Auctio Millingtoniana Picturarum Omnigenarum, &c.
A COLLECTION Of Extraordinary Paintings & Limnings, With variety of the finest Italian, French, and other PRINTS, (Several of them Originals) by the best Masters. With many Curiosities of the China make, and other Artificial Rarities.
Will be sold by Auction, for the Diversion and Entertainment of the Gentlemen, Ladies, &c. at Tunbridge-Wells, at the Auction Coffee-house, by the Lower Walks, near the Wells, on Thursday the 13th of this instant August, 1691.
The Sale beginning in the Morning at Eight, and continues till Twelve in the Forenoon) except Prayer-time.)
By Edward Millington.
Catalogues of the Paintings and Limnings, &c. are given to all Gentlemen, Ladies, &c. at Mr. Pett's, Mr. Brett's, Mr. Westley's, Apothecaries; at Mr. Samuel Rose's Shop, over against the Musick on the Walks, at Mr. Thompson's Tavern near the Walks, and at the above mentioned Auction Coffee house the place of Sale. 1691.
To the Nobility, Gentry, Ladies, Gentlewomen, &c.
THe design of this Sale, and of all others made the preceding years in this place, was to gratifie the Curious, to divert the Melancholly, to exercise the Judgment of the most exalted minds, that condescend to grace the Wells, and aggrandize the Walks with their appearance: I am sufficiently sensible, that abstractedly from the honest gain, I propose to my self, that the Honour of your Company, the noble congress I have had, hath over and above compensated the expence of my Time, and the exercise of my Lungs; being with nothing more gratified, than that I have had the favour of discoursing before persons of the most exquisite parts (perhaps the ablest Judges of Sense and Learning in the World.) This Collection of Paintings will appear to the skilful to be Valuable and Inviting, the Prints that will follow Choice and Curious, carefully preserved by the Proprietors, designed and made by the greatest Masters. The China Curiosities, most of the finest make. In short, let the event of this Sale be what it will, I am resolved neither to be sowred by a bad, nor elated by a prosperous one; solacing my self in this one grand Philosophical Consideration, that if I can but oblige my Friends, please others, and offer matter of Entertainment indifferently to the whole, I shall have attained what I desired, viz. my wishes will be consummated; in the Contemplation of which I am resolved to live undisturbed.
Conditions of SALE.
I. THat he who bids most is the Buyer, and if any Difference arise which the Company cannot decide, then the Painting, &c. shall be Exposed to Sale again.
II. That the Money for the Paintings, &c. so bought, is to be paid at the place of Sale within three Days after the Sale is ended, but for the Conveniency of such as desire them sooner, constant Attendance for delivery will be given every Afternoon at the said place.
III. That all Gentlemen, Ladies, &c. after the buying any Painting or Limning, will be pleased to give in their Names and Lodgings, at the Wells, otherwise to pay the third part of the Price, or the whole Money presently for them; where upon payment of the remainder within the time limited, the Paintings, Limnings, &c. shall be delivered to them or their Order.
IV. That for the Accommodation of such Gentlemen and Ladies, &c. as shall desire to receive the Paintings, &c. in London, the Ʋndertaker will deliver them at any place they shall appoint in London, Southwark, or Westminster, the Buyer paying 1 s per Pound for every 20 s so bought.
V. That no person is to bid less than Six-pence a time, for any Lot exposed to Sale.
VI. That for the further encouragement of all Gentlemen, Ladies, &c. that live in the Country, the Ʋndertaker proposes for the safer Conveyance of any Paintings, &c. they shall buy, they shall be carefully packed up at his own proper Charge.
VII. That the Paintings, Limnings, &c. may be viewed every Afternoon before the Morning Sale, by any persons that please to repair to the place of Sale.
This Sale will begin on Thursday the 13th of August, 1691. at the Auction Coffee-house, by the Lower Walks, near the Wells, from the Hours of Eight to Twelve in the Forenoon (except Prayer time) and will be continued daily the same Hours, till all the Paintings, Limnings, &c. are Sold.
- 1 KIng William and Qu. Mary in little, finely painted
- 2 Queen Dido, by Van Heyden
- 3 a Landskip in Limning
- 4 a Landskip by Leonard
- 5 Two Boys finely painted by an Italian
- 6 a naked Venus finely painted
- 7 Anna Bullein King Henry VIII. Queen
- 8 a Sea storm curiously painted by a Dutch Master
- 9 King William finely painted, in an oval Frame
- 10 A large sea-piece in black and white, by Mooy
- 11 a Landskip, by Clever
- 12 Old Boon with a roasted Pullet
- 13 Two small Landskips
- 14 a fire-piece, by Clever
- 15 a fruit-piece, by Verelst
- 16 Pandora finely painted
- 17 a curious piece by Bega
- 18 a Head by Cornelius Johnson
- 19 a Landskip curiously painted by Soynge
- 20 a Sea calm, by William Vandevelde
- 21 Two Landskips by Velamena
- 22 a sleeping piece, by Larroon
- 23 a piece of Boors by Teniers
- 24 a small sea-piece by Mooy
- 25 a Landskip
- 26 a Fruit-piece with a Parrot
- 27 A piece of Apricocks
- 28 Venus and Cupids
- 29 Madona on copper by Van Heyden
- 30 A piece of Oysters by Herman Verelst
- 31 an original Landskip, by a great master
- 32 a flower-piece finely painted
- 33 King Charles II. finely painted
- 34 The Duke of Monmonth
- 35 The Princess Ann (when young) in Crions
- 36 a case of Cups, a great curiosity
- 37 a Sea calm curiously painted by Brain
- 38 a piece of Thunder and Lightning finely expressed in black and white
- 39 a Ruine with Figures, by Molenaer
- 40 An original Droll piece, well painted
- 41 Mary Magdalen in the Wilderdess, by Ver Strada
- 42 a Fruit-piece by Verelst
- 43 Venus kissing Cupid, by Van Heyden
- 44 Venus whipping by the same Master
- 45 a piece of Walnuts by Van Ball
- 46 a Flower piece by Verelst
- 47 a Landskip by Edema
- 48 a Landskip in Limning
- 49 St. Anthonys vision very finely done
- 50 Waterfall, by Vander Stratten
- 51 a Landskip by the same master
- 52 a Duck finely painted after the Life
- 53 a Landskip with a Sea port, by Van Goyen
- 54 a Landskip with Cattle, by Bartel Engels
- 55 a sea-piece by Antonius
- 56 a Ruine with Figures, by old Wyck
- 57 a Water mill by Leonard
- 58 a piece of Fruit by Bogdan
- 59 a Sea piece by Brain
- 60 a Fruit piece by Verelst
- 61 Pandora, by Van Heyden
- [Page 2]62 Cleopatra by the same Master
- 63 The Centurion meeting Christ
- 64 A Droll piece by Stelenwerf
- 65 a Landskip by Vander Stratten
- 66 a Madona curiously painted by a Dutch master
- 67 a Fire-piece curiously painted
- 68 a small Landskip by Soyngee
- 69 a large Landskip by Wynants
- 70 a Sea-storm by Backhousen
- 71 a Dairy-house by Polhill
- 72 a Landskip with Cattel by Flyker
- 73 a Kitchen-piece by Salee
- 74 a Landskip with Figures by Rombouts
- 75 a Landskip in Limning
- 76 a Fruit-piece curiously painted by Verelst
- 77 a piece of Crabs by Verelst
- 78 Hagar by an Italian
- 79 a Flower-piece by Verelst
- 80 a Landskip by Edema
- 81 Cleopatra by an Italian
- 82 a Landskip well painted
- 83 a prospect of the burning of London, an Orig.
- 84 a small Sea-piece by Percellus
- 85 a Sea piece curiously painted by Brain
- 86 a Sea-piece in Black and White, by Moy
- 87 a Landskip with Cattel, supposed by Krabbe
- 88 a Landskip by Leonard
- 89 Venus and Cupid by Van Heyden
- 90 Venus kissing Cupid, by the same master
- 91 Venus whipping Cupid, by the same
- 92 Cleopatra by Van Heyden
- 93 Hagar by the same master
- 94 a Fruit-piece by Verelst
- 95 a piece of Still-life by Everbrook
- 96 a small Sea-piece by Brain
- 97 a Landskip by Vander Stratten
- 98 another by the same master
- 99 a Fools Head
- 100 a Landskip with Figures by Boot, in a rich carv'd Frame
- 101 Venus combing Cupid, by Van Heyden
- 102 a Fruit-piece on Copper, by Verelst
- 103 Venus uncovering Cupid, by Van Heyden
- 104 a Flower-piece by Verelst
- 105 a Sea-piece by Brain
- 106 Venus and Cupid by Van Heyden
- 107 a Landskip by Krabb
- 108 a Landskip with Cattel, by Bartel Engels
- 109 a Robbery curiously painted by Wyck
- 110 an Original piece of dead Birds
- 111 a Kitchin-piece by Labee
- 112 a Landskip curiously painted by Leonard
- 113 a Fruit piece on Copper, by Verelst
- 114 Pandora curiously painted on Copper
- 115 a Landskip by Vander Strada
- 116 Lucretia, from the Original of Titian
- 117 a Landskip by Griffiere
- 118 a Landskip by Verstratten
- 119 a Landskip with Figures by Flyker
- 120 The Lady Killegrew, finely painted
- 121 A Church with Figures by Stenmick
- 122 a Landskip curiously painted, by Van Goyen
- 123 a large Sea-port well done in black & white by Moy
- 124 Two Droll pieces, by David Teniers
- 125 a Fruit-piece on Copper, by Varelst
- 126 Another Fruit piece by the same master
- 127 a Landskip, by Vander Strada
- 128 a Fruit-piece on copper, by Verelst
- 129 a Landskip with a Church, by Leonard
- 130 a History-piece between Violence and Innocence
- 131 Bacchus and Ariadne curiously painted by an Italian