Near Charing-Cross, over against Northumberland (a­lias Suffolk) House at a Turners House, nigh the Golden Lyon Tavern,

IS to be seen, The Wonder of this present Age, Being a Monster born in the Liberty of Westminster, on the Six­teenth of September last 1687: Having Two Heads with Hair on, Four Arms and Hands, as likewise Four Thighs, Legs and Feet, yet but One Body from the Breast to the Lower Parts, both Males, seeming to embrace one another, and lying Face to Face, as if they would salute, to the Astonishment and Admiration of all Spectators : Brought into the World by the great Skill and Experience of the most Famous Doctor Hugh Chamberlain; preserved and made fit for Publick View, by Mr. John Green, Preserver of Dead Bo [...]s, without Embowelling, Embalming, or Wrapping in [...] Cloth, and late Servant to the Famous James Maddox, [...] living at the Sign of the Four Coffins in the Old Jewr [...] London. This Strange Sight hath been much desired by Multitudes of People, and given great Satisfaction to all those that have seen it.

Published by Authority.

London, Printed by T. James at the Printing-press in Mincing-lane: 1687.

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