The Mistaken mid-vvife, or, Mother Mid-night finely brought to bed relating how a midwife in London ... to take off the scandal of barreness ... wore a pillow under her cloaths to deceive her neighbours ... : tune of I am a jovial batchelor, &c.
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The Mistaken Mid-vvife, OR,
Mother Mid-Night finely brought to Bed.
Relating how a Midwife in London being married to the third Husband, and not having a Child in all that time; to take off the scandal of Barreness, pretending to be with-child, wore a Pillow under her cloaths, to deceive her Neighbours. And the time of her delivery being come, she provided a dead child, whereof she pretended to be privately delivered: But upon suspition, being found by a Jury of Women to be none of her own: she was sent to prison, where she now remains.