THE BANNER OF Corah, Dathan, and Abiram, Display'd, and their SIN Discover'd: In several SERMONS, Preach'd at BRISTOLL.
ISrael, was once Gods choicest Jewel, snatch'd forth of the Fire of sore Affliction. A People, wonderfully Redeemed with a Mighty Hand, and Stretched out Arm of Heavenly Power, from cruel and bitter Bondage.
[Page 2] A People, thorowly Taught and Instructed, in the Sacred Oracles of God, and purest of his ways.
A People, fed with Bread from Heaven; for Man did eat Angels Food.
A People, that had God and Christ for their Guide and Conduct, and Angels, and the best of Men for their Guards and Governors: A People, that wanted no Mercy, nor Blessing, that either Heaven or Earth could aford.
And yet, from amongst this People, did such a Root of Bitterness spring up, and such a deadly Sin, a deadly Sin appear'd, which did more highly provoke the Lord to Anger, and more hotly kindle the Fire of his Jealousie and wrathfull Indignation, than either the Sin of Sodom, or the Wickedness of Egypt.
For when the Lord sent his Angels to destroy S [...]om, for their Sins of Pride, and fulness of Bread, Idleness, and hard Heartedness to the Poor, he meekly heard Abrahams Petition for them, and patiently suffered him to Pray and Interceed for them, as long, a sin reason he could desire. O Let not the Lord be Angery, (saith he) and I will speak but this once, Peradventure, there shall be Ten (that is Ten Righteous Persons) found there, and the Lord said, I will not dest [...]oy it for Ten sake, Gen. 18. 32.
[Page 3] And before he Executed his Judgments upon Egypt, for their unjust Dealings, and exercise of Cruelty upon this very self same People in my Text, he treated with Pharaoh, from day to day, by Moses and Aaron, with Signs and Wonders, to try if he would soften his hard Heart towards them.
But, for the Sin of these, his lately, and for a long time, beloved People, he was so deeply incensed against them, that he hastily, and suddenly commanded Moses and Aaron to separate themselves from them, that he might Consume them in a Moment. ver. 21.
The first thing then, before I come to the Words of my Text, must be to enquire what their Sin was, that so we may the more readily and easily understand the Doctrine we are to learn from thence.
Their Sin and Wickedness under the cloak and colour of Holiness, is drawn up in a brief Remonstrance, in ver. 3, in these Words:
They gathered themselves togather against Moses, and against Aaron, and said unto them, ye take too much upon you, seeing all the Congregation are Holy every one of them, and the Lord is amongst them: wherefore then lift ye up your selues above the Congregation of the Lord.
In which bold Remonstrance of theirs, there are four Articles. which they xehibited in [Page 4] foro in open Court, two directly against Moses and Aaron, one pretendedly for God, and the other point blank for themselves.
1. In the First, they draw up a charge against Moses and Aaron, for exceeding the Bounds of their Commission, Ye take too much upon you, ye do more than you can justifie, more than ye have Warrant from God to do. This Lordliness of yours, is not Jure Divino: we know our Duty to God without your Lordly teaching of us.
Hence it was that Moses told them ver. 28. Hereby shall ye know that the Lord hath sent me to do all these Works; for I have not done them of my own Mind.
2. The second Article, contains a Plea for their own Holiness, to Justifie the Innocency of their Enterprize, and to let all Israel know, that their Proceedings were from Religious Principles, that Religion is the Center of all that they go about to compass; seeing all the Congregation are Holy, they will not allow one prophane Person to be amongst them: If we were a wicked and prophane People ye might have some colour.
3. In the third Article, they take God to witness th [...]t [...]heir Intents were Just and Honest, that they thought nor meant any Harm nor Evil to any one, and avouch God to be the [Page 5] Primum Mobile of their Intents and Purposes▪ as if they had said, Be it known unto you Moses and Aaron, and let all Israel take notice, that what we do, proceeds not from our selves, we are moved of God to do it, and that it is a Revelation of the Mind and Will of God, the Lord is amongst us.
4. The fourth Article, contains a seemingly Rational Argument, for the Confirmation of the former three. Wherefore then, mark that word, Wherefore then lift ye up your selves above the Congregation of the Lord?
Are not we the Congregation and People of the Lord? Are not we the only holy People of an holy God? Have not we the presence of the Almighty God amongst us? What Reason have you then, to lift up your selves above us? Can ye teach us better than the Lord, who is in us? for so one Latin Translation reads the Text Omnis multitudo Sunctorum est, et in ipsis est Dominus, the People are all Holy, and the Lord is in them. Why do ye then go about to prescribe us a way, or tye us up to a Form of Worshiping God.
This was the substance of their Charge against their faithful Rulers.
Their Prolocutors were Corah, a self-wil'd Levite, and Dathan and Abiram, two unstable Reubenites, accompany'd with the Aid and [Page 6] Assistance of 250 Chieftains, the boldest and and most confident, that they could pick or chuse in the Warlike Camp of Israel.
Now, who could presently think or immagin, that under these Words, we are all Holy, and the Lord is amongst us▪ there should lie so great a Sin, as to provoke a Gracious and Merciful God to destroy miraculously those very People, whom not many Years before he had miraculously deliver'd from Opression and Slavery.
Who would have thought that this outside clean Cup, and Platter, had been inwardly filled with Ravening and Wickedness? That those white Painted Sepulchres had been full of dead Mens Bones and Rottenness. Who would have imagined, that these Mens Principles, would have digged so many Graves for the Israelites Carcases, as afterwards they did? That such Confusions and Disorders, would have followed the Heels of these Men, professing extraordinary Holyness and Righteousness?
Our work then at this time, will be to get the true and real Knowledge of these Mens Sin; that knowing it, we may the more resolvedly derest and abhor it, and thence shun and avoid them.
[Page 7] And this way we must go to work, even to enquire of the Oracles of God, what they were, in a three-fold respect.
1. What they were in their Generation and Tribe.
2. In their Qualifications, or Parts.
3. In their Estimation, or Credit, and that
- 1. With God.
- 2. With the People.
1. For their Generation, or Tribe, we read, that they were of the two Tribes of Reuben and Levi, as the first ver. of the chap. plainly shews in these words, Now Corah, the Son of Izhar, the Son of Kohah, the Son of Levi, and Dathan, and Abiram, the Sons of Eliab, and On, the Son of Peleth, Sons of Reuben, took Men.
Of which two Tribes, these two things are Recorded, that they were Unstable, and Selfwill'd, and by no worse a Man, than their own Father: And this upon his Death-bed too; two infamous Blots, in both their Escutcheons; the Records are written in Gen. 49. the Blot, upon Reubens Escutcheon at ver. 3. Reuben, thou art my First-born, my Might, and the beginning of my Strength, the excellency of Dignity, and the excellency of Power, Unstable as Water, a foul Blot, in a fair Escutcheon.
[Page 8] The Blot in Levi's Escutcheon, at ver. 5, 6. Simeon, and Levi, are Brethren, Instruments of Cruelty are in their Habitations
O my Soul, come not thou into their Secret, unto their Assembly, mine Honor, be not thou united: For in their Anger they Slew a Man, and in their Self-will, they digged down a Wall.
In their Self-will, there is the Blot in Levi's Escutcheon.
Now if we joyn the Blots in both their Escutcheons together, and compare them with these Mens Words, and Actions, in my Text, we may safely conclude the truth of that Proverb,
And take this for a Maxim in Divinity, That Instability of Heart, to walk with God in his antient ways, and Self-will'dness of Spirit, to prefer a private Error in Judgment, before the publick Peace and welfare of the Church: Is the grand Anvil, upon which the Devil hath forged all his Machination of Heresy, and Scisme, to the Continual disturbance of the Church, in all Ages of the World.
2. In the next place, we will consider them in their Qualifications and Endowments, and this to
- 1. Negatively.
- 2. Possitively.
[Page 9] 1. Negatively, they were not the Ignorant sort, altho Thousands of those were seduced by their Leaders, nor yet of the lowest, basest, and meanest among them; altho Thousands of these were ready to Aid and Assist them in their Enterprize, nor were they openly Prophane, or Debauch'd Persons, altho' such (had there been any such in Israel) would easily have become Sticklers to these Mens Principles.
2. But Possitively, for their Qualifications, they were Men of excellent Gifts and Parts, for there were many Levites amongst them▪ and many of good Rank and Quality. Reubenites of the Tribe of Jacobs First-born; and without all Peradventure, Stout Men of their Hands too, if need required. And this is clear from what is Recorded, in ver. 2. And they (i.e. Corah, and his Confederates) rose up before Moses, with certain of the Children of Israel, Two Hundred and Fifty Princes of the Assembly, famous in the Congregation, Men of Renown.
The Fame of these Men spread far and near throughout all Israel, sparkling in the Firmament of the Church, like blazing Stars, talkt of in every Tent, especially of these Two Tribes Thus did their Renown ring in the Ears of unsteadfast and backsliding Israel.
[Page 10] Famous and Renowned they were, for what? Not for any open or vissible Sin or Wickedness; for the Iniquity of these Men, was a Misterious Riddle to many honest Hearted Israelites.
The green Herbs of their admirable Knowledge, and seeming Holiness, did so flourish and spread it self in the sight of all the Redeemed Tribes of Israel, that they could not see, nor perceive the Serpent at the Root.
Israel, was Gods chosen People, above all Nations upon the face of the Earth; and these Men the choisest of all Israel Psal. 78. 31.
Having now considered them in their Generations, and Qualifications, it remains, that we consider them in their Estimation; in what Esteem they were both with God, and the People.
And 1. That they were once in high Esteem with God, Moses himself acknowledgeth it in ver. 8, 9. And Moses said unto Corah, Hear, I pray you, ye Sons of Levi: Seemeth it a small thing to you, that the God of Israel, hath separated you from all Israel, to bring you near to himself, to do the Service of the Tabernacle, and to stand before the Congregation, to Minister unto them. And that they werein [Page 11] great Credit and Esteem with the People, we have their own words for it, in ver. 41.
But on the Morrow, all the Congregation of Israel, Murmured against Moses, and against Aaron, Saying ye have Killed the People of the Lord. How strong were the delusions of these Men? When notwithstanding the visible and unheard of Judgments, which the Lord Plagued them with. In causing the Earth to open her Mouth, and swallow up some of them; and Fire from Heaven to consume the rest. Yet on the Morrow, whilest these things were fresh in their sight and memory, they could tell Moses and Aaro [...], with murmuring Words, that they were guilty of Murder, in the the Death of these Men, Ye have Killed the People of the Lord.
Ye have not only lifted up you selves, and made your selves Lords over Gods Heritage, but Treacherously, and Cruely, Murdered the Saints, and People of God.
Thus did they by way of Recrimination, charge the Meekest, and Faithfullest Man upon the face of the Earth, with the Guilt of the greatest Wickedness, that could possibly be Committed. And doubtless, had they had an Armed Power, answerable to their Envious and Arrogant Hearts, they would have Erected a Sanedrim of their own, [Page 12] and Arraigned him as Guilty of the Death of all the Israelites, that dyed for their Wickedness, in the Wilderness, since the Day that they came up out of the Land of Egypt, till then. Just so, the worst of Hellish Villanes, except Judas, and Julian. the Apostates, Araigned the best of Kings, (Jesus Christ excepted) King Charles the First: I mean, as Guilty of all that Blood, that had been shed in the three Kingdoms of England, Ireland, and Scotland, in the time of those unnatural and Bloody Wars, continued for so many dreadful Years of that Pious Prince's Raign.
And here I could willingly make a Digression from my matter in hand, by saying, That I could wish that my Head were Waters, and mine Eyes, Fountains of Tears, that I might Weep Day and Night; not only for the Sins of mine own unstable Heart, but for the ensuing Miseries, which without speedy and unfeigned Repentance, will certainly fall upon the Church of God in these Kingdoms; the Lord hath shak'd his Rod at us, for several Years past, nor hath he yet laid it aside, for the noise of it, is still in our Ears, and we seem to take little or no notice of it, as if we did either stop our Ears at it; and so refuse to hear it, or by a careless slighting of it, make a puff at it, or were wholly void of Sence and [Page 13] Reason, not to understand the meaning of it; like those whom the Prophet Isaiah exclaim'd against, chap. 1. ver. 3. The Ox knoweth his owner, and the Ass, his Masters Crib; but Israel doth not know, my People doth not consider.
I must confess, it is very sad to think that when God condescends to speak to poor Mortal Creatures in so many different ways, as he hath done to the People of these Kingdoms; and so few of us understand his meaning in any of them.
That we should be so destitute of Evangelical Wisdom, that we should neither Hear nor See, nor Tast nor Feel God in the various Dispensations of his Providences, but continue in a senceless, stupid, dull frame of Spirit, as if we resolved to walk contrary to his Providences, be they what they will. But least a larger Digression should divert your Thoughts from the Subject I am discoursing of, I will immediately return to them where I left them, and shew you more of their Sin and Wickedness; for so strangly and so strongly, were these Israelites ensnared, and bound with the Cords and Chains of this spiritual Delusion, and so cheated by the seeming Holyness of these eminent and famous Men, that they adventur'd to Canonize them for Saints, after they were dead, altho' they died Impenitent Rebels.
[Page 14] And a probable Reason why they had such an esteem for them after they were dead, was either because the Two Hundred and Fifty Men, Confederates with Corah, Justified their doings to the Face of Moses, in the Tabernacle of the Lord, and in the presence of God, and died with Censors in their Hands and Incense burning thereon.
Or else it was because they intended to play over again the same Game that their Brethren had lost, and so prove a second Brood of Religious Rebels.
That this is more then probable, the words in ver. 42. do plainly demonstrate, for do but mark the Words, And it came to pass when the Congregation was gathered against Moses, and against Aaro [...], that they looked toward the Tabereacle of the Congregation; and behold the Cloud covered it, and the Glory of the Lord appeared.
Hence it is very evident, that these Chips of the old Block, were resolved to revive the good old Cause of their deceased Friends, and had not the Lord again Graciously preserved his Church, this last Seditious Commotion, might have been worie than the former.
For Corah and his Company, did but charge Moses and Aaron with the Sin of self-promotion.▪ But these Off-spring, of theirs, charge them with the shedding of Innocent Blood, [Page 15] even the Blood of the People of the Lord; and so might pretend that God had put into their Hand the Sword of Vengeance for Innocent Blood.
These things being well weighed and considered, without doubt, this was the Root and Rise of their Sin.
The high conceit, which they had of their own Knowledge and Holyness, together with the Applause and Estimation which they had with the People, had so lifted them up with Pride, that they thought themselves so full of Knowledge, and so Holy, and in both so perfect, that their Consciences would not suffer them to live any longer in obedience to a written Law, that is, to such a Law, or to such Rules and Orders as should be delivered to them by any other hand then their own.
And this is clear, if we consider the time of their publick discovering of it; and we shall find that it was immediately upon Moses's pressing them to a strickt Observation of an harmless Ceremony for Decency, and Order, to be placed upon the border of their Vestments.
The Form of it, and the Orders of God for it, is written in the 4 last ver. of the foregoing chap. the words are these,
[Page 16] And the Lord Spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak unto the Children of, Israel, and bid them that they make them Fringes in the Borders of their Garments, throughout their Generations, and that they put upon the Fringe of the Borders a Ribband of blue
And it shall be unto [...]ou for a Fringe, that ye may look upon it, and rem [...]mber all the Commandments of the Lord, and do them: And that ye seek not after your own Heart, and your own Eyes, after which you use to go a Whoring.
That ye may remember and do all my Commandments, and be Holy unto your God.
I am the Lord your God, which brought you out of the Land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the Lord your God.
Which Command, was no sooner delivered by Moses, but presently Corah and his Confederates, stood up and told him to his Face, That he took too much upon him, to order them what to do.
These things have at last brought me through a Wilderness of troubled thoughts home to my Text, which contains four parts.
1. A Message from God to Israel, by Moses and Aaron, ver. 23. 24.
2. The Message it self, which was both short and smart, and we may observe, that as these Mens Remonstrance was short and bitter, [Page 17] so Gods. Answer to it in this Message, is shorter and smarter, Get you up from about the Tabernacle of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram.
3. Moses, the Messenger's Expedition to deliver it: And Moses rose up, and went unto Dathan, and Abiram. He that had an Ear always ready to hear, had an Heart always ready to obey. I [...] God bid Moses rise, he is ready to go; if God bids him go, he runs. so the Psalmist.
I made hast, and prolonged not the time to keep thy Commandments. Psal. 119. 60.
And again, I will run the way of thy Commandments, when thou hast set my Heart at Liberty. ver. 32.
4. Moses's Love to, and care for the rest, whom he thought not past recovery, delivering his Message to them in such a frame of Spirit, as he thought most likely to prevail with them, if any thing would, in begging and intreating them; Depart, I pray you, from the Tents of these wicked Men, and touch nothing of theirs, least ye be Consumed in all their Sins.
Now from these parts of the Text, and from what hath been spoken as previous to it. I shall deliver these six Propositions, or Points of Doctrine.
[Page 18] 1. That it is dangerous and unsafe for Christians to Congregate themselves with such a People, (tho' never so full of Knowledge and seeming Holyness) that do deny Conformity to such Laws and Ordinances, as God hath delivered to them, by the Hands of faithfull Governors.
2. That God will reject and disown the Knowledge and Holiness of such a People.
3. That the Sin of such Nonconformity, doth exceedingly provoke the Lord to Anger, and stir up the Fire of his Jealousie.
4. That a People under such Delusions, may think themselves Holy and Righteous, and at the same time, be most sinful and wicked.
5. That it is no new thing, for a Spirit of damnable Delusions, to shelter it self under the Cloak and Masque of extraordinary Holiness.
6. That it is the Part and Duty, of all the Servants of God, in their several and respective Places, and Callings, to use all Lawfull means, and endeavours, to stop the further breaking forth of such horrible Delusions, and Destructive Principles.
Having delivered these six Propositions, I shall return to prosecute the first.
[Page 19] Which, whilst I am doing, I humbly pray you, to hear me without Prejudice; for the Lord, who knoweth the Secrets of all Hearts knows that I have none against the Persons of any of the Sons of Men; for I Believe that Christ dy'd as well for them, as for my self, and therefore I cannot hate them: And the Method I shall Observe will be this.
1. I offer to your Consideration the Reasons, why I Judge it dangerous, and unsafe to Congregate with such a People.
2. I shall give you a Prospect of the preposterous and unlucky Dispositions of these Mens Spirits, under this new discovery of theirs, Scisme, I may call it.
3. Give you a Taste of the harsh, bitter, and lamentable Effects, which this new Doctrin of theirs brought forth in the Common-Wealth of Israel; which, when we have weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary, we shall easily be perswaded to believe Solomon, That there is no new Thing under the Sun.
4. Shew you how the Just, Holy, and Righteous God took this Disturbance of the Church's Peace at their Hands, and what a kind of Savour, the Smoak of these Mens Incense▪ did send up to Heaven.
6. And Lastly, Consider what the more then probable drift, and design of these Men [Page 20] might be, which they intended to carry on, under this false [...]eligious Cloak; and I beseech you, Christians, that you will mark me warily, whilest [...]lav down my Reasons for Proof of my first Assertion, that so ye may neither misaprehend me here, nor misreport me abroad, to my Prejudice, aud Scandal of others.
The first Reason, why it is dangerous so to Congregate, is
( Reason, 1.) Because every particular Christian, hath not the special Gift of the Holy-Ghost, to discern Spirits.
Every Man and Woman, in any true measure Professing Christ, may have so much Knowledge, and be so far enlightened, as to be sencible of their Misery, by reason of Sin committed in the State of Nature, to know what Christ hath done for them, in satisfying Gods Justice, and remouing the Curse of the Law, and Punishment due to such Sin.
To believe in him for Pardon of Sin, to love and delight to do his Commandments,
And yet not have the special Gift of the Holy-Ghost, to diseern Spirits.
The Apostle St. Paul, in the 1. Cor. 12. 4. saith. That there are diversities of Gifts, but the same Spirit that gives them.
[Page 21] And then at ver. 8. reckons them up in order, thus
For to one, is given by the Spirit, the Word of Wisdom; to another, the Word of Knowledge, by the same Spirit;
To another, Faith by the same Spirit; to another, the Gift of Healing, by the same Spirit;
To another, the Working of Miracles, by the same Spirit; to another, Prophecy, by the same Spirit; to another, the Discerning of Spirits; to another, divers kind of Tongues; To another, th [...] Interpretation of Tongues. And then Concludes, thus,
But all these, worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every one severally, as he will.
Knowing then, that there are many lying Spirits, and many false Christs, many false Prophets, and deceitfull Teachers, gone forth into the World; who ever have, and ever will, by their sly Insinuations, endeavour to draw away Disciples a [...]ter them; and seduce the Servants of Christ, to leave and forsake the plain High-way of Salvation, to go into the bypaths of Heresie, and Scisme; and so undiscernibly ma [...]age their Crafty Devices, that the very elect, choise, and eminent Christians, will hardly escape from being entangled with such Deceits: Now then, seeing that [Page 22] these things are certainly true, it cannot but be dangerous and unsafe, for the best of Christians to venture themselves into any such Congregations, as have made a causeless Separation from such a Church, where the the Word of God is truely taught▪ Publick Prayer in a Form of sound Word, suitable to every State, and Condition of Men; answerable to all their wants, both for Soul and Body, and all put up to God, in the Name of his only Son Jesus Christ: And all this Confirm'd, and Establish'd, by the Successive Royal Laws, and Sacred Statutes, Acts, and Ordinances, of the most Christian Kings, Princes, and Parliaments, that ever were since the Reformation, as the Church of England is in Statu quo.
Our Blessed Saviour, hath assnred us, by the words of his Sacred Lips, That many will come in his Name, and deceive (not a few but) many.
And the Apostle St. John; saith, That there are many Antichrists, and exhorts them not to believe every Spirit, because many false Prophets were gone forth into the World.
Seeing then, that the number of Deceivers are many, and the Deceived a Thousand times more; I hold it the greatest Wisdom that can be in a Christian, to take [Page 23] heed how he adventures into every Congregation of People, least he become one of those many, that Christ fiath foretold, will certainly be deceived, for want of this special Gift of the Holy-Ghost, to discern Spirits.
( Reason 2.) A second Reason is, because such Mens Principles, will leave a black Brand of detestable hatred, upon their very Names amongst the Generations of the People of God, that shall Survive them.
For tho' they may prosper for a time, and take their swinge for a time, and run their Wildgoose chase for a time, and tho' they take liberty to kindle these Fires, and compas, themselves about with such Sparks; and tho' they walk in the Light of these Fires; and Sparks of their own kindling, yet this shall they have at the hand of the Lord, they shall lie down in Sorrow, and leave a Curse upon their Names, amongst the Surviving Gen [...]rations.
And this was verified on these very Men in my Text, for when the Geneologies of the Surviving Tribes, were Numbred and Recorded, there lieth a Blo [...] of Disgrace upon their Names, so that in plain Terms, their Names stunck after they were dead.
The Record is to be seen in Chap. 26. of the Book of Numbers, ver. 7, 8, 9. the Words of the Record are these.
[Page 24] These are the Families of the Reubenites, and they that were Numbred of them were Forty and three Thousand, and seven Hundred and Thirty.
And the Sons of Pallu, Eliab.
And the Sons of Eliab, Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram. This is that Dathan, and Abiram, which were Famous in the Congrega [...]tion, who strove against Moses, and against Aaron, in that Company of Corah, when they strove against the Lord.
And the Earth opened her Mouth, and swallowed them up, together with Corah, when that Company Died, what time the Fire Devoured two Hundred and Fifty Men; and they became a Sign.
Nor did their Names stink only upon Record, but in the Memories and Thoughts of the Surviveing honest Hearted Israelites; as appeareth by the Words of the Plea of the Daughters of Zelophehad made in open Court for Inheritance of their Fathers; which Plea was also Recorded, aud continueth to this Day. Num. 27. ver. 1, 2.
Ver. 1. Then came the Daughters of Zelophehad, the Son of Hepher, the Son of Gilead, the Son of Machir, the Son of Manasses, the Son of Joseph: And these are the Names of his Danghters, Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah.
[Page 25] And they stood before Moses, and Eliazar the Priest, (for Aaron was then Dead) and before the Princes, and all the Congregation, by the Door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation saying,
Our Father Died in the Wilderness, and he was not in the Company of them that gathered themselves together against the Lord, in the Company of Corah; but died in his own Sin, and had no Sons.
4, Why then should the Name of our Father be done away from amongst his Family, because he hath no Son; give unto us therefore a Possession amongst the Brethren of our Fathers.
5. And Moses brought their Cause before the Lord, and the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
6. The Daughters of Zelophehad, speak right, thou shalt surely give them a Possession of an Inheritance amongst their Fathers Brethreu; and thou shalt cause the Inheritance of their Father to pass unto them. By the Contents of which Record, it is evident, that the Remembrance of these Mens Doings, was Odious to Posterity; more Instances we have, as in Simeon, and Levi, Simon Magus, Thudas, Judas of Gallilee, Nicolitans. &c.
Reason 3. Is because the Breath of such Mens Doctrine, is infectious to a sound Judgment; the Sons of Men are as really snbject [Page 26] to Spiritual Infection, as the Body is to that which is Carnal; the Body is not more liable to the Infection of the Plague of Pestilence, than the Judgments of the Sons and Daughters of Men, are to the Plague of Spiritual Delusions.
And this my Assertion, I ground upon Reason, drawn from the Testimonies of Sacred Writ; besides Woful and Daily Experience.
There are three Diseases amongst Men, notably Infectious above others, ( viz) the Leprosie, the Pestilence, and the Cancer, all whieh three Diseases of the Body, do paralell the three grand Infectious Diseases of the Soul, viz. Disobedience, Heresie and Scisme.
The first whereof is Epidemical, and hath Infected all Mankind with the Leprosie of Original Sin. The second is more Secret and indiscernable, falling upon sound Constitutions, when they think least on't, even whilest they are Talking and Drinking with their Friend; and concerning this Disease, it is observable that the Party Infected, hath a desire to Infect others, tho' never so near and dear to them; the like desire have all Scismaticks.
[Page 27] The third Infectious Disease, viz. the Cancer, hath its Residence for the most part in the Mouth or Tongue; that they who drink of the same Cup with them, are in danger of Infection.
For Confirmation of this Assertion, I shall give you a Precedent and Precept, from the Sacred Scriptures.
The Precedent is double, and of Lamentable Memory, because the Sin appeared in the Punishment of those that Committed it.
The Precept is alone, yet worthy of a serious notice, because it was Transmitted, by an Epistle, from an Universal Apostle, to a Bishop of a particular Charge 2 Tim. 16. 17. 18.
The first Precedent or Example is Recorded in Numb. 12. where two prime Servants of God are found Tardy in their Obedience to him, which shewed it felf in the Malignant Humour of Miriam and Aarons Murmuring against Moses, who tho' their own Brother, yet under God their Supream Governour; nevertheless, they could say, Hath the Lord indeed only spoken by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us?
Here was Envy and Emulation at the Government, intrusted by God, in the Hands of Moses. Disobedience would undoubtedly [Page 28] have followed; the Leprosi▪ of Original Sin, d [...]d cleave so fast to their Loyns, that altho' they were Saints upon Earth, yet they were n [...]t quite free from stumbling upon the Threshould o [...] Original Corruption; true Children o [...] Disobedi [...]nt Parents; Adam and Eve, our first Parents would set up for themselves and be as Gods. Miriam and Aaron will Rule and Govern as well as Moses: Hath the Lord indeed (say they) spoken onely by Moses? Hath he not spoken also by us? No wonder Moses was not angry with his Brother and Sister, for aspiring to share with him in a piece of Earthly Government; when he knew that his own first Parents aspired to an Heavenly Throne, by endeavouring to be as Gods. Nay, Aaron in another sinful Act of his outdid his Progenitors; for they presumed to be but as Gods, to know Good and Evil; but Aaron presumed to make a God; nay, to make many Gods; Make us Gods, (saith sinful Israel) that may go before us. Bring your Ear rings, saith Aaron, and I'le make you some.
Original Sin▪ like a Snow ball, gathers by rolling from place to place.
The same Serpent that perswaded our first Parents to conceit themselves Gods, hath [Page 29] prevailed with Aaron, not to conceit himself to be one, but take upon him the Employment of making a God, and so to be greater than God. For as he that makes a King, is said to be greater then a King; so he that makes a God, may conceit himself greater than the God he hath made. O [...] the horrible Contagion, and Infection of Original Sin, which like a foul Leprosie, hath spread it self into the whole Masse of Mankind.
And as thus the Leprosie of Original Sin, had spread it self into the several Faculties of Miriams and Aarons Soul; so the Lord Plag [...]ed Miriam, with a soul Leprosie, in several parts of her Body; a Punishment suitable to her Sin.
If it should here be askt why Aaron guilty of the same Sin with his Sister Miriam, was not Plagued with the same Punishment of Leprosie, as she was, according to the rule of Justice, the same Sin, the same Punishment: I answer, it is true, the Lord might in Justice have smitten Aaron with the Plague of Leprosie, as he did Miriam, but he did not; he spared Aaron, and Punished Miriam, and that for several good and weighty Reasons, as I humbly conceive.
[Page 30] 1. That the Church, and all the World may know, that he hath two Hands as well as two Eyes, the one to lay on the stroak of Justice, and the other, to extend Grace and Mercy; that he is Mercy as well as Justice; and Judgment as well as Mercy.
2. That the Sons of Men may know, that God is a free Agent, and may do with his own what he pleaseth; that he can have Mercy upon whom he will have Mercy, and Punish others for the Iniquity of their Transgressions; and leave them to the hardness of their own Hearts.
3. The Sin was greater in Miriam, then in Aaron; Aaron might have a seeming colour for what he said, having formerly been Moses's Speaker for God, to Pharaoh: but for Miriam to assume the Privilege of a Speaker, was neither proper to her Sex, nor ever an Office in the Church for a Woman to Execute. I permit not a Woman (saith St. Paul) to Speak in the Church.
4. Aarons Office might excuse him, and speak something for him, being by a special Decree and Ordinance of God, Anointed with Holy Oyl, High Priest, to offer Sacrifice for the Sins of all Israel, and no Leper was to Officiate in that calling, nor [Page 31] stand at Gods Altar; so that the Purity of his Office, freed him from that foul and lothsom Punishment of the Plague of Leprosie; God's Altar was nor a fit place for a Deformed Person to stand at, to offer Sacrifices, therefore, for the Glory of his Name, and the Holiness of his Altar, he exempted the Sacrificer from the Punishment of so loathsom a Disease; altho' he went not Scot-free, for for this, and other failings; he was debarr'd both of the sight and enterance into the Land of Canaan; the Land of Promise.
5. It might probable be, that Aaron was not Principal, but Accessary to this Sin, for Miriam is first named in the Text, Numb. 12. And Miriam, and Aaron, spake against Moses, because of the Aethiopian Woman, whom he had Married. If she had not been Principal in the Sin, its very likely, she had not been named first in the Inditement: And it is very likely, that the Quarrel began betwixt the two Sisters In-law Ziporah and Miriam, about what I know not; but be it what it will, Miriam hath engaged her Brother Aaron in the Quarrel; and both of them knew, that Moses was so Just, and so good a Man, that if the matter on Ziporah's part, were [Page 32] not a Breach of God's Sacred Law, he was bound by the Sacred Tye of Marriage, to Vindicate her, against them both; they resolve therefore to bring him in for a Party, and make him Faulty for fuch a Choice, and so begin a Quarrel with him; who it may be knew nothing of their Discontents.
Dr. Hall, late Bishop of Norwich, that English Seneca, that Painful, Pious Prelate, in his Contemplations, on the Holy Story, hath an excellent Passage upon this Place. Lib. 6 Pag. 196. in Oct.
Miriam and Aaron, are in Mutiny against Moses. Who is so Holy that Sins not? What Sin is so unnatural, that the best can avoid without God's preventing Grace,
Who can but grieve to see Aaron at the end of so many Sins: Of late I saw him Carving the Molten Image; and Consecrating an Altar to a False God; now I see him seconding an uukind Mutiny, against his Brother; both find him Accessary, neither Principal, in the first Sin of Mankind, the Servent, who was Principal in it, found no Mercy nor Grace: Whereas Adam and his Wife who were but Accessarie [...], had upon their Repentance, the offer of both, and therefore.
[Page 33] 6. A fixth R [...]son, [...]hy Aaron escaped the Punishment inflicte upon Miriam, was because o [...] his speedy Repentance; for no sooner did he perceive the Leprosie upon Miriams Face, he knew there was but one way to escape that, or a greater punishment, viz. a Con [...]ssion [...] in, and a speedy Repentance. And therefore, having offended his Brother Moses; he first asketh him Forgiveness, saying, Alas, my Lord, lay not this Sin upon us; wherein we have done Foolishly, and wherein we have Sinned. The universal Ant dote against all Gods Judgments, is Unfeign [...]d and speedy Repentance.
Had Miriam Repented at the Word of the Lord to her, as Aaron did, at the Hand of the Lord upon h [...]r▪ 'tis very likly that she had e [...]caped the Leprosie, as well as he; for that God, who is rich in Mercy to one, is rich in Mercy to all that Unfeignedly call upon him for it, as Aaron here did; but as for Miriam, she neither Confest her Sin, nor shew'd any Sorrow for it, but stubb rnly persisted in it: For notwithstanding, God Arraigned her himself, and sate himself as [...]udge in Moses's Cause, and ask'd her, why she was not affraid to speak against his Servant Moses; she made no Reply, by an humble Plea for Mercy, but [Page 34] stood as a sullen Mute, and so God recorded her, and left her to Judgment, and departs from her in great Fury. Num. 12. 9.
2. The second Infectious Disease, is the Pestilence, which prevails mightily by Infection, killing Thousands in a short time. So doth the Plague of Spiritual Delusions Infect and Destroy many Thousands of Souls in a very few Days.
And that these Mens Principles (in my Text) had the same Effect, it was too apparent, in their Punishment, and one may read their Sin in their Punishment. And that there was a Spiritual Plague fore broken, and running upon these Mens Spirits. It is evident by the Injunction, which God laid upon the rest of the People, to depart from them, and not to come near them, nor touch any thing of theirs, least their Sin should Infect them, and they perish with them in their Sins.
And so Infectio [...]s, was it to many Thousands in Israel, that it brake forth upon them on the Morrow, and in a Congregated Assembly, Murmured against Moses, and told him, he had Killed the People of the Lord.
How nearly doth Heresie in the Soul, resemble the Pestilence in the Body; for as fast as that lothsom Disease cleaves to the [Page 35] Body, so fast doth Heresie stick in the Soul and Heart of a Man. For as it is a very difficult thing, and almost Impossible for a Phisttian to heal the Plague of Pestilence in the Body.
So it is a very hard and difficult thing, for the best Majestrate, or the best Minister in the World, to reclaim any Man or Woman from the Error of their way, that have forsaken the Publick Service of God, the High-way of Salvation, and betook themselves to the By-paths of a Pestilential Conventicle one Year. Hence it is that the Apostle St. Paul, Exhorts Titus to Reject A Man that is an Heretick, after the first and second Admonition. And subjoyns this Reason, Knowing that he that is such, is subverted and Sinneth, being Condemned of himself. Titus. 3. 10, 11.
Now you may happily ask what an Heretick is. I Answer.
A Heretick, is one that obstinately Defends and Maintains an Opinion contrary to the Faith, Practice, and Profession of the truely Antient, Catholick, and Apostolick Church.
But ye may happily say, why doth the Apostle Exhort Titus to be so quick, and brief, in Admonishing such an one, and [Page 36] upon a second Contempt, imediately to reject him. I Answer.
Answer. Because they have refused the way of Truth, and chosen and pr [...]fer'd an Erronious Opinion be ore it, and obstinately re [...]use to return again
This ass [...]ion i [...] verified by the Testimony of the Prophet Jerem [...] Chap. 6. ver. 16. Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old Paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find Rest for your Souls. This was the first Admonition, the Prophet gave them a [...]ter their Revolt, unto which, they obstinately answered, We will not walk therein. The second word of Admonition is in ver. 17 Also I set Watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the Trumpet. Unto which, they made this stubbora Answer, We will not Hearken. Upon this their refusal after their second Admonition to return to the antient ways of God, the Prophet proceeds in the name of the Lord, to give Judgment upon them in ver. 18. 19.
Therefore hear, ye Nations, and know, O Congr [...]gation, what is among them. Hear, O Earth, behold I w [...]ll bring Evil upon this People, even the Fruit of their Thoughts; because [Page 37] they have not hearkned unto my Words, nor to my Law, but rejected it.
Twice did those Men in my Text, return a stubborn An [...]wer to Moses, that they would not return to their former Conformity, but de [...]perately resolved to stick close to their former Remonstrance; for when Moses sent for Dathan, and Abiram, the Sons of Eliab, to come to him, (doubtless to perswade and advise with them, to forbear the further Prosecution of their wicked Designs and to consider the manifold mischiefs, that would unavoidably follow such wicked enterprizes, as they were now begining to prosecute then they returned this resolute Answer, We will not come up; and aggravated it with this Expostulation.
Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a Land th [...]t floweth with Milk and Honey, to kill us in the Wilderness except thou make thy self altogether a Prince over us? ver. 13. and then in ver. 14. They follow their blow, with a Moreover, thou hast not brought us into a Land that floweth with Milk and Honey, or given us Inheritance of Fields, and Vineyards: Wilt thou put out the Eyes of these Men? We will not come up.
[Page 38] Upon this second Repulse of theirs to Moses's Admonition, he utterly Rejects them, and now will have no more to do with them; but turns his Prayer directly against them. And in the Indignation of his Spirit, said unto the Lord, Respect not thou their Offering.
And what the Effect of such a Prayer was like to be, may be easily read in the Judgment that followed; for the Earth opened her Mouth, and swallowed them up, with all that appertain'd to them, and I wish with all my Heart, that these Mens Principles had sunck into the Ground with them, and never appear'd again upon the face of Earth, but vae mihi.
3. A third Infectious Disease in the Body of Man, is the Cancer, a sore fretting Disease, very small in the beginning, dangerous in growth and pernitious in the end.
Such is all Scismatical and false Doctrine, in the beginning scarcely discern'd, but by degrees it eats so far into the Soul, that it destroys both Faith and Practice.
We have this confirm'd by the Apostle St. Paul, in an Epistle of his to the chief Pastor of the Church of Ephes [...]s 2. Tim. 2. Cap. 16. 17. 18. ver. But shun prophane Bablings, for they will increase unto more Ungodliness. And their Word will eat as doth a [Page 39] Canker; of whom is Hymeneus, and Philetus. Who concerning the truth have erred, saying, That the Resurrection is past already; and overthrow the Faith of some.
O Lord, for thy Mercy sake, save and deliver thy Church and People, in the Kingdoms of England, and Ireland; and the Religion Established by Law therein, from the fly insinuating, creeping, Soul-infectious, Diseases of Sediton, Privy Conspiracy, and Rebellion, false Doctrine, Heresie and Scisme; and work in us such a Reformation in all our Lives, that our Conversations before God and Man, may be such, as may beautifie, and adorn our most Holy Faith, and demonstrate to the World, that we are living Members of Christ's Body.
I have now finished my third Rational Proof, of the danger, hazard, and Jeapardy, which unstable Souls incur, by gladding from their Mothers House, to enquire after strange Novelties; and to exchange a good old Way, for a deceitfull By-path; and I have insisted the longer upon it, out of Duty to my Mother (the Church of England) and the Testimony of a good Conscience towards my Brethren, whose Feet yet stand fast in the High-way of Salvation, to keep them steady, and fast therein; [Page 40] and out of Love, a [...]d Pity to my Brethren, and Friends that have made an unkind Separation from us: if possible to recover them back again, that they may be as formerly, they have been Ornaments of Grace, to our Assemblies; and let them think of me what they [...], I still retain an unfeigned Love, and Respect for their Immortal and Pretious Souls.
[...] Reason 4.) Such Mens Principles, do lead Souls into a state of Rebellion, not only against Man, but even against God him [...]elf; a [...]d under pretence of taking faster hold o [...] Religion, and getting nearer unto God, do throw themselves into the Pit of Error, and shake hands with their Allegia [...]ce to their Lawfull Governors, as these pretended Saints did; for which, the Lord himself gives them the Title, and Epithite of [...]ebell▪ [...]7 Chap. 10 ver. And the Lord s [...]id unto Moses, Bring Aarons Rod again before t [...]e Testimony, to be kept for a token against the Rebells.
These were once a People conformable to the Word and Will of God, walking in all the Laws and Ordinances of the Lord, and th [...]n God called them his People, and own'd them for his Church, Testified by the word of the Lord to Moses, E [...]od. 3. [Page 41] 7, 8, 9. And the Lord said, I have surely seen the Affliction of my People which are in Egypt, and have heard their or, by reason of their Task masters; for I know their Sorrows.
And I am come down to d [...]liver them out of the Hands of the Egy [...]tians. Now therefore behold, the cry of the Children of Israel is come unto me; and I have seen the Opr [...]ssion werewith the Egyptians Oppress them.
Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Ph [...]raoh, that thou mayest bring forth my Peop [...]e, the Children of Israel out of Egypt.
H [...]re ye see, he owns them for his People, and calls them Children of Israel, the Seed of Jacob his chosen.
And afterwards commends them, for acknowledging his Rule and Government over them, by the Hand and Word of Moses, when they spake thus to him at the Foot of Mount Sinai. Goye near, (say they) and hear all that the Lord our God shall say, and speak thou unto us all, that the Lord our God, shall Speake unto thee, and we will [...]ear it, and do it.
And the Lord heard the Voice of your words, ( saith Moses) when [...]e spake unto me, and the Lord said unto me, I have heard the Voice of the Words of the People, which they have spoken [...]nto thee, they have well spoken. Deut. 5. 27, 28.
[Page 42] Thrice besides this time, had they made the like Protestation in Exo. 19. 2.
They departed from Rephidim, and were come to the Desart of Sinai, and encamp'd before the Mount.
And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the Mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say unto the House of Jacob, and tell the Children of Israel; Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on Eagles Wings, and brought you unto my self.
Now therefore, if ye will Obey my Voice indeed, and keep my Covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all People; for all the Earth is mine.
And ye shall be unto me a Kingdom of Priests and an holy Nation. These are the words which thou shall speak unto the Children of Israel.
And Moses came and called for the Elders of the People; and laid before their Faces all these words which the Lord commanded him.
And all the People answered together, and said, All that the Lord hath spoken that will we do. and Moses returned the Words of the People unto the Lord.
And at another time Exod. 24. 3.
[Page 43] Moses came and told the People all the words of the Lords, and all the Judgments; and all the People answered with one Voice, and said, All the Words which the Lord hath said, will we do.
And again at ver. 7. Moses took the Book of the Covenant, and Read in the Audience of the People, and they said, All that the Lord hath said, will we do, and be Obedient.
Now who would ever have thought, that these Men, after such Solemn Vows, Promises, and Protestations, made in the hearing of God, Angels and Men, would so soon after, as they did utterly renounce and deny them; and wipe their Mouths with a clean Handkerchief of pretended Holyness, as if they had never promised any such thing at all.
To day they promise to obey him in all things, and in a short time after, in an assaulting manner, tell him to his Face, That he took too much upon him, to lift up himself above them, to exercise Authority in Commanding them, or shewing them their Duty; and this so unexpectedly to Moses, that with astonishment and wonder, he fell upon his Face, and admires that such formerly so good Subjects, should now turn Rebells: For he only is a [Page 44] Rebel which was a good Subject, and afterwards Revolts from his obedience,
O that I could say, that [...]hat subtil insi [...]uating Beast, that old [...]erpe [...]t, which is called the Devil a [...]d Satan, had not in our Daies put into practice, and acted upon the Stage o [...] the World, the like, nay worse things by many Degrees, if worse may be against a Faithfull, Pious, Prudent Prince to his Subjects, as ever Moses was to the People und [...]r him, all Circumstances considered, I mean King Charles I. of Blessed Memory.
For who would have believed? Or who would have thought that those English Patrio's, Seir-named the Long Parliament? Legally Elected, to sit there for the Service of God, their King▪ and Country▪ after they had at the beginning of their Session taken the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacie; and within a while a [...]ter form'd, and took a Solemn Protestation, explaining the sence and meaning of them both, and in such a form of dreadfull Words, which I would not here incert, did Inot sear from many Symptoms ap [...]arent, that there are yet some Men alive, sick of the same Disease; and are still sitting to hatch the Cockatrice Egg, the Fruit [Page 45] whereof may (if God in Mercy prevent it not) prove a fiery flying Serpent.
The Protesta [...]ion generally ord [...]red to be taken, Die Mercu. 5 May, 1641.
I A. B Do in the Presence of Almighty God, Promise, Vow, and Protest to maintain, and def [...]nd, as far as Lawfully I may, with my Life, Power, and Estate, the true Reformed Protestant Religion, express [...]d in the Doctrine of the Church of England; against all Popery, and Popish Innovations, within this Realm, co-trary to the same; and according to the Duty of my Allegiance to His Majesties Royal Person, Honor, and Estate,; as also the Power, and Privileges of Parliament, the Lawful Rights and Liberties of the Subject; and e [...]ery Person, that makes this Protestation in whatsoever, he shall do in the Lawfull pursuance of the same. And to my Power as far as Lawfully I may, I will oppose, and by all good ways and means, endeavour to bring to Conaigne Punishment all such as shall either by Force, Practice, Councils, Plots, Conspiracies, or otherwise, do anyth [...]ng to the contrary of any thing in this present Protestation contained. And further that I shall in all Just and Honorable ways, ende [...]vour to prese [...]ve the Union and Peace between the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland and neither for Fear, Hope, nor other [Page 46] Respect, shall Relinquish this Promise, Vow, and Protestation.
Now what could be more said to Testifie and declare Loyalty, and Allegiance then these Men did, in this their Protestation, and who ever performed less? For in a short time after, they violated every Branch of it, and like mad Men tore it all to pieces; so that in them was fulfilled the word of the Lord, by the Prophet Hosea, The Spiritual Man is mad. Nay, like worse than Bedlams, who violate themselves no farther then their Garments, and the Hair of their Heads; but these Men stript not the Body only (which are all the Kings Subjects, the whole Common-wealth, of their Garments of Justice, Equity, and Right, Law, and Property, Reason, and Religion, but the Head of all its Hair, that is, the King of his Militia; and proceeded yet further in their Madness, as to tear their own Head, the Head of their own King) from their own Body, the Body of the Common-wealth.
All which the Engine of Rebellion Compleated, for so that Blessed Mar [...]yr Stiles it▪ and compares the creeping Insinuations of it, to an Instrument with Screws, which moves, and Screws Men on (1) to question the Lawfull Commands of Superiors; then [Page 47] (2) to dislike them. (3) then to disobey them (4) then to resist them. (5) after that to assault them. (7) and at last to embrew their Hands in the Sacred Blood of their Prince.
Not much unlike to this Comparison of Rebellion to an Engine with Screws, doth the Prophet Samuel compare Rebellion to Whitchcraft: Now Whitchcraft, is a deceitfull Cheat, and hath these seven Devils Heads growing upon its Shoulders.
1. To be that in appearance, which in Substance it is not.
2. To promise what it never performeth.
3. To envy the happy Estate of others.
4. To Bless and Curse with one Breath.
5. To pretend that what it Acts, is done by the Power of God, and good Prayers.
6. To please it self in doing Mischief.
7. To be hardned with Impenitency.
Now what smart proficients, these Men in my Text, were in this Cursed Act, their Life and Death plainly shew'd.
1. They were Saints in their Words, but in their Actions wicked M [...]n.
2. They promise that Obedience, which they never performed.
3. They envy the happiness of Moses and Aaron, Psal. 106. 16. They envyed Moses also in the Camp, and Aaron the Saint of the Lord.
[Page 48] 4. They call Moses, their Lord to day, and cry him down for an Usurp [...]r tomorrow. Deliver their Sacr [...]fices into Aar [...]ns H [...]nds today, and wrest the Offi [...]e of a Sacrificer, out of his Hands on the morrow. H [...]nce Moses charged th [...]m with this presumption, ver. 10, 1. And seek ye the Priesthood also, and for wh [...]ch Cause, both thou [...]and all thy Compa [...]y are gathered against the Lord.
5. That they pretend [...]d the Power of God amongst them; it hath been already proved out o [...] their own Mouths, ver. 3.
6. That they did delight in Mischief, their gathering the People together against the Rulers, which God had placed o [...]er them, was a clear Evidence.
7. And that they dyed (under the Charms of Spiritual Whitchcraft) Impenitent Rebels, the just Judgment of God did plainly shew.
Reaso 5. Such Mens Principles if hearkned to, and followed, will lead unstable Souls into a State of Reprobation.
And indeed, there is little or no difference betwixt a Rebel, and a Reprobate: If ye call a Man a Rebel, ye call him a Reprobate, and if he be really the one, he is certainly the other.
They are inseparable Companions; for he only is a Reprobate, that hath once known [Page 49] the Truth, and in some measure profest it, and at last withdraws his Affection from it; and gives himself up to follow the Dictates of his own [...]nstable Heart.
Here comes in Reprobation in its right place, for he is not a Reprobate, that dieth in the State of natural blindness, and ignorance of God and his Ways; but he that hath known both, and revolts from them, this Man is a right Reprobate.
Five times in the Sacred Scriptures, is the word Reprobate mentioned, and in every one of them the word bears the same Sence.
The Prophet Jeremiah, is the first that mentions it, Chap. 6. 30. (he was a Prophet Ordained of God before he was born, to be a Teacher to the Nations, and Sanctified from his Mothers Womb; to shew them the true and right way to eternal Happiness; and therefore perfectly knew what Epithite, to give to every one of them, in their several Degrees and Stations; and he hath given the unstable and Revolting Israelites, the Epithite of Reprobate, Chap. 6. 30.
Reprobate Silver▪ shall Men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them.
The Latin Translation renders it thus,
Argentum reprobum vocantur illi, quia Reprobat Jehova▪ illos.
[Page 50] So that by the Latin Translation, and our English Translation compared, the Words Reprobate and Reject have one Signification.
And why did the Lord Reject and call them Reprobates? Why verily the Prophet himself, hath shew'd it unto us in such large Characters, that he that runs may read it, except he willfully shuts his Eyes, and resolves not to see it; it is set down in ver. 16, 17, 18, 19.
Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old Paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your Souls; but they said. We will not walk therein.
Also I set Watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the Trumpet; but they said, We will not hearken.
Therefore hear, ye Nations, and know O Congregation, what is among them.
H [...]ar, O Earth, behold, I will bring Evil upon this People, even the Fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkned unto my Word, nor to my Law, but Rejected it.
From hence it is evident, that by their first Revolting from their antient Paths, and good old Ways, which God had bounded out for them, by the Ministry of his Word, and Authority of those Watchmen, or Overseers, [Page 51] whom he had set over them; and their Contumatious Refusal to return to them again, they Reprobated themselves, and so God Rejected them, and calls them grievious Revolters, walking with Slanderers, out-faceing with brazen Impudency, the Commands of their Governors, ver. 28. (and at last Proclaims them by the Mouth of the Prophet) Reprobate Silver shall Men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them.
2. The second, that mentions it, is the Apostle St. Paul, Romans 1. 28. God gave them over to a Reprobate Mind, the Reason for it, he gives in the former part of the ver. in these words, And even as they did not like to retain God in their Knowledge, So God gave them over to a Reprobate mind.
The next place is likewise a Testimony of the same Author 2. Cor. 13. 5
Examin your selves, whether ye be in the Faith; prove your own selves: know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be Reprobates?
Now that many of this Church, to whom he thus writes, were Revol [...]ing from the Truth, (which they had formerly embraced) and Scismatically going off from the Body of the Church; of which by an outward Profession, they had for a long time been Members, [Page 52] its evident from several passages in both his Epistles to them.
1. He calls them the Church of God at Corinth. 1. Cor. 1. 2.
2. Thanks God for them, that they were enriched with all Vtterance and Knowledge; and that they came behind in no Gift, 1. 1. 4, 7.
3. Persuades them to unity of Judgment, and avoiding of Divisions, yea, beseeches them in these Words, 1. Cor. 1. 10. I Beseech you, Brethren, by the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, (that is, in the Name of our Anointed Saviour) that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no Divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joyned together in the same mind, and in the same Judgment.
4. Checks them, for entertaining several Errors, as the eating of Meat offered to Idols, contrary to the Apostolical Decree at Jerusalem, which he brought from thence in his own Person, and delivered to them with his own Hands, Chap. 8.
5. Reproves them, for Praying in the Church with their Heads cover'd, Chap. 11.
6. For Prophaning the Lords Supper, by their undecent carriage at the Communion thereof, Chap. II.
7. Sharply Rebukes them, for denying the Resurrection of the Dead, Chap. 15.
[Page 53] All which Errors, being directly contrary to their former Faith, and Profession of the Gospel, which they received and embraced at his first Preaching of the Gospel to them; he earnestly exhorts them to a serious Examination of their present and former State, and so to make a speedy return to their first love of the Truth, from which, they were now falling into a State of Reprobation,
The fourth place where the word Reprobate is mentioned, is in Pauls second Epistle to Timothy, 3. 8. 13, 14,
As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the Truth: Men of corrupt minds, Reprobate concerning the Faith.
But evil Men, and Saducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned, and has been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.
These Men, whom he here calls Reprobates, must needs have Relation to them, whom he names in the first Chap. of his two Epistles to Timothy, the first Bishop of the Church of Ephesus.
In the 1 Tim. 1. 20. He names Hymeneus and Alexander, whom, he there saith, he had delivered up to Satan, for making a Shipwrack of Faith, and a good Conscience, ver. 19.
[Page 54] Now I am apt to think that this Hymeneus, whom he mentions here, is the same whom he mentions in his second Epistle▪ Chap, 2. ver. 17. And their word will eat as doth a Canker: of whom are Hymeneus and Philerus.
Who concerning the Truth have erred, saying, That the Resurrection is past already, and overthrow the Faith of some: That is, throw them into a State of Reprobation.
Two others he names, in 2 Tim. 1. 15. This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia are turned away from me; (that is are turned Reprobates, and have forsaken their first love to the Truth) of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes.
Hold fast the form of sound Words, which thou hast heard of me, ver. 13. And I am apt to believe that the former mentioned Alexander, is the same he bids Timothy beware of, 2 Tim. 4. 14, 15. Alexander the Copper-smith did me much evil; the Lord Reward him according to his Works.
Of whom be thou aware also; for he hath greatly withstood our Words.
There can be no greater Enemies to the Truth, then those that once profest it, and at last revolt from it.
I am further apt to think, that this Alexander, is the same that took Pauls part in the [Page 55] uproare at Ephesus) against the Priests of Diana's Temple, Acts 19. 33. And they drew Alexander out of the Multitude, the Jews putting him forward. And Alexander beckoned with his hand, and would have made his defence unto the People.
But when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one Voice, about the space of two Hours, cryed out, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
But whither it where the same, or some other of that name, he made himself a Reprobate to his Faith, and Profession of the Gospel.
And thus much briefly to the fifth Reason, to prove it dangerous and unsafe for Christians to Congregate themselves with any such People, tho' never so full of Knowledge and seeming Holyness; that do deny Conformity to such Laws, and Ordinances, which God hath given to them, by the Hands of faithful Governours.
2. I am come now to the second thing considered in the Explication, and therein to shew you what some of the Preposterous and unlucky Dispositions of these Mens Spirits were, under such spetious Pretences, and first,
It did manifestly appear, that they were of a proud Spirit, Pride had overcome their Wits, [Page 56] (as we usually say of an haughty Person) they were proud of their ex [...]raordinary Gifts and parts, by which they had gotten a Name amongst the discontented Israelites, and a sedit [...]o [...]s party amongst them, I mean among that party of them, that were so; for many of them stood fast to God, and his Servant Moses, in observing the Rules of that Religion, which contained a prescript Form of Laws and Ordinances, cemented, with harmless and inoffensive Ceremonies, as ye have already heard, and which they, themselves once promised to observe and keep.
But now their spiritual Pride was such, and their Minds so estranged from that their Promise and Profession, that they dare tell him to his Face, That he took too much upon him, to lift up himself above them.
This one Fly of spiritual Pride, had utterly mar'd their whole Box of Sacred Ointment, (manifest in their former Submission and Obedience) and engaged the Lord to oppose them.
Had not spiritual Pride been the Root of their Sin, the Lord had not set himself against them, for the humble and poor in Spirit, are his joy and Delight: but the proud and haughty in Spirit, are the Objects of his hatred and contempt.
[Page 57] The Princely Psalmist affirms it, Psal. 138. 6. Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly; but the proud he knoweth afar off. And another Scripture saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth Grace to the Humble. James 4. 6.
But the Apostle St. Peter, is much larger in this point, 1 Pet. 5. 5. Likewise ye Younger, submit your selves unto the Elder; yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be Clothed with Humility▪ for God resisteth the proud, and giveth Grace to the humble.
Both of these Apostles have their Quotation from Solomon, who in the Original is larger then both, Proverbs 3. 33. 34. 35.
The Curse of the Lord, is in the House of the Wicked: But he blesseth the Habitation of the Just.
Surely he scorneth the Scorners; but he giveth Grace unto the lowly.
The Wise shall inherite Glory, but shame shall be the promotion of Fools.
Spiritual Pride, tho'it be an horrible Sin, yet it is very hard to be discerned.
The Apostle St. Paul, was very near falling into this Sin, and very likly he was for it, as he Testifies himself, 2 Cor. 12. 7. Least I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of Revelations, there [Page 58] was given to me a Thorn in the Flesh, the Messenger of Satan to buffet me. The pricking Briers, of Hunger, Cold, Nakedness, Reproaches, Necessities, Distresses for Christ, ver. 9, 10.
O my Friends, with Grief I speak it, it was spiritual Pride, that laid the Corner-Stone of England's late and Lamentable Miseries, Acted by a Company of Pretended Saints, who never left exalting themselves till they had trod upon the Crown, and Dignity of the Lords Anointed, (and at that time, with him, the true Protestant Religion, and all the Devout and Sincere Professors thereof) and at last Murdered him, at the Gates of his own Palace, and trampled his Sacred Blood under their base and dirty Feet.
All this the Pride of their Spirit carried them forth, to Enact against, as sweetly qualified, and as bravely an accomplished Prince, as ever breathed upon the face of the of the Earth, (still I say) Jesus Christ excepted.
Nor is it to be doubted, but these spiritual proud Men in my Text, had not God, by a sudden overthrow prevented them, would have served Moses, and Aaron with the same Sauce, having already drawn up a Charge against them as implacable Enemies, to the Liberty they aimed at, and Murdering so many of the People of the Lord. (as they [Page 59] call'd themselves) altho' they were Eye Witnesses, that it was the immediate Hand of God, that struck some of them Dead with Fire; and that the Earth of her own accord, opened her Mouth, and swallowed up the rest.
O Lord, for thy Mercies sake, save us for the time to come, from such evil proud Spirits. And I beseech you, my Brethren, and Friends, hear and receive King Solomon's advice, Prov. 25. 21. My Son, fear thou the Lord, and the King, and meddle not with them, that are given to change, for their Calamity shall rise suddenly,
For every one that is proud in Heart, is an abomination to the Lord; tho' hand joyn in hand, he shall not go unpunished.
The Lord will destroy the House of the proud. Prov. 16.
And elsewhere he saith, A Mans pride shall bring him low; but honour shall uphold the humble in Spirit. Prov. 29. 23.
There is a Day of Account coming, and it draws very near; it is called, The Day of the Lord of Hosts. And the Prophet Isa. saith, That the Day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon every one that is pròud and lofty, and they shall be brought low.
And again in Chap. 28. 1. he crieth out against this Sin, in denouncing a Woe against it, saying,
[Page 60] Wo to the Crown of Pride, the Crown of Pride shall be troden under Foot. We cannot read of proud Persons in the Scripture, but we shall read of their downfall.
2. They were of a self-conceited Spirit, they thought none better, nor Holyer then themselves, for if they would have given the preference to any, they would surely have given it to Moses, whom the Son of God thought worthy to keep him Company fourty Days, and fourty Nights at one time. And afterwards on the Mount, at his Transfiguration. Mat. 17.
And this, they knew full well, as the Sacred Record assures us, in Exo. 24. 1. 2. 3.
And he said unto Moses, come up unto the Lord, thou and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, ánd seventy of the Elders of Israel; and Worship ye afar off.
And Moses alone shall come near the Lord; but they shall not come nigh, neither shall the People go up with him.
And Moses came and told the People all the Words of the Lord, and all the Judgments; and all the People answered with one Voice, and said, All the Words which the Lord hath said, will we do.
It doth not appear that at this time, there was one Dissenter, or Nonconformist amongst them.
[Page 61] And yet within a little time after, afew seditious Israelites, whereof Corah was chief; had so seduced the Church of God in Israel, that if God had not appeared himself, with a mighty Hand, and stretched out Arm of Heavenly Power, they would not only have denyed Moses the Supremacy over them, but have brought his Neck to the Block, or otherwise have ended his Days by some violent Death, for they often spake of Stoning him.
Thus you see, that for all their pretended Holyness, they shut their Eyes, and will not see, nor open their Ears to Hearken to God, nor the Rulers of his Church.
For Instance, take the Word of God Num. 12. 5. And the Lord came down in the Pillar of the Cloud, and stood in the Door of the Tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam; and they both came forth.
And he said, Hear now my Words; if there be a Prophet among you, I the Lord will make my self known unto him in a Vision, and will speak unto hìm in a Dream.
My Servant Moses is not so, who ìs Faithful in all my House.
With him wîll I speak Mouth to Mouth, even apparently, and not in dark Speeches; and the Similitude of the Lord shall he behold, wherefore [Page 62] then were yé not afraid to speak against my Servant Moses.
And thé Anger of the Lord was kindled against them, and he departed.
There are seven things to be enquired into, from this Proof.
1. Which of the three Persons in the God-Head, it was, that came down from Heaven in the Pillat of the Cloud; the Son of God it was, no doubt.
2. What his business was, that he came about, viz. to Examin two Criminals, to Arraign, and Judge them.
3. What their Crime was, viz. Speaking against Moses.
4. Aarons Penitency, and the benefit of his Clergy.
5. Miriams Impenitency, and Punishment. 6. Moses's Pitty, and Prayer for her, which voided the perpetuity of the Sentence.
7. The fairness of the Tryal, he stood in the Door of the Tabernacle, that all Israel might hear, and see, and take warning.
God might have spoken so loud, that Heaven and Earth should have heard it, so as they should not have need to come forth for Audience; but now he calls them out to the Bar, (that they may be seen) it did not content him, to chide them within Doors; the [Page 63] shame of their Fault had been lesser, in a private Rebuke, but the Scandal of it, required open Reproof.
From these seven Considerations, I have Collected these Observations.
1. That God, is the God of Order, Rule, and Government; their Repining was publick; and where the Sin is not affraid of the Light, God loves not the Reproof should be smothered.
2. That it is a greater Sin, than Men are aware of, to speak against the Rule, and Order of Government, either in Church, or State.
3. That in the end, God will severely punish all such Dispisers, of such Rule, Order, and Government.
There are two Evangelical Witnesses to these three Points Peter, and Jude, both of them Apostles to Christ.
Peters Testimony, is Recorded in his first Epistle, 2 Chap. 13, 14. Ver. Submit your selves to every Ordinance of Man, for the Lords sake; whether it be to the King as Supreme.
Or unto Governours, as unto them, that are sent of him, for the Punishment of Evil Doers, and for the praise of them that do well.
And to this he adds, 2. Epistle, 2. to assure us that, Such there are, and have been, as [Page 64] do speak Evil of Government, and shall not go unpunished.
Ver. 9, 10. The Lord, knows how to deliver the Godly out of Temptation; and to reserve the Vnjust, unto the Day of Judgment, to be Punished.
But chiefly them that walk after the Flesh, and dispise Government, Presumptious are they, Self-will'd, they are not afraid to speak Evil of Dignities. The Apostle Jude, Harps on the same String; and particularizeth these Men in my Text, at ver. 11. Wo unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the Error of Balaam for Reward, and Perish in the gain-saying of Corah.
And then at ver. 19. gives a Mark, how to know them, saying, These are they, which separate tbemselves, sensual, not having the Spirit; tho' they said they had.
3. They were of a self confident Spirit, they were confident in themselves, that God would own them in their design.
For when Moses Summoned them to Appear before the Lord, to answer to their Seditious Words; they accepted the Challenge, and undertook to dispute it before the Lord in a Religious Duty, too manifest in ver. 19, 17, 18, 19. in these Words,
[Page 65] And Moses said unto Corah, be thou, and all thy Company, before the Lord, thou and they, and Aaron to Morrow.
And take every Man his Censer, and put Incense thereon; and bring ye before the Lord, every Man his Censer, two Hundred and Fifty Censers, thou also, and Aaron, each one his Censer.
And they took every Man his Censer, and put Fire in them, and laid Incense thereon, and stood in the Door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, with Moses and Aaron, Cheek by Jole with them.
And Corah, gathered all the Congregation against them, ( either by some Solemn League, and Covenant, or some Engagement or other) unto the Door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and the Glory of the Lord appeared.
There never was such a Challenge made in the Church of God upon Earth, before or since; never such apparent Confidence in a Seditious Party, to accept of, and answer it, known, or heard of, altho' some People of our times, have shreudly immitated them.
Nor did ever such a Stickler appear in a Quarrel; for God himself appeared on Moses and Aarons side; and at his first enterance on the Stage, which was the Tabernacle, he gave the Spectators a glimps of his Glory; [Page 66] and made bare his Arm, and uttered with his Lips, these dreadful Words, ver. 21.
Separate your selves from among this Congregation, that I may consume them in a Moment.
As if God had said, Moses, and Aaron, stand ye by, and let me alone to deal with these Seditious Rebels, they will be to hard for you; let me lift up my Hand against them, the Quarrel is mine, as well as yours.
For I have whet my glittering Sword, and my Hand shall take hold on Vengeance; and I will abate their Pride, asswage their Envy, discover their Design, and overthrow their Devices.
That all the Earth may know, that I hate, and abhor all Pretences to Religion, that are acted, and done in Disobedience, and Rebellion, to my Commands; and contrary to the Rule, and Order of Government, that I have Established in my Church.
And at the first Blow, he made at Corah, and his Two Hundred and Fifty Confidents, he struck their Censers out of their Hands, and with a flash of Fire Consumed them to Ashes.
As if the Lord had said, What have you to do to handle Censers; to meddle with Publick Matters of Religion; seeing ye do it in Spite, and Contempt of the Government, (Established by Law) for Strife, and Debate, [Page 67] and in Disobedience, and Rebellion against the Governours, that I have set over you.
For in very deed, Envy at the Established Government in the Church, was the seed Plot of Corah's Sin, and Dathan, and Abirams Conspiracy.
And therefore, it was high time, for God to put to his helping Hand, to Vindicate Moses, and Aaron; for they were but God's Servants, employed by him, to lead them in the right way to Happiness, and to Govern them therein, by a Sacred Platform of good and wholsome Laws, and Ordinances.
As it is written Psal. 77. 20. Thou leadest thy People, like a Flock, by the Hand of Moses, and Aaron, ( i. e.) Magistracy, and Ministry. 'Tis true, Christ Jesus, is the Supream Governour, and Lord of all things in Heaven, and in Earth; but he doth not Govern in either place, by his own and immediate Power.
But by Angels, and Men, Deligated by him, to bear Rule for him, over their fellow Creatures; and from them, expects an Account of their Steward-ship, in such their places of Trust.
The Sacred Text, is my Voucher, for this Assertion, Prov. 8; 15, 16. By me Kings Reign, and Princes Decree Justice.
[Page 68] By me, Princes Rule, and Nobles, even all the Judges of the Earth.
And elsewhere, in Psal. 78. 70, 71, 72. He chose David also, his Servant, and took him from the Sheep-fold.
From following the Ews great with Young; he brought him to feed Jacob his People, and Israel his Inheritance.
So he fed them, according to the Integrity of his Heart, and guided them by the skilfulness of his Hands.
Our Church Translation of the Psalms, reads it thus, So he fed them, with a Faithful, and a true Heart, and Ruled them Prudently with all his Power.
This of the Psalmist, is an Extract of that Message, which God sent by the Prophet Nathan, to King David, 2 Sam. 7, 8, 9.
Now therefore, so shalt thou say unto my Servant David, Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, I took thee from the Sheep-fould, from following the Sheep, to be Ruler over my People Israel.
And I was with thee whither soever thou wentest, and have cut off all thine Enemies out of thy sight; and have made thee a great name, like unto the name of the great Men, that are in the Earth.
Now when the Spirit of Sedition shall possess the Minds of Men, and prompt them not only to dislike, but speak Evil of such [Page 69] Dignities, and those that enioy them; and to assemble in Companies, to Assault their Governours, as these Men in my Text, did Moses, and Aaron, whom they knew God had set over them, and frequently acknowledged it.
No wonder, the Psalmist, in Psal. 119. 126. said, It was time for God to work, when Men went about to undermine the Laws of God, to make them void.
The Translation of our Church Psalms, reads it thus, It is time for the Lord, to lay to thy Hand, for they have destroyed thy Law.
When these Men in my Text, had gathered the Congregation together, against Moses, and Aaron, what to do? Why to cut them off, and Subvert the Government, both of Church and State.
It was high time for God to appear in flaming Fire, to take Vengeance upon them; and pluck of the Crown of spiritual Pride, from their haughty Heads.
Which he did, as you have heard, and so rejected their Confidences, and blasted their intended Proceedings.
4. They were of an envious Spirit, they envied the State and Dignity, which God had conferred upon Moses, and Aaron, in Constituting them, their Governours in the Church.
[Page 70] This ill Quality, Cooperated with the rest, to provoke them to a Commotion, and civil Discord, amongst themselves.
And that the old Serpent, had shed the Spawn of Envy, into their Spirits; the Kingly Propet affirms it, with a sad Memento, 106. 16. 17, 18. They envied Moses in the Camp, and Aaron, the Saint of the Lord.
The Earth opened, and swallowed up Dathan, and covered the Congregation of Abiram.
And a Fire, was kindled in their Company; the Flame burnt up the ungodly.
By the last words in ver. 17. viz. The Congregation of Abiram. It is very probable, that Abiram had a gathered Church which some of our Modern Dissenters, call the Congregational, or Independent way of gathering Churches.
And if so, as it is very likly, then he was the first, that ever I read of, who gathered a false Church out of a true one.
And so by the Text, it is clear, that whilst Corah, and his Confederates were affronting Moses, and Aaron in publick, Dathan, and Abiram were at a private Meeting, in their Tents, Praying for their good Success, or waiting for a Watch word from them, when they should rush forth with Weapons, to Assault their Rulers,
[Page 71] For when Moses, gave a charge to the rest of the People to come away from their Tents, they came forth, and stood in their Tent-doores, with their Wives, and Children, with brazen faced Impudency, as if they would outface God, and all just Authority.
I did not know, till after more than Forty times reading this Antient Record of Holy Writ, and an exact Inspection into the Design of the Seditious Party, with a deligent Observation of their prerended Holiness grounded upon false Principles.
Their gathering the Common People, like Herds of Goats, in a Tumultuous manner, against their Rulers, their crying them down, to get into their places.
I say, till I had diligently consulted the Record of this lamentable History, I did not know that Presbiter [...], and Independency, were of so long a standing in the World. For Chorah, an inferior Levite,, contends with Aaron, to level the Office of an High-Priest, to that of a Levite; and flatly tells him, that he takes too much upon him, to lift up himself above them, being all of one Tribe, he sawnoreason, there should be any difference in Dignity, and therefore he resolves to Conform no longer, but set up for himself, and have.
[Page 72] Elders under him, of his own choosing.
And as for Dathan, and Abiram, they defi [...] all Superintendency, for it were they, as well as Corah, that told Moses and Aaron, That they took too much upon them, to lift up themselves above them.
They were able of themselves to give Laws, and Orders, to their Congregated Proselites, without their Lordly [...]urisdiction; and in this State of Independency, they died Impenitently. How fitly may we apply the Words of Solomon, to the Former, and Latter Troubles of the Church, Eccle. 1. 9, 10.
The thing that hath been, is that, which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall bedone; and there is no new thing under the Sun.
Is there any thing, whereof it may be said, see this is new? It hath been of old time before us.
And whence is it, but from the Envy, and Malice of the old Serpenr, who is called the Devil, and Satan? Who as our Saviour saith, John 8. 44.
Was a Murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the Truth. And so became an Enemy to all Government above himself, which Practice he continues still in the [Page 73] World, by seducing the Sons of Men, into his old Principles of Disobedience.
'Tis true, indeed this old Serpent doth often renew his Shape, but never alters his ill Qualities▪ he often changeth his Habit, but not his Disposition, alters his name, but not his Nature▪ shifts places, but retains still his old Principles.
I will conclude this Branch, with the Sacred Caution of the Apostle St. Peter, 1. Eph. 3. 17, 18.
Therefore, Beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware, least ye being lead away with the Error of the Wicked, fall from your own Stedfastness.
But grow in Grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom be Glory both now, and for ever, Amen.
5. They were of a sullen, selfwill'd Spirit, nothing would please them, but what proceeded from their own Wills.
They answeared Moses, as some of their Successors did the Prophet Jeremy, Chap. 19. 11. Return ye from the Evil of your ways. They said,
Ver. 19 There is no hope, but we will walk after our own devices, and we will every one do the Imagination of his evil Heart.
[Page 74] Yea, when they were in Captivity in Babilon, they would not be Reclaimed from their own Wills; but they made him this desperate Answer, As for the Word, which thou hast spoken to us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken to thee, but we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth out of our own Mouth. Jer. 44. 14.
Spiritual Wickedness, doth not only blind, but bind the Spirits of unstable Men, with strong Cords of selfwill'dness.
It is a hard thing to recover any one out of any Error, that hath laid the Reins of his own will; into the neck of his own Judgment.
Sic volo, sic Jubeo, stat proratione voluntas, His own Will, is the Rule he resolves to walk by, and to any other Persuasion, he is like the deaf Adder, that stops her Ear at the Voice of the Charmer, charm he never so wisely.
One of the sorest Plagues, that God can inflict on any Man, is to leave him to his own Will, and the Councils of his own Heart, which must needs destroy him.
Some do think, that Liberty of Conscience, is the only way to propogate the Gospel, and the surest way to Enthrone Christ in the Hearts of the Sons and Daughters of Men.
[Page 75] And, I say the contrary, and will prove, that there is no such thing in Religion, as Liberty of Conscience; such a Liberty of Conscience I mean, as for every Man to serve God after what way, and manner, pleaseth him best.
It is easier to keep Sin out of the Conscience, than to cast it out when it is in.
If that Light, which is within us, naturally (for God hath lighted up a Candle in every Mans Conscience) be darkned with Spiritual Errors, how great must that Darkness needs be?
The Devil, is the Prince of Darkness, but he can Transform himself into an Angel of Light. He is a fiery flying Serpent; and if he can but get in his Head, he will quickly winde in his whole Body.
How many Virgin Professors, have lost their Spiritual Chastity in an hour, by gadding abroad, to trim their way, by thinking to go in a cleaner Path, than the Highway of Salvation is, and so in a trice, deprived themselves of that Peace of Conscience, which they have not recovered again whilest they have lived.
O take heed, then of being Humorsom, and Selfwill'd under your Profession of Religion, and Pray, that the Lord will not [Page 76] leave you to your own Wills, nor to the Councils of your own Hearts, nor to the Wisdom of your own Spirits, nor to the Nerves of your own Strength, nor to the Steps of your own ways, nor to the course of your own Natures, nor to the Liberty of your own Consciences, for if he should, ye are in the High-way to eternal Destruction.