March 22. 1651. By the Vice-Chancellour and Heads of Houses.
WHEREAS by the rude carriage of severall Schollars in this University, both in the publique Schooles, under the notion of Coursing, and also in the Streets, severall tumultuous disorders have been lately committed, to the disturbance of the publique Peace, and great scandall of the University: for preventing the like for the time to come, and the dangerous consequents which may ensue thereof, the Vice-chancellour and Heads of Houses doe hereby straightly require and enjoyne all and every persons under the jurisdiction of the University, that they forbeare for the future all such disorders upon paine of Expulsion, according to the Statutes of the University in that behalfe provided. And all Tutors are hereby required to have a more vigilant eye over such Schollars as are under their respective charges, in regard that any miscarriage of theirs will have a deep reflection upon those that have the oversight of them.
Oxford Printed by Leonard Lichfield Printer to the University.