Aug. 7: 1670. A most useful SERMON Preached in London, By a most worthy and faithful Minister and Servant of Jesus Christs, most learn­edly pressed from Amos 8.11.

Behold the day cometh, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the Land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord, and they shall wander from Sea to Sea

From which Text of Scripture, he learnedly shews the dreadful and deplorable condition of that Kingdom which a famine of the word of the Lord seizes upon; and further shews, That they are the greatest Felons who would rob us of the word of God, and that there is more justice in Hell then is here upon Earth, for in Hell they do not punnish the Innocent.

Printed in the Year, 1671.

Amos 8.11.

Behold the day cometh, saith the Lord God, that I will send a Famine in the land, not a famine of Bread, nor a thirst for Water, but of hearing the Word of the Lord; And they shall wander from Sea to Sea.

A Sad Text, and Sad Times too well agree; In the beginning of this Chapter there is a Vision, in the first verse, The Lord hath shewed me, and behold a Basket of summer fruits, it was a Type or Embleme to signifie the suddainness of Israels misery; you know summer fruit doth soon perish, winter fruit may be pre­served long, but summer fruit doth soon fade; so the glory of Israel (like to sum­mer fruit) it shall soon fade away; there is the Vision.

2. In this Chapter there is a Prophesie in the 32 d verse; The Songs of the Tem­ple, shall be turned into howling, a sad Prophesie, God grant it may not be our Portion; songs of the Temple to become howling, where God formerly was served in a pure manner, where there was sweet singing and melody unto the Lord, now there would be mournful Songs, that joy of the Temple it shall be quite ceased; A sad Prophesie!

3. In this Chapter is set down the cause why the Lord did write such bitter things against Israel his own People, the cause was very apparent; it was their sin, sin drew Plagues at the heels of it, Israel grew now weary of God in the 5 th verse of the Chap­ter, When will the New Moon be gone, that we may sell corn, they had rather a great deal be trading in their shops, then worshiping in Gods house; when will the New Moon be gone, when people grow weary of Ordinances, then God grows weary of a People. And

4. There are set down the punishments for those sins of Israel in the 9 th verse of this Chapter, I will cause the Sun to go down at Noon day. Beloved this is not meant the natural Ecline of the Sun, but [Page 3] the meaning is, God would now darken Israels outward glory and splendor; The Sun in Scripture is a Metaphor for joy; now the going down of the Sun at noon, it is to express great afflictions coming upon this People: when they thought all things should be well, every thing should be well, flourishing peace and prosperity, kissing each other, why now there should be a suddain change, God would Eclipse their outward Comforts; saith he, the Sun shall go down at Noon day, and this was not all, there is a greater punishment yet be­hind, and that is, in the Text I have read. God threatens for their sins, that there should be a Famine in the Land, not a Fa­mine of Bread, nor a Thirst for Water, but of hearing the Word of the Lord, (as if God should say) it was a mercy if onely a Famine upon your Bodies, that may pine your Bodies, Oh, but it is a worse, a Spi­ritual Famine; a Famine of hearing the Word of the Lord. In which Text, you have these four parts.

1. Here is a note of admiration in these words, Behold it seems to be a wonder, that Israel, God's People in Covenant, to whom the Oracles of God were commit­ed, that these should want the word of the [Page 4] Lord: Oh what a wonder that such a full breast should be drawn dry! that they that had such plenty of Ordinances, should now be cut short, and forced to cry out, We see not our signs, there is no more any Prophet among us, that's the first. Behold there is admiration.

2. Here is the judgment threatned in the Text, a soul Famine.

3. The extention and universality of this Famine, why saith God, it shall be a Fa­mine in the Land, not in a House or Parish, but there shall be this soul Famine, it shall be universal in the Land.

4. Who it is that gives the Famine a Commission, and that is God; I will send a Famine, not of Bread, or Water, but of hearing of the Word of the Lord.

The words thus opened into these several parts, they yeild us these four Propositi­ons or Doctrines.

1. It doth shew, That the word of God is to the soul as food to the body, for strengthning and refreshing of it, and that's imply'd in Job 23.12. I esteemed the words of thy mouth, as my necessary food, they are my food that my soul feeds upon.

2. The second Doctrine is this, When the word of God is despised or opposed, [Page 5] it is just with the Lord to take it away from a People.

3. The third Doctrine is this, The taking away of the word, is the beginning of a Spiritual famine, and

4. That a famine of the word, is far worse then a famine of Bread. A famine I will send, saith God, not of Bread, nor of Thirst for Water, but which is worse, the hearing of the word of the Lord. The famine of the word is worse then a famine of bread; next to damning of a soul, what can be worse then starving of it; bodily famine is very sad, much more spiritual fa­mine. I shall speak a little of bodily famine, that will set off the other the more.

Famine is that with-drawing of an ne­cessary recruit of Nature, Famine is the with-holding of that Oyle which should be poured into the Lamp of Man's Life; Fa­mine and Death is such as you see a picture, they both bring the Body into an Anato­my: See a description of a famine in Jer. 14.3. Their Nobles have sent their little ones to the water, they came to the pit and found no water, they were ashamed and confounded, and covered their heads. It is a very unusual sight to see Noble Mens Children Tanckard-bearers; the Nobles [Page 6] sent their Children, but found no water, Famine of the Body is worse than the Sword is, and that in these three respects.

1. The Sword cuts off suddainly, it makes a quick dispatch, now Famine makes you dye a lingring death, Lam. 4.9. Those pine away, strucken through for want of the fruit of the field; they pine away. Fa­mine will neither let a man live, nor yet suffer him to dye. He that is in famine, may say as St. Paul, In death oft, how ma­ny deaths doth he dye, before he dyes.

2. Famine is universal, it reaches more then the Sword, the Sword skips over ma­ny; they may be hid from the edge of the Sword, as we read of Obadiah, he hid a Thousand Prophets in a Cave, and so esca­ped the edge of the Sword, now a Famine reaches all.

3. Famine makes a man cruel to him­self, and it is like a Wolfe in his breast, it makes a man feed upon himself; he eats the flesh of his own arms; it makes a Per­son unnatural, Lam. 4.10. Thus the fa­mine of the Body is worse than the Sword, and now Beloved, a Famine of the Word is worse than a Famine of Bread, in these two respects.

1. A Famine of Bread is onely a pineing [Page 7] and starving of the body, Oh, but the o­ther is starving of the soul; by how much more pretious the soul is then the body, so much the sadder the famine of the soul must needs be; the soul is the most spiritual and reserved part of man; it's like spirits of wine; the soul is a divine spark that flees upwards towards God. Now if the soul be more noble than the body, then the famine of the soul must needs be more deadly and pernitious than that of the Body, &c.

2. The Famine of the body is but tem­poral, but for a time, and it will quickly have an end, sorrow and sighing shall flee away, Ezek. 35. Oh, but the Famine of the soul is eternal. The worm will be ever gnawing the man; the man will be ever dying, but never dead; he will never tast of one drop of the water of life, it is an e­ternal famine, he shall not have one drop of water to cool his tongue, and thus you see the Famine of the word is far more grievous than the Famine of bread: Now the sadness of the souls famine, will fur­ther appear in these three or four particu­lars; And I beseech you observe.

1. To have the Famine of the Word of God, it is a dreadful Judgement, be­cause now the very means of Salvation is [Page 8] taken away: The very Bridge is plucked up, that should lead us over to Heaven. Prov. 29.18. Where there is no Vision the people perish. The Hebrew word for perish, hath two significations, either it signifies to be made naked, they. strip off their Or­naments and glory, or else the word perish, signifies to reject, God rejects such a peo­ple, when he takes awy the Vision from them, Where there is no Vision the people perish. But now here is a Question may be asked,

Quest. You will say unto me, but may we not be saved without the Word Preach­ed?

Ans. I will not dispute what God can do, in an extraordinary way, when peo­ple are debarr'd from Ordinances by sick­ness, or the like, or captivity, the Lord hath promised to be a little Sanctuary un­to them. Ezek. 11.16. As the people of Israel in the Wilderness, when they could not have the ordinary means of tilling, plowing, and sowing; in this case God gave them bread from Heaven, John 6.31 Let me assure you, ordinarily God doth not distil the Golden Oyle of Salvation, but through the pipes of Ordinances, and therefore you shall observe in Scripture, [Page 9] that Ministers of the Gospel, are called Ministers of the Spirit, 2 Cor. 3.8. because the spirit of God ordinarily makes use of the Word, to work grace, and therefore 'tis called the Ministry of the spirit, why this makes the Famine of the Word so dis­mal, because now, the very means of sal­vation is taken away from a people, they lie in their blood.

2. I beseech you observe, A Famine of the Word it is very sad wherever it comes, because now the Lord turns away his face from a people or a nation. Ordinances are the face of God, they are his smiles, face, in the Gospel, it's called the face of Christ, 2 Cor 4.6. Now beloved, when a spiritu­al Famine comes, God turns away his face from us. The Child had rather have his Fathers frowns upon him, than that he should turn away his face, to be so incen­sed against him that he will not look upon his Child; and this is sad, to have God turn away his face from a people; better have a frowning face from God, than noe face. The Lord may have love under a wrinckled brow, as the sun may be under a Clowd; but for God to turn away his face from us, is a signe he intends to disin­herit us, as David prayed, Lord hide not [Page 10] thy face from me in Anger, Psal. 120.2. It is sad when God hides his face for a time, but worse when he quite turns away his face, that he will not look upon a people, Oh this makes a soul-famine very sad and dreadful.

3. The Famine of the Word must needs be very sad and dismal, because if the Word be gone, God has now done speaking to us, he hath no more to say. Pray observe, It is called in the Text a famine of hearing, of hearing of the Word, we shall hear no more from God; God hath something to say to a people as long as his Ordinan­ces are amongst them; he speaks to them by his Ministers, they are his mouth, they deliver his Council. Now as it is a sad judgement for God to have done smi­ting a people, Ezek. 1.5. why should you be smitten any more, and so for God to leave speaking to a people, this is a rebel­lious people, it is to no purpose to use any more words, I will speak no more to them, it is better for God to speak as if he were angry, than not to speak at all: the priso­ner cryes to his Judge for mercy, mercy, and the Judge will not speak a word noe way, but he must dye; if God hath done speaking to us in Word, we shall hear him [Page 11] speaking in another Language, in his Wrath, In Psal. 2.5. then shall he speak to them in his Wrath, and fiery Language. If a man will not speak to another, it is a sign either that he slights him, or he doth not think him worth speaking to, or it is sign he intends some evil against him. It was sad with Saul when the Lord had done speaking to him, 1 Sam. 28.6. the Lord answered him nei­ther by rain, nor his Prophets, God had done speaking to him, a sign some evil was intended to him, the next be heard speak, it was the Devil, and the news which he brought was sad, to morrow thou shalt be with me, 1 Sam. 28.19. beloved if God hath once done speaking to a people, why then he hath done hea [...]ing to when he shuts his mouth he alwayes stops his ears, though you pray unto him he will not hear; they cryed to me and I would not hear; when the Lord will not speak no more to a people, when he shuts his mouth, he presently stops his ears: Now is not a spiritual fa­mine sad? God hath now done speaking to a people.

4. The people and the dispensers of the Gospel, they are promised by the Lord as great blessings to a place, why then to be deprived of such blessings, and have a fa­mine [Page 12] of the Word it must needs be a hea­vy and a dismal Judgement. Now to speak more distinctly to these,

1. Consider what a great blessing the Gospel is, and

2. The dispensers of it, and then you will easily conclude what a Judgement it is to be deprived of them.

As for the Gospel, it is a blessing which Crowns a people, the very Engine which God uses to convert a Soul. It is called in Scripture the word of life, because it enfu­ses life into the people, it is a two edged sword, Heb. 4.12. with one edge it strikes sin dead, with the other edge it strikes the soul alive. besides consider the great bles­sing of this people in these three particulars, and you will see what it is to be deprived, of it.

1. The Gospel of Christ, it is the beau­ty, the riches, it is the strength of a King­dome, the most sparkling Jewel in their Crown, the beauty of God shines in the Gospel, Brethren, the Gospel is the glasse in which we see, the unsearchable riches of Gods love to a sinner. The Gospel preach­ed gives us the presence of Christ, and Christs presence is the spiritual beauty of a Nation; now if there be a famine of [Page 13] the Word, then the glory is departed. Eng­land without the Gospel will be like unto a house, when the rich furniture and hang­ings are pulled down, the house is naked and deformed; so if the preaching of the Word be Eclipsed, then the glory of a King­dom is Entombed, and all places of honour lye in the dust.

2. The preaching of the Gospel is the riches of a Kingdome, it encreases a King­doms treasure and revenue; there are ma­ny temporal blessings that come along with the word, it hath been observed that those places have been most fruitful and have been most enriched where the Gospel hath been planted, trading in those parts hath been most quick; it is observable that same place of King Jehosaphat, that when he had taken care for a preaching Ministry, and sent his Princes and his Nobles to encourage his Ministers; Oh how rich did his kingdome grow, they brought him presents of silver, and he waxed exceeding rich, 2 Chron 17.11. The Gospel it is like the Ark which carries a blessing with it where ever it went, Hag. 2.18. saith God, Consider from this day, even from the day that the Lords Temple was laid, from this day will I blesse you: Israels mercies did bear date [Page 14] from the Temple building; so that the Gospel is the riches of a Kingdome.

Mark what I say to you this day, the ready way to beggar a Kingdom is to take away the Gospel: I beseech you remem­ber a Famine of Gods word will soon bring a Famine of Bread upon a Land.

3. The Gospel preached is the defence of a Kingdom, it is a Kingdoms safely and defence, it is the Fort-Royal of a Land, it is the very lock where on Englands strength lies; what was the strength of Israel, God was there, there was his word, and there was his ordinances, that was the Rock where Israels strength did lye, not brazen Walls but silver Trumpet are the best de­fence of our Land. It is said of the Levites or Ministers, that when they came & preached at Jerusalem, 2 Chron. 11.17. The Text saith, thry strengthened the Kingdom. It is remarkable in Scripture, they as take a­way the preaching of the Gospel, are like those that pull down the Bancks to let in the main Sea, they open a sluce to let in the wrath of God upon a Kingdom; thus you see the Gospel is a singular blessing, and therefore to have a famine of the word, to have the Gospel go, it must needs be a great curse to a Land.

Again, as the Gospel is a great blessing so the Dispensers, the Ministers of the word, they are promised as great blessings to a Land; and therefore to have them remo­ved, and a Soul famine, it is a heavy judg­ment: God promises his Ministers as bles­sings to a Nation; Jer. 3.15. I will give you Pastors after mine own heart, that shall feed you with knowledge, and that they are great blessings, appears by the title the Scripture gives to them.

1. They are called the Dispensers and Stewards of Gods word, they are called Embassadours, 2 Cor. 5.20. We as Em­bassadours of God, beseech you in Christs stead to be reconciled, we come to wo you in Christs name, and clear up your souls to Christ, we come to make up the happy match between Christ and you, we bring the Kings picture along with us, we set before your eyes the Lord Jesus in his most Orient Colours, we show him to you in the beauty of his Person, the glory of his Offices, the sweetness of his love; why now, if on a suddain God calls home his Embassadours, it is a sign he intends the match shall be broken off.

2. They are called Dispensers and Stewards of the word of God, they are [Page 16] called stars in Gods hand, Rev. 1.20. They are stars.

First, For their light, how glorious is the Gospel when it is bespangled and set thick with those stars.

Secondly, they are stars not only for light but for use, they are like the star that guided the wise man to Jesus Christ, if those spiritual stars be removed, how shall the soul know how to steer its course, they will be like Mariners that are benighted upon Shelves and Rocks, Oh, how many where these stars are wanting, shall to hell in the Dark.

3. They are called Dispensers and Stewards of Gods holy Oracles. They are called Physitians, Jer. 8.22. Is there no Balm in Gilead, is there no Physitian there! the soul of man is subject to more Diseases then the Body, as one Christian is troubled with the Stone of the heart, another with a dead Palsey; and benum­edness of Conscience, now it is the work of Gods Ministers to find out these Disea­ses, and to apply proper remedy. Beloved how sad is it, to have your Physitian taken away that should heal you, to have a poor soul lie all in Agony, in a burning Feavour of Conscience, and now to speak words in [Page 17] due season, or drop in Christ, is there no Balm in Gilead?

4. God calls his Ministers his Water­ers, 1 Cor. 3.6. Apollo's was a Waterer, now you know if you have a plant set in a good soil, if it be not watered, it yields no fruit. This City of London hath had ma­ny Apolloes in it, it hath had much wa­tering, you have been watered with the Labourers of your Ministers, and perhaps watered with their Tears too; Oh, but for your sins, God may command, that there shall be no more showers, no more watering; If the Lord should transplant his Apolloes, and see there is more need of watering and planting in forreigne parts, how would this work of Grace go back­ward in us, how would your good affecti­ons wither, and be as the ground that is parched and dryed for want of showers; Thus Beloved, you see what a great bless­ing it is to have the Gospel Dispensers a­mong you, and therefore you may ima­gine what a spiritual famine is, and to have these blessings removed; well may Eng­land weep her eyes out, when these are gone that should bring the Vision to her.

Now my Beloved, if a famine of Gods word be so deplorable and dreadful as it is to have the Bread of life taken away from us, as you may read Amos 8.11. It is call­ed there, A famine of the word of the Lord, and in Sam. 1.4. it is called there, The glory departed, and in Matth. 26.47. The Kingdome of Heaven taken away, The Salvation of God sent away, Acts 28. and can there be any thing worse be­fall a people, than a soul famine, and an Eclipse of their spiritual glory, the shut­ing up of the Kingdome of heaven, the car­rying away of the Salvation of God, what worse thing can come upon a people? It is a great wonder there should be no deeper a sence of this most dreadful of evils, than is mostly found among Men. Men little understand what they do, who either in a way of Merit, or Instrumentally procure and bring on these Plagues, and few under­stand or are sensible what they herein suf­fer; to be an instrument in this hellish work, it's an Office for a Devil; and the suffering of such a Plague to them as un­derstand it, is an hell above ground; this Darkness is the very same for kind, with the darkness of Hell, as the light of the Gospel is the same in kind with the [Page 19] everlasting light, as glory under age; so is this thick darknesse, in specei & in simile, the darknesse of the pit, Oh what a hell of wickednesse doth this world then be­come, the Devil is then in his Region, is let loose and rules the world at pleasure, deceives, devours, destroys souls without Contradiction, takes them Captive at his will, carries them down by whole­sale to distruction. These dark, and dis­mal seasons are the Devils Marker, where he may vent his hellish Wares, his Snares and Temptations, his Deceipts and Delu­sions, and every abominable thing by whole-sale; there is nothing so false, so vile and abominable, but he can put it off at pleasure, Adultery, Drunkennesse, Witchcraft, Sodomy, Buggery, Blas­phemy, Idolatry, Atheisme, any thing that Sathan hath to offer he will find Cu­stomers enough to receive, and the truth is, the Devil may spare his pains; Men then need not a Devil to damne them, they shall do it fast enough of their own Ac­cords.

Oh, it were happy if the Saints were so busie in improving their light, to haste them Heaven-ward, as sinners do their larknesse, to hurry them to Hell.

Oh, the sad truths that the world af­fords of this dreadful truth; look into all the dark Corners of the Earth, especially there where there hath been light, and see if you find not all this proved to your hand. Can he then be accounted a Chri­stian whose heart doth not tremble at the thoughts and the fears of such a sore judg­ment, he is both dark and dead indeed, to whom such a Mist is not as the first born of death, or the King of Terrours.

Christians, If ever this should be your Case, make not light of it, and take heed, how sad soever it may seem in its first ap­proach, that no track of time do wear off the sence of it; I have now done, and come to improve this Proposition, and proceed to the Application.

Ʋse 1. Now my friends, If a famine of the word be so dreadful (as you have heard) next to damning of souls, I know not what worse then starving of a soul, if it be so dismal, then what are we to think of those that endeavour by their Counsel and by their Interest, what in them lies, to be instrumental to bring a famine of the word upon Gods People. [Page 21] For my part I account those, and always shall do, the greatest Felons in the Land, who would rob us of the word of God; these are the Devils Agents, they are his Factors; let me assure you they will be found fighters against God; They are like the Philistians that stops the Wells (those that would stop the Wells of the Water of Life) Oh, how would this inhaunce their sin! What to be instrumental to starve souls? I will say but this, the Mi­nisters of Jesus Christ they are to warn people of their Sins, they are to tell them if there be any danger, any wrath of God hanging over a Land, they are Watch­men, Ezek. 33.6.2. If Watch-men see the Sword come and blow not the Trum­pet, and the People be not warned; their blood I will require at the Watch-mens hands. Now Bretheren I appeal to you; We Watch-men must warn the people. Oh how will they be able to answer to God at the great day, that shall take Mi­nisters off from his Spiritual Watch, that shall hinder him from warning the People; Surely the blood of souls must needs lie at those mens doors; that is the First.

Ʋse 2. It is of Exhortation, if a Gospel Famine be so dreadful as you have heard, as good almost be in hell; why then let me exhort you this day to some duty.

1. Let us labour with all laboriousness to prevent the removal of the Gospel from us, as we would endeavour to remove the Sword, the Fire, the Plague, so let us la­bour to prevent the removal of the Gospel from us: Oh a Gospel famine is the most dismal! and the more let my words prevail with you, because there is so much fear (if God prevent not) of the Gospel departing from us. I might shew you that there is a soul famine in many parts of this Land alreadie, and there are many sad signs, the Lord is about to bring this spiritual famine upon this Land. I shall shew you the sad simptoms of the Gospel going from England, there are (4. gray haires) 4. sad signes of the Gospel de­parting, which the Lord prevent.

1. First of all that great contempt which is thrown upon the Gospel and professors of it; do we think that God is tied to [Page 23] England more than to another Nation? do we think the Lord will continue his mercie to a people that dispise his mercie? is he bound to do that? is nor the Gospel of our Lord Jesus this day slighted and persecuted? the Gergesens, they were more mannerly, they beseeched Christ to depart out of their Coasts Matt. 8.3. But we have many among us, they do not beseech Christ, they would drive him out by force, though nothing but hony dropps from the Lipps of the Gos­pel, it brings salvation to a people, yet how is it opposed at this day? pray ob­serve, I confess the Gospel of Christ, it is not suited to mens carnal interest or appe­tite, the Gospel doth not tell them of Fields and Vineyeards it hath to bestow upon them, the Gospel of Christ doth not prophesie of Wine and strong Drink, then the Drunkard would gladly receive the Gospel; but it is a holy Gospel, it bears down mens lusts, it proclaimes peace to them upon no other tearms, but their proclaiming Warre against Sinne, and therefore the Gospel is hated and con­temned, and surely this contempt of Christ and his Gospel, it is a sad fore­runner [Page 24] of the removal of the Gospel: Marke what I say, a despised Gospel will soone be a departing Gospel; will any man stay long in a place where he is not welcome? If God sees that he and his Gospel are not welcome, he will soon take his leave and be gone from them Hos. 2.12. Woe, Woe to them when I de­part from them. Well, that is the first sad simptom of the Gospel departing.

Secondly, Another sign of the gospel going, it is the general barrennesse of people under the preaching of the gospel; indeed it is to be hoped that some are fruitful, but the barren branches are more than the fruitful; Lea did comfort her self for her fruitfulness that now her hus­band would love her, Gen. 29.34. She was fruitful, therefore her Husband would love her. May not we on the contrary fear God will not love us because we are un­fruitful? it is a sad sign, when in the Weekly bill we see more every Weeke die than are born; Oh is it not so in a spiritual sence? we hear of many peo­ple that die Apostates, but how few are born to God. We hear of many barren Fig-trees that Christ cursed, but where [Page 25] are the fruitful Vines? if once that gos­pel; and people which was as the garden of God, shall become barren, it is a sign the Lord will bestow no more cost, but will pull up the hedge, and lay his Vine­yard waste; that is the second Symp­tom.

Thirdly. Another sad sign of the gos­pel going from us, which the Lord pre­vent, it is the animossities and bitter divi­sions of Gods own people; the Devil danceth at discords, it is a sad sight not onely to see Christs Coat rent, but to see his Bodie rent, his mistical Bodie. I have often seen, & it is usual, the Woolf to worrie the Lamb, but it is unnatural to see one Lamb worrying another: Christi­ans, they should be ready to dye one for another, and they can hardly live one by another: Those that write con­cerning the Bee, observes, when the Bees strive and mutanie together, it is a signe that the master Bee is about to leave the Hive; and when Gods people strive by discords & contentions, Oh it is a sign God is goi [...] from the Nation, he is about; to leave [...]ive. If that servants cannot [Page 26] agree, they will fall out, why the Master will take away the light from them, I wish it be not soe here. My be­loved, do not we all hope for one hea­ven? Oh why should there not be one heart among us? how unsationable are contentions among Gods people, now when the Popish adversary is so near to us, he is at the door. It is a very bad time for Marriners to divide and fall out when the Enemie is boreing a hole a [...] the bottom of the ship; is it not so now? surely it is a sad signe of the gospel going from us, the Lord will not let his gos­pel dwell in such a house as is all on fire.

Fourthly, Another sad signe of the Gospel going from us and a Spiritual Famine, i [...] is this; When the People of God lose their first love, and decline in their affections towards Jesus Christ, Rev. 2.4. I have somewhat against thee, be­cause thou hast left thy first love; when Christians have a Chilnesse and a Dead­nesse grow upon them, they have not the love to the word of God as they had, they have not that brokenness of heart for [Page 27] sin, they have not that zeal for truth, they have not that simpathize for the misery of Sion, they are now in a de­clining state, they have left their first love, and this is a fatal signe of Gods departing from the Nation; Lost thy first love, it will not be amiss to enquire whence this losse of our first love arise­eth; this Spiritual Consumption (as I may so call it,) whence does this loss of our love arise, I conceive it ariseth from these four Causes.

First, Perhaps there is some sin secret­ly indulged, some sinne that your heart sets brooding upon, now sinne is perni­cious to grace; it is like the blow at the Root of the Tree, that causeth the Tree to wither; as if a man takes but a small quantity of poison, why this will hurt his virals, it will waste his spirit, look upon David, he had been taking of poison, he was tampering with sin and he found a decay in his holiness, he was like one in an Apoplexsie, he had not that live­ly acting of Grace as formerly he had, he lost his first love.

Secondly, The losse of our first love, it may arise from the neglecting of the Ordinances, the means of Grace; you know abstinasie from food will quickly make the body Consumptive, it will soon bring a Consumption; so when People either through Pride or through Melan­cholly leave off Praying, leave off Sacra­ments; they have abstinasie from their Spiritual food, no wonder if they find a declining in their affections; Gods Or­dinances they are the fuel for our Graces, if you take away the fuel, no wonder you begin to abate and you loose your first love.

Thirdly, The losse of our first love ariseth, and I pray observe it, it riseth from a formal use of holy things; though perhaps we do keep up duty, yet God knows we do not keep up fervency in duty, Rom. 12.11. Fervent in spirit ser­ving the Lord. Oh, when once Christians grow into dull formality, pray as if they prayed not, their hearts is not in the duty, they do not put sire to the insence, they grow Drowsie in Prayer, you know the wise Virgins they slumbered, Matth. 25. [Page 26] Thus by degrees you lose your first love, though you be not quite dead in sin, yet you are dead in duty.

Fourthly, The loss of your first love, ariseth from a spiritual sloath, Christi­ans do not exercise themselves to godli­ness, and then there follows a decay in godliness; why, you know your expe­rience tells you there is nothing in the world sooner brings a mans body into a Consumption than want of exercise, be­cause the ill humours are not purg'd away, and natural heat exercised, want of exer­cise kills. My brethren, he that will not use grace, he will be sure to loose grace; Christians they do not exercise their faith, they do not busie themselves about hea­ven, they do not trade their Tallent for Gods glory as they should; they live in houses together, but they do no good to­gether, they do not exercise their grace, and hence they fall into decay of grace before they are aware and loose their first love, and what follows, this loss of your first love sadly prefages the loss of the gospel of Christ, for this very sin in the second of the Revelations and the [Page 30] 4 th v. for sin they had their golden Can­diestick removed from them, in the se­cond of the Revelations and the first verse. Therefore you see brethren what need there is to labour to prevent the spiritu­al Famine, and a loss of the gospel, because there is such a fear of the gospel departing from your; you have seen it evidently pro­ved before your eyes.

But here is a question; now you will say unto me, we cannot denie but there is a fear of the removal of the gospel, and of a famine of the Word; but how shall we do to prevent this soul Famine? now to this I answer, do these three or four things to prevent the gospel going a­way.

First, Take heed of those sins which will surely bring a Famine of Gods Word, there are some sinnes which we must endeavour to prevent, that will bring a famine of the word, there are se­veral of these sinnes set down in this Chap­ter, Amos 8. Pray observe them. I will mention some of them.

The first sinne the Prophet does set down, is Oppression, Amos 8.11. Hear this, Oh you that swallow up the needy. Those Jews they were like the Fishes of the Sea, the greater devour the lesser; For this sin of Oppression God threatens a Famine of the Word, and is not this sinne to be found a­mong us. Oppression, I appeal to any one that hath his Reason left. Does not one Man now become a Woolfe to another, does not he tear from him the Golden Fleece; I dare be bold to say there is more Justice to be found in Hell then among men upon Earth; for in Hell no Innocent Person is op­prest, that is one sinne.

Secondly, Another sinne the Pro­phet sets down, that is the cause of this Spiritual Famine; it was wearinesse of Gods Ordinances, Amos the 5 th and 8 th Verse. When will your New Moons be gone that we may sell Corne, and the Sabbath that we may set forth Wheat, Verse 6. For this sinne I will bring a Famine of the Word; are you [Page 32] weary of me, They were more for Trading then they were for worship­ing; The Lord hath fed us of this Ci­ty with the finest of the Wheat, the Bread of life, he hath given us the very Creame of his Ordinances, but when we have been fed to the full, have not we begun to surfeit, have we not said, when will the Sabbath be gone, what a wearinesse is it? Truely when we have lost our Stomach, it is most just with God to take away our Food; If a Mans Commodities bares a better price in one place then in another, he will remove his Marker; the Gospel is grown a cheap Commodity, it bears but a loe price; now Men are weary of it: and may not we fear God will remove his Market, he will transplant his Word into Foreign parts: Surely if we begin to say what a weariness is it if our mercies be our burthens, God can soon ease us of this burthen; this is a sinne brings a Famine of the Word, when we are weary of the Or­dinances; and hath not this sinne caus­ed a Famine of the Word already in many parts of this Land. There is [Page 33] none knows how to speak to their Spi­ritual Case, that can feed them with the Bread of life, that can divide the Word aright, in many parts of the Land it is so, they have Husks given to them instead of Food, and Musick instead of Manna.

Thirdly, Another sinne that brings a soul Famine, is this cozening in mens Dealings, Verse 5. Making the Ephar small, the Ephar it was the Kings Mea­sure, Verse 7. In selling they made the Ephar small, the meaning is, they gave but scanty Measure; they made the Ephar small; and saith God, you sell the refuge of the Wheat, that is mear Cheating, they pick out of the best Grain for themselves, and the Husks and Refuge they sell to the poor; here is mear Cheating, saith God, I will bring a Famine of the Word up­on you for this; let none hold in their hands false Ballances: I would there did not.

Fourthly, Another sinne that brings a Famine in this Chapter, is Idolatry, Verse 4. They that swear by the sinne of Samaria, and say, Thy God Oh Dan liveth, here was plain Idolatry; but let us understand this sinne of Sa­maria, what was that? that was the Calf that was set up at Bethel near to Samaria, and to swear to this Calf, here was plain Idolatry; for this God threatned a Famine of the Word, and are we free from this sinne, I would we were: is there no Idol worship a­mong us, are there not some so im­potent, as to say in Print, It will ne­ver be well with us till we are recon­ciled to the Mother Church of Rome: Idolatry it inrageth God, it breaks the Marriage Knot, it makes God give a Bill of Disvorce to a People; Idolatry it does so provoke the Lord, that he takes away the visible Tokens of his presence from a Nation, 2 King. 17.12.18. they served Idols, What fol­lows, Verse 18. Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, removed them quite out of his sight, he unpeo­pled them, he unchurched them, he [Page 35] removed them out of his sight. I say this to you, when once you see darke shaddows of Popery stretched out, then fear the Sunne of the Gospel is go­ing down.

Fifthly, Another sinne that brings a Gospel Famine, it is opposition to Re­formation, when God calls to a Land to returne to him by Repentance, Turn ye, turn ye, why will you die? but they will go on in sinne when God cries to them by his Judgments to break of sinne, but they will not hear the voice of Gods Rodd, Jer. 5. verse 3. they refuse to receive Correction; when once it is thus with a people, God will pack up and be gon from them, 7. Jer. 13.14. ver. Therefore will I doe to this House which is called b my Name, as I did to Shilo; why what did God do to Shi­lo? when he left the tokens of his wrath there at Shilo, the Priest was slain, the Arke taken Prisoner, all the signs of Gods presence were removed, and we never read that the Arke retuned to Shilo any more. Oh dreadful! hath not the Lord blown the Trumpet in our [Page 36] ears? hath not be called to us to re­pent, but we hate to be reformed, we turn a deaf ear to God; let England, let London, take heed it be not with it, as once with Shilo that God does not make the Vision cease, and bring a Famine of the word in these our days, Levit. 26. verse 23. pray observe, 24.30. saith God, verse 23. I will pu­nish you yet seven times more, for your sinnes I will make you lie waste, and I will bring your Sanctuary into desolation, that is the first thing: if you would prevent a Gospel Famine, I beseech you beloved take heede of those sinnes which you have seen have brought a Famine of Gods Word upon a Land.

Secondly, If you would prevent a Famine of the Gospel, let us besiege the Throne of Grace by earnest pray­er; Oh pray to God, you that can pray, pray, that the Lord would not depart from you, that he would not make the Vision cease, that he would not turne the Songs of our Temple in­to Howleing, Oh lay hold upon Christ by importunitie you read of those [Page 37] in the Gospel, when Christ made as if he was going away, the Text saith, they did constrain his to stay with them, Luke 24. Verse 29. Is not the Lord upon the Thrashal of his Tem­ple, as if he was ready to take his wings and flye from us? Oh let us by hum­ble prayer lye at his Feet, and if it be possible, constraine him yet to stay with England; stay Lord, rather any Judgement than this! rather lay a stroake upon my body or Estate, but doe not bring a Famine of the Word of God; and if we would prevaile with the Lord, use Arguments in prayer when we come to God for the poor Gospel of England: Lord hast thou never a Remnant left among us, a People that love thee, and fears thee, that hangs about thee, that will not let thee goe? Oh destroy not the clust­er, is not there a blessing in it? Oh wilt thou be gone from us, art not thou our Father, will the Father take away Bread from his Children? Lord, will not the Enemie insult to see thee leaving thy Temple, where thou hast put thy Name? wilt thou make the [Page 38] hearts of thy people sadde, and wilt thou rejoyce thine Enemies? Oh Lord, hast thou not given Bond, and is there better. Security? hast thou not promi­sed under thy Hand and Seale thou wilt give us Pastors after thine own heart to feed us with Knowledge? Lord, thou wilt never Forfeit thy Bond. It is true, we are an unworthy Nation, not worthy to be Beloved; Oh but canst not thou make us fit for Mer­cie? canst not thou give us Repentance as well as Deliverance? Nay Lord, let us farther press thee, is not thy Ho­nour concerned in all this? we are cal­led by thy Name, leave us not; thus should we use Arguments and follow God by prayer, and surely the Lord will not depart from us. Prayer, it makes a sweet sound in Gods Ear, and he will not goe away, where he hears this Musick, Againe,

Thirdly, Would we prevent a Gos­pel Famine (which we have cause to fear) let us this day turne to God and break off our sinnes by righteous­ness, Jer. 7. Verse 3. Amend your [Page 39] wayes and your doings, it is a vain thing to pray unless you reform, a­mend your wayes and your doings: What should God continue his Gos­pel for to an impenitent sinnefull Land, that are resolved they will sinne; who will lay out cost upon ground that brings forth nothing but Briars? who will power Rose-water upon a Dung­hill? Would we prevent a Gospel Fa­mine, let us breake up the Follow ground of our hearts by Repentance. I will say but this, if we Reforme not, we can expect to see no good dayes more, God will un-People us, he will un-Church us ere he hath done; Oh bet­ter loose the Sunne in the Firmament, than that the Gospel Sunne should be Eclipsed in our Horison: who would desire to live when the Arke of God is gone? what good Christian can for­beare weeping at the Funeral of the Gospel? that is the first exhortation; let us labour to prevent the coming of Gods Famine upon us, as we would prevent Fire, and Plague, so labour to prevent this Soul Famine.

Seccond Ʋse, of Exhortation is this, if a Famine of the Word be so sad as you have heard, let us doe what we can to keep God still amongst us and his Gospel. You will say how shall we keep the Gospel, it is a blessed de­signe to keep the Gospel? I will name three or four things, and I have done.

First, Entertain the Gospel into your houses, that is one way to keep it; Obadiah he entertained the Ark, and his house was blessed for the Ark sake; if you cannot have the Gospel in poblick, as you use to have with purity and free­dome, get it into your houses; I am sure of this, you can never put your houses to better use, then to entertain Christ and his Gospel; I beseech you let it not be said, that the Gospel is put to seek its lodging; does not this Gos­pel bring Salvation? Oh how glad should you be to have Salvation come to your House.

Secondly, Would you keep the Gos­pel [Page 41] among you? Improve it the best way, I know still to enjoy the Gospel, is to improve it, lay up a stock of know­ledge, let the word of Christ dwell richly in you, coll. 3. Verse 16. Re­ceive the Word not only into your heads, but into your hearts, get good by the word Preached, while the Manna falls gather Manna, the best way to enjoye the Gospel is to improve it, God will not take away the Brest, so long as Faith draws the brest. And then,

Thirdly, Prise the Gospel and that is the way to keep it, the Ordinances of God are the most signal blessings, they are bet­ter then Gold & Silver, they are the food of your souls, they strengthen faith, they increase joy; these are the Conduits that holds the Water of Life, that soul that before was dry like Aarons Rod being planted near these waters of the Ordinan­ces, have flourished, have brought forth Buds and Almonds, and therefore prise the Ordinances. Beloved here we con­verse with the Lord Jesus Christ, if ever we enjoy Christ upon earth, it is here; if ever we see his face, it is through this Lat­tice, [Page 42] Gods Ordinances are like the place of the Mercy Seat, where the Lord did speak from heaven to his People; oh then prise these Gospel blessings, and that is the way yet to keep them among you.

And lastly, If you would keep the Gospel with you, adorne the Gospel, you that are here present, you do all profess the Gos­pel, that is not enough, unlesse you adorn the Gospel, Phil. 1.27. Let your Conver­sation be as becomes the Gospel; but when do we adorn the Gospel? I answer, when we live according to the rule of the Gospel in sobriety and sanctity, Oh that is to adorn it: when we walk according to the rule of it in sobriety and sanctity, we adorn the Gospel; when we walk as the Members of Christ, and as those that are acted by his Spirit, we adorn the Gospel; when we shine forth in a kind of Angeli­cal brightnesse, and live so holy as if we had seen the Lord, this is to adorne the Gospel, and this is the best way I know to have the Gospel intailed upon us, and upon our posterity after us.

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