The Mystery of Ambras Merlins, Standardbearer Wolf. and last Boar of Cornwal.
With sundry other Misterious Prophecys, both Ancient and Modern, plainly unfolded in the following treatise, on the signification and portent of that prodigious Comet, seen by most part of the World Anno 1680 with the Blazing Star Anno 1682, and the conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter in October following, and since, all which do purport many sad calamites to befall most parts of the Europian continent in general before the year 1699. some sooner then others, but [...]n Ore perticulerly the ruin of the house of Austria, Vienna, and the Empire of Germany, with Rome, Italy and the Pope and Papicy, the King and Kingdom of France, with several oth [...]r Countrys in Europe, and the danger of an invation in England by the Turks, and then the convertion of the said Nation to the Christian faith, before this present expedition of the Turks into Hungary and Germany be over, whi [...]h will be followed.
- (1) with the calling of the Iews,
- (2) the reducing of all wayes of Religious Worship in to the by which an universal peace will ensue to all the Earth.
THe Situation, Dimention, Complexion and natural Comixture of the said Comet, Blazing Star and Conjuction, having been treated on at large by others before, shall save my Time and Pains in that kind now—and being (after the first Appearance of the said Star) enquired of by some of my Neighbours concerning its Signification, I then told them, That it signified much to Scotland & Ireland, & but little to us here in England—but when by my noctural observation of it afterward I saw the great ascents it made towards the North-pole, in so much that it was more Southward thereof by its last appearance, then it was Northward of it at the first—for which cause, I then told my said Neighbours, that I feared it might signify more to us with many Countrys East South and West of us, then it would either Scotland or Ireland, but that it would begin to Opperate in Scotland first, and with our selves hear soon after.
And if I be not too much mistaken in its signification, together with that of the Comet and conjunctions, viz. Religion & dominion, Rule and Government both in Church and State, with many other things besides, but especially in matters of Religion, and Religious things, which may conduce to make most parts of Europe deeply sensible of many sad calamitys ready to befall them; which being granted—then I think that Scotland is made very sensible thereof already and our selves too much; and not all neither: and who knows but that it may be so in Ireland by this time also, as many places else may do soon after us, for the Comet and Star, being wholy Saturnin, and the Conjunctions being so in a great part also, What may be expected less then that the Effects should be according to the cause? And the rather considering how unluckily Tory Mars was posited so near the conjunction in October last; that look what malevolent Saturn should Enviously and Subtilly suggest, and benevolent Jupiter might peradventer unwillingly consent unto, Mars stood by furiously, resolved to put it on Soldier like, vi et armis—And then Saturn parting so slowly from Jupiter doth presage the longer continuance of our miserys when they come.
Which kind of Calamity (be they what they will) are like to be brought upon us Protestants by a Saturnine Sect, or sort of People, and their Adherents, as all such may be truly called who wed their Interest, and do their Work, whose Religion may be little better than that of the Papists or Turks, as shall be seen anon; all which occurs into my mind a Prediction of Nostredamus, quoted by M r. Gadbury in his Almanack; Ann. 1679.
It may concern us too much, though Gadhury did cantingly say Not.
Then in the next place, take one of Mr. Lillys in his English Merlin, pag. 25. viz. I judge that privately by Lyes, Treacheries, feigned and dissembled Treaties, and Embassadours, and by the policies of a Jesuitical faction all over Europe, the true Protestant Religion will be infinitely distressed, and the Heavenly intentions impedited, and all those Countrys professing Protestantism exceedingly molested, by so great a compact of Villains and false hearted Traytors; [Page 2]lurking in the [...]foms and closets of Princes, that many shall think that Popery shall return to its old Seat in every Country. By which it may appear, where and by whom the Pro [...]estant Religion is like to be put in danger, more then by the Dissenters. In favour of which said Saturnin People, some men give themselves to do like a sort of People living in King Davids time, of whom he saith, Psalm. 37.14. The Wicked bend their Bow, and make their Arrow ready on the string to shoot in Secret and to hurt those of an Upright Conversation, and verse 32. the Wicked watcheth the Righteous, and seeketh to slay Him; it was of such men that David spake in vers. 12. saying, save me from the Bloody Man, for th [...] Sins of their Mouths and the words of their Lips, even for their Perjury and Lyes, let them be taken in their own Pride.
Of this sort of Men it was Mr. Lilly did so aptly predict in his Almanack for 1681. saying, There are a dissatisfyed People amongst us, that too frequently endeavour to Poyson the minds of the People, to promote their own designs, and are animated therein by Persons of no mean Quality—which seems to be truly predicted, witness that unparalelled & monstrous presentment, made to the Justices at the Bridge-house in January last at Sessions there; putting the Protestant-Dissenters equally Criminal with Papists; but those men taking little notice of the late Lord Chancellors well worded speech to the Parliament Anno. 1678/9, that it would be necessary to distinguish between Popish-Recusants that would destroy the Church, and other Recusants that only wander from the Church—we leave them to learn to distinguish better if the Papists come to sit at helm to stear the Ship.
Its no small wonder to me that such men should be so Brutish, as not to take any more notice of the many warnings God gives us now and of late years; or can they think that God did light that prodigious Comet in the heavens in 1680. and the Star since only for the world to gaze on and wonder at?—or may we not all rather fear that he seeth some crying sins reigning amongst us mortals that he would have us turn from, or otherwise he will Punish us for, and therefore mercifully warns us before hand of? Amongst which crying sins the present Persecution may be one; which some may not think to be a sin, because its authorized by a Law—but it may not be a jot the less a sin for that, in which like case, King David put a Query saying, hath the throne of Iniquity fellowship with thee that forgeth wrong for a Law?
And so for Subbornation, Perjury, Atheism, and others as bad, but for the said Persecution it is such as hath not been presidented by any since the publishing the Gospel of Peace; unless by the Roman Heathen Emperours, against the Apostles and Primitive Christians in those times; and the Papists against the Protestants in all times since.
And what presidents these are for Protestants to follow against each other, let the reformed churches abroad judge, which again occurs into my mind another prediction of Mr. Lilly in his Almanack 1681. saying, those pretending to Religion, whether Papists or Seditious, will shew but little pitty or compassion on those, whose unhappiness it may be to fall under their Subjection.
Haveing thus sparingly hinted at a few of those crying sins reigning amongst us, let us look back to see the effects that may follow, and first with respect to our selves in this Nation, who according to the judgements of the Antients, the experience of later Ages, and the present apprehensions of some Sages yet living amongst us, as well as of some lately dead, on such configurations as we now treat on, may expect great changes and alterations in Government, with other calamitys besides,
- (1) but God grant we meet with no change of Governours, lest it prove for the worse, nor yet by any undue means.
- (2) nor secondly, any pestilentical Plague, as in sixty five.
- (3) nor such a dreadful burning of houses as in sixty six, though we have had many burnt since.—
- (4) fourthly, nor a scarcity of grain and other fruits of the Earth, to pine the Poor with hunger as in some time past, so long threatned, and may now be feared.
- (5) nor an innovation of Popery into the Church, whereby the established Religion in the Nation (of which we so much boast) may be thrust aside if not subverted, when the Ministers and Teachers thereof may be removed into corners, and be glad of Private houses to preach in then for fear of the Papists, as the Non-conformists are for fear of some of them now.
- (6) nor any breakings out amongst our selves to the cutting each others throats, as [Page 3]the fruits of our present divisions; so little taken notice of unless by such as rejoyce thereat, having been the chief fomenters thereof.
- (7) lastly, nor an invation of an Enemy from a very far off, so little thought on and less feared.
Some of which said disastreous calamitys may be brought upon us, and most Protestant Countrys in Europe, first, by that Saturnin People and their Adherents, as was said before, but God grant it be not attempted by Bloody Butcherings, as was once designed and still feared, and then look what the said people come short of bringing on us Protestants, may in the next place be brought on them and us too by the Turks, which is to be understood, an Enemy from a very far off as a little before.
Which said Nation have or late penetrated themselves far into Hungary, and will be hardly courted or compelled out again on any easie, or honourable terms for the Empire, but if they bring another Army in this Summer as 'tis said they are preparing for; then they will hardly ever return to goe out again untill they have overrun Hungary and Germany as far as to the Gates, yea within the walls of Vienna, and thence to Lubick, and other Hance Towns on the Western Sea with their Ships round into the said Sea; as was once predicted by Nostredamus, saying.
Then the Contest will not be so great between the Ministers of the Church of England and the Nonconfermist Dissenters; nor yet between the Protestants in general and the Papists, as between the Mahometans and the Christians; when the venerable Muffty and Musslman will dare to vie it with the haughty Cardinal and reverend Bishop.
For which many an unfortunate European Prince may thank, first, the present Emperor, who by his heavy Pressures laid on the Protestants in Hungary, forcing them into Arms for their Just Rights, which gave the Turks an opportune Occasion for the present Invasion. Secondly, The French King for more than once enviting them to it. And Thirdly, The Pope, who advised the Emperor to reduce the Hungarians by Arms, rather than by an Amicable Compliance. And now to illustrate the probability of these things, with more of this kind, coming to pass within a few years, take as followeth.
1. First, An ancient German Prophecy in the old Saxon, presaging, first, the present French King's late Conquest; secondly, the Turks present Incursion into Germany: saying, In the south shall live a Wolf, who shall gnash down Towns into his thirsty Throat; but in his bloody Banquet shall Dye—Then out of the East shall come a Dismal Black Dog, who like a Thief by Night shall enter into Germany, but in the Enterprise shall lose one of his Limbs, and so depart with such a yelping sound as shall make all Asia and Africa quake thereat; then he shall forsake his old Master, and chuse him a new one. Of which more in the close of the Treatise.
2. A Second is a Turks Prophecy to his own Slave, who was a Lubicker Seaman, taken by a Turk's Man of War, Anno 1658. or thereabouts: The Turk was a Doctor of Physick and Chyrurgeon, who took his said new Slave one morning into his study in 1660. and there said to him,— that soon after the year 1680. of Christion account, the Turks Nation should raise an innumerable Army to goe against Christendom, who when come to the borders thereof, would divide into three parts, one to go on the right hand toward Muscovy and Poland, another on the left toward the Alps and Switzerland, and the third right foreward toward Germany, which should goe on conquering as far as near Lubick, where they should be defeated, and I (said he to his slave) shall be slain in the fight, and thou shalt live to see it, therefore when the fight is over, come thou into the field to look for me, whom thou shalt find dead among the slain, and cloathed with a violate colour gown as now I am, when thou hast me lay me in my Mothers Bosome, which is all the service I shall require of thee—so he dismist him and sent him to Lubick.
3. A Third thing is a mentioning of divers Prophetical but unusual Visions, Apparitions, and Revelations made known to Christopher Kotterus, Christiana Ponatovia, and Nicholas Dabi [...]ius, all persons of known Integrity and well approved of by all the Ministers that were banished out of Bohemia by Fardinando 2 Emperour of Germany; when he expelled Frederick King thereof, for turning Protestant anno 1620. all which said Visions and Revelations were since printed in the Bohemian tongue, (all threatning [Page 4]the Emperour, Empire, house of Austria, the Pope and Church of Rome, with ruin to all intents and purposes,) and is of late made English in a small Volume, and of as small a price, sold at Mr. Paulets shop at the sign or the Bible in Chancery-lane.
Unto which book refer the reader—and then the several intelligences we have had of late years, relating what prodigious multitudes of Mice, swarms of Caterpillars, had invaded some parts of Germany, and the great flocks of flying Fowls, that like great clouds met and fought in the air, falling dead to the ground, all which must needs presage some strange things to befall those parts, such as the present incursion of the Turks may be, who when they have pierced through those parts, will then proceed and enter into France, whose mighty Monarch with his Po [...]ish Peers and Pesants, will be as fully rewarded for the cruel Massacres committed on the Hugonets there, about a hundred years since, and the cruelty used against the said people there of late, and now—as the Emperour and house of Austria will have been a little before, for all their cruelty towards the foresaid King of Bohemia, his progeny and Protestants, anno 1620. and since, and as the Pope & Iesuitical Crew will be in some time after, for all the Blood spilt by their means since the Reformation, in most places of Europe.
And whereas we in England have of late been, and now are again, engaged in (as is by many said) a causless Persecution of our Neighbours and Fellow-Subjects at home, God grant we be not as deeply engaged to sustain the like Punishment with other Nations abroad for the like Offences.
4. In the next place take a few lines of Merlin's Mysterious Prophecy on the fate of England's Monarchy, for which he hath been so Renowned amongst the Learned in all Ages since, viz.
The Standardbearer Wolf shall raise Troops, and environ Cornwall with his Tail; but a Souldier in a Cart shall withstand him, who shall change the People into a Boar, and the Boar shall wasle the Provinces, but he shall be drowned in the deep of Severn.
From which I judge, that when the Turks have finished their Conquest in France, they may design an Expedition for England; which said expedition may be undertaken by some Christian Prince, or Turkish Bashaw, who on the Ship himself comes in, shall carry a Flagg figured with a White Wolf, (as in this Page) and is therefore by Merlin called the Standardbearer Wolf, and designing to land on Severn side of Cornwall or Devonshire, will bring his Ships & Troops that follow him (who are therefore called his Tail) round the Point of Lands End into the Severn Sea, which will be his environing Cornwall
with his said Tail: but then a Souldier in a Cart, id est, an English Admiral or General in a Ship (who shall change the People into a Boar, id est, shall command the People on the Sea coasts to move themselves & all Provisions into the Inland Country, and leave those Countries void & waste, as if Boars or other Swine had made waste of all before) shall withstand the said Standardbearer Wolf, id est, fight, defeat and sink him in the deep of the Severn Sea, and so verifie Merlin's said Lines. Unto which said Standardbearer Wolf, with his fatal Success, Mr. Lill [...] doth allude in his Ephemeris, anno 1654. where he had portraitur'd the Emblim of a Wolf, as in the Margin, to whom he writ, saying,