THE Spiritual Worship EXALTED.

OR A Treatise concerning the Worship and Service of God; Shewing how uncapable men are in their natural and unconverted State of Wor­shipping and Serving God acceptably in this Gospel day.

And that it is the Light, Grace and Spirit of Christ reveaved in men, which doth Renew, Fit, Prepare and [...]ualifie them for performing that Pure Spi­ritual and Acceptable Worship which was institu­ted by our Lord, and practiced by his Disciples and Followers. As also several other things here in­serted, worthy of observation.

By a Lover of Truth, and Wel-wisher of the Souls of all men, George Myers.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritualy discern'd

1 Cor. 2.14.

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, for the Fa­ther seeketh such to worship him,

John 4.23.

God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth,

John 4.24.

Give unto the Lord the Glory due unto his Name. Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness,

Psal. 29.2.


FOrasmuch as Divine Worship is the supream act of mans Life, and a duty incumbent upon all; for that thereby we answer the end of our Creation, and pay those Respects and Acknowledgments which we owe to the Divine Majesty, for all his Bounties and Favours towards us: It greatly behoves all People to be very serious and weighty in that respect, and truly to inform themselves what that Worship is which is acceptable unto God, and how People ought to be qualified for performing the same; [Page]the want of a right understanding up­on these accounts has occasioned great Miscarriages and Defects among People in Religions matters and is one great reason why there are so many Jars and Divisions about the several Forms and Ways of Worship now ex­tant in the World.

The consideration of these things, together with the drawings of Divine Love, have induced me to the publi­cation of this following Treatise, wherein divers things relating to the Worship and Service of God are de­clared and held forth, and whereby it is manifest that it is the Light, Grace and Spirit of Christ, revealed in the Hearts of the Sons and Daughters of Men, that rightly Renews, Fits, Pre­pares and Qualifies them for Worship­ping and Serving God acceptably, and opens their Ʋnderstandings in Divine and Spiritual matters, insomuch that in all acts of Worship and Service un­to God, the Holy Ghost is to have [Page]the Precedency, so as to move, act, influence and assist the Persons exer­cised therein, whether it be in publick Preaching, Testimonies and Declara­tions for God and his Truth, or in Prayers, Praises and Thanksgivings unto him.

And also that those who in their own Will and Time do go about to perform acts of Worship and Service unto God, in their Natural and Ʋn­converted State, whilst they are de­spising and dis-regarding the Counsel, Drawings and Directions of the Light and Spirit of Christ in themselves; such Worshippers, in that State, and under those Circumstances, may please themselves with such pretences; but can no way perform that Divine and Spiritual Worship which is acceptable unto God in this Gospel day.

Although, I might have produced divers Testimonies, both of Antient and Modern Authors, in favour of this Discourse; yet for several Reasons, [Page]I rather chuse to keep close to the Holy Scriptures; inasmuch as I conceive those who are inclined to be Religious will not dare to make excep­tions against that which is concluded to proceed from the Divine Spirit.

Let none be Offended that I do not admit of human Learning, and natural Arts and Sciences to be of such absolute necessity for the Qua­lification of a Gospel Minister, as some would have them: For by what is here Written, I do no way in­tend to undervalue human Learn­ing, or lessen its esteem in the minds of such as are inclin'd to make a right use thereof; for I do grant, that it is good and serviceable in its place, yea, it is, and may be serviceable upon many accounts to a Gospel Minister, where it is reduc'd to a blessed Sub­ordination and Conformity to the Spi­rit of Truth; but then if People will attempt to exalt it above the teach­ings [Page]of the Divine Spirit, and lay that stress upon it for opening the Mysteries of Truth which the Holy Ghost will not admit of, in that case I found my self concern'd to bear a Testimony for the Truth, and against the Vanity of such as would extol hu­man Learning and natural Arts and Sciences above their proper use and service.

Albeit, the consideration of those many Treatises which have been writ, by other Hands, upon these accounts, did at first seem to divert me from this undertaking; yet for clearing of my Conscience in the sight of God, and in performance of that Duty and Service which I owe to him, I thought fit to cast my Mite into the Treasury, desiring that what I have here Writ­ten in Humility, may be Read and Expounded in Charity; and that God Almighty, who is the Author of all our Blessings, may by his Grace and Goodness make this small Treatise [Page]effectual for informing the minds of People upon these accounts, and for reducing them into that pure and spi­ritual Worship which is acceptable un­to him through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

So desireth, and so prayeth thy Christian Friend, George Myers.


  • §. 1. COncerning the Worship that was Instituted by Jesus Christ, and Practiced by his People. pag. 1.
  • §. 2. Concerning Mans incapacity of Worshiping and Serving God ac­ceptably in his natural and uncon­verted State. pag. 4.
  • §. 3. Concerning the necessity of recei­ving the Light, Grace and Spirit of Christ in order to quicken and re­new to God, and so to prepare and qualifie People for his Worship and Service. pag. 10.
  • §. 4. Concerning the Gospel Church and Evangelical Temple. pag. 15.
  • §. 5. Concerning silent waiting upon God, for the help and concurrence of his holy Spirit, in the perfor­mance of Divine Worship. pag. 20.
  • [Page]§. 6. Concerning the Preparation, Call, and Ordination of Gospel Mini­sters. pag. 25.
  • §. 7. Concerning Women Preaching. pag. 34.
  • §. 8. Concerning the Rise of Gospel Performances, & the Qualifications of Gospel Ministers, showing that they are not from Human Learn­ing, Worldly Wisdom and Natural Arts and Sciences, but from the Divine Spirit. pag. 43.
  • §. 9. Concerning outward Force and Violence in Religious matters, and the unlawfulness of forceable resist­ing the temporal Magistracy p. 55.
  • §. 10. Concerning the Maintenance of Gospel Ministers. pag. 63.
  • §. 11. Concerning Prayer. pag. 75.
  • §. 12. Concerning Singing of Psalms, and Artifical Musick. pag. 88.
  • The Conclusion. pag. 98.

THE Spiritual Worship EXALTED.

Section I. Concerning the Worship that was Insti­tuted by Jesus Christ, and Practiced by his People.

AFter the Lord God, in his own appointed time, saw meet to put an end to the Dispensation of the Law, which was delivered unto the Children of Israel by the Ministry of Moses; it plea­sed him, according to his determinate Will and everlasting Counsel, to send his own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem of Judea, of whom Moses and the Prophets did write, and whom John testified of to be the Lamb of God who taketh away the Sins of the World, John 1.29. He perfectly fulfilled the Law, and the [Page 2]Righteousness thereof, and gave witness un­to the Dispensation of the Gospel, drawing Religion into the secret of the Heart, he made it to consist in a higher state of Righteousness, then that of the Law, called Evangelical; he also approved himself, and the excellency of his Doctrine, by many great and wonderful Signes and Miracles, and sealed it with his Blood; for that after he had preach't that heavenly Doctrine, and wrought many Miracles among the Jews, he was apprehended, and by wicked hands was Crucified and Slain, yet God raised him up again; so that he triumphed over Death, of which it was impossible for him to be held; and after he was so raised up from the Dead, he appeared to his Disciples and Followers, who had believed in him, comforting them with the hope and assurance of the pouring forth & attendance of his Spirit, by which he was to be with them unto the end of the World; and by which they, and all such as afterwards should come to believe in his holy Name might be rendered capable of bearing and holding forth a true, certain and faith­ful Testimony for him whom God hath ap­pointed for Salvation unto the ends of the Earth, and also of performing that Worship and Service which was instituted by him, [Page 3]which Worship is Spiritual, and cannot be truly performed by the Art, Strength, Wis­dom and Policy of men in their natural and unconverted state, but only by those who are spiritually quickened and renewed unto God (in some measure) and whose Hearts and Souls are fitted and prepared by the Light, Grace, Spirit & Power of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

That the Worship instituted by Christ is Spiritual is very plain, from his own Words unto the Woman of Samaria, John 4.21, 22, 23, 24. Jesus said unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this Mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Fa­ther; ye worship ye know not what, we know what we worship, for Salvation is of the Jews; but the hour cometh, and now is, when the true Worship­pers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship him; God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth. This is the chiefest and most ample Testimo­ny that Christ gives of the Christian worship, as different and contradistinguished from that under the Law; he tyeth not his People to the Temple at Jerusalem, nor unto any other place, but plainly holds out, that the season is now come, wherein the worship must [Page 4]be in Spirit and in Truth; he also gives the reason for it, and excellently argues from the anology that ought to be betwixt the Object and the Worship directed thereunto, viz. God is a Spirit, therefore he must be worshipped in Spirit—This Testimony of our Lord is so clear in the case, that I need not enlarge much further upon it, but only add the say­ing of the Apostle Paul to the Church at Philippi, We are the Circumcision that worship God in the Spirit, and rejoyce in Christ Jesus, having no confidence in the Flesh, Phil. 3.3 By which it appears, that the Saints and Peo­ple of God, in those dayes, were in the practice of that worship which was institu­ted by our Lord, as aforesaid.

Section II. Concerning Mans incapacity of Worship­ping and Serving God acceptably in his natural and unconverted State.

THat Men in their natural and uncon­verted state are uncapable of perform­ing this spiritual Worship, is certainly true, for that, whilst they remain in that state, they cannot do any thing that is really good and [Page 5]acceptable unto God, being subject unto that depraved and ungodly Spirit which leads People into Iniquity, and rules in all the Children of Disobedience, it comes to pass, that not only their Words and Deeds, but also the Imaginations of their Hearts are evil continually, their Thoughts, Notions and Conceptions concerning Divine and Spiritual matters are unprofitable both to themselves and others, which thing doth yet further appear from divers Testimonies in the Scriptures of Truth. Moses said, That God saw the Wickedness of man was great in the Earth, and that every Imagination of the thoughts of his Heart was only evil continually, and that it repented the Lord that he had made man on the Earth, and it grieved him at his Heart, Gen. 6.5, 6. David saith, The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the Children of men, to see if there were any that did understand and seek God, and says, They are all gone aside, they are altogether become filthy, there is none that doth good, no not one, Psal. 14.2, 3. And again, But unto the Wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes, or that thou shouldst take my Covenant into thy Mouth? Psal. 50.16. Jeremiah saith, The Heart is deceit­ful and desperately wicked, who can know it? Jer. 17.9. Our Lord saith, An evil man out [Page 6]of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things, Matth. 12.35. Also the Apostle Paul, allu­ding to the saying of David, says, Thero is none Righteous, no not one; there is none that un­derstandeth; there is none that seeketh after God; they are all gone out of the way, they are altoge­ther become unprofitable, there is none that doth good, no not one, Rom. 3.10, 11, 12. Thus it is to be observed, that what is thus spo­ken relates to men in their natural and un­converted State, wherein their Souls are dead unto God, and the things of his King­dom, and cannot live unto him, nor do any such lively act, as to serve him, until they re­ceive the Lord Jesus Christ, and know the vertue and power of his Grace & Spirit, in­wardly to quicken them unto God, That so they may serve him in the newness of the Spirit, and not in the oldness of the Letter, Rom. 7.6.

For, alas, it is not the bare performance of such things, as are supposed to be religious duties, that brings into acceptance with God, unless the Heart, Soul and Spirit of man be renewed, fitted, prepared and qualified by that which is holy and pure; its the rise of the performance that God looks at, more then the outward act, he that searches, the Heart and tryes the Reins of men, before whom all things are naked and bare, looks [Page 7]not so much upon the external Fabrick, as the internal frame of the Soul, Ʋnto this man will I look, saith the Lord, even to him that is poor, and of a contrite Spirit, and trembleth at my Word, Isa. 66.2.

We read, that although the Jews were in the practice of the legal forms of Worship, Sacrifice and Oblations, which were by Gods appointment, yet, because their Hearts were defiled, and polluted with Sin and Iniquity, and that they presented not their Offerings and Sacrifices in a right frame of Spirit, nor under that disposition of Soul that was re­quired; therefore they incurred the wrath and displeasure of God against themselves, and with great aggravation he declared a­gainst them, and terribly renounced their Worship, as appears in Isa. 1. and 66.3. Amos 5.21, 22, 23. If it was so then, that the Jews under that Dispensation displeased the Lord in appearing before him, with Offerings and Sacrifices, whilst their Hearts were polluted and unprepared, as aforesaid; it may be a caution unto all those that make profession of the pure and undefiled Religion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of that Wor­ship which was instituted by him, that they be not found attempting the performance thereof in a spiriritual unpreparedness, and [Page 8]whilst their Hearts and Souls are polluted with Sin and Iniquity, lest it be said unto them, as it was unto the Jews, Who hath requi­red this at your Hands to tread my Courts? Isa. 1.12.

Again if the Jewish Sacrifices, in the time of the Law, were Sprinkled before they were offered, and the People were Consecrated that offered them, before they presented themselves before the Lord, and that the touching of a dead or nuclear Beas then, made People unfit for the Temple or Sacri­fice, yea, society with the Clean, until they were first Sprinkled and Sanctified, as the Scriptures hold out, Numb. 8. and chap. 19 2 Chron. 29.36. and 30. 16, 17. How car any think so meanly of the worship, institu­ted by Christ, in Gospel times, as that it should admit of unprepared and unsanctified Offerings, or allow, that those who are spiri­tually defiled with Sin and Iniquity, and in Words or Deeds do daily touch that which is unclean, can in that state well and accept­ably worship the pure God, until their Con­sciences be sprinkled from dead works by the blood of Jesus, and that they be inward­ly prepared and consecrated, by his divine Spirit and Power, in order to serve him.

It is also observable, that when the Temple [Page 9]at Jerusalem was built, before the glory of the Lord descended to fill the same, it was purified and cleansed and all polluted stuff removed out of it, yea, and the place for the Tabernacle was overlaid with Gold, the most pretious clean and purest of Mettals, 1 Kings 6, 7, 8, chapters. So also, before God be truly worshipped in the inward Temple of the Heart, it must also be purged of the filth and pollutions that are therein, that so it may be fit to receive the Spirit of God, so as to be acted by it.

And yet further, let it be considered, how it can be available to the High and Lofty in Mind and Spirit, the Rich and Full in the Pomp and Grandure of the World, the Proud, Covetous and Self-conceited, and such as go on in a road of Unrighteousness, Ungodliness and Vanity to utter a multitude of unseasoned Words before the Almighty God, or to cry Lord, Lord, whilst they have neither received, nor are subject unto that Blessed Spirit which has right to call him so, 1 Cor. 12.3. Or how any can rationally sup­pose, that he who is clothed with divine Ho­nour and Majesty, who covers himself with Light as with a Garment; who stretches forth the Heavens like a Curtain, and walks upon the Wings of the Wind; who maketh [Page 10]his Angels Spirits, and his Ministers a flame of Fire, and is of purer Eyes then to behold Iniquity, can be truly and acceptably Ser­ved and Worshipped by such as do not only resist and rebel against that which brings in­to acceptance with God, but also remain and delight in that which is an abomination unto him.

Section III. Concerning the necessity of receiving the Light, Grace and Spirit of Christ in order to quicken and renew to God, and so to prepare and qualifie People for his Worship and Service.

SInce then it appears that the Worship instituted by Christ is spiritual, and that no man in his natural and unconverted state is capable of performing the same accepta­bly, we may conclude, and that upon sure grounds, that the preparation of the holy Spirit is that which is absolutely necessary for men to know in the first place, before they go about to perform their Devotions before the Lord: Such as desire to worship God acceptably must believe in him whom [Page 11]God hath sent to redeem lost man unto him self, viz. the Lord Jesus Christ, who by his Light, Grace and Spirit doth manifest Sir and Evil in the Hearts and Souls of People and reproveth for the same, and also lead them that truly own and receive him unto Repentance, and converteth them unto God; he, by his Power revealed in man, doth Crucifie the Flesh, with the Affections and Lusts; he cleanses from Sin and Iniquity and quickens the Soul unto God, raising up the same unto newness of Life; so that those who in their natural and unconverted state have been Aliens unto God, and Strangers to the Covenant of Promise, through Faith in Christ, and the work of his Grace and Spirit in their Hearts; such come to be delivered from the Power of Darkness, and translated into the Kingdom of Gods dear and wel-beloved Son, to be made Heirs of Glory, Fellow-Citizens with the Saints, of the Houshold of God, Col. 1.13. Ephes. 2.19. and so are rendered capable of Worshipping and Serving God acceptably, according to divine institution, Being born again (as the Apostle said) not of corruptible Seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever, 1 Pet. 1.23.

As to the quickening and renewing Ver­tue [Page 12]of this divine Spirit and Light of Christ, the Saints and Children of God have not only a living and blessed Experience thereof in this our day, but also the Scriptures do afford us divers Testimonies concerning the same; Jesus saith, As the Father raiseth up the Dead, and quickeneth them, even so the Son quickeneth whom he will, John 5.21. Again, It is the Spirit that quickeneth, the Flesh profit­eth nothing, John 6.63. And also the Apo­stle Paul in his Epistle to the Romans saith, If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his; and if Christ he in you, the Body is Dead because of Sin, but the Spirit is Life be­cause of Righteousness; but if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the Dead shall also quicken your mortal Bodies, by his Spirit that dwelleth in you; therefore Brethren we are Deb­tors not to the Flesh, to live after the Flesh; for if ye live after the Flesh ye shall Dye, but if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the Body ye shall Live; for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God, Rom. 8.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. And again the same Apostle in his Epistle to the Ephesians says, And you hath he quickened who were dead in Trespasses and Sins; yea, God who is rich in Mercy, for his great Love wherewith he loved [Page 13]us, even when we were dead in Sins, hath quick­ned us together with Christ, (by Grace are ye saved) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, Ephes. 2.1, 4, 5, 6. From whence it is very clear and plain, that it is the Spirit of Christ that quickeneth the Souls of those who have been dead in Trespasses and Sins, and that if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his, and if he be none of Christs, he is none of the true Church, and consequently no true Worshipper; Again he says, That as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God; and if Sons then Heirs and Members of the true Church, who worship God in the Spirit.

Moreover, as the Lord Jesus Christ by his divine Spirit and Power doth thus work up­on the Hearts and Souls of those that receive him, in order to cleanse from Sin and Iniqui­ty, and to raise up into newness of Life; so also it is he only, by his holy Light and Spirit, that truly prepared and disposes the Hearts of People for the service of God, and opens the Mysteries of Truth unto the Sons and Daughters of Men: He it is that hath the Key of David, that opens, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth, Rev. 3.9. And without him the vision of divine things are [Page 14]as a Book that is Sealed, and hid from the wisdom of man in the Fall, and no man is worthy to open the Seals thereof; for which cause, it seems, John Wept, as we read in the Revelation, And I saw, in the right hand of him that sat on the Throne, a Book written within, and on the back-side sealed with seven Seals; and I saw a strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the Book and to loose the Seales thereof? and no man in Heaven, nor in Earth, neither under the Earth was able to open the Book, neither to look thereon; and I wept much, because none was found worthy to open the Book, neither to look thereon; and one of the Elders said unto me, Weep not; behold the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the Book, and to loose the seven Seals thereof, Rev. 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. By the Lion of the tribe of Juda, is to be understood the Lord Jesus Christ, who prevailed with the Father to open the Book of Truth, and to loose the Seals thereof; without whom no man is able to open the same, be he never so Wise in worldly Wisdom, and never so Learned in natural Arts and Sciences, as may hereafter, in its due and proper place, more fully and at large appear.

Section IV. Concerning the Gospel Church and Evan­gelical Temple.

AS it is the Light, Spirit and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ that truely quickens, and renews People unto God, and renders them capable of performing that Spiritual Worship, which is acceptable unto him; so also it is by the vertue and influence of the same Spirit and Power that the Lords Peo­ple have been, and are stated in a joynt Fel­lowship and Communion, and are drawn into an outward and visible Society, and so come under the name of a Church; yet for a better understanding of the word Church, or what is meant thereby, it may be consi­dered in a two fold respect, First, As it com­prehends all whatsoever, of every Nation, Kindred, Tongue and People, whom the Lord God by his universal Spirit and Power (revealed and made manifest in and through our Lord Jesus Christ) doth truly call and gather out of the Life and Spirit of the World, and the Pollutions and Defilements thereof, into that Pure, Holy and Righte­ous [Page 16]State of Faith and Life, wherein they are cccepted of God, and owned by him as his Children and People, which make up that one, true, Universal, or Catholic Church, out of which (indeed) there is no Salvati­on. Secondly, The word Chuch may be taken for a certain number of Persons who (being Members of this Universal Church) are gathered into an outward and visible So­ciety, and do Meet and Assemble themselves together, really to wait upon, and Worship the Living God, and to bear a Testimony for the Truth against Error. The Church, in the first sence, in Scripture terms, is called, The New, Holy and Heavenly Jerusalem, the gene­ral Assembly and Church of the First-Born, the Lambs Bride, and the City of the Living God, Heb. 12.22, 23. Rev. 19.7. and 21.2, 9, 10. The Church in the latter sence we have it often mentioned in the Scriptures, as appears Mat. 18.17. 1 Cor. 1.2. Gal. 1.2. 1 Thes. 1.1. also Rev. 1.4. John writteth to the seven Churches in Asia. Thus it is not the out­ward House, Frabrick or Building of Wood or Stone, that is or can be truly term'd the Church, or House of God, in this Gospel day, as some vainly do conceive, (and therefore do ascribe some imaginary Sanctity or Holi­ness thereunto) but it is the Assembly of [Page 17]Believers, in this sence gather'd together as aforesaid, who are the Evangelical Temple, Gospel Church, and House of God, the Or­naments whereof are not the Embroideries and Furnitures of wordly Art and Wealth, but the Gifts and Graces of the holy Spirit, Love, Meekness, Faith, Patience, Long-suffering, Humility, Self-denial and Charity, with other Christian Vertues.

'Tis true the Jews under the old Covenant and Dispensation of the Law had an out­ward Temple, where they were to Worship, as in 1 Kings 9. and 2 Chron. 7. and because the Lord was pleased to Hollow it for his Name, and honour it with his Presence; as also to cause an outward Glory and Majesty to appear there, by causing Fire from Heaven to consume their Sacrifices, &c. therefore it was called the House of God, as is manifest in the writings of the old Testament. And also the Lord Jesus, before he was offered up, gives it that Name, Mat. 21.13. Joh. 2.16. But then, after Christ was offered up, and the pure spiritual Worship and Service came to be Exalted, and born Testimony unto, by the Apostles and Servants of Christ, that out­ward Temple being left desolate of the Glo­ry and Presence of God, it came to Ruin, according to the saying of the Lord Jesus, [Page 18]and the true Ministers of the Gospel plainly testified, That the most high dwelt not in Tein­ples made with Hands, Acts 7.48. and 17.24, 25. Neither was he Worshipped with mens hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all Life and Breath, and all things; but he is Worshipped in Spirit, John 4.24. His Taberna­cle is with men, he will dwell with them, and they shall be his People, Rev. 21.3. Therefore the Apostle thus writes to the Church at Corinth, Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you; if any man desile the Temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the Temple of God is holy, which Temple ye are, 1 Cor. 3.16, 17. Again, Ye are the Temple of the Living God, as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my People, 2 Cor 6.16. And also the Apostle Peter says, Ye also as lively Stones are built up a spiritual House, an holy Priesthood to offer up spiritual Sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 2.5. Again the Author to the Hebrews expresseth himself thus, Moses ve­rily was faithful in all his House, as a Servant, for a Testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; but Christ as a Son, ever his own House, whose House we are, if we hold fast the Confidence, and the rejoycing of the Hope from [Page 19]unto the end, Heb. 3.5, 6. By all which Testimonies its plainly manifest, that the Saints and Children of God are that Spiritual House, and Evangelical Temple, wherein the Glory and presence of God is spiritually known and witnessed in this Gospel day, which is yet further con­firmed, and held forth in that remarkable passage of the Apostle Paul to the Church at Ephesus, Now therefore ye are no more Strangers and Forreigners, but fellow Citi­zens with the Saints; and of the houshold of God, and are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner Stone, in whom all the Building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord, in whom you also are builded together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit, Ephes. 2.19, 20, 21, 22.

Howbeit Christians have Meeting-Places, tho not in Jewish or Heathen Pomp and State, but plain and suitable for that purpose, answerable to the simplicity of the Life and Doctrine of their blessed Lord, who teaches Humility, Plainness and Moderation upon all accounts; it is not simply the Place, but the Persons there assembled that he has a regard unto, who meet in his Name and Fear, such doth he [Page 20]honour with his blessed Presence whereso­ever they are met together to wait upon him, and by the vertue of his Grace and Spirit he doth strengthen and confirm his Children and People, enabling them to perform that Worship and Service which is acceptable unto God in this Gospel day.

Section V. Concerning silent waiting upon God, for the help and concurrence of his holy Spirit, in the performance of Divine Worship.

INasmuch as those who have received the Lord Jesus Christ, and make professi­on of his blessed Name and Truth, are so drawn into an outward and visible Society, as that they do Meet and Assemble them­selves together at seasonable and conve­nient times and places, according to the practice of the true Believers in the pri­mitive times; so when they are assembled, it ought to be the care of all to abstain from their own Actings, Thoughts and Imaginations, and to be inwardly retir'd [Page 21]in their Minds in a holy watchfulness and dependency upon the Lord, that so being gathered together in his Name, they may be sensible of his blessed Presence amongst them, according to his promise, Where two or three (says he) are gathered together in my Name, there will I be in the midst of them. This Name is not only an outward and li­teral Name, but a pretious, living & power­ful Name, wherein true Comfort, Strength & Safety is nor is it an outward gathering only, but an inward gathering in Heart, Mind and Spirit unto that which is pure and holy; therefore saith the Apostle, I beseech you Brithren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 Thes. 2.1. By which it ap­pears that the Saints gathering was unto Christ, his Spirit and Power, and as eve­ry one are thus gathered in Spirit, as well as outwardly in Person, the secret Power and Vertue of the divine Spirit is fre­quently known to Revive and Refresh their Souls, and the pure Motions and Breathings thereof are witnessed; from which as Words of Declaration, Prayers or Praises to God do arise, the pure, spiritu­al and acceptable Worship and Service of God is known, yea tho there be not a [Page 22]word spoken, yet in possible that the true Spiritual Worship may be performed and the Church of Christ Edified.

Howbeit, although this inward Silence, and spiritual waiting upon God be a very great & necessary Duty, and in order pre­ceeds all real acts of Divine Worship; forasmuch as it is an inward retirement of the Mind from all its own Motions, Work­ings, Imaginations and vain Speculations, and a meer dependance upon God for the help and influence of his Grace and Spirit, yet it is very strange and opposit to the na­tural Will and Wisdom of Man, whose roving Imaginations and running worldly Desires, Vauities and Delights are not easily subjected and brought to silence, and such are ready to think all time lost where­in there is not something spoken that's obvious to the outward Senses, not consi­dering that so long as the natural Spirit of man is the first and chief Author and Actor of him in his Devotions towards God, so as that he does not first wait for a Divine Guide to direct him he cannot worship ac­ceptably, nor bring forth any thing of himself but the Fruit of the faln, natural and corrupt Root; and indeed this is one great reason why many sober and discreet [Page 23]Persons, in this our Age, cannot joyn with the several forms of Worship now extant in the World, but under a consci­encious Exercise and Concern do dissent from them, not in any stubbornness (as some would charge them) but really for Conscience sake, lest they should offend God in joyning with that which he by his Spirit hath made them sensible of that he takes no delight in; for what is a heap of the most Pathetical Words that can be uttered unto God Almighty, when they are both begun, carried on and concluded in mans own natural Will and Strengh, with­out the motion or influence of the Spirit of God, which is and must needs be of abso­lute necessity for enabling People to perform that Spiritual Worship which was instituted by our Lord, and is now practi­ced by his People.

Yet nevertheless, although this inward retiredness and spiritual waiting upon God be almost a mystery to the World, and very hard & difficult unto men in their natural & unregenerate Sate, yet it is that whereby the spiritual man renews his strength in the Lord, & it is frequently commanded & born testimonyunto in the holy Scriptures, as appears by the following Texts, which [Page 24]the Reader may peruse at his Leasure, Job 14.14. Psal. 40.1 and 62 5. and 69.3. Prov. 20.22. Isa. 40.31. Lam. 3.25, 26. Hos. 12.6. Hab. 2.1. Mat. 24.42. and 25.13. and 26.41. Mar. 13.37. 2 Tim. 4.5. See also, Ezra 9.4. Ezek. 3.15, 16. Zech. 2.13. Job. 2.13.

Moreover this silence or silent waiting for a season, before Words be spoken re­lating to the Worship and Service of God, doth not thus only appear to be agreeable to Scripture Testimony, but also is an­swerable even to Reason & natural Expe­rience in other things, for he that would learn of a Master any Art or Science, ought not to fall on speaking or acting immedi­ately of his own Mind and Will, & so con­tinue unquiet, but rather should be silent, for a season, to hear his Master instruct him what and how he shall door say, and then proceed. So also he that undertakes to serve a Master should not run hastily on to do things in his own Time and Will, nor yet to deaffen his Master with Dis­course, though it were in Praises of him; but he ought rather to wait to hear his Master speak, and inform him what and how to do, and then proceed to act accor­ding to his Directions. Even so those [Page 25]that desire to be taught of God and in­structed by him in Righteousness, ought not to keep themselves continually busied with their own Imaginations and Inven­tions, but patiently to wait upon God, that so he by his Grace and Spirit may Teach and Instruct them; and also those that desire to serve God (in this Gospel day) ought not to run hastily about the same, in their own corrupt, forward and unrenewed. Wills and Minds, but dili­gently to attend upon God to feel the Strength and Counsel of his Spirit in such undertakings.

Section VI. Concerning the Preparation, Call and Ordination of Gospel Ministers.

AS it is the duty of every Christian to wait upon God for the help and strength of his holy Spirit, in order to sit, prepare & qualifie them for the Worship & Service of God; so it is by the Power and Vertue of the Divine Spirit that every true Evangelist and Gospel Minister is ordained, prepared and supplied in the [Page 26]work of the Ministry, otherwise he can­not be truly said to be a Minster of the Spirit; for as none could be Ministers of the Letter who had thence no ground of their Call, nor directions therefrom, how, when, nor after what manner they should Minister; neither can any be reall Mini­sters of the Spirit, who are not called, or­dained, fitted and prepared by it, nor are acquainted with the motions and di­rections thereof, in order to draw, move, act, influence, assist and go before them in the Work and Service of the Gospel.

As for the Service of the Jews, under the Dispensation of the Law, there was a certain Tribe allotted for the Ministry, which was the Tribe of Levi, so that then People needed not to question who should be Priests and Ministers of holy things, for that the Lord God by his Servant Moses did set apart divers of the aforesaid Tribe for the Priestood, and other Offices; as also he did direct how, and after what manner their Worship and Service was to be performed, as may be seen at large in the writings of Moses— And besides that it pleased God at divers times under that Dispensation, by the immediate Testimony of his holy Spirit, to raise up [Page 27]several Persons to Teach, Instruct and Reprove the People, as Samuel, Nathan, Elias, Elisha, Jeremiah, Amos, and others of the Prophets; but now under the new Covenant, and Dispensation of the Gospel, there is no such Tribe of People allotted, & set a part particularly for the Ministry, as was under the Law, neither is the Wor­ship and Service of Christians Celebrated after the manner of the Jews in divers re­spects, nor is it attended with those out­ward Ceremonies, and shadowing Perfor­mances, as was that of the Jews; for the Christian Worship & Service is performed in Spirit & in Truth, (as hath been before and still yet may be further observed) and therein it greatly Excelleth, and far Tran­scended that under the Law, being under the administration of Life and Glory, wherein the Lord Jesus Christ is alone ex­alted as high Priest and Prophet of his People, who being the Lord of true Di­vinity, doth spiritually Call, Ordain, Constitute and Qualifie the Ministers of the new Testament, and Instruct them in the Spiritual Law, which is the delight of Gods People.

That the Apostles and Servants of Christ, in the Primitive times, were cal­led [Page 28]and qualified by the Divine Spirit to, and for, the Work of the Ministry, is so plain and clear that none need question it, unless it be such who at this day would as­sume and arrogate unto themselves the name and title of Gospel Ministers, by Virtue of some outward Ordination, with­out the call, help and influence of the ho­ly Spirit; unto such I say it greatly be­hoves them to consider how, and when, the Lord Jesus Christ did transfer that po­wer unto man which is only peculiar un­to himself; I know that those who despise the motion and diclares of the Grace of God in themselves, and yet would be esteemed Ministers, are apt to deny, that the Power and Influence of the holy Spirit is of absolute necessity for the Call and Qualification of a Gospel Minister, and therefore do wholly betake themselves to an outward Ordination for a refuge, other­wise such would have nothing to stand up­on, in that respect, for what they pretend to. 'Tis certain, and always granted, that those whom God is pleased to Call and Qualifie by his Grace and Spirit to and for the Work and Service of the Gospel, are to be owned and approved of by his Church and People; but then it does not [Page 29]therefore follow that any who have only attained unto some degree of humane Learning & Knowledg in Arts & Sciences, can be thereby fitted for the Gospel Mini­stry, or that such Person, under those Cir­cumstances, can be rightly qualified for that Work & Service by the Power of man, without the call, help, influence and assi­stance of the blessed and holy Spirit and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ, wherein the true power of Ordination stands, and not in men, as men, but in the Spirit of Christ, which ought to have the supream Government in the hearts of men, and those who are truly called, ordained and qualified by the divine Spirit for the Work and Service of the Gospel, are accepted of God and approved of by his Church and People, as the Apostle said, He that in these things serveth Christ, is acceptable to God, and approved of Men, Rom. 14.18. Also we read that the Apostle Paul, when he took his leave of the Elders of the Church of Ephesus, he thus expressed himself, Take heed therefore unto your selves and to all the Flock, over which the holy Ghost hath made you Overseers, to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood, Acts 20.28. And again the holy [Page 30]Ghost said unto the Prophets & Teachers which were in the Church at Antioch, Se­perate me Barnabas and Saul, for the Work whereunto I have called them; and when they had Fasted and Prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away; so (its said) they being sent forth by the holy Ghost depar­ted unto Soleucia, and from thence they sailed to Cyprus, and when they were at Salamis they Preached the Word of God in the Syna­gogues of the Jews, Acts 13.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. From whence its observable.

First, That the Elders of the Church at Ephesus were made Overseers there, by the Holy Ghost.

Secondly, That it was the Holy Ghost that called Barnabas and Saul unto the Work and Service of the Gospel, and that it was the Holy Ghost that sent them.

By which it appears, that the power of Calling, and Ordaining Gospel Ministers, resides in the Holy Spirit, and that those who are Called and Ordained thereby, are approved by the Church, being set apart by God for the Service they are called un­to, which thing doth very well agree with the saying of the Apostle Paul to the Church at Corinth, God hath set some in the Church, first Apostles, secondarily Prophets, [Page 31]Teachers, &c. 1 Cor. 12.28. And like­wise to the Ephesians, he faith, When he ascended up on high, he led Captivity Captive, and gave gifts unto Men; and he gave some Apostles, and some Prophets, & some Evange­lists, and some Pastours and Teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ, Ephes. 4.8, 11, 12. By which it also appears that it was not Man but God that set Apostles, Prophets and Teachers in the Church, and that it was through the gift of God that they were made Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastours and Teachers, and thereby were they rendered capable of perfecting the Saints, of the work of the Ministry, and of edi­fying the Body of Christ.

Furthermore it is observable that when the Apostle Paul was giving an account before King Agrippa, how the Lord met with him in his way to Damascus, he says, that Jesus told him, For that purpose he ap­peared unto him, to make him a Minister and a Witness both of those things which he had seen, and of those things he would appear un­to him in, Acts 26.16. And also the same Apostle in his Epistle to the Galatians says, When it pleased God (who seper [...]d me from [Page 32]my Mothers Womb, and called me by his Grace) to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the Heathen, immediatly I confer­red not with Flesh and Blood, neither went I up to Jerusalem, to them that were Apostles before me, but I went into Arabia, and re­turned again unto Damascus, Gal. 1.15, 16, 17. And again, in his Epistle to Timo­thy, he says, I thank Jesus Christ our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful putting me into the Ministry, 1 Tim. 1.12. All which doth yet further set forth, that it was the Lord Jesus Christ that made Paul a Minister, and that it was by his Grace, Spirit and Power that he was enabled and put into the Ministry; nei­ther does it appear that he went up to Je­rusalem at that time to be ordain'd by them who were Apostles before him, but he went into Arabia and returned again un­to Damascus, as is before set forth.

Objection, Its probable some may ob­ject and say, That though the Apostles, and Ministers of Christ, in the primitive times were immediately called to that Work and Service by the Spirit of God, yet it was for an extraordinary Work, and if any now do pretend to an immediate call, they ought to con­firm it by Miracles.

Answ. Unto which I Answer, That although it was an extraordinary Work which they were sent to do, yet the de­gree does not change the kind; They were to preach Christ Crucified and risen again, and were to preach Repentance and remission of Sins through his Name: They were to turn People from Darkness to Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God, that so they might receive forgiveness of Sins, and an Inheritance among them which were Sanctified by Faith in Christ, Acts 26.18. Even so are the Ministers of Christ in this our day to hold out the same Doctrine, according to the Dispensation of the Gospel committed unto them; nor is there any necessity for Miracles to be wrought by those who are called of God, in this our day, to the Work of the Ministry for the confirmation of their Testimony, when as they preach no new Gospel, but what was preacht by the Servants of Christ in the primitive times, and is already confirmed by the Miracles of Christ, and of his Apostles; and when nothing is offered but what is answerable to Truth, and agreeable to the Testimony of the Scriptures; and besides that, we do not find that either John the Baptist, or several others of the Pro­phets [Page 34]did any Miracles, and yet they were both Immediatly & Extraordinarily sent.

Section VII. Concerning Women Preaching.

AS this Divine Spirit hath been, and is extended universally unto all People, at certain times and seasons, during the day of their Visitation, according to the Good-will and Pleasure of our God, and that in order to call, gather and renew them unto himself; so it hath been the good Pleasure of our God to call and qualifie whom he thinks convenient for the Work and Service of the Gospel; and upon this account it may please him some­times to make use of Women as well as Men, according to his Promise by the Prophet Joel, And it shall come to pass after­ward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all Flesh, and your Sons and your Daughters shall Prophesie, your old Men shall dream Dreams, your young Men shall see Visions; and also upon the Servants, and upon the Hand Maids in those dayes will I pour out my Spirit. This Prophesie had a respect to [Page 35]the Gospel Day, and related to the more plentiful effusion of the Holy Spirit un­der that Dispensation, both upon Male and Female, as was witnessed at the day of Penticost; When the Apostles with the Wo­men, and Mary the Mother of Jesus, with his Brethren, were gathered together, its said, They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other Tongues, as the Spi­rit gave them utterance, Acts 1.13, 14. and 2.4. And if All were filled with the Holy Ghost, and Spoke, then Women as well as Men, forasmuch as Women were there present with the Men, as the Text holds out.

Object. Now so it is that many are enclined to object against Women Speak­ing or Preaching, and upon that account do alledge the words of the Apostle Paul, 1 Cor. 14.34, 35. 1 Tim. 2.11, 12.

Answ. In answer whereunto I say, that although these Texts may be mysti­cally understood, as some have observed, yet if we take them literally, and withal consider the scope and tendency of the Apostles Words, both before and after, and compare other Expressions of his with [Page 36]those, (which will be one way to give sa­tisfaction concerning his meaning) and also observe the Practice of the Church upon those accounts, it will appear that Women, as Women, or of that Sex, and for no other reason, are not prohibited to Preach.

Its observable, that the Apostle Paul in that Chapter, 1 Cor. 14. was not treating who, or what Sex should Prophesie, & what not; but he was speaking of that order and decency which such as Prophesie ought to observe; he was treating of Spiritual Gifts, and of Speaking and Praying in an unknown Tongue, and of the me­thod that such should use; If any Man (says he) speak in an unknown Tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course, and let one interpret; but if there be no Interpreter let him keep silence in the Church, and let him speak to himself, and to God; let the Prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge; and if any thing be re­vealed to him that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace; for ye may all Prophesie one by one, &c. then he adds, Let your Women keep si­lence in the Churches; for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the Law, and [Page 37]if they will learn any thing let them ask their Husbands at home, for it is a shame for a Woman to speak in the Church. And so he goes on, and concludes that Chapter with these Words, Let all things be done decently and in order.

By all which it is very clear & plain, that the Apostles drift was to advise them unto a decent, comely and orderly method in the Church, and that he did not intend a general prohibition unto Women, how­soever they were called or qualified, for then had he not only opposed their appro­ved Practice in the Church, but even his own Testimony in the very same Epistle, where he saith, Every Woman that Prayeth or Pro­phesieth, with her Head uncovered, dishonoureth her Head, chap. 11.5. Thus he is so far from disallowing of Women Praying or Prophesing, that he adviseth how they shall be covered, and demean themselves in the performance of such Services and Devoti­ons. Again the Apostle says, Ye may all Prophesie one by one, and if All, then Wo­men as well as Men, forasmuch as without any restriction he directs his Epistle to the Church of God at Corinth, which no question consisted of Women as well as Men; if then these words [Ye may all [Page 38]Prophesie] have relation unto them to whom the Apostle directed that Epistle, as is certain; then Women may Prophesie as well as Men, provided they be truly called and qualified by the Spirit of God, and that any thing be revealed and enjoyn­ed upon them to declare and hold forth unto People from him, who is and ought to be the sole orderer and disposer of the Hearts and Spirits of all his People

And as for that saying of his unto Timo­thy, it is much to the same purpose, for he was speaking how Women should adorn themselves, and how they should not adorn themselves, then he subjoyns, Let the Woman learn in silence with all subjection, but I suffer not a Woman to Teach, nor to usurp Authority over the Man, but to be Silent, 1 Tim. 2.9, 10, 11, 12. There is no question but there were such Women at Ephesus (where Timothy then was) who had need of this care to be taken concern­ing them, and at Corinth too, such as were unlearned, proud and tattling Women, not come to the true silence; and therefore he says, Let the Women learn in silence with all subjection. Again its probable there might be such as would be teaching and usurping authority over the Man, such had [Page 39]need to be silent indeed, (that's without dispute) for if they were for usurping authority over the man, they were very unfit to be Teachers of others.

But what of all this, although Proud, Vain, Tattling, Ignorant and Unlearned Women are not to be permitted to Speak in the Church, nor to make distur­bance there, with their unseasonable and unlearned Questions and Discourses; but are to learn in Silence with all Subjection, and to be under Obedience, as also saith the Law; yet it does not therefore: follow but that such Women as are become Meek, Humble, Sober, Grave, Temperate, Wise and Discreet, and keep their Place and Station in the blessed Truth, and have been content to learn in silence with all subjection, may do and perform such Ser­vices and Devotions, in the Church of Christ, as they may be called unto, and have a necessity from the Lord laid upon them to be found in the practice of, whe­ther it be in publick Declarations and Testimonies for God and his Truth, or in Prayers, Praises and Thanksgivings unto him.

The Scriptures do afford us divers Testimonies that Women as well as Men [Page 40]have been concerned upon these accompts, to pass by divers that might be mentioned, whose Names are recorded in the writings of the Old Testament, in whom the Spi­rit of the Lord has been so prevalent, that they have appeared Zealous for the God of Israel; we shall only speak of those mention'd in the writings of the New Testament, who have been concerned in the Work and Service of the Gospel: We Read that Anna the Daughter of Phanuel was a Prophetess, and Preached to the People in the Temple at Jerusalem the Clorious Day of Israel's Redemption, Luke 2.36, 37, 38. The next is the Wo­man of Samaria, with whom Christ him­self Conversed, she was taught of Christ himself that he was the Messiah, and then she went and Publish't the same in the City Sychar, John 4.26.28, 29. Again, we find that ridings of Christs Resurrection was first publish't by a Woman, viz. Mary Magdalen, and that she was commanded by Christ himself to go to his Brethren and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God, John 20.17, 18. And also Philip the Evangelist, who was one of the seven mentioned Acts 6.5. had four Daughters [Page 41]Virgins, which did Prophesie, Acts 21.8, 9. Moreover the Apostle Paul himself was so far from discouraging Women upon these accounts, that he mentions several being concerned with him in the Work and Service of Gospel, he begins the 16 chapter to the Romnus thus, I commend unto you Phebe our Sister, which is a Servant of the Church which is at Cenchrea. Again, Greet Priscilla and Aquila my fellow helpers in Christ Jesus. Salute Tryphena and Try­phosa who labour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Persis, which laboured much in the Lord, Rom. 16.3, 12. All these were Women except Aquila. Also the same Apostle in his Epistle to the Philippians writeth thus, And I intreat thee also true Yoke-Fellow, help those Women that laboured with me in the Gospel, with Clement also, and other my fellow Labourers, whose Names are written in the Book of Life, Phil. 4.3.

Thus it is manifest that serious, godly and wel-disposed Women, whom the Lord by his Grace and Spirit stired up in former Ages to serve him, and to bear a Testimo­ny for his Name and Truth, were owned by the Apostle in their Service, and accep­ted of in the Church of Christ, and indeed they ought to be so still; wherein it is [Page 42]manifest, that their Exercise and Service stands in the Truth, and in the fellow­ship of that Divine Spirit and Power where­in there is neither Jew nor Greek, Bond nor Free, Male nor Female, but all are one even in Christ Jesus, Gal. 3 28. who by the ope­ration of his free Spirit may exercise whom he pleases in Building up, Strengthening and Confirming his Church and People, as also in bearing a Testimony unto his Blessed and Holy Name amongst the Sons and Daughters of Men.

And yet nevertheless, as it hath been so it is, and ought to be observ'd, that such Women as are not truly called & qualified for such Services in the Church, ought not to presume to Speak and Teach there, but to learn in Silence with all due Subjecti­on; and indeed it concerns all, both Men and Women, to be very careful in these respects, and also to be cautious that un­der the pretence of divine motion they be not found going into foolish Whimsies and Extreams, out of the Liberties and Con­fines of Christian Prudence, Decency and Moderation; but that all keep under the Guidance, Conduct, Government, Order and Discipline of the blessed and holy Spirit and Power of our Lord and Saviour [Page 43]Jesus Christ; otherwise it may be said of Men as well as Women, Let them keep si­lence in the Church, for it is not permitted unto them to Speak in a spiritual unprepared­ness, and in dis-union with God and his People, nor in any rule, undecent or disorderly man­ner; For our God is not the author of Confusi­on, but of Peace, as in all the Churches of the Saints, 1 Cor. 14.33.

Section VIII. Concerning the Rise of Gospel Perfor­mances, and the Qualifications of Gospel Ministers, showing that they are not from Human Learning, Worldly Wisdom and Natural Arts and Sciences, but from the Divine Spirit.

FRom what hath been said concerning the Christian Ministry it is clearly manifest, that the Vertue and Power of the Divine Spirit is absolutely necessary for the Qualifying, Calling and Constituting of a Gospel Minister, and that it is by the se­cret [Page 44]help, motion and assistance thereof, that every true Evangelist and Gospel Mi­nister is to be acted and supplied in the performance of their Duties and Services, otherwise it does no way appear that they can either be acceptable unto God, or be­neficial unto men, inasmuch as man of himself, in his natural and unrenewed State (notwithstanding his outward abi­lities, as to Human Learning) is (as it were) a Stranger unto God, and really anacquainted with the Mysteries of his Heavenly Kingdom; for although School Learning, Worldly Wisdom and Human Arts and Sciences, are much look't upon and applauded, in this our Age, as Qua­lifications absolutely necessary for the Gos­pel Ministry; yet we no where find any such [...]ress laid upon the same in the Scriptures, but on the contrary it rather appears from thence, that the knowledge of Divine and Spiritual Mysteries are hid from the world­ly Wise, and is revealed unto those who by the vertue of the holy Spirit are born again, and so are become Babes in Christ: Unto this our Lord Jesus has given a very plain and ample Testimony, Luke 10.21, 22. In that hour Jesus rejoyced in Spirit and said, I thank thee O Father, Lord of Heaven [Page 45]and Earth, that thou hast hid these things from the Wise and Prudent, and hast revealed them unto Babes; even so Father, for it secon­ed good in thy sight: All things are delivered to me of my Father, and no mar knoweth who the Son is but the Father, and who the Father is but the Son, and he to whom the Son will re­veal him.

Again, its observable, that although the Apostle Paul was learned sufficiently, and brought up at Gamaliel's Feet, yet all his Learning and Knowledge could not truly open his Understanding in Divine and Spriritual Matters, for whilst he was acted by that Wisdom which was from be­low he was so blind that he ran on in a fierce career to Persecute the People of God, Acts 11.29. and was exceed­ingly Mad against them; yea, he confess­eth himself, that he was a Blas­phemer, 1 Tim. 1.13. a Persecutor and injuri­ous; and says, That beyond measure he Par­secuted the Church of God and wasted it: Gal. 1.13. But after it pleased God to meet with him, to call him by his Grace, and to reveal his Son in him, he came to learn an other Lesson, he was so far from applauding and exalting worldly Wisdom, and human Arts and Sciences as [Page 46]Qualifications of absolute necessity for a Gospel Minister, that he rather seems to oppose the same, saying, Where is the Wise? Where is the Scribe? Where is the Disputer of this World? Hath not God made Foolish the Wisdom of this World? For after that in the wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1.20, 21, &c. the World by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of Preaching to save them that Believe: For the Jews require a Sign, and the Greeks seek after Wisdom; but we preach Christ Crucified, unto the Jews a Stumbling-block, and unto the Greeks Foolishness; but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God. And also he says, verse the 27th, But God hath chosen the foolish things of the World to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the World to confound the things that are mighty, and base things of the World, and things that are dispised, hath God chosen; yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are, that no Flesh should glory in his Presence. Thus we see the Apostle doth much endeavour to debase the Wisdom of the World, and to exalt the Power and Wisdom of God, as yet still further ap­pears in the following Chapter, where he [Page 47]begins to speak concerning himself, and his manner of coming unto the Corinthians, saying, 1 Cor. 2. And I Brethren, when I came to you, came not with excel­lency of Speech or of Wisdom, declaring un­to you the Testimony of God, for I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him Crucified, and I was with you in Weakness, and in Fear, and in much Trembling, and my Speech, and my Preaching was not with enticing Words of Mans Wisdom, but in the demonstration of the Spirit, and of Power; that your Faith might not stand in the Wisdom of Men, but in the Power of God. From whence it is very plain, and clear that the Apostle Paul was no way enclin'd to allow that place unto Worldly Wis­dom, which of right belongs unto Divine Wisdom; nor yet to attribute that unto natural Arts and Sciences, which is only peculiar unto the holy Spirit; which thing is also further confirm'd in the sequel of the same Chapter, where the Apostle saith, Eye hath not seen, chap. 2.9, 10, 11, 14. nor Ear heard, neither hath it entered into the Heart of Man ( viz. man in the Fall) the things which God hath prepared for them that Love him; but God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit, for the Spirit searcheth [Page 48]all things, yea the deep things of God; for what man knoweth the things of a man, save the Spirit of a man which is in him; even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God; further adding, That the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Moreover, if the Lord had intended human Learning, and Arts and Sciences to have been absolutely necessary for the Qualification of a Gospel Minister, its probable he would not only have recom­mended the same, & the necessity thereof in those respects, by some of his Servants, but also would have chosen more of the Learned Doctors & Rabbies of the times to have been publishers of his Mind & Will unto the People in times past; but on the contrary, we find very few of those great Doctors that went upon that Errand, nei­ther under the Prophetical nor Evangeli­cal Dispensation, but rather the Lord was pleased to make use of Honest, Plain (& of­ten times) Illiterate People, upon these ac­compts & to call several from their Voca­tions and Callings (as the Scriptures bear witness) to bear Testimony for him, his [Page 49]Name and Truth, unto the Sons and Daughters of Men; that so the Glory of God, and the excellency of his Wisdom and Power might more appear in and through such weak Instruments.

Object. Now if any shall object, That although several of the Apostles were unlearn­ed, when Jesus called them, yet the Lord made them Learned by a Miracle, before they went abroad to teach all Nations; and from thence would argue, That Illiterate People are not fit to preach the Gospel, nor any but such who by the help of human Learning can under­stand divers Tongues and Languages.

Answ. In answer thereunto I say, That forasmuch as the Apostles were com­manded to go and Teach all Nations, the gift of Tongues was requisit at that time, and upon that occasion, to enable them to express themselves in every Nations pro­per Dialect, that so those People to whom they spake might the better understand what was spoken to them; yet it does not follow, that because the gift of Tongues, was expedient for them at that time, in order to render them capable of speaking to the understanding of other Nations; [Page 50]that therefore they must be Learned in other Tongues, who speak only to People of their own Language.

Yet nevertheless, it is not denied but that human Learning, and Art, and Sciences are very useful, good and servicable in their places, as a right use is made thereof, for that People are thereby made more ca­pable of managing temporal Affairs, both in respect of Merchandize, Trading and other matters; as also it may so fall out that human Learning, and the knowledg of Tongues and Languages may be useful upon some accounts, unto such as are or may be called unto the Work and Service of the Gospel, but then it is in a blessed Subordination and Conformity to the Teachings of the Divine Spirit, which is that Golden-Key that opens the Myste­ries of Truth, and inspires the Soul with a right understanding of Spiritual matters, and those People whose understandings are not opened thereby, be they never so Learned or Wise, in the Learning or Wis­dom of the World, yet by reason of the blindness of their Hearts, Luk. 8.10. Ephes. 4.18. See­ing they see not, and Hearing they understand not the Myste­ries of Gods Kingdom. Yet so it is, that [Page 51]when many People have by natural Edu­cation and Study, acquired unto some knowledg in human Learning, Arts and Sciences, they grow puft up in Mind, wise in their own Conceit, and impatient of Contradiction; and so are not willing that the use of natural Arts and Sciences should be so kept within their proper Sphere, as to be limitted unto natural things, and held in a subserviency to the holy Spirit; but such will needs fall a meddling in things of a higher nature, and by the help of human Learning and wordly Wisdom (without the Revelation and Influence of the Divine Spirit) they will put their meanings upon the Scrip­tures, and give Expositions and Constructi­ons upon Divine and Spiritual matters, and which is yet worse, they will often­times attempt the imposing of their Noti­ons upon others; and when the Lord is pleased to raise up any to oppose them, then they fall into Passion, Wrath, Cruelty, and Persecution, (the fruits of the Spirit of Error) and upon this occasion it is that so many Contests, Disagreements, Jarrs and Controversies have risen among the Pro­fessors of the Christian Religion, even because Poople have over-valued worldly [Page 52]Wisdom, (which is servicable in its place) and under-valued, sleighted, opposed and disregarded the Teaching, Direction, Counsel, Evidence and Revelation of the Light, Grace and Spirit of Christ in them­selves, which alone can truly open and discover the meaning of that which hath proceeded from the same Spirit in others; Luke 24.45. and so instead of the gracious Influence of the Divine Spirit, they betake themselves unto human Litera­ture, Arts and Sciences, and by their Dark Suggestions, Quaint Distinctions and Logical Terms, do render things more Obscure, Intricate and Mysterious, then of themselves they are; so that the World is even burdened with the Volumi­nous Tractates, long, tedious and uncer­tain Discourses about Religious matters; therefore hath it pleased God in his infinite Wisdom and Counsel, in a great measure, to lay aside the Wise and Prudent in the Wisdom of this World, and by his Eter­nal Spirit to fit and qualifie many weak, mean and contemptible Instruments, in the Eyes of men, and make use of them for the publishing of his pure and naked Truth, that so it might be freed of those Mists and Foggs wherewith those Linguists [Page 53]have clouded it, and that People might be directed to wait for that universal Spirit which, as it is received, doth opperate in the Hearts and Souls of People, in order to work out Sin and Iniquity, raise up in­to newness of Life, and to give People an understanding in Divine and Spiritual matters; that so they may be thereby fit­ted, prepared and qualified for perform­ing that Pure and Spiritual Worship, which is acceptable unto God in this Gospel day.

And further, such hath been the good pleasure of our God in times past, as also in this our day, not only, in a great mea­sure, to lay aside the Wise and Prudent of the World, upon these accounts, but also to set aside, as unnecessary for the Gospel Ministry, those long tedious Books, Discourses and Comments which have been and are the product of worldly Wisdom, and the fruit of mans natural and unre­newed Mind and Spirit, and the Lord by his own Wisdom, Spirit and Power doth aid, furnish, assist and supply every true Gospel Minister in the performance of his Duty and Service, both as to matter what, the time when, and the Persons to whom; thus doth he in his heavenly Counsel order and dispose the Spirits of his People sui­table [Page 54]for every Occasion and Service that they are called unto, as there is a true de­pendance upon him: So that the very rise of their Services is not simply from human Abilities, but from the divine Gift; as the Apostle very well observed, As every man hath received the Gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good Stewards of the manifold Grace of God; if any man speak, let him speak as the Oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth, that God in all things may be glorified, through Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 4.10, 11. Again the Apostle Paul, to the Romans, writeth thus, Having then Gifts differing according to the Grace that is given to us, whether Prophesie, let us Prophesie ac­cording to the proportion of Faith; or Mini­stry, les us wait on our Ministring; or he that Teacheth, on Teaching; or he that Exhort­eth, on Exhortation, Rom. 12.6, 7, 8. From whence it is yet further clearly ma­nifest, that the rise and foundation of true Gospel Performances, stands not in world­ly Wisdom, or human Arts and Sciences, but in the Gift and Grace of God, revea­led and manifested in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Section IX. Concerning outward Force and Violence in Religious matters, and the un­lawfulness of forceable resisting the temporal Magistracy.

AGain, as those who do truly minister from this divine Gift, endeavour not to fill Peoples Ears and Minds with strange, uncertain and fore-prepared Arguments, Loud Discourses, Dark Suggestions, Lo­gical Terms, Philosophical Notions and Conceptions about Divine and Spiritual matters: Neither do they endeavour to force or enjoyn People to receive them and their Testimony, whether they will or no; but in all Christian Meekness, Plainness, Gentleness, Forbearance and Sincerity they declare and hold forth the Truth of God, as they have received it, and do recommend their Testimony unto every mans Conscience in the sight of God, 2 Cor. 4.2. which thing is agreeable to the practice of Jesus Christ, his Apostles and Servants in the Primitive times. We see with what plainness in Speech and fa­miliar [Page 56]Similies and Parables our Lord did express himself to the People, as appears in the writings of the Evangelists, and how tenderly he invited People to come unto him, and learn of him that was meek and low in Heart, Mat. 11.28, 29. promi­sing they should find rest unto their Souls; yea, and when the Jews (notwithstanding his great inclination to gather them) did continue in hardness and rebellion against him, and his heavenly Message, yet he Wept over them, as we read Luke 19.41, 42. And when he was come near he beheld the City, and Wept over it, saying, if thou hadst known, even thou at the least, in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy Peace! but now they are hid from thy Eyes. And yet as a further demonstration of the Love, Meekness and Gentleness of his Spirit, we have an account that when something of sharpness appeared in some of his Dis­ciples, against those Samaritanes who recei­ved them not, we may perceive how sud­denly he rebuked them, saying, Ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of, Luke 9.54, 55, 56. for the Son of Man is not come to destroy Mens Lifes, but to save them. It is also further manifest in the Scriptures, that the Apostles and Servants [Page 57]of Christ did all along proceed, upon Truth's account, in much plainness of Speech, Gentleness, Humility, Self-de­nial and Christian Forbearance towards all People. The which said Practice of theirs, upon these accounts, may sufficient­ly serve for a Confutation unto such as will needs pretend to the Christian Faith, and to be Ministers, Servants and Followers of Christ, and are strangely Leavened and In­fected with many Peevish, Proud, Stingy; Insolent, Covetous, Unmortified, Perse­cuting and Naughty Humors and Practi­ces, no way agreeable to the nature and tendency of the Gospel of Peace, nor to that pure, holy and undefiled Religion which was Instituted by our Lord, and Practiced by his Disciples and Followers.

As outward Force, Severity and Com­pulsion in Religious matters does no way seem to be consistent with Christianity; so neither do we find any Precept or Presi­dent for it in the writings of the New Testament: That which some would alledge in vindication thereof, is the saying of the Lord Jesus, Luke 14.23. Go out in­to the High-Ways and Hedges and compel them to come in, that my House may be filled. But if this saying of his be rightly consi­dered [Page 58]and compared with other Texts of Scripture, there will no such thing ap­pear, as that he intended to propagate the Gospel of Peace by outward Force and Severity; as for the words Compel and Constrain, they are much what Synonymous, and do not always import outward Force, Violence or Compulsion, but many times in the Scriptures friendly Invitations, kind Intreaties, undeniable and demonstrable Reasons, and gentle Perswasions, which are most agreeable to the meekness and gentleness of that Spirit by which the true Ministers, and Servants of Christ, have been, are, and ought to be acted in all their proceedings upon the Truths account: We read that when Jesus appeared unto those two Disciples, that were going to Emmaus, When they drew nigh to the Village, he made as though he would have gone further, but they constrained him, and he went in to tarry with them. There is no question but this constraint was by fair meanes, even by a kind entreaty, as the Text expresseth, [Abide with Ʋs] and reason was also ur­ged for it, because it was towards Evening, and the Day was far spent, Luke 24.28, 29. Again its said, Jesus constrained his Disciples to get into a Ship, Mat. 14.22. And we [Page 59]read, that when Lydia's Heart was open­ed, she constrained Paul and his Company to come into her House and abide there, Acts 16.15. Also the Apostle Paul in his Speech to Peter says, Why compellest thou the Gentiles to Live as do the Jews? Gal. 2.14. All which said Expressions, concerning Compulsion or Constraint, do no way seem to hold out any thing of outward Force, Violence or Severity; But rather earnest Intreaty, kind, gentle or strong Perswasions of Reason, Love, &c.

And yet further if we consider the na­ture and tendency of that Discourse, wherein the word Compel is made use of, Luke 14.23. there will no such thing ap­pear, as that any outward Force or Vio­lence was intened by that Expression, the Parable is of a certain man that made a Supper, and bad many Guests, & they urge excuses, and come not; the Master of the House being angry, bids his Servant go out into the Streets and Lanes of the City, and bring in the Poor, the Maimed, the Halt and the Blind; & that being done, and still room for more; the Master sends again, saying, Go out into the High-Ways, and Hedges, and compel them to come in, that my House may be filled. Now consider, if we [Page 60]take the Parable literally, as it is, what manner of Force or Compulsion was either needful or proper to be used to such Per­sons as are here mentioned? it is not com­mon to force Guests to a Feast, nor punish them if they come not; neither is it like­ly that such Persons as had no better Provision then they could get from the High-Ways and Hedges should need any outward Force, Violence or Compulsion to bring them to a good Supper; if they were destitute of Succour and Relief, a gentle and loving invitation to a Feast, and encouragements of being kindly Enter­tain'd were sufficient reasons to compel them to go. And also, if we consider it in aspiritual sence, the like reason will hold good any way; for we can no way conceive that there is any occasion of using outward Force of Compulsion to cause those that are spiritually poor, & in want, to receive inward Help and Succour, their Necessities will sufficiently enduce them to accept it, without any violent or forceable treating.

Further more as the Servants of Christ, and People of God, ought not by any outward Compulsion to force People to receive their Testimony, and embrace [Page 61]their Religion, whether they will or no: So on the other hand, if those in publick Authority, who are concern'd in the Go­vernment of this World, shall happen to Molest, Trouble and Persecute them, for and upon the account of the exercise of their Consciences towards God, and there­by endeavour to force them to deny their Religion, and to embrace another; al­though such Persecutors do greatly Err in such practices, yet it does no way appear to be consistant with Christianity for those who are Persecuted, upon that ac­count, to make any publick Resistance by outward Force or Violence; but they ought patiently to suffer what Afflictions the Lord is pleased to permit to come upon them in those Cases: which thing is plain­ly manifest by the Example of our Lord Jesus, as also by the Doctrine and Practice of his Apostles. We read that when our Lord Jesus was apprehended by the Jews, one of those that were with him drew his Sword, and smote a Servant of the high Priest, but Jesus was so far from encou­raging People in such actions that he had him put up his Sword in its Place, saying, All they that take the Sword, shall perish with the Sword, Mat. 26.51, 52, 53. There's [Page 62]no question, but if our Lord had seen it requisit to have made forceable Resistance, he might have prayed the Father and have had Legions of Angels to have assisted him; but he was other wise disposed, When he was Reviled, he Reviled not again; When he Suffered, he threatned not, but committed himself to him that judgeth Righteously, 1 Pet. 2.23. Also the Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Corinthians, gives an account how they behaved themselves in these Cases; Being Reviled (saith he) we Bless; being Persecuted, we suffer it; being Defamed we Intreat; we are made as the filth of the World, and are (accounted as) the off scou­ring of all things, unto this day, 1 Cor. 4.12, 13. Again the Apostle says, Avenge not your selves, but rather give place unto Wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord, Rom. 12.19. The Weapons of the Saints warfare were not Carnal, 2 Cor. 10.4. Neither did they wrestle with Flesh and Blood, Ephes. 6.12. But in all Christian Patience, Meekness and Self-denial they were willing to bear the Reproches and Contradictions of sin­ful men, and that for the sake of him in whom they had believed; Preces & Lachry­mae, Prayers and Tears were the Arms they [Page 63]used upon these accounts; and those that suffer thus, according to the will of God, were to commit the keeping of their Souls unto him, in well-doing, as unto a faithful Creator, 1 Pet. 4.19. and herein was their Peace and Safety.

Section X. Concerning the Maintenance of Gospel Ministers.

FOrasmuch as those whose Ministry doth proceed from the Grace and Spirit of God, do not Force or Compel People to receive their Testimony, whether they will or no; neither do they go about to Force or Compel any to Maintain them, but as they are Gospel Ministers, they are content with a Gospel allowance. We read, that when our Lord sent forth his Disciples to preach the Kingdom of Heaven at hand, amongst other things that he gave them in charge, he says unto them, Freely ye have received, freely give, Mat. 10.8. And in­to whatsoever City ye enter, and they receive you, Eat such things as are set before you, Luke 10.8. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your Words, when you depart [Page 64]out of that House, or City, shake off the dust of your Feet, &c. Mat. 10.14. From whence divers things are to be observed, First, What the Disciples had to Preach, they had freely received it. Secondly, They were not to require Wages for Preaching, but to do it freely. Thirdly, They were to eat such things as were set before them, only where they were received. Fourthly, They were to be so far from being cla­mourous for Relief of them that did not receive them, that they were not to suffer the dust of their City to cleave to them, but to wipe it off against them. And as this was the way of Maintenance and Re­lief, that was appointed by our Lord for such as were sent forth to preach the Gos­pel; so we no where find that the Apostles or Servants of Christ did act contrary thereunto, so as to force any, by outward Compulsion, to maintain them whether they would or no; for that would have been quite contrary to the way of Christ, and to the nature of that Religion which he Instituted.

And if so then it was unlawful for those whom Christ immediately sent to preach the Gospel, outwardly to force or compel any either to receive their Testimony, or [Page 65]Maintain them, I hope few will deny but that it is much more unlawful for those, whom Christ never sent, to claim any such priviledge.

As for Tythes, which many of those who now pretend to be Gospel Ministers will needs claim, and which many of them do Sue, Trouble, Molest and Imprison their peaceable Neighbours about; we do no where find them appointed in the wri­tings of the New Testament as due to the Gospel Ministry▪ 'Tis true, in the wri­tings of the Old Testament, Numb. 18. we find that God did chuse Aaron & his Sons for the office of the Priesthood, and he did also chuse the rest of the Tribe of Levi for the service of the Tabernacle, and gave them the tenth in Israel for their Service; those Levites were to offer up a Heave Offering to the Lord out of their Tythe, and were to give it to Aaron the Priest, for himself and his Sons; and this was all the share which we find the Legal Priest to have appointed him in Tythes, even the tenth of the tenth, and that from the hand of the Levites; moreover, those Tythes were only due and payable, by Gods appointment, from the Children of Israel, unto the Levites of that Land, and [Page 66]that because the Tribe of Levi had no other Inheritance allotted them there, among their Brethren.

But now it is to be observ'd that our Lord Jesus Christ hath by offering up himself, as a Lamb without spot unto God, put an end unto that Legal Priesthood, and Service which received Tythes, and blotted out the hand-writing of Ordinances against us, Col. 2.14. nailing it to his Cross; and hath instituted a Worship and Service more pure and spiri­tual then that which was performed under the Dispensation of the Law. We do no where find that he has either limited Tythes, or any other stinted maintenance for the Gospel Ministry, but has left that as a free and voluntary Act of those that did own and receive his Messengers and Servants, urging this, The Work-man is worthy of his Meat. And truly so he is: Those who receive Spirituals from the Servants of Christ, will no doubt be wil­ling to communicate Temporals unto them, (that is so much as is needful for them.) They are not to mind high things, Rom. [...] Heb. [...] 1 Tim. 6.8. nor to [...] after great Places and Preferments, Annual Stipends, Sallaries and [Page 67]Augmentations, nor yet desist, or let fall their Testimony, for want of a setled Maintenance, but having Food and Rai­ment are there with to be content; and so to proceed as the Lord shall make way for them, trusting him with the care of their Bodies as well as of their Souls. And truly those who according to the Exhorta­tion of the Apostle do thus cast their care upon God upon these accounts shall not want, 1 Pet. 5.10 because he careth for them, & will open the Hearts of those, unto whom they Minister that so they may relieve them, according to their Necessities; and thus the Lord is known and acknow­ledged to be the Author of their Mainte­nance, as well as of their Ministry.

That which some would alledge to prove a forced and stinted Maintenance for the Gospel Ministry, is the saying of the Apostle Paul, 1. Cor. 9.7, 9, 11, 13, 14. which being rightly considered, does no way hold out any such thing as a forced, or stinted Maintenance; the Apostle in the 4th verse remembers the Words of Christ, and says, Have we not power to Ear and to Drink? &c. and then in the 7th verse he ands, Who goeth a Warfare at any time at his own Charge? Who planteth a Vineyard and [Page 68]eateth not of the Fruit thereof? Or who feed­eth a Flock, and eateth not of the Milk of the Flock? &c. These Texts of Scripturce do not at all encourage a forced Maintenance, nor altogether set forth what the Mainte­nance is, but rather who they are from whom it is to be received; consider at whose charge ought the Souldier to go a warfare, but at his or theirs for whose de­fence he Fights? He that plants a Vine­yard may eat of the Fruit, but it must be of Fruit thereof: He that feeds a Flock may eat of the Milk, but it must be of the Milk of the Flock which he feeds: The Ox that trod out the Corn was not to be muz­led, but to be feed by him whose Corn he trod out; bet it was not agreable to the equity of the Law, that while the Ox trod out Corn for one man, another should be fore'd to keep him; If, saith he, we have sowen unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things? 1 Cor. 9.11. No it is no great thing, for if he had sowen unto them, and they recei­ved of him, he might by Christ appoint­ment expect to receive of them.

Again he says, They which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel. Yes they may so, and ought to be content with it; [Page 69]but then this does not argue, that they shall live of the Law, or that any under the pre­tence of a Gospel Maintenance should im­pose upon Christians the Bondage of a Mo­saical Institution, viz. the exaction of Tythes, or any other forced Maintenance; for that although Tythes were due by the Law of Moses, yet they were terminated with the Service they were given for, and there is no appearance of any ground for any to claim them by vertue of any Go­spel Authority. As for the Words of the Apostle Paul, above recited, they do a­mount to no more then this, That Gospel Ministers may receive a Gospel Mainte­nance, from such as receive them and their Doctrine, but not from such as receive them not, nor do own their Ministry; and what this Gospel Maintenance is we find it plainly set forth by Christ himself, in his Speech to his Disciples, Eat such things as are set before you: Eat and Drink such things as they give, for the Workman is worthy of his Meat, Mat. 10.10. Luke 10.7. By which Expressions we may conceive that the ne­cessary conveniencies of Life are intima­ted and to be understood.

And yet for a further confirmation of our Sence and Judgment in these respects, [Page 70]we may consider what the practice of the Apostles and Ministers of Christ were in the primitive times, and what they exhor­ted others unto upon these accounts: We find that when the Apostle Paul had told the Corinthians, how that a necessity was laid upon him, yea wo was unto him if he preacht not the Gospel; he puts the Question, 1 Cor. 9.16, 18. What is my Reward then? and answers it saying, Ve­rily that when I preach the Gospel, I may make the Gospel of Christ without Charge. Also the same Apostle, when he took his leave of the Elders of the Church at Ephesus, thus expresseth himself, I have coveted no mans Silver, or Gold, or Apparel, ye your selves know that these Hands have ministred unto my necessities, and to them that were with me; I have shewed you all things, how that so labour­ing ye ought to support the Weak, and to re­member the words of the Lord Jesus, It is more blessed to give then to receive. From whence we may observe, First, That he was so far from any eager persuit after worldly Wealth, great Benefits and Re­venues, that he says, He coveted no mans Gold, Silver nor Apparel. Secondly, His own Hands had ministred to his Necessi­ties, and them that were with him: By [Page 71]which it appears that he was not inclin'd to Idleness, in expectation to be maintain'd out of other mens Labours, but he wrought with his own Hands, as he intimates him­self, & as also appears Acts 18.1, 2, 3. Being a Tent-maker by Occupation. Thirdly, He does not at all encourage them in Idle­ness, but on the contrary tells them, That so labouring ( viz. as he had done) they ought to support the Weak, and to re­member the words of Jesus, It is more blessed to give then to receive. And again the same Apostle, 2 Thes. 3.7, 8. writeth thus, For your selves know, how ye ought to follow us; for we behaved not our selves disor­derly among you; neither did we eat any mans Bread for nought; but wrought with Labour and Travel Night and Day, that we might not be chargable to any of you. Likewise the Apostle Peter, in his Exhortation to the Elders, says unto them, Feed the Flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly, not for filthy Lucre, but of a ready mind; neither as being Lords ever Gods Heritage, but being ensamples to the Flock, 1 Pet. 5.1, 2, 3. By all which recited Passages, it is plainly manifest, that the Apostles had a great eate not to be burdensome to any, and that [Page 72]the Gospel of Christ might be preserved without Charge; they were so far from compelling or forcing a Maintenance, from such as did not own nor receive them, that they forbore to make use of that Power which Christ allowed them, even among such as did receive them. It seems the Apostle Paul wrought with his Hands (when he had an oportunity) and exhor­ted the Brethren to be followers of him, and mark them that walk so as they had them for an ensample, Phil. 3.17. and there is small question but the rest of the Apostles were like-minded with him: We see that Peter is so far from allowing the Elders to act by Constraint, or to in­sist upon great Wages and Revenues for their Service, that he quite opposes it in these words, Not by Constraint, not for fil­thy Lucre, observe the Epithite that he bestowes upon Lucre, nothing less then Filthy: It seems he look't upon it as a fil­thy thing, for such as were to Feed and Nourish the Flock of God, and to take the oversight thereof, that their Hearts and Minds should be so bent upon worldly Preferments, and exercised in covetous Practices, as to do what they did for filthy Lucre sake; therefore he doth with much [Page 73]sharpness enlarge upon that matter, in his second Chapter of his second Epistle, as may be there seen at large.

Thus as it was the way of the Ministers and Servants of Christ in the primitive times, to act according to the Precepts and Directions of our blessed Lord, and to advise and exhort others thereunto, and also to bear 'Testimony against such as tranfgress upon these accounts; so also it highly concerns all those who pretend to be Ministers of Christ in this our day, to search and try their ways, and in the Light of Christ seriously to weigh and examine the matter, whether they be truly called, qualified and acted by the Spirit of Christ yea or nay? if they be, no question but they will manifest the same in Humility, Meekness, Self-denial, Christian-forbear­ance, Charity and Doctrine; as also in acting according to the Directions of Christ, and Practice of his People: But on the contrary, if any under that pre­tence be found in a Proud, Lordly, Cove­tous and Persecuting Spirit, walking in the steps of those whom the true Prophets and Servants of Christ have always testi­fied against; it greatly behoves all People to beware of them, according to the di­rections [Page 74]of our blessed Lord, Mat. 7.15, 16. Beware of false Prophets, which come to you in Sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are [...]ning Wolves; ye shall know them by their [...]uits. Forasmuch as they have a shew of Christianity, and so thereby are clothed with Sheeps clothing, but being inwardly departed from the pure, holy, meek and peaceable Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, they endeavour to Persecute, Tear and Devour them that are not willing to Feed and Relieve them, and so therein they are ravening Wolves. I do not hereby place any particular charge upon any, but leave every one to see and know by their Fruits, desiring that all those who are under those Circumstances and Qualities may come to Repentance, and amendment of Life, whilst the day of their Visitation lasteth; otherwise all their pretences to Christianity, or the ministerial Function, will not rescue them in that day, when the Righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth, doth recompence every one according to their Deeds.

Section XI. Concerning PRAYER.

THat now which yet further remains to be considered, is those other Du­ties and Services which are to be done and performed by true Believers, either in pri­vate or in their publick Assemblies; and upon this account shall mention that of Prayer, which is very necessary for the People of God to be found in the practice of, being a duty incumbent upon us, and frequently commanded and exhorted unto in the holy Scriptures, and as it is necessary for all those who are concerned in the Church of Christ, in publick Testi­monies and Declarations, to be supplied and assisted in those Services by the Grace and Spirit of Christ; even so, also it is by the help and influence of the same Spirit, that the People of God are enabled to pray acceptably unto him, and without the help thereof, in some degree or other, true Prayer cannot be performed.

That the Spirit of Christ is absolutely necessary upon this account is clear even [Page 76]from the words of Christ, Without me ye can do nothing— Also the Apostle Paul saith, The Spirit also helpeth our Infirmities, for we know not what me should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit it self maketh Interces­sion for us, with Sighs & Groans that cannot be uttered; and he that searcheth the Hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because be maketh Intercession for the Saints, accor­ding to the will of God, Rom. 8.26, 27. Again, Praying always, with all Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit, and watching there­unto, with all perseverance and Supplication for all Saints, Ephes. 6.18. And also in his Epistle to the Corinthians, I will pray with the Spirit, and with the Ʋnderstanding also, 1 Cor. 14.15. From whence several things are observable, First, That Gods People can do nothing that's acceptable unto him, without Christ, and the help of his Spirit. Secondly, That of themselves they know not what to pray for as they ought. Thirdly, That it is the Spirit which helpeth such Infirmities, and maketh In­tercession unto God for his People Fourth­ly, The way and manner of the Spirits In­tercession, with Sighs and Groans that cannot be uttered. Fifthly, That God graciously receives the Prayers of such as [Page 77]are offered and presented unto him by the Spirit, forasmuch as Intercession is thereby made for them, according to the will of God. Sixthly, The Apostle, being sensible of the acceptance, and prevalency of such Prayers, doth exhort the Ephesians to pray always, with all Prayer and Sup­plication in the Spirit, and to watch there­unto withall Perseverance. Seventhly, He gives an account how he himself will pray, saying, I will pray with the Spirit, and with the Ʋnderstanding also.

Thus then, as the Prayers of such who wait for, and receive Divine Assistance, do obtain Divine Acceptance; so on the con­trary the Prayers of wicked and ungodly men, who receive not, nor expect any such spiritual help, but are acted by the Spirit of Error and Vanity, can no way be ac­ceptable unto God, nor beneficial to them­selves. The Scriptures do afford us divers Testimonies to this purpose; David says, If I regard Iniquity in my Heart the Lord will not hear me, Psal. 66.18. Solomon says, The Sacrifice of the Wicked is abomina­tion to the Lord, Prov. 15.8. And again, He that turneth his Ear from the Law, even his Prayer shall be abomination. Also the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah, saith to the [Page 78]People of Israel, that had forsaken the Lord, and rebelled against his Spirit, and so become a sinful Nation, [...] 2, 3.13. When ye spread forth your Hands I will hide mine Eyes from you, yea when you make many Prayers I will not hear, your Hands are full of Blood. Again, we read John 9.31. We know that God heareth not Sinners, but of any be a worshipper of God, and doth his will, him heareth. And also 1. Pet. 3.12. The Eyes of the Lord are over the Righteous, and his Ears are open to their Prayers, but the Face of the Lord is against [...] that do Evil. Thus it is plain that the Prayers and Sacrifices of Wicked and Sinful men have not been acceptable unto God, (which they remain'd in that state) but rather an abomination unto him, being not offered in sincerity of Heart, nor un­der a right disposition of Soul and Spirit.

The Jews of old thought it sufficient for them if they did but pay their daily Sacri­fices, and offer their customary Oblations, &c. from thence concluding all was well; but it prov'd not so, for the Lord by the Prophet asks them, To what purpose was the multitude of their? Sacrifices? and bids them bring no more vain Oblations: Incense (says he) is an abomination unto me, [Page 79]the new Moons and Sabbaths, the calling of Assemblies is Iniquity, even the solemn Meet­ing. And again, by the Prophet Amos he says, Though you offer me Burnt Offerings, and Meat Offerings, I will not accept them; neither will I regard the Peace Offerings of your fat Beasts. And what was the reason of all this dislike? Even because the Peo­ple were Wicked and Sinful; Therefore he says, Wash ye, make ye Clean, put away the evil of your doings from before my Eyes, cease to do Evil, learn to do Well, seek Judg­ment, relieve the Oppressed, judge the Fa­therless, and plead for the Widow. And then no question but they might be accep­ted.

As it was with the Jews in that state, so its probable the case may be with many of those call'd Christians now, who think is sufficient for them to be present at the reading over of Morning and Evening Prayers, &c. according to the common Form and Custom; and yet do not rightly consider that their Hearts are polluted and deiled with Sin and Iniquity, which no question will block up their way from Di­vine acceptance, as well as it did unto Israel of old. As for Sin it is a thing that cannot be Christen'd, neither will the [Page 80]Righteous God own it in any, let their pretence be what it will. It has always been the cause of mans Wo and Misery, and of his Separation from God in all Ages; and its the same now where People remain in it, and continue Impenitent and in Rebellion against the Reproofs and Counsel of the Light and Spirit of Christ in themselves; Your Iniquities (saith the Prophet) have separated between you and your God; and your Sins have hid his Face from you, that he will not hear, Isa 59.2. They shall call upon me (saith Wisdom) but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me, Prov. 1.28. It is not simply the calling upon God, or making mention of his blessed Name that gains acceptance with him, or draws down his blessings upon men; but it is a calling upon him in Faith, and in a rightly ordered and well-disposed. Mind and Spirit, For unto this m [...]n will I look (saith the Lord), even to him [...] is Poor and of a contrite Spirit, and trembleth at my Word, Isa 66.2. Again, The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him in Truth, he will fulfill the desire of them that fear him, he also will hear their cry and will save them; the Lord preserveth all them that Love him, but the Wicked will he Destroy, Psal. 145, 18, 19, 20.

Howbeit still although the Prayers of Wicked and Sinfull Men, whilst they re­main in Impenitency and Rebellion against God, are not acceptable unto him; yet nevertheless such as are polluted with Sin and Iniquity, and do come to be secretly touch, & awaken'd by the Light and Spirit of Christ, and are bowed down under the sence of their own Sinfulness, unworthi­ness, Misery, Weakness for Inability, such looking up to God, and inwardly breath­ing forth, secret Desires and Aspirations, or uttering Words in Prayer and Suppli­cation unto him for help and deliverance from under the bondage of Sin and Cor­ruption; the Lord God in his own due time will undoubtedly hear and answer the desires of such: But still this does no, way admit that wicked and ungodly men are capable of praying acceptably, any otherwise then as they are toucht, awaken­ed and helpt by the Spirit of Christ, and being truly bowed down under the sence of God goodness, and their own unwor­thness, are led to Repentance, and so by the grace of God are drawn to supplicate his Name for Help and Deliverance. We read that when the Apostle Peter, exhorted Simon the Sorcerer unto Prayer, h [...] places [Page 82]Repentance before it, saying, Repent there­fore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thy Heart may be for­given thee, Acts 8.22. Again, Repent ye therefore, and be Converted, that your Sins may be blotted out, when the times of refresh­ing shall come from the presence of the Lord, Acts 3.19. From whence it is observable, That as Repentance doth go before Prayer, so also doth Repentance and Conversion go before blotting out of Sin. Now as to the Prayers of those who are high and lofty in Mind and Spirit, and take delight in Sin and Ungodliness, and to spend their precious time in Vanity, Folly and Mad­ness; and also of those who may seem outwardly to be more demure, yet spiri­tually rest in the gall of Bitterness against the Truth, and in the bond of Iniquity, there may seem to be little defference of their Devotions in the ground as to Divine acceptance, so long as both sorts of Peo­ple remain in Impenitency; for the first can turn out of their vain Conversation, or however suspend the outward act there­of for a little season; and the other their worldly Discourse, and so fall to repeat some few words of Prayer in a formal and customary way, and immediately again, [Page 83]even as soon as ever the words to God are out of their Mouths (without any true regard to the Greatness and Majesty of him to whom they have even been making Supplication) they'l fall on again upon their former Discourse, and many times (as hath been observ'd) upon Vain, Idle and Prophane Talk; so that without any distinction or waiting for divine help to perform their Duties to God, they appear to be acted by one and the same Spirit up­on both accounts: Certainly! If there be any such thing as vain Oblations and Prayers that God regardeth not, (as no question but there is) those Prayers and Devotions which are thus begun, carried on, and concluded in mans own natural Will, Strength and Wisdom (without the help and influence of the Grace and Spirit of Christ) are of that number.

Object. Its probable some may alledge, That our Lord taught his Disciples to Pray, and gave them a Form of Prayer.

Answ. In answer whereunto I say, That although he did so, yet they were in some sort Disciples before he taught them, (not worldly men) and his teaching them [Page 84]at that time is not an argument that every one, in their own will and time, can say that Prayer acceptably, but we may rather infer from thence, That as they then were not to pray as the Hypocrites and Heathen did, but according as he taught them, be­ing then outwardly present with them; even so his People are not to pray now as the Hypocrites and Heathen do, but accor­ding as he teaches them being spiritually presents with them; yet nevertheless that Prayer which he taught them, as it was then, so it is now very good and useful un­to such as can express those Words, there set forth, in Truth and Righteousness: Those who have received the adoption of Sons, by vertue of the holy Spirit, have right to call God Father, and may say in Truth, Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done, [...] Earth as it is in Heaven, &c. But on the contrary, How can those who are Children of Wrath, and subject to the power of Darkness, truly call God Father? How can they who are altogether unholy hallow the Name of God? What will it avan such to tell of the coming of Gods Kingdom, who daily rebel against that which would give an entrance thereunto? How can those do [Page 85]the will of God in Earth, who neither re­gard that which would enable them there­unto, nor will believe that any such thing an be done? Thus al tho wicke ungodly men may tell of Prayer, yet in that state they are quite out of order, and utterly uncapable of performing it acceptably, until they have received the Spirit, and have the help and influence thereof, in some degree or other; which thing yet leads me to this further observation, If no man can call Jesus Lord, but by the Holy Ghost, as the Apostle positively affirms, 1. Cor. 12.3. Then how can any truly call God Father, but as they are in some mea­sure acted by the Spirit of the Son.

Howbeit, I would have none to suspect that I do in the least intend hereby to dis­courage People in being diligent in Prayer and Supplication unto God Almighty, but I would Caution and Exhort them, in the Light of Christ, to wait for the help and influence of his Grace and Spirit in such undertakings, that so they may be enabled to perform those Duties acceptably, be­fore words be uttered unto the Lord, let it first be considered how the Heart is prepa­red, and from what root the words do pro­ceed, for it is not simply the words, but [Page 86]the rise thereof that the Lord looks at in all our Services and Devotions before him. And as those that fail in the Foundation do hazard the Superstructure; even so where People fall wrong in the very ground of their Devotions, their further proceedings therein will be in danger to prove Insigni­ficant and Unsuccessful. I do not say but that God, who is rich in Mercy and waits to be gracious unto People, doth and will pass by many Weaknesses and Imperfecti­ons upon these accounts, yet none ought so to presume thereon, as to make the parti­cular acts of Gods Love and Condescensi­on unto some, and upon some accounts, to be a general rule for all, or to be an excuse or cover unto any for Disobedience and Rebellion; it is certainly the duty of all to be diligent in Prayer and Supplication unto God, and I cannot but exhort all Peo­ple thereunto; but then it does not follow that any shall attempt such performances, or go about the same being unprepared by the Spirit of God, for that thereby, if they have been negligent in Prayer before, they will be so far from mending the matter, that they will incur a fresh censure; there­fore let it be the care of every one, that goes about to perform the duty of Prayer, [Page 87]to watch and wait upon God diligently, for the help and concurrence of his blessed and holy Spirit in all such undertakings; and also when they feel and witness them­selves to be rightly disposed in Spirit for approaching before the Lord in Prayer and Supplication unto him, let them con­sider themselves in his presence, and be careful to appear in an humble and reve­rent posture of Body, as well as Soul, (that is) in a decent, orderly and comely man­ner, as much as well can be, with bowed Knees, Ephe. 3.12. 1 Cor. 11.4. and men with uncovered Heads, (according to the Practice and Direction of the Apostle in those cases) thereby shewing forth that holy Submission, Reverence and Respect every way, which we all owe to the Divine Majestly, unto whom all Ho­nour, Glory and Praise is due, world without end.

Section XII. Concerning Singing of Pssalms, and Artisscial Musick.

THe next thing to be considered is Singing of Pssalmes, which is confest to be a part of Gods Worship, and very acceptable as it proceeds from a true sence of God Love in the Heart and arises from the influence of the holy Spirit, whereby the Lords People are led to breath forth unto God in a sweet and spiritual Harmo­ny, or in Words sutable to their present Condition; but then on the contrary, when vain minded People do go about to [...] in their own will and time [...] a for­ [...]al, seigned and customary way, [...] having the knowledge of the motion and concurrence of the Divine Spirit, and Word of Life in the Heart, such Singing can no way be acceptable unto God, nor beneficial unto those that use it; for as it was in the case of Preaching and Praying so it is in this of Singing, the holy Spirit is to be the chief and principal Author, Mover and Actor in these respect.

Which thing will yet further appear, if we consider the Words of the Apostle Paul upon this account, Be not drunk with Wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit, Speaking to your selves in Psalms, and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Singing and making Melody unto the Lord, Ephes 5. 18, 19. And again, Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all Wisdom, Teaching and Admonishing one another in Psalms, and Hymns and spiritual Songs, singing with Grace in your Hearts to the Lord, Col. 3.16. From whence it is manifest, That those Songs, and that Melody, which the Saints and Children of God are to be sound in the practice of, are to spring and arise from that which is pure and holy; therefore it is to be observ'd, that he tells them of be­ing filled with the Spirit, and of the Word of Christ dwelling richly in them, before he mentions Singing, or making Melo­dy to the Lord; and also the same Apostle gives an account what he himself will do upon this account, saying, I will sing with the Spirit, and I will sing with the Ʋnderstand­ing also, 1 Cor. 14.15.

As for the Songs of wicked, vain and ungodly People, who daily rebel against the Light and Spirit of the Lord, and the [Page 90]pure motions and conceptions thereof in themselves; we do no where find that such have ever obtain'd divine acceptance, in their excercise therein, whilst they have continued in Vanity and Wickedness, for the Lord by his Servants hath still testified against them: Concerning Israel he saith, Take thou away from me the noise of thy Songs, for I will not hear the melody of thy Viols, Amos 5.23. Also, I will turn your Feasts into Mourning, and all your Songs into Lamen­tation, Amos 8.10. And of Tyrus he saith, I will cause the noise of thy Songs to cease, and the sound of thy Harps shall no more be heard, Ezek. 26.13. And what was the reason of all this? Even Sin and Iniquity, for that has always been the cause of Dis-union and Separation between God and man.

Object. Its probable some may alledge the saying of the Apostle James, Is any among you Afflicted? let him Pray. Is any Merry? let him sing Psalmes. And would infer from thence, That if any be inclin'd to Mirth they may Sing by the Apostles Di­rections.

Answ. In answer thereunto I say, That there are two sorts of Mirth: The one is a [Page 91]Mirth or Joy that springs up in the Hearts and Souls of Gods People, being touch't and overcome with the Love and Presence of God, as David said, In thy Presence is fullness of Joy; at thy right hand are Plea­sures for evermore, Psal. 16.11. Also in Isaiah, Behold my Servants shall sing for joy of Heart, Isa. 65.14. And Christ saith, I will see you again, and your Hearts shall re­joyce, and your Joy no man taketh from you; John 16.22.

The other sort of Mirth or Joy is the Joy of wicked and sinful Men, or that Mirth which arises from a vain, foolish and wanton Mind. The Apostle James is so far from directing such to sing Psalms, that in the same Epistle he tells them of Mourn­ing and Heaviness, saying, Cleanse your Hands ye Sinners, and purifie your Hearts ye double minded; be Afflisted and Mourn; let your Laughter be turned into Mourning, and your Joy into Heaviness, James 4.8, 9. Also Solomon spoke of this Mirth and said, In Laughter the Heart is sorrowfull, and the end of that Mirth is heaviness, Prov. 14.13. Again he saith, The Heart of Fools is in the House of Mirth, Eccles. 7.4. Also the Prophet speaking concerning Israel that was Apostatized and gone from the Lord, [Page 92]and the counsel of his Spirit, amongst o­ther things says, I will also cause her mirth to cease, Hosea 2.11. Thus then as it is manifest, that there is two sorts of Mirth or Joy, and that the Mirth or Joy of the Wicked is but Vanity; therefore we may conclude, that the Mirth spoken of by the Apostle, was that true Mirth or Joy that arises in the Hearts of Gods People, being secretly toucht and overcome with the Love and Goodness of God, and those who are witnesses of this true Mirth and Joy, may sing Psalms according to the Apostles directions upon that account.

Object, Some may object and say, That although the Lord disowns vain Mirth, yet David 's Psalmes are very good and useful, and may be sung by those professing Christia­nity.

Answ. Although David's Psalmes are very good and useful, yet it does not there­fore follow that any can sing them accepta­bly, unless they be in some measure endued with that Spirit of God David was endued with, and be under the fence and exercise of what they speak: It is not only the repeating or singing over of good Words [Page 93]that the Lord looks at, (as hath been be­fore observ'd) but it is the frame and dis­position of their Souls and Spirits, from whom those words do actually proceed: There's no question but the Singers of Israel could express themselves with great Curiosity, and draw out their Notes very exactly; but what signified all that, so long as it was not real, but only formal, and that their Hearts were adulterated from the Lord? To what purpose can any rationally suppose it to be for People to sing David's Psalmes in Saul's Spirit? or for those who spend their precious time in Wickedness, Folly and Vanity (and do very seldom think of Divine and Spiritual matters, or of the Eternal and Irrevocable decree that must in one day be past upon them) to sing thus; I am weary with my Groanings. All the Night make I my Bed to Swim. I water my Couch with Tears. My Heart is like Wax, it is melted in the midst of my Bowels. My Heart is not haughty, nor my Eyes lofty. My Soul is even as a weaned Child. I have hated the Congregation of E­v l-Doers, and will not sit with the Wicked. I have set the Lord always before me. My Heart is endicting a good matter. I have remem­bered thy Name, O Lord, and have kept thy [Page 94]Law. Thy Statutes have been my Songs in the House of my Pilgrimage. Thy Testimonies have I taken as an heritage for ever, for they are the rejoycing of my Heart. Lord I have loved the habitation of thy House, and the place where thine Honour dwelleth. These were David's Words, and its very likely that he was a Witness of what he spoke in these respects; but then for any to under­take to sing them before the Lord, because David spoke them, and not because they are witnesses of such things in themselves, nor of the Work and Influence of the Grace and Spirit of Christ, by which these things are effected; such Singers will not meet with divine acceptance in such per­formances, nor is Singing in the least suit­able to their State and Condition, but ra­ther Mourning and Lamentation because of Sin and Transgression.

Howbeit still, although the Songs of the Wicked shall be turn'd into Lamentation, and their Mirth into Heaviness in one day, (if they report not) yet the Righteous shall Rejoyce and be exceeding Glad in the Lord, and shall sing to his Praise and Glo­ry, in the Congregations of his People; as David said, Sing unto the Lord (O ye Saints of his) and give thanks at the remem­brance [Page 95]of his Holiness, Psal. 30.4. Again, Sing unto the Lord a new Song, and his Praise in the Congregation of Saints, Psal. 149. 1. Its only those who by the Power and Spi­rit of Christ are gathered and redeemed out of the Defilements and Vanities of this World, that can truly sing this new Song, as John said, No man could learn that Song, but the hundred and fourty four thou­sand which were redeemed from the Earth, Rev. 14.3. Such can sing the Songs of Sion, and the Songs of Deliverance in the Land of the Living, and can truly Magnifie and Extol that great and powerful Name by which they have known Salvation.

As for artificial Musick although it was practized in the Jewish Church, yet we do neither find any Precept or President for it in the writings of the new Testament: We read that David had Singers, and ap­pointed men to make use of Musical Instru­ments, (yea & sometimes made use thereof himself) yet we have cause to believe that what he appointed to be done upon these accounts, was not intended by him for gra­tifying vain, foolish and wanton Minds, but the more to influence and affect the People, at that time, with that Worship and Ser­vice of God, and to sing Praises to his holy [Page 96]Name; therefore says he, Awake, up my Glory, awake Psaltery and Harp; I my self will awake early. I will praise thee, O Lord, among the People; I will sing unto thee among the Nations, Psal. 57.8, 9. Again, Make a joyful noise unto God all ye Lands, sing forth the honour of his Name, make his Praise Glo­rious, Psal 66.1, 2.

But then, although David's intent might be good in making use of those Musical Instruments at that time, yet we read that when Israel was departed from the Lord, and the Counsel of his Spirit, and made use of those things in a Formal and Customary way, the Lord declared against them saying, Take thou away from me the noise of thy Songs, for I will not hear the melody of thy Viols, Amos 5.23. And again, Wo to them that are at ease in Sion, and trust in the Mountain of Samaria— That Chant to the sound of the Viol, and invent to themselves Instruments of Musick like David: That drink Wine in Bowles, and anoint themselves with the chiefest Oyntments, but they are not grieved for the Afflictions of Joseph, Amos 6.1, 5, 6. From whence it is manifest, That it was then so far from being acceptable unto God, for Vain, Wicked and Sinful men to Chant to the sound of the Viol, [Page 97]and to invent unto themselves Instruments of Musick like David, that the Lord de­clares he will not hear their melody, and also pronounces a Wo against them that are in the practice of such things; and in­asmuch as it was so then that the Lord was pleased to declare and testifie against the Songs and Melody of the Jews, under that Dispensation; it certainly behoves those who are called Christians seriously to con­sider what ground there is in true Christi­anity for the use of artificial Musick upon any account whatsoever, and especially in the performance of their Devotions to God Almighty; for as hath been before observ'd, we do no where find that either Christ or his Apostles did at any time ei­ther command or recommend any such thing to be used among Christians; not does it in the least appear that the practice thereof is any way consistant with the Pu­rity and Spirituality of that Religion and Worship which was Instituted by our bles­sed Lord, and Practized by his Disciples and Followers in the primitive times.

The Conclusion.

SInce then it is clearly manifest, by what hath been said, that it is the Lord Jesus Christ, by his Grace and Spirit, that is (and ought to be) the chief and principal mover and actor in the Hearts and Souls of his People, in order to call and gather them out of the Vanities and Pollu­tions of this present World, and to fit, prepare and qualife them for per­forming that pure and spiritual Wor­ship and Service which is acceptable unto God in this Gospel day, whe­ther it be in publick Preaching, Testi­monies and Declarations, or in Pray­ers, Praises and Thanksgivings unto him; and that all men in their natu­ral and unconverted State (notwith­standing human Abilities) until they be converted to God, and have the help [...] [Page 101]all such undertakings, shall certainly feel and witness the returns of Divine Love, Life, Peace and Satisfaction, from the hand of the Lord, unto their Immortal Souls; and shall be secretly uphelp, supplied and supported by the blessed and holy power of God in all Straits and Difficulties that shall attend them upon the account of their service to God and his Truth, and shall also be enabled, thereby, to per­sever in Faith and Patience unto the end of their Course, until such time as it shall please the Lord God, of E­ternal Glory, to call, gather and re­move them hence into an heavenly Habitation of Rest and Peace, with him forever: So that when the Wick­ed and Rebellious shall be seized upon with perpetual Sorrow and An­guish, those who have thus received the Lord Jesus Christ, and by his bles­sed and powerful hand have been conducted to their Eternal Mansion, shall together with all the Saints and [Page 102]Children of God, that are gone before them, Everlastingly Praise, Magni­fie and Adore the Divine Majesty, who alone is worthy of all Honour, Glory, Praise, Magnitude and Do­minion, at this time, henceforth and for evermore, Amen.


In the Title Page, line 12. read revealed in men, in the Preface page 2. line 4. for Religions, read Religious. p. 4. l. 3. f. anology, r. anology. p. 5. l. 13. f. saw the, r. saw that the. p. 17. l. 14. f. hollow, r. hallow. p. 20. l. 2. f. meet, r. met. p. 38. l. 18. f. silent, r. in silence. p. 43. lines 3, 4, 5, 6. not to be [...]alick Letter. p. 51. l. 2. dele unto. p. 59. l. 18. f. intened, r. intended. p. 68. l. 16. f. feed, r. fed. l. 25. f. Christ, r. Christ's. p. 88. l. 11. f. God, r. Gods.


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