A PROCLAMATION CONCERNING A CES­SATION OF ARMES. Agreed and Concluded on at Siggings­towne, in the County of Kildare, the fifteenth day of September. in the ninteenth yeare of his Majesties Raigne, by and between Iames Marques of Ormonde, Lieutenant Generall of His Majesties Army, in the Kingdom, of Ireland, for & in the Name of our Gratious Soveraigne Lord CHARLES, by the grace of God, King of great Brittain, France & Ireland, &c. by Vertue of his Majesties Com­mission bearing date at Dublin the last of August. in the said ninteenth year of His Majesties Raigne, of the one party. And Donogh Viscount Muskery, Sir Lucas Dillon, Knight. Nicholas Plunkett, Esquire. Sir Robert Talbot, Baronet Sir Richard Barnewell, Baronet. Torlogh ô Neale, Geffrey Browne, Ever Mac-Gennis, & Iohn Walsh, Esquires. Authorized by His Majesties Roman Catholique Subjects, of whose party they are and now in Armes in the said Kingdom, &c. To Treat and Conclude with the said Marques for a Cessation of Armes by Vertue of an Authority given unto them bearing date at Cashell, the 7. day of September. in the said ninteenth yeare of His Majesties Raigne, of the other party. Whereunto is added an instrument touching the manner of payment of 30800. pound sterling by severall Payments.

Printed at Dublin, By William Bladen, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1643.

By the Lords Iustices and Councell.

  • Io. Borlase.
  • Hen. Tichborne.

VPon consideration had of the annexed Ar­ticles of Cessation of Armes, wherby it is concluded and accorded, that there be a Cessation of Armes, and of all Acts of Hostility: for one whole yeare beginning the fifteenth day of September. Anno Domini, one [Page 2]thousand six hundred forty three, at the houre of twelve of the clock of the said day. We the Lords Iustices and Councell according to his Majesties Letters of the one and thirtyeth of Iuly last, doe by this Proclamati­on in his Majesties Name ratifie, confirme, and Pub­lish the same. And doe require all his Majesties Sub­jects, whom it may concerne by Sea and by Land, to take notice thereof and yeeld all Obedience therevnto, in all the parts thereof.

  • R. Bolton. Canc.
  • La. Dublin.
  • Ormonde.
  • Roscomon.
  • Edw. Brabazon.
  • Ant. Midensis.
  • Cha. Lambart.
  • Geo. Shurley.
  • Gerrard Lowther.
  • Tho. Rotherham.
  • Fr. Willoughby.
  • Tho. Lucas.
  • Ia. Ware.


Imprinted at Dublin by William Bladen, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. Anno Dom. 1643.

ARticles of Cessation of Armes, agreed, and conclu­ded on at Siggingstowne, in the County of Kildare, the 15. day of September. in the ninteenth yeare of His Majesties Raigne, by & between Iames Mar­ques of Ormond, Lieutenant Generall of his Majesties Ar­my, in the Kingdome of Ireland. for and in the Name of our Glarious Soveraigne Lord CHARLES, by the grace of God, King of great Brittaine, France, and Ireland, &c. by Vertue of His Majesties Commission bearing date at Dublin, the last of August. in the said 19. yeare of his Majesties Raigne, of the one part; And Donogh Viscount Muskery, Sir Lucas Dil­lon, Knight. Nicholas Plunket, Esquire. Sir Robert Talbot, Baro­net. Sir Richard Barnewell, Baronet. Torlogh O Neale, Geffrey Brown, Ever Mac-Gennis, & Iohn Walsh, Esquires. Authorized by His Majesties Roman Catholique Subjects, of whose par­ty they are, and now in Armes in the said Kingdome, &c. to Treate and Conclude with the said Marques for a Cessation of Armes, by Vertue of an Authority given unto them, bea­ring date at Cashell, the 7. day of September. in the said nin­teenth yeare of His Majesties Raigne, of the other part.

First. It is concluded and accorded, that there be a Cessation of Armes, and of all Acts of Hostility, between His Ma­jesties said Roman Catholique Subjects, who are now in Armes, &c. in this Kingdome, and their party, and all others His Majesties good Subjects, for one whole yeare to begin the fifteenth day of September. Anno Dom. 1643. at the howre of 12. of the clock of the said day.

Item. It is concluded and accorded that free Passage, Enter-course, Commerce, and Traffique, during the said Cessation, [Page 4]shal be between His Majesties said Roman Catholique Sub­jects, who are now in Armes, &c. and their party, and all o­thers His Majesties good Subjects, and all others in League with his Majesty by Sea and Land.

Item. It is concluded and accorded, and the said Viscount Muskery, and the rest of the above named Persons, doe pro­mise and undertake, for and in the behalfe of those for whom they are Authorized to treat and Conclude as aforesaid. That all Ships, Burques, and Vessells, which shall bring Provi­sions to any Harbour in this Kingdom, in the hands or posses­sions of such as shall Obey the Articles of this Cessation, from Minehead and Whitehaven, and from all the Ports betweene, on that side where Wales is scituate, so as they, be Ships be­longing to any of the said Ports, and doe not vse any Acts of Hostility to any of the said Roman Catholiques, who are now in Armes, or to any of their party, or to any who shal be waged or Imployed unto or by them, shall not be interrupted by any of their party, nor by any Ships or other Vessells, of what Countrey or Nation soever under their Power or Com­mand, or waged, Imployed, or contracted with on their be­halfe, or by any Forts, Garrisons, or Forces, within this Kingdome under their Power, in their coming to this King­dom, or returning from thence.

Item. It is concluded and accorded, and the said Lord Vis­count Muskery, and the rest of the above named partyes doe promise and undertake for and in the behalfe of those for whom they are Authorized, as aforesaid, that all Ships, Barques, and Vessells, which shall bring Provisions to any Harbour in this Kingdom, in the hands of such as shall obey the Articles of this Cessation from any Ports in the Kingdom [Page 5]of England, having His Majesties passe, or the passe of any who is, or shalbe His Majesties Admirall or Vice-Admi [...]all, or the passe of any Governor or Governors of any the Ports in England, in His Majesties Hands, or which shall hereafter during this Cessation, be in his Majesties Hands, or the passe of the said Marques, shall not be interrupted, by any of those for whom the said Lord Viscount Muskery, & the rest of the a­bove named Persons are Authorized as aforesaid, neither in their comming to this Kingdom, or in their returne, so as they use not any acts of hostility to any of their said party. And this to be a rule untill His Majesties pleasure be farther declared therein, upon application of the Agents of the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes, &c. to His Majestie.

Item. It is concluded and accorded, and the said Iames Mar­ques of Ormonde, doth promise and undertake for and in the Name of His Majesty, that no interruption shall begiv­en by any Ship, or Ships, under his Majesties power & com­mand, or waged, Imployed, or contracted with, by or in the behalfe of his Majesty or by any of his Majesties Forts, Garri­sons, or Forces, within this Kingdome, to any Ship, or Ships, that shall trade with any of the said Roman Catholiques who are now in Armes, &c. or any of their party; or which shall come in, or goe out of any the Cityes, Townes, Harbours, Creeks, or Ports, of this Kingdome, in the hands of the said Roman Catholiques now in Armes, &c. with Armes, Am­munition, Merchandize, Commodity, or any thing whatso­ever, during this Cessation: as on the other side, the said Don­nogh Viscount Muskery, and the rest above named of that par­ty, doe promise and undertake, for and in the behalfe of those by whom they are Authorized, that no interruption shall be given by any Ship, or other Vessell whatsoever, under [Page 6]the power & Command of their party, or waged, Imployed, or contracted with, by or in the behalfe of their party, or by any Forts, Garrisons, or Forces, within this Kingdome, in their power, to any Ship, or Ships, that shall trade with any of His Majesties Subjects, obeying this Cessation, or which shall come in, or go out of any of the Cityes, Towns Harbours or Ports of this Kingdome, which shall obey this Cessation, with Armes, Amunition, Merchandize, Commodity, or any other thing whatsoever during this Cessation. Provi­ded that no Ship, or Ships, shal be admitted free Trade, by colour of this Article, but such as are warranted by the pre­cedent Articles.

Item. It is Concluded and accorded, that the quarters in the Province of Leinster be as followeth. viz. That the County of Dublin, the County of the City of Dublin, the County of the Towne of Droghedagh, and the County of Lowth, shall re­maine and be during the Cessation, in the possession of his Majesties Protestant Subjects, and of such as adhaere vnto them respectiuely, saving and excepting vnto the said Roman Catholique Subjects, now in Armes &c. and their party, all such Castles, Townes, Lands, Territories, and the Lands and hereditaments thereunto belonging, which upon the said fifteenth day of September, 1643. at the houre aforesaid are possessed in the said Counties, or any of them, by any of the said party And it is further concluded & accorded that as much of the County of Meath, as in the East and South side of the river of Boyne, from Droghedagh to Trym, & thence to the Lordship of Moylagh, and thence to Moyglare, and thence to Dublin, shall during the said Cessation remaine and be in the possession of His Majesties Protestant Subjects, & of such as adhaere vnto them respectively [Page 7]respectively, sauing and excepting to the said Roman Catho­lique Subjects now in Armes, & their party, all such Castles, Townes, Lands, & Territories, & the Lands hereditaments therunto belonging, which vpon the said fifteenth day of September. 1643. at the houre aforesaid are possessed by any of the said Roman Catholique Subjects, now in Armes, &c. and of their party, within the said limits, & boundaries, and that the Residue of the said County of Meath shal remaine in the hands & possession of the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes, &c. and their party, except the Castles, Townes, Lands, Territories, & the Lands and hereditaments thereunto belonging, which upon the said fifteenth day of September, 1643. at the howre aforesaid are possessed within the said last mentioned quarters in the County of Meath by His Majesties Protestant Subjects, and such as adhaere vnto them, or by any of them respectively. And that soe much of the County of Kildare, as is on this side of the Liffy where Naas is scituate, and on the other side of the Liffy from Dub­lin westward into the County of Kildare, soe far as the Rye water at Kilcock, and soe farre betwixt that and the Liffye, as shalbe at the same distance from Dublin as the said Rye water is at Kilcock, on that side of the Lyffie; shall during the said Cessation, remaine and be in the hands and possessions of his Majesties Protestant Subjects and their adhaerents respective­ly, except such Castles, Townes, Territories, & the Lands & hereditaments therunto belonging, which upon the said fif­teenth day of September, 1643. at the howre aforesaid are pos­sessed within the said quarters by the said Roman Catholique Subjects who are now in Armes, &c. and their party; & that the residue of the said County of Kildare, shall remaine in the [Page 8]hands of the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes &c. and their partie, except Such Castles, Townes, Lands Territories, and the Lands and Hereditaments therunto be­longing, which upon the said fifteenth day of September 1643 at the houre aforesaid are possessed by his Majesties Pro­testant Subjects and their adhaerents respectively within the said last mentioned quarters in the said County of Kildare. And that the seuerall Countyes of Wicklow, west Meath Kings County, Queens County, Catherlagh, Kilkenny, county of the City of Kilkenny, Weixford, and Longford shall during the said Ces­sation remaine in the hands of the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes &c. and their party, except such Cas­tles, Towns, Lands, Territories, and the Lands and heredita­ments therunto belonging which upon the said fifteenth day of September, 1643. at the houre aforesaid, are possessed within the said County, by His Majesties Protestant Subjects, and their adhaerents respectiuely.

Item. It is concluded and accorded, that what Corne, hath been sowen by any of his Majesties Army, or by any of his protestants Subjects, or their adhaerents or by any of them, within any of the quarters alotted in the Province of Leinster, to the said other party, the same shal be enjoyed by the sowers & manurers paying for the same as they did agree & in case they did not agree paying the fourth sheafe vnto such garrison within whose quarters the same shal fall. And that in case any of the said Roman Catholique Subjects, now in Armes, &c. or any of their party have sowne corne within any the quar­ters alotted in the Province of Leinster, to the said other party, the same shall be enjoyed by the sowers and manurers, paying for the same as they did agree, and in case they did not agree paying the forth sheafe unto such Garrisons, within whose [Page 9]whose quarters the same shall fall. And it is likewise conclu­ded and accorded, that those places which have been protec­ted, by the Lords Iustices, or any Officer of His Majesties Army, doe pay according to the agreement which was made, and if no agreement were made, to pay the fourth Sheafe, to those Garrisons or persons who protected them, in whose so­ever quarters they are, And this to continue for a rule, other then as to so many of those Garrisons, who granted such pro­tection, and are since regained by the said party, or some of them, for whom the said Donnogh Viscount Muskery, and the persons above name are Authorized as aforesaid. And that the Tenants of the Towne of Balliboght in the County of Dublin if they haue not been protected shall pay according to agreement & if no agreement made then the fourth sheafe, and to continue their possessions during this Cessation. And it is further concluded and accorded, that where His Majesty, or any of His Protestant Subjects, or their adhaerents shall happen to have any Garrison or Garrisons within the quarters set forth in the next precedent article, for the said other party, that such Garison & Garrisons, shal have such competency of the lands, aswel profitable as unprofitable, now tearmed wast, as shall be found necessary for them by any indifferent Com­missioners, to be appointed for that purpose.

Item. It is concluded and accorded, that the quarters in the Province of Munster be as followeth, viz. That the Coun­ty of the Citty of Corcke, and so much of the County of Corcke, as is within the subsequent Garrisons, viz. From Youghall to Mogeely, thence to Formeye, thence to Michellstowne, thence to Liscarroll, and so in a line from Michellstowne, and Liscarroll northward, as farre as His Majesties out Gatrisons [Page 10]on that side doe extend, and from Liscarroll, to Mallow thence to Corcke, thence to Carrig-Craghan, thence to Rochfordstowne, thence to Bandonbridge, thence to Timmoleagie, and thence for­ward to the Sea, together with the said Garrisons shall du­ring the said Cessation remaine, & be in the possession of his Majesties Protestant Subjects & of such as adhaere vnto them: Saving and excepting to the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes &c. and their party all such Castles, Townes, Lands, Territories, and the Lands and hereditaments there­unto belonging, which on the said fifteenth day of September. 1643. at the houre aforesaid are possessed in the said Coun­tyes, or any of them by any of the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes, &c. and their party. And that the residue of the said County of Corcke, shall likewise remaine to the said party last named, saving and excepting to His Ma­jesties Protestant Subjects, & their adhaerents al such Castles, Townes, Lands, Territoryes, and the Lands, and heredita­ments therunto belonging, which on the said fifteenth day of September, 1643, at the houre aforesaid, are possessed in the last mentioned quarters by them, or any of them. And that the County of Tipperary, the County of Limerick, the Coun­ty of the City of Limericke, the County of Kerry, the County of Waterford, the County of the City of Waterford, and the County of Clare, shall during the said Cessation remaine and be in the possession of the said Roman Catholique Sub­jects now in Armes, &c. and their party. Except Knock­morne, Ardmore, Piltowne, Cappoquin, Ballinetra, Stroncally, Lismore, Balliduffe, Lisfinny, and Tallowe, all scituare in the County of Waterford, or as many of them as are possessed by His Majesties Protestant Subjects, and their adhaerents, the [Page 11]the said fifteenth day of September, 1643. at the houre afore­said, and likewise except all such Castles, Townes, Lands, Territories, and Hereditaments therunto belonging as with­in the said Countyes respectively, on the said fifteenth day of September. 1643. at the houre aforesaid are possessed by a­ny of His Majesties Protestant Subjects, or such as adhaere unto that party respectively, in the said County of Waterford, and the rest of the last mentioned Countyes. And it is con­cluded and accorded, that the like rule for Corne sowen, and what shall be payed by places protected, and for the laying out wasts for the respectiue Garrisons, shalbe observed in the Province of Munster, as it is set downe for Leinster.

Item. It is concluded and accorded that the quarters in the Prouince of Vlster; be as follweth: viz. That such Countyes, Baronyes, Lands, Tenements, and hereditaments in the Pro­vince of Vlster, which the said fifteenth of September, 1643. at the houre aforesaid, are possessed by any of his Majesties Protestant Subjects, or any that adhaere vnto them, and all Places protected by any Commander during Authority from his Majesty, shall during the said Cessation remaine en­tirely in the hands and in the possession of his Majesties Pro­testant Subjects, and such as adhaere unto them, excepting such Castles, Lands, and hereditaments, as on the fifteenth day of September, 1643. at the houre aforesaid, are possessed by the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes, &c. or their partie. And that all such Counties, Baronyes, Lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in the said Province, which on the said fifteenth of September, 1643. at the houre afore­said, are possessed by the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes, &c. and their party shall remaine entirely du­ring [Page 12]this Cessation in the hands and Possession of the said Ro­man Catholique Subjects now in Armes &c. and their party saving and excepting therout all places protected by any Commander, deriving Authority from his Majesty, and like­wise excepting therout all such Territories, Castles, Towns, Lands, Tenements, and hereditaments, which on the said fif­teenth day of Septemper, 1643. at the houre aforesaid are pos­sessed by any of his Majesties Protestant Subjects, or such as adhaere vnto them. And it is concluded and accorded that the like rule for Corne sowne, and what shal be payed for pro­tected places; and for the laying downe of wasts for the re­spective Garisons, shall be observed in the Province of Vlster, as is set downe for Leinster.

Item. It is Concluded & accorded, that the quarters in the Province of Connaght, be as followeth, viz. that the County of Galway, the County of the Towne of Galway, the Counties of Mayo, Roscomon, Sligo, and Letrym, in the Province of Con­naght, and all such Castles, Lands, Tenements and heredita­ments in the said Province which the said fifteenth day of September, 1643. at the houre aforesaid are possessed by the said Roman Catholique Subjects, now in Armes &c. & their party, shall during the said Cessation remaine entirely in the possession of the said Roman Catholique Subjectes, now in Armes and ther party, excepting all such Territories, Castles, Lands, Tenements and hereditaments within the said several Countyes which upon the said fifteenth of September, 1643. at the houre aforesaid are possessed by any of his Majesties Forces, or by their party, or by any of them, and that those who after taking protection of any of His Majesties Forces, or any of that party or from any Governors, de­riving [Page 13]Authority from his Majesty there, haue Ioyned themselves to the said Roman Catholique Subiects now in Armes, &c. and their party, shall pay no Contribution unto such who protected them. But in regard there may be a rule different touching persons that may be said to doe this, and consequenly touching the Contributions payable by them. Is is concluded and accorded that such disputes and questions if any shall arise, be deter­mined by Commissioners indifferently chosen on each fide, and it is concluded and accorded, that the like rule for sowers and manurers of corne within the quar­ters of each other, shall be observed in the Province of Con­naght, as is set down for Leinster.

Item It is Concluded and accorded, and the said Mar­ques of Ormond, for and in the Name of his Majesty doth pro­mise and undertake, that no interruption shall be given unto any of the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes, &c. or their party, in any of the said Countyes, quarters, or places by the said precedent Articles vnto them or any of them limited as aforesaid, during this Cessation; like as the said Donnogh Viscount Muskery, and the rest of the aboue named persons who are authorized as aforesaid do promise and undertake, that no Interruption shall be giuen vnto any of His Majesties Forces, Protestant Subjects, or such as adhaere unto them, within any of the said Countyes, quarters or places, by the precedent Articles limited vnto them as aforesaid, during the said Cessation.

Item. It is Concluded and accorded, that no Officer of the Army or Souldier of either side, shall be admitted with out licence from the Commander in cheife of the Army on both sides, or of the Commander of the next Cheife garisons [Page 14]respectiuely to passe or repaire into any Garrison on either side, saue that it be lawfull for either party to furnish any Garrison in their power daring the Cessation, with Victualls, Cloath, amunition or other necessaryes by licence as afore­said, which is not to be denyed upon demand.

Item. It is concluded and accorded, that if any Army or Forces in this Kingdome raised by his Majesties authority or any part therof, or any other his Majesties Subjects shall not yeild obedience to the Articles of this Cessation, but shall publiquely stand in opposition therunto; that the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes &c. and their party may persecute such: and the said Iames Marques of Ormonde doth promise and undertake that such who shall so stand in opposition, shall not be assisted, protected, or be­fended against the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes &c. or their party, by his Majesty or any of his Forces. And yet neuerthelesse the same shall not be under­stood to be any breach of Cessation, as to other parts of the Kingdome, which shall conforme and yeild therunto. And wheras the assistance of his Majesties Forces is desired by the said Roman Catholique Subjects now in Armes &c. against such as shall oppose the Articles of this Cessation and will not yeild obedience therunto, or interrupt the trade and Traffique, albeit that it is not to be supposed that there will be any such the said Iames Marques of Ormonde. doth further promise and undertake, that their said request shal be made knowne to his Majesty, and vpon signification of his pleasure the same shall be obeyed.

Item. It is concluded and accorded, that if in otheir cases it be pretended on either side that the Cessation is violated, [Page 14]that yet no act of Hostility is immediately to follow, but first the party complayning is to acquaint the Lord Gene­rall, Lieutenant Generall, or other cheife Commander of ei­ther side in that Province, in which the said Cessation is pretended to be violated therwith, and to allow fourteene dayes after notice giuen, for reparation or satisfaction, and in case reparation or satisfaction be not given or tendred, then fourteene dayes notice to be given before Hostility be­gin.

Item. It is Concluded and accorded, that all Prisoners and hostages of both sides in all parts of the Kingdome, excepting such of them as are indicted of any Capitall of­fence, shal be mutually released and set at liberty within sea­ven dayes after publication of the said Cessation. And the said Marques of Ormonde, doth further promise and Vnder­take; that such Prisoners who inedited of any Capital offence, shall be set at liberty vpon Baile, vntill His Majesties fur­ther Pleasure be knowne therin. Provided neuerthelesse that if any party of His Majesties Army in any other Pro­vince of the Kingdome, shall not within ten dayes after Publication of these Articles, yeild obedience thereunto; that the same shal be no breach of Cessation, but that His Majesty be first made acquainted with such Disobedience, and his direction expected therin: & that al other persons that do reside with either party, and all Women and Children shall be permitted within seaven dayes after publishing of this Cessation, or when they please, with their goods & Chattles, to depart to what place they please, with a safe conduct or convoy if they desire it.

Item. It is Concluded and accorded, that the said Ro­man [Page 15]Catholique Subjects, now in Armes, &c. and their party, may at any time during the Cessation send such Agents to His Majesty as they shall thinke fit: And that the said Agents shall have safe conduct in writing from the Cheife Governor or Governors of this Kingdome for the time being upon demand.

Item. It is Concluded and accorded, and the said Marques of Ormonde, doth promise and undertake for and in the Name of His Majesty, that all and every of the precedent Articles, which have been agreed unto, and undertaken by the said Marques, for and in the behalfe of His Majesty, shall be faith­fully, truly, and inviolably observed, fulfilled, and kept. And the said Viscount Muskery, Sir Lucas Dillon, Knight. Nicholas Plunket, Esquire. Sir Robert Talbot, Baronet. Sir Richard Barnewell, Torlogh ô Neale, Ever Mac-Gennis, Geffey Browne, and Iohn Walsh, Esquires. For and in the behalfe of the said Roman Catholique Subjects, now in Armes, &c. and their party doe promise and undertake, that all and every of the precedent Articles, which have agreed unto and undertaken by them, for and in the behalfe of their party, shall be faithfully, truly, and inviolably observed, fulfilled, and kept.

Lastly. It is Concluded and accorded, that all possessions, and likewise all goods and chattles, that shall be found in Spe­cie, taken by either party, after the houre of twelue aforesaid, and before publication of this Cessation, shall be restored to the Owners, and after publication all possession and goods that shal be taken, to be restored to the Owners upon demand, or dammages for the same.

In witnesse wherof the said Marques to the party of the said Articles remaining with the said Viscount Muskery, and the [Page 16]rest of the above named persons, hath put his hand and Seale. And the said Viscount Muskery, Sir Lucas Dillon, Knight. Ni­cholas Plunket, Esquire. Sir Robert Talbot, Barronet. Sir Richard Barnewell, Baronet. Torlogh ô Neale, Geffry Browne, Ever Mac-Gennis, and Iohn Walsh, Esquires. To that part of the Articles remaining with the said Marques Ormonde, have put their hands and Seales, the day and yeare, first above written.

  • Muskry.
  • Lucas Dillon.
  • Nic. Plunket.
  • Rob. Talbot
  • Rich. Barnewell.
  • Torl. ô Neale.
  • Geffry Browne.
  • Ever Magennis.
  • Io. Walsh.

An instrument touching the manner of payment of 30800. pound sterling by severall Payments.

WHeras by an Instrument bearing date with these presents, we have in the behalfe, and by Authority from the Roman Catholiques of this Kingdome, steely given unto His Majesty the sum of thirty thousand pounds sterling, wherein the times or manner of payments, are not expressed. We doe therfore hereby agree, that the same shall be paid in manner following, viz. 5000 pounds with in one month next after the date of these present, the one halfe in money, and the other halfe in good and Merchantable Beeves, not un­der foure, or above ten years old, at the rate of 30. pounds [Page 17]the score, at the City of Dublin, 5000. pounds more: with­in one month, next after the said first month, the one halfe in money and the other halfe in Beeves as aforesaid, at the like rates at the City of Dublin, aforesaid, also within two months next after, five thousand pounds more, whereof one halfe in Beeves, as aforesaid, at the like Rates, and the other halfe in money, One other five thousand Pounds, at or before the last of February next, and the sam of 10000. pounds being the last payment of the said Thirty thousand pounds, at or before the last day of May next, which shal be in the yeare 1644. And We hereby further agree that Eight 100. pounds more shal be paid to his Majesties [...], to whom the Lords Iustices shall appoint at the Garrison of Naas, with­in two months next ensuing, the one halfe by one months end next after the date hereof, and the other halfe by the end of one month more, next after that first month, all other pay­ments in money, save the Eight hundred pounds shall be paid at Dublin, and the rest of the Beeves, save the said first two payments, to be paid within the severall Provinces to His Majesties use, to such persons as shal be appointed by His Ma­jesties Lords Iustices, or other Cheife Governor or Gover­nors in this Kingdome, they first giving notice to Us, or a­ny one or more of Us, of their pleasures therin. In Witnesse wherof, We have hereunto put our Hands and Seales the six­teenth day of September, 1643.

  • Muskery.
  • Lucas Dillon.
  • Nic. Plunket.
  • Rob. Talbot.
  • R. Barnewell.
  • Ter. Neale.
  • Geffry Browne.
  • Ever Magennis.
  • Jo. Walsh.

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