BY your undated Letter I find that you had a very Pleasant and a very Prosperous Voiage and that the Winds were fair, the Sea smooth, and the Ship sound, what says Pluck the more — the better luck, many an honester woman, has been drown'd Crossing the Thames, whilst you it seems escap'd Crossing a Branch of the Sea, the Seamen it seems lookt upon you as the Star by which they were guided, I wonder the more at your landing so happily for I should rather have judg'd you an Ignis Fatuus or a Willy with wisp or a false light — that would have made them run headllong to their owh distruction, but give a man luck and throw him into the Sea. I had like to have said he that's born to be hang'd will never be drown'd, you tell us of great things, that you are Bigbelly'd with hopes that your little Prince will Mount the Sea-Horse and ride Admiral of the narrow Seas, but hold I have a little Lord that crep out of my cranny that may for ought I know prick your Bladder and let out that ambitious wind, both sprung from one Branch and why should not he hope for something, as well as yours gape for all: there's little difference by the Mother side, if we search the Kerhaells family in France, and mine in England. You boast much of Neptune's kindness and stick not to say that he was Sea sick for you, that he proffer'd you Gold, and Pearl, and what not, if you would have let him stick his Trident in you.
But you (innocent soul) spawn'd out his salt water Temptations. I may say to you as its said in another case who hath believed our report? [Page 4] You that will drudge like an Apple-wench for Gold; would drudge like an Oyster-woman for Pearl. therefore leave off your Vainglorious boasting for we know you too well to believe you Hereafter forbear medling with my Mamma it's true she dyed in a ditch, but what then ; she was a soul, she loved Brandy, and as for your Pappa his lodging in Wiltshire was but in a Pigsty, that if I came from a Drunken family, you sprung from a swinish race and pray what's the difference when our Pedigree is summed up ? why should you and I fall out ? by your Letter I find you in [...]pocky heat you do not only reflect upon me but upon most of our English Lady's; what strange effects hath the French Ahc already produced! you have hardly warmed your feat with the Pox, and yet you appear, to be in a mighty heat. If you have such a plaguy prodgious stomack that you can tast of twenty Dishes. and yet after all take a snack with the Coachman, or a private collation from the Butler hit's pitty but you were confined with the King of Morocco's Ostriches in St. Jams's Park and fed with pieces of old Iron, or at best with Oxes liver for Royal fare doth but ill become you, the greasy great eating Quaker was easier satisfied then you seem to be. If you have so lascivious an appetite as your letter mentions, it's well if the French Kings Army can satisfie you, as for my part I can content my self with the society of one or two good likely footmen, after I have had a litle Royal pastime, and therefore press me no more to marry, what need I keep a Cow that can have a quart of Milk for a penny; now I can go to Newmarket, anon to Windsor, and from thence to London, and who dare say Nelly where, goest thou? I can admit this Gallant to my imbraces to day another to morrow, and still be at quiet at home, should I once give up my pleasures into the hands of a Cuckold there would be no end of my sorrow I durst not then let a man come near me but in long Coats. Jealousy would burn up all my delights, that thing you call Husband would make my bed uneasy he would be as gall and Worm-wood in my drink he would imbitter all my delights. If I cast but an affectionate eye, on an old acquaintance, he would cry I itch'd for his imbraces, and it may be give me the strapado to put him out, of my thoughts. Marry! bless me at these years, to whom? for what? what would be the effect of Marraiage ? many a thump on the back, but few on the britch, No, no, your advice in this case is as destructive to me, as it has been to our Kingdom in other cases I doubt; rather then marry, I would make the Embassador of Morocco's men my Gallants, one after one, and when I had hir'd them all I would send for the Pump the Bolsprit or the Mainmast you speak of, and hug them as the Devil hugs the Witch. When I am so old that I can neither go nor see then I'le marry a man that shall lead me into what Company he likes, and if he be jealous then the Devil's in't; I am not so old but I can Skip to Newmarket as nimbly as the youngest lass in Town and whilst any Royal sport is stirring hope to come in for a snack.
LONDON Printed for J. Johnson.