The Exercise of the English, in the Militia of the Kingdom of ENGLAND.
The Exercise of a Foot-Company.
FIrst, both Pikes and Muskets are ordered into files of 6.8. or 10. deep. The Musketiers are sometime placed before, sometime in flank, sometimes in the reare of the Pikes.
To exercise the motions; there are two distances to be observed.
The first is, when every one is distant from his fellow 6 foot square, that is in file and rank 6.
The second is, when every Souldier is 3 foot distant one from the other, as well in File as in Rank.
And because the measure of such distances cannot be taken so justly by the eye, the distance of 6 foot betwixt the files is measured, when the Souldiers stretching out their Arms do touch one anothers hands: and betwixt the Ranks, when the ends of their Pikes come well-nigh to the heels of them that march before. And the measure of 3 foot betwixt the files is, when their elbows touch one another; betwixt the Ranks, when they come to touch the ends of one anothers Rapiers.
For to march in the field, the distance of 3 foot from file to file is kept, and of 6 foot from Rank to Rank.
To order themselves in Battaile, as also to go towards the enemy, the distance of 3 foot in File, and Rank is observed; and likewise to conversion or wheeling.
The Musketiers also going for to fire by Ranks keep the same distance of 3 foot, but going to skirmish they go ala Disbanda de, which is out of order.
There is yet another sort of distance, which is not used, but for to receive the enemy with a firm stand, and serveth for the Pikes onely, (for the Musketiers cannot be so close in Files, because they must have their arm at liberty) and that is, when every one is distant from file to file, a foot and a half, and 3 foot from Rank to Rank. And this last distance is thus commanded, Close your selves throughly. But it is not [Page 2]to be taught the souldiers, for that, when necessity shall require it, they will close themselves but too much of their own accord, without command.
What the Souldier ought to know by the Drum.
- 1. A Call.
- 2. A March.
- 3. A Troope.
- 4. A Charge.
- 5. A Retreat.
- 6. A Battalia,
- 7. A Battery.
- 8. A Relief.
To begin therefore to do the Exercises, the Company is set in the first distance to wit, of 6 foot in File, and Rank, and thus is said.
- Steighten your Files,
- Even your Ranks,
- Silence.
These are the generall words of Command, which are often to be used.
- To the right hand. As you were.
- To the left hand. As you were.
- To the right hand about.
- To the left hand as you were.
- To the left hand about.
- To the right hand as you were.
- To the right double your ranks.
- Ranks as you were.
- To the left double your ranks.
- Ranks, as you were.
You must note, that when they are commanded to be as they were, they must return thither, from whence they parted; and if they turned to the right hand, they must return to the left, and so in Countermarch.
- To the right hand double your files. Files as you were.
- To the left hand double your files. Files as you were.
- With half files to the right hand double your Ranks.
- Half files as you were.
- With half files to the left hand double your Ranks.
- Half files as you were.
- Files to the right hand countermarch.
- Files to the left hand countermarch.
- To the right hand, or left, at discretion, as you were.
- Ranks to the right hand countermarch.
- Ranks to the left hand countermarch.
- To the right or left hand as you were.
- Close your Files to 3 foot distance.
- Close your Ranks to 3 foot distance.
Ʋnderstand that in Closing from the outsides to the middle, the Souldier is to stand in his distance of 3 foot in file, and not closer.
To the right hand wheel. To the left hand wheel.
Open your Ranks backwards in your double distance, to wit, at 12 foot, and this for a single Company. Ranks as you were, sc. at the first.
In opening Ranks or Files, you must keep them closed untill the second Rank or File, beginning from the outsides, have taken their distances, and so shall the rest remain close untill every Rank or File have taken their distances in order.
Open your Files, to wit, to the first distance of 6. foot.
If you will command to close Files to the right hand or left hand, the outmost File standeth still, and the rest close to that File.
- Advance your Pikes.
- Order your Pikes.
- Cheek your Pikes.
- Port Pikes.
- Charge your Pikes.
- Trail your Pikes.
- Charge your Pikes.
- To the right hand charge your Pikes.
- To the left hand charge your Pikes.
- Charge your Pikes to the Reare.
- Order your Pikes.
This must be observed charging your Pikes with a firm stand, to set the right foot behind, and charging the Pikes marching, to set the left foot before.
For the Musket.
THe Postures in his Excellencies Book are to be observed; but in exercising you must onely use these three termes of direction.
- Make ready.
- Present.
- Give fire.
Your Musketiers must observe in all their motions to turn to the right hand, and that they carry the mouth of their peices high, as well when they are shouldered, as in priming, and also when they hold their pans guarded, and come up to give fire.
In advancing towards an Enemie, when they do not skirmish loose and disbanded, they must give fire by Ranks after this manner.
Two Rankes must alwayes make readie together, and advance ten paces forward before the body, at which distance, a [Page 4]Sergeant (or when the body is great, some other Officer) must stand, to whom the Musketiers are to come up before they present, and give fire, first, the first Rank. And whilest the first gives fire, the second Rank keep their Muskets close to their Rests, and their pans guarded, and assoon as the first are faln away, the second presently present, and give fire, and fall after them.
Now assoon as the first two Ranks do move from their places in the front: The two Ranks next them must unshoulder their Muskets, and make ready, so as they may advance forward ten paces as before, assoon as ever the two first Ranks are faln away; and are to do in all points as the former. And all the other Ranks through the whole division must do the same by two's, one after another.
A manner there is to give fire retyring from an enemy, and is performed after this sort.
As the Troop marcheth, the hindermost rank of all, keeping still with the Troop, is to make ready, and being ready, the Souldiers in that rank turn all together to the right hand and give fire, marching presently away a good round pace to the front, and there place themselves in rank together just before the front: As soon as the first rank turns to give fire, the rank next makes ready, and doth as the former, and so the rest.
We give fire by the flanks thus. The uppermost file next the Enemie must be commanded to make ready, marching still along with the body, till such time, as they be ready, and then they turn to the right, or left hand (according to the sight of their enemies either upon the right, or left flank) and give fire all together. When they have discharged, the bringer up leads away, and at twice firing over he reduceth them. Now as soon as the foresaid file doth turn to give fire, the uttermost next it makes ready, alwayes keeping along with the body till the Bringer up be past a little beyond the Leader of that file, that gave fire last; and then the whole sile must turn, and give fire, and do in all points as the first did, and so the rest one after the other. A Sergeant, or if the body be great, some other better qualified Officer must stand at the head of the first file, and assoon as the second file hath given fire, and hath charged, he is to lead forward the first file up to the second file, and so to the rest one after another, till he hath gathered up again the whole wing, and then he is to joyn them again in equall front with the pikes.
Last of all, the Body or whole wing of Musketiers makes ready all together, and the first rank without advancing gives fire in the place they stand in, and speedily, as may be, yet orderly fals away, all the ranks doing the same successively one after another.
The order and Discipline holden in the Horse-troops, or in the Cavalry.
The Cavalry hath for his Chief the Generall, the Lieutenant Generall, and the Commissary generall.
To the Cavalry there is a Quarter-master generall, and a Provost generall belonging; the Justice resorteth to the Councell generall of warre of the Armie.
The Gavalry is of two sorts: Harquebusiers and Curassiers.
The first have for defensive Armes, the Curace pistoll proof, and a light head peece. For offensive, the Carbine of 3. foot, 3. inches length, and the bore of 20 bullets in the pound; and Pistols like unto the Curassiers.
The Curassiers have for defensive Arms a compleat Armour, the Curace Pistoll proof. For offensive, two Pistols having the barrell of 26. inches in length, and the bore of 36. bullets in the pound.
For the order in Regiments, the 40. Compantes entertained by the States do make 11. Regiments.
The Regiment of the Generall hath alwayes the Vantguard, the others alternatively and by turns, and he that hath it this day, the next day after hath the Reere, the rest following in the same sort.
Those which command the Regiments are called Coronels. The Regiments are compounded of 3. or 4. Companies (of 3 at the least) and the Coronels Company marcheth alwayes on the left wing of the Regiment.
The Captains receive orders from their Coronels, as these from the Commissary Generall.
All the Companies are divided in 3 equall parts, which are called Squadrons, and distributed to the 3 chief Officers; Captain, Cornet and Lieutenant, having each of them adjoyned an old Souldier, which they do know to be of more desert, called a Corporall.
Marching in the field, every Officer marcheth at the head of his Squadron, the Lieutenant excepted, which marcheth behind with [Page 6]the Quartermaster; and the third Corporall at the head of the Lieutenants Squadron.
The Companies are divided by files, and ranks, the file 5 deep, and no more, how strong soever the Company be.
They observe that in marching in battell they must be close together, and to do the Motions there must be 6 foot distance from one Horseman to another.
The Companies being in battell, there must be 25. paces distance left between every Companie, and 50 betwixt every Regiment at the least.
The exercise of Armes for the Cavalry.
To open the Squadron, you must first open the ranks, and after the files.
To close the Squadron, you must first close the files, and after the ranks.
There be two sorts of distances betwixt the files, the one close, and the other open.
In the close there must be no distance or intervals betwixt the files, to the open there must be 6 foot betwixt every file.
Likewise there must be two sorts of distances betwixt the ranks; the Close, which must be without intervall or street; and the Open, which must be six foot distance.
In a march it must be understood, that the ranks must never be more opened, than the open distance of 6 foot.
And to the end that the Troop may march in good order, and observe well their distance betwixt the ranks, without that the last may be forced to run or go too fast, there must be heed taken, that so soon as the first ranks begin to march, all the Troop and the Reare also march.
The words of Command, are
- Open your Ranks. Open your Files.
- Stand right in your Ranks. Stand right in your Files.
- To the right hand. As you were.
- To the left hand. As you were.
- To the right hand about. To the left hand as you were.
- To the left hand about. To the right hand as you were.
- Files to the right hand countermarch.
- Files to the left hand countermarch.
- To the right or left hand as you were.
- [Page 7]Ranks to the right hand countermarch.
- Ranks to the left hand countermarch.
- Close your Files. Close your Ranks.
- To the right hand wheel. To the left hand wheel.
One dayes Exercise.
HAving brought your Company into a place convenient, where you intend to exercise them; if you have time enough, you may cause the file-leaders, Corporals or Serieants, to instruct them in the Postures and true using of their Arms. Wherein having spent some time, to the benefit of the Company; upon the first summons of the Drum, each file-leader with his file, is to march into his place. The Captain (or other Commander) being at the head of his Company, commands them to even their Ranks, and to straiten their Pikes, and stand in their order both in rank and file. If your Ensigne be not already in the field, but in some place neer at hand; then cause your two innermost files of pikes to advance: commanding a Serieant with a Drum, to troop them along to the place of Rendezvouz, there to fetch their Colours. If the place be not nigh at hand, take as many files of Muskettiers. Having brought the Ensigne to the head of the Pikes, each file returns into his place; the Officers likewise, withdrawing their severall stations. Silence being commanded, the Captain (or other Commander) begins first to instruct the Souldiers in the severall distances, betwixt rank and file, with the wayes to open and close to them. And if he think fit, to instruct them in the severall uses of each distance.
Next after distance, they are to be instructed in the facings, then in the doublings; next, in the Coontermarches; and lastly, in the wheeling. In each of which they are to be instructed, according to the opportunitie of the time and place: but, especially is the capacity of the Souldier to be observed. Wherein, the Captain may do very well, in each of the motion; to lay down some speciall rules and observations; by which the Souldier may the better understand what he is to do, and how (the best way) to perform it.
After the motions ended, let them prepare for skirmish. And first you may cause them to give fire with for lorne files, marching forth 20. paces (or thereabouts) before the front. Having all fired over that way, they may give fire once over, by advancing two ranks together, ten paces before the front. Then let them give fire, even with the front, and then with the half-files: the Pikes porting or charging, according to [Page 8]discretion. The Pikes being advanced, and the Musketiers marched up, even with their front; you may either face about, wheel about, or countermarch, and so give fire in the reere. Your Pikes then being shouldered, and your Mu, ketiers having fired over in the reere, you may (if you please) wheel your flanks into the front, and so charge Pikes to the reere. Which done, wheel your front into the midst; passe into your place, and face them to you. Then (if you will) you may passe your Musketiers, of the left flank, through between the ranks of Pikes, and place them next to the right flank of Pikes, opening the right flank of Musketiers, to give them way. Then let the Pikes shoulder, and Musketiers give fire to the right, upon a march: their leaders leading them up between the Pikes and their own divisions of Musketiers. Having fired once over, in this way, let them continue their firing to the right, each leader leading up his file on the outside of the left flank of Pikes. Then let the Pikes advance, even whilest the last file is giving of fire: and so soon as the Pikes are cleer of the Musketiers, let them face all to the right, and charge. Having advanced your Pikes, and faced your body again to the left, you may then wheel your Battell about to the right, and then facing the whole body to the left, the Musketiers will be all in front. Then let your Musketiers give fire, and either wheel all off to the right, thereby making an Intervalle for the left flank, or else let them wheel off by division, placing themselves in the reere of their own divisions of Musketiers. Having given fire once (or oftner) over that way, let them give fire again, and wheel off by division: ranking even with their Pikes. That being done, cause the Pikes to charge: the Musketiers giving fire once over, on that Figure. The Pikes being advanced, face the whole body to the right: and cause the Musketiers to stand, and the Pikes to open to the right and left, and so to make the hollow square. Then you may (if you please) command the Ensigne to display his Colours in the midst of the hollow; in signe of triumph: the body, either standing or marching. After which, command the Pikes to close their divisions: Which being performed, command the recre division of Musketiers, to double their front of Pikes, by division: and then they will stand in form of Captain Wallers Triple firing: Let them give fire upon that Figure, and fall off again, according to the directions upon that Figure. Which being performed, and the Pikes charged, and re-advanced: the body will be absolutely reduced, as at the first it was before you began your firings.