The fifth time printed, with new Additions.
LONDON, Printed by M. F. for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in S t Dunstans Churchyard in Fleetstreet. 1641.
Wherein is set forth a most perfect direction to furnish an extraordinary, or ordinary-feast, either in Summer or Winter.
Also a Bill of Fare for Fish-dayes, Fasting-daies, Ember-weekes, or Lent.
And likewise the most commendable fashion of Dressing, or Sowcing, either Flesh, Fish, or Fowle: for making of Gellies, and other Made-dishes for service, to beautifie either Noblemans or Gentlemans Table.
Together with the best and newest Art of Carving and Sewing.
All set forth according to the now new English and French fashion:
TO THE VERTVOVS and well accomplished Gentlewoman M ris Martha Hayes (Daughter to the honorable S r Thomas Hayes Knight, late Lord Maior of the City of London:) health and happinesse.
OF this Name and Nature (worthy Gentlewoman,) many small Books and Pamphlets have heretofore beene published the most of which neverthelesse have instructed rather how to marre then make good Meate: but this (in [Page]credit of my knowledge, and strict observation in Travell) is experimentally such as it pretends to bee in the Title Page thereof. Whereof I can say bu [...] this, and this it will perform for the sayer, That it gives each Meat his right for the manner o [...] dressing; Each dish his due, fo [...] the order of serving: and both good proofe of my desire to please and profit in the publishing. So, referring it to you [...] worthy perusall, and my selfe to your favourable opinion, I eve [...] remaine.
The first Booke of Cookery.
BY reason of the generall ignorance of most men in this practise of Catering. I haue set downe here a perfect direction how to set forth an extraordinary Dyet for the Summer season, when these things mentioned may easily be had. It serueth also for a Direction for a Bill of fare: and also for a perfect direction for the seruing of dinner orderly, twenty Dishes to your first Messe, and as many to the second Course to the same Messe, and ten to the third Course: so that in all you haue fifty dishes to your Messe. For the boords end you may leaue out some of the costliest dishes: if you haue ten or twelue for the boords end it is sufficient. If you cannot come by all these things named, then you may place some other thing at your discretion in the place, so that it be not grosse meate, for grosse meat disgraceth the Feast.
Also, another Direction for another seruice for the Winter season, of twenty Dishes to the first Messe, and as many to the second Course to the same messe: so that in al there be forty Dishes to the messe although it be contrary to the other seruice of the Summer season. And you may take of these meates half so many to the boords end, and it will be sufficient both for the first and the second: but if your persons be of equall dignitie, then serue your first Messe, and the boords end, all as one alike equally.
A third Direction for a common ordinary Seruice of ten or twelue dishes to a messe, to your first Messe, and as many to the second Course to the same Messe, so that in all there will bee twenty dishes to your Messe: but to your boords end sixe or eight, according as your boord will hold. If any of these meates named be wanting, then you may place some other that you haue ready at hand.
These Directions serue both for a Bill of fare, and to serue out your meat in good order: it is also a direction to young practitioners which vnderstand not these businesses.
A Bill of service for an extraordinary Feast for Summer season, 50. dishes to a Messe.
- 1 A Grand Sallet.
- 2 A boyld Capon.
- 3 A boyld Pike.
- 4 A dish of boyld Pea-chickens, or Partriges, or young Turky chicks.
- 5 A boyld Breame.
- 6 A dish of young Wild-ducks.
- 7 A dish of boyld Quailes.
- 8 A Florentine of Pufpaste.
- 9 A forc'd boild meat.
- 10 A hansh of Venison roasted.
- 18 A Lombar Pye.
- 12 A Swan.
- 13 A Fawne or Kid, with a Pudding in his belly, or for want of a Fawne you may take a Pigge and fley it.
- 14 A Pasty of Venison.
- 15 A Bustard.
- 26 A Chicken Pye.
- 17 A Pheasant or Powtes.
- 18 A Potato Pye.
- 19 A Couple of Caponets.
- 20 A set Custard.
- 1 A Quarter of a Kid.
- 2 A boyld Carpe.
- 3 A Heron or Bitter.
- 4 A Congers head broyled, or Trouts.
- 5 A Hartichoake pie.
- 6 A dish of Ruffs or Godwits.
- 7 A cold bak'd meate.
- 8 A sowst pigge.
- 9 A Gull.
- 10 A cold bak'd meat.
- 11 A sowst pike, Breame, or Carp.
- 12 A dish of partriges.
- 13 An Orengado pye.
- 14 A dish of Quailes.
- 15 A cold bak'd meate.
- 16 A fresh Salmon, pearch or Mullet.
- 17 A Quodling Tart, Cherry, or Goosebery Tart.
- 18 A dryed Neates-tongue.
- 19 A Iole of Sturgeon.
- 20 A sucket Tart of pufpaste.
- 1 A Dish of Pewets.
- 2 A Dish of Pearches.
- 3 A dish of gréen Pease, if they be dainty.
- 4 Dish of Dotrels.
- 5 A dish of Hartichoakes.
- 6 A dish of buttered Crabs.
- 7 A dish of Prawnes.
- 8 A dish of Lobstars.
- 9 A dish of Anchoues.
- 10 A dish of pickled Oysters.
- 1 A Shield or Collar of Brawne.
- 2 A Sallet.
- 3 A boyled Capon.
- 4 A boyld Gurnet.
- 5 A boyld Mallard.
- 6 A forst boyld meate.
- 7 A roasted Neats tongue with a pudding in it.
- 8 A made dish of puspaste.
- [Page 6] 9 A Shoulder of Mutton with Oliues, and Capers.
- 10 A Chine of Béefe.
- 11 A dish of Chewets of Veale.
- 12 A Swan or Goose.
- 13 An Oliue-Pie.
- 14 A Pigge.
- 15 A Loyne of Veale or a Legge of Mutton.
- 16 A Larke or a Sparrow-pye.
- 17 A Turkey.
- 18 A Pastie of Venison.
- 19 A Capon.
- 20 A Custard.
- 1 A Young Lamb or Kid.
- 2 A couple of Rabbets.
- 3 A Kickshaw fryde or bak'd.
- 4 A roasted Mallard.
- 5 A brace of Partriges.
- 6 A Chicken-Pye.
- 7 A brace of Woodcocks.
- 8 A couple of Teales.
- 9 A cold bak'd meate.
- 10 A dish of Plouers.
- [Page 7] 11 A dish of Snites.
- 12 A cold bak'd meat.
- 13 A dish of Larkes.
- 14 A Quince, or Warden-Pye.
- 15 A bride Neates-tongue.
- 16 An Oyster-Pye,
- 17 A dish of Puffes.
- 18 A Iole of Sturgion.
- 19 A laid Tart of Pufpaste and sucket.
- 20 A dish of pickled Oysters.
- 1 A Boyld Capon or Chicken.
- 2 A Legge of Lambe farc'd of the French fashion, or neates tongue.
- 3 A boyld Mallard or Rabbet.
- 4 A dish of boild Oliues of Veale, or Collops and Egges.
- 5 A piece of roast Béefe.
- 6 A dish of Chewets of Veal, or Mutton-pyes, if it be Winter, but if it bee summer an Oliue-pye.
- [Page 8] 7 A legge of Mutton roasted whole, or a Loyne of Veale, or both.
- 8 A pigge.
- 9 A Swan, Goose, or Turkey.
- 10 A pasty of Venison, or forequarter of Mutton, or a fat rumpe of Béefe.
- 11 A Capon, pheasant, or Hearne.
- 15 A Custard.
- 1 A Quarter of Lambe.
- 2 A couple of Rabbets.
- 3 A Maliard, Teale, or Widgin.
- 4 A brace of partriges or Woodcocks,
- 5 A Chicken or pigeon-pie.
- 6 A dish of plouers or Snites.
- 7 A couple of Chickens.
- 8 A Warden or Quince-pie,
- 9 A sowst pig or Capon.
- 10 A Cherrie or a Gooseberrie Tart, or a Quarter-Tart of pippins.
- 11 A dish of some kinde of sowst-fish.
- 12 Lobstars or pickled Oysters.
A Table of Direction for a Bill of fare for fish-daies, and Fasting dayes, Ember-weekes, or Lent.
- 1 A Dish of Butter.
- 2 Rice milke.
- 3 Buttered Egges.
- 4 Stew'd Oysters.
- 5 A boyled Rochet or Gurnet.
- 6 A boyld Sallet of Hearbes, or of Carrets.
- 7 A boyld pike.
- 8 Buttered Loaues.
- 9 Cheuets of Ling or Stockfish.
- 10 Another Sallet.
- 11 Stew'd Trouts or Smelts.
- 12 A dish of butterd stockfish.
- 13 Salt Eele, or white-herring.
- 14 A Iole of Ling.
- 15 A Skirret-pye.
- 16 Buttered Flounders or plaice.
- 17 An Eele or Carpe-pye.
- 18 Haddocke, Fresh-Cod, or Whiting.
- 19 Salt Salmon.
- 20 A Custard.
- 1 A Boyld Carpe.
- 2 Spitcheockes of Eeles.
- 3 Fride Stockfish.
- 4 Boyld Eeles.
- 5 Bakte Puffes.
- 6 A roasted Eele.
- 7 Buttered Parsnips.
- 8 Fride Oysters.
- 9 Blancht Manchet in a Fryingpan.
- 10 A fride Rochet.
- 11 An Oyster-pye.
- 12 Fride Smelts.
- 13 A Pippin-pye.
- 14 Fride Flounders.
- 15 Butterd Crabs.
- 16 Fride Skirrets.
- 17 A Tart of Spinage or of Carrets.
- 18 Conger.
- 19 Lobstar or Prawnes.
- 20 Pickled Oysters.
If your Messe be halfe so much for the boords end, it will bée enough both for the first and second course.
To boyle a Capon Larded with Lemmons, on the French fashion.
SCald your Capon, and take a little dusty Oatmeale to make it boyle white. Then take two or three ladlefuls of Mutton broth, a fagot of sweet Hearbs, two or three Dates, cut in long peeces, a few parboyld Currans, a little whole Pepper, a Peece of whole Mace, and one Nutmeg. Thicken it with Almonds. Season it with Verjuyce, Sugar, and a little sweet Butter. Then take vp your Capon, and larde it very thicke with a preserved Lemmon. Then lay your Capon in a deep Meat-dish for boyled meates, and powre the broth vpon it. Garnish your dish with Suckets and preserued Barberries.
To sowce a Pigge.
SCald a large Pigge, cut off his head and slit him in the middest, and take [Page 12]out his bones, and wash him in two or thrée warme waters. Then collar him vp like brawne, and sow the collars in a faire cloath. Then boyle thē very tender in the faire water, then take them vp and throw them in faire water and salt vntill they be cold, for that will make the skinne white. Then take a pottle of the same water that the Pigge was boyled in, and a Pottle of White-wine, a race of Ginger sliced, a couple of Nutmegs quartered, a spoonfull of whole Pepper, five or six Bay-leaues: séethe all this together▪ when it is cold, put your Pigge into the sowce-drinke, so you may keep it halfe a yeare, but spend the head.
To sowce Oysters.
TAke out the meat of the greatest Oysters: saue the liquor that commeth from them; and straine it into an earthen Pipkin: put into it half a pinte of white-Wine, and half a pinte of White-Wine Vinegar: put in some whole Pepper, and sliced Ginger. Boyle all these together with two or thrée Cloaues, when it hath boyled a little, put in your Oysters, & let them boyle two or thrée walmes, but not [Page 13]too much. Then take them vp, and let the sirrup stand vntill it be cald: then put in your Oysters, and so you may kéep them all the yeare.
To sowce Pike, Carpe, or [...]me.
DRaw your Fish, but scale it not: saue the Liver and the refuse of it, slit the said refuse, and wash it. Then take a pottle of faire water, and a quart of White-Wine, and a faggot of sweet hearbes: so soon as you see your Wine boyle, throwin your Fish with the scales on, and when you see your Fish boyle, poure in a little Vinegar, and it wil make your Fish crisp. Then take vp your Fish, and put it in a Tray. Then put into the liquor some whole pepper, a little whole Ginger, and when it is boyled together well with a little Salt, and cold, put in your Fish into an earthen panne: when you serue it in, serue Gelly in Sawcers, with a little fine Ginger about the Sawcers sides, and Fennell on your Fish.
To boyle Flounders or Gudgeons on the French fashion.
BOyle a pinte of White-Wine, and a pinte of faire Water, a few sweet Hearbes, tops of [...], sweet Marjoram, winter Sauo [...] [...]ps of Rosemary, a peece of whole Mace, a little Parsly pickt small: when all is boyled well together, put in your Fish, and scum it well. Then put in a little crust of Manchet, a quarter of a pound of swéet Butter. Season it with Pepper, and Verjuyce, and so serue it in.
To boyle a Gurnet on the French fashion.
DRaw your Gurnet, & wash it clean, boyle it in water and salt, with a fagot of swéet Hearbs: then take it up, and powre vpon it Verjuyce, Nutmeg, Butter, & Pepper: thicken it with the yolkes of two new layd Egges. All this being powred vpon your Fish, garnish your dish with preserued Barberries, or a sliced Orange.
To boyle a Legge of Mutton on the French fashion.
CVt out all the meat at the Butt end, leauing the bone still in. Mince it small with Beefe Suit, and Marrow. Then take sweet Creame, yolks of Egs, a few Raisins of the Sunne, two or thrée Dates minced, a little grated Bread. Season it with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmegge: then worke it stiffe, like a Pudding, and cram it in againe. Then stue it in a Pot with a Marrow bone, and a knuckle of Veale: serue the Legge by it selfe, and your knuckle in stued broth, & your Marrow-bones vpon Bruys, with Carrets, and Pepper.
To hash a Legge of Mutton on the French fashion.
PArboile your Legge, and take it vp & pare off some thin slices & prick your Legge through, and let out the grauie on the slices: then bruise sweet Hearbs with the back of a Ladle, and put in a peece of sweet Butter: Season it with Verjuyce & Pepper: and when your Mutton is boyled, pour it on it, & serve it so to the Table.
To roast a legge of Mutton, on the French fashion.
PAre all the skinne as thin as you can Lard it with sweet Lard, and sticke about it a dozen Cloues: when it is half roasted, cut off three or foure thin pieces & mince it small with a few sweet hearb [...] and a little beaten Ginger: put in a ladlefull of Claret-wine, a piece of sweet Butter, two or three spoonfuls of verjuyce, little Pepper, a few parboyld Capers when all this is boyled together, chop th [...] yolk of an hard Egge into it. Thē dridg [...] your Legge, and serue it vpon sawce.
To roast a Neates tongue, on the French fashion.
CHop sweet hearbes fine, with a piec [...] of a raw Apple, season it with Pepper, Ginger, and the yolk of a new la [...] Egge chopt small to mingle amongst it [...] then stuffe it well with that farcing, an [...] so roast it. The sawce for it is Verjuyce Butter, and the juyce of a Lemmon, & little Nutmegge. Let the tongue lye [...] the sawce when it goeth to the Table [Page 17]Garnish your Dish as you thinke fittest, or as you are furnisht.
To boyle Pigeons with Rice on the French fashion.
FIt them to boyle, and put into their bellies sweet Hearbs, viz. Parsley, tops of yong Tyme: & then put thē into a Pipkin, with as much Mutton broth as will couer them, a piece of whole Mace, a little whole Pepper: boyle all these together vntill your Pigeons bee tender. Then take them off the fire, and scum of the fat cleane from the broth, with a spoone, for otherwise it will make it to taste ranke. Put in a piece of sweet Butter: season it with Verjuyce, Nutmeg, and a little Sugar, thicken it with Ryce boyled in sweet Creame. Garnish your Dish with preserued Barberies [...]t Skirret roots, being boyled with Verjuyce & Butter.
To boyle a Rabbet with Hearbs on the French fashion.
FIt your Rabbet for the boyling, and seethe it with a little Mutton broth, White-wine and a piece of whole Mace: [Page 18]then take Lettuce, Spinage, Parsley, Winter Sauory, sweet Marjoram: all these being pickt, and washt clean, bruise them with the backe of a Ladle (for the bruising of the hearbs wil make the broth looke very pleasantly gréene.) Thicken it with a crust of manchet, being stéeped in some of the broth, and a little sweet. Butter therein. Season it with Verjuyce, and Pepper, and serue it to the Table upon Sippets. Garnish your dish with Barberries.
To boyle Chickens in white broth.
TRusse your Chickens fit to boyle, as was before shewed in the Rabbets, cut two or three Dates in small peeces: take a péece of whole Mace: thicken your broth with Almonds: Season it with Verjuyce, and a little Pepper. Garnish your dish sides with sweet Sucket and sugar, after you haue seasoned your broth. In like sort you may boyle a Capon, but then you must put Marrow into your White broth. If you dislike Mutton-broth, then boyle it by it selfe in faire water till it turne as white as a Curd. But [Page 19]the French men follow the other way, & it is the better.
To boyle a Teale or Wigeon on the French fashion.
PArboyle either of these Fowles, and throw them in a Pale of faire water (for that taketh away the rancknesse of the flesh.) Then roast them halfe, & take them off the fire, & put sweet Hearbs in the bellies of them: lace them downe the breast, and stick them with two or three whole Cloues in the brest with your knif in euery one of them so many. Then put them in a Pipkin, with two or three ladlefuls of strong Mutton broth, a peece of whole Mace, two or three little Onyons minst small. Thicken it with a toast of houshold bread: put in a péece of swéet butter as big as a Walnut: Season it with Pepper and Verjuyce.
To smoore an old Coney Ducke, or Mallard on the French fashion.
PArboyle any of these & halfe roast it, lanch them downe the breast with your knife, and sticke them with two or [Page 20]thrée Cloues. Then put them into a pipkin with halfe a pound of sweet Butter, a little White-wine, Verjuyce, a péece of whole Mace, a little beaten Ginger, and Pepper. Then mince two Onyons very small, with a péece of an Apple, so let them boyle leisurely, close couered, the space of two houres, turning them now & then. Serue them in vpon Sippets.
Another way to boyle Chickens, or Pigeons with Gooseberryes or Grapes.
BOyle them with Mutton-Broth, and White-wine, a péece of whole Mace, put into the bellies of thē swéet Hearbs: when they be tender, thicken it with a péece of Manchet and two hard eg yolks strained with some of the same broth. Thē put some of the same broth into a boyld-meat dish, with Verjuyce, Butter, and Sugar, and so boyle your Grapes or Gooseberries in the dish close couered, till they be tender, & poure it on the breast of your dish.
To boyle a Chine of Mutton or Veale, in sharp broth, on the French fashion.
COuer your meate with faire water and a little White-wine, a peece of whole Mace, a Nutmeg quartered, a handfull of Hearbs cleane pickt, and bruised with the back of a Ladle, young Lettice, Spinage, Parsley, tops of young Tyme: when all is boyled well together, thicken it with a crust of Manchet, and the yolke of a hard Eg, steeped in some of the same broth, and draw it through a strainer, and thicken your broth with it. Seasō it with a little Verjuyce and Pepper.
To boyle Larks or Sparrowes.
TRusse them fit to boyle, and put them into a Pipkin, with a Ladlefull of Mutton-broth, a peece of whole Mace, a quarter of a Nutmegge, a fagot of sweet Hearbs, and a little young Parsley pickt cleane and short: put your Parsley loose into your broth: season it with Verjuyce, Pepper and Sugar. Thicken it with the yolkes of two new laid Egges hard, & a [Page 22]peece of Manchet, strained with some of the same broth, till they be tender. Garnish your dish as you will.
A made dish of Coney Livers.
PArboyle thrée or foure of them, and then chop them fine with swéet Hearbes, the yolks of two hard Egs, Season it with Cinamon, Dinger, and Nutmeg, and Pepper: put in a few parboyld Currans, and a little melted butter, and so make it vp into little pastyes, frye them in a Fryingpan, shaue on Sugar, and serue them to the boord.
A made dish of Sweet-bread.
BOyle, or roast your Sweet-bread, and put into it a few parboyld Currans, a minst Date, the yolkes of two new laid Egges, a peece of Manchet grated fine, [Page 23]Season it with a little pepper, Salt, Nutmeg, and Sugar, wring in the juyce of an Drange or Lemmon, and put it between two shéets of Puf-paste, or any other good paste: and either bake it, or fry it, whether you please.
A made dish of Sheepes tongues.
BOyle them tender, and slice them in thin slices: then season them with Cinamon, Ginger, and a little Pepper, and put them into a Coffin of fine Paste, with sweet Butter, and a few swéet Hearbes chopt fine. Bake them in an Duen. Then take a little Nutmeg, Vinegar, Butter, Sugar, the yolke of a new layd Egge, one spoonfull of Sacke, & the juyce of a Lemmon: boyl all these together on a chafingdish of Coales, and put it into your Pye: shog it well together, and serue it to the Table.
A Florentine of a Cony, the wing of a Capon, or the Kidney of Veale.
MInce any of these with sweet hearbs, parboyld Currans, a Date or two minst small, a peece of a preserued Drange or Lemmon, minst as small [Page 24]as your Date. Season it with Ginger, Cinamon, Nutmeg, & Sugar: then take the yolkes of two new laid Egges, a spoonfull of sweet Creame, a peece of a short Cake grated and marrow cut in short peeces. Bake this in a dish betweene two leaues of puf-paste, put a little Rose-water to it before you close your paste. When it is baked, shaue on Sugar.
A Fridayes Pye, without either Flesh or Fish.
WAsh greene Beets clean, picke out the middle string, and chop them small with two or three well relisht ripe Apples. Season it with Pepper, Salt, and Ginger: then take a good handfull of Raisins of the Sunne, and put them all in a Coffin of fine Paste, with a peece of sweet Butter, and so bake it: but before you serue it in, cut it vp, and wring in the juyce of an Drange and Sugar.
A Chewet of Stockfish.
BOyle watered Stockfish, and make it fit to be eaten: when it is cold take the whitest of the fish and mince it small: put in parboyld Currans, Ralsins of the [Page 25]Sunne, Season it with Nutmeg, Pepper, Salt, and a peece of sweet Butter. Bake it, but before you serue it in, cut it vp, and wring in the juyce of an Drange.
A Quarter-Tart of Pippins.
QUarter them and lay them between two sheets of Paste: put in a peece of whole Cinamon, two or three bruised Cloues, a little sliced Ginger, Drengado, or only the yellow outside of the Drange, a bit of sweet Butter about the bignesse of a Egge, good store of Sugar: sprinkle on a little Rose water. Then close your Tart, and bake it: Ice it before it goe to the boord, serve it hot. This Tart you may make of any puf-paste, or short paste that will not hold the raising. If you bake in any of these kindes of pastes, then you must first boyle your Pippins in Claretwine and Sugar, or else your Apples will be hard when your Crust will be burnt & dryed away. Besides, the wine giueth them a pleasant Colour, and a good taste also. Though you boyle your Pippins tender, take heed you breake not the quarters, but bake them whole.
A Gooseberry Tart.
PIck the stalkes of your Gooseberries, and the pips in the tops: put them in good Paste, with a little gréene Ginger fliced in slices: cast on good store of Sugar and Rosewater, and so close them.
A Cherry Pye.
BRuise a pound of Cherries, and stamp them, and boyle the sirrup with Sugar. Then take the stones out of two pound: bake them in a set Coffin: Ice them, and serve them hot in to the boord.
To make an Oyster Pye.
SAue the liquor of your largest Oysters, season them with Pepper and Ginger, and put them into a Coffin: put in a minst Dnyon, a few Currans, and a good péece of Butter. Then poure in your sirrup and close it. When it is bak't, cut vp the Pye, and put in aspoonefull of Vinegar and melted Butter: shake it well together, and set it again into the Duen a little while: then take it out, & serue it in.
A made dish of Musckels and Cockles.
PArboyle them and take out the meat, and wash them very cleane in the water they were boyled in, & a little whitewine: mince them smal with two or thrée yolkes of new-laid Egges. Season it with Pepper, Salt, and a little Nutmeg: then wring in the juyce of an Drange, and put them betwéene two shéetes of Paste, Cake it, Ice it, and vse it: you may also fry them.
To bake Neates tongues to be eaten hot.
BOyle it tender, and pill off the skin, take the flesh out at the Butt-end: mince it small with Oxe-suet, and Marrow. Season it with Pepper, Salt, Nutmegge, parboyld Currans, and a minced Date cut in péeces. Take the yolkes of two new-laid Egges, and a spoonefull of swéet Creame, worke all together with a siluer spoone in a Dish, with a little powder of a dryed Drange-pill: sprinckle a little Verjuyce ouer it, and cast on some Sugar. Then thrust it in againe as hard as you can exam it. Bake it on a dish [Page 28]in the Duen: baste it with swéet Butter, that it may not bake dry on the outside: when it is to be eaten, sawce it with Vinegar and Butter, Nutmeg, Sugar & the juyce of an Drange.
A delicate Chewet.
PArboyle a péece of a Leg of Veale, and being cold, mince it with Béefe suet, and Marrow, and an Apple, or acouple of Wardens: when you haue minst it fine, put a few parboyled Currans, sixe Dates minst, a péece of preserued Drange-pill minst, Marrow cut in little square péeces: Season all this with Pepper, Salt, Nutmeg, and a little Sugar: then put it into your Coffins, and so bake it. Before you, close your Pye, sprinckle on a little Rosewater, and when they are baked shaue on a little Sugar, and so serue it to the table.
To make an Umble Pye, or for want of Umbles to doe it with a Lambes head and Purtnance.
BOyle your meat reasonable tender, take the flesh from the bone, & mince it small with Béefe-suet and Marrow [Page 29]with the Liuer, Lights, and Heart, a few swéet Hearbes and Currans. Season it with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmeg:bake it in a Coffin raised like an Vmble pye, and it will eat so like unto Vmbles, as that you shall hardly by taste discerne it from right Umbles.
To bake a Calves Chaldron.
PArboyle it, and coole it, and pick out the Kernels, and cut it in small peeces: then season it with Pepper, Salt, & Nutmeg: put in a few swéet Hearbs chopt, a péece of swéet butter, sprinckle it with uerjuyce, and so close it. When you serue it in, put to it a little of a cawdle, made with Nutmeg, Vinegar, Butter, Sugar, and the yolks of two new laid Egs, a spoonefull of Sack, and the juyce of an Orange.
To bake a Carpe.
SCald, wash and draw a sayre large Carpe: season it with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmeg, and put it in a Coffin with good store of swéet Butter: cast on great Raisins of the Sunne, the juyce of two Oranges, put your Butter uppermost, to [Page 30]kéepe the rest moist: sprinckle on a little Vinegar before you close it, and so bake it.
To bake a Tench with a Pudding in her belly.
LEt your fish blood in the Taile, then scald it, and scoure it: wash it cleane, and dry it with a doth. Then take grated Bread, swéet Creame, the yolkes of two or thrée new-laid Egges, a few parboyld Currans, a few swéet Hearbs chopt fine. Season it with Nutmeg and Pepper, and make it into a stiffe pudding, and put it into your Tenches belly. Season your fish on the outside with a little Pepper, Salt, and Nutmegge, and put him in a déepe Coffin with a péece of swéet Butter, and so close your Pye, and bake it. Then take it out of the Ouen, and open it, and cast in a péece of preserued Orange minst. Then take Vinegar, Nutmeg, Butter, Sugar, and the yolke of a new-laid Egge, and boyle it on a Chafingdish of Coales, alwaies stirring it to keepe it from curding. Then poure it into your Pye, shogge it well together, and serue it in.
To bake Eeles.
CUt your Eeles about the length of your finger: season them with Pepper, Salt, and Ginger, and so put them into a Coffin, with a good peece of sweet Butter. Put into your Pye great Raisins of the Sun, and an Onyon minst small, & so close it and bake it.
To bake Chickens with Grapes.
TRusse and scald your Chickens, season them well with pepper, salt, and Nutmeg: and put them into your Pye, with a good peece of Butter; bake it & cut it vp, and put vpon the breast of your Chickens, Grapes, boild in Uerjuyce, Butter, Nutmeg, and Sugar, with the juyce of an Orange.
To bake a Steake pye with a French pudding in the pye.
SEason your Steakes with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmeg: and let it stand in a tray an houre: Then take a peece of the leanest of a Legge of Mutton, and mince it small with Oxe-suet, and a few [Page 32]swéet Hearbs, tops of young Tyme, a branch of Pennyroyal, two or three leaues of red Sage, grated Bread, yolks of Egs, sweet Cream, Raisins of the Sunne, work all together like a Pudding with your hand stiffe, and roule it round like bals, and put them in your Steakes in a deep Coffin, with a good peece of sweet butter, sprinckle a little Uerjuyce on it, and bake it: then cut it vp, and roule Sage: leaues in Butter, and frye them, & stick them vpright in your wals, & serue your Pye without a couer, with the juyce of an Orange or Lemmon.
To make a good Quince Pye.
PAre them, and coare them (the best of the Quinces is next unto the skinne, therefore pare it as thinne as is possible) stuffe them with Sugar, then with as much other Sugar as they weigh, put them with peeces of sliced ginger in a Coffin, sprinckle on a little Rose-water before you close your Pye. Bake it, and let it stand long a soaking in the ouen, Ice it, and serue it in.
To make a Pippin Pye.
TAke their weight in Sugar, & stick a whole Cloue in euery peece of thē and put in peeces of whole Cinamon, then put in all your Sugar, with a slice or two of whole Ginger: sprinckle Rose-water on them before you close your Pye: bake them and serue them in.
To bake a Pigge.
SCald it, and slit it in the middest, flay it, and take out the bones. Season it with Pepper, Salt, Cloues, Mace, and Nutmeg: chop sweet hearbs fine with the hard yolkes of two or three new layd Egges, and parboyld Currans. Then lay one halfe of your Pigge into your pye, and hearbs on it: then put on the other halfe with more hearbes aloft vpon it, and a good peece of sweet Butter aloft vpon all. It is a good dish both hot and cold.
To bake Fallow Deer in the best manner.
BAke it first in his owne blood, onely wipe it clean, but wash it not, bone it [Page 34]and skin it, and season it with Pepper & Salt. Then bake it in fine Paste afterward, either puft-paste or short-paste.
To bake a Red Deere.
PArboyle it, and dresse it, and let it lye all night in Red Wine, and Vinegar: then Larde it thicke, and season it with Pepper, salt, Cloues, Mace, Nutmeg, and Ginger. Bake it in a deep Coffin of Rye paste, with store of Butter: let it soake well. Leaue a vent-hole in your Pye, and when you draw it out of the Quen, put in melted Butter, Vinegar, Nutmeg, Ginger, and a little Sugar: shake it very well together, and put it into the Quen again, & let it stand three or foure houres at the least, to soake thorowly: when your Quen is cold: take it out, and stop the hole with Butter.
To bake a wilde Boare.
TAke the buttocke of a Brawne, and the fillets: parboyle it, and mince it small, and stampe it in a Morter till it come like paste all in a lumpe. Then lard [Page 35]it, and vse it like the Red Deere. The fillets also of béefe for a need will serue very well.
To bake a Swan.
SCald it, and take out the bones: then parboyle it and season it well with Pepper, Salt, and Ginger. Then Lard it, and put it in a deep Coffin of Rye-paste, with store of Butter. Let it soake well: when you take it out of the Quen, put in more Butter moulten at the vent-hole.
To bake a Turkey or a Capon.
BOne the Turkey, but not the Capon: parboyle them, and sticke cloues in their breasts: Lard them and season them well with Pepper and Salt, & put them in a deep Coffin with the breast downeward, and store of Butter: and when it is bak't, poure in more Butter, and when it is cold, stop the vent hole with more butter.
To bake a Hare on the French fashion.
PArboyle two Hares, and take the flesh from the bone, and mince it small, [Page 36]and beat it in a Morter into a lumpy substance: then sowce it in Wine and Vinegar, as you would doe red Deere, and season it also. Lap all this pulp about the Chine of one Hare, so it wil seem but one: Lard it well, and put it into a Coffin, with store of butter, and so bake it. Then take it out of the Ouen, and put into it a little melted Butter, Nutmeg, Ginger and Sugar, and set it into the Ouen againe to soake: when it is cold stop the hole with Butter.
To bake a wild Goose or Mallard.
PArboyle them, and breake the breastbone of a large Goose, or take it quite out, and all the other bones also, but not out of a Mallard. Season them and lard them and put them into deepe Coffins, with store of Butter; when you draw them out of the Ouen, put in more, and doe as before is shewed.
To bake a Curlew or Hearneshaw.
TRusse them, and parboyle them, but vpon one side. Season them with Pepper, Salt, and Ginger. Put them in [Page 37]deep Coffins, with store of Butter, & let the heads hang out for a show.
To bake Woodcocks, or Black-birds.
TRusse, parboyle, & season them with Pepper and Salt: your Woodcocke may be larded: doe as in other.
To bake Larkes or Sparrowes.
SErue them as before was shewed in the Woodcocks and Blacke-birds.
Fritters on the Court-fashion.
TAke the Curds of a Sack posset, the yolkes of sixe new-laid Egges, and the whites of two of them, fine flower, & make thicke batter: cut a Pome water in small peeces: season it with Nutmeg and a little Pepper, put in a little strong Ale, and warme milke: mingle all together, and put them into Lard, neither too hot nor too cold. If your batter swim, it is in good temper.
To make Pancakes so crispe, that you may set them upright.
MAke a dozen or a score of them in a little frying-pan, no bigger then a Sawce [...], and then boyle them in Lard, & they wil look as yellow as gold, beside the taste will be very good.
A Sallet of Rose-buds and Cloue Gillyflowers.
PIck Rose-buds, and put them into an earthen Pipkin, with White-wine vinegar and Sugar: so may you vse Cowslips, Violets, or Rose-mary-flowers.
To keepe green Cucumbers all the yeare.
CVt the Cucumbers in peeces, boyle them in spring-water, Sugar, and Dill, a walme or two. Take them vp and let your pickle stand vntill it be cold.
To keepe Broome Capers.
BOyle the greatest & hardest buds of the Broome in Wine Vinegar and Bay-salt, scum it cleane: when it is cold, you may put in raw ones also, each by [Page 39]themselues: put in a peele of Lead on the raw ones, for all that swim will be black, and the other that are pressed downe, as greene as any Leek. The boyld ones wil change colour.
Purslaine stalkes.
GAther them at the full growth, but not too old: parboyle them, and keepe them in White-wine Vinegar and Sugar.
To make Caper-rowlers of Radish cods.
TAke them when they be hard, & not ouer much open: boyle them tender in fair water, boyle White-wine Vinegar and bay-salt together, and keep them in it.
Divers Sallets boyled.
PArboile Spinage, & chop it fine, with the edges of two hard Trenchers vpon a boord, or the backs of two Choppinkniues: then set them on a Chafindish of Coales with Butter and Vinegar. Season it with Cinamon, Ginger, Sugar, and a few parboyld Currans. Then [Page 40]cut hard Egges into quarters to garnish it withall, and serue it upon Sippets. So may you serue Burrage. Buglosse, Endiff, Suckory, Coleflowers, Sorrell, Marigold-leaues, Water-cresses, Leekes boyled, Onyons, Sporragus, Rocket, Alexanders, Parboyle them and season them all alike: whether it be with Oyle and Vinegar, or Butter and Vinegar, Cinamon, Ginger, Sugar, and Butter: Egges are necessary, or at least very good for all boyld Sallets.
Buds of Hoppes.
SEethe them with a little of the tēder stalks in faire water, and put them in a dish ouer coales with Butter, & so serue them to the Table.
A Sallet of Mallowes.
STrip off the leaues from the tender stalkes sauing the tops: let them lye in water, and seethe them tender, and put them in a dish ouer coales, with Butter and Vinegar: let them stand a while: then put in grated bread and Sugar betweene euery lay.
A Sallet of Burdock rootes.
CVt off the outward rinde, and lay them in water a good houre at the least: when you haue done, seeth them vntill they be tender: then set them on coales with Butter and Vinegar; & so let them stand a pretty while: then put in grated Bread and Sugar betwixt euery lay, and serue them in.
To make blancht Manchet in a Fryingpan.
TAke halfe a dosen of Egges, halfe a pinte of sweet Cream, a penny Manchet grated, a Nutmegge grated, two spoonefuls of Rose-water, two ounces of Sugar, worke all stiffe like a Pudding: then frye it like a Tansey in a very little Fryingpan that it may be thicke: frye it brown and turne it out upon a plate. Cut it in quarters, & serue it like a Pudding: scrape on Sugar.
A fierced Pudding.
MInce a Legge of Mutton with sweet Hearbes: searce grated Bread thorough a Collinder, mince Dates, Currans, Raisins of the Sunne being stoned, a little Orengado cut finely, or a preserued Lemmon, a little Coriander-seedes, Nutmeg, Ginger, and pepper: mingle all together with milke and Egges, raw, wrought together like Paste: wrap the meat in a cawle of Mutton or of Veale, & so you may either boyle or bake them. If you bake them, beat the yolk of an Egge with Rose-water, sugar, and Cinamon. And when it is almost bak't, draw it out, and stick it with Cinamon and Rosemary.
A pudding of Veale.
MInce raw Veal very fine, cut some Lard, like Diamonds: mince swéet Marjozam, Pennyroyal, Camomill, winter. Sauory, Nutmeg, Pepper, Ginger, and Salt made hot, the gut of a fat Mutton Hog: cut it about an inch long: work it together with store of Cinamon & Sugar and Barberies, sliced Figs, blancht Almonds, half a pound of Beef suet, most finely minst: put this into your short skins: set them a boyling in a Pipkin of Claret-wine, with large Mace, a sliced Lemmon, and Barberies in knots, or Grapes: this is a delicate Pudding.
A Fregesey of Egges.
BEat a dozen of Egges with Creame, Sugar, Nutmeg, Mace, Rose-water, and a Pome water cut ouerth wart in slices: put them into the Frying-pan with swéet Butter, & the apples first: whē they bée almost enough, take▪ them vp, and cleanse your Pan: put in swéet Butter, and make it hot: put in halfe the Egges: [Page 44]and Cream at one time: stir it with a sawcer, or such a thing. Take it out, & put it in a dish, put in the rest of the Egs and Cream like the former, and then put in your apples round about the batter. Then cast on the other side on the top of it, and keep it from burning with sweet Butter. When it is fryed on both sides enough, wring on the juyce of an Orange and serue it in.
A Cambridg Pudding.
SEarce grated bread thorow a cullinder, mince it with Flower, minst Dates, Currans, Nutmeg, Cinamon and Pepper, minst Suet, new milk warme, fine Sugar and Egs: take away some of their whites, worke all together. Take halfe the Pudding on the one side, & the other on the other side, and make it round like a loafe. Then take Butter, and put it in the midst of the Pudding, and the other halfe aloft. Let your liquor boyle, & throw your pudding in, being tyed in a fair cloth: when it is boyled enough, cut it in the middest, and so serue it in.
A Swan or Goose Pudding.
STirre the blood of a Swan, or Goose, stéepe fine Oatmeale in Milke, Nutmeg, Pepper, swéet Hearbs, minst Suet: mingle all together with rose-water, Lē mon pils minst fine, Coriander séeds, a little quantity thereof. And this is a rule both for grated bread pudding or any other Pudding that is made in a Swanne or Goose necke.
A Liveridge or Hogges Pudding.
BOile a Hogs Liuer well, let it be thorowly cold, then grate it like Bread: grate Bread, take new Milke, the fat of a Hogge minst fine, put it to the bread, and the Liuer, the more the better, diuideit into two parts. Take store of dry hearbes, that are very well dryed, mince them fine, put the hearbs into one part, with Nutmeg, Mace, Pepper, Annis-séeds, Rose-water, Cream, and Egs, wash the skins, and then fill them vp, & let them boile enough. To the other sort put Barberies, sliced Dates, Currans, new Milke and Egges, worke them as the other.
A Chiveridge pudding.
LAy the fattest-guts of your Hogge in fair water and Salt, to scowre them. Take the longest and the fattest gut, beginne at the middest of the Gut, and stuff it with Nutmeg, Sugar, Ginger, Pepper, and sliced Dates, boyle it and serue it to the Table.
A Ryce pudding.
STéepe it in faire water all night: then boyle it in new milke, and draine out the Milke through a Cullinder: mince Beefe-suet handsomely, but not too smal, and put it in the Rice, and parboild Currans, yolkes of new laid Egges, Nutmeg, Cinamon, Sugar and Barberies: mingle all together: wash your scoured guts, and stuffe them with the aforesaid pulp: parboyle them, and let them coole.
A Florentine of Veale.
MInce cold Veale fine, take grated Bread, Currans, Dates, Sugar, Nutmeg, Pepper, two or three Egs, and Rose-water: mingle all well together, [Page 47]and put it on a Chafingdish of coales, stir them till they be warme, and then put some between two sheets of puft-paste, and bake it, put the rest vpon slices of a white loafe and frye it in a frying-panne, washt before with the yolk of an Egge: serue it with Cinamon and Ginger, at the second course.
A marrow toast.
MInce cold parboyld Veale, and suet very fine, and sweet hearbs, each by themselues, and then mingle them together with Sugar, Nutmeg, Cinamon, Rose-water, grated Bread, the yolkes of two or three new-laid Egges: open the minst meat, and couer it with the Marrow. Then put your toast into the Pipkin with the vppermost of some strong broth: let it boyle with large Mace, a Fagot of sweet hearbes, scum them passing cleane, & let them boyle almost dry. Then take Potato-rootes boyled, or Chestnuts, Skirrootes, or Almonds boyled in Whitewine, & for want of Wine you may take Verjuyce and Sugar.
Another in a Frying-pan.
TAke the marrow whole out of the bone as néer as you can: ten Oysters is a fit proportion for that marrow, being parboyled and bearded, and cut in small péeces. Put in a little yong Tyme, Pennyroyall, and parsly minst fine: work all together like batter. Then rowle your Marrow within that, and season it with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmeg. Then make it in little Pastyes with fine Paste: some like Peascods: fry them, shaue on Sugar, and serue them in.
A Pudding stewed between two Dishes.
TAke the yolkes of thrée Egges, and the white of one, halfe a dozen spoonfuls of sweet Cream, a Nutmeg grated, a few Cloaues and Mace, a quarter of a pound of Beefe suet minst small, a quarter of a pound of Currans, temper it like a Pudding with grated Bread, and a spoonfull of Rose-water. Then take a Kell of Veale, cut it in square peeces like Trenchers, lay three spoonfuls of the batter vpon one side, then rowle it vp in the cawle: [Page 49]pin on one side ouer the other with two small prickes, and tie each end with a thread. You may put two, or three, or foure of them in a dish, then take halfe a pinte of strong Mutton broth, and halfe a dozen spoonfuls of Vinegar, three or four blades of large Mace, and an ounce of Sugar. Make this broth to boyle vpon a chafindish of Coales, and then put in your Pudding: when it boiles, couer it with an other dish, & let it stue a quarter of an houre longer. Turne them for burning, then take vp your Pudding, and lay it vpon Sippets, and poure the broth vpon the top. Garnish your dish with the coar of a Lemmon, and Barberies: serue them hot, either at dinner or Supper.
To make French puffes with greene Hearbes.
TAke Spinage, Parsly, Endife, a sprig or two of Sauory: mince them very fine: season them with Nutmeg, Ginger, and Sugar. Wet them with Egges, according to the quantity of the Hearbes, more or lesse. Then take the Coare of a Lemmon, cut it in round slices very thin: put to euery slice of your Lemmon one [Page 50]spoonfull of this stuffe. Then frye it with sweet Lard in a Frying-pan, as you fry Egs, and serue them with sippits or without, sprinckle them either with White-wine or Sack, or any other Wine, sauing Rhenish wine Serue them either at Dinner or Supper.
Dropt Raisins.
TAke the fairest Reasins of the Sun, slit them on one side: lay them open, as round and as broad as you can. Then take the aforesaid Hearbes minst and seasoned, and lay betwixt two Raisins as many as you can close betwixt them. Take halfe a spoonfull of the aforesaid stuffe that you fryed your Lemmons with: fry them brown.
A Fond pudding.
TAke either Mutton, Veale, or Lamb, roast or raw, but raw is better. Mince it fine with Beef-suet: take Spinage, Parsley, Marigold, Endiffe, a sprig of Tyme, and a sprigge of Sauory: chop them fine, and season them with Nutmeg, Sugar, minst Dates: take Currans and [Page 51]grated Bread, the yolks of three or foure new laid Egges, a spoonefull or two of Rose water, as much vejuyce: work thē vp like Birds. Beasts, Fishes, Peares, or what you will. Fry them, or bake them, & serue them upon sippits, with verjuyce or White-wine, Butter, and Sugar: serue them either at Dinner or Supper.
To make puffes on the English fashion.
TAke new milk Curds, presse out the Whay clean, take the yolks of three Egges, and the white of one, fine Wheat-flower, and mingle amongst your Curds: Season it with Nutmegge, Sugar, and Rosewater, mingle all together. Butter a faire white Papet, lay a spoonefull at once vpon it: set them into a warme Ouen, not ouer hot, when you see them rise as high as a halfe-penny loafe, then take Rose-water and Butter, and indale them ouer: scrape on Sugar, & set them in the Ouen againe vntill they be dryed at the tops like Ice. Then take them out, and serue them vpon a plate, either at Dinner or Supper.
To make a Pudding in a Frying-panne.
TAke foure Egges, two spoonfulls of Rose-water, Nutmeg grated, Sugar, grated Bread, the quantity of a penney Loafe, a pound of Beefe-suet minst fine: work them as stiffe as a Pudding with your hand, & put it in a Frying-pan with sweet Butter, fry it brown, cut it in quarters, and serue it hot, either at Dinner or Supper. If it be on a fasting-day leaue out the Suet and Currans, and put in two or three Pomewaters, minst smal, or any other soft Apple that hath a good relish.
To make Apple-puffes.
TAke a Pomewater, or any other Apple that is not hard, or harsh in taste: mince it small with a dozen or twenty Raisins of the Sunne: wet the Apples in two Egges, beat them all together with the backe of a knife or a spoone. Season them with Nutmegge, Rose-water, Sugar, and Ginger: drop them into a Frying-pan with a spoone, fry them like Egs, [Page 53]wring on the juyce of an Orange or Lemmon, and serue them in.
To make Kick-shawes.
TAke the Kidney of a Veal, or Lamb, or if you haue neither of both, thē take the eare of Mutton, take the fat and all, boyle it, and mince it fine: season it with Nutmeg, Pepper, and Salt. Then take two or three Egges, a spoonfull of Rose-water, two or three spoonfuls of Sacke, as much grated Bread as will worke them like lithe-paste. Then flower your moulds, and fil them with that paste: then roule a thin sheete of paste, wet it and couer it ouer: fry them, and turne them into small dishes, and keepe them warm in the Ouen, serue them at dinner, or supper. If you will bake them, then you may turne thē into the dish raw, out of your moulds, and Ice them with Rose-water & Sugar, and set them in the Ouen, whē your pyes are halfe bak't.
To make some Kick-shawes in paste, to fry or bake, in what forme you please.
MAke some short Puft-paste, roule it thinne, if you haue any moulds you may work it vpon your moulds, with the pulp of Pippins, seasoned with Cinamon, Ginger, Sugar, and Rose-water, close them vp, and bake them, or fry them: or you may fill them with Gooseberries, seasoned with Sugar, Cinamon, Ginger, and Nutmeg: rowle them vp in yolkes of Egges, and it will kéepe your Marrow, being boyled, from melting away, or you may fil them with Curds, boyled vp with whites of Egges and Creame, and it will be a tender Curd: but you must season the Curde with parboyld Currans, thrée or foure sliced Dates put into it, or sixe bits of Marrow, as bigge as half a Walnut: put in some small peeces of Almond-paste, Sugar, Rose-water, and Nutmeg. And this will serue for any of these Rick-shawes, either to bake, or for a Florentine in Puft-paste: any of these you may fry or bake, for Dinner or Supper.
To make an Italian pudding.
TAke a penny whiteloafe, pare off the crust, and cut it in square péeces like vnto great Dyce, mince a pound of Béefsuet small: take halfe a pound of Raisins of the Sunne, stone them, and mingle them together, and season them with Sugar, Rose-water & Nutmeg, wet these things in foure Egs, and stir them very tenderly for breaking the Bread: then put it in a dish, & prick in thrée or four péeces of marrow, and some sliced Dates: put it into an Ouen hot enough for a Chewet: if your Ouen be too hot, it will burne: if too cold, it will be heauy. When it is baked, scrape on Sugar and serue it hot at Dinner, but not at Supper.
To boyle a Racke of Veale on the French fashion.
CVt it into Steakes, cut a Carret or Turnip in peeces like Diamonds, & put them into a Pipkin with a pinte of White-wine, Parsly bound in a Fagot, a little Rosemary, and large Mace, and a stick of Cinamon: pare a Lemmon, or Orange, and take a little grosse pepper, half a pound of Butter: boyle all together vntill they be enough: when you haue done, put in a littie Sugar & Verjuyce, garnish your dish as you list.
To fearce a Legge of Lamb on the French fashion.
TAke the flesh out of the in-side, and leaue the skin whole, mince it fine with suet: take grated Bread, minst Orange pil, sliced nutmeg, Coriander-séeds, Barberies pickt, a little Pepper: worke all together with yolkes of Egs, like a Pudding, and put it in againe. If you want a cawle of Mutton to close it with, then take the yolk of an Egge, and smear [Page 57]it all ouer, & it will hold it fast. Then put it in a dish raw, and set it vpright, and put a little Butter into the dish, & set the dish into the Ouen: put to the aforesaid things, Sugar, Currans, and sliced Dates, Salt and Verjuyce. When it goeth to the table, strow it with yolks and parsly, either of them minst by it selfe.
To hash Deere; Sheepe, or Calves tongues, on the French fashion.
BOyle, Blanch, and Larde them, sticke them with Cloues and Rosemary & put them on a Spit, vntill they be halfe roasted. Then put them into a Pipkin with Claret-wine, Cinamon, Ginger, sugar, sliced Lēmon, a few Carrawayséeds, and large Mace. Boyle all together and serue them in with fryed toasts.
English Cookery.
To boyle a Capon.
TAke strong broth of marrow bones, or any other strong broth, put the Marrow into a pipkin with salt: boil your Capon in the Pipkin, and scum it clean, before you be ready to take it off put in your Salt. Take a pinfe of White-wine in a pipkin, for one Capon; if you haue more, you must haue more wine: half a pound of Sugar, a quarter of a pound of Dates sliced, Potatoes boyled and blancht, large Mace, Nutmeg sliced: if you want Potatoes, take Endiffe, & for want of both boyle Skirrets, and blanch them: boile all together, with a quarter of a pinte of Verjuyce, & the yolks of Egs, strain it and stirre it about, and put it to the Capon with strong broth.
To garnish your Dishes.
GArnish your Dishes round about with fine Sugar: take Orengado dipt among Biskets: take Carawayes. Take a Pomegranat and garnish the side of your dish with it: take Currans and Prunes, and wrap them in fine Sugar, having beene first boyled tender in faire water: Take a Lemmon and slice it, and put it on your dish, and large Mace stéeped or boyled, or preserued Barberries. Any of these are fit to garnish your Dish: take your Capon out of the broth, and put it into a dish with sippets, & of these garnishes round about it.
To boyle a Capon ano [...]her way.
BOyle a Knuckle of Veale vntill it make strong broth: then take your Capon, & boyle it in faire water and Salt, and when it is almost boyld, take it & put it in a Pipkin, and strain your broth in to the Capon: Then wash and scrape Parsley, and Fennell rootes cleane, pith them, and slice them along: boil them in a skillet of water, and when they are halfe boyled take them from the fire, and put them [Page 60]in a strainer and then in a clean Pipkin. Then take a little Rosewater, and a quarter of a pound of fine Sugar, vntil it be as cleare as glasse: then take a little large Mace, a faggot of swéet Hearbes, a minst Lemmon, the pill taken off. Boyle a few Raisins of the Sunne with it, but first take out your Capon and straine the broth: put the Capon into a Dish very finely garnisht: then put the broth to the Capon: then take Parsley rootes, and lay them on the top of the Capon with your minst and sliced Lemmon, your Raisins of the Sunne, and your large Mace. Garnish your dish, as before is shewed.
To boyle a Capon in Rice.
BOyle a Capon in Salt & water, and if you like it, you may put into a sa [...] cloath, a handfull of Oatmeale: then take a quarter of a pound of Rice, and steepe it in faire water, and so halfe boyle it then strain the Rice through a Cullinder then boyle the Rice in a Pipkin, with [...] quart of Milke: put in half an ounce o [...] large Mace, half a pound of Sugar: boyle it well but not ouer-thick, put in a little Rose-water: blanch halfe a pound of Almonds, [Page 61]and beate them in a morter with a little Creame and Rose-water: beate them fine, and straine them into a Pipkin by it selfe. Then take vp your Capon, and set your Almonds a little against the fire; garnish your dishes as you think fit and say in your Capon, and put your Rice handsomely vpon the Capon, and then the broth vpon the Rice.
To boyle a Capon with Oysters and picked Lemmons.
BOyle the Capon halfe enough, with faire water & Salt: then straine some of the broth into a quart of Renish-wine: then put in a few swéet hearbes, minst with a pickled Lēmon or Orange, put all into the Pipkin, and let them boyl together. Then take the Oysters, pick and beard them, and parboyle them: then put them out of the broth into a Cullinder, & then put them into a Pipkin. Then take a few Raisins of the Sun: if you loue the juyce of an Onyon, first boyl some Onyons by themselues, and straine them, and then put them into the Pipkin, and serue in with what garnish you please.
To boyle a Capon with Pippins.
PArboyle it as before, then put two Marrow-bones into a Pipkin, or rather put the marrow of two or thrée bones into a Pipkin, with a quart of White-Wine, a little sliced Nutmeg, half a score of Dates. When you haue so done, put in a quarter of a pound of Sugar, then pare your Pippins, and cut them into quarters, and put them into a Pipkin, and couer them with a little Rose-water and Sugar, and boyle them. Then take (if you haue it) sippets of Bisket, and for want thereof take other Bread: then boyle seuen or eight Egges hard, take out the yolkes and put them in a strainer. Then take a little Verjuyce, and strong broth where the Capon is boyling, strain it, and put it in a Pipkin, and stirre all together with the Pippins and Muscadine: let the Mascadine bée put on when the Pippins are cold.
To boyle Chickens in Whitebroth.
TRusse and parboyl them very white: then put them with swéet Hearbes into a Pipkin with Mace, péeces of Cinamon, chop a little Parsley but course, and straine the yolkes of foure or fine Egges, with a little verjuyce, which must be put in when they are ready to be taken from the fire. Garnish your dish.
To boyle Chickens in soope.
BOyle them vntill they bee enough, boyle Hartichokes very well, and blauch them. Then put your Chickens into a Pipkin with strong broth. Cut your Hartichokes, and put them into a pipkin with a few sliced Dates: wash a few Raisins of the Sun, and a few Currans clean, put thē into a pipkin: then take Cola-Flora, and wash it clean, and parboyle it very well. When you take them from the fire, blaunch them very cleane, & put them into a pipkin: then take some of your Hartichokes left, and a little white Bread, [Page 64]laid in stéep with a little broth and Verjuyce, halfe a dozen yolks of hard Egges, and a little strong broth and Verjuyce, a quarter of a poūd of Sugar, put it into the Pipkin, and stir all together, with a good quantity of Butter: then mince the flowers of Marigolds, and boyl them with the rest: stum the broth clean and then it will looke very cleare: with this boyling you may boyl Capon, Pigeon, Rabbet, Lark, &c.
To boyle the common way.
TRusse and parboyle them, and put thē into a Pipkin with strong broth: then take Parsley, Endiffe, Spinage, a Fagot of swéet Hearbs. Bruise your parsley and Endiffe, and put them into a Pipkin and two or thrée ribs of Mutton, & if you haue any Potatoes, or Skirrets, put thē in with Marigold Flowers, and let them boyl well together: then slice one Carret▪ and cast it in, & serue it with a few large Mace, and a little Verjuyce. Take the yolkes of halfe a dozen Egs, mince them by themselues fine, and the parboyld Parsley by it self; then mingle thē with a few [Page 65]Barberries: cast all these things on the toppe of the Chickens, after you haue put them in the Dish: so also may you do with a Knuckle of Veale.
To boyle Chickens with Lettice the best way.
CUt euery Chicken in foure quarters after the parboyling of them, and put them into a Pipkin with two or thrée Swéet-breads of Veale: or if you cannot so readily come by so many, then take the Vdder of a Veale, & parboyl it very well: Cut it in peeces, and put it into the Pipkin, with a sliced Lemmon. Then take Lettice, cut them and wash them cleane; and bruise them with the back of a Ladle, and put them into the pipkin: then take a good deale of swéet Butter, about the quantity of halfe a pound halfe a pinte of Sack, a quarter of a pinte of white-wine, Mace, a sliced Date, a Nuimeg: you may put in thrée or foure Dates sliced, if you haue so many. Let all these boyle together ouer the fire with Marigold-flowers and swéet Hearbes.
To boyle a Rabbet.
PArboyle your Rabbet well, and cut it in péeces: then take strong broth, and a Fagot of Hearbs, a little Parsley, swéet Marjoram, thrée or foure yolkes of Egs, strained with a little white Bread, and put all in a Pipkin with Mace, Cloues, and a little Verjuyce to make them haue a taste.
To boyle a Rabbet with Grapes or Gooseberries.
TRusse your Rabbet whole, and boyl it with strong broth, vntill it be ready: Then take a pinte of White-wine, a good handfull of Spinage chopt in péeces, the yolkes of Egges cut in quarters, & a little large Mace. Let all boyle together with a Fagot of sweet Hearbs, & a good peece of Butter.
To boyle a Rabbet with Claret-wine.
VSe it as before is shewed, slice Onyons, and a Carret, root, a few Currans, and a Fagot of Hearbes, minst Parsley, Barberries pickt, large Mace, [Page 67]Nutmeg, and Ginger: throw them all into the Pipkin. Boyl it with half a pound of Butter.
To boyle a wilde Duck.
TRusse and parboyle it, and then halfe roast it: then carue it, and saue the grauy: take store of Onyons. Parsly, sliced Ginger and Pepper: put the grauy into the Pipkin with washt Currans, large Mace, Barberries, a quart of Claret-Wine: let all boyle well together, scumme it cleane, put in Butter and Sugar.
To boyle a tame-Duck, or Widgin.
PArboyle your Fowl well, take strong Mutton broth, a handfull of Parsley, chop them fine with an Onyon, and Barberries, pickt Endiffe washt: throw all into the Pipkin with a Turnip cut in peeces, and parboyld, vntill the ranknesse bee gone: then put in a little White-wine, or Verjuyce, half a pound of Butter: boyle all together, and stirre it, and serue it with the Turnip, large Mace, Pepper and a little Sugar.
To boyle Pigeons.
PArboyle your Pigeons with Parsley in their bellies, and Butter: put them in a Pipkin with strong broth, about a quart thereof, a ribbe of Mutton, large Mace, a little grosse Pepper, beaten Cinamon, a little Ginger and Sugar, a few Raisins of the Sunne, a few Currans, Barberries in bunches, halfe a pinte of white-wine, boyle all together with a little Bread stéeped in broth, to colour it: straine it with some of the broth, and put it into the pipkin: let them boyle till they be enough, and so serue them in. This broth may serue to boyle Woodcockes, or Partridges in, with this difference, take some of the broth out of the Pigeon, and put in a minst Onyon. Let all boyle vntil it be enough.
To boyle Pigeons with Capers or Sampyre.
PVt them into a Pipkin, with a pinte or more of white-wine, a little strong broth, a ribbe or two of Veale, wash off the saltnesse of your Capers or Sampyre; blaunch halfe a pound of Almonds, put them in cold water, cut them longwise & [Page 69]put them into the Pipkin with Raisins of the Sunne. Take large Mace, a little sliced Ginger, a sliced Nutmeg; let them all boyle together with a Fagot of Hearbs, Throw into them thrée or foure yolks of Egs whole, and a péece of Butter, then put in the Sampyre or Capers. This boyling will serue well for Rabbets.
To boyle Saweeges.
PVt them into a quart of Claret wine, large Mace, Barberries, Cinamon, a handfull of swéet hearbes. Garnish this Dish with Cinamon, Ginger, and fine Sugar.
To boyle Goose-Giblets, or Swannes giblets.
PIcke and parboyle them cleane, and put to them some strong broth, with Onyons, Currans, and Parsley, & let all boyle together with large Mace, and Pepper; boyle them well with a Faggot of swéet Hearbes, and then put in Verjuyce and Butter.
Giblets with Hearbs and Rootes.
PIcke and parboyl them, and put them in a quart of Claret-wine into a Pipkin, halfe an ounce of Sugar, a good quantity of Barberries, Spinage, and a Fagot of sweet Hearbs, boyld Turnips, and Carrets sliced, and put them into the Pipkin, and boyle them well together: then take strong broth, Verjuyce, and the yolks of two or three newlayd Egs: strain them, and put them into the Pipkin.
To smoore a Racke or Ribbes of Mutton.
CVt your Mutton in peeces, & split it with the back of a Cliuer, and so put it into a dish, and a peece of sweet Butter, and put it into the bottome of your dish: then take a Fagot of sweet Hearbs, and grosse Pepper: stue them in a couered dish with a little Salt: turne them now and then, and when they are enough, put them in a cleane Dish with sippets. The dish is best garnished with Barberries, and Pepper.
For the fillets of a Veale, smoored in a Frying-panne.
CVt them as for Oliues; hacke them with the backe of a knife; then cut Lard fine, and lard them, then put them in a Frying-pan with strong Beere, or Ale, and fry them somewhat browne; then put them into a pinte of Claret-wine, and boyle them with a little Cinamon, Sugar and Ginger.
A Dish of Steakes of Mutton, smoored in a Frying-panne.
TAke your Legge of Mutton cut into Steakes, & put it into a Frying-pan, with a pinte of White-Wine, smoore them somewhat browne: then put them into a Pipkin; Cut a Lemmon in slices, and throw it in; then take a good quantity of Butter & hold it ouer the fire; when it is ready to fry put in a handful of Parsley, and when it is fryed, put it into the Pipkin and boyle all together. This Dish would be garnished with Cinamon, Sugar, and sliced Lemmons.
To smoore a Chicken.
CVt it in small péeces, and fry it with sweet Butter; take Sacke, or white-Wine, Parsly, an Onyon chopt small, a peece of whole Mace, and a little grosse Pepper; put in a little Sugar, Veriuyce, and Butter. Then take a good handfull of Clary, and picke off the stalkes, then make fine batter with the yolkes of two or three new-laid Egges, & fine flowre, two or three spoonfuls of sweet Creame and a little Nutmegge, and so fry it in a Frying-pan with sweet Butter; serue your Chickens with the fryed Clary on them. Garnish your dish with Barberies.
To fry Mussels, Perywinckles, or Oysters, to serve with a Duck, or single by themselves.
BOyle these shell Fishes; then flowre and fry them; then put them into a Pipkin, with a pinte of Claret-Wine, Cinamon, Sugar, and Pepper. Take your Ducke boyled or roasted, and put them into two seuerall Pipkins, if one be boyled, and the other roasted, and a little [Page 73]Sugar, large Mace and fryed toasts, stuck round about it with Butter.
To marble Smelts, Soales, Flounders, Plaice, &c.
FRy Sallet Oyle in a Frying-pan, or Chafer, wipe your Fish, and when the Oyle is hot, put in so much Fish as the Oyle will couer, and when it wasts you must supply it. Then fry Bay-leaues, where the Fish hath been fryed in whole peeces; put Claret-Wine into an earthen Panne, put the fryed leaues into the bottome of the Panne, and let some of them lie aloft; slice an ounce of Nutmeg, or rather two, as much Ginger, and large Mace, a few cloues & Wine-Vinegar; put your marble Fish into the liquor, so as the Bay, leaues and spices couer it, as well as it that lyeth vnder. And vpon occasion serue it with the Bay-leaues, and the spices of the liquor.
To congar Eeles in Colar like Brawne.
CVt them open with the skin on, and take the bone clean out, large Mace, grosse Pepper, some fine sweet Hearbes, [Page 74]chop vnder your Knise. Then strow the Hearbes and the Spices all along the inside of your Eele, and rowle it like a collar of Brawne: so may you doe with Tenches, boyled in faire water, White Wine, and a quantity of Salt, so put in some sliced Ginger, Nutmeg, and Pepper in graine. When it is well boyled put it into an earthen Panne, couered with the owne liquor, and a little White-Wine Vinegar.
To sowce a Pigge in collars.
CHine your Pigge in two parts: take out all the bones, lay it in a Keeler of water all night. The next day scrape off all the filth from the backe, and wipe it very dry: then cast Pepper on it, a little large Mace, and Ginger, with a Bay-leaf or two, euen as you would doe a collar of Brawne, and let your panne boyle before you put it in: keep it with scumming vntill it be halfe boyled, then take out a Ladlefull or two, and put it in a Pan by it self, put into this boyling some Rhenish or Claret-wine, sliced Nutmegge-grosse Pepper, sliced Ginger. Let it stand vntill [Page 75]it be almost cold, and then dish it with Bay-leaues.
To sowce a Breast of Veal.
BOne your breast, and lay it in faire water, vntill the blood be gone. Then take it, and dry it, and take all kinde of swéet hearbes, Nutmeg beaten, Cinamon beaten, Ginger beaten, but not too fine, Callender, pared Lemmon-pill cut in fine péeces: mingle all together, spread your Veale, and cast it on the inside, and then rowle it like a collar of Brawne, binde it close. Let your liquor boyl, and put inyour Veale. So you may use racks unbound, and Breasts vnbound. Let it be scumm'd very cleane: then put in a Fagot of swéet hear bes, and keep it couered, for that will make it white: when it is almost boyled, throw in sliced Nutmeg, large Mace, a little Ginger, a Lemmon or two sliced.
To hast a shoulder of Mutton or a Legge of Lambe.
TAke your meat off the Spit, and hash it into a Pewter Dish: put insome Rhenish-Wine, Raisins of the Sunne, [Page 76]sliced Lemmon, raw Oysters: put them all together into a pipkin, and stir them▪ If you want Oysters, and Raisins, the [...] take two Oysters whole, put them into the meate. If you want Wine, take strong broth, Verjuyce, & Sugar. Throw a few Barberries into the Dish, and ser [...] it on toasts or sippets.
A Legge of Lambe fearst with Hearbes.
SErue it as before shewed, with swéet Hearbes, and grated Bread, Biskit seedes, a few Coriander-seedes, Lemmonpills minst fine, Nutmegge sliced, sliced Dates, a little grosse pepper, Capers washt cleane: put all together wth six or seuen yolks of new-laid Egges, hard roasted, and whole, & put them in your stuffe and work them with Sugar, Rosewater and Verjuyce, and the Marrow of a bon [...] or two, Salt, and pepper, put all together into the Skin: Carrawayes and Oreng [...] do are fittest garnish for your Dish.
To smoore Calves feet.
BOyle and blanch them, and lay them in faire water, and Salt, and when they are cold, cut them in the middest, and take out the blacknesse, and put them in a Dish with sweet Butter, Mince parsley, Onyons, and tops of time, Currans, large Mace, pepper, with a little Wine. Vinegar. Let all stue together vntill they be ready: put in a few Barberries, chopt parsley fine, two or three yolks hard, and minst by themselues, Rose-water, and sugar, and when you serue it, strow it with parsloy and hard Egges.
Another way.
BLaunch them as before, put them in a Dish with faire water and Butter, chop Lettice, and Spinage, with the back of your Knife: and put them in a Dish: let them boyle with large Mace, sliced Lemmon, a few Grapes, or a stewed Cucumber sliced. Let all boyle well together with pepper: straine into a Dish the yolkes of Egges, Verjuyce, and Sugar: straine them together when they go to the Table, This boyling will serue for [Page 78]Neates-féet, Shéepes. Trotters, or Hogs féet: serue them hot at Supper.
To hast Neates tongues.
BOyle them, and blaunch them, and slice them in péeces, put them into a Pipkin with Raisins of the Sunne, large Mace, Dates sliced, a few blauncht Almonds, and Claret-wine, boyle all together with halfe a pound of swéet Butter, Verjuyce and Sugar. Straine a Ladlefull of Liquor, with the yolkes of about halfe a dozen Egges.
The same with Chestnuts.
SErue your fongue, as before: put it in a Pipkin with blauncht Chest-nute▪ strong broth, a Fagot of Hearbes, large Mace, washt Endiffe, a little Pepper, a few Cloues, and whole Cinamon. Boyle all to gether with Butter, season them with Salt onely, garnish your Dish as youll st.
Certaine Gellies.
Christall Gelly.
TAke a Knuckle of Veale, & a paire or two of Caluesféete, take out the fat betwéene the Clease, wash them in two or thrée warm waters, and let them be al night in an earthen pot or panne, in faire water. The next day boyle them very tender in faire Spring-Water, from a gallon to three pintes: then let the liquor stand vntil it be cold in a earthen Bason, pare away the top and bottome, and put to it a little Rose-water, season it with double refined sugar, then put to it half a dozen spoonfuls of Oyle of Cinamon, and as many of Oyl of Ginger, and halfe so much Oyle of Nutmeg, a graine of Muske tyed in a little Lawn: when all this is boyled together, [Page 80]put it into a Siluer or earthen Dish, and so let it stand vntill it be throughly cold, and then either serue it in slices, or otherwise if you please.
To make Gelly of Pippins, of the colour of Amber.
TAke eight faire pippins, take out the coares, boyle them in a quart of Spring-water, from a quart vnto a pinte: put in a quarter of a pinte of Rose-water, a pound of fine Sugar, and boyle it vncouered, vntill it come to the colour of Amber: you may know when it is enough by letting a drop fall on a peece of Glasse, & if it stand it is enough: then let it runne into an earthen or siluer Bason vpon a Chafindish of Coales, and while it is warme, fill your Boxes or Printing-moulds with a spoone, and let it stand, and when it is cold you may turne it out of your mould, and it will be printed on the vpper side.
To make Gelly of Pippins, as orient red as Rubie.
TAke eight faire pippins, take out the coares, boyl them in a quart of spring-water, and a pound of fine Sugar, boyle it still couered close vntill it be red, and in all other the operations you must doe as in the Amber coloured-Gellies, remembring alwaies that your Boxe or moulds bée laid in water before you vse them thrée or foure houres, and the Gellie will not cleaue unto them.
To make white Leach of Almonds.
TAke halfe a pound of Iordan Almonds, lay them in cold water, the next day blanch them, and beat them in a stone Morter, put in some Damaske-rose-water into the beating of them: and when they be beaten very fine, draw them through a strainer, with a quart of swéet-milke, from the Cow: set it vpon a Chafing-dish of Coales, with a péece of Isinglas, [Page 82]a péece of whole Mace, one Nutmeg quartered, a graine of Muske fyed in a faire cloute and hung upon a threed in it: And when you see it grow something thicke, take it off the fire, and take out your whole spices, and let it run thorow a strainer, into a broad deep Dish. And when it is cold, you may slice it, & so serue it in. If you please you may cast some of it into colours, as Yellow, Greene, Red: your yellow must bee Safron, or the blossomes of white Roses: the Green, must be the juyce of Greene Wheat: and your Red you must make with Turnsoll: thus you may haue Leach of foure seuerall colours.
Wherein is set forth the newest and most commendable Fashion of Dressing, Boyling, Sowcing, or Roasting, all manner either Flesh, Fish, or any kind of Fowle.
Together with an exact order of making Kickshawes, or made-dishes of any fashion, fit to beautifie either Noblemans or Gentlemans table.
All set forth according to the now new English and French fashion.
The sixth Impression.
LONDON, Printed for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard. 1641.
To the Right worshipfull the Lady Browne, Wife to the right Worshipfull S r Iohn Brown, Knight, health and happinesse.
THE last Book of this kind which I published (the last yeare) having under your name found so good welcome at their hands into which it chanced, (sith it mended their fare with their owne food) hath now (for their further welfare in the like manner) called out this Second part, as a second service to satisfie their more dainty desire: In which services, such Novelties as Time, Art, and Diligence (the Perfecters of each Faculty) doe daily devise, may be seene and practised, to [Page]give all contentment to the curioust palate. And this I take to be no sinfull curiosity, but it is rather a sin to marre good meate with ill handling; and so the old proverbe verified; God sends Meat, but the Devill Cookes: what it is, (Good Madam) is altogether, with the Author, yours, though he shew it others; that so the world may be thankfull to you for good meate well drest though at their own cost: And let me lose my credit with you and the world too, if it deceive their expectation, so as they cooke it by this booke. To the tryall whereof I referre them: recommending it and my selfe, to your Ladyships wonted favour, resting in all humble service
THE SECOND Booke of Cookery.
To boyle a Capon larded with Lemmons on the French fashion.
TAke a fat young Capon, and three or foure peeces of a neck or chine of Mutton, & put them together in a pot or Pipkin vntill your Capon bee tender: boyle them with as much faire water as will couer them, then take a pinte of the broth out from them, and put it in another Pipkin: put in six blades of whole Mace, as many Dates broken in quarters, and eight lumpes of Marrow: then take two Hartichoake bottomes, cut them in square peeces or quarters: [Page 88]if you haue no Hartichoakes, then take potatoes, and as much sugar as will swéeten it, boyle them on the fire, vntill the Marrow be boyled, then take the yolkes of fiue or sire Egs, halfe a pinte of Sacke or Muscadine, wring in the juyce of two or thrée Lemmons, a little Sugar, a little Amber-gréece, a little Rosewater, and Salt, strain them thorow a Canuis strainer, and put them into a pipkin to your Marrow, brew thē together with your Ladle, that they curdle not. Garnish the Dish with wet Suckets and preserued Barberries, your Sippets must be dyetbread: then take vp your Capon, and take a preserued Lemmon cut in long slices, draw those slices thorow the breast of the Capon thicke, lay the Capon into your garnisht Dish, and pour your broth hot on the top of the Capon: Lay on it Sucket and preserued Barberries, scrape on fine Sugar, then serue it hot to the Table.
To boyle Chickens.
BOyle your Chickens in a Skillet or green pipkin, with as much faire water as will couer them, put to two or thrée whole Maces, and put into them a good [Page 89]péece of Butter, and a little salt, according to the quantity of your broth, one handful of pickt Parsley, two or thrée sprigs of Time and Winter: Sauory stript, bruise them together, & put them into your pipkin to the Chickens, and when the Chickens bée almost boyled put in a handfull of Gooseberries or clusters, of Grapes gréene, or Lemmon payred & cut in peeces, or Barberies off the frée or out of the pickle: take any of these fruits, garnish your dish fitting for your Chickens, serue them in vpon hot sippets, lay the Liuers & the Gizzards with the fruit on the Chickens, scrape on fine sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
Another way to boyle Chickens, or a Capon in white-broth.
TAke and boyle in a pot or pipkin two or thrée small Chickens, take two or three blades of whole Mace, as many quartered Dates, three or foure lumps of Marrow, a little Salt, a little Sugar, the yolkes of two or thrée Egges, a quarter of a pinte of Sacke, straine your Egges, and Sacke thorow a Canuis strainer, and put them into the Chickens, brew it with [Page 90]your Ladle for curdling: slice a Lemmon rinde, but first taste it, that it be not bitter, if it be, pare it, and garnish your Dish with Lemmons and hard Egs quartered then poure the broth vpon sippets, & lay in the Chickens, scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot.
Another way to boyle Chickens, for one that is sicke, and to provoke sleepe.
PUt two or three small Chickens into a green Pipkin, with as much faire water as will couer them, scumme them and put into them the top or bottome of an vnchipt Manchet, two or three blades of Mace, one handfull of Raisins of the Sun, the stones pickt out, as much sweet Butter as a walnut, parboyl three or four hard Lettices in Lettice water in a Skillet, cut them in quarters, put them to your Chickens, wring in the juyce of a Lemmon, let him drinke the broth, and eat the Lettice with the Chickens: If the Patient be bound in the body, put not in the Butter vntill the Chickens be boyled.
Another way to boyle them on Sorrellsops, for him that hath a weake stomacke.
BOyle them in as much faire water as will couer them, with pickt Parsley and swéet Butter stopt in their Bellies: put into the broth, Parsley, Winter-sanorie and Tyme pickt and stript, a blade or two of Mace; one handfull of gréene Sorrell, stampt in a wooden Dish, or stone morter: put halfe your broth into the Sorrell from the Chickens, wring in the juyce thorow a Canuas strainer into a pewter Dish, put in as much Butter as a walnut, a little Sugar, then set it on a chafingdish of coales, then take a deep Dish, slice in some Manchet, couer the bottome of the dish with them, poure the other halfe of the broth from your Chickens vpon the Sippets, and lay the Chickens on them, then take your Sorrell sawce, & pour it on the Chickens, scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
To boyle Partridges.
PUt two or thrée Partridges into a pipkin with as much water as will couer [Page 92]them, then take thrée or foure blades of Mace, one Nutmeg quartered, fiue or six whole Cloues, a péece of sweet Butter, two or thrée Manchet toasts tosted brown soak them in a little Sacke or Muscadine, straine it thorow a Canuas strainer with a little of the broth, then put them into the Pipkin, to the Partridges, boyls your Partridges very softly, often turning them vntill your broth bee halfe boyled away, then put in a little Salt and a little sweet Butter: when your broth is boyled, garnish your dish with a sliced Lemmon, the yolk of an hard Egge minst small, then lay on small heapes betweene the slices of the Lemmon, then lay your Partridges in your garnisht dish vpō sippets, and pour your broth hot vpon them, lay vpon the breast of your Partridge round slices of a Lemmon pared, mince small, and strew on the yolke of a hard Egge: pricke all ouer the breast of your partriges fiue or six wing-feathers, scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot. In like manner you may boyle young Phesants, or young Turkies, or Peachickens, or Woodcocks, or Quailes, or Larkes, or Sparrowes.
To boyle a Legge of Mutton on the French fashion.
TAke a faire Legge of Mutton, and a piece of suet of the kidney cut in long slices as bigge as ones finger, then thrust your knife into the flesh of your Legge down as deep as your finger is long, and thrust into euery hole a slice of the aforesaid Kidney Suet, but take heed that one peece touch not another: boyl your Legge well, but not too much, then put halfe a pinte of the broth into a Skillet or pipkin and put to it three or four blades of whole Mace, halfe a handfull of Currans and Salt, boyle them vntill the broth be halfe boyled away: then take it off the fire, and straight before the broth hath done boyling, put in a peece of sweet Butter, a good handfull of French Capers, and a Lemmon cut in square peeces like Dice, with the rinde on, and a little Sacke, and the yolks of two hard Egges minst. Lay your Legge of Mutton with the fairest side vpward upō sippets within your garnished dish: hauing all these things in readinesse to put into your aforesaid broth when it comes boyling off the fire, then [Page 94]poure it on your Legge of Mutton hot, so scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
To farce a Legge of Mutton.
CVt out all the flesh at the Butte end, from a faire Legge of Mutton, but take héed you cut not the vttermost skin, mince the flesh smal that you haue cut out euen as it were for pies, thē mince among your meate foure pound of dubbing suet, so you may make of it fiue or sixe small pies, and yet there may be left enough to fill your Legge againe, but before you put it into your Pyes, season it with a little white Salt, and a little Sugar, Cloues, Mace, and Nutmegges: thrée or foure spoonefuls of Rose-water, halfe an handfull of Carraway-seed, couered with Sugar, two pound of Currans, one of Raisins of the Sun without their stones, sixe Dates minst, stirre all these betwixt your hands and fill your Pies, bake them in a moderate Quen, for they will endure no great heat, and will be baked in an houre; then take the rest of the meat that is left, and worke it with an Egge, and put it into your Legge of Mutton, [Page 95]where your meate came out. This lets you vnderstād, you must leaue out of your Pies as much as will fill your Legge of Mutton, then prick vp your Legge with a pricke at the end where you put your meat in: then set it in an Quen in an earthen panne or Dish, or if you please you may put it on the spit and roast it: if you doe so, then set a dish vnder it and saue the grauy, and if you take the thickest of the grauy that is in the bottome of the Dish, put a little White-Wine, and Vinegar, a few Barberries, and the yolke of an hard Egge minst: if you haue no Barberries, then take Capers; lay your Legge on sippets, and garnish your Dish with sliced Lemmons & Barberries, or Capers, pour your sawce hot on, and scrape on Sugar, &c.
To farce a Legge of Lambe.
CVt out all the meate, as before in the Mutton, and mince it with halfe a pound of beefe Suet very small, then the two handfulls of Parsley picked cleane, halfe a handfull of Winter-Sauory and Time picked very clean, and mince them very small: then season your aforesaid [Page 96]Lambe with halfe the hearbes, and a little Cloues and Mace, a little Sugar and white Salt, a little Salt will be enough: then put in a handfull of Currans, and worke it vp with an Egge: then put half your meat into your Legg of Lambe, and prick vp the end with a prick, and worke the rest of your meate into little round cakes, as broad as a shilling: put your Leg of Lambe into the pot, with as much Mutton broth as wil couer it, if you haue it not, then take faire water, and put in a little Cloues and Mace, & the other halfe of the Hearbes, and the meat that you did make in little cakes, and let it boyle with often turning it round, vntill it be boyled vnto a pinte: then put in three or foure spoonefuls of Vinegar, and then take vp your Legge of Lambe, and put it into a boyld meat Dish vpon sippets: and pour your broth and your round peeces of the meat on the top of the Lamb: then scrape on fine Sugar, & serue it hot to the table.
To stew Trouts.
PVt three or four Trouts in a pewter dish, and a quarter of a pinte of white-Wine, [Page 97]or of Sacke, with a péece of swéet Butter, as bigge as an Egge, a little whole Mace, a handfull of Parsley, a little Sauory and Tyme, mince all together, and put them into the Trouts: if you haue no Wine, take faire water, and one spoonfull of Vinegar, and a little Sugar, and let these stew a quarter of an houre, then mince the yolk of an hard Eg, and strew your Trouts with it, poure the broth and Hearbes all ouer them, scrape on fine Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
To make a farst Pudding.
MInce Mutton, Veale, or Lambe, with béefe Suet, a handfull of Parsley, a little Winter-Sauory and Tyme: season your meate with a little Cloues and Mace, Salt and Sugar, worke it vp like birds or little bals, or like Lemmons, put them in a pewter dish, put to them a little-Mutton or fresh Beefe broth, as much as will couer them, put into the broth a little Mace, Winter-Sauory, Parsley and Tyme, shred small together: it must bée put in when the broth is halfe stewed, and so it will make it gréen. [Page 98]Garnish your dish with a sliced Lemmon or Barberries: Lay Sippets about your Dish, and lay your Birds or Bals on the sippets, then put a spoonefull of Sugar, & two of Vinegar: poure your broth on them, scrape on fine Sugar, and serue it in to the Table hot.
To boyle a Pike.
TVrne a Pike round with his taile to his mouth, couer it with fayre water in a panne or in a kettle, and with it also cast in a good handfull of white Salt, a handfull of Rosemary, Time, sweet Marjoram and Winter-Sauory: when your water boyles put in your Pike, and make it boyle vntill it swimme, and then it is boyled enough: then take a little White-Wine and Verjuyce, about the quantity of half a pinte, a few Prunes, a little large Mace Sugar, Currans, sweet Butter, as much as an Egge: Let all these boyle together vntill your Currans be soft: then take vp your Pike and lay it vpon sippets & if you will you may take off the scales, but the best is to let them alone: Lay all ouer your Pike parboyld Parsley, and pickled Barberries, then take the yolkes [Page 99]of two new-layd Egges, straine them with a little White-Wine or Verjuyce, and put them into your broth vpon the Pike, scrape on fine Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
To farce a Legge of Mutton on the French fashion.
CVt out all the meate of a faire Legge of Mutton, at the butte end, mince it with halfe a pound of Beefe-suet, take a handfull of Parsley, six sprigges of Winter-Sauory, and as many of Time, mince all together very small, and put it into your meate: then season your meat with Cloues, Mace, Salt, Sugar, and a handfull of Currans: worke vp your meate and Hearbes with a couple of Egges, and put it into the skinne of the Legge of Mutton where you cut it out: prick it vp close with a long pricke, then take the rest of your meate, and work one halfe of it into little cakes, as broad as a shilling, let the other halfe be in little crums like minst meat: then couer your Legge of Mutton in faire water, in a Pot or Pipkin, and put your round peeces of meat, and all your loose meat in, then take [Page 100]sixe blades of whole Mace, six Dates quartered, a handfull of French Capers, halfe a handfull of Currans, and two spoonfulls of sugar, a little beaten Cloaues and Mace, boyle all these together softly, ouer a moderate fire, oftentimes turning your Mutton that it burne neither to the pots-side nor bottome, and when it is boyled to the quantity of a pinte and a halfe, then garnish your Dish with Capers and a sliced Lemmon, then mince the yolk of an Egge as small as Dice, you must take the Lemmon rinde and all, but if it be bitter, it will marre the taste of the meate, therefore pare off the yellow outside: then lay your Legge of Mutton in Sippets on your Garnisht Dish, and put into your broth a little Sacke or Muscadine, or White-Wine: if you haue none of all these, then take a little Vinegar and Sugar, the quantity of the fourth part of a pinte, poure your broth on the toppe of your Legge of Mutton, then cast on it your aforesaid minst Lemmon & yolks of Egges, hauing them ready against your Mutton be boyled, then scrape on Sugar, and serue it in hot: you may lay about it and vpon it garnishing of puft-paste, if you [Page 101]haue it not ready, then a Lemmon will serue as well.
To boyle a Carpe or a Breame.
COuer your Carpe or Breame with faire water, in a Skillet or pan vpon the fire, put in a handfull of white-Salt, a handfull of Rosemary, Tyme and swéete Marjoram, put in a pinte of White-wine Vinegar, or a quart of White-wine or Claret, and make it boyle: then take a faire Carpe or Breame quicke, take out the guts, and wash your filth cleane, tie it vp close in a cloth, that the scales fall not off with boyling: then put it into the boyling liquor, let it boyle vntill it swimme, then take a pinte of Claret Wine, and foure races of the whitest Ginger sliced, sixe blades of whole Mace, a good péece of swéet Butter, and a handfull of Sugar, let it boyl vntill it taste of the spices: then take vp your Carpe, or your Bream, and lay it vpō sippets in a Dish broad enough for your fish, and put into your Wine and spices another peece of swéet Butter, when it hath done boyling, (for then it will not be so oylie,) then powre it on the toppe of your fish, then strew on good store [Page 102]of beaten Ginger vpon the Fish, being so boyled as is before shewed: scrape on fine Sugar, and serue it hot: but in any wise take héed you break not the scales of your Fish.
To boyle a wild-Ducke, Widgin, or a Teale, on the French fashion.
DResse your Fowle, trusse vp the Legges vpon the backe, put it vpon a Spit, with a quick fire, half roast it, and set a dish vnder it to saue the grauy, baste it once with swéet Butter, but no oftner: when you thinke it halfe roasted, take it vp and lay it in the Dish wherein you saued the grauy, launch it downe the breast with your knife, and cut vp the wings broad like a Shoulder of Mutton: then take a handfull of Parsley, fiue or sixe sprigges of sauory, and as much Time, and a handfull of Raisins of the Sunne without their kernels or stones, mince all together small, then put your Ducke or other fowle afore named into a Pipkin, with as much as halfe a pinte of strong Mutton broth, or fresh Béefe broth: put in a quarter of a pinte of Sacke or White-wine, then put in halfe your Hearbes, and [Page 103]Raisins and grauy of your Ducke into the Pipkin vnto your Ducke, put in six blades of whole Mace, a little Sugar, a graine or two of Salt, let your Ducke boyle, oft turning it, untill it be halfe boyled away: in the meane while, take the other halfe of the Hearbes, and Raisins, mingle them with the white of an Egge, and fry them with a little suet in a pan, in round Cakes like Figges, frye them thorowly and they will be gréen, but burn them not. Then dish vp your Duck vpon Sippets, and powre your broth vpon the toppe, & lay on your round Sippets vpon the breast of your Duck, scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
Another way to boyle small Carpes or Breames.
SCrape your Fish, and put it in a skillet or Pipkin, and halfe a Pinte of faire water and as much White-wine, take the milches and refuse of your Fish, wash thē cleane, and put them again into your fish: then put in fiue or sixe blades of whole Mace, a handful of Parsley clean pickt, a little Sauory, and as much Time stript, a [Page 104]good péece of swéet Butter, a little Sugar: put all these into your fish, and let it boyle vntill it be halfe boyled away, then put in a handfull of Gooseberries or Grapes in clusters, or if you haue neither of both, thē take Barberries, or a sliced Lemmon, and straine the yolkes of thrée Egs with a little Vinegar or White-wine, put it into your broth to thicken it: then Dish vp your fish with any garnishing that you haue, and lay in your fish, and powre the broth vpon it, scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
Another way to boyle a Legge of Mutton or Lambe.
CVt a péece of Kidney suet in square peeces of the bignesse and length of your finger, & then thrust your knife into six or seuen places of the meat, and put your peeces into the holes: boyle your Mutton or Lambe, often turning it, but take heed you ouerboyle it not: then boyle a good handfull of Parsley tender, mince it small with your Knife, then warme a quarter of a pinte of white-Wine Vinegar with a Chafindish of Coales, with a peece of sweet Butter as bigge as an [Page 105]Egge, and put in a few clusters of Barberries, boyled or pickled: then Dish vp your meat vpon sippets, poure this sauce vpon it, and serue it hot.
To boyle Eeles.
FLey and wash your Eeles, and cut them in peeces about a handfull long, couer them in a pot or Pipkin with water, put to them a little Pepper, and Mace beaten, and sixe Onyons in thin slices, a little grated bread, three or foure spoonefuls of Ale-yeast, a good peece of sweete Butter, a handfull of Parsley, a little-Winter-Sauory, and as much Tyme, shred them small, and put them in, and boyle them moderately halfe an houre: as soone as they beginne to boyle, put in a handful of Currans well washt and pickt, and when it is boyled, put in a little Vinegar or Verjuyce, and another peece of sweet Butter, and a little Salt; then lay them vpon sippets, and serue them hot to the Table.
To boyle a Rabbet.
FLey and wash your Rabbet, slit the hinder legs on both sides of the backbone, [Page 106]turne them forward and trusse it, pricke them close to the body of the Rabbet, and set the head right vp, with a prick right downe in the neck, then put it into a pot or Skillet, that you may turne it in and couer it with faire water, and make it to boyle: then season it with a little whole Mace, swéet Butter and Salt, and a few Currans, a handfull of Parsley, a little Winter Sauory and Time, bruised with the back of a Ladle: then scrape a raw Carret, then take the yolkes of two hard Egges, a toast of manchet, straine it with a little Verjuyce thorow a strainer, and put all these into it, both to season it and to thicken it then let it boyle leisurely with often turning it, vntill your broth be halfe boyled away: then put in a little swéet Butter, a little Sugar, and a little more Verjuyce, and then dish it vpon sippets, and powre your broth vpon it, scrape on Sugar and serue it hot to the Table.
To boyle Lamprels.
WAsh your Lamprels, but take not out the Guts, cut them in péeces about an inch long, & put into the pot or posnet twice so much water as wil [Page 107]couer them, season it with Pepper and Salt, thicken it with a few Onyons, & a little grated bread, and a little Ale-yest, then shred a handfull of Parsley, a little winter-Sauory and Tyme small, let all boyle vntill the broth be half boyled away: then put in a good péece of swéet butter, & let them boyle a little more, then serue it either in dishes or in porengers.
To boyle a Necke, or a Loine, or a Chine of Mutton, or to boyle a Necke, or Legge, a Fillet, or a Knuckle of Veale, or to boyle a Legge, or Loine of Lambe.
CVt any of these meates in so big péeces as that two or thrée of them may serue in a Dish, and put them into a Pot, with so much water as will couer them: If you haue one necke of Mutton or Veal, then you may take two handfuls of Parsley, and ten sprigs of Winter-Sauory, & as much of Tyme: then put into these Hearbs twelue reasonable great Onyōs, but if they be small, then take the more, grate in halfe a penny loafe, put into [Page 108]these an ounce of Cloaues and Mace, two or thrée cornes of Pepper, all your spices being beaten small, put in the quantity of one ounce of Sugar, and sixe spoonefulls of Ale-yest, and a little Salt: put all these into your meate when it begins to boyle: then let it boyle moderately vntill it be halfe boyled away, often stirring it that it burne not, then put in fiue or sixe spéenefulls of Vinegar: then you may Dish it in as many Dishes as you sée fitting, according to the occasions: serue it in to the boord hot.
To stew Smelts or Flounders.
PVt your Smelts or Flounders in a déep dish, put to them a quarter of a pinte of Vinegar or white-wine, as much Butter as two Egges, put in a little great Pepper, [...] handfull of Parsley, sixe sprigs of Winter-Sauory and as much of Tyme, shred them, & mince them small in the yolkes of two hard Egges: put in all these when you put in your fish, and let them stew, now & then turning them and your fish, and when you sée them stewed, dish them vpon sippets, and lay on [Page 109]them bunches of pickled barberries, scrape on Sugar, & serue them hot to the table.
To boyle Pigeons on the French fashion.
TRusse your Pigeons ready to be boyled, couer them with water, take two or thrée blades of whole Mace, a handfull of French Capers, a few Raisins of the Sunne, shred small three or foure Dates, broken into quarters, a good péece of swéet Butter, and a little Sugar, let them boyl halfe away, then put in the yolk of a hard Eg minst, a little sweet Butter, three or foure spoonfuls of Vinegar, as your taste shall direct you, more or lesse: garnish your dish with some of your aforesaid Egges, and take out some of your Capers out of your broth, lay them vpon sippets, scrape on Sugar, & serue them hot to the Table.
Another way to boyle a Pike.
TAke out the riuet out of your Pike, and wash it, and cut it in peeces all of a length, three peeces are enough, then take the middle peece and slit it down the [Page 110]back into two péeces, then couer it in the pan or kettle with fair water, and boyl it with a handfull of white Salt and sweet Hearbs, but put not in your fish vntil the water boyl, and then let it swimme before you take it vp, for it is not enough til thē: then take it vp, & lay it vpon sippets with the head and taile, and cut ends both together in the middle of the Dish, then lay your middle péeces on each side one, with the scales vpward: if it be a smal Pike you may take off the scales: but if it be a great one, then let them alone, for they keepe your fish very white: boyl a good handfull of Parsley tender, and mince it fine, & put it into a Pipkin with a quarter of a pinte of Vinegar, and as much sweet Butter as an Egge, eight or nine clusters of Parboyld Barberies, a little Sugar to take away the sharpnesse of your vinegar, poure it vpon your dish of fish hot, but let it not boyle: scrape on Sugar, &c. You may garnish this dish with boyld Parsley, Barberies, and mince also the yolke of an Egge and strew on it.
To boyle Olives of Veale.
CVt a fillet of Veale in thin slices, as broad as your hand, and then beate them with the backe of your chopping Knife, then take two handfuls of Parsley, and halfe a handfull of Rosemary and Tyme, picke them and shred them small, put to them a handfull of Currans, the yolks of two or three hard Egges minst, a little Sugar: work all these with a raw Egge: season your peeces of Veale with Mace, Pepper, Ginger, and Salt: then put your farcing hearbes vpon your thin peeces of Veale, and rowle them vp as big as an Egge, and prick them with a small pricke, and keepe them close, then couer them in a Pipkin with faire water, with a handfull of French Capers, and a handfull of Currans: and the other half of your hearbs: vnderstand that you must put but half your hearbs to your Oliues: then put in a little Pepper, Mace beaten, a little Sugar: boyl all these together, with often turning them that they burn not, and put in a good peece of sweet Butter, Vinegar, and Sugar: dish it vpon sippets and serue it to the Table.
To boyle a Mullet, or a Pike with Oysters.
TAke a faire Mullet or Pike, trusse it round, and set it on a kettle of water, and throw into it a handfull of Salt, and a handfull of sweet Hearbes, and make your water boyle: then tye your Mullet or Pike in a faire cloth, and put it into your boyling liquour, and put it in a pinte of White-Wine Vinegar, and let your fish boyle leisurely vntill it swimme: take the riuet and a pinte of great oysters, and as much Vinegar as their grauy, thrée or foure blades of Mace, a little grosse Pepper: boyle all these in a Pipkin by themselues, vntil your Oysters be boyled, then straine the yolkes of two or thrée Egges with halfe a pinte of Sacke, or White-wine, put in a little Sugar, and another péece of Butter, then put in your Wine and Egges: then dish vp your fish vpon sippets and powre your broth vpon it: scrape on fine Sugar, and serue it hot, &c. With this broth you may stew a Capon, but thē you must take roasted Ches-nuts, being roasted very tender, but not burnt, and stéep them in Sacke or Claret-wine, [...] [Page 113]& put them into your Oysters: then dish vp your Capon vpon sippets, and your broth vpon it: scrape on Sugar, and serue it in hot to the Table.
To boyle a tame Ducke.
COuer your Ducke with faire water in a Pipkin, put in fiue or six blades of Mace, a handful of Raisins of the Sun, fiue or sixe sliced Onyons, a good peece of sweet Butter: when your Ducke is half boyled, put in thrée or four péeces of Marrow, let them boyle vntill your broth bée half boyled away, then put in a little Vinegar: garnish your Dish with parboyld Onyons, and Raisins of the Sunne. Lay your Duck vpon sippets in your garnisht Dish, and poure your broth and Onyons vpon the toppe of your Duck: scrape on Sugar and serue it hot to the Table.
To boyle a rashar of Mutton, or of cold Lambe.
SLice cold Mutton or Lamb into thin slices, and put it into a pewter or earthen Dish, and put to it halfe a pinte of [Page 114]Claret-Wine, a blade or two of Mace, a Nutmeg sliced in round slices, and a little Sugar, a little Butter: stew your Mutton vntill it be thorow hot, and lay your rasher vpon sippets.
To boyle a Knuckle of Veale, or a necke of Mutton.
CVt your Knuckle or neck into péeces, boyle it in a gallon of faire water, put in seuen or eight blades of Mace, as many peeces of whole Cinamon & Nutmegs, ten whole Cloues, a pound of Raisins of the Sunne, the stones pickt out, a pound of Currans, half a pound of French Barley cleane washt, put in all this after that your meat beginneth to seeth, and is scummed. If you boyle a knuckle of veale then you were best, if you haue it, to boyle a Marrow▪ bone with it: but if you boyl a necke of Mutton you need not: boyle all this vntill it come to a pottle, then put in Salt by discretiō, as your taste [...] all direct you, put in halfe a pinte of Claret-Wine, and if it be not sweet enough, you may put in Sugar▪ sippet it, and serue it, &c.
To stew the ribs of a necke of Veale in steakes.
PVt fiue or six ribs of a neck of Veale into a pewter Dish, pricke into euery rib two or three Cloues, put to it halfe a pinte of Mutton or Beefe broth, foure or fiue blades of whole Mace, half a handfull of Currans, three or foure Dates broke in quarters, a little Saffron tide vp in a cloth, a peece of sweet Butter as big as an Egge: stew these halfe away, close couered, turning them often: then put in a little Verjuyce, and lay your steaks vpon sippets, powre your broth on them, scrape on Sugar, and serue them hot to the table.
Bakte Meates, and Kickshawes.
To make a grand Sallet.
TAke buds of al kind of good Hearbs and a handfull of French Capers, seuen or eight Dates cut in long slices, a handful of Raisins of the Sun, the stones being pickt out, a handfull of Almonds blancht, a handfull of Currans, fiue or six figs sliced, a preserued Orenge cut in slices: mingle al these together with a handfull of Sugar, then take a faire Dish fit for a shoulder of Mutton, set a standard of paste in the midst of it, put your aforesaid Sallet about this standard, set vpon your Sallet foure half Lemmons, with the flat ends downward, right ouer against one another, halfe way betwixt your standard, [Page 117]and the dishes side, pricke in euery one of these Lemmons a branch of Rosemary and hang vpon the Rosemary preserued Cherries, or Cherries fresh from the frée: set foure halfe Egges, being roasted hard, betwéene your Lemmons, the flat ends downward, prick vpon your Egges sliced Dates and Almonds: then you may lay another garnish betwéene the brim of the Dish and the Sallet, of quarters of hard Eggs and round slices of Lemmons: then you may garnish vp the brim of the Dish with a preserued Orenge, in long slices, & betwixt euery slice of orenge, a little heap of French Capers. If you haue not a standard to serue in: then take halfe a Lemmon, and a faire branch of Rosemary.
To sowce a Pigge.
CVt off the head of a fair large Pig, and rowle him vp in smal collars like Brawne: boyle it in a kettle of faire water, twice so much as will couer him, put in a handfull of swéet hearbes, and a handfull of white Salt, seauen or eight blades of whole Mace, two or three Nutmegs cut in quarters, three or foure races of [Page 118]Ginger sliced, halfe a pinte of white-wine Vinegar or more: let these boyle vntill your Pigge be very tender, as you may easily know by your owne discretion: then take your Pig vp with a scummer, and lay it vpon a plate vntill it be cold, then boyle your broth again vntil it come to a Gelly, strain it through a Gelly bag into a dish, then take your collars of Pig and pare off the top and the bottome, but ridge them as you doe Brawne, and cut off the skinne round about: set three of them in a dish fitting for them, but let not the one peece touch the other, then put your Gelly warm vpon them, euen vntil they be couered, and so let them stand vntill they be cold, this dish may well returne to the Table three or foure times: the garnishing may be thereunto what you thinke fit or what you haue ready.
To make Puspaste.
TAke a quart of floure, a pound and a halfe of sweet Butter, worke halfe a pound of the Butter into the floure drie, betwixt your hands: then breake into the floure foure Egges, and as much faire water as will wet it, to make it reasonable [Page 119]light paste, then worke it into a péece of a foot long, strew a little floure on the table, that it hang not to, then take it by the end, and beat it wel about the board vntill it stretch long, and then double it, and taking both ends in your hand, beate it again, and doe so fiue or six times, then worke it vp and rowl it abroad, and then take the other pound of Butter, and cut it in thin slices, & spred it all ouer the one halfe of your Paste, with your thumbe, then turne the other halfe ouer your buttered side, and turne in the sides round about vnderneath, then crush it downe with a Rolling-pin, and so worke it fiue or sixe times with your Butter, then you may rowle it broad, & cut it in foure quarters, and if it be not thin enough rowle it thinner in round péeces about the thicknes of your little finger: then take a Dish as broad as your péece of Paste, & strew on a little floure on the dish, then lay on one péece of paste, & you may put into it péeces of Marrow & Hartichoak bottomes or Potato, or Eringus roots: but you must rowl your lumpes of Marrow in the yolkes of raw Egs, and season them with Cinamon, Sugar, Ginger, & a very little [Page 120]Salt: lay this vpon your Paste, then lay your other sheet vpon that dish, and close it round about the brim of your dish with your thumbe: then cut off your round with a Knife close by the brim of the dish, then you may cut it crosse the brim of the dish like virginall keyes, and turne them crosse ouer one another: then bake them in an Ouen, as hot as for small Pyes. In this manner you may make Florentines of Rice, with yolkes of Egges, boyled with Creame: Boyle the yolkes of sixe Egges with halfe a pinte of Cream, keep it with very much stirring, that it burne not, and it will turne thicke, like Curds, but it will be yeilow: then you may season it with Sugar, Cinamon, and a little Nutmeg, three or foure sliced Dates, put into it three or foure peeces of Almond paste, fiue or sixe lumps of Marrow, stirre them vp together, and put them into the Florentine, then bake it in an Ouen, as hot as for Pies. If you haue Rice, boyle it tender in Milke, and a blade or two of Mace, boyle it vntill the Milke be boyled away, then season it with a little Nutmeg, Cinamon, and Sugar, two or three raw Egges, a little Salt, a little Rose-water, [Page 121]a handfull of Currans, three or foure sliced Dates: you may put this in your dish, betwixt two sheets of puft past, and bake it as before. If you haue none of these, then you may take quarters of Pippins, or Peares, the coares taken out, and boyled tender in Claret: Wine, then put them into the Paste, or for want of these, you may take Gooseberries, Cherries, or Damsons, or Apricockes, without the stones, or Prunes: when you sée your past rise vp white in the Ouen, and begin to turne yellow, then take it forth and wash it wish Rose, water and Butter, scrape on fine sugar, and set it into the Ouen again, about a quarter of an houre: then draw it forth, and serue it in.
To roast a Legge of Mutton, or a Cowes Udder.
THrust your Knife into the Legge of Mutton, at the butte end, the length of your finger, then take a peece of Kidney suet, and cut it in long slices & thrust into euery hole of the Legge one of those peeces: pricke on the outside whole Cloaues: then roast your Legge tender, take a hard Lettice, a handfull of Parsley, [Page 122]and boyle them tender, then beate them with the back of your Chopping-knife a crosse, vntill they be as soft as the pulp of an apple: then take a péece of swéet Butter as bigge as an Egge, and a quarter of a pinte of Vinegar, and a spoonefull of powder-Sugar: heat this vpon the fire, and serue it in vnto the Table hot, with your meate. Though this be excellent sawce, yet if you like it not, then you may make a Gallantine thus. Take a little Claret-Wine, and a péece of sweet Butter, grated bread, a little beaten Cinamon, and Ginger, a little Sugar, two or thrée cloues, a branch of Rosemary: set all these on the fire vntill they boyle, and then put it in to the Legge, or Vdder, and serue it hot to the Table.
To make an Olive Pie to be eaten hot.
CVt the flesh of a Legge of Veal into slices, as broad as your hand, & beat it a crosse with the backe of a chopping-Knife: then take two handfuls of Parsly, seuen or eight sprigs of Winter-Sauory, as many of Tyme: strip these small, and let there be no stalkes in them, then shred [Page 123]them and put vnto them the yolkes of three or foure hard Egges minst small: season your meat with Ginger, Nutmeg, Salt, and Sugar: put to your Hearbes a little Sugar, and a handfull of Currans: lay your hearbes vpon your slices of Veale beaten and seasoned: then rowle euery péece into an Oliue of the bignesse of an Eg, and lay them into a Coffin fit for your meat, and strew on them the rest of your hearbes, and a few Currans, thrée or four sliced Dates, thrée or foure blades of whole Mace, a little Sugar, put in halfe a pound of sweet Butter, cut in slices, close vp the Pie, and bake it in an Ouen, as hot as for Manchet: halfe an houre before you serue it to the boord, put in a little white-wine or Vinegar, wash ouer your Pie with a little Rose-water and Butter, and strew vpon it hard Sugar and floure beaten together: if any place grow presently drie, wet it againe with Rose-water and Butter, and set it into the Ouen againe, and within a quarter of an hour it will be crisp like yce: then draw it forth, and serue it hot to the Table.
To roast a shoulder of Mutton to serve for either Dinner or Supper.
ROast it with a quick fire that the fat may drop away, and when you think it halfe roasted, set a Dish vnder it, and flash it with a Knife a crosse, as you doe Porke, but you must cut it downe to the bone on both the sides, let al the grauy run into the dish, baste it no more after you haue cut it, put vnto the grauy halfe a pinte of White-wine Vinegar, a bandfull of French Capers, a dozen Raisins of the sun, the stones being pickt out, fiue or six Dates broken in quarters, fiue or six Oliues sliced, fiue or sixe blades of Mace, a handfull of powder Sugar, stew all these vntill they be half stewed away: then dish your Shoulder, and powre this sawce on the top of the meate, throw on Salt, and serue it hot to the Table.
To bake a Chicken Pie to be eaten hot.
TRusse four or fiue Chickens fit to be bakte, season them with Nutmegge, Pepper, Salt, and Sugar, put them [Page 125]into a fit Coffin: then season seuen or eight lumpes of Marrow, with Nutmeg, Cinamon, Salt and Sugar, rowle it in yolkes of hard Egges, it will kéepe them from dissoluing: lay your marrow vpon the Chickens, and the yolkes of thrée or four hard Egges broken in quarters, fiue or sixe blades of whole Mace, as many quartered Dates, a little Sugar, halfe a pound of swéet Butter: close vp your Pie, and set it in an Ouen as hot as for Manchet, and in one houre it will be bakte, draw it forth, and wash it with Rosewater and Butter, and strew on floure, and Sugar, beaten together, and set it again into the Ouen a quarter of an houre, it will be like yce: then draw it forth, and put in a little Sacke, or Muscadine, and so serue it hot to the Table.
To roast a Neates tongue to be eaten hot.
BOyle a faire Neates tongue tender, blanch it and lard it on one side, prick in some Cloues: then cut out the meat at the great end; and mince it with a little dubbing suet, as much as an Egge, then season it with a little Nutmeg, and Mace, [Page 126]and Sugar, thrée or foure Dates minst, a handfull of Currans, halfe a preserued Orenge minst small, about halfe a graine of Muske: work vp your meat with the yolkes of two raw Egges, and stuffe it hard into the Tongue; then pinne ouer the end a péece of a Caule of Veale, or a skinny peece of Beefe suet, then put it on a small spit, thorow both ends, set a Dish vnder the meat to saue the grauy, baste it with sweet Butter, and put to the grauy a little Sacke, or Muscadine and the yolk of an hard Egge minst, and the coare of a Lemmon minst: when your Neates Tongue is roasted take it vp, and put it in a dish fitting for it, and put a little Sugar into the sawce, and powre it all ouer the Tongue, and serue it hot to the Table.
To bake a Neates Tongue to be eaten hot.
BOyle a fair Neates Tongue tender: season it as you read before in the roasted tongue: then lay in the tongue into a Coffin, made of the same fashion. Lay on it fiue or six blades of whole Mace, three or foure quartered Dates, a little Orenge cut into slices, the coare of a Lemmon [Page 127]sliced, half a pound of sweet Butter, a little Sugar, close vp your Pie, and put it into an Ouen, as hot as for Manchet: if you see it colour too fast, then take down the Ouen lid: but if too slow, then lay a few coales in the Ouens mouth, in an houre and halfe it will be bakte: then take a little Sacke or Muscadine, and the juyce of a Lemmon, half a graine of Muske, a little Sugar, the yolkes of two or three raw Egges, a little sweete Butter: set this on a chafindish of coales, and stirre it, that the Egges curdle not, vntill the Butter be melted, then draw it out, and cut it vp, and put in your caudle, scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
To roast a Pigge with a Pudding in his belly.
FLey a fat Pigge, and trusse his head backward, looking ouer his backe, lay him in a very faire Dish, for soyling: then temper as much stuffe for a Pudding, as you think wil fill his belly, you must temper your pudding with grated bread, half a pound of dubbing suet minst, a handfull of Currans, foure or fiue Dates minst, Cloaues, Mace, Nutmegs, and Ginger, [Page 128]beaten, of each alike, and a little Sugar, and a very little Salt, you must wet your pudding with two Egges, and a little Rosewater and swéet Creame, as much as will wet your pudding so stiffe, as that if you lay it vpon a Trencher, it will not runne abroad: then put it into the belly of the Pigge, and prick vp the belly close, spit it, and roast it: and when it is almost roasted, wring vpon it the juyce of a Lemmon: and when you are ready to take it vp, take the yolkes of foure or fiue new-laid Egges, a handfull of feathers, wash the Pigge with the yolkes of Egges, and while you are a washing the Pigge, let some other body bread it after you, before the Egges be hard: mingle amongst your bread a little Ginger, Pepper, and Nutmeg: let your sawce be Vinegar, Butter, and Sugar, and the yolke of a hard Egge minst: so serue it in vpon your sawce hot to the Table.
To bake a Pigge to be eaten hot.
FLey a small fat Pigge, cut it in quarters or in smaller péeces, season it with Pepper, Ginger, and Salt: lay it into a [Page 129]fit Coffin, strip and mince smal a handfull of Parsley, sixe sprigs of Winter-Sauorie, strew it on the Meat in the Pie, and strew vpon that the yolks of thrée or four hard Egges minst, and lay vpon them fiue or sixe blades of Mace, a handfull of clusters of Barberries, a handfull of Currans well washt and pickt, a little Sugar, halfe a pound of sweet Butter, or more: close your Pye, and set it in an Ouen, as hot as for Manchet: and in two houres it will be Bakte: then draw it forth and put in half a pinte of Vinegar, and Sugar, being warmed vpon the fire, poure it all ouer the meat, and put on the Pie-lid again: scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
Another way to roast a Legge of Mutton.
LArde a faire large Legge of Mutton, a finger déepe with the kidney suet, cut long wise like ones finger: prick in some Cloues, and roast it with a quicke fire: when you think it halfe roasted, cut off some of the vnderside of the flesh end, into thinne slices: then take halfe a pinte of great Oysters, and the grauy of them, [Page 130]three or foure blades of whole Mace, a péece of swéet Butter, as big as an Egge, a quarter of a pinte of Vinegar, a spoonfull of Sugar: put all these into your slices of Mutton, which you cut off the Legge, and stew them together in a Pipkin vntil the liquor be half consumed: then dish vp your Mutton being very well roasted, and pour the sawce vpon the top of it: strew Salt about it, and serue it hot to the Table.
To bake a steake Pie of the ribs of Mutton, to be eaten hot.
CVt a necke of Mutton betwixt euery ribbe, beate euery ribbe with a Cleuer flatlings, it will make the Mutton to eate short: then season it with Pepper and Salt, and put it in a Coffin, lay on thrée or foure blades of whole Mace, halfe a pound of sweete Butter, close vp your Pie, and set it into an Ouen, as hot as for Manchet, in two houres it will be bakte: but in the meane time boyle a good handfull of good Parsley very tender, beate it as soft as the pulp of an Apple, put in a quarter of a pinte of Vinegar, and as [Page 131]much White-wine or Sack, but White-wine is the better, a little sweet Butter, two spoonefuls of Sugar, put your Parsley into this liquour, heate it but warm: then you may cut vp your Pie, and poure this sawce all ouer the steakes: shake it well vpon your peele, to make the sawce and the grauy mingle together: then lay on your lidde againe, scrape on fine Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
To roast a Neck of Mutton.
CVt away the scragge end of a large neck of Mutton, and put a couple of pricks thorow the best end, roast it with a quicke fire, but scorch it not, baste it with sweet Butter, then wring in the juyce of halfe a Lemmon: when it is halfe roasted, saue the grauy in a dish, being put vnder the meate for the same purpose, and then baste it againe with sweete Butter, and wring in the juyce of the other halfe of the Lemmon: bread it with a little Manchet mingled with beaten Nutmeg & Cloaues, put it into a warme Dish, and put in the grauy that dropt from it: this is a sawce both wholesome, and toothsome.
To make a Hartichoake-Pie to be eaten hot.
TAke the bottomes of foure well boyled Hartichoakes, season them with Nutmeg, Pepper, Salt, and Sugar, then lay them in a Coffin, in each corner one: then lay the Marrow of foure or fiue Marrow-bones (as whole as you can get them) in warme water to take away the rednesse, dry them, and season them with Cinamon, Ginger, Sugar, and Salt, rowle them vp in the yolkes of raw Egges, and lay them vpon your Hartichoakes, and here and there the yolk of an hard Egge, some whole, some in halues, as your eye shall aduise you, strew on them the rest of the seasoning: lay vpon them fiue or fixe Dates broken in quarters, fiue or sixe blades of whole Mace and a little Sugar, put almost a pound of sweet Butter on the top of all: close your Pye, and set it into an Ouen as hot as for Manchet, in an houre or little more it will be bakte: if your Ouen be ouer hot, it will dissolue your Marrow, or dry it vp: draw it forth when it hath stood an houre, put in a little Sacke or Muscadine, wet it with Rosewater [Page 133]and Butter, strew on it a little floure and Sugar beaten together, and set it into the Ouen againe, in a qua [...]ter of an houre it will be hard, and cris [...] like yee: draw it forth & serue it hot to the Table.
To roast a Shoulder, or Hanch of Venison, or a Chine of Mutton.
TAke any of these meates, lard them with French larde, and pricke them thicke with Rose-mary, roast them with a quicke fire, but burn them not, baste them with swéet Butter: take halfe a pinte of Claret-wine, a little beaten Cinamon and Ginger, two spoone fulls of Sugar, fiue or sixe whole Cloues, a branch of Rosemary, a little swéet Butter, a handfull of grated bread: let all these boyle together, vntill it be as thick as Water-grewell, then put in a little Rose-water and Muske, it will make your Gallentine taste very pleasantly, put it in a fitting dish: draw off your meate, and lay it into the dish, strew it with Salt.
To make Chewets of Veale.
PArboyle two pound of the leane flesh of a Legge of Veale, so, as that it may be eaten: pare off the outside and mince the meat so small as grated bread, then mince sixe pound of Beefe suet, as small as the meat, but you must first pick out the kernels, and the skinnes, mingle them so together, as that you can see no meate in the suet: then mince a quarter of a pound of Dates small, take a quarter of a pound of Biskets and Carrawaies, two pound of Currans cleane washt and pickt, and dride in a fair cloath: season your meate with a little Cloaues and Mace, Nutmegge, and twice so much Cinamon as any of the other, all by discretion, the fourth part of a pinte of damaske Rosewater, almost half a pound of Sugar, then stirre vp your meat, that it be seasoned in all places alike, the least taste of Salt that may be is enough: then raise such Pies as you may put nine or ten of them in a dish, fashion them somewhat long, and raise them higher then an ordinary Pie, fill them as full as you can [Page] [Page] [Page 135]without disfashioning of them, with thrusting out the sides, close them with very thinne liddes, bake them in an Ouen as hot as for other Pies, in halfe an houre they will be bakte: draw them out, and scrape on Sugar, and serue them hot to the Table.
To roast a Capon with Oysters, and Chestnuts.
BOyle and pill nine or tenne Chestnuts, put them hot into Claret-wine, parboyle as many great Oysters, spit a Capon to be roasted, put the Chestnuts and the Oysters into the belly of the Capon, and stop them in with swéet Butter, roast it with as hot a fire as you can, but burne it not: baste it with sweet Butter, so soone as it droppes, saue the grauie: parboyle twenty Chestnuts, and twice so many great Oysters, take halfe a pinte of Claret-wine, and a péece of swéet Butter, & a little grosse Pepper, stew the Oysters and parboyld Chestnuts in the Wine, with Butter, vntill it be halfe consumed: then put the grauie of the Capon into your sawce, and the sawce into a faire Dish: bread vp your Capon, [Page 136]and lay it on the sawce, sprinckle Salt, and serue it in hot to the Table.
To bake a Quince or a Warden Pie, so as the fruit may be red, and the crust pale and tender.
PAre faire pear Quinces or Wardens, and set them into an earthen panne, with the crownes vpward, put to them a little Claret-wine, and a grain of Muske or more, according to the quantity of the fruit, put in a little Sugar, couer them close with a shéet of Paste, set them into a Bakers Ouen with wheaten bread, but not houshold bread, for then they will be burnt and dry: when they haue stood thrée or foure houres in the Ouen, they will be very red and tender, then you may kéepe them a wéeke or more for use: when you haue occasion to make your Pie, take Butter, and the yolkes of Egges, and make short Paste, & raise a Coffin fit for your stuffe, one by another, put in whole Cloues, and a little whole Cinamon, poure in some sirrup from their former baking, or if you want it, then put in Claret-wine, [Page 137]and more Sugar, set them in an ouen as hot as for Pies, and in one hour they will be bakte, and your fruit orient red. Remember before your first baking, that you coare your Quinces.
To roast a Shoulder or a Fillet of Veale with farcing hearbes.
VVAsh your meate, and parboyle it a little, striptwo handfull of Parsley, Winter Sauory a handfull, and some Tyme: mince these hearbes small, put to them the yolkes of thrée or foure hard Egges minst, Nutmeg, and Pepper, Currans a good handfull, worke all these with the yolke of a raw Egge: make holes as déep as your finger all ouer your meate, fill them with the Hearbes: roast it with a quicke fire, let the grauy of the Hearbes droppe on the Hearbes left, baste your meat with swéet Butter: when it is almost roasted, put the hearbs and grauy to a quarter of a pinte of White-wine Vinegar, and a good spoonefull of Sugar, let them boyle vntill you take vp the meate, and when it is in a [...]it [Page 138]dish, powre the fawce all ouer the meate, and strew it with Salt, and serue it hot to the Table.
To fry Calves feet, or Trotters.
SHred a handfull of yong Parsley very small, and beate it betwéene thrée or foure raw Egges, season it with a little Nutmeg and Sugar, a corne of Pepper, and a little Salt: boyle your féet tender, and slit them in halues, rowle three of these halues into the aforesaid Parsly and Egges: heate your frying panne with sweet Butter, or suet, slide youre féet and Egges with the flat side downeward, when the Butter is hot: if you haue any Currans, put a handfull into your Egges and Parsley, they wil ask no more frying then an Egge: when the vnder side is yellow, turne them euery one by it selfe, as you doe Egges, Dish them vpon sippets, with that side outward that you fryd first, boyle young Parsly tender, and beate it vntill it be like the pulp of a roasted Apple, put to it a quarter of a pinte of Vinegar, two spoonefuls of Sugar, a peece of swéet Butter, heat them well, and powre [Page 139]them on the féete, scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
Buttred Loaves.
SEason a pottle of floure with Cloues, Mace, and a little Pepper, mingle it with Milke warme from the Cow, take halfe a pound of sweete Butter melted, halfe a pinte of Ale-yest, two or three raw Egges, temper your floure with these things, to the temper of Manchet paste, then make them vp in little Manchets about the bignesse of an Egge, flat them, cut them and pricke them, set them on a paper, and bake them like Manchet, let the Ouen-lidde be downe: but if something be in the Ouen that requireth longer or more heats, then couer them with a paper, in an houre they will be thorowly soakt: then melt a pound of sweet Butter, with some Rose-water in it, draw forth your loaues, and pare away the crusts, slit them thorow betwixt the top and the bottome, in two places, and they will be like three round toasts: put them into the melted Butter, & turn them ouer and ouer in the Butter, then take a warme Dish, and put in the bottom [Page]péeces of the loaues, strew on Sugar of a good thicknesse, then set on the middle péeces, and serue them likewise: lastly put on the tops, and scrape on Sugar on them also: so you may set on thrée, foure, fiue, sixe, or more in a dish. If you be not ready to send them in, then set them in the Ouens mouth, with a paper ouer them, to kéepe them from drying.
To fry sheepes tongues, Deeres tongues, or Calves tongues.
BReake thrée or foure Egges with Nutmeg, Cinamon, Sugar, and Salt, put to them a handfull of Currans: pill the Tongues, and slice them in thinne slices, put them into your Egges: and when your Frying pan is hot with Butter, or sweet lard, cut the coare of a Lemmon in square péeces, like dice, and put it in to your Egges and tongues, but not before you be ready to put the meat into the pan, for then it will make them curdle: then frye them in spoonefulls like Egges on both sides, the least burning takes away all the good tast of al the other things: fry them, and dish them vpon sippets, or [Page]vpon thinne Manchet toasts fride with swéet Butter. Let your sawce be Sacke, or White-wine, sweet Butter, and Sugar, heate it hot, and poure it on the top of your Tongues: scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
Boyled Sallets.
SCrape boyld Carrets, being ready to eate, and they will be like the pulp of a roasted Apple, season them with a little Cinamon, Ginger, and Sugar, put in a handfull of Currans, a little Vinegar, a peece of swéet Butter, put them into a Dish, but first put in another péece of butter, that they burne not to the bottome: then stew your rootes in the Dish a quarter of an houre: if they beginne to be drie, put in more Butter: if they be too sweet, put in a little more Vinegar. The same way you may make a Sallet of Béetes, Spinnage, or Lettice boyled: beat any of these tender, like the pulp of a roasted Apple, and vse them as before shewed.
A bakte Pudding after the Italian fashion.
PAre off the crusts from a penny white loafe, cut it in square péeces like dice, put to it halfe a pound of dubbing suet minst small, halfe a pound of Raisins of the Sun, the stones taken out, two Ounces of Sugar, fiue or sixe sliced Dates, a graine of Muske, fiue or sixe lumpes of Marrow: season these with Cloaues, Mace, Nutmeg, and Salt, but a very little Salt is sufficient, beat a couple of Egges, with foure or fiue spoonefuls of Creame, powre it vpon your seasoned bread, and stirre it very gently for breaking, so as the péeces may be but wet, but not so wet that you can sée any moysture in them: lay a Pome water in the bottome of the Dish, or some other soft Apple pared, and sliced thinne, put your Pudding also vpon the Apple, and so set the Dish into an Ouen, as hot as for Manchet, or small Pies, when you sée it rise yellow, take downe your Ouen lidde to coole your Ouen, it will be bakte in halfe an houre: if the Ouen be too hot, it will be burnt, if it be too [Page 143]cold, it will be too heauy: when it is bakte draw it forth, and scrape on Sugar, and serue it hot to the Table.
To make Puffes.
SEt the best new Milke together, as a Chéese is made with Runnet, and when it is runne, take the Curds, and straine the Whey cleane from them, then season your Curds with a little Ginger, Cinamon, Sugar, and Nutmegge, put in a little Rosewater, Muske and one Egge, but the yolkes of two: temper it with as much fine flower as will make it leeth paste, as leeth as you can worke it, then butter a white Paper, make them into flat balls, about the bignesse of a great table man, and set them into an Ouen as hot as for Manchet, vpon the buttered paper, or rather the Ouen must be as hot as for small Pies: a quarter of an houre after, you may take them out, and dipp them in Butter melted with Rose-water, scrape on fine Sugar, and set them into the Ouen againe: beware of burning them: when you sée time, draw them again [Page 144]and put as many of them in a Dish as you thinke fit: they will shine, and be crispe.
Blancht Manchet, to be made in a Frying-pan.
BReake eight or nine Egges, take away the whites of foure of them, beat them, with halfe a pinte of sweet Creame: put to them halfe a penny Manchet grated, and put to it two ounces of Sugar beaten, Nutmeg and Mace, a little Rose-water: fry these with swéet Butter, euen as you would fry a Tansey: but let it be a small frying-pan, that it may bée the thicker, beware you burn it not: and when it is fride, wash it ouer with a little Sack, and the juyce of a Lemmon: scrape on Sugar, and serue it in hot vpon a plate, euen as a Tansey.
To make Peascods, or Dolphins of Marrow, or of a roasted kidney of Veale.
SEason parboyld Marrow with Sugar, Cinamon, and Ginger, rowle it vp in [Page 145]the yolke of a raw Egge: then take a péece of short paste rowled very thin, then floure your Dolphin or Peascod mold, & lay your péece of paste vpon it, then fill the mould vpon the paste with your Marrow, or roast kidney minst, and seasoned with the aforesaid seasoning, and faire parboyld Currans, being wrought with the yolke of a raw Egge: when you haue filled your moulds with either of these meates vpon the paste, round about close by the meate, then lay another sheet of paste on the meate, and close it downe with your finger to the wet paste, then pinch off the paste close by the mould with your Thumbe, and then turne out your Dolphins or Peascods vpon a paper, then frye them with a good deale of swéet Suet, but let your Suet be hot before you put them in, or else it will make your Paste, heauy: when you haue fryde them on the one side, turne the other, but frie that side last that you serue vpward vnto the Table: then take them out of that hot Larde, and dish them vpon a warme Dish and plate, scrape on Sugar, and set it against the fire, or in a warme Ouen, that you may serue them hot, for if you let [Page 146]them lie still in the Frying-pan, they will drinke vp the suet, and be both heauy, and of an ill taste: take heed also in any wise that you turne them off, for they will endure no hot fire.
To make a Livery Pudding.
BOyle a Hogges liuer very drie, when it is cold grate it, and take as much grated Manchet as Liuer, sift them thorow a course Siue or Collinder, and season it with Cloaues, Mace, Cinamon, and as much Nutmeg as of all the other, halfe a pound of Sugar, a pound and half of Currans, halfe a pirite of Rose-water, two pound of Beefe Suet minst small, eight Egges, put away the whites of foure: temper your Bread and Liuer with these Egges, Rose-water, and as much sweet Cream as will make it something stiffe: then cut the small guts of a Hogge about a foot long, fill them about thrée quarters full of the aforesaid stuffe, tie both ends together and boyl them in a kettle of faire water, with a pewter Dish, vnder them, with the bottome vpward, & [Page 147]it will kéepe your Puddings from breaking: when the water seetheth put in your Puddings, let them boyle softly a quarter of an houre, and take them vp: an so you may kéep them in a drie trug a weeke or more: when you spend them, you must broyle them.
To make Rice Puddings.
BOyle halfe a pound of Rice with three pintes of Milke, a little beaten Mace, boyl it vntill your Rice be dry, but neuer stirre it, but if you chaunce to stirre it, then you must stirre it continually or else it will burne: powre your Rice into a Collinder, or else into a strainer, that the moisture may runne cleane from it: then put to it sixe Egges, and put away the whites of three, halfe a pound of Sugar, a quarter of a pinte of Rose-water, a pound of Currans, a pound of Beefe suet shred small, season it with Nutmeg, Cinamon, and a little Salt, stirre all this together with a spoon thinne, drie the smallest guts of a Hog in a faire cloth being watered and scoured fit for the Puddings, and fill them [Page 148]thrée quarters full, and tye both ends together, let them boyle softly a quarter of an hour or scarce so much, and let the water boyle before you put them in, and doe as in the other Pudding last spoken of.
LONDON, Printed by M. F. for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in S t Dunstans Churchyard in Fleetstreet. 1641.
Tearmes of a Carver.
BReak that Déere, leach that Brawne, rear that Goose, lift that Swan, sawce that Capon, spoil that Hen, frush that Chicken, vnbrace that Mallard: vnlace that Cony, dismember that Herne, display that Crane, disfigure that Peacock, vnjoynt that Bitturne, vntatch that Curlew, allay that Fesant, wing that Partrich, wing that Quaile, mince that Plouer, thie that Pigeon, border that Pastie, thie that Woodcock, thie all manner of small Birds.
Timber the Fire, tire that Egge, chine that Salmon, string that Lampry, splat that Pike, sawce that Plaice, sawce that Tench, splay that Breme, side that Haddock, tuske that Barbell, culpon that [Page 152]Troute, finne that Cheuine, transen that Eele, tranch that Stugio, vndertranch that Porpas, tame that Crab, barbe that Lobster.
The office of the Butler and Pantler, Yeoman of the Cellar and Ewry.
THou shalt be Butler and Pantler all the first year, and yée must haue thrée pantry Kniues, one Knife to square Trencher-loaues, another to be a Chipper, the third shall be sharpe for to make smoothe Trenchers: then chip your Soueraignes bread hot, and all other bread let it be a day old, houshould bread three dayes old, Trencher-bread foure dayes old, then look your Salt be white and drye, the powder made of Iuory two inches broad, & three inches long: and looke that your Saltceller lidde touch not the Salt: then looke your table cloathes, towells and napkins be faire foulded in a chest or hanged vpon a pearch, thou looke your Table-kniues be faire polished, and your spoones cleane, then looke you haue two Tarriors, a more and a lesse, and wine cannels of boxe, made according, and a sharp gimlet and faucets: [Page 153]And when ye set a Pipe on broach, doe thus, set it foure fingers broad aboue the neather chine vpward a staunt, & then shall the lees neuer arise. Also look ye haue in all seasons Butter, Cheese, Apples, Peares, Nuts, Plums, Grapes, Dates, Figs and Raisins, Compost, green Ginger, Chard, and Quince. Serue fasting, Butter, Plums, Damsons, Cherries, & Grapes: After meate Peares, Nuts, Strawberries, Huttleberries and hard Cheese: Also Blandrels, or Pippins with Carrawaies in Confects: after Supper roasted Apples and Peares, with blancht powder, & hard Cheese: beware of Cow-creame and of Strawberries, Huttleberries, Iuncat for Cheese will make your Soueraigne sick, but let him eate hard Cheese.
Hard Cheese hath these operations: it will keepe the stomach open. Butter is wholesome first and last, for it will doe away all poysons: Milke, Creame, and Iuncate they will close the Maw, and so doth a posset, beware of greene Sallets, and raw fruits, for they will make your Soueraigne sicke, therefore set not much [Page 154]by such meates as will set your teeth on edge, therefore eate an Almond and hard Cheese. Also of diuers drinkes if their fumositiues haue displeased your Soueraigne, let him eat a raw Apple, and the fumositiues will cease.
Measure is a merry meane, and if it be well used, Abstinence is to bee praised when God therewith is pleased.
Also take good heed of your wines euery night with a candle, both redde Wine, and sweet Wine, and looke they reboyle nor leake not, and wash the pipe heads euery night with cold water, and looke yee haue a clenching iron, ads, and linnen cloathes if need be, and if they reboyle, ye shall know by the hissing, therefore keep an emptied Pipe with thelees of coloured Rose, and draw the reboyled Wine to the lees, and it shall helpe it, and if the sweete Wine pale, draw it into a Romney Vessell for leesing.
Also looke your compost be faire and clean, and your Ale fiue daies old ere men drinke it, then keep your house of office clean, and be courteous to answer to each person, and looke yee giue no person no paide drinke, for it will breed the scab.
And when yée lay the cloth, wipe the boord cleane with a cloth, then lay a cloth (a couch it is called) take your fellow the one end, and hold you the other end, then draw the cloth straight, the bought on the vtter edge, take the vtter parts and hand it eauen, then take the third cloth and lay the bought on the inner edge, and lay estate with the vpper part halfe a foot broad, then couer the Cuphoord and thine Ewry, with the Towel of Diaper, then take thy Towell about thy neck, and lay the one side of the Towell vpon thy left arme, and thereon lay your Soueraignes Napkin, and lay on thine arme seauen Loaues of Bread, with thrée or foure Trencher Loaues, with the end of the Towel in the left hand, as the manner is, then take thy Salt-celler in thy left hand, and take the end of the Towell in your right hand to beare in Spoones and Kniues, then set your Salt on the right side where your Soueraigne shall sit, and on the left side your Salt, set your Trenchers, then lay your Kniues, and set your Bread one Loafe by anothers, and your Spoones, and your Napkin faire foulded beside your Bread, then couer your [Page 156]bread and trenchers, spoones and Kniues, and at euery end of the Table, set a Saltseller, with two trencher Loaues, and if yée will wray your Soueraignes Bread stately, yée must square and proportion your Bread, and sée that no Loafe bee more then another, and then shall yée make your wrapper mannerly: then take a Towell of reines, of two yards and a halfe, and take the Towell by the ends double, and lay it on the Table, then take the end of the bought, a handfull in your hand, wrap it hard, then lay the end so wrapped betwéene two Towels, vpon that end so wrapped. This being done, lay your bread bottome to bottome, sixe or seauen loaues, then sée you set your Bread mannerly in good forme, and when your Soueraignes Table is thus arrayed, couer all other boords with Salt, Trenchers and Cups: also sée thine Ewry be arrayed with Basons and Ewers, and water hot and cold, and sée ye haue Napkins, Cups, Spoones, and sée your Pots for Wine and Ale be made cleane, and to the surnape make the curtesie with a cloth vnder a faire double napry: then take the Towels end next you, and the vtter end of [Page 157]the Cloth on the vttter side of the Table, and hold these thrée ends at once, and fould them at once, that a pleat passe not a foot broad, then lay it euen where it should lie: and after meat wash with that, that is at the right end of the Table, yee must guide it out, and the Marshall must conuey it and looke to each cloath, the right side be outward, and draw it straight: then must yee raise the vpper part of the Towell, and lay it without any groaning, and at euery end of the Towell yee must conuey halfe a yard that the Sewer may take estate reuerently, and let it be, & when your Soueraigne hath washed, draw the surnape eauen, then beare the surnape to the middest of the boord, and take it vp before your Soueraigne, and beare it into the Ewry againe, and when your Soueraigne is set, looke your Towell be about your necke, then make your Soueraigne curtesie, then vncouer your Bread and lay it by the Salt, and lay your Napkin, Knife, and spoone afore him, then kneele on your knee till the purpaine passe eight Loaues, and looke yee set at the ends of the Table foure Loaues at a Messe, and see that euery person haue a Napkin and a Spoone, and [Page 158]waite well to the Sewer how many Dishes be couered, and so many cups couer yée, then serue yée forth the Table mannerly, that euery man may speak of your courtesie.
Of the Sewing of Flesh.
THe Sewer must Sew, and from the boord conuey all manner of pottages, meates and sawces, and euery day commune with the Cook, and vnderstand and wit how many Dishes shall be, and speak with the Pantlers and Officers of the Spicerie for fruites that shall be eaten fasting. Then goe to the boord of Sewing, and sée ye haue Officers ready to conuey, and seruants for to bear your Dishes. Also if the Marshall, Squires, and Sergeants of Armes be there, then serue forth your Soueraigne without blame.
FIrst set yée forth Mustard & Brawn, Pottage, Béef, Mutton, stewed Pheasant, Swan, Capon, Pig, Venison, Hake, [Page] [Page] [Page 159]Custard, Leach, and Lombard, Fruter, vaunt, with a subtilty two pottages blanch manger and gelly. For standard Venison, roast Kid, Fawne, and Come, Bustard, Storke, Crane, Peacock with his taile, Hernesew, Bitturne, Woodcock, Partrich, Plouer, Rabbets, great Birds, Larks, Doucets, Pampuffe, white Leach, Amber, Gelly, Creame of Almonds, Curlew, Brew, Snite, Quaile, Sparrow, Martinet, Pearch in Gelly, pety Peruis, Quince bakte, Leach Dewgard, Fruter, Fage, Blandrels or Pippins with Caraway in Confects, Wafers and Ipocras, they be agreeable. Now this feast done, voyd yee that Table.
Of the Carving of flesh.
THe Caruer must know the Caruing, and the faire handling of a Knife, and how he shall fetch all manner of Fowle: your Knife must be faire, and your hands must be cleane, and passe not two fingers and a Thumbe vpon your Knife. In the middest of your hand set the haft sure, vnlassing the mincing with two Fingers and Thumbe, Caruing of Bread, laying and voyding of Crums with two Fingers [Page 160]and a Thumbe: looke yee haue the care, set neuer on Fish, Flesh, Beast nor Fowle, more then two fingers and a Thumbe, then take your loafe in your left hand, and hold your knife surely, enbrew not the Table cloth, but wipe vpon your Napkin, then take your Trencher-loaf in your left hand and with the edge of your Table-knife take vp the Trenchers as nigh the point as you may, then lay foure Trenchers to your Soueraigne one by an other, and lay thereon other foure Trenchers, or else twaine, then take a Loafe in your left hand and pare the loafe round about, then cut the ouer crust to your Soueraigne, & cut the neather crust and voyd the paring, and touch the Loaf no more after it is so serued, then clense the table that the Sewer may serue your Soueraigne.
Yee must also know the fumosities of Fish, Flesh, and Foules, and all manner of Sawces according to their appetites, these be the fumosities: Salt, soure, restie, fat, fryed, sinewes, skinnes, hony, croupes, young feathers, heads, pigeons bones, and all manner of legges of beasts and fowles to the other side, for these be fumosities, lay them neuer to your Soueraigne.
TAke your Knife in your hand and cut Brawne in the Dish as it lyeth, and lay on your Soueraignes Trencher, and see there be Mustard.
Venison with furmity is good for your Soueraigne, touch not the Venison with your hand, but with your Knife, cut it out into the furmity, doe in the same wise with Peason and Bacon, Beefe, Hen and Mutton: pare the Beefe, cut the Mutton and lay to your Soueraigne: beware of fumosities, salt, sinew, fat, resty, and raw. In Sirrup, Phesant, Partrich, Stockedoue, Chickens, in the left hand take them by the Pinion, and with the forepart of your Knife lift vp your wings, then mince it into the sirrup, beware of skin, raw and sinew: Goose, Teale, Mallard and Swan, raise the Legges, then the wings, lay the body in the midst or in any other Platter, the wings in the middest, and the Legges after, lay the Brawne between the legges and the wings in the platter: Capon or Hen of Greece, lift the Legges, then the wings, and cast on wine or ale, then mince [Page 162]the wing and giue your Soueraigne: Fesant, Partridge, Plouer, or Lapwing, raise the wings and after the legges, Wood-cocke, Bitturn, Egrit, Snite, Curlew and Hernesew, vnlace them, breake off the Pinions, and breake the neck, then raise the legges, and let the féet be on still, then the wings. A Crane, raise the wings first, and beware of the trump in his brest, Peacock Storke, Bustard, and Shouillard, vnlace them as a Crane, and let the féet be on stil, Quaile, Sparrow, Larke, Martinet, Pigeon, Swallow and Thrush, the legs first, then the wings: Fawne, Kid, and Lamb, lay the Kidney to your Soueraigne, then lift vp the Shoulder, and giue to your Soueraigne, a ribbe. Venison roast, cut it in the Dish, and lay it to your Soueraigne: a Conny, lay him on the backe, cut away the vents betwéene the hinder legges, breake the carnell bone, then raise the sides, then lay the Conny on the wombe, on each side the chine, the two sides departed from the Chine, then lay the bulke, Chine, and sides in the Dish: also yee must mince foure Lesses to one morsell of meate, that your Soueraigne may take it in the sawce. All bakte meates that be hot-open them aboue [Page 163]the Coffin, and all that be cold open them in the midway. Custard, cheek them inch square, that your Soueraigne may eate Doucets, pare away the sides and the bottome, beware of fumositiues, Fruter, vaunt, Fruters they say be good, better is Fruter Pouch, Apple Fruters be good hot, and all cold touch not. Tansey, is good hot. Worts of grewell, of Beefe, or of Mutton is good, Gilly, Mortrus, Creame of Almonds, Blanch-Manger, Iussell and Charlet, Cabbage and vmbles of a Deere be good, and all other pottage beware of.
Sawces for all manner of Fowles.
MVstard is good with Brawn, Beefe, chine of Bacon & Mutton: Verjuyce good to boyl Chickens, and Capon: Swan with Chaldrons: ribs of beefe, with garlick: Mustard, Pepper, Verjuyce, Ginger, sawce of Lambe, Pig & Fawne: Mustard & Sugar, to Fesant, Partrich and Conny: sawce Gamlin, to Hernesew, Egript, Plouer, and Crane, Brew and Curlew, Salt, Sugar, and water of Camet, Bustard Shouillard, and Bitturne sawce, Gamlin, Woodcocke, Lapwing, Larke, Quaile, [Page 164]Martinet, Venison, and Snite, with whitesalt: Sparrowes and Throstles, with salt and Cinamon: thus with all meates, sawce shall haue the operation.
Of the Feasts and service from Easter unto Whitsontide.
ON Easter day, and so forth to Penticost after, the seruing of the Table, there shall be set Bread, Trenchers and spoones after the estimation of them that shall sit there, and thus you shall serue your Soueraigne: lay Trenchers, and if he be of a lower degree or estate, lay fiue Trenchers, and if he be of a lower degree, four Trenchers, and of a lower degree, three Trenchers, then cut bread for your Soueraigne, after ye know his conditions, whether it be cut in the middest or pared, or else to be cut in small peeces, also you must vnderstand how the meat shall be serued before your Soueraigne, and namely on Easter day, after the gouernance and seruice of that Country where ye were borne. First on that day yee shall serue a Calfe sodden, and sodden Egges with greene sawce, and set them [Page 165]before the most principall estate, and that Lord because of his high estate shall part them all about him, then serue pottage, as Worts, Rootes, or Brewis, with Béefe, Mutton, or Veale, and Capons, to be coloured with Saffron, and baked meates, and the second course. Iussell with Mamony, and roasted Endoured, and Pigeons, with Bakte meates, as, Tarts, Chewets, and Flaunes, and other, after the disposition of the Cookes, and at Supper time diuers sawces of Mutton or Veale in broth, after the ordinance of the Steward, and then Chickens with Bacon, Veale, roast Pigeons, or tamed, and Kid roast with the head, & the purtenance of Lamb, and Pigs féete with Vinegar and Parsley thereon, and Tansey fryed, and other bakte meates: yée shall vnderstand this manner of Seruice, dureth to Penticost, saue fish dayes.
Also take héed how yée shall array these things before your Soueraigne. First yée shall sée there be Gréen sawce of sorrell or of Vines, that is, hold a sawce for the first course and yée shall beginne to raise the Capon.
A generall Table of direction for the order of Carving up of Fowle, to direct them which know not, and are willing to learne.
Lift that Swan.
THe manner of cutting vpos a Swan, must be to slit her right down in the middle of the breast, & so clean thorow the back, from the neck to the rumpe, so part her in two halfes, but you must do it cleanly and handsomely, that you break not, nor tear the meat, then lay two halfes in a fair Charger, with the slit sides downeward, throw salt about it, and set it again on the Table. Let your sawce be chaldron for a Swan, and serue it in sawcers.
Reare the Goose.
YOu must breake a Goose vp contrary to this fashion. Take a Goose being roasted, and take off both the Legges faire like a shoulder of Lambe, take them quite from the body, then cut off the belly péece round, close to the lower end of the brest: then lace her downe with your knife cleane thorow the brest, on each side your Thumbs breadth from the bone in the middle of the breast. Then take off the Pinion of each side, and the flesh which you first laced with your knife, raise it vp cleane from the bone, and take it cleane from the carkasse with the Pinion. Then cut vp the bone which lyeth before in the breast, which you commonly call the Merry thought, the skin and the flesh being vpon it. Then cut from the breast bone another slice of flesh cleane thorow, and take it cleane from the bone: then turne your carkasse, and cut it asunder, the backe bone aboue the loyne bones, then take the Rumpe end of the Back-bone, and lay it in a faire Dish, with the skinnie side [Page 168]upward, lay at the fore-end of it the Merry-throught, with the skinne-side vpward, and before that the apron of the Goose: then lay your Pinions on each side contrary, set your legges on each side contrary behinde them, that the bone end of the legges may stand vp crosse in the middle of the Dish, and the wing Pinions may come on the outside of them. Put vnder the Wing Pinions on each side the long slices of flesh which you cut from the breast-bone, and let the ends meet vnder the legge-bones, and let the other ends lie cut in the Dish betwixt the Leg, and the Pinion: then poure in your sawce into the Dish vnder your meate, then throw on Salt, and set it on the Table.
To cut up a Turkey or Bustard.
YOu must raise vp the Leg very faire, and open the joynt with the point of of your Knife, but take not off the Legge: Then lace downe the breast with your Knife on both sides, and open the breast Pinion with the Knife, but take not the Pinion off, then raise vp the Merry-throught betwixt the breast-bone and the [Page 169]toppe of the Merry-thought, then lace downe the flesh on both sides of the breast-bone, then raise vp the flesh called the brawne, and turne it outward vpon both sides, but breake it not, nor cut it not off, then cut off the wing Pinion, at the joynt next to the body, and sticke on each side the Pinion, in the place where ye turned out the brawne, but cut off the sharpe end of the Pinion and take the middle péece, and that will fit just in the place.
You may cut vp a Capon or Pheasant the same way: but of your Capon cut not off the Pinion, but in the place where you put the Pinion of the Turky, you must put the Gizard of your Capon, on each side halfe.
Dismember that Herne.
YOu must take off both the legges, lace it downe to the breast with your knife on both sides, and raise vp the flesh, and take it cleane off with the Pinion. Then you must stick the head in the breast, and set the Pinion on the contrary side of the carkasse: and the legge on the other side of the carkasse, so that the bone ends may [Page 170]méete crosse ouer the carkasse, and the other wing crosse ouer vpon the top of the carkasse.
Vnbrace the Mallard.
RAise vp the Pinion and the Legge, but take them not off, and raise the Merrie-thought from the breast, and lace it downe on each side of the breast with your knife, bending to and fro like waues.
Vnlace that Conny.
TUrne the backe downeward, and cut the belly flaps cleane off from the Kidney, but take héed you cut not the Kidney, nor the flesh. Then put in the point of your Knife betwéene the Kidnies: and loosen the flesh from the bone on each side of the bone, then turne vp the back of the Rabbet, and cut it crosse betwéene the wings, then lace it downe close by the bone, with your Knife on both sides, then open the flesh of the Rabbet, from the bone with the point of your Knife against the Kidnie: and pull the Legge open softly with your hand, but plucke it not off [Page 171]then thrust in your Knife betwixt the ribs and the Kidney, and [...]lit it out, then lay the legges close together.
Of the Carving of all manner of Fowles.
Sawce that Capon.
TAke vp a Capon, and lift vp the right legge and right wing, and so array forth, and lay him in the platter as he should flie, and serue your Soueraigne, and know well that Capons, or Chickens be arraied after one sawce, the Chickens shall be sawced with gréene sawce or Verjuyce.
Allay that Fesant.
Take a Fesant, raise his legges and his wings, as it were a Hen, and no sawce but only Salt.
Wing that Partridge.
Take a partrich, and raise his legs and his wings as a Henne, if yée mince him, sawce him with Wine, Powder of Ginger, [Page 172]and salt, then set him vpon a Cha [...]ndish of coales to warme, and serue it.
Wing that Quaile.
Take a Quaile and raise his legges and his wings as a Hen, and no sawce but Salt.
Display that Crane.
Take a Crane and vnfold his legges, and cut of his wings by the joynts, then take vp his wings and his legges, and sawce them with powder of Ginger, Mustard, Vinegar and Salt.
Dismember that Heron.
Take a Heron and raise his legges and his wings as a crane, and sawce him with Vinegar, Mustard, Powder of Ginger and Salt.
Vnjoynt that Bitturne.
Take a Bitturne and raise his legges and his wings as a Heron, and no sawce but Salt.
Breake that Egript.
Take an Egript and raise his legges and his wings as a Heron, and no sawce but Salt.
Vntach that Curlew.
Take a Curlew and raise his legges [Page 173]and his wings as a Henne, and no sawce but Salt.
Vntach that Brew.
Take a Brew and raisehis legges and his wings in the same manner, and no sawce but onely Salt, and serue it to your Soueraigne.
Vnlace that Conny.
Take a Conny and lay him on the back, and cut away the vents, then raise the wings and the sides, and lay bulke, chine, and sides together: Sawce, Vinegar and Powder of Ginger.
Breake that Sarcell.
Take a Sarcell or Teale, and raise his wings and his legges, and no sawce but onely Salt.
Mince that Plover.
Take a Plouer and raise his legges and wings as a Hen, and no sawce but onely Salt.
A Snite.
Take a Snite and raise his wings, his legs and his shoulders, as a Plouer, and no sawce but Salt.
Thie that Woodcock.
Take a Woodcock and raise his legges as a Hen, this done dight him the braine.
From the Feast of Whitsontide unto Midsummer.
IN the second Course for the meates beforesayd yee shall take for your sawees, Ale, Wine, Vinegar, and powders after meate, but Ginger and canell from Penticost to the Feast of S. Iohn Baptist.
The first course shall be Béefe and Mutton with sodden Capons, or roasted, and if Capon be sodden, array him in the manner aforesaid, & when he is roasted, thou must cast on Salt, with Wine or with Ale, then take the Capon by the legges, and cast on the sawce, and breake him out, and lay him in a Dish as he should flie, first yée shall cut the right legge and the right shoulder, and betwéene the foure members lay the brawne of the Capon with the croupe in the end betweene the legs, as it were possible for to be joyned together, and other bakte meates after. And in the second course, pottage shall be Iussell Charlet or Mertrus, with yong Geese, Veale, Porke, Piaeons, or Chickens roasted with Pampuffe, Fritters, and other bakte meates after the ordinance of the Tooke. Also [Page 175]the Goose ought to be cut member to member, beginning at the right legge, and so forth vnder the right wing, and not vpon the ioynt aboue, and it ought to be eaten with gréene Garlike, or with Sorrell, or tender Vines or Verjuyce in Summer season after the pleasure of your Soueraigne: also yée shall vnderstand that all manner of Fowles that haue whole féet, should be raised vnder the wing and not aboue.
From the Feast of Saint John the Baptist unto Michaelmas.
IN the first course: Pottage, Worts, Gruell and Furmenty, with Venison, and Mortrus, and pestles of Porke, with green sawce, roasted Capon, swan with Chawdron. In the second course, pottage after the ordinance of the Cookes, with rosted Mutton, Veal, Pork, Chickens or endoured Pigeons, Hernesewes, Fritters or bakte meates, and take heed of the Fesant, he shall be arrayed in the manner of a Capon, but it shall be done drye without any moysture, and he shall be eaten with salt, and powder of Ginger, and the [Page 176]Hernesew shall be arrayed in the same manner without any moysture, and hee should be eaten with Salt, and Powder, also ye shall vnderstand that all manner of Fowles hauing open clawes, as a Capon, shall be tired and arrayed, as a Capon and such other.
From the Feast of Saint Michaell unto the Feast of Christmas.
IN the first course pottage, Beefe, Matton, Bacon, pestles of Porke, or with Goose, Capon, Mallard, Swan or Fesant, as it is before said, with Tarts or Bakte-meates, or Chines of Porke. In the second course, Pottage, Mortrus or Conies or Sew: then roast flesh, Mutton, Porke, Veale, Pullets, Chickens, Pigeons, Teales, Wigions, Mallards, Partrich, Woodcocke, Plouer, Bitturne, Curlew, Hernesew, Venison roast, great Birds, Suite, Feldfares, Thrushes, Fritters, Chewits, Beefe with sawce, Geloper, roast, with sawce pogill, and other baked meates as is aforesaid, and if yee carue before your Lordor your Lady any sodden flesh, carue away the skinne aboue, then Carue reasonably of the flesh for your [Page 177]Lord and Lady, and specially for Ladies, for they will soone be angry, for their thoughts be soone changed, & some Lords will be soone pleased, and some not▪ as they bée of complexion. The Goose and swan may be cut as yee doe other Fowles that haue whole féete, or else as your Lord or your Lady will haue it.
Also a swan with a Chadron, Capon, or Fesant, ought to be arrayed, as it is aforesaid, but the skin must be had away, and when they haue beene carued before your Lord or your Lady, for generally the skin of all manner whole footed Fowles, that haue their liuing on the water, their skins be wholesome and cleane, for by cleannesse of water and fish is their liuing, and if they eate any stinking thing, it is made so clean with the water that all the corruption is clean gone away from it.
And the skinne of a Capon, Henne, or Chicken be not so cleane, for they eate soule things in the streets, and therefore the skinnes be not so wholesome, for it is not their kinde to enter into the Riuer to make their meat boyd of the filth. Mallard, Goose, or Swan, they eate vpon the land foule meate, but auon after the [Page 178]kinde they goe to the riuer, and there they clense them of their foule stinke. A Fesant as it is aforesaid, but the skin is not wholsome, then take the heads of all field birds, & wood birds, as Fesant, Peacock, Partrich, Woodcock, Curlew, for they eate in their degrée foule things, as wormes, toades, and other such.
The second Part of the Sewing of Fish.
The first course.
TO goe to the Sewing of fish muscalade, Menewes in Sew, of Porpos or of Salmon, bakte Herring with Sugar, Gréene fish Pike, Lamprey, Salens, Porpos, roasted, bakte Gurnard, and Lamprey bakte.
The second course.
Gelly white and red, Dates, in Confect, Conger, Salmon, Dorey, Brit, Turbut, Halibut for standard, Base, Trout, [Page 179]Mullet, Cheuin, Sole, Eeles and Lamprey roast, Tench in Gelly.
The third course.
Fresh Sturgion, Breame, Pearch in Gelly, a Ioule of Salmon, Sturgion, Welkes, Apples, and Peares, roasted with Sugar Candy. Figs of Malike and Raisins, Dates capt with minced Ginger, Waters and Ipocras they be agreeable, this Feast being done, voyd ye the Table.
Of the Carving of Fish.
THe Caruer of Fish, must sée to peason and furmenty, the tayle and the liuer, ye must looke if there be a salt Porpos or Sole, Turrentine, and do after the form of Venison, baked Herring, and lay it whole vpon your Soueraignes Trencher, white Herring in a Dish, open it by the backe, picke out the bones and the row, and see there be Mustard. Of salt-fish, gréene-fish, salt salmon, and Conger, pare away the skinne: Salt-fish, Stockfish, Marling, Mackrell, and Hake with Butter, take away the bones and the skinnes: a Pike, lay the wombe vpon his Trencher, with Pike sawce enough, a salt Lamprey, [Page 180]gobon it in seuen or eight péeces, and lay it to your Soueraigne: a playce, put out the Water, then crosse him with your knife, cast on Salt, Wine, or Ale. Gurnard, Rochet, Breme, Cheuin, Base, Melet, Roch, Pearch, Sole, Mackrell, Whiting, Hadocke, and Codling, raise them by the backe, and picke out the bones and clense the refet in the belly: Cary, Bream Sole and Trout, back and belly together: Salmon, Conger, Sturgion, Turbuthirbol, Thornback. Houndfish, and Halibut, cut them in the Dishes, the Porpos about, Tench, in his sawce, cut two Eeles and Lampreys roast, pull off the skin, pick out the bones, put thereto Vinegar and powder: a Crab, break him asunder in a dish, and make the shell cleane, and put in the stuffe againe, temper it with Vinegar and powder them, couer it with bread, and fend it into the kitchen to heat, then set it to your Soueraigne, and lay them in a Dish: a Creuis, dight him thus, part him asunder, and slit the belly, and take out the fish, pare away the red skin and mince it thin, put Vinegar in the Dish, and set it on the Table without heating: a Ioule of sturgion, cut it in thinne morsels, and lay [Page 181]it round about the Dish.
Fresh Lamprey bakte, open the pastie, then take white bread, and cut it thinne, and lay it in a Dish, and with a spoone take out Galentine, and lay it vpon the bread with Red Wine and powder of Cinamon, then cut a Gobon of the Lamprey, and mince the Gobon thinne, and lay it in the Galentine, then set it vpon the fire to heate. Fresh herring with salt and wine, Shrimps well picked, Flounder, Gudgines, Menewes, and Mussels, Eeles, and Lampreyes: Spr [...]ts is good in sew, Musculade in woorts, Oysters in sew, Oysters in grauy, Menewes in porpas, Salmon in foele Belly white and red, Creame of Almonds, Dates in Confects, Peares and Quinces in sirrup, with parsley rootes. Mortus of Houndfish raise standing.
Of the sawces of all Fish.
MUstard is good for salt Herring, salt fish, salt Conger, salmon, sparling, salt Eele, and Ling: Vinegar is good with salt porpos, Turrentine, Salt Sturgion, Salt Thrilpole, and salt whale, Lamprey with Galentine, Verjuyce: to roach, Dace [Page 182]Breme, Molet, Dace, Flounders, Salt Crab and Cheuine with Powder of Cinamon: to Thornbacke, Herring, Houndfish, Haddock, Whiting, and Cod, Vinegar, Powder of Cinamon and Ginger, green sawce is good with Green-fish and Halibut, Cottell and fresh Turbut: put not your greene sawce away, for it is good with Mustard.
The Chamberlaines Office.
THe Chamberlaine must be diligent & cleanely in his office, with his head combed, and see to his Soueraign, that he be not negligent of himselfe, and see that he haue a cleane shirt, breech, peticote and doublet, then brush his hosen within and without, and see his shoone and his slippers be clean, and at morne when your Soueraigne will arise, warme his shirt by the fire, and see ye haue a foot sheet made in this manner. First set a chaire by the fire with a cushion, another vnder his féet, then spred a shirt vnder a chair & see there be ready a Kerchife, and a Combe, then warme his petticoat, his Doublet and his stomacher, and then put on his doublet and his stomacher, and then put on [Page 183]his hosen and shoone, or flippers, then strike vp his hosen mannerly, and tie them vp, then button his Doublet hole by hole, & lay a cloath vpon his necke and head, then looke ye haue a Bason and Ewer with warm water, & a towel to wash his hands, then knéele vpon your knee, aske your Soueraigne what robe he will weare, and bring him such as he commandeth, and put it vpon him, and take your leaue mannerly, and goe to the Church or Chappell to your Soueraignes closet, and see there be Carpets, and Cushions, and lay down his Bookes of Prayers, then draw the Curtaines, and take your leaue goodly, and goe to your Soueraignes Chamber, and cast all the cloathes off the bed, and beate the Feather-bed, and the Bolster, but looke ye waste no Feathers, then the blankets, and see the sheetes be faire and sweete, or else looke yee haue clean sheetes, then lay the head sheetes and the pillowes, then take vp the Towell and the Bason, and lay Carpets about the bed or in Windowes and Cuphoord layde with cushions: also looke there be a good fire burning bright, and see it the house of easement be swéet and cleane, and [Page 184]therpriuy boord couered with gréene cloth and a Cushion, then see there be blanket doune, or Cotton for your Soucraigne, and looke yee haue a Bason and Ewer with water, and Towell for your Soueraigne, then take off his gowne, and bring him a manttle to keep him from cold, then bring him to the fire and take off his shoon and his Hosen, then take a faire Kerchiefe of reines and combe his head, and put on his Rerchiefe and his Bonet: then spread downe his bed, lay the head shéete and the Pillowes, and when your Soueraigne is in bed, draw the Curtaines, and see there be morter or ware of perchours ready, then driue out dogge or Cat, and looke there be Basons and Vrinall set néer your Soueraigne, then take your leaue manerly, that your Soueraigne may take his rest merrily.
Of the knowledge which is required of the Marshall and the Vsher.
THe Marshall and the Vsher must know all the Estates of the Land, and the high Estates of a King with the blood Royall.
- The Estate of a King.
- The Estate of a Kings sonne, a Prince.
- The Estate of a Duke.
- The Estate of a Marquesse.
- The Estate of an Earle.
- The Estate of a Bishop.
- The Estate of a Vicount.
- The Estate of a Baron.
- The Estate of the thrée chiefe Iudges and the Maior of London.
- The Estate of a Knight Bachelor.
- The Estate of a Knight, Deane, Archdeacon.
- The Estate of the Master of the Rolles.
- The Estate of other Iustices, and Barons of Checker.
- The Estate of the Maior of Calice.
- The Estate of a Doctor of Dininity.
- The Estate of the Doctor of both the Lawes.
- The Estate of him that hath beene Maior of London, and Sergeant of the Law.
- The Estate of a Master of the Chancery, and other Worshipfull Preachers and Clarkes that be graduable, and all other orders of chaste persons and Priests, worshipfull Merchants, and Gentlemen, all these may sit at the Squires Table.
A Duke may not kéepe the hall but each Estate by themselues in Chamber or in Panilion, that neither sée other: Marques, Earles, Bishops and Vicounts, all these may sit at a messe: a Baron and the Major of London, and thrée chiefe Iudges, and the Speaker of the Parliaments, all these may sit two or thrée at a messe: and all other states may sit three or foure at a messe: also the Marshall must vnderstand and know the blood Royall, for some Lord is of the blood Royall, and of small liuelihood, and some Knight is wedded vnto a Lady of Royall blood, she shall kéepe the Estate of her Lords blood, and therefore the Reyall blood shall haue the Reuerence, as I haue shewed you before: also a Marshall must take heed of the birth, and next of the line of the blood Royall: Also he must take heed of the Kings Officers, of the Chancellor, Steward, Chamberlaine, Treasurer, and Comptroller.
Also, the Marshall must take héed vnto strangers, and put them to worship and reuerence, for if they haue good cheere it is your Soueraignes honour. Also a Marshall must take héed, if the King send [Page 187]your Soueraigne any message, and if hee send a Knight, receiue him as a Baron, and if he send a Yeoman receiue him as a Squire, and if he send a Groome, receiue him as a Yeoman. Also it is no rebuke to a Knight, to set a groome of the Kings at his Table.
A true and approved Receit, for the right making of the best Ipocras.
TAke of Grains halfe a dragm, take of Cinamon 4. ounces, of Ginger, two ounces, of Nutmegges halfe an ounce, of Cloues and Mace of either a quarter of an ounce, bruise these well in a Mortar, and infuse them in a gallon of white wine 4. or 5. dayes, the vessell being close stopt, then put to it a pound of sugar, and a half, when the sugar is dissolued, put to it balf a pinte of Rose-water, and as much milke; let it stand a night, and then let it run thorow in Ipocras Bagge, then may you put it into a fine new Rundlet if you purpose is péepe it, or if you spend it presently, you may put it into certaine pots for the preent.
An excellent and much approved receit, for a long Consumption.
TAke 8.10. or 11. white Snayles, and breake away their shells from them, then put them into a bowle of water for twelue houres, to clense themselues from their slime, then take them from that water, and put them into an other bowle of running water for twelue howers more, then take them out, and put them into halfe a pinte of White Wine, and keepe them in it twelue houres, then take a quart of Red Cowes Milke; and put the Snayles out of the Wine into the Milk, and boyle the quart of Milke with the Snayles put into it, vntill it be boyld to a pinte, then put into it one ounce of Canded Sugar, and so giue the sick party the same to drinke euery morning, and at foure of the clocke in the afternoone, but you must not let the sick party eate or drinke any thing else for the space of two houre s after they haue taken this Receit, and without all doubt, this being duely made and taken accordingly, will with Gods help [...] recouer the party being very weak and [Page]farre spent in this long lingering sicknesse, and of my knowledge hath béene often approued, and is found an excellent Receit to cure the same disease.
A Table of the first book.
- THe first course. Fol. 3.
- The second course for the same Messe. Fol. 4
- The third course for the same Messe. Fol. 5
- Another direction for a bill of fare for winter season, which also serveth to set forth your meat in order. Fol. 5
- The second course for the same Messe. Fol. 6
- The first course for a small common Service of Meat, to direct them which are unperfect, to bring them to further knowledge of greater Service. Fol. 7
- A second course to the same Messe Fol. 8
- A Table of direction for a bill of Fare for Fish [Page]dayes, and Fasting dayes, Emberweeks, or Lent.
- The first course for the same dyet. Fol 19
- The second course for the same dyet. Fol 10
- TO boyle a Capon Larded with Lemmons, on the French fashion. Fol 11
- To sowce a Pigge. Fol 11
- To sowce Oysters. Fol 12
- To sowce a Pike, Carpe or Breame. Fol 13
- To boyle Flounders, or Gudgeons on the French fashion. Fol 14
- To boyle a Gurnet on the French fashion. Fol 14
- To boyle a legge of Mutton on the French fashion. Fol 15
- To hash a legge of Mutton on the French fashion. Fol 15
- To roast a Legge of Mutton on the French fashion. Fol 16
- To roast a Neates-tongue on the French fashion. Fol 16
- To boyle Pigeons with Rice, on the French fashion. Fol 17
- To boyle a Rabbet with Hearbes on the French fashion. Fol 17
- To boyle Chickens in whitebroth. Fol 18
- To boyle a Teale, or widgeon, on the French fashion. Fol 29
- To smoore an old Coney, Duck, or Mallard on [Page]the French fashion. Fol 19
- Another way to boyle Chickens. or Pigeons with Goose-berries or Grapes. Fol 20
- To boyle a chine of Mutton or Veale, in sharp broth on the French fashion. Fol 21
- To boyle Larkes or Sparrowes. Fol 21
- A Made dish of Coney Livers. Fol 22
- A made dish of sweet breads. Fol 22
- A made dish of Sheeps tongues. Fol 23
- A Florentine of a Coney, the wing of a Capon, or a Kidney of Veale. Fol 23
- A Chewet of Stockfish Fol 24
- A Frydayes Pye, without either flesh or fish.
- A quarter tart of pippins. Fol 25
- A Gooseberry tart Fol 26
- A Cherrytart. Fol 26
- To make an Oyster-pye. Fol 26
- A made dish of Muscels and Cockles. Fol 27
- To bake a Neates-tongue to be eaten hot. Fol 27
- A delicate Chewet. Fol 28
- To make an Vmble pye, or for want of Vmbles, to doe it with a Lambes head and Purtenance. Fol 28
- To bake a Calves Chaldron. Fol 29
- To bake a Carpe. Fol 29
- To bake a Tench with a pudding in her belly. Fol 30
- [Page]To bake Eeles. Fol 31
- To bake Chickens with Grapes. Fol 31
- To bake a steake pye with a french pudding in the pye. Fol 31
- To make a good quince pye. Fol 32
- To make a pippin pye. Fol 33
- To bake a Pigge. Fol 33
- To bake Fallow Deere in the best manner. Fol 33
- To bake red Deere. Fol 34
- To bake a wilde boare. Fol 34
- To bake a Swanne. Fol 35
- To bake a Turkey or Capon. Fol 35
- To bake a Hare on the French fashion. Fol 35
- To bake a wilde Goose or Mallard. Fol 36
- To bake a Curlew or Herneshaw. Fol 36
- To bake Woodcooks or Blackbirds. Fol 37
- To bake Larks or Sparrowes. Fol 37
- Fritters on the Court fashion. Fol 37
- To make Pancakes so crispe that you may set them upright. Fol [...]8
- A Sallet of Rose buds and Clove Gilly flowers. Fol 38
- To keepe greene Cucumbers all the yeare. Fol 38
- To keepe broome Capers. Fol 38
- Purslaine stalkes. Fol 39
- To make Caper-rowles of Raddish Cods. Fol 39
- Divers Sallets boyled, Fol 39
- Buds of Hops. Fol 40
- A Sallet of Mallowes. Fol 40
- A Sallet of Burdoek-roots. Fol 40
- [Page]To make blancht Manchet in a Prying panne. Fol. 41
- A Farced Pudding. Fol. 42
- A [...]udding of Veale. Fol. 43
- A Fregesey of Egges. Fol. 44
- A Cambridge Pudding. Fol. 44
- A Swan or Goose pudding. Fol. 45
- A Leveridge, or Hogs pudding, Fol. 45
- A Chiveridge pudding. Fol. 46
- A Rice pudding. Fol. 46
- A Florentine of Veale. Fol. 46
- A Marrow toast. Fol. 47
- Another in a Fryingpan Fol. 48
- A pudding stewed between two dishes. Fol. 48
- To make French puffes with green Hearbes. Fol. 49
- Dropt Raisins Fol. 50
- A fond Pudding. Fol. 50
- To make uffes on the English fashion. Fol. 51
- To make a pudding in a fryingpan. Fol. 52
- To make Apple puffes. Fol. 52
- To make Kickshawes. Fol. 53
- To make some Kickshawes in paste to fry or bake in what forme you please. Fol. 54
- To make an Italian pudding. Fol. 55
- To boyle a Rack of Veal on the French fashion. Fol. 56
- To farce a Leg of Lamb on the French fashion. Fol. 56
- [Page]To hash Deere, Sheepe, or Calves tongues on the French fashion. Fol. 57
- TO boyle a Capon. Fol. 58
- To garnish your Dishes. Fol. 59
- To boyle a Capon another way. Fol. 59
- To boyle a Capon in Rice. Fol. 60
- To boyle a Capon with Oysters, and pickled Lemmon. Fol. 61
- To boyle a Capon with Pippins. Fol. 62
- To boyle Chickens in Whitebroth. Fol. 63
- To boyle Chickens in Soope. Fol. 63
- To boyle the common way. Fol. 64
- To boyle Chickens with Lettice, the best way. Fol. 65
- To boyle a Rabbet. Fol. 66
- To boyle a Rabbet with Grapes and Gooseberries. Fol. 66
- To boyle a Rabbet with Claret wine. Fol. 66
- To boyle a wilde Duck. Fol. 67
- To boyle a tame Duck, or Widgin. Fol. 67
- To boyle Pigeons. Fol. 68
- To boyle Pigeons with Capers or Sampyre. Fol. 68
- To boyle Sawceges. Fol. 69
- To boyle Goose Giblets, Swannes Giblets. Fol. 69
- Giblets with Hearbs and Roots. Fol. 70
- To smoore a Racke, or ribbes of Mutton. Fol. 70
- For the fillets of a Veale, smoored in a fryingpanne. Fol. 71
- [Page]A Dish of steakes of Mutton, smoored in a fryingpan. Fol. 71
- To smoore a Chicken. Fol. 72
- To fry Muscles, Pery-Winckles, or Oysters to serve with a Duck, or single by themselvs Fol. 72.
- To marble Smelts, Soales, Flounders, plaice, &c. Fol. 73
- To Conger Eeles in Collars, like Brawne. Fol. 73
- To sowce a Pigge in collars. Fol. 74
- To sowce a breast of Veale. Fol. 75
- To hash a shoulder of Mutton, or a leg of Lamb. Fol. 75
- A leg of Lambe farst with Hearbs. Fol. 76
- To smoore Calves feet. Fol. 77
- Another way. Fol. 77
- To hash Neates-tongues. Fol. 78
- The same with Chest-nuts. Fol. 78
- CHristall Gelly. Fol. 79
- To make Gelly of Pippins of the colour of Amber. Fol. 80
- To make a Gelly of pippins, as orient red as Rubie. Fol. 81
- To make white leach of Almonds. As also afterward to make it either yellow, greene, or red. Fol. 81
A Table of the second book.
- TO boyle a Capon larded with Lemmons, on the French fashion. Fol. 87
- To boyle Chickens. Fol. 88
- An other way to boyle Chickens, or a Capon in White broth. Fol. 89
- Another way to boyle Chickens for one that is sick, and to provoke sleep. Fol. 90
- Another way to boyle them on Sorrelsops, for him that hath a weak stomack. Fol. 91
- To boyle a partridge. Fol. 91
- To boyle a Legge of Mutton on the French fashion Fol. 93
- To farce a legge of Mutton. Fol. 94
- To farce a legge of Lambe. Fol. 95
- To stew Trouts. Fol. 96
- To make a farst pudding. Fol. 97
- To boyle a Pike. Fol. 98
- To farce a Legge of Mutton on the French fashion. Fol. 99
- To boyle a Carpe or Breame. Fol. 101
- To boyle a Wild Duck, Widgin, or a Teale on the French fashion. Fol. 102
- Another way to boyle smaller Carpes or Breames. Fol. 103
- [Page]Another way to boyl a Leg of Mutton or Lamb. Fol. 104
- To boyle Ecles. Fol. 105
- To boyle a Rabbet. Fol. 105
- To boyle Lamprels. Fol. 106
- To boyle a Neck, or a Loyne, or a Chine of Mutton, or to boyle a Neck, or Legge, a Fillet or a Knuckle of Veale, or to boyle a Leg or Loyn of Lamb. Fol. 107
- To stew Smelts or Flounders. Fol. 108
- To boyle Pigeons on the French fashion. Fol. 109
- Another way to boyle a Pike. Fol. 109
- To boyle Olives of Veale. Fol. 111
- To boyle a Mullet, or a Pike with Oysters. Fol. 112
- To boyle a tame Duck. Fol. 123
- To make a rasher of Mutton, or of cold Lambe Fol. 113
- To boyle a Knuckle of Veale, or a necke of Mutton. Fol. 114
- To stew the ribbes of a neck of Veal in steakes. Fol. 115
- TO make a grand Sallet. Fol. 116
- To so wee a Pigge. Fol. 117
- To make puf-paste. Fol. 118
- To roast a Leg of Mutton, or a Cowes Vdder. Fol. 121
- To make an Olive Pye to be eaten hot. Fol. 122
- [Page]To roast a shoulder of Mutton to serve for either dinner or supper. Fol. 124
- To bake a Chicken-pie to be eaten hot. Fol. 124
- To roast a Neates tongue to be eaten hot. Fol. 125
- To bake a Neates tongue to be eaten hot. Fol. 126
- To bake a pigge with a pudding in his belly. Fol. 127
- To bake a Pigge to be eaten hot. Fol. 128
- Another way to roast a Legge of Mutton. Fol. 129
- To bake a steake pie of the ribbes of Mutton, to be eaten hot. Fol. 130
- To roast a Neck of Mutton. Fol. 131
- To make a Hartichoak pie to be eaten hot. Fol. 132
- To roast a Shoulder, or Hanch of Venison, or a Chine of Mutton. Fol. 133
- To make Chewets of Veale. Fol. 134
- To roast a Capon with Oysters and Chestnuts Fol. 135
- To bake a Quince, or a Warden Pie, so as the fruit may be red, and the crust pale and tender. Fol. 136
- To roast a shoulder or a fillet of Veale with farcing hearbes. Fol. 137
- To fry Calves feet, or Trotters. Fol. 138
- Buttered Loaves. Fol. 138
- To fry Sheepes tongues, Deeres tongues, or Calves tongues. Fol. 140
- Boyld Sallets Fol. 141
- A bakte pudding after the Italian fashion. Fol. 142
- To make puffes. Fol. 143
- Blanch manchet to be made in a Frying pan. Fol. 144
- To make Peascods, or Dolphins of Marrow, or [Page]of a roasted Kidney of Veale. Fol. 144
- To make a Livery pudding. Fol. 146
- To make Rice puddings. Fol. 147
A Table to the Booke of Carving, and Sewing.
- TErmes for Carving. Fol. 151
- The Office of the Butler and Pantler,
- Yeoman of the Celler and Ewery. Fol. 152
- The Sewing of Flesh. Fol. 158
- The Service of Flesh. Fol. 158
- The Carving of Flesh. Fol. 159
- Sawces for all manner of Fowles. Fol. 163
- The carving of all manner of Fowle. Fol. 166
- Service for the foure quarters of the yeere. Fol. 174
- CArving of Fish. Fol. 179
- Sawces of all Fish. Fol. 181
- Chamberlaines office. Fol. 182
- The knowledge which ought to be in a Marshall, and Viher. Fol. 184
- An excellent Receipt for to make the best Ipocras. Fol. 187
- An approved Receit for a Consumption though the party be far spent. Fol. 188