The Merits of the Election of RICHARD WILLIAMS Esq Burgess of Parliament for the Borough of New Radnor, appointed to be heard on Wednesday the Third of April, upon the Petition of WILLIAM PROBERT Esq.
THE Borough of New Radnor, by the Charter bearing date 20 o Julii, An. 4 o Eliz. is Incorporated by the Name of Bailiff, Alderdermen, and Burgesses, who are impowred to send a Burgess to Parliament: And accordingly Richard Williams Esq was, by the unanimous Votes, and loud Acclamations of all the Burgesses of the Shire-Town of Radnor, and the Burgesses of the out Boroughs then present, which were above 300, duly elected and returned to serve for the last Convention, there being not any Poll demanded, nor any Opposition made, your present Petitioner, Mr. Probert, himself voting for Mr. Williams. Yet notwithstanding the fairness of the said Election, the said Mr. Probert being desirous to give Mr. Williams an unnecessary trouble in the said Election, has in his Petition to the Honourable House of Commons, most falsly and malicious suggested, that he was elected by the Burgesses of the out Boroughs.