The Mistaken Mid-vvife, OR, Mother Mid-Night finely brought to Bed.

Relating how a Midwife in London being married to the third Husband, and not having a Child in all that time; to take off the scandal of Barreness, pretending to be with-child, wore a Pillow under her cloaths, to deceive her Neighbours. And the time of her delive­ry being come, she provided a dead child, whereof she pretended to be privately deliver­ed: But upon suspition, being found by a Jury of Women to be none of her own: she was sent to prison, where she now remains.

What nature did deny her on her part,
She was resolv'd for to supply by art.
Tune of, I am a Iovial Batchelor, &c.

With Allowance.

Ro. L'Estrange.
A Midwife lately in this town,
by folly was misled,
Who many a woman had lain down,
and brought them unto Bed;
She to three husbands married was,
which made her almost wild,
Because in all that timē alas,
she could not have a Child.
A project came into her mind,
the world for to deceive,
And how she might her neighbors blind,
and make them to believe;
That she from Barrenness was free,
and fruitful as the best,
Thus with her self she did agree,
A little Pillow she prepar'd.
which cunningly she plac't,
And to the women then declar'd,
she should not be disgrac't;
Quoth she my time of joy is come,
I now am big with child,
I f [...]el the babe spring in my womb▪
and thus she them beguil'd.
Her neighbours being credulous
believ'd the words she spoke,
And for a time it passed thus,
under this feigned cloak:
Because they ever used still,
her help in time of need;
So every one with a good will,
[...] that [...] well might speed.


HEr simple Husband he poor man,
knew nothing of the Cheat,
But to provide what e'r he can,
of dainties for her Meat:
For fear she should her longing lose,
and what she went withal;
Thus did she lead him by the Nose,
and made him pay for all.
And now the time it did draw nigh,
she should be brought to bed,
Great preparations spèedily,
was ready furnished:
And all things put in order d [...]e,
against the joyful hour;
With child-bed linnen fine and new,
according to her power.
And so this Wretch provided had,
to compass her own ends,
A child which had been buried,
and sent for none but friends:
Who privy were unto the Plot,
pretending suddain pains,
That she delivered was God wot,
but now the rest remains.
She for the burial did prepare,
of her pretended Child,
And seemed to be full of care,
as are all Mothers mild.
[...]nd to that end in readiness,
she had provided Wine,
But all her craft did not prevail,
as she did there design▪
Some Women who suspected had
her carriage all the time,
Gave notice of her dealings bad,
and did divulge her crime:
So that a Iury of Women wise,
were summon'd to appear,
Who found she told nothing but lyes,
and made the business clear.
She for the dead Child questioned was
how she came by the same,
She still affirm'd it was her own,
and they were much to blame.
Pretending weakness in that case,
she beg'd and did prevail,
That for some time in her distress,
she might be under bail.
But fearing what would be the end,
of this her folly great,
For to escape she did intend,
which was discovered straight:
And so she was to Prison sent,
whereas she doth abide,
For to receive due punishment,
when as she shall be try'd
Thus did she strive for to obtain,
what nature did deny,
To blind the world it was in vain,
her fraud they did espy:
Ho [...]e'r [...] it was a cunning slight,
as ever did befall:
To bring a Child into the World,
and feel no pain at all.

Printed for [...] [...] Vere▪ J. Wright, and J. Clarke.

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