Orders to be observed while his MAJESTIE or the Two Houses of Parliament continue in OXFORD, agreed upon by the Vice-Chancellor and Delegates, to be communicated to the Heads of Houses, and by them to their respective companies.

I. THAT they admonish all such as are under their charge, that they appear no where abroad, without their Caps and Gowns suitable to their Degree and Condition; and that their Apparel be such as the Statutes require.

II. That no Scholar, of what Condition soever, shall presume to go out to meet the KING, either on Foot, or Horsback; or to be at, or upon the way, where the KING is to come.

III. That no Scholar do disturb the Court, or come nigh the Places where the Two Houses of Parliament, and their several Committees do meet.

IV. That the Seats in St. Maries, where formerly the Doctors and Masters did sit, be reserved for the Members of the Two Houses of Parliament: and that none other whatsoever, do presume to intrude.

V. That the Vice-Chancellor, and Proctors keep their Seats as formerly.

VI. That the several Doctors, together with other Heads of Houses, Canons of Christ Church, and Noble-men (who are actually Members of the University) sit in the Middle Gallary; and the Masters of Arts in the two Side Gallaries.

It is strictly required That the whole time, all persons observe the aforesaid Orders, and abstain from going to Taverns, Coffee-houses, and other Publick houses, and comport themselves with that Sobriety and Modesty as may tend to the Reputation and Honor of the Uni­versity; upon pain of being enter'd into the Black-book and otherwise proceeded against as the Crime shall require.

The Names of the Masters of Arts that have a Procuratorial Power given them, during His MAJESTIES abode in the Ʋniversity.

  • Mr. Isham ex Aede Christi.
  • Mr. Sparke ex Aede Christi.
  • Mr. Elwood è C. C. C.
  • Mr. Massey è Coll. Mert.
  • Mr. Harvey è Coll, Oriel.
  • Mr. Aldworth è Coll. Magd.
  • Mr. Masters è Coll, Novo.
  • Mr. Balche è Coll Wadh.
  • Mr. Burrington è Coll. Exon.
  • Mr. Fry è Coll, Trin.
  • Mr. Meers è Coll. Aen. Nasi.
  • Mr. Adams jun. è Coll. Linc.
  • Mr. Orlebar è Coll. Om. Au.

⟨These ords were printed 7. march (munday) 1680. & forthwith sent to the Colleges & Halls, to be poshed up.⟩

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