A LETTER SENT TO THOMAS TAYLOR, Quaker, In the Year 1664.
In Answer to many blasphemous Sayings of his in several pieces of Paper, and in the Margent of a Book.
Amongst many of his wicked ignorant Sayings, I have given an Answer to some of the chief and main things of Concernment, for the Reader to know: The particular Heads are seven.
- I. That Christ could not make all things of nothing.
- II. That earth and waters were eternal, and out of that matter God created all living creatures.
- III. That there was a place of residence for God to be in, when he created this World.
- IV. How all children are saved, though the seed of the Serpent, if they die in their childhood.
- V. Of the difference between the fruit of the womb, and the fruits of the flesh, and how they are two several trees, and two several fruits.
- VI. How the Seed of Faith, the Elect Seed, did all fall in Adam, and therefore made alive in Christ, and how the reprobate seed did not fall in Adam, so not made alive in Christ; and what it is that purifies the Quakers hearts.
- VII. How Adam and Eve were not capable of any kinde of death before their fall: and how their fall did procure but a temporal death to all the seed of Adam; but the fall of the serpent did procure an eternal death to all his seed, who live to men and womens estate, and more especially to those that doth deny the person and body of Christ to be now living in heaven, above the stars without a man, as all the Speakers of the Quakers do.
By Lodowick Muggleton.
Printed in the Year of our Lord. 1665.
I Understand that Thomas Barnet, and others that are Well-wishers to this Commission of the Spirit, have lent you a Book of our Writings, who are the chosen Witnesses of the Spirit, namely, John Reeve, and Lodowick Muggleton: I suppose you have had it some time to peruse, else you would not have scribled and defaced the Book so much as you have, besides your Papers within the Book; yet nevertheless I could have wished those Friends had lent you The Quakers Neck broken, rather than that, it being the most fittest Book for Quakers to look into; the other being too heavenly and divine for Quakers to look into. But in The Quakers Neck broken I have met with such Antichristian spirits as you are, who have rayled and blasphemed against the Doctrine of the true God, and the right devil, and the Commission of the Spirit, as you have done; neither have I let them go unrewarded for their paines, as you may see in that Book: Neither shall you go unrewarded for your wicked and hard speeches, raylings, and blasphemies against the Doctrine contained in that Book: for your wickedness is so much, and your blasphemies and revilings so many, that it would be too tedious to relate, yet for the satisfaction of others that shall come to see this Writing, I shall relate some of them, and speak a little to a few of the main things of most concernment.
You say: Thy Christ that could not make all things of nothing, is a false Christ.
1. Here you have blasphemed against the true Christ: for John Reeve doth own no other God, or Christ, but that Christ that was put to death by the Jews, and judged by Pilate to be crucified. By him the Worlds were made, but not of nothing: for God never did say, neither doth the Scriptures affirm any such thing, that God made the earth and waters of nothing; so that you shew your self a blaspheming devil.
2. We do know and affirm, that earth and waters were eternal, and that darkness was over the face of the deep, and in the Creation the Spirit of God moved upon the waters; so that waters were [Page 4] before the Creation, else how could Gods Spirit move upon the face of the deep, had there been no deep waters before? And so likewise if the earth were not eternal, why is it said by Moses, That the earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep? The meaning is this, that the earth was in being before God did create it, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; so that there was deep waters before Gods Spirit did move upon them. And as for the earth being without form and void, the meaning is this, the substance, being, and matter of the earth it was eternally so: but it was void of all form and beauty, not fit for any of Gods creatures to live in it, until God in the beginning created it: For when Gods Spirit moved upon the waters, the meaning is this, he commanded the waters to be gathered into one place, and the dry land did appear. So likewise God made two great Lights, the one to rule the day, and the other to rule the night: that is, the Sun should rule and govern the earth, and give life to the herbs, and trees, and fruits of the earth, and the Moon should give life to the waters, and rule them: And in this manner God created the earth, and the waters; but all this while God had matter to make these things of, for earth and waters were before.
1. He did not make the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and the host of heaven of nothing; for of nothing comes nothing, though you say it is an heathenish saying: let it be the saying of a heathen man, it is a true saying a saying that no Prophet, nor Apostle doth deny: none but such Antichristian devils as you Quakers are, that will have God to make all things of nothing, else you wil call him a devil, as you have done in your Writings.
2. Furthermore, where do you blinde Quakers think this vaste earth and waters were before God created them, which according to Moses relation, is not six thousand years? and we can know nothing of the Creation of the world, but it must be grounded upon Moses his words: I say, where do you think these great substances of earth and waters were before? Certainly you Quakers do believe that they came out of Gods belly; for your God is so big a God, that he can fill heaven and earth, and all places, and be in every Quakers body, and make all things of nothing besides.
So that the Quakers God is so big, that he cannot be comprehended, yet they get him within them, and when they die, then he gets them into him again.
[Page 5]So the Quakers God and their Souls gets one into another, so that no body else can tell where to finde either of them both. But my God, the Man Christ Jesus, who is a distinct person in form of a man, by whom the Worlds were framed, he will finde you out when your souls are rotted in the dust of the earth, think of your self what you will, it will be as I have said.
Furthermore, if earth and waters were made of nothing, then I say they shall turn to nothing again: and if your God did speak them out of his own bulk or belly, as aforesaid, then I say, he will speak them into his belly again, so that no man need to fear damnation; for all that came out of God shall go into him again, and if they were made of nothing, they shall turn to nothing again. I speak these things, that whosoever shall read this Writing, may see the vanity of the Quakers doctrine, and be ashamed of it.
3. John Reeve doth say, That God must have some place of residence when he created this world.
In your answer to this, you flap your hand in the mouth, and say, God abides in himself, and is what he is. And further you say, To create is most properly to bring something out of nothing by the powerful word of God.
Answ. I marvel what satisfaction any man can have in his minde in believing in a Quakers God, to tell a man that God abides in himself, and is what he is, but never tells what he is, nor whether he be any glorious substance, or form, or whether he have any nature; which to know God in his form and nature, is life eternal.
But to say a thing abides in it self, and is of its self, and not to tell what that is that abides in its self, it is Riddle me, Riddle me, what is this? But it is like all the rest of the Quakers points of doctrine; for they are mistaken in every true point of doctrine, which are but six.
1. Of the form and nature of the true God. 2. The form and nature of the right devil. 3. The place and nature of heaven. 4. The place and nature of hell. 5. The mortality of the Soul. 6. The persons and natures of Angels. These six Principles are the ground of all true knowledge, in relation to eternal life; but the Quakers doctrine is ignorant of every one of them.
First, they are grosly mistaken in their God, both in his form and nature: for they say he is so big that no place, neither heaven nor earth can contain him: when as the Scriptures saith, he made man [Page 6] in his own image and likeness, and he calls himself a man: for when the man said to Christ, when on earth, Good master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Christ answered and said, Why callest thou me good? there is no man good but one, even God; So that Christ did acknowledge God to be a man, for he was God himself.
2. The Quakers are as much mistaken in the right devil, for they know not how the devil came to be, nor what will become of him hereafter, though many of them their own souls is the devil.
And so of Heaven, and of hell, they are ignorant of any places where they are; for they know no other places of glory nor pain, but what is within them.
5. They have got no mortal Souls that can die.
6. And as for persons and natures of Angels, they know not what I mean by it; so that God and devil, hell and Heaven, immortal souls and Angels, are all within them, and when they die, they deliver up all this within them, it goes into God again, and so are no more sensible of joy nor sorrow, than they were before they had a being.
For I perceive by this Thomas Taylor, that the Speakers of the Quakers go all in one strain, onely some of them are more subtile than others, to hide themselves with the words of the Scriptures, carrying the sense of the Scriptures in an Allegory, and so gets Christ within them, and so keeps his body from going up to heaven above the stars: But that Christ in a body above the stars, hath given me power that am but a mortal man, over that Christ within you, and that you shall know to your eternal pain and shame.
Furthermore you say, To create is most properly to bring something out of nothing, by the powerful word of God.
Answ. 1 In this you shew your self to be one of the serpents seed indeed; for that was the Serpent-angel his sin in heaven above the stars, which you so much slight: I say, it was his sin before he was thrown down from heaven; for be thought in himself if he had been God, he would have made all things of nothing, he would have created all living creatures without substance or matter, that is to say, of nothing: This was the Serpents sin and nature when he was in the state of immortality and glory.
And you being of his seed, you shall speak and act the same sin in the state of mortality and shame; which is a clear testimony to [Page 7] me that you are of the Serpents seed: for you will have God to do that which he cannot do, to make earth and waters, and all other things of nothing, else you call him a devil, or a false God. For I must tell you, that God never said so himself that he would, or could make living or dead substances of nothing; neither did any Prophet, or Apostle, or Saint, believe any such thing; but it was always the devils nature to look upon Gods power to be greater than it is, or else to be less than it is: for the devil is always mistaken in Gods Infiniteness; but the Seed of Faith knoweth by faith what Gods power is, so far as to the saving of the soul, to wit, that God did make living creatures of dead sensless matter; and living forms of formless substance, and that God could, a [...]d did die, and that he can, and will raise the seed of Adam to eternal happiness, and the seed of the serpent, you being one, to endless misery, though both Seeds be asleep in the dust of the earth, until the day appointed.
This is true faith in Gods power, and that which Moses, the Prophets, and Apostles, and us the Witnesses of the Spirit did, and doth witness unto, against all the seed of the serpent whatsoever; for though by faith we understand the World was made, yet by faith we understand, and so did the Apostles, that the World was not made of nothing, but by the word of Gods power it was made of something, to wit, of earth, and waters which were eternal.
4. You call these wicked sayings, because we say, no children damned, though they be the seed of the serpent, if they die in their childhood.
To this you say, That the serpent was cursed from the beginning for, say you, certainly all his seed, young and old must be so; for, say you, as i [...] the tree, so are its fruits.
Answer. Here you that have any light of Faith in you, may see the gross darkness of this man; for he cannot abide such a God that hath not power to make things of nothing, and now he is angry because God doth not damn children, if they be of the seed of the serpent, for he is angry with John Reeve for saying all children will find mercy, as aforesaid; for, saith he, all young, and old must be damned of the serpents seed: and this is his ground, as is the tree so are its fruits. This man would have God to do that which he cannot do, as I said before; so he would have God to be more cruel then he is, to condemn children who have done neither good nor evil, which the Scriptures doth no wayes justifie: for though [Page 8] God doth say, He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy; Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated, before they had done good or evil: And that saying, The seed of the woman shall break the serpents head: And of that saying, The election of God stands sure. All these places of Scriptures doth not reach that children should be damned, although the seed of the serpent is.
For this is to be minded, that the Scriptures were spoken to men and women capable of understanding, for God did not say to children, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, it was to men that understood what Moses said: Likewise the Apostles spake to men and women, and not to children, else why should the Apostles exhort the people to make their calling and election sure? It would have been a vain thing to give exhortation to children. And as for the seed of the woman bruising the head of the serpent, it is in relation to men and women: for doth not men and women that are the seed of the woman, who have faith in their hearts, by their patient sufferings, break or bruise the head of the serpentine men and women, who are the seed of the serpent, who doth rage, and rail, and persecute the innocent? so that children have nothing to do in this matter.
And as for that saying of Jacob and Esau, the one being loved of God, and the other hated, when they were both in the womb: To that I say, though Jacob was in Gods decree beloved, and Esau in Gods decree hated, or reprobated, yet this I say, they were decreed and appointed to live to mans estate, so that they might both be capable of election and reprobation, and not to die in their childehood. And this I say further, that if you T. T. had died in your childehood, you should have been saved, though I know you are of the seed of the serpent, but you being appointed to be damned to eternity, you were appointed to live to despise the living God, and blaspheme against the Doctrine of the true God, declared by those Messengers whom he hath sent.
And as for that saying of yours, As the tree is so is the fruit: Your meaning is, if the serpent be damned, the children that are his seed must be damned also. Here you shew your gross darkness and ignorance in the Scriptures, because the Scripture saith, A good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and an evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit, therefore you conclude that children are fruits of the serpent, he being that evil tree.
5. To this I answer: That the meaning of the Scriptures in those words aforesaid, is not meant that children that are begotten and born, I say, they are not counted the fruits of the serpent: for we see by experience, and by the Scriptures, that sometimes reprobate men and women, who are both of the seed of the serpent, yet the childe that is begotten by them, is of the elect; this I know by experience since I came to know the Scriptures, and could distinguish between the two Seeds.
Likewise it is clear by Scripture, that a faithful man and woman, they being both of them the Seed of Faith, that is, the Seed of the Woman; for there is but two Seeds spoken of in Scripture, that hath begotten reprobates, as that of Isaac and Rebecca, they being both of the elect Seed, yet they begot Esau, which the Scriptures brands for a Reprobate: So that sometimes two reprobates may get an elect childe, one or more; and two of the faithful seed may beget one, or more reprobates: so that children are not called in the Scriptures fruits of the Serpent tree; for children are trees themselves, if they live to maturity of age.
3. But those motions and actions which these trees bring forth in their lives and conversations, are called in Scripture fruits of the tree: if good motions and actions, then called a good tree: if evil and sinful motions, then called an evil, or corrupt tree: for the good tree bringeth forth good fruit, even the fruits of the Spirit, which is patience, meekness, love, and faith in God, and such like fruits, which good trees, which are men and women, do bring forth. So likewise the evil tree is men and women also, and they bring forth evil fruits, even the fruits of the flesh, which is envy, unbelief, persecution, blasphemy against the true God; these and such like fruits proceed from the evil tree of the reason in man, and the good fruits proceed from the good tree, which is the faith in man: for there is but two trees spoken of in Scriptures, to wit, the Tree of Life, signifying the Tree of Faith; and the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, signifying the tree of reason: so that all men, good and bad, are ranked under these two trees, and those men that bring forth fruits of Faith, as aforesaid, may be said to bring forth good fruit: and those men that bring forth fruits of reason, as aforesaid, may be said to bring forth evil fruit, as you have done: So that what fruits man or woman bringeth forth in their life, being come to age, is counted by the Scriptures good or evil [Page 10] fruit, and so said to proceed from a good tree, or an evil tree, and not with any relation to the fruit of the womb that is generated and begotten as children. Therefore when John Baptist said, The axis laid to the root of the tree he meant wise and prudent men who were wicked persecutors: he did not mean that their yong children should be hewen down and cast into the fire.
So likewise when the Apostle speaks of the fruits of the Spirit, and the fruits of the flesh, he tells what they both are, so that children are not called the fruits of the serpent-tree, though they be of the same seed: for seed is one thing, and fruit is another, so you erre, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God; for I never knew any Quaker give any Interpretation of Scripture, but speaks the words as they lye, which is the cause of their gross mistake of the meaning of the Scriptures, and run into those and such like errors that God fills heaven and earth; from these words they believe God is so big as to fill heaven and earth. And of that saying, Know you not that Christ is in you, except you be reprobates? From these words they ground their faith that Christ is within them, and so will admit of no body, or person of Christ without them, nor in heaven above the stars, and so of other sayings in Scripture: As that, that Christ enlightneth every man that cometh into the world, but will admit of no interpretation themselves, because they cannot; but are angry with others that can: for the Scriptures being truly interpreted, discovereth the Quakers Principles to be the greatest cheat and deceit, and more Antichristian than the Pope, or any other Sect whatsoever in matter of Religion.
6. You do upbraid John Reeve and my self, because we are in the fallen state of Adam, but you Quakers do not acknowledge your selves in that fallen state: you are not willing to be found in that state, for you look upon your selves so purifi'd by the light of Christ within you, that you are become perfect in your own conceit; but you know not what that perfection is the Scriptures speak of? for I am your sure hearts are not purified by faith. How can your hearts be purified by faith, when as your faith hath never an object? for your God, nor Christ, hath never a body nor person of his own, but he must be beholding to every Quakers body to reside in, and he is every where besides; therefore what faith can you have to purifie your hearts, when as no God can be found but what is within you? But I shall shew what it is that purifies your hearts, and [Page 11] what sins you are cleansed from: that which purifies your hearts, is the Law written in your seed and nature, even the same as was written in the Angel-serpents nature before his fall, which is no other but the nature of reason: So the Angels nature being in you, and the Moral Law being written in it, it hath the same workings in you, as the heathens had the Apostle speaks of, to wit, your thoughts accusing and excusing, and the motions of this Law arising in your minds, you call the light of Christ, when indeed it is nothing but the light of the Law: for if it were the light of Christ, it would make you to own the person and body of Christ without you, as well as to own Christ within you; and if you Quakers should do so, your Principles would quickly fall. And as for the sins your hearts are cleansed from, they are no other but such like as these, that is to say, to keep the Hat on the Head before a Magistrate, and to finde f [...]lt with Gold-lace, and a piece of Ribbin, a Band-string, and a gold Button, and to rend and tear Gold-lace, and other Lace off their Clothes, and burn it, and to use the language of Thee and Thou. He or she that gets thee and thou perfectly, is a very good Quaker, they are gotten half way to the Quakers heaven. These, and such like righteousness, is the Quakers perfection, and all the cleansing of heart they have: this I know to be true, for I know they have no faith to purifie their hearts, neither can they be justified by faith, and have peace with God. For how can they have peace with God, when as they own no other God in a body but what is within them, but they will finde that God within them to be the greatest tormenting devil of all.
Again, I marvel how you Quakers came to make it such a great sin for a man put off his Hat to a Magistrate! I do not remember any place of Scripture, that it was the practice of Prophets, Apostles, or Saints. Surely your Teachers might have given their disciples a little more liberty than they have: for you Quakers do not read that the Prophets, when they went with Messages from God to the Kings and Rulers of Israel, I say, we do not read they went before the Chief Magistrates with their hats on their heads Likewise the Apostles, when they were brought before the Rulers of the Jewes, we do not read they went with their hats on their heads. Are you Quakers certain that Paul had his hat on his head when he spake for himself before King Agrippa, and Noble Festu [...], sitting in the Judgement seat? Neither did Paul use the word thee [Page 12] and thou altogether to them, but gave them civil respect, titles of Honor, one Noble Festus, and the other Oh King Agrippa, according to the places of honor they had in this world. So that the Apostles did not tye the Believers of them to the hat on, and to thee and thou Magistrates, as you Speakers of the Quakers do. Besides, if it could be proved, that Prophets and Apostles did keep the hat on, and thee and thou Magistrates, yet would it be no ground for you Quakers to do so: for God never chose, nor sent you, as he did them. God never bestowed so much honor upon any of you to make you Messengers to Kings or Magistrates, for you are but private men not chosen of God, as all true Prophets, Apostles, and we the Witnesses of the Spirit were; yet you by the light within you, will imitate those that are chosen by voice of words from a God without us; nay, you are more impudent in your way, than ever any Prophet or Apostle was who were chosen of God, and made equal with Kings in power from on high, yet have given civil respect unto Kings and Magistrates, they being as Gods on this earth, as the Scripture saith. But seeing the hat put off to a Magistrate is such a great sin to a Quaker, I shall let him alone in his righteousness, and let him see if that righteousness will deliver him in the day of trouble.
I have spoken something more of the hat than I thought to do, onely to inform those that shall see it, that the Scriptures doth no ways justifie such a practice, but it is one of the Quakers main points of doctrine they hold forth, and if that and such like things will not save them, they must be damned; for their righteousness is as much in the hat, as in the heart: for I am sure they have no true faith in their hearts, nor in the true personal God, the Man Christ Jesus in glory, in heaven above the stars.
And as for us being in the fallen state of Adam, I do acknowledge and confess it, therefore we are redeemed by Christs death: for all that are in the fallen state of Adam, are made alive by Christ, and all that are not found in the fallen state of Adam, will certainly be damned to eternity: for they that did not fall in Adam, did fall in the l [...]st Angel, and so have no benefit in Christs death, because that Christ took not on him the nature of Angels, but the seed of Abraham, and Abraham was the seed of Adam in the fallen state, and Christ redeemed him by his death, and all his seed: I mean by his death without me, and not of his death within me, as the Quakers [Page 13] do vainly imagine: for they own no other death of Christ, but what is within them, what ever they pretend by using the words of the Scripture, because they so frequently speak of Christs death, but they own no other death of Christ, nor benefit by it but what they have within them: resurrection is all within them.
I marvel why you Quakers should talk of Christ loving his Church, and that by one suffering Christ hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified, when as yo own no body of Christ without you, but it is because you read such words in the Scriptures, which were other mens words, and faith: alas, what benefit will that be to you to assume to your self that which did belong to others! for what is that you what the Apostles said to those Believers at that time? they understood what the Apostles meant by those sayings; for the Scriptures were not spoken to Quakers, nor given to them, neither do you understand them: the Scriptures were given to John Reeve and my self, neither doth any man understand them, or can truly interpret them but us two onely, we being the chosen Witnesses of the Spirit: for we onely can unfold what that Fountain is which is open for sin, and for uncleanness; for every Commissionated Prophet hath the Key of David given unto him to open the hidden mysteries, even the fountain of living Water, to wit, the knowledge of the true God, and the right devil, with many other heavenly secrets hinted at in the Scriptures; which to know is as a Fountain of Water of Life, to those that understand them.
7. We do confess that Adam and Eve were not capable of any kinde of death, until they were both defiled with the sinful nature of the Angelical serpent.
To which, this T. T. saith, To the glory of truth, that seeing Christ came to restore us that which Adam and Eve lost, with advantage, it must needs follow that the true Believers who are become, even now, whilest upon the earth, freed from all kinde of death, and so are not capable of any death in their souls, no more than Adam and Eve was in their innocency, because the Scripture saith, that he that believes in Christ is passed from death unto life, and such as abides in that faith shall never die, but the Spirit of Life is in him.
Answ. Here this man shews his gross darkness and ignorance of the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures: for observe what is said before, that Adam and Eve had no kinde of death in them before their fall, yet this let the Reader minde, that the death they did [Page 14] procure by their fall, it was but a temporal death, and that death God threatned them with, it was but temporal, though the fear of eternal death might be in them by reason of the fall; but the death it self which God threatned upon them, was but a natural death, neither did God take off, or free them from it: for Adam and Eve did die, yet they had the promise of Christ made sure to them more than any. Quaker ever had: And yet this promise of Christ to bruise the serpents head, it did not free Adam and Eve from this first death, but it freed them from the fear of the second death, and from the second death it self, even that eternal death. But as for a natural death, Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Prophets, Apostles, and Christ himself tasted death: for this first death enters upon all, both man and beast, but the second death which is eternal, it enters upon none but upon the serpent and his seed: and this eternal death is that which they, Adam and Eve, and their seed, are delivered from, by believing in Christ.
And thus we that are found in the fallen state of Adam, are restored by Christ, that is, we are restored to a better and a more glorious state and condition than that of Adam in the state of innocency. But you Quakers do expect no higher salvation than that of Adam, but you will not pass thorow death to it, but you will attain it a more easie way: For you say, it must needs follow that the true Believers who are become even now, whilest upon the earth, freed from all kinde of death, and so are not capable of any death in their souls.
To this I say, that Christ never said that he would free mankinde from a natural death, nor restore man to the state that Adam was in, but he came to save mankinde from eternal death; therefore he saith, He that believeth in me shall never die. And of that saying, he is passed from death to life, that is, he shall never die a spiritual and eternal death; for he is passed from the fear of this first death, to the assurance of eternal life: for assurance in Scripture is many times taken for the thing it self: but Christ never freed his Disciples from a temporal death, notwithstanding they had eternal life abiding in them. And that Apostle who said, We are passed from death to life, did die a natural death himself, and so did the Prophets of old, as in the Acts it is said by Peter to the Jews, Which of the Prophets have not your fathers persecuted, and have slain, which shewed of the coming of the Just One? And was not Steven stoned to death, a man full of the holy Ghost? yet his soul was put [Page 15] to death, and Peter himself, and the rest of the Apostles, and those that believed their doctrine, did not they die, or else were put to death? yet these were all passed from death to life, yet they all died a natural death, or was put to death: for it cannot properly be said to die, if the soul slips out of the body, and leaves the body behinde, as you Quakers, and many others do vainly imagine; so that your ignorance in the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures, is bewrayed; for you Quakers are the darkest pieces to interpret Scriptu [...]e, of any other Opinions in the world, for you will name places of Scriptures, but never interpret any, that makes all the Quakers so dark; for ask them a question in Scripture, they will give you no answer, but perhaps bid them minde the light within them: or else say, it is the flesh that asks, or such like sayings, so they baffle and trouble ignorant people which knoweth not their Principles, nor the meaning of the Scriptures.
I thought good to answer these few particulars, they being of some concernment for those to know, who are not well grounded in the Doctrine contained in those Books you so much villifie and speak evil of: for I would have others to see this Writing as well as your self; for you Speakers of the Quakers seldom let any of your believers see my Writings, lest you should loose them by it, or your Antichristian spirit be discovered by them: for none can discover the Quakers cheat and deceit, but us the chosen Witnesses of the Spirit, for your Doctrine is altogether Antichristian which doth deny both the Father and the Son to be in the form or person of a man in heaven above the stars, distinct of himself from Angels and man, and any other creature. And if you look but into The Quakers Neck broken, you may see what you are, for that is the fittest Book for Quakers to look into, there I have had to do with such like spirits are you are, who have gone in the same steps of despising and blaspheming against the Doctrine of the true God declared by us the Witnesses of the Spirit, as you have; for you have most wickedly spoken evil of as pure Truths as ever was spoken or revealed by Prophet, or Apostle; for God hath chosen us by voice of words, as he did them, and hath given us the Spirit of Revelation and Interpretation, as he did them; and who ever despiseth the Doctrine of us the Witnesses of the Spirit, despiseth him that sent us, even Jesus Christ the living God, who hath chosen us to pull down, and cut in sunder such Antichristian devil: [Page 16] as you are, who owneth no other God but what is within you, which hath caused you to blaspheme against the person of God without you, even the Man Christ Jesus in glory; for those Books of John Reeve's writing do own no other God but the Man Christ Jesus in glory, who spake to him three mornings together to the hearing of the ear.
First, you have called that Voice, A Dream; you have called that God or Christ, that could not make all things of nothing, A false Christ, a devil: you have called the Doctrine of the true God, A Lye, a Deceit, Error, Darkness, Blasphemy, with many other wicked blasphemous speeches in the Margent of the Book, too tedious to relate; Therefore for these your wicked Blasphemies against the holy Spirit of Christ that sent, and revealed those Doctrines unto us, I do pronounce Thomas Taylor Quaker, cursed and damned both in soul and body, from the presence of God, elect men and Angels to eternity: neither shall the Light within you, nor Infinite Spirit, which you call God without you, deliver you from that Curse I have pronounced upon you; but you shall know that God, the Man Christ Jesus, hath given power unto his Messengers and Witnesses to curse you to eternity, deliver your self from it if you can. And if you do but read The Quakers Neck broken, you may see others of your brethren who have walked in the same steps of blasphemy as you have, and will have the same reward with you. That Book would have been as a Looking-glass for you to see what your Principles are in the root, and what will be the fruit of them.