AN Out-Cry of POETS;
Wits to be Sold by Inch of Candle, or otherways.
The Sale begining next
Tuesday in the
Piazza in
Covent Garden, about Nine of the Clock in the Morning, and will last till seven at Night.
- 1.
- AN Excellent Stuttering Poet, fraught with Great Learning, Good Notions, Quick Conceptions, and N [...]at Comedy, being an exquisite little Fellow at a Melancholly Dirge, of a Merry Roundelay, and will be Swopt with any Bookseller for Waste Paper.
- 2.
- Two Modern Parablists, highly Skill'd in the estimable Art of Puzzling, having an extraordinary Faculty of Metamorphising M a into Cuckoes, whales, Bears, Bulls, or Dragons, &c. and are great Abh [...] rers of that Monstrous Prodigallity, Topknots: will be Sold for little or nothing.
- 3.
- A Brawny Fat Poet, very nimble of Tongue, quick of Apprehension, High slown in Tragedy, and a most Dexterous Fellow at a Bartholomew-pair Droll; but being under the Distemper of a C [...]s Apetitus, will be Sold so much the Cheaper.
- 4.
- A Gentleman of a VVeak Stomach, and of Danish Complexion, Profoundly Read in all Arts and Sciences, having a curious Method of Epitomizing; being the Author of a [...] Hundred Bound Books, c [...]mmo [...]ly display'd, upon the Railes in Moor Fields, where they may be Read at any hour in the day, for your further Instruction of his Genius [...] sides, Nature having bestow'd her Secret Blessings very plentifully upon him, makes him Covet to be Sold to some Rich Widdow, who if [...]e please to Lay out her Mony upon such a Commodity, may be furnished upon a good Consideration.
- 5.
- Two of the Athenian Respondents, having broke their Brains, in studying to Answer, which is the upper part of the Globe, are willing to be Sold to the Book-Sellers in Pye-Corner, to Regain the Lost Credit of the Antient and Renowned Art of Ballad Making.
- 6.
- An Illaborate News-Monger, well Read in the Gazette, and in Feltham's Observation on the Low Countries, being now Servant in Ordinary to the Sham Master General, and Chief Leader of the Lying pamphleteers, is now ready to Resign his Commission, and will be Sold to any other Printer that has furthor Occasion.
- 7.
- Mr. Multum in Parvo, A Gentleman of Low Stature, but of High Learning, whose Guts lying too near his Brains, by reason of his Deformity, are apt to throw up Excrementitious Vapours into the transparent Current of Conception, that his Good Thoughts can seldom [...] seen for his Ill Managements but for this Fault we shall make Abatement; He will be Sold by the Pound, that we may have a Price according to his; Bulk.
If we find these go off well, our next Auction shall furnish you with more Variety.