NEWS FROM SEA OR, The Takeing of the Cruel PIRATE, BEING A full and True Relation how Captain Cewsicke, alias Dixon, alias Smith, an Irish-Pyrate took an English Ship of 500. Tuns called the Saint Anne, Laden with D [...]als from Norway belonging to Captain Shorter, and putting 18. Men that they found aboard into a small Boat without food, Compass or tackling, barbarously exposed them to the mercy of the Sea, where they must certainly have Perisht, had not a Dutch Ship by Gods providence taken them up, and set them on shore in Norfolk,

AS ALSO How they carried the said Ship into Aberdeen in Scotland, and borrowed 219. pound on her lad [...]ing where she was soon after seized, And the said Pirate, and 13. of his men since taken neer Lee, and brought up to the Marshalseas in South-warke, where they now remain Prisoners.

LONDON; Printed for R. W. 1674.

NEWS from SEA, OR The Taking of the Barbarous Pirate.

AMongst all the rapacious violencies practised by wicked Men, there is scarce any more destru­ctive to Society and Commerce then that of Piracy, or Robers of the Sea, whence in all Ages they have been esteemed, Humani Generis hostes, Publique Enemies to Mankind whom [...]very one was obliged to oppose and destroy, as we do Common v [...]rmine that Infest and trouble us. [...]ut this particular Art which lately happened, is aggravat [...]d [...]y so many Cir [...]umstances as may render it superlatively w [...]cked and abomin­able.

The Persons t [...]at Committed this Piracy were for the most part Iri [...]h men, Th [...]ir Captain G [...]o [...]ge Cewsicke, al [...]as Dixon, alias Sm [...]h, for by [...]ach of t [...]ose Names he sometimes passe [...], he was one that long has followed the Trade as tis on probable grounds suspect [...]d, and tis [Page 2] said not long since took some Ships in the same manner in the West Indies, He had a small well built vessel being an Excellent Sailer, which during the late Wars he Cruised up and down with on the Coasts of Scotland and took several good Dutch prizes, since the Wars concluded between our most Gracious Soveraign, and the States of the Vnited Provinces, he pretends to have g [...]t [...] Com [...]ission from the F [...]ench King, to make booty of what Fl [...]mi [...]h or Spanish Merchant-men he could m [...]et with, but it seems if he saw an opportunity he never stood to inquire, whence or whose your Ship but ac­co [...]ding to the Proverbe, counted all Fi [...]h that came to h [...]s N [...]t.

F [...]r a [...]out a moneth since being abroad a Cruising [...]o th [...] No [...]thwards with three and tw [...]nty stout [...]solute fellowes fit for his purpose aboard him, he met w [...]th a large Ship of our own belonging to London of a [...]out 500. Tunns, coming home [...]rom Norway laden with d [...]al, All or the mo [...]t p [...]t of her Cargo belonging to one Cap­taine Shorter, a very [...]onest worthy G [...]tl [...]m [...]n, liv [...]ng [...]ear the Barge-house, o [...] the Bankside, This vess [...]l they Attacqued, and soon board [...]d her, and [...] th [...]mselves Masters of h [...]r, which being done t [...]y took Eighteen men that they found Abo [...] [...], and without any respect to them as they were their fellow Subj [...]cts, or the least appearance of humanity or compassion, put them into a small Pinke which they had taken before and riffled, but first took away all her Tackling, and so without any food to sustaine them, or Compass to direct them, or Tack­ling to assist them, most barbarously committed all those [Page 3] eighteen Souls to the mercy of the Ocean, at a Consi­derable distance from any Shore, where they must cer­tainly, and Inevitably have Perisht, either being famished, or Cast away, or Split to peices, had not God in his most Gracious providence preserved them, and sent them Reliefe: for after they had been Tost and Driven to and fro at the pleasure of the wind and w [...]ves, for above two days, and two nights, a Dutch Ship Sa [...]ling by, upon their making signes and complaints of th [...]ir [...] Con [...]i [...]n took them in, and set them the next day on Shore in Nor­folke.

In the mean time the Jovial Pirate with his fatal bo [...]ty mak [...]s all sail to the North-wards, and in few days arrives at Abe [...]deen, where he Carries in the Merchant-man, and co [...]fid [...]ntly relates, that he found her floating on the Sea with no person aboard her, near the Shore, and that he supposed she might run a ground in a late Tempest, and thereupon all her men abandond h [...]r, and that afterwards the wind veering about she might work her s [...]lf off again; but to what part she belonged they know not; but pre­tended her to be an Hollander, which se [...]med more pro­bable, because she was Dutch built, being taken in the former War, and that they having a French Commission; and meeting her as aforesaid, She was lawful Prize. All her bills of Ladeing being made away on purpose to favour the design.

At Aberdeen they remained some time, and pretending a present want of money, borrowed two Hundr [...]d and nineteen pounds upon a part of the Dea [...]s, and so w [...]nt out again to Sea, intending to come in again in few day [...], [Page 4] and make Sale of the Ship and the rest of her Lade­ing.

But the poor men whom they so exposed to destructi­on, as aforesaid, being as we have said, got safe to Land, Immediately post up to London, and acquaint their owners with their unhappy disaster, and withall describe the Ship, and persons that did it. Hereupon Advertisements were sent abroad to all the neighbouring Ports of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and Holland, relateing the marks of the ship so unduely taken, and desireing that if she were brought into any Port, she might be secured, This coming to Aberdeen, they found all Circumstances agree so exactly, that they could not but Conclude this to be the very Ship intended, and thereupon His Royal Highness Officers thereof the Admiralty Seized her, and gave notice thereof last week in the Gazzet, For Master Shorter, or others concerned to prove their Right.

Our piratical Caper having by some means got some intel­ligence of those proceedings, resolves to come no more at Aberdeen, but stands away directly for the Thames, and boldly comes into Lee in Essex, to wash and Tallowe, with he did, and lying on shore with his ships Crew for some time, Spent their mony at a most extravag [...]nt rate, as indeed th [...]y might w [...]ll afford, if th [...]y might but have been Suffered to goe on with their Trade. But, alas! the Squib is now almost run to the End of the rope, and they mu [...]t come to Account for their unjust Actions for notice being given of Such p [...]rso [...]s being at Lee, the Marshall belonging to the Admiralty is ordered to goe downe to [Page 7] Seize them; but came to late, for they were just Sail'd out of Lee River downe to the Buoy in the Nore, and So beloved had they made themselves by their generous Spending in the Towne, that Scarce any body there would either beleive or assist him; Hereupon he got two of his Majesties Yatches to pursue th [...]m, and the wind haveing for two days been contrary, they were not got forth to Sea, but were by them overtaken near the Buoy in the Nore aforesaid, and the Captaine and Twelue of his men were abord taken Prisoners, & Sent up to the Marshalseas in Southwark, the usuall place of Confinment for Malefactors tryable by the Court of Admiralty, tis exp [...]cted they will shortly be brought to Tryall, Tis doubted whether they had any French Commission at all, but if they had it was all as bad, Since th [...]y could have noe pretence by vertue of that to take an English Shipp, besides tis well knowne that his Sacred Majesties foreseeing in his princely wis­dome the Inconveniences likely to arise, was graciously pleased Some time cence to publish his Royoll Pro­clamation, strictly prohibiteing All his Subjects from Serving any forraigne Prince or State;

The Names of these brought in and now lying in the Marshalsea, are
  • [Page 6]George Cewsicke, alias Dixon, alias, Smith, Captain.
  • Michael Fitz Gerrard.
  • Maurice Fitz Gerrard.
  • Daniel Corketing.
  • Richard Thursby.
  • Iohn Roach.
  • William Collingwood.
  • Abell Owen.
  • Darby Moyling,
  • Gerrard Cunden.
  • Iohe Gilgin.
  • Iohn Swellwin.
  • Gerrard Stakes.
  • Iames Daunton.

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