in the Light, to Ransom the Souls of such as diligently adhere to it, from under the Power of Darkness. For as the true Knowledge of God is
Life Eternal, so,
whatever may be known of God is manifested within,
Rom. 1. which Manifestation cannot properly be without the Light,
whose peculiar Property it is to Discover, Reveal or Manifest the Mind and Will of God to Mankind; as saith the Apostle,
For whatsoever doth make Manifest is Light. In him was
Ephes. 5.
Life, and that Life was the Light of all Men: But not therefore
John 1. the
Life of all Men, Spiritually and Unitedly considered; That was the peculiar Priviledge of those who Believ'd in it, and walkt up to it. There is a great Difference, not in the Principle, but in its Appearance to Man, as Life, and Light. Such as believe in it; IT,
What? the
[Page 21]
Word-God, who is that true Light, as he appears to Discover or Illuminate the Heart and Conscience, do really know and enjoy a new Nature, Spirit and Life; And in that Sense it may be said,
As the Life became the Light, so the Light became the Life again. Who so follows me shall not walk in Darkness, but have the Light of Life. Not, that there is a Difference, or so much as a Descent in Kind from
Life to
Light; only in Operation with respect to Man: For as it is the very Life of the Word,
in the Word, it is the Light of Men: and so much it is, let them reject the Vertue of it, if they will. But as it is received, and believed in,
It begets Life, Motion, Heat, and every Divine Qualification, suitable to the State of the
New Birth. And thus the
Life of the Word, which is in common the
Light, becomes the
Life of every such Particular, by communicating to, or ingenerating Life in the Soul; so that no more he lives, but Christ (the
WordGod, whom he
hath now
put on, and who
is become his very Life, as well as Light) that dwelleth in him.
Let not Men then in their Dark Imaginations, with their Rob'd Knowledge from the Letter of the Scriptures themselves, contend against the Sufficiency of what they obey not; neither have seriously tryed the
Power, Vertue, and
Efficacy of it, which brings Salvation to as many as are turned to it, and abide in it.
And indeed, so express are the Scriptures in Defence of the Sufficiency, and Necessity of the Light to Salvation, that it seems to have been the great Intendment of our Lord Jesus Christ in delegating his Disciples, to preach his Everlasting Gospel, viz.
That they might open the Eyes of People, and turn them from Darkness to the Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God, that they might receive Remission of Sins, and an Inheritance among them that are Sanctified through Faith, that is in Me; who, ME:
that am both the Light of the World, and the Power of God unto Salvation. Now certainly, the Eyes that were then blind, were not the Natural, but Spiritual Eyes of Men (and such must the Darkness and Light be also) blinded by the God of this World, who raigned in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience: No Wonder then if the Light was not comprehended of the Darkness, and that blind People did not see the Light;
John 1. 5. but it plainly proves,
That Light there was, though not seen. Now the Work of the Powerful Ministry of the Apostles
[Page 22] was,
To open the Blind or Dark Eye, which the God of the World had blinded, and then to turn them from that Darkness, to the Light; the Darkness was within,
so must the Light have been; since the Illumination was there necessary,
where the Darkness had been predominant; Consequently,
The Way to be Translated from Satan's Power to God, to have Remission of Sins, and an Inheritance with them that are Sanctified, is, to be turned from the Darkness in the Heart, unto the Marvelous Light (that had long shined uncomprehended) to wit,
the GOSPEL, which is called both the
Light and Power of God.
The same Apostle in his Epistle to the
Romans, is more express concerning the holy Nature and Efficacy of the
Rom. 13. 12, 13, 14. Light to Salvation, when he thus exhorts them;
The Night is far spent, the Day is at hand; Let us therefore cast off the Works of Darkness, and put on the Armour of Light: Let us walk honestly as in the Day, not in Rioting and Drunkenness, not in Chambring and Wantonness, not in Strife and Envy; but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the Flesh, to fulfill the Lusts thereof. From whence I shall briefly remark three Things, greatly to our Purpose, and the Truths Defence in this Matter.
1. That there is an absolute Opposition,
betwixt Light and Darkness; as Darkness can only Vail the Light, from the Understandings of Men;
So Light only can Discover and Dispel that Darkness. Or thus,
That the Light Manifests and Condemns
2 Cor. 6. 14.
the Works of Darkness; for, what Communion hath Light with Darkness.
2. That in the Light there is
ARMOUR, which being put on, is able to Conquer the Darkness, and Secure the Soul, from the evil of it; otherwise it would be very strange, that the Apostle should exhort the People to put it on.
3. That putting on the
Armour of the Light, and putting on the Lord Jesus Christ (
the Light of the World) are Synonimous, or one and the same thing; for it is for one and the same End, as may be observed from the Words,
Let us put on the Armour of Light, and walk Honestly, as in the Day, not in Rioting and Drunkenness, not in Chambring and Wantonness, not in Strife and Envying.
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the Flesh, to fulfil the Lusts thereof.
I hope then, Neither will it be disallow'd, that Christ
[Page 23] is that Light, with which Men are Inlightned (but more of that anon) nor is that Light, Men are exhorted to Obey,
a Naked and Insufficient, but a Searching, Expelling, Powerful and Arming Light, against Darkness, and all its Unfruitful Works, and consequently SAVING.
Thus the Beloved Disciple testifies very emphatically, in his first Epistle, where he gives us a Relation of the Apostolical Mission:
This then is the Message which we have
1 John 1. 5, 6, 7.
heard of him, and declare unto you; That God is Light, and in him is no Darkness at all; if we say, we have Fellowship with him, and walk in Darkness, we Lye, and do not the Truth; But if we walk in the Light, as he is in the Light, we have Fellowship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin.
Here is a brief Stating of the whole Great Case of Salvation: (1.) What God is;
Light. (2.) Who can have no Fellowship with him;
such as walk in Darkness (that is Sin.) (3.) Who have Fellowship with him;
such as walk in the Light, as he is Light. (4.) the Reason why, is given;
because such as walk in the Light, are there sure experimentally to feel
the Vertue of Christ's Blood, to cleanse them from all Unrightcousness; Where observe, that the Light's leading out of Darkness, that is,
Unrighteousness, is the same
with the Blood of Jesus Christ cleansing from all Sin; Sin and Darkness, and to be cleansed from the one, and to be translated from the other, is equivalent; otherwise, a Man might be delivered from Darkness, and walk in the Light,
and not be cleansed from Sin, which is that Darkness; a thing Absurd and Impossible: In short, they go together.
By this 'tis evident, that the Light being walkt in, doth directly lead to God, and Fellowship with him, who is the Saving Light and Health of all Nations; and consequently, that the Light leads to Eternal Salvation.
Many are the Denominations that are given in Scripture to one and the same Being, or Condition; Christ is called,
The Word, the Light, the Saviour, Emanuel, a Rock, a Door, a Vine, a Shepherd, &c. A State of Sin is sometimes called,
Darkness, Death, Disobedience, Barrenness, Rebellion, Stiff-neckedness, Eating of Sowr Grapes; And Wicked Men,
Bryars, Thorns, Thistles, Tares, Dead Trees, Wolves, Goats, &c. On the contrary, a State of Conversion, is sometimes expressed, by such words, as,
Purged, Refined, Washed, Cleansed,
[Page 24] Sanctified, Justified, Led by the Spirit, Baptized by one Spirit into one Body, Regenerated, Redeemed, Saved, Bought with a Price, &c. And Persons so qualified,
The Children of God, Children of Light, Heirs of Glory, Lambs, Sheep, Wheat; And that by which they become or continue thus,
Light, Spirit, Fire, Sword, Hammer, Power, Grace, Seed, Truth, Way, Life, Blood, Water, Bread, Word, Unction, that leadeth into all Truth; All which respectively, is but one and the same in Nature: That is,
Sin or a Sinful State is so variously denominated from the divers Operations and Discoveries of the Nature of it in Wicked Men. The like may be said of the several Vertues in Good and Holy Men, and so of that one Divine Principle,
which so qualifies and preserves them; For as the Primitive Saints felt the Operation of the One Holy Principle, so they denominated it: to men in Darkness,
they call'd it Light; to such as believed and obeyed,
It became a Leader; and those who witnessed their Sins conquer'd, their Lusts cut down, their Hearts broken, and their Souls Washed, Redeemed and daily Nourished, they called that
Divine Principle, a Sword, Fire, Hammer, Water, Flesh, Blood, and Bread, and Seed of Life. In short, The same Heavenly
Principle became
Light, Wisdom, Power, Counsel, Redemption, Sanctification, and
Eternal Salvation unto those who believed in it: So that the Variety of Expressions in the Scriptures, must not be taken for so many distinct things in kind, no; nor sometimes in Operation. And indeed, notwithstanding that Light,
T. Hicks would have lodg'd in the bare Scriptures, exclusive of the Spirit, all the Men of the World met together, would be confounded,
to give a true Account of the Matter therein contained, if they were not Living Experimental Witnesses; For as he is not an Evidence sufficient in Laws Humane, that was not an Eye or Ear Witness; neither are they Evidences for God and Christ,
who are not Eye and Ear Witnesses of the Light, Spirit, Grace
and Word of God
in the Heart. And I boldly affirm, the Scriptures speak no more for such, as are not
Inheritors of that Blessed Condition, they declare of in some Measure or other,
then any Deed of Gift would do for a Person no wayes Nam'd or Interested therein. It is time then for
T. Hicks and his Partners to look about them, lest the Midnight-Cry overtake them,
and their Professing Lamp be found without Oyl: For I must needs tell him, in the Beloved Disciple's Language,
He that saith, he is in the Light; and
[...] his Brother, is in the Darkness even until now. And in my
[Page 25] own Language,
That I take that to be their State, who shew so much Envious Displeasure against an Harmless People, and those in particular, that never yet Offended, much less Justly provokt them. But would they bring their Thoughts, Words and Deeds to the Light in their own Consciences, and let true Judgment pass upon them, and patiently undergo the Heavenly Chastisements for their Disobedience to, and Vilifying of the Light, they would come to witness a turning from the Darkness to the Light, and continuing therein, as that Holy Way, in which the Ransomed of the Lord alwayes did, do, and shall walk through all Generations, they would know the Injoyment of Eternal Peace: Yea, such is the Excellency of Christ, the true Light, that as He was First, so shall He be the Last, when all Outward
Performances, Writings, Worships, yea, the whole World shall be at an End; the Use and Excellency of the Light will remain forever; as saith
John the Divine,
And they shall see his Face, and his
Rev. 22. 4. 5.
Name shall be written in their Fore-Heads, and there shall be no Night there, and they need no Candle, neither Light of the Sun, for the LORD GOD GIVETH THEM LIGHT,
and they shall Reign forever and ever, Amen.
An Objection against the Light's Antecedent Being to Christ's Coming. It is prov'd to have been known to be a Saving Light from
Adam's day, through the Holy Patriarchs and Prophets time down to Christ's, from the Scriptures of Truth.
HAving then plainly prov'd from Scripture (1.)
Gal. 4. 16.
the Light is Saving, since the time of Christ; beginning
Tit. 2. with its first Appearance,
as Manifesting
John 14. 6.
Sin. (2.)
Condemning of It. (3.)
Redeeming from It, as
John 1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9.
obeyed. And that the same Principle which is called Light,
1 Cor. 15. 45, 47, & 1. 24. is the
Seed, Grace, Truth, Word, Spirit, Power, Unction, Water, Way, Life, Flesh and
Blood; and therefore not a Distinct
Being from that, which
T. Hicks himself, if he will
1 Joh. 2. 27. & 5. 6, 7, 8. own plain Scripture, must confess doth Save; I call it the LIGHT OF SALVATION, OR THAT LEADS
John 6. 51, 52, 53. TO SALVATION.
But there remain yet several
Objections to be Answered, which done, we shall immediately proceed to give
[Page 26] Judgment upon the Question,
Who, or
What this
Light is, with respect to all our Adversaries Cavils.
Though you have thus far evinc'd the Universality of a Saving Light from the Scriptures, since Christ's Life, Death, Resurrection and Ascension; yet that which is the Pinch of the Controversie will be this, Where was this before Light? Had any this Saving Light (they had a Light)
before it came in that Eminent Manner above One Thousand Six Hundred Years since; It is generally believ'd, that Christ's then coming benefitted the World with it, in case the World universally hath such a Saving Light?
To which I shall give my Answer, both from Scripture, History and Reason.
The first Scripture I shall quote, is in the first of
Genesis; So God created Man in his own Image, in the Image of God
Gen. 1. 27.
created he him. From whence I draw this Argument, That if Man was made in God's Image, then because,
God is Light, Adam
must necessarily have had of the Divine Light in him, and have been the Image of that Light, so long as he walkt and remain'd in It: Since no man walks in the Light, but he becomes the Child of Light. And as the Apostle
Paul expresseth it, of such as were converted to that Light they had once erred from;
Ye were Darkness, but now are ye Light in the Lord; That is, Through Obedience to the Light of the Lord. For any man then to say,
Adam had not Light, were to suppose his Innocent State to be that of Darkness, and instead of, and being God's Image, who is, and ever was, and alwayes will be
Light, he would have been wholy ignorant of him, in whose Image he is said to have been created.
II. This
Moses directed the Children of
Israel to, when he in God's stead, recommended and earnestly pressed the keeping of the
Commandment, and
Word in the Heart; as we read in
Deuteronomy. For this Commandment which I Command
Deut. 30. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15.
thee this day, is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off: It is not in Heaven, that thou shouldst say, Who shall go up for us to Heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it and do it? Neither is It beyond the Sea, that thou shouldst say, Who shall go over the Sea for
[Page 27] us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it and do it? But the Word is very nigh unto thee, in thy Mouth, and in thy Heart, that thou mayst do it. See, I have set before thee this day, Life and Good, and Death and Evil.
From whence I cannot but observe these Three Things,
- 1. That the
Commandment, and the
Word, are so called by way of Excellency and Preheminence, to all written Commandments or Words.
- 2. That this
Commandment or
Word is
Nigh, even in the Heart of Man it self: none need plead Distance or Ignorance.
- 3. That the Setting
Life and Good, Death and Evil was and could only be in the
Light within,
since without the Light, how could they have Seen it Set before them: And that it was in their Hearts, the Lord so set those States before them, the Verse immediately follows that wherein the Word is by
Moses argumentatively prov'd, as well as affirm'd to be in the Heart of Man. Now I hope, it shall not be injuriously done of me; and I know who will bear me out, if I say, This
Commandment is that which
David spoke of, when he said,
The Commandment of the Lord is pure Inlightning the Eyes; and this Holy
Word, the same with that
Word, which he said, was a Lamp unto his Feet, and a Light unto his Path, and not an other
Word, then what
Paul call'd the Word of Faith, which he preach't, by which the Just live; consequently a Saving
Commandment, Word or Light it was, and is to such as Believe and Obey it.
III. The next Scripture I will urge shall be this:
For thou
2 Sam. 22. 29.
art my Lamp O Lord, for the Lord will Lighten my Darkness. Now if
God was the
Light and
Lamp of that Day, to such as regarded the
Light, cerainly then they had a
Light and such an one as was Saving too; unless we should Blasphemously Deny,
God to be either a Light, or a Saving One, who is most certainly both.
IV. Wicked Men were not without Light to Condemn them, as Good Men ever had Light to Preserve them:
They are of those that Rebel against the Light, they know not the
Job 24. 13.
Wayes thereof, nor abide in the Paths thereof, said
Job. In which Passage it is very obvious,
that Wicked Men have Light, otherwise it would have been utterly Impossible for them,
to have Rebell'd against it; Nay,
against THE LIGHT, implying,
that it is the same Light in Nature, with that, which
[Page 28] Righteous Men are guided by, answerable to another Emphatical Passage in the same Book of
Job, Is there any Number
Job 25. 3.
of his Army, and UPON WHOM DOTH NOT HIS LIGHT ARISE? Certainly, this Universality strongly pleads on the behalf of our Belief of the Light; And if our
Adversary would but venture to let it come close to his Conscience, I cannot be so Uncharitable as to think he should not make some Acknowledgment to its Universality, antecedent to the Coming of Christ. I omit to say much of its Efficaciousness at that time (though one would think that
Light alwayes gives to Discern a Good Way from a Bad one) referring it to another place: Only I shall observe, how that
Job expresly tells us, and that when he was in his deep Troubles of Spirit:
O that I were as in Months past, in the
Job 29. 3.
Dayes when God preserved me, when his Candle shined upon my Head, and when by his Light I walked through Darkness; where it is most apparent, that
Job attributes his Salvation from the Darkness (which stands both for
Sin and Affliction) unto the Light, wherewith God had Inlightned him. And certainly, It had been utterly Impossible for those weighty things, that are deliver'd in that Book of
Job, as well from others, as from
Job, to have been known, had not they been Inlightned, and received very great Discoveries from that Light and Candle of the Lord in their Hearts; For in all the whole Book I find not one Verse expresly cited out of any other Writings, but what purely proceeded from Immediate Impulse, and Inspiration of the Almighty, which sayes the same Book, gives Men Understanding.
V. To this Doctrine
David was no Stranger, who so very often commemorates the Light, and the Divine Excellencies of it; some few places I shall mention of those many that I might offer.
The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear? the
Psal. 27. 1.
Lord is the Strength of my Life, of whom shall I be afraid?
This weighty Passage of the
Prophet is a lively Testimony to the True
Light, wherein
David confessed what
John call'd his Evangelical Message,
viz. That
God is Light. Next, that not only God is
Light, but which doubtless was most of all to his Comfort, HIS LIGHT;
The Lord is MY
Light, and MY
Salvation: As much as if he had said, Because the Lord is become my Light, I have known him to be my Salvation, or him by whom my Salvation hath
[Page 29] been wrought. In short thus,
That God is My Salvation, as he is My Light; or, as I have Obey'd the Lord My Light, I have witnessed Salvation. O! that such Professors of Religion, in whom there is any Moderation, would but be pleas'd to weigh,
What was David'
s Light; What his Salvation; and
Who must needs have been his Rule at that time of the World, of which he further speaks:
God is the Lord, who hath shewed us Light. Thy Word is a Lamp
Psal. 118. 27 119. 105, 102.
unto my Feet, and a Light unto my Pathes. I have not departed from thy Judgments, for thou hast taught me. This made him far Wiser then his Teachers in the hidden Life and Mystery of things, whereby
David had long seen beyond all Types and Shaddows of the good Things to come, to the very Substance it self, from whence came his excellent Prophecies: agreeing with that passage,
The Path of the
Prov. 4. 18.
Just is as the shining Light, that shines more and more unto the perfect Day, said the wise Man. This strongly implies, that
David, and not he alone, but the Just of all Ages, were attended with the Discoveries and Leadings of a Divine Light; which as obey'd, did
make Just, and alwayes lead in the Way of Salvation:
unless the Just Way was not the Saving Way; and if it was, certainly it is still: for it is the
Lord himself, whom in
Samuel's History, he is recorded also to have called a
Lamp, as he here doth the
Word, which
Moses said,
was nigh in the Heart, that Men should obey it and do it.
This was the Word of Reconciliation in every Generation, whose Holy Water washed their Consciences from Sin, who heard, andobey'd it.
Again, that this
Light was not confin'd to
David, or such Good Men, take these two Passages.
T. Hicks. Psal. 50. 19, 20, 21.
Thou givest thy Mouth to Evil, and thy Tongue frameth Deceit; Thou sittest and speakest against thy Brother, thou Slanderest thine own Mothers Son: These things hast thou done, and I kept Silence, thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thy self, but I WILL REPROVE THEE, AND SET THEM IN ORDER BEFORE THINE EYES (saith the Lord) Again,
His Lightnings inlightned
Psal. 94. 4.
the World, the Earth saw, and trembled. In which two places it will appear upon impartial Consideration, that God hath inlightned the World,
and that as Light (Difcovering the Works and Workers of Darkness)
he doth reprove the Inhabitants of the World, set their Sins in order before them, and cause such Guilty ones to Tremble at his so appearing, which
[Page 30] is expresly confirmed in that notable passage of the Prophet,
For Lo! He that treadeth the Mountains, and cleareth the Wind,
Amos 4. 13.
that makes the Morning Darkness, and treadeth upon the High Places of the Earth, and DECLARES UNTO MAN, WHAT HIS THOUGHTS ARE, THE LORD, THE GOD OF HOSTS IS HIS NAME.
This the
Psalmist was well acquainted with himself, when he uttered these Words,
Whither shall I go from thy Spirit, or
Psal. 139. 7.
whither shall I flee from thy Presence? which plainly shows to us, that the Spirit of the Lord, and his Presence was everywhere,
and that as Light, discovering Darkness with respect to Mankind: For the Question was not, whether God by his Spirit was not every-where, for that our Adversaries grant,
or he could not be God? But whether it was possible for
David to withdraw himself into any place,
where his Mind could not be sensible of the Eternal Spirit and Immediate Presence of God (who is Light it self)
either as a Reprover, Exhorter, or Informer; as the foregoing Words intimate?
O Lord thou hast searched me, and known me, —
Thou understandest my
Vers. 1, 2, 3.
Thoughts afar off —
Thou art acquainted with all my Wayes. Which however God might know them, it stands firm,
that David
could never have known God so as to see and behold them, but from that Light and Spirit of which he sayes in the 7th vers.
following (which I have already cited)
Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? In short, it must needs be evident, to all unprejudic'd Readers,
that David
had this Light within, or Spirit of God present with him, as a
Reprover, Informer, or Comforter, since it was impossible for him to be any-where without it. Which may prove to us, that however he lived
above a thousand years before the Apostle
Paul, he very well knew the meaning of that Doctrine he preach'd to the Athenians,
God is not far away, or at a Distance from every one
Acts. 20.
of you. Which truly known and experimentally witnessed, not only as a Reprover, but by an humble and holy reception of him into the Heart,
as King and Lord, is the Glory of the Evangelical Dispensation,
where God dwells in his People as an Holy Temple, and Tabernacles with them. This is the blessed
2 Cor. 6. 16. Emmanuel-state
God with, and God in Men.
I might here to sub-joyn the Account we have of the great Illumination of
Daniel, and the
Gentiles clear Acknowledgment of the same, which they could never have done, with that Seriousness and Conviction, but from some glimps of the same Divine Light; but that I
[Page 31] shall pass over with several Passages of other of the lesser
Prophets; and conclude this Scripture Proof of the Gift of the Light and Spirit, antecedent to Christ's coming in the Flesh; and from
Stephen's Testimony,
Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in Temples made with hands, as saith the Prophet: Heaven is my Throne, and Earth is my Footstool, what House will
Acts 7. 48. 49. 50, 51.
you build me, saith the Lord? or what is the Place of my Rest? Hath not my hands made all these things; Ye Stiff-necked and Uncircumcised in Hearts and Ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost, as your Fathers did so do ye.
And lest it should be objected, that it was only in
Stephen then, and the holy
Prophets of Old, that both they and their Fore-Fathers resisted the Holy Spirit, Remember
Reader, that weighty Passage in
Nehemiah, Thou gavest also thy
Neh. 9. 20.
Good Spirit to Instruct them, and withheldst not thy Manna from their Mouth; by which it is most evident, that the Light of God's Spirit, or the Spirit of God,
was given as well to the Rebellious as Obedient; that it might as well condemn for Sin, as lead into all Righteousness; And since we are to suppose God's Spirit, and the Light thereof, to be sufficient to Salvation, (
for God's Gifts are perfect in themselves, and are given to accomplish their Ends perfectly) from that Sin and Iniquity which the contrary Spirit draws into, we may without any offence, I hope, conclude,
that during those many Ages before the Coming of Christ in the Flesh he did Illuminate Mankind with a sufficient measure of his Divine Light and Spirit.
Another Objection, that though the Jews had it, it will not follow that the
Gentiles were so Illuminated. It is Answerd by several Scriptures. In this Chapter quoted to prove, that they were not exempted; But had a measure of Light, some Divine Seed sown in their Hearts, some Talent given, and that it was Sufficient.
T. Hicks's Challenge to give an Instance of one that by the Light within was Reproved for not believing that
Jesus was the
Christ, is Answer'd. Such as believed in the
Light, and walkt up to it, did receive
Christ when he came. The high Pretenders were they who to Scriptures Opposed, and Crucified him. The
Light from Scripture concluded
Universal and
Obj.BUt here I expect this Objection, having run our
Adversaries unavoidably to it: Very well,
Taking it for granted that what you
[Page 32] have said in reference to a Saving Light
or Spirit,
universally bestow'd upon the Jews,
THAT WERE A DISTINCT PEOPLE from the rest of the World, under very many peculiar Rights; yet cannot we think it good Arguing, to infer the Gifts of God's Light
and Spirit
to the Gentiles,
that make far the greatest part thereof; from these Scriptures, that only seem to prove it the Priviledg of the Jews.
To which I Answer, That I conceive I have urg'd those Scriptures already, that afford a plain Conviction, and Evincement of the Truth of that general Inference; but because I am desirous from my very Soul, in perfect Love to theirs, that shall read this Discourse, of removing what Objection I am able to fore-see it may meet with, after it shall have past my hand, I will endeavour to make appear, first from SCRIPTURE, and next from the Best Account we have of the DOCTRINES and LIVES of HEATHENS, and lastly from REASON;
That God's Love in the Illumination of his Spirit or Gift of a Measure of his Divine and Saving Light was Universal; or
that Mankind was (and consequently is)
antecedently to Christ's Coming in the Flesh, enlightned with such a Measure of Light, as was Saving in it self: And to all such, as received the Light, and obeyed it, in the Love of it. In order to this, I shall briefly insist on a few Scriptures, some of which have been already quoted, though not so directly to this Matter.
My Spirit shall not alwayes strive with Man. Here observe,
Genes. 6. 3. That no one Nation was interested more then another, but
Man stands for the whole
Adam, or
Mankind; from whence I do very truly Conclude,
that Mankind was not destitute of the Spirit, or Light of the Almighty, though it might be known in no higher Degree, then that of a Convincer and Reprover of Sin: yet it follows not,
But if man had yielded to the Striving of it, doubtless he had been thereby redeemed from that Spirit of Iniquity, that was the ground of his grievous Resistance, which I call
Salvation from sin.
They are of those that Rebel against the Light, they know
Job 24. 9. 13.
not the Wayes thereof, nor abide in the Path thereof. Here is no mention made of the
Jews, in this Chapter, nor in many
[Page 33] foregoing or following it, if at all in the whole Book. For
Job is here giving the Character of wicked Men in general, that is, not with respect to any.
Neither is it our
Construction only, but the Judgment of Men fam'd in the World, for their Exactness in the
Original Text, or Letter of the Scripture. They interpret it,
to be the Light of the Divine Wisdom, the Fountain of Light, yea,
God himself: That Rebelling against the Light,
is against God.
the Light of Israel; alluding to the
Psalmist, The Lord is my Light and my Salvation. Nay, to the Light mentioned by the Apostle Paul,
Ye, who were sometimes Darkness, are now Light in the Lo
[...]d. And
that very Light, which is said to have sprung up to them that sate in Darkness,
which is the Light of Truth (and by
our Adversaries, allow'd to be the Evangelical; and spoke of Christ's Manifestation) Also, that the Wayes of Light,
are Light, leading to the Light it self, which Wicked Men turn from, and spurn at. That this is the Light,
which there is none, but it rises upon, whereby to give them true sight of themselves. See
Munsterus, Vatablus, Clarius, Castellio on the 17th Verse, but especially
Drusius and
Codurcus, who say,
All Men partake of that Light, and that it is sufficient to Manifest and Drive away the Darkness of Error; and that it is the Light of Life; Nay,
Codurcus calls it,
an Evangelical Principle, & seems to explain his Mind by a Quotation of the Evangelist's words,
John 19.
That was the True Light, that inlightneth all Mankind coming into the World.
Chap. 25. 3.
Munster. Vatabl. Clar. Castel. Drus. &
Codurc. Crit. in 24, 25. Chap. Ver. 13, & 3.
[...], P. 3283. to 3308. particular Nation; so that we may well infer, neither did he understand, the Light whereof he spoke, should be limited (as to its Illumination) or any particular People. In short, I argue thus;
If such as pluck the Fatherless from the Breast, and take a Pledge of the Poor, as (the Context relates)
are those that Rebel against the Light, and walk not in its Way; then because that Vice was never limited to the
Jews, but other Nations work'd that Wickedness as well as they, it will plainly follow,
that the Light, against which such Offenders Rebell'd, also was not limited to the Jews,
but extended to the Gentiles also; unless it should be said, That what was Rebellion and Wickedness in the
Jews, was not so in the Gentiles. But because, Sin was, and is Sin, all the World over;
Light was, and is Light, all the World over, whether Men bring their Deeds to it or not.
III. But again let us hear the same Book speak,
Is there any Number of his Armies? and upon whom doth not his Light Arise?
This Question carries in it a strong Affirmative of the Universality of God's
[Page 30]
Light, as much as to say,
Who is there among all the Sons and Daughters of Men, that can say,
I am not Enlightned by Him? If then none can, it must needs follow, That all are Enlightned, as well
Gentiles as
IV. Thus much these two
Notable Parables teach us of the
Sower, and the
Lord that gave his Servants Talents. They who believe Scripture, must acknowledge them to represent God's Dealings with Mankind, in reference to
Gift, Duty and
Reward. Observe the first Parable.
The same Day went Jesus
out of the House, and sate by the Sea
Mat. 13. 1,
to 10.
side; And great Multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a Ship, and sate, and the whole Multitude stood on the Shore. And he spoke many things unto them in Parables, saying, Behold, A SOWER WENT FORTH TO SOW,
and when he sowed, some Seeds fell by the Way side,
and the Fowls came, and devour'd them up; Some fell upon Stony places, where they had not much Earth,
and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no Deepness on Earth, and when the Sun was up, they were scorched, and because they had not Root, they wither'd away; and some fell among Thorns,
and the Thorns sprung up and choack'd them; But other fell in Good Ground, and
brought forth Fruit; some
an Hundred-fold, some
Sixty-fold, some
Thirty-fold. Who has Ears to hear, let him hear.
It is granted by all that I know of, that the
Seeds-Man is
God; the Scripture saith, the
Seed is the
Word of the Kingdom,
Vers. 19. which must needs be the Spiritual Word nigh in the Heart, suitable to the Heavenly Kingdom Christ said, was within, other-wise call'd
Light, that is said
to be sown for the Righteous; or the
Grace, that appeares unto all-Men, and brings Salvation to them that are taught by it: And lastly, common Sense tells us,
that the several Grounds comprehend Mankind; for they must either include the
Bad with the
Good, or the
Good only must be benefited: But the very Scripture expresly distinguisheth betwixt the Good and Bad Ground,
yet affirms the one to have been sown with the Seed as well as the other; Therefore
Gods Gift is Universal, however Men by Wicked Works may have render'd their Hearts
Stony, Thorny, or otherwise defective and uncapable of bringing forth Fruit.
The other Parable is also very weighty, and much to our purpose:
For the Kingdom of Heaven is as a Man travelling
Mat. 25. 14;
to 34.
into a far Country, who called his own Servants, and delivered unto them his Goods; and unto one he gave Five Talents, to another
[Page 35] Two, and to another One, to every Man according to his several ability,
and straight-way took his Journey. Then he that had received Five Talents, went and traded with the same, and made them other Five Talents;
and likewise he, that had received Two, he also gained other Two;
But he that had received One, went and digged in the Earth, and hid his Lord's Money.
After a long time, the Lord of those Servants cometh and Reckoneth with them: And so
he that had received Five Talents
came and brought other Five Talents, saying,
Lord, Thou deliveredst unto me Five Talents, Behold, I have gained besides them Five Talents more. His Lord said unto him; Well done thou Good and Faithful Servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee Ruler over many things, Enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord.
He also that received Two Talents,
came and said,
Lord, Thou deliveredst unto me Two Talents, Behold, I have gain'd Two other Talents besides them, His Lord said unto him; Well done Good and Faithful Servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee Ruler over many things, Enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord.
Then he which had received One Talent,
came and said,
Lord, I knew thee, that thou art an hard Man, Reaping where thou hast not sown, and Gathering where thou hast not strawed;
and I was afraid, and went and hid thy Talent in the Earth: Lo, there thou hast that which is thine. His Lord answer'd, and said unto him, Thou Wicked and Slothful Servant, thou knewest that I Reap where I sowed not, and Gather where I have not strawed, Thou oughtest therefore to have put my Money to the
Exchangers, and then at my Coming I should have received mine Own with Usury:
Take therefore the Talent from him, and give it unto him which has Ten Talents; For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have Abundance, but from him that has not shall be taken away even that which he hath: And cast ye the Unprofitable Servant into utter Darkness,
there shall be Weeping, and Gnashing of Teeth, when the Son of Man shall come in his Glory, and all the Holy Angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the Throne of his Glory, and before Him shall be gather'd all Nations, and He shall separate them one from another, as a Shepherd divideth his Sheep from the Goats,
and He shall set the Sheep on his Right Hand,
but the Goats on the Left.
Reader, I have the rather repeated the Scripture at large, because of that great Strength it carries, methinks, to the Conviction, at least Confusion of that Narrow
[Page 36] Spirit, which confines the infinite Goodness of God, and renders him, whilst he is an Universal Creator,
but a particular Benefactor, shutting up his Gifts within the straight compass of a FEW; representing him thereby, as partial,
as some Parents, who they know not for what, beside their own unequal Wills, do frequently bestow their Favour (indeed the whole of their Affection) upon an Elected Dareling, to the manifest, though causeless Neglect of the rest. But to speak the Truth of the matter, the Over-fondness some bear to their own Opinions, joyn'd with the Envy raised towards those who conform not to them,
has so emptied them of all natural Affection, that looking upon God in that condition they dare to think him as unnatural as themselves; For my part, I have not a great while believ'd, but that it rather rise from an Unwillingness in some, that Dissenters from them should be saved (thereby endeavouring a Compliance upon Necessity)
then that God had not been propitious unto all his Creatures. For who sees not, who can or will see, that
God is this Soveraign Lord, that he made Mankind to be his Servants, that these Three are representative of the whole, and to the End they might not be Unprofitable Ones, that he gave them Talents to improve against his Return, that is,
against the Day of Recompence; for which they are accountable, that who improve their Talents may be rewarded, and they who make no improvement of their Talents, may be punisht with Eternal Separation from the Presence of God, and all his Holy Angels.
I will conclude with these Five Observations:
- 1.
That God (though it be his Soveraign Prerogative,
what he will give) has given a Talent out of his Celestial Treasury unto every Man and Woman.
- 2. That this
Talent is in it self Sufficient; but as the best
Corn, so this Talent, put up into a Napkin, must needs be Unprofitable; yet, that the Fault is in the Party Neglecting or Hiding of it, not in it self.
- 3.
That those who improve not their Talent, are most apt to charge God with Reaping where he Sows not, as do those Professors we have to do with;
who make God to require an Account of all, and yet deny, in order to rendring up this Account with Joy,
that he has given all a Talent Sufficient thereunto.
- 4. That the
Eternal Estate of Men and Women, as Sheep and Goats, purely depends upon their Improving, or not Improving of that Heavenly Talent wherewith God has indu'd them.
Lastly, Neither is there any
Shelter for these
Parsimonious Men, or their
Hide-bound Faith, under the Inequality of the
[Page 37] Number of the Talents; for it is not, how many Talents are given,
but what Improvement is made of what is given: Wherefore greater is his Reward,
who makes one Talent Three, then his who of Ten,
advances but to Fifteen; since the one makes but Half, whilst the other makes Treble Improvement.
Blessed therefore are you all, and will you assuredly be in the Day of the Lord's Recompence, who disregarding the Vanities, Pleasures, Cares and Fleshly Religions of the World, diligently mind your own Talent, and are in the Pure Wisdom and Holy Counsel of the Lord, making your daily Improvement of the same, laying up Treasure in the High and Heavenly Place, that is Durable and Everlasting.
V. This reasonable Truth is yet further manifest, from the weighty Words of our Lord Jesus Christ;
For every one that
John 3. 20.
doth Evil hateth the Light, neither comes to the Light, lest his Deeds should be reproved: To which I would add that of the Apostle,
Whatsoever is reproved is made manifest by the Light. Certainly
Ephes. 5. 13. then, unless Men will be so Unjust to God, as to think (contrary to Scripture and Reason)
He should let Millions of Men, and Scores of Generations live in Sin, without a Light to shew it them, or a Law to limit them; it must be yielded,
that they had Light and Law in their Hearts and Consciences, by which they were Convicted of Sin; and such, as obey'd it, led to work Righteousness,
since their Refusing to bring their Deeds to the Light, was not an Act of Ignorance, but Design; because they knew their Deeds would be Condemn'd, and they for them; which loudly asserts,
that they both had a Light, and knew they had it, though they Rebell'd against it. And if I should grant, that whatever was reproveable, was not made manifest unto them;
yet this will no wayes hinder the Capacity of the Light to do it. 'Tis evident,
That some things which the Gentiles
did, were reprov'd, therefore they had the Light: And if they had it not in all the Extent of its Revelation, the Light was no more to be blamed, then that Guide, whose Passengers therefore could not arrive at their Journey's End,
because they never would begin, at least proceed. Had the
Heathens been Faithful to what they had of God in themselves,
and not been blinded by the Vain Idolatries and Superstitious Traditions of their Fathers, they had more fully known and learn'd the Mind and Will of their Creator; which some of those
Gentiles notwithstanding did, as will yet further appear.
[Page 38]VI. Thus the
Apostle Paul teaches us to believe, in that remarkable Passage of his in the first Chapter to the
Romans: For I am not Asham'd of the Gospel of Christ: For it is
Rom. 1. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28.
the, Power of God unto Salvation, to every one that believeth, to the Jew
first, and also to the Greek.
For therein is the Righteousness of God reveal'd from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men, who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness. Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath shewed it unto them.
For the Invisible Things of Him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen, being understood by the Things that are made, even his Eternal Power and God-head, so that they are without Excuse; because that when they knew God, they Glorified him not as God,
neither were Thankful; but became Vain in their Imaginations, and their Foolish Hearts were Darken'd. And even as they did not like to Retain God in their Knowledge,
God gave them over to a Reprobate Mind, to do those things which are not Convenient.
These Notable Lines of that Great Apostle, give an apparent Overthrow to all Objections against,
either the Universality or Sufficiency of the Light within; which will be further manifest, if the Reader be but pleas'd to observe these few Particulars. (1.) That in the Gospel of Christ
is the Righteousness of God revealed, and that from Faith to Faith. (2.) That
this Faith the Just have ever lived by, for he quotes a Time past,
as it is written, which Writing was about 700. Years before he wrot that Epistle. (3.) That
many had degenerated from the Righteousness of God, to wit, the Gentiles,
into Ungodliness, against which the Wrath of God was revealed from Heaven. (4.)
That they however, once knew the Truth. (5.)
That they came to the Knowledge of this Truth from the Manifestation of God (who is Light)
within; since what might be known of God was manifested in them, because God had shewed it unto them. (6.) That the Cause of their after Darkness,
was their Rebelling against that Manifestation or Light, not Glorifying the God that shewed it to them, when they both saw it, and knew him so to do. Consequently, that God had given them Light Sufficient,
both to know and obey him. And since
they liked not to retain God in their Knowledge, the Deficiency was theirs,
and not the Light's. (7.) If therefore their foolish Hearts were darkned, that is, by Disobedience, it follows,
that therefore that Darkness came by Sin into their Hearts, they
had Light in their Hearts, or a Light
[Page 39] within. 8) Lastly, If the Wrath was therefore revealed,
because the hold the Truth in Unrighteousness, and when they knew God by that Manifestation of Light within,
they glorified him not as God, but became vain in their Imaginations, and their foolish Hearts darkned; Then certainly, had they kept to that Principle, call'd the
Truth, and the
Manifestation of God within, and preserv'd their
Faith in God, as he had reveal'd himself to them;
So glorifying him as God, and
delighting to retain him in their knowledge; Not Wrath,
but Mercy
[...]nd Peace had been revealed from Heaven, as saith the same Apostle in his following Chapter,
to them, who by patient
Chap. 2. 8.
continuance in well doing, seek for Glory and Honour and Immortality, ETERNAL LIFE.
In short; This we may safely conclude, that
the Righteousness
[...] (in the Gospel of Christ, of which
Paul was not ashamed)
from Faith to Faith, by which Faith, he
[...] the Just Ancients lived, or were accepted,
is One in N
[...]ture, though not in Degree with that TRUTH
the Gentiles
Apstatized from, and therefore lived without Faith, Righteousness or God in the World; for which the Wrath was reveal
[...]d; which had they lived up unto,
glorifying God, as God,
[...]ccording to the Manifestation of himself in their Hearts and Consciences, they would have had,
not the Revelation of Wrath, but of the Righteousness of Faith, by which the Just in all Ages have liv'd
[...]cceptably with God: For
without Faith can no Man please God, in any Age;
as without Holiness (that flows from true Faith) to Man shall ever see the Lord.
VII. And Lastly, I do earnestly intreat the
Unprejudic'd Reader, to observe these two notable Passages, which with my Consideration of them, shall conclude the Scripture-Proofs I have urg'd for the
Universality of the Light,
and Spirit of God, antecedent to Christ's Appearance in the Flesh.
Then Peter
opened his Mouth, and said, Of a Truth, I perceive that God is no Respecter of Persons,
but in every Nation, He that feareth him, and worketh Righteousness is accepted with him.
For not the Hearers of the Law are Just before God, but the Doers
Rom. 2. 13, 14, 15, 16. of the Law shall be justified:
For when the Gentiles
which have not the Law, do by Nature the things contained in the Law,
these having not the Law, are a Law unto themselves, which shew the Works of the Law written in their Hearts, their Consciences also bearing Witness, and
their Thoughts the mean while Accusing or Excusing one another, in the Day
[Page 40] when God shall judge
the Secrets of Men by Jesus Ch
[...]ist, according to my Gospel.
These Scriptures are a severe Check to our
Adversaries undervaluing Apprehension of the blessed
Light of God, and that will appear in several particulars.
1. God is no Respecter of Persons in any Nation; from whence I honestly conclude,
that all Persons and Nations were inlightned, as well Gentiles
as Jews.
2. That here are Men (not of the Circumcision made with hands) who fear God, work Righteousness, and are Doers of the Law, not from any outward Obligation (
[...]or they had none)
but the inward Work of the Law writ upon
[...] Hearts; which is a Demonstration,
that they had not only
[...] Light as a Reprover, but as a Teacher and Leader, whereby th
[...]y came to fear God, and work Righteousness, which is else-where said to be
Eccles. 12, 13, 14.
the Sum of the Matter, and whole Duty of Man:
[...] then no
[...] that fears God, works Righteousness, and keeps the
[...] Law of God, as the Scriptures testifie
some Gentiles to h
[...]ve done, can be said to do so, and
yet worship false Gods, or not ri
[...]htly Worship the true one, be void of the true Light, the most part of
T. Hicks his 9th page, where he objects the
[...] Ignorance of the true God, against the Sufficiency of the Light within, and a Challenge to us to
produce one Instance amon
[...] the many Thousands of Mankind that from the Light within, hath been reproved for not believing Jesus to be Christ,
[...] as the smoak; For though perhaps he thinks, he may have done a great deal, in making that bold Demand of
[...], yet I shall briefly tell him, that such as lived up most sincerely to the Light in their own Consciences, acknowledged most readily,
that glorious Appearance of Light in
[...]hat Body then in the World. They were the great Pretenders to Scriptures, that would not come to Christ,
the Traditional, Literal and Ordinance-Men that Rejected and Crucified him; and that had not both,
Cornelius and the
Centurion, with many others,
been upright Livers to the Light within, neither
[...] Peter
been so received by the one, nor Christ so follow'd by the other. But that measure of the
Divine Light, which they had thitherto obey'd, as the
more sure Word of Prophecy, lead them naturally,
unto the Rising of the Day-Star, which, though a more glorious manifestation,
yet not of another Light, Life, or Spirit, then had ever been; for there are not two Lights, Lifes, Natures or Spirits in God, he is ONE for ever in himself, and his Light one in kind, how ever variously he may have declar'd himself
[Page 41] or manifested it at sundry times of the World; His
Truth is one, his Way is one, and his Rest one forever. But last of all, that which greatly joyes, is this,
that the Narrowness of some Mens Spirits in this World, will not be found able to exclude vertuous Gentiles
from their Reward in the other: But maugre all the
Heat, Petulancy, Conceitedness, and Fleshly Boasting of Carnal Christians;
such as fear God, and Work Righteousness, and are Doers of the Law, we are assured, shall be accepted with, and justified of God, in the Day that he will judge the Secrets of all men by Jesus Christ, according to Paul'
s Gospel; and if any man bring another, let It be accurst; Amen.
I have here on purpose overlookt many very pregnant Instances both in the
Old and
New Testament (so call'd) for Brevities sake, in which the Righteousness of the
Gentiles hath in several Cases more evidently appeared, then that of some of the
Jews, and
which undeniably testifies to the Sufficiency of that Light, they had, both to manifest that which was Good, from that which was Evil, and give an Ability to such as
Gen. 20. 4. & 21. 22.
truly minded its Illumination, whereby they were enabled to do the one, and to reject the other. Such were
Abimelech, Cyrus, Darius,
2 Chron 36. 23. Ezra 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 13. & 6. 3, 12. the
Ruler that came to Christ, and many others, which I shall omit to mention more particularly; the chief Bent of my Mind being, to demonstrate the Truth of my Assertion,
Dan. 6. 26, 27. from their own Writings.
That the
Gentiles Believed in One God. That He inlightned All Men with a Saving
Light. That Men ought to live Piously. That the Soul is Immortal. That there is an Eternal Recompence. The Whole call'd
Gentile-Divinity. The First Point prov'd by Sixteen Testimonies.
HAving prov'd briefly, but truly from the Scriptures, that the
Gentiles in general, were Illuminated with a
Divine Light; I shall now make it my Business, to evidence the Truth thereof by most undeniable,
particular Instances, out of their own Writings. And because I am willing, my Defence of both, the
Light within, and
Those of them,
who obey'd it, should turn to the clearest and best Account, I will endeavour to resolve the Whole
[Page 42] into as plain a Method, as the Matter, and their Way of delivering it will allow me.
First then, from their own
Authorities, I am taught to affirm, that the
Gentiles Believed in
One, Holy, Infinite and
Eternal God.
Secondly, That they did therefore so believe,
because God had imprinted the Knowledge of himself in their Hearts; or in our Language, that
he had Illuminated all Mankind with a Divine Light which, as
conversed with, and obey'd, would lead to Eternal Happiness.
Thirdly, That
they held, and practised high Sanctity of Life.
Fourthly, That they affirmed an
Immortality of Souls, and Eternal Rewards of Felicity,
or Misery,
according to Man's Obedience to, or Rebellion against the Eternal God his
Creator: which Excellent
Principles, true and clear, being the
Result of their Discourse, on those Subjects, do worthily deserve, in my esteem, the Style of DIVINITY, which shall be the Denomination, I hope, I may without Offence bestow upon them in this Discourse.
That the
Gentiles did acknowledge and believe,
There was but One Supream God, that made all things, who is Infinite, Almighty, Omni-present, Holy and Good forever: I shall produce some of those many Authorities that aver the same; and accommodate it to such Scripture, as the Truth of them, as well as Practice of very Ancient
Fathers will bear me out in.
I. ORPHEUS, as Old, as more then One Thousand Two Hundred Years before Christ, thus expresseth his Belief
Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5. of God:
His Hand reaches
He stretched-out his Hand over the Sea,
Isa. 23. 11. — Sing Praises unto the Lord, to Him that Rideth upon the Heavens of Heavens,
Psal. 68. 33. — For the Lord your God, he is God in Heaven above, and in the Earth beneath,
Josh. 2. 11.
Rev. 22. 13.
to the End of the Sea, his Right-hand is everywhere, and the Earth is under his Feet. He is only One, begot of himself,
and of Him alone are all things begot; and God is the First and the Last.’
Hereby not only telling us,
there was a God, but attributing that Almighty Power and Omni-presence, which show, he meant no
Statuary Deity, but
the God that made the Heavens and the Earth.
[Page 43]II. HESIOD,
God is God of the Living, and not of the Dead,
Mat. 22. 32. — Now unto the King Eternal,
Immortal, Invisible, the Only Wise God, be Honour and Glory forever and ever, Amen, 1
Tim. 1. 17. 1
Tim. 6. 16. — Thy Throne, O God, is forever and ever,
Psal. 45. 6.
Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5.
all, which do not Dye, thou art King and Lord; none can Contend with Thee concerning Thy Power.’
This Emphatically proves
God to have been but
One, and
Omni-potent in their Belief.
III. THALES, a very Ancient
Greek Phylosopher, tells
Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5. us;
‘That there is but
Thou art Glorious in Holiness,
Exod. 15. 4. — God had Glory before the World began,
John 17. 5. — The Lord Searcheth the Heart, and Tryeth the Reins,
Psalm. 7. 9. — And tell unto Man his Thoughts,
Amos 4. 13 — God is from Everlasting to Everlasting, God,
Psalm. 90. 2. — Without Beginning of Days, or End of Life,
Heb. 7. 3.
God, that he is Glorious forever and ever: And he openly confesseth,
That he is called
Thales being demanded what God was,
That (saith he)
Another asking,
If a Man might do Ill, and conceal it from God?
‘Men ought to believe, saith
DeLeg. 2.
Cicero, in his Name,
that God sees all things.’
I alone am God, and besides Me there is not another. There is none other but One God, 1
Cor. 8. 5.
Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5. is
One God, who alone is Infinite and without Beginning. —’
Who can see
No Man has seen God at any time, 1
John 4. 12. — Heaven is my Throne,
Acts 7. 49. — The Lord's Throne is in Heaven,
Psalm. 11. 4. And hear thou in Heaven, thy Dwelling-Place, 1
King. 8. 30.
with Fleshly Eyes the Heavenly, True and Immortal God, whose Seat is in the Highest of Heaven?’
Sibyll is Aged above Two Thousand Years. The Question
implies her Faith; that God was a Spirit, as
Christ himself also testifies.
[Page 44]V. PYTHAGORAS, a Modest, but Diligent and
Jamblich. Retired Man, in his Search after Heavenly things, saith,
That it is Man's Duty to believe
Thou must believe that God is; and that he is a Rewarder of them that fear him,
Hebr. 11. 6. — For thine is the Kingdom, 1
Chron. 29. 11.
Mat. 6. 13. — Thou art Lord of Heaven and Earth,
Acts 17. 24 — And the Government shall be upon his Shoulders,
Isa. 9. 6 — Again, God is Light, and in him is no Darkness at all,
John 1. 5 — I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
John 14. 6 — God is all, above all, and in all,
Ephes. 4. 6.
of the Divinity, that it is, and that it is in such a manner, as to Mankind,
that it overlooks them, and neglects them not; for we have need of such a Government,
as we ought not in any thing to Contradict; such is that, which proceeds from the Divinity: For the Divinity is such,
that to it doth of Right belong the Dominion of all. Again, God resembleth LIGHT and TRUTH. In another place,
God himself inhabits the Lowest, and Highest, and the Middlemost; there is no Being nor Place without God.’
Just. Mart.
is One; HE IS NOT (as some conceive) OUT OF THE WORLD, but entire within himself,
A God nigh at hand,
Acts 17. 27.
Jer, 23. 23 — One God, who is above all, through all, and in all,
Ephes. 4. 6 — God is Light; and upon whom hath not his Light arisen? 1
John 1. 5.
Job 25. 3 — One God and Father of all, 1
Cor. 8. 6 — Now to the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the Only Wise God be Glory, &c. 1
Tim. 1. 17.
as in a Compleat Circle, surveying all Generations. HE IS THE SALT OF ALL AGES, the Agent of his own Powers, and Works; the Principle of all things;
One Heavenly Luminary or Light, and Father of all things; Only Wise, Invisible, yet Intelligible.’
Which very Pathetical Account of the
Divine Being, so correspondent with Scripture (yet he a Stranger to it) I mean the Words only; for the Matter in this Point, he weightily hits, deserves very Serious Consideration and Acknowledgment, from all, especially those who would not Narrow God's Mercies to their own Time or Party.
[Page 45]VI. To the same purpose speaks HERACLITUS,
that sensibly Afflicted Philosopher, for the World's Impieties and Idolatrics, whose very Sorrowful, yet sound & smart Expressions, show they came
from a Mind deeply touch'd: In one of his Epistles to
Hermodorus, his Friend, he thus seemeth after a while to address himself to
Eutycles, and the rest of his Enemies, that Impeacht him for being an
Enemy to their Stony Gods:
‘Thus I shall be condemned of
Impiety by the
Impious. What thinkest thou?
Shall I seem Impious to them for Dissenting from their Gods? If Blind Men were to Judge of
The Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Thee. 1
Kings 8. 27. 2
Chron. 6. 18 — What House will ye build me?
Acts 7. 49 — God dwells in the Light, 1
Tim. 6. 16 — To whom will ye liken God? what Likeness will ye compare unto Him?
Isa. 40. 18, 25 — God is a Spirit,
John 4. 24. Sight,
they would say that Blindness were Sight: But O ye Ignorant Men,
teach us first, what God is, that when ye declare us to be Impious, you may be believed. Where is God?
shut up in Temples? O Pious Men! (he speaks Ironically, or by Contraries) WHO PLACE GOD IN THE DARK.
This is a most Clear, and Ample Testimony against their
Idols, mixt with a
Religious Derision; yet qualified by a kind of
Lamentation: Surely
Heraclitus believed in God, yea, and that he was
Light too, and such a one as should
Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 2. never set; by whom he else-where says,
He had overcome the Enemies of his Soul.’
VII. ANAXAGORAS, esteemed Noble by Birth,
Lact. Fals. Rel. 1. 5. but more Noble for his Knowledge and Vertue, who was Master to
Socrates, taught thus concerning God;
Cic. de Nat. Deor. 1.
God is an Infinite
But to us there is but One God, the Father of all, of whom are all things, 1
Cor. 8. 6. Where
August. cir. Del. 8. wast thou when I laid the Foundations of the Earth? read on,
Job 38. 4 — And the Earth was without Form: read the Chapter,
in which is declared, God's Making and beautifying Heaven and Earth, and all Living Creatures therein, Gen. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. and so to the end. — Thou Lord madest the Heavens and the Earth, and all that in them is,
Acts 4. 24.
Selfmoving Mind; that this Divine, Infinite Mind is the Efficient Cause of all things; every thing beingmade according to its
[Page 46] Species, by the Divine Mind; who,
when all things were confusedly mingled together, CAME AND REDUCED THEM TO ORDER.’
Which doubtless is so true, that
Anaxagoras had no small Share of true Light, to give this Account, of both God and the Creation: And indeed, his Memory was Celebrated by the
Greeks, for having very much improved that Discovery, they had concerning God and Immortality.
Good Heathen (if without
Plat. phaed. Offence,
to the Professors of Christianity, I may say it) not only confesseth to ONE God, but I am of Opinion, they will think he gives good Reason why he doth so. He first layes down,
That the Mind, which they frequently call God by, is the Disposer and Cause of all things.’
Or in other words of his thus,
To these Notable Arguments urged for the Proof of a
Divine Super-intelligent Being, and his Creation and Providence, may well agree those Pathetical Expressions of
Job, the
Psalmist, and several
Prophets, Evangelists and
Apostles; concerning,
God's Creating the World, and upholding it to this day, his laying the Foundations thereof; his Providence over the Lillies and the Sparrows; his bringing forth Fruits in due season; his Lights by Day, and by Night; that the Disciples should take no Thought what they shall Eat, and Drink, or put on;
That there is a Spirit in Man, and the Inspiration of the Almighty gives Understanding; and lastly,
Can any hide himself in secret Places, and I not see him, saith the Lord, Jer. 23. 24 — No;
If I take the Wings of the Morning and flee to the uttermost Part of the Earth, thou art there, Psal. 139. 9. — And by me Kings Raign, and Princes Decree Justice, saith God,
Prov. 8. 15 — And is every-where,
Josh. 2. 11 — And orders all,
Wisd. 11. 20. & 12. 15 —
There is but One God, and none else besides him. Eph. 4. 6 — In the beginning God Created the Heaven and Earth,
Gen. 1. 1, 2, 3 — In him we Live, Move, and have our Being,
Acts 17. 21 — Thus he Sees and Hears all, and is Every-where,
Psal. 34. 9, 10, 11. is ONE,
[...], PERFECT
in Him-self, giving the Being and Well-being of every Creature.’
And this he giveth his Reasons for:
Xen. memor. 1.
‘That GOD, Not CHANCE, made the World and all Creatures, is Demonstrable,
from the Reasonable Disposition of their Parts, as well for Use as Defence, from their Care to preserve themselves, and continue their Species; that he particularly regards Man,
in his Body from the Excellent Upright Form thereof, from the Gift of Speech;
from Allowance
in his Soul, from the Excellency thereof above others, both for Divinations, and Praedicting Dangers; that he regards
Particulars, from his Care of the whole
Species; that he will Reward such as Please him, and Punish such as Displease him, from his Power to do it, AND FROM THE BELIEF HE HATH IMPRINTED IN A MAN, THAT HE WILL DO IT; professed by the most Wise
[Page 47] and Civilized
Cities and
from the Instances of his Eye, which at once over-runs many Miles; and of the
Mind, which at once considereth things done in the most distant Places.
Id. eod.
That God knoweth all things, whether they be SAID, DONE, or SECRETLY DESIRED.
Id. 4. That God takes Care of all Creatures is demonstrable from the Benefits he gives them,
of Light, Water and Fire, Seasonable Production of Fruits of the Earth; That he hath particular Care of Man,
from the Nourishment of all Plants and Creatures for Man's Service, from their Subjection to Man, though they Exceeded him never so much in Strength; from the Variety of Man's Sense, accommodated to the Variety of Objects, for Necessity, Use and Pleasure;
from Reason, whereby he discoursed, through Reminiscence, from sensible Objects from Speech, whereby he communicates all that he knows, gives Laws and governs States. That God, notwithstanding he is Invisible, hath a Being from the Instances of his Ministers invisible also, as Thunder and Wind;
So that here is both
Socrates his Faith in God, and his Reasons for it; drawn from the outward Creation, and the inward Divine Sence, that from the Divine Instinct, or Nature, he receiv'd, in which he lived, and for which he willingly dy'd, as afterwards may be related.
[Page 48]IX. TIMAEUS Locrus,
in his Work of Nature, thus Argumentatively expresseth himself in;
Principle of all, is
Unbegotten; for
In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, & the Word was God, all things were made by him, &c.
John 1. 1, 2, 3, 4 if it was Begotten,
then were it no more that Principle, but that of which it were Begotten would be the Principle.’
Suitable to this saith CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS,
Clem. Alex.
TIMAEUS affirms, namely,
Hear, O
Strom. L. 5.
King. 19. 19. —
Mark 12. 32. — 1
Tim. 2. 5. Israel,
the Lord thy God is One, and him only shalt thou Serve.’
Thus did he endeavour to Refute the
Gentiles, and prove the Scriptures out of their own Writings. But again,
That God is, and that he is a Spirit,
De Anim. and that he is the
God is a Spirit, John 4. 24. — God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light,
Gen 1. 3 — He is the Father of Lights,
Jam. 1. 17.
of all Light.’Which how Sober and True it is, let the Scriptures here inserted testifie.
Socrates's School, expressing himself, as it were,
Clem. Alex.
Strom. L. 5
That thou mayst know,
that there is none like Me in all the Earth, saith God,
Exod. 9. 14. & 8. 10. — Who in Heaven can be Compared unto the Lord? who among the Sons of the Mighty can be Likened unto the Lord?
Psal. 89. 6. by way of Paraphrase that Prophetick Saying;
Whom have ye likened me unto, saith the Lord? thus speaks,
He is like none, because no Man can know him from a Likeness or Image.’
By which we may perceive he did not believe him to be an Image, who could not be known by an Image, nor any thing that could be seen with Carnal Eyes: a Step beyond the
Romanists, that teach the Knowledge of, as they darkly Fancy, by Images.
XI. PLATO, also Schollar to
Socrates, and whom the
Greeks for his Heavenly Contemplation, and Pious Life, surnam'd,
Divine, gives us his Faith of God in these words,
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First & the Last,
Rev. 22. 13. Thou art the Everlasting God,
Isa. 40 — The Way of the Lord is
Perfect, Psal. 80, 30. He is a Rock; his Work is
Perfect; for all his Ways are Judgment; A
God of Truth, and without Iniquity, Just & Right is he,
Deutr. 23. 4 — For I am the Lord,
Isa. 45. 5 —
I Change not, Mal. 3. 6.
[Page 49] is,
needing none, and ever Perfect; that is,
absolute in all Times; and every way perfect; that is,
absolute in every part, Divinity, Essence, Truth, Harmony, Good: Neither do we so name these,
to distinguish one from the other, but rather by them all to understand one. He is said to be
GOOD, because he bestows his Benefits upon all, according to their several Capacities, and so is the Cause of all Good;
FAIR, because he is in Essence, both More, Better and Equal;
TRUTH, because he is
the Principle of all Truth, as the Sun is of all Light.’
‘Moreover, God not having many Parts, can neither be locally mov'd, nor alter'd by Qualities; For if he be alter'd,
it must be done by himself, or some other; if by some other,
that Other must be of greater Power then he; if by Himself,
it must be either to Better, or to Worse; both which are Absurd.’
From all these it Follows, That God is
Incorporeal; and by all which it is evident, how True, and how Reasonable, and how Firm a Belief
Plato had,
of One Eternal Being and Father of all.
XII. And Lyricus MELANIPPIDES, praying saith:
Clem. Alex.
Hear me, O Father, thou Wonder of
Strom. L. 5.
Exod. 1. 15, 11. — Psalm. 136. 4, 5, 6.
Men, who alwayes Covernest the Living Soul.’
This plainly preaches to us their Belief of One Eternal God.
XIII. PARMENEDES Magnus, as saith
Plato in
Clem. Alex.
Sophista writes concerning God, on
Strom. L. 5.
Thy Throne is establisht of Old, thou art from Everlasting,
Psal. 93. 2. —
Jehovah is Everlasting,
Isa. 26. 4. this wise,
He is not Begotten, neither is he lyable to any Death; like a Chain, whose Links are Whole & Round, and alwayes Firm, and Void of a Beginning.’
What was this, but the Eternal God, by whom all things were made, the First and the Last.
[Page 50]XIV. ZENO, a
Grave and
Wise Philosopher, who instituted the Way of the
Stoicks, but not of
Vertue; both the
Cynicks and
Stoicks, mostly teaching such Doctrine as tended to
good Life, may well be said to have been the Followers of
Socrates, the ExcellentMan of his time, only they a little differed themselves by some particular Severities
too Voluntary, which the
Mild, Serious and Unaffected Piety of Socrates gave them no Encouragement to, though none of them trod
in a more Self-denying Path, then History tells us, he walkt in. This
Zeno and his Disciples, were Vigorous
[...]sserters of One Infinite and Eternal God, as by their Doctrines may appear.
Zeno tells us,
That God is an Immortal Being, Rational,
Perfect or Intellectual in
Now to the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the Only Wise God, be Honour and Glory forever, 1
Tim. 1. 17. — The Rich and Poor meet together, the Lord is the Maker of them all,
Pro. 22. 2. Come now let us Reason together, saith the Lord,
Isa. 1. 18. — Be ye Holy, for I the Lord your God am Holy,
Levit. 11. 44. — One God and Father of all, of whom are all things,
Ephes. 4. 6. 1
Cor. 8. 16. — Who is a God like
Aristot. de Xen. unto thee?
Exod. 15. 4. — The Almighty is Excellent in Power,
Job 37. 23. — And his Kingdom rules over all
Psal. 103. 19.
Beatitude, void of all Evil, provident over the
World, and things in the World;
Not of Humane Form, MAKER OF ALL, AS IT WERE, FATHER OF ALL. Again, God, and the Power of God, is such,
as that it governs, but is not governed: It governeth all things; so that if there were any thing more Excellent,
He could not possibly be God.’
This was
Zeno's Faith of God, which I cannot believe, that
Tho. Hicks himself has so far abandon'd all Reason, as to censure for False, or
Idolatrous, that he Taught It as well as Thought It. Let us hear some of his Followers,
XV. CHRYSIPPUS, also avers, as his Belief of a
Laert. de Ira Dei c. 10. God, that the World was made by him; consequently he believed there was one:
‘For if
Lord, thou art God, which hast made Heaven and Earth, and all that in them is,
Acts 4. 24. God that made the World,
Psal. 90. 2. — All Nations are unto God, but as a Drop to the Bucket, and the Dust to the Ballance.
Isa. 40. 11, 15. (saith he) there be any thing which can procr
[...]ate such Beings
[Page 51] as Man indued with Reason is unable to produce,
that (doubtless)
must needs be Stronger, and Greater, and Wiser then Man; but a Man cannot make the Celestial things, therefore that which made them transcended Man, in Art, Counsel, Prudence and Power; And what can that be but GOD?’
Thus far
Chrysippus, the
Stoick, in reference to God. But again,
XVI. ANTIPATER, a Famous, Serious and Accute
Stoick, in his Discourse of God and the World, declares
Plut. himself to us after this manner:
Plat. phaed.
God is a Spirit,
Antip. de Mund. l. 7. 4. 24. — In whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom & Knowledg,
Col. 2..8 — Of the Incorruptible God,
Rom. 1. 23. The Lord is Good to all, and his tender Mercies are over all his Works,
Psal. 85. 9. — God is not far away from every one of us,
Acts 17. 27.
‘We understand by that which we call
God, A SPIRIT, full of
WISDOM, a Living Nature, or DIVINE SUBSTANCE, Blessed and INCORRUPTIBLE, doing good to Mankind, PRESENT THROUGH THE WHOLE WORLD; receiving several Denominations from the DIVERSITY OF HIS APPEARANCES, and the various Operations and Effects of his Divine Power shewn therein.’
Which kind of
Evangelical Definition may very rightly induce us to believe him, to have been at least of those who knew God; but we hope, not of those, who when they knew him,
Glorified him not as God.
Indeed, what we have hitherto produc'd of them all, may worthily be accounted DIVINITY; and not the worse for being
Gentiles, since God is also therein to be Admired;
so Forceable, so True, and so Conspicuous are their Assertions, and their
Reasons for them; that who will yet believe,
there was not a Measure of the Eternal Fulness of all Divine Light shining in the Hearts of these Heathens,
to give them the Knowledge of the Glory of the Only True and Invisible God; must not think it strange, if upon their own Principle of Incredulity, after all their Protestations for, and Professions
[Page 52] of the
any should believe them to be very Mahometans
or Infidels; and that they are over-cast with the darkest Clouds of Envy and Uncharitableness: For my part, I am of the mind, that
many Thousands of Christians, at least so reputed (I mean not of the Rabble neither) believe not God so clearly, nor are able to give better Reasons for what they do believe of him, then these exhibited in this first part of the
Thus much concerning
God, with respect to
Himself, his
Creation and
The Second Fundamental of
Gentile. Divinity, viz.
That God hath Imprinted the Knowledge of Himself on the Mind of all Mankind. Proved from Twelve Pregnant Testimonies, as well of whole Societies, as particular Persons. Compared with Scripture.
IT will be now requisit, that I give an Account of their
Belief in God, with respect to that Discovery he is pleased to give of himself unto
Mankind, how, and
where; which amounts to what is laid down in my Second Assertion.
viz. That
God Imprinteth the Knowledge of Himself in the Mind of Mankind; or,
that God's Way of Manifesting Himself to Mankind, is by Enlightning the Soul with his own Divine Light, which Obey'd, leads to Blessedness.
That this was their Doctrine, and the Ground of the Knowledge they had of God, be pleased to weigh these their following very plain, yet very weighty Expressions.
‘The Mind, saith PYTHAGORAS
Tim. de De Anim. Mund.
The Pure in heart shall see God,
Mat. 5. 8. — He dwelleth in Immortality; no Mortal Eye can approach or behold him, 1
Tim. 1. 16. One Thing have I desired of Thee, O Lord, to behold the Beauty of the Lord,
Psalm. 27. 4 — The Things of God knows no Man, but the Spirit of God; but God hath Reveal'd them to us by his Spirit 1
Cor. 2. 10, 11. & 1. 13. — Is Christ divided? 1
Cor. 1. 13 — And I heard a great Voice saying, THE TABERNACLE OF GOD IS WITH MEN. He that Overcometh shall Inherit all things: I will be his God, and he shall be my Son,
Revel. 21. 3, 7. and his Disciples, onely seeth the
ETERNAL GOD, the Ruler and Father of all things. — What greater Pleasure then to behold the Serene Aspect of God? — What things are agreable to God,
cannot be known UNLESS A MAN HEAR GOD HIMSELF. They mutually exhorted one another,
[Page 53] to Divide asunder the
GOD THAT WAS IN THEM; for that it ought to be their Care, to Preserve their Union with God, and one with another. — Again, saith
De Anim. Mund.
Timaeus, one of the Exactest of that School; The most Excellent Thing the Soul is Awaken'd to,
is her Guide, or
Good Cenius (that is, a Measure of the Divine Light and Spirit)
but if she be Rebellious to it, it will prove her Daemon, or Tormentor. But having overcome these things, saith
Pythagoras, (to wit, Evils)
thou shalt know
[...], the Co-habitation or Dwelling together of the IMMORTAL GOD AND MORTAL MEN; whose Work is Life; the Work of God is
Immortality, Eternal Life.’
Thus far the
Pythagoreans, and certainly far enough to prove the Assertion;
for next to Hearing and Seeing God himself, his Dwelling in, and Tabernacling with Men, what is there of greater Spiritual Intimacy or Union? O the Folly and great Uncharitableness of those
Professors! that exclude both such Men, and such Knowledge the Kingdom of God, because it is not deliver'd in
absolute Scripture-Phraise, whilst it imports much of the very Substance of them,
as to Divine Vision, Union with God, and Eternal Life. But to go on.
II. HIERON, that Ancient
Philosopher, intituled the Universal
Light shining in the Conscience, which witnessed, by its Reproof, against Evil; and if obey'd, led to Immortality,
In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,
John 1. 1. — The Word is nigh thee, in thy Heart and in thy Mouth,
Rom. 10. 8. I dwell in the High and Holy Place, with him also that is of a Contrite and Humble Spirit,
Isa. 57. 15. — Ye are the Temples of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you, 1
Cor. 2 16. — Whatever may be known of God is manifested within, for God shews it unto them,
Rom. 1. 19. GOD, or GOD WITHIN
the Hearts and Souls of Men.’
God is that which in Mortal Men gives them to Know aright concerning God.’
Certainly these
Gentiles had an high Veneration for that Light which manifested Darkness,
who made it their Rule, their Guide, their Domestick God; they set him not at a Distance without them;
but believed in him as God, the WORD; speaking to them in their own Consciences. In which respect the Minor Poets notably express'd themselves.
III. BYAS, Prince of his Country
Pireen, being invaded
Valer. Max. 7. 2. by Enemies, and several of the Inhabitants put to flight, with their greatest Wealth; and He being asked, Why he also carried not his Choisest Goods with him, he answered,
I do carry MY
Lay up Treasure in Heaven, where neither Moth nor Rust can Corrupt, nor Thief break through and Steal,
Mat. 6. 20. — This Treasure hath God put into Earthen Vessels, 2
Cor. 4. 7. — Fear not, for the Lord thy God it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee,
Deut. 31. 6. — In all their Afflictions he was Afflicted,
Isa. 63. 9 —. The Lord is a present Help in the time of Trouble,
Psal. 46. 1. GOODS
with me. HE BORE THEM (saith
Valerius Maximus) IN HIS BREAST, not to be seen by the Eye,
but prized by the Soul, inclosed in the narrow Dwelling of the Mind, not to be Demolisht by Mortal Hands; WHICH IS ALWAYS PRESENT WITH THOSE WHO STAY, and NEVER DESERTETH OR FORSAKETH THOSE THAT FLEE.’
Certainly then, they thought this
Divine Principle the greatest Treasure, the surest Companion, the best Comforter and only Sanctuary of the Soul in greatest Extremities, induing it with Piety and Patience, and as what gave
that Contentment, which was able to wade through the deepest Calamities.
IV. SOPHOCLES is also of that Number, that
* Oedip. Tyr. bears Testimony to Divine Illumination.
Shall not the Uncircumcision that is by Nature, if it fulfil the Law, judge thee, who by the
[...]etter and Circumcision dost transgress the Law. For he is not a
Jew that is one Outward, implying such as keep the Law is one Inward,
Rom. 2. 27, 28. — And the Word of God (nigh in the Heart) shall abide forever,
Isa. 40. 8.
God grant (saith he)
that I may alwayes be so happy, as
[Page 55] to observe that Venerable Sanctity in my Words and Deeds, which is commanded by these NOBLE LAWS (speaking of the Laws written in Men's Consciences) which were made in Heaven;
GOD IS THEIR FATHER, NOT MORTAL NATURE, neither shall they ever be Forgotten or
ABROGATED: for there is in them a Great God, that never waxeth Old.’
‘This is (saith he again) with respect to Man's Conscience,
a Divine, a Sacred Good, God the Overseer.’
Certainly in themselves, very
Seraphick Epithites, fraited with strong Faith of a God, and that Way of Inward Discovery, he is pleased to make of himself to Mankind. For
Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5. it was he that said,
‘Truly there is but One Onely God, who made the Heavens and the Earth.’
V. It is frequently said of SOCRATES,
He had the
Plutarch. de Gen. Socr.
Guide of his Life Within him (which, it was told his Father
Sophroniscus, should be
of more Worth to him then 500.
Masters) he call'd it, His Good Angel or
There is a Spirit in Man, but the Inspiration of the Almighty giveth Understanding.
Job 32 8. 2 Tim. 2. 22, 25. — For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, are the Children of God,
Rom. 8. 14. Spirit: that it suggested to his Mind,
what was Good & Vertuous, inclin'd & dispos'd him to a Strict and Pious Life; that it furnisht him with Divine Knowledge, and very often impuls'd or
Reproof; at other times, to
Information; and otherwise,
gently to diswade them from Intemperance, Vanity of Life, particularly,
from seeing of Playes, and to exhort them to
Repentance, Reformation, and Self-Denyal, in hopes of Immortality.’
In phaed. is not wanting to bring in his Vote, for further Confirmation of our Assertion, on the Behalf of the
The Light and Spirit of God, saith he,
[Page 56] as WINGS TO THE
God is Light 1
John 1. 5. — In thy Light
[...] we see Light,
Psalm. 36. 10 — God is not far from every one of us; for in him we live, move and have our
[...]eing; for we are also his Offsping, as certain of your own
Poets have said,
Acts 17. 27, 28. One of whom was
Arabus, whom the Apostle quotes as speaking Truth, and imployes it against them, to prove a
True God, and to introduce his Gospel; which if it shewed their Apostacy, it also implies, that there had been
Heathens, rightly apprehending of God; else surely, the
Apostle would never have cited the
Poets Saying, for a Confirmation of his own Doctrine.
SOUL, or as that which raiseth up the Soul into a Sensible Communion with God above the World, which the Mind of Man is prone to slug or bemire it self withal.’And adds
Enead. 1. cap. 1. PLOTIN, a Famous
God is the very Root or Life of the Soul.’Again,
Man hath a Divine Principle in him, which maketh the true and good Man. And the
Platonists in general, held Three Principles to be in Man; the
first, they called,
Mind, Intellect, Spirit, or
Divine Light. The
[...], the
Soul of Man. The
Third they called,
[...], the
Soul's Image, which, say they, is her vital
Energy upon the Body, and the
Feminine Faculty of the Soul.’
By all which it is evident (though I could more abundantly prove from their many Writings) that they believ'd and held Divine Illumination and Inspiration, and that such a
Principle resided in Man, even the Eternal
[...], or
Mind; which is to say in proper English,
God Himself, by which alone the Soul could become, what it ought to be to God.
Stoick, alloweth not Mankind to be govern'd of right by the Dictates of their own Nature, which barely renders them Men,
but by that Divine, Infinite and Eternal Nature, which is God, universally defus'd or sown through the whole Race of Man, as the most sure and infallible Guide and Rule. To live (saith he) according to this Knowledge and Direction,
is truly to live according to Vertue; not doing any thing
For the Lord God is a Sun & a Shield: the Lord will give Grace and Glory: no good Thing will he withhold from them that trust in him, and walk uprightly,
Psal. 84. 11, 12. — For God hath shewed it unto them,
Rom. 1. 19. that is forbidden.
The Vertue and Happiness of a Man depends upon the close Correspondence of his Mind, with the Divine Will of him, who governeth the Universe.’
[Page 57]Again, saith the same
VIII. MENANDER, signifying God to be Good,
Clem. Alex. saith,
Every Man hath a good Daemon as soon as he is born,
Strom. L. 5.
an Holy Instructor in governing
A Manifestation of the Spirit is given unto every one to profit withal, 1
Cor. 12. 7. — One God, and Father of all, who is above all, and through all. — The Lord is Good unto all,
Psal. 145. 9.
of the Life; as that I may confess him to be an
Evil Daemon, who hurts the Life of a Good Man.’Then subjoyns he,
‘That a Good God is in all, that God is perfectly Good, and that he is Good in all. Again, on another Occasion saith he, God, who is alwayes near, sees this; for God is not a God afar off.’
IX. PHILO, though a
Jew born, yet a very Serious
Leg. Alleg. and Refin'd
Philosopher, gives us his Judgment in this Particular
L. 1. very positively, and to purpose:
How should the Soul of Man (saith he)
The Things of God knoweth no Man save the Spirit of God, 1
Cor. 2. 11. — I will put my Law in their Minds and write them in their Inward parts; I will be their God, and they shall be my People,
Heb. 8. 10, 11.
‘That the Divine Reason we have from God,
is an Infallible Law, not a Mortal Rule given, by this or that Mortal; NO LIFELESS PRECEPTS WRITTEN IN PAPERS, OR UPON PILLARS, BUT IMMORTAL,
being ingraven by the Eternal Nature IN THE MINDS OF MEN.’
This is an undeniable Testimony
to the Law written in the Heart, as a more Excellent Dispensation, then that which is written in Paper, or engraved on Pillars, But further,
X. Nor is PLUTARCH wanting to the Proof of this Assertion, on the behalf of the
Gentiles Divinity, who thus
[Page 58] delivers himself, speaking of the Principle of God in the Conscience:
‘It is a Law (saith he)
not written in Tables
Plut. Dion.
or Books, but
dwelling in the
Because whatever may be known of God is manifest within; for God hath shewed it unto them: but because they liked not to retain God in their Knowledge, God gave them up to vile Affections,
Rom. 2. 19, 26, 28.
Mind, ALWAYS AS A LIVING RULE, which never permits the Soul to be destitute of an interiour Cuide.’ Again,
‘To debase this
Ancient Faith of Mankind, and
Natural Belief, which is
planted in all Reasonable Souls, is to
Overthrow the Strong and Everlasting Foundation of Vertue.’
Doubtless very
Peremptory, Zealous and
Sensible, doth
Plutarch show himself on the behalf of an
Internal, Divine Principle.
XI. But be pleased to hear what * EPICTETUS
Dis. lib. 1. cap. 14. says in this Matter, whose Vertue was admirable in its time, and whose
Memory is preserv'd in great Respect among many, who would think themselves much wrong'd, if they should not be accounted Christians.
When you have shut your Gates (saith he)
and made it all Dark Within; that is to say, are retired to your
O Lord, thou hast searched me, thou understandest my Thoughts afar off. Whither shall I go from thy Spirit,
Psal. 139. 1, 2, 7. own Dwelling, as alone, do not say that you are alone, for you are not alone, but GOD IS WITHIN:
What need then is there of outward Light, to discover what is done, or to light to good Actions,
who have God or that Genius, or Divine Principle for your Light, as the following words do further import.’
But above all the
Gentiles that have been mention'd, I mean in Point of plain and Positive Expression (
for I will prefer the Life of none before that Self-denying Martyr Socrates) let us hear with great Attention, what kind of Lecture
SENEC A will read us upon the Subject handled; truly something very weighty.
‘The Multitude (saith SENECA) is the worst Argument; Let us inquire what is best to be done, not what most usually is done, and that may settle us in the Possession of Everlasting Happiness; not what is allotted by the Vulgar,
the worst Interpreters of Truth;
[Page 59] I have (saith he)
a clearer and more certain Light, by which I may
judge the Truth from
We have a more Sure Word of Prophesie, 2
Pet. 19. — The Lord hath shewedun to thee, O Man, what is Good, and what he doth require of thee,
Micah 6. 8. — In him we Live, Move, and have our Being,
Acts 17. 28. — Such as Men Sow, such shall they Reap,
Gal. 6. 7. — That was the true Light, which Inlightneth all Mankind,
John 1. 9. Falshood, that which appertains to the
Felicity of the Soul, the Eternal Mind will direct to; that was the
Light doubtless
Seneca meant —
Senec. Epist. 41. Again, It is a foolish thing for thee to wish what by thee cannot be obtained.
God is near thee, and HE IS IN THEE. The Holy Spirit SITS OR RESIDES WITHIN US;
the Observer of our Good and Evil Actions; as he is dealt with by us, HE DEALS WITH US — But yet further, we have this great Gift, saith
De Benef. c. 17.
That Vertue (meaning the Principle, or God)
hath sent her Light before into the Minds of all; for even they that follow her not, SEE HER.’ Where observe,
Reader, how he confesseth to the Universality of the Light; yet lays the Fault of Rebellion against it,
not (as
T. Hicks doth)
upon the Light, but such as refuse to follow it; implying their voluntary Rejection of its Heavenly Discoveries. —
[...] Again,
‘Wonderest thou that Men go
Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with Men,
Rev 21. 3. — He that d
[...] Man his Thoughts, the Lord, the God of Hosts is hi
[...] Name.
Amos 4. 13. — W
[...]ite ye have the Light walk in the Light, that you may be the Children of the Light. God is Light,
John 12. 26. 1
John 1. 5. to God?
God comes UNTO Men; nay, which is more near,
he cometh INTO MAN; and he makes the Heart of every good Man his Habitation. —’ Yet again hear him;
[...]pist 8.
‘Nothing is closed from God,
he is within our Souls, and he Cometh INTO THE MIDST OF OUR THOUGHTS. — And lastly,
Epist. 31.
Every Man (saith he)
has God indued with that, which if he forsake it not, HE SHALL ARISE LIKE GOD.’
How much more weighty, O Sober and Impartial
Reader, are these inward Doctrines of the Vertuous Gentiles, then the Vehement Clamours, and Uncharitable Exclamations of
Empty Christians against them. Men, that seem as if they were a
[...]raid of nothing more, then inherent Holiness, though
[Page 60] of Christ's working; reputing it a kind of Undervalue of his Blood,
to feel the Only (
I mean the Inward) Benefit of it: accounting us the greatest
Hereticks, for assenting to the greatest Truth; to wit,
The Sufficiency of his Universal Light in the Hearts of Men to Salvation; challenging us to prove it by Scripture, or any Credible History; objecting
the Heathens Ignorance and Idolatry against the Truth of its Discoveries and Efficacy of its Power. If we had not desended the Light's Sufficiency from these
Authorities, then our Assertion had been
declared infirm; with no small Shew of
Triumph and Insult; and now we have made good our Ground against their
Objections, the next News I expect to hear from such as are Perverse among them, will be our
turning Heathens. But as all they could do, would not make us
Christians, if
Heathens; so neither can their Prejudice (being True-Spirited
Christians) render us in their Sense
Heathens with Sober and Impartial Persons.
That this was not only the Doctrine and Faith of the
Gentiles, but the very Primitive Doctors or Fathers, both so held and so exprest themselves. Eight Testimonies produced for Proof thereof.
BUt as I have hitherto made evidently appear, both that the Gentiles
Believed in One God, and had a very clear Apprehension of the Light, or Divine Principle placed in Man, from whom all Heavenly Knowledge was to be derived; and that this Divine Light, or Spirit, or Principle was by them asserted to be the most certain Guide, and infallible Rule of Faith and Practice: And further, that the Scriptures produced abundantly verifie their Doctrines, as that due Comparison of them will evidence; so to the End these angry Men I have to do with,
should not count it a Prophaning of holy Writ; or think that I am the only Man, that ever had that favourable Apprehension of these
Gentile-Doctrines; I am willing to instance some of the most Primitive and Approved
Fathers of the
Christian-Church. And by a short view of what they believed in reference to the present Subject, with their way of phraising such Belief, we may the more clearly perceive, how far those
Gentiles are by them
[Page 61] Reprehensible, either with respect to their Soundness in Judgement, or Expression; that if it be possible, we may remove all Pretence for Objection against the
Universality and Sufficiency of this Blessed Light.
* If Angry
Tho. Hicks will please to inform himself of the Reasons that induced
Justin to turn
Christian, he will find the
Light Within acknowledged to be the Efficient Cause thereof; for it was the Principle of God in his Conscience that continually pleaded the
Christians Cause within him, and who at last overcoming.
Justin Believes in Christ, and Dyes for him too. Now what Disgrace is this to the Light Within?
Liv'd after Christ Ann. 123. 1543. years since. I therefore chuse to begin with, because from a
Learned Philosopher, becoming an
Honest Christian, and
Constant Martyr (from whence he was sirnamed,
Martyr) he could the better tell us the Difference of the Change: But so far was he from reputing the
Principle of God within Men Hetrodox, or Inconsistent with the Purity of the
Christian Religion, that with no small Earnestness, he therefore pleads against all Coercive Power upon Conscience, and the Pompous Worship of the
Heathens, in their Temples (as his Apologies will inform us) because saith he,
as the Place wherein he would be Worshipped; and that there Men ought to look for his
Appearance, and Reverence and Worship him’; or to that purpose.
Liv'd after Christ 190. that Earnest Contender against the
Apostate Gentiles, plainly assent, who often, but more particularly in these few Places following, recommends to us the
Light, or
Word Within.
‘It is the Voice of Truth (saith he)
that Light will shine out of Darkness. Therefore doth it
shine in the hidden
Admon. ad Gent.
Part of Mankind, that is,
in the Heart; and the Rayes of Knowledge break forth,
making manifest, and shining upon the inward Man, which is hidden. — Christ's Intimates and
Coheirs, are the
Disciples of the Light,’
He further expresseth himself in another Place;
Man cannot be void of Divine Knowledge, who Naturally,
or as
Strom. L. 5.
he comes into the World, partaketh of Divine Inspiration; as
[Page 62] being of a more Pure Essence, or Nature, then any other Animals.’
And as assenting to the Doctrine of some Ancient
Philosophers and other
Heathen Authors (for against the
Gentiles of his time, I suppose, he may make use of no less then about Two Hundred and Fifty) he doth very frequently attest,
the Truth of the Doctrine of the Divine Light in Man, as Man's
Concomitant, to all good Works; as one Passage eminently proves.
‘I earnestly exhort thee, because I would have thee saved, and that would
Christ also,
Clem. Alex. in Admon. ad Gent.
the Spur that pricketh on to Salvation, who expelleth the Destruction, chaseth away Death, and hath BUILT A TEMPLE IN MANKIND, THAT IT MAY PLACE GOD IN MAN.’
I know not any of the
Ancients more profoundly read in the Doctrines of the
Gentiles, then this
Clemens Alexandrinus; and who to prove the Verity of the
Christian-Religion against them, doth numerously cite, and insert the Writings of the more
Venerable Heathens, and with the very Books of their Admired
Ancestors, doth he accutely argue the Unreasonableness of their Opposition to
Christianity, the very top of Vertue, and Perfection of Goodness;
as did Christ, to prove himself the True Messiah, urge the Scriptures to those (pretended) great Believers in them, as an
Aggravation of their
III. TERTULLIAN, then whom there was not any I ever read more sharp against the
Dissolute Gentiles of his
Liv'd Ann. 195. time (as his most quaint
Apology for the
Christians, and in it his severe Charge against their Enemies doth particularly assure us) thinks it to be neither
Heresie nor
Heathenism, as it is commonly understood, to believe and assert,
That a Life, subject to the Holy Guidings of the Universal Light in the Conscience, is a kind of
Natural Christianity, or, to be
Naturally a Christian.’
And though in his Apology he
stabs, with the
sharpest Points of Wit, Reason and Truth, the Cause of
Degenerated Philosophy, or rather those that were
unmeritedly called Philosophers;
[Page 63] yet he lays it still on the side of their
great Apostacy from that Noble Principle, which worthily Renowned their
Predecessors; the Being of whose
Stock, and Assuming whose Titles alone, they Vainly esteem'd Warrant enough, for their so great
Pretensions to Real Science; not unlike the
Pharisees of the
Jews, as hath already been observed.
IV. ORIGEN, who I may say was
twice a Christian;
Liv'd about Ann. 203. first, by
Education, and next, by
Choyce; a strong
Defender of Christianity, as his notable Books against
Celsus and others, do abundantly witness; treating of that
Divine Light, with which God has illuminated Mankind, as his Universal Endowment, calls it,
V. LACTANTIUS, Scholar to
Arnobius, who writ
Liv'd about Ann. 315. smartly against the
Apostate Gentiles, esteemed a good and acute Man, thus delivers himself about the Matter in hand:
De Cult. Ver.
THE LAW OF GOD (saith he)
is made known unto us, WHOSE LIGHT, like the STARS TO THE MARINER in the Night Season, clearly discovers to us
THE PATH OF WISDOM: That Law is Pure and Unspotted Reason (not inconsonant with, nor unintelligible by Nature) DEFUSED THROUGH ALL THE WORLD; in it self UNCHANGEABLE and ETERNAL; which, that it may deter Man from Vice, doth faithfully by its INJUNCTIONS and PROHIBITIONS, DECLARE UNTO MAN HIS
Lib. de Ira cap. 2. DUTY. — Again, The Way to ascend up to the House of Truth,
IS TO BEHOLD WITHIN US, THAT THERE IS ONE MOST HIGH GOD, who made, and governs all things; that Christ is God's
Ambassadour and
Builder, sent unto Men, and as they receive him
VI. But let us deliberately read, what the so much
Liv'd about Ann. 325. admired ATHANASIUS says to the
Gentiles, who did frequently
[Page 64] cast out that (Vulgar)
Objection to the
Christians; How know you that yours is the Right Way?
‘The Way, whereby to attain to the Knowledge of God, IS WITHIN US, which is proved from
Athanas. cont. Gent. who saith, THE WORD OF GOD IS WITHIN THY HEART; and from this Saying of Christ, THE FAITH AND KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU. If then, says
Athanasius, the KINGDGM OF GOD BE WITHIN US, likewise are we able to understand the WORD or VOICE OF THE FATHER.’
Which Solid, Ancient and Great Truth, could not but highly aggravate the Blame of such, as were Infidel to it; because it was but the Doctrine of their Fam'd
Philosophers more clearly and Scripturally exprest; as it doth abundantly testifie to us, upon which Ground it was, the Primitive
Christians believed, and practised their Religion.
Not Tradition, however Holy;
but Sound Internal Conviction and Revelation; from no Words Without, BUT THE ETERNAL WORD OF GOD IN THE HEART; the great Discoverer of the Will and Way of God to Men: He that knows this
Word or
Divine Principle to raign in his Heart,
knoweth the Kingdom of God come there, and his Will done, even
the Sanctification of the Soul.
VII. CHRYSOSTOME also, is not wanting to ascribe
Liv'd about Ann. 3 80. some Honour to this
Holy Light, we contend for; who not only confesseth the
Light mention'd in the first of
John, to be
Christ, the
Word-God, who inlightneth all Mankind coming into the World, but also avers it to be of a
Saving Nature unto all who believe in it, and follow it; wherefore, saith he,
Let none blame the Light they are not Saved, but their own Rebellion, who refuse to be saved by it.’ This he very solemnly calls,
Teacher, to Instruct, Inspire, Help and Assist him in what leads to Eternal Life’
I will conclude these
Christian Testimonies with a Passage out of
AUGUSTINE, not unsuitable to the Business in hand.
VIII. AUGUSTINE, in his Discourse on
John, has
Liv'd about Ann. 393. this very notable Passage,
[Page 65] when he is receiv'd in,
he governeth by his Divine Power and Spirit in the Heart; therefore is not his Kingdom after the Manner of this, World,
BUT WITHIN; and much to this purpose.’
Again he Distinguisheth upon the Word REASON;
There is a Superior and Inferior Reason, saith he, the Inferior is a meer Rational Creature, or that Understanding which distinguisheth a
Man from a
Beast; but the
Superior Reason is a LIGHT, or, as it were, a POWER in Mankind, DICTATING, REVEALING and INJOYNING DIVINE, ETERNAL and INTIRELY GOOD THINGS, as for Example, when it shall say,
This is Sin, thou oughtest no to commit, but AVOID it; Why?
Because it offends God.’
Thus far of Primitive
Christian-Divinity, from about 132. years after Christ, to about 400. years after Christ; by way of Confirmation, of that Part of the
Gentile-Divinity, which might with least Credit be imbraced; for to cite never so many Primitive
Christian Authors, to
prove a God, Holy Life, and the Immortality of the Soul, the other Points of
Gentile-Divinity would look like Labour in vain, since none that believes them to have been
Christians, ought to doubt of their holding these very things, which in a great measure character'd them such; but that which is (though it should not be) the Wonder, is, to quote them in the Language of the so much, yet so
undeservedly decri'd and abused Quakers,
viz. That not only the
best Gentiles, but most
approved Christians of the Primitive Times,
Confess to a Divine Light, Principle, Word or Spirit in Man, whose Inspiration gives infallible Understanding, and as Man is guided by it, he shall be Recovered out of that Mire, Sin has stuck him in, and it will Free him from the Snares of Pleasures, Inlighten his Eyes, Inspire his Soul, and Lead him gently by the hand in the Way of Eternal Righteousness; whose Reward from God
will be Immortality and Eternal Life.
The Third Part of the
Gentile-Divinity, viz. That they were Men of Vertuous Lives, and taught the Indispensibleness thereof to Life Eternal. Prov'd by Numerous Instances.
IT may be now time, that I dispatch the other two Parts of the
Gentile-Divinity, which I shall endeavour with all convenient Brevity.
There are many Instances of their
Pious Doctrine, and
singular Examples of their Vertue; I will instance in a few, to convince, if I can, such as scarcely believe any Good of them, (and the rather (I fear) that they may not charge the Bad upon the
Light) that their Doctrines and Practice,
with respect to Good Living, were, and are very Commendable and Approveable of all
Good Christians.
Mitilenaeus, one of the Seven Wise
Liv'd about the Year of the World, 3313. before Christ, about 630. years which is 2330. years since. Men of
Greece, as they were called, his Apophthegms were these:
‘What thou tak'st Ill in thy Neighbonr,
Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thy self?
Rom. 2. 21. Love thy Neighbour as thy self, I am the Lord,
Levit. 19. 18. Finally Brethren, whatsoever things are True, whatsoever things are Honest, Just, Pure, Lovely, and of Good Report, think on these things,
Phil. 4. 8. DO NOT THY SELF. — Reproach not the Unhappy;
for the Hand of GOD is on them. — Restore what is committed to thy Trust. — Bear
Stob. 28. with thy Neighbour. — LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR. — Reproach not
That's more then
Tho. Hicks seems to do. thy Friend,
though he recede from thee a little. — Acquire
Honesty; Seek
Obsequiousness; Love
Discipline, Temperance, Prudence, TRUTH, FAITH, Experience, Dexterity, Society, Diligence, Oeconomy and PIETY.’
II. CHILON, another of them, he was so Just in all
Liv'd at the same time. his Actions, that in his old Age he professed,
He never had done any thing contrary to the Conscience of an Upright Man,
Laert. only that of one thing he was doubtful; Having given
[Page 67] Sentence against his
Friend, according to Law, he advised his
Friend to Appeal from him (his Judge)
so to preserve both his Friend and the Law. Agellius relates it
Lib. 1. c. 3. thus; When his Lise drew towards an End, ready to be seized by Death, he spoke thus to his Friends about him:
My Words and Actions in this Long Term of Years have been (almost all) such, as I need not Repent of, which perhaps you also know; TRULY, EVEN AT THIS TIME I AM CERTAIN, I NEVER COMMITTED ANY THING, THE REMEMBRANCE WHEREOF BEGETS ANY TROUBLE IN ME, unless this one thing only, which, whether it were done amiss or not, I am uncertain:
I sate with two others, as Judge upon the Life of my Friend; the Law was such, as the Person must of necessity be condemned, so that either my Friend must lose his Life, or some Deceit be used towards the Law; revolving many things in my Mind, for a Relief of a Condition so desperate, I conceived, that which I put in Practice, to be of all other the most easie to be born:
Silently I Condemned him, and perswaded these others who judged to Absolve him: Thus preserved (in so great a Business) the Duty both of a
Judge and
Friend; but from the Act I receive this
Reader, this Reflection was not without
Light, nor this Man void of a very Tender Conscience. Trouble,
Gentiles, who had not a Law, became a Law unto themselves, doing the Things contained in the Law; their Consciences bearing Witness, and their Thoughts the mean while Accusing or Excusing,
Rom. 2. 14, 15. that I fear
it is not free from Perfidiousness and Guilt; in the same Business, at the same time, and in a publique Affair, to
Of his Apophtegms, or Sayings, these few are delivered to us by
Laertius. He said,
Providence of Future Things collected by Reason, is
To Depart from Iniquity is a good Understanding,
Job 28. 28.
the Vertue of a Man. Being demanded, wherein the
Learned differ from the
And the Hypocrites Hope shall Perish,
Job 8. 13. he answered,
In a Good Hope. What is hard?
Why do you not rather take Wrong? 1
Cor. 6. 7.
To conceal Secrets, to dispose of Leisure well, and be able to bear an INJURY; therefore said
Chilon to his Brother,
Hicks, I am sure, sor he is Angry where he sustains none;
III. The Precepts of the Seven
Sophists of
Greece, in general; THALES, SOLON, PERIANDER, CLEOBULUS, CHILON, BIAS, and PITTACUS (called seven Wise Men) collected by
Sosiades, about 2300. years old.
Stob. 28.
GOD; Reverence thy Parents, Suffer for Justice;
Know thy self; Consider Mortal
Reader, these weighty Sayings are
very Scripture it self, and that as well of the New, as Old Testament (so called) especially where Christ saith, SWEAR NOT AT ALL: though spoke about 700 years before he came into the World. things; Respect Hospitality;
Command thy self; Honour Providence; USE NOT SWEARING; Speak well of that which is Good;
Tho. Hicks, John Bunion, J. Grigg, and other Railing
[...]eparatists do the
Disparage none; Praise Vertue;
Do what is Just; Abstain from Evil; Instruct thy Children; Fear Deceit; Be a Lover of Wisdom;
Judge according to Equity; Curb thy
Which T. Hicks
can't do, neither to his Wife, & Family at home, nor his Friends, much less other People abroad
Tongue; Examine without Corruption; Do that whereof thou shalt not Repent; When thou hast sin'd,
be Penitent; Confine thy Eye; Perfect quickly; Pursue what is profitable; Be in Childhood
Modest, in Youth
Temperate, in Manhood
Just, and in old Age
Thus far the Wise Men, which were therefore so call'd, because of their Extraordinary
Vertue, and truly deserved the Name of
Christian, and
Vertuous, more abundantly then they, who have it.
IV. PYTHAGORAS very truly tells us,
The Discourse
Stob. Serm. 80.
of that Philosopher is Vain, by which no Passion of a Man is Healed.’ What serves the much Preaching of
T. H. J. G. and
J. B. then, who have not yet Cured themselves?
‘All which is determin'd to be done,
should aim at, and
tend to the Acknowledgment of the Deity.’
Endeavour not to Conceal thy Faults with Words, but to Amend them by Reproof.’
[Page 69]
‘This is the Principle, (saith
Pythagoras) and the
whole Life of Men consists in this, THAT THEY
Let us hear the Conclusion of the whole Matter: Fear God, and keep his Commandments; for this is the whole Duty of Man,
Eccles. 12. 13.
FOLLOW GOD, and this is the Ground of Right Philosophy.’
Purity is acquir'd by Expiations, and by Refraining
Pure Religion and Undefiled is, to keep himself Unspotted from the World,
Jam. 1. 27. from Murder and Adultery, and
‘We ought either to be Silent, or
to speak things that are better then Silence.’
In this sense I fear, we may say, that
Thomas Hicks has no Light in him.
Temperance is the Strength of the Soul; for
it is the Light of the Soul, clear from Passion.’
‘It is better to Dye,
then to cloud the Soul by INTEMPERANCE.’
returns not Reproaches
Who when he was Reviled, Reviled not again, 1
Pet. 2. 23.
for Reproaches. Tho. Hicks and
John Bunion Reproach,
when they are not Reproached. Behold the Difference betwixt an
Heathen, and
two Scolding Christians, but therefore
no True Christians.
OF GOD was the End of Li
[...]e, and that
Liberty, which proceeds from such Heavenly Meditation’
To one who blam'd him for neglecting his Country;
WRONG ME NOT (said he)
MY GREATEST CARE IS MY COUNTRY; pointing to Heaven.’
Suidas saith,
‘That he was cast into Prison by the
Athenians, for Introducing a New Opinion concerning God, and Banisht the City,’
Pericles undertook to plead his Cause.
Josephus saith,
‘That the
Athenians believing the
Sun to be
God, which he affirm'd to be without Sense and Knowledge, he was by the Votes of a Few of them
condemn'd to Death.’
However thus they writ upon his Grave, as
Englisht by
T. Stanley.
Here lies, who through the truest Pathes
did pass O'th World Celestial, ANAXAGORAS.’
Which was an high Testimony to his
Good Life, and their Belief of his arriving at
[Page 70]VI. SOCRATES,
Right Philosophy is the Way to
Plat. Phaed. True Happiness; the Offices whereof
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom,
Psalm. 111. 10. are two,
To Contemplate God, and to Abstract the Soul from Corporeal Sense.’
‘To do Good is the best Course of
He that will deny himself, let him take up his Cross, and follow me,
Luk. 9. 23.
Xen. Mem. 3. p. 780. Life.’
Vertue is the Beauty, Vice the Deformity
Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5.
of the Soul.’
‘Nobility is a good Temper of Soul
Stob. 218.
Reader, These sententious Expressions to have every one of them a Scripture, would be tedious and superfluous; for they are almost Word for Word Scripture it self, as who knoweth Scripture may plainly see. and Body.’
The Best Way of Worshipping God is to
Xen. Mem. 4. p. 803.
Do what he Commands.’ An hard Saying to Professors.
Our Prayers should be for Blessings
Id. Mem. 1. 722. 4. 804. in general; for God knows best what is good for Us.
Formal Christians, with their
Exterior Worship.
‘The Office of a Wise Man
is, to discern what is Good
Id. Mem. 3.
and Honest, and to shun that which is Dishonest.’
‘They who know what they ought
So saith Christ,
Mat. 7. 2. 62. 7.
Ibid. to do,
and do it not, are not Wise and Temperate, but Fools and stupid.’
‘Of all things which Man can call his,
Libanius saith,
Socrates considered the SOUL
to be Chief; and that HE ONLY IS TRULY
The Pure in Heart shall see God,
He taught every where,
That a Just Man and a Happy
Clem. Alex. Str. 2. 417.
Man were all one.’
He said,
‘He wondred at those who carve
Images of
Laert. Stone,
that they take such Care to make Stones resemble Men, whilst they neglect,
and suffer themselves to resemble Stones.’ He meant, they had Stony Hearts, as the Prophet expresseth it.
Being demanded, who live without
Perturbation? he answer'd,
Stob. 46.
The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace,
Gal. 5. 22.
[Page 71]Being demanded, whom he thought
Richest? he answer'd, Stob. 40.
But Godliness, with Content, is great Gain, 1
Tim. 6. 6. WITH LEAST; for Content is the Riches of Nature.’
Being demanded, what CONTINENCE is? he answer'd,
Stob. 48.
‘Good Men must let the World see, THAT
This answers
T. Hicks's Challenge about the Light's showing that State, if Christ had not said so. ARE MORE FIRM THEN AN OATH.’ Then there is a State of Integrity above Swearing, that
by the Light Socrates
had, he preferred before Swearing, as I may again observe. But to proceed, let us hear the Charge of his Enemies, and his Defence.
Melitus, Son of
Melitus, a
Pythian, accused
Socrates, Son of
Sophroniscus, an
Alopecian: Socrates
violateth the Law, not believing the Acities
The Charge is the same to this day; Good Men are made Offenders for a Word.
Soon after
Anytus (who caused that Bill to be preferred
Liban. Ap: p. 644. by
Melitus, in that
Socrates industriously assay'd his Overthrow, and the Rest of his Comical Associates; for they
Nothing they could do was able to draw him out of his Endeavours to detect the loose Comedians, that sought therefore his Ruin. were
Comedians) sent privately to him, desiring him
to forbear the mention of his Trade; and assuring him, that he would thereupon withdraw his Action. But
Socrates return'd him Answer,
Speeches concerning him; That this Accusation was not of Force enough, to make him refrain from speaking those things,
which he thought himself before oblieg'd to say.’ Again observe his Resolution.
‘It is likely, God in his Love to me, hath ordain'd, that I should Dye in the most convenient Age, and by the Gentlest Means;
for, if I dye by Sentence, I am allowed the Benefit of the most easie kind of Death; I shall give my
[Page 72] Friends the least Trouble: Further, If, when I give an Account of my Actions towards God and Men, the
Judges think fit to condemn me,
I will rather chuse to Dye, then to beg of them a Life worse then Death.’
that I dye unjustly, it will not trouble
1 Pet. 3. 14. me,
it is not a Reproach to me, but to those who condemned me; I am much satisfied with the Example of
Palamedes, who suffered Death in the like manner; He is much more commended, then
Ulysses the Procurer of his Death: I know, both future and past Times will witness,
I NEVER HURT OR INJUR'D ANY, but on the contrary have Advantag'd all that conversed with me to my utmost Ability, communicating what Good I could gratis,
and not for Gain.’
‘I think it most Unbeseeming a
Philosopher to Sell his Advice, and extreamly contrary to my Practice; sor ever since
by God's Command, I first enter'd into
The word
Philosophy hath been otherwise appropriated since those days, as many other words have been; for it then signified a Love of Wisdom given by
Pythagoras, which Wisdom was the Way of Holy Living, not Vain and Untoward Contests about Inpracticable Things.
Philosophy, I was never known to take any thing, but keep my Exercises in publick, for every one to hear that will; I neither Lock the Door when I Teach, nor go abroad to the Multitude, and exact Money of the Hearers, as some heretosore have done, and some in our times yet do.’
Was not
Socrates then beyond the Priests of our Day, I mean as well some
Creeping Non- Conformists, as any other, who make a Trade of it, and indeed it is their best. The Righteousness of this
Heathen condemns their Mercenary Practice, who pretend to be
Christian-Ministers; and giveth Proof of an higher State, then they have yet attained.
Institutor of the
Laert. & Suid. in vit. Antish. as they were called, and Scholar to
Socrates, taught,
Vertue was the truest
Ye are an Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood, 1
Pet. 2. 9. — And you shall be Kings, and Raign, &c.
Rev. 1. 6. — Blessed are they who hear the Word of God, and keep it,
Luke 11. 28. — Where is the Wise? where is the Scribe? where is the Disputer of this World? 1
Vertue stood not in
Saying, but
Doing that which was
Good. — Not
in much Learning, or
many Words, but
upright Actions. In short, that the Principle of
Vertue is sufficient
to what Wisdom
[Page 73] is needful, and that all other things ought to have reference thereto. That PIETY IS
Put on the Brest - Plate of Righteousness,
Eph. 6 14. THE BEST ARMOUR, and Vertuous Persons are alwayes Friends. That
Vertue is an Armour, none can either pierce, or take from Good Men. He
prefers a Just Man before his Neighbour, and good
Women's Souls the same Priviledge to Vertue, with
Men's. He
accounted Pleasures one of the greatest Mischiefs in the World; and being ask'd, what
LEARNING was best? he answer'd,
That which Unlearns Men Evil; for those, saith he,
would Live forever, must
The Just shall live by Faith,
Hab. 24. — Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord,
Heb. 12. 14. have a Care that their
Lives be
Holy and
Just in this World.’
IX. From DIOGENES, his constant
Scholar and
Friend, take this one very true and notable Saying. Of Spiritual Exercitation
Laertius makes him speak to this purpose, in his Account of his Doctrine:
That where Men's Souls are deeply and frequently employ'd in that Spiritual Retirement, and waiting for Divine
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their Strength,
Isa. 40. 31. — The Secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him,
Psal. 25. 14.
‘Nay, so greatly were the Piety and Wisdom of
Valer. Max. 2. 10. XENOCRATES reverenc'd at
Athens, about Four
Cic. pro Bal. Laert. Hundred Years besore
Swear not at all, was spoken
Mat. 5. 34. by our Lord Jesus, that the
Judges of that Place would not offer to put
Xenocrates upon his Oath in an high Matter of Evidence,
in case he would have Sworn; because they thought it an Affront to his Integrity,
that his bare Word should not be prefer'd before all the Oaths of other Men; Dispensing, says
Valerius Maximus, with that to him,
they would not have Excused in one another.’ Which is no small Proof, that the LIGHT among the
[Page 74]
Heathens, impeacht
Oaths in Evidence of Imperfection, as being but only Supplemental, or in the Place of Remedies, against want of Honesty;
and obviously esteem'd it an higher, and more noble State, to arrive at the Integrity, which needs not the extraordinary and a frighting Obligation of an Oath, where meer Fear of the
Curse, intail'd upon Perjury,
and not an innate Faithfulness, most commonly extorts true Evidence; which is a sufficient Answer to
T. H. how, and by what LIGHT we could have aim'd at that Perfection, or have known that Doctrine, had not the Scriptures been.
Chief Good therefore, said ZENO,
is to
Cic. de Fin. 2.
square our Lives according to the Knowledge given
Rom. 2. 14, 15.
us from the Eternal Being, when the Soul,
entring into the Path of Vertue, walketh by the Steps and Guidance of right Reason, and followeth God.’ Which brings to my Remembrance these
Stoical Maxims deliver'd by
Laertius, Cicero, Quintilian, &c. and collected by
T. S. for us; charg'd upon
Zeno, and his Disciples: some of which I had formerly an Occasion to mention in another Discourse. They are these:
Wise Man is void of Passion.’ (Remember
T. H.
Laert. and
J. B. unless you will renounce Patience, because an
Heathen preferrs it) —
‘A Wise Man is
Sincere. — A Wise
Ibid. Man is
Divine; for he hath God
Stob. with himself: but a
Wicked Man
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom,
Job 28. 28. is an
Atheist — The Wicked are contrary to the Good; God, he
The Rulers take Counsel together against the Lord,
Psal. 2. 2. is Good, so against God. — A
Stob. Wise Man is
Religious, he is
Humble, He only is a
Priest. —
The Wisdom which is from above, is first Pure, then Peaceable,
Jam. 3. 17. He only is a
Prophet. —
He Loves
and Honours his Parents. — A Wise Man only is
Free. — A Wise Man is
void of Sin.’
Upon which I query, whether this amounts not to as much as what the Scriptures teach, and these here inserted tell you;
That the Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom, and to depart from Iniquity a Good Understanding?
But further, to the same Purpose;
‘A Wise Man
Id. is
Innocent. — A Wise Man is
Free; Wicked
Psal. 111. 9, 10. Men are
Slaves. — Again, A Wise Man is
Cic. Parad.
[Page 75] only
Perfect; for he wanteth no Vertue; a Wicked
Stob. Man is Imperfect, for he hath no Vertue.’
Whereby it is evident,
that the Wisdom they meant was Vertue, in Opposition to Vice, which they esteemed
Folly, as doth the Scripture frequently; as much as to say, those who are thus Good,
are only Wise.
A Wise Man never Lyeth. — A Wise Man is
Peaceable, Meek, Modest, Diligent, Vertuous, Constant, and only is Incitable to Vertue;
Fools are not.’
Where it is obvious, that by
Fools they meant
Wicked and Indocible People, who are Stiff-necked, Rebelling against God, not delighting to retain God in their Knowledge.
XII. PLATO thus,
To be like God, is to be HOLY,
Theatr. cap. 3. 10. JUST and WISE,
Be ye Holy, for I the Lord your God am Holy,
Levit. 11. 44, 45.
which is the End of Man's being born, and should be of his studying Philosophy;
that Vertue and Honesty are all one; as saith
Clemens Alexandrinus out of him.’
This, Reader,
was the Doctrine; this the Study; and which is best of all, this was the Practice of many of the Vertuous Heathens; who became a
Law unto themselves,
bounding their Appetites, whether Corporal or Mental, within the approved Limits of an Inward Holy Guide, like Careful
Mariners, steering the Course of their Lives by the Direction of that Heavenly Star, which in the
Gentile-Night rise in their Consciences, to guide them unto a Blessed Immortality; which will be the
Last Point of their Divinity, and then we close this Discourse with respect to them.
That the Last Point of
Gentile-Divinity, to wit, Immortality and Eternal Rewards, is also very clearly and positively held forth by the Ancient
Heathens. Six Testimonies from them, to prove it.
Socrates's Great Faith in particular; and the Lofty Strain of the
THat the
Gentiles believed there was an IMMORTALITY,
and that all Men should hereafter be Accountable for the Deeds done in the Body (a Point, but obscurely lay'd down, among the
Jews themselves) be pleased to take these few
insuing Authorities, as a Proof of what is asserted.
I. PYTHAGORAS, and the
Pythagoreans, that they all held the Immortality of the Soul. Consider his and their Doctrine in the Point.
First, he said,
That the Soul is Immortal.’
Plut. plac. 4. 7.
‘Next, That the
Soul is Incorruptible, it never Dyeth;
Stob. Phys. for when it goes out of the Body,
it goes into
Rev. 20. 12, 13, 14. Chap. 21. 7, 8.
REWARDS are asserted.
‘But when a Man, who has lived Justly, dyeth, his
Plat. phaed.
2 Cor. 5 8. PURE AETHER (or Heaven)
and lives in the Happy Aevum (or Everlasting Age)
with the Blessed.’
‘If my Body be over-press'd, it must descend to the destinate Place; Nevertheless, MY SOUL SHALL NOT DESCEND, BUT BEING A THING IMMORTAL, SHALL FLY UP ON HIGH TO HEAVEN.’
[Page 77]III. EURIPIDES, a grave
Tragedian, whose Work
Clem. Alex. Strom. l. 3. was to undo what Wanton
Comedians had done to undo the People, speaks thus:
Who knoweth,
2 Cor. 5. 8. Philip. 1. 21.
whether to Dye be not to Live, and to Live to Dye.’
Surely he said so not out of any
Distrust of
Immortality, but in
Belief of it,
and that Reward which would attend Good Men.
‘The Body being Compounded,
Plat. Phaed. is Dissolved by Death; The
SOUL being
Eccles. 12. 7.
The Sheep on the Right Hand, and the Go
[...]tes on the Lest,
This puts the Case,
of the Sufficiency of the Light, to discover Immortality
to the very Heathen,
out of all doubt, and not only so,
but Rewards too; since we have them, here, believing,
Socrates so chearful at his Death, something of which I think fit here to insert.
‘Truly, did I not believe,
I should go to the Just God, and to Men better then any Living, I were inexcusable
1 Cor. 15. 28, 29, 30, 31.
[...]or contemning Death;
‘When he had made an end of Speaking,
CRITO (one of his Followers) ask'd him, what Directions he would leave concerning his
Sons, and other Affairs, and if they could do any thing that might be acceptable to
[Page 78] him? I desire no more (saith he) then what I have often told you,
If you take Care of Your selves, whatsoever you do, will be acceptable to me and mine, though you promise nothing; if you Neglect Your selves and VERTUE, you can do nothing acceptable to us, THOUGH YOU PROMISE NEVER SO MUCH. That, answer'd
CRITO, we shall observe; But how wilt thou be Buried? As you think good (saith he)
IF YOU CAN CATCH ME, and that I give you not the slip. Then with a Smile applying himself unto us, I cannot perswade
CRITO (saith he)
that I am any thing more then the Carkase you will anon behold; and therefore he takes this Care
[...]or my Enterment:
It seems, that what even now I told him, that as soon as I have taken the Poyson, I SHALL GO TO THE JOYES OF THE BLESSED, hath been to little purpose; He was my
Bail, bound to the
[...]or my Appearance,
you must now be SURETIES to him, that
Socrates his Distinction betwixt being
Dead &
I am DEPARTED; Let him not say,
dejected, Tell the World,
MY BODY ONLY IS BURIED, and that after what manner thou pleasest. Yet (saith SOCRATES) I may pray to God, and will,
That my Passage
Acts 7. 60.
hence may be Happy, which I beseech him to grant; and in the same instant drank it off easily, without any Disturbance.’
‘This (saith
Plato) was the End of the
Best, the
Wisest, and most
Just Men. A Story, which
Cicero professeth he never read without Tears.’
This ends
Socrates upon the present Subject; and Happy Man was he, to make so happy an End, as to Dye for the only true God: he had great Reason to believe (maugre the Envious Uncharitableness of
T. H.) that he would Reward him, when it shall be said to many Bawling pretended
Christians, Depart from me; I know you not: for as Men Sow, so shall they Reap in the Day of God.
I need not to tell the World, that
Plato, and other
Heathens, have written accurately upon that Subject, when it is so Notorious: Wherefore to close up my
Testimonies upon this Head, and whole Discourse of
[Page 79] I will present the
Reader with two short Passages, one of the
Pythagoreans; the other from
Virgil, thus tran
[...]lated to
H. Mor. Des. Phil. Cab. c. 3. my hand (only a little varied) by an Ingenious Author.
Donec long a Dies perfecto temporis Orbe Concretam exemit Labem, purum
(que) reliquit Aethereum Sensum, at
(que) aur ai simplicis ignem.
English thus:
Till that long Day at last be come about
That wasted has
all Filth and Foul Desire,
And leaves the
Bathing her Senses in pure liquid Fire.
To which agrees that Golden Distick of the
Pythagoreans, as it hath been called.
Rev. 22. 5.
To this purpose:
Who after Death once reach the Heavenly Plain,
BECOME LIKE GOD, and never Dye again.
Greek has it, as Immortal Gods. Which
Hierocles interprets thus:
Herein shall Good Men resemble the Deity,
that they shall be Immortal,
like God himself.
Reader, have I given thee a very true Account of the
Gentile-Divinity, what was the
Faith, what the
Practice, and what the
Prophecy and
Hope of many
Gentiles through this Light Within, each of which had numerous
Observe, They began where
Jews and
Christians begin, that is, WITH GOD; and they end with what they confess to be theirs, namely,
a State of Immortality, in which every one is Rewarded according to their Works: Only they are thus far to be Commended before either of them, (if we consider many of our Times) That they were more Certain, Plain and True in their Acknowledgment of a Divine Light, Law, or Principle in Man, which obey'd, supply'd then with dayly Wisdom and Strength, and finally led to God: And also were more Just to their Faith,
[Page 80] by a Life excelling theirs in Vertue and Self-Denyal. And certainly, in that Great and Terrible Day, when God will judge the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ, according to
Paul's Gospel, will such Pious
Gentiles, who knowing God, they Glorified him as God, and Conscientiously did the Things contain'd in his Law, be finally Acquitted and Rewarded.
That the
Heathens had a Sight of the Coming of Christ.
That, and not
Swearing prove the Sufficiency of the
OVer and above what I promised, being rather willing to Err on that End, if yet it be Erring; I shall briefly observe two things greatly importing our Defence of the
Light, and the Satisfaction of our
Adversaries, if it be true that they query to be satisfied.
1. That the Testimony of
Socrates and
Xenocrates about
Swearing sufficiently prove to us, that by the Light they had, they saw
a State above Swearing, or a Righteousness excelling
that of the
Legal Jews, which manifestly corresponds with what
Christ said; who above Four Hundred Years after them taught, as what Purely became the Evangelical Righteousness, SWEAR NOT AT ALL.
2. That though their
Light did not tell them the express Names Christ should be called by, yet they Fore-saw and Prophesied of his Coming, and how he should come of a Virgin, and what both he was, and the Work he came to do; which the Names given of the HOLY GHOST did strictly import or signifie. Neither is it the
knowing so many
Letters, Syllables, or
Words that gives true Knowledge, or Salvation, but the
Experiencing him to be that which he is, and wherefore he is so denominated: for to that End came He into the World.
Christ signifies
Anointed; with respect to that peculiar Manifestation.
Jesus a
Saviour, for he should
save his People from their Sins. Emanuel, which is to say,
[Page 81] with us, &c. that in this Sense he was Prophetically held forth by the
[...] through that Measure of
Light they had: Hear
Plato and
Marcil. Ficinus, who writ the Life of that Great
Gentile, tells us among many other things, that,
‘Being very seriously askt by some that visited him, as the last thing they had a Mind to be informed about, HOW LONG MEN SHOULD ATTEND TO HIS WRITINGS? Of which he seem'd so cheery, Living and Dying in the Belief of what he recommended to the World, He solemnly answer'd; TILL THAT MORE HOLY AND DIVINE PERSON SHALL APPEAR TO VISIT THE WORLD, WHOM ALL MEN OUGHT TO FOLLOW.’ At once, both believing such a one to appear, and then forbidding all to prefer that lesser Discovery he had given the World, through the Improvement of his Talent of Light, to that greater Manifestation, which that Divine Person would bring with him into the World; as if he had said: Mine may help you with respect to that Knowledge which is your Duty in this Generation, and so direct to him that afterwards shall come;
but I am not He, neither do I believe this the most excellent Discovery that can be made: but as the lesser Light may point to the greater,
and is at last swallow'd up of it; so can I only point at him, and when he is come, all I have done must yield to him: for I declare,
that all ought to follow him; for, in following him, they will obtain Eternal Blessedness.
Let us now see what
Virgil will add to this Matter, as
Const. Orat. in Eus. translated in
Jam nova Progenies Coelo demittitur alto.
Isa. 2. 2, 3, 4, 5.
Now is from
Heaven high
Descend'd a new Progeny.
And in his
Sicelides Musae paulo majora canamus.
Ye Muses, with a lofty Wing,
Let us of higher Matters sing.
And what be they?
[Page 82]
Ultima Cumaei
venit jam Carminis aetas.
Who lives
this Age, will clearly see,
Cumea's Vers's accomplisht be.
Cumea (so called of her City) was a
Sibyl, who liv'd about 600. Years before Christ, and prophesied of him.
Virgil writ these Verses about Forty Years before Christ was born. I query if the
Jews themselves had so positive a Sence of the
Messiah's Coming. But to proceed.
Magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur Ordo:
Isa. 7. vers. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
Jam redit & Virgo, redeunt Saturnia Regna.
Integrity of Times shall now
renew again,
A VIRGIN also shall bring back old
Saturn's Raign.
This is a direct Prophecy of the Marvellous Conception, that he should be born of a Virgin, and the Good that would redound to the World thereby, as he further addeth.
Tu modo nascenti Puero, quo ferrea primum
Desinet, ac toto surget Gens aurea Mundo,
Cast a fave Lucina —
Hoc duce, si qua manent sceleris vestigia nostri,
Irrita perpetua solvent formidine terras.
The Birth of that most happy CHILD, by whom
The Iron Age shall end, and Golden come,
Chap. 9, & 10. Chast
Lucina favour —
1 John 4. 5, 6.
Yet again:
Ipsae lacte domum referent distenta Capellae
Chap. 11. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Ubera: nec magnos metuent armenta Leones.
The Goates shall bring their Udders Milk-fill'd home, And th'
gentle Flocks great Lyons shall not shun.
Yet further:
Ipsa tibi blandos fundent cunabula flores,
Occidet & Serpens, & fallax herba veneni
Assyrium vulgo nascetur
[Page 83]Thy Cradle fairest Flowers shall send forth still,
Jer. 23.
Which shall have Power, THE POYSONOUS HEARBS TO KILL,
Assyrian Amomum shall each where spring.
Hinc ubi jam firmata virum te fecerit aetas.
When thou shalt attain at length
To Years of
Manhood and firm Strength.
Now let any tell me, if this be not a most Pathetical Account of the Vertue and Power of Christ, and the very End of his coming into the World, as by a Comparison of it with Scriptures in the Margent will plainly appear.
Et durae quer
[...]us sudabunt roscida mella.
From the hard Oak there shall
Sweet Hony sweat forth and fall.
To Conclude,
Cedet & ipse mari vector; nec nautica pinus
Mutabit merces: omnis feret omnia tellus.
Non rastros patietur humus, non vinea falcem,
Nec varios discet mentiri lana colores.
Sponte sua sandix pascentes vestiet agnos.
O mihi tam longe maneat pars ultima vitae,
Spiritus & quantum sat erit, tua dicere facta!
The Sea shall then be quiet, no Ship shall range
Abroad her Wares with others to exchange;
Then every Land shall every thing produce,
And then to plow the Earth they shall not use:
Vines by the Hook shall not be rectify'd,
Nor Wool with divers Colours shall be dy'd;
Fair Fleeces voluntary shall proceed,
clothe the Lambs while they do gently feed.
O might my Dayes be lengthned, so that I
Might sing of thy great Deeds before I dye!
Thus, to say no more, though much more might be said, of this kind, have
Heathens by the LIGHT, we have been hitherto defending, not only
fore-told Christ's Appearance,
[Page 84] but the very Work, for which he did come, and from whence he received those peculiar Names of
Christ, Jesus, Emanuel, the Restorer of Breaches, Redeemer, Saviour, &c. So that I hope, our
Adversaries will either disprove these Writings, or confess that the
Light God gave to the
Gentiles, they receiving it, was
sufficient, and that by it they had some of them a
Sight of Christ, with respect to the great Performance, for which he was so named.
I have omitted any mention of those
Sibylls, so much believed in by
Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Clemens Alexandrinus, and abundance of the Ancients, for
David Bloudell's sake, an accurate
French-Man, who indeavours to prove the Books that go under their Name, to be an
Imposture writ since Christ, by some affected to
[...]hristianity, to promote it with the
Gentiles; and therefore no
true Prophecyes of his Coming; though he grants,
Sibylls there were of old, and Excellent Things they wrote, but that they were burnt in the
Capitol of
Rome several Hundred Years before Christ came in the Flesh, and
scattered Remnants onely extant, yet among them enough will be afforded, as
Virgil from the
Cumean already mention'd, whereby to prove the
great Fore-sight some of the
Gentiles had of Christ's being
Conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of a Virgin, and finally,
Coming in the Flesh for the Salvation of the World: And which is more then any before
Virgil had done;
the Time when? namely, WITHIN THAT AGE, which was the Reign of
Augustus Caesar, in the beginning of which
Virgil wrote, and about the End of which Christ was Born.
It is granted that the
Jew, and much more the
Christian hath the Advantage of the
Gentile. Yet that the
Gentile had enough Salvation.
BUt that I'may provide against both
Ignorance and
Malice: Let none unworthily infer from hence, that I prefer the State of
Gentilism before the State of
Christianity; No, nor yet so much, as that I intend to equal it to that of the
Jews, to whom pertained the
[Page 85] Glory, Covenant, and the giving of the Law, whose were the Fathers, and of whom Christ himself came after the Flesh, who is God (the only God)
over all, Blessed forever, Amen.
For this let all know, that far greater were the Priviledges that both
Jew and
Christian were blessed with, then those of the Ancient
Gentiles. God gave the
Jews what the
Gentiles had, but he was not pleas'd to endow the
Gentiles, with all that he freely bestowed upon the Jews: Yet that he gave them what was sufficient to Godliness is altogether as certain; For the Difference lay not in the Root of the Matter, but only in some Extraordinary Helps, and several visible Services, Figurative of a further Glory.
The Word nigh in the Heart (of which
Moses testified) was not the only Priviledge of the
Jew, but of the
Gentile also. The Spirit of God strove as well against the
Gentile as the
Jewish Man; And God himself declared
Isa. 1. 12, 13, 14, 15.
their New Moons, Solemn Assemblies, Sabbaths, &c. to be an Abomination; and bid them, cleanse themselves, and put away the Evil
Ezek. 18. 31, 32.
of their Doings; and that they would make them a new Heart, and a new Spirit: intimating, that though he did attend their Childhood with many Helps that were wanting to other Nations, yet he required
Fear, Purity and
Righteousness, as the most essential thing of all other; which, because it was required of the
Gentiles as well as
Jews, and that many
Gentiles believed so, and accordingly lived, unto which, declaring they were inclined
by that Spirit, which (Job sayes)
is in Man, and that Inspiration of the Almighty which gives Understanding; I cannot in Justice but conclude, they wanted not the Ground-work any more then did the
Jews. So that the Sum of what I have been urging is but this; and thus much it is,
That though God was more Beneficent to the Jew (especially to the
Christian) then the Gentile; and consequently that as the
Jew had those Assistances the
Gentile had not, so the
Christian-Dispensation is the Perfection of the Divine Light, Life and Immortality, more weakly seen, both by Jew
and Gentile; Yet also,
That God did communicate to the Gentiles
such a Measure of his Divine Light and Spirit, as diligently adhered to, and faithfully sollowed, was sufficient to their Salvation, from Sin here, and confequently from Wrath to come: And that they themselves did so Believe, Teach, Live and Dye, in perfect Hope and full Assurance of Eternal Recompence, in a State of Immortality. And though I will not be so strict in my Opinion of the best
Gentiles, as to deny
[Page 86] there might be some
Self-Mixtures from Temper, Education, or otherwise; yet I will also boldly affirm, that as the Light they had was sufficient in it self to their Salvation (of which their Life and Doctrine are a notable Demonstration) so they had some of them a glimmering Prospect and bold Belief of as high a State of Purity, Glory and Immortality, as Man's Nature is well capable of attaining to. Let thus much suffice (whether
T. Hicks be pleased, or not pleased)
in Defence of the Universality and Sufficiency of the LIGHT, at least with respect to the Gentiles
Divinity; and a round Answer to the Clamours of our many
Adversaries against the Light's Sufficiency to discover Sin, and convert from it.
A great Objection stated; Answered. The Light both Law and Gospel, not in the same Discovery; but in it self. A Way to reconcile the seeming Difference about it. The Light still defended.
BUt because I am yet to expect Doubters about the
Light, who rather strive how to oppose it by their Notions, then believe and obey it. I will suppose that some may (as indeed doth
T. Hicks, J. G. and almost all who have writ against us) yet object:
Certainly this Light Within can be at most but the
Law in the Conscience, answering to the First Covenant; For here is scarce any mention made of Christ in this long Discourse; and if this Light were Christ, as is affirmed by you Quakers,
then how comes it, that he was not so called of Old by the Jews
and Greeks?
and why typified out to come, when he was come before, and whilst typified? And further, In what Sense can he be understood to bear our Iniquities, and Men and Women to be saved by his Blood, if this Light
be the Saviour, Messiah, Christ, &c.
as you believe, and endeavour to maintain now in the World?
[Page 87]This
Objection, I suppose, the
Reader will allow to be the most weighty made against our Principle, and that I have dealt more fairly by our
Adversaries (especially by that Unjust and Malicious Man
T. Hicks) then they have dealt with us in his abusive and impertinent
Dialogue; since I have here laid down the Strength of their Objection, and the whole Scope and Intendment of his 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12. pages against the Light. To all which I thus answer, in the Fear of God & Spirit of Moderation. The Objection consists mainly of these Four Parts; The First, relating to the
Light's being but the Law, not the Gospel. The Second, to the
Light's never being called Christ by Jews
or Greeks. The Third, to
Christ's being typified, and yet in Being at the same time. The Fourth, to
Christ's Blood, the Bearing our Sins, and which way this could be appropriated to the Light, and not do Injury to the Holy Manhood.
First then, I shall answer to that Part of the Objection which concerns the
Light's being but, or no more then the Law.
I do thus far agree, That the Light is the Law; but that it is not therefore in any sense the Gospel, I also deny, yet not in that Capacity wherein it is the Law; for as in that state it cannot justifie, so it would be to say,
it is the Law, and it is not the Law. I say then, that the Light may be both, in reference to a two-fold Manifestation.
Where there is no Law there is no Transgression. It might as well have been said (since they themselves confess it to be the Law)
That where there is no Light, there is no Transgression; and the rather, because whatever is reproved, or Sinful,
is made manifest by the Light; therefore, since all have transgrest, all have Light, and ever had: In this State then it is a Law, which justifies none; for whoever is in that which is reproveable, is under Condemnation from the Law, or the Reproving Act of the Light. But again, Such as by unfeigned Repentance come to turn unto the Light, they are herein justified in a two-fold Sense (and I so speak for the sake of the Simple, beguiled by a wrong Apprehension of the Word) First, In that God acquits for his Name's sake,
who is Merciful, Pardoning Iniquity, Transgression and Sin, all that Repent with Unfeigned Repentance. Secondly, In that he accepts upon the Renewal and Conti
[...]uance of the Creature's humble and sincere Obedience.
[Page 88] Neither are such properly come to the compleat Sonship; they are but on their Journey, they must give good Proof of their Fidelity, Diligence and Loyalty to God, as
Servants, before there be a Receiving of them into that excellent State of
Sorship which never goes out of the Father's House
[...]. This is clearly distinguisht, and weightily exprest by the Apostle
Paul to the
Galatians, The
Heir, sayes he,
[...] Age, differs not from a Servant, but is under Tutors until the time
[...]pointed of the Father; even so we, when we were Children were in Bo
[...]dage, under the Elements of the World: therefore the Seed came, that by Faith in it the Adoption of Sons might be known. This is the Perfection of the Brightness of the Light, which is all along still the same in It self, though not the same to the Creature. The outward Sun is the Cause of the early Dawnings, and is at that very time in it self the same Glorious Body of Light, as when in the
Meridian; but if Men either through Natural Weakness, or the many Fogs and Mists of
Tradition, Education, Ignorance or Prejudice suffer an Eclipse, they must not blame the Light, but themselves. He that follows the Light,
which was ever the Just Man's Path, shall meet with Blessedness at the End of his Travels; But such as let the World of Wickedness get between, are over-taken with Night.
Abraham saw Christ's Day; What Day? The Dispensation of Sonship, as Heir of all things, the Day of perfect Restitution; which he could never have done, had he not had Light, by which to have seen it. So several of those Holy
Ancients obtain'd a Degree above many, and arriv'd at a Growth, yea, the Benefit and Enjoyment of a Dispensation, that was not general, through the Weakness of the Age: Such really saw beyond the
Offerings, Types, Figures and
Shaddows, to a State more
Inward, Spiritual and
Substantial, by taking good heed to the Heavenly Light. And this was the End of all External Administrations, to drive the Creature in, & point out unto it some more hidden Mystery that Man's Wandering from God had caus'd him to neglect; yet still was Christ, the Word. God, a saving Light in that State. And the Light of the Law was as a
SchoolMaster, that led such as diligently obeyed it, to that more excellent Discovery of the same Light, which is now called the Gospel, or Glad-tidings, as certainly it was and is, after so Black and Cold a Season, as hath tediously overcast
[Page 89] the Heavens, to have that Sun of Righteousness appear in that Body, prepared and anointed for that Purpose, in a transcendent Manner to all former Manifestations of Himself. Thus it was that such as had liv'd up most faithfully to the Law of God, or Light of that Dispensation, gladly received Christ, believed in him, became his Followers, and the Companions of his Sufferings; so that he, who was the Light of the Law, is also the Light of the Gospel, though not in one and the same Degree of Discovery, as the Light is not one in Condemning and Justifying, though it be one in it self; nor in the Degree and Growth of little Children, young Men and Fathers, yet one Pure, Eternal, Unalterable Light of Life and Righteousness in it self. If therefore it doth the Office of the Law in any, to be sure such one is yet under a State of Condemnation for Evil, and he is not yet come to know the fulfilling of the Law, as becometh every Follower of Christ, yea, every one that would come to Christ. Christ indeed fulfils the Law for us; but how? The Light in us, as we are subject to it, and led by it, administers an Holy Power, by which we are enabled to do that which is Good and Acceptable in the Sight of the Lord; and so obeying the Light, we fulfil the Law: Thus he works his Works in us and for us. And so far was Christ from Dis-ingaging his Followers from an indispensible Necessity of keeping the Law, as outwardly ingraven on Stones, that he set them a far harder Task, by how much it is more easie to restrain from Acting then Thinking.
Thou shalt not Commit Adultery, saith that Dispensation of Moses; Whosoever looks on a Woman, to lust after her, hath committed Adultery already with her in his Heart,
saith that more Excellent Dispensation
Mat. 5. 27. 28.
of Christ. Certainly then those Men, who fancy themselves upon the easie Terms of being excluded the Fulfilling of the Law, or Performing good Works, as a Condition to Justification, must basely abuse themselves, and dangerously adventure the Well-being of their own Souls. In short, He was the
True Light, who said,
He that looks upon a Woman to lust after her, has committed Adultery with her already in his Heart: But so was he also that said of old by
Moses, Thou shalt not commit Adultery; Therefore should we conclude two Lights, and not rather two several Manifestations, or gradual Discoveries of the self-same Eternal Light?
[Page 90]To conclude, The
Law (as I may say)
is the Gospel begun, and the Gospel is the Law finished; He that would be justified must first be condemned, and who would be healed, must first be wounded: The Law is as the Sword, the Gospel as Balm; The one Duty, the other Love. And that which alone is needful to attain unto the highest Discovery, is, to be humbly subject, and constantly obedient to the lowest Appearance of it:
The faithful Servant becomes a Son by Adoption. Wouldst thou know the
Word a Reconciler, thou must first witness it an
Hammer, Sword, Fire, &c. The Way to arrive at
Evangelical Righteousness, is first to perform
the Righteousness of the Law: By Law, I mean not that
of Ceremonies, or the External Order of the Jews; but that
Moral & Eternal Law, which is said to have come by
Moses, and is accomplisht by Christ. And there is great Hopes, that who Conscientiously keeps the Beginning, will compass the End.
Such as have Conquer'd bad Doing, if they be faithful in what they have received of God's Light and Spirit it will inable them against bad Saying, till at last they overcome evil Thinking too; and witness that Scripture fulfilled; Judgment (the Law)
is brought forth into Victory (the Gospel)
He that follows me (the Light of the World that inlightens all Men coming into the World)
shall not abide in Darkness, but shall have the Light of Life. I make not this Distinction of Law and Gospel to distinguish in Kind, but Degree, and for the sake of the Weak accustomed to it. And if the Son make you free, then are you free indeed: For as it is a Condemner it may be called the Light that brings Death, in that it slays by the Brightness of it's coming into the Conscience, the transgressing Nature; like unto that Expression the Day of the Lord is a Day of Darkness, because of the Judgments and Terrors of the Lord for Sin; But to the Obedient it is the Light of Life.
Thus is Christ as the Word-God, and Light of the World through every Dispensation,
ONE in himself, though to Mankind he has variously appeared,
not by Differing Lights, but Manifestations only,
of one and the same Eternal Light of Life and Righteousness.
The Second Part of the Objection, that Christ was not anciently called the Light; Answered. And the Contrary proved from Scripture and Reason.
TO the Second Part of the Objection,
If the Light in every Man were Christ, how comes it that the Jews
and Greeks
never called it so? I answer, We do not say, that the
Light in every Man is
Christ, but
of Christ; He is that Fulness from whence all receive a Measure of Divine Light and Knowledge; but not that every Individual has the whole or compleat Christ in him; such an Absurdity never fell from us, nor our Doctrine, though the Malice of our
Adversaries hath charged it upon both. But as the External Sun darts its Light upon the Organ of the Eye of the Body, by which it conveyes true Discerning to act, how, in and about Visibles; so doth the Internal Sun of Righteousness shine upon the Eye of the Soul, giving it the Knowledge of those invisible Things, which properly relate to the Nature of the Soul; So that we are the less oblieged to give a Reason, why others called not the Light in Man,
Christ, since we renounce all Share in such Belief our selves: Which is Answer enough to
T. H's dis-ingenuous Inference, that because
G. W. affirmed, the Light, with which Mankind was inlightned, was God, therefore sayes
T. H. Every Man his whole God in him, or to that Purpose, p. 5, 6. Yet thus far I will tell those Men, that
Christ was called
Light, before ever he was in the World, though not before he was Christ.
I will give him for a Light to lighten the Gentiles,
&c. Now if any will say, that this Light was not Christ, let them tell us so in plain words: But if it will be allowed, then
T. Hicks had best ask, why the Prophet by the Holy Ghost should call
Christ, Light, even as soon, if not before he was called
Christ; and why in
that very State, in which he was called Christ, he should be called Light. Certain it is then, that by
Him, the Light, we are to understand
Christ, which is one and the same thing, as if he had said, I will give Christ for a Light to enlighten the
[Page 92] or,
who is the Christ, is the Light; or,
the Light is Christ: So that it will follow, that the
Gentiles were inlightened by Christ, which is the Whole of what we understand by our Assertion, as to the Light in Man.
John expresly calls that Light with which every Man is inlightned, the Word; and the Word is said to have taken Flesh: If then he that took Flesh
was Christ, and consequently that Body,
Christ's Body only, as none, I think, will dare deny, but
Muggleton, and his Credulous Followers, it will follow,
That Christ, who took, or appeared in that prepared Body, is the Light, with which every Man is inlightned.
Further, Christ himself sayes, I am the Light of the World; which is as much as if he had said,
I have inlightned the World: therefore the
Light, which shines in the Hearts of Mankind
is Christ, though,
not every particular Illumination the entire Christ; for so there would be as many Christs, which were Absurd and Blasphemous.
But Lastly the Apostle himself calls him Christ before his Coming in the Flesh; or that Christ was Christ before his Appearance in that Body at
Jerusalem, which clears that Point in Controversie: for the Stress of
T. Hicks's Objection, as to this Particular, lies here,
Christ, as Christ, was not before he took Flesh; therefore though I should grant (might he say, and he doth say as much)
that as the Word-God all are inlightened by him, yet, sayes he,
not as he is Christ before that visible Appearance: One would think he were a very
Socinian by his Arguing; not that I write so in Slight, Abuse or Reflection; but if Christ was not before, then the Manhood, that was taken in time, must be the Christ; and what should materially hinder their Conjunction I know not? But I would fain know his Reason for it, if it be Lawful to expect what I fear he has not to give; however, if he darest, he would give you his Interest in lieu of a Reason for his so holding, but that I shall do for him, and with Impartial Minds it will be a Reason against him. The
Dilemma in short is this, If he denies Christ to have been
Christ before that Coming, he
thwarts as plain a Text as the Scriptures have; and if he should allow of it,
his whole Fabrick (now a Fortification, he thinks)
would fall like a rotten House about his Ears. Well, but I will tell him, and all concern'd, for his base Opposition, That since Christ, as the Word-God,
[Page 93] hath illuminated all Men antecedent to his Coming in the Flesh, as confesses
T.H. J.G. J.F. and many more of them, & that the Apostle says, that the Word was Christ, or Christ was before he came in the Flesh; for Christ was in the Wilderness a Rock to
Israel, unless Christ and the Word are two distinct Beings, or that there be two distinct Christs: Christ was that Light, with which Mankind was illuminated, or that Light, Mankind was inlightned with, was the very Christ, and consequently,
the Light has been called both expresly and implicitly Christ before that visible Appearance at Jerusalem. Nor is the Allegation of that Scripture pertinent to the Matter in hand (viz.)
Which none of the Princes of this World knew, &c. brought by
T. H. for that was spoken in reference to the Wisdom which had been hid, and not the meer Manhood of Christ; But suppose it had deeply concern'd it, we have this to say, that such as rejected, much more those that crucified him in his outward Appearance, had first despised and slain him within,
They were of those who Rebel against the Light, and Love not the Wayes thereof. And I affirm against all Opposers, that it was by that Sight the Light within gave to
Simeon, Peter, Nathanael, and all others, who believed in him, that they Confessed him, and Suffered for him; such as had not so Out-sinned their Day, Defiled their Conscience, Clouded their Understandings, and Hardned their Hearts, as others by Wicked Works had done; but through the Light of the Lord, had in good measure kept their Consciences void of Offence, they received and imbraced him. The Light knew its own; The Lesser led to the Greater, and the Greater Light as naturally attracted the Lesser, as we may see Fire do every day. To conclude this Particular, let me add, that they were not the Princes of this World that put him outwardly to Death; for it came by the Envious Accusations and most Inveterate Suggestions of the
Jews (a Broken Conquered People) to
Pilate, but Governour of a Province; therefore, since I believe what the Apostle saith to be true, I have rather Reason to infer, that it was meant of Christ Mystically, then of that Visible Body. However it be, that part of our
Adversaries Objection about the
Light's not being call'd Christ, antecedent to his Coming in the Flesh, can be of no Weight to the Matter under Debate, since we have so evidently made the Contrary appear.
The Third Part of the Objection; If
Christ was enjoyed under the
Law, as he was, if the
Light be
Christ; why was he Typified? Is proved of no Force. The
Type and
Anti-type in some Respects may be at one and the same time; this is proved by
[...] of Scripture. Our
Adversaries Oppostion and Cavil Weak and Insuccessful.
THe Third Part of the Objection, and what seems at first sight to carry something of moment against us, is this;
If the Light Within be Christ, and the Jews
and Gentiles
had it from the beginning of the World, how can Christ be said to be typified out, as not come, and Prophesied of to come, when by your own Principle he has been alwayes come? I answer, This part of the Objection is in some respect built upon the same Mistake as was the second, namely, that the Light within is intirely Christ; concerning which I have plainly and truly exprest my self before; I will therefore faithfully state the Question for them thus:
Well, but still you say, Christ inlightned Jews
and Gentiles
before that visible Coming; if so, then was he come by your own Principle, whilst his very Coming was typified out, and Prophesied of: Doth not this seem a Contradiction? But to this I say, that the supposed Contradiction ariseth from the Mistake of the Dispensations; for it takes for granted, that there was no Difference in the Degree of Illumination before, and at the Coming of Christ after that visible Manner into the World, which all must needs confess: For as I would be understood, when I call the Light before, and after Christ's Coming in the Flesh,
Light, to mean but one and the self-same Light in Nature;
So let none apprehend, that we make not a Difference by the Acknowledgment of a more eminent Manifestation of the same Light. What follows then? Why thus much most clearly,
That under the Enjoyment of the Lesser Manifestation of Light, suited to the then Childish State of the Jews,
God was pleased to allure them after an Expectation of, at least a Belief in higher things, by Types and Prophecyes of that far more Excellent and Exceeding Glorious Dispensation of the Light and Love of God in after Ages. The End of God's giving the
Israelites that outward Prophet and Leader
[Page 95] was, to bring to the Inward, which though they through Carnality and Weakness were not then sensible of him, so as to stay their Minds upon him, yet
Moses prophesied of him; and all the External Dealings have been with respect to bring to the Seed within, which is able to bruise the Serpent's Head, and did so in some measure through all Ages. So that in good Reason and Truth may we assert,
Christ the Light,
was the Rock that follow'd Israel
in the Wilderness (who is the Rock of Ages, and Foundation of all Generations, who ever enlightned all Mankind, the same yesterday, to day, and forever)
yet a greater Manifestation of that Divine Light might be typically preacht forth under the Enjoyment of the Lesser: And that we herein are not without the Suffrage of the Scriptures to our Defence, I would fain know of
T. Hicks, or who else that is concerned against us, If notwithstanding all those outward Washings of those Times, God did not frequently press the very Substance it self, namely, a Clean Heart and a New Spirit; accounting all short thereof but as the Cutting off a Dog's Neck? And whether Christ himself did not with his own Hands
give the Bread and the Wine to his Disciples, and yet bid them do it till he came? Whence it is easie to observe, that unless
Tho. Hicks, and the rest of those Contenders, say with the
Papists, The Bread and Wine are very Christ (and so make Christ giving Christ, thereby destroying the Nature of a Sacrament; and instead of doing it till he come, that he should come when-ever they do receive it (which Ignorance I will not suppose him or them guilty of) I say, unless then that they were of one Mind with the
Romanists in the Matter of the Supper, it must be granted to us, that
Christ present gave them a Figure of Christ to come; therefore to figure out Christ to come, destroyes not Christ's being come; especially with our most necessary Distinction of the lesser Manifestation from the greater, which nevertheless divides not the Light, but that remains in it self one Pure, Eternal Being of Light, and Sun of Righteousness through every Dispensation.
This, that Passage I have already observed from the
Apostle Paul, in Answer to the second part of the Objection plainly clears to us; For if Christ typified out was their Rock, or the Rock of that Age, even when the
Brazen Serpent the
Type was in being, I cannot see, but the Type and the Thing typified might be at one and the same time;
[Page 96] not as to
Degree, but
Nature; for so I would be understood.
Before I conclude take this notable Saying of Christ to the
Jews, and what may be collected from it to our Purpose; BEFORE
Joh. 8. 56, 57, 58. SAW MY DAY, AND REJOYCED — which affords us briefly thus much: That though he was not so visibly come, yet it was the very same HE that came about One Thousand Six Hundred Years ago, who was with the Fathers of Old; and that
Helv. Chron. who lived One Thousand Nine Hundred Years before that outward Appearance, saw him, and his Day. If this be not the Import of the Place, I know none; For the
Jews not believing him to be the
Messiah, thought it high Presumption sor him to compare with
Abraham; Art thou Greater then our Father
Abraham, who is dead, and the Prophets are dead? Whom makest thou thy self? said that Unbelieving People; Unto which he answered (that he might prove himself to be the true
Messiah, the Christ of God)
ABRAHAM SAW MY DAY, and rejoyced: They still harping upon that
Visible Body, not Thirty Three Years old, replyed, Thou art not yet Fifty, and hast thou seen
Abraham? Taking that to be the Messiah, the
Christ of God, and Saviour of the World he meant, which they saw with their Carnal Eyes. To which he rejoyn'd with a
Verily, verily I say unto you, before Abraham
was I am; then took they up Stones to cast at him, &c. By all which it is most clear, that unless our
Adversaries will deny him that so spoak (which yet
T. Hicks's Anti-scriptural Opinion doth imply) to be Christ, who singled and distinguisht himself, as the
Messiah, the Christ of God, and Saviour of the World from that Visible Body, not Fifty Years old indeed; both Christ that then spoak must needs have been long before
Abraham's Time; and that such Holy Ancients were not without a Sight and Prospect of him, and the Day of his Glorious Appearance, or that most Signal Manifestation of himself in that Body prepared for that Great and Holy Purpose; witness the exceeding Clear and Heavenly Prophecyes, that were as so many Fore-runners, or Introducers of the Evangelical State.
And this is unquestionably confirm'd unto us by that known and very weighty Expression of the Apostle
Paul to the
Romans: Whose are the Fathers, and of whom as concerning
Rom. 5. 9.
[Page 97]
the Flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever, Amen. Since here both Christ is distinguisht from the Body he took and made one with that God, who is over all, blessed for ever,
Amen; As much as to say, of whose Flesh Christ took,
therefore Christ was before he took it; or his taking it did not constitute him Christ,
which Christ is God; And if God (
which cannot be said of meer Flesh or any Corporal Lineage) then must he have been from all Everlasting.
To conclude, As
Abraham Outward and Natural was the great Father of the
Jews Outward and Natural, whose Seed God promis'd to bless with Earthly Blessings as
Canaan, &c. & that they were figurative of the one Seed Christ, and such as he should beget unto a lively Hope through the Power of his Spiritual Resurrection, it will consequently follow, that this Seed must be Inward and Spiritual; since one outward thing cannot be the proper Figure or Representation of an other: Nor is it the Way of holy Scripture so to teach us;
The Outward Lamb shows forth the Inward Lamb; The Jew
Outward, the Jew
Inward. As God attended the one with many singular outward Mercies (to say no more) above other Nations; So the
Jew in Spirit doth he benefit above all other People
I have these two short Arguments to prove, what I believe and assert as to the Spirituallity of the True Seed; and a clearer Overthrow it is to the Opinion of our
Adversaries to the True Christ.
First, Every thing begets its like; What is simply Natural produces not a Spiritual Being; Material Things bring not forth Things that are Immaterial. Now because the Nature, or Image, begotten in the Hearts of True Believers, is Spiritual, it will follow, that the Seed which so begets, and brings forth that Birth, must be the same in Nature with that which is begotten, therefore Spiritual; then Christ's Body, or, what he had from the Virgin, strictly considered as such, was not the Seed.
Secondly, it is clear from hence; The Serpent is a Spirit: Now nothing can bruise the Head of the Serpent, but something that is also Internal and Spiritual, as the Serpent is; But if that Body of Christ were the Seed, then could he not bruise the Serpent's Head in all, because the Body of Christ is not so much as in any one, and consequently the Seed of the Promise is an Holy and Spiritual Principle of
Light, Life, and
Power, that being receiv'd
[Page 98] into the Heart
bruiseth the Serpents Head: And because the Seed, which cannot be that Body, is Christ, as testify the Scriptures, the Seed is one, and that Seed Christ, and Christ God over all, blessed forever, we do conclude, and
Gal. 3. 16. that most truly, that Christ was, and is the
Divine Word of Light and Life, that was in the beginning with God, and was, and is God over all, blessed for ever.
And this may yet more evidently appear, let it but be seriously weigh'd, that before ever that visible Appearance,
the Seed bruised in good measure the Serpent's Head in the Holy Men and Women of all Generations, otherwise they had not been Holy, but
Serpentine and Wicked; And if the Seed, was before, and that Seed be Christ; because there is but One Christ, as well as but One only Seed, it doth clearly follow,
that Christ was Christ before that Outward Appearance; and consequently, it could but be a more Excellent and free Manifestation of his Truth, Righteousness, Salvation, Wisdom, Power, Glory and Dominion, as indeed it was.
For notwithstanding that this Heavenly Seed was in some measure known, and what was wrought of Inward Deliverance in that Day, was by and through the Power and Vertue of it, as the Minds of People were retired to that Word of God nigh in the Heart to cleanse and redeem; And though particular Persons might arrive at great Attainments, even to a Beholding the Day of the Seeds compleat Redemption, and Conquest over all it's Oppressors (when what was but in the Condition of a Seed, or Newborn Child, should become the only Son, the Wonderfull Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace, of the Increase of whose Government there should be no End, as speaks the Prophet) Yet it is granted, through that good Understanding the Lord has given us in these weighty Things, that the Generallity were but Weak, Dark and Imbondaged, as saith the Apostle, under Carnal and Beggarly Elements, not clearly seeing through those outward Services, which, if I may so speak, God held them in hand with, condescending to their Weakness, that he might both keep them from gadding after the Pompous Invention, and Idolatrous Worship of other Nations, and point out unto them under their great Carnality that more Hidden Glory and Spiritual Dispensation, which should-afterwards be revealed, to wit,
The Compleat
[Page 99] Redemption of the Soul, and Raign of the Holy Seed, from the Child born, and the Son given,
to the Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace, of the Increase of whose Government there shall be no End.
So that then we ought, and we do by absolute Force of Truth conclude (1.) That the
Seed, which Seed is Christ,
was in all Ages with Abraham,
with the Israelites,
with the Prophets, Therefore he was as well before he came in that prepared Body, as then and since. (2.) Yet it is confest,
That He was not so clearly revealed, perfectly brought forth, and generally known before his so Coming as then and since, but more darkly figured out by Types and Shaddowy Services; which though they Cleans'd not, Sav'd not, Redeem'd not, yet did show forth a more Hidden and Spiritual Substance, that was able to Cleanse, Save and Redeem, and did all that received it, and were truly subject to it. (3.) That it therefore is not at all Absurd,
that the more Excellent Manifestation of Truth should he Typified and Prophesied of, under the Enjoyment of the Lesser, since the Reason of the Thing, and the Testimonies of the Scripture are so express for it, which ends our Answer to this Particular.
The Fourth Part of the
Objection stated and considered.
Christ's Death and
Sufferings confessed to, and respected; they were beneficial. The
Light of Christ within is the Efficient Cause to Salvation.
HAving thus considered the Third Part of this great Objection, I am now come to what chiefly stumbles People, with respect to the Light within, at least, as I apprehend; and that is this Fourth and Last Particular, viz.
But if the Light in every Man be Christ, how doth it bear our Sins, and are our Iniquities laid upon it? and how can we be said to be Justified, Redeemed or Saved by its Blood, since all these things are spoken by the Holy Pen-men of the Man Christ,
or Jesus
born at Nazareth?
Surely you wholy invalidate his Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Mediation by this Belief in the Light.
This I take to be the very Stress of the Matter, collected out of the most Forceable Writings of our
[Page 100] To which I Answer, and let him that reads understand.
It must be considered in this Last Part of the Objection, how those Questions can be applicable to the Light, and yet be reconciliable with those Scriptures that seem to attribute all to his Bodily Sufferings. I hope to make appear, that as we exalt the First, so we dare not by any means to slight the Last.
Light, or rather He that is Light in Man (for I have alwayes desired so to be understood:
Light being a
Metaphor or word taken from the outward Day, and chiefly so term'd, because of Man's Darkness, which is thereby discovered) hath been as a Lamb slain since the Foundation of the World; that is, the World had not been long created, before the good Order of it, and every thing therein, being envied by the Fallen Angels, that Spirit of Iniquity betrayed Man of his Innocency; and Sin by Disobedience prevailing, the Light or Principle of Life, under whose Holy Leadings Man was placed, became
Resisted, Grieved, and as it were
Slain (which word
Slain is also Metaphorical) that is to say, the Innocent Pure Life was as Wounded unto Death through Man's Disobedience and Lamb-like Image, in which
Adam was created, by him through Rebellion lost: Thus that Holy Principle, which God placed in the Heart of
Adam, in which was true Light, Life and Power, bore the Sin, was prest under it, as a Cart under Sheaves, grieved exceedingly, and as it were quencht with Iniquity. This hath been the Condition of that Precious and
Elect Seed, Spirit, Light, Life, Truth (or whatever Name equivalent any may please to give it) ever since that first Rebellion, to this very Day: And as in Wicked Men God's Holy Light and Spirit, or that Principle which is so called, hath been deeply
Wounded, yea, as one
Slain; so in Good Men, that have had a Sence of the World's Abomination, hath it also born many Burdens and Weights; for the Light and Life is
One in All. And those who have been reformed by it, and joyned to it, have been as One Spirit, and have not been without their Share of their Lord's heavy Sufferings, from the Ungodly World, which was as well a filling up of Christ's Sufferings that were before his Outward Coming, as what to this Generation are behind.
[Page 101]And as at any time Disobedient Men have harkened to the still Voice of the WORD (that Messenger of God)
in their Hearts, to be affected and convinced by it, as it brings Reproof for Sin, which is but a
Fatherly Chastizement;
[...]o upon true Brokenness of Soul, and Contrition of Spirit,
that very same Principle and Word of Life in Man, has mediated and attoned, and God has been propitious,
lifting up the Light of his Countenance, and replenishing such humble
[...] with Divine Consolations. So that still the same
Christ, Word-God, who has enlightned all Men,
by Sin is grieved, bearing the Iniquities of such as so sin, and reject his Benefits: but as any hear his Knocks and let him in, he first Wounds, and then Heals; afterwards he attones, mediates, and re-instates in the holy Image. Behold this is the State of Restitution! And this in some Measure was witnessed by the Holy
Patriarchs, Prophets and
Servants of God in old time, to whom Christ was substantially the same Saviour, and Seed bruising the Serpent's Head, that he is now to us, what Difference s
[...]ever there may be in Point o
[...] Manifestation.
But notwithstanding the same Light and Life, with that which afterwards clothed it it self with that outward Body, did in measure inwardly appear for the Salvation of the Souls of Men; yet, as have often said, never did that Li
[...]eminently put
[...]orth it self for that End, as in that
[...] and prepared Body; so that what he then suffered and did in that transcendent Manisestation, may by way of Eminency assume the whole Work unto it self, that he ever did before, or might do afterwards. For doubtless that very Light, Life and Power, which dwelt in that Flesh
[...]y Tabernacle, eminently was the Convincer, Condemner, Saviour and Redeemer; yet not only as confined to that Body, but as revealed in the Hearts of Men, as he was in
Paul, who not consulting with Flesh and Blood against the Lord of Glory willingly receive him in, to bind the strong Man, spoil his Goods, and cast him out, that He might Reign. And that the Divine Life, Light, Spirit, Nature of Principle, which resided in that Body was the efficient Cause of Salvation, observe the Title that is given from the great Work he was to do, namely,
To save his People from their Sins; there is not one Word of Wrath, but consequentially: Therefore, since that Sin is in the Heart and Conscience of Mankind, nothing
[Page 102] but a Divine Light, Spirit or Power can reach
Immaculation into those inward Parts; and consequently that must be the Redeemer and Saviour. But indeed, those who have a Mind
to Naturalize that strange Figure into the Language of the Holy Truth; I mean, to understand that to be saved,
is to be saved from Wrath, and not from Sin (whose assured Wages is Wrath) may have
some Interest, though
no Reason for their implacable Enmity against an
Inherent Holiness.
But I farther confess, that his Righteous Life, with respect to its Appearance in that Body, was grieved by Sin, & that the Weight of the Iniquity of the whole World, with the Concernment of its Eternal Well-being, lay hard upon him, nor was his
Manhood Insensible of it: Under the Load of this did He travel, he alone trode the Wine-Press; that is, All others were then Insensible of that Eternal Wrath, which would be the Portion of Impenitent Persons, as well as that it was his great Care, and deep Travel, that the Holy, yet Oppressed Seed might arise over the Pressures of Iniquity in the Hearts of Men, to bruise the Serpent's Head in all; And as outwardly he gave his outward Life for the World, so he might inwardly shed abroad in their Souls the Blood of God, that is,
The Holy Purifying Life and Virtue, which is in him as the Word-God, and as which, he is the Life of the World.
This was it which gave that visible Part the Understanding it had, which fitted it for so great an Embassy, by whose Power alone it
Fasted, Prayed, Preacht, Cast-out Devils,
Wrought Miracles, Lived that most Unblemisht Life, Patiently Suffered Death, was Raised for an Holy Confirmation, maugre all the Military Opposition of the
Jews; and this it was which accompanied the Ministry of his Followers, rendring it Efficacious to Conviction and Conversion: So that the Invisible, Spiritual and Divine Life, Principle or Nature, was the
Root and
Fountain of all which is sometimes asscribed in Scripture to the Body, by that Common Figure, or Way of Speaking amongst Men,
the Thing containing, which was the
Body for the Thing contained, which was the
Eternal Power, Wisdom, Life, &c. Not that we would irreverently rob the Holy Body of whatsoever Acknowledgement is justly due, nor yet separate that God joyned; though I confess with holy Fear, I dare not attribute to an External prepared Being, which is the
[Page 103] Natural, Proper and Only Work of the Divine Light and Life to operate and effect: But certainly, if some Men in Scripture are intituled
Saviours because of the Contribution of their Tryals, Travels and Labours towards the Salvation of Man-kind, of much more Right is that Honour ascribable to him who had the Spirit without Measure; For I do freely acknowledge it to have been in some sense a
Co-worker and
Partner with the Divine Life in many of its Tryals, Weights, Sufferings and Travels for Man-kind: Yet as it was the Divine Power in them that made them serviceable in that great Work, so was it the Divine Power in him which made that what it was, and therefore ought we
chiefly to appropriate the Salvation to
Christ, as the
WordGod, and to the
Holy Manhood not any otherwise then
Instrumentally, or by the same Divine Power in and through it; I mean, as it was a Chosen
Instrument or Vessel, in and by which God declared the Blessed Glad-Tidings of Love, and his Message of Reconciliation to the World, in which he gave the most Heavenly Example of Purity, and
through whose whole
Life, Doctrine and Death did shine forth the clearest Evidences of Truth, Goodness, Mercy, Patience, deep Travel for the World, Self-Denyal, Holiness and Triumphant Matyrdom. No Wonder then, if he be called a
Saviour, who not only came on an Embassy of Salvation, and when come, did draw many after him, who were struck with the Authority of his Sayings,
when he allow'd for a time to have their Eyes and Hearts upon him, as in that State present with them; But afterwards, he let his Disciples know, of how much Benefit it would be to them, that he should leave them; How? Forever: In all Capacities? No; but as with respect to his outward Appearance, that being
scattered in that Day to their own Measure of Light, Pon er and Life, they might know him NO MORE AFTER THE FLESH, but witness him
come into their Hearts a Comforter, who could not leave his true-hearted Disciples comfortless.
He that is with you shall be in you.
Joh. 14. 17.
To be brief, that I may yet again express our reverent Sense of Christ's Manifestation, so far as relates to that Holy Thing that should be born of
Mary; take these few particulars in my next Chapter.
A Confession in particular to
Christ's Redemption, Remission, Justification and Salvation.
I. WE do confess, that though the Eternal Power, Life and Light which inhabited that Holy Person, which was born at
Nazareth, was & is chiefly & eminently the
Saviour (for there
Hos. 13. 4. is no Saviour besides me saith God yet that
it was Instrumentally a Saviour, as prepared and chose
[...] o
[...] the Work which Christ had then to do i
[...] it, which was actually to the Salvation of some, and intentionally of the whole World then, and in Ages to come; suitable to that Scripture,
Lo, in the Volumn of the Book it is written, I come to do thy Will (O God)
Hebr. 10.
a Body hast thou prepared me, &c.
II. That as there was a Necessity that one should dye for the People, so whoever then or since believed in Him, had and have a Seal or Confirmation of the Remission of their Sins in his Blood, and that Blood, alluding to the Custom or the
Jewish Sacrifices, shall be an utter Blotting out of former iniquates, carrying them as into a Land of Forgetfulness. This grand Assurance of
Remission (from the Wrath due upon the Score or former Offences) do all receive in the
Ratifying Blood of Christ, who Repenting of their Sins, believe and obey the Holy Light with which he hath Illuminated them. For
Paul's being turned from Darkness to the Light in his Heart, was one with his believing in the Son of God revealed in his Heart.
III. This more glorious Appearance ended that less glorious Service of the
Jews; the Figures being compleated, the Shadows they fell.
He in that Body preacht, and lived beyond those Beggarly Elements;
He drew Religion more Inward, even into the Secret of the Heart, and made it to consist in an higher State o
[...] Righteousness, called
Evangelical, and at once became both the
[...] Heavenly Dispensation, and therein an
Example to all, as well
Jews and
Gentiles; sealing such a Common and General Religion to both with his Blood, as would forever end the Difference
[Page 105] and slay the Enmity, that they might be all one in Christ. Thus did he end the
Jews External Services, and overturn the
Gentiles Idolatries by his one most pure and Spiritual Offering and Worship.
IV. It plainly preaches thus much to us, That as Him, whose Body the
Jews outwardly slew,
we by Wicked Works have crucified in the Streets of Sodom
and Egypt,
spiritually so called, our polluted Hearts and Consciences. So, unless we come to know the
Benefit of the Inward Life, answering to, and expressed by
that Outward Life he gave for the World, it will avail little; For so it is, and very Marvelous in our Eyes, that the Life of the Crucified can only save those who may well be reputed the Crucifiers. O Mystery! And because those that did not actually slay him
Outwardly, have slain him
Inwardly, therefore must every such one really know that Life Inwardly raised & shed abroad for Sanctification and Redemption. O how great was his Love! Truly larger then Man's Cruelty; who whilst he dyed by Wicked Men,
he would Dye for them; and when dead,
they could not hinder him from Rising to do them good, who had done their worst for his Destruction, thereby shewing Mercy to those,
who shewed they had no Mercy for themselves. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
how often would I have gathered thee, and thou wouldest not, &c?
V. That Expression of his is greatly worth our Notice,
I lay down my Life for the World. All he did was for the Good of the World, and particularly the Laying down of his Life, that he might both express his Love and our Duty. Had he not desired Man's Salvation, and for that purpose prepared a Body, in which to visit him, and by his daily Labours among Men to further their Eternal Happiness the
Jew had never been able to put him to Death: But being come, and when come, so hardly used, herein did he recommend his great Love to us, that besides the Inward Weights of Sin he bore with his deep Concernment for Man's Eternal Well-being,
he chearfully offered up his Bodily Life, to recommend and ratifie his Love for the Remission of Sin, and give us an Holy Example to follow his Steps. But these Words will bear another Sease too, as
John 6. 51, 52. 53, 54, 62, 63. do those he spoak to the
Jews, Unless ye eat my Flesh, and drink my Blood, you have no Life in you: Where we may
[Page 106] plainly see, that as the
Jews vainly and carnally fancyed, he meant his
Outward Body only, to which they opposed the
Impossibility of the thing; so Christ declares their Mistake of his Meaning to his Disciples, in these few, but deep Words,
The Flesh profiteth nothing: it is the Spirit that quickeneth. So that the Words are true, and weighty in both Senses.
VI. And we further acknowledge, that in that Holy Body the Divine Principle of Light and Life did discover the Depth of
Satan's Darkness, encounter Hell, Death and the Grave, every Temptation it was possible for the Serpent, with all his Power, and Subtilty to beset him with (in which Sense he was made like unto us in all things, Sin excepted, that he might be sensible of our Infirmities) the Divine Life travelled and supported under all, administring Strength to the outward Man, that it might answer the End of its Appointment, & in the End utterly defeated, and forever overcame the Power of the Tempter,
bruising the Serpents Head in general, as Prince of Darkness, and God of the World, and in a plain Combat giving him that Foyl, which in good measure shook his Foundation, divided his Kingdom, chased away his
Lying Oracles, and proved a very Fatal Blow to his whole Empire: Which holy Conquest obtained by Sweat of Blood, and deep'st Agonies with Holy Patience, may not unfitly be compared to that of some Worldly
Prince maintaining a Righteous Cause against an
Usurper of his Territories, whom he puts to rout in open Fields; by which I understand the
General Conquest; yet many
Towns, and Cities and Cittadels remaining strongly guarnison'd (by which I understand, particular Men and Women enslaved by Sin) they are not thereby overcome, though the Approach be easier to them, and they be truly more endanger'd then before.
One Seed, who is Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever, having given that Proof of his Everlasting Arm, that it has brought a general Salvation by a plain Overthrow of the God of this World, the Enemy of his Glory, and thereby weakened his Power in himself (which is the single Battel fought in Garments rould in Blood, between the
two Seeds, Spirits, Natures and Powers; God and
Mammon; Christ and
Belial) had many
Towns, Cities and
Cittadels to vanquish, who lay strongly guarnison'd by this God of the
[Page 107] World; which Places, as I said, represent the Souls of particular Men and Women inbondaged by him. So that though their Hearts were, or are more accessible by that general Victory over the very Spirit of Darkness it self, and Light may be more clear d and broken up; yet unless those particular
Places or Persons are besieged and taken, their Goods spoiled, and Houses sackt of all the strange Gods, & so redeemed from under the Yoak of that Pharaonian
Task-Master, reclaimed, renewed, sanctified & naturalized by way of an Holy Subjection to him, who is Lord from Heaven, the Right Heir of all things, to receive his Mark, and bear his Image; Those Places or Persons must needs have yet been, and be Subjects of the Prince of Darkness, the God of this World, who reigns and rules in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience.
To conclude; We, though this General Victory was obtained, and holy Priviledges therewith, and that the Holy Body was not Instrumentally without a Share thereof; yet that both the efficient or chiefest Cause was the Divine
Light and
Life, that so clearly discriminated and deeply wounded this Mystery of Iniquity, and that none can be thereby benefited, but as they come to experience that
Holy Seed of Life, and Mighty Arm of Power revealed to effect the same Salvation in each Particular Conscience, which none can fail of, who receive it first as a
Light, that manifesteth and reproveth every Evil Way, and continues to walk up to all its holy Leadings.
VII. But there is yet a further Benefit that accrueth by the Blood of Christ, viz.
That Christ is a Propitiation and Redemption to such as have Faith in it; For though I still place the Stres
[...] of particular Benefit upon the Light, Life, & Spirit revealed, witnessed in every Particular; yet in that general Appearance there was a general Benefit justly to be attributed unto the Blood of that very Body of Christ, to wit,
that it did propitiate: For however it might draw Stupendious Judgments upon the Heads of those who were Authors of that dismal
Tragedy, and dyed Impenitent; yet doubtless it thus far turned to very great Account,
in that it was a most precious Offering in the Sight of the Lord, and drew God's Love the more eminently unto Mankind, at least
such as should believe in his Name, as his solemn Prayer to his Father at his leaving the World, given us by his beloved Disciple, doth plainly witness.
[Page 108]For how can it otherwise be, but that it should render God most propitious to all such, as believe in Christ the
Light of the World, when it was but a letti
[...]g of his only begotten Son's Sufferings turn to their account, that should ever believe in him. Yet doubtless greatly did it influence to some singular Tenderness, and peculiar l
[...]egard unto all such, who should believe in his Name among other of his weighty Performances, for the sake of that last and greatest of all his External Acts, the resisting unto Blood for the Spiritual Good of the World, thereby offering up his Li
[...]e upon the Cross through the Power of the Eternal Spirit, that Remission of Sin, God's Bounty to the World, might be preacht in his Name, and in his very Blood too, as that, which was the most ratifying of all his Bodily Sufferings. And indeed, therefore might it seem meet to the Holy Ghost, that
Redemption, Propitiation and Remission should be declared, and held forth in the Blood of Christ unto all, that have right Faith therein, as saith the Apostle to the
Romans; Whom God
Rom. 3. 25.
hath set forth to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood: and
Ephes, 1. 7. to the
Ephesians; In whom we have Redemption through his Blood, the Forgiveness of Sins, &c. because it implies a firm Belief, that Christ was come in the Flesh, and that none could then have him as their Propitiation or Redemption, who withstood the Acknowledgement of, and Belief in his Vi
[...]ible Appearance, which
John tells us, some denyed and withstood. 2. That he came in order to the
Remission, Redemption and
Salvation of the World. 3. That his so Dying was both an evident Token of his Love, and strong Argument of Confirmation of his Message and Work. 4. That it might the better end the
Jews Services, by an Allusion to the Way of their Temporary and Shadowy Sacrifices, as the whole Epistle to the
Hebrews showeth. 5. And that by bringing (through the holy Light in the Partic
[...]lar) i
[...]to the Acknowledgment of, and Belief in the Blood, which was ratifying of that whole Appearance, Men might be brought unto the knowing Christ after a more Inward and Spiritual Manner, suitable to Christ's own Words,
It is the Spirit that quickens; and
Hebr. 9. 14. the Apostle avers, that
the Lord from Heaven is that quickning Spirit; by which
Eternal Spirit he offered up himself without Spot. Nor can any reasonably suppose, that when Christ so spoak to his Disciples explanatorily
[Page 109] of what he had obscurely and in Parables said to the
Jews, that he meant not something more hidden and Divine then what they and the
Jews saw; Yet that which hindred those
Jews from the Knowledge or Benefit thereof, was their Stumbling at him without a Confession, unto whom they co
[...]ld never come into the Beholding or Experiencing of his Divine Life in them.
To conclude, That Body was the Divine Lifes,
a Body hast thou prepared me; therefore all that was done by that Body towards the
Redemption of Man-kind, was eminently the Divine Lifes; yet because many times Actions are denominated from, or appropriated to the Instrument as the next Cause, though not the Efficient, or most Eminent Cause; therefore the Scripture speaks forth (as indeed is the Propriety of both the
Hebrew and
Greek Tongues (
Parabol cally, Hyberbolically, Metaphorically) the inward Substance and hidden Life of things, by things more Exteriour and Obvious to the Sense, to the End that such Mysteries might be the better accommodated to Vulgar Capacities. Consider what I say with this Qualification, that ultimately and chiefly, not wholy and exclusively the Divine Life in that Body was the Redeemer: For the Sufferings of that Holy Body of Jesus had an engaging and procuring Virtue in th
[...]m, though the Divine Life was that Fountain, from whence originally it came. And as the Life declared and preached forth it self through that Holy Body; so who did then come to the Benefit procured by the Divine Life, could only do it through an Hearty Confession to it, as appearing in that Body; and that from a Sence first begotten by a Measure of the same in themselves.
This is the main Import of those Places:
Whom God
Rom. 3, 25.
hath set forth to be a Propitiation, and in whom we have Redemption through Faith in his Blood. For who is this H E, whom God hath set forth, and in whom is Redemption? Certainly the same H E, that was before
Abraham, the Rock of the Fathers, that cryed,
Lo, I come to do thy Will (O God) a Body hast thou prepared me: which was long before
Hebr. 10. 5, 7. the Body was conceived and born. But may some say, How is it then his Blood? Why, just as the Body is his Body.
Those who had Faith in that Blood believed his Visible Appearance, inasmuch as they acknowledged that great Seal and Ratification of it, to wit, the Shedding of the
[Page 110] Blood of
His Body, who came to save the World, and who alone is the Propitiation, Redemption and Salvation of all who had right Faith in that Appearance and Message so confirmed, and therefore so often exprest by it, as inclusive of all his whole Life and Sufferings beside. And this is my Reason for it,
that it was impossible for any Man in that Day to confess to, and believe in that Divine Light and Life, which appeared in that prepared Body, but from the Inward Discoveries and Operations of that Light, with which Christ the Word-God who took Flesh, had enlightened him.
However, though the Apostles might then so express themselves, thereby to assert and recommend unto the Faith of all that most Heavenly Manifestation, and the great
Love of Christ therein, as the Visitation of the Heavenly Life through that prepared Body, and the deep Sufferings of both for the World, being True and Spiritual Witnesses thereof; yet it was never intended, that any should barely rest in that, but press after the Knowledge of Christ by Faith in something farther, and beyond that Body, in which he appeared, not excluding our Belief in that too: They who knew Christ after the Flesh, were to press after some more Spiritual Discovery of Him; and who almost doted on his outward Manifestation, it was expedient, that they should be weaned from it, to the End his more interiour, and indeed beneficial Revelation of himfelf might be witnessed.
Faith in his Blood was requisite, that they might confess him, whose Body and Blood it was to be Christ, who is God over all, blessed for ever; The great Question with the
Jews, Whether God was truly manifested in that Body of Flesh which they saw? So that the Stress lyes in Confessing to the Divinity come in the Flesh; otherwise they would have rejected not only the most signal Suffering of the whole Manifestation; but consequently that It self. To conclude, we confess, HE who then appeared, was and is the Propitiation, &c. and
in Him was Redemption obtained by all those, who had such true Faith in his Blood: But still it is to be understood, that there must be a Witnessing of a measure of the same
Light, Spirit and
Power to appear for Redemption in each particular.
VIII. That
Justification came by Faith in his Blood, is
[Page 111] clear in a Sense; for by the Law could no Flesh be justified: That is, the Law being added because of Transgression, certainly the Transgressor could not be justified, whilst such,
by that Law which condemned him for being such. Which puts me upon Distinguishing betwixt
Justification, as it is sometimes taken,
viz. for
Remission, Pardon or Forgiveness of Sin past upon Repentance; and that Justification, which implies
an Acceptance with, and an Access to God, as a Keeper of the Law of the Spirit of Life, which is to be made Inherently Just.
In the first Sense, Since all have sinned, no Man can be justified by the Law he has transgress'd: Therefore that great Favour and Mercy of Remission, Pardon and Forgiveness was only then generally preacht in the Name of Jesus, that such as believed in his Message should obtain. Thus by the Works of the Law shall no Flesh be justified; because, all the Righteousness Man is capable of, ca
[...]ot make Satisfaction for any Unrighteousness he has committed; since what he daily doth is but what he daily ows. But still such as keep the Law, are justified: for that a Man should be condemned both for Transgressing & Keeping the Law too, would be very hard. What shall we say then, but that Justification in the first Sense, since
Day to this,
hath been God's Free Love upon Repentance; and above all, that by Christ's visible Appearance, and in his Name was Remission, Pardon, or Forgiveness preacht or held forth to the whole World, upon their believing therein, more eminently, then ever,
But in the last Sense, No Man can be justified,
but as he is made Just, and is found actually Doing of the Will of God; That justifies, that is it gives Acceptance with, and Access to God: In this Sense it was, that the Apostle said,
Such as are the DOERS
of the Law shall be justified; and not from the Guilt of what they formerly did against it, by then keeping it; for that is the free Love of God alone, upon the Repentance of the Creature, (which hath been in all former Ages, but never so eminently held forth to the World, as by the Coming of Jesus Christ in the Flesh.)
So that thus far we can approach the Honester Sort of Professors of Religion, or rather, we never were at a Distance from them,
viz. That Men may be reconciled, and in a Sense justified, while Sin may not be totally destroyed:
[Page 112] That is,
God upon their Repenting of past Sins, whilst not then clearly purged from the Ground of Evil, may, and we believe, doth remit, pardon or forgive former Offences, and is thus far reconciled; that is, h
[...] ceaseth to be Wrath, or at a Distance from them, as whilst they went on in a State of Disobedience to the Light. Yet forever we affirm, that no Man or Woman
can be
[...]ade a Child of God, but as the New Birth, Regenerat
[...], and the i
[...]vine and Heavenly Image comes to be witnessed through the putting off the Old Man and his Deeds, and being baptized by the Holy Ghost and Fire into the one Holy Body, of which Christ, the
[...]maculate Lamb of God, is Head and Lord. So that all those who apply to themselves, or others the
[...]romises due to this State, unto that before-mentioned,
heal themselves or other deceitfuly; and God will judge for those things. So let all People co
[...]sider with Sobriety and Moderation, i
[...] the thi
[...]gs we a
[...]ert are not most agreeable with Scripture, and that
Light of Truth, which is in their own Consciences, unto which we most of all desire to be made mani
IX. Nor is this all the Good, the Life and Sufferings of that Blessed
Manhood brought unto the World; For,
having been enabled so effectually to perform the Will of God Living, an
[...] so patiently suffered the Will of Wicked Men Dying, therein freely offering up his
[...]ost Innocent Life for the World; He certainly
obtained exceeat
[...]g great and pretious Gifts, which, as every Man comes to believe in the
[...]ight, wherewith Christ
[...] hath enlightned him, and to be lead by it,
he shall assuredly f
[...]el a particular Benefit to him accruing from that general one procured by him, who so laid down his Life for the World.
In short, As we cannot but acknowledge him a
Saviour in
That very Manifestation, or
Coming in that prepared Bo
[...]y, who appeared so extraordinarily to visit the World with h
[...]s marvelous Light and Truth, to turn their Minds from Error and Darkness, and actually converted and reclaimed many,
and endued his Followers with his own Heavenly Light, Life and Power, whereby to supply his
exteriour Absence with a most lively, piercing, and effectual Ministry for the compleating the rest from Generation to Generation; so must we needs attribute this chiefly to the
Divine Light, Life and Power, that through the Manhood. of both Lord and Servants, put forth and revealed It self to the Salvation of the World.
[Page 113]Nor are we yet, as hath been often hinted (to speak strictly) to asscribe the particular Salvation of every Man's Soul, to the Appearance of that same Light in Nature,
in either Lord or Servant, albeit many were reacht into their very Hearts and Consciences at that time, and great and mighty things were generally procured, and Christ in that Manifestation became the Author of Salvation unto many;
but rather, as he is the Light of Men Individually, both then did, and now doth appear in the Hearts and Consciences of Men, unto the awakening of whom, and turning their Minds from that Darkness of
Tradition, Formality and
Sin, which had and doth overcast the Soul,
unto that blessed Light in the particular, that thereby (as to them) suffer'd, and doth yet suffer so great and tedious an Ecclips;
[...]say, this is the
Efficient of Salvation,
and all other Exteriour Visitations, Ministries or Assistants, though from the same Light, are in respect of the Light in every single Man or Woman
but Instrume
[...]al: In this Sense then Man is only a Saviour Instrumen
[...]ly, but Christ both, whether with reference to his own Bodily Appearance, or in the Ministry of his Servants, he is
the most excellent Instrument; and the only Efficient Cause of Salvation, as revealed and obeyed in the Consciences of Men. So that it is not the
Question, Whether do the
Quakers deny any Benefit to redound by Christ s Bodily Sufferings
[...] but
Whether the Professors allow and acknowledge the Main of the Work to the Divine Life and Light?
In short, He was the
General Saviour in that eminent Appearance at
Jerusalem, in which he did so many great and good things for Mankind; & a
Particular Saviour, as we find him in our Hearts
an holy Light shewing Sin, reproving for, and converting from it into the Holy Nature of the Light, to be Flesh of his Flesh, and Bone of his Bone.
Thus have I declared, according to my Understanding grounded on Experience, and that Illumination God has given me, in Moderation, the
very Truth, Weight and Tendency of the Outward Coming of Christ, and his deep Sufferings by and for the World; And also the Nature of his Inward Coming into the Souls of Men to expel the Darkness that lodgeth there; In both which respects, I confess him to be the
Saviour of the World in general, and the Saviour of each Man in particular: But that the
Benefit accruing to Men from Him as the general Saviour,
is known and received only, where he is witnessed a particular Saviour, and that I will abide by; For
Christ in
[Page 114] Man, becoming the
Hope of Glory, and Man's being changed into the same Image, from Glory to Glory, even as by the Spirit
2 Cor. 3. 18.
of the Lord, is the Salvation and Perfection of every True Christian.
Christ is the Light, or
the Light is Christ. proved from Scripture, and so concluded; notwithstanding two
Objections, which are fully answered.
THat which remains to compleat our
Scriptural Discourse of the
Light, is to pronounce it that which
H. H. J. Faldo, Tho. Hicks, and a Multitude of other
Barkers at it, despise to call it, and don't a little undervalue both us and
It because we do; I mean CHRIST: Not that the
Manifestation of Light in every Conscience is the
Intire Christ, but that
Christ, the Word-God, is that Light of Righteousness, which inlightens all Men; for which the Scripture is most express in that so well known (but little believed) Passage delivered to us by that beloved
[...]isciple, who best knew what his Lord was, and stood in no need of any of their Information, how to denominate, or rightly character him; although they and others implicitely accuse him of
Weakness, Obscurity, nay
Error, if not
Blasphemy too; who make it all this (and if it were possible
more) in a poor
Quaker, for only
Believing on pure Gonviction, this one weighty Passage, THAT WAS THE TRUE LIGHT WHICH INLIGHTENS
I have so throughly handled this Matter in a late Book, intituled the
Spirit of Truth Vindicated, that I need the less to enlarge at this time, to which I refer the
Reader for Satisfaction concerning some Objections raised against the place. However, I will briefly consider it here that our Believing
Christ to be an Universal and Sufficient Light, and that to be Christ, may stand in the View of the World, upon so good Foundation, as the Testimony of that Divine and well-beloved Apostle.
Two things are commonly urg'd against our Understanding,
[Page 115] of the first Nine Verses of
John, as they respect the Light.
1. Some say, that the Light here spoken of,
is not a Super natural, and consequently no Saving Light, but the Light of common Reason; Others call it of Nature, decay'd by the Fall, and what Conviction ariseth thence is only the Imperfect Remains of that Natural Light, which these Men, who thus speak, grant all to have, as well before as after Christ's coming in the Flesh.
2. Others say,
that this is indeed an Universal and Saving Light, but they restrain it to that Visible Appearance, and make the ALL
to be, all those that will believe; and the World to be that New Spiritual World Christ came to create by Saving Knowledge, which Believers come into.
I will briefly answer both, and therein as well all the pretended
Anti-Socinians (viz)
J. Owen, R. Baxter, T. Danson, J. Clapham, J. Bunnion, S. Eaton, J. Grig, T. Imner. T. Hicks, and abundance more who hold the former; as those who are reputed
Socinians, who hold the latter.
It is agreed
by the First, in the beginning of this Chapter, that Christ's Eternal Divinity is declared by the
Evangelist, since some of them, and particularly
J. Owen tells us out of
Eusebius, that it was written on that very Occasion; one
Cerinthus then denying any such thing.
Word which was with God, and
was and is God:
Joh. 1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9. This
God, the same Person tells us in his first Epistle,
is Light; By Him all things were made, among the rest Mankind. He then tells us that
This Word had Life, and from thence descends to inform us, what the
Word was with respect to Man;
In Him, the Word was Life, and the Life the Light of Men; as such, He was
that True Light, and not
John, who only came to bear Witness of
that True Light, which inlightens all Mankind coming into the World.
That this
Light is Divine, and no otherwise
Natural, then as it is
Christ's Nature, or Natural to the Word, I shall thus prove.
Man is here supposed to be before he was inlightened, therefore what ever was proper, and connatural to Man,
as Man, he had before he was inlightened, that is,
he had a reasonable Soul, indued with intelligent Faculties, and that clothed with a Body, fitted with sensible Organs; The Latter differ'd him from
Inanimate, the Former from
Irrational Creatures.
[Page 116] But still the
Light, with which this Soul is enlightened, in reference to God, and things appertaining to its Eternal Well being,
belongs not to Man, as Man: Surely then,
this Light must be superadded, that is, over and above Man's Composition, as a meer Understanding Creature; and consequently, it must descend from above, and in this Sense be
Supernatural. Thus the
Word created all things, and among them made Man,
enlightened Man with a Supernatural Light.
That this
Light was not only over and above Man's Nature, but is also of a
Divine and
Saving, One in it self,
[...] prove from its being
the Life of the Word; for if the
Life of the Word
be the Light of Men, here is no such thing as descending to an Effect, to prove the Light Divine, a that the
Life should bring forth a
Light, and
therefore this Light is Divine, because the Life of the Word that Product it is so: I say, without going to an
Effect for a Proof of the Light's Divinity, I thus Undeniably prove it from the
Life it self. for that very Divine LIFE is the LIGHT,
not that it createth or brings forth a Light, as a
Cause doth an
Effect, but is that very Light it self; so that unless they will make that Life
Natural (I mean as they do)
Created (though very improperly;
for a Divine Life is Natural to Christ) they cannot conclude the
Light which is not the Product,
but that very same Life it felf, to be a meer
Natural Light.
If then the very LIFE of the
Word, be the LIGHT of
Men, unless the LIFE of the
Word be NATURAL, the LIGHT of
Men must be SUPERNATURAL, DIVINE and INFINITE, as it becomes the LIFE of the WORD (which is GOD) to be.
And this roundly checks the dull
Ignorance, or base
Dial. pag. 3. 4. of
Tho. Hicks, who either could not, or would not understand
G. Whitehead, when he said
The Light must needs be Divine, because the Life from whence it came is so, and the Effect is alwayes of the same Nature with the Cause, in any other sense’ then this, That
because, saith Tho. Hicks,
God is the Cause of Beasts & Trees, by G. W's
Argument, therefore they are God; For sayes he, G. W.
asserts, that such as is the Cause such must the Effect be: Which strange Construction of G. W's Words, bewrayes either great Stupidity or Disingenuity. I would ask that
very Angry Man; Is there no Effect of Power, besides that of Nature? Did the Father of
T. Hicks
[Page 117] get a B
[...]ast or a Man when he begat him? Surely, unless he has abandon
[...]d all Understanding, methinks,
[...]e that makes in his Book
[...]o notable a
[...]istinction betwixt
Reason &
Railing, by using so
little of the one, and so
much of the other, should put one betwixt a
Natural and Potential Effect; I mean such an Effect as proceeds from Nature, and one that comes from meer Power: The Divine Life can naturally produce nothing that is not as
Divine as it self; b
[...]t its Power hath made all that is not o
[...] itself, as well
Inanimate as Animate Beings. B
[...]t enough of this at this time, and till this be proved not enough by those that are bet
[...], as willing then proving it so.
The Life of the Word being then the
Light of Men, and that without any
[...]nt, and consequently
[...]; I have no need to prove it SAVING, till that
[...]able Man has singled out
Saving from
[...]ivine which is not so absurd, but for all his great
Skill in Divinity, he may venture at, and in my Judgment, such an Enterprise shall be sufficient to renown the Light, and ba
[...] him in the thoughts o
[...] all
that forbid not Understanding in their Religion, without any further
Apology. However, let me briefly say, that It being a Measure of the
[...] Light, by way o
[...] Excellency,
[...]ar transcending
John (
[...]or as such is he preferr
[...]d, who is the Inlighte
[...]er) and that it was through
John all should believe i
[...] him; and lastly, that to these who received him as the Universal Enlightener, or True Light, He gave Power to become the Sons of God, it
[...] follow,
that the Light is Saving: and indeed I have with multiplied Arguments and Testimonies
[...] made appear from Scripture and Story the
Universality and
Sufficiency of that
Divine Light. Such then that say, it is decayed, because they are themselves, methinks, resemble those at Sea, who, being under Sail,
fancy the Shoar moves. The Fault is in the Eye, blinded by the God of the World, and not in that blessed Light, which shines unprofitably upon the Blind (through their own Blindness got by Disobedience)
Let them by unfeigned Repentance be unscaled, and the Sun will give good Proof of its Light; Darkness ought not to charge the Light, but it s
[...]f that it sees not.
Tho. Hicks confesseth All are inlightened, but denyes the Sufficiency thereof:
yet refuses to be ruled by it: Let him first obey it, before he despiseth it, and prove himself above it, before he throws it so far below a Christian: He may
[Page 118] be allowed then to blame the Light as Impotent, when he can live Uncondemned of it, or
Experience can tell us its Insufficiency to Well-Living: Tis vain to undervalue
That which chargeth both with
Duty omitted, and Sin committed. Happy Man were he, if leaving
Prejudice, he obeyed the
Light within, it would not teach him to write
Lyes, Slanders and
Forgeries, nor to call Men
Knave, much less to threaten them with
Blows whom he scurrilously named so. But
Our Religion is to Bear and His to Abuse.
However, this stands sure, that
the Life of the Word is the Light of Men, and consequently Divine; and (to say nothing of the Absurdity of their Phraises) there I will leave this
first Sort of Men, and their fruitless Opposition.
To the
Second Interpretation given, destructive of that
Scope we testifie the
Light to have, I return thus much.
That because
the Light of Men was the Life of the Word, which
Word was
God, by whom all things were created, and that
all Men are mentioned in that place controverted, which presupposeth no further Qualification in order to have this Light,
then being born one of that all Men
into this World; I conclude, that it is not only a most False, but Injurious Notion, to assert the Commencement or being o
[...] that Light, to be from the Coming of Christ in the Flesh.
Besides, since this relates to the
whole Man, which Word begins with
Adam, and ends with the last of Man's Race, I cannot conceive how that Exposition can be valid; for then
John would have been before
Christ, instead of
Origen, Chrysostom, Greg Erasm Drus. Zeger. Cam. Grot. B. Sand. Dr. Ham.
Christ's being before Abraham; whereas, therefore is
John denyed to be that Light, because that true Light by Way of Excellency was the Enlightener of all Men, yea,
of John himself, and therefore call
that true Light, that is,
the Fountain of all Light, Light it self,
from whom all derives, but he derives from none.
And to say nothing at this time of the miserable Estate those of Mankind must labour under antecedently to Christ's Coming in the Flesh, let it be considered, that these
first Nine Verses in John, relate not in the least to his
Fleshly Appearance, from whence those Men would date both his
Original, and
Man's Illumination, but are a continued
Series of the highest Proofs of a
Divinity, that we might as well know what He was before He came, as when He did come; and the one was an Introduction to the other. Neither
[Page 119] is it fair for these Men
to a
[...]egorize Christ out of his Divinity, and yet deny us any
Allegory to prove it. If they deny
Meanings elsewhere, let them do so here; It unbecomes Men that have their Wits, to rack them, to prop meer Fancy.
Further let me add, that as
He who then came into the
[...]. World, was the same that created that World, into which he came, and therefore Previous, or before such Coming
[...]o neither can it hold that the World, into wa
[...]ch M
[...] comes, is the New Creation, since it is not said,
who believe, which is usually joyned to things of that importance (
believe and be saved, &c.) Nor can such as don't believe, be totally excluded from being lighted,
[...] the Wicked could not Rebell against it, if they had
[...] Evil Actions be Reproved without it: So that all such
[...] is forreign, both from Scripture, Reason, and indeed Probability also.
We shall conclude then, that
Christ, the Word-God, is the Light of the World, that all are inlightened by Him, the Eternal Sun of Righteousness; therefore the
Light of Men is Christ: For to Him, that is, Christ, or True Light,
John testified,
who gives Wicked Men to see their Unrighteousness, and who leads Good Men on in the Way of Holiness, which, persevered in, brings unquestionably to Eternal Happiness: and without which all Imputation of general Acts of Righteousness by another, will avail nothing in the great and terrible Day of God's Inquest: when
J. Faldo, J. Bunion, J. Grig, and that malitious T. Hicks, with the rest of their Omnious Fraternity in Notion, shall be judged,
not by the Deeds any other hath done for them (wholy without them)
but according to the Deeds done in their own Mortal Bodies.
This Subject I shall conclude, with a few Reasons for the Universality and Sufficiency of the Light within, that we may not only be seen to have
Scripture, and other
Authorities, but
Reason, which is more universal, of our side too.
The Universality of the Light
proved by Reason.
THat there is an
Universal Light, the Universality of all Ages have plentifully restified unto. There is nothing more constant now that can plead either such
Antiquity, or general Consent: Not a Nation in the World ever knew an Age, in which it was destitute of such a Discovery of Internal Light, as gave to
[...] Evil from Good,
That Virtue was ever most commendable, and Vics above all things pernicious and damnable; This is matter of Fact, which I have already proved, and the most Barbarous of Nations now inhabited, are a clear Demonstration of what I say: conclude therefore, that since both Wicked and Good in all Ages have acknowledged
to Well and ill Doing, and that this depends upon the Discovery of that
Divine Light which manifests every Reproveable Action; that
none of Mankind are exempted from this Illumination.
But again, it is highly consistent with the Goodness of God, and Order of his Creation; since it seems unreasonable, that Men should have the Benefit of a Natural Sun which shines on the Just and Unjust, by which to direct their Steps, and securely transact all corporal Affairs; and yet their Souls be le
[...]t destitute
of a Spiritual Luminary; or Sun of Righteousness, when unto the Salvation of a single Soul,
Christ counts the World of no value. The Soul then hath
Eves as well as the
Body; and as Men may see,
if they please, when the Sun is in the outward Firmament, unless they on Purpose close their Eyes,
so may all rational Souls see, if they will, by their Eye of Reason, that Spiritual Sun, which gives as true Discerning and Direction to the Mind, how to think and desire as the Natural Sun doth the Body, how to act and walk aright.
Were not this true, here would be a falling into a miserable Charging of God with
Neglect to his Creatures; For since it is to be supposed that God made nothing but with a Design it should acknowledge a
Creator, after its respective Nature; and that Man's Duty was peculiar, namely
[Page 121] Divine Homage and Worship, exprest generally
by a
[...] correspond
[...]nt to that Being which made him, it is just that we believe God hath indued
Mankind with something that is
Divine, in order to
it; since oth
[...] be destitute of what only co
[...]ld enable him to
[...] that Duty, without which he co
[...]ld not, please nor acknowledge God. If then all Mankind ought to Worship, Fear, and Reverence God,
Certainly all mankind have an Ability from God so to do, or else perfect impossibilities are expected; because (otherwise) a most impotent Creature: But it can never stand certainly with the
Rectitude or Righteousness of the Eternal God to expect that from Man, he never gave him Power to do;
or the Improvement of a Talent he never had. In short, if we ought to think that God is to be reverenc'd and worship'd,
we must agree that he has
[...] Mankind with a Divine Light and Knowledge in order to that End, or say with the Man in Matthew,
God is as hard Master, an Austere Lord, he reaps where he never sowed, But I am almost of the Mind, that the Principles and Pre
[...]dice of some encline them rather to think hardly of God,
then favourably of the Light. How ill doth it become th
[...]se to object an
Impossibility of the Light's bearing their
[...], who are daily wounding it with their Rebellions?
But they object,
Some deny they have it, and others by their
[...] Lives shew they are void of it. To which I say, It is not impossible for a
Life of Worldly Care, or Pleasures &
[...] right Debauchery, to darken and quite blind that Eye which only sees the Light of Truth (and being kept single, preserves the Body full of Light) but this makes no A
[...] eration in the Light;
if through Repentance and Contrition the Scales fall off, the Light refuses not it self to the Eye that can and will see it; the Light remains unaltered, 'tis Man that changes. Would the Running Mad of some Men be a good Argument to prove
Mankind irrational? neither is it any Demonstration against the Universality of the Light within,
because some have by the Stupifyings of Sin rendred themselves I
[...]sensible of it.
Nor doth
Ill-living disprove the Light, enough improve Disobedience to it; Is it good
[...] that
[...] Wicked Man will not receive good Advice,
therefore he never was well advised? And what better Reason can it be to say, Men disobey the Light, therefore they never had it; whilst that proves they had it, at least as a Condemner? A Man may be said to be enlightened, when he knows and does
[Page 122] not his Duty; but rather I confess,
when he becomes embettered by such Illumination: In the first Sense,
All are illuminated, in the last,
only such as having the Light, joyn to it, and obey it; for they will find their Understandings illuminated to that Degree, which the Disobedience of others shuts them up from. In short, All have Light to Reprove, unless they have quite put out their Eyes; but such only have it beneficially, as their
Teacher and
Director who receive it (as well as have it)
in the Love of it.
Since then the Consent of Mankind, the Goodness and Justice of God, & Reason of the thing it self plead so strongly for the
Universality of this Light, I need say the less, and shall descend to consider its Sufficiency.
The Sufficiency of the Light
proved by Reason.
BEcause as well the
Sufficiency as
Universality of the Light, is struck at by our
Adversaries, it shall not, I hope, seem amiss, if I say something briefly to it, though much of what I have said in the former is referrable to this.
That the
Universal Light is also
Sufficient, is a Belief so Reasonable & Necessary, that the Opposite Opinion must needs impeach God of Want of Rectitude. All grant,
that God has made Man Rational, capable of a measurable Knowledge of his Creator, which his bare Capacity will never give him, unless God please to make some Discovery of himself suitable to that Created Capacity in the Creature: Certainly then, since God desires not that the Creature should receive a wrong Impression of him, and yet he requires Universal due Fear and Reverence, he must needs have given some Certain and Sufficient Discovery, in order to it,
by those Lively Manifestations, and most Sensible Touches of the Light to and upon the Soul, which cannot but be true, clear, and if minded, efficacious; For that God should require Men to serve him,
and not give them what is sufficient, is worse then not to give at all, since Man's not Obeying such Discoveries, is not so great an Aggravation of his Neglect, as the Imperfection of them is, either of his
Insufficiency, or Unwillingness that made them to do otherwise. What
[Page 123] is this but to say, God expects Homage from Men as their Soveraign Lord, and that they live uprightly in the World,
yet he has given them no Ability, in order to do it? He pronounces such Miserable who conform themselves not to an Holy Life,
but gives no Power to avoid the Curse? In short, though Reason tell us, he made none purposely to Destroy them, but rather that he might be glorified in their Salvation, which he is also said to invite Men to;
yet that he designs nothing less, by leaving any, or all Mankind under the Fa
[...]ntings of an Impossible
Success. But, as such Dismal Consequences belong not to the Truth (what ever share such kind of
Calvinistical Predestinarians may have therein) so we are well assured, that the
Light of which we speak, has ever been
Sufficient to the End for which it has been given in every Age,
both to Manifest Evil, Condemn for it, and Redeem by the Holy Inclinings and Operation of its Power, those who are the Diligent Disciples of it; For it seems most Unreasonable,
that the Spirit of Darkness should be sufficient, to draw into, and Destroy by Sin, and yet the
Spirit of Light not be sufficient to Redeem and Save from it. Since therefore we cannot admit of any
Insufficiency in the Light within, but we must suppose, that whilst God would be rightly worshipt,
he has too darkly discovered the Way how to do it aright; that bis Gift is Impotent, that Man is required to do what he has no Power to perform; and that, whilst God requires Man to serve him, he hath not so much as shown him what way he ought to do it; All which Consequences are most Unworthy of God: We rather chuse to sit down contented with this Belief, that
God, who made Man, and has given him a Soul Capable of Knowing and Serving his Maker, hath also endued him with Divine Knowledge, by a SUPERADDED LIGHT AND POWER,
and enabled him thereby, to live subservient to that Knowledge;
That God's Gift is perfect and sufficient for that Work; and that such as are led by it,
must needs be led to God, unto which, that Divine Light naturally tends, and attracts, as that from whom it came: which is certainly a
State of blessed Immortality.
In short, accept these few
Arguments Comprehensive of these two
Chapters, and indeed most of what goes before.
- 1. God requires no Man to do any thing, he has nog given him
first to Know, and
[...] Power to Do.
But God requires
[Page 124] every Man to fear him, and work Righteousness; Consequently,
He has given every Man both a Discovery of his Will, and Power to do it.
- 2. No Man ought to worship the true God
Ignorantly: But every Man is commanded to worship God; therefore,
He is to do it Knowingly.
- 3. No Man can know God,
but He must
[...]over it to him, and that cannot be without Light; therefore,
every Man has Light.
- 4. This
Light must be Sufficient, or God's Gifts are Imperfect, and answer not the end for which they were given;
But God's Gifts are perfect, and can perform what they are designed to; therefore,
since the Light is his Gift, it must be Sufficient.
The Sum is this;
Every Man ought to
Fear, Worship and
Obey God. No Man can do it a
[...]ight, that
knows him not. No Man can know him, but by the
Discovery he makes of himself. No Discovery can be made
without Light: Nor this Light give that Discovery
if imperfect
[...]r Insuffecient in Nature; Therefore, all have a
Sufficient Light to this great End and Purpose, viz.
To Fear, Worship and
Obey God.
[...], Who He, or They are that obey the Light,
&c? Considered and Answered; being a Character
of a true Quak r.
AS I took Occasion to begin this Discourse from the late
Dialogue, so shall I end so much of it as immediately concerns the
Light with my Answer to
Dial. pag. 2. the third Query made by
T. Hicks, W
[...]o this He, or They are that obey this Light, and in obeying attain S
If I should take his
Question as personally directed, I mean, what Man or Men they be, I should decline to answer; for the Controversy is not now of
Person but
Principles. I rather take this to be his Meaning,
What are the Qualifications of those that obey this Light? Not what are their Names;
but what kind or manner of People are they? In short,
what is it to obey the Light?
[Page 125]I think I have so fully exprest my self already in this Matter, that with an
[...] Adversary I might be saved the Pains of any further considering it; But that nothing may be thought to be
[...] as Unanswerable, which is so easy to be answered, I tell him and all Men, and that not without some Knowledge experimental of what I say, That such
[...] the Light, who
[...] all that it manifests to be Evil, and inclines to perform all that it requires to be done; For Example: When the Light shows that it is Inconsistent with a
Man fearing God,
to be
[...], Proud, Covetous, Backbiting, Envious,
[...]. 5.
Wrathful, Unmerciful, Revengeful, Prophane, Drunken,
[...], which with such like are called in Scripture,
the Fruits of the Flesh, and Works of Darkness; and Persons so qualified,
the Children of Wrath, such as delight not to retain God in their Knowledge, &c. I say, when the
Light discovers these things to be Inconsistent with a
Man fearing God, He, who truly Obeyes the Light, denyes and forsakes them,
however Cress it be to Flesh and Blood, and let it cost him never so dear: Though
Relations do both threaten and entreat, the World m
[...]ck, and he be sure to become the Song of the Drunckard, and a De
[...]ision to his Ancient Companions, No, he dare not conform himself any more
to the Fashions of the World which pass away, and that draw out the Mind
Jam. 5. 6. into vain and unprofitable Delights,
by which the
[...] in
1 John 2. 15. 16.
him had been
[...]; neither to gratifie the Lust of the Eye, the Lust of the Flesh, and the Pride of Life, which are not of the
1. Pet. 1. 18. Nature of his Father,
who has begotten better Desires in him: He rejects the Conversation he once had in the World, and in the Eye of its Children seems a
Man Forlorn and Distracted; he
takes up the Cross, desp
[...]ses the Shame, and willingly drinks o
[...] the Cup of
bitter Mockings, and yields to be baptized with the Baptism of
deep Tryals Christ Jesus, his Lord,
[...] of, and was baptized with.
He is as well taught to deny the
Religions, as Cares and Pleasures of the World. Such as prosess Religion from what they have either been taught by others, or read and gathered with their Carnal Minds in the Scriptures, intruding into the Practices of either
Prophets or
Apostles as to External and Shadowy things, not being led thereto by the same Power they had, he can have no Fellowship with; He counts all such
Faith and Worship Imagination made of Men, or a meer lifeless Imitation; He prefers one
[Page 126] Sight begotten from a Sence of God's Work in the Heart beyond the longest Prayers in that State; He leaves them all,
walks as a Man alone, fearing to offer God a Sacrifice that is not of His own Preparing; He charges all other Faiths and Worships with Insufficiency and meer creaturely Power, which are not held and performed from an holy Conviction and Preparation by the
Angel of God, the Light of his Presence in the Heart and Conscience; therefore goes he forth in the Strength of his God against the
Merchants of Babylon, Woes and
Plagues are Rightly in his Mouth against those Buyers and Sellers of the Souls of Men:
He is Jealous for the Name of the Lord; And therefore dares not speak
Peace unto them, neither
can be put into their Mouths, but testifies against all such Wayes;
Freely he received, freely he gives.
Thus is this Man
Unravel'd, Unreligion'd, Unbottom'd as to his former State, wherein he was Religious upon
Letter, Form, Mens Traditions, Education, and his own Imagination; He is as a Man quite undone, that he may be made what he should be. Thus is he convinced of Sin and of Righteousness too; and the Joy he once had when he girded himself and went whether he would,
is now turned into Sorrow, and his Rejoycing,
into Ho
[...]ling: He has beheld God in the Light,
and abhors himself in Dust and Ashes; Sin, that was pleasant once in the Mouth,
he finds bitter in the Belly, and that which the World esteems worthy their Care
he flies as a Man would do a Bear robbed of her Whelps; Sin is become
exceeding Sinful to him, insomuch that he cries out,
who shall deliver him? He labours greatly, and is very heavy loaden: He is not willing
to fly in the Winter, but is resolved to stand the Tryal; For this Man not only brings his former Deeds to the Light, and there suffers Judgment to pass upon them,
but patiently takes part in that Judgment, who was so great an
Accessory to them. Nor doth his Obedience conclude with the Sentence given against past Sins, and himself that committed them;
but most patiently endures the Hand of the Lord till his Indignation be overpast, and till that which condemned Sin
(the Fruit) hath destroyed the very Root of it, which hath taken so deep hold in his Heart, and the same Spirit of Judgment that condemned Sin,
be brought forth into perfect Victory over the very Nature and Power of Sin. This Judgment is found in the
Light, therefore do the Sons of the
Night reject the Knowledge of its Wayes, and the Children of the
Day joy greatly in its Appearance.
[Page 127]But neither is this all that makes up that
Good Man, who obeys the Light; For a compleat Son of Light, is one that has conquer'd and expel'd the Darkness? 'Tis true, he was once Darkness,
but now Light in the Lord, because
Ephes. 5. he hath been turned from Darkness to the Light, and
1 Joh. 1. 5, 6. from
Satan's Power unto God,
who is Light it self, and with him is his Fellowship continually.
This is the Man who in the Way of the Light hath met with the Inward Cleansing; for having been purged by the Spirit of Judgment, and the Spirit of Burning (otherwise called the severe Reproofs, Stroaks and Terrors of the Light in the Conscience he has ever a Watch set up in his Heart; A Thought must not pass which has not the Watch-Word, but at every Appearance he cries,
Stand, if a Friend, and owned o
[...] the
Light (who is the great Leader (given of God for that Purpose) then he lets
It pass; otherwise, he brings
It to the Commander of the Conscience, who is to sit in Judgment upon
It. Thus is Christ the Light,
King, Judge and Lawgiver; And by this he grows strong, & increaseth with the Increases of God: Yet he often reads the
Scriptures, and that with much Delight, greatly admiring the exceeding Love of God to former Ages, which he himself witnesseth to be true in this; and many things are opened to his Refreshment. So is the
Light the
Just Man's Path, that
in every Age still shined brighter and brighter, in which the cleansing Blood of Jesus Christ is felt to cleanse from all Sin; Thus doth he bridle his Thoughts,
Jam. 3. 1, 2, 3. so that his Words and Actions offend not.
Above all, he is often retired to the Lord, loves Fellowship with him, waits for dayly Bread, not in his own
Words, Strivings or
Will, but emty of Thoughts, or the Peace or Comfort that is drawn or imagined from thence,
he silently waits to feel the Heavenly Substance brought into his Soul, by the Immediate Hand of the Lord, for it is not fetching in this Thought, or remembring the other Passage in Scripture, or calling to Mind what has been formerly known, but
every Immediate Word that proceeds from out of the Mouth of God, that can satisfie him. In short,
He that obeyes the Light, is thereby taught to deny Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts, and to be Sober Righteous, Patient, Humble, Meek, Upright, Merciful, Forbearing, Forgiving, Peaceable, Gentle, Self-denying, Constant, Faithful and Holy, because the Lord his God is Holy.
[Page 128]Thus have I given a brief Account as well what HE
is not, as what HE
is that is Obedient to the Light within, which is Christ's Appearance in the Heart,
whose Holy Blood is felt to Cleanse, Attone and Save all those who believe and abide therein.
Discourse hithertoo
[...] up, and concluded with an
Exhortation to all Professors of Religion, esp
[...]cially our Opposers.
I Will sum up the whole of this Discourse into these few Heads.
I. That
Salvation is to be saved from
Sin first, and
Wrath consequentially;
He shall save them from their Sins.
II. That
Christ, the Word-God, has enlightened all Mankind, not only a
[...]ter his Coming in the Flesh, but before: And that the Light has ever been
Sufficient as well as
Universal to lead to God all such as have obeyed it, as by its Properties and Effects is demonstrated.
III. That the Difference betwixt the Time of the
Law and that of the
Gospel, as generally distinguisht,
was in Manifestation not in Nature. God might be as much more propitiou
[...] and bou
[...]ti ui to the last Ages (be it, that they were better able
[...] receive such extraordinary Discoveries, or that it wa
[...] the alone good Pleasure of his Soveraign Will) as he was to the former Ages,
yet that he gave them a Sufficiency of the same Divine Light to conduct them through the World to Eternal Blessedness.
IV. That
Jews and
Creeks, Heathens and
Christians agree in this.
V. That still the Preheminence is given to
Christ's Manifestation in Flesh, both generally and particularly, that being both
the Fulness of Time, and
Fulness of Discovery, which put an end to the
Types and
Figures and
[...]al Co
[...] mandements, by shewing forth an Abrogation and Consu
[...]tion of them all, in the Substance it self: In which State they are
[Page 129] not needed; but in Comparison thereof, they are (though once they were as
Calenders, for weak People to read some mystically Glory by) but
Beggarly Elements.
VI. That not only in that
Flesh did the Eternal
Light preach forth it self
the End of these Things, by Revealing & becoming the Author of a more plain and perfect Way (though less easie to Flesh and Blood) placing the Stress of all upon an Eva
[...]gelical Righteousness, whereof he became the
first Mi
[...]er, and our most Holy
Example) but he also appear'd in that publick Body (so peculiarly prepared)
a General Saviour, by his Life, Doctrine, Miracles, Death of the Cross & Resurrection; in and by all which he obtained
a Name above every Name.
VII. That nevertheless not to the
Body, but holy
Light of Life therein, is
chiefly to be asscribed the Salvation; and to the
Body however excellent, but
Instrumentally: for that it was the Eternal Light and Life, which gave the Weight to all the Actions and Sufferings of the Body.
VIII. That the
Benefit then procured is not witnessed by any,
but as they come to believe in Christ the Light,
as he doth appear in the Heart and Conscience, to save from Sin, destroy the Works of the Devil,
finish Transgression, and bring in of his Everlasting Righteousness: Wherefore to fancy one's self intituled to a State of Salvation, whilst in Rebellion against the Light within (
which is Christ's inward Knocking and Appearance) must needs be a Delusion most pernicious, and destructive to the Souls of men.
IX. That upon the whole it is determin'd and concluded, that
Christ is that Light which shineth in the Conscience.
X. That the
Light is prov'd by Reason both
Universal and
Sufficient; The
first from the Consent of Mankind, the Goodness and Rectitude of God; the
second from both
Experience, and that it were inconsistent with God, to give a
Light to his Creature
insufficient for the Work for which he gave it.
Thus in short have I given the
Heads and Results of most of the Matter contained in the whole Discourse upon the
Light; and I intreat our
Adversaries, they would seriously
[Page 130] weigh the Whole, before they either reject it, or endeavour to reply to it: But let them be advised to try the
Virtue of the Light, before they sentence it to have none; And in the Love of God be once prevail'd upon to consider, if something in them doth not really
Condemn them, amongst other things
for these brisk Attempts against it.
Oh! Why should Men covet to Know
so far beyond what they do faithfully Practise?
Let them first out-live the Just and Holy Requirings of the. LIGHT, before they put these Barbarous Affronts upon it, of a WIL IN THE WISP, A DARK LANTHORN-LIGHT,
T. Jenner. T. Tayler. J. Faldo. T. Hicks. H. Grigg. &c. NATURAL, INSUFFICIENT,
QUAKERS IDOL, and abundance of such like
Frothy, Prophane, and indeed
Blasphemous Epithetes, which they wickedly bestow upon
IT, as if they were
Its P
[...]per Names; when the
Scriptures they would oppose to it, plainly tell them, that the whole Work of the
Apostolical Ministry was,
To turn People from Darkness
to the Light,
from the Power of Sathan
unto God,
that they might have Remission of Sins: As much as to say,
Such as are turned to the Light,
are turn'd to God,
who is Light; and those who abide there, both have Remission of the Punishment, and Purgation from the Defilement of Sin.
And whatever any may think of us, we both believe, assert, and will maintain against Men and Divels, that
God is LIGHT; and that out of the Light, or void of his Divine Illumination, no man can Know
him, and consequently not Worship
him, unless they should worship an Unknown God:
That such as receive this Illumination, and rebel not against it; but improve this Heavenly Talent, they have Fellowship with the Pure Eternal God, and experience the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse the
[...] from all Unrighteousness.
If any think to arrive at Glory another Way, and will not be admonisht, let them proceed; we speak what we know, and can but declare what we have felt of the Work of God in our Hearts. The
Scriptures we highly value: But we believe not the things we often quote thence, to be true,
Only because there, but for that we are Witnesses of the same Operation, and bring in our experimental Testimonies to confirm the Truth of theirs: and such truly honour the Scriptures; all others are at best but
empty Scribes, and
Pharisaical Babblers.
So with God I leave my Labour in this Particular, desiring, that his Heavenly
Light may yet more abundantly arise
[Page 131] upon the Dark Hearts of Mankind and awaken them to Repentance, that since
IT hath so long shined in Darkness uncomprehended, till even
Darkness it self is grown so impudent as to interpret its
Inability, to see the Insufficiency of the Light, he would be pleased to cause it to shine out of Darkness, that
IT might plead the
Excellency of
ITS own Divine Nature in the Consciences of Men and Women, against the daily
Scornes and base Detractions, that even great Professors of Christianity
stick not to fling upon It; so ill are they principl'd, and so
un-Christianly employ'd, which proves to me,
how little they are Profess
[...]rs of the True, Pure and Undefiled Religion, what ever Place their cunning Devices may have given them in the Hearts of Weak and Simple People. My Soul pittyeth their Opposition, and feareth the Consequence of such Resistance; and desires they may see
the very Vanity of their Endeavours against the Light, Repent of them, and be Converted, that God may yet Heal them: which sincere Desire is my Return for all their
Hard Speeches and
Ungodly Sayings against us in general, and my self in particular.
AN APPENDIX To the First Part; being a Discourse OF THE GENERAL RULE OF Faith and Life, AND Judge of Controversie. Greatly importing all those who desire to take Right Measures of Faith; and to Determine (at least to themselves) the numerous
[...]es now on foot in the World.
By the same Author.
For in Christ Jesus, neither Circumcision availeth any thing, nor Uncircumcision, but a NEW Creature: And as many as walk according to THIS Rule, Peace be on them, and Mercy, and upon the whole
Israel of God,
Gal. 6. 16.
But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit; for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God — The Things of God knoweth no Man save the Spirit of God — He that is Spiritual judgeth all things,
1 Cor. 2. 10, 11, 15.
But ye have an Unction from the Holy One; and ye know all things,
1 John 2. 20.
Printed in the Year 1673.
SInce there be so many
Faiths in the World, and perplext Controversies about them; and that it greatly behoveth every man (if to
Contend for, then first)
to Know the True Faith that overcometh the World, It may not be unnecessary to say something of
the General Rule of Faith and Life, and Judge of Controversie, at this time. And indeed I am prest to it from this weighty Consideration, that Men perish for Want of it, and can no more arrive at Truth without it, then the distressed Mariner can gain his Port who sailes without either Star or Compass.
I shall begin with an Explanation of the Terms,
Rule, and
Faith, of which we shall first treat, that we may as well express what we intend by the one, as what we mean by the other, which will be a proper Introduction to the whole Discourse.
General Rule, &c. we understand,
that Constant Measure or Standard by which Men have been in all Ages enabled to Judge of the Truth or Error of Doctrines, and the Good or Evil of Thoughts, Words and Actions.
Faith we understand
an Assent of the Mind in such manner to the Discoveries made of God thereto, as to resign up to God, and have Dependence upon him, as the Great Creator and Saviour of his People, which is inseparable from good Works.
That Men in all Ages have had a Belief of God, and some Knowledge of him (though not upon equal Discovery) must be granted from that account that all
Story gives us of Mankind in matters of Religion; several have fully performed this: Ofold,
Justin Martyr, Clemens Alexandrinus, Augustine, and others; of later times,
Du Plessy, Grotius, Amiraldus, L. Herbert, with many more: And indeed the reliques we have of the most ancient
Historians and Authors, are a Demonstration in the
[Page 136] Point. Now the Scripture tells us,
that no Man knows the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him: And
Mat. 11. 27. as
none knows the things of Man, save the Spirit of Man; so the
1 Cor. 2. 11.
things of God knows no Man, but the Spirit of God. Hence we may safely conclude, that the
Creating Word that was with God, and was God, in whom was Life, and that Life the Light of Men; who is the Quickning Spirit, was
He, by whom God in all Ages must have been revealed; consequently, that
Light or
Spirit hath been the
General Rule of mens Knowledge, Faith and Obedience, with respect to God. And thus much
Pythagoras (that liv'd about Six Hundred Years before those Words were spoak or writ) laid down for a
Maxim, viz.
That no man can know what is agreeable to God, except a man hear God himself, that is,
within; for that was his Doctrine: To which the
Apostle and
Prophet thus agree; 1. In that
whatever makes manifest is Light. 2.
Ephes. 5. 13.
whatever might be known of God was manifest within; for God (who
Rom. 1. 19. is Light, 1
Joh. 1. 5.)
had shewn it unto them: And
God hath
Mic. 5. 8.
shewn unto thee, O Man, what is good and acceptable, &c. which could not be without his Light shining in Man's Conscience;
Therefore the Light of God in the Conscience must needs have been the general Rule, &c. It was by this Law, that
Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Melchisedeck, Abimeleeh, Job, Jethro, &c. walked and were accepted, as saith Irenaeus & Tertullian,
They were Just
Jren. l. 2. c. 30.
Tertul. con. Jud. p. 184.
by the Law written in their Hearts; then was it their
Rule to and in that just State.
It seems then you deny the Scripture to be the General Rule, &c.
Answ. How can they be the
General Rule, that have not
Quakerism a new nickname for old
Christianity, p. 54. 55. been
General? That which was both before, and since they were in being, must needs be
more general then they: But that was this
Light in the Conscience, the Law and
Guide of those
Patriarchs (for the
Scriptures began long after in
Moses) consequently that must be the general Rule,
But granting that the Light within were so before Scripture was extant, yet since the Writing of holy Scripture, the Scripture, and not the Light, hath been the general Rule.
Answ. That cannot be, unless
Palestina or
Canaan, a little Province of
Asia, was the
whole World; and the
Jews, a particular People,
all Mankind: For at what time the
Writings were among the
Jews, other
Nations were only left to the Law and Light within; This the Apostle confirmeth in that Passage,
[Page 137]
For the Gentiles,
which have not the Law (that is, the outward Law, or Law written)
do by Nature the things conteined in the Law, which sheweth the Work of the Law written in their
Rom. 2. 14, 15.
Hearts. And the
Gentiles themselves called it,
the immutable Law, the everlasting Foundation of Vertue; no liveless Precepts, but immortal; a sacred Good, God the Overseer; the living Rule, the Root of the Soul; that which makes the Good Man. Thus Thales, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Plotin, Hieron, Philo, Plutarch, as cited: And saith Sophocles,
God grant that I may alwaies observe that vener
[...]ble Sanctity in my Words and Deeds which these noble Precepts (writ
[...] Mans Heart) requ
[...]re; God is their Father: neither shall they ever be abrogated; for there is in them a GREAT GOD that never waxeth Old. More reverent Epithetes then
John Faldo and
T. Hicks can afford, as their Books too openly witness; yet would go for
Christian-men, though manifestly short of
Thus is it evident that the
Scripture was
not the general Rule, a
[...]ter it was given forth.
But hath it not been since; and is it not now the general Rule, &c?
Answ. There hath been since, and is now the same Impediment; for before Christ's coming in the Flesh, and since, where the
Scriptures never reach d, there hath been the same
Light: And though Nations (
through not glorifying God as God, when they have known him) have bin so given up to all manner of Impieties, as that their Understandings have been greatly vail'd; yet did not the
Light within so wholely loose its Ruling Exercise among them, as that they lived without any Sence of such thing; Therefore still the
Scriptures have not been, neither are the General Rule, no not so much as of any Age; since in no Age can it be prov'd, that the whole World was furnished with them: But had they been so for some one or two Ages, as they never were; yet the granting it will not reach our Question, where the Word
General, implieth the Nature of the Thing it self, respecting Mankind from the Beginning to this Day, and so to the End.
But is not the Scripture the Rule, &c.
of our Day?
Answ. If
The Rule, then the
General Rule; for whatsoever is
The Rule of Faith and Life, excludeth all other from being
General, they being but particular in respect of it self; Therefore not
The Rule of Faith and Life.
But besides their not being
Cenetal, I have several Reasons to offer, why they cannot be
The Rule of Faith and Life, &c.
If now the Rule, then ever the Rule: But
they were not ever the Rule; and therefore they cannot now
Justin Martyr saith,
‘That all are
Christians who live with Christ, as
Abraham and
Elias; and amongst the
Greeks, as
[...]crates, H
[...]raclitus, &c.’See
[...]tus on him,
[...]ho also saith, That some at this day are of his Judgment, who have taught that
[...], Abimel
[...]ch, Ruth, Rachab, the Queen of Sheba, Hiram of Tyre, Naaman t
[...]e Syrian, and the City o
[...] Ninive, are in the Catalogue of
Eusebius Pamph. in his Ecclesiastical History, saith, That
Abraham and the ancient Fathers were Christians: And defines a
Christian to be, one that
by the Knowledge and Doctrine of Christ
[...]xcels in Moderation of Mind, in Righteousness and Continency of Life, and Strength of Vertue & Godliness towards one only God; see
Scultetus on him.
Clemens Alexandrinus saith, The Law of Nature and of Discipline is one. And
Moses seems, to call the Lord
the Covenant: For he had said before, the Covenant was not to be sought in Scripture; for that is the Covenant, which God, the Cause of all, setteth, whence his Name in
Greek is derived. And in the Preaching of
Peter, thou mayest find the Lord called the Word or
Reason, and the
Law. See his 1
Book Strom at the end. And before pag. 353. he saith, The Law and the Gospel is the Operation of one
[...]ord who is the Vertue & Wisdom of God:
And the Fear which the Law had bred, is mereiful to Salvation: And the Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of VVisdom. That she (that is, VVisdom) that administreth Providence, is Mistress and Good; and the Power of both procureth Salvation: the one Chastizing as Mistre's, the other being bountiful, as a Benefactor; for on must pass from Darkness to Life; and applying his Ear to wisdom,
first be a Servant, then a faithful Minister, and so as
[...]nd into the Number of Sons, and be brought into the elect Adoption of Sons. That the
Law works to make them immortal, that chuse to Live temperately and justly. And Again,
Evil men do not understand the Law; but they that se
[...]k the Lord, do understand in every good thing. And the whole first Book of the
[...] is especi
[...]ly to prove the Antiquity of the
one true Religion, or
Philosophy, a
[...] he calls it.
be the Rule. That they were not ever the Rule is granted; But that they are not therefore now the Rule may be by some denyed, which I shall prove. If the
Faith of God's People in all Ages be of one Nature, then the
Rule but of one Nature: But clear it is,
Heb. 11. The
Faith has been but of one Nature; Consequently, the
Rule but of one Nature. In short, If the holy Ancients had
Faith before they had and wrote Scr
[...]pture, they had a
Rule before they had or wrote Scripture; for where
Faith is, there is a
Rule for that Faith; And if the
Faith be of one Nature, the
Rule is of one Nature: And since the
Faith is Inward, Spiritual, begotten of the Immortal Word, in which is Life, and that the Light of men; and that this Word, Life and Light was the
Rule, then no more Book, Writing or ingraving on visible and perishable Matter can be the
Rule now.
Again; Such as the
Faith is, such must the
Rule be: But the
Faith is as before, Inward and Spirual; therefore the
Rule must be Inward and spiritual, which no meer Book can be.
[Page 139]2. If the
Scriptures were the Rule, they must have always been a perfect Rule, ever since they were a Rule: But this is impossible, since they were many hundred years in writing and are now imperfect also, as to Number;
How then the perfect Rule?
That they were not the
Perfect Rule before they were written must be granted; and that they were many hundred Years awriting, must also be allowed; and that they are imperfect now, as to Number, I prove.
Enoch's Prophecy is mentioned by
Jude, but not extant in the Bible;
the Books of the Wars of the Lord, Numb. 21. 14. The
Book of Jasher, Josh. 10. 13. 2 Sam. 1. 18. The
Book of Nathan, 2 Chron. 9. 29.
The Book of Shemaiah, 2 Chron. 12. 15.
The Book of Jehu; The Epistle of Paul to the Laodiceans, Collos. 4. 16. and several others, mentioned in the Scriptures, not now extant: And lastly
Luke sayes,
That many took in hand to relate from Eye-Witnesses the things most surely believed, &c.
Now 'tis taken for granted that
John wrote many Years after
Luke; Some think
Luke wrote before
Mark: However,
Matthew and
Mark were not many; and to this day we see no more then those four in our Bibles, and therefore many such Writings lost; and if lost, then the Scriptures not perfect; and if imperfect, how can they be the Rule of Faith, since the Rule of Faith must be perfect?
3. My third Reason is this; The Scriptures, however useful to Edification and Comfort, seem not in their own Nature and Frame to have been compil'd and delivered, as the Rule and intire Body of Faith; but rather upon particular Occasions and Emergencies. The Doctrines are scattered throughout the Scriptures, insomuch that those Societies who have given forth verbal Confessions of their Faith, have been necessitated to toss them to and fro, search here and search there, to lay down this or the other Principle; and then as like the original Text as their Apprehensions are; whereas, were it as plain and distinct as the Nature of a Rule requires, they needed only to have given their Subscription for a Confession. Besides, here they are
Proper, there
Metaphorical; in one place
Literally, in another
Mystically to be accepted: Most times Points are to be prov'd by comparing and weighing Places coherent; here to allude aptly and not wrong the Sense is difficult, and requires infallible Discerning, notwithstanding the Brawlers of our times against Infallibility:
[Page 140] Now from all this, with abundance more that might be said, plain it is, that the Scriptures are not plain, but to the spiritual man; but, as
Peter said of
Paul s Writings,
in many things hard to be understood; therefore not the Rule, which ought to be plain, proper and intelligible.
4. Again, the Scripture cannot be
the Rule of Faith, because it cannot give Faith; for
Faith is the Gift of God, which overcomes
Ephes. 2. 8.
the World: neither of Practice, because it cannot distinguish
1 John 5. 4. of it self in all Cases what ought to be practised, and what not; it containing as well
what ought not to be practised, as what ought.
This was the Case of Christ's Disciples, who had no particular Rule in the old Testament Writings, for the abolishing of some part of the old Testament Religion; on the contrary, they might have pleaded for the Perpetuity of it, because Christ said unto them,
Do as they say, that sit in Moses'
s Chair, more reasonably then many make that a Plea now adayes for their invented Worships: What guided them in their declaring void and relinquishing those things? For Instance; God gave Circumcision
as a Sign for ever; And
Genesis 17. tells the Galatians,
That if they be circumcised, Christ should profit
Gal. 5. 1, 2.
them nothing: Was not this the Spirit of Truth that leads into all Truth, that they made the Judge and Rule of their Doctrine and Practices? So
James and the Assembly of the Apostles, when they said,
It seem
[...]th good to the Holy Ghost and
Acts 15. 28.
to us, &c.
5. These very men that say, it is the Rule of Faith and Life, deviate in their Proof from their Assertion; for the Scriptures no where say so of themselves. He that flyes to Meanings and Interpretations; The Question arises not about the Truth of the Text, for that is agreed on on all hands; but the
Exposition of it: If then I yield to that Man, do I bow to the Letter of the Text, or to his Interpretation? If the Latter, as manifestly I do, is the Scripture or that Man's Sense of it my Rule? Nay the Person so interpreting makes not the Scripture his Rule but his own Apprehension, whatever he may say to gain Credit to his Conceptions in others; then Mine it must needs be, I consenting thereto.
6. How shall I be assured that these Scriptures came from God?
I am bound to try all things: If all things, then
Them amongst the rest. I would fain know what I must try them with? with the Scriptures? Then the Scriptures
[Page 141] must be the Rule of my Examination, and Faith concerning themselves; which is improper: If with the Spirit that gave them forth (that searcheth the deep things of God, a measure of which is given to me to profit withal) Then is it most congruous to call the
Spirit, and not the Scriptures the
7. If the Scriptures are the Rule, they are so either in their
Original or
Copies: If in their
Original, that is not extant, then no
Rule in being; for the last of it that was extant, was
John's History at
Ephesus, not seen these thousand Years: If the
Copies must be the
Rule, it were to be wished, we knew which were the nighest to the Original, there being above thirty in Number: This is undetermined and for ought we see indeterminable. And that which makes good what I say, are the Variety of Readings among those Copies, amounting to
several thousands: And if the
Copies cannot, how can the
Translations be the
Rule so differing from the true Sense of the Copies in many things, and one from another? Besides, I would fain know of those of our present Age, who thus contend for the Scriptures being the Rule, &c. in Opposition to the Spirit, upon what foot they receive them into this Place and Authority; Is it by
Tradition, or
Revelation? I mean the Internal Testimony of the Spirit; or the external Award and Avouchment of Men: If the
former, they inavoidably come over to us; for then the Spirit will, and must be both Rule and Judge? If the
latter, I ask, how are they assured that they are not miserably abused by Carelesness or Design; since we see (that using utmost Diligence) both
Translation, Transscription and
Printing, are subject to numerous Mistakes, and those sometimes very material, against which the Scripture can be no Fence?
But admit there were no Ground for any such Objection, I further demand of our
Adversaries, if they are well assured of those men that first collected, embodyed & authenticated them by a Publique Canon, which we read to have been in the
Council of Laodicca, 360. Years after Christ (though not as they are now received) during which time they had bin tossed & tumbled; some receiv'd, some rejected, doubtless many hundred times transscribed; and it is not improbable that they were also abused: If they miss in their Judgment here, they are gone, till they come to us. I say, how do they know that these men rightly discerned
true from
[...]rious? Either their Judgment was infallible in the
[Page 142] Matter, or it was not:
[...]f it were, then there was such a thing as
Infallibility since the Apostles Dayes, which is a Contradiction to your selves. But be it so that they were infallible; how came you to be assured they were so? Not by
Inspiration; that is dangerous Doctrine with you: Which way was it then? Not by
Tradition. Was it by the
Scripture? That were to say, that the Scripture tells you that those men that collected it for true, were right in their Judgment: but we are yet to finde any such place, and that is to beg the Question. I cannot see any other Ground, besides your very great Kindness to their Choice, which you call
Popery, and
believing as the Church believes, in other Folks. But if these men were
fallible, as your own Principle makes them, and their own Determinations prove them; what then? doubtless your Condition will be desperate.
Now, certain it is that some of the Scriptures taken in by one Council for
Canonical, were rejected by another as
Apocryphal; and that which was left out by the former for
Apocryphal, was taken in by the latter for
Canonical. Now visible it is that they contradicted each other, and as true that they both erred, respecting the present Belief; for your
Canon and
Catalogue varies from theirs, and, let me say without Offence, from any
Catalogue you can produce. Behold the
Labyrinth of Incertainties you run your selves into, who go from that
heavenly Gift in your selves, by which the holy Scriptures are truly discerned, relished and distinguished from the Inventions and Abuses of Men!
8. Furthermore, If the Scriptures were the Rule of Faith and Life, &c. then because they cannot be the Rule in their
Translations, suppose the ancient
Copies were exact, it cannot be
the Rule to far the greatest part of Mankind, indeed to none but Learned men; which neither answers the Promise relating to Gospel times, that is
universal; nor the Necessity of all Mankind for a
Rule of Faith and
9. That the Scriptures are not the Rule of Faith and Life, is proved from those
voluminous Discourses of Cases of Conscience that are extant among us: For had the Scriptures be
[...] as sufficient as the Nature of the Rule of Faith and Life requireth, there had been no need of such
Tracts; every man might have read his own Condition laid down in Scripture without those numerous Supplements. Doth not your own Language and Practice prove its Insufficiency to that End, at what time you both exhort to, and go in secret
[Page 143] to seek the Mind of the Lord in this or that important Affair? Why do not you turn to
Chapter and
Verse for Satisfaction, if the Scripture be appointed of God for a Rule? Strange! That what is so common in the Mouths of all sorts, viz.
God direct you (that implieth Inspiration and Revelation, or immediate Council or Guiding from God) should
Ther's not laid down in Scripture any general
Rule how to answer
before Magistrates; & to act in
Times of Sufferings. Thus said a
Baptist in print, o
[...] to that purpose. not be known, much less acknowledged by you in our Writings; but overrun with such scaring Epithetes, as
Enthusiasm, Familism, Fanaticism, Quakerism, &c. In short, there are a * thousand Cases, and not a few occurring almost daily, in which the Scripture cannot be our plain and distinct Rule and Guide; yet has not God left himself without a Witness in every Bo
for his Grace has appeared unto all Men, teaching them that believe in it, to deny Ungodliness and wo
[...]ldly Lusts,
John 1. 9.
and to live sob
[...]rly, righ
[...]eously and godly in this present evil World.
Tit. 2. 11, 12. And Christ Jesus the eternal Word, has for that End enlightened every Man coming into the World (viz.) to discover, reprove, and instruct
[...]or Faith and Life. But it may be, and is objected by some;
If this Law and Light in the Conscience had been enough, what need had there been of Scripture?
Answ. The same Argument will hold against God, Christ, his Spirit and Grace, all which are sufficient, notwithstanding the Use and Benefit of Scripture. The Case was this: Man's Mind being estranged from the Light and Spirit, through its wandrings after visible and perishing things; and in as much as the Light became thereby vailed from him, the Spirit as quenched, and the Law as defac'd, God in peculiar Mercy to the
Jews, according to his Covenant with faithful
[...]braham, super-added, or
repeated (as
[...]n termes it) the Law inward, by a Declaration of it outwardly; that both God might not be without an outward Witness, as well as an inward (they having so much lost the Feeling thereof) And more deeply to strike their Minds, by their Senses (into which their Minds were gone) and to meet them abroad, whether they were roving and wandering from the Law and Light within.
As it is great Vanity and Weakness to infer Insufficiency to the Light from the Imbecillity and Darkness that are in Men (occasion'd through their Rebellion to the Law and Light within) so from God's superadding Scripture, and other external Assistances to Men in that State: What
[Page 144] would such have God, his Light and Spirit appear to, and converse with Peoples outward Senses? That can't be: the one is too Spiritual; the other too Carnal for any such thing. Or are they Insufficient, because they converse with Men through these exteriour things, suited to that imbecil State? Or tell me, if the considerablest part of Script
[...]re be any more then the declared Knowledge and Experience o
[...] such as were come to a more improved State in the Teachings of that Light and Spirit, which is therefore given forth, that others loytering behind, might be the more prevailed with to follow them, as they had followed the Lord in the Light of his Spirit? Certainly, it can never be, that Scripture should impeach the Light of insufficiency, when it is but the Mind and Teachings of the Light in others, declared or recorded. Does the Declaration jarr or make weak that from whence it came? Or because of God s (ondescension for a time to Externals, shall they turn the Light and Spirit out of the Office of
Rule and
Judge by being perpetuated the
Rule and Judge? Or is it to lay down
instituted Religion (as some ignorantly talk) to press after that which was be
[...]ore, and ends those temporary things? The
Law outward, as a
Rule, was but as
Moses till the Son came.
The Servant abideth not in the House forever. The written Law held its place but till the inward rise in more Glory and Brightness; o
[...] rather, till they became more capable of being turned to it, and living with it? In those Dayes I will write my Law in their Heart, &c. They who say otherwise of Scripture, do pervert and abuse it; for there is nothing more clearly laid down in it, from Beginning to End, then the
Rule and
Reign of the
Spirit. My Kingdom, said Christ,
is not of this World. Again,
The Kingdom of God is within: I will write my Law in their Hearts, and place my Fear in th
[...]ir inward parts. All thy Children shall be taught of the
[...]ord, and in Righteousness shall they be
John 18. 36.
established. I will pour out my Spirit on all Flesh. The Grace of God
Isa. 54. 13.
that brings Salvation, hath appeared to all Men, teaching, &c.
Joel 2. 28
But if the
[...]aw engraven and delivered to Moses,
was a Rule
to the Jews;
why should not the Law deliverd by Christ,
and written by his Apostles,
be the Rule
to Christians?
Answ. Christ left nothing in writing as the Rule that we hear of; and it is not to be thought he was less faithful in his House then
Moses: And doubtless, had he intended the
Rule of his Followers to have been a
written Rule, he would
[Page 145] have left it upon record with all Punctuality,
This must be believed, and that done, on Pain of eternal Death. Nor did his Followers write in the
Method of a Rule, as the Law was written; nor did they so call or recommend what they writ.
But this leads me to my 8th Reason why the Scriptures cannot be the Rule under the New Covenant, &c. For admitting the Law written by
Moses were
the Rule (
A Rule I grant it was) to the
Jew outward; yet Christ the spiritual Leader, of a spirit
Israel writeth his spiritual Law
in the Heart, as
Moses, the outward
Israel's Leader writ the Law upon Tables of Stone. This was God's Promise, the Priviledge
Jer. 31. 33. and Blessing of the new Covenant, that as the outward
Jew had an outward Law, for a
Directory, the inward
Jew should have an inward Law for his
Directory: And as the outward
Jew had an outward Priest at whose Mouth he
Mal. 2. 7. ought to seek the Law; so the
Jew inward, and Circumcision
Heb. 7. 24, 25, 26, 27. in Spirit, has an inward and Spiritual High-Priest, whose Lips preserve Knowledge; at whose Mouth he is to receive the Law of Life. And this is his Rule, who is the Ruler of his People
Israel, who reigneth in Righteousness,
Isa. 9. 6, 7. and of the Increase of whose heavenly Government there shall be no End. The
King, Ruler, Judge, Law-giver, Highpriest, Law, Rule, Temple, are all Spiritual: so the Scriptures inform us;
My Kingdom said Christ,
is not of this World. Again.
Luk. 17. 20, 21.
The Kingdom of God is within: I will write my Law in their Hearts, and place my Fear in their inward Parts. They shall
Heb. 8. 10.
be all taught of me; and in Righteousness shall they be established,
Rev. 21. 3. The Tabernacle of God is with Man;
He will dwell with them,
Joel. 2. 28.
I will pour out my Spirit on all Flesh. The Grace hath appeared to
Tit. 2. 11, 12.
all M
[...]n, teaching, &c.
A Measure of the Spirit is given to all Men to profit withal. The Inspiration of the Almighty giveth Understanding.
Job. 32. 8.
Whatsoever may be known of God is manifest within.
Rom. 1. 19.
walk in the Spirit: If ye walk in the Light, &c.
Come let us walk
Gal 5. 16.
1 Joh 1 7.
in the Light of the Lord. And there needed neither Sun nor Moon
[...]. 2. 5.
to shine; for the Glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb
Rev. 21. 23.
the Light thereof. As many as walk according to this Rule, Peace
Gal. 6. 15, 16.
be on them and the whole Israel
of God, &c. What Rule? Not that of the
old legal Creation that passed away; but the Rule of the
[...], or new Creation as it may be rendred: And as
Drusius cites one to have interpreted it; and
[Page 146] also interprets it; which is the
Galat. 6. 16.
in this Rule; as it is translated
Phil. 3. 16. which is spoken of the Measure of Attainment: and
Grotius saith, in the
Manuscript, Rule is not; so it must be understood,
let us walk in the same Attainment; as also in 2
Cor. 10. 13, 15. in which three Places that word is only found: See
Erasmus, Vatablus, Zegerus, Cameron. Ja
[...]. Capellus and Grotius, on those places, none whereof can be drawn to the Scriptures.
Zegerus interprets this Place of
Gal. 6. 16. thus,
They that have
[...]ollowed this Form of Life, or Rule of the new Creatur
[...], having turned away from the invalid Cer
[...]monies of the Law’;
Peace, &c.
Drusius explains it from Chap. 5. 6.
The new Creation. i.
Faith which worketh by Love. Grotius saith,
Rule here is a
Way made as to a Rule that is
plainly Right; such is that Way of the
new Creation, which was foretold
Isa. 42. 9. And signifies
the State of the new Man, of which
Paul Speaks,
Col. 3. 10’.
Eph. 2. 15.
Rom. 6. 4. Way of Life
Isaiah spoak of,
An High-Way there shall be, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness; the Unclean shall not pass over it, and wayfaring Men, though Fools, shall not e
[...]r therein: There shall be no Lyon there, nor ravenous Beast go thereon, but the redee
[...]d shall walk there; which Way, Teach
[...], Guide, Rule, Light, Spirit, andholy Unction that directs & keepeth in steady Paths of Truth, is Christ Jesus our Lord.
But do you not tur
[...] the Scriptures off, sor an uncertain & un
[...]rviceable Writing, and as good as reject and deny them altogether?
Answ. There is a late Author or two, who to depaint us as ugly as their Malice could invent, have rendered themselves so ridiculous, as so to infer: But it is not my Business at this time to medle with particular Controversie; that followeth in the second Part, and shall therefore attend to answer the general Objection.
The Scriptures are uncertain upon your Foundation, but not upon ours. Doth our mani
[...]esting your Faith concerning them to be grounded upon your own Imaginations or human Traditions, make void or render uncertain the Scriptures? By no means; but we would have you come to receive them upon the Spirit's Testimony and Evidence that gave them forth: And though we cannot allow them to be
the Rule of Faith and Life under the Dispensation of the Gospel, which is Power and Life it self; yet are they to be
read, believed and fulfilled under the Gospel. For notwithstanding the Law written upon Stone, was not
Paul's Rule, after the Son of God was revealed in him; yet the Son of God taught
Paul to
fulfil the Righteousness declared by that Law: If it were to deny and reject (as some Persons enviously say of us) yea, to vilifie the Scripture, because we cannot allow it to be the Rule, &c.
Paul must be said to deny, reject and vilifie the Law written, at what time
[Page 147]
the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus became his Rule. There is a great Difference in asserting, that the Spirit is the Rule, and casting away & vilifying of Scripture: And indeed it is but an old Fetch of the
Devil's, to pretend Honour to the Letter, that he might the more unsuspectedly oppose the bringing in of the Dispensation of the Spirit; which the Letter it self testifies to. They that come to be led of the Spirit, arrive at the End for which Scripture was given forth; the Apostle
John did as good as say the same thing, when he told them to whom he wrote,
That the Anointing which they had received and abode in them, would lead them i
[...]to all Truth; and that they needed not that any man should teach them: To deny this to have been the Saints
Teacher, is to deny as plain a Proposition as is in the whole Scripture; and that one Age of
Christianity should have one
Rule, and another Age
another Rule; that, the Spirit; we, but the Letter; is more then any Man can prove: yet did
John's so writing invalid the Scripture, or vilifie his own Epistle? Certainly, none will talk so idly. How then doth our lifting up the Light and Spirit of Christ, which fulfils the Scriptures (by bringing such as are led thereby to enjoy the good things therein declared) reject and vilifie the Scriptures? Does our living up to them by an
higher Rule make us to
deny and reprobate them? Erasmus and
Grotius think them, then most to be valued, when men are
Witnesses of them: see on 2
Pet. 1. 19, 20. I do acknowledge they contain an Account of several heavenly
Prophecies, godly Reproofs and Instructions that ought to be obeyed.
If so Then how are they not a Rule of Faith and Life.
Answ. A Rule and
the Rule, are not one and the same thing. By
the Rule of Faith and Life, I understand,
the living, spiritual, immediate, omnipresent, discovering, ordering Spirit of God: And by
a Rule, some Instrument, by and through which this great Rule may convey its Direction: Such a
subordinate, secondary and
[...]claratory Rule we never said several parts of Scripture were not; yet the Reason of our Obedience, is not meerly because they are
there written; that were
legal; but because they are the eternal Precepts of the
Bp. Rob. Sand.
de Reg
[...]. ConsProel 4ta. sect. 31. Spirit in Mens Consciences,
there repeated and declared. I
[...] is the
[...]stimony of the Spirit that is
the true Rule for believing and understanding of any or all the Scripture; therefore not the Scripture, but the
Spirit of Truth must be the
[Page 148] for mens believing, understanding, &c. Thus held the Ancients.
[...]rtullian saith,
Worldly Wisdom the Lord calls Foolishne ss he
de Prescript. Heraetic. pag. 204.
hath chosen the soolish things of the World to the confounding of Philosophy; for that is the Matter of Worldly Wisdom, a divine Interpreter of the divine Nature and Disposings.
Justin Martyr in Exposit.
The Interpretation of the
Confut. of Symps. p. 89, 90.
Scriptures is to be a commodated to the Will of the Doctrine of the Spirit; and not to human Reasonings.
Hieron saith,
The Scriptures (
[...] be) opened with spiritual Exposition.
Tom. 4. 70.
Epiphanius saith,
[...]o the Children of the holy Ghost all the
Bp. Jewel,
p. 532.
Scriptures are plain and cle
Nor were the most approved
Protestants of any sort (who have been so reputed in Opposition to
Popery) of another mind. It is the Substance of the sourth Article exhibited
[...]. pag. 150 against the
Lutherans in the
Council of
Trent, as an Erroneous Doctrine they held,
That to understand the Scripture, neither G
[...]oss nor Comment is necessary; but only to have the Spirit of a Sheep of Christ's Pasture.
Erasmus tells us,
What Man sets forth by Man's De
[...]ice, may be
on 1
[...]. 1. 19.
[...] 1 Cor. 2.
received by Man's Wit: But the thing that is set forth by the Inspira
[...]ion of the Holy Ghost, requireth an Interpreter inspired with the like Spirit; and without the
Inspiration of it the Secrets of God cannot be known.
Luther giveth us his Mind thus,
The Scriptures are not to be
Tom. 3.
fol. 169.
understood, but by that very Spirit by which they were writ.
Peter Martyr, that famous
Italian Protestant, teacheth us,
Peter. Martyr,
Com. loc. p. 1.
c. 6.
The Spirit is the Abettor, by which we must assure our selves for understanding of the Scriptures, that thereby we must discern between Christ's Words, and a Strangers (quoting Christ's Words)
My Sheep know my Voice, and several other places of Scriptures.
The Spirit of God rev
[...]aleth the Truth in the Scriptures.
p. 2.
c. 18.
H. Bullinger Decad. 4. Serm. 8.
[...]etch the Understanding of Heavenly Things, and Kno
[...]ge of the Holy Ghost from NOWHERE ELSE,
but from the same Spirit.
John Bradford answerd to the Arch-Bishop of
York thus,
Book of Martyr 3
vol. p. 298.
We know the Scriptures, as Christ's Sheep, by the same Spirit that wrote and spake them,
being thereby assured, &c.
Calvin teacheth thus in his Institutes:
It is necessary the
Instit lib. 1.
cap. 8.
same Spirit that spake by the Mouth of the Proph
[...]ts, should pierce into our Hearts, to perswade us, that they faithfully delivered that which was committed to them of God.
[Page 149]
Beza saith,
That the Way of understanding Prophecies, and referring
on 2
Pet. 1. 19.
them to the right Scope, must be sought or fetcht from the same Spirit, which dictated them to the Prophets themselves, and more to that purpose.
W. Tindal, call'd the
English Apostle by
J. Fox, saith,
It is
works, Pag. 319. & 80.
impossible to understand in the Scriptures more then a Turk,
for any that hath not the Law of God writ in the Heart to sulfil it.
Bp. Jewel thus against Harding,
The Spirit of God is bound neither
against Harding, pag. 532, 534.
to Sharpness of Wit, nor to Abundance of Learning: Flesh and Blood is not able to understand the Holy Will of God, without SPECIAL REVELATION:
Without this SPECIAL HELP
the Scripture is to the Reader, be he never so Wis
[...] and well-Learned, as the Vision of a sealed Book.
D. Ames, a great Father of the
Independents, saith upon
D. Ames
against Bell
[...]m. l. 1. c. 5.
Thes. 32.
Bellarmin's word
The Anointing of the Holy Spirit doth teach the Faithful, to understand those things which they received of the Apostles; therefore to understand the Scriptures in those things which are necessary to Salvation, with more to that purpose.
[...]s on
Job 32. 8. with
Drusius, Clarius and others, speak to the same effect.
G. Cr
[...]dock, a famous
Independent- Preacher, preacht,
G. Cradok
divin. drops, pag. 217.
the Scripture is a Speechless thing without the Spirit.
Ch. Goad, an eminent Separatist's Works, styl'd
B. D. of
C. Goad
Refr. drops, pag. 12. K. Colledge in
Cambridge, and an
Independent Pastor, thus ta
There is no Knowledge of Christ, nor of the Scripture, but by Revelation.
D. J. Owen, a man of greatest Fame among the present
Excrcit. 2, 7, 9.
against Quak. saith,
The publick, authentick and infallible Interpreter of the holy Scripture, is HE who is the AUTHOR of them; from the BREATHING OF WHOSE SPIRIT IT DERIVETH ALL ITS VERITY, PERSPICUITY AND AUTHORITY.
So that we see upon the Judgment of many considerable Persons, the Scripture is no Rule for our believing and understanding of it self; therefore not
The Rule of Faith and Practice, co
[...]cerning the things therein declared.
I will give a short Instance in Christ's words, about
Regeneration; He taught (and strange it was, no doubt, to wise
Nicodemus) That unl
[...]ss a Man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. This is as plain a Proposition as can be laid down, and may be credited
Historically; But what is that to any
New Birth, that they are never like to
[...]formed of there? Nor can that Scripture be my Rule in that Heavenly
[Page 150] Travail, respecting the many and wonderful Tryals and Exercises, that are to be met with in it; neither can any other Writing whatever: This only is the Office of that
Spirit &
Word immortal, by which I am anew begotten; Who then is my
Rule to inform, order, strengthen and lead through the whole Experience, but the same Spirit? All Doctrinal Scripture was experienced before written; or they had not been true Witnesses who wrote it.
Now that which was their
Rule can only guide us into the same Experiences; nor are they to be known before experienced:
John 7. 17.
Do my Will, and you shall know more of my Doctrine, saith Christ. I read the History of such things; This saves not: Neither can the
History be the
Rule leading into the
Mystery; That belongs only
to the Spirit, that searcheth the deep things of God. Consequently the
Spirit, and not
Cor. 2. 10. the
Scripture, is the
Rule for so believing and living.
But is not this to make void the Protestants
Plea against the Papists,
That the Scriptures are the Rule of Faith and Practice?
Answ. No such matter: For the Question was not, Whether the Spirit of Christ or the Scripture was the Rule, But,
Whether the Scripture, God's Tradition, or Popish Traditions, were the Rule to measure the Truth of Doctrines and Practices by? We grant, that particular Scriptures, rightly understood, may measure what is agreeable or disagreeable to them; that is, such Doctrines and Practices as are contrary to that part of Scripture more particularly relating to our dayes, are questionable by the Scripture; especially since all Parties pretend what they say and do is according to Scripture: Yet this concludes not the Scripture to be the General and Evangelical Rule.
But if God had not revealed those things that are in Scripture by it to us,
[...]ow could they have been known by us?
Answ. They were known by the Light and Spirit of Christ before written (from whence they are call'd
Scripture) Therefore it is said,
That the Prophets searched diligently what, and what
[...]t. 1. 11.
manner of Time the Spirit of Christ, that was in them, did signifie, when it testified before-hand of the Sufferings of Christ. Nor are they ever the more reveal'd to the blind and dark Mind, because there written: The Mysteries of Regeneration are as puzling to Natural Wit and Earthly Wisdom, as before; Therefore well said
Epiphanius, Only to the Children of the Holy
[Page 151] Ghost all the Holy Scriptures are plain and easie. Mens going to hammer out Principles, without that infallible Guide and Rule, hath been the Cause of that great Confusion that is over Mankind about Religion.
But how could you have known those Prophecies to be true, for that is not matter of Witnessing, but Fore-telling?
Answ. That is an extraordinary Revelation, not falling within the ordinary Discoveries absolutely necessary to mans Salvation; but to shew his Power & Faithfulness, that he is God, and can and will fore-tell, and bring to pass: But therefore must there be an Extraordinary Light or Spirit,
and not rather an Extraordinary Sight and Se
[...]ne from one and the same Light and Spirit in them? Besides, That which gives me to believe and savour it to be from the Spirit, and not by Imposture, is my Rule for believing it. Now that the Spirit so doth,
Calvin and
Beza too, as before cited, assert for me, viz.
The same Spirit, that spake by the Mouth of the Prophets, must pierce into our Hearts, to perswade us, that they faithfully declared that which was committed to them of God.
But this Light you speak of could not tell you which way Sin came into the World; That there was an Adam
and Eve,
that they fell after that manner, & that Sin so entered the World; That Christ was born of a Virgin, suffered Death and rose again; That you ought not to Swear in any case, &c.
if the Scriptures had not told you so.
Answ. That is boldly said: But consider well;
Moses (sayes the vulgar Opinion) had that Account above Two Thousand Years after the Creation, by Revelation, which we find in
Genesis. Now that there could be no Revelation without this Divine Light or Spirit, which is the Life of the Eternal, Creating Word, must needs be granted:
For the Spirit of God knoweth only the Things of God; and whatever
Cor. 2. 10, 11.
[...]. 13.
makes manifest is Light: And that the Spirit and Light are one, though two Names, has been sufficiently evidenced. If then it was
this Light of the Eternal Word, that delivered these past things to
Moses, and gave that Prospect of future things to the
Prophets, as no doubt it was (if Scripture be indubitable) then to say, the Light or Spirit could not do it, is
Blasphemous. Again, To argue, because the Light does not reveal every Circumstance of History to each Individual that hath already an Account, that therefore it could not, is
ridiculous: Were the History of the Transactions of Christ
[Page 152] and his Followers wanting, as before
Moses, was that of
Adam and his Posterity; and that the Lord saw it needful to acquaint Mankind therewith, no doubt but the Light and Spirit, which revealed the Account of the Creation above Two Thousand Years after to
Moses, and fore-told several Hundred Years many of those Transactions of Christ, by the
Prophets, would also have supplyed that Want: But inasmuch as an Account is extant, and therefore not needed, 'tis vain to make that Objection.
Again, It does not follow, because every man has a Measure of Light to inform and rule him, that therefore he must needs know all which that Light knows, or is able to reveal to him: I return that Argument thus upon our Adversaries. They say, they have the Spirit of God;
Then they know all that the Spirit of God knows, or can reveal to them: If the latter be absurd; then the former. Again, say they,
The Light within did not reveal Christ to the Gentiles;
that Christ should be born of a Virgin, &c. therefore insufficient: I return upon them thus;
The Spirit of God, given to the Children of Israel, Neh. 9. 20.
did not acquaint them that Christ should be born of a Virgin, nor much more of his Life and Bodily Transactions; therefore the Spirit of God was insufficient. The like may be concluded against the Spirit in the Prophets: For 'tis manifest from 1
Pet. 1. 10, 11. that the Spirit had not revealed to all the Prophets the
Time of Christ's Appearance and Sufferings; was the Spirit therefore an insufficient Rule to them? But that which falls heaviest upon our Adversaries is this, That the Scriptures, by their own Argument, are a most imperfect Account themselves of what was done, not relating the hundredth part of things; therefore as insufficient in not relating what is behind, as they would weakly render the Light or Spirit in not revealing to every Individual those things already related: Nay, they may as well infer Insufficiency to the Spirit, or the Light within,
in that it does not now shew all that shall be to the End of the World, which in their proper Seasons there will be a Necessity to know, as to reflect insufficiency upon it, &c. because it did not foretel things now past, to
[...]ormer Ages, or needlesly reveal them over again to us in this Age. Neither is
History, or can it be
the Rule of that Faith and
[...]ife we speak of, which are absolutely necessary to Salvation; which is the
Faith that not
History, but
God gives, that works not by
History, but
Love, & overcomes the Wo
[...]ld; which Millions of Historical Believers
[Page 153] are overcome by, and wallow in the Spirit and Practice of; And the
Rule must be answerable to the Nature and Workings of the Faith: so in Point of
good Life, which is
Duty done. Now
History, though it inform me of others Actions; yet it does not follow, that it is
the Rule of Duty to me. since it may relate Actions not imitable, as in the Case of
Adam and
Eve in several Respects,
and Christ's being born of a Virgin, dying for the Sins of the World, &c. wherefore this cannot be the Rule of Duty: The like may be said of the
Jewish Story, that was the particular Concern and Transaction of that People.
But these things ought to be believed.
Answ. I say so too, where the History has reached, and the Spirit of God hath made a Convict
[...]on upon the Conscience; which, sayes D.
J. Owen, as before,
gives them Authority, Verity and Perspicuity: But where this History has not reached any People, or they dye ignorant of it, they are not responsible for not believing any such Passages, as
Prelect. 4. §. 21, 22. saith Bp.
Sanderson. 'Tis one thing to say, The Scriptures ought to be read, believed and fulfilled; and another thing to say,
They are the Evangelical Rule of Faith and Life: For when I read, believe and witness them fulfilling, I must needs have
a Rule to read, understand, believe and witness them fulfilling by; which being the
Divine Light and Spirit of Christ, that, and not themselves must be my Rule for so Reading, Understanding, Believing, &c.
And surther, to prove that the Light and Spirit within the
Heathens was sufficient to discover these things: 'Tis granted on all hands, that the
Sibylls had divine Sights; I mean not those made in their Name by some Professors of
Christianity, as is charged on them, to gain Authority upon the
Gentiles, against which
Blundel writes; But those acknowledged, Who prophesied
of a Virgin's bringing forth a Son; and that he should destroy the Serpent, and replenish the Earth with Righteousness, as is before cited out of
Virgil, who took it out of the Remains of
Cumaa's Verses, then among the
And for the Practical Part of the Objection, viz.
How should we have known it had been Unlawful to Swear at all in any Case, if Mat. 5. 34.
had not been (which is of most weight in this Case, because matter of Duty, and called particularly by some, an Evangelical Precept, being a Step above
[Page 154] the Righteousness of the Law outward among the
Jews) I have this to say in Solution of my Adversaries Objection, Reprehension of his Ignorance, and for Proof, by his own Argument of the Light's Sufficiency.
There were among the
Jews themselves, long before Christ came, an entire People, that would not Swear,
[...]phus, Wars of the
Iews, l. 2.
c. 7. to wit, the
Esseni: They keep their Promises (sayes
Josephus) and account every Word they
[...]peak of more Force then if they had bound it with an Oath: And they shun Oaths worse then Perjury; for they esteem him condemned for a Lyar, who without it is not believed.
Philo writes to the same purpose; and taught himself,
Philo, de spec. leg. & decalog.
it was best to abstain from Swearing; that ones Word might be taken instead of an Oath.
Pythagoras, in his Oration to the
Crotonian Senators, exhorted
[...]t. Hermip. &
Orig. con
Cels. them thus,
Let no man attest God by Oath, though in Courts of Judicature; but use to speak such things that he may be credited without Oath.
Scythians are said to tell
Alexander of themselves,
[...]uint. Curtiu
[...], ni vit.
Think not that Scythians
confirm their Friendship by Oath; They Swear by keeping their Word.
Clinias, a
Greek, and Follower of
Pythagoras, rather
H. Grotius on.
Mat. 5. 34. chose to suffer the Fine of Three Talents (which make 300 l.
English) then to lessen his Veracity by taking an Oath: Which Act was greatly commended of
Bafilius, who upbraided the
Christians of his time with it; Thereby (after our Adversaries Way of drawing Consequences) preferring the
Light of the
Gentiles before the
Light of the
Christians: though indeed
the Light was and is alwayes one in it self; but the
Christian did not live up so closely to it as the
[...] did, and therefore had a greater Liberty, and walked in a broader Way.
I would now know of our Opposers, if they can yet think
the Light that preach'd in the Mount, that Doctrine was one with that Light that shined in the Consciences of those Gentiles,
so many Hundred Years before that Sermon was writ or preached; who so plainly believed, practised and taught it; yea, or nay. Perhaps some of them, through the abundance of their Envy, Pride and Passion, will yet stick out, while the more moderate may submit to such Evidence, and conclude Ignorance and Folly to have made all this Opposition against us, and that of a Truth,
The Voice which cryed, Prov. 8. 4, 6.
Unto you, O men, I call, and my Voice is to the Sons of men; hear,
[Page 155] for I will speak Excellent things, was heard by the
Gentiles: and that what concerned Doctrine to Holy Living, was not hid from them; I mean, evangelically so, provided Christ's Heavenly Sermon upon the Mount, related by
Matthew, may be esteemed such; for their Writings flow with
Amens thereunto.
But admitting to our Adversaries, that the
Voice was then so
low, and the
Manifestation of the Light so
small, as it discovered not many of those things before-mentioned; could that give any reasonable men Ground to conclude, Therefore the Divine Wisdom or Light was insufficient; or that the Divine Wisdom or Light was not then, and should not in other Ages, become the Rule and Guide of the Children of men, however promised? Yet such false Consequences have been the Corner-Stone and Foundation of our Adversaries Building against us; And no reasonable man, I think, will clear it from being a
Sandy one.
OF THE Judge of Controversie.
I Shall explain what I mean by the Termes:
A Judge,
is one that has not only Power to determine, but Discerning to do it rightly.
is a Debate between two Parties about the Truth or Falshood of any Proposition to be determined by that Judge.
From whence I am led to assert, that
The Judge of Controversie must be Infallible.
And though this may seem strange to some, 'tis nevertheless true in it self: For if the Judge be fallible, however he by his Authority may determine the Persons controverting into Silence; yet it does not follow, that he has given true Judgment, since he may as wel, nay, rather, determine falsly, then truly: so that Controversie can never be rightly determined by a fallible Judge, therefore no true Judge of Controversie. Indeed it is absurd, and a Contradiction in it self to think otherwise; since he that is uncertain can never give a certain Decision; and if not a certain one, then none to the Purpose. Nor ought any Person, no otherwise
[Page 156] judged, that is perswaded of the Truth of his Cause, to let fall his Belief upon so fallible a Determination; since he not only moves without Conviction, but against Conviction; And which is worse, he is not ascertained of the Truth of what he is required to submit to: Therefore of all People they are most condemnable, who keep so great a stir about Religion, and that sometimes use coercive Means to compass their designed Uni
[...]ormity, and yet acknowledge to us, they are not certain of their own Faith; unless it be those who notwithstanding yield to such uncertain Imposers.
Since then the Judge must be infallible, it will be worth our while to consider, where 'this insallible Judge is to be found.
There is none Good but God, said God himself, when manifested in the Flesh, that is,
originally, or as of himself; so truly there is none
infaltible but God, as of himself, yet as the supream Good, is communicated unto man according to measure; so (well sayes Bp.
[...]er) is there infallibility,
Book Martyr. vol. 3. p. 475. Certainty or Assurance of the Truth of things given to man according to Capacity; otherwise men should be oblieg'd to believe and obey, and that upon Damnation, those things, concerning which there can be no Certainty whether they be true or false.
God with men, as he is their
Rule, so their
Judge; he is the
Law-giver, and therefore the best
Irterpreter of any Point that may concern his own Law: and men are so far infallible as they are subject to his Voice, Light or Spirit in them, and no farther; for,
humanum est errare, Man is Errable. Nor can any thing rescue him out of Error, or preserve him from the Infections of it, but the sound or certain Judgment God, by his Light or Spirit within, assists him with.
But is not the Scripture the Judge
of Controversie?
Answ. How can that be, since the Q
[...]estion most times arises about the Meaning of Scripture? Is there any place tells us, without all Interpretation, whether the
Socinian or
Trinitarian be in the Right, in their differing Apprehensions of the
Three that bear Record, &c? also the
Homousian and
Arrian about
Christ's Divinity; or the
Papists or
Protestants about
Trans-substantiation? If then things are undefined and undetermined, I mean, expresly in the Scripture; and that the Question arises about the Sense of it, doth the
[Page 157] Scripture determine which of those Interpreters hit the Mark? As this is absurd to think, so must it be acknowledged, that if Interpretation decide the Matter in Controversie, not the Scripture, but the Interpreter is the Judge.
Now this Interpreter must either interpret by his own meer Wisdom or Spirit, called by the Apostle, 1
Cor. 2. II.
the Spirit of a Man; who by weighing the Text, consulting the Intent of the Writer, comparing places together, gives the Judgment, which the Scripture cannot do; or,
from the Spirit of God, which gives Understanding, as
Job 3
[...]. 8. and as the same Apostle saith, searcheth the deep things of God: If the first,
then a Fallible; If the last, then
an Infal
[...]ible Judge.
I would sain know, whether it was the Scripture or the Holy Ghost that presided among the Apostles, when they were come together,
Acts 15. when they said,
It seemeth good to the
[...]oly Chost and to us, &c. If the Holy Ghost, give us a plain Scripture to prove we are to have another Judge now; If not, then we must have the same, and consequently
an Infallible Judge.
'Tis granted that the Spirit is Infallible: But how shall I know that any man determines a thing by this Spirit, and does not rather obtrude his own Sense upon us, under that specious Pretence.
Answ. By the same Spirit; As well said
Gualt. Cradock.
[...]. Cr
[...]. Divine Drops, p.
The Way to know whether the Spirit be in us is its own Evidence; And that is the Way to know it in others too: and the man hat hath the Spirit, may know the Spirit in another; There is, saith be,
a kind of Sagacity in the Saints to this Purpose. Which is also true in the Sense of abundance of
[...]otestant Writers; For as they held, That no man could know the Scriptures, but by the same Spirit; so consequently that the same Spirit only could assure him of the Truth of the said I
[...]terpretation. And
Peter Martyr, as before quoted, tells us,
The Holy Ghost is the Arbiter or Judge. Also D.
J. Owen s
That the Holy Ghost is the Only Authentick Interpreter of the Scripture: I
[...] Authentick, then
Infallible; if Infallible, then the Judge of the Mind of Scripture is both
an Only and an
[...] Judge. But to wave this; Does not the same Objection lie aga
[...]st the Sense of Scripture, since one sayes, this is the Sense, and another that? To know God's Mind, men must come to God's Spirit, else Difficulties of that sort are unsurmountable.
[Page 158]In short; It were greatly to be wisht, that all men would hold themselves unconcerned in disputing about what they have not received an Infallible
Dictamen from the Holy Spirit upon; since they beat but the Air, and obtain no solid Satisfaction, neither can they: God never prostrates his Secrets to Minds disobedient to what they do already know:
Let all practise what they assuredly know to be their Duty, and be sparing in their search after nice and unknown Matters. Weighty and seasonable was and is the Apostle's Saying,
Phil. 3. 16
whereunto we have already attained, let us walk by the same Rule; where he both limits to the present Knowledge communicated, and exhorts to live up to that; and if any thing be further necessary, God in due time will reveal it by his Spirit, that gives to know, discern and judge of the things that are of God.
But how will this determin the Controversie, and allay the Fury of Debates on foot?
Answ. Nothing like it, if man adhere to it; and if he does not, there is no way left, but the Wrath that is to be reveal'd: But most Perswasions are agreed about the absolute Necessaries in Religion, from that Witness God has placed in man's Conscience, viz.
That God is; That he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him; That the Way of God is a Way of Purity, Patience, Meekne ss, &c. without which no man can see the Lord: Nay, they accord in some considerable Matters
superadded, as some of them speak, to wit,
That God manifested himself extraordinarily in the Flesh; that he gave his Life for the World, that such as believe and obey his Grace, receive Remission of Sins and Life Everlasting. Now, I say, since these things men generally submit to, let them live up hereunto; and forbear wanton Scrutinies after Things or Notions that gender to Strife and Contention, and leave not Mankind better, but rather worse then they found them; and the World would be soon rid of Controversie: Holy Living, and not Disputing, would be the Business of Mankind. What more excellent Judgment can be given, then that men quit their Contentions about Notions and Opinions, and betake themselves to the Practice of that which God hath already shewn unto them; as spake both the Prophet
Micah 6. 8. and the Apostle
Paul, Rom. 1. 19. And if any
[Page 159] thing be revealed to one more then another, let the rest judge in the Spirit, or be silent till God manifest more to them, in order to Right Judgment.
'Tis good to try all things; but we must have something to try them by; and what ought that to be,
but the Spirit that searcheth, & the Anointing that teaches all things, which is Truth it self. Here Mankind will live in Love, having at least Natural Affections (now lost, by the B
[...]rbarity of some of their cruel Religions) and a Judgment o
[...] things will be made, not from the Rash, Partial, Short sighted a d Froward Mind of man, but that eternal Light and Spirit that never erred; which, however disgustful to some
Protestants in this Age, was no False Doctrine in the Account of
John Philpot and Bp.
Latimer, two great Founders of the Reformation:
The first in his Answer to the
Bishop of
Chichester, reproving
B. Mart. vol. 3. P 577. his Confidence
about true Faith in Christ; saying. These Hereticks take upon them to be sure of all things they stand in.
Let him doubt (saith John Philpot)
of his Faith that listeth; God give me alwayes to believe that I am sure of true Faith and Favour in Christ.
The second, in his Answer to a
Knight, objecting the
B. Mart. vol. 3. P. 475. Uncertainty of Man in what he calls Truth, thus recorded by
J. Fox; Your Friends deny not, but that certain Truths are communicated to us according to Capacity: But as to my Presumption and Arrogancy; either I am certain or uncertain that it is Truth that I preach; if it be Truth, why may not I say so? if I be uncertain, why dare I be so bold as to preach it? And if your Friends be Preachers themselves, after their Sermon, I pray you ask them, Whether they be certain and sure they preach the Truth or no; and send me word what they say, that I may learn to speak after them. If they say they be sure, you know what follows; if they say they be unsure, when shall you be sure, that have so doubtful and unsure Teachers.
Let not
Protestants for Shame judge us for owning a Doctrine, that is confessed to and confirmed by some of the Worthiest of their own
Ancestors, viz. That an Infallible Judgment in things necessary to Salvation, is both possible and requisite; and that God communicates it by his Spirit to the Souls of men.
The Conclusion.
TO Conclude;
Immanuel (a word suited not only to that Appearance, but whole Dispensation) imports, God nigh to or with men;
The Tabernacle of God is with men; he will
Rev. 21. 3, 7.
dwell in them, and walk in them; they shall be all taught of me, and in Righteousness shall they be established: And this
Isa. 54. 13. admits not of any Book, or
literal Rule or
Judge to come between that
in-dwelling Light, Life and Wisdom of God, and the Soul, as its Rule of Faith and Life.
And because it is the unutterable Goodness of God to People in these latter Dayes, as the Sum of Scripture-Prophecy, thus to make known himself; we are incessant in our Cries unto them, that they would turn in their Minds (now abroad, and taking up their Rest in the Externals of Religion) that they may hear his Heavenly Voice and Knocks, and let him in, and be taught of him to know and do his Will, that they may come to be experienced and expert in the School of Christ:
For never Man spoak and taught, as he livingly speaks and teaches in the Consciences of those who diligently hear him, and are willing to be taught of him the Knowledge of his Wayes: The
Priest was
Outward, but he is now
Inward; the
Law Outward, but it is now
Inward: And he is no more a Jew
that is one outward; nor that Circumcision which is outward in the Flesh;
Rom. 11. 28. 29.
but he is a Jew
who is one inwardly, and Circumcision is that of the Heart, in the Spirit, and not in the Letter, whose Praise is not of Men, but of God. Which is so far from lessening the Scriptures of Truth, that unless this be man's
Rule and
Judge in the reading and believing of them, he can never, either understand them, or keep the things therein contain'd aright. And indeed, as before I have expressed, I cannot but say,
That Man, whilst unregenerated, setting his Wit and Wisdom to fathom and comprehend the Intention of the Holy Ghost in many of those Writings, hath occasioned that Confusion, Darkness and perplext Controversie, that now so lamentably pesters the World; In which State, for all the External Imitations of the Ancients in some temporary and visible Parts of Worship, I am to tell such from the Spirit of the Lord God of all Truth,
they will never be accepted.
[Page 161]The utmost of that literal Knowledge, historical Faith, and outward Religion, is at best but the
Old Heavens that are to be wrapped up as a Scroul, the Old Wine and Bottle that belong not to the Kingdom, and Man's holding true Words in an unregenerated and unrighteous Nature, where he may cry, Lord, Lord; but shal
[...] never enter into the Rest that is Eternal: For under such a Faith and Religion,
Envy, Wrath, Malice, Persecution, Pride, Passion, Worldly-Mindedness, &c. may and do live; yea, and are cloaked, as with a secure Cover from the Stroak of God's Spirit; insomuch, as when any are moved of the Lord to decry such fair and hypocritical Shews of Religion, they are reputed
Rash and
Censorious, and presently a Plea must he made on this wise;
Do not we follow the Commands of the Scripture? Did not such and such do so and so? Never regarding from what Grounds the Performance springs,
whether it be according to the Rule of the NEW or OLD Creature; bu
[...] abuse and vilifie us for making such Distinctions, as if the Prayers, Preachings, Singings, outward Baptizings and Suppings, &c. of Men in their
own Spirits, Strength and Will were required and accepted of God for Evangelical Worship: Thick Darkness and dangerous Presumption! Thus are Men out of the Way concerning both
Faith and
Practice, and the
true Rule and
Judge of them: They make the former to lie in an Assent of the Understanding to such Propositions, and in the performing of some visible Parts of Religion in their own Spirits and Wills (which is far from the
Immanuel-State) And the latter to be the
Scriptures, which is but an Account of those Things, which others were ruled to and directed in by the Holy Spirit, before they were ever recorded or made Scripture; and not another Rule or Judge can so regulate: For as the Faith and Experience, so the Rule and Judge of that Faith and that Experience must be one: God by his Spirit begets Faith; God by his Spirit rules Faith, and governs the Life of his Children;
for as many as are Children of God are led by the Spirit of God. The Scripture,
[...]. 14, 15. much of it, is but a
Declaration of Faith and Experience; therefore not the Rule or Judge: For as Faith and Experience were before Scripture, so the
Rule and
Judge before Scripture; because, as I said before, there is a Rule and Judge as soon as there is Faith; therefore the Scripture is not that Rule or Judge: And before that Declaration be answered by any, they must come to the Faith, Rule and Judge of which that is a Declaration:
[Page 162] So that Faith
is yielding up to the Requirings of God's Spirit in us, in full Assurance of the Remission of Sins, through the Son of his Love and Life Everlasting, from whence daily flow Works of Holiness well-pleasing to God, and not a
meer Assent of the Understanding to a verbal, though a true Proposition. The Life of a true
Christian stands not in
Bodyly Exercise; that, sayes the Apostle, profits little: nor in an
Imitation of the Ancients in
temporary things, which as well the Hypocrite as the Saint can do;
But in self-Denyal and walking in the Spirit, to
1 Tim. 4. 8.
bring forth the Fruits thereof unto all Godliness, which is the pure
[...] 20, 21,
[...], 23. and spiritual Obedience, resulting from the living spiritual
[...] 38 Faith of God's Elect, and the Rule & Judge thereof is their
[...] Author or Begetter, even the
Spirit of Truth, which alone gives saving Understanding, and searcheth the deep things of God.
O you
Professors of Religion, that you would but seriously weigh these things, and examine your selves in God's Sight, who respects none for their fair Out-sides, If this saving Faith be
your Faith, and this Heavenly Life be
your Life, and if the holy Spirit be
your Ruler and Leader; if not, you are but legal, formal, in the Oldness of the Letter, and Runnings in your own Will, which obtains not: in which State, not the Wisdom from above, but that which is from below, of the
old Creature, is your Rule; in it you read Scripture, expound it, pray, preach, sing & perform all your Duties: and this is not to walk
according to the Rule of the New Creature; but in a legal
[...] 16. Spirit to make a Gospel-Profession, the End of which, from the Lord, I am to tell you,
will be a Bed of Sorrow. Therefore
[...] 23. resist not the Light and Spirit within, but turn at the Reproof thereof, that you may come to walk in the Way of Life,
daily Life to your Souls, that so you may be quickned and made alive to God, and live to him
in that Life, which is hid with Christ in God; that being thus born again, and become
[...]. renewed in your inner Man, you may perform that pure and spiritual Worship, which is of a sweet Savour with the Lord; so shall he bless you with his Heavenly Blessings, and daily replenish your Souls with the unspeakable Joyes of his glorious Salvation: This I heartily desire, and through all Difficulties incessantly travail for in Body, Soul and Spirit, that the al-wise, omnipotent God may be known, served, obeyed, to and by you, to your Comfort, and his Eternal Honour, who alone is worthy to receive it, now and forever,
Errata for the First Part.
REader, Several Errors have escaped the Press, partly through the Author's frequent Absence, and the Printer's many other Occasions; but the most considerable of them are here noted, and thou art desired hereby to correct them.
Contents — Chap. 9 line 3. dele (,) after
Preface — Page 1. Margent dele
Milt. p. 2. l. 1. read
at last. p. 5. l. 2 & 3. for
Ab. rogation r.
[...]uration. l. 25. for
the read
that: p. 7. l 2: read
in their Hopes. l. 14. read
that at. page 9. l. 10. for
disclaim'd read
declam d. line 19. read —
faciunt. page 10. line 32. for
reduct read
reduc'd. page 19. line 8. for
but read
by. line 31. read
too irksom. page 22. line 4. for
Hammer read
Humor. pag. 24. line 19. begin a Parenthesis at (
And my] and conclude it line 30. after [
Book — Page 8. line 42. b
[...]ot out
self. p. 13 l. 38. for
paws read
pause. p. 17. l. 12. for
without read
with our. pag. 18. l. 25. read
was to be. l. 31 for
it self read
himself. p. 20. l. 40 for
these read
those. p. 21. l. 34. for
Who, Me? read
Who? Me, p. 23 l. 26. for
is read
are. p 26. l. 7. for
this before Light? read
this Light before? page 28 l. 10. for
at that time read
at thi
[...] time. p. 30. l. 2. read
formeth, createth. l. 39. for
here to read
hereto. pag 33. l. 2. read
not with respect to any. l 4. dele the whole line. l. 9. for
of read
to. l. 37. for
heart he read
hear the. p. 39. l 2. for
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[...]eld. p 40. l 20. read
or be void. p. 43. Margent l. 19. for
tell read
tells. p. 44. l. 37. read
bits) pag. 45 l. 7. Marg. read
Civ. Dei. 8. p. 47. Marg. read
Id. p. 711. for
Id. 4. read
Id. mem. 4 p 48. line 2. dele
in line 22. read
on that line 32. read
of him. page 50. line 32. read
Idolatrous. That line 33.
Thought it, let. Margen: dele
[...]t. de Xen. Ma
[...]gent for
Laert. de read
Lactant. de. pag. 51. line. 12. for
Accute read
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Aenead. p. 59. l. 6 & 7. dele p. 61. Marg. l 3. for 1543. 123. read 123. 1543. p. 62 l. 24. for
accutely read
acutely. p. 65. l. 13 for
no read
[...] p. 66. read CHAP XIII. l. 12. dele
not. [70. Marg. l. 3. dele o. l. 12. dele
ibid. p. 71. Marg. l. 2. for 48. read 84. p. 73. l. 5. read
and giveth. p 78. l. 30. read
of Men. p. 79. l. 24. dele
Prophecy and. l. 35. for
then read
them p 80. l. 12. for
hand. p. 81. l. 29, 30. for
what Virgil
will add to read
what Eusebius
will have Virgli
[...] have added in. p. 82. l. 35. read
Occidet serpens. p 83. l. 22. for
Iandix read
[...]anilix. page 84.
[...] 32. read
enough to. p. 87. l. 4 read Hicks,
then he hath dealt. l. 5. read
Dialogue) pag. 91. l. 11. add after (
him) so as to be no where else. l. 20. read
the Manifestation of Light. p. 92. l 34. for
[...]st read
durst. page 94. l. 15. for
Light read
[...]llumination. p. 79. l. 6 read
not only. p 98. l. 8. read
And that. pag. 101. l. 35. read
[...] willingly. p. 103. l. 26. for
when read
whom. p. 106. l. 33. for
endanger'd read
accessible. l. 4
[...]. for
guarnison'd read
garrison'd, p. 107. l. 2. for
inbondag'd read
[...]nbondag'd. l 5. read
clear and broken forth. l. 15. read
We say, l. 17. for
not instrumentally read
instrumentally not. p. 110. l. 30. read
Jews, viz. p. 112. l. 23. for
suffer'd read
suffer. p 115. l. 17 for
[...]ner read
Jenner. page 116. l. 11. for
Saving, One read
saving one. line 16. for
Product read
produc'd. p. 1
[...]7. l. 11. for
better, as read
better at. line 25. read
true Light. p 119. l 27. dele
Omnious. p. 122. l. 37. r.
[...]. 126. l. 1 for
[...] read
Sigh. p. 28. read CHAP XXVI. p. 131. l. 4. for
Inability, to see the read
[...] to see, the. p. 136. l. 26. r.
Scriptures. p. 136. l. 34. for
[...]. wa
[...]. p. 137. l. 6. for
Good read
Goad. l. 29 read
such a thing. p. 138. l. 27. for
more read
[...]er. l. 39. Marge
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[...]ge 140 l. 29. for
He that flyes read
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in his Works. p. 54. l 34 af
[...]unt de
[...] (,) and put a (,) before
was. p. 156. l. 30. r.
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