At a Meeting of the Heads of Houses. Mar. 22. 1688.


WHereas the Gowns, Capps, and Habits of all Members of this University, are by the Statutes of the same to be made and fashioned with all exactness possible, according to certain Mo­dels and Patterns in that behalf already provided, and approved of by the Heads of Houses, and the Convocation. And whereas a general Complaint hath been made of these following irregulari­ties in Scholastical Habits, viz.

1. That many Graduats and other younger Scholars wear Mourn­ing-Gowns without a Cause approved by their respective Gover­nor and allowed by Mr. Vicechancellor and the Proctors.

2. That many Gentlemen-Commoners and others wear Square-Capps with Tufts that have not performed any Exercise in the Thea­ter to entitle them thereunto.

3. That divers Under-Graduats upon pretence of being Students in the Civil Law presume to wear a half-sleeved-Gown and a Square-Capp that are not four years Standing in the University and duely enter'd upon the Law-Line.

4. That the use of wearing Hatts (nay even of Hatts button'd up) in publique, and Crevatt-Bands unaccustomed to be worn, hath of late prevailed much in the University, to the great Scandal of it.

Whereupon, after mature deliberation had of the praemisses, and of the ill effects and consequences such irregularities in Habits may produce, if not timely prevented, it was unanimously agreed upon, that the particular Governors should take care to redress the wear­ing of such unstatuteable Habits in their respective Society's, and signify the Names of those that will not be reclaimed by their Admonition to Mr. Vicechancellor that they may be punished as the Statutes of the University in that case direct.

BEN. COOPER Register of the University of Oxon.

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