GIve Ear O you Inhabitants of this Northern Island of the Gentiles, who sate in Darkness, and under the Region of the Shadow of Death, in whom, and amongst whom is arisen a Light.
God Eternal the Ancient of Dayes, who was from everlasting and is to everlasting, hath in these latter Ages of the World stretched out the Ancient Arm of his great Power to gather thine Inhabitants out of the broad wayes of Destruction, into the narrow Way of Life eternal; and in order to the Accomplishment of this great and glorious Work, he hath caused his spiritual Trumpet to be sounded to awaken thine Inhabitants to stand up and hear his Determination, which was and is to overturn, lay waste, confound, and destroy the Kingdom of Anti-Christ, and to set up and establish the Kingdom of his Son Christ Jesus, & to translate [Page 4] thousands and ten thousands out of the Kingdom of Satan, into the Kingdom of his dear Son.
This Work O England, God everlasting hath begun within thy Borders, whose Glorious, Bright, Splendorous Day is dawned over thee; magnified be the Name of the mighty God, this Day hath overtook some thousands of thine Inhabitants, through which they have seen that grievous dark Night of Apostacy, in which they wandered from Mountain unto Hill of lifeless Professions, seeking the living among the dead, and Food for their immortall Souls in desolate Places; but found it not until the glorious Lord God of eternal Might caused his Day (which is Light) to dawn, through which they have seen the Displeasure of the Lord of Hosts against Sin and Iniquity, and all out-side Professions of Christianity, which are void and remote from the Natue thereof.
But O England England! instead of prizing this unutterable Loving-Kindness of the Lord in visiting thine Inhabitants with his Day-springing from on high; Multitudes, both Professors and prophane did reject, withstand and oppose the very first Breakings forth and Dawnings of this Day of Love, and wickedly and despightfully treated the Lord's Ambassadours, that were sent to publish and proclaim the Glad-tidings of Life and Salvation; and both Rulers, Priests and People withstood as much as in them lay, the Lord in his Spiritual Appearance, and put Briars and Thorns (as some did in Ages by-past) in Battel against the [Page 5] Lord; but after he had given them a Day of tender Visitation, stretching out his Hand all the Day long, which was rejected; the Almighty God kindled a Fire in his Wrath, and his Displeasure waxed hot against them, and he caused his Fire to go through their Briars and Thorns, and consumed them, in which Day the mighty fell from their Seats into great Contempt, and the abasing-Hand of the Lord signally appeared in the Power of its working, through whose Overthrow and abasing, he exalted his Truth over their Power, and renowned it over their Opposition, and hath caused it to prosper, and his Day to dawn and appear more and more, through which Light and Understanding have so appeared, and increased, that Thousands have a Discovery what the righteous God requireth of them: And now O Inhabitants of England after your settlement in this Capacity you are now in, how did the Lord strive with you, ye Rulers and People? requiring you to do justly, love Mercy, bring forth Justice and Judgment, Truth and Righteousness, ease the oppressed, judge the Cause of the innocent, and in all things bow before the most high, who changed Time and Seasons before your Eyes, pulling down and setting up, which was not accomplished by any Man or Mens Might, Sword or Spear, that no Men might have whereof to glory; but dread before his Greatness, Almightiness, Wisdom and Justice.
[Page 6] But O ye Rulers, Priests and People, how soon were ye turned aside by the Spirit of Error from taking notice of the Goings of the Almighty, or having Regard to the Operation of his Hand? but Joyned Hand in Hand to do wickedly, to oppose, gainsay and resist the Counsel of the Lord, which abundantly was declared unto you, but ye rejected it, and with Greediness made Haste to work Evil, and commit Unrighteousness, and to many great Abominations added this, namely, cruelly in many Places to persecute and imprison an innocent People that feared the Lord, dreading and trembling before him, having a Regard to the Operation of his overturning Hand and Power; and those your great Evils greatly displeased the Just God, yet in tender Love he arose early, and sent unto you; & many Warnings you Rulers, Priests & People had before those dreadful signal Judgments, viz. Pestilence and Fire, which came on Thousands, as an armed Man, and as Travail on a Woman, wasting and destroying dreadfully the People, Habitations and Treasures, in which Day the God of Mercy and inexpressible Compassions, bowed down his Ear to your Sighings, and had a Regard to your Cryes, which were many and great, whilst those dreadful Stroaks were upon you; and he was entreated, and in his Mercy stayed the Sword in the Hand of the destroying Angel, which was and is seen drawn over thee, O City of London and Inhabitants of England: And the Lord God Almighty answered the ardent Cryes of his Prophets and [Page 7] People, which were in Supplication unto him, to give you, O Inhabitants, a Day of Tryal in Mercy, to see whether you would amend and turn from the Evil of your Doings, and in the Sence of his Judgments and Mercies, be humbled through all your Families in the Dust before him: And in his Grace and unspeakable Mercies, he hath given you a Time and Season ye Rulers, Priests and People, and a small Remnant hath taken notice of the Work of the Hand of the Almighty, and bowed before him in the Sence of his Judgments and Mercies, and have turned from the Evil of their Doings unto the Lord, and by them the blessed End of the Lord is answered; but these are but a little Remnant to the many Thousands of thy Inhabitants: For thy Multitudes, O England, in thy Cities, Towns and Villages, Rulers, Priests and People have not had a true Regard, neither to the Judgments nor Mercies of the Lord, but have proceeded from great Evils to worse, rushing into Uncleanness, Debauchery and all Iniquity, as the Horse into Battel, and drinking it up as the Ox drinks Water. And now O Inhabitants of England, lift up your Eyes, be awakened into a Sence, how in this Day of the Long-Suffering of the Lord, and Respite from dreadful consuming Judgments, ye have declared your Sins like (if not far exceeding) Sodom and Gomorrah: The Lord Almighty is greatly offended with you, and his Spirit that hath strove with you long, is exceedingly grieved; the Cryes of your Transgressions [Page 8] are come before him, and he is comedown, and hath vewed thy Cities, Towns and Villages, O England, and behold they are before him like Sodom, and many of thy Inhabitants like Gomorrah, whom God overthrew, and never repented.
And he hath said, I will now draw near to Judgment, and hasten my Determination, and accomplish my Purpose, that the Earth may be moved at the uttering of my Thunders, and the Inhabitants reel like a Cottage, that the mighty of the Earth may arise to meet me in the Wayes of my Judgments; for from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same shall my Name be reverenced, and the Acts of the Arm of my Power renowned.
O England, England! Awake, awake out of that Sleep of Death and Destruction, which the Destroyer of Mankind hath brought Multitudes of thine Inhabitants into, and consider now thine Estate in this the Evening of many of thine Inhabitants Day, for the Sun is setting over many, and Night coming on apace, wherein no Man can work.
I am distressed for thee, O dear Land of my Nativity in the Sense of the little Regard many of thine Inhabitants have of the Mercies and Judgments of the Lord; but yet be awakened at the certain Sound of the Trumpet of the Lord, to consider the things appertaining to your everlasting Peace, and to a serious Consideration of the Times and Seasons that are over you and wherein you are.
And I am moved of the eternal holy Lord God to pat you in mind, that it was not long since a great Fear and Dread was on many, that the Lord would [Page 9] swiftly have brought that grievous and fore Judgment of removing the Plenty of Bread within our Land through the dreadful Seasons in many Places (a sore manner of wasting People) through which multitudes of cattel died before your Eyes, which came so far as to give several a taste of that dreadful Judgment of Famine, which threatning brought a Dread upon the Minds of many; but the God of our Mercies, who is full of Compassions and Long-suffering, that he might try you O Inhabitants of England, immediatly and signally appeared in great and unexpressible Mercy, and instead of a dreadfull Famine, caused the Earth to bring forth by Hand-fuls ABUNDANTLY.
Now O rebellious Nation, stiff-necked and hard-hearted People, be wise, be instructed, lift up your Eyes, behold this Trial of Plenty; for so it is, I declare it unto you in the Name of the Lord God of Hosts, to prove and to try you, whether the dreadful Threatnings of Judgment, and the speedy large Extention of his Mercies will move to a serious Examination of your Wayes and Walkings before the Lord; Then would the Sense of your great and coutinued Iniquities on the one Hand, and the Sense of the great Long-Suffering and tender Mercies of the Almighty on the other Hand bar you down and bring you very low, even into the dust before the Lord through which a repenting Frame of Spirit would come on you.
But now O England, England, if neither the Mercies nor Judgments of the Lord, which have been, and are upon thee, will prevail, so as to work a Reformation [Page 10] in thee; then O People hear this Word; Be in Expectation of a dreadful Day, such as you have not known in this Generation, to come on you; for the Lord God strong and mighty will smite through the Land in great Dread and Fury, bringing Terrour and the very Begirdings of Sorrows upon every County therein, and a general Calamity, wasting, consuming, destroying and depopulating and overturning will go over: And therefore in the Name of the mighty God, when this Message comes to your Ears, lay aside all your Instruments and Objects of Joy and Mirth, come down in the Dust before the dreadful God, all both high and low, rich and poor, bond and free male and female, from him that sits upon the Throne to the Beggar on the Dunghil, and speedily humble your selves before the Lord, fast from Strife and Debate and all Iniquity, then approach and come near, cry mightily to the Lord God of Sabboths, that he would spare you and your Land from the dreadful Spoiler and Waster; and covenant with the Lord to walk before him in Righteousness, putting away all your Abominations from before his Eyes, the stumbling-Block of your Iniquities, and may be the Lord may be yet entreated, otherwise remember this sealed Counsel & Determination of the most high, glorious, dreadful Lord God of Heaven and Earth, When you have filled up your measures, which greatly hastens and is near, your Judgments shall be astonishing, both unto your selves, and unto Nations, in which Day you shall know, that as Israel of old rejected and rebelled against the good Spirit of the Lord given them, and against the Counsel of the Lord given [Page 11] by his Prophets and Servants, for which a wasting and dreadful consuming Judgment came on them; so have ye: So be instructed, bow down and kiss the Son, lest his Wrath break forth without Remedy, and thousands perish out of the Way; and whilest ye have a little time (a very short time) prize it, in making the utmost Use of it, is the breathing Cryes, and travailing in Spirit for you of him who hath been and am often afflicted and bowed in Spirit for you, who am a Servant of the Lord, raised up to declare his certain Counsel unto you.