The Pedigree of Popery;
The Genealogie of Antichrist.
- THE Devil begat Sin,
- Sin begat Ignorance,
- Ignorance begat Error and his Brethren,
- Error begat Pride,
- Pride begat Free-will,
- Free-will begat Merit,
- Merit begat Forgetfulness of Grace,
- Forgetfulness of Grace begat Transgression,
- Transgression begat Distrust,
- Distrust begat Dissatisfaction,
- Disstisfaction begat the Sacrifice of the Mass,
- The Sacrifice of the Mass begat Superstition,
- Superstition begat Hypocrisie,
- Lying Hypocrisie begat Gain, of her that was the Wife of the Offertory,
- Gain begat Purgatory,
- Purgatory begat Anniversary or yearly Masses, or Trentals,
- Anniversary (being a foundation) begat the Patrimony of the Church,
- The Patrimony of the Church begat Wicked Mammon,
- Mammon begat Luxury,
- Luxury begat Usurpation,
- Usurpation begat Cruelty,
- Cruelty begat Immunity,
- Immunity begat Lordship,
- Lordship begat Pomp,
- Pomp begat Ambition,
- Ambition begat Simony,
- Simony begat the Pope and his Brethren the Cardinals, in the Transportation into Babylon; and after the Transportation into Babylon,
- The Pope begat the Mystery of Iniquity.
- The Mystery of Iniquity begat School-Divinity,
- School-Divinity begat the Casting away of Holy Scripture,
- The Casting away the Holy Scripture begat the Legend,
- The Legend begat Monkery,
- Monkery begat Blind Zeal,
- Blind Zeal begat the Murthering of Saints,
- The Murthering of Saints begat the Contempt of God,
- Contempt of God begat Dispensation,
- Dispensation begat Licence to Sin,
- Licence to Sin begat Carnal Policy,
- Carnal Policy begat Jesuitism,
- Jesuitism begat Four Monsters, Equivocation, Mental Reservation, Probable Opinion and Direction of the Intention;
These Four Monsters survive to this day, and begat a Multitude of Sons and Daughters, viz. Atheism, Tyranny, Treason, Assassination, Perjury, Inquisition, Massacre, Masquerade and Open Popery, City-Burning, Chequer-Stopping, Charter-Catching, Large Finings, Severe Whippings, Non obstante, Closetings, Subscribings, Member makings, Addressings, and all kind Abominations, which walking abroad in a Dress of Religion and Dissimulation, complete the whole Train of Antichrist, &c. To the perpetual Establishing and Setting up of Popery, and the putting down of and forever subverting and casting away all Christianity.