Also the Errors answered, holden forth by THOMAS LARKHAM Called by the World a Minister, at VVexford he was then With a reproofe to the Offenders; And also some Que [...]ries to all people to be read within that yee may all know that, That which may bee knowne of God is manifest within; Rom: 1: 19.

‘WE are the Circumcision which worship God in the Spirit, & rejoyce in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh Phillipians: 3: 3. ‘For he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that Circumcision which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew which is one inwardly; and Circumcision is that of the heart in the Spirit, and not in the Letter; whose praise is not of men but of God; Rom: 2: 28: 29.

FRom a friend to all that breath after JESUS; known to the world by the Name, Humphry Norton; Though amongst the Scorners called a QVAKER.

WE are the Circumcision which worship God in the Spirit; and rejoyce in Christ Jesus, and have noe confidence in the flesh, Phillipians. 3: 3.

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly, neither is that Circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a Jew which is one inwardly & Circūcision is that of the heart in the Spirit, & not in the letter, whose praise is not of men but of God; Rom. 2: 28: 29.

To all you every where that goes under the Name of Baptists, Dippers, Sprinklers, and others, to the Light in all your consciences I speake, let it answer, which shews you that you are washing your selves, remember the Scribes and Pharisees, who were compared to the Cup and Platter, washing the out-side, but inwardly were Ravening Woolues; you wash your selves, & one washing another, And you all dishonour Christ, and will neither come to him your selves, nor suffer others; and except he wash you, yee have noe part [Page 2] in him, Therfore I say leave that selfe washing, & take up the Cross to your selves, that selfe may be crucified, & all selfe, & selfe Righte­ousness washed away; That the washing, and renewing, and rege­nerating, of the holy Ghost, yee may know and witness, as Paul did; who laboured to bring people to the same, and Peter and Iohn: they were Baptized with the Holy Ghost, so that the chief Priests, and Scribes, and Pharisees tooke knowledge of them; that they had been with Christ after that he was Sacrifised up: And Aquilla and Priscil­la, who taught Appollos a more perfect way, then Iohns Baptisme; Acts: 4: 8: 13. and Acts: 18: 25: 26. for that must decrease, as saith Iohn: I must decrease, he must increase, Iohn 3: 30. all that stands in water Baptisme; you are not come to the increase, which hath noe end, nor to the more perfect way (to wit) Christ Jesus, who saith I am the way, Iohn: 14: 6. which Aquilla & Priscilla taught Appollas; although he were an Elequent man: And Paul knew a more perfect Baptisme, then that with water; when he thanked God that he Bap­tized none of them, save Crispus and Gaius &c. For he was not sent to Baptize but to Preach 1, Cor. 1: 14: 15: 16: 17. And Paul did the worke given him to finish, and brought many up to perfection; and shew­ed them a more perfect way then carnall things (to wit) Christ Iesus, the sure foundation into which the Isralits were Baptized, & eate & dranke of the same Rocke; 1: Cor: 2: 6. 1: Cor 10: 23: 4: 5.

Come now yee that pleads, and Preaches up water Baptisme, let us reason together; where is the cloud yee were Baptized into, is it yet removed; where is the Sea you passed through, which shall be noe more? know yee such a thing? where is the Death witnessed, and Repentance, and Remission of Sin, amongst you? To that of God in all your Consciences I appeale, have not you water Baptized peo­ple yet to repent? when you are Quiet in spirit, is not your Sins brought fresh against you committed, before you were Baptized? & are you not yet living in Sin? you are not yet Dead with Christ, nor your old man is not yet crucified; nor the body of Sin is not de­stroyed; Rom: 6: 6: 7: that henceforth you should not serve it, (but come to our Baptisme and henceforth you shall not serve Sin.) for being Dead with Christ, we are freed from Sin, as saith the Scrip­ture, he that is dead, is freed from Sin, but yee your selves are alive, making a fair shew in the flesh, and would constraine others to be Baptized, that you might Glory in their flesh, least you and they [Page 3] should suffer persecution, for the Cross of Christ &c. Gall: 6: from 12: to the end; I say this is fleshly Glory, the Jew outward; and the Circumcision that availeth not, being Strangers to the life of God, to the Jew inward, and the Circumcision of the heart with the Spirit of the living God, which is only witnessed through the Cross of Christ▪ And the pure water, whereby the Conscience is sprinkl'd from dead workes, & the answer returned thou art good; but while you live in Pride, and Covetousness, Lusts, and uncleanness, a pure Conscience you know not, nor nothing that pure is; the light in your consciences is my witness, wch will manifest unto you that outward water, nor noe outward thing can take away one sin. Therefore take warning yee selfe washers, you dishonor God, whilst in these things you stand, which cannot perfect as pertaining to the consci­ence Heb: 9: 9: 10: But stand not there, for you cannot satisfie, that of God in your consciences, with an Imitation from the Letter; and with telling how Phillip Baptized the Eunuch; it were well for you, if you could see your selves, in the Eunuchs condition, that you have the Scriptures and understand not what you read; ( Acts 8: from 30: to the end) but from simplicity of heart would confess as he did, for in plainnes you understand not the Scriptures nor the powr of God; who tells of being Baptized, and are yet alive in your sins; And hath to repent after you are Baptized; for which in Scripture you have neither presept nor example; but Phillip shewed the Eunuch from that Scripture; an example (Christ) how he was lead like a Lamb, and his life was taken up from the Earth &c: See if it be so with you, that you are taken up with him from the Earth, and all earthly things, for untill you come to know Christ to Guide you and Lead you to be Baptized; you have not learned the Doctrin of Baptisme, Heb: 6: 2. for all men come unto him Iohn. 3. 6. Then will you see that which lead the Eunuch to be Baptized, And that also which caught Phillip away from Baptizing, & was carryed forth to preach through the Cities; The same spirit caught Paul from Baptiz­ing; And made him thanke God, that he Baptized none of them, save Crispus and Gaius, &c. For he was not sent to Baptize but to Preach, and he also Preached through the Cities, and converted many to the one Lord, and to the one Faith; and the one Baptisme, Eph. 4. 5. 6. And told them if you be Dead with Christ from the Rudiments &c. Why as though living in the world, are you subject unto Ordinan­ces, [Page 4] touch not; tast not; handle not; they all perish with the useing, Coll. 2. 14. 20. 21. 22. And are only used amongst these who are in the perishing Nature, who are Enemies to the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and comes not to see your selves and your sins; & your Rudiments, Nayled to the Cross; And therein is power to lay down your lives and take them up again, and to see the Scriptures fulfiled in you, as Paul did, who was crucified to the world, Heb. 9. 9. 10. And the world to him; his life was taken up from the earth; and noe more he, but Christ lived in him; and was become an high Priest of a more perfect tabernacle, and a mediator of a better Covenant; then that which stands in Meats, and Drinks, and divers Washings, and carnall Ordinances imposed upon them, untill the time of Re­formation. Now these that stands in the divers washings, they are not come to the light, which brings to Reformation, and from a­mongst the divers washers, wch are in the world where they lie in sin & wickedness, one sprinkling an Infant, others diping young people, (others goes in; and some are thrown in, and here are the di­vers washers; which washeth the out-side, which stands in Meats, and Drinks, and carnall Ordinances, which cannot make the cōmers thereunto perfect, as pertaining to the conscience; Therfore I say unto you all; to the light turn your mindes; which leads up to the Life, to the measure and stature and fulness of Christ; to a perfect man in Christ Jesus Eph. 4. 12. 13. by him to know your hearts & consciences washed, and purged, and sprinkled from all evill; by his eternall spirit, and to see the Law of Commandements contain­ed in Ordinances abolished in his flesh, Eph. 2. 15. and you draw­ing nigh unto him through the vaile (that is to say) his flesh; he that readeth, let him understand, and an end put to all tipes, and fi­gures, and shaddowes; beleeving in the Light, obeying and follow­ing the Light the Day breaks forth, and the shaddows flees away. And so comes to have fellowship with the Saints in the Light, and truely our fellowship is with the Father & with the Son; whilst you are all standing as shaddows, who are from the Light in the way to the long home David speaks off, who was guided by the Light, & called him in spirit Lord; Math 22. 43. 44. Therfore all minde the Light; Christ Jesus, that you may come to witness him in spirit, to be your Lord; your bodies his Temple, And him Reigning and Ruleing therein, and not still to feed your fancies, in teling of a per­sonall [Page 5] Reign, but examin your selves with the Light, wherewith you are inlightned at this present, and see who Reigns; for if sin Reign, then Satan rules; if Christ Reign; then is the Devill chained, and cast out, and all his Armor wherin he trusted. Eph. 6. 11. And the whole Armor of Righteousness put on; That which Noah was a Preacher off, and was before Abraham; which David in Spirit cal­led Lord; which in fulnes of time was made manifest, and said that I, and my Father is one; and God is a Spirit; And is the same Yest­erday, this day and for ever, 2. Cor: 5. 16. Heb. 13. 8: We are witnesses of it in our measure as Paul was, who said though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet henceforth know we noe man af­ter the flesh; but are Epistles writen in one anothers hearts, with the spirit of the Living God; by which spirit all the Sons of God were guided; and he that hath not this spirit is none of his. Rom. 8. 14. (he is not sealed.) Therfore to you all this is the word of the Lord God; Come forth of all your out-side formes, you are not seal­led, And come to the inward worship in spirit and in truth: ( Iohn 4. 25) Therewith to be Sealed and Girt about; yee that once had a true tenderness; come and renew your first love; that of God in your Consciences is my witness, you stand in slippery places; outward water being one of your foundamentalls as you call it; And the Light (the Rock) to you is an offence, which is coming in power & great Glory to crush all your dead formes, and out-side worships, & filthy hipocrisie that you live in; the terrors of God will surprize all you blind Leaders; who by faigned words and fair speeches de­ceives the hearts of the simple; and keeps them from their teacher. (Christ Jesus.) Therefore all you tender hearted ones, turne away from them which have the forme and not the power, 2. Timo. 3. 5. And you that have gon under the water for Conscience sake, such we condemn not: but that you still live in sin, that is condemned with the Light in all your Consciences; unto which you doe well if you take heed 1. Pet. 1. 19. Untill you be lead to the fear of the Lord God; that not an unsaviry word proseed out of your Mouths; and to take up the Cross dayly, Luke 9. 23. to all Covetousness, Pride, and Ambition, which abounds amongst you, who are called Bap­tists; Therefore minde the Light, that by it you may come to witness the Redemption of your Soules which all the world cannot purchase, & you awakned out of wickedness & all selfe seeking, that [Page 6] you may no longer seeke selfe, but the Lord God; that your Souls may live, & whether you will hear or for-bear, that of God in your Consciences is my witness, that in word and writing, we have not spared to declare unto you the whole counsell of God, Without re­spect of Persons.

Now unto all you that are tender and would hear, but dare not least they should cast you out of their Church▪ (as they call it.) I say unto such minde the Lord our God, and try all things and hold fast that which is Good Thes. 5. 15. 21. And then wilt thou not need to be afraid of them. For the Church is in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 1. Thes. 11. And these that are alive in their Sins, are cast out of the Church already: Therefore return unto the Light, which shews unto you your Sins, and puts you in minde of a day of accompt, and will let you see, that the longer you live in it, the great­er will your accompt be, and the sader your condemnation; There­fore beleeve in the Light, and it will lead you out of Sin, And bring you to the Church in which is noe Sin; and into the I [...]! to know the Doctrine of his Son; to yea and nay; in all your cōmunications: And not to swear at all, neither by Heaven, nor by the Earth, nor by any other Oath Math. 5. 34. 37. And to doe unto all men as you would be done unto; & then the members of the Church of the first born you will know, which will not nor cannot harm one the other, but are Knit and United, and joyntly and fully compacted and built together a spirituall house, where the spirituall man (to wit) Christ Jesus Dwells, Leads, Guids, and Rules; and therein is the peace withnessed, which passeth understanding, and the Faith unfeaigned; And the Love which is stronger then Death, in the Church, unde­filed which he hath purchased with his Blood, Eph. 5. 25.

THOMAS LARKHAMS Erors called by the world a Minister.

First. THat he hath not the Infalible spirit; second that sin is nothing.

Answer. GOD is a spirit & infalible, & he that hath not his spirit is none of his Rom. 8. 9. So that out of thine own mouth thou art Judged, to be none of his; having before many people, denyed the Lord; And thy selfe Antichrist, for he that is not with him is against him; And such saith sin is nothing; for which Christ suffered the [Page 7] just for the unjust, and incourages the wicked, and saith Sin is no­thing, then hast thou nothing to Preach against; Silence for shame and let thy mouth be stopt: hath God given his Son a Ransome for nothing? hath all the Saints declared against nothing? was the coming of Christ for the destructiō of nothing? was it not to destroy the workes of the Devill? And all Sin is of him, & herein thou hast fulfilled the Scripture, Fools makes a mock of Sin Prov. 14. 9.

Now is the day wherin the Worlds Teachers is made manifest: and the blindness and wickedness of their hearts laid open: which hath taken Tythes or money (one or both) & pretended to Preach against Sin; and now in plain words saith that it is nothing; and then have they taken your money all this time for nothing; as that of God in your Consciences will me witness that nothing have they done for you that is good; for all the Sin that can be mentioned are you living in; and they in the like; and such was never sent of God; for he sent holy Men and they spoke against all Sin and said he that committed it, is of the Devill; 1. Iohn 3: 8. And so say we; and herein is the Children of God known srō the Children of the Devill who faith Sin is nothing, then may you live as you list; for shame, can the Ranters vent filthyer things then these; be awarned and fol­low them noe longer, but minde the Light wherewith you are en­lighned and it will bring you to see the Vanity of all the world, and their Teachers; and with us to testifie against them; And be sure I warne you all in the presence of the living God: Listen not to fleshly Liberty for it is Egiptian bondage; and leads to utter darkness for­evermore.

Thirdly. He affirmed; that the Devill is in the Church of Order.

Answer. The Church is in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Thes. 11. And to that of God in all your Consciences I ap­peale, if there can be a greater Blasphemer then this Man: Is the Devill in God? I say the Church is in God; where thou and the Devill cannot come, nor none who are not guided by the infalible Spirit, for God is pure and without spot or wrinkle; and so is his Church Eph. 5. 27. But thou denying Gods Spirit; which is infalible, is given up to Blaspheme the Lord, Bitter is thy Portion thinke upon it in thy bed of Sorrowes.

Fourthly. He saith also that there is no Perfection in the World.

Answer. Again he hath denyed the Doctrin of Christ, Math. 5. 48. [Page 8] and the worke of the Ministry: which is for the perfecting of the Saints, Eph. 4. 13. Coll. 1. 27. 28. And excluds all for coming into the Kingdome of heaven; where nothing that is imperfect can come; for none that is out of Christ can enter into the Kingdome of heaven; and they that are in Christ are in perfection; therefore let the honest hearted Judge, with that of God in you all; And if he knew but a Bridle to his Blasphemous Tongue, and Lips, he would then know that which makes a perfect Man. Iames 3. 2. and 14. And brings to know Faith which is perfect, 'till then your hearing is vaine; as it hath been to this day; in hearing such as have not the spirit of God which is infalible, by which all the Sons of God were guided; Rom. 8. 14. And so your Leaders cause you to err, and they that are lead of them are dostroyed, Isaiah. 9: 16. And the fruits of his Lips was bitternes and cursing, Foole, and Asse▪ yea, he said, he would curse us in the name of the Lord; and had denyed the infalible spirit; and herein is his confusion manifested. And whereas he accused us for denying Christs Merits; I say that which can be Merited is of selfe: And that which is of Christ is freely given; but such a word is not in Scripture, as Christs Merits, but is sercht from the Whore at Rrome by them, And also charged us with denying that Christ that dyed at Jerusalem, which is falce, and many such things as are not worth mentioning unto which I answer noe other Christ we owne, but him who is the only begoten Son of God, full of grace and truth, the brightness of his glory the express Jurage of his person: Heb. 1: 3: and 7. Who witnessed a good Confession before Pontius Pilate; 1 Tim: 6: 13. And was Crucified where it is called spiritually Sodam and Egipt Revel: 11: 8. And suffered the reproach of Sinuers the leaders of which was the Chief Priests, which hired Judas, read they example Math: 26: 14: 15. Math. 28: 11: 12. who denyes the infalible Spirit denyes both the Father and the Son, & concludes thy selfe a Reprobate, and a Blasphemer thou art out of thine owne mouth Judged, and for the sake of the simple this we declare & give forth under our hands.

  • Humphry Norton.
  • William Shame.

A Reproofe to the Offenders.

VVHoremongers and Addulterers God will Judge Heb. 13. 4. Search the Scriptures, your whorish heauts is gon from God [Page 9] and you are become the worst of all Creatures; for they by Nature doth but their kinde, but you being departed from the living God, and out of the Covenant of Grace; are become abusers of your selves with menkind, the Lord God abhors a whorish Woman for she is like to a deep Ditch; and a strange Woman is like to a narrow pit, their hearts are as snares and netts, and their hands as bands, who so pleaseth God shall escape from her, but the Sinner shall be takne by her, Prov. 23: 27. Eccle: 7: 26: all in whom there is any fear of God minde this, for going out of the fear of God, you joyne with Har­lots, untill your hearts be hardned, and the Devill seazed upon it and your sences; and then are you laid as waste, then doth the Lord God suffer Satan to set you in fire Soule and body and so consume you and your lusts: or otherwise reserve you for examples to the wicked World; the Sin is so Loath some in his sight, for this ye know that noe Whoremaster hath any Inheritance in the Kingdome of Christ, and of God Eph: 5: 5: for by means of a whoreish woman, a man is brought to a peece of Bread, and the Addultrous, will hunt for the pretious life; Prov: 6: 26: and for the sake of the pretious Life is this given forth; that you who have any Consolation in Christ Je­sus, may all take warning, that you from your wickedness may re­turne, if possibly to you may be found a place of Repentance, for under the heavie Curse of God is all whores and whoremongers, & filthy R [...]anters and Lustfull ones who lives in the liberty of their fleshly lusts, Let the dread of the Lord God peirce your hearts yee privat Harlots, for thus doe you require the Lord for affording you plenty of the Creatures; Drunkards & Gluttons you are devour­ers of the Creatures, the pit is your Portion, the Light is your Con­demnation.

Queries unto all People to be read within.
  • 1: What is that Innocent, which Sin slayes?
  • 2: What is that just, which they that lives in pleasures Kills? and whether they be not guilty of Innocent blood, yea, or nay▪ Iames 5: 5: 6.
  • 3: What is the Righteous that suffers by the wicked? and where it is that it suffers, Gene: 18: 15.
  • 4: What is that Abell whose blood cryes for Vengence to be taken upon Caine? which Abell the Lord hath respect unto; Gene: 4: 4. Heb: 12: 24.
  • [Page 10]5: What is that Iocob: which is sound in a barren wilderness? & in the Land of great Drought, and where that wilderness is? and that Droughty Land; Deut: 32: 9: 10.
  • 6. What Prisoners are these, which is brought out of the pit? by the blood of the Covenant? and where the pit [...] is? wherin is noe water, Zacha: 9: 11:
  • 7: What is that witness which a beleever hath in himselfe? and what hope there is for him that saith that there is nothing of God in him? and makes him liare? 1: Iohn: 5: 10:
  • 8. And where the grace is, which teacheth the Saints if not with­in? which the wicked turns into wantonness, Titus: 2: 11: 12.
  • 9. What Pricke that was which Saule kicked against whilst he persecuted Christ in his Saints, Acts 9: 5.
  • 10. What was that which when Peter Preacht prickt them at their hearts? And made them cry out men and Brethren; what shall we doe, Acts 2: 37.
  • 11. What was that which convicted them in their Consciences that they could not Stone the waman that was taken in Adul­tery, Iohn 8: 9.
  • 12. What is that truth, which the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against them that holds it, in unrighteousnes Rom 1: 18.
  • 13. And what seed is that, and where is it, which the Lord will power his spiret upon? spoken of in Isaiah; 44: 3.
  • 14. And what is that seed of the Righteous and where is it? for whose sake, the wicked shall not goe unpuoished; although they joyne hand, in hand, Prov: 11: 21:
  • 15. What is that Righteous which perisheth and no man layeth it to heart Isaiah. 57: 1.
  • 16. What Prisoners are these that sits in darknes? which Christ was sent to bring out of the Prison-house, Isaiah 42. 6. 7.
  • 17. What is that Zion and where is it? which is redeemed tho­rough judgment Isaiah 1. 27.
  • 18. And who it was? that answered and said I was wounded in the house of my friends, Zacha. 13. 6. And where his friends house is.
  • 19. And what is that which cyes out (Behold, I am) prest under you as a Cart is prest that is full of Sheaves, Amos 2. 13:
  • 20. And what that whole Creation is that groaneth and travelleth [Page 11] in paine together untill now, Rom. 8. 22.
  • 21: And what Nature that was where by Christ suffered? & whe­ther you are not in the same Nature now, that are living in Sin? and causeth him to suffer by you dayly; seeing that he is the same yesterday, this day, and for ever, Heb. 13. 8.
  • 22. What was theat which made Judas carry the thirty peeces of Silver to the chief Priests (which he had received of them to betray JESVS?) and to cry out, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the Innocent blood; Math. 27. 4.

These are not given forth to the wise and Learned only; but also to the hungry and weary, and heavie Laden; to the foolish Ignorant & blinde who are lead by the Blinde, and both are going to the Ditch, Luke. 6 39.

To all those that speaks of a Personall Reign.

To all those that pretend to waite for that which they Immagin, and call a personall Reign, for which they have noe Scripture, but makes themselves manifest to be these that neither knowes the Scriptures, nor the power of God; for they were writen for our ad­monition, upon whom the ends of the World are come, 1. Cor. 10. 11. (Marke) they knew the end of the world come, at that time, where Sin was put away by the Sacrifice of himselfe, Heb. 9. 26.

Now unto all you this is the word of the Lord God, you that waits out the light wherewith you are enlightned, waits out of the way, and you can never come to God, whilst you live in Sin, your waiting is but a mocking of God, whilst your Tongues is at liberty, and knowes not a stay for your mindes, (Tell me) Have not many of your Bretheren, and Sisters, pretended this waiting who are dead? (take warning) and said they looked as you doe, for a Christ to come in anothers person, and not your own; are you not look­ing a far 'off like fooles with your Eyes abrod, Prov. 17. 24. and will not once looke in, and see who Reigns at home, whether Sin Reigne, and so Satan rule, or Grace Reigne through Righteousness, and life through Jesus Christ (marke) Here was Sins Reigne unto death, and here is Christs Reigne who through death, overcame him that had the power of death, which is the Devill, Rom: 5. 21. Heb. 2. 14. The light will let you see under whose Reign yee are, if Sin Reign, suffer it no longer to Reigne in your mortall bodies, [Page 12] Rom. 6. 12. Let no man deceive you, He that commits Sin is of the Devill, and under his Reigne, 1. Iohn 3: 8. For Sin it is that hinders Christs Reign, Light and Darknes hath no communion, nor fellow­ship, nor concord, for the Light testifies against all the workes of Darkness, yea, and discovers Darknes it selfe, and noe agreement is, nor can be betwixt them, but all unrighteousness must be casten out, and then the Temple of God is holy, which Temple yee are, wherein he dwels, 2: Cor. 6. 14: 15: 16. 1. Cor. 6: 15: 19. Now tell me, you that looks upon the Scriptures with a carnall eye, and would have a Christ like unto your selves, what differs you from Antichrist, who cannot own him as he is, one with the Father, Iohn 10: 30: the brightness of his glory, the express Image of his Person, (Behold) he is the express Image of his Person, and upholds all things by the word of his Power, Heb: 1: 3: he abideth a Priest con­tinually, Heb: 7: 3: Now consider, How great this man is; which upholds all things, who was before Abraham, and is the same yest­erday, to day, and for ever, Heb. 13: 8. And now yee Baptists, why stand yee gazing up into heaven▪ this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, is the word which upholds all things, and is hid from your eyes, It is GOD! and GOD is a Spirit, Iohn, 4. 24. Unto whom no mortall eye can approach, but by Faith was he, & is he seen, which Faith is a mystery held in a pure conscience, Heb. 11. 27. 1. Tim. 3. 9. And they that are of Faith, are of Abraham, and these sees Christ the same, yesterday, today, and for ever; And to all these that are the least sensible of the want of a Saviour, I say unto thee, whilst thou art living in Sin, thou waites not for the com­ing of Christ, for he was made manifest to take away Sin, and in him is no Sin, 1. Iohn 3. 8. The Light which shewes Sin being mind­ed, the same leads to the end of the world, and brings to know a Sa­viour, one to save you from your Sins as it is writen, they shall call his Name JESVS, for he shall save his people from their Sins, Math. 1. 21. The same teacheh to reade and understand that which was writen, for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come 1. Cor. 10. 11. Behold upon these was the ends of the world come, and so it is, upon us, who are not of the world, though living in it, yet testifying against it, that the deeds thereof are evill, that which shews you your cvill deeds, keepe your minde to it, and it will bring you to know every day more and more of the appear­ance [Page 13] of Christ in you; the Son of Righteousness revealed in you, as it was in Paul, Gall: 1. 16: and Gall: 2. 20: the way is but one.

Unto all you that are against this appearance to have Christ re­vealed in you, as he was in Paul, and in all the Sons and Daughters of God, Answer these Queries, and prove what you speake by plaine Scripture.

1. Qu. Whether is not God and Christ one in every thing, yea or nay? or wherein doe they differ in any thing? and whether in this generation is he not the same, that he hath been in all others, (I am)

2. Qu. Is not all Righteousness fulfiled in Christ? and is not God satisfied with this Righteousness wher it is put on, as it is writ­en, put yee on the Lord Jesus Christ Rom. 13. 14.

3. Qu. Whether any one man visibly can put on another, and therein satisfie God? or whether any one mans Righteousness will satisfie God for another mans Sin, yea or nay? or must not every Man and Woman put on the Lord Iesus Christ? (and then no more a carnall Christ,) seeing it is writen, woe unto him that is covered and not with my spirit?

4. Qu. And now all you that speaks of a personall Reigne an­swer this, from whence must this Christ come which must Reign personally? seeing the promise of God was but one, and to one, and all the Prophets of God Prophesied but of one, and they declared of what Stocke and family, and house, and Generation he should be of, Read Math: 1: and Luke 3. and also where he should be borne, and of whom, (to wit; a VIRGIN,) which things are fulfiled and come to pass, we are witnesses of it according to the Scriptures.

5. Qu. Now answer in plain words, from whence must this Christ you waite for come, and in what Generation, and of what family, and out of what Country, and of whom must he be borne, that they may no longer be deceived by you, who have kept them gazing after a falce Christ, well may it be called gazing but leave it, and minde these in white apparrell which reproves you for it; Acts 1: 10: 11.

6. Qu. And seeing this Christ yeu preach is uncome, give me an example out of all the Scriptures of any of the Ministers of Christ that preached him uncome, and what bread it is you break, if Christ be not come, seeing the Minister of Christ said, the bread [Page 14] which we breake is the Lords body, and said he spoke this to wise men, that they might judge what he said, 1: Cor: 10: 15: 16: 17: So say I, Let that of God in your Consciences judge: And you that preach Christ to come, whether are not you false witnesses, yea or nay? and whether in the breaking of this Bread that you breake; you doe not you know not what, yea or nay?

7: Qu: And why you drinke wine at your meetings, seeing there is not any such thing spoken off in the Scripture, that ever was used at the Passover, and if you say, that it is the fruit of the Vine, which you drinke fresh in the Kingdome of the Father why then doe you looke for his coming down, see yee him not there? of whose King­dome and Dominion there is noe end; sure you are blind:

8: Qu: What is the Passover, and what is the fast which the Lord requires, seeing it is the Doctrine of Devills to sorbid to Mar­ry, and to abstaine from Meates: Tim: 1. 4: 3?

9: Qu: And what is the seed unto which he gives his own body, & where is, & how doth he give his own body to every seed, & whe­ther you follow his example, yea or nay? and gives your bodies to be broken, for he gave his body to be broken &c: 1: Cor: 15: 38

10. Qu: And what is the Body and Blood of Christ, which ex­cept you eate and drinke, you have no life in you, or whether it be any carnall or visible thing, seeing the Scripture saith, that he is the express Jmage of his Person, Heb: 1. 3: and whether God and Christ be not one Spirit, and whether a spirit hath flesh and bones, yea, or nay? and see if all your wicked immaginations can divide the Father, and the Son; and their Kingdome, and them that are therein, from being all one, and in one, in whom is the vnion, and what the Union is, and wherein it stands?

11. Qu: And whether the Apostle was not a true Minister of Christ, who said, though we have known Christ after the flesh, Yet now hence forth know we him no more, 2: Cor. 5. 16.

12: Qu: And whether Iohn did not see the Reign of Christ a thousand yeares since Rev: 20. 4. and whether he and his Reign be altered, or can alter or change, seeing the Scripture saith, I am the Lord, I change not, Mall. 3: 6▪

13. Qu. What is it that leads you to preach & to pray, & whe­ther it is not selfe yea, or nay? if Christ be not come, who sent you, and whether any can preach Christ except they be sent by him, & [Page 15] have him (what can a man preach that he hath not) who is it that fol­lowes him whithersoever he goes & hath no certaine dweling place, nor noe set maintenance, Woe be unto him that makes his Gospell chargeable, and cannot live of the Gospell, & whether the Gospell be Tythes or set maintenance, yea or nay? or what it is, Rom. 10: 15. 1. Cor. 9. 18.

14. Qu. And whether it were not better for you who pretends to watch for the Soule and knowes not what the Soule of man is, to be silent, then still to bring more blood upon your heads, and whilst you are sspeaking to others, you your selves be found cast awayes, therfore take warning, and let all flesh keepe silence before the Lord untill you can give an accompt what the Soule of man is, Zach. 2. 13.

15. Qu. And now yee Baptists, seeing that Christ is come, and hath Baptized us, and all men come unto him; Tell me, whether there be any Baptisme but one, seing the Apostle saith, One Lord one faith, one Baptisme, Eph. 4. 5. 6. & whether Baptisme be not a Doctrine yea, or nay? if you say an Ordinance, whether it be not a­bolished yea or nay? seeing the scripture saith having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the Law of Commandements contained in Ordinances, for to make in himselfe of twain one new Man, so mak­ing peace. Eph. 2. 15.

16. Qu. And seeing the Scriptures saith that Christ is the way to the Father, then is not this the Spirit of truth that leads into all truth, to the God of all truth; and doth not these that looke for a Christ to come, deny the way to God, Tell me, what way must peo­ple goe to God, if Christ be not come, seeing they dye daily, John 14. 6. John: 16: 30.

VNTO all you that say you would refraine such & such things▪ had you power (consider) what power are you under, is God unjust; Doth he require any thing of any Creature to be done, or not done, but he gives strength according to what he requires; his hand is not shortned, nor his power straitned; it is the same yester­day and for ever, for the same which reproves for Sin, gives strength against Sin: unto all that beleeve in it, for the Cross of Christ which is the power of God is to be taken up dayly: so that you whose mindes are turned tawards God take heed of slighting the Cross for [Page 16] in so doing thou flees the power of God; And such Spirits will say if it be his minde he will constraine me whether I will or not; I cannot resist him; I say in somuch as thou art not obedient to the least of his reproofes thou resists him; and art he that saith in heart I will none of thy reproofes; Unto such I say, the Lord God is just, and will be glorified in thy destruction; And contrary to thy will; will cut thee off, and give thy portion amongst the unbeleevers; in the Lake; therfore take warning, and minde that which reproves you for your evill deeads, and beleeve in it, for in the same is the power of God unto Salvation received and injoyed; Jsaiah 59: 1. 1. Cor. 1: 18. Math. 24: 51.


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