THE FAMOUS HISTORY Of the Life of the Renowned Prince PALMERIN OF ENGLAND: OR, The Glory of Knightly Prowess. In Three Parts. Containing his Parentage, Birth, Education, Travels, Strange Adventures, Noble Exploits and Victories; Combats with Monsters, Gyants, Armies, and Armed Knights, Dissolving Inchantments, delivering Distressed Ladies; and his success in Love.
The whole being a compleat Series, inter-woven with the Heroick Actions of many Valiant Emperours, Kings, Princes, and Knights of undoubted FAME, whose Matchless Deeds have won them immortal Honour. A Book Worthy the Perusal of either Sex.
Written originally in French; and now faithfully done into English (for the better satisfaction of the Reader) by J. S.
London, Printed for William Thackeray, in Duck-Lane and Thomas Passinger on London-Bridge. MDCLXXXV.
To the Reader.
YOU have before you a Book that has been in great Esteem in most Nations, there being but few Europian Languages, in which at this day it is not Extant: therefore seeing it written by others, in the honour of our Country, I thought it highly convenient that my Country-man should express himself in his native Language, or stand or fall by the Censure of the Judicious Natives of this famous Sea-surrounded Isle. I must confess there are many tracts of this Nature abroad in the world; but amongst the number that have proceeded, if I may freely pass my judgment, none have exceeded, if any have hitherto Equalized it. The subject is Arms and Love, to which are joyned State-Policies, Stratagems and Machavillian-Machinations, things worthy to be observed by the wisest and worthiest of Mankind; yet was it not so much written for profitable practice, as Pleasure and Recreation, though it may more then indifferently serve for both, being fitly quallified for all Capacities of either Sex, no where charged with Obscenity, or any thing misbecomming the persons, whose Charracters it lively represents, but handing their same down to future Ages. If I presage aright, it shall live till time is no more. If brave Exploits in Warr, or single Combates, [Page] if you seek here, you may behold it lively represented, as if you hazarded your self in the bloody field of Mars to satisfie that curiosity. If Courtship please you, Venus her self, nor her winged Son, have not the power to give you a better satisfaction. If Beauty, behold it as in a Mirror, If Constancy and Inviolate faith. rewarded with all terrestial felicity, you prize, here it is to be found. If State-pollicies, &c. you are desirous to dive into, see the Councels of Emperors and Kings lay'd open, and all misteries worthy the highest Earthly thought unraveled. And to be brief, there is nothing of this nature that can be reasonably desired, but it is to be found in this pleasant misterious Arcania; which makes him the bolder to recommend it to your good likeing. Who is
THE Famous History OF The Renowned PRINCE Palmerin of England, Part, the First.
How Don Edoard (Son to Frederick, King of England) haveing obtained in Marriage the Princess Flerida, Daughter to Palmerin Emperour of Greece; returning home, was lost in pursuing an Inchanted Boar; How he was led to the Castle of a Gyant called Dramusia [...]d, and there underwent a tedious imprisonment.
DOn Edoard, having a long time left his Native Country to War against the Turks and Sarazens that invaded the Greek-Empire, fell in love in the end with a beautiful Lady, Daughter to Palmerin the Greek Emperour, and so won upon her affections by his Behaviour and many Noble Atchievements in Feats of Arms, that she (with the consent of her Father) surrendred her self into his arms, to the great joy of all men; when [Page 2] having with his fair Princess stayed a while in all manner of Delights, he greatly desired to return into his own Country, to do which, he procured leave of the Emperor his Father-in-Law, and so with a great Train of Nobility Imbarqued; When after being some time detained by contrary Winds at Sea, they Landed in Enlgand, to the great joy of Fredrick the aged King, and all his Nobles; so that the Feasting was so great, that the like in any age had not been known: Yet the sudden change of Air, and long Voyage at Sea, together with her Teeming, so altred the fair Princesses Constitution, that falling into a Feaver, it much abated the former joy; but especially of Don Edoard, who sending for the most Skilful Physicians, he commanded them to use their utmost skill for her recovery: Whereupon, after much observation, they told him, the pleasantest Air that could be found, would be the most contributing to her Health; and that none could be better than near some Forrest, River, or in a pleasant Meadow: In complyance with which, he that would spare no Charge to give her ease, who was as dear to him as life, commanded a Royal Pavilion to be made, and afterwards to be carryed with all things necessary and fit for the Entertainment of the Princess, to the Verge of a pleasant Grove, by which run a Silver trill of Water, Meandering the flowery Meads: And hither was the Princess brought in a Chair of State, and things made in as ample manner for her Reception as if she had been in her Lords Pallace: But as Fortune would have it, when she began, through the means that were daily used to recover her Health and Strength, a fearful noise was heard in the Forrest, which the Prince and his Nobles supposing to be made by some Wild Beast, Armed and Mounted on Horse-back, when immediately they espyed amongst the Thickets, a monstrous Wild Boar, with horrid Tusks and flaming Eyes; whereupon the Dogs were uncoupled, and the Prince followed swiftly after the flying Beast, insomuch that his Nobles soon lost sight of him; nor could they, notwithstanding the loud shouts they made, have any answer; so that night coming on, they resolved to return to the Pavilion, for thither they imagined their Lord would come; yet were they greatly perplexed least he should sustain any damage: Howsoever, return they did, [Page 3] and comforted the Princess in the best wise, least through grief, she might Relapse.
The Prince seperated from his Nobles as aforesaid, and night coming fast upon him, he having wandred in vain to find the Pavilion as long as the night continued; by this time being weary and faint, having also lost his Game, descended from his Horse, and fastening him to a spreading Beach, laid himself down upon the Grass, thinking with the mornings Dawne to be upon his way; when restlesly passing over the tedious Dark, in often considering the affliction the Princess would be in for want of his Company, up he gets the next morning, and passes along the side of a pleasant River, till he espy'd a fair Castle, at which he intended to inquire his way: Where upon his arrival, he found the Gates open, and a Porter standing before them, who welcomed the Prince, desiring him to enter, which he did, and found it to be a spacious place, richly adorned, and in such good order, that he could not refrain wondring thereat; when as he no sooner passed through a great Hall, but entring the next Room, he was encountred by a beautiful Lady, who appeared to be Governess of the Castle, to whom he made low obedience, and she returning the like Complement, welcomed him in a courteous manner, demanding his Name, Country, and the occasion of his coming thither; all which he told her; whereat she seemed wonderfully pleased, and intreated him in all love, to honour her Castle for that night with his presence, and that the next morning she would dismiss him with a guide to the place he sought. The Prince invited in this manner by a beautiful Lady, could not in point of Generosity, refuse such a Courtesie, though his heart was still with fair Flerida: And thereupon the Tables were spread with Provision of every sort, and Wine in abundance, all brought in by invisible ways; and over and above, the most Melodious Musick was heard, but no persons or Instruments seen; which raised an admiration in the Prince what it should mean; yet being a Man of a daring resolution, he resolved if possible, to see the utmost of the Adventure verily believing, as indeed it was true, that the Lady was an Enchantress; and that whate're he had observed was created by the power of Magick: Yet down he sat, [Page 4] and immediately perceived all the Seats filled with either Sexes, in rich Attire, who to his thinking, were really so; and that they fed heartily as himself imagined he did. The Banquet tnded, they rose up to Dance, and after that vanished; whereupon the Lady came to the Prince and bid him be of good chear, entertaining him with amorous glances, and night being come, she demanded of him, whether he would be conducted to his Lodging? To which, by reason of his long Travel, and all-nights Lodging before, he readily consented: When divers seeming Gallants attended him, as also did the Lady and her Damosels; so that in his Fathers Court he never was more Nobly attended; when entring his Chamber, he found divers Lamps of Gold burning, whose flames were fed with Naptha and Apthaltis, all the Ceeling appearing to be fretted Gold, and the Walls hung round with curious Pictures, representing Wars and Stories of Knights: The floor was Cedar, and the Bed of Purple Velvet, Fringed with Gold, and all Embroidered o're with Pearl and Stones, that dazled by reflected Light, the admiring Princes eyes, who had never seen the like before: Yet to Bed he went, and soon by Magick Spells, was Charmed into slumber; when as Eutrope the fair Enchantress, sent her Virgin to fetch the Princes Sword which he had put under his Beds-head, to resist any Enchantment that might be practised upon his Person; that Sword being of such vertue, that no Spells had power to injure him whilst it was in his possession; the which the Damosel having effected, the Enchantress sent it to Dramusiande her Kinsman, a Monstrous Gyant, and one that sought the ruine of Don Edoard for the death of his Father, slain in an attempt by Fredrick the Princes Father; who upon notice of what had passed, hasted to the Castle, and rudely pressing into the Princes Chamber with many Exclamations, awaked him, threatning to revenge what had happened by the hand of the Father, upon the Son; whereat the Prince starting from his slumber, and perceiving himself in danger, groped for his Sword, but finding it gone, he, like a Lyon beset with Hunters, scorning to be afraid, grasped a Pillar of the Bed, and tearing it down, laid at his Monstrous Foe, but being oppressed by multitudes, was forced to [Page 5] yield; and thereupon the Gyant at the instance of Eutrope, granting him his life, cast him into Irons, and conveyed him into a strong Prison on the top of the Castle, where in great misery he continued many years, as will in the sequel appear.
How Don Edoard suffered in Prison, and who the Gyant was: How the Princess Flerida was delivered in the Pavilion of two fair Sons, which were taken thence by a Savage Man, to feed the Lyons; and what happened to Sir Fridos, Son to the Duke of Gauls, during his riding in quest of Don Edoard.
THE Prince being thus taken as it were in a Snare, bewailed not so much his Captivity as it grieved him to thinke how the Princess and his Father would take his absence; yet with a Manly Courage he resolved to brave his Fate, seeing sorrow would be nothing available. Now the cause why the Grant Dramusiand's Father fell, was this: The Emperor of Greece, named Palmerin, and Trineus, Son to the Emperor of Germany, being in England, the latter fell in love with the fair Princess Agricola, Daughter to Fredrick, and Sister to Don Edoard, who so far prevailed, that he was in great likelihood to have her in Marriage: But so it happened, that the Princess and divers Knights and Ladies, attending the Queen and Princess Agricola to a neighbouring Forrest, there to Recreate themselves: Frenaque a monstrous Gyant, Father to Dramusiand, desirous to get the Princess in Marriage, and having been taking the opportunity of their being unarmed, came upon them with twenty of his followers, and in spight of the resistance they made, took from them the Queen and Princess; of which King Fredrick having notice, caused them all to Arm themselves, and pursued the Gyant, when overtaking him, a fierce Combat began, in which the Gyant and almost all his followers, were slain, and divers of the Princes and Knights on the other hand, sore-wounded; [Page 6] so that the Queen and Princess were at that time rescued, which made the Enchantress Eutrope, Sister to Frenaque, vow revenge, and incite the Son to take satisfaction for his Mothers Blood upon any of the Kingly race, where ever he could conveniently meet them; the Enchantress in the mean while using her utmost endeavour to bring them into his power, which she first effected upon the Prince, as is before said: Yet soon after, the Gyant a little relenting, took off his Irons, and gave him liberty to walk about the Castle; yet so great was the grief of the Princess for his loss, that after divers Knights had searched for him in vain, and chiefly for Sir Pridos, Son to the Duke of Gauls, who had notice of his being alive, by Argonida the Enchantresses Daughter, but not of the place of his residence, she fell in Labour, and was delivered of two fair Sons, one of which was, by her express command, Baptized by the Name of Palmerin, according to the Name of her Father; and the other Florin du Deserta, or Florin of the Forrest; the better for the future to put her in mind of the hardship she had sustained: At what time being perswaded by her Ladies to leave that solitary place, and retire to the Court, she resolved upon it; when in the mean time, by the power of the Enchantress, the two Infants were taken from her by force in this manner.
A Fellow, who from his Infancy being nourished amongst Wild Beasts, with whom he became so familiar, that the fiercest would fawn upon him: Espying the Pavilion on the Verge of the Forrest, in which he had a Cave, came boldly into it, and seeing the two Infants lying in the Cradle, took them in his arms and bore them thence in spight of the weak resistance the unarmed Knights and shrieking Ladies made; which redoubled the Princesses grief, who weak as she was, crept out of her Bed, and sent her eyes after him, till by speedy flight he was absconded amongst the thickest Trees.
How Sir Pridos came to Court, and declared the unwelcome News, and of the grief that thereon ensued; what became of the young Princess, and how upon notice of Don Edoards Loss at Constant [...]nople, Prince Primalion, Son to the Emperor, went in search of him.
SIR Pridos having a long time in vain searched after his good Friend, and not being able to discover the place of his aboad, and having acquainted the Princess with the words of the Damosel, he went to Court as to prepare for the beautiful Flerinas Reception, and to give the King and Queen what information he could, when during his absence, the Children were taken away.
This good Knight arriving at the Court, and affirming what before was rumoured with much uncertainty, filled every Breast with grief, especially the Queens, who for loss of her Son, took on beyond measure; so that long it was e're the King could comfort her; yet in the understanding he was alive, and that in time his deliverance would be wrought, she began to be more temperate, and to expect the best: Whereupon order was taken to fetch the disconsolate Princess to the Court; upon whose arrival, the loss of the Royal Infants being known, drew second streams of tears from many eyes: Nor would the Princess be comforted, but as often as she might, retired, and greatly bewailed her sad misfortune; desiring that the Emperor her Father and Prince her Brother, then residing at Constantinople, might be made acquainted with what had happened: Which Request of hers was granted; and Sir Argolant, Son to Duke Horten, charged with the doleful Message, Embarquing, soon arrived; and to the great grief of all that heard it, became the relator of the doleful News, as will hereafter appear.
Now the Savage-Man that took the young Children being about to give them to the Lyons that he kept to Hunt with, moved with remorse, became more mild, pittying the Innocents, who smiled [Page 8] upon the grim-fac'd Wretch, and opened their pritty Arms, as it were to Embrace him; insomuch, that altogether altering his determination, he delivered them to an Old Woman that lived in a Cave in that Forrest, to do with them as she pleased; not knowing to whom they appertained, brought them up as well as she might, in whose protection I shall for a while leave them.
Argolant, as it is said, arriving at Constantinople, it so happened, that at the same time great Triumphs were acting for joy of the Birth of Polinarda, Daughter to the Prince Primalion; there being present divers Kings and Princes: But when he produced his Letters of Credence, and related the doleful Story, they was turned into Mourning, especially the Emperor and his Son made great moan; the latter vowing in the presence of them all, that he would spend the greatest part of his life in search of the worthy Don Edoard; and with him joyned divers of the Nobles; nor could the tears of their Ladies, nor any perswasions of their Friends, obliege them to alter their determinations.
The Prince not to be less then his word, having settled his Affairs, and taken leave of his Friends, Armed himself as did the Nobles that attended him; and so furnished in the best manner, they secretly left the City, each Knight having his Esquire; when being without the Gates, they took several ways, resolving to search in the Courts of Princes for the absent Prince, and not return till they had heard tydings of him; and so Sir Argolant was dismissed with many rich Presents.
How Prince Primaleon in his Adventures, met the sorrowful Funerals which Pendritia made for being rejected by Don Ed [...]ard, why he led a solitary life, and how young Florin straying from his Nurses Cave, was found by Sir Pridos, and brought to the Court.
PRimaleon now seperated from his Company, Travelled (only attended by his Esquire) through divers Countrys, inquiring and making diligent search for his absent Brother-in-Law; when in the end, arriving in the bottom of a Valley in [Page] [Page] [Page 9] the Territories of Lacedemon, about the Suns declining, it on a sudden grew so dark, and the Shade so high, that he was minded not to enter the Forrest which stood in his way: But whilst he was musing, and Night coming fast on, there issued out of a small Lodge, a Troop of Ladies all in Mourning, with Torches in their hands, following a Mourning Coffin; at which the Prince much wondred, especially in such a solitary place; wherefore approaching them, and espying one more Beautiful then the rest, he addresses himself to her in this manner:
Fair Lady, let me as a Stranger, intreat you to suffer me to understand the reason of this Mournful Object, in a place where I deemed no Mortal had dwelt; and why those Clouds of sorrow sit on a face so lovely, which nevertheless is beautiful in Tears; and if you have been injured, I swear by my Knighthood to do you Iustice, at the hazard of my Life.
Vpon this Request, the Lady having well noted his comely Personage, modest Speech, and courteous Deportment, fetching a deep sigh, replyed: Sir Knight, my Name is Pandritia, Daughter to the King of Lacedemonia, whose unfortunate ha [...] it was, to fall in Love with Don Edoard, who delivered my Brother King Ternaes by his Valour, out of the Inchanted Castle of Des noires Oiseaux: But that Prince having before given his heart to the happy and fair Flerida, instead of the Substance, left me only his Picture, which being dressed in Funeral Weeds, I am about to Interr, hoping by that means, to delude my grief for the absence of him I love as dear as life. This said, Primaleon lifting up the Paule, saw there, to his amazement, the lively Portraiture of his dear Friend; insomuch that at first he verily believed it was: he Whereupon comforting the Lady, he himself attended that Fantastick Funeral to a dolesome place covered all with black. and hung round with the Pictures and Tragick Stories of Vnfortunate Lovers; but into it the Prince was denyed entrance, unless he would devote his future days to Mourning; which he refusing, kindly took his leave, and passed on in search of the Substance, whom Pardri [...]ia upon notice of his loss, supposed to be dead, where we must leave them for a while, and return into England,
[Page 10] Don Edoard not being yet released from his confinement, though twelve years had passed, great search was made after him; when as Sir Pridos coming to the Forrest, near unto which the Princess Flerida had lost her Children, he espyed a Beautiful Youth sitting very Pensive, resembling Don Edoard so much, that at a distance he verily believed it to be him; when coming closer, he demanded the cause of his sadness, and what brought him to that desolate place? To which he replyed, That he had been Hunting in the Forrest, and had lost both his Game and himself, not knowing how to find the way to his Cave. Cave! said Sir Pridos, Why! do you live in a Cave? Yes, replyed the Youth, I was brought up in this Forrest ever since I can remember, by an Old Woman and a Savage Man, who daily Hunts with Lyons, and Shoots Wild Beasts.
By this means Sir Pridos verily conceived it was one of the Princess Fleridas Sons; wherefore he so dealt with him, that mounting him behind him, he brought him to the Court clad in a Harts Skin only, and presented him to the King, who seeing the lively Image of his Son portrayed in his face by Natures Pencil, comforted the Princess, and assured her, that it must by all Circumstances, be one of her Sons: Whereupon she greatly rejoyced, and Dressing him in Princely Attire, caused him to be instructed in all things necessary for accomplishment, so that it soon appeared by his singular Carriage and Demeanour, that he was of Noble Birth; and did afterwards happen to be Florina du Deserta, the youngest Son of Don Edoard, and his Princess Flerida, as shall in the Series of this History, be made manifest.
How the Savage-Man was grieved for the loss of Florina: How the young Prince Palmerin, walking to seek his Brother, departed thence with Polendos, King of Thess [...]lia, who carried him to Constantinople; and how it was revealed by a Damosel, what he should afterwards be.
YOung Florina as aforesaid, being taken from the Forrest, the Savage-man was extreamly grieved for his absence, supposing his Lyons, who returned all bathed in the blood of a Hart, had slain him; so that in a desperate mood, he slew them by way of Revenge: But what did more increase his Rage, was, for that young Palmerin going with Sylvan the Savage-mans Son, to seek his Brother, was soon after wanting, being carried away in the following manner. The two Youths Travelling till weary, beheld a fair green Bank, which overlookt from a rising Hill, the Calm and gentle Ocean: Where reposing themselves, and falling asleep, a Gally came to shore, in which was Polendos King of Thessaly, then in search of Don Edoard and Primaleon; who viewing a pair of such lovely Youths in so desolate a place, took them on Board; and having caught some Venison, and taken in fresh Water, set Sail, and Coasting many Countrys, at last returned to Constantinople, where all was yet in heaviness; when upon their Landing, the King presented the Emperor with young Palmerin, who for his Beauty and Strength, was admired by all: When as the Emperor conceiving an unusual joy at the Reception of such a Present, sent him to his Grand-Daughter, the fair Polinarda, who Entertained him as her Servant, and for the love of whom the Prince did Wonders, as in the Sequel will appear.
The young Prince now flourishing in the Grecian Court, and gaining the esteem of all; it happened on a day, at a high Feast where a number of great Personages were present, that a Damosel in Armour came riding upon a White Steed, and [...] [Page 12] lighting in the Yard before the Pallace, desired an Officer to introduce her into the Emperors presence, which being done, she deliver'd a Letter from Thrasmenia the Inchantress, wherein was presaged the future Greatness of young Prince Palmerin, as followeth.
To the Most Renowned and Invincible Palmerin, Emperor of Greece, Salutations.
AT whose Name the Enemy trembles, and good Subjects rejoyce; in whose Court Fame is the Riches of the Valiant, and Friendship the reward of the Vertuous and Venterous: I wish thy State as permanent as thy Deeds have been Puissant, and the Unanimity of thy Friends to prosper in long amity of happy Fortune. The young Prince you have received into your Court, although you may judge it incredible, yet shall you find it certain, (when Fate is ripe for Birth) is descended of two of the most Puissant Princes the World affords; and himself shall prove as great and Victorious: wherefore let his Entertainment be such as his Honour Merits, and his Estemation according as his Valour does declare; for he it is that must defend your Imperial Diadem when it shall be in greatest danger, and render you the Darling of Fortune; beloved of thy Enemies as of thy nearest Friends. By his means likewise, shall two Unfortune Princes enjoy thir Liberty, none (himself excepted) being able to deliver them; forasmuch as he shall mount highest in the favour of Fortune, and be the Glory of Knighthood. So leaving what has been premised, to be fulfilled when time has Circuled the Minutes set by Destiny, wishing all Felicity to your Imperial Majesty, I rest
This Letter did not a little amaze the Emperor, though inwardly he greatly rejoyced; for he had heard much of the Skill of this famous Inchantress, and therefore relyed the more upon the verity of her Predictions, so that changing the Prince from that of a [Page 13] Servant to a higher Degree, he caused him to be put in a splendid Equipage, and recommended him to the Tuition and Society of his Nobles; insomuch that he greatly profited, not only in Feats of Arms, but Learning, to that Degree, that none in Court exceeded him; which made the Emperor more and more place his affections upon him; insomuch that he highly recommended him to his beautious Grand-Daughter, advising her not to slight the motions of his Love if he offered it; yet she being of tender years, did not so well regard him as she ought, but made him for her sake, undertake many difficult and dangerous adventures, which he performed to such admiration, that in the end, with the consent of all, he gained the intire affections of that incomparable beauty, as in this History will at large appear.
How Vernar Prince of Germany, riding in search of Don Edoard, met with many strange Adventures; and what happened between him and Belcar Duke of Duras, in the Unfortunate Forrest, &c.
AMongst many Princes and Noble Knights that were in search of Don Edoard; Vernar the Emperor of Germany's Son, was one who undertook it at the instance of his Mistris the fair Bazilia, being likely to run the hazard of her displeasure if he succeeded not: When the Prince having been in divers Countries and heard no Tydings, he began to dispair of accomplishing his Mistresses desire and thereupon thought it shame to return to her again if he should fail; which caused troops of melancholly thoughts to muster in his Breast, and to revolve many things: But whilst he was Riding in that mood, only attended by his Esquire, near the Unfortunate Forrest where the Prince was lost, he at a distance, beheld a Knight, attended likewise by a Squire, ride towards him, but minding his way, he did not much regard him, though he perceived he had Guilt Armour that glittered, by [Page 14] the reflections of the Sun, and upon it divers Leopards portrayed; his Shield was Silver, and in it the Figure of a fiery Serpent.
The aforesaid Knight coming up to the Prince, Saluted him, but he regardless of any thing but his Mistresses commands, returned not the like Salutation, which caused the Knight to give him many unbecoming words; yet the Prince made him no other Answer, but that he had other Affairs to trouble his mind, then to addict himself to complement; nor believed he it was in the power of any Knight, to oblige him to any thing contrary to his mind: Then would the Knight of the Serpents know what Secret possessed his breast: Then said the Prince, I shall not let you know, neither by fair means nor force shall the secret be wrested from me. Vpon this, high Words arising, they betook them to their Spears, and running a full Course broke them, so that the Shivers flew into the aire; whereupon they drew their Swords, and began the Combate so fiercely, that many Wounds were given and received; insomuch, that through loss of blood, they were obliged to pause a little: at what time the Knight of the Serpents well viewing the Princes Shield, on which was portrayed to the Life, the Picture of the Beautiful Bazilia, with many other quaint Devices, which made him suppose he had formerly seen that Shield, and that it was with some Friend of his he fought; wherefore with gentle words, he began to perswade the Prince to discover himself, who as strongly refused: So that having breathed, they began the Fight again so furiously, that they had certainly slain each other, had not their Esquires come running in and besought them to forbear, for that they had either of them sufficiently tryed their Strength; and so it happened, that the Princes Esquire dropped such words, as gave the Knight of the Serpents, knowledge with whom he fought, so that laying down his weapon he ran and Embraced him in a most loving manner; insomuch that the Prince marveliing thereat, returned the like Courtesie, and then drawing up the Beavers of their Helms, they, to their great joy, knew each other, and grieved that they had made that rash Encounter; when having suffered their Wounds to be dressed, and refreshed themselves at an adjacent Castle, they rode in search of the strayed Prince.
How Eutrope gave Dramusiand to understand, the approach of Prince Primaleon; and how upon his arrival, he Justed against Don Edoard; and by what means they came to know each other: How the Prince in attempting to deliver him, Combated with the Gyants, and was himself taken Prisoner.
PRince Primaleon, Son to the Emperor of Greece, having sought his beloved Brother-in-Law in divers Countries, at length came to the English Court, where he was highly Welcomed, as well in respect of his Nobility as Valour; yet not being at quiet till he had heard some News of him for whose sake he had undertaken many Adventures, he resolved to search every corner of this Island; of which, by the secrets of her Art, Eutrope the Enchantress having notice, advized her Kinsman, that one of the Valiantest Knights of the World would suddenly approach his Castle, and try strange Adventures for the recovery of Prince Edoard: Therefore she counselled him to put himself and his Castle into the best posture of defence he might, lest he run the hazard of loosing it: Which Counsel the Gyant neglected not to observe; So that Arming his two Gygantick Brethren, viz. Pandare and Alligan, with divers other of his Friends: He also obliged Don Edoard, upon the Oath of his Knighthood, which he knew he would not violate, to oppose in Arms any that should attempt to enter the Castle; Barring all, unless one Gate that opened to the River, on which the Castle was scituate, yet only a narrow Bridge to pass; and here the Gyant placed the Valiant Prince, who sat mounted on Horse-back in Sable Armour, having for his Device, a Flaming Heart portrayed in a Silver Shield.
The Prince Edoard had not long been upon the Bridge, with his Spear ready in his Rest, e're Primaleon came Riding up in Green Armour, and for his Device, in a Gold Shield he bore the troubled Ocean, so artificially drawn, that to the beholders the [Page 16] Waves seemed to move: When addressing himself to Don Edoard, he said; Sir Knight, What place is this? or how is it called? This is, said the Prince, the Castle Perilous. Then said Primaleon, I must enter it: That you may not do, said Prince Edoard, unless I first am Vanquished; no, nor then neither, unless you fight against and overcome divers Monstrous Gyants. All this will I attempt to do, said Prince Primaleon, rather then lose my desire; whereupon the Princes prepared, and run so fiercely at each other, that they both fell from their Horses, to their great amazement, neither of them before that time having felt such Prodigeous strength; when drawing their Swords they Charged again, but long they had not fought, e're some words falling between them, Don Edoard knew Primaleons voice, and said, Most Valiant Sir, I would not, trust me, injure you for any thing, I might thereby aquire, and am sorry I have opposed the most accomplished of Minkind, and my beloved Brother, both by Marriage and in Arms. Primaleon hearing this, stood no longer doubtful who it was, but casting down his Sword, would have Embraced him, had he not been hindred by the coming of Panda [...]e, a terrible Gyant, who commanded Prince Edoard upon the Oath of his Knighthood, which he had given to Dramusiand, to retire, which he did; and then Prince Primaleon would have followed, but the Gyant churlishly thrust him back, and stood to oppose him, which so enraged the Prince, that Charging upon the Monster with his Glittering Sword, that giving him a fierce blow, he made him stagger three Paces back; whereat the Gyant smoke the Prince on the Shield and clove it in sunder, leading him unguarded unless with his Sword; yet nothing daunted, he fought so manfully, that he soon brought his Foe into great distress, and had slain him, had not Alligan his Brother, a Gyant more fierce, come to his assistance: Then wished the Prince for his Brothers aid, who by reason of his Oath, could not assist him, though in his heart he wished him success; yet not dismay'd, the Grecian Prince obstinately continued the Combate, till this second Gyant was greatly distressed; insomuch, that Dramusiand doubting to whom the Victory would fall, came Armed to the Combate; yet admiring the Valour of the Heretick Prince, he first [Page 17] by smooth deceitful words endeavoured to win him to accord, that so he might have him in his power, but finding his Rhetorick no way forcible to work upon an invincible resolution, for he had set down his Resolution, either to free his Friend, dye, or remain Prisoner with him; the latter of which, after a dreadful Combat, and many wounds on either side fell to his Lot, for the Prince having maintained the Combat against so many freshmen (at last fainting through loss of Blood) was seized by the three Gyants and carried into the Castle, yet having him in their power, prizing his Valour at a high rate, they used him courteously, comforting him, and dressing his wounds, not forbiding him to see his dear Friend Edoard, for whose sake he had hazarded his Life, with hopes in time of hath their deliveries; and so for many years they continued together, till they were delivered; as the Sequel of this History will appear.
How Palmerin the Emperor Knighted Prince Palmerin, and divers other young Princes and Lords, and appointed a Turnament, which they began, where two Strange Kts. arrived in Green Armour, and what else befell during the pastime.
THe Young Prince Palmerin is now grown to mans Estate, and having well approved his Strength and Courage, the Emperor resolved no longer to withhold him from the Order of Knighthood, and that he might be the more Graced thereby, he caused a Royal Feast to be made, and Assembled divers Noble Princes and Lords, and vpon Easter Day, after Divine Service was done, the Emperor took the Prince in his hand, and declared his intent. Whereupon all the Ensigns of Knighthood being brought, Frizel King of Hungary fastned on his Spurs, and what most pleased the Prince, the Fair Polinarda Girded his Sword about him by her Fathers command, for whose sake afterwards the Prince did wonders. Then were divers other Princes and Lords Knighted, as Gracian Son to the French King, Berolde Prince [Page 18] of Spain, as also were Onistalde and Dramian his two Brothers, Estrelant Son to the Hungarian King, Don Rousel, Blesart, Son to Belcar, Belizand Son to King Tersius, Lyman of Burgundia, Son to the Duke of Tyrole, Francian, Son to the King of Thessaly, Francilinus Polinardus, Son to the German Emperor, Adrian Son to Majortes, Germaine Son to the Duke of Orleance, Attenebrant, Son to the Duke of Tirendos, Attremoran, Son to the Duke Lecesin, Frizold, Son to Duke Drapos of Normandy, and Nephew to the King of Hungary, with many others that had been trained up in the Emperors Court.
The Order of Knighthood conferred on the aforesaid Heroick Youths, Suits and Armour was ordered for them, of the Richest that might be had, when as in honour of them, a Sumptuous Feast was made, and every one of them placed in the Great Hall, acording to their degrees; which ended, they prepared for Turnament; the place for that purpose being before alotted, divers expert Captains being ordered to Marshal them, the Emperor having appointed Palmerin to Lead the Gallant Troop, who in bright Armour Studded over with Diamonds and other Precious Stones, shewed like a Star, when as to see them the Emperor, Empress, and the Beautiful Princess Gridonia and Polinarda, with divers other of Quality, and Transcendent Beauty took their places, at what time, all the Princes being in a readiness, Young Palmerin Advanced, and Couched his Spear against Libusan, a reputed Famous Grecian Knight, and in his full Career, hiting him on the Breast, tumbled him from his Horse, which greatly rejoyced the Emperor, but more, the Beautious Princess Polinarda: by his example, all the other Knights Iusted, and did brave Exploits, to the pleasure and amazement of the Spectators; but above all, the young Prince Palmerin bore away the Prize, not only at the Launce, but at the Sword, using it so Dexterously, that it was admirable but in the heighth of the Pastime, entred two strange Knights in Green Armour, who dealt so furiously, that they overthrew divers of the Princes Train, which he perceiving, bowed to his Fair Mistris Polinarda, and setting his Spear in his Rest, advanced to oppose them; one of these Knights had Portrayed in his Shield a Savage Mare, leading a Brace of Lyons, and from thence was Stiled the Knight of the [Page 19] Savage man, but the other bore no device: against the former the Prince addressed himself, but found such opposition, that he wondred greatly, for either of their Spears shivered in the Air, yet neither of them were so much as moved; upon which, drawing their swords, they began a fiercer Combat, which the Emperor fearing might end in the hurt of either of them, sent to require them to forbear, for that they had sufficiently proved each others strength; but they made it their supplication that they might try it, and so continued without gaining upon each other, fighting to the Amazement of the Spectators, till it was duskish, at which time the Emperor caused the retreat to be sounded, and that every Knight should retire to the Pallace, as for the other Green Knight, he was Encountred by Platire, Son to Primalion, and soon overthrown.
This days Iusts being ended, and night come on, all but the two Green Knights returned to the Pallace, where disarming themselves and feasting sumptuously, they fell to dancing with the Ladies, performing it with great Dexterity, but here the Prince through bashfulness missed of his wish, for he verily hoped to have been honoured with his Mistresses fair hand, but whilst he stood doubting, her Brother chose her, and so each by his example taking the Lady that fell to his Lot, or that he best liked; all that night was spent in pastime and Iolitry.
How the Sage Aliart of the Obscure Valley, sent a Shield to the Prince Palmerin, which was taken from a Damosel on the way, by the Knight of the Savage man, and how the Prince recovered it: Who Sage Aliart was, and why she sent the Shield.
MOrning come, as all the Knights were preparing for the Turnament, a Damosel both Beautiful and Richly attired came into the Hall, and having well viewed the Knights, made Obeysance to the Emperor, and in words addressed her self as followeth:
Mighty Sir, said she, having been lately much [Page 20] abused in your Dominions, and knowing that it is the Flower of Knighthood to revenge the Quarrels of injured Damosels, I come to your Court to have Redress, then know dread Sir, I being sent by Sage Aliart of the Obscure Valley, who wisheth all happiness to you, and your Posterity, with a Shield, as a present, to the Noble Prince Palmerin. As I passed through the Forrest of Clear-Fountain, I met with a Knight in Green Armour, having a Savage man leading two Lyons, Portrayed in his Shield, who unkindly took it from me, saying, that if any of the Knights of your Majesties Court was so hardy as to win it from him, he would abide their coming in that place for the space of three days, wherefore that it may be adventured, for I make it my request. The Damsel having made this Relation, the Emperor and all the Knights present were greatly troubled, but Prince Palmerin was at that time waiting upon his Mistriss; when as every one did offer to undertake the Adventure, yet the Emperor would suffer none to do it till he had acquainted the Prince therewith; but divers envying his rising Glories, contrary to the knowledge of the Emperor, stole from the Court, and finding the Green Knight. Iusted with him, but were not able to stand before him; when in the end, the Damsel being highly Rewarded, the Prince attended by divers Knights, mounted, and Rode to the place; where he found those that had advanced without order, overthrown, Horse and man; which caused him to make ready for the Charge, but the Green Knight who before had tryed his strength, and having knowledge from the Damsel that the shield could be worn by no other Knight, he retired, and suffered him to take it down, by which means he found it appertained to him. Then they kindly embraced, and the Prince caused the Green Knights Wounds to be dressed, and favourably Invited him to the Court, but he refused to go, as not being at that time willing to be known.
The Prince having recovered the Shield, in the midst of which was a Palm Tree, Lively Portrayed; returned in Triumph, and was highly welcomed, and honoured of all: When as a second Turnament began, in which he behaved himself more Valiantly then before, and at that time intirely won the Affections of the Fair polinarda, on whom he was extreamly Enamoured, though she long hid her Love, which caused him to undertake many great [Page 21] and dangerous Adventures. The Sage Aliart of whom we before made mention, Son to Manoda a great Sorceress, who from his Infancy trained him up in her Devilish Art, so that by that means, he soon exceeded her in Witchcraft, insomuch that he had perfect knowledge from all places what had happened, and of future Fate. This Aliart, for his better retirement, Built him a Castle in a dismal gloomy Valley, overspread with Trees, and Walled on either side with Craggy and inaccessable Mountains, where he Studied, and by Spirits had frequent notice what Eutrope and Dramusiand did, whose Inchantments he strove to frustrate, and deliver the Knight by his Superiour power, but found that the Fates had perfixed a certain time, and the man that was to effect it; wherefore that Prince Palmerin might be free from all enchantments, he sent him the aforesaid Shield.
How Prince Verner, and Duke Belchar, in the Company of Polendos, King of Thessaly, arrived at Dramusiand's Castle, where entring Combate, they were all taken Prisoners: How Recinde King of Spain, and Arendos King of France, travelled in Search of Don Edoard, and of the Adventures that befell them.
PRince Verner, and Duke Belchar, having cured the wounds they received fighting against each other, resolved to pass on thorough the Perillous valley in search of Don Edoard, and so long they rode, that they came within sight of the Gyant [...]s Castle, who standing upon his Guard, determined if possible to take them Prisoners; when as they were musing, so it happened; Polendos King of Thessaly, came Riding up [Page 22] to them, with whom being formerly acquainted, and knowing his Task was the same with theirs, they kindly Saluted him, and he them, so that discoursing together, they came to the Castle Gate, where upon the Bridge they perceived a Knight in Black Armour, who did them deffante, this Knight was Don Edoard, who by Dramusiands appointment was set to guard the passage; when as these three Knights strained Complements with each other who should begin the Encounter; but in the end, Prince Verner obtained his wish but in the first Encounter he was unhorsed, whereupon he drew his Sword, but Don Edoard refused him, saying, it was the pleasure of the Lord of the Castle that he should have no more than the first Onset, then Belchar came against him, but was overthrown as the former was, as also the third; then he retiring, the Gyant Pandare came against Prince Verner who was entring the Gate, and forbid him further access, which he perce [...]ving, drew his Sword, so that between them began a dreadful Combat, but whilst Belchar and Polindos were coming to his relief, the Princes Sword with a mighty Stroak he gave the Gyant, broke in the midle, whereupon, his Shield being cleft and he left defencless, Pandare gave him such a stroak over the head with his Mate, as brought him to the ground, and layed him in a Trance, but by this time, Belchar and Polindos came up, and gave the Gyant divers wounds, which Aligant his Brother perceiving, came running to his Rescue with a mighty Battle-Ax, and so layed about him, that though himself received many wounds, and that Pandare through loss of blood was fallen to the ground, he brought the King and Duke to his mercy, when disarming them, he carried them by main force into the Lodging of Don Edoard and Primaleon, who pittying their hard misfortune, comforted them in the best manner, and used such means as soon cured their wounds, acquainting them with the nature of the Castle, and all that had happened from the time of their coming thither, till that day. Now it happened that four days after came Recinde King of Spain, and Arendos King of France, in search of the Princes, viz. Edoard, and Primaleon, who having searched divers Courts and Countries, at length arriving in Brittain, and hearing that many brave Knights were lost in the unfortunate Forrest they greatly fancied the Princes might be there, [Page 23] confined by some that dwelt therein; whereupon entring, they rode so long till they came to a Broad way that led directly to the Castle of Dramusiand, when approaching it, they beheld two Knights come against them the other way, one of which had Armour spotted with Crimson, and the other all black, bearing for his device a Grey-hound; these Knights likewise came in search of the Princes, when at the bridge where Don Edoard stood prepared to receive them, they all met, and resolved upon the Combate; but so it happened between Arendos and the Black Knight, that they could not agree about prehemenency, who should first enter the Bridge, but passed so many sharp words, that at length though Don Edoard used many words to perswade them therefrom, they prepared for the Combate, which Recinde and the other Knight perceiving, did the like, insomuch that in the first Encounter being all unhorsed, they with great fury drew their Swords, and gave and took so many deadly wounds, that through loss of blood they fainted, whereupon the Gyants came upon them, and by strength of Arms taking them Prisoners, carried them into the Castle, where their wounds were dressed, and they entertained with Civil respect by their friends they found there, and their Helmets being off, the two strange Knights proved to be Majortes, and Belagris, both Valiant Knights.
How Prince Palmerin departed secretly from the Emperors Court to seek adventures, stiling himself the Knight of Fortune; how he came to the Inchanted Castle, and what adventure befell him.
PRince Palmerin being now twenty years of age, greatly desired to win Immortal Fame abroad, as other Renowned Worthies had done, and thereby increase the esteem Polinarda had of him, yet loath was he to go without her consent; wherefore he watched all advantage to find all time to speak to her, which was not long wanting, [Page 24] for finding her one day fitting melancholly alone, he sat down by her, and after much discourse, surcharged with passion, thus began.
Fair Mistris of all my thoughts; that I love you above any earthly Creature, and would willingly prove it, at the hazzard of my Life, I hope you are not Ignorant, for certain it is, none can better deserve my service then your Incompareable self, who are Natures Chief Masterpiece, and the wonder of your Sex; but such is the thirst of Glory that reigns in Mortals Breasts, that to tell you my secret thoughts, I have determined for a while to forezo so great a blessing, and seek Renown abroad, when with louder Victory, and gread Atchievements I shall return with joy, to lay my self and Trophies at your feet.
This Speech, greatly surprized the Princess, who intirely loved him, and caused rears to over cast her Starry-eyes, when fetching a Sigh that almost rent her tender Breast, she made this Reply; Sir, that I have given you manifest hopes of obtaning my favour, I must Blushing owne, and yet conjecture, that such freeness in me, hath created dislike in you, or else you would not mention leaving my Fathers Court. Not so, said the Prince, for 'tis for your sake I would adventure, that so I may in some sort render my self worthy of so great and Inestimable a Iewel; therefore by you Incouraged, I shall be the more Fortunate; but I shall not, replyed the Princess, consent to your departure: I beg, said the Prince, that you would alter your resolves, and in that make me happy▪ can that make you happy then said the Princess? nay then e'n take your course, 'tis a slight excuse to leave me, because you Love me not; therefore since you light such true affection, I here renounce the Love I bare you, and from henceforth charge you to see my face no more, and thereupon, in a great Rage, she flung away, not giving the Prince leave to respond, but left as one Thunder-struck, so far amazed at what he had heard, that it was long e're he recover'd his stupid Sences, when Recollecting manly Vertue, he resolved upon what he had determined, not doubting to perform such Noble Exploits, as might render him worthy of his Mistresses Love, and overcome her anger; whereupon, revealing his mind to Sylvian his Esquire, who had vowed not to leave him in any Adventure, he [Page] [Page] [Page 25] secretly armed himself, and taking the Shield, sent him by Sage Aliart, mounted, and in the twy-light left the City undiscovered, to the great trouble of the Emperor and the whole Court; and so under the name of the Knight of Fortune he rode through many Desarts, without finding any Adventure; but coming at last to a Castle surrounded with Trees, and over-grown with green Mosse, and hearing Musick therein, he alighted, and gave his Horse to his Esquire, and entered, where he perceived a Knight in mourning Weeds, tuneing to a Lute his Mistrisses praise, who being highly offended at the Prince's hold instruction, laying aside his Musick, ran to arm himself, vowing to chastise him, which the Prince perceiving, went out and mounted, there expecting his Adversary, who was not long wanting, so that a fierce Encounter began; but the Prince, whose Courage was highthened by the thoughts of fair Polinarda, soon disarmed him, and brought him to his mercy; when as he commanded him (seeing that he had so unjustly quarrelled with him) to unsay all that he had said in the praise of his Mistriss, or prepare for Death; but finding him resolutely bent, rather to dye than do it, and at the same time considering his own case, he not only pardoned him, but commended his fidelity, and so mounting, left the place.
Now this Knight was called The Knight of Death, and bare the Portraicture of Death in his Shield, holding himself before that time invincible.
Who The Knight of Death was, and the cause of his solitary Life: How Prince Palmerin fought for the Passage of a Bridge; and of other Adventures.
THis Knight of Death was Son to the King of Sardagina, who falling in Love with fair Altea, one of his Mothers Ladies of Honour, and Daughter to the Duke of Goelicia, his Father, to cross his love (having designed to marry him to the Queen of Sicilia, and he being avers thereto) caused the beautious Altea to be Poysoned; whereupon this Knight (named [...]oriman) stiling himself the Knight of Death privately retired from the Court, and betook himself to the solitary place where the Prince found him, singing Songs in praise of her to her Picture, as if she had been alive: And there he continued in like manner after the departure of the Prince, till his Father hearing where he was, compelled him to return.
The Prince having left the Knight of Death in his solitary retirement, much grieving at his foile, passed on, till coming to a Bridge, he found three Knights striving against a single Knight, for the passage, who bare for his Device a Bull-head, and so puissant was he, that he foiled them, tumbling them to the Ground, which the Prince perceiving, addrest him against, but they both meeting with force more than humane, fell from their Horses, when drawing their Swords, they fought with great fury, till in the end the Knight of the Bull (by a wound he received on his Head) fell to the ground, upon which the Prince stood up, and bid him at the peril of his Life disclose his Name, and the reason of his keeping that passage, which he did as followeth: viz.
That his Name was Pompides, Son to Don Edoard and Argolanta Queen of the Inchanted Island; and that he having [Page 27] received divers wounds from two Knights, whom he had slain, a beautious Lady living in a Castle close by cured him, and injoyned him to keep that Bridge, till he met a Knight in red Armour, with a Lyon painted in his Shield, the whom if I conquered, to bring into her presence; and that having obeyed for three weeks, he had not in many Encounters been foiled before.
The Prince having received this satisfaction, passed on his way; together with his Esquire, having before obtained Licence for the other Knights to pass.
How the Knight of the Savage Man came into the Tristfull Valley, and fought against Blandidon the Knight of the Swan, and of the sorrowful Lady Pandritia: How Floriman the Knight of Death, coming to Constantinople, pitched his Tent, and in Honour of his Lady Altea, combated and conquered divers Knights.
THe Knight of the Savage Man having reresigned the Shield, as aforesaid, rode on in search of Adventures, when coming into the Tristful Valley (where the sorrowful Pandritia dwelt) he espied a Cave, and at the mouth of it broken Spears and Swords, as also a Tree fast by, on which hung the Shields of such as had been vanquished; at which whilest he was wondering, there came a Youth to him and demanded his Shield, unless he would retire or try the Combat, and that if he retired, and would carry his Shield with him, he adjured him upon his Knightly Oath to own his Cowardice wherever he came; to which the Savage Knight replyed, That to retire he intended not, but to try any Combat, if he might meet with a Combatant; when upon the [Page 28] [...] a Knight [...]ed at all points came out of the C [...] and [...] whereupon the Windows of an [...] divers sorrowful Ladies looked [...] see the issue of the [...] with the overthrow [...] his name, owning That the Lady of the Castle was his Mother and the sorrowful [...] discovered, and that by her command, [...] s [...]me, he undertook to encounter all Knights that passed that w [...], that so they being vanquished, might simpathise with his Mother in sorrow, and be bound by Oath to assist all sorrowful and distressed. Then would the Knight of the Savage Man (after he had told him who he was) have had him gone with him to the Forrest of Great Brittain, to try the strange Adventure of the Castle, but he not being willing to have his Mother in her disconsolate, condition, it was not accorded, whereupon the Knight of the savage man passed on, and [...]landi [...]on kept his Post.
By this time [...]orima [...] the Knight of Death having left (by his Fathers command) his solitary Mansion yet restless in the place where his beloved Altea had lost her life, he hasted to the City of Constantinople, where he pitched two Tents before the Emperors Palace all of black [...] wrote with Gold, and having of the Emperor obtained leave to Iust with the Knights [...] his Court, in honour of his deceased Lady, upon condition, that such Knights as ventured to vindicate or justifie these Mistrisses beauty, should (if vanquished) resign their [...], and have their names put into the Sepulchre of Love. The [...]nament began, in which divers were overthrown, and amongst the rest, Prince Gratian, and Gueren his Brother, [...]lavian, R [...]ndor, and Emerauld, all which were accordingly disarmed, and their names put into the Sepulchre of Love, who [...] the contrary had won a Rich Tent of Silk, Sables, and Gold.
The Emperor perceiving the prowels of the Knight of Death, and understanding who he was, highly applauded and approved his valour; and [...]ding none of the Knights of the [Page 29] Court could stand before him, caused the Iusting to cease for that day, when retiring into the Court, Prince Floriman was highly feasted, and commended of all the Ladies, but his affection could fix on none, the remembrance of his beloved Altea being still fresh in his memory; yet would he not lodge in the Palace, though invited thereto, but (evening being come) returned to his Tent.
Of the second days Just, and what happened therein; How the Knight of Fortune met with the Green Knight, that accompanyed the Knight of the Savage Man, and what befell.
THe Knight of Death bearing away the Palm, caused many Knights (who had been foiled in the presence of their Lady) to grieve, and wish they had been better advised, than to have entered the List against so approved a Knight: Yet the next day the Turnament was renewed, and divers Knights tryed their fortunes in favour of their Ladies, as Polinardus, Berolde, the Knight of the Sphere, and divers others, but their success being no better than those that had Iusted before them, they were unarmed and lead into the Tent, to offer their name at the Sepulchre of Love.
The Knight of Death by these Adventures increasing his Fame, resolves no longer to wear his black Armour, but changed it for one more glorious, studed over with Gold and Diamonds, having Branches enamell'd on, then Pellicans with Lovers hearts in their Beaks, and in his Shield he bare the Picture of his Lady, being highly honoured for his prowess and noble resolution of all the Court; where I shall leave him in his change of Fortune, and follow Prince Palmerin under the disguise of the Knight of Fortune.
[Page 30]The Knight of Fortune having performed many strange Adventures, in the end came into a large Forrest, where he met a Knight in Green Armour, who was in quest of the Knight of the savage man, which Knight (proud of his strength) would needs obliege the Prince to fight, unless he would tell him the cause of his travel and sadness, which he utterly refusing to do, the Combat fiercely began, and continued doubtful for the space of an hour, at what time the green Knight (sor [...] wounded) fell through loss of blood) to the Earth; when as the Prince demanded who he was, as also the Knight of the savage man, the former of which declared, viz. That he was son to Sir Pridos of England, had to name Don Rosian de la Bronde; but as for the later, he refused it, saying, He was obliged to keep it secret, upon his Oath of Knighthood, and therefore would rather dye than reveal it; which satisfying the Prince, he left him to the Cure of a Lady that lived hard by, to have his wounds cured, and rods all he came to another fair Castle.
How Palmerin having notice that the Knight of Death in honour of Altea had overthrown all the Knights that Justed against him, he in honour of his Mistriss the fair Polinarda, returned to Constantinople, and overthrew him.
THe Knight of Fortune coming to a beautiful Castle, kept by the Lady Rianda, intered, and was there (by the Ladys order) splendidly entertained, and those few wounds he had received in the Encounters dressed, and well regarded: When pleased with the pleasant citivation of, the place, he continued there so long, till in the end Lucinda (a Lady of the Emperor's Court, and attendant on the fair Polinarda) arrived there, being Ne [...] to the [Page 31] Lady of the Castle, who knowing the Prince, saluted him kindly, and told him what had passed, since his sudden and unexpected departure, and what censures had passed thereon, both by the Knights and Ladies; but above all, informed him what the Knight of Death had done to the disgrace of all the Grecian Beauty; nor did his own Mistriss the fair Princess suffer less, for want of one to defend her cause. This news did not a little trouble the Prince, by reason he knew not how to return so suddainly, without a blemish to his Honour; yet considering it might be a means to reconcile him to his love, he resolved to return in disguise to the place where his presence was so much desired, and from whence he had been so long absent; when as early in the morning taking leave of the Lady and Damzel, without acquainting them which Road they intended to take, Sylvian and the Prince departed, through many Desarts and Forrests, till such time as they came within sight of the City, where the Prince attired himself in a rich sute of Armour, though without any Device, that he might be the better concealed: When riding before the Palace, he espied his beautiful Mistriss in the Balcony, with many other Ladys, and found at that time the Knight of Death had overthrown a Grecian Knight named Titubant, who justed against him, in the honour of his Mistriss the fair Cardignia, and was leading him into his Tent to unarm him; when as entering the List, he bid the Knight of Death defiance, who (angry that his task was not done) made ready to receive him, when meeting with their Spheres, the Knight of Death was cast to the ground and sorely bruised, which caused a great shout, especially among the Ladies; and by this means the Prince got the rich Tent, and was loaded with infinite praises, every one being desirous to know who he was, but he resolving to keep himself secret, withdrew, and changed his Armour, so that he could not be known: When as that night the Emperor made a great Feast in honour of his Court-Ladies, and the revenge that had been taken on their behalf, by the unknown Knight; but though search was made for him, by his Command, yet was he not discovered, though he fate amongst the other Knights, and had [Page 32] the happiness to see his fair Mistriss dance, yet durst not speak to her. Then was the Sepulchre of love brought amongst them, which the Ladies spoiled, every one taking her own Picture thence, which her Knight had forfeited, in attempting to vindicate her beauty; yet Altea's Picture was set up amongst other beautys.
Whilest this was doing, the Prince finding great enquiry was made after him, took his Horse and Arms, and with his Esquire departed the City; where in search of new Adventures I shall leave him a while, and return to the Knight of the savage man.
How the Knight of the savage Man landed in Ireland, and fought with the Gyant Calfurnine, slew him, and delivered three Ladies he kept Prisoners in his Castle, and gave the Castle to them.
NOw the Knight of the savage Man having left Blandidon in the Tristful Valley, rode through many Countries, with a resolution to try the Adventure of the Unfortunate Forrest of Great Brittain, which by this time began to be Famed in all places, for the loss of so many Knights as entred into it; wherefore imbarquing for England, and a contrary wind arising, he was driven upon the Coast of Ireland, where beholding the pleasantness of the Countries cituation, he was greatly desirous to land, but the Master of the ship endeavoured to perswade him therefrom, by telling him a monstrous Gyant inhabited a Castle near the shore, who was wont to kill or take Prisoner such as unadvisedly passed that way; but this discourse was so far from displeasing the Knight, that it (on the contrary) made him the [Page] [Page] [Page 33] more desirous, resolving to combat the Gyant if possible; whereupon causing the Vessel to put into a Creek, he leaped on shore, and having gotten his Horse, rode towards the Castle, only accompanied with his Esquire, but arriving there, he found he could not ride to it, but with great hazard and difficulty, by reason it was placed on the top of a steep Rock, that had but one visible ascent; wherefore leaving him below, he mounted, only with his sword; when being on the top, three armed Knights that attended on the Gyant issued out against him, and bid him defiance, swearing his life should pay for that bold attempt; but he little regarding their menaces, drew his dreadful sword, and began the Combat so fiercely, that two of them fell dead, and the other being sore wounded, retreated into the Castle; whereupon the Gyant in a great rage came fo [...]th, being armed with a mighty Battail-Ax, staring dreadfully, and vowing revenge, to avoid whose fury the Knight of the savage Man guarded himself as well as might be, still avoiding his mighty strokes, till at last the Monster growing faint through heat, was the less able to weild his weapons, yet had he grievously wounded the Knight in divers places, broke his Shield in peices, and loosened his Armour; but he being nimble, watched his opportunity, and struck him a full blow on the Temples, which peirceing his Helmet, brought him to the ground, who falling, made the Earth tremble; then he stood upon him, and hewed off his monstrous Head; which the Ladies that he held Prisoners in the Castle perceiving, greatly rejoyced, and coming down into the Court, (where by this time the Knight was entered) they fell on their knees, giving him ten thousand thanks, praising him and calling him their Deliverer; which the Knight perceiving, took them up, and comforted them in the best wise; when as they lead him into the Castle, and having dressed his wounds, they shewed him the pleasantness of the place, with which he was greatly delighted, the Castle having been (not many years before) the Palace of one of the Irish Kings: But that which he was most desirous to know, was, how and by what means they came thither, and what they were; to which the beautiful Orianda, [Page 34] eldest of the three, reply'd, That they were Sisters, and Daughters to the Marquess D' Baltamor, inhabiting Castles and Rich Possessions near that place, but so it happened, that being in the company of six Knights, making merry upon the Verge of an adjacent Forrest, in a Rich Pavillion, the Monster whom he had flain, with his Knights, came upon them as they were unarmed, and slew three of the Knights, sorely wounding the other three, and so by force of Arms brought them and the wounded Knights to the Castle, and then themselves were designed for his lust, and the other as a Sacrifice to his revenge, as soon as their wounds were healed, but that through his happy arrival Heaven had prevented so great a wickedness.
The Ladies having thus far discovered what the Knight desired, they lead him to the place where the Gyant had cooped up divers Knights in Iron Cages, and kept them in extream misery, torturing them for his pleasure, and often threatning them with death, all which he set free, commanding them to give their attendance upon the Ladies, and not to suffer any to in [...]re them after his departure: And so having committed the keeping of the Castle to fair Orianda, he departed, in order to his visiting the Unfortunate Forrest, travelling towards which for a while I must leave him, and return to Constantinople.
How the Emperor comforted the Knight of Death, and obliged him to forget his heaviness, for the loss of Altea; And how it was made known by what hand he was foiled.
THe Knight of Death greatly grieving at the disgrace he sustained, fell into a violent Feavour; but being well recovered thereof, the Emperor caused him to be brought to Court, where he Communed with him, and comforted him in the best wise; laysing before him the folly [Page 35] of his greif, for a Lady that could not be recovered from the cold embraces of Death, desiring him not so vainly to misimploy his Valour, but to use it in great atcheivements, worthy the same of so good a Knight; so that by these and such like perswasions he wrought upon him so far, that he agreed to lay aside his pensive mood, yet not to forget his Lady, vowing never to set his mind upon any other.
During these perswasions, Lucinda arrived at Court, and made great inquiry after Prince Palmerin, which made the Emperor very desirous to know the reason why she inquired for him, who was departed long before her self; wherefore he sent for her in private, and demanded the reason, which she no ways hiding, declared as followeth: viz.
That the person who conquered Prince Floriman was no other than the Prince Palmerin, though disguised under the Title of the Knight of Fortune; for so it happened: That he coming to the Castle of my Aunt Rianda, at what time I went to visit her, I found the Prince (whom I well knew) very pensive, when inquiring into the cause, he would not tell me, but I who had been no stranger to the love he professed towards my Lady Polinarda, guessed it proceeded (as also did his surprizing departure) from some repulse received at her fair hands; when soon I informed him how all the Ladies beauties were eclipsed by the Knight of Death, (which now proves to be Prince Floriman) in honour of his Altea, whereupon the Prince without any more words taking his leave, came to this City, attended with his Esquire, and took off that stain, by overthrowing Floriman, in honour of his fair Polinarda, as he told me, when I met him upon his return from the triumph, and then injoyned me that the Tent he won should be delivered to the fair Princess, to be kept by her in remembrance of his true affections till his return from the Unfortunate Forrest of Great Brittain, whither he said he was going, to try that great Adventure. At this unexpected news the Emperor and all the Court greatly rejoiced; nor was the Princess a little proud, that her Servant had performed such a noble Adventure, geeiving that she had so unkindly rewarded his true service.
How Recaman came to the Emperor's Court, to maintain the Beauty of his Mistriss Lucinda, against the Knight of Fortune; And how Tremerion on his behalf combated against him: How the Knight of Fortune arrived in England, entered the Forrest, and what there befell him.
IT being noised abroad who it was that overthrew the Knight of Death, and for what Beauty it had been adventur'd, divers of those that had been foiled were angry in themselves; and others hoping to win the good affections of their Ladies by so hold an undertaking, resolved to try their force against the Knight of Fortune, whom they supposed not to be far from the Court; and amongst those that were so minded, the chief was Recaman, Son to the King of Bohemia, who resolved to vindicate the Beauty of his Lady Lucinda above all others, but not finding the Knight of Fortune there, he grew impatient, earnestly inquiring after him, and desiring to Iust with him, vaunting of his Valour at such a rate, that Tremerion Son to Duke Laciffin, and friend to Prince Palmerin, was evil at ease to hear it, and desired the Emperor that he might undertake the Quarrel of his absent friend, which with much difficulty was granted, and the List made, where after the first course shivering their Spheres, they betook them to their Swords, and fought so long, till through loss of blood Recaman fainted and fell; when by the Emperor's command the Combat was stayed, and each of the Combatants carryed to their Lodgings, to be cured of their wounds, and after recovery being made friends, they travelled to try the Adventure of the Unfortunate Forrest.
The Knight of Fortune, as aforesaid, having left Constantinople, travelled so long, till arriving in France, he shipped himself for England, where landing, after refreshing himself, [Page 37] he entered the Forrest, not unknown to him, he having been a part of his Life brought up therein; the which he had no sooner done, but a Hart fleeing before a Lyon, came running and couched at his feet, begging as it were his protection, when soon after the Lyon came, to oppose whom he drew his Sword, but seeing his submission, and that he fell down as the Hart had done, he took compassion on him, but had no time to pause, e're the savage Man, that had been his foster-Father, came in, and according to his rude nature (not discerning him at a distance) let fly an Arrow that pierced his Shield, and still pressing on, the Prince opposed him with his Sword, but upon his nearer approach, he having a better view of him, threw down his Bow and embraced him, leading him to his Cave, and inquiring many things of him, to which he amply answered; but above all, was inquisitive after the welfare of his Son, whom he told him was near at hand, and that he had left him with the Horses: Then was the savage Man desirous to tell him whose Son he was, and how he came by him, but was interrupted by a great cry they heard in the Forrest; upon which the Prince taking his Sword, went towards it.
How Palmerin found Sylvan in great distress, and by what means he delivered him: How he slew the Gyant Camboldam, and met Sage Aliart of the Obscure, Valley; and what else befell him in that place.
THe Prince hastening towards the out-cry, found four men armed, beating and draging Sylvan in a most tyrannical manner; whereupon advancing towards them, he commanded them as they loved their lives to release him; but they little regarding his words, commanded him likewise to render, himself their Prisoner, which the [Page 38] Prince (who had not been used to such kind of language) disdaining, they struck furiously at him, which occasioned him to draw his Sword, and lay couragiously about him, insomuch, that they soon repented meeting with such a bold Champion, for within less than an hour three of them were slain, and the fourth upon his knees begged life; which the Prince had no sooner granted, but up came a dreadful Gyant with two men leading the Horses Sylvan held, and finding his men slain and wounded, with great fury ran at the Prince, who as nimbly avoided his stroke and gave him a wound on his right arm, that made him drop his Sword, of which the Prince taking the advantage, smote him upon the Helmet with such force, as cleft it, and the Sword passing three Inches into his Scull, brought him to the ground, which advantage the Prince perceiving, stood upon him, and smote off his Head; which the men that held the Horses perceiving, fell upon their knees and begged their lives, saying, That they were constrained to attend the Gyant, who was Brother to Calfurnine, slain by the Knight of the savage Man, and for that cause had vowed revenge on all he met: Vpon this submission the Prince taking the Horses, dismissed them, and rode towards the Unfortunate Forrest; where he found by the side of a Grove four Knights combating, the which he endeavoured to part, but could not, till Sage Aliart, by the power of Mageck, cast a Cloud over them, that they could not see each other; and then placing them in a Chariot, bare them through the Ayr, and cured their wounds; at what time the Sage appeared to the Prince, and informed him who the Knights that fought were, ( viz. Pompides, Platire, Floriman, and Blandidon;) and afterward conveyed him to his Castle, where he instructed him in future fate, and let him understand what great and amazing Atchievements he should undertake and perform, and that all the wounded Knights should recover.
How the Knight of the Savage Man arrived in England; And what befell him by the means of Eutrope the Inchantress.
EUtrope the Inchantress hearing that a great number of good Knights were come into England, to finish the Adventure of the Castle, and that the Gyant her Nephew would be hard put to it, to defend himself, used her utmost diligence to create a wrong understanding between them, and by that means set them at variance to destroy each other: Whereupon she sent one of her Damosels with feigned stories, who so exasperated them, one against another, that they frequently fought, to the great effusion of each others Blood: And amongst the rest, flying before Polinardus, Son to the Emperor of Trincus; and meeting the Knight of the Savage Man, (who by this time was arrived from Ireland) she begged him to rescue her out of the hands of one that attempted to ravish her; which he undertaking to do, she found two other Knights, ( viz. Francian and Gracian) and set them upon the Knight of the Savage Man, saying, He had treacherously slain her Father, and now was about to do the like to her Brother; who fighting together, had been most of them slain, had not Fredrick, King of England, been hunting in the Forrest, and came in to pacifie them in time; yet such was the cunning of the Damzel, that she was withdrawn quite out of sight, and could not be heard on afterward. But so it happened, that the wounded Knights being well regarded, recovered their healths soon after; as likewise did Onistaldus and Dramian, who by the like delusion had combated each other; and to know the reason thereof Polinardus had followed her, when she met the Knight of the Savage Man, and she falsly informed him.
How the sage Aliart brought the Bodies of Floriman, Platire, Pompides, and Blandidon, having healed them of their wounds, and set them in the same place again, where he found them fighting: How they got new Horses and Armour; And what happened to the Knight of Fortune in the Castle of sage Aliart.
SAge Aliart having conveyed the Bodies of the afore-mentioned Knights, to his Castle, committed them to the care of divers Damosels, who so well tended and dressed them, that within two days they were all perfectly cured; when as he cast them into a deep sleep, and in the same manner as he brought them, conveyed them to the place where they fought; at which they awakeing, greatly wondered, and stood long gazing upon each other, e're any of them broke silence, much marvelling to find themselves unarmed, and that the place was in a manner paved with their broken Weapons, Blood, and Armour.
But whilst they mused upon the matter, a Virgin approached them, and demanded how they came into that condition; but they not being able to relate the matter, and she perceiving as much, proffered them Horse and Arms, if they would undertake to finish on Adventure, on the behalf of a sorrowful Lady, who must otherwise (as she avered) fall into great calamity; the which they vnanimously undertook to do; whereupon leaving them a while, she returned amply furnished, and to attend them, brought for each an Esquire; whereupon having returned their thanks, they mounted, and followed her; in prosecution of which Adventure, I shall for a time leave them, and return to the Knight of Fortune.
Prince Palmerin, commonly called The Knight of Fortune, having continued for some time with Sage Aliart, and obtained from him a promise to be ever at hand, to assist him, when need [Page] [Page] [Page 41] should require; as also that he should e're long finish the Adventure of the inchanted Castle, and know his Birth and Parentage: He having taken leave, departed towards the Kings Palace; when being belated, he betook himself to the House of an Aged Gentleman, who gave him entertainment to his satisfaction; but long he had not been there, e're a strange Lady arrived, in search of him, who no sooner beheld him, but with her eyes brim-full of tears, she fell at his Feet, and desired he would undertake to revenge the Injury she had sustained; at what time gently raising her, he bade her be of good comfort, promising her to comply with any reasonable request, desiring her to relate the cause of her grief, which she did after this manner:
Know, Worthy Sir, whose Fame is raised above the Clouds for Matchless Deeds, That I had once a Son, hardy and bold, who performed many Noble Feats in Arms; but at last it so fell out: That he falling in Love with a Beautifull Lady, and gaining her good Will, a Knight, that had been her former Sutor, was so exasperated thereby, that he defied him to combate, wherein my son was Conqueror, which heightened the Ladys good esteem more and more, and made the Knight's envy increase, so that through many false suggestions he procured the Knight of the savage-Man to fight him, who having brought him to his Mercy, without all pity, unkindly sundered his Head from his Body, to my unspeakable Grief. Now my request is, That you would undertake the Combate, on my behalf, against the Knight of the savage-Man, who now resides at London, and revenge his uncourteous dealing.
The Lady having said thus much, the Prince greatly pittying her, vowed by his Knighthood to undertake her Quarrel, resolving to be at London the next morning.
How the Knight of Fortune arrived at London; And of his kind entertainment: How he challenged the Knight of the savage-man; And the issue of the Fight between them.
PRince Palmerin having promised to undertake the aforesaid Quarrel, hasted to London, to make short of the matter, and the rather he covered to be in action, by reason that Knights great Deeds began to eclipse his Fame; wherefore he sent Sylvan his Esquire, to bid him defiance, and to give and receive the Gages; which done, the Knight of Fortune retreated himself with an ancient Hermit, till the time appointed came discoursing of various matters: But when the King understood that those couragious Knights resolved upon a combat, fearing the loss of one or both of them, he would be hardly induced to admit of it, nor would he have done it, but at the earnest request of the Knight of the savage-Man, who pleaded, that his Fame and Glory would suffer by refusal; whereupon at the day appointed they met each other, and after some parly, took a full curreir, shivering their Spheres in a thousand pieces but neither dismounted nor lost their Stirups; whereupon they drew their Swords, and fought like Tygars, hewing and cutting each others Armour in pieces, in so piteous a manner, as made the hearts of the spectators tremble, and each one fear that they would both have dyed in the place, e're either would have yielded; for when they were weary of striking, then would they graple with each other, so that they lost Blood in abundance, which made the King and Princess Flerida step between them, and intreat them to Sheath their Swords, to do which with much difficulty they prevailed; whereupon the Knight of the savage-Man was conducted to the Court, and the Knight of Fortune returned to his former Lodging, where his wounds were cured: But coming to inquire [Page 43] after the Lady who had occasioned this Combate, they found her not, for it was altogether fictitious that she had said, and a contrivance of Eutrope the Inchantress, to endanger the lives of those Knights she knew to be designed for finishing the Adventure of the Castle, where the Princes were detained; who likewise by another device assembling divers Knights that were in quest of the strayed Princes, before the Castle, and by the means of false rumours, she divided them into two Parties, ready to ingage in mortal Battail, which they had done, had not Sage A [...]a [...]o counterplotted her Inchantment, and removed the occasion of Quarrel.
How the Knights (after skirmishing with each other) were inchanted, and all taken Prisoners: How Eutrope practised with the Soldian of Babylon to invade the Greek Empire: Of the Adventure of the Knight of the Savage-Man, at the Castle of Dramusiand; And how he sped in that doubtfull and dangerous attempt.
THe Inchantress Eutrope being greatly desirous to frustrate the designs of the Adventurous Princes, by Spells, spread such dissention amongst them, and at the same time changing (to appearance) their Armour, and Devices, by casting a Mist before their Eyes, that they supposing each other to be Enemies, charged furiously in Partys, and layed on such heavy strokes, that their Armour and broken Swords flew in the Ayr; of which Sage Aliart having notice, covered them with darkness, and so stupified their senses with Spells, that they fell to the ground, and there lay groveling, as not able to rise, till such time as the Gyant with his noble Attendants came out of the Castle, and took them Prisoners; [Page 44] when taking off their Helms, they found them to be Friends and Kinsmen; whereupon they embraced each other with great Ioy, yet grieved to find themselves in bondage.
Eutrope the Inchantress greatly maligning Palmerin the Emperor, who was one of those that slew her Brother, sent divers Letters, full of insinuation, to the Soldian of Babylon, to let him know, that he could find no fitter time to invade the Emperor's Territories, for that she had all his best Knights in her possession, and that those that remained in his Court, were of no account, and that if he would come down with an Army, he might easily take the City of Constantinople; of which the Soldian took the advantage, though to little purpose, as shall be hereafter related.
The Knight of the Savage-Man being by this time healed of the wounds he received, in the combate against the Knight of Fortune, resolved no longer to delay trying the Adventure of the Forrest; and thereupon furnishing himself with all things necessary, he solemnly took his leave of the King, Queen, Princess, and all the Nobles, and mounting, rode to the Valley of Perdition, so called, by reason who entered it, returned no more, but were detained in the Castle, all the ways being set with Spells of Inchantment. When being entered, he rode pensively, till he came within fight of the Castle, in the Court of which he perceived divers Knights, gloriously attired, preparing to Iust, which made him verily believe (as indeed it was true) that this was the Castle, wherein the Princes, and Flower of Europian Chivalry, remained; so that passing on, he found the Bridge guarded by divers Knights, at what time (contrary to custom) Recinde King of Spain, had obtained of the other Princes to have the first Encounter, if the Knight approached; so that couching his Speare, he ran furiously against him, but met with such resistance, that he recoiled divers paces, and was thrown over and over; whereupon Arnedes King of France, grieving to behold his Companion in that plight, addressed him in like manner, but fared no better than the former; which Prince Primalion seeing, and doubting the event, with a strong Speare came against the Knight of the [Page 45] Savage-Man with great force, but was overthrown as the first. This made Prince Edoard much marvel, yet resolved to try that Force, that had effected such wonders, and thereupon ran against him with a strong Speare, when being received in the like manner, both their Speares shivered in the Ayr, and their Horses recoiling, fell to the ground, though the Knights kept upon their backs, but soon recovering their feet, they would have drawn their Swords, but by Dramusiand's command Don Edoard was oblieged to retire; Pandare advancing to supply his place, bade the Knight of the Savage-Man yield to his mercy; but he with disdain refusing it, a dreadfull Conflict began, which continued with such fury, that after many wounds given and received, the Gyant fainted, and fell, when as the Knight stood upon him to take off his Head, but was prevented by the suddain intrusion of Aligan, who defied him to the fight, so that leaving the wounded Gyant, he charged upon the other, who often bade him yield to his mercy, though in vain, for our couragious Knight within a short time brought him into as bad a plight as was the other, though himself at the same time was not free from wounds; so that now there remained no more than Dramusiand to combat with, who came fiercely upon the Knight, yet (having taken breath) he received him more fiercely than he could expect from one in his condition, when after a furious Combate their Swords broke, whereupon they grapled, and fell (sore bruised and wounded) to the ground; when as Sage Aliart being at hand, cast so dark a Fogg over them, and having separated them, snatche the Knight of the Savage-Man up, in a flaming Charriot, carrying him in a Tempest through the Ayr; which the Knights and Gyants perceiving, in great amazement came to Dramusiand, and carried him into the Castle, in order to the healing of his wounds.
How the Knight of Fortune, leaving his Host, found the Knight of the Savage-Man in a Pavillion, lying as dead: How he came to know him to be his Brother; And wherefore he was borne thence; With what else happened on that occasion.
THe Prince, (or Knight of Fortune) after the [...]a [...]an between him and the Knight of the Savage-Man, being cured of the wounds he had received the [...]en [...], took [...]eave of his Host to search new Adventures; when travelling with his Esquire, late in the Evening, by a Forrest [...]ide, he at a distance espyed divers Lights on a heap, whereupon he made towards them▪ and found them placed in a little Pavillion, which he entered, and there found a comely Knight, lying upon a Bier, and an armed Knight standing by him, who made great moan; when looking upon the armed Knight, he knew him to be Don Rosian D' la Bronde, Nephew to King Frederick; whereupon he demanded who the Knight on the Bier was, to which the other replyd: It was the Knight of the Savage-Man; who trying the Adventure of the Unfortunate Castle, had (by the force of divers Knights and monstrous Gyants, after a terrible Combate, in which much blood was shed) been so misused, but how he was brought thither he could not inform him, as being himself arrived at the Pavillion but a little before.
This news made the Knight of Fortune sad, who greatly esteemed the Knight of the Savage-Man for his Valour, and was desirous of nothing more, than to enter into Friendship with him; wherefore he vowed revenge on those that had so abused him, for he well perceived by his mangled Armour, the fearful Combate he had sustained; then with a Torch looking more wishfully on his face, many thoughts arose in him, that it could be no other than his Brother Florian, under the disguise of the [Page 47] Knight of the Savage-Man; which opinion of his was more and more confirmed by Sylvan, the Savage-Man's Son, who had been nourished with the Princes; so that hiding his sorrow as well as he might, he demanded of Don Rosian D' la Bronde what the true name of the Knight was, who replyed, he was ignorant therein, but that he had told him, he was in his younger days brought up by a Savage-Man, though he could not believe him to be his Father, and therefore he had named himself the Fatherless, till he could have further knowledge of his Birth; and that straying out of the Forrest, he had been carryed to the King's Court, by one Sir Pridos, where he had been liberally educated, and of the King received the Order of Knighthood.
This Speech absolutely confirmed the Knight of Fortune's doubt, and it grieved him extreamly, that his Brother Florian should be so untimely slain, e're he had knowledge of him, yet vowed Revenge, though at the hazard of his Life; but so it hapned, that whilst he was musing, the Tent and Bier were in a Whirlwind carried into the Ayr, and so out of sight; whereupon the two Knights stood gazing at each other a long time, e're they broke silence, which in the end they did, and then the Knight of Fortune demanded of the other, whether he would accompany him in the Adventure, to which he replyed, That he had been injoyned to bear the Armour of the Knight of the Savage-Man to King Frederick, and inform him of all that had happened; whereupon after friendly salutation they departed, the Knight of Fortune on his way to the Adventure, and D' la Bronde to the Court; where, upon his arrival, the Death of (as he supposed) the Knight of the Savage-Man being made known, so great was the Grief, that 'tis almost unexpressible; yet in Honour of his Fame, the King commanded his Armour to be hung up in the house of Ensigns, amongst the Armour of the Kings and Noble Knights, and underneath in Characters of Gold his Noble Exploits to be recorded to Posterity.
How the Knight of Fortune arriving at the Inchanted Castle, undertook the Adventure, killing Aligan, and overcoming the others that opposed him, whereby he dissolved the Inchantment, and delivered the captive Princes; And of the vniversal Joy that insued upon that occasion.
THe Knight of Fortune leaving D' la Bronde on his way to the Court, entered the Perilous Valley, where having rode a whole day, he had sight of the Castle, the which (by the description he had of it) he knew to be the same in which the Princes were confined; whereupon he determined to rest that night, that he might have the whole day before him, to finish that great Adventure, on the performance of which his Honour and Immortal Fame was staked. The night he spent upon a Mossy Bank, under a spreading Beech, in contemplating on the Beauty of his fair (though cruel) Mistriss, the Princess Polinarda, as also on the Task he was to undertake: But when Aurora's Blushes usher'd in the Sun's bright Beams, he arose, and took a survey of the dangerous place, which he found invironed with Monstrous shapes, the Works of Inchantment, and that the passage was exceeding narrow; yet resolving at the hazard of his Life to prove his Prowess, he advanced, having the Shield of the Palm Tree on his Arm, which was sent him by Sage Aliart; so that coming to the Bridge, he found his unknown Father, Don Edoard, ready to receive him, whom in the first careir he unhorsed, and alighting, would have ingaged him with his Sword, but that Pandare the Monstrous Gyant advancing, interposed his mighty Shield, so that a fearful Combate between the Knight of Fortune and him began, insomuch that the Gyant was grievously wounded, by reason his Sword would not enter the Inchanted Shield, whereupon the Gyant roared [Page] [Page] [Page 49] like an inraged Bull, yet could get no advantage, but fainting at last, through loss of Blood, fell down, which Aligan of the Obscure Cave seeing, came running to his Brothers rescue, whose Head had else been sundered from his monstrous Trunk: Then the Knight of Fortune addressed against him, and after the exchange of six blows, smote him so full on the Helm, that cutting it through, and the Sword entering three Inches, down he fell, like an Earthquake; when as the Knight of Fortune being nimble, stood upon him, unbuckled his Helm, and e'r Dramusiand could come in, cut off his Head.
Dramusiand observing this evil success, concluded that this was the Knight, his Aunt had so often told him, should finish the Inchanment, wherefore he (greatly feared) yet came forward, and commanded the Knight of Fortune to yield himself Prisoner, who replyed, with a noble disdain, That he could not hearken to any such terms, whilst he was able to weild that Sword, that never in any Adventure had failed him: Whereupon so strong an Encounter began, as made the Earth (with the forcible strokes) to tremble, and the Eccho to resound from the Hills, Caves, Rocks, and Castle-wall; Dramusiand, who had never felt the like force before, greatly wondered at the Prowess of the Knight, and supposing him more than Mortal, began to repent he had entered the Battail against him, for growing faint, the sweat and blood flowed from him in such abundance, that he was little assured of his Life; wherefore thinking the Knight of Fortune as much spent as himself, he again moved him to a submission, but found his admonition no ways forcible, to work on him, who was resolutely determined either to end the Adventure or his Life; and so much Fortune favoured her Darling, and was averse to Dramusiand, that the Gyant (spent with loss of blood, weariness, and wounds) fell to the Earth whereupon Voices, Thunder, and Lightning, filled the place, at which whilest the Knight was wondering, the Captive Princes came & besought him to spare the Gyant's life, for that he had of late used such kindness towards them, that they could (in honour) do no less than interceede for him in his extremity; to which request the Prince (as he was going [Page 50] to strike the dreadful blow) hearkening, with-held his hand, and yielded to their desires; immediately in a Tempest, as loud as Fighting, Winds, or cattling Thunder, the Inchantments vanished; whereupon all the Princes returned their thanks to the Knight of Fortune, for their deliverance, and in triumph conducted him into the Castle, whither by this time they had brought the wounded Gyants, all whose wounds were soon after cured, unless Aligan's, who returned no more to tell his Tale.
This happy Deliverance wrote, Prince Floriman was chose by the rest to go to Court, and inform the King, Queen, fair Flerida, and all the Noble Lords and Ladies, of all that had happened, who joyfully undertaking the Task, armed him and rode with speed: When upon his arrival, having from point to point declared his Message, and averred the truth of it, upon the Oath of his Knighthood; the Ioy was so great, that it is impossible to express it every man praising the Knight of Fortune, and singing him Triumphant and Victorious, sounding loud Musick, ringing Bells, and turning night to day with shining Fires; but above that of the King, Quam and Princess, exceeded the rest, as does the Suns bright beams the pale and watery glimering of the Moon; whereupon at the request of the later, that the satisfaction might be general, the King sent Argolant to Constantinople with more welcome tydings than he had before been Messenger of; and so far they pleased the Aged▪ Emperor Palmerin, that upon the relation of all the Princes safeties, tears of Ioy bedewed his Eyes, his heart being too full other ways to express it. And now Polinarda did not repent the wondering of her Love, but highly applauded his brave Exploits; wishing she had been kinder to him than she was yet hoped at his return so to be have her self, towards him▪ as became her Modesty and High Decent.
And, thus may we behold how true Valour and courteous Behaviour [...]mounts Men on the Wings of Fame, and sets them on a Piramide.
How Eutrope's Inchantments being finished, the Princes restored Dramusiand his Castle, and came to King Frederick's Court, where they were Nobly entertained, and were there visited by divers Pontentates.
NOw the Prince having thus long continued in the Castle, had at the intreaty of Prince Edoard, consented to restore it again to Dramusiand, upon condition that he should not retain it to the prejudice of any Knight, nor hearken to the malicious advice of his Aunt Eutrope, and that from that time, it should in honour of the noble Knight that finished the Adventure, be called The Castle of Fortune; to all which, when he had consented, and solemnly sworn▪ to observe, they delivered him the Keys, and then taking their leaves, rode towards London, where the King and his Court resided, whose approach being known, thousands of people of all Capacitys flocked to meet them, greatly rejoycing, and highly applauding them as the Flower of Chivalry; but greater was the Triumph at Court, for there the King, Queen, and all the Nobilitys Armes were open to receive them; and when the Princess Flerida beheld her Lord, from whom cruel Fortune had so long divorced her, she ran into his Armes, and sunk down in aswound, but he raised his beautious Love, as dear to him as Life, comforting her in the best manner, promising to make amends for the defects of envious Fortune, and so with many kind kisses and embraces revived her fading spirits; when as a sumptuous Feast was made, accomodated with odoriferious Perfumes, and melodies of Musick, nor was the night Crowned with less Iollitry of Masque-Dancing, and each rare delight; when in the morning the King determined to send a Power, to overthrow the Castle of Dramusiand, and utterly raise it; but the Princes interceding on his behalf, and [Page 52] declaring the kind usage they had received at his hands, the King was content to lay aside his purpose, yet was he greatly desirous to see him, promising, notwithstanding the trouble he had put the whole Nation (nay all Europe) to, he would, upon his submission, grant him a Pardon: Whereupon Sir Pridos and four other Knights were sent to fetch him, having the Kings Letter for his safe conduct, upon notice of which leaving the Castle in the Custody of his Brother Pandare, he accompanied them to the Court, where (at the instance of the Princes) he, upon his submission, was received into favour, and had the order of Knighthood conferred upon him.
Whilest this Iollitry lasted, Trineus the German Emperor, with his Empress, arrived in England, to compleat the general Ioy, and were received with all respect and reverance, and for their better entertainment, a Turnament was ordained, wherein none but young Knights should try their Valour; and so well was all things managed, that they afforded high satisfaction to the spectators.
How a second Turnament was held by the Prince; And of the Adventure of three strange Knights, who proved to be the Sage Aliart, the Knight of the Savage-Man, and Pompides: And how it was made known, that Palmerin and Florian the Knight of the Savage-Man, were the Sons of Don Edoard and Flerida.
THe first days Turnament having been performed with applause, it was resolved amongst, the Princes, That in Honour of their respectivee Countries, a Turnament might be held amongst them, to which the King according, all things were put in a readiness, and the place prepared; the Knights bravely mounted, entered the List, and divided into two Partys, the one stiling themselves the English, [Page 53] and the other the Grecian Knights; whereupon they ran their courses with various success, insomuch, that many a couragious Hero was tumbled on the ground; but in this Turnament was neither the Princes Edoard, Primalion, nor Palmerin. When as they having strove long, and those of the English part being in a manner put back, three strange Knights came in, and did such wonders, that unhorsing all they met, the intirely restored the Turnament, when as the Grecian Knights went to wrack on all sides, lying on the ground, both Horse and Man; which the King perceiving, (least that friendly Diversion should create Emulation, and be the ground of future Quarrels) he caused the Retreat to be sounded on either side, all the spectators highly applauding the Courage of the three Knights, and were as desirous to know them: Nor was it long e're it was made known who they were, viz. The Knight of the Savage-Man, (who had been by Sage Aliart recovered of his wounds) Pompides, and the Sage, who in his Youthful days addicted himself wholly to Feats of Arms; upon this news the Ioy was redoubled, forasmuch as the Knight of Fortune had declared Florian, the Knight of the Savage-Man, who was supposed to be dead of his wounds, to be his Brother; so that the Triumphs were renewed, and all the Tables spread for such as would be at the entertainment. When amidst the Iollitry, Sage Aliart taking the King by the hand, lead him into the Presence-Chamber, promising to reveal such a secret, as should greatly rejoice him; when being there, he intreated him, that he would send for the Queen, Prince Edoard, the Princess Flerida, Primalion, and the Knights of Fortune and of the Savage-Man, which being accordingly done, he took the two later by the hands, and leading them to Prince Edoard and his Princess, said: Behold, you Royal pair, the Noble Issue of your Happy Wedlock: These are the Princes, who in their Infantsie were taken from the Princesses Tent, and have been ever since preserved as the pledges of Fortune, and the Honour of Knighthood. This unexpected discovery caused so great amazement, that the like before had not happened; nor could it gain belief, till he had related all the passages, from time to [Page 54] time, how they were snatched away, and nourished by the appointment of a Savage-Man, who dwelt in the Unfortunate Forrest; and the better to confirm the truth, he had caused to be brought thither (by his Art) the Wild-Man, and by Spells so allayed his wildness, that he was become calm: This man (by the Kings Command) being introduced, stareing round about him, and at length esyying the Princes, ran to them and embraced them with such fervent affection, that he wanted words to express it; after which, the Sage Aliart commanded him to relate to the Royal Assembly, from the first to the last, what had befell them, which he accordingly did, with such a feeling sence of sorrow, for the loss of their company, that he confirmed the Auditory in the truth of what was said; whereupon the King ordered he should live in the City, and have an hundred Mark a year for his maintenance, but he (more desirous to continue his savage life, and spend the remainder of his days in solitariness) refused the offer, and obtained leave to depart, having first seen and embraced his Son Sylvan, whom he recommended to the King and the Princes present.
Vpon this discovery the Princess Flerida embraced her sons with tears of Ioy, as likewise did the Prince her Husband, and they (as in submissive duty bound) humbled themselves at their feet, when being raised, they were embraced by all present, and Proclamation made of their Birth, Names, and Parentage, which caused the City to ring with acclamations, so that no triumph was ever more compleat, after so long Misfortunes and Anxiety.
How the King and his Nobles, together with their Ladies, passed to see the Castle where the Knights had been captivated; And of the strange Adventures they met with.
THe Ioy of the Court being dayly heightened with so many happy discoveries, and the Triumph being pretty well over, it was resolved, that (to please the Ladies) they should be attended to take a view of the Castle, where the Knights had been confined, and in order thereto all necessaries, as Provision, Pavillions, Horses, Armour, &c. were provided, and sent before; so that the first night they pitched by the River where the Princess Flerida resided, when the unhappy misfortune befell her self, her Lord, and her Children, when delighted with the change of Fortune, she was greatly desirous to see the Cave, wherein her Royal Offspring was nourished, which she signifying to her Lord, he consented to satisfie her therein; and the next morning they were conducted thither by Aliart, where they found the Savage-Man, who perceiving them, came forth, and cast himself at their feet, when as the Prince raising him, he opened wide the doors, which discovered many spacious Roomes, hung round with the Skins of Beasts, so that entering, they found it contrived Labyrinth-wise, with many goodly Lights, descending through Thickets of Bushes, that could not be discerned above, and upon inquiry, found it to be the Cave of the Inchantress Mellia, who left it at her decease to her Son, and he not (from his Infantsie) understanding Civility lived wild in the Wood with his Sister▪ on whom he begat Sylvan, but would not practise. Inchantments, being affrighted therefrom in his Youth, by the appearance of ugly Spirits; yet so stout was he, that all the wild Beasts trembled at his presence.
The satisfaction abovesaid being had, the Princes and Ladys [Page 56] returned to their Pavillions, and from thence set forward toward the Castle of Dramusiand; when coming within sight of it, as they began to admire the stateliness of its building, they beheld a Knight, attended only with one Esquire, bravely mounted, and well appointed at Arms, standing before the Bridge, which made them marvel, especially by reason he was not then known; in his Shield he bore the Portraicture of a beautious Lady naked, which appeared so lovely, that Venus Picture, drawn by Appelles, could not compare to it. This Knight, as the glorious Train approached, sent his Esquire to inform them, that he having heard wonders, of the Inchanted Castle, for his Ladys sake had left his Country, to try the Adventure, but finding the Inchantment dissolv'd, he would not return, if he could otherways help it, without a Wreath of Lawrel, therefore made it his Request, that if any Knight esteemed his Lady, and would maintain her Beauty, he would Iust with him. This Challenge was soon accepted, and every one strove who should first enterprize the matter; but Prince Floriman being nearest, and having his Spear in his Rest, got the start of the rest, so that rushing furiously together the Prince was dismounted, whereat Berolde advanced, but had the like misfortune, as also had divers others, until it came to Florians turn, who in the careir overthrew the Knight; whereupon in great anger he departed, supposing none had known him; but the Sage Aliart discovered him, and who the Lady was, as followeth.
May it please this Noble Company; The Knight you have seen is of Noble Decent, and his Name is Don Bonoricadius, who travelling into Spain, had a view of a beautious Lady, Daughter to Prince Arlae, called Miragarda, whose perfections so inthralled him, that he vowed to accomplish her desire; whereupon she injoyned him to finish the Adventure of the Inchanted Castle, which he undertook; but finding it ready done to his hand, was greatly displeased; wherefore that he might not return without any Adventure, he desired the Combat with some of this Company.
This being known, they were highly satisfied, and thereupon [Page 57] in good order entered the Castle, which they found builded in a stately manner, replenished every where with Gardens, Fish-Ponds, Dove-houses, and pleasant Fountains; when having Feasted there in the best manner, they left it to the Charge of Dramusiand, and departed; when by the way the Sage Aliart conducted them to his Mansion, where by his Art he shewed them such rare Devices, as highly pleased them; for at once he raised Fountains of Water, and stately Bowers, covered with clustering Vines, and accomodated with all Rich Banquets, the Trees distiling every where odoriferious Gums, and the Birds warbling their sweet Notes, then divers airy Phantomes danced to an invisible Harmony; and so delighted were they with this Recreation, that they stayed two days, at the end of which they departed.
When as divers of the Princes, desirous to see their own Countries, especially by reason they had notice that commotions were risen amongst their Subjects, they solemnly took their leaves and departed, declaring in all places what had happened, by which means the sorrowful Pandritia had notice of Don Edoard's deliverance and welfare; wherefore hoping that she might again injoy his company, she left her Castle, called The House of Mourning, scituate in the Tristful Valley, and betook her to one more pleasant, called The Garden of Virgins.
How Primalion (seeking Adventures) met the Knight he encountered before Dramusiand's Castle, who proved to be his Son Flor [...]ndos, and of the combat he had with him: How they left the Mansion of Pandritia, the one returning towards Constantinople, the other towards Spain: How the Soldian Bellagris certified the Emperor Palmerin of the Treachery of the Soldian of Babylon.
PRince Primalion having taking his leave, passed the Seas, and travelled so long, that arriving in Lacedemonia, he happened on the Tristful Valley, where the sorrowful Pandritia dwelt, at the entrance of which he beheld a Knight [Page 58] sitting under a Cypress Tree, greatly bewailing himself, when drawing near, he listened, and heard him complaining to the Portraicture of his beautiful Mistriss in these words:
Divinest Creature, how have you captivated my Heart! how have your Beautious Eyes shot Beams of Love into my Soul, and made me all o're transport! Yet you know not your power, nor the Fever that I indure, but may, when I have proved my self worthy of so much Felicity: O my Miragarda! well thou art stiled The Mirrour and Perfection of Beauty, that with one look could captivate a Soul like mine. And here he ended with many sighs; whereupon Primalion, who had stood all this while unseen, advancing, saluted him and desired him to desist and relinquish such vain passion; which so inraged the Knight, that he hid him defiance, and having his Horse at hand, mounted, upon which both couching their Spears ran furiously at each other, insomuch, that they were both unhorsed; when drawing their Swords, they encountered with great fury, giving to each other many grievous wounds, so that in the end Primalions Helmet unbuckling, fell off, upon which he being discovered to his Son the Prince Florendos, he cast down his Sword, and falling at his feet, begged his pardon, and confessed an intire sorrow for opposing, through ignorance, his Princely Father; Primalion hearing this, and perceiving the Knight he fought with to be his Son Florendos, raised him from the ground in his Armes, and embraced him, greatly rejoycing he had found in him such haughty courage. Then want they to the Castle of the sorrowful Lady, who upon notice of what they were, came down and saluted them, in loving wife, causing her Damosels to dress their wounds, and inquired after divers Knights, but above all after Don Edoard, for whose sake she had betaken her self to that solitary manner of living.
To the Request of the Lady, Prince Primalion answered, That the Adventure of the Unfortunate Castle was finished, and that the Knights that had long been imprisoned therein, were fat at liberty; and amongst the rest, Prince Don Edoard, in search of whom so many Knights had left their Country; [Page 59] and that he at present flourished in his Father's Court, in the embraces of the fair Flerida. This news greatly revived the sorrowful Lady, who said she joyed in nothing more than to hear of the Princes safety, whom she long since supposed to have been dead, though he had proved most unkind to her, in leaving her after she had fixed on him an unalterable love; yet stace there were some hopes left that she might once more see him, she would from thence forward mitigate her grief; And so, soon after the Prince's departure, she betook her self to the Garden of Virgins, a place so called for its pleasant scituation.
The Princes (cured of their wounds) in a respectful manner took their leaves of each other, as also of the Ladies, the one for Constantinople, and the other for Spain, where his fair Miragarda resided. Prince Primalion riding through divers Countries, without meeting with any Adventure, at length arrived at the Fanous City of Constantinople, which in the evening he entered Incognito, and continued till the next morning, at what time he gave notice to the Secretarys, that they should inform the Emperor, that a Knight arrived from the Court of England, was desirous to wait upon him; this known, the Emperor greatly rejoyced, forasmuch as he had not heard from thence of a long time; yet Primalion keeping his Helmet clasp'd, delayed to discover his knowledge, till such time as the Empress Gridona and all the Ladies were present, who being immediately sent for, and greatly desirous to hear the long expected news, the Prince declared from point to point all that had happened, and above all, how Palmerin, who finished the Adventure; was Son to Don Edoard and his Daughter Flerida. Then the Emperor earnestly inquired after his Son Primalion, saying he could have no rest since his departure; whereupon the Prince, loath to suffer his Father longer to grieve, pulled off his Helmet, and discovered himself, to the Ioy of all present, and of the whole Empire.
But long it had not continued, e're a Messenger came from the Soldian Bellagris with Letters-Credentials, to inform the Emperor, that the Soldian of Babylon (at the instigation of Eutrope the Inchantress) had leavyed a great Army to invade [Page 60] the Imperial Territories, but had been diverted by some of his own Subjects, who caused a mutiny, by reason of the excessive Taxes he had raised on that occasion; therefore he advised his Majesty to be upon his Guard.
This occasioned no little consternation in the Court; but in consideration the Princes were released, and upon their re-return, the most Valiant rather desired a War than feared it; yet preparation were made on all hands, not only defensive, but offensive.
How Florendos became Amorous of the Lady Miragarda: And what Adventures befell Prince Palmerin, upon his second departure out of England.
FLorendos (before mentioned to be the Son of Primalion) upon notice of his Fathers being lost in the Forrest of Great Brittain, leaving Constantinople, and by cross Winds being driven upon the Coast of Spain, travelling by a Forrest-side, at length came within sight of a fair Castle, to which he purposed to go; but as he was passing on in a fair Arbour, under a Tuft of Trees he espied divers Ladies, tuneing their Voices to melodious Lutes; when amongst the rest, one appeared more lovely than Venus or Diana, which made such an Impression in his soul, that pouring out his passion to himself, he stood like a lifeless Statue, not daring to approach them; so that being unseen of them, he kept his post, till such time as they arising from their shady Bower, entered the Castle, the which when they had done, he followed, but found the Gates fast closed, which made him repent his bashfulness; but casting his eyes about, he in the end espyed a Shield hanging upon a Tree, with the Portraicture of the beautiful Lady he had seen, so lively painted, that it seemed to want nothing but Life and Motion, and under it in Golden Letters MIRAGARDA, [Page 61] with this Motto: Let the Takers beware: But he had scarce time to view it, when Almorol a monstrous Gyant approached, and bid him defiance, at which the Knight (little daunted) drew his Sword, and fought with him so long, that the Gyant through wounds and loss of blood fainted; when as he was about to stand upon him to strike off his Head, the Gates of the inner Court opened, and out of them issued the Lady he before had seen, with her beautious train, and shreiking bade him hold his hand, who not being able to deny her (on whom his heart was so firmly fixed) any thing, desisted, and laying down his sword, kneeled at her feet, begging her leave to love her and be her Knight, which she granted, and gently raised him up; then he intreated her to tell him how she came thither, and for what cause the Castle was guarded by that Gyant; (to which she consented, provided he would help to carry the Gyant into the Castle, whose request he readily obeyed.
The Gyant being in the Castle and committed to her Damosels, to cure his wounds, she sate down by Prince Florendos, and said: Sir Knight, seeing your demands are just, I answer you; That I am Daughter to Prince Arlae, a Prince of Spain, and was brought up in the Court of King Recinde, till the Nobility fell at strife for me, and fought many mortal Battails; when to prevent farther mischief, my father committed me to the custody of this Gyant, till his further pleasure is known, who was never foiled before; my picture you have upon the Shield, which you may bear for my sake; and if you can finish the Adventure of Great Brittain, or any other Noble Exploit, I am at your devotion. This fireing the Prince, made him vow to her the future service of his life: But leaving him a while, I shall return to Prince Palmerin.
The Adventure being finished by the Noble Prince Palmerin, and he having obtained leave of his Father and Mother, and of the Aged King Frederick, resolved to leave England, in search of new Adventures; when passing the Seas with his Esquire, he came (after a long travel) into a desolate Valley, where he found a Knight lye wounded, without any attendance, [Page 62] which not a little moved him to know the Adventure, when to his amazement he found it to be Prince Gracian, who informed him, that he having fought against a Troop of Kis. and Gyants, in defence of two Ladies they were ha [...]ing to a Castle, not far distant thence, it fortuned as he fell, Platire and Floriman came, who having notice of what had happened, swiftly pursued the Varlets. Vpon this news Prince Palmerin left his Esquire with his Cozen Gratian, and followed hard after them, where when he came, he found the Knights combating with the Gyant Dramacon and his Companions, having slain divers of them; wherefore the Prince, not to defer the matter, seeing his friends sore wounded, ran with his Spear at the Gyant, and overthrew him; then drawing his dreadful blade, he so layed about him, that at every stroke one or other died, or fell much wounded, which made the Ladies tremble and look pale; when by this time Prince Gracian having gotten a Sword of Sylvan, and mounted on his Horse, came (feeble as he was) to the assistance of his Friends, Revenge inspiring him with Courage; so that Dramacon and most of his men being slain, those that remained begged their lives on their knees, excusing themselves on the compulsion of the Tyrant their Master, and by that means obtained (at the intreaty of the Ladies) their pardons; when entering the Castle, they found only two old women, whom they they spared; then setting it on Fire, they departed in the company of the Ladys, who straying in the Woods, had been surprized by the Tyrant Dramacon.
How Palmerin sailing towards Constantinople, was by Storm driven upon a strange Island: And of the strange Adventures he met with, contained in his Fight with Wild Beasts and many fearful Monsters.
THe Prince having left his three Companions to conduct the Ladies to the Castle of their Mother the Lady Diamesia, rode to the Sea-side, where he found a Ship ready to set Sayl, on which imbarquing, together with Sylvan, he sayled before the Wind towards Constantinople; when about midnight such a Tempest arose, that all Creation seemed unhinged, which in spight of the Master drove the Vessel upon a strange Island, where Landing, he could perceive no Inhabitant, which occasioned him to walk on foot for recreation, the storm being now allayed: But far he had not gone, e'r entring a fair Medow, he espyed a Pillar of Iasper, on which was engraven, Take heed thou pass no farther this way: at which the Prince marvelling, and not seeing any to let him, resolved not to suffer his courage to faint, but on he went, till coming to a Tuft of Trees, under whose spreading Branches he espyed a pleasant Fountain, spouting Waters as clear as Crystal out of the mouthes of many Beasts of dreadful form, Artificially engraven in Marble, and close behind it live Dragons, Lyons and Tygers chained which somewhat apaled him; when looking about he espyed a Pillar, with Letters of Gold engraven thereon, viz. Behold the Fountain of the wished Water: and near to that another, with this inscription: He that hath the Courage to drink of this Fountain, shall bring to pass any Enterprize of Honour and Fame; but over against it was likewise engraven these words: Pass, and drink not. These Inscriptions made the Prince muse with himself what it should mean, yet in the and he resolved to try the Adventure; wherefore [Page 64] taking courage, he drew his Sword, and passed towards the Fountain, when as the cruel wild Beasts slipping their Chains at will, furiously withstood him and in spight of all his force, plucking his Shield from him, sorely rent his Armour with their Claws; yet furiously laying about him, he in the end brought them so under, that some he flew, and others being wounded, fled with hideous crys into an adjacent Grove, of whom he never after heard; whereupon passing to the Fountain, he took up the Water in his Helmet, and having therewith refreshed himself, followed the path, which brought him to a fair Castle, before which stood four Pillars, and on them four Shields; when going to the first of them, he found engraven on it these words, viz. No Man dare conceive the courage to take me down; but he not standing to complement, (having before resolved to finish the Adventure or lose his life) snatched it from its place; whereupon the Gates flew open, and out came a Knight on foot, strangely Armed, speaking many big words to the Prince, but he nothing dismayed, prepared to receive him, when as a fearful combate began between them, but in the end the Prince prevailed, and layed the Knight for dead. When going to the second Shield, he found engraven thereon these words, viz. I am more perilous, and therefore worthy to be feared, for in me cons [...]steth the greatest danger; but not standing to pause, he drew it from its place, as he had done the former; when as a second Knight advanced, with a dreadful countenance, demanding how he durst remove the Shield, for which presumption nought but his life could make satisfaction; but the Prince (not to be out-dared) standing upon his guard, bid him come on, so that a fierce combate insued, whereas either received wounds, but in the end the Prince forcibly striking him on the Head, his Helmet flew in pieces, and the Sword entering, down he fell dead upon the ground. Then going to the third Shield, he found thereon engraved, By me is to be gotten the Honour of this Adventure; yet without any Ceremony, down he rent it; whereupon the third Knight advanced with many dreadful menaces, but soon was queli'd.
The Prince supposing the other Shield would finish the Adventure, [Page] [Page] [Page 65] boldly stepped to it, to have the sooner done, when he found engraven on it, In me remaineth the Happy Victory, which he soon took down, and prepared to encounter the fourth Knight, which after a long and dreadful Fight he did. And now being tyred, he rested him a while, and then entered the Castle, where supposing he had no more to deal with, he unexpectedly found a monstrous Gyant, armed in a Coat of Mael, who with a Battail-Ax in his hand, came in with great fury against him, but the Prince in a place of danger ever standing upon his Guard, avoiding his stroke, smote him on the head so fiercely, that redoubling his blow, he brought him to the ground and smote off his Head; when as he heard a lamentable voice, proceeding from a Woman, following the Direction of which, he came to a place, where he found two Knights cooped in an Iron Cage, whom he delivered, and found to be Baziliart and German of Orleance, who had been taken Prisoners in attempting the Adventure, and greatly rejoyced at such their happy deliverance, for that the Gyant every day threatned them with death and had in his fury slain divers Knights of the Emperors Court, who were driven in by Tempest, and had essayed to finish the Adventure.
How the Ship (upon the Prince's Landing) was driven to the contrary Shoar; And how divers Knights upon knowledge of what had happened, went in search of him.
SO it happened, that the Prince was no sooner on shoar, but the Wind suddenly turning about, the Cable whereby the Ship was fastened to the Rocky shoar, broke, and it (e'r any could land) drove to Sea, where, after many days uncertain sayling, they came to the selfsame Port from which they brought the Prince; whereat Sylvan greatly bewailed the absence of his Lord, acquainting all [Page 66] Knights he met with what had befallen him, which caused divers to go in search of him, as they had done of Don Edoard, his Father; during which time, he was finishing the great Adventure: For having freed the Knights, he still followed the Female voice, till passing up many stairs, and through divers spacious Roomes, at length he espyed upon the Pinacle of the Castle, a Woman standing, with dislevell'd Hair, exclaiming in this manner: Wretched me! How have the fates deceived me, who thought by my Art to have accomplished my Revenge, for the Death of my Brother Frenaque, but now have been twice foiled by one and the same Knight, therefore I will no longer keep this hated breath; and with that crying out▪ I come ye Furies, spirits of Eternal Night; she cast her self headlong into the Lake that was on that side the Castle, and there sunk like Lead, ending there her wicked life.
The Prince, by what he had heard▪ knowing her to be Eutrope the Inchantress, was satisfied that the Adventure was finished; and so taking leave of the two Knights he found there, was about to return to his Ship, when as he saw two Knights riding towards him, which made him doubt there was more work to do; but he was soon undeceived, by knowing them to be Francian and Onistalde, who greatly rejoyced to have found him, and more that the Adventure was finished; and he by that means knew what had happened to the Vessel he left at Author, and how he had lost his Horse and Esquire, yet resolved to leave that Perilous Island, and pass the Seas in the Ship those Knights had brought, which he accordingly did, and having a good for-wind, arrived upon the Coast of Spain, which made the Prince desirous to have a v [...] of the fair Miragarda, of whose Fame so much had been blazed [...]broad.
How Prince Palmerin arriving at the Castle of Almorol the Gyant, overcame the Tristful Knight; And what else hapned: How Dramusiand arrived there, and overcame Almorol, &c.
PRince Palmerin, after long travel, arrived at the wished Castle, where he perceived a Knight bravely mounted, ready to receive him; when coming near to each other, they ran with such fury, that both of them fell to the ground; when drawing their Swords, they charged upon each other with great courage and bravery, neither resolving to yield, so that their Armour (shattered by the forcible stroaks) fell peice-meal to the Earth, and in the end (through loss of blood) the Tristful Knight gave back, not being able longer to maintain the combat; whereupon the proud Lady (though he had expressed his manhood to a high degree, and been victorious till that time) sent to demand his Shield, and charge him to depart the Castle; to whose commands (though with a heavy heart) he yielded obedience, and with a mournful countenance departed to the adjacent Valley with his Esquire Armillo, and there uttered many heavy complaints, that might have melted Marble to relent; but the ambitious Lady, though she had notice thereof, would not restore him to her favour; wherefore sending his Esquire (who was greatly unwilling to leave him in that condition) every where to proclaim his death, he betook himself to the solitary company of a Shepherd, who fod his Flocks in the Flowery Vales; where for a while I shall leave him.
Prince Palmerin having obtained this, the Shield was offered him, but he refused it, resolving in that nature to defend no Beauty, but that of his fair, Mistriss Polinarda; wherefore having taken leave of the Lady, he departed towards Constantinople.
Long it was not after the departure of the Prince, e're Dramusiand [Page 68] the Gyant having notice of the Prince's loss in the Perilous Island, came in search of him, and so travelled, that he fortuned to happen on the Castle of Almorol, where he found that Gyant standing before it, with the Shield that she had given him upon the Prince's refusal; whereupon after defiance bid, a dreadful combat happened between those Monsters of Men, but in the end Dramusiand (who had been trained up in Feats of Arms from his Youth) prevailed, yet at the Ladys request spared Almorol's life, and had the Shield bestowed on him, which he accepted and became her Champion, upon notice that the Prince had finished the Adventure of the Perilous Isle, and was returned in safety.
How Dramusiand combated Don Rousel and Prince Gracian; And how Prince Palmerin falling asleep in a pleasant Valley, was bound by four Ladies, and carryed to their Castle: How Don Florian intreated the King, on the behalf of the Ladies he had delivered from Calfurnine the Gyant; And how they were restored to their Inheritance: How taking leave of his Father, he arrived at Miragarda's Castle, where he combated Dramusiand; And how in the combat they came to the knowledge of each other, and were reconciled.
DRamusiand had not long kept the Shield e'r Prince Gracian and Don Rousel seeking Adventures, came before the Castle, and understanding the custom, Prince Gracian prepared himself for the combat; whereupon a sharp conflict began between them, insomuch that the Prince's Helmet was burst, and fell from his Head, which gave Dramusiand opportunity to know him when laying aside his sword, he cryed, Hold my friend Gracian, I am Dramusiand; whereupon they all three embraced each other, which made the Lady Miragarda, who was a spectator of the combat, greatly wonder: Then began they to discourse of divers affairs, but above all of the Adventure of the [Page 69] Castle, and what the Prince Palmerin had atchieved in the perilous Island; and so after divers discourses the Knights passed on, to overtake the Prince, and the Gyant remained to guard the Castle.
The Prince Plamerin riding alone, having lost his Esquire in the Adventure of the perilous Island, at length came to a pleasant Valley, over-shaddowed with Trees, and enamelled with fragrant Flowers, where reposing his weary Limbs, he unloosed his Helmet, and fell into a slumber; at what time came four Ladies, who kept a Castle not far distant, who beholding his rare perfections, one of them became so enamour'd of him, that she perswaded the rest to assist her in conveying him into the Castle; which being agreed on, the better to do it, they sprinkled an Inchanted Iuice over him, which cast him into a dead sleep, then binding him hand and foot, they conveyed him to their Rocky Mansion, and layed him on a Couch, feasting their eyes with his Beauty and War-like shape, till at last the Charm being finished, he awoke, and looking round about him, found himself invironed with beautiful Ladies, whereat being somewhat abashed, he began to excuse his sluggishness; but attempting to arise, found himself fast bound, which made him begin to suspect some treachery; when as the most beautiful amongst them addressed her self to him in this sort:
Sir, you have wounded a Virgins heart so deep, that nothing but your Love (or Death) can cure the Fevour she indures. Alas (replyed the Prince) fair Lady, you speak so mysterious, I understand you not. Nay Sir, (said she) if you are a worthy Knight, as you seem, you cannot but be sensible of my meaning, Know then, That (breaking the Rules of Modesty) I am the Virgin you have wounded, and unless you grant me your Love, I must languish and dye, so irresistible is the flame that has surprized me. Forbid it Heaven, that any Virgin should dye for me (replyed the Prince); but as for my love in that way, Madam, 'tis the only thing I cannot grant, because it prepossessed; the Lady on whom my affections are linked, though distant from hence, so charms my heart, that except her fair self none can have entrance. Vpon [Page 70] this the [...] one self into a great passion, weeping bitterly, and still [...] presence, whereupon two Gyants entered, and [...] the Prince, conveying him to a deep [...]ungeon; where for a while I must leave him bewailing his sluggishness, and return to Prince Florian, so lately known by the Title of The knight of the Savage-Man.
Prince Florian, as yet remaining in the Court of King Frederick, beg [...]n to call to mind the three Ladies that were in the possession of the Gyant Calfurnine, whom he delivered, and thereupon related that Adventure to the King, making it his request, that they might be sent for to the English Court, and be restored to their Father's Inheritance, which (for some high misdemeanour by him committed) had been sequestred; to which request the King condescending, they were brought over and entertained by the Queen; when as their beauties grew into such great esteem, that within short time they were all marryed to persons of Honour.
The Prince, grown impatient of ease, made it his second request, that he might depart in search of new Adventures; but long was it e're he could get leave, yet at length he prevailed; and crossing the Seas, travelled so long that he arrived at the Castle of Miragarda, and there encountered with the Gyant Dramusiand, but after a hard skir [...]sh they knew each other by their voices, and so desisted, the Conquest falling to neither side, which made the Lady Miraga [...]da wonder more than before: Yet after they had embraced, the Prince having notice from Sylvan that his Brother was Prisoner, left Dramusiand, and accompanyed with Sylvan only he rode to adventure his Deliverance; and so long he travelled, till he came to the Castle of Ar [...]te, he [...] to which he found Po [...]pides, who came upon the same adventure; when having discoursed about the matter, they came to the Gate and sounded a Horn that was hanging, said by, which [...] do all the Castle each, when open flew the gate, and out burst two Monstrous Gyants, with Iron Clubs of an exa [...] [...] whicht, and d [...]manded what [...]prudence provoked them to disturb the Quiet of these Ladies, but the Princes nothing abashed, [...] their Swords, and furiously charging [Page 71] those Monsters of Men, brought them in a short spa [...]e to the ground, when hewing off their Heads, they entered the Castle, and with their drawn-Swords passed through divers places, till at last they came to an Iron Gate, which they burst in sunder with one of the Gyants Clubs, when descending into a dismal place they beheld the Prince lye bound in Irons, and almost famished; (so cruel is Womans revenge, when love turns into hatred, or that they cannot aquire their ends;) when having unbound him, they inquired how that misfortune befell him, which he related in the manner before recited, which so inraged the Princes, that had he not intreated the contrary, they would have fired the Castle; for the Ladyes knowing their guilt, upon the Gyants being conquered, were fled through a Vault into the Woods: So that refreshing themselves with what provision they found there, they departed to seek more honourable Adventures.
How some days after Prince Palmerin was departed from the Castle of Arnalte, he met a Damosel, who intreated him to finish an Adventure; And how he was followed by Florian and Pomoides: How the Prince delivered three Ladies out of the Castle of Duke Ronsilion, who were to be put to death; And what else remarkably happened in that Adventure.
PRince Palmerin, Pompides, & Florian, travelling together, met a beautious Lady named Florinda Daughter to Arnedes King of France, who in the company of twelve Knights was travelling towards her Father's Court, when as one of them advancing said, It was his Ladys pleasure, that a Tent should he pitched, and that the Knights should Iust before her with any that durst encounter them; this offer was soon accepted, so that three ad [...]ing, the three Princes [...] against them and cast them to the ground Horse and Man; as likewise a process of time they did the othermine; whereat the Prin [...] marvelling, would know their [...]es, but they [Page 72] refused to declare them, but having a [...]s [...]ed her hand, passed on, promising if they came that way▪ to visit her Fathers Court. When no sooner they had left her, but they espyed a Damosel in Mourning, come towards them, making great laments, and no sooner she approached them, but she with floods of tears implored them to follow her, which they promised; and so swift she rode, that she and Prince Palmerin out-stript the other two, and arrived at a great and well-fenced Castle, wherein the Damzel informed the Prince, three Ladies of singular beauty were kept prisoners by Duke Ronsilion, and that he severely threatned them, having murthered their Father for refusing to give them to him and his two Brothers in Marriage; swearing likewise, unless they could find a Knight within a month to fight with and vanquish his three Knights, himself, and his two Brethren, or consent to the marriage, (which they greatly disliked) he would clap them up in Dungeons, where? (during life) they should never view the light; therefore had she at their earnest tears sought for a champion that might deliver 'em.
This hard usage to Ladys highly offended the Prince; wherefore entring the Bridge, he overthrew the first Kt. and with his Sword (after a hot dispute) layed the other two breathless; when mounting a pair of stairs, he entered a spacious Hall, and there he found the Duke and his Brethren, threatning the Ladies with many cruelties; whereupon with a loud voice he cried, Turn hither, vile wretches! who dare thus abuse the tender Sex, yet dare not fight with their avenger: This sound amazed the Duke and his Brethren, especially when they knew the Knights were vanquished; yet running to their Arms, they came furiously to charge the Prince, who resolutely defended himself, till by many grievous wounds he had brought them to his mercy; yet upon their falling prostrait, and begging their lives he (who won more Fame by clemency, than by the sword) spared them; when as the sorrowful Ladies, now ravished with joy, time and fell at his feet, stileing him their Deliverer, but he that was not used to behold Ladies [...]el, took them up, and comforted them in the best wise, commanding the Duke and his Brethren to [...] them forgiveness, and be heartily sorry for the [Page] [Page] [Page 73] injury they had done them, which accordingly they did, and then having sworn never to injure Ladys more, they had their pardon.
By this time Prince Florian and Pompides were arrived at the Castle, where seeing a Knight lye dead, in much the same Armour that Prince Palmerin wore, they supposed it was he, and thereupon vowed revenge: But entring the Hall, just as they were about to fall upon the Duke and his Brethren, the Prince appeared and desired them to hold their hands, saying, He had pardoned them; when at the Duke and his Brethrens humble supplication the Prince so wrought with the Ladies, that they giving up themselves wholly to be governed by him, he concluded a Marriage; so that what the Duke's threats could not procure, the Prince's bravery and noble temper accomplished; when having joyned their hands in wedlock, he and his companions left the Castle, being highly rewarded by the Duke at their departure, who took their way towards Constantinople.
How Targiana, Daughter to the Great Turk, sent her Knight Albayzer to fetch the shield of fair Miragarda; And how he (not being able to overcome Dramusiand) stole it away by night; And how he was pursued by the Gyant: How Florendos hearing of what had passed, together with the shepherd, bent themselves to travel.
THe Great Turk's Daughter being much offended that some Knights had praised the Beauty of Miragarda above hers, resolved to disgrace her if possible; therefore calling to her Albayzer her devoted Servant, she commanded him upon pain of her displeasure to fetch the Shield that was so much famed, which he (proud of such an opportunity to increase his Mistrisses favour toward him) joyfully undertook, and providing all things necessary, departed, and passed through divers Countries, without meeting any Adventure, till he came to the place where the Shield hung; when essaying to take it down, Dramusiand came against him; whereupon he [Page 74] prepared for the Encounter, but was the first onset overthrown, so that coming to the Sword, he being worsted infinitely more than before, yielded himself conquered, and resigned his Shield, seeming to depart: But so it happened, that he not daring to return without his own Shield, or that which had the Portraicture of the Lady, watched in the adjacent Wood, till he perceived the Gyant retire to dress his wounds, approached, and hid himself in the hollow part of the Tree till evening, at what time coming forth, he took that Shield and his own, and fled into the Wood; when as Dramusiand, as his custom was, attended by divers Damosels with lighted Torches, came to convey it into the Castle, he found it gone, as also the Shield of the Knight he last conquered, wherefore he concluded he had stole it away, and therefore made great sorrow, declaring what had happened to his beautiful Mistriss, who on pain of her displeasure commanded him to pursue the Cowardly Knight, and take severe revenge, whose commands he instantly obeyed.
Florendos, who had resided in the pleasant Valley near the Castle, and had heard day by day what had passed, hearing the Shield was lost, betook himself to travel; and with him went the Shepherd, who was so delighted in his company, that he had vowed never to leave him; and passing through divers Countries, they met with many Adventures, though none as yet worthy of note. Wherefore leaving them, I shall follow Palmerin, Florian, and Pompides.
How Palmerin, Floria [...], and Pompides travelled under the guidance of a Damosel to the Castle of Dramorant the cruel, where they found Albayzer with the Shield of Meragarda; and of the Exploits he had performed: How Florian and Albayzer challenged each other; And how the Combat was decided in the Emperor's Court.
Three Princes travelling long without meeting any considerable Adventure, in the end met with a Virgin, who seemed to be in great distress, of whom they demanded the cause, but she appearing to be in a fright, [...]d them flee, or they would be all slain; Not so, fair Lady (said [Page] [Page] [Page 75] the Prince) flight is a thing we are not accustomed to; but let me intreat you to tell me the cause of your fear. O sir! (said she) Twelve Knights set upon me, to carry me into the Castle of Dramorant the cruel, a man who delights in Blood and Villany, when as a Knight came to my rescue, and behaved himself so well, that I found means to escape; but I fear, in endeavouring to save me, himself, e're this, is slain, or in great danger. Shew us (said the Prince) where we may find the combatants: That will I do (said she) with a Good Will; whereupon she lead them to the place, where they found the combat very unequal, yet had the single Knight slain divers of them, & desired the Princes that they would stand Newters, and not eclipse his glory; and in [...]eed he so well behaved himself, that he soon brought them into subjection; whereupon Dramorant with a mighty Battail-Ax, being armed in a Coat of Mael, advanced, against whom Prince Palmerin would have tryed his fortune, but the Knight would not suffer it, but began the fight with fresh courage; so great prowess was shewed on either side, till at length the Gyant, (being a burly man) through sweat and effusion of blood, fainted, insomuch that the Knight taking the advantage, (notwithstanding the intercession of the Princes) hewed off his Head, which greatly grieved Florian; upon which disgust of his, the Knight (who became haughty through his conquest) bid him defiance, and in justification of what he had done, promised to fight him in the Emperors Court, whither he was going; which challenge the Prince accepted, and so they parted. When not long after they understood it was Albayzer, and that he had taken away the Shield of Miragarda, boasting that he had overcome Dramusiand.
The Princes now riding to seek Adventures, they chanced to meet a Coach covered with mourning, in which lay a dead Kt. in green Armour; whereupon Florian was very inquisitive to know how he came dead, and of the Adventure; but those that were about him being in haste, would give no other answer, but that if he would go with them, he might see; wherefore taking leave of his Brother and Pompides, he followed that mournful Bier; and not long after a Damosel coming to Palmerin and Pompides, the later undertook the Adventure she related.
Of Florian's Adventure; And of the Adventure that hapned to Palmerin, in his way to Constantinople; And that of Pompides.
FLorian accompanying the Coach still, was inquisitive to know the reason of what had happened, and who it was lay slain; to which one of the Esquires with a deep sigh, and tears in his eyes, replyed, That the Knight he saw dead was Sortibran, Son to K. Frisol, whose enemies laying wait for him, had unawares set upon him and slain him; whereupon the Prince vowed revenge, but had scarce determined, e'r a Damosel came running to assure them that their Lords death was revenged by the good Knight Pompides, who had slain the Murderers as they were about to ravish a beautious Lady in the Unfortunate Wood; which made them greatly rejoyce; whereupon they passed on to interr their Lords body, and the Prince to meet Albayzer; but in his way met Arduramant, bastard-Brother to Albayzer, who was in search of him; when understanding the Prince had promised to encounter him at Constantinople, he with a stern countenance charged him to avoid him as his death, for that there was not a Knight upon Earth, that could stand before him; but this not at all dismayed the Prince, but rather encouraged him; which the Pagan perceiving, grew in wrath, and proffered presently to try the combat with him, which was accepted by the Prince, but then the Pagan would not fight, but in the Great Turk's Court, where he said the said Targiana resided; to which the Prince replyed, that if he departed suddenly, he could not keep his word with Albayzer; to which Arduramant made answer, that he would excuse him to his Brother; whereupon the Prince, desirous to get Fame abroad and try strange Adventures, consented, whither we will leave them on their journey, and return to the Noble-Prince Palmerin of England.
The Prince Palmerin travelling through many Desaris, at length came into a great Plain, where he beheld a great many Knights & Ladys near a Fountain, as he thought, in merriment, when on a sudden a fierce combat began between them, whereupon he bare up, being desirous to know the occasion, when [Page 77] he perceived a monstrous Gyant and ten Knights fighting against two, who were conducting several beautiful Ladys, whom the Gyant would have from them, which unequal dealings (and especially because one of the Knights was fallen dead) so moved the Prince, that couching his Spear, he ran against the Gyant and overthrew him, and so dealt with his sword, that he brought the Knights into subjection by killing some, & mortaly wounding others; when as Astapardo & ten other Knights issued out of the Castle, to revenge what had hapned, who had certainly distressed the Prince, had not Albayzer at that time come to his assistance, who knowing the Prince, dealt so furiously, that the second comers were soon sent to keep their fellows company.
The Fight being over, they upon inquiry found the first Gyant to be Bracandor, Lord of the adjacent Castle; and that the chief Ladys were the Dutchess of Pontus and Durachium, who were travelling to the Court of their Father, under the conduct of Prince Datree, and Abdumelech their Brother, and that they had been set uyon by that cruel Gyant, who designed to dishonour them. When having thanked their deliverers, and heaped a thousand good wishes on them, they departed with the body of the slain Prince, which they got some Country Peasants in the neighbouring Villages, to carry on a Bier.
How Prince Florian arriving at the Turk's Court, entered the Combat against Arduremant, and vanquished him; And how Albayzer came to Constantinople, and what conditions he made to begin his adventurous intent.
ARduramant having by one of his Esquires certified his Brother why Prince Florian could not m [...]t him at Constantinople, they hasted to the Great Turk's Court, where resided fair Targiara, when arriving there, they were received in courteous wise, and introduced into the Princesses presence, where Arduramant having the honour to kiss her hand, vainly boasted, that he had brought a Knight with him out of a strange land, to chastise him in her presence, for that he had abused her servant Albayzer, in saying, he had not by his valour won the Shield of Miragarda, but taken it by fraud; then began he to extoll that Princes Fame, saying, that in his travels he had heard of such wondrous atchievements [Page 78] wrought by him, as no Knight in the world could boast the like.
Prince Florian hearing the Pagan vaunt at this rate, replied that he must confess great things might have been done by Albayzer, but as for the shield of Miragarda, it was taken by him from Dramusiand by fraud, and not force, for that Albayzer had been vanquished by him; and that he was ready to defend what he said at the point of his Launce, either against him or Albayzer. This speech of the Prince's so inraged Arduramant that he had no patience, but began to curse and blaspheme at a strange rate, desiring immediately the combat, which was granted in the presence of the Princess and the Great Turk, together with the Bassa's and their Ladies: When as the combatants running furiously at each other, Arduramant was sent to the ground, and the Prince a little shaken in his Saddle, who seeing his Foe on foot, alighted also, and drew his sword, whereupon a dreadful combat began, in which the boasting Pagan was infinitely worsted; yet ashamed to yield in his Mistrisses presence, though the Prince offered him life, till fainting, through loss of blood, he fell; and being carried off upon his Shield, soon after dyed of his wounds.
The Battail finished, the Princess sent for Prince Florian, and highly commending his Valour, desired to see him unarmed, to which request of hers (after saluting her fair hand) he consented; when as his youthful beauty and manly limbs appeared so brave, that from that time she became amorous of him, and ordained him her Kt. giving him at the same time many rich presents, to keep for her sake; so that in her service leaving him a while, I shall return to Albayzer, who hasted to Constantinople.
Albayzer parting with Prince Palmerin, hasted towards Constantinople, to keep his word with Prince Florian; but riding through a Wood, he met the Esq of Arduramant, who informed him, that he was gone to the Court of the Great Turk and the cause; yet dismissing the Esq he kept on his way, till arriving at the Court, he was known to be the Soldian of Babylon's son; whereupon he was presented to the Emperor, who with his Nobles was fitting in a great Hall; when having done his reverance, he declared, that his coming was to that [Page 79] end, that he might prove his valour against the Knights of the Court, upon these conditions, viz. That every Knight, who entered the Iust, should bring his Ladys picture on his Shield, and that her name should be written under it; and if they was vanquished, that Shield to be hanged up, under the portraicture of his fair Mistriss Targiana; and that they should run with the Launce only; and those that had no Mistrisses, should (upon being foiled) deliver the names of those, in writing, to whom they were well wishers, and might in time be such. These conditions agreed on, and the Iudges of the field appointed, every one prepared, and the day following the Iusts began, which day Albayzer kept the field, foiling all that entered, or ran against him, to the great grief of the Ladys, who were ashamed theie servants should be so handled.
The first days Iust over, and the night spent in Feasting, Musick and Dancing, as soon as morning arose, the Trumpets sounded to the field, where the Iust was again renewed, which day Albayzer likewise won; whereat Prince Primalion being in the Court, and desirous to recover the honour of his Fathers Knights, armed himself, but the Emperor would not suffer him to enter, reserving the Conquest for some other hand.
The Emperors Knights thus foiled by a stranger, caused a great heaviness in the Court, and exceeding joy and pride in Albayzer, who proudly vaunted that he had taken away the shield from Dramusiand; therefore he would carry that & all the other Shields he had won, and lay them at his Mistrisses feet: In which haughty exaltation, for a while I shall leave him, and return to the Turkish Court, to visit Prince Florian.
What happened to Prince Florian in the Turkish Court; And of other adventures that befell him.
THe Prince daily increasing in the favour of fair Targiara, resolved to shew his utmost prowess, that so he might be the deeplyer grafted into her affections; but finding no adventures there worthy his Sword, he resolved to make her acquainted with his sincere affections, and then depart in search of Adventures, for her sake: Wherefore [Page 80] one day being in private with the Princess; he declared what he had determined, which caused tears to stand in her fair eyes, who by this time loved him as life, which he perceiving, said:
Fair Lady, and Mistriss of my Thoughts, grieve not that I desire to depart hence, for I shall ever bear you a true and sincere Affection; and for your Glory and Renown is it that I make this Request; What shame is it for me to spend my time in Ease and Idleness, whilst your former Servant Albayzer is labouring to Wing himself with Fame? It is not his force, fairest of Creatures, that gives him Victory, but the Banner he fig is under, which is the hopes to obtain and in joy you? O that you would give me but so [...]a [...]ge [...] Commission! soon should you find me as great and glorious; nay, with this hand would I take from him all the Trophies he has won.
This speech of the Prince, dryed his Mistriss eyes, when cheering up, she said, Indeed Albayzer had done wonders for her sake, yet she could in no wise affect his person; wherefore if he might be conquered, all the obligations then would vanish, and that (if he thought fit) she would in disguise accompany him to Constantinople, sending Albayzer word before-hand, that he should not stir thence till further order. This resolve was highly approved by the Prince, and urged to be put in speedy practice; whereupon the Princess feigning a Letter, from her Aunt the Queen of Assyria, that she was sick, at the point of Death, instantly desiring to see her, she shewed it to her Father, and by many intreaties so prevailed, that he consented to her going; when to accompany her, she chose no other train than Florian, called in that Court the Christian Knight, four Esquires, and six Damosels, all which mounting early in the morning, left the City, and rode without meeting any interruption, till they came into the confines of Constantinople, where meeting four Knights, and they beholding the beauty of the Princess, would have taken her from Prince Florian, which so inraged him, that running one of them through with his Launce, he slew the other two with his sword, whereat the fourth fled: When riding a little further, and entering a pleasant Valley, he caused the Tent to be pitched for the Princess, and there, by reason it was late, he continued with her all night; when in the morning they set forward and rode till they came to a pleasant fountain, at which they alighted to drink the water; when as two Kts. riding by, who had been conquered by Albayzer, knew the Princess by the resemblance of her Picture, when alighting, [Page 81] they layed hold on her, swearing, that since for her sake they had received the disgrace, they would carry her as a Prisoner to their Mistrisses, thereby to make an attoanment for them, which rudeness so offended the Prince, that drawing his sword, at one blow he cut off the hand of him that grasped the Princess, and afterward slew the other, which he that was wounded seeing, intreated the Princess to beg for his life, which at her request was granted; and his Esq having bound up his wound, he departed in a heavy condition.
These mischances so afflicted the fair Targiana, that she willed the Prince to hasten thence; but long they had not travelled e'r they beheld a Knight lying under a fair spreading Tree, greatly bemoaning his misfortune, for falling under the displeasure of his Mistriss; to whose amorous complaints they listened so long, that the Kt. turning about, espyed them, when rising in great anger, he bid the Prince prepare for the combat, since he had heard his fond discourse, he should no where report it to his disgrace, but at that time he should remember his Valour; whereupon he left the Lady to be spectator of the dreadful combat; for although they received wounds on either side, yet neither gained a foot of ground, which made each of them wonder; but so it happened, whilest they so earnestly like Lyons or Tygars fought, a Knight came riding up, when beholding the fair Princess, and knowing her by her portraicture, he caused his Esq by force to cast her behind him, and rode as fast as he might, undiscerned of the combatants, who through eagerness to strike and guard, neither heard nor saw her; yet her train that was some distance, followed hard after their Lady: But so it happened, that a while after Dramusiand riding in search of the Shield, and seeing two Kts. hotly ingaged, suddenly came up, when by the Dragon one of them bare in his Shield, he knew him to be Prince Palmerin, who the better to be unknown, had altered his Device, when crying aloud, Prince Palmerin, what means this mortal combat? And what occasioned it? Now Florian no sooner heard that name, but he recoiled, and threw down his Sword, discovering who he was, whereupon the two Brethren (no longer Foes) embraced each other, & begged pardon, that so ignorantly they had shed each others Blood: But [Page 82] when one of the Princess Esquirs, who returned from following his Lady, reported what had happened to the Princess, Florian (overcome with rage & grief) fell to the earth in a swound; when recovering, he poured out divers lamentations, blaming hard fate, vowing revenge on him that had conveyed her thence; when as his Brother and Dramusiand comforted him in the best wise, declaring that they would make it their business to search for her; whereupon they all departed to an adjacent Monastery, where the Prince's wounds were by an aged man, well skilled in Chyrurgery, cured.
Who the Knight was that carryed away the Princess Targiana; And how he was vanquished, and the Princess taken from him by a Knight, who carryed her to Constantinople, and in her presence vanquished Albayzer.
THe Princess Targiana being carried away, as aforesaid, it was soon known to be Albanis of Freeze, Son to the King of Denmark, that had offered the violence: For riding with her through a Forrest, he met with a Kt. in black Armour, having a flaming Heart portrayed on his Shield, when Albanis, willing to shew his Valour, so affronted the Kt. that he obliged him to the combat, but it turned to his disadvantage; for upon the first Encounter he was tumbled from his Saddle, and in the fall, his Arm being under him, it broke; whereupon the Kt. in black Armour finding him uncapable of the sword combat, left him to his Esq and was about to depart, at what time the Princess desired him out of all kindness, that he would not leave her in that desolate place, in the hands of a man who had before violated the order of Knighthood; whereupon inquiring into the matter, he took compassion on her tender beauty, and undertook to conduct her & her Train to Constantinople, which accordingly he did, where upon his arrival he found Albayzer about to depart with all the trophies he had won from divers Knights of Fame, to the great grief of the Court Ladies, but glad he was not gone before his arrival, he (after having disposed of the Princess in the best manner, who had by this time put her self into Princely habit, after the Turkish Fashion) desired the combate with him, who proud of his many Victories, with a disdainful look threw down his [Page 83] Gage, vowing to lead him in triumph to his Mistriss, if he conquered him; Nay, said the Knight, let it be also agreed, that if I conquer you, I shall bear the Shield you stole from the Castle of Dramusiand, in the night, when the Kt. that guarded it was not aware of you This affront made Albayzer fume extreamly, and vow revenge, when casting round his fiery eyes, he espyed (contrary to his expectation) the fair Targiana, yet supposed it impossible she should be there, till being further satisfied, he relinquished the doubt, and falling at her feet, gave her a thousand thanks for vouchsafing in person to view those actions of his, which he doubted not but Fame would have let her known, without giving her self the curiosity & trouble; for which Oration having obtained the favour of her fair hand, he espyed the black Knight prepared to receive him, wherefore not to delay, he mounted, and so in full careir they ran at each other, with such force, that Albayzer, to his great amazement and disgrace, was tumbled from his Horse, and the black Kt. by the force he met with shaken in his Saddle; whereupon the former urged the later to the combat of the Sword, which he as willingly accepted, so that a bloody Encounter began, till such time as Albayzer, fainting through loss of blood, fell to the ground, whereupon the black Kt. unclasped his Helmet, to have taken off his head, but that the Princess (not forgetting her old servant, who for her sake had so often hazarded his life) running in, upon her knees begged his life, which was accordingly granted, and he forced to forgo the many Trophies he had gained; whereupon the black Kt. (who upon his discovering himself, proved to be Florendos, Son to Primalion) required that the Shield of Miragarda might be placed in the middle, as Chief; which accordingly was done, & then both of them were conveyed to appointed Lodgings, to be cured of their wounds.
Of the adventure of the CUP, and what the meaning was.
GReat was the Ioy of the Court-Ladies, whose beauty Albayzer had eclipsed, that he carried not the Palm to his own Country, and as great was the Emperors, when he knew the fair Targiana was present, whom he recommended to the Empress and Princesses, to be used [Page 84] according to her Estate: When during these passages, a Lady richly attired, arrived at Court, attended by a Knight who carryed a Rich Casket; when coming into the presence of the Emperor, Empress, and divers great Lords and Ladys, after salutation made, she thus began:
Most Mighty and Puissant Emperor; Having for the sake of a fair Lady travelled through many Countries, in order to the finishing of an Adventure, and hitherto failed therein, I have at length attained this happy place, hoping to find a Kt. that may accomplish it: Then know, that thus it is, viz. There lately lived a King of Thrace, named Sardamant, who was exceedingly skilled in Magick, and having a Daughter of excellent Beauty, she was courted of many Knights, which made him (least contrary to his knowledg she should Marry) to shut her up in a Castle, into which, notwithstanding, one of her Servants, whom she intirely loved, usually got by a Rope Ladder, which she drew up by a Silken Thread; but at length being discovered by his corival, he was cast into Prison; when soon after the Lady, whose name was Brandisia, conceived with Child, which so inraged the K. that as soon as she was brought to Bed, he cut off her Lovers Head, and sent his heart to her in this Cup, which she took so hainously, that having filled the Cup with her Tears, and sent it to her Father, she bound the Heart to her own, and crying, I come my dear Love, to meet thee in Eliziums happy shades, she threw her self from the Battlements, and so expired; upon notice of which, the King repenting of such his hard usage, caused the Off-spring of his Daughter, the young Princess Leonarda, to be brought up after her Estate, having none beside to Heir his great Wealth: Yet least in her Infancy she should be conveyed thence, or in riper years betrayed into the snares of unlawful Love, he by inchantment so surrounded the Castle wherein she resideth with Mists and deluding Phantomes, that when any one approaches; it seems to vanish; after which congealing his Daughters tears (which you behold in this Cup) into a Stone, he, before his Death, left these directions: That the fair Leonarda can be marryed to none but him, or by his appointment, in whose hand the Cup being, the congealed matter dissolveth to its proper [Page 85] liquidness; and such a one it must be whose Valour and Virtue surpasses most Knights upon earth; therefore if such a one there be, let him essay to deliver the distressed Princess out of her confinement.
This Adventure made all that were present greatly wonder, yet resolved they to essay it; whereupon it went from hand to hand, but the effects were not wrought, insomuch that the Lady began to dispair, till at length Palmerin being healed of his wounds, came to try the Adventure, when immediately the tears dissolving, a new wonder insued, which put the spectators into a great fright which was, that a flame of Fire seized the Prince invironing him on every side, which they vainly endeavoured to extinguish, till the Lady sprinkling a few of the Tears on him, it was extinguished and he found intirely well, whom they supposed to be consumed to Ashes; and at the same time, the passion he had so long conceived for fair Polinarda increased; and the Lady pronounced him the man that was worthy of the fair young Princess, and that must deliver her; and so the admiration of all vanished.
Of another strange Adventure, and what insued; And of the Fight against the Gyants.
THe first Adventure being over, there soon after happened another as strange, which was as followeth: The Emperor & his Nobles sitting in the Hall of his Palace, unexpectedly entered a Lady, attended by 3 fearful Gyants, and addressing her to the Emperor, spoke in this manner: Emperor of Greece, I am sent to you, from the Soldian of Persia, the Soldian of Babylon, and the Emperor of the Turks, to demand your consent to divers things which I have in charge; and if it so happen that you refuse to comply, these my attendants have commission to denounce War against you. This strange & unusual discourse did not a little amaze and consternate the Emperor, yet he bid her make her proposals. Then know, Sir, (replied the Lady) that in the first place it is required, that you send [Page 86] your Grand-Daughter, the fair Polinarda, to my Lord the Soldian of Persia; Secondly, that Florendos her Brother shall swear to marry Armenia, Sister to Albayzer, now Crowned Soldian of Babylon; and as for my Lord, the Emperor of the Turks, he requires you, as you tender the welfare of your Empire, that you would send him the Kt. Florian, sometimes resident in his Court, who has conveyed thence the fair Targiana. These are the demands; and now sir I expect your answer.
The Emperor, who was never wont to be braved at this rate, by any Potentate, was not a little angry, yet concealing his displeasure, he made reply: That those proud Lords she mentioned, did ill to send him conditions of Peace or War, for that he nothing expected any thing in that nature; yet seeing it was their nature, they might give him at their pleasure, for never in a better time could they do it, adding, that what they so peremptorily demanded, or rather commanded, they should have humbly sued for, yet had they done it, he could not, nor would not have gratified their desires.
The Emperor having made this answer, the Gyants with dreadful and deformed countenances advanced, when as Berocant, the Soldian of Persia's Champion, in the name of the rest pronounced War, with all its attendant miseries, and then defied the Kts. present, desiring that the place might be assigned, where he and his two Companions might fight ten or twelve of the best Kts. which proud speech so fired young Palmerin, that preventing others that attempted to reply, he in this wise began: Monsters of Men, know that words nor fearful faces can never dismay the Valiant, who have and dare meet Death in all his grisly forms; you know not against whom you vent your pride; no numbers shall oppress you, only three Kts. shall teach your tongues from henceforth better order. He scarce had ended, when Florian and Dramusiand begged that they might be his partners in the combat; but the Gyants seeing the inequality in the stature, said, They would not fight where so little glory was to be gained by conquering; Nay, said Horian, 'tis rather cowardly fear that deters you, than ought beside, therefore, to spur you on, know, I am the Kt. you demand, to deliver to the Turk; 'twas I that lead away the fair Targiana, though [Page 87] not against her will. This being heard, the Gyants raged like a Tempest, each of them vowing the bloodiest revenge he might, resolving to sacrifice those Knights to the pleasure of their Lords, but failed in what they aimed at; for the three Kts. entering the combat against them, after a dreadful sight, the three Monsters of Men, Berocant, Albarocco, and Arbusar, each ten cubits high, were made shorter by the Heads, which caused the Emperor & all the Christian Knights greatly to rejoyce.
What hapned in the Court of the Emperor after the combat: How Palmerin ended the Adventure of the Inchanted Castle.
PRince Florian having renounced his love to the Princess Targiana, upon her freshly entertaining the amours of Albayzer, who had been vanquished by Florendos, care was taken to send her to her Father's Court, which was done, with a great train, suitable to her Birth & Fortune; of which Albayzer having notice, came thither, & with the consent of her Father married her. As for Florendos, he having obtained leave, departed to the Castle of Almorol, with the Shield he had recovered, hoping thereby thereby to be restored into the favour of his fair Mistriss Miragarda.
These things passing, Palmerin's mind was wholly taken up for finishing the Adventure of Thrace; wherefore arming himself, he rode in search of the Castle, having had directions of the Lady where to find it: When coming to a spacious Plain, he beheld divers dark Clouds overspreading the midst thereof, when advancing nearer, he met divers wild Beasts, which can at him with great fury, against whom he prepared himself, but in his blows wounded nothing but Ayr, for they were only Phantoms of terrour, formed by Magick; wherefore passing through the skirts of the thick darkness, he found it like a small showre of Rain, till at length he saw a glimmering of Light, as if it proceeded from flaming Torches, twards which he approached, still encountering with airy Spectrums, which in their careir (much like blasts of wind) gave him such buffets, that he could fearcely fit his Horse; yet at length, having pretty well [Page 88] passed the darkness, he beheld the Castle (being a most stately building) Walled and Moated round, before which stood two Knights, to his seeming, well appointed, but as they came fiercely on, they vanished; whereupon espying the Bridge about to be drawn up, he rode furiously and passed it, when as a doleful cry arising within, two Gyants came with fearful gazing eyes, and strong Maces in their hands, and gave him many heavy strokes, but still as he struck at them, they avoided him, and in the end vanished; then entred he the Castle, which he had no sooner done, but a mighty Earthquake shook it, that it seemed to be falling about his ears, yet (nothing daunted) the couragious Prince passed on, till he came to an Iron Gate, before which lay a Serpent of monstrous bigness, spitting fire, and with his forked sting threatning destruction to any that approached; and beside him lay a great parcel of Keys, which the Prince supposing to be those that unlocked the Castle doores, assaulted him with such violence, that bursting through a window he took wing and flew over the City adjacent, by which the Citizens knew that the Inchantment was dissolved; then flew open all the doores of their own accord; whereupon entring a Garden, he found the fair Princess, attended with divers grave Matrons, who approached with great joy to congratulate his happy success, in performing so great an adventure; the Princess yielding her self to be wholly governed by him in all affairs. But long they had not discoursed, e'r a great number of the Nobles of that Country came to pay Homage to the Princess, and to seat her upon her Fathers Throne; and having sufficiently expressed their thanks to Prince Palmerin, they conveyed her to her Father's Palace, which was till that time held by Queen Carmelia her Aunt, and there made feasting, & all manner of disports, where the Prince (at their request) was present; then the Queen brought the fair young Princess to him, desiring that their hands might be joyned in sacred Marriage-bands, but he excused it▪ saying, his heart was firmly linked another way, and that none but Polinarda must possess his love, which the Lady that brought the Cup to the Emperors Court affirming, he was then required to appoint her a Noble Knight to espouse her, which he promised to do, and such a one as should be worthy the Diadem of Thrace.
THE FAMOUS HISTORY Of the Renowned Prince. PALMERIN of ENGLAND. PART, the Second.
What happened to Prince Florendos, in his travel towards the fair Miragarda; And to the Knights that were sent to accompany Targiana to the Great Turk's Court.
PRince Florendos had not far passed, e'r he met with a Damosel, who in a piteous manner demanded his assistance to deliver a Lady, who was doomed to dye by Astribor a Gyant, Brother to Dramorant the cruel, slain by Palmerin, Pompides, and Florian, to which the Prince consenting, she lead him to the Castle, before which he found two Knights standing ready with their Launces, who (as he attempted to pass the Bridge) came against him, but were received with such courage and bravery, that the Prince's Launce lighting upon the breast of one of them, pierced his Armour, & bore him dead to the Earth, which the other seeing, drew his Sword, and charged upon the Prince with great fury, but long survived not; for by a stroke he received upon his Helm, it burst, and the Sword entering his Brain, down he fell; which evil hap the Gyant from his station perceiving, was greatly inraged, and with a strong Battail-Ax came forth, menacing the Prince with Death and Ruin; but he nothing affrighted, prepared to receive him in the best wise; when as a dreadful combat hapned between them, till at length, through swear and loss of blood, the Gyant fainting, the Victory fell to the Prince, yet not without many wounds on his side; but having loped off the Head of the Monster, he entered the Castle, and in a deep Dungeon (directed thither by the laments of a womans voice) he found a fair [Page 90] Lady, whom he set at liberty, and demanded the cause of her cruel usage, to whom she faintly replyed, that (the Gyant, in revenge of his Brothers death, slain by the valiant Knight Albayzer, in order to the delivery of her self and two Sisters) she had been taken captive by Astribor, who vowed, so soon as he could take that Kt. they should be both sacrificed to his brothers Ghost. This lamentable story greatly moved the Prince, that having had his wounds dressed by the said Lady, he departed with her to her Fathers Castle, where leaving her, he passed on towards the Castle of Almorol.
The Prince riding three days without any adventure, in the end beheld a fair Castle, when approaching it, a Damosel came forth, and informed him it was the Castle of Arnalte, Princess of Navar, and that her Lady demanded, that he should fulfill what she should desire, or swear never more to bear Armour, or else abide the danger that was likely to befall him, of which hard conditions he chose the last; whereupon six Knights well armed issued out, running at him with great fury, most of whose Launces he cut in sunder with his Sword, and then charged them so furiously, that four of them fell a sacrifice to his revenge, when as the other two being sore wounded, and in danger of death, the Princess came forth, and upon her knees begged their lives, which the Prince, upon condition she would reveal the cause of the evil custom, granted; when being lead into the Castle, she caused him to sit down by her upon a Couch of Velvet, and with a sigh she thus began: Alas [...]ir! said she, it was once my hap to find a noble Knight sleeping in a Valley not far distant from this place, whose youthful Beauty and comely shape so fired my heart, that I was all a Fevour; when being no longer able to resist the Power of Love, to ease my torment, I conveyed him sleeping (as he was) into this Castle, with the help of my Sisters; but cruel he disdaining my tears and intreaties, on the account of one Polinarda, to whom he said he had vowed his affections, my love, so slighted, turned to anger, yet gently mild, so that hoping by keeping him under restraint, I might oblige him to take compassion on me; but soon after came one Florian of the Desart, and another Knight, who overcoming my Guards, set him free, and burnt part of [Page 91] my Castle, which I since repaired, and ordained this Adventure to bring him hither again, obligeing by promise, or by for many Knights to combat him, wear no Armour, or become [...] Prisoners, of which I have many in confinement, who d [...]t prefer their Mistriss Beauty before mine, & refuse my demands.
At this narration the Prince greatly wondered, declaring to her who the Prince was, and informing her it was not in the power of any Knight to conquer him, much more contrary to his mind, to make him yield to her desires, though he confessed she was fair, to a Miracle, yet his heart was already fixed beyond recall; and thereupon desired to see the Knights she held Prisoners, to which she consenting, they proved to be Blandidon, Te [...]ebrant, & Recamon, Kts. of the Emperors Court, all which, at the request of Prince Florian, she set at liberty, who together with the Prince, taking leave of their fair Goaler, departed, on their way towards the Castle of Almorol; on which Iourney for a while we will leave them, and pass to the Court of the Great Turk.
The Princess Targiana having been honourably dismissed, and in her Train divers Princes of the Emperor's Court, and Kts. of great worth, who encountering many difficulties by the way, at last arrived at Adrinople, where the Emperor of the Turks resided, who understanding what happened to his Gyants and that Prince Horian was not sent, as he expected, caused all the Knights, Christians, as also King Polendos, and many others, to be conducted into a large Hall, whither in great state he came, attended by his Guards, putting it to their choice in many haughty & raunting words, Whether they would chuse to be Prisoners or instantly dye? This unexpected welcome amazed the hardy Knights; yet scorning to be afraid, after some pause, the King stepped forth, and demanded the reason of such their usage, seeing they had not offended him; But (replyed the haughty Turk) Florian of the Desart has, and unless he speedily be sent to me in Chains, I will revenge the injury on you. That will not be, (replyed K. Polendos) for the Emperor esteems him at the price of half his Empire; and know, That we being Christian Kts. scorn base Servitude, and will rather dye, than suffer ignominious Bondage; which words so incouraged [Page 92] Prince Belcar, and the rest, that drawing their swords, & standing together, they resolved to sell their lives at a price too high for the Turk's puny Guards to purchase; but just as their dreadful hands began to move, in came the beautious Princess Targiana, with dislevel'd Hair, and falling at her Fathers feet, begged he would spare them, that had done her so much honour and preserved her life, but the angry Mahometan would consent upon no other conditions, than that they would surrender themselves his Prisoners; whereupon the Princess besought them, that they would at that time submit to fatal necessity, promising so to deal with her Father, when his passion was over, that they should be soon set at liberty, or if he refused, she would work other means for their Release; at what time they (considering their case to be desperate, after some conference amongst themselves) consented to lay down their weapons; whereupon they were conveyed to divers strong Castles, where they continued in prison many days.
This news coming to the ear of Palmerin the Emperor, and of the Princes, they were greatly grieved at the barbarous ingratitude of the Infidel, vowing revenge as soon as possible, to consult of which I shall for a while leave them, and return to Prince Florian, whom I left on his way towards the Castle of the fair Miragarda.
What happened to Prince Florian, after he left the Castle of Arnalte; And how the Princess of Thrace her Damzel arrived at the Court of Constantinople.
PRince Florendos departing from the Castle in the company of those Knights he had delivered, at length came into a pleasant Grove of Trees, where he espied a Knight at all points armed, standing between two Oakes, who upon his approach sent his Esquire to him & his company, to command them not to pass that way, unless they would confess and maintain, not only there, but in all places, that the Princess Arnalte of Navar, was the most beautiful of all Ladys living; to which Floriman (preventing Prince Florendos) replyed, That he could not, neither would he so much wrong his [Page 93] Conscience, as to give the Lye to himself, for that although she was fair, she was cruel and uncourteous, and that there were many fairer by far, which he was ready to maintain, if the Kt. consented; whereupon couching their Spears, they ran at each other with such fury, that they both fell to the ground; but recovering their feet, they drew their Swords and charged each other with great fury, the Victory for a long time being doubtfull; but in the end such was the force of Floriman, that he brought the Kt. under, and would have slain him, had not the Prince interposed, at what time unclasping his Helm, they found it to be Albanis of Freeze, Son to the King of Denmark, whereat Floriman was greatly grieved that he had so ignorantly wounded his friend; yet no signs of death appearing, they went to the house of an old Kt. hard by, where his wounds were cured, and there (at the request of Florendos) he declared how he became amorous of the Princess, and had taken an oath to maintain, she was the fairest Creature living, having under the favour and protection of her Beauty conquered many a good Knight: When having refreshed themselves, they passed on towards the Castle of Almorol, in which expedition I shall again leave them, and return to Palmerin of England.
The Nobles of Thra [...]e, desirous to have their young Princess given in marriage, sent the Lady who had been intrusted in the management of the Adventure of the Cup, to the Court of the Emperor, who undertaking it, arrived there at such time as Prince Palmerin had retired to recreate himself, when entering, and seeing him not amongst the other, she began to be heavy, as fearing some mishap had befaln him, but being satisfied to the contrary, she desired Audience, which being granted, she thus began:
Most puissant Emperor, Ladys, and worthy Knights, My Charge is from Queen Carmelia, and the Nobles of Thrace, to let you know the Worthy Exploits of the Renowned Prince Palmerin, least his Modesty hiding his great Exploits, Fame should therein be silent: Know then, that the Prince has worthily finished an Adventure, that may amaze the World, conquering Monsters, Gyants, and all difficulties, thereby delivering the beautiful Leonarda, whom he yet refused, and with her the Diadem of Thrace, offered him by the Princess, and all the Nobles of the Kingdom, so firm and constant was he in his Love to the fair Polinarda, your Grand-Daughter, and Daughter to the Worthy prince Primalion; yet has he promised (according to the Will of her deceased father) to provide her such a prince, as may be [Page 94] worthy of her Love; Wherefore in the Name of the Queen, Princess, and all our Nobility, with Letters-Credentials, I come to require, That the fair princess (my Lady) may be brought to your Court, and there Received according to her Estate.
This motion highly pleased the Emperor, as it did all the Ladys, who were desirous of nothing more, than to see her, for whose deliverance the Noble Prince had adventured such hazards; wherefore with many Rich Presents the Damosel was dismissed, and earnestly desired to hasten her Lady thither; in which undertaking I shall leave her, and return to Prince Palmerin.
The Prince delighting himself in a pleasant Forrest, to shun popular applause, after his late expedition, so it happened That he beheld divers Kts. galloping cross through a by-way, when being desirous to know the occasion of their haste, as imagining they were posting to some Adventure, he followed so long till he overtook one of them, who laged behind, by reason his Horse was faln lame, of whom he demanded the cause of such haste, but he for a long time gave him doubtful answers, yet in the end, hoping he might lend him his Esq Horse, thus began:
Know Sir, (since it is not in your power to hinder th [...] Ente [...]pr [...]ze) That Felistor, a Noble Man of this Country, falling in love with a beautious Damosel, living not far distant from his Castle, whose eyes all along promised him love and good liking; but so it happened, that through the perswasions of her Mother, she marryed one Ridamur, who is now repairing with her to his own Castle, when to prevent it, and take her by force, and kill her Lord, this company is provided, as also another layed in Ambush by the way they must pass; But such is my misfortune, that my Horse falling Lame, I fear will disappoint me of being there to assist my friend; therefore (since I have freely told you all) I hope you will suffer me to change Horses with your Esquire. Nay, (said he) you rather deserve to be chastized, for daring to undertake so Villanous an attempt, in going about to force free minds, and dishonour an Innocent Lady, which all good Kts. ought to protect: But no longer to spend my breath upon you, I'll follow the Adventurers, and (perhaps) make them repent the undertaking of so rash an Adventure. This being said, he rode forward with great eagerness, whereat he who had informed him laughed.
What happened to the Prince in the Adventure of the rescue: As also to Prince Florian in another Adventure.
PRince Palmerin, fired with a desire to give assistance to the distressed, hasted to overtake the Troop, but was not [Page 95] so speedy, as to come before Ridamur was slain, and the Lady, together with her Mother, taken prisoners, who made many grievous laments, insomuch, that the Prince riding up, commanded those that held them, upon pain of forfeiting their heads to let them go; but they being six in number besides Felistor, began to flout him, saying, What means this mad fellow, to intermeddle in our affairs? I'le warrant (replyed another) he being some fool-hardy Knight, and desirous to get him a name, now means to purchase it at the hazard of his life; but above all, Felistor began to rave exceedingly, threatning him with death, for presuming to intermeddle with his affairs; to which the Prince replyed, That as for his threats, he feared them not but was come with a resolution to correct his insolence, and set free the Lady he had so cowardly taken, and about to deprive of her honour; wherefore with his Launce running against him, he overthrew him, and the Launce piercing quite through his body, he fell dead; then drawing his Sword, he so layed about him, that killing two of his Knights, the other four fled to the Castle of the Lady, and took possession of it, till such time as it was regained by the Prince and two of them slain.
The old Lady and her Daughter perceiving themselves intirely at liberty, greatly rejoyced, and coming before the Prince, would have humbled themselves on their knees, but he would not suffer them, but gently raised them, and saluted their fair hands; then came they to the place where the body of Ridamur lay, which he caused divers Country Peasants to convey to the Castle adjacent, but when he and the Ladies arrived there they found the Bridge drawn up, and the Castle possessed, which made them g [...]eatly wonder, whereupon they desired the Prince to lye in ambush a while, to see if any that were within would come forth, but he not finding it, passed the Moat upon a Float of Timber he found therein, when entering a fair Hall, he found four armed Kts. whom he knew to be those he had vanquished and put to flight; yet they seeing him an foot, and supposing him through long travel and loss of blood to be faint, set upon him, but soon found their mistake; for after a sharp dispute, two of them fell dead, and the other two upon their knees begged mercy, which they received at his hands, whose clemency [Page 96] won his applause greater than his Sword; whereupon he commanded them to let down the Bridge, and ask pardon of the Ladies, which done he suffered them to depart. The Ladys being entered, with great joy again saluted him, and intreated him to stay so long, till they had interred the body of Ridamur, to which he consented, and then departed towards Constantinople, on whose way thither for a while I shall leave him, and return to Prince Florian.
Prince Florian having again taken his Device of the savage Man, departed in search of Adventures, so far, that at length arriving in France, he was desirous to pass over into England to visit his Father and Mother; but as it had once before befaln him, so it hapned to him now: For he having no sooner imbarqued, but a wind arising, which long troubled the Ocean, he was driven upon the Coast of Ireland, where going on shore and reposing upon a green Bank, he was suddenly awaked by the shreiks of a Damosel, whereupon starting up with his sword in his hand, he saw her flying before a monstrous Gyant, at which interposing his Shield, he bid her be of good comfort; but soon the Gyant (whose name was Br [...]calon) came up with a stern countenance, and commanded him to deliver her, or he was a dead man; to which the Prince reply'd, He had ever born Armour to succour distressed Ladys, and at the hazard of his Life would venture to preserve her; whereupon the Gyant in a great Rage struck at him with his Batttail-Ax, but missing his blow, the Prince saluted him with his sword, so that a hot Encounter happened between them, which made the Damosel stand trembling and almost ready to give up the Ghost, for fear the Prince should be slain; but such was his good fortune, that (after much blood shed on either side) the Gyant fainted, and retiring in sight, struck his heel upon a stump and fell, when the Prince not thinking it prudence to let any advantage slip in a combat with such an Enemy, stood upon him & cut off his head. Then rejoyced the Damosel greatly, and conducted the Prince to a Hermit's Cave not far distant, to cure his wounds, & there attend him, informing him that she appertained to the Empress of Germany, and had been cast on shore by Shipwrack in her passage to Denmark.
What happened to Prince Florendos upon his Arrival at the Castle of Almorol.
THe Prince Florendos having finished many Adventures, arrived at last at the Castle of Almorol, with the Shields of Miragarda and Targiana, where against him came the Gyant Almorol, but knowing him to be the Prince, he threw down his Spear, and embraced him in his arms with joy, demanding how he had sped since his departure? when as the Prince informed him of all that had happened, but above all, of the Adventure against Albayzar, producing the two Shields, the sight of which greatly rejoyced him; whereupon he hastily ran into the Castle, to inform the Princess, That her Servant was returned, and had brought the Shield; as also the Shield of her who had dared to stand her Rival in Beauty: This news highly pleased her, yet being of a haughty mind, she shewed it but a little outward, though the Gyant urged, That she ought to be kind to the man, that had suffered so much, and indured such hardship for her sake; but all she would grant, was, the favour of kissing her hand, and re-admitted to guard the Shield; which made him very pensive, and greatly to bewaile her hard hap, often repeating his amorous passion to his Ladys Picture, at the feet of which he had placed the Shield of Targiana.
When having stayed there some time without meeting with any adventure, at length he espyed coming towards him three Knights; the first in silver and green Armour, having on his Shield in Greek Letters of gold, the word Normandy: The second had Armour white and Azure mingled artificially with streams of green interchangeable, bearing in a Field of Sinople the god Apollo: The third had his Armour of a Carnation colour, beset with Croslets of Gold, and for his device, Orpheus [Page 98] tortured in the flames of Hell: And as they approached the Castle they sung this following Song.
This Song greatly pleased the Prince, and because it nearly related to his condition, he engraved it upon the bark of a Cypres Tree; by what time the Knights were advanced to the Tree where the Shields hung; when the first Knight beholding the beautifull Picture of the fair Miragarda, he began to contemplate thereon, saying, That she whose Portraicture it was, might well command all Hearts, and was indeed the soveraign Empress of Beauty, and that it was no wonder, that for her sake so many Adventures had been undertaken, and that those that defended her Cause were so prosperous.
Having said thus much, he desired Prince Florendos to break a couple of Launces with him in Honour of the Lady, whose Picture he pretended to guard; to which the Prince readily consenting, they prepared for the Iust, and run so furiously against each other, that the Knight in the green Armour was overthrown; whereupon the Prince alighting, they drew their swords, and began a furious Combat, wounding each other in a desperate manner, insomuch, that the blood issued out, and the green Knight at last fainting, the Combat was given over. Then would the two other Knights prove the Turnament with their Spears, against whom ran Prince Floriman, who was a little before arrived to bear Florendos company, who overthrew them both, at what time it so happened, that they were known to be Prince Platier the sage Aliart, and Beroldo Prince of Spain, upon which they embraced each other, and stayed divers days at the Castle of Almorol, in hopes to see the far-famed beautys of Miragarda; but she being of a haughty temper, would not vouchsafe to give them that satisfaction; whereupon having taken leave of each other, they departed.
The Princes gone, soon after another strange Adventure happened, which was, that down the River, on the side of [Page 100] which the Castle stood, there came two Boates, one covered with a Canopy of Silk embroidered with Gold, in which sate a Lady of incomparable beauty, and at her feet, between two Matrons, a Knight in green Armour, intermixed with Gold, who had for his device, in a Field of Sinople, god Cupid bound in Chains, with his Bow and Arrows broken: When in the other Boat were divers Damzels, with three Esquires playing upon Lutes, and tuneing their voices to the melodious sound: At which the two Princes stood wondring so long, that rowing to the side of the Castle, a Damzel and an Esquire came on shore, and advancing to the Tree where the Shield of Miragarda hung, they gazed upon it a considerable time, and seeming somewhat displeased that the Portraicture was so exceeding fair, they left it, and having obtained leave of the Princess and the Gyant Almorol, the Damzel entered the Castle, and had access to the presence of the Princess Miragarda, when (having payed her respects) she in humble wise made it known; That her Lady Arnalte Princess of Navar, being in her Boat under the Castle Wall, desired that she might enter the Castle and confer with her, that so face to face, comparisons of beauty might be made: But the Princess Miragarda would by no means consent, excusing it upon the Gyant Almorol and the Prince Florendos, whom (as she said) had it in their power to refuse, if she consented; therefore in hearty commendations to her for her kindness, and the trouble she had given her self, she desired to be excused, as to what was desired: With which unpleasant answer the Damzel returned to her Lady, who upon the report thereof, was out of patience, insomuch, that in a great rage she commanded her Knight to fetch the Shield, which accordingly he enterprized, but upon his arrival at the place where it hung, he found it was not to be obtained by fair words, but by Combat; wherefore not daring to return without it, he (after many words had passed) defied the Prince to the Combat; whereupon a dreadful Fight began, which for a long time held bloody and doubtful, but in the end the Prince (by a stroke he gave him on the Helm) brought him to his mercy; which the Princess Arnalte perceiving, in a great [Page 101] rage caused her Marriners to Row up the River, leaving her Knight to quit himself as well as he could; but the Prince pittying him as a Lover, spared his Life, and referred him to the Sentence of Miragarda, who injoyned him upon the Oath of Knighthood, never to serve any Princess but Arnalte; and that he should alter the device in his Shield, that instead of Cupid's being bound, he should paint him as victor, leading a Knight fast menacled in Chains of Silver: to the performance of which being sworn, he was dismissed, being grieved at nothing more than that his Lady had left him in displeasure.
Who the Knight was that came with the Princess Arnalte: And of the splendid Entertainment made in the Court of Constantinople, upon the Arrival of Leonarda Princess of Thrace.
TO let you understand who the Knight was that came with the Princess Arnalte, know that his name was Dragolant Son to the Duke of Normandy, who arming himself, and setting forward in search of Almorol's Castle, to win the affections of fair Miragarda; when happening on the Castle of Arnalte, and overcoming her Knights, she became so amorous of him, that she entertained him as her Knight; and he on the other hand contemplating her beauty, which was not much inferiour to Miragarda's, and on the other hand considering she was Heiress to the Kingdom of Navar, became her sworn servant; but as she was a Lady that was soon angry, and as soon pleased, she left him vanquished, as you have heard: But upon his being dismissed, overtaking her, and in her presence trying his Valour upon divers Knights that would have offered her violence, he recovered [Page 102] her favour to such a degree, that within a short time they were married together, and he invested with the Title of a King: In which happy estate I will leave him, and return to the Princess Leonarda.
Leonarda Princess of Thrace being on her way towards Constantinople, the Emperor with a great Train of his Knights went to meet her, which they having done, highly welcomed her, who sate in her Sun-bright Charriot, attired in Gold and Iewels beyond value: When as the Complements having passed on either side, and a happy Repast taken in a Royal Pavillion, they all hasted towards the City, where they were that evening earnestly expected; but had not travelled far e're they beheld a Knight standing in the way, with his Launce in his hand, well mounted, and attended with two Esquires, one of which he sent to the Emperor, to require the Iust with his Knights; which the Emperor (though loth to lose so much time, yet for the credit of his Knights, and honour of the Princess) granted: whereupon the strange Knight (who bore for his device a Cyprus Tree in a Field of Azure) advanced, and was met in full Carreir by Prince Beroldo, but he (too feeble for his force) was dismounted; as likewise were Prince Platire, Pompids, and all the Knights which attended the Emperor; which greatly grieved him, that so great a disgrace was befallen his Knights in the sight of the Princess, and were in a manner alltogether out of conceit with themselves, who before had hopes to gain the esteem of so beautifull a Virgin: But whilst they were musing, the strange Knight seeing no more to deal with, came before the Emperor, and unclasping his Helm, appeared to the great joy of them all, to be Prince Florian of the Desart, who had left the English Court, and passed through Germany, and divers other Countries, seeking Adventures, till arriving near Constantinople, he understood the Princess was on her way, and having had knowledge of her excellent beauty from his Brother Palmerin, he was resolved to divertize her with the prooff of his Prowess.
[Page 103]Vpon this discovery the Prince (after having submitted himself to the Emperor, and his Vncle Prince Primalion, who at that instant arrived,) came to the fair Princess, and obtained the favour of kissing her delicate hand; and from that time, though before unconstant and wavering in Love, he became so amorous of her, that for her sake he enterprized many dangers and difficult hazards.
The Noble Train arriving about Sun-set at the City of Constantinople, all the Ladies attended the Empress, who came forth of her Pallace to welcome her Guest, so that what with the perfections of Nature and adornments of Art, a glorious and ravishing spectacle was there to be beheld; and all night long the Streets and Pallaces were illum [...]ned with Tapers, and Fires made of fragrant Wood, as Cedar, Cyprus, and what else might consist with the Magnificence; when in the morning early all manner of Musick sounded, and every thing else that could procure delight was to be seen.
When as the Princess Leonarda being in the company of fair Polinarda, began to express her high esteem of Prince Palmerin, but above all his constant love, from which the Diadem of Thrace could no ways charm him; which raised a conceit in the Princess Polinarda, not only of his worth, but a fear of losing him, if she hid her passion from him, as she for some time had done, and seemed outwardly to be displeased with him she inwardly loved and admired; wherefore she determined with her self to give him better incouragement for the future: But whilst this thought lasted, in came Prince Florian, and having made his reverence, sate down by the Ladies; when fixing his eyes on the fair Princess Leonarda, and she the like on him, they found such a mutual simpathy of love and liking, that from that time their Hearts were firmly vnited; yet blushes restrained their speech, till at length Florian taking courage, addressed himself in this manner:
Bright Mirror of Beauty, whose Charms have power to make the hardest Marble relent: Behold the Victim that must bow before the Alter of the Almighty, and pay his Vows at your fair shrine: Grant, most Excellent of Woman-kind, to [Page 104] own the Conquest you have made, and pitty the conquered: Yet all that I dare presume to ask, is, That you would daign to allow me the Honour of being your Knight, that under the Banner of your rare perfections, I may amaze the world with deeds worthy to be attributed to so much Excellency as shines in you.
This unexpected Complement made the Rosie blushes arise in the Princesses Cheeks, so that the Lillys that before were striving for mastery, were quite vanquished; when re-collecting her self, she thus replyed:
Sir, your Praises of my Beauty might have been spared, by reason that I can allow your Comments thereon to be no other than a Complement: Yet the request you have made, being so small, for this fair Princess sake, whose Cousin you are, I cannot in point of Honour nor Civility deny your request; yet should blame my self for so doing, if (adventuring for my sake) any misfortune should befall you.
The Prince (overjoyed at this concession) took the boldness to approach his Mistriss and salute her fair hand; at what instant a Messenger came in search of him, to inform him, that the Emperor expected him in his Chamber: whereupon humbly taking his leave of the Ladies, though with some regret, he departed, leaving them to their freedom of discourse.
What happened to Prince Florian upon his being sent by the Emperor in a strange Adventure.
PRince Florian (as aforesaid) having left the company of the Ladies to attend the Emperor, found there an Aged Man of large stature bedewing his reverend Beard with tears, and greatly complaining against the adversness of Fortune: When being by the Emperor ordered to declare the sum of his Grief, he replyed, As to the particulars, he had sworn to hide from any but the Knight [Page 105] who would be so hardy in getting himself Fame and Renown in undertaking it, and by atchieving it, ease him of infinite misery.
The Prince hearing this, and supposing for that purpose the Emperor had sent for him, began greatly to rejoyce, that he had such an opportunity to oblige his new Mistriss the Princess Leonarda; whereupon he joyfully offered his service, though the Emperor was alltogether unwilling he should hazard himself, unless the Adventure was known; but upon the often Asseverations of the Old Man, and the earnest of the Prince, he at length gave his consent; insomuch, that the Prince (accompanied only with his Esquire, and the Aged Man) departed the Court in great haste: So that although the Emperor afterward repenting, and sending after him Beroldo, Platire, Blandidon, and many other good Knights, to succour him, if occasion required, they could not overtake him; for coming to a River over-shaded with Trees, and passing it in a little Boat, e're the Boat could return to fetch his Esquire, and the Horses as the Aged Man promised it should, such a Tempest, (together a dismal and gloomy Fogg) happened, that the Boat was over-set as soon as ever the Prince landed. But being safe on shore, and seeing the Castle before him, where he had notice from the person who had required his help, that the Adventure was, he came before it; but finding it seated upon an high Rock, and but one way, very narrow to ascend, he drew his Sword and mounted, (by reason of the height, he was obliged to rest divers times;) when looking for the Old Man, whom he supposed to have followed him, he found him missing, whereupon he began to suspect some treachery; yet nothing daunted, he resolved to try the utmost: So that arriving at the top of the Rock, he came to the Gate, which he found open, when instead of Armed Men, whom he expected, he met with three beautifull Damzels Richly attired, who came forth to welcome him, which increased his wonder; yet scorning to fear such fair Enemies, he followed them into a stately Hall, at the upper end of which, in a Chair of State, sate a beautifull [Page 106] Lady of great stature, who upon his approach arose to meet him, giving him leave to salute her, then she welcomed him in a kind manner, feigning much joy to have so much Honour as a visit from a Knight so high in the favour of Fortune, telling him he must repose there that night, and that on the morrow she would inform him of the Adventure to be undertaken, with which he seemed well content; whereupon he was lead into a stately Parlour, where the Tables were spread with all manner of provision, and after some Complements made, sate down, frequently casting his eyes upon one of the Damzels that served at the Table, whose beauty he fancied to be carer than what he ever had seen before; nor was she wanting to entertain him with amorous glances: Supper ended, he was by that Damzel conducted to his Lodging, who laying bashfulness aside, promised to yield her Honour to be at his disposal, so soon as conveniency would permit; and so giving him a flattering kiss, she slipped a King upon his finger (as she said) in pledge of her future good will: But so it happened, That it had a Stone in it, the Virtue of which suddenly cast the Prince into a dead sleep, when the large-sized Lady, whose Name was Arleucia, entring the Chamber, and beholding the Prince o'rewhelmed with drowsieness, she thus began to rejoyce:
Happy am I this day, that Fortune had delivered into my hands the Man I so long wished for; now is the time that my Revenge for my Brethrens Blood must be wrought: O Brocalon! Baleato! Calfurnine! and Camboldam! Three of you fell by this Prince's hand, whom I am about to sacrifice to your Ghost.
And thereupon taking a strong Sword in her hand, she was about to strike the fatal blow, in order to take off the Prince's Head, when beholding his exquisite beauty and manly grace, her heart began to fail her, so that letting fall her hand, she paused a while; but Revenge overcoming her passion, she a second time resolved his Death, and had put her bloody intent in practise, when (as Fate, or rather Fortune, would have it) the Aged Man that had decoyed him from the Court entered, [Page 107] and intreated her to hold her hand, saying, There could be nothing more pleasing to her sorrowful Mother, than to have it in her power to take the Prince's life, whom she might not otherwise perhaps believe to be dead: Yet hardly could he perswade this Virago to hearken to his intreaty, she was so fired with Revenge.
This Prince by this means obtaining a Reprieve, it was agreed, that her Mother should be sought for, and made acquainted with the prey that Fortune had sent her, and that she should haste to pass Iudgment upon the destroyer of her Sons: In search of whom we will leave them, and return to Prince Palmerin.
Of the Grief conceived for the loss of Prince Florian; And how his Brother Palmerin went in search of him; and what befell him.
PRince Florian's Esquire staying with the Horses on the other side of the River two days, and not perceiving his Master return, was for want of provision constrained to return; when far he had not rode, e're he met with two Knights, who by their Armour to be sage Aliart, and Prince Palmerin, to whom he related what had befallen his Lord, which did not a little perplex them; yet the Sage betaking him to his Art, assured the Prince, that he was detained by Necromancy in the profound Island, and that it would cost some time to recover him out of the hands of his Adversaries: whereupon the Prince sending the Esquire to the Emperors Court, to certifie the Emperor of what had happened, resolved to go in search of him.
The news known at Constantinople, caused a general grief, but especially the Emperor was greatly afflicted, because he had [Page 108] so rashly consented to his undertaking an Adventure he knew not, what, nor where. The Ladies could not refrain from weeping, but especially the fair Leonarda, who had so soon lost her new servant, on whom she had impressed such deep affections; but in consideration that his brother had undertaken his deliverance, they were somewhat comforted, yet knew not what to think, seeing Sage Aliart had given out, that he was in danger of his life.
Prince Palmerin having attained the River, where the Esquire had informed him his Lord passed, found there neither Boat nor Bridge; yet riding along the hither bank, he at last found a place where it was fordable; when coming to the Castle, which by the description the Sage gave of it, he well knew to be the same, whereupon with his drawn Sword he mounted the Stairs, meeting by the way with many airey Fantomes, but no humane opposition, which made him boldly enter, when all he found, was a Damzel, who seeing him approach with his drawn Sword, shrieked aloud, and was about to fly; but the Prince taking her by the arm, charged her upon her Life to inform him what was become of the Knight, that not many days before came to the Castle? Whereupon she trembling, and faultering in her speech, replied: That that morning he was conveyed by her Lady Arlutea, and Alfernao, who (in a Trance) having put him on Skip-board, had carryed him (at the Request of Collumbra her Ladys Mother) to the Profound Island, where they intended to put him to death, in revenge of the Death of the four Gyants slain by him and his Brother; the said Gyants being Sons to Collumbra, and Brothers to Arleucea; who had left her Country to be nearer the Emperors Court, that she might the better effect her purposed Revenge. This news greatly disturbed the Prince, but considering there was no time to be lost, he made the Damzel swear to the truth of what she had said, and to describe the Castle of the Gyantess Collumbra; as also the Ship wherein they were imbarqued: Which done he hasted to the Sea-side, and made all the haste imaginable to imbarque, dismissing his [Page 109] Esquire, to expect him at Constantinople, and bear his respects to the fair Polinarda, desiring her good wishes for effecting the Enterprize he had undertaken.
Now so it happened, that Aliart knowing what had passed, and that they were upon the Sea, as soon as they came within sight of the Island where the Gyantess lived, raised such a storm, that by contrary Winds they were driven upon a strange Coast, yet could not (by reason of the mighty Rocks) Land, but were forced to ride it out at Sea, when they were carried up to Heaven and down to Hell, so tempestuous were the Winds, and so dreadful the surface of the Deep, that every moment they expected to perish; whereupon Arleucea began to repent of what she had undertaken, wishing she was again in her Castle, and that Prince Florian had not come thither: Yet often was she determined to kill him on Ship-board, but feared to be letted, by reason the Marriners were ignorant of the Conspiracy against his Life; but in the end imagining that Heaven was offended at her unjust determination, and that all were at the brink of Ruin; after divers cogitations, ruminating in her mind how her Brethren fell in single Combat, and the Princes only defended themselves, she (after having consulted Alfernao) resolved to take off the Charm, and keep the Prince in ignorance of what had been designed against his Life: Wherefore going to the Cabin where he lay, and having taken off the Ring, she sprinkled a certain Iuice upon his face, which soon restored him to his senses; and as soon the storm began to cease.
The Prince finding himself on Ship-board, began to marvel how he came there; when gazing about him, beheld Arleucea, knowing her to be the same Lady that had Feasted him in her Castle; whereupon he took her by the hand, and causing her to sit down by him, after many gentle speeches towards her, demanded how he came thither, and what the Adventure was he should finish? But she dissembling the matter a while, in the end (seeing his Princely Carriage, great Beauty, and wonderful Civility) gave such scope to her passion, that earnestly [Page 110] repenting of what she before intended, falling on her knees, she first with tears begged his pardon for the Body-Treachery designed against his life, and then related from point to point what had happened, and what was further intended; whereat he Marvelling fell likewise on his knees, and gave thanks to Heaven; then rising, he pardoned Arleucea, but she laying all the contrivance of the matter to Alfernao, he could be hardly intreated to spare his life; but in the end, considering Age, and that by taking his life he should render himself inglorious, he was content, he should be confined a perpetual Prisoner in a Castle on the Coast of Spain, belonging to King Recinde, whither by this time the Tempest had driven them; and there landing, he with the young Gyantess, and four Damzels he found on board with her, travelled so long, that coming into a pleasant Valley, they espied two fair Tents, and by them walking four Ladies, who seeing them approach, one of them merrily said, Sir Knight, you are well stocked with Ladies, a [...]d may well spare some of them to our Knights, who have more occasion for them. Nay, said the Prince, I shall in no wise forgo my Charge; but if your Knights dare contend with me, and take them, or any of them by force, I shall gladly submit to the chance of Fortune. Nay, said the Lady, 'tis the custom of this place, that you must try the Just e're you depart, or leave your Lady; and if you become Conqueror, then we are all at your divotion, to be disposed of as you shall think fit. If this be the custome, said the Prince, I am contented; but where are those I am to contend with? It will not be long (replied she) e're they will be with you. When as at her command, a Dwarf that remained in one of the Tents sounding a Silver Trumpet, the Knights came riding out of the Forrest, when to receive them the Prince prepared; and meeting the first, (who pretended to the Lady that made the challenge) he threw him from his Horse with such force, that he lay breathless: Then he prepared to meet the rest, and served them in the like manner; which so inraged them, that contrary to their custom, they (resolving to be revenged) drew [Page 111] their Swords, and came upon him very furiously, to the great grief of his late acquired Mistriss; but so stoutly the Prince behaved himself, that in a short time he so disabled them, that they were not capable of using their Swords: Wherefore (according to contract and custom) he caused the four Ladies to mount the Knights Horses, and (leaving their former Guardians in the Tents sorely to bewail their misfortunes) rode with him, whom he carried away as it were in Triumph.
Of the Adventure that befell Prince Florian, in conducting the Ladies to the Court of Spain: And what happened to Prince Palmerin of England in the Profound Island.
THe Prince being proud of his beautiful Troop, resolved to convey them to the Court of Recinde King of Spain; whereupon riding merrily through divers pleasant places, discoursing of sundry affairs, his new acquired Companions greatly delighted in their Guide, but above all Arleucea became so passionate of him, that she could not keep her eyes from off him; but he having a design to bestow her upon his friend Dramusiand, would not shew her such countenance as she expected. Long they had not rode towards the Court of Spain, but the Prince began to inquire of the Ladies that he had won at the Iusts, what, and who they were, and the cause of their coming to that place? when as one of them named Artesia made this Reply: Sir, since you use us so courteously, it is but reason I should satisfie you in so small a request: Know then, that we are sisters, who, by the License of our Mother, came with these Knights (who were desirous of us in Marriage) to the place where you found us, who (to please us, and create in us a better esteem of them) would often oblige such Knights as passed to forgo their Ladies, if any accompanied them, or confess we were [Page 112] fairer than any they adored; in which (before this time) they never was unsuccessfull.
This Story pleased the Prince, so that continuing their former mirth, they merrily rode on: On which way I will leave them a while, and see what became of Prince Palmerin in searching after his Brother.
The Prince (as is said) having taken Shipping, after a while being tossed on the Seas, came to a Port of the Profound Island, near to which he found a small Cottage, where entring he espied a grave person, who arose up and welcomed him; when as the Prince sitting down, began to inquire into the state of the Country, and received answer, That it was an Island plentifully stored with all things; and that over it not long before ruled a Gigantick Tyrant named Bravorant, who committed all manner of Murthers, Rapin, and Violence, but kind Heaven in the end cut him off: Yet left he by his Wife Collumbra four Sons, viz. Calfernine, Camboldam, Brocalon, Baleato; the two former of which glorying in their strength and tyranny, leaving the Island, went in search of Adventures, making great spoyl in all places, till at last they were slain in single Combat by the Sons of Prince Don Edoard; of which the other two Brethren hearing, contrary to the will of their Mother, went to seek the Princes, and revenge their brothers death; but (as fate would have it) meeting with one of the Princes, known by the Title of The Knight of the savage Man, they fell by his sword, as the former had done: Which news so inraged their Mother, that (out of all patience) she leagued with one Alfernao, skilled in Magick, who promised to deliver that Knight into her hands, that she might glut her self with torturing him to death, so that he is by her daily expected; as also by her brother Espouvantable, a monstrous Gyant, who (as her Substitute) greatly Tyranizes.
The Prince upon notice that his brother was not yet arrived, greatly rejoyced, desiring to know the Castle of the Gyant and Gyantess, and the nearest way to it: When having received direction, and rested that night, the next morning [Page 113] early (having largely rewarded his Host) he took his leave: When passing a Forrest, he came to a Haven of the Sea, where he espyed a great Combat of ten Knights against three, yet the later maintained their ground to a wonder; when making up to them, he soon knew the three Knights to be Berold Prince of Spain, Platire Son to Primalion, and the Sage Aliart; and those that fought against them were the Knights of the Gyantess, who, upon their landing, came to take them Prisoners: But as the Prince was about to come to their assistance, he espied the monstrous Gyant Espouventable close lurking behind a Tree to expect the event of the Combat, who seeing his men so hard beset, came forth with a dreadful noise, much like the roar of inraged Seas, crying, Kill, kill the Varlets: which the Prince perceiving, advanced against him with great courage and bravery, saying, Stay Monster, and combat me, permitting those that are over-matched by number, though not by Valour, to finish their Combat. The Gyant beholding the Prince with disdain, reylyed, That he would chastise him with death, and feast with his flesh the Fowles of the Air: which nothing amazing the Prince, he drew his Sword, so that a dreadfull Combat ensued, and so long lasted that after great effusion of blood, and many wounds, the Prince his unconquerable Fortune prevailed, and the Gyant was brought on his knees to beg his life; but the Prince having knowledge of the many Cruelties he had committed, contrary to his wonted clemency, smote off his Head, and hanged it by the Hair upon a Bough in the Forrest; when turning about, he perceived his Companions had killed five of the ten, and brought the other five into subjection, who upon their declaring they were forced to do what they did by the Gyants compulsion, they had their lives.
Whereupon having rested themselves, and bound up their wounds, the Prince with his three Companions rode towards the Castle of Collumbra, resolving to rid the Island of such a curb: When as the Islanders having notice of what had happened, came to meet them with branches of Palms and Garlands [Page 114] in their hands, stileing them their deliverers, and animating them to destroy all the Lineage of the Tyrant; but e're the Prince arrived, they in great numbers assaulted the Castle, swearing to revenge the many injuries they had received on Collumbra, and the cursed Kindred that yet remained; whereupon she being in great distress, and expecting the Rabble every moment would force the Gates open, and shew her no mercy, she sent a Damzel of hers out through a private Vault, to fall at the Prince's feet, and implore him to take her into his protection, not suffering her to fall into the hands of the multitude; when as the Prince considering she was a woman, and that she would be greatly outraged, interposed with the people, promising them that she should for the future be so well secured, as never after to injure them; whereupon in a short time they were so well pacified, that they drew off; when as the Prince and his Companions entring, found in a great Hall the disconsolate Collumbra, overwhelmed in tears, greatly bewailing her many misfortunes, and wishing to dye, which moved the Prince to such compassion, that he began rather to comfort than rebuke her, for her many Tyrannies, and cruel Intentions against her Brother. Yet to keep his word with the people, and to preserve her from their fury after his departure, he caused her, and her Damzels, who were not unwilling to be conveyed on Ship-board: And then having setled the Island, though refusing the Soveraignty thereof, which was earnestly pressed upon him, he imbarqued for Constantinople; having first promised to send the people such a Governour, as should greatly advance their felicity.
What happened to Prince Palmerin, after his departure from the Profound-Island.
THe Prince having setled the Affairs to the content of the Islanders, dismissed sage Aliart in one Vessel, and with another that he found in the Port, accompanied with Berolde, and Platire, he Coasted so long, that in the end he fell in with another Island, called, The Perillous Island; where going on shore, he found it well peopled, and very opulent: For after the Inchantress Eutrope was dead, by the Adventurous Prince's means, divers of the Islanders belonging to the adjacent Islands, flocked thither, by reason of the fertilety of the place, and mightily improved it.
Here the Prince going on shore, knew by the many Monuments, that was the place in which he had undergone such danger; and carrying his Companions from place to place, he (to their great admiration) shewed and related the many strange Encounters, but especially that of the Fountain, where they found lying the bones of the Beasts he had slain; and at the Castle the Shield which (as a Trophie) he caused the subdued Knight to hang up, as a Memorial of that Adventure: The which done, they passed in a fair Garden, replenish'd with all the Pride of Flora, and adorned with Fruits, so lovely to the Eye, that a rarer sight could not be found; when in the midst thereof there stood a Crystal Fountain, imbossed with Silver Sculptures of many Stories, and rare Device. But whilst they were musing and admiring it, (to shew that all the Enchantment was not finished) like an Exaltation up there sprang a stately Fabrick, seeming to the Eye of Lucent Stones, and Massy Gold, the Gates wide open, yet guarded by two monstrous forms, between them standing an Image of [Page 116] Gold; when to see this Rarity all flocked, but were withstood entrance with many terrible blasts, which overthrew such as approached; till the Prince (ordained to finish great Adventures) advancing, went to the Image, and took a Golden Key out of its hand; whereupon the Gyants vanished: So that entering the Mansion, and opening (as they supposed) divers Doors, at length they came to a fair Closet, hung round with Pictures of the rarest Beautys in the World, so lively, that at first they started, each supposing to have seen his Mistriss there. But long they contemplated not thereon, before a dreadfull murmuring was heard, and instantly a Clap of Thunder breaking o're this Airy Mansion, it vanished in a Flash of Lightening, leaving the Spectators in consternation and amazement; when well considering it was the device of some Magician, they immediately imputed it to sage Aliart, or Urgandia, who had erected it to please them; and so considering about other affairs, they returned to the Castle; when as a number of the Inhabitants knowing the Prince to be him that had finished the Enchantment of Eutrope, came to congratulate his second Arrival, and offer him the Homage of the Country, which he would not accept in Person, but allotted it to the sage Aliart, who soon after took possession thereof, in the Name of the Emperor of Constantinople.
Then the Prince, desirous to leave that place, took his farewel of his companions, and embarqued with his Esquire, who by this time having notice of his Adventure in the Profound-Island, was come to him. When in search of new Adventures I shall for a while leave him and the rest, and return to Constantinople.
How the News of what had hapened arrived at Constantinople: And what befell the Gyantess Collumbra and Alfernao.
WHilest the Court of Constantinople was in great suspence for the absence of the Princes, nothing but Clouds of sorrow appeared on every Face; but long that obscurity of Mirth and Iollitry lasted not, before News was brought, how the Treachery of Alfernao was defeated; and that Prince Florian, who had in his company Arleucea, was safe in Spain, intending in his way to that Court, to visit the Castle of Almorol; so that upon certain notice thereof, the Clouds vanished, and restored the face of things as formerly. Yet Leonarda could not tell what to think, that her entertained Servant had soon betaken himself to a fresh Beauty; but above all, she feared least he should be Captivated by the eyes of Miragarda, of whom Fame had every where so well spoken, celebrating her for the most accomplish'd Beauty upon Earth: But being comforted by her dear Companion and Confidant, the beautious Princess Polinarda, she lost her fears, and rested assured of his worth and vertue; in requital extolling the Deeds of Prince Palmerin above the Skies.
Whilst matters were at this pass, news was brought that the Gyantess Collumbra was arrived as a Prisoner, to be disposed of at the pleasure of the Emperor; upon which Orders were given to introduce her: But such was her large and monstrous size, that the Ladies at her first approach looked pale, and stood aghast; but seeing her in tears, and that she had deformed her self with her Nailes and violent blows, wishing rather to dye than live, after the loss of her Progeny; they commiserated her, and began to intercede on her behalf, till such time as they were acquainted with the cruelties she had [Page 118] used, and what devices she had laid for the Lives of the Princes: Whereupon after she had been long examined, and confessed each particular, justifying what she did as legal, and that she still would do it, was it in her power, cursing Fortune, and the senister Stars that ruled her Birth, for rendring her so wretched and unfortunate: So she was conducted to a Chamber, and a Guard set on her, least she should offer violence to her self. But whilst they were discoursing with each other, armed with fury and a deep despair, she tore the Bar out of the Window, and by that means having made room for her vast body, she cast her self out, when falling on the Pavement, she with the fall extinguished life, to the grief of the Emperor, and all the Ladys of the Court.
Alfernao in his Confinement hearing of what had hapened, and finding himself (through his Treason) faln into disgrace and contempt, at the same time fearing he should be brought before the Emperor, and there be sharply punished for his treacherous dissimulation, he took a Dose of Poyson, which he usually carried about him to mischief others, and so in Death followed his Friend and old Companion Collumbra.
How King Polendos, and the Knights that were made Prisoners being set at Liberty, arrived at Constantinople: And how Prince Florian, with his Ladys, arrived at the Court of Spain; and what insued.
NOW whilst the Court was filled with compassion for the unfortunate end of these Persons, the Emperor was informed, That four Turkish Galleys were arrived in the Port; which made him conjecture (as indeed it was true) that the Turk, at the Instance of his Daughter, had sent home King Belcar, and the rest of the [Page 119] Captive Knights; upon notice of which he was so overjoyed, that mounting on Horseback, he with such of his Nobles as were at hand, passed to the Port, where he found them about to land, which gladed him beyond measure; but their countenances were so changed by the growing of their Beards and ill usage, that but by their Voices, he could not have known them; yet taking them in his Arms, he imbraced them with tears, not suffering them to kneel before him, as they were about to do; but having a Charriot at hand, caused them to enter thereinto, by reason of their weak estate, and so conveyed them to the Court, where they were highly welcomed with loud acclamations, and the sound of Drums, Trumpets, and Clarions, and feasted in a most plentifull manner, the better to recover their faded strength. But in the midst of this Iollitry the Emperor had notice, that Almancer the Turkish Embassador, was on board the Admirals Gally with a Charge from his Lord: Wherefore the Emperor sent a great Train to desire his Landing, and to conduct him in the best manner to the Court; but he refused it, saying, He would not come on shore till the ensuing Day; with which answer they returned to the Emperor, who ordered great preparations for his reception against the morrow, inquiring in the mean time of King Polendos, and the rest, how they had fared, and by what means they were delivered? When in the name of all, the King made this Reply: That they had been hardly dealt with by the Infidel; and that many times their Lives were in danger, by reason Prince Florian was not sent, but through the incessant Prayers, Teares, and Intreaty of fair Targiana, they had at last obtained their liberty.
Time sliding apace, the weary Courtiers desired repose, whereupon every one retired to his chamber, till light (awakened by circling houres) began to dawn, when as (not unmindful of the entertainment due to the Embassador) they clothed themselves in rich attire, causing many costly Pageants and goodly sights to be erected: When as Polendos, Belcar, and the rest of the returned Knights, with many others, arriving at [Page 120] the Port, entered a Barge, and rowed to his Gally side, and there received him with many Complements, and from thence rowed him to the shore, all the Ayr being filled with sounds of Harmony; when coming to the Court, he was conducted by King Polendos, and Prince Primaleon, before the Chair of State, where the Emperor was seated in his Emperial Robes; when after complements on either side passed, and the Embassador had taken his place, he first delivered his Letters, Credentials, under the Ottoman Seal; after which he thus began:
Know, Most Puissant Emperor, that from the Mighty Ottoman Emperor (my Lord and Master) I am sent to salute you in his Name, and to give you knowledge, that his Emperial Diadem has been stained, and its bright dazling Lustre much impaired, by the Indignity offered him, in the Person of his Daughter, conveyed from his Court by Florian, a Knight of your Court: Wherefore, if you expect Peace at his hands, it can be preserved at no other rate, than by delivering him up to be deservedly punished, who has offered such insolence to his Turkish Majesty, as to give the World occasion of discourse, and blot the Name of that fair Lady, who is the solace of his Life.
This having said, he ended; and the Emperor made this reply:
Know, Sir, I am desirous of your Lords friendship, and seek not War in my declining years, but rather wish to spend the small remainder of my life in Peace, therefore expected no such Command to be layed on me, which (if I judge aright) is to no other end design'd, then to create a new ground for War: If so, I might more justly seek Revenge for the injury and ingratitude my Knights have sustained in recompence of my Commands and their good will. As for the Princess, I own my self obl [...]ged to her for their deliverance; but for the injury offer'd her by Florian, I see none, since with her Fathers leave (without compulsion) she left the Court, and chose the Prince to be her Guard, and was as honourably received [Page 121] at my Court, as she could be regarded in her Fathers. As for the Prince you speak of, though he is my Grandson, yet he is not my Subject; nor can I compel free minds, if that I would; but surely rather than I would deliver him up to your Masters Rage, (were it in my power, and he would consent) I'de freely hazard my Empire in Fortunes chance: And now you have my Answer, you may stay and have the Freedom of my Court, or depart at Pleasure.
The Emperor thus ending, with a Majestick frown greatly dismayed the Ambassador, who without replying was about to retire to his Gallys, but that the Princes stayed him to make merry, and received the Emperors Letter, to which he consented; and so after three days tarryance, he returned to him that sent him; where I shall leave him, and return to Prince Florian.
The Prince, with his Troop of Ladies, having reached the Court of Spain; sent his Esquire to the King and Queen, to implore them that they would permit the Knights of their Court to Iust against a strange Knight, in the behalf of their Ladies, for that he would maintain the Beauty of those that accompanied him against any of the Court-Ladies, if so be it any Knights durst maintain the contrary. The King, who had delighted from his Youth in Feats of Arms, appeared no way averse, but rather desired that the Valour of his Knights should be tryed, whereupon he dismissed the Esquire with a promise that his Masters request should on the morrow be granted, and that for that night Lodgings should be provided for him and his Lady. The Prince having now an opportunity to try his force against the feeble Knights of Spain, made no doubt but by his Prowess to Eclipse the Glory of that Court, in Honour of the Emperor, and therefore returned King Recinde great thanks.
The night being spent in Mirth and Iollitry, the next morning they prepared for the List, the Trumpets loudly sounding thereto, which awakened the Knights; when mounting their Steeds, they advanced, and found the Prince [Page 122] in the List; whereupon a Spanish Knight, in white Armour, with a wounded Heart in his Shield, confronted him, at what time the Prince sent to acquaint him, That if himself was conquored, the Knight should chuse from amongst his Train the most beautifull Damzel; but if he vanquished the Knight, he would have his Mistriss, and therefore required him to assign her; to which the Knight whose Name was Gonzales, sent this Reply; That he doubted not but the strange Knight was weary of his Female Company, and therefore came to put them off at any rate; but as for his Mistriss, his power was so little over her, that she was alltogether at her own disposal. This answer so displeased the Prince, that he gave signal for the Iust, without any conditions: When running furiously at each other, the Spanish Knight was thrown from his Horse, with his Heels upwards, which so grieved him, that he required the Combat of the Sword, which the Prince as readily granted, but the King forbad it: Yet a second Knight running against the Prince, fared no better, and so a third, till all his Launces were broken, so that he was obliged to intreat of the King a new supply, and with them had the Iust six houres, none being able to unhorse him, which sore abashed the King, to see his Knights disgraced, and the Fame of his Court Eclipsed by one Knight, insomuch that he repented he had granted the disport, and thereupon for that day caused it to cease, intending it should be no more; but upon the intreaty of some Knights, that upon the fame of the Exercise newly arrived there, it was renewed the next day; when as the Spanish Knights fared no better than the day before, which cooled their courage.
Matters going thus, the Prince resolved to depart to the Castle of Almorol the next morning, of which Arleucea having notice, watching her opportunity, when her companions were asleep, she stole into the Prince's Lodging-Chamber, where a Taper was burning, and sitting down upon his Bed-side, began to sigh out her passion in this order:
[Page 123] O unfortunate that I am! How am I captivated in the snares of Love, and forced to do at upon the Man that slights my passion? O that I had never seen his face, unless he would have more regarded me, and pittied the Feavour that consumes me. This said, she began to weep tenderly; whereupon the Prince awaking, wondered to see a woman in his Chamber, but by the light discovering who it was; and she still continuing her lamentations, he comforted her in the best wise, promising that allthough himself intended not to marry her, yet he would bestow her upon such a Husband, as should please her: This absolute denyal disturbed her more than before, so that casting her Arms about the Prince, she lay as one intranced for a pretty space; but recovering hee senses, and modest bashfulness, she left him, and retired to her Chamber; where awaking one of her Damzels named Polephemia, she imparted to her the Secrets of her Heart, desiring her to go to the Prince, and perswade him that night to receive her into his Arms, and satisfie the desires of a longing Virgin. But this Damzel, who was the same that put the inchanted King upon the Prince's finger, having the opportunity of being alone with him solicited her own (instead of her Ladies) cause so long, that he having born her good-will ever since he first beheld her, laying niceties aside, so dealt with her, that to both their contents he possessed her Virgin Treasure, and sent her blithe and gay with Loves refreshments, when the morning dawn, to carry Cordial words to her disconsolate Lady, who little suspected what had passed, yet desired no greater happiness.
In the morning early the Prince and his beautiful Female Troop taking leave of the King, Queen, and Court-Ladies, departed towards the Castle of Almorol; but coming into a pleasant Valley before them, they beheld a Knight of a monstrous slye come riding on a Horse greater than Beaucephalus, with two Esquires of his attendance: When coming near the Prince, and beholding the Ladies, he rudely layed hold of Arleucea, swearing she should hear him company, and that two [Page 124] others should be allotted to his Esquires: This rough and unseemly action so moved the Prince, that drawing his Sword, he came at him to revenge the Injury, which the Knight (or rather Gyant) perceiving, let go his hold, and drawing his Massy Blade, a dreadfull Combat began; but so eager was the Prince to revenge the affront, that the Gyant received many wounds, till in the end fainting, through the loss of blood, he fell; when taking off his Helmet, the Prince being about to smite off his Head, his Esquires fell on their Knees, and with tears begged him to spare their Lords Life, which the Ladyes perceiving, interceded so much on his behalf, that the Prince was contented to spare his Life, conditionally, that he would tell his Name, and go to the Court of Spain, and there relate what had befallen him; both which he swore to do, saying, He was called Trofolant the Fearfull; And as for the other part of his Oath, though it would redound much to his disgrace, yet would he faithfully perform it: Whereupon he was suffered to depart.
The Prince having chastised the insolency of the Gyant, passed on till he met three Knights, compleatly armed, passing a little River, who espying one Knight conducting so many Ladyes, agreed amongst themselves to take each of them one; whereupon coming up, one chose Arleucea, another Poliphemia, and the third Artesia; Nay, Gentlemen, said the Prince, you must first ask my leave, which (assure your selves) you will not obtain, e're any of these Ladys fall to your share. That needs not, said one of the Knights, for we will be our own Carvers; yet (trust me) we will so kindly use the Ladys, that they shall have no cause to repent the change. I see (said the Prince) you are resolutely bent to lessen my Train, if possible, therefore prepare to win them, and they are freely yours, for unless you purchase them at the price of my overthrow, you must not expect to have them.
The words of the Prince greatly pleasing the Knights, [Page 125] they began to contemn his force, and vaunt of their own Valour beyond measure; but so it happened, that in the Iust they were all overthrown, and remitted for a punishment of their presumption to the Ladies they had claimed, who injoyned them to tell their Names, and go to the Court of Spain, as had the Gyant, and there (in the presence of the King and his Knights) declare what had befallen them, and by whose hand; to which with a mournful voice one of them replyed: That allthough the Sentence was severe, yet seeing it was their misfortune to be conquored, they would not decline it; As for our Names, said he, I am called Grovanel, this other Knight is my Brother Brabazan, and the third Claribard; all of us Knights of the Spanish Court, which makes us the lother to make our disgrace publique there; yet upon the Oaths of our Knighthood, seeing the Ladys have injoyned it, it shall be performed: And thereupon the Prince dismissed them, and kept on his way towards the Castle of the Gyant Almorol.
Of the Gyant and three Knights arrival at the Court of Spain: And of the arrival of Prince Florian at the Castle of the Gyant Almorol; and what ensued thereon.
THe Gyant Trofolant (according to his Oath) arriving at the Court of Spain, after admittance had to the Kings presence, began to declare the occasion of his coming, and tell the whole matter, which did not a little perplex the King to know who the Knight with the Damzels was; but whilst the doubt lasted, the other Knights came in, and became Relaters of their own misfortunes, which still increased the wonder, and somewhat lessened the disgrace of those Knights that had been overthrown in the presence of their Ladies, but in the end they concluded it must be one of the invincible Sons of Prince Don Edoard, and thereupon rested themselves satisfied as well as they could.
The Prince riding on in the company of his Ladies, travelled so long, that he came within sight of Almorol's Castle, when to his beautifull Companions he thus began: Ladies know that we approach the Castle where dwells the fair Miragarda, whose Beauty is famed for excellent throughout the World, therefore agree amongst your selves whose Banner I shall fight under: when as a murmure arose amongst them, every one thinking her self the fairest, till Poliphemia, who had a wonderfull conceit of her beauty, thus broke silence: Sir Knight, if you fight under Beauty's Banner, it behoves you to be loyal and constant in your Love, for I perswade my self, if the Knight that protects the Shield of Miragarda was not so, Fortune would not favour him as she does, for we cannot believe but some of us are as beautifull as she; therefore if you are unfortunate in the Enterprize, attribute it to your [Page 127] unconstancy, and not to the Defect of our Beauty. The Prince hearing her say thus much, could not refrain smiling to think of the esteem she had of her self, and what had passed between them; yet giving her and the rest many Complements, they at last came to the River Thesin, that encompassed the Castle, on which they beheld Miragarda and her Damzels in a Boat, whose beauty was so excellent, that it had well nigh conquored the Prince, but he who was alltogether unconstant in Love, soon shook off her Chaines.
The Prince had not long stayed before the Castle, but Florendos sent his Esquire to him, to acquaint him with the custom of the Castle; Nay, (said Prince Florian) tell thy Lord I am very well acquainted with the custom, and came hither on purpose to break a Launce with the Guardian of Miragarda 's Beauty: Vpon notice whereof Florendos advanced, and prepared for the Iust; but the Prince (not desirous to injure his Kinsman) declared that he would not undertake the Combat of the Sword, but came to shew his Ladys Pastime, not being Emulus to bereave him of his trust; whereupon Florendos saluted him, and was desirous to know his Name, but he refused, so that the Iust began with great vehemency; yet such was the regard that Florian had for his Nephew, that he would not disgrace him in the fight of his Lady, who stood in the Window to behold the Iusts, whereupon they broke three Launces without any advantage, which so inraged Florendos, (who was alltogether ignorant of his Adversaries strength) that he would have tryed the Combat of the Sword, but Prince Florian with gentle words perswaded him to the contrary, desiring that that might be referred to Almorol the Gyant, against whom he was desirous to try his strength; which made the Ladies that bore him company to smile, mis-doubting the Courage of their most valiant Knight.
Almorol having notice that the combat was required against him, went to his fair Mistriss, and required her consent, who (because the Iusts were not decided) accorded to his [Page 128] Request; whereupon the Gyant came forth, and defied Prince Florian to the combat of the Sword, who (now at liberty to use his full strength) greatly rejoyced; insomuch that the combatants being in a readiness, charged each other so furiously, that wounds were received on both sides, but the Prince (whom Fortune ever favoured) brought the Gyant to his mercy, yet would not injure his Life, allthough in his power, but suffered him to be carryed off, and his wounds to be healed, having ingaged, that if himself had been overcome, to have bestowed Arleucea in Marriage upon the Gyant.
During the time that Florendos and the attendants of the Castle were carrying off the Gyant, and looking to his wounds, two Knights came riding up to the Shield of Miragarda, and laying hold on it, would have conveyed it thence, but Prince Florian, observing his Rinsman to be absent, forbad them on their peril, yet they regarded not his Menaces, but dared him to the combat to defend it; whereupon he prepared himself for the Iust, and ran one of them with a strong Staff through the Body, and layed the other on the Earth; by which time Florendos was arrived, greatly displeased that the Iust should be performed in his absence; but when he knew that his Kinsman Florian had done him that service, he greatly rejoyced, and would have conducted him into the Castle, but could not perswade him to stay, for that he had promised to return to the Court of Spain, to give those Knights a further satisfaction of his Prowess; whereupon taking leave, he departed with his Female Train, every one of which striving to be highest in his favour.
But far he had not rode e're he heard the piteous shreiks of a Lady on the other side of a River, and because he could not conveniently come nearer, by reason of the depth of the water, he unarmed himself and cast it over, when-leaving the Ladies he had in guard, he swam cross the Flood, and entering the Thicket, beheld a Knight forcing a Damzel, whilst another Knight was binding her Esquire to a Tree; which unmanly [Page] [Page] [Page 129] abuse, so inraged the Prince, that he commanded them upon pain of Death to desist, but they being two to one seemed little to regard his threats, though afterwards they repented it: For the Prince being inraged at so great a wickedness as they were about to commit, having given them leave to put themselves in a posture of defence, charged them with such fury, that he layed one of them breathless, and brought the other to his mercy, obligeing him to ask the Lady forgiveness, and taking an Oath of him, to go to the Court of Spain, and make report of his Villany, and what had befallen him; and so unbinding the Damzels Esquire, he passed along the Bank of the River till he found a place fordable, over which he passed with the Lady and her Esquire, demanding the cause why they used such violence, and how she came to meet with them? to which she answered, That being a Damzel, Attendant upon the Princess Miragarda, she obtained leave to go to the Court of Spain, to visit her friends, when as these Knights having been foiled at the Castle of Almorol, to revenge that disgrace, resolved (upon their knowing who I was) to deprive me of my Honour, having cast Lots who should have the first Essay, and had succeeded in their Wickedness, had not kind Heaven happily sent you to my rescue.
The Damzel had scarce ended, when an Out-cry and Female Shreiks was heard, when the Prince looking up, beheld a Knight with Arleucea behind him, riding as fast as possible away with her; whereupon he hastened to recover his Horse, which done, he rode after him, crying, Stay Uncourteous, and be chastized for the Insolence you have offered to a Lady under my protection: Whereat the Knight turning about in great fury, set down the Lady, saying, He would be revenged for such his bold interruption; whereupon drawing his Sword, he advanced, but received such a welcome, that after six or seven exchanged blows, the Prince brought him under, and would have taken off his Head, but that he begging for life, Arleucea pittyed him and interceded on his behalf, [Page 130] yet made him swear to go to the Court of Spain, as the other had done, and there make his Confession, and own what had befallen him, and not for the future to bear Arms, unless the Ladies of that Court would permit him so to do; which done, he departed in great heaviness; and soon after both he and all the rest performed their vows, to the glory of the Prince, and their own shame.
How Prince Florian returned to the Court of Spain, and thence departed to the Castle of Arnalte, and what befell him.
PRince Florian having hitherto secured his Ladies from all injury, brought them once more to the Court of Spain, where upon their arrival they were received by the King and Queen with many expressions of Ioy, but he greatly envied by divers other Knights, whom he had foiled, wherefore they stirred up such Knights as were newly come, to try with him the Iust, and combat for his Ladies; of which number, Lustramar, Grandian, and Arpiam undertook it, but were miserably foiled; wherefore the King would not suffer any more of his Knights to enter the Iust, but caused a sumptuous Feast to be made, obligeing the Prince and his Ladies to sit with him at the Table: When he being unarmed, (which was the Kings policy to know him) appeared to be Florian of the Desart, Son to Prince Edoard; whereupon the King embraced him, as afterwards did the Queen, and all the Chief [Page 131] Nobility, in such a manner, that great was the Court; the King declaring, that it was no disgrace to be foiled by such a Knight.
But having stayed there divers days, he resolved to depart towards the Castle of Arnalte Princess of Navar, to try the Adventure of the Castle: Whereas his new acquired Ladies finding him unconstant in Love, were resolved to leave him which he perceiving, was not at all discontented, for that they were continually wrangling amongst themselves who was highest in his favour, insomuch that they greatly disturbed his quiet; so that departing with Arleucea and her Damzels, he left the rest in the Spanish Court, and rode towards Navar; when without meeting with any adventure, he came to the Castle of the Princess Arnalte, where a Shield with her Picture hung upon a Tree, and was guarded by Dragolant Son to Duke Drapos of Normandy, as that of Miragarda was by Prince Florendos.
The Prince arriving at the Castle, and being known by the Device of his Shield to the Princess, who bore him mortal hate for rescuing his Brother, urged her Champion to destroy him, and that no less than himself should be the Reward; which so exalted his mind, that he promised to bring the Prince bound, and lay him at her feet; in order to which he prepared himself, and came to the Iust; but before he began, commanded him to render himself and the Ladies in his Train to the pleasure of his Lady, at which the Prince smiling, made reply, That he exacted so largely, that he could not aquiess with his demands, but if he could win them, they were then his own: Whereupon he retired to fetch the greater compass, when meeting with extraordinary force, their Launces were shivered, and both of them shook; but at the second Course Dragolant was tumbled from his Horse with his Heels upwards, which so inraged him, that he drew his Sword, and came towards the Prince, who (to be upon equal terms with him) alighted, and after a fierce combat of the Sword, brought him into such a feeble condition, that he [Page 132] fainting through weariness, wounds, and loss of blood, fell to the ground, which Arnalte (that had all the while beheld the combat) perceiving, came running in great haste, and begged his life of the Prince, who (upon condition she would promise to marry the vanquished Knight) promised to condescend to her request; which she perceiving, and considering the many Services of Dragolant, and that although Fortune at that time proved averse, yet he was a valiant Knight, consented it should be so; whereupon the Prince helped her and her Damzels to carry the Knight into the Castle, where his wounds being dressed, and he refreshed with Cordials, he soon recovered, but was greatly grieved, as fearing he had greatly disobliged the Saint he adored; but understanding what Conditions had been made on his behalf, (after having humbled himself before Arnalte, for her Gracious condescention) he with much endear affection embraced the Prince, giving a Thousand thanks for the tender Regard he had of him: Whereupon the day for the Nuptials was appointed, and all things in order put, insomuch, that great was the Solemnity in its Celebration; where in the height of Mirth and Iollitry I will leave Prince Florian, and proceed to relate the further Adventures of his Brother Palmerin.
The Adventures of Prince Palmerin, after he left the Perilous-Island.
PRince Palmerin imbarquing, with onely Sylvian in his company, sailed so long, that in the end he arrived upon the Coast of Scotland, where he went on shore, but had not travelled far e're he came to a Bridge that was guarded by a Knight in green Armour, with a Bulls Head in his Shield, which made the Prince guess him to be Pompides, whereupon he stayed to pause a while, when as he understood by the discourse he had with a Damzel, that that Knight kept the Bridge for the love he beareth to Armisia, Daughter to Meliadus King of Scots: But whilst he was considering whether he should enter the combat against his Friend or forbear, a strange Knight came proudly riding up, and offered to force the Bridge, but was stayed by Pompides, when soon the Encounter of the Launce began, in which the strange Knight was dismounted, and much bruised in his fall, yet he drew his Sword, and came towards Pompides, which made him alight, so that between them a dreadfull Combat insued, till at length the strange Knight (through loss of blood) fainted, which Pompides perceiving, bid him yield and surrender himself to fair Armisia, but with many proud words he refused, and began to charge on Pompides again with all his force, but in the end was totally vanquished, having received many desperate wounds; whereupon Pompides taking off his Helmet, told him, That since he would not fairly yield to his request, he should now be compelled to beg the Princess pardon, and reveal his Name; but he again refused to do either, saying, He would sooner dye in the place, than cast himself upon the merciless Cruelty of Armisia: These words [Page 134] made Pompides suspect the Knight to be Adraspe, Son to Duke Sizani, who slew the Prince Doriell, Brother to the Princess; whereupon he sent to the Princess, to come thither, and pass her Sentence upon a Knight, that would not obey the custom of the Bridge; who upon her arrival, with abundance of tears declared it was Adraspe the Murtherer, to be revenged on whom the Bridge was ordained, earnestly commanding Pompides to strike off his Head: But whilst he delayed, and was perswading the Princess to more mildness, Prince Palmerin (who had beheld what had passed) came and joyned with Pompides in perswading her, saying, It became a Noble nature to be kind and mercifull to the vanquished, sparing those Lives that fortune or fate throws into their hands; but the Princess still Iusted (with a Rivolet of tears flowing from her eyes) that his Head might be taken off; but whilst it was delayed, Adraspe (through grief, shame, and loss of blood) dyed; yet so angry was the Princess, that she was not obeyed, that she flung away in a great rage, yet her passion being alayed, she again came forth; and understanding Prince Palmerin was present, she invited him into her House, and related to him, How that Adraspe once pretending Courtship to her, upon her refusing for his ill nature, became so troublesome to her, that she was obliged to acquaint her Brother Doriell with it, who sharply rebuked him for his insolence, which created in him such a hatred against her Brother, that watching his opportunity, and taking him at a disadvantage, he slew him, and retired to his Fathers Strengths in the High-lands, whereupon the King her Father, her self, and the Peerage of the Kingdom, were brought into great heaviness, and ordained that Bridge for Revenge, as well hoping that the haughty Adraspe would out of a conceit of his Valour attempt; when to incourage my Knights against him, I pledged my self as the price of his death; nor did our expectations fail: For often he came to upbraid me with my Brothers death, vanquishing and slaying divers of my Knights, till such time as this good Knight came, who has [Page 135] revenged my Brothers Murther: Therefore in requital I render my self to be at his disposal, and desire you (Sir) to accompany us to my Fathers Court at Edenburg, where great will be the Ioy, upon notice of what has happened.
Vpon this Relation of Armisia's the Prince highly approved of her undertaking, promising that she should be obeyed in all things: But Pompides, who had doated upon her Beauty, was so transported at what he heard, that he could not forbear expressing himself in Rapsodies; yet attended with a Noble Train, they passed to the Scotch Court, where so great was the Ioy, that the like before had never happened. When the King being acquainted with the Conditions his Daughter had made, gladly accorded, insomuch, that the Nuptials were celebrated with extraordinary Pomp and Royalty. After which the Prince taking leave of the Court, left Scotland, to go in search of new Adventures, being desirous of nothing more, than to be at Constantinople, there to have a sight of her, for whom he underwent so many hazards.
How Prince Palmerin departing Scotland, after some contest by the way, arrived at Constantinople; and of the Adventure he had proposed to him.
THE Prince having assisted at the Ceremony of his Friend Pompides, left him to sport in the dear embraces of his lovely Bride; and taking leave of the Court, resolved for Constantinople, to see what entertainment his beautious Mistriss would give him; but by the way passing through many Countries, he met with divers Adventures, but none of them worthy of note, till he came into Hungary; where reposing at a Fountain that stood by a Forrest-side, he beheld a Damzel in a distracted manner crying, and making piteous mean, when coming towards him, she fell at his feet, and besought him, To save her from an ill-natured and monstrous Gyant, that sought to slay her; but she had scarce time to utter these words before the Monster came puffing like a Cyclops, having almost spent himself with running, when with a dreadfull countenance he thus began:
Wretched Woman! You have betaken your self to a feeble Protector, whose Life you have likewise cast away, for had I not been directed to him in pursuing you, I might have missed him; wherefore he has reason to curse you for his untimely fate. Nay, replyed the Prince, b [...]ast not before you know who you have to deal with, for if my sword fail me not, which failed me never, I shall soon let you see your error, a [...]d chastize your Insolence, in revenging the affront offered this Damzel. Whereupon a fierce combat insued, which continued bloody and doubtfull for the space of an hour, all which time the Damzel stood trembling in doubt whether to fly or attend the end of the combat; but in the end, Fortune favoured [Page 137] the Prince so far, that striking the Gyant between the Ioynts of his Harness, his Arm was parted by the Shoulder, yet fought he with the other Arm, till through loss of blood he fell down; whereupon the Prince parted his Head from his Body, and then understood by the Damzel, that it was Vascalion, who sought first to ravish, and afterwards to put her to Death, because she belonged to the Princess Gridona, whose Husband Primalion had slain Lucran his Father at Constantinople, when he entered the fight against him, in hopes to take from him his Princess.
The Prince having ridded the Damzel of her fears, accompanyed her to Constantinople, and then dismissed her, because he would not presently be known, sending his Esquire to take him a private Lodging for that night, that he might the better understand how affairs went in the Emperors Court; when as he had notice from a Knight that lodged in the same House, That one Arnolf a Gyant, and Lord of the Astronomical-Island, was come to defie the Knights of the Emperors Court, in hopes to find amongst them Florian of the Forrest, that conveyed away Arleucea, whom he said Bravorant her Father had betrothed to him before his death. This News was not a little joyful to the Prince, who by this means hoped to be restored to the favour of his fair Polinarda, to whom he resolved to address himself, not doubting but to recover her favour: So that the next morning mounting in disguised Armour, and bearing in his Shield a Golden Tygar, he attended the Trumpets sound, when as he beheld Arnolf highly mounted to enter the List, yet he stayed to permit other Knights to Iust before him, that his Conquest might be the more approved: And such was the Gyants force, that although divers encountered him, they were thrown to the ground, and sorely bruised, and at the Combat of the Sword fared no better; whereupon the Gyant proudly prancing about the King, demanded If any durst find him yet more work? or, if none durst, he would report them Cowards through the world: This Braveado highly incensed the Prince, so that [Page 138] setting Spurs to his Horse, he entered and confronted Arnolf, letting him know, That he came to chastise his insolence; and to inrage him the more, declared, That he was near Kinsman to Prince Florian, and would now undertake his Quarrel, but if Fortune declared against it, he would undertake Arleucea should be put into his possession.
The Gyant having heard the words of the Prince, between Ioy and Anger was greatly transported, insomuch, that without reply he set Spurs to his Horse, which the Prince perceiving, did the like, and ran so forcibly against him, that he threw him to the ground, and was himself much shaken in his Saddle: This disgrace greatly inraged Arnolf, insomuch, that drawing his Sword, he came towards the Prince, when to be upon equal terms he dismounted, so that between them a fierce Combat insued, with great effusion of Blood; for by the forcible blows their Armour was broken in divers places; whereupon the Emperor offered to part them, but they refused, saying, Nothing but Death or Conquest should decide; which greatly grieved the fair Polinarda, who from a Window beheld the fearfull Encounter, and more than suspected her much-loved Lord was fighting in disguise: Nor was it long e're he espyed her, and conjectured the cause of her fears, which put fresh vigor into him, at such a rate, as redoubling his force, he with a stroke full on his Crest, felled Arnolf to the ground, where (refusing to beg his Life at the Prince's hands, and none interceeding for him) he was slain.
How Palmerin discovered himself; and of his amorous Addresses to the fair Polinarda.
THE Prince having (to the Ioy of the Court) subdued his Adversary, was by the Emperors Command, conveyed into the Pallace, and unarmed, when to the high satisfaction, he appeared to be what he was, and the Emperor and all the Nobles embraced him, but nothing gave him so much content as the kind looks of his fair Polinarda, who was present; yet bashfulness at that time made her dissemble her affection as well as she could.
But the Prince having received divers wounds in the Combat, it was the opinion of his Chyrurgions, that he ought to retire to his Chamber, which he did, studious in thought, how he might have an opportunity to converse with his beloved Polinarda: But whilst his thoughts formed a Thousand devices to accomplish his desire, Dramaciana a Virgin, attendant on the Princess, and her chief Confidant, came to visit him, being privately sent by her Lady so to do, which did not a little revive him, insomuch, that (having complemented her) he entered into discourse with her, opening the secrets of his Heart, and desiring her, That she would without flattery inform him how she found her Lady affected towards him; to which she replyed: That he need not (if he had the Courage to prosecute his Love in his proper Person) fear, but his desires would be accomplished, for that she had not failed in his absence to solicite his Sute, and did not find the Princess averse any further than Modesty and a tender regard of her Honour restrained her. This News (like an Angels Voice) in a manner transported the Prince, but especially when Dramaciana promised so to order the matter, that he should be privately [Page 140] conveyed into the Princess her Lodging, and lay open his mind before her, and that the time should be at six of the Clock in the following Evening: And so taking her leave, she went to obtain leave to perform her promise.
The Prince being in an extasie of Ioy to think the Reward of all his Toiles were at hand, forgot his wounds, not regarding their smart, but attiring himself in the best manner, went at the time appointed, where he found a private door open, when passing through the Ante-chambers, he found the Princess (to his wish) reading alone, who at his approach arose blushing, and seemed somewhat discomposed, as if she had been surprized, (such Art has Woman, to seemingly neglect what they most covet) which the Prince perceiving, bending with one Knee to the ground, with low submission begged her pardon, if in thought he had offended, saying, That on her smiles or frowns his Life or Death depended; and that but her beautious self, amongst all the Beauties that the Sun beheld, had power to make him happy or miserable: At which pausing, and seeing the Princess stand abashed, he arose, and taking her by the fair hand, caused her to sit, and fate himself down by her, still holding her by the hand, when recollecting himself, he thus proceeded:
Beautious Lady, whose fame has spread all Lands, behold the Man with pittyings who for your sake has shunned no danger, but exposed himself in every hazard that might advance your Renown; and now with low submission implores that he may lay himself and his Trophies at your feet, since inspired by you, his great Atchievements were performed; the force of your Transcendant Beauty more than any force in him acquired; His small Renown a price too low to purchase such a peerless Beauty; But considering (Madam) your great Goodness, and Compassion, with boldness I presume to ask your Love, that blessed Elizium of Transporting Rapture.
Thus having said, again he paused, expecting his fair Mistriss should reply, who after strugling long between bashfulness and true affection, thus broke silence:
[Page 141] Sir, that your Atchievements have been brave and great I own, and must grieve to think, that for my sake you should have been exposed to so many dangers, but know the fault is your own, for (certain 'tis) I would have had you stayed in my Father's Court, but (seeing passed things cannot be recalled) I would not for the future have you hazard your self for my sake. And here she ended; whereupon the Prince replyed.
Madam, not for your sake, say you, that I must not hazard my self? Know, thou onely center of my Love, no danger is too great to enterprize, if by acquiring it the least Honour may redound to you, who (like a Goddess) ought to have the fates of Nations in your hand, and be the Vniversal Empress of Mankind: Consider then, that such a Love as mine (which burnes as bright as Phoebus gaudy fires) can think no Task too difficult, to pleasure her on whom it center: Therefore let me with submission beg you let that rest, and give your allmost dispairing Servant some hopes to feed upon, that so his Life may for the future be discumbered of a Thousand wracking Feares, and all the Tortures that can seize a doubtfull Lover's mind.
My Lord, replyed the Princess, you are not ignorant of the affection which with blushes I am constrained to own, yet must consider Princes Fames are tender, and the least stroke soon wounds them, yet be assured, I am your own, if the Emperor and my Father Primalion condescend; but if not; allthough I may have cause to grieve at their aversness, yet must I be so conscious of my Honour, as not to pass the limmit of Obedience: Therefore take it for my full determination, if they Bar not the Gate to bliss, I have no further argument against a Prince of so much merit.
This unexpected answer so extasied the Prince, that (by reason of the transport of his senses) he stood long time like one amazed, not being capable to utter his abundant joy, but gazing with eager eyes upon his lovely Love, till in the end Leonarda Princess of Thrace entering, caused the Prince (though much unwilling) to retire, having first promised she should be obeyed.
How Mansia, Torsia, Telansia, and Latrania, four beautifull Ladyes of the French Court, ordained the Adventure of their respective Castles, and what happened therein.
ALL the Ladyes aforesaid being emulus of each others Beauty, and thinking it a disgrace to have their Fame eclipsed, obtained leave of King Arneedes to erect four Castles, and there cause Iusts to be held by such Knights as would undertake to defend their Beautys against all strange Knights: Which being done, many Knights came thither, and tryed their fortunes, being greatly enamoured of the Ladyes, who would have their Knights try for each singly, not approving any vnited Force; when in the end Prince Floriman coming thither, and having a view of the fair Mansia, he became greatly enamoured of her, and undertook to defend her beauty against all that should oppose him, performing so well, that he became Victor in all Encounters, till in the end Dramusiand the Gyant arrived there, and undertook to defend the beauty of Torsia, overthrowing Prince Floriman, but long injoyed not the Honour; For Prince Florian travelling towards Constantinople with Arleucea, and hearing of the Adventures of those Ladyes, came thither and had a sight of them, resolving to enter the Combat for each of them, and so prevailed, that Dramusiand and all the other Knights were worsted; yet being much unconstant in love, he greatly regarded not the Prizes he had won, yet resolved to stay there a while, that so he might increase his Renown, as indeed he did: For Iusting against all that attempted the Adventure, he still remained Victor; but being desirous to be at Constantinople, as well to be present with the fair Leonarda, as to counsel and comfort the Emperor in what related to the state of War, [Page 143] threatned by the haughty Turk; whereupon taking leave of the four Ladyes, who were greatly enamoured of him, and loath to lose the company of so Renowned a Knight, he departed with Arleucea and her Damzels, and Dramusiand (for the great love he bare him, but more to Arleucea) would needs accompany him; and so they rode on till they came near to Constantinople, where they had sight of a gallant Troop of Knights and Ladyes, being not long ignorant that the Emperor was in, whereupon they rode up, and alighting, made their obedience, and were received with great Ioy; but scarcely had the Complements passed on either side, before a Knight attended by divers Esquires and Damzels approached, and desired the Iust, which was granted, and first undertaken by Bilizant, who in the first Encounter was tumbled from his Horse, as likewise were two more, which Florian perceiving, prepared against the strange Knight, but he knowing him by the device of his Shield, refused him, and sent to acquaint the Emperor, that he was Dragolant, Son to Frisol, who was come to his Court with Arnalte his espoused Wife, and Queen of Navar; whereupon the Iusts were ceased, and they received with all expression of kindness, the fair Arnalte being conducted to the Pallace, upon her entring the City, by the Princess Polinarda, and Leonarda, so that sumptuous Feasts and Disports were held for many dayes; but that which eclipsed the Ioy, was the News of King Fredrick of England's death, in whose stead his Son Prince Don Edoard was Crowned.
How Arnedes King of France, and Recinde King of Spain, came accompanyed with the Princess Miragarda and Almorol, to the Court of the Emperor; and of the celebration of divers Marriages.
THE Emperor Palmerin being striken in Years, and desirous before he dyed to see his Friends, and consult them in relation to the Turkish War, and other matters, he sent for the Emperor of Almain, Don Edoard King of England, Recinde King of Spain, Arnedes King of France, and divers other Potentates, together with their Wives and Daughters, who obeyed his Summons, and were upon their arrivals highly entertained, with Feasting, Musick, and all manner of Iollitry; upon notice of which, most of the Knights that were abroad seeking Adventures, came thither, insomuch, that the Court was full of the chief Chivalry of Europe. When after divers dayes passed in merriment, the Emperor (to Crown the general joy) called an Assembly of the Kings and Potentates, to know whether they would bestow their beautifull Daughters in Marriage, upon such Princes and Knights as long had loved and faithfully served them? when finding none averse, and knowing the Knights and Ladyes were in the Court, (and opportunity, no time better to be taken) he took his Son-in-Law [King Edoard] aside, and gave him command to divulge his pleasure, which he did in this manner.
[Page 145] KNights, and Ladyes, Renowned in Arms and Beauty throughout the World, be it known unto you; That the Puissant and most Renowned Emperor Palmerin, Emperor of all Grecia, has (in Consideration of the many Glorious Atchievements) made it His Request, That this Court may be Honoured with the Nuptials He desires to be celebrated; He for His part, undertaking for the Princes, and His Empress, and her Ladyes, for the Princesses and Ladyes.
First. 'Tis his Will, that Prince Florendos be made happy in the Embraces of fair Miragarda.
Secondly. That Prince Palmerin should enjoy his beloved Polinarda
Thirdly. That Prince Gracian should be blessed with Claritia, Daughter to King Polendos.
Fourthly. That Prince Berolde should Wedd fair Onistalda.
Fifthly. That Francian should Match with Bernada.
Sixthly. That Prince Platire should enjoy his fair Sidelia, Daughter to King Tarnaes of Lacedemon.
Seventhly. That to the Renowned Florian of the Forrest, the beautifull Leonarda should be Espoused.
Eighthly. That Don Rousel, Son to Duke Belcar, should have his beloved Dramaciana.
Ninthly. That Bilizant should be made happy with fair Denisa.
Tenthly. That Dramian should be blessed with fair Clariana.
Eleventhly. That Frisol should be Marryed to Leonara, Daughter to the Duke of Pera.
Twelfthly. That Dramusiand should have Arleucea, whom he most coveted.
And that since Pandritia had been mistaken by the Soldian Bellagris, who had begat on her (in the disguise of Don Edoard) a Son called Blandidon, she should in recompence of her long sorrow, be rewarded with the said Soldian, who was Lord of great Countries, and had for that purpose received the Christian Faith.
[Page 146]These and divers other Marriages being proposed, they were left to the consideration of the Ladyes, the Emperor being before well satisfied, that the Princes and Knights were desirous of no greater happiness on this side Heaven. When after some pause, Modesty and Blushes striving with Passion, and a thorough Inquiry made by the Empress, Princess, Gridona, and Flerida, the Emperor was certified, that his pleasure in all he had proposed, should be joyfully obeyed: Whereupon (being impatient of delay) he caused the Feast to be renewed, and all manner of pleasant Recreations to be invented, insomuch, that the like had not been seen: So each Prince (attended on in a splendid manner) were in the Great Cathedrall of Constantinople espoused to his fair Princess, to all their hearts content, so reaping (with increase of Ioy) the blessed Reward of their renown & undertakings; when the remaining part of the day was spent in Triumphs & Delight, till wished-for darkness came, when as the blushing Ladyes, beautifull as the Morning-Star, were lead to their respective Chambers, to pay Love-Tribute, and encounter with their Warriours in the field of Venus, amidst a Thousand soft Love-sighs and pantings of Ioy, whilst (strugling there 'twixt willing and unwilling) they resigned their Virgin Treasures to those, who (blessed now in the height of Elizium) lay raptured in a thousand transports 'twixt their Ladyes Armes.
How the Princess of Thrace was taken away by a strange Adventure, and how recovered by the means of Prince Florian her Husband, and sage Aliart.
THE Court being filled with Ioy, as aforesaid, early with the Morning dawn, the blushing Brides discovered their Rosie cheeks with a lovely fear, well knowing what an alteration some few houres had wrought, and longer could have been content to have been shrowded in the Mantle of black night; but after many kind Carresses from their amorous Bridegrooms, who could not sufficiently gaze upon those Beauties they so long desired, up they arose, for change of Recreation; when as the Hunters (who by the Emperors command were sent to seek for Game) brought the glad news, that they had found the hugest Boar their eyes e're saw to chase; at which the Emperor and all his glittering Train of either sex mounted their fiery Steeds, and soon arrived at the Thicket, where he lay with glowing eyes that seemed like two living Coales of Fire, when being roused, the Dogs pursued, and Iavelings thick, were thrown; when in the midst of the chase the Heavens grew, and Clouds of darkness seemed to descend frought with Thunder and blasting Lightening, which so amazed the pursuers, that they knew not where they was; when on a sudden a Chariot descending like a flame of Brimstone, caught the beautious Princess of Thrace from her Palfrey, (crying in vain for help) and wrapped her through the Skies, that both she and the Chariot were quickly out of sight, and with her all the darkness vanished: But when Prince Florian understood who it was that was so taken thence, he grieved beyond measure, and would not be comforted, till sage Aliart told him, that it was done by the effects of Inchantment, and that [Page 148] Targiana had procured it, in revenge of his slighting her love, and that she might be yet recovered; whereupon he vowed never to leave the search, till he again possessed her, in whose dire hands soe're she were; and then taking leave, he suddenly imbarqued, leaving the Court in some heaviness for his departure. And having searched many Lands, and oft indured the wrath of Skyes, at length he came to a high Rock, cut into a Castle, standing in the deepest Ocean, when to try who dwelt therein he landed, and mounting the narrow passage, found it curiously framed, and all the Gates wide open, and in Letters of Gold over the Porch was wrought, This is the Castle of Queen Melai; but finding none to oppose him, that had corporal shapes, (though oft he met with dismal gusts of wind, and heard sad groans,) he passed through many stately Rooms, till in the end he came where he beheld an Altar flaming, and near it a Serpent of Brass, of wondrous size, on which (whilst he gazed) he espyed a Key of Gold hang round its neck, and (as it were) a light issue through divers crevises that represented a door, which made him think, that the monstrous Effigies was hollow, and in it some rare wonder included; when taking hold of the Key, he snapped the Chain asunder, at which murmures, like Thunder almost spent, were heard, and hellish shreiks; yet into the Key-hole (which at last he found) he thrust the Key, when open slew a door with dreadfull sound, and there to his amazement he beheld the beautious Princess, charmed in a dead sleep, with four Wax Tapers burning, two at her head, and a like number at her feet, but not being able to come at her, he called aloud, My Love, my Joy, my life, awake, and here behold thy Guardian (Angel) come to rescue thee: In vain he called, for answer none was had, nor could he perceive a motion of her breath, which so inraged him, that drawing his Sword, he layed upon the Brazen Monster, thinking so to sunder it, but still his Sword, without making any impression, rebounded from it as from a Rock of Adamant, which made him rage extreamly; yet whilst his fury lasted looking round, he saw behind him the [Page 149] sage Aliart, which did not a little rejoyce him, as well knowing Art and Pollicy oft availes where force is deficient, when embracing him, he desired his counsel in the matter; whereupon the sage thus answered:
These Tapers that you see, contain the Princesses life, and when they expire, or are extinguished, she dies; but since Heaven has brought us timely hither to preserve so bright a Beauty, fear not, but her deliverance shall soon be wrought: Whereupon lighting a Magick Taper at one of those bright flames, he held it to the Nostrils of the Serpent, when as a dreadfull noise was heard, of loud laments and cryes, and soon the Serpent burst in sunder, upon which (as from a Dream) the Princess did awake, and at her awaking the Tapers vanished, when gazing round, she espyed her Lord, and with much Ioy ran to his Arms, inquiring how she came in that dismal place, when having been informed in every circumstance, she greatly marvelled, and on her knees blessed Heaven for her deliverance.
So taking leave of the inchanted place, which soon after their departure vanished into Ayr, they imbarqued, and sailing before a prosperous wind, arrived at Constantinople, banishing with their presence the sadness their absence caused: Where for a while I will leave them, and proceed to the Third Part of this Famous History.
THE Famous History OF The Renowned PRINCE Palmerin of England. Part, the Third.
How the Princess Targiana sent the Emperor notice, how her Father the Great Turk Albayzer, now made Soldian of Babylon, and the Sultan of Persia, were coming against him with a powerfull Army: Of the arrival of those Armies at the Port of Constantinople, and the conflict between them and the Emperors Forces upon their Landing.
THE Princess Targiana observing the great preparations that were made to War upon the Emperor of Greece, for refusing to deliver up Prince Florian, and weighing the kind entertainment she had received in the Court of Constantinople, she sent a private Messenger, to acquaint him with all that was intended against him, not having been able, by her Prayers and Intreaty, to divert her Father and Husband from the War.
[Page 151]This News greatly consternated the Emperor, and many of the Princes, but like valiant men, inured to bear the worst of Fortune, they resolved to provide against the Tempest that was bearing upon them: Wherefore the Emperor caused Forces to be raised in all parts of his Empire, and provided Armes in abundance, resolving to give the Enemy such a welcome as they should but badly relish.
But e're the preparations were fully finished, the Enemy's Fleet came before the City, and from the Chief a Herauld was sent, to bid defiance of War, unless Florian, and the City of Constantinople would be surrendred. But the first being accepted, rather than the later, the Christian Army drew out in this order:
King Edoard being made General of the Forces, lead Ten Thousand choice Knights, whose Rear was brought up by Dramusiand; next him marched Arnedes King of France, with Five Thousand; on whose Right advanced Recinde King of Spain with Three Thousand, his Rear being brought up by the Gyant Almorol; and to strengthen them, Verner the German Emperor advanced with Eight Thousand; and by this time the Soldian Bellagris was arrived with Five Thousand Horse, having ordained his Son Blandidon his Leivetenant; after him marched King Polendos with Four Thousand Thessalian Archers on foot: As for Palmerin, Florian, Platire, Florendos, Berolde, Gracian, Gurein German of Orleance, Pompides, Don Rousel, Onistaldus, Floriman, Belcar, and divers other Flowers of Chivalry, they would be confined to no setled place, by reason that upon all occasions they might assist where need require. The Rear of this Army was brought up by Tarnaes King of Lacedemon, and the City committed to the charge of Prince Primalion, who acted there as the Aged Emperor's Leivetenant, who by by reason of his Yeares and Infirmities, was not capable of managing affairs as he ought, in such a necessity.
The Army being drawn out, hasted in good order to the Port, where they found the Enemy under the leading of Albayzer, [Page 152] (who was made Captain-General of all the Heathen Forces) about to land; when as between them began a dreadfull Incounter, insomuch that all the shore was dyed with blood, and the waves discoloured; For King Edoard, his Son Palmerin, and Dramusiand, fighting against Albayzer and his Gyants, made a dreadfull destruction, killing two fearfull Gyants, and about an hundred common Souldiers, but not without receiving many wounds: Nor were the rest of the Knights idle, but imployed their whole force for the Honour of Christendome, the Glory of the Empire, and the keeping up their Renown, so that dreadfull deeds in Arms were done; yet the Pagan Host was so numerous, that the places of the slain was still filled up with fresh supplyes; which the Emperor and Prince Primalion from an high Tower perceiving, the later (by the appointment of the former) issued out with Seven Hundred chosen Knights, to recrute his friends, and coming freshly on, he made great slaughter: But Night casting her dark Mantle over the Earth, King Edoard caused the Retreat to be sounded, retiring and incamping under the Walls of the City, being desirous of nothing more than, that the Enemy might land, that so they might come to a pitched Battel.
How the Turks, &c. Landed and incamped their Forces; And of the supplys that arrived at Constantinople, to succour the Emperor Palmerin.
THE Emperial Army retiring, and strongly incamping under the Walls of the City, the Turkish Army consisting of upward of Two Hundred Thousand men, forcibly running their Ships on ground, leaped on shore, and drove back such as were left to hinder their landing, though not without great loss on their side, and not losing time (under the covert of the night) they incamped along the shore strongly, insomuch, that the Emperor did not think fit presently to hazard a Battel, but to stay till the supplys that were on their way, from the Countries of those Kings that were in his Camp, arrived; which accordingly did in seven dayes arrive, to the number of Twenty Thousand, besides Eight Thousand Horse and Foot under the leading of Esterlant King of Hungary; and Four Thousand Foot-men, sent by Roramant King of Bohemia: Who having refreshed themselves, prepared to give Battel; when in the mean time leave was given, to view the Camps on either part. And Prince Florian understanding, for his sake the War was made, relying upon his strength and fortune, resolved to go in disguise to the Heathen Camp, and require the Iust and Combat, which he accordingly did, overthrowing and putting to the foile all that he encountered, and then returned to his beloved Leonarda, who was bedewing her beautious eyes with tears for his absence: And after that divers Encounters happened by agreement, wherein the Turks were alwayes worsted; but most dreadfull was that (upon a chalenge) between Dramusiand and Framustant a Persian Gyant; but after a dreadfull Combat, and great effusion of blood on both [Page 154] sides, at the earnest Instance of Targiana (who fortunately arrived during the Combat) they were seperated, the one retireing into the City, and the other into the Heathen Camp.
When the Empress and her Ladies had notice, that the fair Sultaness was arrived there, she sent to invite her into the City, who accepting of her invitation, came Nobly attended, but stayed not there, as being sent for back by her Husband, by reason the dreadfull day of Battel was at hand, on which the fates of Nations did depend.
Of the Dreadfull Battel fought between the Turks and the Christians, before Constantinople; and what happened therein.
NOW the Captains and Souldiers, being impatient of inglorious ease, urged the Battel, and so prevailed on both sides, that the day was appointed, which came quickly on; when as King Ed [...]ard General of the Field, divided his Battel, & reduced it under the Leading of the following Commanders.
The first Squadron he committed to the Soldian Bellagris, consisting of five Thousand Horse and foot; the second to Recinde King of Spain, consisting of Three Thousand; the third to Arnedes King of France, consisting of five Thousand; the fourth to Polendos King of Thessaly, consisting of four Thousand; the fifth to Verner Emperor of Almain, consisting [Page 155] of Eight Thousand; and the last consisting of four Thousand, he lead himself; all these being Horsemen: The body of Foot that was to fight in the middle, and consisted of Fifty Thousand men, was reduced under the Standard of King Tarnaes, & divers of the Princes, & great Captains, such as himself should appoint; when in a glorious Troop, to succour all parts as occasion required, rode Palmerin, Florian, Gracian, Platire, Pompides, Majortes, Drapos, Belcar, Blandidon, Berolde, Floriman, [...]lorendos, Don Rousel, Francian, Billizant, Onistalous, Tenebrant, Esterlant, Albanis, Rodomant, Dragolant, Luyman, Germane, Tremoran, Don Rosian, D La Bronde, Dramusiand, Almorol, and divers others, who obtained the Honour of the first Onset, the better to encourage unexpert, and by their furious Charge dismayed the foe: When as King Edoard in Scarlet Armour, enamelled with white and black, and fastened with Chaines of Gold, bearing for his Device a flying Griffin in a field of Silver, bravely mounted, after silence made, cheered his Warriours as followeth:
Sacred Fellows in Arms, whose matchless deeds have hitherto made your Renown to reach the utmost Orient, now is the time to make your fame immortal, in preserving this Empire from the spoyl and havock you Barbarous Nations threaten it withall, for sure the flower of Christendom can never flag in Courage at the light of those, whom we and our Fathers have so oft subdued; therefore let's on, and thorough the Lanes of Death, and o're the heaps of slaughtered foes, and force way to Victory, that so the terrour of our Arms may spread through all their Coasts, and haughty Babylon, Tauris, and Iconium, the Regal Seats of these three Tyrants that make War on us, may tremble at our Names: Now in your Ladies sights have you just cause to try your Prowess, and bravely highten their esteem of you, that so they may bless the happy moment wherein Fortune sent such a Happiness.
Thus having said, he ended with such stern regard and a [Page 156] Majestick frown, that his War-like Eyes seemed to glance Destruction on the Foe, and give his own fresh vigour to assail them. The Generals Speech so fired each Breast, that with a shout that rent the Sky, each undividual Souldier cryed, Lead on.
While these things passed, Albayzer and his Captains were not idle, but divided the Horsemen into nine Companys: The first Squadron he gave to the Souldian of Persia; the second to the King of Trebezond; the third to the King of Caspia; the fourth to the King of Armenia; the fifth to the King of Cambia; the sixth to the King of Sparta; the seventh to the King Bethinia; the eighth to the Prince Argela of Affrica; and the ninth he lead himself, having seven monstrous Gyants for his guard; when as Albayzer (Armed in green Armour, beset with Golden Spheres, and his Ladies Picture in a field of Sinople portrayed in his Shield, mounted on a Persian Horse) thus cheered his Souldiers:
You the flower of Asia, ever Renowned in Arms, behold the day you wished is come, your foes are at hand, and the Battel; certain now is the time to try your Valour, on whose Matchless courage depends in part my fame & high Renown; As for me, I shall in all parts perform the Office of a Souldier and a General, resolving rather to dye under these Walls, than to depart without Victory; for know, with Honour I can never return into my own Country, unless I perform my promise, which was to levell the Walls of this proud City, which dares affront me and my great Allyes.
This having said, he paused, but found not any applause that answered his expectation; whereupon least the Courage of his men should coole, and all their Valour faint, he having Marshaled every Squadron, lead them on to encounter the Emperors Forces, who came like inraged Lyons to meet them, so that the dreadfull blast was scarcely sounded, e're the fight began on all hands cruel and doubtfull; for there might be seen the brave Exploits of War, each Souldier being sufficient to lead an Army; but the most famed Encounters were [Page 157] these: Prince Primalion having left the City in charge of divers Knights, bravely encountered the King of Caspia with such courage, that he bore him to the ground, and would have slain him, had not fifty of his choice guard came to his rescue; whereupon passing forward, he made great slaughter of the foe, cutting off Arms and Heads, to the amazement of those that beheld; when being seconded by Prince Palmerin, none durst stand before them, insomuch, that the King of Aetolia came with a choice band to oppose their fury, but was overthrown, and hardly escaped with Life. Florendos breaking into the thickest, pressed on that side where the King of Armenia fought, gave him divers wounds, and threw him to the ground, insomuch, that he was carryed by his Servants as dead to the Camp. Berolde and Floriman leading a valiant Troop, bravely charged the power lead by the King of Bythinia, and breaking their Ranks, seized the King with so hard a hand, that he had at that time been taken or slain, had not succours from all parts of the Army come to his rescue, yet was he grievously wounded, and obliged to retire. Nor was the Fight less bloody where Dramusiand, and Florian, Recinde, Arnedes, and the other Princes fought, insomuch, that nothing could be heard, but clashing of Armour and dying groans, nor seen on the ground, but Blood, dead Bodies, and hewed off Limbs; when as Dramusiand piercing the Squadron of his foes to his wish, met with Framustant the Persian Gyant, between whom a dreadfull Combat began with the Sword, these Gyants being reputed of equal strength, and on whose Arms depended much the fortune of the War; when in the mean while the Battel on all sides waxed hot, the great Captains every where incouraging their Men by words and example, striving all they might to keep them in good order; whilst Argelao and the King of Bythinia being dismounted, fought against Prince Floriman and Berolde Prince of Spain, but being infinitely worsted, the Soldian of Persia came to their assistance, which the Soldian Bellagris perceiving, broke through the Ranks, with divers of his couragious followers, [Page 158] and fought so valiantly, that the Persian was obliged to retire with the loss of an hundred of his best Knights. [...] nor being free from wounds: But new supplys [...] moment pressing forward, found more work for War, is that the shou [...]s of the vanquishers, and the crys of the vanquished, reached Heavens highest Con [...]er making the Hills and Valleys all about [...], but in the end the Pagan Battel on that side gave back, which Albayzer perceiving, where he fought, ordered the King of Trebesond with Eight Thousand Horse to reinforce them, and (if possible) restore the [...]ght; which Platire, Polinardus, Pompides, Majortes, and other valiant Knights perceiving, drew up the Court-Regiments, wherein were the best Souldiers, and breaking through the Ranks of the Enemy, made such slaughter, that the field was afresh bedewed with blood, and the Trebesonians routed in all parts, which brought such a fear upon the whole [...]agan Army, that they began to shrink together, and were only restrained from flight by pure shame.
During this Battel, King Edoard rode through all parts, succouring his men where he saw most need, and making great slaughter of the Enemy with his own hands, being attended every where he rode with an hundred choice Knights; when as the Emperor Palmerin (who from a Tower beheld the fight, together with the Ladies) greatly marvelled at the Prowess of the Warriours; desiring nothing more than to have been amongst them, had his Age permitted; as not, in his Youth being accustomed to be an idle spectator, whilst others fought; yet mindfull of the charge of so great a Potentate, he hourly sent such succours as could be spared to reinforce the fainting Regiments, and charge the Enemy with fresh vigor, and to give such orders as he thought convenient.
The Battel being in the highth; the chief of the Princes dismounted, and with their Swords cutting their way, entered the Battalian of the Foot men, where Primalion and the King of Trebesond meeting, a dreadfull Combat began; but such was the fierceness of the Fight between them, that for [Page 159] want of breath, and through loss of blood, they were obliged to pause a while: When as Palmerin with a Thousand Knights charged the Battalian of the Souldian of Babylon, and made exceeding slaughter, insomuch, that they fled from him as from their certain death, none being able to resist his force. On the other side fought Florian, whose death the Great Turk had strictly injoyned; when those that had it in charge perceiving him far entered amongst the Ranks of his Enemies, inclosed him on every side, and gave him many strokes that bruised his Armour, which roused his Courage to that degree, that with a force exceeding, he so dealt, that soon they opened on every side; yet fought he so long, till ramparts of dead Bodys hemmed him in. But so well fared not Prince Majortes, for being inclosed by a Squadron of Persian Horse, he fought (in hopes of succour) till through wounds and loss of blood falling, he gave up the Ghost, whose death much grieved the Christian Princes, especially Prince Palmerin, who intirely loved him, insomuch, that to revenge his death, he so furiously charged the King of Trebes [...]nd that breaking his him Armour in many places, and infixing divers wounds upon he (in spight of his men, who laboured to rescue their Lord) brought him to destruction. And so long and dreadfull did the fight continue between Dramusiand and Framustant, that through loss of blood, and weariness, they fainted, and were carryed out of the Battel by their friends on either part.
Great was the sorrow of the Ladies, who from the Battelments beheld the fight, there being few of them but had a Husband, Relation, or Friend ingaged, so that some of them seeing the field bestrewed with slaughter, swounded away, and others retire their beautious eyes, not being able longer to behold the Tragick action, not knowing what to think of the Battel, or to whom fortune owed the Victory: During the fight, the City was strongly guarded on all parts, to prevent a surprize.
King Edoard retiring from the foiles of War, to take breath and dress a wound he had received, within a short time [Page 160] came on afresh with a commanded party of Horse, and made great slaughter, insomuch, that the Infidels gave back, and the Christians on that side recovered the ground they had lost, taking new vigor, and charging couragiously, insomuch, that Albayzer coming thither to restore the Battel, was over-set with the furious Charge of the Greecian Horsemen, and himself thrown to the ground, but soon recovering his Legs, he drew his Sword, and killed divers Knights, yet was so strongly resisted, that there he had been taken or slain, had not his Gyants (who alwaies guarded his Person) bestirred themselves with their mighty Battel-Axes, yet one of them fell by the Sword of Prince Primalion, and another was carryed off sore wounded, of which wounds he soon after dyed.
By this time the Right Wing of the Turks was broken and disordered, being pierced by Recinde and the Gyant Almorol, to rally which Albayzer strove in vain, till such time as he had reinforced them with Ten Thousand fresh men, and clapped into the front two of his Gyants, viz. Dromorant and Tramfamore; between whom, and King Recinde, seconded by his trusty Servant Almorol, began a fierce Combat; but being hemmed round by the Infidels, the King (after two houres fighting against infinite odds, and no succour coming) fell wounded from his Horse, and was slain by the Gyant Tramfamore, which so inraged Almorol, that leaving the side where he fought, he came to revenge his Masters death, overthrowing with his Mace all that stood in his way, when coming upon Tramfamor with a fierce blow, he bruised his Helm and Head so much, that he fell dead, with a horrible groan breathing out his last.
Prince Palmerin and Primalion hearing of the death of Recinde, were greatly inraged, and to revenge it, redoubled their strength, fighting like Lybian Lyons, so that all the ground where they fought was covered with blood and slaughter; but Primalion having lost much blood in the fight, and finding himself faint, by the advice of his friends (after having [Page 161] killed above an hundred Turks with his own hands) retired into the City: Yet the Fight waxed hot on all sides, upon the coming in of fresh supplies, so that Victory hovered doubtfull over either Army.
Arnedes King of France having notice that his Couzen Recinde was slain, came with Onistaldus to revenge his death, but after a long fight, in which many of the Turks, Persians, and Babylonians were slain, the King having his Horse killed under him, and his Helmet burst, was slain; as also was Onistaldus, in endeavouring his rescue; but long their Deaths were not unrevenged: For King Edoard and Prince Florian coming with a fresh Troop of Horsemen, pierced the Squadron of the Turkish Horse, where they found many of their friends inclosed, yet valiantly fighting against Dromorant and divers others, upon which the King and his Son put themselves between, making great slaughter of the Enemy, though not without some wounds received; but so eager was the Prince against the Gyant, that after a dreadfull Combat with him, he gave him a wound on the right side of his Head, which brought him to the ground, when setting his Foot upon him, he divided his Head from his Body. Whilst this was doing, King Polendos and Belcar entered the Squadron of the King of Aetolia, and made great slaughter, insomuch, that Prince Berolde, desirous to revenge his Fathers death, coming to their assistance, the routed Pagans in great disorder fled, not regarding the Person of their King, who labouring to restrain their flight, was overborn with the trampling of the Horses. Then came on Prince Florian with a strong party, and charged furiously upon the reinforced Squadron of Trebesond, making great slaughter, insomuch, that Albayzer was glad to leave his station, and come to that part with his most approved Knights, but was not able to restore the Battel on that part; wherefore he returned to keep firm such as on the other hand began to waver; for the main Battel being charged by Floriman, Berolde, Florendos, Belcar, Francian, Don Rousel, and divers others, gave [Page 162] way apace, as not being qualified to sustain such fury; yet at the sight of their General, the Captains so bestirred themselves, that they brought their men to make a better resistance, so that great was the slaughter on either part; but so strongly the Princes pressed on, that through a lane of slaughtered foes they at length came, where they found the Gyant Almorol fighting against a number of the Enemies, in defence of the dead body of Recinde, which he resolved not to leave as a prey to the Enemies, but with his Life; nor could the Princes (though he was extreamly wounded, and had his Helmet broken in divers places) perswade him to retire, but in the end falling, he (through the many wounds he received, and extream loss of blood) dyed upon his Masters body, covering it with his own, which Prince Berolde perceiving, and greatly lamenting the death of his Father and his most faithfull Servant, charged upon the Gyant Gramalo (who had most in damaged Almorol) with such force, that he soon brought him to the ground, and smote off his Head, whilst he in vain cryed out for mercy; and following the advantage, he fought against the Souldian of Persia, who was come thither, and had slain him, had not the Persians in great number ran between, and hazarded their lives to save their Lord; yet so wounded was he, that he was carryed out of the Battel doubtfull whether to recover or not, which gave the Christians opportunity to carry off the body of the King and Gyant Almorol, with many others of note that were slain since the fight began. Yet no sooner had they done it, but Albayzer taking breath, came on with his chief strength, and charged the Squadron lead by King Edoard, but was bravely resisted by those that came from the Right Wing to reinforce him, and again obliged to give ground; when as the Souldian Bellagris and the Emperor Verner came on with a fresh party, and made infinite slaughter; but whilst the later charged too furiously, his Horse received a shot in the eye with a Persian Arrow, which made him cast his Rider, who in the fall had one of his legs broken, yet fought he couragiously, till such [Page 163] time as Polinardus and others carryed him off, yet dyed he soon after of his fall, whose death was greatly lamented in Camp and City.
Primalion being grieved at the hard fortune of the Emperor, fought with great fury, insomuch, that heaps of the slain encompassed him about, and was seconded by his Son Florendos, with as brave a resolution; so that the King of Bythinia coming to the aid of such as were hard put to it, ended his dayes in that place, being slain by the hand of Prince Floriman, which his men perceiving it, retired with all convenient speed; which made the King of Armenia advance with Four Thousand chosen Souldiers, hoping to advance the War, but found himself so hardly charged, that he would have retired but being pressed by the Christian Princes, he fell (together with five hundred of his best men) by the Sword.
During these Encounters, King Edoard fighting through the Ranks, came upon Albayzer, who was at that time making havock of the Christians, and charged him with great fury, so that a dreadfull Combat happened between them, in which Albayzer had been slain, had not the Gyants that still attended his person made great resistance, even till night came on, which hindered the Christians of the Victory, and caused each General to sound the Retreat, the one retiring to the City, and the other to his Camp.
Of the Truce taken for six dayes; And of the Sorrow in the City and Pagan Camp; And the order taken for a Second Battel.
THE Great Captains retiring with their Forces into the City, a Muster was taken to know who was wanting, which being once understood, great was the laments of the Citizens, some having lost a Father, others a Brother, some a Couzen, and divers women their Husbands, Sons, &c. so that nothing was heard but sighs, laments, and vowes of revenge; but above all, most deplorable was the grief of the Court Ladyes, many of whom had lost their Lords almost as soon as injoyed, such is the cruel chance of Fortune, in disappointing true Lovers of their happiness, when they suppose themselves most sure, and laugh at Worldly felicity: There might you behold one bedewing her beautious face with Tears, yet made by Grief more lovely; here another tearing her Amber Tresses, and complaining of her hard-Star'd fate; yonder another privately retired, and sobbing out that grief, that could not in words find utterance; in another place a bright Angel fallen in a swound, and strugling for life, yet desirous to dye, that so she might hast to Elizium, to find her departed Lord; in this Chamber in melancholly darkness another sate sighing, and in groans expressed her inward anguish; which sad estate so moved the hearts of all to pitty, that they besought the Emperor and Empress to use their diligence in comforting the distressed Beauties, which they did in the best manner they could, as not being capable of effecting it to their wish.
Whilest these things passed, the Princes and great Captains were putting all things in good order, resolving in the morning [Page 165] early to take the Field, and revenge the loss they had sustained: But whilest they were consulting, a Trumpet from Albayzer desired to be admitted to the Emperors presence, where being come, he (in the Name of his Lord) demanded a six day Truce to bury the Dead, and dispose of the wounded men; to which the Princes would in no wise hearken, saying, Albayzer did it to gain time to recrute his broken Army; and that (as for themselves) they could not undertake to stay their forward Souldiers from the field, so desperately were they beat to finish the War, or dye under the City walls. But the Emperor considering that many of his Knights were wounded, and that it would be dangerous so soon to hazard them in a new ingagement, as also that the bodies of divers of his friends lay in the field unburyed, together with the common Souldiers, which would greatly annoy the City, he so tempered the resolution of the forward Princes, that they in the end submitted it wholly to his pleasure; whereupon a Truce was concluded, and the Dead on either side accordingly buryed with great solemnity, the Chiefs having Monuments of costly work reared to their lasting Memories and eternal Fame.
The Truce being expired, early the succeeding morning King Edoard and the Princes Primalion, Palmerin, and Florian put the Army in Array, and with many Heroick speeches encouraged the Souldiers to revenge the death of their friends, and drive the Enemy from their Camp; when in good order they marched out with loud shouts, wounding the Ayr with Drums, Trumpets, Clarions, Flutes, and Phyfes, which greatly alarum'd the Pagans, and made them instantly betake themselves to their Arms; yet so discouraged were they, that their General was long e're he could draw them out of his Camp; when standing in Array, he mounted upon a little Rising, and from thence began to encourage them in this manner:
Fellow Souldiers, you see Fortune hath brought us to this place, to revenge Injuries, and try our Valours, which we [Page 166] have already done, and the Enemy not gained (as yet) any considerable advantage over us; Therefore this day let your prowess witness you men of daring resolution, and the price of your labour shall be the spoyl of you Wealthy City, which I design to leavel with the Dust, and race out of the memory of succeeding Ages. This said, he ended, and did sound the Charge.
Of the second Battel between the Christians and Infidels, with their overthrow, and the Emperor Palmerin.
THE Charge sounded on both sides, the Armys (after a flight of Arrows) joyned with the Sphere and Sword in a dreadfull manner, insomuch, that the field was again strewed with new slaughter, and many worthy Knights sore wounded, the Turks being now desperate to overcome; which Palmerin and Florian perceiving, charged the Squadron lead by Albayzer with great fury, insomuch that it gave back, Albayzer himself in the Encounter being unhorsed, and in much danger of his Life; when as the King of Caspia coming to his relief stayed the fury of the Princes, and slew divers of the meaner sort of Greeks, who adventured too far in the Battel: But King Edoard coming to that part, fought so couragiously, that he pierced the Caspian King's Array; and being seconded by the aforesaid Princes, put the Infidels again into disorder; to reinforce whom advanced Prince Argelao, [Page 167] with Eight Thousand Africans; but being received at the point of the Launce by Palmerin of England, he was ran quite through the Body, and tumbled dead from his Horse; in imitation of whom Prince Florian encountering another of Albayzers great Captains slew him.
The Fight being at this pass, Dramusiand and Framustant charging through the Squadrons, at last met, and encountered each other with great fury; when as another Turkish Gyant named Dramator, came to the assistance of Framustant, whose puissance was little inferiour to the former; which Florian, from the Squadron where he fought, perceiving, came to the assistance of his friend, so that leaving him again upon equal terms, a dreadfull fight continued, which ended in the Death of Dramator, slain by Prince Florian, and the disorderly Retreat of Framustant.
The Soldian of Persia fighting in the Right Wing, and finding his men worsted and greatly slaughtered by Prince Floriman, came resolutely to ingage him, but was welcomed with such noble force, that had not his men again rescued him, he had there been slain. Yet the fight waxed hot on all sides, and loud were the crys and groans of the dying and wounded men, so that they were plainly heard into the City; yet both sides animated with hope of Victory, stood stoutly to their Arms: But upon the arrival of a fresh Squadron of Horse, and a strong Battailian of foot, under the leading of Esterlant King of Hungaria, the Christians redoubling their Courage, made great havock of their Enemies; whereupon Albayzer (who had his eye upon every place) came thither, and brought Three Hundred Knights to succour his friends, being desirous of nothing more, than to be revenged of Prince Florian, whom he beheld slaughtering his men; whereupon he addressed himself to the Combat, and layed many strokes upon him, which made the Prince recollect his force, and leave fighting with such as shunned Death, to charge his Capital Adversary, which he did with such fury, that he tumbled him from his Horse, when alighting to unclasp his Helm, the Pagans on all sides [Page 168] came running in throngs to the rescue of their General, that the Prince was constrained to relinquish his purpose, and remount; during which Albayzer was conveyed thence: Yet so dealt the noble Florian, that his anger fell not in vain, but with such fury he charged all that fell in his way, that they dreaded him worse than Death, flying from him on every hand; but at length being weary with subduing, he retired to refresh himself; when as Albayzer having recovered from the amazement he was in, came and restored the Battel on that part.
King Edoard perceiving the Battel at a stand, Victory as yet inclining to neither side, commanded his reserves to charge the Left Wing of the Enemy, which they did with such vigor and bravery of mind, that the battel soon began to swerve: When Prince Palmerin, and his Vncle Prince Primalion, coming on the King of Cambia, who commanded that part of the battel, was slain, and the Wing roured, notwithstanding a reinforcement of Three Thousand Parthian Archers came in, whose Arrows gauled the Christian Horse, and caused divers of them to cast their Riders; and now was the body of the Pagan Army (consisting of Forty Thousand Foot) left open, amongst whose Ranks the Horse entering, put them into such confusion, that they lost all order, and shrunk together, notwithstanding the endeavour their Commanders used to prevent it; and so far pierced they that came upon the Soldian of Persia, who was retired thither from the Right Wing, against whom Prince Palmerin addressed himself, and fought with him so long, that (fainting through wounds, and loss of blood) he fell dead; which so dismayed his men, that they fled from that part, and left the Victory there intirely to the Christians: But the Right Wing fighting strongly, and the Left reinforced with Eight Thousand Scithians, newly arrived to the assistance of Albayzer, Polinardus was over-born and slain by Ferrebroque, Captain of the Scyths, which greatly grieved the Princes, and gave the Infidels occasion to take heart, and the rather because with these new supplys came Pandolf a monstrous Gyant; but Florendos coming to the aid of his [Page 169] friends, and finding the Gyant with a mighty Mace slaughtering the Greecian Souldiers, bore upon him with great fury, and after a terrible Combat, burst his Helm, at what time falling, he cut off his Head, and gave him an unlooked for welcome, for that this Gyant boasted himself of ability to contend with ten of the Emperors best Knights, all at once.
Berolde Prince of Spain, yet seeking to revenge his Fathers Death, desperately charged into the thickest of his foes, and there had been slain, had not the Soldian Bellagris come timely to his rescue, and brought him out of the Battel; but so wounded was he, that his Souldiers constrained him to retire to the City, to have his wounds carefully regarded.
Yet the fight continued hot on all sides; for now came Blandidon on with fresh Troops, being the Subjects of the Soldian Bellagris, newly arrived, and with these he charged the Enemy in the Rear, where fought the King of Sparta, with his Vncle Antistes, and his Son Luimeno, but his battel being over-born, they were all slain; to revenge which Marlearque a Spartan Gyant advanced against Blandidon, and charging him at unawares, smote so forcibly upon his Head with an Iron Mace, that he cast him dead to the ground; which so inraged the Soldian Bellagris, that with all his fury he charged the Gyant, not leaving him till he had made him shorter by the Head: And soon after fell the King of Cambia and his two Brethren, with the Gyant Pisistrato, the later of which had a little before slain German of Orleans.
And now Albayzer fighting with Florian, and carried wounded to his Tent, the Pagans began again to shrink together, which King Edoard perceiving, drew all the Forces out of the City, and charged upon the Right Wing so furiously, that broken and disordered the Turks and Persians (of which it was composed) fled, and in flying over-bore a Battailian of their own foot, which advantage the Christians laying hold on, followed so fiercely, that all the Plaines were strewed with the dead bodies, and the Ditches and Ponds coloured with blood, Albayzer himself hardly escaping in a Chariot to his [Page 170] Ships; so that the Camp being quite abandoned, the Christians entered, and found infinite Riches, as Gold, precious Stones, Embroideries, rich Carpets, bars of Silver, and Embroidered Ensigns, together with an Emperial Crown, with which Albayzer intended to have Crowned himself Emperor of Constantinople. When having pursued the Enemy out of the Emperor's Territories with incredible slaughter, the Princes entered the City in Triumph, being met by the Emperor, King Tarnaes, (who had the charge of the City committed to him) and divers others, they were conducted to the Pallace, and the Souldiers highly rewarded; yet some grief remained for the loss of so many Valiant and Renowned Knights; for this War cost the Christians no less than the Lives of Twenty Thousand men of all degrees, and the Infidels thrice the number. But that which augmented the sorrow, was the death of the Emperor Palmerin, who through Age and Infirmity gave up the Ghost; his last words being, That now he was willing to lay aside the ponderous waight of Empire, blessing God that he had lived to see his Enemies overthrown, and his Empire left in quiet; whereof he commended to his son Primalion, desiring his Nobles, from that time, to acknowledge him their Emperor; which they promssed to do with the same reverence and service that they had ever respected and served him with.
How Primalion was Crowned Emperor of Greece: And of the Counsel taken for the Invasion of Babylon.
THE Emperor Palmerin being dead, and his Death greatly lamented, his body was intered in a stately Sepulchre of Marble Ivory, and Gold, erected in the great Cathedral of Constantinople, after the solemnizing whose Funeral, the Princes and States of the Empire assembled to place the Emperial Crown upon the Head of Prince Primalion, Eldest Son to the Emperor: In order to which great Pomp was provided, and he Crowned in the following manner:
In the Morning, ten days after the Interment, all the Princes in Cloth of Gold and Rich Embroidery of Pearl and precious Stones, came to Prince Primalions Chamber and saluted him Emperor, the Great Master of the Houshold; laying before him upon a Velvet Cushion embroidered, Gold and Diamonds, the Emperial Crown, Scepter, and Regal Globe; whilest his High Chancellor held the other Ornaments of Majesty; on which Primalion laying his Right hand, in token of having taken possession thereof, the Trumpets and loud Instruments of Musick sounded, which the people that were crouding round the Pallace hearing, with vniversal shouts proclaimed the Choice; Then being again saluted Emperor, he was lead by King Edoard and King Esterlant, to the Great Cathedrall, in this order: Before him went a Horse in rich Traping of Gold; then followed a Herauld, proclaiming his Titles, and bearing the Armes of the Empire; after them followed the Servants of the Houshold, leading many Horses in Silver Trapings, sounding all manner of loud Musick; next went the Nobles, two and two, according to their degree; then six Ensigns, bearing the Armes of the six Provinces his [Page 172] Father and himself had anexed to the Empire: After them four Esquires, one bearing his Sword, the other his Shield, the third his Helmet, and the fourth his Armour: Then went the Great Master of his Houshold, and High Chancellor; the first bearing the Emperial Crown, Scepter, and Globe, and the later a Coronet done of Gold for the Empress: After them followed the Emperor, lead by the aforesaid Kings, and was followed by the Empress and her Ladies in a Chariot covered with Cloth of Gold, and she succeeded by a number of other Chariots, covered with Gold and Silver interwoven. And in this order passed they through a Lane of Armed Knights to the Cathedrall, where they were received by the Arch-Bishop, and all the Clergy of the City, singing Anthems, and conducted to the High Altar, where a Chair of State being set, the Emperor and Empress placed themselves, and were by the Bishop Crowned after the manner and custom of the Empire; when having received the benediction of the Church, they returned in the same order, and were all the way saluted with the Ioyfull Acclamations of the People; when as all manner of Pastimes were ordained, together, with feasting in abundance, for all that would come; with many new and pretty devices, ordained to divert the Ladyes, and make them forget the sorrow they conceived for the loss of their friends, but the impression in most of their minds was too deep to be so soon obliterated. Twenty days lasted this feasting, and pastime, at the end of which a Grand Council was called, to settle the Affairs of the Empire: When after a long debate, it was resolved, That since Albayzer had so treacherously dealt, as to invade the City of Constantinople without cause, ingratefully requiting so the kind entertainment he and his Princess Targiana had received at the hands of the Emperor Palmerin, the wary should be carryed into his Country, and the Siege layed to his City of Babylon.
This resolution greatly pleased the Princes, and Knights at Armes, who swore they would (as much as in them lay) assist the Emperor in the undertaking; whereupon great preparation [Page 173] were made against the Spring, both of Shiping, Arms, and Provision; yet did they what they could to hide the Design from the Ladyes, lest it should administer new cause of Grief, so that every Prince sent secretly into his Country to leavy Forces, to be ready at the time appointed.
Of an Adventure that happened in the Court: And how the late married Ladyes were delivered of divers fair Sons and Daughters.
THE Face of Ioy being a little restor'd at Court, and the loss of Friends by little and little passing out of Memory, it so fell out: That (whilest the Desports lasted) there came to the Court a Damzel, attended on by a Dwarf, bringing with her a Rich Mantle, fringed with Gold, lined with Ermins, and embroidered over with Pearles, Diamonds, Saphyres, Iacinch, Iasper, Crysolites, and all the Glory of the Indies, desiring it might be viewed by all the Ladyes of the Court, and that they would give their opinion of it, which they did, acknowledging it to be the fairest that they had ever seen; when viewing it well, they saw divers Characters upon it, of which they earnestly desired to know the meaning; whereto the Damzel replyed: That It was wrought by the Hands of the Enchantress Mirza, for the Beautifull young Princess Luceana, Daughter to the King of Aegypt, whose Father left her in Custody with my Lady Mirza, giving it her in charge, That she should bestow her upon the Wisest and most Valiant Prince of her time; the Princess not exceeding Ten Moneths old at present: Wherefore my Lady contrived by her Art these Characters, assuring her self, that none but such a one [Page 174] as is worthy the Princess (with whom likewise, when she comes of Age, he is to have the Kingdom of Aegypt,) can interpret them; wherefore she directed me to this Court, knowing there are many beautiful Ladyes lately contracted, as hoping from the effects of such Nuptials may spring a Prince, who may effect the desire of my Lady. Then know further, that each of you having seen it, whosoever it is that Dreams the ensuing Night, so as to describe the Beauty of the young Princess, and the place wherein she is kept, that Lady shall bring forth a Son, who is to enjoy the Happiness designed, and prove one of the wisest and valiantest Knights in the World, being likewise able to read and expound these Mistick Characters.
This greatly incouraged the Ladyes, every one being desirous to have the happiest Off-spring: When after various delights, night covering the Earth with darkness, each retired to their Lodgings big with expectation, hoping next morning to reveal Wonders: Nor was the night altogether unpleasant, for they dreamed of various matters: But amongst the rest, the Princess Polinarda being over-power'd with slumber, and sweet sleep hanging on her eye-lids, (well pleased to favour so rare a Beauty) fancied her self to be delivered of a fair Son, when together with him she was carried through the Ayr, in a Whirlwind, over Citys, Forrests, Sea, and Rivers, till at last coming to a high Mount, whose top seemed to transcend the Clouds, she was set down; when gazing round, she beheld a spacious Castle, Watered round, and graced with pleasant Groves, Gardens, Orchards, and all that could any way appear pleasant and delightful to the eye, every Shrub and every Flower yielding odours, and the Fountains every where spouting purling streams of Water into the Ayr: But whilest she was admiring every part, a grave Matron in a Mantle of Crimson Sattine, spangled with Roses and Lillies of Gold, come out of the fair Fabrick, having in her hand a Silver Wan [...], and after salutation, conveyed into it; where she no sooner entered, but she beheld a stately Palace, adorned with [Page 175] Cedar, Gold, and precious Stones, which glittered like Lamps; and all round were hung Pictures of Knights and Ladyes, renowned in Arms and Beauty; where (amongst the rest) she fancied she beheld her Lords and her own, with divers others, resembling the Knights and Ladyes of the Emperors Court; when passing on through a spacious Gallery, of vast length, supported with Alabaster Pillars, at the end thereof two folding Doors of Cedar, hinged with Gold, and wrought with divers works of Imagery; interposing, the sage Matron took from her side a Key of Gold, and turning in the Intrecacys of the Lock, open they slew, with a resounding Harmony, as if a Symphony of pleasant Musick had wound the Ayr, and straight discovered a Room furnished out most gloriously, all o're perfumed with Lamps that consumed Spicie Oyls; when at the upper end she beheld a Cradle, glittering with Gold and Gems, and by it three beautious Damzels, singing Songs of Love and brave Exploits, ever and anon looking into the Cradle, as if some mighty Charge was there; and so it proved: For being desirous to satisfie her Curiosity therein, lead by fancy, she approaching, saw (or supposed she saw) the Royal Infant, of whom the Damzel had made her relation, smiling in innocent Beauty, and adorned with all the perfections of Nature, sympathising with her Son, that she fancied she held in her Armes, which greatly joyed her; and whilest she remained as it were in an extasie, she heard a voice like the sound of a Trumpet, saying, Behold the Wonder of Chivalry, and Mirrour of Beauty: happy and glorious will be the Court, wherein these flourish; when looking about her to see from whom the sound came, suddenly a Dragon descending from the Roof, snatched her Son out of her Armes; whereat she shreiking, awoke, and all the illusion vanished; yet greatly was she concerned at what her imagination had impressed on her memory.
In the morning the Ladyes rising, and the Damzel yet waiting for the relation of their Dreams, great was the expectation of the Court: Many related what their fancies had [Page 176] contracted; but some again (blushing) refused to tell, by reason of some obscenety, or wanton thoughts, that the foregoing actions of Love and dalliance had caused them (sleeping) to fancy over again; others dreamed of the many hazards and dangers their Lords had undergone for their sakes; and such Ladyes as were deprived of their happiness, imagined they embraced for them their empty shade, and saw their Ghost tempting them to follow to the blessed Elizium shades: But when all had related, except the fair Polinarda, and none approved, she in the manner aforesaid delivered the roveing of her fancy; at which the Damzel greatly rejoycing, fell at her Feet, saying, She alone should produce a Prince worthy her Mistrisses Love, who should be renowned above Mankind, and do such Wonders, as had not in any foregoing Age been known; but that she would lose him in his Infantsie, but find him again when she had greatest need of his aid.
This having said, she presented the Mantle for his use, when born, also divers Iewels of value; and after leave taken, retired without the Court, where suddenly she was caught up in a pitchy Cloud, and conveyed out of their sight.
This strange Adventure being known, caused various discourses; but above all, the thoughts of losing the young Prince (when born) greatly troubled Prince Palmerin, and his fair Princess Polinarda, yet they comforted themselves as well as might be, in hopes that he would be carefully disposed of and provided for. Now whilest such thoughts lasted, Nature having accomplished her work, the fair Princess fell in labour, and after some strugling pangs, (the effects of the forbidden Fruit tasted in Eden) she was delivered of a fair Son, who was christened by the Arch-Bishop, and named Palmerin, after the name of his Father and Great Grandfather: The same day the fair Princess Miragarda brought forth to Prince Florendos a Son likewise, who was at the Fount named Primalion, destined to succeed him in the Empire, as will hereafter appear: And the next day Leonarda was delivered of a Son, who was called Florian, after the name of his Father: [Page 177] To Dragolant Prince of Navar the fair Arnalte brought forth a beautiful Daughter, and named her Athenia: Nor was the beautiful Sidalla behind, to bless Prince Berolde with a Son, who was afterward known by the name of Burnamissa the renowned King of Spain: Armesia brought forth to her Lord Pompides, a beautiful Son and Daughter, the former of which was named according to his Father, and the latter known by the name of The Fair Castoria: Arleucea likewise overjoyed Dramusiand with a Son, who was christened by the same name. Nor were any of the Nuptial effects in vain, for these Heroick Knights were as dexterious and active in the soft Wars of Venus, as in the dreadful Field of Mars, and could as well and surely aim the one Launce as the other.
The Court being thus replenished with young Princes and Princesses, considerably abated the sorrow, conceived for the loss in the late War, all of which were put into the hands of the most skilful Governesses, during their tender years, and Tutors appointed, to educate them in accomplishments, when their years were capable to retain it; so that now Feasting and Mi [...]th abounded in every place, the better to obliterate the dismal effects of the War: But the Princess Polinarda deating on her Son, whose promising Beautys and smiling Innocence greatly wrought upon her fancy, and remembring the saying of the Virgin, she ordained two Knights and four Damzels to guard and attend him night and day, thinking by that means to prevent his being conveyed from the Palace, but all proved in vain, for the Enchantress out-witted them, as will hereafter appear.
The Expedition against Babylon; and what happened before the Emperor Primalion and the Princes Layed Siege to it.
SPRING approaching, and a great concourse of armed men arriving daily at Constantinople, to attend the pleasure of their Lords, the Ladyes began to suspect what was intended, and with tears intermixed with sighs, kisses, and earnest intreaties, so dealt many of them with their Beloveds, that they got the secret from them, which again administer'd new cause of grief; yet many reasons being given for the necessity of the War, as That the Soldian was again leavying huge Forces, and to suffer him again to lay Siege to the Emperial City, would eclipse their Glory, and the Glory of the Empire; That they should, by carrying the War (so much sought by him) to the Walls of his Babylon, save their own Country from spoile and desolation, and live upon the spoil of their Enemies, being the better enabled thereby to maintain a vigorous Encounter, and revenge the many injuries and Disgraces that Albayzer and the Great Turk, together with the Soldian of Persia, had put upon the Emperor Palmerin, and by dint of Sword convince them of their treachery and base ingratitude.
These and many the like pregnant Reasons so wrought upon the Ladyes, that upon their Lords promising to make as speedy a return as victory, would permit they were somewhat pacified, being as desirous of revenge as themselves, especially those that were left as Widow-Turtles, to mourn for the Loss of their Dead. And now the Army being mustered of all Nations, there were found One Hundred Thousand fighting men, the valiantest, and most hardy, Europe could boast of; who imbarquing on Three Hundred sail of Ships, with the sounds of all manner of Warlike Instruments, passed the Helespont, [Page 179] to the Asian Coast, where Landing, they covered the affrighted shores, on which for three days they encamped, to put themselves in order to march, for that fresh news arrived that Albayzer and the Great Turk were on their marth, with what Forces they could raise, not doubting to surprize the City of Constantinople.
During the Armys stay, the Princes took leave of their Ladies, who with tears in their eyes intermixing sighs and soft kisses, (as loath to leave them, some of whom they must never more behold) followed them to the shore, and then returned to their respective Chambers, to weep out the grief that overwhelmed their tender souls, and pray for the safety of their Lords. [...]f this Army King Edoard was appointed General, as before, and Prince Palmerin appointed his great Leiutenant; Pompides lead Six Thousand Horse; as the forlorn Florian had the Command of Ten Thousand Foot, Dramusiand Charge of the Right Wing, consisting of Grecians, Germans, French, and English; Florendos being bravely mounted, was joyned in Commission with Prince Berolde, to command the Left Wing; and the rest were divided into four Battailians; one lead by King Polendos; another by Palmerin, who kept his station to the Rear-ward; a third by the Soldian Bellagris; and the fourth by Prince Floriman; and in this order they marched through the Emperors Asian Terretories, till they came into the Countries of the Great Turk, who then possessed all the lesser Asia, called now Aenatolia, and all that part of Asia the greater, that borders upon Persia, even to the Walls of Tauris, on the one hand, and Babylon the other, where they took divers Towns, and enriched themselves with great booty, causing the fearful people to fly into the Mountains with what substance they could carry, although the Princes had given strict order, that no Souldier (upon pain of death) should kill Man, Woman, or Child, that resisted not, but might take such Goods as fell to their share.
The news of the Christian Armys approach having by this time reached the ear of Albayzer, and alarumed all his Provinces, [Page 178] [...] [Page 179] [...] [Page 180] he in as much haste as might be increased his Forces, compelling by force his unwilling Subjects to the War, who for the many Cruelties his Father had used towards them, greatly hated the Son: Yet such and the like means, together with the supplys sent him from Judea, Palastine, Aegypt, and Armenia, he forced a huge Camp of Babylonians, Turks, Jews, Sarazens, Aegyptians, Armenians, and the like; with which (well Marshalled, and in good order) he marched, hoping to meet the Great Turk, his Father-in-Law, who was marching at the head of his Forces to his aid, as being greatly desirous to revenge the affront put on him by the Emperor Palmerin, for refusing to send Prince Florian of the Forrest: But e're the Turk could arrive, he was encounter'd by a detached power under the Command of the Soldian Bellagris and Prince Florian, who laying an Ambush for him, as he was about to pass a huge Forrest, burst out with such fury, that over-setting his Battail, the affrighted Turks lost all their courage; so that after a bloody fight, wherein the Great Turk himself, and most of his Nobles were slain, they in great confusion betook themselves to flight, and were followed with dreadful execution, till Night sheltered them from the fury of their pursuers; at what time some got into fenced Cities, others to Albayzer's Camp, filling all with fear and consternation at the news of that dreadful disaster.
These great Captains having made so successful a beginning, with the loss of a few of their own men, returned with huge spoiles to their General, who highly welcomed them, and caused publick thanks to be given to Almighty God, for the Victory he had been pleased to grant them, over the Enemies of his name: And so having refreshed themselves, they set forward to meet Albayzer, whom they understood, by some scouts of his, to be on his March towards them: Nor were they misinformed, for the next morning they could from the tops of the Hills discern the fore-runners of his Army: Whereupon the General called a Council of the Princes and great Captains, to resolve what was to be done, whether they should pass the hills [Page 181] to meet the forward Enemy, or imbattail themselves there, to expect him in the Plain? The reason for the former were, That the forwardness of the Christian Army, in attempting to meet them, would in some sort discourage the Enemy, and give new vigor to the Souldiers on their part: But it being urged on the contrary, That they were in a strange Country, with which they were altogether unacquainted, the Enemy might lay ambushments to intrap them, or might hide his power in divers Forrests, and thereby by perpetually renewing his Battail, might greatly discourage the Souldiers, who would be apt to suppose, that (like Hydra's heads) the more they cut off, the more they increased: Whereupon it was agreed, that the Battail should be fought on that Plain, if the Enemy durst attempt it; and if he delayed, then should they March on towards the City of Babylon. VVhereupon all that night they kept great Fires, and a strict watch, to prevent any surprize that might happen to their prejudice.
Of the great Battel fought in Asia, between the Christians and Infidels; And of the great Victory obtained by the former.
THe aforesaid resolutions being taken by the Princes, Albayzer early the next morning (as they wished) drew up his Army on the top of the Hills, and there incamping, sent down a Herauld to defie the Christians, and to denounce to them all themselves attendant on VVar, swearing by Mahomet, that not one of them should remain alive; but had answer returned him by King Edoard, in the name of the rest, That the Princes were come so far to seek him, that [Page 182] so they might finish that revenge his flight would not permit them to do under the walls of Constantinople; and that if he refused or shunned the Battail, they would besiege him even in his Capital City of Babylon.
Albayzer having received the answer aforesaid, groaned with anger, and thorowly fired in hopes of revenging the indignity put upon him, caused his Army to be set in array, dividing it into six Divisions: The first consisting of Twenty Thousand Horse, himself lead; the second of Thirty Thousand Footmen, he gave to the King of Cambia; the third consisting of Ten Thousand Horse, that made the Left Wing, he gave to Tomandarus his Cozen, at that time Prince of Palastine; the fourth consisting of Fifteen Thousand Horse, he committed to the Charge of Gondrominus, Son to the Soldian of Persia, slain in the Battail before Constantinople, and these he ordained for the Right Wing; the last Battail he committed to Salmanzer Son to the Great Turk, and Brother to the fair Targiana, consisting of Twenty Thousand Foot, which he ordered for a Reserve, setting Framustant the Gyant as Guardian to his Person, by reason but young, and unexperienc'd in Feats of Armes.
All things being in a readiness, Albayzer commanded the two Wings to move, as also the gross Body of his Foot, and that the rest should keep their station, till further order. The Christians beholding them descend the Hills in great haste, stood from in their order, to prevent being over-born; when each Captain encouraging his men, to incite them to noble and brave Exploits, King Edoard commanded the Charge to be sounded; whereupon the Armies joyntly moved, and King Pompides with his Six Thousand Horse charged the Enemies Left Wing with great bravery, over-bearing all that stood before him, and with his Spear wounded the Prince of Palastine, to whose rescue on all sides his Men came in, and pressed so furiously, that Pompides (weary with killing) was obliged to retire within the Ranks of his Men, to recover breath.
[Page 183]By this time the gross of the Armies joyned with such fury, as made the Earth beneath them tremble, and the Hills eccho with the shouts of the vanquishers, and crys of the vanquished: There might you at once behold Men fighting like Lyons, and others flying like timerous Deer; when to give the more encouragement to his men, Albayzer left the command of his Squadron to Orcadamus his Lieutenant, and accompanied with Morcador, Arock, & Gramandor, three terrible Gyants, he went from place to place to give orders, till at length he came to the Right Wing, where he found Prince Palmerin fighting at the head of Six Thousand chosen men, making piteous slaughter, which so moved him, that he interposed between the Prince and such as were in confusion, that they [...]ight have the better leave to put themselves in a posture, and [...]t-face their fear; of which the Prince was very glad, as desirous of nothing more, than to be revenged on him, that had been the cause of the death of so many of his friends; when without any words a sharp Combat ensued, so that wounds were given and received in a plentious manner, till their Armour was discoloured with their blood; their men fighting the mean while as eagerly on either side them, so that the slain lay scattered round them; which Prince Palmerin perceiving, and w [...]ll noting the havock the Gyants made of his men, redoubled his force so furiously, that with a full blow on Albayzer's Cre [...], he so dented his Helm into his Head, that (stunned thereby) he stagger'd six paces backward, and fell to the ground; but e [...]e the Prince (who laboured to take him Prisoner) could effect his desire, the Gyants came to his rescue, two of them carrying him off, whilest the third (viz. Gramandor) combated with the Prince, but had not so good luck as his Master: For after a terrible fight, he falling through wounds and loss of blood, had his head smitten off in spight of the endeavours that were used to rescue him.
The disaster of Albayzer greatly disheartened his Souldiers, insomuch, that they began to shrink together; of which he having notice, wounded as he was, would again have taken [Page 184] the Field, but his great Favourites that were about him, would not permit it; yet immediately he sent orders, for the Reserves to descend, and if possible, by wheeling about, charge the Christians in the Rear; which stratagem being perceived by Florian, he drew of Ten Thousand men, and went [...]o meet them, giving them a furious charge, till breaking through the Ranks, he found Framustant and Salmanzer, against both whom he fought with such fury, that in the end he slew the Gyant, and carried off the other Prisoner, though his [...]an laboured at the expence of many of their lives to prevent it. And now come on Berolde and Dramusiand, making fatal havock; whilest Prince Florendos with a detached party brake through the advanced Squadrons of Horse, and entering the Ranks of the F [...]t ushent, put them into confusion, opening a passage to charge them on every side; which they perceiving, and that the Right Wing was almost all cut in pieces▪ gave ground amain, of which the Christian Princes taking the advantage, advanced with Ten Thousand fresh men and put all it confusion; Prince Floriman like Lightening breaking through the thickest Squadrons, but being unfortunately wounded between the joynts of his Harness with a Persian Arrow impoisoned, he soon after (to the grief of all the Princes) [...]yed in Babylon.
The Infidels now in rout, slaughter raged so dreadfully, that all the Plains were crimsoned afresh with the blood of the slain; Albayzer (weak as he was, and in a mad mood) in vain endeavouring to rally his men; when finding he must yield to necessity, he retreated in the best order he could with his broken Troops, being pursued till the Christians (tired, and night coming on) were by the order of their General restrained, least the Enemy taking the advantage of their strugling, should turn Head, and again dispute the Victory.
In this Battail the Soldian lost Thirty Thousand of his best men, amongst which were many of his Chief Commanders, and Twenty Thousand the night following deserted him, and privately retired to their respective Countries, filling [Page 185] all places with fear and amazement, upon rumouring the approach of the Christian Army: Which Albayzer well noting, and finding himself far too weak to hazard a second Battail, in great perplexity returned to Babylon, to encourage the Citizens by his presence to defend it till new supplys should come from his Alys, if the Princes should approach; as also to have the company of his fair Sultaness Targiana, whose beautious eyes during his absence were never dry from tears. But scarcely had he put things in a posture of defence, e're he had notice, That the Christians approached, having all the Towns in their way put into their hands.
How the Army of Christians besieged Babylon, and took it by storm; And what happened during the Siege.
ALbayzer from the Watch-Tower (weak as he was) taking a view of the Christian Army, and in what order they marched, resolved to sally with the chief of his strength, for two reasons, the one to amate the Christians, least they should conclude him utterly vanquished; and the other to keep up his credit with the Ladyes and men of War, to whom at his setting out he had promised such great things: Whereupon with Forty Thousand well appointed men he Marched out at Four Gates; when placing the Persian and Median Archers in the Front, he caused the Charge to be sounded, and with a dreadful shout charged the Avaunt-Guard, but they (being seconded by Prince Florendos) fought so manfully, that many on both sides were slain; which horrible conflict made the Ladies (who from the Wall beheld it) fill the Ayr with shrieks and crys. And now Prince Florian (desirous to let his quondam Mistriss the fair Targiana, know what he was able to do) layed on so [Page 186] furiously, that being seconded by the Squadron and Battailian lead by his Brother and Dramusiand, he caused the Enemy to retire to their main Battail, where stood the Standard of Albayzer, when killing the Standard-bearer, and divers that undertook to rescue it, they threw it down, which so disheartned the Pagans, who supposed their General was killed, that they began to retire under the City Walls, and had presently fled, had not Albayzer shewed himself, though fatal it proved: For being about to draw up his men, a Greecian shot his horse into the head, who falling on him, bruised him, that of the bruises, and through grief for the disgrace he sustained, he in three days after dyed, filling the City with Lamentations for his Death.
This second misfortune of the General caused the rest of the Pagan Captains to despair of success; whereupon sounding the Retreat, they retired in as good order as they could into the City; but being furiously pursued, Palmerin, Florian, and Dramusiand with Six Thousand men, pressed in with them before they could close the Gates, or let down the Portculls, and fought bravely for the passage, insomuch, that the streets ran blood, the Citizens and Souldiers earnestly labouring to destroy the Princes and their followers, having for that purpose by this time inclosed them on every side; but their danger being known to the remaining part of the Army without the Walls, they in a great fury stormed the Bulwarks at Twenty several places; to defend which the Pagans running from every part, Dramusiand with a strong Bar of Iron forced the Gate, and let in the Squadron under the leading of the Prince Florendos, making good his ground; but as he advanced to his station, (where the Princes fighting, drove whole streets before them) a huge stone was cast from a Turret, which falling upon his Helm, burst it in sunder, and cast him dead upon the place, so that he (who was never but once vanquished in fight) dyed, by the cowardly hand of some base Artifice.
The Death of Dramusiand known, the Princes gave order to fire the City, which was done in divers places.
[Page 187]During which consternation, King Edoard, the Soldian Bellagris; and divers other great Commanders, had seized on the Towers and Bulwarks, and planted their Ensigns thereon: Yet the defendants fought in every corner, hurling Stones, Tyles, melted Lead, Pitch, Tar, and Rozen on the assailent, insomuch that many brave Captains were killed and wounded; King Edoard himself having received a wound in the Arm by an Arrow from a Loop-hole, and Prince Florendos grievously hurt by the fall of scalding Sulpher, which almost roasted him in his Armour: But in the end the streets being paved with the slain, and Albayzer not present, by reason of the great grief he sustained to animate them, they threw down their weapons, and begged quarter; yet such was the fury of the Souldiers, that notwithstanding the Generals express order to the contrary, that they killed a great number of them: But in the end, the slaughter being stayed, the General drew up before the Palace, (which yet held out) and summoned it, but was answered by a showre of Arrows and Stones from the Walls, Loop-holes, and Towers, which greatly inraged the Souldier, so that having prepared combustable matter, they fired it in divers places; whereupon (contrary to the mind of Albayzer, who lay grievously ill of his bruises) a parley was sounded; when as the Princes pittying the loud laments and dismal shreiks of the Ladies, who were for their safety retired thither, drew off; whereupon giving their promise that no violence should be offered, the Gates were opened to the Conquerors, and they as many as thought convenient entred: Of which Albayzer having notice, in a desperate mood snatched a sword from one of his attendance, and wounded himself so deep in the breast, that by reason of it, and through the anguish of his bruise, and the greater anguish of his mind, he expired, which many of his friends seeing, fell upon their swords, accompanying him in death, whom they had so faithfully served in their life-time, leaving the fair Targiana and her Ladies in tears; yet so compassionate were the Christian Princes, that they comforted them in the best wise, promising that no further [Page 188] harm shall befall them; especially Prince Florian, for the love he bare to Targiana.
The Princes having been thus far revenged, thought it sufficient: And after having refreshed themselses, and settled the affairs of the City, in the possession of Targiana, and at her request releasing her Brother, in consideration that a Camels load of Gold should as Tribute be payed to the Emperor of Constantinople, they with such spoiles as they had taken (after having honourably buried their friends) returned to Constantinople in Triumph.
Of the Death of the Emperor Primalion, and Florendos his Son; And the Loss of young Prince Palmerin, Son to Prince Palmerin of England; And what else remarkably happened.
THe Princes thinking themselves sufficiently revenged for the Injuries sustained, and desiring to keep their promises with their Ladies, in triumph returned the same way they came, and in a short time arrived upon the shores of the Helespont, where they found the Royal Fleet ready to waft them over: When upon their approaching the City, they were met in great Triumph, and conducted to the Palace; where after they had Feasted liberally, and discharged the Souldiers with large Rewards, they ordained a Turnament for ten days: But before it began, the Emperor Primalion falling sick of a Feavor, caused by the inflamation of the wounds he had received, that were not throughly healed, he after three days sickness dyed to the great grief of the Court; but so excessively grieved his fair Empress Gridona, that refusing to be comforted, she fell at last into such a melancholly, that she soon after followed her Lord to the happy Elizium of bliss, both [Page 189] of them being buried in a stately Sepulchre, near the Emperor Palmerin their Father, whose death Prince Florendos (whose Right it was to succeed his Father in the Empire) took so much to heart, that leaving his young Son under the tutorage of Sage Aliart, he together with the fair Miragarda, who would not leave him for the pleasures of the Greecian Court, travelled to the Holy Land, and never returned more; so that young Primalion being grown up to Maturity, was Crowned Emperor, and for a long time peaceably enjoyed that Empire.
Affairs being setled as well as might be, the Princes were desirous to depart to their respective Country: King Edoard and his fair Queen Flerida were for England, having perswaded their Son the Renowned Palmerin to accompany them; As likewise did King Pompides and his Queen Armisia. But Prince Florian having the Kingdom of Thrace, in right of his Wife the fair Leonarda, he took his Iourney thither, with a splendid Equipage; where upon his arrival he was received by all the Nobles, and solemnly Crowned KING, where for many years he Reigned gloriously.
King Edoard his fair Queen Flerida, Prince Palmerin and his Princess Polinarda, with their young Son, Pompides and Armisia, being by this time put to Sea, a great Tempest arose and scattered the Fleet, consisting of twenty ships, and continued so terrible for the space of three days, that neither Sun, Moon, nor Stars appeared, which greatly troubled the Ladies (now altogether Sea-sick, and out of order); but at the end of the time aforesaid, the Heavens (to their great comfort) cleared up, and they found themselves cast upon an Island, where stood Mountainous Cliffs, that seemed to reach the Clouds; when going on shore to refresh themselves, and pitched a Royal Pavillion, but had not long reposed, e're the Heavens again blackned, and such Thunders and Lightning happened, as if the dissolution of all things were at hand, which put them into a great consternation: But whilst they were wondering at many dreadful sights in the Ayr, as fircy Drakes, Pillars of Fire, Metors, and Comets, that blazed horrible, a huge flame descended [Page 190] and invironed the Pavillion, making it seem all on a flame, which caused the Ladies to fall into a Trance, and somewhat amazed the stout hearts of the Heroick Princes: but that which wrought more terrour, out of the flame issued a dreadful Dragon, whom in vain they sought to wound, and seizing in his paws the Cradle, wherein young Prince Palmerin lay, he spread his Wings, and bore it through the dreadful Gloom in spight of all resistance. This unhappy accident greatly troubled all present, and the Prince his Father would have gone in search of him; but being perswaded to the contrary, and remembring what had been foretold, as also the Princess Polinarda's Dream, desisted.
And now all being clear and calm, and most of the ships that had been separated, brought in by the wind, they set sail, and arrived at England, being received with great Ioy: But soon after King Edoard dyed, his Renowned son Palmerin was Crowned in his stead, flourishing gloriously many years.