ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, Made Concluded and agreed on, at Dublin, the eighteenth day of Iune, 1647.
By and between the most Honorable Iames Lord Marques of Ormonde, of the one Part; AND, Arthur Annesley Esquire, Sir Robert King Knight, Sir Robert Meredith Knight, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, Commissioners from the PARLIAMENT of ENGLAND, on the other Part.
¶ Published by authority and command of the Commissioners from the Parliament of England.
DƲBLIN, Printed by VVilliam Bladen, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1647.
ARTICLES of Agreement made concluded & agreed on, at Dublin, the Eighteenth day of Iune, 1647. By and between the most Honorable Iames Lord Marques of Ormonde, of the one part; And Arthur Annesley, Esquire, Sir Robert King, Knight, Sir Robert Meredith, Knight, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, Commissioners from the PARLIAMENT of ENGLAND, on the other Part.
FIrst it is agreed, and concluded, and the said Lord Marquesse of Ormonde doth conclude, agree, and undertake, to and with the said Arthur Annesley Esquire, Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michaell Iones, That upon the nineteenth day of this moneth of Iune, he will leave or cause to be left in the possession [Page 2]of the said Arthur Annesley Esquire, Sir Robert King Sir Robert Meredith Knights,, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michaell Iones the Citie of Dublin, and all the rest of the places, and Garrisons in his power and under his Command, And the Ordnance Artillery, Amunicion, Magazines, and Stores there, And likewise it is further agreed, and concluded, and the said Lord Marquesse of Ormond, doth conclude, agree, and undertake that upon the 28. of Iuly next, he will leave, or cause to be left, in the possession of the said Arthur Annesley Esquire, Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith Knights. Colonell Iohn Moore and Colonell Michael Iones, or any foure of them, the Sword and all other Ensignes of Royalty, with all other things belonging to the Lord Lievtenant or Leivtenancy of the Kingdome of Ireland, that shall be demanded before the said twenty eight day of Iuly, and that in the mean time he will not intermeddle, or take upon him to Command in any of the said Garrisons, or Places.
2. Item It is agreed, and concluded, and the said Arthur Annesley Esquire, Sir Robert King Sir Robert Meredith Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore and Colonell Michaell Iones, do, for, and in behalfe of the Parliament of England, conclude, agree, and undertake, to, and with the said Lord Marquesse of Ormonde, in the behalf of himselfe, and others, his Majesties Subjects that all Protestants whatsoever of the Kingdome of Ireland, not having been in the Irish Rebellion, though they have of late consented or submitted, either to the Cessation of Armes or the Peace concluded with the Irish Rebells, shall be secured in their Persons, Estates and Goods, that they have in Ireland, and that they may live quietly, and securely, under the Protection of the said Parliament and their Forces either within England, Ireland, or VVales, and that they shall injoy those their Estates, and Goods, without any molestation, or question from the said Parliament, as any others doe who have not offended the said Parliament They submitting to all such Ordinances of [Page 4]Parliament, made or to be made, as all others doe submitt unto, who have never offended the Parliament.
3. Item It is further agreed, and concluded, and the said Arthur Annesley Esquire, Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith, Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michaell Iones, do for, and in the behalfe of the Parliament of England, conclude agree, and undertake to and with the said Lord Marques of Ormonde, That all Protestants whatsoever of the Kingdome of Ireland, not having been in the Irish Rebellion, who have any Estates, or Lands in England, though they have of late consented, or submitted, either to the Cessation of Armes, or the Peace concluded with the Irish Rebells, may compound for the same, at the rate of 2. yeeres profit, as they were before the begining of these troubles, they submitting to such Ordinances of Parliament as all Persons now compounding in England do submit unto, Provided that they effectually prosecute the [Page 5]same, within six moneths after the publication of this Article.
4. Item It is agreed and concluded upon, and the said Arthur Annesley, Esq Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith, Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, doe, for and in the behalf of the Parliament of England, conclude agree and undertake, to and with the said Lord Marques of Ormond, that such as have come under contribution, and do now live in the English Quarters, and will continue payment of contribution, shall bee protected in their persons and estates, aswell from the violence of the Souldiers under the Parliament, as of the enemy, And this to bee extended to all, without any distinction of offence or religion, and that they shall receive Safeguard, by the countenance of the Forces under the Parliament.
5. Item It is agreed and concluded upon, and the said Arthur Annesley, Esq Sir Robert [Page 4] [...] [Page 5] [...] [Page 6]King, Sir Robert Meredith, Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, doe for and in the behalfe of the Parliament of England, conclude agree and undertake, to and with the said Lord Marques of Ormond, that the said Lord Marques shall enjoy his estate without molestation or disturbance from the Parliament, and shall have indemnity against all debts contracted by reason of any goods, Money, debts or Victuals, taken up by vertue of any Warrant signed by him and the Councell, from any person, for the maintenance and support of the Army or any of the Garrisons now under his Lordships Command.
6. Item It is agreed and concluded upon, and the said Arthur Annesley, Esq Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith, Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, doe for & in the behalfe of the Parliament of England, conclude agree and undertake, to and with the said Lord Marques of Ormond, that he shal be protected in his person and goods, for the [Page 7]space of twelve Moneths, against all Suits, Arrests, molestation, or disturbance, from any person whatsoever, for any debt owing by him, to any person whatsoever, before the Rebellion in Ireland.
7. Item It is agreed and concluded, and the said Arthur Annesley, Esq Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith, Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, doe for and in the behalfe of the Parliament of England, conclude agree, and undertake, to, and with the said Lord Marques of Ormond, that the said Lord Marques, and all such Noblemen Gentlemen, and Officers as shall be desirous to go with him, or by themselves, into any place out of Ireland, shall have free passes for themselves, their Families, Goods, and traveling Armes, and a competent number of servants sutable to their respective qualities, Provided, they demand the said passes, within twenty dayes after the date of these Articles, and the said [Page 8]passes, are to be in force for three moneths, and no longer, after the date of the said passes;
8. Item It is agreed, and concluded, and the said Arthur Annesley, Esq Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith, Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, doe for and in the behalf of the Parliament of England, conclude agree and undertake, to and with the said Lord Marques of Ormonde, that he shall have liberty to come and live in England, with the like liberty that others have, he submitting to all Ordinances of Parliament, and for the time of twelve moneths, shall not be prest to any Oathes, he engaging his honour to doe nothing in the meane time, that shall be disservice to the Parliament.
9. Item Forasmuch as in the sixth Article of the said Lord Marques of Ormonds additionall instructions, to Sir Gerrard Lowther, Sir Francis VVilloughby, and Sir Paul Davies, it is [Page 9]affirmed by his Lordship, that the summe of thirteen thousand eight hundred seaventy seaven pounds, fourteen shillings nine pence, is lesse then the summe disbursed by his Lordship, for the maintenance of the Garrisons of Dublin, Dundalke, Newry, Narrow-water, Green Castle, and ( arlingford, which summe, upon Accompt, appeared to the Councell of this Kingdome and to us, by their Certificate, to be disbursed as aforesaid; It is therefore concluded, and agreed, and the said Arthur Annesley, Esq Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith, Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, doe for, and in the behalfe of the Parliament of England, conclude agree, and undertake, to and with the said Lord Marques, that upon performance of what is undertaken by his Lordship, he shall receive three thousand pounds in money, to answer his occasions, in, and untill, his Transportation, and likewise Bills of exchange: to be accepted by sufficient men in France, or Holland, [Page 10]to pay unto him, ten thousand eight hundred seaventy seaven pounds fourteen shillings and nine pence, of currant money of and in England, either in English money, or such other Coynes as shall be of equall value, or worth, as so much English money; To be paid to such as his Lordship shall appoint, to wit the one halfe, at fifteen daies after sight, and at six moneths the other halfe.
10. Item It is agreed, & concluded, and the said Arthur Annesley Esq Sir Robert King Sir Robert Meredith Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michaell Iones, do for, and in the behalf of the Parliament of England, conclude agree, and undertake to & with the said Lord Marquesse of Ormonde, that there shall be Pensions to such as the said Commissioners shall thinke fit, fourthwith ascertaned, to the value of two thousand pounds sterling per annum, unto such of the civill and Marshall list, as also of the distressed Clergy as shall be thought [Page 11]meet, to extend it too, in such way as may give best satisfaction, these Pensions to continue during the Warres, till they can receive the like benefit by their owne Estates.
And to the end, that upon publication of these Articles, the Popish Recusants, Who have not assisted nor adhered to the Rebellion in this Kingdome, may be incouraged to continue in their habitations and in enjoyment of their Estates with confidence, It is declared by the said Arthur Ann [...]sley Esquire, Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith, Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michaell Iones, in behalfe of the Parliament of England that the said Parliament will take them into consideration for favour, according as they shall demeane themselves, in this present Service; and thereof they are hereby assured: IN WITNESSE whereof, the said Lord Marquesse of Ormonde, in behalfe of himselfe and others [Page 12]his Majesties Subjects, and the said Arthur Annesley, Esquire, Sir Robert King, Sir Robert Meredith, Knights, Colonell Iohn Moore, and Colonell Michael Iones, for, and in behalfe of the Parliament of England, have, to these Articles interchangeably set their hands & seals.