Keith against Keith; OR SOME MORE OF George Keith's Contradictions and Absurdities, Collected out of his own Books (not yet Retra­cted) upon a Review.

TOGETHER WITH A REPLY TO George Keith's Late Book, Entituled, The Antichrists and Sadduces detected among a sort of Quakers, &c.


A Double-minded Man is unstable in all his Ways,

James 1. 8.

They that observe lying Vanities, forsake their own Mercy,

Jonah 2. 8.

LONDON: Printed, and Sold by T. Sowle near the Meeting-House in White-Hart Court in Gracious-Street, 1696.


PAge 4. line 7. f. as r. or, p. 14. l. 27. r. Evangeli [...], p. 21. l. 30. f. the r. that, p. 22. l. 32. r. those, p. 24. l. 28. r. Propose, p. 28. l. 27. f. teacheth r. treateth, p. 29. l. 18. f. the r. that, l. 25. r. never, l. 29. r. p, 70. p. 31. l. 30. r. and honest, p. 32. l. 17. r. outwardly, p. 33. l. 1. r. promise, p. 34. l. 1. f. they r. that, p. 40. l. 4. after that del [...] which, p. 41. l. 15. f. and r. to, l. 29. f. outward r. outer, p. 59. l. 21. r. hear­ers in, in order, p. 61. l. 2. f. as r. or, p. 64. l. 7. r. Penington's l. 17. f, where r. whence, p. 65. l. 21. f. on r. in, p. 66. l. 24. f. these r. those, p. 77. l. 13. r. Rector's, p. 80. l. 14. r. believed. l. 20. f. on r. in, p. 81. l. 3. r. who, and goes on, p. 89. l. 3. r. hold, p. 101. l. 4. f. 127. r. 117. p. 106. l. 1. r. as well as, p. 112. l. 27. f. would r. could p. 120. l. 27. r. asketh if that, p, 123. l. 10. f. the r. [...] at, p. 131. l. 31. r, chargeth, p. 139. l. 24. r. this which he calls, p. 145. l. 4. f. an r. and, l. 9. r. Popery, p. 146. l. 22. for ad hucr. adhuc. l. 33. r. vorten,

KEITH against KEITH: OR Some more of George Keith's Con­tradictions and Absurdities.

ALthough G. Keith blame us (in his Ad­vertisement, p. 3.) for heaping Book up­on Book against him (to which himself gave the Provocation) alledging want of Time and Ability of outward Estate (of whose Since­rity therein, the Reader may judge by his cut­ting out new Work of late in his twelve Penny Narrative) yet he continuing to abuse us in Print, 'tis fit we should there also vindicate our Holy Profession from his unjust Defamations. And having to do with an unstable Adversary, I had collected and digested a List of some more of his Contradictions and Absurdities, upon a re­view, which I now make introductory to the Re­ply; wherein if I exceed my wonted Brevity, know the variety of Subjects occasioned it: These I shall divide into two Heads, making his own Assertion in Way to City of God, Prin­ted, Anno 1678. The Title of the First, his Absurdities and Contradictions, promiscuously Col­lected out of his Book, called, Truth Advanced, [Page 4] Printed, Anno 1694. the Second: And then en­ter upon defending my Self and Friends from his late false Charges in his late Book, stiled, The Antichrists and Sadduces detected among a sort of Quakers, &c.

1. That through the coming of Jesus Christ in the inward, even before he was unwardly come as ma­nifest, many were saved, and attained unto per­fect Peace and Reconciliation with God in their Souls. (Way to City of God, p. 125.)

And the Method I shall take here, shall be first to set down what I find in his later Books, and then confront him out of his former; and that the rather, for that in his Serious Appeal, (Printed, Anno 1692.) p. 21. he saith, ‘Let but the Reader see my own Words in my Printed Books, and well consider them, and if he have but a little sound Judgment, he will easily find, I have not contradicted my self in ANY THING.’ Upon this Issue, I am willing to leave it with the Considerate and Judicious (though perhaps G. Keith will allow none to be such, but who say as he saith) and begin with the Christian Faith, &c. Vindicated, &c. (Printed, Anno 1692.) where he with others thus deliver themselves.

‘Though we do affirm, that all conscienti­ous and honest Gentiles, such as Cornelius was before the Faith of Christ was preached to him, have some measure of Light from Christ, to enlighten them, and are under some Ad­ministration of the Spirit, yet it is but the first Ministration, until the Knowledge and Faith of Christ, as he died for our Sins, and [Page 5] rose again, &c. be spiritually received. And such, who have the true and saving Know­ledge and Faith of Christ, as he dyed and rose again without them—are ONLY Christians, and Sons of God, of the free Woman, having receiving the Spirit of Adoption, whereby they cry Abba, Father: But who have not this Faith of Christ, crucified and raised again out­wardly, spiritually receiv'd and wrought in them, by the Spirit of Christ; Whether they have, or have not heard Christ outwardly Preached unto them, are at BEST (however Just and Conscientious to the just Principle of God in them) not under the second, and more pecu­liar Ministration of God's Spirit, that makes Men worthy to be esteemed Christians, but are only under the first; and such are held under the Custody or Safeguard of the Law, shut up unto the Faith that is afterwards to be revealed, as Paul declared, Gal. 3. 23. And the State, they are in, under this first Mini­stration, is to them, as the City of Refuge was to the Man slayer under the Law,’ Christian Faith, p. 6, 7. This Notion of the City of Re­fuge, &c. I having met with in other Books of his, and touched upon in mine, Entituled, Peo­ple called Quakers cleared, &c. as smelling of the Doctrine of the Revolution of humane Souls (though G. Keith doth not care to hear of it) and contrary to the Scriptures, particularly Eccles. 11. 3. and Heb. 9. 27. I refer to what hath been said there, p. 33. and go on.

In his Book (without date) called, Truth and Innocency Defended, he saith, ‘None are [Page 6] justified by Christ, but through Faith in him, as he dyed for them and rose again, &c. For he that believeth not, is condemned already, and therefore the Ministration of the Law, whe­ther outwardly writ on Tables of Stone, or in­wardly writ on Stony Hearts, is the Ministra­tion of Condemnation, preparing for Christ, and leading unto Christ, and such who are under the Law (let them be ever so obedi­ent, just and conscientious, because they have sinned, and are not perfect) are held under it, shut up as in a Custody, or Safeguard, as the Manslayer in the City of Refuge, and are not perfectly justified, but are under Fear, their Thoughts Accusing and Excusing; for though they are excused or accused, or to say, justi­fied in some good things done by them, yet that can be no perfect Justification, because their State is imperfect, p. 19, 20.’

‘By his Obedience unto Death and precious Blood, he hath procured and purchased for us that in ward Principle of Gods Grace, where­by we are sanctified, Further Discovery, p. 17, 18. Printed,’ Anno 1694, If that in ward Prin­ciple, whereby Men are sanctified, were pur­chased by Christs Death and Blood, what be­came of both Jew and Gentile before Christ's Death? Were they without an inward Principle, and unsanctified? Himself shall resolve the Que­stion anon.

In his Book stiled Truth Advanced, Printed, Anno 1694 he thus hath it, ‘It is not said that Cornelius had the Holy Ghost in his Gentile State, although he had a great measure of Gen­tile [Page 7] Sincerity and Righteousness. Nor is it any where to be sound, that ANY received that Holy Ghost, which Christ promised PARTICU­LARLY to Believers in him, but such ONLY who believed in him, even Christ crucified and raised again, p. 70. And in the next Page, That Holiness that is a Conformity unto Christ the second Adam, and is the proper and peculiar effect of the new or second Covenant, is far more excellent than any Righteousness or Obedience, that is but the effect of the first Covenant or Ministration, and is but a Conformity to the first Adam, his Righteous­ness, and maketh not Sons but Servants, or if Sons, but Sons of Hagar, or the first Cove­nant. And under this first Covenant Mini­stration, the Spirit is called in them the Spi­rit of Fear and Bondage, but the filial Fear, and Love, and other Gospel Vertues are the far more excellent: And here the Spirit is called, the Spirit of Adoption or Sonship, that helpeth us to cry Abba, Father. And as the Spirit of God is called in Scripture, the Spi­rit of Faith, &c. So it is called the Holy Spi­rit, or Spirit of Holiness, because it worketh a peculiar Degree and kind of Holiness, in all true Believers in Christ Crucified, &c. above what the most upright Gentiles do Witness or Experience in their meer Gentile State— The Law made nothing perfect, and that Law was not only the Law without, but even the Law WITHIN, both in Jews and Gentiles, until the Faith of Christ, the one Offering, come to be revealed, by which one Offering he hath for [Page 8] ever perfected all that are sanctified, p. 71.’ Let the Reader bear these things in Mind, or recur to them upon occasion, for on this hinge hang most of the Observations in the ensuing Quotations, which belong to this Head.

Now before I bring his former Books in Evi­dence against him, I think needful to Premise, that I have not here delivered Mine or my Friends Sentiments pro or con (for or against) but barely wielded my Adversaries weapon against himself, for his Writings abound with Contradictions, as I have already observed in my Apostate Exposed, and that other called, People called Quakers cleared, &c. who though he could tell others, that, ‘They are not so sincere as to own and retract in publick, their Errors exposed in publick, even lest such Re­tractation or Correction should lessen and abate their Honour and Esteem among their too cre­dulous Followers and Admirers.’ See Preface to Gross Error, p. 2. yet himself is the Man, that offends in that wherewith he unjustly tax­eth others; forgetting (or at least little re­garding) what Paul saith, Rom. 2. 21. Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thy self? &c. For although he represented his very minute, viz. Not touching any of the great Doctrines and Principles of the Christian Religion, but relating to some Places of Scriptures unduly ap­plied, to prove or defend things that were Truths, but did not really prove these Truths, True Copy, p. 18. and hath promised to correct and retract them, p. 17. yet it remains undone to this Day, which is above a Year ago. If he be so unwil­ling [Page 9] to correct small faults, what would he be to greater? But before I have done with him, I doubt not to evince, he had no Reason to cast the first Stone, especially against the Inno­cent, when himself was so deeply culpable. To that end hear him, Light of Truth Triumphing (Printed Anno 1670.) thus

‘That the new Covenant requireth doing is Light of Truth Tri­umphing. 1670. plain from Deut. 30. 14. But the Word is very near unto thee, even in thy Mouth, &c. which Word the Apostle Paul expounds to be the Word of Faith, and Righteousness of Faith (Rom. 10. 8.) which he preached, and that was the NEW COVENANT, p. 11.’ Hence I argue, if the Word near, be the Word of Faith, &c. be the New Covenant, then who hear it and obey it, are not under the first Covenant only, held under the Custody and Safe-guard of the Law, &c. but the Word of Faith being closed in with, the Faith is revealed. And surely the New Covenant is Saving and Perfecting.

Page 15. He proposeth a few Queries to R. Gordon, to shew (as he alledgeth) that the Na­ture and Light by which the Gentiles did the things contained in the Law, and knew God, was that of Christ. 1. ‘How could they do the things of the Law, but by the Divine Nature of Christ, seeing without him men can do no good thing? [And I Query, Whether the Divine Nature of Christ, whereby God is known, be without the Holy Ghost, or whether the Divine Nature of Christ did not, even then, make perfect, for in Truth Advanced, p. 70. he denies Cornelius, &c. had the Holy Ghost, and p. 71. that the [Page 10] Law within made perfect, before the one Of­fering came to be Revealed?] 2. ‘How could they be excused but by Christ?—3. How could they be without excuse, who disobey­ed, if they had no Principle given them suf­ficient,’ whereby to perform their Obedience—4. ‘How did some of them PERFECT the Law, and judged the Circumcision, and was Jews inwardly, and had Praise of God, if not by Christ?’ [Could they perfect that Law that it self made nothing perfect? Again, is the Jew inward, who hath praise of God by Christ without the Holy Ghost, but a Son of Hagar▪ Surely this Man had need have looked at home, and retracted his own Errors, before he had been so brisk upon others.] 5. ‘How could they clearly see the invisible things of God, but by Christ the Son, seeing it is said, None knows the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him? And though these invisible things are clearly seen in or through the things that are made, yet not without that which is to be known of God manifest in them, which God had shewed unto them, which gave them an Eye, or Understanding to see his Invisible Power and Godhead in these things.’ [And now I query, How doth the Son reveal these invisible things, but by the Holy Spirit? 1 Cor. 2. 10. Do Men see the Invisible Power and Godhead without it? Or is that Administration, that gives to see the Invisible Power and God­head, Evangelical or Legal; Imperfect or Perfe­cting? But fighting against Truth, blinds Men.]

Again he tells his Adversary, ‘Thou secret­ly [Page 11] Labours to prove that the Name of Jesus Christ, Redeemer and Saviour, belongs only to the Word, as it was manifest in that par­ticular Body and Form of Man, born of the Virgin Mary, but not to him as manifest in the Saints, which (saith G. Keith) contradicts the Scripture Testimony, Ibid. [And G. Keith doth the same in Effect, in representing the Word, or Law within, weak and imper­fect, before that Manifestation.]

My next Citations shall be out of his Postscript to G. Whitehead's Book stiled, Nature of Chri­stianity, &c. in Answer to the same Rob. Gor­don, Printed Anno. 1671.

‘God was in Christ, reconciling Men to him­self Nature of Christiani­ty, 1671. EVER SINCE the fall in all Ages, both BE­FORE and since Christ suffered in the outward, having given them, or put in them the Word of Reconciliation, by which they, who be­came renewed thereby, were reconciled and ju­stified IN ALL AGES. But according to R. G.'s Doctrine, no Men were justified nor reconciled, until Christ suffered Death in the outward; be­cause then, and not till then, was Reconcilia­tion and Justification wrought, &c. p. 65.’ And according to G. Keith it is the same, ex­cept Men were reconciled and justified, by a Law that made not perfect?

Page 70. He reckons up R. Gordon his cor­rupt Doctrines, the fourth whereof is this, ‘That Obedience to the Light in the Consci­ence, is but the Work of the first Covenant, and Righteousness thereof, and that no Man is justified thereby.’ Query, Is not the Light [Page 12] in the Conscience, the Law within? Or is that sound in G. Keith, which is corrupt Doctrine in R. Gordon? But G. Keith is yet more full, in asserting the Light and Grace given the Gen­tiles, to be Saving and Evangelical, even before Christ's coming in the outward, for which hear him in his Book of Universal Grace, Prted, Anno 1671.

‘For the better Understanding (saith he) Universal Grace, 1671. of the Matter in Hand, how that the Saving and Evangelical Light of Jesus Christ hath been communicated unto all Men, IN ALL A­GES AND GENERATIONS of the World, we are to consider the Words of the Apostle, to this purpose, There are Diversities of Operati­ons, saith he, but ONE Spirit. [Is that one Spirit, the Holy Spirit, or another?] and di­versity of Administrations, but one Lord, which diversity of Operations and Administrations are reducible unto these two, the Law and the Gospel, or the first Covenant, and the se­cond. Which two, as they were very distin­guishable among the Jews, so were they also among the Gentiles. As concerning the Jews, they had first the Law which came by Moses, and secondly they had the Grace and Truth which came by Jesus Christ [was that saving?] The Righteousness of the Law, and the Righ­teousness of Faith, and these two, though they were distinguishable, yet as they were admi­nistred of God, they were not separated nor divided, but the Gospel LAY HID within the Law, as within a Vail:—And thus Christ Je­sus was in the Law, and under it—The [Page 13] Dispensation of the Law was as Darkness, in respect of the clear Dispensation of the Go­spel, yet even in this Darkness, did Jesus Christ the true Light shine. And also in or among the Gentiles UNIVERSALLY, there was and is somewhat, which by way of Proportion doth answer unto the Law and Gospel, first Cove­nant and second, which was so distinctly held forth among the Jews: And as among the Jews, there was Moses and the Prophets in the Letter; so universally in ALL Men, both Jews and Gentiles, there hath been Moses and the Prophets in Spirit, and also CHRIST?’ p. 8. (Compare this with Truth Advanced, p. 70, 71. above recited.)

To an Objection, How it is that in the Gospel is revealed the Righteousness of God from Faith to Faith unto the Just, and also that the Wrath of God is from Heaven revealed therein against the un­righteous, seeing the Gentiles have not had the Go­spel preached unto them all this TIME BY PAST, in which they have lived in their Ungodliness and Unrighteousness, G. Keith replies. ‘To this Paul Answers, That which might be known of God is manifest in them, for God had shewed it unto them, which is as much as to say, though the Gospel came not unto them outwardly, by the Ministry of Man, yet it came unto them inwardly, by the Ministry of God himself, be­cause that which may be known of God, is manifest in them, for God hath shewed it un­to them. So that it is manifest, that by this Expression, That which may be known of God, and as it is in the Greek, [...], is understood the Gospel.’ See p. 20.

[Page 14] ‘By this Manifestation of God in the Gen­tiles, (adds he) our Adversaries deny that the Gospel, or any Manifestation, that is of a SAVING Nature,’ is understood [to which a little lower, he thus replies] ‘If it were not Evangelical and the very Gospel it self, in an inward Ministration, it would quite render the Words of the Apostle impertinent, and contrary to the purpose he treats of: For Paul is here shewing what the Gospel was, and what was revealed in it, both to the Just and the Unjust; and because the Unjust among all the Gentiles and Nations, had not the Gospel out­wardly administred, he shews they had it in­wardly, God having shewed it unto them, p. 21.’ Doth this agree with his Asserting the Law within made nothing perfect, till the Faith of Christ, the one Offering, come to be revealed? Or will he say, the very Gospel it self, in an inward Ministration, was not saving and perfecting, before Christ was offered up in the outward?

But the foregoing he corroborates by a fourthly thus, ‘This Manifestation is said to be that which may be known of God, which he had shewed unto them, therefore it is of an Evangelical and Saving Nature.’ —5thly. ‘By this Manifestation, here mentioned, they did CLEARLY see the Invisible Things of God, even his ETERNAL POWER and Godhead, p. 22.’

‘There was a Time (saith G. Keith) when God dwelt in their [the Gentiles] Know­ledge, whereby they knew him, through what he had made manifest of his Eternal Pow­er [Page 15] in them, p. 24.’ Was God known through the Eternal Power made manifest in them, and the Holy Ghost not received? What Confusion doth he run himself into?

Descanting upon Rom. 1. 20. he tells us, ‘By the things that are made—may be understood those things which are inwardly made, those MARVELLOUS Works of the Lord, which are wrought in Mens Hearts, both of Judgment and Mercy, through the Appearance of God, and the Revelation of his Almighty Arm and Power, in that Heavenly and Divine Princi­ple of his own Seed, by which indeed the In­visible Things of him are clearly seen. And un­til a Man come to see the Lord, in the things that are made of him, in himself, he can ne­ver see him, in the things that are made with­out him; which gave occasion to many of the Gentile Philosophers, to bid People, seek God within themselves, p. 26.’ Now I query, Are these marvellous Works of Judgment and Mercy wrought in Mens Hearts, and the Holy Ghost not received? Or is the Divine Principle of his own Seed separable there from? This is cer­tainly to divide Christ. But a little lower he tells us what this Seed is‘This Seed and the Birth thereof, by the Springing up of these Heavenly Powers and Vertues, can and doth truly represent the Divine Power and God­head; being the express Image of God, Ibid. Will he, upon second thoughts, divide the Holy Ghost from the Godhead, as he must do, if Men be allowed to have the one, not the o­ther? That the Seed, which truly represents [Page 16] the Divine Power and Godhead, should spring up in Men, and they without the Holy Ghost in the mean while? Again, By Vertue of what Covenant had the Gentiles this Priviledge? Of that which made not the comers thereunto perfect? Or of that, whereby Grace and Truth came? And what was the Effect of this Visitation to the Gentiles before Christs Incarnation, where embraced would it bring them no further, than the first Covenant, to be Sons of Hagar? &c. Not to the filial Fear, Love, and other Virtues, suitable to the Child of the New Covenant, or free Woman? Which he of late Appropriates to Believers in Christ Crucified, &c. Sarah said of old, The Son of this Bondwoman shall not be Heir with my Son, with Isaac, Gen. 21. 10. And A­braham is commanded to hearken to her Voice, ver. 12. but G. Keith seems to think they may in some Revolution or other, though they dyed Sons of Hagar.

To an Objection, How can the Gentiles be either rewarded or punished, seeing they have had no Law given them, he saith, ‘The Apostle Answers, that they had the Law inwardly, though not as the Jews had it, in an outward Administration; and according to this Law, they should be Judged, and Accused or Excused, according to their evil or well doing—they had that inwardly made manifest in them, which God had shemed unto them, whereby they were con­demned who did Evil, and justified who did Well, p. 28.’ [And a little lower] ‘It is Evident, that this Inward Principle was the very Principle of the Gospel in them, in that [Page 17] Paul saith, that God will render to every Man according to his Deeds, in the Day when God shall Judge the secrets of Men by Jesus Christ, according to my Gospel, i. e. the Gospel which he Preached. Now if the Gentiles shall be judged according to the Gospel, then the Gospel behoved in some measure to be manifest unto them, for no Man shall be judged according to that which is not made manifest, p. 28, 29.’ Query, Was this Gospel made manifest with or without the Holy Ghost? Did it make per­fect? Is the Law within another or diffinct thing from the Gospel? For he is very nice in his Di­stinctions, yet all will not do, his Contradicti­ons are so thick and palpable.

‘Moreover the Apostle proceedeth to shew how the Gentile, who followed not after Righ­teousness, had attained to Righteousness, e­ven that of FAITH, and yet the Jews missed of it, p. 36. [Is the Righteousness of Faith saving?]’

In p. 25. ‘He desires the Reader to observe, that the Grace held forth, both in this place, and all others aforesaid, is the very Grace that is Evangelical, being the Word of Faith, and the Light which is to be believed in.’ [And what is Evangelical, is perfecting, I hope: For I read not, that the Gospel was weak, though the Law was.]

My Spirit shall not always strive WITH Man, he renders IN Man, calling it, ‘The very Salu­tiferous Spirit of God himself which crea­ted Man, and ALONE hath Power to save or destroy him, p. 52. and p. 53.’ ‘It, may still be [Page 18] understood, saith he, of that inward striving of the Spirit of God, by which God did strive with them to CONVERT them, that they might not be destroyed, but saved.’ Now let me ask him, What Spirit is this Salutiferous Spi­rit? This Spirit that brings Salvation? Is it the Holy Ghost, or not? For Christ was not yet offered up in the outward? Were those Ante-Diluvian Times without the Holy Ghost, who obeyed that Salutiferous Spirit which strove with them? Or were the Converts of those Days, under no Law, inward or outward, that made perfect? What converted them then? Or what were they converted to?

G. Keith having set down the Opinion of the Arminians and Papists, goes on thus, ‘We in Opposition to these Opinionists do aver this Universal Grace, to be that very Evangelical, Gospel and Saving Grace, and not another, through which it being closed with in Faith and Love, Salvation is obtained, p. 94.’ This he saith of the Grace, but of the Law within, both in Jew and Gentile, he of late said, it made nothing Perfect, until the Faith of Christ come to be revealed, &c. Are they two? That pre­dicable of the one, which is not of the other?

In his Looking Glass for Protestants, Printed, Looking-Glass, 1674. Anno 1674. wherein he Labours to shew the Quakers are the truest Protestants, he compares W. Tindals Faith with ours in several respects. His Fourthly is thus, ‘His Faith was, that the Heathen once had the Spirit of God, and that Pharaoh, before his Heart was hardned, had the Spirit of Grace,’ and this is OUR FAITH, [Page 19] saith G. Keith, p. 28. Query, Whether it be his Faith now? Who must either distinguish between the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Grace, and the Holy Spirit, and so make them two, which are but one; or else retract his saying, the Gentiles had not the Holy Ghost, who be­lieved not in Christ crucified and raised again.

Now I come to his Book of Immediate Reve­lation, Immediate Revelation, 1676. &c. Printed Anno 1668. and Reprin­ted with an Appendix, Anno 1676. which tells us, ‘The Light reveals the whole Will of God—he needs not go forth to seek a Law with­out him, the Word is near in his Heart, and in his Mouth; and this is the Word of Faith, to which Moses pointed the Jews, and Paul the Romans, p. 77.’ It seems then it was one and the same Word of Faith, which Moses, who was before Christ came in the outward, and Paul, who was after his Ascension, pointed to; & the Work the same, viz. it revealed the WHOLE Will of God: And surely what reveals the whole Will of God, doth it not enable to perform it, according to Phil. 2. 13. and is not that Saving and Perfecting?

But he Queries, ‘What was this FOUNDA­TION of the Church of God, before ever the Scripture was writ, before Moses and the Prophets, &c? Was it not Jesus Christ the Word, which was in the Beginning? Had it A­NY OTHER Foundation? And what gave them the Knowledge of this Foundation, and builded them upon it, when they had no Scripture? And whereupon was their Faith founded? By the hearing of what Word did they come by [Page 20] their Faith, seeing then the Scripture was not writ? It was even (saith G. Keith) the Word which came from God himself, and taught them immediately, p. 103.’ I may now Query, Had the Church then a Founda­tion? Were they built upon it, even in Moses and the Prophets Days? And was that Founda­tion Jesus Christ the Word? And did they by hearing it come by Faith in Christ, before the Scripture was writ? And yet did they not re­ceive the Holy Ghost? Could not that Law, that Command, that Word make Perfect? Had Men Faith in Christ, and could not that Faith save in their Days? Monstrum horrendum!

Page 105. He tells us, that Moses falls a de­claring concerning the New Covenant, Deut. 30. from ver. 11, to 16. the Probation whereof he gives in the next Page, both from Jer. 31. 32. and Rom. 10. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. And in p. 107. thus hath it, ‘The Jews and People of Israel, who lived in Moses's Time, and were SAVED, it was through Faith in this Word, in this Pro­phet, raised up in them, in their Hearts, not at a distance, but nigh; the Word is nigh in thy Heart. And this is Christ in them, the Hope of Glory, the Mystery hid from Ages and Ge­nerations, but was EVER made manifest in his Saints, but in the latter Days more clearly, &c. p. 107, 108.’ Query, Had Men Faith in Christ, the Word? Was the Mystery ever made manifest in the Saints; and yet was the Law within in sufficient to make perfect, till since Christ was offered up in the outward?

Having transcribed many verses in 119 [Page 21] Psalm, concerning the Word, he queries, p. 109. What Word this is, whether the Letter of the Scripture, o [...] that Word of Faith, Paul (and Moses long before) spoke of, and its effects upon David he tells us anon, saying, ‘This quick­ned him, this strengthned him, this comfor­ted him, this taught him, and made him wi­ser than his Teachers: This was as Oyl unto him, a Lamp unto his Feet, and a Light to his Paths; in this his Steps were ordered, verse 133. in this he worshipped, he prayed, he sung Psalms, and all his Springs were in this, p. 111, 112.’ But I query, if the Law with­in made nothing perfect, until the one Offer­ing was revealed, how came David by his Quicknings, Strength, Comfort, Instruction, Wisdom, Light, fresh Springs, &c? For now we are got a step beyond proving, that the Gentiles were savingly enlightned, and by occasi­on (administred from G. Keith) driven to evince, out of his former Writings, that the Patriarchs, before Christ was born and suffer­ed, had such a Law within them, as did make them perfect. Are these the Fruits of an im­perfect Law, to quicken, strengthen, &c. or will he, who once contended, that many were saved and attained unto perfect Peace and Recon­ciliation with God in their Souls, now deny it to David, a Jew both inward and outward, as he must do, if the Law could not make per­fect? How is he confounded! how engaged in what is and will be too hard for him!

Solomon comes next. From what he [...]ys of Wisdom's crying at the Gates in every City, G. [Page 22] Keith queries, Is not her crying, &c. the same with Jesus Christ his standing at the Door, &c. p. 113. And I query, Whether to them that opened unto him, even during that Administra­tion, he did not come in and Sup with them, for G. Keith immediately quotes Rev. 3. 20. to adapt it to Solomons saying? 2dly, Whether such had the Holy Ghost? And 3dly, Whe­ther the Law within such made them perfect, in that Age?

G. Keith goes on thus, ‘The Gospel was Preached unto Abraham—Abel, Enoch, No­ah, and to ALL BELIEVERS, who lived before Scripture was writ in a Book, and it was spo­ken into their Hearts by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the Saints who then lived and were inspired of God, preached the Gospel, and the Gospel is the same in all Generations, for it is the Everlasting Gospel, Rev. 4. 6. But now the Declarations, Discoveries, and Mani­festations of this one Gospel; have been many and different, under the Law; more darkly in the Time of the Prophets, more manifestly in the Time of the Apostles. Yet more manifest­ly and yet all ONE GOSPEL, and we preach no other, but the same Everlasting Gospel, which is the Power of God unto Salvation, Rom. 1. 16.’ See p. 213. Now hence I query, Whether the Gospel Preached unto Abraham, Abel, Enoch, Noah, &c? Were the Law within Abraham, &c? And whether it made them perfect? 2dly. Whether these Believers, who lived before Scripture was writ in a Book, who had that inspeaking into their Hearts by [Page 23] the Spirit of Jesus Christ, partook of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Holiness, of Adoption or Sonship; or of the Spirit of Fear and Bondage only? Were they Sons of Hagar or Sarah? Of First or Second Covenant? 3dly, Whether those inspired Men, who preached the Gospel, which he allows to be the same in all Genera­tions, had ALL OF THEM the Doctrinal Know­ledge and Faith of Christ Crucified, and preached it to others? And this I the rather urge, for as much as Truth Advanced, p. 42. he denies that Paul means the Gospel is the Power of God, simply and abstractly considered with­out all Doctrine and doctrinal Knowledge and Faith of Christ Crucified.

‘All Saints have the same Spirit and Word of Prophecy in some measure, more or less, that the Prophets had, who ever directed Peo­ple to the same Spirit and Word in their Hearts, from which they spake, that they might in themselves hear the same Word and Spirit, whereby the true Faith comes, p. 221.’ Is this Spirit and Word saving? Is it perfect­ing in all Ages? Can a Man hear it and obey it, and yet be without the Holy Ghost? But hear him again.

‘This second Adam is called the quickning Spirit, by whose quickning Vertue, the Souls of ALL the Holy Men and Women were made and kept alive unto God, as truly before he came in the Flesh, as after, for they did all eat the same spiritual Meat, &c. Which was Christ; yea they did eat his Flesh, and drink his [Page 24] Blood as TRULY & REALLY in measure BE­FORE he came in that Body of Flesh, as the Saints have done since, p. 227.’ To the same purpose he expresseth himself in p. 258. and in Way cast up, p. 95. and in Rector Cor­rected, p. 95. This shews what he once thought of the Holy Men and Womens Condition in those first Ages of the World, who then only placed the difference in Degree not in Kind; now will not allow more then Gentile Since­rity and Righteousness, where Faith in Christ crucified is not revealed, as well as that he concludes all, before Christ was visibly offer­ed, under such an inward Law, as made not perfect? How he will reconcile such a State to that of eating his Flesh, and drinking his Blood, let him look to. In the mean while, as he queries Truth Advanced, p. 184. in his query, 10. ‘Can any Eat the Flesh of Christ and drink his Blood, who have not the Faith of him, as he GAVE his Body of Flesh to be broken, and his Blood to be shed for us?’ So I query, Could any do thus before it was given or broken? Or had all those Holy Men and Wo­men (he spoke of even now) so much as the Faith or Knowledge that it should be broken?

Having offered what Citations I at present proposed out of this Book, the next that comes Way cast vp, 1677. in course, is, The Way Cast up, Printed Anno, 1677. He there saith, Paul takes notice of some among the Gentiles, in the time of Hea­thenism, who were a law unto themselves, and did by Nature (to wit the Divine Na­ture [Page 25] of the Word Ingrafted in them, James 1. or by their own Nature, restored and repaired by the Grace of God, as Augustin Expounded that place) the things contained in the Law: And such was Socrates among the Grecians, whom Justin Martyr in one of his Apologies, did expresly call a Christian, and classeth him with Abraham, &c. p. 44, 45.’ Several things are Remarkable here, one, that in the time of Heathenism, some Gentiles partook of the Divine Nature, which hath been oft touched upon already. 2dly That their Na­ture was repaired and restored by the Grace of God. Qu. Was that Grace insufficient or im­perfect? Can Nature be restored or repaired by that which makes not perfect? By any thing less than God's Holy Spirit? 3dly That Justin Martyr classed such an one with Abra­ham, and calls him a Christian. 4thly That here he boggleth not at the appellation, in this Book, Printed Anno. 1677. Though he doth afterwards, Anno. 1694. Saying in Truth Advanced, p. 46. If they were real Christians, they had some Knowledge and Faith of Christ the Messiah, as he was to come in the Flesh. But now the Man being altered, no wonder that his Expressions vary.

‘If the Saints, before Christ came outward­ly in the Flesh, had not Eat of the Flesh of Christ, and Drank of his Blood, they could not have had Life by him, but they had Life by him, and therefore, &c. p. 95. [Christ] hath Lived in all Saints, as well be­fore he came in the Flesh, as to his outward [Page 26] Birth, as since, p. 100.’ Did he Live in them, and did they Feed on him, even before his out­ward Birth, and yet the Law within Jew and Gentile, not make perfect till after it?

‘Though the outward coming of the Man Christ was deferred, according to his out­ward Birth in the Flesh, for many Ages, yet from the BEGINNING this Heavenly Man, the promised Seed, did inwardly come into the Hearts of those that believed in him, and Bruised the Head of the Serpent, and destroyed him that had the Power of Death, that is the De­vil, the Stronger Man entering the House, and dispossessing the strong Man, and Casting him out, p. 99.’ When the Head of the Serpent is bruised, the Power of Death (the last Enemy) destroyed, the Devil Dispossessed and cast out, and the stronger enters, Hath not the perfect Law, the Law which doth make perfect, taken place?

Again, ‘Thus the Word was made Flesh, even from the beginning, and dwelt in us, as in ALL AGES, and they beheld his Glory, &c. p. 103.’ Is this Indwelling, where the Glory is beheld, without the Holy Ghost, or unable to perfect the Work?

Now I come to his Book Stiled, Way to the City of God, Printed Anno. 1678. where he Way to City of God, 1678. saith, ‘Even at Mans Fall, the Seed of the Woman was given, not ONLY to Bruise the Serpents Head, but also to be a Lamb or Sacrifice, to attone and pacify the Wrath of God towards Man, p. 125.’ Is this Brui­sing the Serpents Head, attonement, &c. [Page 27] Witnessed, where the Holy Ghost is not re­ceived? Is not this State, a Gospel State beyond Gentile Sincerity and Righteousness? And where these Effects are wrought, doth not the Seed of the Woman make perfect?

He tells us, ‘We are not too nicely to make a difference betwixt the Influence and effects of his outward and inward Sufferings, but to understand them in a perfect Conjunction, and that the End of his Sufferings in both was this, viz. 1. Both to quench and allay the Wrath of God.—2.’ to purify and Cure Men, &c. p. 139. Had G. Keith taken the Coun­sel he then gave, he would not have so depre­tiated the Law within, nor denied the receiv­ing the Holy Ghost to the Conscientious Hea­then, to whom the outward was not revealed, as he hath done of late.

His Book called Rector Corrected, Printed Anno. 1680. Comes next, ‘There he denies not, Rector Cor­rected, 1680. but that some rare and singular Gifts of the Spirit, have been given unto some of these called Heathen, some whereof have Prophe­sied of Christ, and others uttered some Divine Sayings, that could proceed from no other Principle, but the same Divine Spirit that was in the Christians, p. 50. Qu. Is this Di­vine Spirit the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Ho­liness, which these had, while to Cornelius he allows only a great Measure of Gentile Sin­cerity and Righteousness, had these a Law within them, that made perfect, which of late he will not admit, to Jew or Gentile, until Christ, the one Offering was Revealed,: For [Page 28] it seems they had the same Spirit the Chri­stians had. How should this be, if the Holy Spirit was Peculiar to the latter Days, to them who believed in Christ Crucified, &c. For that not being done, the benefits Annexed and Apropriated thereto, could not be received. Again, that these generally had so much as a belief that the Messiah should come, and suffer, and rise again, is what will stick hard upon him to prove, if he dare assert it, especially considering that the Disciples, who conversed with Jesus, were even after his Resurrection, so far from believing it, either Explicitely or Implicitely (a late phrase of his) that they dis­believed it, and it seemed to them as idle Tales, Lu. 24. 11. Yet if that were granted, that all these had this belief of the Messiah that he should come, &c. Yet if he will believe him­self, (which he hath small cause to do, Con­sidering his windings and twistings of late) they could not have that holy Spirit which the Christians had, that Holy Spirit being (as he saith) peculiar to believers in Christ Crucified, (not in Christ to be Crucified.)

In the same Page he quotes a saying of Se­neca, thus, There is a Holy Spirit in us, that Teacheth us, as we Treat him. So here's a Hea­then hath outstript G. Keith, by confessing to more than a great Measure of Gentile Sin­cerity and Righteousness, even to the Holy Spirit in the Gentiles: And that G. Keith may find to his Sorrow one Day.

Again, ‘God gave his Holy Spirit to instruct them; and the Spirit in the Jews made them [Page 29] to believe in Christ, as well before he was Born in the Flesh, as since, and therefore he is called the Spirit of Faith, as being the Author of it, in all them that believe, p. 150.’ Is this Consonant to his saying, (Truth Advan­ced, p. 70.) Nor is it any where to be found, that any received that Holy Ghost, which Christ promised particularly to the Believers in him, but such only who believed in him, even Christ Crucified and Raised again? Will he distinguish between Gods Holy Spirit, and the Holy Ghost, or make two Holy Ghosts.

He queries, ‘Was not the Spirit of Christ in Moses? And Christ the Lord was that Spi­rit, as Paul hath taught, p. 187.’ Now I query, Seeing Christ was not then offered up, whether that Spirit were the Holy Ghost or no? And also whether the Spirit made him perfect, yea or nay?

In Truth's Defence, Printed Anno. 1682. He thus hath it, ‘When I say the Spirit is the Truths De­fence, 1682. Rule, there is no absurdness therein; for if we mean by the Spirit, THE HOLY GHOST Christ and the Holy Ghost are never seperated or divided in what they Speak or witness in the Souls of Men—Christ himself in Scripture is called the second Adam, the quick­ening Spirit, the Lord is that Spirit, p. 170 (And in p. 107. he tells us, Paul Expounds Deut. 30. 14. of Christ, and that Clemens Alexandrinus and others of the Fathers so understood those words of Moses) if so, the Jews by having Christ for their Rule, had the Holy Ghost for their Rule, even before he was Crucified and Rose again. This he inforceth in what follows.

[Page 30] ‘If Enoch, Noah, Abraham, had the Spirit to be a Rule unto them, it is no less a Rule unto all now, who have the SAME FAITH which they had, seeing the SAME SPIRIT is given to Believers now, which they had, which Spirit is one, as Paul hath declared: And it is most Rational, that as the Faith is one IN ALL AGES of the World, and the Spirit ONE, So the Principal Rule of Faith should be one also, p. 114.’ If the Spirit be one, the Faith one, the Rule one, in all Ages of the World, How came Cornelius not to have the Holy Ghost, when his Prayers and Almes came up for a Memorial before God? Or had he that one Spirit, Rule and Faith, which Enoch, Noah and Abraham had, and that one Spirit not the Holy Spirit, not the Spirit of Holiness, not the Spirit of Adoption or Son­ship? Is not this to make two? And to the Levites, P. 121. He allows the Spirit of God to the right interpreting the Scripture: Now Christ not being yet Crucisied and Raised again. I query, Whether that Spirit were something besides the Law within, which of late he hath said, made nothing Perfect.

‘His Commanding them to tarry at Jerusa­lem, until they received the promise of the Fa­ther, which was the Spirit (to wit in GREA­TER MEASURE than formerly it was given unto them) did not oblige, &c. p. 141. Had he kept to this distinction in his latter Writings, he would not have told of Cornelius and the Gentiles, not having the Holy Ghost, before they had Faith in Christ Crucified, &c. [Page 31] A more plentiful Effusion of the Spirit being no part of the Controversy, but granted: But still it is the same Spirit, same Faith, same Rule, as himself once acknowledged, and was instanced even now.

In the next place (he having of late asserted, that the Law within did not make perfect, till, &c.) Let us hear how he here defineth perfection, ‘He who is Faithful in every re­spect to the measure of Grace which he hath received, is indeed a perfect Man, and doth please God, although he be not equal in his attainment unto others, who have more given them, saith G. Keith, p. 212.’ But can any one be perfect, by vertue of a Law that doth not make perfect? And if there were this de­ficiency, even in the Law within, during the first Covenant Administration, how could any be perfect then? And yet to shew that he a­bounds with Contradictions, he hath allowed it to many, as in above-cited Way to the Ci­ty of God, p. 125. which I made the Title of this first Part.

And now I come to G. Keith's Book of Divine Immediate Revelation, Printed Anno. 1684. which I Read not till of late, by means of his Divine Im­mediate Re­velation, 1684. citing it, in his answer to me, of which anon. Speaking of Cornelius, he saith, ‘Do not Peters words plainly imply, that there were many such good honest Men, who were acceptable to God through Christ, although they had not heard of Christ as yet outwardly Preached?’ See, p. 26. 27 Again, Cornelius received the Spirit Immediately, and yet obtained it FUR­THER [Page 32] by means of Peter's Preaching, p. 63. Qu. Was not then the Spirit he received before and after Peter's Preaching, the same Spirit.

Again, ‘We no where Read in all the Scrip­ture, that Noah Preached to all Mankind in the Old World, but we find expresly that God, by his Spirit, did strive in those Men, which most plainly sheweth that they had some inward teaching given them from the SPIRIT OF GOD, for against what did they Sin, but that Law Published by the Spi­rit of God in their Hearts, seeing they had no written Law?—They had that inward Law, which as Paul affirmed, the other Gen­tiles had, Rom. 1. See, p. 54. The word of God was rare in respect of its being outward▪ preached, yet it was near and within, in the Hearts of both Jews and Gentiles, as Paul did affirm, Rom. 10.’ compared with Deut. 30. p. 55. Whence I Query, What Spi­rit this is? What Law Published thereby? What word this that Paul and Moses Speak of? And whether they that received it and obeyed it received the Holy Spirit, and were thereby made perfect, especially seeing he fur­ther saith, p. 79. ‘All the Faithful under the Old Covenant were immediatly taught of God, yet not by vertue of the Old Cove­nant, but of the New, which New Covenant in some degree had place in the time of the Old, and was to be further revealed in Gospel Daies, &c. Surely if the New Covenant had place in some degree, in the time of the [Page 33] Old, the New Testament promised (I will put my Spirit within you, Ezek. 36. 27.) had also a place during the Old Covenant Administra­tion, even where the word of Faith was closed with: And what Spirit is this, if not the Holy Spirit?

In p. 55. After having desended R. B's sense, with respect to God, his never changing his way or manner of Teaching and Enlightning his People by his Spirit inwardly working in them, and his Continuing the same in all Ages, before the Law, after the Law, and also after the com­ing of Christ, he adds, p. 56. that, ‘The in­ward Preaching, Speaking and Illumination of God, by his Spirit, did ALWAYS remain in some degree, more or less, in the true Church, and in ALL its Members.’ [Qu. Were the Gentiles, who did by nature the things Contained in the Law, none of these?] ‘For if at any time the outward Preaching was little or none—God did supply that out­ward defect inwardly by his Spirit, &c.

In the same Book (viz. That part which is [...]n answer to Geo. Hicks) he alledgeth, p. 154. Clemens Alexandrinus is so for from thinking that only the Prophets and Apostles [...]ri [...] by divine Inspiration, that he plainly declareth, that not only Plato, but also many others Preached and Declared the only true God by his Inspiration, And in p 158. 'That Ju­stin Martyr expresly saith, That the innate Word or Reason, declared of James 1. 21, Was in the Philosophers, Poets and Historio­graphers, who by the impulse thereof, spoke [Page 34] some things excellently. And they who live with, or according to the Word, are Chri­stians, as among the Grecians, Socrates, He­raclitus, &c.’ But I query, How could that be, if the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ (without which none are his, Rom. 8. 9.) be given to none but Believers in Christ Cru­cified, &c. Or that the Law within, both Jews and Gentiles, made nothing perfect till the one offering came to be revealed? Yet that he may appear, as he is, Contradictory in e­very Branch, in the following Page, he bids us, ‘Note, That whereas Justin Martyr called Socrates and others, who lived in Conformity to the Divine Word in them, Christians, it is to be understood in part, according to that General Revelation, although we find not, that Socrates had the knowledge of Christ as he was to come in the Flesh, and suffer Death, &c. Now compare this with what himself hath said, Truth Advanced, p. 46. up on this very assertion of Jus;tin Martyr's, viz. ‘If they were real Christians, and were wor­thy of that Honourable Name, they had some Faith and Knowledge of Christ the Messiah &c.’ As he was to come in the Flesh, &c So one while this wavering Man restricts Chri­stianity to a belief in Christ come, Crucifie and Raised again, and allows the appellation to Socrates and the rest, only upon Condition that they so knew and believed in Christ, nother while admits them to be Christians part, conform to the Divine Word, while supposeth them not to have had that Kno [...] ­ledge. [Page 35] Yet whether Men who live in Confor­mity to the Divine Word, can be said to be wholly Strangers to the Holy Spirit, himself will do well to consider.

In his Plain Short Catechism, Printed Anno. 1690. He saith by way of Question and An­swer, Catechism, 1690. Qu. ‘Is the Seed or Principle of the second or New Covenant, after some man­ner, in all Men? A Yea, Qu. And is that Seed or Principle, Christ the Word of Faith? A Yea, p. 9.’ Now I Query, Whether Christ the Word of Faith, the Seed or Principle of the New Covenant, in all Men, were al­ways saving and perfecting IN ALL MEN, where embraced? Or since Christs Ascension only?

He queries again, Q. Is that great Mystery greatly (I suppose it should be, generally) revealed in all? A Nay, Q. Did not God reserve the more full Revelation of it, in a more general way, to the time after Christ should suffer Death for Mens Sins, and rise again? A Yea, Q. Was not therefore Christ the Mystery hid from Ages and Generations, until the fulness of time, and that both as to his inward and outward coming, for most part? A Yea, ibid.’ By these words [more full Revelation, more general way, for most part] he seems to allow the Mystery was not hid from all. Now I query, Whether they, to whom the Mystery was revealed before Christ suffered Death for Mens Sins, were under the Law within that made nothing per­fect, according to Truth Advanced, p. 71. Or [Page 36] were of the Many who were saved, and at­tained unto perfect Peace and Reconciliation with God in their Souls, according to Way to City of God, p. 125. Or whether he will undertake to reconcile those two Passages.

Hitherto I have opposed his former to his latter writings, now let us see, whether in one and the same Book, he be not as Contradi­ctory to himself, and that in his Truth Ad­vanced, Printed Anno 1694. as a kind of System Truth Ad­vanced, 1694. of G. Keith's Divinity. He asks, ‘Who can say with understanding, that Moses, Samuel, David and the Prophets, and John that came after, were not in that Kingdom, as well as any now, for they had the SAME Righteons­ness, Peace and Joy in the HOLY GHOST, as any now have; and therefore, if by the Kingdom, we understand Christs Kingdom of Grace in the Hearts of true Believers, surely John, and all the holy Prophets, and other Holy Men and Women were in it, as well before Christ came in Flesh, as since, &c.’ And a little lower, ‘All this doth not in the least infer, that the Prophets were not true Believers in Christ, as well as any now, and had not by true Faith an entrance into Gods Kingdom, as well as any now; for it is ab­surd to suppose with the Papists, that when they dyed, they went into a Certain Limbus or Prison, where they were detained, and had not an entrance into God's Kingdom, until Christ rose from the Dead: And it is as absurd for any to Imagin, that Believers generally, since Christ came in the Flesh [Page 37] after Death, have a greater or higher place, or are greater in the Kingdom of Glory, that is to come, than the prophets have, for it is most clear from Scripture, that Abra­ham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the Prophets are in that Kingdom of God, Luke 13, 28 29. And none can enter into the Kingdom of God hereafter, who have not known some beginning of entrance in to it here, in this World, See p. 136, 137.’ This affords much matter to comment on, and compare with what he hath delivered elsewhere, particular­ly in this very Book. 1. Moses, the Prophets and John were in the Kingdom, had Righte­ousness, Joy and Peace in the Holy Ghost, as well as any now: They and other Holy Men and Women were in the Kingdom of Grace, as well before Christ came in the Flesh, as since. How can that be? If Christ promised the Ho­ly Ghost PARTICULARLY to Believers in him, to such ONLY who believed in him, [...]ven Christ Crucified and Raised again, as he [...]sserts, p. 70. Could these Holy Men and Wo­ [...]en believe in Christ Crucified and Raised a­ [...]ain, before he was so? If not, How came they [...]y that Gift, which was annexed to such qua­ [...]fications, as they could not have? 2. They [...]ere not detained in a Limbus or Prison; it an absurdity in the Papists to suppose so, or at they had not an entrance into God's [...]ingdom, until Christ rose from the Dead, [...]ith he here. But in p. 71. that the Law thin made nothing perfect, until the Faith Christ, the one offering come to be revea­led, [Page 38] by which one offering he hath forever perfected, &c. Is an entrance then admini­stred into the Kingdom of Grace, by a Law that doth not make perfect? Or can Men have that before the one offering, which perfects, be Revealed, which is only to be had by the Re­velation of that one offering? 3. Whereas he asserts now, that none can enter into the Kingdom of God hereafter, who have n [...] known some beginning of entrance in this World, I ask, Can they enter by an imperfect Law? It is hard for Man to come up to the height of the Ability given, but can any ad­vance higher? If the Law be weak, are no [...] they weaker? Again, if Men must know some beginning of entrance here, then those Con­scientious Gentiles, such as Cornelius was be­fore Peter Preached to him, either had it her [...] (and can that be without the Holy Ghost? or they must have it there. If they have not, but must have it, when shall that be, i [...] a renewed Visitation, in some other Revolu­tion, or in Purgatory? A Medium let hi [...] find, if he can: And so I follow him to t [...] second Head.

2. Absurdities and Contradictions Promiscuo [...] Collected.

I now come to make my Observations some Absurduies and Contradictions inter wor [...] by way of Miscellany, as I find them occu [...] his late large Tract, entituled, Truth Adv [...] ­ced, in which (as in the foregoing) [...] [Page 39] keep to the order of the Pages, for the m [...]st part.

‘Some (he saith) expound the Herbs and Trees, given to Man for Food before the Fall, to be paradisical, Gen. 1. 29. And the Earth paradisical, distinct from this Gross visible Earth, called the Dry Land, [and adds] ‘So it will be to the raised Saints, at the Resurrection of the Dead, who shall live and dwell in that Garden, where Adam and Eve at first was placed, called The New Earth, Rev. 20. And though they shall have the Command and Rule of this Visible Earth, under Christ their Head, yet they shall need nothing in it, p. 24.’ By this it should seem, that this Visible Earth is to remain, though the Saints need nothing in it: Then not to be Burnt up and dissolved, with the Works that are therein, according to 2 Pet. 3. 10, 11. for what is burnt up and is dissolved, is no more Visible.

From an unproved assertion that, ‘The Bo­dy of Man had not this Grosness and Imper­section before the Fall’ [he draws this Infe­rence, that] ‘It is manifest, that the manner of Mans Generation or Propagation had been after a far more Excellent manner, than now it is, if the Fall had not been, p. 27. 28.’ But that is not Manifest, though he, Dictator like, saith it is; but needeth Proof.

‘It is certainly a great and hurtful Error for any to hold, that the outward and Visible Earth was not cursed for Mans sake,’ saith he, p. 32. Then I hope the Contrary is true, [Page 40] that the Earth was Cursed for Mans sake, But why, I pray? If ‘Man before the Fall was not made of the common Dust, but much more pure and Refined, than that which of which Mens Bodies were made since the Fall,’ as he tells us, p. 21. and also p. 117. and that ‘Paradice, where God placed Man, was no part of this Visible Earth, p. 16.’ Must the Earth suffer for what Man did in Paradi [...] when neither his Creation was out of he [...] but of a more pure and Refined Dust, nor his Sin committed in her? How could it affect her then? Is it equal she should suffer for what was done elsewhere, by one that had not his [...]ice out of her? Surely if his Notion were true, the Garden where he Trespassed, and out of the Dust whereof he was made, were more likely to be affected with Adams Sin, than this Visible Earth: For Gods way is equal, Ezek. 18. 25.

‘No Illumination (he saith) is able to save fully and perfectly with Eternal Salvation, but that which gives the Knowledge and Faith of Christ Crucified and Raised again, p. 40.’ Then those Jews and Gentiles, who dyed without it, either shall not be saved with eternal Salvation, or it must be revealed hereafter, according to the Doctrine of the Revolutionists: The latter seems to be his, by his supposing, ‘A middle state for some time only, until the Faith of Christ be re­vealed unto the [...] Souls, p. 44.’

In p. 97. he [...] hath it, ‘Both Christ's Resurrection Body, and the Resurrection [Page 41] Bodies of the Saints at their appearance, shall have no heaviness nor weight to encline them to the Globe of the Earth, as Christs Body Now in Heaven hath none—And in p. 98. They shall appear in some certain place a­bove the Globe of the Earth, over or above the Mount of Olives, where Christ ascended after he rose from the Dead. And though the Resurrection Body of a Saint, cannot be in all places at once, yet without doubt they can move from one place to another, at any distance, upwards or downwards, South, North, East or West, in the twinckling of an Eye, or according to the swiftness of a Thought, which is easy to understand, and such who know, that some of the Moveable Stars and Luminaries move some hundreds of Miles in less than one Minute of time, some of which are greater Bodies than the Globe of the the Earth.’ This Notion he would do well to Evince by plain Evidence of Holy Scriptures, and in Scripture Words and Terms, seeing he saith, it is only safe to keep thereto, P. 118. As such I leave it with him, and pro­ceed.

‘When their Resurrection Bodies shall be given unto them, then their inner white Gar­ments shall be Cloathed upon, as with an outward Garment, even as when a man that is Cloathed with a sine Linnen Shirt or Was­coat, putteth on another fine Garment above it, to which the words of Paul are to be referred, 2 Cor. 5. 1, 2, 3, 4. See p. 101.’ And in the next Page, as if he were proud of his [Page 42] Comparison, he goes on and tells us, ‘I shall not enlarge at present, nor further launch forth into THESE MYSTERIES, although I may safely say, more of these things have been in Part opened unto me, than I think fi [...] to declare, or can declare in Words,’ p. 102 Which, if they be no better than his Wast [...] Coat Mysteries, he may even keep them to him­self, and make the best of them: For he is Strange Man at Similes. Yet he will be ki [...] for rather than Men shall want cloaths at th [...] Resurrection, he hath provided them an upper and under Garment, a Shirt or Wastcoat, and fine Garment above it: So that they shall be doubly cloathed, which is more than his Text allows him.

As in p. 27. he had interpreted the Coats of Skins, wherewith God cloathed Adam and Eve after the Fail, to be a cloathing the Soul with the Righteousness of the Lamb, and the Body with the Skin and Flesh of this frail, mortal and corruptible Body (on which I made my Observations in my last Book, called, People called Quakers cleared, &c. p. 45.) now he improveth it thus, Within this bruial Skin of the gross Body that rotteth in the Grave, there is lodged the true Body of Man, that corrupteth not, and the gross Skin or visible Part is no essen­tial Part of the true Body, more then Dross is a Part of the Silver or Gold—but at the Resurrection of the Dead, nothing of the Drossy Part, that is brutal, shall arise, but only that which is proper to Man as Man, to wit, such as Adam had before the fall. So [Page 43] the Flesh that is gross, mortal and corrup­tible, is not that Flesh, that shall be raised up immortal and incorruptible, p. 113.’ This not only contradicts his own saying (Testimony against that absur'd Opinion, p. 3.) ‘That which riseth is the MORTAL, that putteth on immortality, and the corruptible which putteth on incorruption,’ but even the Apo­stle Paul, for he saith, this mortal shall put on immortality, 1 Cor. 15. 54. Now from what I have quoted above, I demand proof of him. First, That the frail, mortal and corruptible Body, which Adam had after the Fall, was not the Body he had before the Fall. Secondly, That the Body he had after the Fall riseth not, but that which he had before the Fall; for we must not take things upon trust from so unstable an Author.

In p. 115. he tells his Reader, where the ‘Separation is made between the pure and no­ble Part, and that drossy Part in Mans Body [viz.] In the Mystical and Invisible Machpe­lah, or Sepulchre in Hebron, in the Land of Israel, figuratively and mystically understood [and who it is to be] ‘bought of, viz. Of Ephron the Dust-Eater, [and at what price, viz.] ‘400. pieces of Silver, i. e. by so ma­ny Vertues [and adds in the next Page] that in the mystical Land of Israel, all the dead Bodies of the Saints shall be raised up, and stand with the Lamb upon Mount Zion, to wit, not the literal Zion, but the Mystical [But foreseeing an Objection, viz.] How can these 400. pieces of Silver (signifying so many [Page 44] Vertues, be paid to Ephron the Dust-Eater, Ephron be the Devil, &c.’ [to this he very gravely Answers] ‘Things spoken by way of Allegory, and Parable are not strictly to be understood in every Circumstance.’ This is like himself, Dictator-like, when he pleases they shall; when otherwise they shall not be under­stood in every Circumstance: His Word must be a Law, else he will wrangle. Nay in th [...] very Place he will not bate an Ace of 400. Vertues, they must be just so many, ‘the num­ber 400. being (as he saith) produced of four, Answer to the four elemental Principles or Qualities of the Body, and the number 10. to the ten Commandments, and that again multiplied by other ten, because every one of the ten Commandments may be well under­stood to be branched forth into other ten.’ This is to impose not argue. If this be the Fruit of his being further enlightned, as he boasts (Ad­vertisement, p. 4.) I may safely say, surely the old is better, Luke 5. 39. what he learnt, when little and low, beyond these tow'ring Imagina­tions. But what Reason, I pray, save that G. Keith saith it, is there for straining the Alle­gory in one place, not in the other? Or why might not another multiply them by ten more, and so make 4000. of them?

Again, he saith, ‘The Graves that shall be opened at the Resurrection of the Dead, are not any visible Places on this Globe of the Earth [How will he prove that?’ I am sure his Friends he would now creep in with, are of another Mind] ‘but certain in visible places to [Page 45] our carnal Eyes—commonly (adds he) Men have two Graves, the first given them by Men, until the Separation be made betwixt the Kirnel and the Drossy Part, by Putrefacti­on (as suppose after a Year, or more or less) the second given them by God, who probably may use the Ministry of Angels therein.’ See Jude 9. saith he, p. 116, 117. Query, What becomes of the Body, after a Year or more, when the Separation is made betwixt the Kir­nel and Drossie Part? And what becomes of the Kirnel? Where is it bestowed till the Day of Judgment? Or to use his own Words, is only Belly, Guts, and Draught lest behind?

He goes on, ‘What is said of the Drossy Part belonging to Mens Bodies, called by Paul, Corruption, is no wise to be understood of the Body of Christ, which had no such part in it, but was altogether most Pure, and saw no Corruption, and therefore when the Sepul­chre was looked into, nothing was there to be found, but the Grave-cloaths, p. 117.’ From hence I observe, that the additional Cloathing which he makes Man to have received after the Fall, that which was not proper to Man as Man, viz. the Skin and Flesh of this srail, mortal, and corruptible Body, Christ partook of and [...] scended with (nothing was to be found in the Sepulchre, but the Grave cloaths) yet his Flesh not corrupt: But we leave that cloathing behind us, a Separation being made betwixt the Kirnel and the Drossy Part: How then shall our vile Bodies be changed, and fashioned like his glorious Body (accord­ing [Page 46] to Phil. 3. 21.) if we rise only with wh [...] is proper to Man as Man, and which Ada [...] had before the Fall, and Christ taketh both Is that (which he in us terms the brutal Part [...] so necessary an Appendix to Christs Body, a [...] not so to ours? Or are our vile Bodies, inste [...] of being fashioned like his glorious Body, l [...] behind unchanged? This 'tis to over-value [...] Mans self upon School Philosophy, and neglect [...] better Teacher: And I bring it, not as decla [...] ­tive of my own Faith either way, but as Argu­mentum ad hominem, against G. Keith.

‘That the Body of Man before the Fall ( [...] which he compares the Resurrection Bodies) were not made of this visible Earth, but [...] that Dust whereof is Gold, and the Stones of [...] Sapphires, Job 28. 6. compared with R [...] 21. 21.’ is another of his unproved Assertion Ibid. And yet p. 118. summing up his Ma [...] ­ter, he saith, ‘But against the Doctrine of t [...] Resurrection, as here delivered and open [...] by plain Evidence of Holy Scripture, and [...] Scripture Words and Terms, to which it [...] ONLY safe in this and in all other things, [...] keep close,’ some will be ready to Obje [...] Answ. Who these Objecters are, he hath not de­clared, nor perhaps can. We have been [...] far from so Objecting, that we have still ke [...] to it our selves, and rejected the contrary particularly in this very Controversie of the Re­surrection. And I am willing to join issue wi [...] him here, touching these very Notions he ha [...] so lately Broacht. Let him then give plain ev [...] ­dence from Scripture, and in Scripture Words a [...] [Page 47] Terms, that God cloathed Man, after the Fall, with the Skin and Flesh of this frail, mortal and corruptible Body; that there is a twofold Grave, one given by Man, the other given by God who may therein use the Ministry of An­gels; that it is to be bought of the Dust-Eater, the Devil, and the purchase 400 Vertues, an­swering to the four Elemental Principles, and the ten Commandments brancht forth into o­ther ten; that Man was not made of the com­mon Dust of this visible Earth; and that the Re­surrection—Bodies were to be made of the same. He that is so tart upon others, let us see how he will come off himself; for I demand Chap­ter and Verse for these Assertions of his. More I could instance in, but these lye next.

As he had said, p. 27. ‘It is not to be que­stioned, but the true Body of Man lieth with­in the Shell, Oar or Mine of this gross, hea­vy and corruptible Body, and that is it which shall be the Resurrection Body, at the Resur­rection of the Dead. So now he saith, Though Man-Eaters may eat the gross Part of Mans Body, yet that more subtile and invisi­ble Part, they cannot, nor can that which be­longs to one be given to another: hence by way of Allegory and Metaphor, it is called Bone in Scripture, Isa. 66. 14.’ See p. 119. Query, What is that gross part, the Man-Eaters may eat? Is it only the Belly, Guts and Draught, which p. 111. he tells us, Paul distinguisheth from the Body, saying, God will destroy the Bel­ly, but he doth not say he will destroy the Body? And what is the more subtile and ivisible Part? [Page 48] Is it that very Numerical Body that dyeth (without Belly, Guts and Draught) which he saith elsewhere, Man was cloathed with after the Fall. Or is it that Body, which he pre­tends is proper to Man as Man, and received before the Fall? Again, What is that Bone, he speaks of? Is it the Bone LUZ, he hath talkt of? Or what is it? If he will needs set up for a new Sect, between the received Opinion of the same Body of Flesh, Blood and Bones ri­sing, and our sticking to Scripture Words, that it is sown a natural Body, raised a spiritual Body, let him explain his terms.

Now let us hear him upon a new Subject, having treated from p. 122. of the new Heaven [...] and new Earth, promised to the Saints, in p. 124. he saith, ‘This new Earth is called Prov. 8. 26. The highest Part (Heb. Head) of the Dusts of the World. And Isa. 58. The high places of the Earth. All which (he tells us) cannot be understood of any visible places of the Earth’ [Why so? Because G. Keith saith it?] ‘And that it is called, Prov. 8. The Head of the Dusts of the World, doth plainly Point at the Excellency of it, for as Man is called in Scripture the little World, and the whole Creature, so the World may be called, and is so called by some, a great Man. Now though the lower Parts of this great Man (i. e. the World) are visible to our carnal Eyes, yet the Head or chief Part of i [...] is invisible to us, and will be until we attain to our Resurrection Bodies, but with Eyes suitable to our Resurrection Bodies, we shall both see it, and find our selves in [Page 49] it, &c. See p. 124, 125. [And then tells us] That in Scripture the Word Land or Earth—hath a Reference to a certain Place or Re­gion, above the Globe of this visible Earth, whither the Body of Christ is ascended, and whither the Bodies of the raised Saints, at the Resurrection of the Dead shall ascend, &c. Answ. That Prov. 8. and Isa. 58. speak of the new Heavens, and the new Earth, he would enforce, Ibid. from the Terms high and highest Part of the Earth, alledging the visible Mountains are but like Moles in a Face, and from the Excellency of it. But what of all that? The Hills are the highest places in respect of the Valleys, and a Mole in a Mans Face, is a ri­sing there, and higher than the rest? as well as that one part of the Earth excells another. Was not Canaan, the Land he had espied for Israel, the Glory of all Lands, Ezek. 20. 6. Or is there no transcendency, no excellency to be allowed to one part of the visible Creation before another, but we must needs confound it with the new Earth? Again I observe that, with him, This new Earth is part of the old Earth, the lower Parts of this great Man (the World) are vi­sible; the other, the Head or Chief Part, invi­sible. Whence will he pretend to deduce his Proof hereof, viz. That the new Earth was part of the old? Will he do it by plain evi­dence of Holy Scripture, and in Scripture Words and Terms, to which he said in p. 118. it is only safe to keep? Or will he dig into the Ditch of that called Philosophy (a Phrase of his own) to make it out? And whereas he tells [Page 50] us, that the Word Land or Earth in Scripture hath reference to a certain Place or Region, above the Globe of this visible Earth, whither Christ is ascended, and the Saints Bodies shall ascend, why doth he not give his Reader Chapter and Verse, where it is so said, that he may see whither cogent or aptly applied, or no?

From p. 125. to p. 127. he infers the long Life of those within the Millenium, or thousand Years, from Isa. 65. 20, 21, 22. saying p. 126. ‘The Age of Men shall be exceedingly pro­longed beyond what it is now, even as it was in that Time before the Flood [Again] Whereas it is promised, As are the Days of [...] Tree, so are the Days of my People, I do well remember, that Justin Martyr, in his Dia­logue with Tryphon the Jew, saith, 'That they should be read, As are the Days of the Tree of Life, so are the Days of my People which do relate to Adams Paradisical Estate before the Fall (saith G. Keith) for if Adam had not sinned, he had never dyed the Bodily Death, &c. p. 127.’ What is this but to confound long Life with Eternity, and that out of the same Text? Especially considering, tha [...] in that very verse it is said, They shall not build and another inhabit: they shall not eat, and ano­ther plant; for as the days of a Tree, are the days of my People, Isa. 65. 22. Doth he think what they built and planted while here, they should inhabit in, and eat of hereafter?

Looking back upon p. 126. towards the bottom, I find this Passage, viz. ‘The raised Saints shall need neither’ Candle nor Light of [Page 51] the Sun, even to their bodily Eyes, as A­dam, before his Fall needed no Light of the Candle, or of the Sun, &c. Answ. This [...] gratis dictum that Adam, before the Fall, [...]eeded not either Light of the Candle or Sun, [...]or have we plain Evidence of Holy Scripture for [...], or so much as Scripture Words or Terms, [...]hich he, even now, said it is only safe to keep [...]. That the raised Saints, as to their bodily [...]yes, shall not need it, is ejusdem farinae; for [...] is the Sight, so the Object: And it is not to [...] questioned, but they shall be in as good a [...]ondition, as ever Adam was before the Fall, [...]d may be inferred that their Opticks, if the [...]me (which lies upon him to prove) will be as enetrating, as ever his were, before he fell.

To an Objection, That 'As the Manna was not to be gathered on the Sabbath-day, &c. [...]o in the Time of the 1000 Years, or great Sabbath—there is no possibility of Conversi­on to any, who have not been formerly con­ [...]erted [he Answers] It doth well enough prove, that there is no possibility of Conver­sion to any, who have formerly lived in the World, and neglected their Time of Grace and Salvation, which they once had—it is [...]ain for any such to expect to live again, and [...]ave another Time of Grace and Salvation, [...]ut it doth not in the least prove that any [...]uch, who have not at any Time formerly [...]ived in the World, shall not have a Time of Grace, &c. This I bring as an Instance of his [...]ning to the Notion of the Revolutionists, which he cares not publickly to own: But if he [Page 52] did not believe Men might come into the World again, he might have said so, in Term­nis, and have answered the Objection directly without any Circumlocution. Nay he betray­eth what he had in reserve, in what follow where speaking of such as have been prevent from having the outward means of Salvation offer­ed, he adds, that God ‘doth well know to sup­ply what is wanting to any Part of Mankind in such Ways and Methods, and by so means as Men cannot comprehend.’ Now having been positive in p. 44. That Eternal L­and Salvation is ONLY to be had through [...] Faith and Knowledge of Christ crucified, &c. [...] must mean by [supply what is wanting] so [...] Visitation or Means of imparting that Fai [...] though the Modus, or Manner of doing it not exprest, which must be here by a renew [...] Visitation, and then it savours the Conceit the Revolutionists; or hereafter, and then more than borders upon that of Purgatory.

To his Notion, p. 152. of an outward [...] ­visible Antichrist, yet to come, who shall call him­self the Christ and Messiah, and deceive many f [...] Christians and Jews. I Reply, He had bett [...] look at home, for there Antichrist already [...] t [...]th and reigneth, even where Christ h [...] fare; and the House which was once sw [...] and garnished, is the unclean Spirit entre with other worse.

His alledging, that ‘None are truly a [...] properly Christians, but who are anoint [...] with some measure of that Heavenly An [...] ­ing of the Holy Spirit, that cometh fro [...] [Page 53] Christ, which none receive but through the Faith of Christ crucified and raised again, p. 167.’ I oppose to his saying, Appendix to Im­mediate Revelation, p. 243. that true Religon and Christianity may subsist without the History of Christ in the Letter, having already made my Remarks thereon elsewhere.

The next thing before me, is where he saith, We do not find, that God saw the second Days Work to be good, but it is said of all the rest, God saw that it was good, which may Mystically signifie unto us, the great Dege­neration of Mankind in the second Age, p. 172. Answ. I thought all Gods Works had been good, the second as well as the seventh. Is he of another Mind? Gen. 1. 31. tells us, God saw every thing that he had made, and behold it was very good, and adds, and the Evening and the Morning were the Sixth Day. So that very good is ascribed to the Six, which were in be­ing and among them the second was one, not to the seventh for that was not yet in being, nor mentioned in that Chapter. Is it not enough for him to be self-inconsistent, but he must endeavour to render the great Creator so too? Which must be, if he saw every thing that he had made to be very good, and had not seen the second Days Work to be so?

Well had it been for him, he could have ta­ken the Counsel he is so ready to give, viz. ‘Let none be hasty to embrace or reject any thing or things, that Men may bring forth as Openings or Discoveries of Divine Truth, beyond what is at present commonly made [Page 54] known; for Sathan is not wanting to trans­form himself; as if he were an Angel of Light and will be apt to intrude his Diabolical Sug­gestions and Devilish Doctrines, as if they were Divine Revelations, p. 159.’ Of wha [...] kind his are, they that walk in the Light, d [...] abundantly see and perceive, not without grie [...] on his behalf; which that others also may see and avoid the snare he warns of, while he mise­rably plungeth himself into it, are these exposed.

Thus Reader, hast thou presented unto thee as in a mirror or short Extract, some more o [...] G. Keith his Contradictions and Absurdities, a [...] promised in the Title, for thee to conside [...] from what Fountain they sprang, seeing the A­postle James saith, Doth a Fountain send forth at the same place, sweet and bitter, Chap. 3. ver 11. And now I shall consider his late Book, in Answer to Mine, called, The People called Qua­kers cleared by G. Keith, from the false Do­ctrines charged upon them by G. Keith, &c. wherein I had compared some of his Contradi­ctions together.

3. Reply to G. Keith 's Book, Entituled, Anti­christs and Sadducees detected, &c.

While I was Revising G. Keith's Books, and Antichrists and Saddu­ces detect­ed. digesting the Quotations for a further Service that might offer, knowing I had to do with a restless Adversary, who for all his pretences to want of Time and Ability of outward Estate, was uneasy under our Defences, out comes as Advertisement (in a news Paper called Pegasus Numb. 14.) subscribed, G. Keith, wherein [Page 55] he declares himself greatly injured, and badly and unjustly reflected on, in my Book entituled, Peo­ple called Quakers cleared, &c. and gives notice that after our Answer to his late Narrative (which he supposes, and might well suppose we would Answer) he purposeth, God willing, to in­timate another Meeting (with leave of Authority) at Turners-Hall, to Answer the Book, and de­tect (as he saith) the several gross Perversions and abusive Wrestings therein. But like a Man, that never knows how to hold long of one Mind, he at length puts it upon another (tho' in­deed more proper) issue, where I now meet him.

His Book, as by Title Page, is divided into three Parts, 1. An Answer to Caleb Pusey. 2. To me. 3. Postscript to the Pious and Learned in the Church of England, and among other Pro­testant Dissenters. I shall a little invert the Order, and begin with what affects my self, it being Relative to what precedes above, where having placed my Quotations according to their Dates and Pages, and the Title Pages of the Books in the Margin, the Reader may more easily recurr to them, when referred to in what follows.

He begins with me, p. 21. and entitules that Page 21. part, Some Remarks upon J. Penington 's late Book, Entituled, The People called Quakers cleared, &c. And G. Whitehead his Postscript, shewing some of their gross Perversions, falshoods and groundless Calumnies against G. Keith.

The Charge is high, now let us see how the Proof will answer. To my saying, that to the Meeting he appointed (at Turners Hall) [Page 56] our Consent was neither sought nor made neces­sary, he answers, They got timely notice, a Month before hand, and were desired to be present. Ans. That proves not, that our Consent was either sought or made necessary, for upon the Publicati­on of his Summons he leaves no room for that, but declares his full Intention to be there, and make good his Charge, whether we come or no (see Advertisement, p. 2.) nor doth his desiring us in former Prints, to consent to Time and Place, as alledged by him, evince that THIS Meeting was not appointed without our Con­sent sought or made necessary. What the Rea­sons of our refusal to meet him were, hath been already made publick, even by my self in my REFLECTIONS upon his Advertisment, where­to I referr, and proceed.

To my telling him (he saith their, in the Plural, as if he scorned to engage me single) that two Books lye upon him unanswered, to which he gave grounds to expect an Answer, he saith, First, Some of their own Church have sufficiently answered to shew the badness of their Cause, in that censure they gave against T. Ell­wood, &c. If this were true, that some had done so, for they are nameless, and at most give but their own Censure, and that but to a Passage or two, have they answered the Book in Print? Or if they had, would that excuse G. Keith? How willing is he to shift, when pinch­ed, and to lay hold of any Twig, like a drowning M [...]n (a Comparison he once used) to evade making good his Charge! But he hath a Second­ly, viz. that he hath offered to Answer them Viva [Page 57] voce, at a Meeting, alledging there is no end of answering them in Print, that few will be at the Pains to compare Book with Book, and that the Charge is too great for him. But why did he be­gin then with Printing, and not rather have exhibited his Charge at first Vivâ voce, if he esteemed that the best Method of Debate? But to do it now when he hath drawn us into the Press, and to expect we should do so too, is preposterous. Nay, why doth he now answer me in Print, seeing so few will be at the pains of comparing Book with Book, &c. as he al­ledgeth, and that he so lately proposed a Vivâ voce, vindicating himself against me, in his winged ADVERTISEMENT tagg'd to the Tail of Pegasus, but that he is so hampered with a bad cause, that he knows not which way to turn?

My Quotations, in the Book he now pre­tends to Answer, were 1. His vindicating our Principles from our common Adversaries. 2. His Contradictions in several Doctrinal Parts. To the first, he Answers, Such as I did think were their Principles, I did formerly vindicate. Nay, this will not shelter him, it was such as he KNEW to be so, and that from twenty eight Years Converse both Publick and Private, with the most Noted and Esteemed among them, in many Places of the World in Europe and Ame­rica, as he told C. Mather (and I cited him) Serious Appeal, p. 7. And among the rest were some of those very Books of G. Whitehead and W. Penn, out of which he hath since pickt Quarrels, brought in his Book of The Christian Faith, &c. [...]s Sound and Orthodox, and to convince our Op­posers, [Page 58] that it is and hath been our constant and firm belief to expect Salvation by the Man Christ Jesus, that was outwardly Crucified at Jerusalem (as in Title Page, and p. 16.) So that he now freely acknowledging (p. 22. of this Book) his shortness and mistake, with respect to the Prin­ciples of the Teachers among the Quakers univer­sally, and the Principles of G. Whitehead and W. Penn, as it is to introduce a slander, so i [...] of no weight. The like he had said, Exact Narrative, p. 61. and would have me to tak [...] that for an answer to my Book, called, An A­postate Exposed, but I shall not so excuse him but put him upon answering the Book. If tha [...] alone might have served, why did he not p [...] me off so here, and give me no further answer to this Book of mine, I am now defending a­gainst his Remarks? Nor was I most uncharita­ble to him in alledging (as I did in my Last p. 10. and he in part Cites here) that he ma­nifested great hardness, who had so large, so long, so near and intimate Converse among Friends, now all of a sudden to give the lye t [...] all this, and deduce some of his pretended Pro­bations, out of the Books he had so newly com­mended and recommended? For that is a tr [...] State of the Case.

He goes on (in said p. 22.) maiming a Page 22. Quotation of mine out of him, and then insul­ting over me. I had it thus, ‘Seeing this true Faith is wrought in Gods ordinary way by Preaching, therefore the true Faith of Christ Death and Sufferings ought to be one of th [...] first and chiefest Things, that every true Mi­nister [Page 59] ought to Preach’ [there he stops with an, &c. but had he quoted the rest, his Cavil had been out of Doors, which was thus] ‘and build up his Hearers in, in order to bring them to Communion with God and Christ in Spirit, and that they may witness God and Christ to dwell in them.’ Upon this he vaunts, saying, ‘It is my Lot to have to do with Men, that have neither so much true Logick, nor common Sense, as to understand what a true Contradiction is’ [then descanting upon the Words ONE OF THE FIRST, he adds a lit­tle lower] ‘It is no Contradiction to say, G. Whitehead was one of the first Quakers— G. Fox was the first Quaker.’ Well, I hope be­fore I have done with him further to mani­fest, as little as I pretend to Logick, that he hath really contradicted himself, and that not so much from the Words he so plaies up­on, as upon what follow, viz. [and build up his Hearers in Order to bring them into Com­munion with God and Christ, and that they may witness God and Christ to dwell in them] If this be true, that the Faith of Christs Death and Sufferings is that which brings into Com­munion with God, &c. the building up there­in, that whereby they witness God and Christ to dwell in them, then to be preached before the inward; but if it be true, that the Knowledge of Christs inward coming is the more needful and in the first Place, as being that by which the true and comfortable use of his outward coming is alone sufficiently understood; as he asserted, Way to the City of God, p. 3. and I cited him in my [Page 60] p. 12. Then the Inward to be Preached before the Outward. And this is a Contradiction.

But for the better understanding of the Case, the Distinction betwixt General Religion and Chri­stian Religion (he saith) is to be considered, which Distinction I have used (adds he) in my Book, called, Divine Immediate Revelation and Inspi­ration, &c. Answ. I am beholden to him for this Reference, out of a Book I had not read before; for it not only helpeth me to fresh Pas­sages in General, but even here it makes for me, not for him. For in p. 45. he saith, ‘The Scriptures do witness abundantly concerning such an experimental and spiritually sensible Knowledge of God, which is perceived in a most inward Union and Communion of the Soul with God, and in a certain intellectual and spiritual Contact, or Touch, of which not only Plato and Plotin, and others among those called Philosophers, but the Apostles a­mong the Christians, have largely made men­tion.’ Hence I query, What Religion theirs was, that of Plato, Plotin and the Heathen Phi­losophers? General Religion, or the Christian Religion? Again, what the most inward Uni­on of their Souls with God, that spiritual Contact, or Touch, that spiritual, sensible Knowledge of God, he allows them to have witnessed; was it with or without the Holy Ghost, seeing as yet Jesus was not so much as born in the Outward?

In p. 23. He saith, It most evidently appears from the express Words of my Book of Universal Page 23. Grace, p. 120. That I did not then hold, that [Page 61] the Light within was sufficient to Salvation without any thing else, as without Christs outward Coming, &c. Answ. It will sufficiently appear, to them who duly consult the place, that (even according to G. Keith) ‘the other Nations [viz. the Gentiles] were not destitute of the main and principal thing, even of the Manifestation of the Light and Spirit of the Son in their Hearts, and that those that did improve it, did both know the Lord and his Laws, and were JUSTIFIED through Faith in him, &c. And it will also appear to such as will cast an Eye upon what he hath said, no longer ago than in the Year, 1691. in his Presb. and Ind. Chur. p 116. that he then held, that ‘It is no less than real Blasphemy, to say, that the Light within is not sufficient, to give that Knowledge of God that is neces­sary unto Salvation.’ Now if this doth not depretiate the blessed Effects of Christs out­ward Coming, when delivered by G. Keith (which is the Scope of what he offers in the Page under my Consideration) why must it be rendred so to do, when delivered (as he sug­gests) by us, except to gratifie his rancour, who will allow that Exposition to his own Words, he denies to others?

In page 24. He makes my Charge to be, Page 24. That he did formerly hold that Christs inward coming saves, where the outward is unknown, in which he renders me guilty of gross Forgery and Perversion (for he seldom Charges lower in any thing that affects himself) of Forgery, seeing I cite no passage out of any of his Books, [Page 62] where he expresseth these words, Where the outward is unknown, &c. But is it Forgery to give his words without a Citation? If so, it is his own beloved Crime. Yet had he but turned over the next Leaf in my Book, and minded what he read, he might have found, that I bring him in saying, The outward Coming, sufferings and Death of Christ, may have and hath a true and real influence, upon them who know it not ex­presly. Again, Why may not many receive an ad­vantage by Christ, the second Adam's Obedience. even in the outward, who never knew it expresly, &c. This might have shut his Cavil out of Doors, had it not been so Natural to him to Wrangle.

He adds, They (for that is the word he useth, when he brings any thing out of my Book) are guilty of grosly Perverting my words and sense, as if I did hold, that Christs inward coming saves, with Eternal Salvation, without all Knowledge of Christs outward coming. What means he by the tearm, Eternal Salvation (which yet were none of my words) are not all that are saved here, saved with Eternal Salvation? Or must they be fitted in Purgatory, or in some other Revolution.?

But he is offended that the words explicit and implicit (which I find not but in his late Books) are by me called a late Distinction, saying, The place of his Book, cited by me, saith no such thing, yet acknowledgeth, that in divers of his late Books he hath distinguished betwixt the express and implicit Knowledge, &c. But hath he made that distinction formerly? if not it is a late di­stinction: [Page 63] His alledging that it is implyed, that though not exprest, yet was really understood by him, is idle, for it is not what he understands, but what he gives us to understand, what he de­clares, that is properly called his Distinction. But he Vindicates it, as what all true and Or­thodox Christians hold (though he names none) as well as infers it from Eph. 3. 6. Which is wide from the purpose. The Apostle tells, v. 5. That it was not made known as it is now. How? Not expresly, but implicitely? That he saith not, although G. Keith doth, who in p. 25. from Rom. 16. 25, 26. queries, Now what is made manifest, but Express? And what is kept secret, but Implicit? So then, if the Reader page, 25. would know what implicit means, G. Keith re­solves him, it is what is kept secret. I thought it had not deserved to be called Knowledge, while kept secret, while not manifest, but that the opening, the unvailing, the revealing a thing gives me to know it; but this Profound Mystick hath got a new knack of expounding words, and interpreting the Scriptures, as if Men were saved by a knowledge kept secret from them.

He queries, Why will they not allow it (the tearm implicit) as well with respect to the know­ledge of Christ without us, as of Christ within us? Answer, I gave him no occasion thus to ob­ject, yet reply, because the knowledg of Christ within, is immediate, by a divine sensation; the other not always so.

Now from my following words, That G. Keith's distinction was to serve a turn (which [Page 64] he falsly chargeth upon G. Whitehead, who was not concerned in my Book, otherwise than i [...] his Postscript, as if he thought me too mean to wreak his Spite at) he falls upon G. White­head for excusing a passage of G. Fox's, which himself had defended, Serious Appeal, p. 60. And also others excusing Is. Penington saying Can outward Blood Cleanse? The drift where­of is to prove, what we readily grant him that when our Friends sense hath been per­verted, we have Distinguished. My Objection against him, was that his were not cogent will he Object the same, let him detect them as I have done his. Yet I cannot but take notice of that passage of my Fathers [Can outward Blood Cleanse?] for it seems droppe [...] by him, as with a design of mischief. When I shall take occasion to add, That my Father denied not the attonement made by Christ offering up his Blood in the outward, to such as received him into their Souls, but acknow­ledged the remission of his Sins thereby, a [...] may be seen in his Book, stiled, Flesh and Blood of Christ, both in the Mystery, and in the outward &c. Printed in his works, Part. 2. p. 180. And that G. Keith well knew him to be a true believe in the Lord Jesus, and a sincere Lover of him even the Crucified Jesus, himself hath declared Serious Appeal, p. 25. Alike mischievous is he in Insinuating G. Whitehead his excusing Solomon Eccles his Blasphemy (as he terms it) in saying The Blood that came out of Christs Side, was no more than the Blood of another Saint. Though G. Whitehead sought to Evince that S. Eccles' [...] [Page 65] meaning was better than his words, yet he also declared, that he did not make S. Eccles's Expressions therein (especially as Construed by our Adversaries) to be an Article of our Faith (See Light and Life, p. 59.) To this, being former­ly alledged by G. Keith, hath T. Ellwood an­swered in Truth Defended, p. 111. Which G. Keith takes no notice of, but renews his Slan­der, as if it had been new, so unfair an Ad­versary is he.

From my arguing, That the word Express, [...]s a word of Course with him, and of no force, from his using it, even with respect to A­dams Posterity, suffering disadvantage by his Disobedience, who never knew it expresly, [...]hat of them that knew it not at all, neither [...]mplicitely nor explicitely, there have perished, [...]e not only puts me upon the Proof, but re­ [...]cts Page 15. it as False and Fictitious, p 26. The which, [...]lthough I account an impertinent Cavil, and [...]emonstrative on its self, to any but a Captious [...]erson; yet from his asserting, Universal Grace, [...] 117. That the knowledge of Christ in the out­ward, is not of necessity unto Salvation, save only [...]here it is revealed, I argue, How much less [...]ecessary then is the knowledge of the first Adam's coming in the outward, to man's Dam­ [...]ation? Must the Deaf and Dumb, who Die [...]n penitent, needs have a discovery from God [...]ther explicitely or implicitely, that Adam had [...]inned, in order to their Condemnation? Or it not sufficient, that they have Transgres­ [...]d the Holy Law in themselves? That they themselves have Sinned?

[Page 66] To enforce it, he adds, That it is evident from the Heathen Philosophers writings (who? and where?) and particularly from Plato (where?) that they knew, at least implicitely, the Fall of Man, &c. Supposing this to be true of SOME, what follows? That they ALL knew it? Sure­ly not so: Therefore let him, who is so brisk upon me for a Proof, calling my assertion False and Fictitious, prove his own, viz. That all knew it, either explicitely or im­plicitely.

He adds, How can any impartial Reader that Reads my Books, when I so oft restri [...] the Words with the Terms, Express, cle­distinct Knowledge, Historical, outward Knowledg [...] (And so he leaves his Sentence imperfect wit [...] a fally, to tell how intimate R. B, and [...] were, what Discourses they had, &c. A [...] which, as they bespeak his Vanity, and seen introduced to get an esteem to his Cause, from the Credit of such a Collegue, so they depend­ing upon no better evidence than his own have no weight with me) To the other I an­swer, what occasion he had to use these words I know not, but it might be the Terms of hi [...] Opponent, to which he, as Respondent was tyed for I find it was so, with respect to R. Gord [...] who had that word [Express] as well as i [...] that of Universal Grace.

From G. Keith his acknowledging, that ma­ny of them who knew something of Christ outward coming, that it was very darkly, a [...] under Vails and Figures, and his having e [...] ­cepted others, the many thousands, he saith [Page 67] were saved before Christs coming in the out­ward, and my thence inferring, There is no medium between knowing very darkly in Vails and Figures (implicitely in a very obscure degree.) And not knowing at all, as in my p. 15 He to confute any Ignorance (for he calls it both Nonsensical and Ignorant) saith, ‘Is there no Medium be­tween knowing very darkly, and not know­ing at all? Is the Particle or little word [very] Superlative in the highest Degree? Or is it not rather Comparative? Is there no Medium betwixt a Mans being very Igno­rant, and knowing nothing at all?’ Answer, I know no difference betwixt being very Igno­rant, and knowing not at all, nothing of that where­of he is very Ignorant: For where's the mid­dle between knowledge that is very dark, and not knowing at all? The knowing a thing very darkly and under Vails and Figures, being the lowest degree of knowledge, as well as the lowest means of knowing, the next step is not knowing at all. That is implicit know­ledge in the remotest sense; what is below this, is Ignorance: But Envy and Malice is worse than both. For he is not satisfyed with filing it upon my Score only, but he must render it as G. Whitehead's Logick, who hath either writ this Book, that I answer, saith G. Keith, or ap­proved it, and Concludeth, Therefore G. White­head is as Ignorant in true Logick, as in true Divinity. Answer, If I had committed a trip (which he hath not proved against me, for all his bluster) what is that to G. Whitehead's Lo­gick or Divinity? Is he so Hawk-eyed, as no [Page 68] false Logick can scape him, but he can espy at once hearing a Book Read, for a second G. Whitehead had not till it came in Print? O [...] is he not rather herein like Hamman, wh [...] thought scorn to lay Hands on Mordecai alone, bu [...] sought to destroy all the Jews? Esth. 3, [...] And yet at last, the passage remains sound and unshaken, notwithstanding all his Cavils.

To prove Forgery and Perversion upon me for making him say, Men have been saved with­out the express Knowledge of Christs outward com­ing, but not of his inward coming, he saith, Ma­ny have felt and enjoyed the Blessed Vertue and Power of Christ, within them, and so have ha [...] an implicit Knowledge of it, &c. He that reflected upon G. Whitehead's Logick and Divi­nity, even now, what is become of his own▪ Is the Knowledge received by Divine sensa­tion, the knowing the Vertue and Power o [...] Christ to save from Sin, by its Vertuous and Powerful operation in them, an implicit know­ledge? Is knowing a Tree by its Fruits, a [...] express or implicit Knowledge, that it is good▪ But he renders it implicit, because not know [...] by the express Names of Jesus and Christ. An­swer, They knew the thing expresly, the out­ward name not at all, not so much as impli­citely; They knew that which saved, but it is not the meer outward Name, that saves, said G. Keith, Universal Grace, p. 115

In the next place let us hear his Appeal to the School-Boys, it is to be hoped his own Scholars will give it for him. Let any Shcol-Boy, or Tyro, or Person of common sense, Judge, [Page 69] saith he, p. 27.) if these two Propositions, The express Knowledge and Faith of Christ is not Page 27. necessary to all that shall be saved; Some Know­ledge and Faith of Christ, is necessary to all that [...]all be saved, be Contradictory. Answer, He [...]aries the Terms to mislead his Reader; in [...]e one he hath it, the Express knowledge, in [...]e other some knowledge, and the word express [...]ft out. However his own Scholars might [...]verlook this, perhaps being taught no better, [...]t least from their Masters Example, yet with confiderate Men this will gain him no Cre­ [...]t. For would he have beeen fair, he should wholly have left out [Express] in the first [...] inserted them in both. But I shall state [...]e Case, de novo, and that more agreeable to [...]s own Positions, whether to say, True Reli­gion and Christianity may subsist without the know­ledge of Christ in the Letter, and to say, Faith Christ Jesus, as he came without us in the Flesh, [...]d Died, &c. Is necessary to make a true Chri­stian, be Contradictory. And I the rather put for that he hath Galloped from p. 15. to p. 23. my Book, and left several citations of mine, [...]d these two just now cited (which were in [...] p 20. and p. 21.) behind him. A demonstrati­ [...] he cared not to cope with them, but had ra­ther catch at a passage, mistate it, and so go off. To my citations out of two of his former [...]oks (where he allowed, that the true and [...]NLY Method to bring People into the Faith [...] acknowledgment of the Christian Religi­on, was first to inform them of an universal in­ [...]rd Principle, which would, when this Founda­tion [Page 70] was laid, bring them to own the Scripture and what Christ did and suffered, &c. And tha [...] the contrary was not good order and me­thod) he grants it here p. 27. but with a re­serve and limitation, saying, What is necessary in the first place, to be Preached to them that hav [...] little or no true Knowledge of God, or of an inward Principle, is one thing; and what is first to [...] Preached in order to bring Men to the Christian Faith and Religion more immediately and pro [...] ­mately, is another. Answer, When he said ( [...] I cited him in my p. 23.) ‘This is the tr [...] method and order, which the Lord h [...] taught us to hold forth unto People— [...] the first place to point and turn their min [...] unto the Light of Jesus Christ, &c. Aga­in my p. 24. ‘It is for want of this true or­der in Preaching of the Gospel, that m [...] have had so little success hitherto, &c. W [...] he writing to some Preachers, that were [...] ­ing into the Indies, among the Heathen, or [...] his own Country-Men, that lived among [...] Did we hold it forth, to be Preacht in [...] first place, with a restriction to those pa [...] of the World, where the outward was [...] revealed, or indefinitely? Besides, if to [...] Gentiles it was to be Preached in the first pla [...] as that which would give them the knowledge of the outward, why not to the Christia [...] who are attained to a belief of the outwards yet too many undervalue the inward, seei [...] such as have had a belief of the outward, w [...] be confirmed therein by the inward, as w [...] as others taught it, who had not known it befo [...] even as himself hath confessed.

[Page 71] He conculdes, What do my Adversaries bring against me on this Head, to prove my self Contradiction? Nothing at all (saith he) therefore they shew themselves stronger in falsly accusing, than in justly proving, adds he.’ Answer, Had he not been stronger in falsly accusing, then became him, he had not thus falsly accused me: For I proved his self-Contradiction, and told him where, viz. In Nameless Bull, p. 10. 11. Which I had quoted before, in my p. 11. It is true, I did not there give the words at length (having done it before) but I gave the Title and Page of his Book, and referred to my having already given it, in that very Book. So that he hath Slandered me wittingly.

In p. 29. of my Book, I compared his say­ing, It is not the meer outward name that sav­eth, but the Life, the Power of Christ that quick­ens, cleanseth and purifieth, & by this they might be saved, for it is the Life that saveth, Rom. 5. 10. With a Friends saying, as himself gives it, that the Blood which cleanseth from all Sin, was the Life, and the Life was the Light, which he then termed a perverse Exposition, and called the Friend, Bold, Ignorant Soul, and I deemed as authentick, as G. Keith his saying the same. Under this he is uneasy, and having skipped many pungent places, from p. 25. to 29. to come at it, whereto he forgets ever to return, such a Slippery Adversary have I to deal with, he Labours as to justify his own, so to brand the Friends words. For himself he pleads, p. 28. He doth not in the least Re­member, Page 28. that ever he gave that Exposition on 1 Jo. [Page 72] 1. 7. And perhaps, when Examined, the Friend may say, He doth not in the least remember, he ever did so. But hath G. Keith never un­duly applyed places of Scripture, to defend things that were Truths, but did not really prove these Truths, either by express Words or proper Conse­quence? Let him Consult what himself hath acknowledged, True Copy, p. 18. If so, why so harsh upon the Friend? Had he then retra­cted those Errors (or hath he done it yet?) when he fell so roughly upon the other? Or hath he forgot what Christ said to such an one? Thou Hypocrite, First cast out the Beam out of thy own Eye, &c. Matt. 7. 5. Thus much o the exposition, Now to the Doctrine it self. Is it true Doctrine that the Life Cleanseth? G. Keith hath said it; the Friend hath said it. Charity makes the best Construction: But G. Keith's Charity begins at home, and ends there too, for he reserves none for his Neighbour. If I had said nothing but the Life within saveth or cleanseth from all Sin, they might have justly so argued (saith G. Keith on his own behalf) if the Friend had said nothing, but the Life within saves, &c. G. Keith might have justly so argued, say I. He goes on, There are seve­ral Concurrent Causes in the great Work of our Salvation, and cleansing from Sin, which though agreeing in one Harmony, yet one Cause is not the other, therefore their Argument is Vain and False. Answer, Argument I made none, but compa­rison of sentence with sentence, nor do I yet see wherein the Friend could be unfound, if G. Keith be found, for this explication is as ap­plicable to the one as to the other.

[Page 73] My quoting him, [Though Prophets and A­postles preached him [Christ] as in the form of a Man, yet they Preached him also, and that more generally, as a Light to the Gen­tiles, yea and to Jews also] he terms a false and perverse sense, upon the word more gene­rally, as if he did signify by it, more frequently, which (he saith) he did not, but by more generally, that he did and doth understand that his inward appearance was more general than his outward, therefore what was in it self more general, they Preacht to be so: And then tells us, how much oftner they Preached his outward than inward appearance, wherein he saith not true. Now that this is a false Gloss, and shews he wants Sincerity, the words and his sense then plain­ly intimating that more generally had relation to Preaching not appearance will appear upon consulting the place, Light of Truth, p. 16, 17. In order whereto, let us recur to the Spring, to the Objection his Adversary raised, which was not that Christs inward appearance was more general than his outward, but that our saying (as the place hath it) That Christ was sometimes Preached as Crucified, to the Jews, but MORE GENERALLY a Light to the Gen­tiles, inferred two Christs, which G. Keith tells him is a most pitious and abominable wresting of those words, and that though the Prophets and A­postles preached him, as in the form of a Man, yet they Preached him also, and that more gene­rally as a Light to the Gentiles, yea and to the Jews also. Here is never a word (either in Op­ponent or Respondent) that his inward ap­pearance [Page 74] was more general than his outward, that what was in it self more general they Preach­ed to be so (which G. Keith would now foist in) but as the SOMETIMES related to his being Preached as Crucified, to the Jews, so the MORE GENERALLY as a Light to the Gentiles, was also restricted to the so Preaching him, yet with this addition that G. Keith then allowed it, yet further, that it was more generally Preached to both Jew and Gentile. A Con­tradiction had been more excusable, than such a deceitful Cover.

His Secondly cites no Page of mine in par­ticular, but hath a general reference from p. 15. to 33. (which gives him scope, to skip as he pleaseth) They perversly infer, saith he, from my words, that whereas I formerly made the know­ledge and Faith of the History of Christs outward coming, not Essential to Religion, now I did make it Essential. This he accounts Palpable Forgery, denies any of the citations I bring prove it, and at last recurs to his late distinction of implicit Knowledge and Faith. But this is a meer beg­ging of the question, that who were saved by the inward, had ALL of them the implicit Faith and Knowledge of the outward, not brought till of late, whatever he pretend of his understanding it so all a long, and is im­pugned by me, p. 14, 15. particularly from Luke 24. 10, 11. From whence I again argue, That the Disciples themselves were so far from having an implicit Faith in Christ, that he should Dye and rise again, that they dis­believed it, It seemed to them as idle Tales, and [Page 75] they believed them not, and that even after he had sent them out two and two, and the Devils had been subject to them, Chap. 10. ver. 1, and 17. If the Reader be disposed to cast an Eye back to my p. 15, to p. 33. he will yet more evidently see, I have not wronged him, and perhaps be convinced wherefore G. Keith drop­ped them.

To his Thirdly, Wherein he repeats his Notion concerning Cornelius, not having the Holy Ghost in his Gentile-State, &c. as it hath been large­ly treated of, in this very Tract, under my first Head, I referr thereto: Yet he persisting p. 29. to deny the Holy Ghost is in Wicked Men, or the pious Gentiles, and that none have Page 29. it but Believers in Christ crucified, and yet ac­knowledging the Word near to be Christ, an Administration of the Gospel to be given in all Ages of the World, the Spirit the same, the Rule the same, the Faith the same, (see Uni­versal Grace, p. 8. Immediate Revelation, p. 107, 108. Truths Defence, p. 70. forecited) shews he would divide Christ from his Spirit, and is contradictory. A further instance where­of take out of his Book of Divine Immediate Re­velation, p. 63. where he saith, Cornelius re­ceived the Spirit immediately and yet obtain­ed it FURTHER by means of Peter's Preach­ing:’ Whereas now he denieth he had the Ho­ly Ghost in his Gentile-State: But it is become habitual to him, since he turned from Truth, to contradict himself and his former Wri­tings.

To my Question, Whether any Prayer is [Page 76] heard by God, but what is put up by his Spirit? He Answers, Nay, but Servants and Pious Gen­tiles, such as Cornelius was in his Gentile-State, may be and are helped to Pray by the Spirit, ha­ving the influence of the first Ministration of the Spirit, which though remotely Preparatory, yet doth not instate the Soul into Union with the Spi­rit, &c. Whence had he this? Or how doth he prove, that Mens Souls are not in Union with the Spirit, when helped to pray by the Spirit? Surely, as there are Degrees of Mini­stration, so there are Degrees of Union, and Degrees of Acceptance, Diversities of Gifts, but the SAME Spirit, 1 Cor. 12. 4. But he goes on, And were not my Adversaries extream blind and ignorant, they might understand how the Apo­stle calleth one and the same Spirit, the Spirit of Servitude, and the Spirit of Adoption, Rom 8. 15. Doth he bring this for or against himself? If the Spirit, in the Son and the Servant, be one and the same Spirit, it must be the Holy Spirit: It is Everlastingly Holy in its self, Holy in e­very Operation and Ministration in Man; but in Degree, the Administrations differ, the Law must be passed under, before the Sonship is known; it is the Spirit of Holiness in every step, so denominated from its Effects, though the Sonship is not the first step.

He goes on, These Mens arguing that Men may be Eternally Saved, &c. who have no Faith or Knowledge of Christ without them, do sufficiently declare what Heathens they are, and of what little value they make the Faith and Knowledge of Christ Crucified, and that their Religion is nothing but [Page 77] Deism, &c. Answ. We do not believe that, that Faith is not necessary to Salvation to us, to whom the means of knowing it, is offered, but the contrary: But that, where it is not re­vealed, it is not of Necessity unto Salvation, G. Keith hath granted. There it is more than Deism, yea Christianity, for believing in the Light, they do believe in Christ. See Universal Grace, p. 117. and p. 30.

In his Fourthly, he cites a Passage of mine imperfectly, out of Rector Corrected, p. 150. and then makes his flourish. To a Question of the Rector of Arrow, whether the Light within sufficiently tells us, that the Messiah is come, born, had real Flesh, dyed, &c. G. Keith Answers, that it doth teach, That there is a God that crea­ted all things, that he is most Holy, Just, and Wise, a plentiful Rewarder of them that fear him, &c. and that these are AS NECESSARY Truths as any, &c. (See my p. 22.) Upon this I ar­gued (and G. Keith hath dropt both Quota­tion and Argument) If the Holy Ghost be given ONLY to the one Faith, not to the other, surely that one Faith must needs be the most necessary Faith. Now to the other part [that many, who never had the Scriptures, yet if faithful to the Light, whether they have not been ac­cepted, have not believed in the Light, by be­lieving in Christ, who is the Light] he que­ries, But where is my Contradiction here? Answ. Even in what I have cited above, and he hath craftily left out. He goes on, Did I ever say, That Men may believe in the Light, or Christ within, and never at any Time, from first to last [Page 78] believe in Christ without, either explicitely or impli­citely? For this they bring no Proof, and I believe they cannot, saith he. Answ. It was not the Rectors Question, Whether they that dyed with­out it, and had it not at first, should have it at last, in some other Revolution? Perhaps nei­ther of them dreamt of that Distinction, when the Book was wrote. Nor whether they should have it explicitely or implicitely, but whether the Light doth sufficiently tell it? He should in his Answer have made that Distinction, if he would have it allowed him now; but instead of that, to an indefinite Question, he gives an indefinite Answer, asserting there are Truths as ne­cessary that it doth teach, and that they that be­lieve in the Light [believe these necessary Truths thus revealed] believe in Christ, and are accepted.

I having in my p. 25, 26. cited G. Keith [That Eternal Life and Salvation is only to be had through the Knowledge and Faith of Christ Crucified—that this Faith is indispensibly ne­cessary to all—The Work of Sanctification ascribed in Scripture to Christs Blood and Suf­ferings, as well as to his inward Appearance, and to both indispensibly necessary, and to Faith therein.] I opposed them, p. 26, to 31. to his former sayings, G. Keith giving the go­by to the rest, toucheth upon this Passage [The Work of Sanctification, &c.] Thus we see plainly (saith he p. 30.) they place ALL up­on Page 30. Christ within, and NOTHING upon Christ without, and adds, O bold Antichristianism, &c! But he sees amiss, I did not here give Mine or [Page 79] my Friends Sentiments either way (that I had done before, p. 11.) but opposed G. Keith to G. Keith: Yet may now tell him, We do not place all upon Christ within, nor all upon Christ without; we do not divide Christ, but believe it was necessary that he should come, as well as that it was afterwards expedient, he should go away, and that the belief of both is a Duty, even in order to Salvation, where the means of having it, are afforded. And himself hath said, The Knowledge of Christs com­ing in the outward, is not of necessity to Salvation, save only where it is revealed: Which as it was one of the places among many other I cited (see my p. 30.) in Contradiction to the three Passages above; so had he no Reason to say here, But wherein I have contradicted that Asser­tion, they shew not; for I both shewed and di­rected my Reader to fourteen contradictory Assertions out of his Book of Universal Grace, from my p. 26, to 31. and declared p. 26. (immediately after the Quotation he brings) that I so brought them.

In his Sixthly, he creeps in at the Tail of a Citation of Mine [Nor is the outward Name that which saveth, but the inward Nature, Vertue, &c.] thus, But they no where shew how I contradict this. Answ. That is false, for it is one of these fourteen I mentioned even now. He goes on, I say still, it is not the outward Name either of God or Christ, that saveth without the inward Nature, Vertue and Power, which dwelt and dwells in all fulness in the Man Christ Jesus, &c. Here he falsifieth his own Quotation, as [Page 80] if there were no difference between saying, It is not the outward Name that saveth, BUT the inward Nature, &c. and saying, It is not the outward Name that saves WITHOUT the inward Nature, &c. So little doth he regard, what becomes a fair Adversary. Had he took my Sentence entire his Contradiction had been obvious. In Order to clear an Objection himself had raised, That there can be no Justifica­tion without Faith in Christ, but these Gentiles had not Faith in Christ, therefore, &c. he Answers by denying the second Proposition, thus, ‘If they did cleave unto, and believe in the Light they believe in Christ, for he is the Light nor is the outward Name that which saveth but the inward Nature, Virtue and Power signified thereby; which was made manifest in them, &c. So that here he ascribes Salva­tion in these Gentiles to the inward Work, who, according as stated on the Objection, were supposed not to have Faith in Christ, but they believing in the Light, he saith, they have, and so contradicts that other saying, alledged above, that the Faith of both the inward and outward coming, is indispensibly necessary to all.

He often laies to my Charge, that I bring no place to prove where he contradicts himself; but that is not true: He leaps over my Proofs, that he may not see them, picking here and there a Pas­sage, in reading over many Pages, and perhaps chuseth such, as lye most remote from my com­paring, wherein the Contradiction lies. So here (in his Seventhly) upon my quoting him, That these Gentiles (he leaves out, who did call [Page 81] upon the Name of the Lord, and were saved, and adds, which was not there, had the Gospel Preach­ed unto them, who goes on) were not under any outward Administration of the Gospel: And then al­ledgeth, I bring no place to prove where he con­tradicts this Assertion. I will tell him, Let him [...]ut read two Lines further, and it will direct him, where, viz. in Truth Advanced, p. 70. But guess, I ken his meaning, why he left out [did [...]all upon the Name of the Lord] and put [...]n [had the Gospel preached unto them] viz. that he might hook in the next Citation of Mine, which more touched him, without a particular Reply. For this was but a Proem to that, [...]here from the Apostles saying, They have not I obeyed, I shew he allows the very Gospel hath [...]een Preached unto all, otherwise (saith he) they [...]ould never have been charged with not having o­beyed it: And upon that, I put him to prove, [...]hat the History of Christs Birth, Crucifixion, &c. was ever preached to all, either explicite­ [...] or implicitely, seeing he saith, the very Go­ [...]pel hath been; and secondly, that such recei­ [...]ed not the Holy Ghost, as in p. 28. of Mine, [...] this like a Man? Or a Scholar? And that to [...]e he so vndervalues, as having neither true [...]ogick, nor common Sense? And whereas he [...]n Answer to the jumbled Quotation he brings) [...]lledgeth that the former Distinction will serve [...]re, of express and implicite, this is to affirm, [...]ot prove. If Time or Ability had not failed [...]im, surely it behoved him to have done it.

What he would have to be Noted, as if the [...]ain Branch of the Question were, of the Necessi­ty [Page 82] of our Faith in Christ crucified to our Salvation who are professed Christians, I do note, as a nota­ble slander, for Proof whereof he referring n [...] to his own Evidence (some where or other in his Exact Narrative, for he tells us not where) I Answer, I doubt not, but if there, the Rea­der will find it replied to, in the Answer to the Narrative.

How the most pious and upright among the Gen­tiles were saved by Faith in Christ Crucified, wh [...] had not Faith outwardly Preached, he now say may be one of these Secret things that belong to God and not to us, till he please to reveal it. Wh [...] doth he meddle with them then, and prov [...] quarrelsom about it? Why seek to comprehen [...] it, and describe it, by the City of Refuge, & [...] where he tells us, they are shut up as in a Custo­dy or Safeguard, till the Faith come to be re­vealed? But this 'tis to hold Notions, a Ma­dares not defend.

In his Eighthly, he brings me in thus quo­ting him, He [Christ] left not the other Nati­ons destitute of the main and principal Thing, eve [...] the Manifestation of the Light, &c. [I adde [...] there, which would have given them the Know­ledge of God, and of all his Laws and Statutes ne [...] ful to be known by them] Hereupon he Paraphr [...] se [...]h upon his own Words, main and principal thing, [...] think, he meant the Light within, com­pared with Christ without, he tells us, we deceive our selves. Answ. That it was such a Manifesta­tion as gave the Knowledge of God, and of all his Laws and Statutes needful to be known by them, are his own Words. And seeing the [...] [Page 83] were destitute of something, what was that they had not, and now have not, whence they are denominated Gentiles (that which he que­ried upon (as I instanced in my p. 31.) seeing it hath been so in Times past, why may it not be so now) but even that which we have, from whence we are denominated Christians?

From my Book he sallies to G. Whitehead's Postscript, whither I now follow him. His No­tion of the Revolutions I had deduced from what himself had laid down in his Book, called, Truth Advanced: The same G. Whitehead charg­es upon him from Personal Conference; to which in general G. Keith replies by referring to his Book, called Truth and Innocency Defen­ded (wherein the Reader may find he is rather Evasive than plain) and to his Appendix to the General History of the Quakers, without citing any Passage out of them, and then excepts against G. Whitehead's Evidence, from his Words, If I mistake not, adding in a Scoff, Is this like Infallible George Whitehead? See p. 31. Page 31. To which I Answer, The Words having been spoken about twelve Years ago, it be­came not G. Whitehead to be over Positive, as to every Circumstance, as whether it was the first Point in difference betwixt them, whether the Transmigration was to be of all Souls, or of some of them, and how many particular Scriptures he argued from, &c. but as to the Main he is Positive, I am sure, saith G. White­head, he argued for that Notion (of the Revo­lution of Humane Souls) in a Book of his in Ma­nuscript; which he shewed me before he went over [Page 84] into America, that he then disswaded him fr [...] Printing it, and withal that G. Keith told him since his return, he had brought it over with him, as in said Postscript, p. 50, 51. So that G. Keith's flourish is very Empty and Idle, G. Whitehead's Evidence being in so many respects full and po­sitive.

He goes on, If such a Manuscript were such a Crime in G. Keith, to render me an Apostate [I find no ground he hath so to suggest] and gone from Truth, why did not G. Whitehead give me Gospel Order, &c? Answ. I do not find but he did give Private Admonition, and tha [...] it had that Effect, as to disswade him from Printing it. But that every Error in Judgment should Anathematize a Man, and render his no Brother, especially while kept Private and not Divulged, he may see is not our way, by the friendly Correspondence afterwards hel [...] between G. Fox, G. Whitehead and him, which although he now make so ill an use of, as if i [...] were Hypocrisy in them, so to do, as to excu [...] his late calling G. Whitehead, Dear Geo. Whitehead, even when his Heart was not with him and his Brethren, but he had broke out int [...] Enmity and Prejudice; yet are not the Case Parallel.

But leaving G. Whitehead a while, let me return a little to the Book, saith G. Keith, which shews, he assigns the Book to another Author notwithstanding his former laying it to G. Whitehead. That which comes next is this Whereas G. Keith in an Answer to an Objection, that Adam dyed not that Day that he s [...] ­ned, [Page 85] &c. had alledged, that Adam not living a [...]pleat thousand Years, which in Scriptures signi­fies sometimes a Day, Psalm 90. It may be said, he lived not a whole Day, I replied, That this is a Principle of the Revolutionists is plain to all that know their Principles, and that it is his, is also ma­nifest [there G. Keith stops, but I go on] in that he gives it as one of the Answers to the Obje­ction. Upon this he Vaunts, saying, p. 32. Page 32. What lame Evidence and Argument is this? And then tells us, Justin Martyr, and many others, Worthy, Antient and Late Christian Writers held, that a thousand Years in Scripture sometimes signifie a Day (which they might for ought I know, for he thinks it enough to assert, without dire­cting us, where to find it) and at length gives us the same from Scripture. But all this will not help him, the Question is not whether a thousand Years doth not in Scripture sometimes signifie a Day; but whether it did so in that Place, where it is said to Adam, In the Day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely dye; and whe­ther giving that Interpretation there to that Ob­jection, did not involve him, in the Notion of the Revolutionists, who so construe the Place, and therefrom labour to defend their Notion.

Though he like not to be esteemed a favou­rer of Revolutionism, (telling us in the last Line of this Page, his not daring to defend it, did not proceed from fear of being defamed, but seeing he pretends to no such Assurance in the Case, &c.) Yet would he fain perswade us, we make Paul and Beza alike guilty in the Case of the Revoluti­ons, if the Words of Paul, Gal. 3. 22, 23. be but [Page 86] well considered. Answ. That that Place speaks of a State after Death, doth not appear, [...] G. Keith doth, in saying, ‘So that had they dyed in that State, they could not have pe­rished, even as the Man-slayer was safe in the City of Refuge;’ (Thus in my p. 33. I quoted him out of Truth Advanced, p. 43.) On the contrary the Author to the Hebrews saith, As i [...] it appointed unto Men once to dye, but after this the Judgment, so Christ was once offered, Heb. 9. 27, 28. So have I answered one Scripture by ano­ther. And now he need not say (as he here doth, p. 33.) Suppose that twelve Years ago I Page 33. was in an Error, will that prove that I hold them still? For his holding them still is proved by other Mediums, of which the Instance above i [...] one. Nor yet hath he cause to suggest, that it is too probable if G. Whitehead could have re­vealed any secret; that would have taken away his Life, he would have done it: For that is but a malicious Insinuation, what G. Whitehead de­clared being now no secret in it self, nor was it probable that what G. Keith communicated to him, and designed to Print, was imparted as a Secret.

Now we are come to my Fourth Head, of Christ and the Saints glorified Bodies, wherein I opposed G. Keith's Notion in Truth Advanced, p. 111. saying, Paul distinguisheth between the Belly and the Body, saying, God will destroy the Belly, but he doth not say, he will de­stroy the Body, for seeing after the Resurre­ction of the Dead, Men shall need none of the Meats of this corruptible World, nor shall [Page 87] they need a Belly to put them in, as Guts and Draught, or any gross Parts,’ as Men have [...]ow. This I represented as a very carnal Conception of the Resurrection, and opposed to his former Sentiments, wherein he declared the glorified Bodies both of Christ and the Saints to be wholly Spiritual. For indeed what Ana­loge is there between a spiritual Body, and that Body which is not to be destroyed, but only the Belly, Guts and Draught of it? Herein he seems well-deserving the Character of a Carnal Conceiver, which I fastned on him, and this Answers G. Keith's Query, Do these Words prove that I have Carnal Conceptions of the Resur­rection, like those Sadducees? To the second, Did not the Sadducees altogether deny the Resurrection? I Answer, Yes: Yet the Idea they conceived thereof, in such as did believe it, was very car­nal, witness their Instance in the seven Men that married one Woman: But upon a ground­less Presumption, that I had inferred his say­ing, that Men should have Belly, Guts and Draught after the Resurrection, which I never intended, he bestows his vulgar Rhetorick of Perversion and downright Forgery upon me, then refers p. 34. to his Book called Truth Advan­ced, Page 34. which I am willing enough the Reader should see, for there he will find more of the same Leaven, and lastly his Answer to the Bi­shop of Aberdeen's queries, which was Extant as he saith, thirty Years ago. Answ. His for­mer Sentiments therein being sound, (if they were so) doth not prove his latter were so: But that he hath contradicted himself, in this [Page 88] and other particulars, is too notorious, I doubt not, to such as have read my former, and [...] read these.

The next thing is concerning Water-Bap­tism and the Supper, wherein I shewed, tha [...] one while he pretended to be moderate in his Judgment concerning them, another while represented the [...] as abolished Shadows, and leg [...] Rites buried, and not to be raised up again, as i [...] my p. 35, to 42. More Instances I could give but I reserve them till further Service calls fo [...] them, these being shifted by him; though up­on occasion of my opposing some of his Que­ries (in Truth Advanced, p. 183, 184.) t [...] his declared contradictory Sense formerly [...] alledgeth, that they were simply proposed by hi [...] as Queries, and plainly distinguished from Positi­ons, and that at Turners-Hall some made the excuse, They did but Query. Answ. That Ac­count or Narrative of what passed at Turners-Hall, being given by himself, who is a Party and none of the fairest Adversaries, I dare not con­fide in, and therefore apply my self to himself thus, That if I did believe he would deny there were affirmative Interrogatives, Queries in the Nature of Affirmations, I would hunt for a pas­sage I lately saw in a Book of his, that would give it against him. For that these were so, coupled with Positions, not distinguished from them, is plain in that they were proposed, as tending to Love, Peace and Unity among the Sincere Professors of the Lord Jesus Christ (see Truth Advanced, p. 173.) which if he will not be bound by, what are they brought for, or [Page 89] what a slippery Chapman will these Men have of him? But to go on, from his adding of these Sincere Professors, that they held the Head, and Build on the true Foundation, and yet differ in some lesser Matters: I observed, that at the same Time no Epithets were (with him) black enough upon his quondam Friends, whom he sometimes boasts he hath been up­wards of thirty Years amongst. G. Keith ta­king hold of that Passage [hold the Head, and build on the true Foundation] and giving the other the slip, renders us so unchristianly un­charitable (as he saith, we too evidently shew we are) as to judge none in Christendom differing from us in Profession, hold the Head, or are Sin­cere Professors of the Lord Jesus Christ, but we only. But he runs too fast, and in his Preju­dice outruns himself. We do not so judge, though he, while so unchristianly uncharitable (they are his own Words) to his quondam Friends, and yet seeking to claw with others, that he might Nest somewhere, deserved that rebuke.

Now let us hear what a kind of Retractation he makes. The Reader may perhaps expect some great matter, if he be enformed, what large Notice he hath given before hand, above a twelve Month ago, and how he bespoke his own Praise in the being free to do it. For in his Book, called, True Copy (Dated in the third Month, 1695.) in Order to introduce what he called, A short List of the Vile and gross Errors of G. Whitehead, J. Whitehead, W. Penn, &c. he ‘freely acknowledgeth, that upon a re­view [Page 90] of his former Books of Immediate Reve­lation, Universal Grace, Rector Corrected, and Truth defended, he hath found some Passages and Words, that not only need some further Explanation, but even in some Part an Emenda­tion and Correction: And thanks Almighty God, that has not only given him to see them, but has given him that Humility of Heart, Love to Truth, and regard to the Salvation of Souls, that he can freely both acknowledge and correct his former Mistakes, after the ex­ample of some worthy Ancients, True Copy, p. 17.’ What could be expected from hence, but something besides flourish, from such as did not know G. Keith, especially considering he hath took Time for it? All he gives is this, I am not ashamed (says he here, p. 34, 35.) to own my general Mistakes, I have been under, concerning divers Places of Scriptures, particularly Relative to Water-Baptism and the Supper, as Mat. 28. 19. and 1 Cor. 11. 26. And some other Places of Scripture, relative to some other Matters, especially in the Misapplication of some Places, to prove certain Truths, which these Places did not prove—And I am so far from being ashamed to Publish this Confession, that I have great Peace and Joy in it. Answ. This Confession is as Lame, as he pretends in another Place G. Whitehead's Evidence to be; but two particular Scriptures named, the rest General, as if he designed a reserve, when more of his Contradictions are laid open, who notwithstanding the Joy and Peace he pretends to have in his Publication, is very uneasily drawn to this little, and perhaps, [Page 91] had not I forced him to it by exposing of him, had stayed yet another twelve Month, before he had given them, which yet Falls abundant­ly short of what was proposed in his True Copy, no Emendation or Correction being yet extant to those four Books, he there both promised to exhibit, and assigned as needing them. Thus Parturiunt montes, nascitur ridiculus mus: All G. Keith's empty crack ends in a Ridiculous Boast.

I shall follow him upon this subject, though he unseasonably interposeth what comes not in course. In his p. 36. upon his querying [whe­ther it may not be said, there is one Baptism, [...]s there is one Land called America, though Page, 36. the Map or Figure of it is also called Ame­rica, even as there is but one Spiritual Baptism with the Holy Ghost, though the outward Baptism with Water is also called Baptism] I opposed thereto his asserting [That the Scrip­tures are not that word, more than a Map or Description of Rome or London, is Rome or Lon­don, or the Image of Caesar is Caesar, or Bread and Wine is the Body and Blood of Christ] to which, after a little ventilation, that the foregoing is only a Query, he will let it pass for a position, and adds, 1. The Scriptures are not that Living and Essential Word, &c. But that they may be called the Word, as a Map of Ame­rica, is called America, I never denied, saith he, The more unsound man he, the mean while, say I, especially he having confessed they are no more so, then Bread and Wine are the Bo­dy and Blood of Christ: Therefore what he [Page 92] would turn upon us, viz. That if we deny this to be a Truth, we must hold with the Papists, re­bounds upon himself. 2. That though there is but one Spiritual Baptism, yet that the outward Baptism with Water is also called Baptism, is also true, for John's Baptism with Water is called in Scripture the Baptism of John, saith he. An­swer, And so there were divers Washings (o [...] Baptisms) and the Doctrine of Baptisms in those Daies, see Heb. 9, 10. and 6. 2. Although the Christians had but one, which himself once acknowledged to J. A. of Leith, when he told him, We do not say, as the Papists, that there were two Baptisms with Water, one of John ano­ther of Christ, Truths Defence, p. 124. But not it seems, he can both say it with the Papists and defend it, so uncertain a man is he,

Expostulating with him, I added, Here this Rabbi, who once boasted that he hath the gifts both of sound knowledge and Expressions with manifold other Mercies bestowed upon him, hath foiled himself sorely. At this he excepts, first against the word Rabbi, alledging, it is in a Scoffing Spirit, and that it is the known way of the Quakers not to call a Man, Master. An­swer, I used it as the Characteristick of what he covets to be, to wit a Sect Master, and as such it suits him. His next Cavil p. 37. a­gainst Page, 37. the Word [foiled himself sorely] he leaving to the Intelligent to Judge, I do so also: Yet is he willing to forestall his Judgment, wherein I shall not imitate him. Then to vindicate those words [sound knowledge, &c.] From savouring of Boasting, he alledgeth, that [Page 93] to make it look like a Boast, I left out these last words [for which I desire to Praise him for ever] and the foregoing, viz. [his being Charged by his Opponent with Marvellous Ignorance, Falshood and Giddiness] To the first I say, The Pharisee stood and Prayed thus to himself, God I thank thee, that I am not as other Men, Luk 18. 11. The Pharisee thanked God: G. Keith desired to Praise him for ever. To the second, Let another Man Praise thee, and not thy own Mouth; a Stranger, and not thy own Lips, Prov. 27. 2.

He Objects against my calling his Book of Truth Advanced, a Bulky Book: But this I did not as representing it a bigger Volumn, than many good Men have writ, but that it was all Bulk, not to edification, but such gear, as I have given the Reader a tast of already un­der my second Head.

I now return to his p. 35. where he alledg­eth, Page, 35. that I blame him for Opposing it as an Error, That the Garden of Paradise was some part of this Visible Earth. [He left out, And that Mans Food both for his Soul and Body was to have been Paradisical] to which he gives no other an­swer, than some citations and inferences out of G. W. G. F. and W. S. That G. W. and W. S have writ against them who have affirmed, that the forbidden Fruit was an Apple, the Serpent a Creature like our English Snares, from which Dream of theirs the Picture of a Snake, and an Ap­ple in its Mouth in a Tree, are set up at the be­ginning of Bibles, &c. Hence he argues, p. 36. If the Trees of the Garden were not Visible, and particularly the Tree of the forbidden Fruit, as Page, 36, [Page 94] G. W. saith it was not, then to be sure the Garden by his Judgment was not Visible, &c. Answer, [...] doth not follow that man was not in a Visible Garden any more than it would in the Metaphor, wherein Nathan expressed David's Sin with B [...] ­shebah, under the Parable of an Ew-Lamb. For as it would be an undue inference that David, U­riah, &c. Were not Visible Persons upon this Visible Earth, because it would be gross igno­rance and darkness to think, Nathan spake of a material Ew-Lamb; so in this case, it is as ab­surd to conclude G. Keith's Notions that the Garden of Paradise was not some part of this Visi­ble Earth, that man's Food before the Fall was to have been Paradisical, and the Cloathing with the Skin and Flesh of this Frail, Mortal and cor­ruptible Body, received but since the Fall (as in Truth Advanced, p. 16. 18. and 27.) are backed by these Friends, not allowing the gross Interpretation and Conception upon, Gen. 3. What he adds out of G. Fox's Journal (which he tauntingly calls that Famous Book) where it is said, I was come up in Spirit through the Fla­ming Sword into the Paradise of God, is very idle. For as there being a Mystical Canaan, doth not imply there never was an outward one: So there being a Mystical Paradise, doth not imply there never was an outward Para­dise.

To defend his Exposition of Adam and Eve's hiding themselves among the Trees of the Gar­den, to be in a Tree of the Garden, and that that one Tree may be well understood, to be the divine Mercy or Clemency, whereupon I [Page 95] replyed, The divine Mercy is in Christ Jesus, and if they were got there, methinks when they heard the Voice of the Lord God walk­ing in the Garden, they should not have been afraid, for they were already safe. G. Keith p. 37. after a repeating his having said, that the Hebrew doth bear it, in a Tree of the Garden, Page 37. and a reflecting upon my ignorance in the Hebrew (a Language I never pretended Skill in, for it is the application that I mind) adds, Are they not carnally minded, to think that Adam thought he could hide himself, either among the Trees of an outward Garden, or in any one Tree of it, so as God might not see him? Answer, Adams thoughts I shall not dive into, but if he thought to hide himself from the wrath of God (even in a Tree of the Garden, according to G. Keith's Expositi­on) he found himself mistaken. But how Na­tural it is for fear and guilt, to take undue and precipitant Courses, which in a sedate frame, they could not propose to be sheltered by, in­stances in Isai. 2. 19. Hos. 10. 8. and Rev. 6. 15, 16. declare, where men are said, to go into the Holes of the Rocks, and Caves of the Earth, for Fear of the Lord; to say to the Mountains, Cover us, and to the Hills, Fall on us; to hide themselves in the Dens and Rocks of the Moun­tains, that they might hide them from the Face of him that sitteth upon the Throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. Did these men, thinks he, rec­kon God could not see them there? Or were they not in a Terrour and Amaze, not knowing which way to turn? But he queries, Doth not the Scripture say, Gods Mercies are over all his works [Page 96] and doth not the Clemency and Mercy of God ex­tend to them that are not yet in Christ? Answer, But how should man know that, before the Seed (Christ) was promised? For this hiding was an interval between the Fall and the pro­mise. He goes on, p. 38. Seeing they will needs have this place, where Adam hid, some outward Page, 38. Trees on this Earth, by the same Carnal Mind they must understand, that this walking of God, was a [...] outward and bodily walking, and his Voice, an out­ward and bodily Voice; and so they make not only Adam, but Moses, who writ these words, to be an Anthropomorphite and Muggletonian. Answ. This doth not follow, For the Lord appeared un­to Abraham in the Plains of Mamre, and he lift up his Eyes, and looked, and lo, three Men stood by him [was Moses an Anthropomorphite or Muggle­tonian, for describing the Lord appearing as a Man?] and he fetcht a Morsel of Bread, [was not that visible Bread?] See Gen. 18. 1, 2, 5. Again, when Christ appeared to Joshuah, as a Man, as the Captain of the Lord's Host, Josh. 5. 13, 14. And among the three Children, as a Man, whose Form, Nebuchadnezzar said, was like the Son of God, Dan. 3. 24, 25. Were these Holy Pen-men Anthropomorphites or Muggletoni­ans? Or the Plains of Mamre, not visible Plains? The Jericho mentioned, a Jericho in the Air? The Furnace, not a visible Furnace? Shedrach, Meshach; and Abednego, not visible Men upon this visible Earth? For this is the tendency of his Argument against me.

In the next place, whereas G. K. had assign­ed it as an Errour to assert, That Adam and Eve [Page 97] were Naked before the Fall, and that their not being ashamed of their Nakedness, did not im­ply their Innocency but rather their Impu­dence, I queried, What sign or token of Im­pudence is it in People, to endeavour to cover their Nakedness? To this G. Keith replies, Taking Nakedness Metaphorically, as I do in that place, Gen. 2. As it is taken Rev. 3. 17. 18. It is a sign of Impudence to endeavour to cover their Nakedness. And a little lower, Is not Sin a Nakedness, Metaphorically taken? And when men cover their Sins, with false and sinful excuses, it is a sign of their Impudence [and then that he might have an occasion to fling an unproved Slander at us, adds] as is too manifest in G. W. and J. P. Answer, No wonder if he be so se­vere upon us, when he is so uncharitable to our first Parents, as to conclude them impudent Sinners, not ashamed of their Sin, and yet seek­ing shelter under the divine Mercy: Yet hath he not hitherto proved, that that Nakedness, men­tioned Gen. 2. 25. Which was before any ac­count of their Fall, was Sin; as well as that he hath not assigned what false excuses they made. He goes on, What Nakedness was that of the Serpent [for so he renders, Gen. 3. 1. Where the Translation hath it subtil] was it bodily Nakedness? Answer, If it was Nakedness, it was such a Nakedness as was suitable to him, as a Serpent, as a fallen Angel, even as Adam and Eve's Nakedness, was suitable to them as Man and Woman, who as yet had not Trans­gressed. But he queries again, Can we suppose, that God who Cloatheth every Lilly of the Field, [Page 98] made Adam without a suitable Cloathing, Did he not Crown him with Glory and Honour? Psal. 8. 5. And if his Head was not Naked, how could his Body be Naked? Answer, This is to confound Allegorical with Literal things. Innocency was his covering, we grant (I suppose) on both hands; but doth this answer the Terms of the propo­sition, or relate, either to the Covering or Nakedness, whereof the debate is? The like may be said of the Crown of Glory and Ho­nour, Psal. 8. 5.

G. Keith having assigned a twofold Cloath­ing to man after the Fall, viz. A Cloathing them inwardly with the Righteousness of the Lamb, and outwardly with the Skin and Flesh of this Frail, mortal and Corruptible Body, I queried, Did he Cloath them with the Righteous­ness of the Lamb, and yet at the same time debarr them access to the Tree of Life, See Gen. 3. 21. 22. What strange Doctrine is this? Said I, to which he replieth, At the same time, is their ad­dition. Answer, In the Relation there is not a verse between. He goes on, If by the same time they mean the same instant, or hour, I say Nay. But the time was not long betwixt their Fall, and their Restoration, so far as they had access to Christ, signified by the Tree of Life. Answer, Access to the Tree of Life was not so soon regained; Gods Cloathing them is mentioned, v. 21. and after that, v. 24. That they were driven out, and a Flaming Sword placed at the East of the Garden of Eden, which turned every Way, to keep the Way of the Tree of Life: Nor is it probable, that such impudent Sinners, as he hath [Page 99] represented them, could so immediately come at it, that requiring a good Progress, and ma­ny good steps to be made, before attained to. To my saying, with respect to the outward Cloathing which he defines to be the Skin and Flesh of this Frail, Mortal and Corruptible Body, It is Monstruous that we should have a Bo­dy a Top of a Body, he will not allow it to be his, but my own Invention and Foolish arguing. Is a Mass, wherein there is a Mixture of Gold and Dross, a Body a top of a Body, saith he? An­swer, The Comparison doth not hold; Man had a Body before the Fall, if this be Cloathed up­on, superinduced, then not a Mixture or Com­pound, as in Gold and Dross. The Cloaths we put on, are no part of our Bodies, and that this Cloathing which Adam had after the Fall, was not proper to Man as Man, himself hath said, Truth Advanced, p. 113. What is it then less than a Body a top of a Body?

What I had cited out of him, Truth Ad­vanced, p. 28. (of Man and Womans be­ing made Back to Back before the Fall, and afterwards split or divided into two Sides or Halves, the effect of their Fall being such, that they could not multiply their Species in one Body, without the Separation, as they mought have done, if the Fall had not been, &c.) He wholly waves touching only upon my quarrelling (as he phraseth it) with his rendering Rib to be Side. Answer, I should hardly think it worth [...] while to dispute it with him, whether it [...] best Translated Rib or Side, but that his [...] ­mara, of their being made Back to Back, &c. [Page 100] Depends thereon. Hear then what the Scrip­ture saith, The Lord God took one of his Ribs, Gen. 2. 21. And the Rib, which the Lord God had taken from Man, made he a Woman, v. 22. And Adam said, This is now Bone of my Bones, and Flesh of my Flesh, she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man, v. 23. Qu. How could she be Bone of his Bones, and ta­ken out of Man, if never in him, but only joyned to him? Therefore shall a Man leave his Father, &c. And they shall be one Flesh, v. 24. Qu. If they had grown together, and been Created twain, Back to Back, why is it said, they shall be one Flesh? But that it had respect, not to a Splitting asunder, even to a distinct formation (in the Margin it is Builded, v. 22.) not a separation, somthing taken out of Man, whereon the Lord had bestowed Workman­ship, not barely a healing where the clea­ving Instrument had gone? Thus I leave it with the Reader, whether Moses or G. Keith be soundest in the Expression of this great Work of the Creator,

What he adds against G. Whitehead his calling G. Keith's proceedings arbitrary and Extrajudi­cial, Page, 39. new Court of Judicatory, &c. (They rela­ting to his Summons to meet him at Turners-Hall, and yet barely Exhibiting a general charge, without Mentioning out of what Books and Pages they were deduced) I pass by, as what hath been answered over and over, particularly in my REFLECTIONS and the Paper called REASONS, &c. For the rest he giving a general reference to his Narrative, I shall as [Page 101] generally refer to the Answer to it, and for his Notion of the Resurrection, to what I have already offered, under the Second Head, out of Truth Advanced, p. 113. 116, 127. Where his Husk or Drossy part exceeds the more No­ble.

To his putting us in mind of 1 Pet. 3. 15. [...] say, The reason of our hope we have given, [...]nd that in the most publick manner, even to himself: We need not go into Corners (as [...]ll hearing is in comparison of the Press) to [...]o it over again, especially he being Debtor [...]ill to two of T. Ellwood's, and mine called [...]n Apostate Exposed: Therefore he may save [...]s Labour in making offers to us, to appoint [...] and place, and he will meet us; for we are before hand with him, his Books not sticking upon our Hands unanswered, as ours do upon [...]s.

And now I come to take notice of the first [...]rt of his Book (called Antichrists and Sadu­ [...] Detected, &c.) levelled against a Book of Caleb Pusey's stiled A Modest Account of the [...]rincipal Differences in point of Doctrine between to. Keith and the People called Quakers, &c.) [...]ereto he would entitule me, from my re­ [...]ding him, that it lay at his Door unan­ [...]ered, and the Second Daies Meeting at [...]don, from their approving it. With them [...] begins, p. 3. And I shall Consider what he [...]h thereof, when I come to answer his [...]script, where it more Naturally falls in.

What relates to matter of [...], of thin [...]s [...]sacted beyond Sea, as they who were [...] [Page 102] thereto, are most Capable of answering, so shall leave it to them to do, if they see cause, and begin with what he Objects against C. Pusey concerning the sufficiency of the Light. The words Page 4. (which the Friend began with, p. 8.) were taken out of G. Keith's Universal Grace, p. 117, viz. ‘That the Knowledge of him, as in the outward, is of necessity unto Salvation, w [...] grant not [and it followed in the Book it self,’ save only where it is revealed, &c. Here G. Keith seeks to creep out, by the Terms Express Knowledge and Belief, (which he saith is not universally of absolute necessity unto Salva­tion, That thus R. B. saith (but he tells [...] where) and himself in the place above. An­swer, The Knowledge is spoken of Indefinite­ly, in that assertion (and when the words, Ex­press and distinct Knowledge are afterwards a [...] ­ded, it is from the Terms of our Adversarie [...] whose Objection he cites) but he useth [...] those Terms in his own position, or as expla­natory thereof. For he is positive that Knowledge of Christ in the outward (he sa [...] not the Explicit or Implicit Knowledge; [...] the Knowledge) is not of absolute necess [...] to Salvation, save only where revealed.

In the very same Page, he saith, Where he states the difference in point of Doctrine be [...] some in Pennsilvania and me, as if I said, it w [...] an Error to affirm, the Light within were suffic [...] without something else, &c. From whence at [...] close of the Paragraph, he concludeth, [...] exclude the Man Christ without us, and his D [...] &c. From being Concerned in our Salva [...] [Page 103] But herein he wrongs C. Pusey who neither states their belief, nor his undue inference, but only opposeth G. Keith to G. Keith where, upon R. Gordons, saying, that the declaring the Light and Power and Spirit within to be Christ the only Mediator and Saviour, asserts another Christ, ano­ther Saviour than Jesus of Nazareth, G. Keith tells him, If thou wert indeed for this Mystery Christ within, as he is the Seed, the Light, the Power and the Life, thou wouldst not say this as­serts another Christ. This the Friend, in his p. 9. quoted out of G, Keith's Light of Truth, p. 8. which is cogent: But what is this to a sta­ting a point of difference in Pennsilvania, or an inferring that they exclude Christ without [...]s, his Death, &c. From being concerned in our Salvation? It shews indeed G. Keith's Con­tradiction to himself (& as such it was brought) one while to say, Declaring the Light within to be the only Mediator and Saviour, asserts another Christ than Jesus of Nazareth; ano­ther while that it doth not so: And that was [...]ll C. Pusey deduced therefrom, which G. Keith would pervert to a sense never given, nor in­ [...]ended, in order to mislead his Reader and ex­ [...]icate himself.

In the next place comes a Citation out of G. Keith's Book, called Refutation, &c. (which was Printed, I suppose in Pennsilvania, and I have sought for here, but cannot get sight of) [...]herein G. Keith Charges the Friend with Base Forgery. When G. Whitehead had in softer [...]erms exprest G. Keith's unfairness (he did not say base Forgery) in leaving cut the word [Page 104] [Blood and Bones] which if inserted had tur­ned G. Keith's Cavil out of Doors, G. Keith had a Plaister at Hand, imputing it, p. 39. to an oversight, either in the Print, or Transcript (it seems he could not tell which, and that he writes by guess) But now he will allow nothing to either. But observe how he makes good his Charge of Forgery. See the place, saith he, I have no such words, but plain Contrary, and then refers not to the Page the Friend brought, which was Refutation. p. 38, 39. But to another, viz. p. 42, 43. And in that other the words given have no affinity with what the Friend alledged. The passage out of G. Keith in the Friends Book was thus, [It is a real degree of Blasphemy to say, this Light cannot make sa­tisfaction for Sins past] in G. Keith's quota­on [neither is the Saints greatest inward Righ­teousness or Holiness wrought in them by the Spirit of God, an attonement for their Sins but Christ alone, who dyed for us, the just for the unjust] Is it likely that one of these pla­ces should be mistaken for the other? Nay they speak not of one thing; one speaks o [...] the Worker, the Light; the other of the Wor [...] wrought, the Saints Righteousness. He might well enough say both, for they do not Con­tradict one another: But such pittiful shift is G. Keith put to, to defend his weak cause against a despised Miller, which a true Br [...] Schollar would Scorn.

To Caleb Pusey's showing G. K. had said Magistrates may Preach, and opposing thereto his saying, Preachers may no [...] be Magistrates, he [Page 105] replies, This is no Contradiction, for it is one thing occasionally to Preach, or Teach, or Exhort, as any Christian can do, and another to Exercise the Office or Function of a Minister of the Gospel of Peace one day, that saith, Resist not evil, and our Weapons are not Carnal, and another day to Hang Men for Murder. Answ. Occasionally to Preach is a distinction occasionally made to creep out at. The Office, Function, and Salary of such a Mi­nistry as distinguisheth the Clergy from the Lai­ty, he may perhaps now Court; but he was of another Mind once, when he wrote his Book, called, The Woman Preacher of Samaria, Printed Anno 1674. where in the very Title Page, he asserts she was a better Preacher, and more suffici­ently qualified to Preach, than any of the Man­made Ministry in these Three Nations, and in his page 1. opposeth that Notion, That Women should not be Preachers, nor meddle with their Holy Function, and throughout the Book labours to prove her Call, Qualifications, Success, Expe­rimental Preaching, &c. to be more immedi­ate, more edifying, more free, than such as had the Ordination from Man: Yet was she but what he now stileth an Occasional Preacher. But to come to the Second Branch of the Objection, May these Occasional Preachers be Magistrates? May they resist Evil? May their Weapons be Carnal? (May they Hang Men for Murder? For that he foisteth in to the Premises, to make a noise) or do the Preachers Preach that Do­ctrine to be put in practice by none but them­selves? If so, none were to be Christians but themselves, and then a Man, who is a Christian, [Page 106] ceaseth to be a Magistrate, as well that a Ma­gistrate ceaseth to be a Christian. I hope by this time the Reader will see whither Prejudice hath driven him, thus to lay down a Position, destructive to Government, and shaking the Basis of all well-regulated Magistracy among Christians, as if it were Ordained of God, for the punishment of evil doers, and the praise of them that do well, 1 Pet. 2. 14. only among the Gen­tiles, and Christ's Followers must run into A­narchy and Confusion.

He goes on, endeavouring to reconcile his saying, (Way Cast up, p. 131.) It is no more a Body of Flesh, Blood and Bones, but a Pure, AEthe­real or Heavenly Body, to another saying of his, That it remaineth the same in Substance that it was on Earth, &c. by distinguishing between the Flesh that is mortal, gross and corruptible, and the Flesh that is immortal and incorruptible. Answ. How can it be the same in Substance, when the Substance is not the same? Was the Substance, when on Earth, no more a Body of Flesh, Blood and Bones, but AEthereal and Heavenly? Or is AEthereal and Heavenly, the same in Substance, with a Body of Flesh, Blood and Bone? How is this reconcileable?

To his positively denying the express Know­ledge of Christs becoming Man, and Suffering, &c. to be of Necessity to Salvation, the Friend queried. How is it now, that he saith, that express Knowledge is indispensibly necessary to Salvation, or perfect Justification, for which they both quote Presbyterian and Independent Churches, p. 133. and G. Keith replieth, p. 5. Page 5. [Page 107] His fallacy lyeth in this, that I say, the express Knowledge is not universally necessary, but some Knowledge, if not express, yet implicite, is, and this (he saith) is no Contradiction. Answ. That Page hath nothing in it of that tendency, but what is, is in p. 111, 112. So that the Mi­stake in C. Pusey's Book, in Print or Transcript, G. Keith hath followed in his, without amend­ing it. This G. Keith did either espy, or he did not espy. If he did espy it, why not also give warning of it, except he designed to lead his Reader Hoodwinkt, that he might impose upon him? If he did not espy it, how could he pretend to detect a fallacy, in what he had not compared? Take it either way, it makes not for G. Keith's Credit. Now to return to the Quotation, the fallacy is in G. Keith; for as the Question was concerning Salvation and PERFECT Justification, so the Assertion whence it was deduced, was thus, ‘It may be very safely concluded that the express Knowledge and Faith of Christ crucified, is not of abso­lute and indispensible Necessity, unto the BE­GINNING of a Mans Salvation, although it is really of absolute and indispensible Necessi­ty unto the finishing and PERFECTING of it, said G. Keith, Presbyterian and Independent Churches, p. 111.’ By this the Reader may give a guess, why G. Keith was willing to shel­ter himself under a mispaged Quotation; for had the place been examined, it would have discovered the Friends Inference to have been genuine, restricted not to some Knowledge inde­finitely, but to a saving and perfecting Know­ledge. [Page 108] And if any please to trace him yet fur­ther, they will find it was such a Knowledge, as who had not, WHEN LIVING, might (according to G. Keith) have at their Death, to wit, in the passing through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, according to Psalm 23. 4. Even when they are not able to demonstrate unto the Liv­ing, what is then revealed unto them, See Presby­terian and Independent Churches, p. 112. Which as it is a perverse Exposition of that Scripture, (David speaking there of a Condition here up on Earth, The Lords preparing a Table for him in the presence of his Enemies, anointing his Head with Oyl, &c. So that Goodness and Mercy shall follow him all the days of his Life; ver. 5, and 6. Not of a State after Death, when Men are not able to demonstrate unto the Living, what is then revealed unto them) so it renders him a Favourer of the Notion of Purgatory; as well as that it is worse than misapplying Scriptures to prove certain Truths, which those places did not prove (an Error he would pretend to have Retracted, p. 35.) this tending to defend untruths, and unsound Notions, which the Scrip­tures do disavow.

Upon C. Pusey his querying, ‘Seeing, ac­cording to G. Keith, he is not only the true Christ, who was manifest in the Body of Flesh, but also as manifost in us, how is it then, that he that is manifest in us, is something else, than he that was manifest in that Body of Flesh, se [...]ing, IN BOTH RESPECTS, he is so confessed to be the only true Christ and Saviour.’ And surely the Word [only] is [Page 109] alone, and admits of nothing else. Thus far the Friend. Hereupon G. Keith citing him on­ly, from where he saith [the Word only] infers, that he placeth all on the Light within, so that the Man Christ Jesus of Nazareth without us is nothing of Christ, and calls it a blasphemous Assertion and Consequence, which follows not from his Words. Answ. The Friend gave G. Keith his Words, not his own, which as I have sta­ted more fairly than himself hath done, I leave with the Reader, whether the Consequence be forced, not natural, or whether it proveth, that the Friend placeth all on the Light with­in, nothing on Jesus of Nazareth without us. Or whether G. Keith had ground from hence to insult, that his Opponent had neither Learning nor good Exercise of humane Reason, but had bet­ter kept working at his Mill? as well as that I may put G. Keith in Mind what he once said, that ‘a Docta Ignorantia, or a learned Igno­rance is more safe, and to be preferred to an uncertain Knowledge or Science falsly, so cal­led.’ See Truths Defence, p. 77.

G. Keith goes on, Seeing that he would infer from my Words, That Jesus of Nazareth cannot be something else than the Light, Power and Spirit within, it is plain, that it is both their Sense and his, that Jesus of Nazareth is nothing at all of Christ without us, which is a plain Contradiction to themselves, and to himself in the following Words. Thus far G. Keith. But how will he prove our Sense and his to be, that Jesus of Nazareth is nothing at all of Christ without us, if that sense be so immediately Contradicted in the [Page 110] following words? This shews he wants can­dour, and would take things by the worst han­dle, to fasten an imputation, not only upon the Friend himself, but his Brethren also, which he confesseth is contradicted by him: Who, had he not sought an occasion to misrepresent us mought have entituled us at least, to what he calls the contradictory Sense. Now C. Pusey his Words were these, upon G. Keith's saying, The Light is Christ, but the Man Christ is some­thing else, he queried, Whether the Man Christ be become something else besides Christ? And adds, but to wave such Comparisons, which shews his were not Assertory, but argumentative ad hominem, a Comparison G. Keith drew him to. To this I say, The Man Christ, who was made (or be­came) Flesh, John 1. 14. who said of himself, I am come a Light into the World, Chap. 12. ver. 46. is not something else besides Christ. And seeing himself hath said, Way cast up, p. 102. That it is not the outward Flesh and Blood that is the Man, but the Soul, or inward Man, that dwelleth in the outward Flesh or Body, that is the Man most properly, such as Christ was even from the beginning. I ask, Whether the Ma [...] Christ, that was even from the beginning, be become something else besides Christ? And see­ing God hath said, I am the Lord, and beside me there is no Saviour, Isa. 43. 11. Whether this infers a denial of what Christ (who is th [...] Light) did and suffered without us in that pre­pared Body, &c.

And that the Friend himself did not believe that Jesus of Nazareth is nothing at all of Christ [Page 111] without us, as unduly aspersed by G. Keith, hear him in his Modest Account, p. 16, 17. where he thus hath it, ‘Though we cannot yield to G. Keith in these his Terms, That the Light is not able of it self, and consequently, that God (by G. Keith's own Words, who saith the Light is God) is not able to save, be­cause we believe, Beside him there is no Saviour, yet we do not in the least Question, but dear­ly own and acknowledge and believe the Way and Means, that the Lord was pleased, out of his infinite Love and good Will to Mankind, to take, in order to redeem him from Sin and Death, as sending his only begotten Son into the World, not only as a Light—but also as Man, in the prepared Body to offer up him­self a most acceptable Sacrifice for the Sins of the whole World, which Offering the Lord was pleased to accept of, and by his Spirit and Power it is made Effectual for the Recon­ciliation and Salvation of all those that repent of their Sins, and truly believe in his Name. And that God doth not save any without re­spect to that great Offering, we all grant and truly believe, &c. This as it is a full Vindi­cation of the Friend, that he did not underva­lue, but highly prize what Christ hath done without us; so it needs no further Comment, than a Reflection upon his Adversaries Disin­genuity, who kept this back, while he labou­red to suggest the contrary thereto, as the Friends sense and ours.

He saith further, He [C. Pusey] so min­gles my words with his own, that no Man can distin­guish [Page 112] the one from the other, &c. And I think he is unwilling rightly to distinguish, that he may pervert them. For whereas the Friend had said, [And that God doth not save any without respect to that great Offering, we all grant and truly believe: For, as G. Keith saith, The Lord having ordained it so to be, how can or dare we say therefore, That he was or is not Sufficient, by his Light, Power and Spirit, to save without something else? Surely this seems to me too Presumptuous an Expression; for was not that Body prepared of God? And what was done in it? Is it not said, God did it by him?] G. Keith in p. 6. leaving out [And that God, Page 6. &c.] and beginning with [For as G. Keith saith] lays Forgery to the Friends Charge, as if [having ordained] related, not to God's sa­ving by that great Offering, but to the fol­lowing Query, Concerning the Sufficiency of the Light, which is a poor insult. From hence he taketh occasion to infer the Necessity of God's Saving by Christ, and that he could not save us without respect to the Man Christ in the outward, otherwise he could or should contradict his own Or­dination, &c. which is granted him, even by the Friend. But whether antecedently to Gods purpose, he would have saved us without the Death of his own Dear Son, a thing (he tells us Exact Narrative, p. 25.) is above Mans Capacity, and that he wholly waves that Dispute, is what I shall wave insisting on, yet with this Caution, which the Friend also gave him in his, p. 18. viz. ‘Let us not undertake to argue, as if there were any thing, that God by his Light, Spi­rit [Page 113] and Power, is not sufficient to do, and we need not debate any longer about it.’

What follows, relating to Matter of Fact transacted beyond Sea, whereof I can pretend to no certain Knowledge, and their Relations do so vary, I must leave to the Persons con­cerned to Answer, if they see meet, not be­ing willing to undertake a Defence of what I am not Privy to, nor to justify them, if in ought they have exceeded, though I dare not trust his Evidence. Yet his alledging that he Printed nothing about their retaking a sloop, till a considerable Time after twenty eight of the Mini­sters had excommunicated him, to which Sentence, some that gave the Commission did put their Hands, is a plain Intimation, what animated him, not a concern for God and his Truth, so much as Revenge and Malice.

In p. 7. G. Keith acknowledgeth he said in one Book (this is quoted Presbyterian and In­dependent Page, 7. Churches, p. 133. and should be p. 111.) The express Knowledge of Christs Death and Sufferings, as Man in the outward, is not uni­versally necessary to Salvation, but that he hath said, That the express Knowledge of Christs Death, is universally necessary, he alledgeth, C. Pusey [...]i [...]es no Passage in any of his Books. Answ. Him­self hath acknowledged in that very Book, Presbyterian and Independent Churches, p. 111. That the express Knowledge is universally ne­cessary to the perfecting of Salvation and Justi­fication, and in p. 112. hath allotted them, when it must be, viz. not when living, but af­terwards, and the same he saith here, thus, I [Page 114] never had any Controversie with any, saith he, whe­ther the express Knowledge and Faith of Christs Death and Sufferings, be universally necessary to Mans Salvation, so as necessary to be had by all and every one before Death. Thus incidit in Scyllam, qui vult vitare Charybdim: To get off from a Contradiction, he recurs to what will include the Doctrine of Purgatory, or Revolutionism, for if not before Death, then after Death: And when then? In their Passage through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, as instanced above? Or in a renewed Visitation and Re-animation? The former shakes Hands with the Papists, the latter with the Revolutionists.

But the true State of the Question between them and me, was and is, saith G. Keith, Whether the express Knowledge and Faith of Christs Death, Sufferings, &c. be not necessary to Salvation to all professing Christianity, and who have the opportu­nity, and help of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, &c. Answ. What he calls the true State of the Question is denied by them, particularly by S. J. (State of the Case, p. 11.) to be any Question at all, as well as that it i [...] against our known Principle, to call in Questi­on the Necessity of the Faith of Christs Death and Sufferings, where the means of having it is afforded.

What C. Pusey relates from p. 24, to 28. G. Page 8. Keith Terms base Insinuations against him, about the twelve Revolutions, and telling some Stories, most of which are, if we will believe G. Keith, ab­solutely false, and that little that is true, not fair­ly nor duly related, and for which no Proof is brought [Page 115] but his own forfeited Credit, &c. p. 8. Answ. This is too general. What are those Stories? Which of them absolutely false? Which in Part true? And in what Part true, in what unfairly related? If the Friend have forfeited his Credit, I am sure G. Keith goes not the way to gain his. However one of the Relations I shall transcribe, which was, 'That G. Keith told Ebenezer Slocam of Rhoad Island, as he affirms, to this purpose, That it was Gods great Mer­cy to the Jebusites, Amorites, and Hittites of Old, in that he destroyed them so much at once by the Israelites, for that by so doing, their Souls might be sooner come into the Bo­dies of the Jews Children, and so consequent­ly become the sooner to be Members of the Visible Church, &c. See Modest Account, p. [...]7. If this be one of the Stories he hath ought material to object against, it had highly behoved him, instead of passing it over in silence, to have declared whether false in the whole, or in Part: for if this be true, his leaning to the Doctrine [...]f the twelve Revolutions, is undeniable; as well as his sliding so lightly over it, gives a [...]rong Presumption, that he hath spoken to [...]at Effect.

His next Essay to clear himself from having indicated us and our Doctrine to C. Mather a New England, is as unsuccessful. He saith, [...] was before that Party rose up against him in Pennsilvania to oppose the same Doctrine he delive­ [...]ed in his Printed Books—that he was astonisht to [...]d how suddenly they turned against the very same [...]octrine, after W. Stockdale had accused him [Page 116] of Preaching two Christs—and finding G. White­head and W. Penn to favour and support them, he found sufficient cause to changs his Judgment concerning these Men, p. 8, 9. Answ. This will not shelter him, for his complaint against W. Stockdale (which had had a hearing before Friends, and they for the most Part excused and defended him, as G. Keith alledgeth) was by himself again laid before Friends of the Ministry at their Yearly Meeting in Pennsilva­nia in the seventh Month, 1691. See Plea, p 2, and 3. whereas the Book in Answer to C. Mather (called Serious Appeal) was Printed An­no, 1692. This shews as if the Man would boggle at nothing to excuse himself, who ha [...] in that Book defended our Friends in Americ [...] as well as here from being Heretical or Blas­phemous. Alike successful is he in what he alledg­eth against G. Whitehead and W. Penn: Fo [...] those very Books out of which he and other (in their Book called Christian Faith) ha [...] brought instances to convince our Opposers [...] the soundness of our Principles, hath G. Keith since offered to prove unsound in those very Principles. This is not changing his Judge­ment of Men only, but even of Books.

His next Paragraph p. 9. is about the Do­ctrine of the Revolutions, in which he dodget Page, 9 extreamly, one while representing it as such which from two Passages out of G. Fox, in the one he mentions neither Book nor Page, b [...] saith it is in some of his Printed Books; in th [...] other he gives the Book (viz. the Journal and not the Page, he saith hath occasioned son [Page 117] to think G. Fox favoured the Revolutions, and adds, but I do not say he did (Query, Did he not know he did not?) Which shews the Man doth not know what he would be at; for if not sufficient, from his lame Quotations to [...] [...]ten that Doctrine upon G. Fox, why did he bring them? Another while he renders it a Question, Whether the Disciples did not hold that [...]xtrine, that said Master, who hath sinned, this Man or his Servants, [he should have said Pa­ents] that he was born Blind, and adds, many other Places of Scripture there are on which he [...]ight as much and much more query concerning the [...]evolutions, as any Expressions he hath mentioned [...] mine. But all this is trifling, if he can prove at Doctrine of the Revolutions by Scripture, [...] him avow it to be his, and do so. He who [...]th told us, that it is only safe to keep close Scripture Words and Terms, will he not do himself? But what the Friend offered, to [...]ove that Notion to be his, G. Keith gives [...] but in a general Reference to p. 24, 25, [...]. of the Friends Book, till he comes to the [...]stance of an Indian and poor Infant. Now C. Pusey in his p. 25, 26. had argued thus, 'If [...]hey could not perish, though they dyed with­out Faith and Knowledge, and yet that Faith and Knowledge is absolutely necessary to perfect their Salvation, where must they have that [...]aith and Knowledge, unless they come again [...]o receive it? And if they do, what will be­come of that Text (Eccles. 11. 13.) brought [...]y G. Keith against the New-England Profes­ [...]ors? Now according to this Text, brought [Page 118] by G. Keith himself, if an honest Indian o [...] poor Infant, dye or fall without that out­ward Knowledge, so they must lye. And then if they cannot be perfectly saved with­out it, then their lying must be but as Soul saved in Part, and that to be their State for­ever, because, as they fall, so they lye.’ Th [...] far C. Pusey which G. Keith wholly wave [...] quoting only from [If an honest Indian, &c. and goes no further than the Word [outward Knowledge] which yet it had become him [...] have answered, if he could But what he de­cite, he is soon weary of, and catching at t [...] Term outward Knowledge, having left out who would have explained it, he saith, I never affirmed the absolute Necessity of an outward Know­ledge, universally to Salvation, besides that prop [...] ­ly all Knowledge is inward, and not outward, the sub­ject of it being the Mind and Understanding that inward. Answ. This is poor shifting, I mig [...] as well say, all Knowledge properly is expre [...] not implicite, what is implicite being hidde [...] not revealed or made known (kept secret, [...] himself phraseth it) but he plaies upon Word to slide off from the Matter; for the Mill [...] hath ground him. He knows the Knowledg [...] they were treating of, was such as G. Keith himself defined to be necessary to the perfe [...] ­ing Salvation, a Knowledge G. Keith hath a lowed they had not, when living; and th [...] the Reader would have perceived, had not [...] Keith curtailed the Quotation: And therefore his Cavil is as idle as evasive.

[Page 119] Having thus tossed off the Friends query and argument, he betaketh himself to retorting I return his own query (saith he) upon him to an­swer, Page, 10. What becomes of them when they Dye, see­ing without being Born again, there is no entring into the Kingdom of God, and what becomes of many Quakers, and others, that before they dyed, had no signs that they were arrived at that high state of Sinles perfection, as attainable by the Grace of God in this Life. And adds, Let him tell me, or any for him, what becomes of such when they Dye, and I may give him the like Answer, or some better, what becomes of honest Indians, when they Dye, p. 9. 10. And then he would make up an Answer for us, which yet he confesseth, we blame when given by others (so ready is he to bespatter us at any rate) as if they who are in measure Sanctified, &c. Are made perfect in Holiness at the instant of Death, &c. But we have no need to recurr to this Notion, that of Purgatory or of Revolutionism to de­fend our Principles, though he seem at last willing to allow, it is not altogether improba­ble, saying, It hath the same Probability in the one Case, as the other, to slide himself off from the imputation of Revolutionism. And although he hath so frequently stigmatized us, as de­nyers of the universal benefit accruing to man­kind, by that one offering of our Lord Jesus; yet I shall tell him, that even herein we ascribe more thereto than he doth, who acknowledge that the Penitent, who Dye not arrived to that Maturity, which a more full improvement of their Talent mought have produced, receive [Page 120] an advantage by Christs Death and Sufferings, viz. That a Propitiation is thereby made for their Sins, and not for theirs only, but also for the Sins of the whole World, 1 John 2. 2. So that they Dying in a state of Salvation, and Reno­vation, their Sins are blotted out, Acts, 3. 19. which none of the finally obdurate and impe­nitent, partake of: So that there is no neces­sity of Pleading for Sin, Term of Life, or for a Purgation at the instant of Death, in Pur­gatory, or a Succeeding Revolution, but on him (the Advocate) is help laid, Psal. 89. 19. Thus he may see I do not shift and boggle in my Answers, my cause being such as is not ashamed to shew its Head, whatever his is, that drives such a man as G. Keith (who so overvalues him­self upon his School-Learning, and so under­values others for want of it) to such mean and pitiful Subterfuges.

C. Pusey having shewed him a Contradi­ction, in one while saying, That which riseth is the Mortal that puts on Immortality and the Cor­rutible that putteth on Incorruption, and again, The Flesh that is Mortal and Corruptible, is not that Flesh, that shall be raised up Immortal and Incorruptible (See Testimony against that absurd Opinion, p. 3. and 10.) ‘If that which riseth be the Corruptible, how is it that that which riseth is Incorruptible, and Corrupteth not again?’ Thus far the Friend to which G. Keith replies, He quarrels not so much with me, as with the Scriptures, 1 Cor. 15. 53. and v. 50. An­swer, What Paul speaks of the Bodies sown, G. Keith applies to the Bodies raised, that he [Page 121] might make the Scriptures as self-Inconsistent, as himself is: It was sown in Corruption, in Dishonour, in Weakness, a Natural Body; raised in Incorruption, in Glory, in Power, a Spiritual Body; See, v. 42, 43, 44, But Paul doth not say, That which riseth is the Mortal, and then again, The Flesh that is Mortal, &c. Is not the Flesh that shall be raised Immortal, as G. Keith hath done.

To Vindicate his other assertion, viz. That which riseth is a pure, Noble part that Consumeth not, he bringeth in the Similitude of a Grain of Corn, p. 11. thus, All but Fools and Idiots know, that as there is a Grain of Corn that Corrupteth, Page, 11. and turneth to Earth or Dust, so there is another part in it, that is more noble, that Corrupteth not, but by the Corruption of the other part—Gets a new Life. Answer, This Simile will not hold, even among them that are not Fools & Idiots, for that very noble part may Corrupt, and the Industrious Husband Man have no Crop, as G. Keith himself, who is neither Fool nor Idiot, allows, in the very same page. Again, that more noble part in the Seed, is proper to the Seed, as Seed: And the less noble is a necessary Appendix to the more noble, which is not so in this Case, G Keith himself being Judge. For Man had a Body before the Fall, that Bo­dy had its radix (else how could it multiply its Speices, according to G Keith in Truth Ad­vanced, p. 28.) the which Body G. Keith saith, was not Naked before the Fall, ibid, p. 24. On the other hand the Skin and Flesh of this Frail, Mortal and Corruptible Body, he saith, [Page 122] is not proper to Man as Man, but a Cloathing he received since the Fall, See, ibid. p. 113. and 27. But is this predicable of a Grain of Corn? So that all his noise of Sadduceism, Atheism, &c. Terminates in a dispute whether the Man's Cloaths shall rise or no? viz. That which, according to him, is not proper to Man as Man, not so much as to his Cloathing be­fore the Fall, but was added by means of trans­gression? A Resurrection of the Body, of such a Body as God shall please to give. we own, and that he knows full well; but his uncer­tain, Wavering, Notional, Absurd, Incongru­ous, and Unscriptual Expositions we reject (as particularly what he said even now, that that which riseth is the Mortal, and yet again, that which riseth is a pure noble part, that consumeth not) and this makes him uneasy.

As a further Indication of his instability, let us hear what true Philosophy, right Reason, and ocular Experience teacheth, as himself giveth it us, viz. The Generation of one thing followeth the Corruption of another, yet there is something in the new Generated thing, that was in the old Corrupted thing, &c. Whence I query, Whe­ther this SOMETHING in the new generated thing, which was in the Old Corrupted thing, be that which riseth Mortal and Corruptible, as he said even now? For if Mortal and Corrup­tible, how comes it to be a pure noble part, which consumeth not, nor corrupteth, with the old Corrupted thing? Are these Terms converti­ble? That predicable of the one, which is of the other? Or is it not rather a demon­stration, [Page 123] that in stead of being taught by true Philosophy, &c. He is now Plunged into the Ditch of Philosophy, as he called it, whence this blind Leader of the Blind cannot help himself out? As well as that these Sentiments, whereby the Flesh, Blood and Bones are Termed the Old Corrup­ted thing, that the New Generation hath not, but only SOMETHING that was in it, (The Flesh that is Mortal and Corruptible, being by him denied to be the Flesh that shall be raised up Immortal and Incorruptible, p. 10.) do no ways accord with those of those, whom he now appeals to, against us; and would shel­ter himself among, for they assert the Resur­rection of the same Body of Flesh, Blood and Bones, that Dyed and was laid in the Grave; he here denieth it. So that after all his quar­relling with us, rendring us Atheists, Saddu­cees, &c. And Labouring to Provoke the Go­vernment against us, to suppress our Books; himself is no less Erroneous and Heretical (while abiding by what he here saith) to their re­ceived Opinion of the Resurrection, than we are, when our belief is rightly stated.

Upon G. Keith his distinction of Commuta­tion and Transmutation, with respect to Body and Soul, the Friend argues, first, with respect to the Body, thus, ‘If the Corruptible be laid aside, and that which Corrupteth not, but is separated (as G. Keith saith) in about a Years time, more or less, and laid by divine Pro­vidence in some certain Invisible place, till the Resurrection; How then doth it receive the change meant by him in the Text, at the [Page 124] Resurrection? viz. If it be Incorruptible before the Resurrection (for he saith, it Cor­rupteth not) and the Change must be a Trans­mutation from one thing to another; must it not then needs be from an Incorruptible Bo­dy to an Incorruptible Body, and what change is that? For if it be a Transmutation, what is it which is Transmuted? It cannot be the noble and pure part, because the Apostle saith, It is our Vile Body, and according to G. Keith, it cannot be that which Corrupteth, because he saith, That which riseth, Cor­rupteth not.’ Thus far C. Pusey p. 32. 33. which G. Keith gives not his Reader, though he makes his perverse inference therefrom, saying of his Opponent, He cannot conceive how there can be an Incorruptible part lodged or placed in the Corruptible Body, and how the Body can have any Incorruptible part in it before the Resur­rection, &c. To which I answer, The debate is not about an Incorruptible part, being lodged in a Corruptible Body; but what that is that is changed, whether the vile Body, or that which Corrupteth not; and again, whether see­ing a Transmutation must be from one thing to another, what Change is that, from an Incor­ruptible Body to an Incorruptible Body? So that he hath, to avoid the force of the argu­ment, not only not given the Citation, but mis-stated it, and then insults, saying, shall I send him to his Mill, or own Trade of Grinding, or Sawing Timber, for further Instruction? And yet this Miller hath ground him so, he cannot get fairly off.

[Page 125] And therefore, in the next place let us ex­amine G. Keith his Philosophy, When a Man cateth Corn with the Husk, and swalloweth down at least a good quantity of the Husk or Bran, to­gether with the Food that is mixed with it, doth the Husk become any Part of his Body? Or rather, doth it not belong to the excrement, with other gross parts of the Food, saith he, p. 12. I an­swer Page, 12. by way of retortion, the Swine that feed on Husk only, and the Prodigal Son who did the like; if all went into excrement, and none into nourishment, what did they live on? He saith again, Is there not in all Food one more noble part that becometh not excrement, but is Transmuted into real Flesh, in Man? But the Husk being not allowed by him to be the more noble part, I ask, What is Transmu­ted into real Flesh, where the Food is only Husk? Yet he so values himself upon his Ex­crementitious and Husky Philosophy, that hence he further argues, Did not what our Saviour Eat, turn into his [...] Flesh, and become Incorruptible?—And was not his Body of Flesh yet further changed after his Resurrection? &c. And then he tells us for whose sake he Traces this Ignorant Man (as he calls his Opponent) of whom he saith, It might seem like casting Pearls before Swine, that so dares to tread under his dirty Feet, such pre­cious Truths of Scripture; not for his, and his Sadducean Fraternity's (as he miscalls Friends) but for others, who he hopes will gather them up, and value them, for the worth of them. To which I say, They must not be very valuable themselves; who gather up, and value up such [Page 126] Husky Notions. Again, I query, Whether that Food (that according to G. Keith, was turned into Christs real Flesh, which Flesh was fur­ther changed after the Resurrection, and be­came Incorruptible, as G. Keith saith) be the same in substance, that it was before the change, and when Corruptible,?

Now I come to what the Friend saith, in his p. 33. with respect to the Soul, ‘As for the Soul (saith he) it was a Spiritual substance in its self, before its Sanctifying, as after (so is not the Body) so that such a change is surely RA­THER a Purification than a Transmutation, even as the washing of a Body besmeared with Dirt, when cleansed, is a Purification, and not a Transmutation.’ Upon which G. Keith, quoting only from where he saith [a change is surely] thus hath it, But still this Ignorant Presumptuous Man runs himself rashly upon the sharp Pricks. Formerly he hath Laboured in vain to destroy the Felicity of the Body of a Saint, and now he Labours as much in v [...]i [...] to destroy the Felicity of his Soul, that he makes the Work of Regeneration in the Soul of Man, to be nothing else but a Purification from Sin, as when a Body besmeared with Dirt, is cleansed, that is a Puri­fication, and not a Transmutation. I never heard, nor read (saith he) a more Ignorant and Non­sensical Assertion. Answer, Nor I, a more bold Forgery: For where doth the Friend Labour to destroy the Felicity of either Soul or Body? Where doth he make the work of Regenera­tion NOTHING ELSE but a Purification, &c. Though he saith, it is RATHER so, [Page 127] than a Transmutation, which was G. Keith's phrase? He needed not therefore have que­ried (as he doth p. 13.) What is this but to make the Souls of the Saints, nothing but so many Page, 13. Tabulae Rasae, Washed Tables without any beau­tiful Colours, or lively Portraicture on them? Is then the Image of God in the Saints no positive thing, but a freedom from Sin, or a Negation of it? Is Holiness nothing but a Negation of unholi­ness, &c? Nor to have added, O wretched Ig­norance! And O Lamentable shame that falls up­on the Second Days Weekly Meeting of the Peo­ple called Quakers, for approving such Antichri­stian Doctrine, &c, For as the Friend did not deny, that man after his Restoration becometh really Holy, and hath a divine Image, the Image of the Heavenly stamped upon him, e­ven so that the Soul hath the Impression there­of, which yet may be, without change of sub­stance: So G. Keith himself, as little Chari­ty as he useth to have for us or him, seems to allow C. Pusey will not stand to it, upon bet­ter Consideration, which shews G. Keith hath been fighting with his own shadow all this while, who thus goes on.

But if on better Consideration he be ashamed of his rash assertion [is G. Keith ashamed of his false Charge?] and come to acknowledge, that the Soul by Regeneration, not only is purified from Sin, but wonderfully Changed and transformed, from Natural or Animal, to Spiritual, from Earthly [Is the Soul Earthly?] to Heavenly, and yet the same in substance, let him acknowledge that the mighty Power of God, through Christ that [Page 128] hath thus Changed the Soul, retaining the same Substance, can and will change the low Body of a Saint, and fashion it like the Glorious Body of Christ, &c. Answer, As he misapplies what was said by Paul, of the Natural Body, to the Change or Transformation of the Soul; so nei­ther do his Parallels hold: For the Soul that is Immortal, is of nearer affinity to Spiritual, than the Mortal which puts on Immortality, and the addition it receives of Beauty and Glo­ry, do not Change its Substance: But what is this to the vile low or Corruptible Body, which is as diametrically opposit to Glorious and Eternal and Incorruptible, as any thing can be? Can that be changed into Incorrup­tible and Spiritual, and yet the substance the same, as when corruptible, Fleshly and Mor­tal?

This indeed he would fain have us grant, and in the next Paragraph pretends to demon­strate, how a natural and Corruptible substance hath been Changed into a Spiritual one, he should have added, and yet the substance not Changed, for that is the matter in debate, and whereupon C. Pusey hath compared his Notion as equally Contradictory to Reason, with that of Tran­substantiation. However he attempts to prove it thus, The Food which our Saviour received in­to his Body, was it not before he received it, Cor­ruptible? saith he, and answers, Yea, surely it was, and what part of that Food became part of his Body and Flesh it was turned or changed into Incorruptible, &c. p. 13. 14. Answer, I did Page, 14, observe (though I have not noted it before) [Page 129] that in Truth Advanced, p. 119. he said, The inferior Creatures, by a sort of innate appetite and desire, encline to be joyned unto Man, as their Head, and to be his Food, that so they may at­tain to their Per [...]ection and Restoration in him, which they cannot attain unto otherwise: But I let that pass then, having store of absurdities be­sides to load him with, yet now he having ta­ken a larger step, to embody them with the Heavenly Man, the Lord from Heaven, shall shall I not say with a cause (as himself did but lately without a cause) O wretched Ignorance! O Lamentable shame! He that tells the Friend, that as a Shooemaker goes beyond his Last, so he beyond his Sphere of knowledge, What becomes of our Master of Arts now? Had he not better have kept to his employ, of teaching of School-Boys, than thus to go beyond his Sphere of knowledge, as to draw such Inferences, which would fetch in the very Beasts of the Field, Fowls of the Air and Fish of the Sea, to become part of Christs Body and Flesh in Hea­ven?

A second thing I observe in that very Para­graph, p. 14. is, that he cites Malice of Indepen­dent Agent, p. 17. which he assigns to G. White­head as the Author of, to prove that the Bo­dy of Christ is at present an Incorruptible Sub­stance, The words I find in said Page to be thus, ‘Seeing we have always believed and confessed the Immortality and entire beings of the Souls of all other men, it must needs be evidently unjust to accuse us with denying the Manhood of Christ, or Jesus of Nazareth, [Page 130] to have a being both as to his Soul and Body.’ And seeing G. Keith hath Read this, and there­by perceived that the Divine existence of Christs Manhood in Heaven was so fully ac­knowledged, what a kind of Man must he be to insinuate the contrary against G. White­head.

The Friend having shewed that G. Keith had asserted, that the grossy part (called by Paul Cor­ruption) is not proper to Man as Man, nor no proper part of Mans Body, and the other part Cor­rupteth not, argueth thus, ‘How then is it said of David that he slept with his Fathers and saw Corruption, and of Job, I have said of Corrup­tion, Thou art my Father? &c. And how is Man in Scripture, called Corruptible Man?’ See his p. 32. This G. Keith calls Wrangling and Quibling from his own gross Misunderstanding of some places of Scripture [but he doth not en­form him better, though he adds] if he will take these Scriptures strictly and litterally, he must as much contend against the Immortality of the Soul, as the Resurrection of the Body, &c. But why so? Doth G. Keith manifest wherein? Or give a­ny proof that these Scriptures are not to be taken strictly and litterally? Nothing less. They were pat and argumentum ad hominem to him, the enervating whereof he shifts by huf­fing. What he adds of the mortal Body of Man being truly said to be Corruptible, because it con­sists of two Heterogeneous parts, the one noble, the other ignoble, to wit the Husk, Dross or Cortex, and after the Separation of the Noble from the ignoble, is not Corrupt, &c. Is not ad rem. The [Page 131] question is not about Husk, Dross or Cortex, but of what was proper to Man as Man, whe­ther that Corrupts, and how David could be said to see Corruption, or Job, that Corrup­tion was his Father, &c. If nothing of Man as Man be Corrupt, the which he hath rather sought to evade than answer.

The like the Friend urged from G. Keith's saying, The Man-Eaters may eat the gross part of Mans Body, yet that more subtile and Invisible tart, they cannot eat, asking, ‘What is this but to say, the Man-eaters may eat Mans Body, but they cannot eat the substance of Mans Body? p. 34. 35.’ This G. Keith never [...]ites, yet infers from it, that he would with [...]is devouring Throat Eat or Swallow up the Resurre­ction of the Body, which shews G. Keith is bet­ter Skilled in the Art of Railing than disputing; he knows who called that a Black Art once, with something more I may chance to put him [...]n mind of, before we part (see Way Cast up, p. 169.) Besides C. Pusey did not seek to Swal­low up the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body, but to detect his explication, as un­ [...]ound and unscriptural, as well as Contradi­ctory

But how doth it appear that his Opponent [...]yneth with Atheists and Sadducees in arguing a­gainst the Resurrection of the Body (being the same [...] substance) from the Man-Eaters, as G. Keith [...]harged him? Do the Atheists and Saducees ac­knowledge there is a Resurrection, yet not the [...]me in substance? Or doth not the one deny [...]here is a God, Heaven or Hell, and the o­ther [Page 132] that there is a Resurrection (at all) or An­gel, or Spirit, as in Acts 23. 8. Are these Case Parallel? Or is it not rather manifest that G. Keith's Suggestions are as false, as they are ma­licious? Who no longer ago than in the Year 1691. in his Book, called, Presbyterian and In­dependent Churches, tells his Reader, It is a no­torious false Charge, that we deny the Manhood [...] the Lord Jesus Christ, and affirm, that as Ma [...] he is not in Heaven, or that we deny the Resu­rection of the Dead: But because we deny the [...] carnal Conceptions of the Resurrection, and h [...] us to Scripture Words, which is most safe, there­fore they have so beli [...]d us, saith he, p. 22 [...] 228. And the Case is the same now between us and him.

C. Pusey further saith in his p. 35. ‘Is not this [...] contrary to that common Understanding th [...] God hath given Man, as the Popish Doctrin [...] of Transubstantiation. For the Papists s [...] Though as to their Sense, they eat the ver [...] Bread, it having the very colour, the smell the taste and shew of Bread, yet the Substance of Bread they eat not: So G. Keith hold That though Man-Eaters may eat the visible Part of Mans Body, which is seen with the outward Eyes, yet the Matter and Substanc [...] of Mans Body they cannot eat, &c. This G. Keith, though he gives us not the Friend Words, inveighs loudly against, saying, From this he most nonsensically inferrs, that I affirm t [...] Man-Eaters eat the accidents of Mans Body, & Again, I neither said nor thought the Man-Eate [...] eat only the accidents, &c. This he Ter [...] [Page 133] quibbling, partly from his gross Ignorance, and partly from th [...] [...]rversion and Prejudice of his [...] shall I say of G. Keith, who gives not the Friends Words at all, y [...] foist­ [...]th in, as said by him, what there is no [...] Syl­lable of in the Book; no mention of [...], [...]he Word not so much as named, for I have [...]iven almost the whole of what was said there [...] that Subject? Whence came this, but from [...]erversion and Prejudice of Spirit, not gross Ig­norance, for it was done wittingly? He goes [...], I distinguished betwixt the Radix and princi­pal Substance of Mans Body, and the drossy Part which is frequently separated from the noble vo­ [...]ile Part, by Chymical Operations. Answ. Thus [...] makes two Substances to Mans Body, and [...]e Man-Eaters to be the Chymists to make this [...]eparation. But supposing these Man-Eaters [...]t not the Body, till after a Year more or less, [...] which time he allows (Truth Advanced, p. [...]17.) the Separation may be made betwixt the [...]nel and the drossy Part, do they then our Mans [...]ody? Or do they not? Or what is it they do it, if that be not Mans Body? And whereas back this Assertion, he queries, p. 15. Whe­ther Page 15. Robbers that swallowed down Gold, did eat it? Answer, The Instance is very remote, except [...] could prove they eat the drossy Part, and [...]t the more refined behind them, then it had [...]uer suited his Purpose, But what he in­ [...]ances in Iron, the Demonstration is more ob­ [...]ous; Men do not eat Iron, because they do [...]t digest it, but the Ostrich, that digests it, [...]aid to eat Iron. Query, Whether the Sub­stance [Page 134] of Iron, when eaten, the excrementiti­ous Part voided, and the more noble Part trans­muted into real Flesh in the Ostrich (a Noti­on he hath favoured in p. 12. and I have com­mented upon) be the same, as before it was eaten? And to his last clause in the Paragraph, viz. As every Body hath a distinct Seed, so th [...] Radix of every Body is a distinct Radix, I say, if e­very Body have it's distinct Seed and Radix, the [...] Man's Body before the Fall had so, and must there be a Radix to the Cloathes also? To th [...] Coats of Skins (which he interpreteth, Truth Advanced, p. 27. to be the Skin and Flesh o [...] this frail, mortal and corruptible Body) t [...] that which he saith, Ibid. p. 113. is not pro­per to Man as Man, and this such a Radix, a [...] the Man-Eaters cannot eat with the dross and husky Part? The Miller, whom he would send to his Mill, and cautioneth not to go be­yond his Sphear of Knowledge, is a better Philo­sopher than this comes to.

Now after all his bluster of Sadducees, Sad­ducean Fraternity, &c. he brings in his Oppo­nent owning a Resurrection of Just and Unjust though to help himself off, he brands him with great Hypocrisy, who being a prejudiced Ad­versary, and offering no reasonable Demon­stration; I submit it to the Candid to make their Judgment of both of them, and so leave it. Nor shall I now debate with him, whe­ther the Primitive Christians were come to any re­sult about what their Bodies should be: It is suf­ficient, that he hath not detected us, whatever he would have Men believe concerning us, to [Page 135] have deviated from the Faith of the Resurre­ction, or from Scripture Terms and Expressions, to which he hath said it is only safe to keep in this and all other things, as hath been instan­ced.

To C. Pusey's query, ‘If it was the common belief of the Primitive Christians, that the very same Matter and Substance of this cor­ruptible Body, should be the Body that is rai­sed, why should any, among themselves espe­cially, have asked such a needless Question, as with what Body do they come?’ G. Keith Answers, Such who asked that Question, were such among them, that said there was no Resurre­ction of the Dead, 1 Cor. 15. 12. Answ. This is no ways deduceable from that Scripture, nor any other that I can find: For the Question ask­ed ver. 12. was answered, and a new one rai­sed ver. 35. to which in ver. 36. Paul replied, Thou Fool, &c. The one said there is no Resur­rection, the other disputed inquisitively about the Modus, or Manner of it, how? And with what Body? And were distinctly answered. So that in this G. Keith grosly errs, and needs Correction, as he once told the Rector of Ar­row.

But the Translation [with what Body] doth not please him, who seems to think well of nothing, but what himself hath a Hand in. He would have it, with what quality [why not rather, what kind?] of Body, and adds, this their querying, was a sort of arguing against the thing it self, p. 16. First he imposeth his own Page 16. Version, then a Dogmatical Inference without [Page 136] Proof, which as such I reject, as I do also his slander against us, a little below, that we argue against the Resurrection of the Body it self, from the Manner of it.

Against C. Pusey's having shewed G. Keith his contradictory Assertions to be as little re­concileable to Reason, as the Popish Doctrine of Transubstantiation, G. Keith alledgeth, that professing to hold a Resurrection of the Body, but not of that same Substance, falls in with the Popish Transubstantiation. Answ. Surely to say, It is no more a Body of Flesh, Blood and Bones, but a pure aethereal, or heavenly Body, and yet that the Substance remaineth the same, that it was on Earth, which G. Keith hath confessed to, p. 4. is more like their Doctrine, who say, The Form of Bread remains, yet it is the real Flesh and Blood of Christ, than our saying with the Scriptures, Thou sowest not that Body that shall be, but God giveth it a Body, as it hath pleased him, and to every Seed its own Body, 1 Cor. 15. 37, 38. For as he hath said in another Place, we have good Company (even the Apostle Paul) on our side, which he hath not for himself.

What follows as a Charge against G. White­head and W. Penn, That the Saints get the Re­surrection immediately after Death, and that they both argue against the Deceased Saints expecting any Resurrection of the Body, &c. He not offering to prove upon them, out of any of their Po [...]ks, I lightly pass over, as knowing G. Keith too well, to trust to his general Accusations, and them better than to Credit such Evidence against them. Nor shall I engage in what he further [Page 137] offers, p. 17. relating to their differences in Page 17. America, whereto I am not Privy: Yet may say, that a free and bold laying open of our Sufferings, when hardly and illeg [...]lly dealt with (as in the Case of W. Penn and W. Mead their Tryals) bears no Proportion to giving a Ma­gistrate ill Language and provoking Terms, for we have not so learned Christ. Neither need G. Keith ask his Opponent, p. 18. a Proof, that Page 18. he is a Man of a wrong Spirit! adding, What o [...]e evil thing hath he proved against me in all his Book, either in Doctrine or Conversation? For any that compares the Book and Answer together, in a right Spirit, will see there is sufficient to detect G. Keith to be of a wrong Spirit: And what is wanting there, himself hath made up since, in bitterness, in envy, in reviling and slan­dering Gods Heritage, which I pray he may be sensible of, before too late.

In p. 18. G. Keith makes a general Refe­rence to what C. Pusey gave (in several Pa­ges) out of his Truths Desence, p. 169, 170, 171. And upon the whole saith, he remains in the same Mind still, that he would have nothing urged, nor pressed as Articles of Faith, but what is delivered to us in plain express Scripture Words, which (he saith) is the Substance of that large Citation. Answ. The Substance of that Cita­tion was more comprehensive than so, as who so please to read it in the Original cited above, may find, wherein he declares that Charity and makes those Proposals of Concord with the otherwise Minded, as suits not with his late Actions. Yet from what he hath here gi­ven, [Page 138] as the Substance of that large Citation, the Friend Objects, p. 53. that this Advice could not find Place with G. Keith, when so often desired, and queries, ‘What Uncharitableness is this, when we offer to express our Faith in Scripture Words, for you to say, we have another Sense than what we speak, see his p. 54.’ G. Keith makes Answer, It is false in him to say, that this was so often desired, but could not find Place—I said again and again, We shall take your Confession in Scripture Words, provided ye will condemn your Errors, that are contrary to express Scripture Words—But this (saith he) they would never do. And perhaps they held no such Errors, as he charged them with, and so had none to condemn, say I: However this being true, that such an offer was made by Friends, and thus replied to by him (which is so far from never refusing, that it includeth a refusal, in tying them to such Terms, as no Innocent Man can comply with, without an implicit acknowledgment of Guilt) the next thing I observe is, that whereas his Opponent queried, How know ye that we have a Sense con­trary to Scripture Words, G. Keith Answers, They have sufficiently discovered it, not only by one or two unsound Expressions, but Multitudes of them, as their Letters, and Manuscripts there, and the Printed Books here, sufficiently prove. Answ. This Reference is wide enough: What is in their Letters and Manuscripts there, we know not, nor are we like, for ought I see, though he hath long threatned us with them? Again, what Printed Books here, doth he mean? What [Page 139] is their Title? In what Page? Who the Au­thor? Surely he thinks his Credit is great, that the Reader must take all from him, upon trust, without Examination. But at length he comes to one particular Case, by which we may give a guess of the rest. It is in haec verba.

We need go no further for a Proof (saith he) than the most gross and Antichristian Expressions and Sayings of Caleb Pusey himself, in this very Treatise, for whereas he hath plainly affirmed p. 15. ad finem, That Jesus of Nazareth cannot be something else than the Light, Power and Spirit within. Now can there be any thing more contrary to express Scripture, than this Assertion: Was not Jesus of Nazareth a real Man, consisting of Soul and Body, in whom the fulness of the Godhead dwelt bodily?—And is that Body, and that Soul, and that fulness nothing else but the Light within us? O abominable Non-sense, and Perversion, and Con­tradiction to Scripture, and all true Reason! Ans. By that Time I have given C. Pusey his Words, I doubt not but to make appear that G. Keith is a Man nullius fidei, not to be trusted: For this he calls a plain Affirmation, was but an In­ference or Deduction from what G. Keith had laid down, and no ways designed, as here al­ledged, to deny Jesus of Nazareth to be both God and Man. C. Pusey, p. 15, 16. thus hath it, ‘Seing G. Keith's Answer to R. Gordon, implies, that the Light, Power and Spirit within, is Christ the only Mediator and Sa­viour, and that so to assert is not to assert another Christ than Jesus of Nazareth, then surely Jesus of Nazareth cannot be something [Page 140] else than the Light, Power and Spirit within, because Jesus of Nazareth is the ONLY Christ, Mediator and Saviour, and SO is the Light, Power and Spirit within acknowledged to be.’ And if the same, then not any thing else. Thus far C. Pusey, now where is G. Keith his Inference? Where the Antichristianism? Where the abominable Non-sense, Perversion and Contra­diction to Scripture, &c? Where doth the Friend deny him to be a real Man, consisting of Soul and Body, or that he is our Mediator and Saviour? Nay if applicable to either of them, it must be to G. Keith himself, whose the As­sertion is; not to C. Pusey for citing it, and arguing from it ad hominem. He that will so palpably abuse a Man to his Face, as I may so say, when Evidence so near to be produced, what will he do behind his back? But perhaps he thought every Reader would not scan it, and so it might have passed.

From G. Keith his having in that Book of Truth's Defence urged, that nothing should be pressed as Articles of Faith, but what is deli­vered in plain Expressions of Scripture Words, the Friend put seven Queries to him, from p. 56, to 59. wherein he demands express Words of Scripture for several of G. Keith his Asser­tions, whereof G. Keith takes no notice (ex­cept of the third Query, about the four hun­dred Pieces of Silver Abraham Purchased the Burying Place with, which I have remarked un­der my second Head) but gives him six Que­ries, by way of Retortion. To which I say, when he hath answered those Queries, ground­ed [Page 141] upon his own thesis, whereby he ought to be bound, I may give an answer to his, which as stated, are not our Principles, but his own unfair deductions.

He goes on, p 19. Though I remain still in the same mind, that no Article of Faith should Page, 19. be urged, on any, but what is Contained in plain express words of Scripture, or so agreeable to ex­press Scripture, as the common sense of all Man­kind, that hears Scripture words, must acknow­ledge, &c.— Yet I see not why I should be so con­fined to express Scripture words, in things that I require no man to own or believe, as Articles of Faith, &c. And towards the bottom, For there are many things, both in my Book called Truth Advanced, and in many other of my Books, wherein I may possibly differ from others in Judg­ment, yet I leave them to their Liberty to dissent, as I desire to be left to my Liberty, to believe as I judge God hath persuaded me. Answer, Wa­ving the additional Terms [so agreeable to express Scripture, as common sense, &c.] wherein he is likely enough to make himself the Judge, what is and what is not so, I tell him, Of what kind many of his are, even with respect to Articles of Faith, hath in part been manifest, and have been Communicated in se­veral parts of this my treatise; yet we deny him not a Liberty to dissent, as persuaded in himself, so long as his Dissent affects himself only, and he is not quarrelsom with us, stigma­tizing us as Atheists, Sadducees, Sadducean Fra­ternity, &c. As he hath done, upon account of doctrines himself allows to be Articles of the [Page 142] Christian Faith, yet therein hath run so wide from Scripture Terms and Expressions, as hath been shewed. But we would, if possible, hold him to his own rule, that if it be only safe to keep close to Scripture words and expressions, he should do it, at least in Articles of Faith, of which that of the Resurrection is one. And in as much as he urgeth upon us, p. 39. That Scripture (1 Pet. 3. 15.) of being ready to give an answer of the reason of the hope that is in us, surely it cannot be amiss in us to demand the like of him, as well as to shew the reason of our dissent from him, where we find him incongruous and absurd, as well as Unscriptural.

What remains, p. 20. Being but a repeti­tion Page 20. of his former Slanders, relating to the suffitiency of the Light within, so excluding our Lord Jesus of Nazareth, his Death, Sufferings, &c. From being Concerned in our Salvation, and his suggesting our not owning Justification by Christs Blood outwardly shed, as he offers no Proof, though he hath oft asserted the Con­trary on our behalf, I shall barely reject them as false Charges, not desiring to fatigue my Reader. And now for a close of this part, G. Keith having so often insulted over his Op­ponent, as a Miller Philosopher, one going beyond his Last, his Sphere of knowledge, who had better keep working at his Mill, to his own Trade of Grinding or Sawing Timber (See p. 5. 11. 15. &c.) I shall wind up these with some few instances, declaring what himself once thought and said of that, whereupon he now so values him­self, [Page 143] as an indication, that even herein, the Man is changed from better to worse.

In his Book called, Help in time of need (Printed Anno. 1665.) he thus saith, ‘Away with the education of Youth at Universities and Colledges of Philosophy, so called. I may say of them, which Luther stuck not to call them in his Day, that they are the stews of Antichrist, p. 75. 76. Again, p. 76. 'And the Philosophy, so called, which is taught them, is but meer Deceit and Pedantry, which even I came to see,’ when among them—And towards the bottom, ‘I certainly know the Human Wisdom or Learning is one of the MAIN Bulwarks of Antichrist against the Revelation, and setting up the King­dom of Christ in the Earth, and because this is arising, and shall rise, down must the other go, and all who seek to uphold it, shall fall therewith.’ Surely then G. Keith hath no such great cause to vaunt himself o­ver another, for his Skill in that Learning, which himself confesseth to be a main Bul­wark of Antichrist, which must fall with its upholders; wherein G. Keith may chance to be a truer Prophet against himself, than he is aware of.

In his Book of Immediate Revelation (Prin­ted Anno. 1676.) he saith, ‘Then down should all the PROUD, LORDING, LOFTY CLERGY, with their many degrees of DO­CTORSHIPS, LORDSHIPS and MASTER­SHIPS, pass, who being Strangers to the true knowledge—are vainly puffed up in [Page 144] their Fleshly minds, by the form of know­ledge in the Letter, as I was my self, whilst among them, and thought all Men Idiots and Unlearned, who were not Skilled in that litteral knowledge; but the Lord, by his Grace, brought me to see the Vanity of all that knowledge, &c. p. 137.’ But [now] it is happened unto [him] according to the true Proverb, The Dog is turned to his own Vomit a­gain, &c. 2 Pet. 2. 22. And what God once brought him to see the Vanity of, is a­gain become his Glory, so that he again thinks such to be Idiots and Fools, who are not Skilled in that Pedantry himself formerly was (and of late is) vainly puffed up by, though if he will believe himself (Truths De­fence, P. 69. Printed Anno. 1684.) he hath no such great cause, for he there saith, ‘As to my Learning, that is but very ordinary, and a thing I neither can nor OUGHT to glory in.’ His Learning I shall not endeavour to debase: His Glorying in it, and depreti­ating others for want of it, whilst himself hath represented that kind of knowledge so pernicious, is what drew me to offer these, which leaving with the Reader, I thus con­clude my answer to his Cavils against the Book stiled Modest Account, and betake my self to G. Keith's Postscript, who thus introduceth him­self, p. 40.

It may seem strange, how it comes to pass (saith Page, 40. G. Keith) that while so many pious and Learned Men are Judged to be found in this Nation, not only of the Church of England, but among the [Page 145] Dissenters and Non-Conformists, there are found so few among them all, that do imply their gifts to oppose such Vile Errors, as are holdly and a­vowedly promoted among a sort an GANG of the People called Quakers, not only as bad as ANY Popery, but MUCH WORSE than the WORST of Popery, in divers respects, &c. Answer, What those Principles of ours are, which he counts much worse than the worst of Peopery, he is so far from proving upon us (though he exclaims as virulently, as the Jews of Old, who said, Men of Israel help, This is the Man that teacheth all men every where, against the People, and the law, and this place, Act. 21. 28.) that he doth not so much as name them. The Papists Doctrine of Transubstantiation, of Purgatory, of Invocation of Saints (which is at least a tacit rejecting of Christs Mediator­ship) and their deifying the Virgin Mary, as the Saviour of Mankind, with attributes to God and Christ, are so bad in my Judgment, what­ever they are in his, that there need none worse. And if our Principles had really been much worse than the worst of these, methinks his Pious and Learned Men (of all Perswa­sions) should not have been so supine these 40. Years, that they need now to be stirred up, to creep in at the Tail of an Apostate, to do his Drudgery for him, and that such an one, who not only makes such poor ear­nings of it, but (perhaps for 25. Years to­gether) hath defended us and our Principles against them, and particularly in his Looking­Glass for Protestants, Printed Anno. 1674. en­deavoureth [Page 146] to make it appear (as he gives out, in the Title-Page) that the Quakers are the tru­est Protestants, because (as he there saith) their Testimony agreeth with the Testimony of the An­tient Protestants, in the most weighty things, &c. And whereas he denominateth us a gang, I would fain know what Gang he is of now? And I was going to put a harder Question to him, what Gang he intends to be of next, but that I be­lieve he cannot resolve me, neither knowing his own Mind, nor who will trust him. Yet by what follows, he bids fair for the Papists, as if he had an Aking Tooth after them.

I am Confident, saith he, if such Antichristian Errors and Heresies were but the TENTH PART so avowedly broached in the City of Rome, or any where else in Popish Countries, these esteemed Watch­men among them, would be more alarmed to oppose them, &c. Then most among Protestants do. There's a Box on the Ear for such as will not be at his Beck. Methinks he rates his betters, as if he had got a Benefice already: But stay, Ad huc tua seges in herba est, he must learn more Man­ners to his Benefactors, if he expect Promotion, who, if he be thus malapert now, what will he be, when he hath caught the Fish.

Now to make sure Work of it, he labours yet further to incense the National Ministers against us (and anon the Civil Powers, yet would fain Men should think, It is farr from him to desire the least Sufferings to come on our Persons or Estates, as he pretends in the next Page: But as the Dutchman says, Dit gaet zo verre als hy voeton heeft, it goes as far as it hath Legs to stand on) in Or­der [Page 147] whereto, he layeth before them, That we have provoked such as have differed from us, to pub­lick Disputes Viva voce, and have oft gloried over them, who refused to answer us, that their cause was Bad, &c. He knows who hath said, Deceit lurks in Generals: Wish he assign Time, Place and Person, perhaps he may be answered, for Circumstances of things much vary the Case. They may have detracted us behind our backs Vivâ voce, they may have insulted over us, when absent, &c. with more that I might insist on. But if he will accuse, let him descend to parti­culars; till then wonder not (Reader) that I reject such Evidence. The Case with him, which Galls him, and makes him wince so, is that when he had defamed and falsly aspersed us in Print, to which we answered by Print, we could not be drawn to quit that Defence, by a Vivâ voce debate, to which he had summoned us. Now not being gratified here, and we objecting the inequitableness of such a procedure, the tur­bulency of the Man (where of this present Post­script is a sufficient Indication) and the unsuita­bleness of the time, with respect to the Publick Peace of the Nation, he bursts out into this Ex­travagancy, as if he designed that Men of all Ranks should be let loose upon us.

In Order whereto he applies himself in the next Place to the Civil Authority, telling them, p. 41. It would be a commendable and praise wor­thy Page 41. thing, to enceurage such a Practice throughout the Nation, that Men of true Piety and Solid Learn­ing might beallowed and countenanced to refute these vile and abominable Errors, of these chief Leaders [Page 148] and Teachers among the Quakers, at the end of their Meetings, &c. and to give Order, that all such Books of them called Quakers, as can readily be found (as great store of such there are, he saith) that con­tain such vile and abominable Errors, &c. may be sup­pressed and witnessed against by publick Authority. Answ. I doubt not but this Work would please him well, especially if he might have an Inquisi­tors place of it, whereby he might both gratifie his revenge against the Quakers, and also pick up some little income to help him against that ruine and want, which W. Penn his calling him Apostate, tended to expose him to, as himself complains, Advertisement, p. 4. Yet two things I would put him in Mind of, first, that he even now Proposed, that with what measure we have met to others, with the same to mete to us again. Would he have been willing to have been thus served, by the Powers of this Nation, when he termed Prelacy a Limb of Antichrist, and declared how he had vowed to God against it, which vow we have kept to (saith he to the Presbyterians) ye have shrunk from (see Help in time of need, p. 37, 39. Printed Anno 1665.) or by a Presbyterian Ministry and Magistracy, whose Form of Church Discipline, Order and Government, he hath represented (Ibid. p. 52.) nothing upon the Matter better than the Episcopal, as well as told a Preacher of that Communion, he was better skil­led in the Art of Railing (a black Art to be sure, saith G. Keith, too familiar to the Tribe of Black Coats) than in the way of Disputing (Way cast up, p. 169.) Doth he think these are not reputed Vile Errors and Slanders by the Men of that way on which he hath thus reflected? And though perhaps he [Page 149] would now turn both Coat and Colour, and no more talk thus sawcily of black Art, and Tribe of black Coats, provided he might be Dignified with some Ecclesiastical Preferment; yet these are what he hath not yet retracted at least in Publick, as well as that I from hence Appeal to him, whe­ther he would have been so served himself, as he now animates others to serve us? The second thing I would mind him of, is that this, however palliated by him, is Persecution, for it excites the Magistrate, not only to supervise, but also SUP­PRESS, what he shall call vile and abominable Er­rors, of which it makes him Judge, which how ac­ceptable it would be to the Protestant Dissen­ters in general, to have their Books thus come under the Scrutiny, and be liable to be exposed to the judicial censure of their Antagonists, I leave to them to consider. Yet I think it is obvi­ous, that the Buddings of Reformation, in any Age, were never due to such Courses, for it must suppose the Magistrate to be still in the right, whether the Government be Papistical, Prelatical, Presbyterian, Indepenpent, Baptist, yea or Quakers, if that were supposeable, as well that it had been a ready way to have suppreffed the spreading of the New Testament, by Jew and Gentile, in the first Promulgation of the Gospel, and of transla­ting the Bible since the Reformation from Po­pery, it not being to be doubted, but the Men then in Authority were as likely to brand those Holy Writings, or the Translations at least, with as opprobrious Names, as G. Keith now bestows upon us; and if they might have been allowed to be both Judge and Jury, no Question but they [Page 150] would have made quick dispatch. But that a pre­tended Protestant (yea one who hath valued him­self as a Quaker, for 33 Years together, and hath not as yet renounced the Name) should advise the present Powers (who have given us a larger and better founded Liberty, than in the forego­ing Reigns) to suppress the Religious Tracts of such, whom he once reputed as Brethren, and whose Doctrines he defended against them as Orthodox, for so many Years together, is what I need not aggravate: It speaks for it self.

But the Occasion of this Fury is soon explai­ned, viz. After he had been litigous in America, he or some of his Agents Laboured to Transmit the difference hither, by sending over several Contentious Books of G. Keith's, which some Friends here, both desiring G. Keith might be restored into Unity again, and himself come to see and acknowledge his Evil therein, and also to prevent that difference dilating it self to the scandal of our Profession, and the stumbling of the weak, bought up several of those Books, and kept them from being dispersed. This is what he calls giving LARGE MONEY (whom he compares us to, by the Expression, is easie to guess) and this heats him to that degree, that he would fain irritate the National Clergy and Powers to disturb our Meetings, as well as sup­press our Books, who then might Scribble and Scribble again, and never be pestered with Re­plies.

Hence it is, that he is so clamorous against the second Days Morning Meeting at London (to whom himself formerly (at some times) hath ap­plied [Page 151] himself, when he had Books to Print, par­ticularly, those Books called Light of Truth, and Divine Immediate Revelation, were read and appro­ved there, as he confesseth, p. 5, and 22.) for he saith in his p. 3. They assume a Power to license and approve of all Books that are to be Printed by any of their Party, and have approved this Book falsly cal­led a Modest Account, and all the late scandalous Books of Tho. Ellwood and John Penington come forth against me [Ay that's their crime, that they approve of Books, which detect him] and claim Authority over all other Meetings (the Yearly Meet­ing perhaps excepted) ending out their Circular Let­ters to all other Meetings, in all Parts of the World, &c. Answ. Shall Men of different perswasions from us be empowered to inspect our Books, stamp their Cum Privilegio upon the one, and suppress the other; and shall not we, among our selves, have the Liberty to supervise what we can stand by, what not, before exposed to the view and censure of Men otherwise Minded? He is willing we should have the reproach, obloquy and Sufferings due (in his Judgment to vile and abominable Errors, while he reflects upon our care to prevent both the one and the other, by first supervising our own Books, our selves, that as what comes forth he would make to affect the whole Society, so it may be overlooked by faith­ful and approved Men of that Society. O unrea­sonable Man! Yet would he be ingenious, it is evi­dent, by his own Example formerly, that it is not so much our Order, and Practice, as our Judgment relating to him and his late envious Pieces, under which he is so uneasie, that he goes on.

[Page 152] To whom [viz. the second Days Meeting] the Meetings from all places direct their Letters upon any Occurrence of dif­ference, &c. Answ. This is false in Fact, that Meeting claim [...] no such Authority, assumes no such Power, neither is it in­vested in them. He adds, The which Meeting may be fitly com­pared to the Conclave of Cardinals at Rome, but who is the Metropolitan at present, of this new erected Hierarchy at Lon­don is not certainly known, as whether W. Penn or G. White­head. Answ. The Pious and Learned among the Church of England, are little beholden to G. Keith, to set them upon such a VVork, which in us he upbraids as fitly comparable to the Roman Hierarchy: Surely their Piety and Learning might be better employed. To the rest, I ask him, when he knew us to have a Metropolitan among us; and if we had one now, whether it were likely he could be so ignorant, as not to know which of the two, it was, whether W. Penn or G. Whitehead: But G. Keith hath worded it cautiously, as well as malitiously; seeing what never was, can never he certainly known. Might he himself have been a Metropoli­tan, I doubt not but he would have been willing to have continued longer among us: For he cavilleth at what he (Di­otrephes like) coveted for himself, and proveth quarrelsom because we could not allow him, the preheminence he sought after: For we have none such among us, nor do we own any Head but Christ.

And now Reader, having traced the Man through his Contradictions, through his Absurdities, through his Envy and Bitterness here exposed, and having defended my Self and Friends from the empty Cavils of the Book under Con­sideration, I submit the foregoing to thy Impartial Exami­nation, to be weighed by thee in that Ballance, which giveth rightly to judge, both as a Man, and as a Christian, and bid thee farewel.

John Penington.
If they call the Master of the House Beelvebub, how much more them of his Houshold? Mat. 10. 25.

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