THE NAMES OF THE LORDS Of His MAJESTY's most Honourable Privy-Council.
HIS Majesty, the Day after he was Proclaimed King of England, France, and Ireland, was Graciously pleased to Summon divers Honourable Peers and Gentlemen to Whitehall, who were Selected and Sworn of his Privy-Council, viz.
- His Grace the Lord ArchBishop of Canterbury.
- The Right Reverend Bishop of London.
- His Grace the Duke of Norfolk.
- Marquis of Winchester.
- Marquis of Hallifax.
- Farl of Danby, President.
- Earl of Linsey.
- Earl of Oxford.
- Earl of Shrewsbury.
- Earl of Bedford.
- Earl of Devonshire.
- Earl of Macklesfield.
- Earl of Nottingham.
- Earl of Bath.
- Earl of Dorset and Midd.
- Lord Vic. Falcombridg.
- Lord Mordant.
- Lord Newport.
- Lord Wharton.
- Lord Delamere.
- Lord Mountague.
- Lord Lumley.
- Lord Churchil.
- The Here Benting.
- Honourable Hen. Sidney.
- Honourable Edw. Russel.
- Honourable Hen. Powle.
- Richard Hamdeney, Sen,
- Sir Henry Capel.
- Hugh Boscowen, Esq;
- Sir Robert Howard.
LONDON, Printed for T. M. Anno. Dom. 1688.