Written originally in English.
Part First.
EDINBVRGH, Printed for Robert Broun, at the sign of the Sun, on the North-side of the Street, 1660. [Page] [Page] [...]
To all the LADIES of this NATION.
I Do, like Moses trembling mother, leave this my first born upon the banks of envies current, exposed to the muddy and impetuous streams of merciless censure; wishing, that the fair hands of the meanest of your number would vouchsafe to dandle it in the lapp of your protection; It is but an abortive birth, posted to the world before its time, by an unavoidable emergent, and so I fear shall never prove strong, nor be able to go much abroad: Yet if it be admitted to suck the breasts of your favour, it may possibly prove strong enough (shielded by your affection) to graple with malice, and all other opposition. Whilest my winged curiositie, pilgrimaged through all the corners of my memory; desirous to know wherewith it was fittest to adorn the porch of this mean structure; duty at last pleaded, that it was lese-majesty against your supremacy, even to doubt whether it was fit to give you the precedency. For, since the best eyed fancy, cannot observe any traite in your peerless faces, wherein nature hath not prodigalled her charmes; so perfection were imprudent, and so no perfection, if it palaced not it self in such accomplisht creatures. And if there be any Orthodox maxime in Phisognomy, we may conclude, that such excellent faces are assorted with excellent souls: Providence being like these prudent Artists, who bestow the choisest cases only upon the richest [Page 4] pieces. And seing one look darted from your irresistible eyes, is able to conquer, in a moment, these over whom neither reason, nor courage, could never raise their trophies; we may conclude that there is something in you, which nothing in man (who seigneurises over all other creatures, and who can pretend to nothing stronger then courage and reason) can ever equal. It is to pleasure you that wit is studied, and were it not that ye might be pleased, certainly providence had placed wit beyond the reach of our studies: it is to sooth your humor, that men school themselves in patience; and by your miraculous voice, the storms of their passions are calmed; from your beauty, cowards borrow courage, and niggards liberality; So that all these scattered colonies of vertues, which are squandred amongst men, are all originated from your example. But as it was duty, so it is prudence in me to beg your patronage; for how can the body of this Book be abissed, and sink in the gulf of scorn, if its head be handed up by such admired beauties; neither think I, that malice can be so malicious, as to along a thurst at the author, who ensconces himself behinde such sacred persons; lest the blow destinated for him should wound them who targets him. I have chosen so many patronesses, to evidence that there is none of your never enough admired sex, but may lay claime to the patronage of all that drops from my pen; as also, fearing that among such a number, I should scarce finde one who would be so excessively hospitall, as to lodge in her Cabinet or Chamber such an unacknowledged Orphelin. The disappointment of my fears in this, is rather th [...] wish, then the expectation of,
An Apologie for ROMANCES.
IT hath been rather the fate, then merit of Romances in all ages, to be asperst with these vices, whereof they were not only innocent, but to whose ante-doting vertues they might justly pretend: for whereas they are judged to be both the fire, and faggots, wherby Lov'd flames are both kindled and alimented; I believe verily, that there is nothing can so easily extinguish them, for as these who have at Court, seen numbers of peerless and wel deckt beauties; can hardly become enamoured of an ordinary Country-maid; So these who have seen a Philoclea, or Cleopatra, depenciled by the curious wits of Sidney, and Scuderie, will hardly be invassalled by the (to them scarce approaching) treats of these, whom this age garlands for admired beauties. Others for sooth accuse them, for robbing us of our precious time; but this reproach is ill founded; for if the Romance be abject, none will trisle away their time in reading [Page 6] it, except these who would mispend it however, and if they be excellent, then times is rather spent then mispent in leafing them over. There is also a third race of detracters, who condemn them as lies; but since their Authors propose them, not with an intention to deceive, they cannot properly be reputed such: And albeit they seem but fables, yet who would unkernel them, would finde budled up in them reall truthes; and as naturalists observe, these kernels are best where the shells are hardest; and these mettals are noblest, which are mudded over wi [...]h most earth. But to leave such Phanaticks in the bedlame of their own fancies, who should blush to trace in these paths, which the famous Sidney, Scuderie, Barkley, and Broghill hath beaten for them, besides thousands of Ancients, aud Moderns, Ecclesiasticks, and Laicks, Spaniards, French, and Italians, to remunerat whose endeavours, fame hath wreathed Garlands (to be temple their ingenious and ingenuous heads) which shall never fade whilest Learning flourishes. I shall speak nothing of that noble Roma [...]ce, writen by a Bishop, which the entreaty of all the Eastern Churches could never prevail with him to disown; and I am confident, that where Romances are written by excellent wits, and perused by intelligent Readers, that the judgement may pick more sound information [Page 7] from them, then from History, for the one teacheth us onely what was done, and the other what should be done; and whereas Romances presents to us, vertue in its holy-day robes, History presents her only to us in these ordinary, and spotted sutes which she weares whilst she is busied in her servile, and lucrative imployments: and as many would be incited to vertue and generosity, by reading in Romances, how much it hath been honoured; So contrary wise, many are deterred by historical experience from being vertuous, knowing that it hath been oftner punished then acknowledged. Romances are these vessels which strain the christal streams of vertue from the puddle of interest; whereas history suffers the memory to quaff them of in their mixt impuritie; by these likewise lazy Ladies and luxurious Gallants, are allured to spend in their Chambers some hours, which else, the one would consecrat to the Bed, and the other to the Bordell: and albeit essayes be the choicest Pearls in the Iewel house of moral Philosophy, yet I ever thought that they were set off to the best advantage, and appeared with the greatest lustre, when they were laced upon a Romance; that so the curiosity might be satisfied, as well as the judgement informed, especially in this age wherein the appetit of mens judgements is become so queasie, that it can rellish nothing that [Page 8] is not either vinegared with Satyres, or suggared with Eloquence.
I know that these who have devanced us in this imployment, will as our eldest brothers in time, have a double portion of fame bestowed upon them, and no wonder, seing they had store both of expression and invention to make choice of, and if any of us use their expressions, albeit we were only debtor to our own invention for them, yet we should be thought to plagiarize: wherefore he who writes now, should read what hath been written formerly; not to the intent that he may borrow, but least he should borrow any thing that is theirs. I perceive there have been two errours committed by the first writers of Romances: the first was, that they stuffed their Books with things impracticable, which because they were above the reach of mans power, they should never have fallen within the circle of his observation: and such was Amadis de Gaule, Palmeron de Oliva &c. The other errour was in the style, which because of its soaring pitch was inimitable: and as the first hath been the fault of the first writers, So the last hath been the fault of the last writers, wherefore the famous Scuderie hath written so, as that his invention may suit well with our practise, and his style with our discourse, and especially in his Clelia, wherein he professes that he hath adapted all to [Page 9] the present converse of the French Nation and that is really the mould wherein all tru Romances should be casten. There are some who embroider their discourse with Latin and Greek termes, thinking, like these who are charmers, that the charme loses its energie, if the words be not used in Latine. But this is as rideculous, as if one who desires to make his face seem pleasant, should enamble it with red, blew, green, and other colours; which though they are in themselves pleasant, yet are rediculous when placed there. And this is an university style, which savours too much its pedant, and is at best but bastard oratory, seing the scope of all Orators is to perswade, and there can be no perswasion where the term is not understood; examples of this are Brown, Charletoun, &c. The second style, is that of moral Philosophers, where the periods are short, and the sense strong, and our experience teacheth us, that the shorter any thing be, it is the stronger: this style suits best with Preachers, whose it is to debit the grand misteries of Faith and Religion; for, seing sentences there should be weighty, if they were either many, or long, they would burden too much the hearers. The third style, is that of Barrasters, which is flourished with similees, and where are used long winded periods; and of all others, this is the most preferable, for seing similitude is but a harmony, [Page 10] this style shews that excellent harmony, and rapport, which God intended in the first Creation; and which the Philosophers of all ages have ever since admired. This Lawyers have learned from the paucitie of all humane Lawes, which makes them oft recurr to that topick, which teaches them to argument from the paritie of reason. And in this they resemble Mechanicks, who, by applying a cord, whose length they know, to any body whose length they ignore, do thereby learn its measures also. And by this way Nathan in the old Testament, and our Saviour in the new, repremands the errors of David and the self conceated Iewes. The fourth style is where the cadence is sweet, and the epithets well adapted, without any other varnish whatsoever: and this is that style which is used at Court, and is paterned to us by eloquent Scuderie. I hear there is now a ridiculous caball of Ladies at Paris, who terme themselves the precious, and who paraphrase every thing they speak of, terming a mirrour, the conselour of beauty, and a chair, the commoditie of conversation, &c. And thus they have progressed from painting of faces to paint expressions.
As for my self, since I expect no applause, I need fear no censure; and if I satisfie not others, I shall at least satisfie my self, for it was to form to my self a style that I undertook this Piece, [Page 11] whose defects I hope the sober readers will pardon, since their clemency will not be oft tempted with crimes of this nature: only this I begg, that these who will not do me the favour to read the last part, will not do me the wrong to read the fi [...]st part; for as the Lord Bakon very well observes, our thoughts are like our years, whereof the first are alwayes the worst; and it is no wonder, for boyling youth customarly throws the scum upmost. I have concealed my name till I see how my undertaking is relished; for which reason likewise, I have sent this Piece to the world unaccompanied, as a swatch of what I intend, reserving the Web, till I see how the Stuff pleases. The subject hath made this first part serious, and my inclination shall make the second pleasant.
A POEM, by the same Author, upon His Majesties happy Return.
Great Gloucester's Cipressehearse, wreathed by a Loyal hand.
To his ingenious Friend, the Author of Aretina.
Correct these Errors with thy Pen, before thou read the Book.
Page. | Line. | Read. |
80 | 13 | Agapeta |
275 | ult | ominat |
292 | 4 | then |
292 | 12 | for to themselves. |
303 | 6 | because |
339 | 18 | cannot |
348 | 26 | crown |
364 | 1 | longer able |
419 | 9 | Boute-feus |
ARETINA; OR, The Serious Romance.
MELANCHOLY having lodged it self in the generous breast of Monanthropus (lately Chancellour of Egypt) did, by the chain of its Charms, so fetter the feet of his Reason, that nothing pleased him now but that whereby he might please that passion; thinking all time mispent which was not spent in its service, frequenting more Woods than Men, deeming them the only fit grove to sacrifice in, the choicest of his thoughts to the worst of passions. Wherefore, having one day wandred abroad in a neighbouring Desert, he came at last to a deep Valley, fruitfull of nothing but Trees, and Trees fruitfull of nothing but Melancholy, overlookt by Rocks, in whose wrink [...]ed faces, aged Time had plowed thousands of deep furrows, whose gloomy brows threatned [Page 2] perpetually to smother the subjacent Valleys; a place fit only to be (as it was presently) the hermitage of Melancholy and stage of Cruelty: He had not long stayed, when his admiration was arrested by a noise blown in his ears (as he thought) by the bellows of Death, yet seconded by a sight yet more horrid: for, he saw at some distance two Ladies, loaded with Iron sheckles, which chained them together, stript of their cloaths above the middle, and strypt by two cruel Rascals, who (albeit torture made the Ladies run) yet equalled the number of their lashes to that of their paces; and not far from them, were ten Gentlemen (as they seemed by their habits) fighting against two Knights followed only by one Esquire; where courage seemed to combat against number, valour making the ten seem but three, and fear making the three seem ten; yet courage shew at last that it might be resisted by number, but could not be overcome by it; for, the death of six, forewarned the other four, that it was not time to stay: fear having left them only so much reason as to conclude, that seing they could not resist them, being ten, how could they resist when they were but four? wherefore, leaving flouds of bloud to witnesse the gallantry of their conquering adversaries, they posted away: The Knights willing to pursue these [Page 3] run-awayes (who had now added cowardisnesse to their former crimes) yet more willing to rescue the miserable Ladies, left these Rascals to be punished by a torturing conscience, and the just gods, and spurred after the Ladies, who were presently abandoned by these Hangmen; but Providence (which had borrowed their swiftnesse to lend it to their adversar [...]es) delivered these Villains into the hands of the pursuing Knights, who brought them back where the Ladies were, bathing themselves in their own innocent bloud: who having fallen on their feeble knees, the eldest of them weeping, spoke thus; O noble Gentlemen, surely Providence had never created such silly creatures as weak women, if they had not likewise provided such noble Champions as ye are to be guardians to their weak innocencie, and innocent weaknesse: We acknowledge we are yours (if bloud be a price able to buy things of small value) neither can those to whom we belonged formerly pretend right any longer to us, no more than the first owners can pretend right to their goods, which being robbed from them by unjust Pirats, are after some time and danger regained by other true Conquerours; or Land taken by Vsurpers, is to be restored by a third Conquerour to its first masters: Happie we, who cannot by any postliminius right, [Page 4] return to our former liberty, seing to be slaves to such masters is to be no slaves at all. But seing our tears are no fit recompence, for those tears of bloud which your bodies both have shed, and yet do shed for us, we shall cease to trouble you, whom we cannot requite.
But whilest they were admiring what was already spoken (wherein she shewed much Learning from whom no Learning could be expected) and whilst she was about to add more, Monanthropus, by his coming, interrupted, both the admiration of the one, and the discourse of the other, who, puzled whether to congratulate the good fortune of the Knights, to regrate the misery of the Ladies, or to accuse the cruelty of those Rascals (with whom the Knights had made them to exchange fetters) who were now standing accused by their own roguish looks, yet at last he accosted the Knights thus: Gentlemen, albeit I might accuse you as strangers, for exercing any jurisdiction, much more the highest jurisdiction, in a stranger Nation, yet your valour, your successe, and your cause, obligeth me to believe, that ye are commissionated by the immortal gods, to punish these Rascals, and to liberate these noble Ladies: for, seing such extraordinary feats as ye have done, are above the reach of such ordinary means as is mans strength, we must believe that [Page 5] they are either perpetrated immediatly by supernal or infernal powers; and seing the infernal furies are not so much friends to innocency, as to help it, or so much enemies to cruelty, as to punish it, we must think, that ye have been aided by some divine power; therefore I shall rather admire than challenge you; for, to no purpose is the admirative faculty bestowed upon man, if it be not exercised in such cases as this: therfore let me beg of you to lodge with me this night, seing the condition of these Ladies pleads for good accommodation, and there is none to be had for persons of either your or their quality, besides my house, whose best accommodation is, its nearnesse to this place. To which the tallest of these two Knights (named Megistus) replyed thus; Courteous Sir, neither ye, nor these Ladies, have reason to extol so much our courage, as to admire these fellows cowardishnesse, and to think that their guiltinesse was their strongest enemy, and that the veriest Coward could not but be stout in such a quarrel: but as to your proffer, albeit we thank you extreamly for it, yet we will wait upon these Ladies to shelter them from any future inconveniencie, and to see them beginning to return from the region of death, wherein they seem now to enter; for, seing providence hath given them us for attenders, it [Page 6] were a breach of trust to desert them. But the poor Ladies, (who were about not only to accept the proffered accommodation, but likewise to beg it before it was proffered) thanked Monanthropus for his kindnesse, and intreated the Knights to go alongst with them: which when they had accorded to, after much reluctancy, he mounted the Ladies behind the Knights, and whilst they paced slowly, both to case the Ladies, and to keep company with Monanthropus, who refused to ride upon Kalodulus his horse (for so was he who served the Knights named) both Monanthropus, and the two Knights, joyned in a suit to the Ladies, that they would inform them both of the rise and tract of their so lamentable misfortune; especially Monanthropus, whose Melancholy appetite rellished nothing so well as what was sauced with novelty, to which the sweet Ladies easily condiscended; grief being like a Mine, which the greater vent it gets is the lesse noisome, as also knowing that the villany of their enemies would conciliat respect to their innocency; so the Lady who spoke formerly, broke off thus: Gentlemen, our father (who was a Nobleman in Thracia) was one, who lived rather to study, than studied how to live; and who endeavoured more to treasure up Learning in himself, than Money [Page 7] for his posterity, yet who never stained his blotlesse fame with either negligence, or prodigality; yet it was rather his fortune, than his merit, to be misconstrued by most of his neighbours, and mainly for his retirednesse; some thinking that he conversed not with them because he thought them unworthy to be conversed with; others thought his retirednesse flowed from his being conscious to some imperfection in himself, which made him unfit for conversation; So that as the one hated him for his supposed pride, so the other undervalued him for his supposed unworthinesse: Neither was there a third sort wanting, who judged that it was peavishnesse, which confined him at home, fearing lest he should be induced to spend when he came abroad: Thus he lived, educating his children, me especially, in ordinary Learning, scorning alwayes those who thought knowledge rather a burden, than a qualification to those of our sex, and that it was enough to a woman to know how to bring forth children: for, said he, seing nature hath been more a step-mother to women, than to men, giving them shallower judgments than to men, It appears to have been natures meaning, and it should be their endeavours, to supply by pains that natural imperfection: and seing they are given as helpers to men, how [Page 8] can they help him, except they understand how to do it? and also, seing they should recreate man in his solitarinesse, how can they do that without some knowledge? Having spent thus his short life, he was at last invited by death, to go and receive the reward of his vertue. After his death, two Gentlemen (even those two, who first assaulted these worthy Gentlemen) whom conversation rather than affection (for they were not capable of any such impression) had made rather comrades than friends, and who conversed together rather out of necessity than choice, because others hated them so as that they would not converse with them; or else, they fearing to be checked for their escapes, would converse with none but with themselves, whose mutual escapes pleaded for mutual pardon. These two came in suit of us two, who were two sisters, the only daughters of our father; but their spotted same before they came, and their imperious carriage after, made us not only not love their persons, but even abhor their very names: which they, after some time, perceiving, intended to extort by compulsion, what they could not willingly obtain from us; whereupon, our only brother being sick, and hearing that our mother resolved to consult a neighbouring Astrologer, bribed so his corrupt judgement, as that he [Page 9] promised to tell her, that nothing could ransom our brothers life, but our pilgrimage to Delphus, there to sacrifice two Turtles for him to Apollo. We, who thought nothing too dear for us, when compared with our dear brother, resolved to undertake the journey, and being dismist, loaded both with our mothers tears and jewels, we had not travelled twelve miles, waited upon only by two Gentlemen, our cousins, and two maids, when at the entry of a Wood we were assaulted, or rather surprised, by ten Gentlemen, masked, our cousins assoon slain as seen, and poor we, taken captives by those of whom we knew nothing, save only that by their masks we might know that they intended some villany which they durst not avow; our maids being sent away we knew not where, and our selves captives we knew not to whom, amazement seized so on us, as that we feared we knew not what: but to screw up our misfortunes to the highest pin, our two Lovers unmasked themselves, O what torment was it to us, to behold our Tormentors! and especially in a place where none could either pity, or relieve us; and we became now like fools and children, who think it a great happinesse not to see the authors of their unhappinesse, which makes them, when they are assaulted by any fear, cover their heads; but [Page 10] they who hasted to enjoy that, which when they had enjoyed, would doubtlesse have slighted, began to unmask their minds aswell as their faces, and told us plainly, that we behoved either to love, or die; a word as strange as cruel: For, how can the chill coldnesse of constraint kindle the real flames of true love? And seing force is able to make those who formerly loved, thereafter hate, how can it make those who once hated, therafter love? but they who understood as little true love, as they practised true modesty, did most impertinently importune us to accept them for our husbands, swearing, when they could not perswade us by threats, that we were the maddest women breathing who refused to bewives to such gallant Gentlemen, and Mistrisses of so large fortunes; recounting to us sometime their valiant acts, and sometime questioning their prepared servants anent the state of their thriving affairs, not forgetting to number hundreds of Mistrisles whom they had slighted for us, and how many sighed for them, albeit they sighed for us. This discourse, albeit unpleasant in it self, yet seemed more unpleasant because of the discoursers gestures and antick modes, which could have perswaded strangers, that they erred purposly to make us laugh; at last they led us to a Cave in the bosome of a Rock, which [Page 11] seemed to be Deaths chamber of presence, paved with mire, and tapistred with slime and cobwebs: here we were welcomed by an old Hag (the Nurse of my Lover) whose face I thought at first, had been masked with some terrible mask, but at last I perceived, that Nature had conjoyned swarthy colours with ugly shapes, to shew that Art could not outstrip her in making an horrid face; her words, ecchoed by the hiddeous Rock, seemed to be the cryes of the damned spirits, when they are punished in Hell for their misdemeanours.
Our accommodation could only brag of its suitablenesse for ugly things, so corresponded with ugly things, as ye would have sworn, that every thing contended which should be most ugly: a sheep was eaten half alive, and sent bleating to their bellies, and their bread which seemed to be knead gravel, was eaten as greedily as if it had been the finest flowre; at supper she began to accuse the Courtiers for nice [...]y, in imploying knives and napkins, and swore by her black kirtle, that the reason why Ladies did eat so little at Table, was, because they did eat so largely in their Chambers. Thus having spent the night lying on the ground (a Bed never made since the Creation) we longed for the morning, which came no sooner than we wished it had been past, and thought that the [Page 12] Sun by its slow motion, intended likewayes to conspire with our other Tormentors: Yet after some four dayes stay, the immortal Gods, who knew our innocency, decreed our delivery, by a way as unexpected as the delivery it self: for, the fore-named Mathematician, who began now in his solitude to consult the Stars, whereas he had formerly in his poverty consulted his Purse, did one morning acquaint the Lovers that he did read their ruine in the Face of Heaven, if they dismist us not: this Diurnal, from such a place, and such a person, did so allarm their already frighted consciences, that they resolved to quit us, meerly, because they found they could not keep us: wherefore fearing lest our return to our own Countrey, should be a mean to banish them from theirs, they resolved to bring us over here to Egypt with our faces covered, that our punishment might be the greater, and our return the more uncertain: after that fashion did they lead us three dayes (never considering that Heaven saw us, albeit we saw not it) till at last, like Serpents, who carry their sting in their tails, they resolved to make the last act of their cruelty the worst, making our Tragedy like all other Tragedies, whose most deplorable event is represented in the last Scene: Wherefore, finding this Wood correspond with their desires, [Page 13] they committed us to these cruel Tygres, who had avenged their masters affronts, and ended our miseries, if the arrival of those Gentlemen had not prevented both.
This story and their journey ended both equally, and they were as much solaced by the one, as wearied by the other: and now they began to descry the top of the much longed-for Castle, and being entered in a sweet Alley, which was guarded on both sides by Walnut, Chesnut, and Cipress trees, which decored extreamly the Avenues to the Castle, they were saluted by four Gentlemen cloathed in blue Sattin, who were attending Monanthropus's▪ return, which was later that night than ordinary; the Knights and Ladies finding their respect betrayed formerly, by the meannesse of Monanthropus exteriour garb, did, in a most submissive manner, crave him pardon, and bestowed upon him now, with its interest, what respects they had ignorantly detained from him formerly, and the younger of the two Knights (called Philarites) commissionated, by the assenting looks of his Companions, spoke thus:
My Lord, nature having levelled all men as to what can be seen, and strangers knowing nothing more of one another, than what instruction nature bestows on them, their ignorance deserves pardon, if they homologate not their [Page 14] first errours, by their after continuance in them▪ and we see Magistrates carry before them the Ensigns of their Offices, Gentlemen followed by their Liveries, and Knights of Orders carry the Badges of their Honours, as beacons to warn strangers not to split upon the rocks of either disrespect, or incivility: which shews, by the rule of contraries, that strangers may be pardoned, albeit they deny respect to those who wear not Honours Livery; and albeit we might have seen in your Honours face and carriage, the impression of more than ordinary majesty, yet the confusion wherein we were, may plead our innocency. Monanthropus, whose humour and age made him averse from ceremony, told them, that their generous carriage did oblige him too much, and that their Apologie had prevented his; for albeit they had cunningly vailed their Births, yet their Generosity did somewhat draw aside the curtain, and did let the most undiscerning eye see somewhat more of Nobility, than their modesty did discover by discourse.
The Knights and he having skirmished a little thus in complement, he intreated the Knights to hand up stairs the weary Ladies; for their age and pains had merited better their hand, than he had done or could do. At the top of the stairs, they entered an Antiparlour, [Page 15] richly tapestred with hangings, representing Paris choice when he bestowed the Apple upon the fairest (which seemed to be not only a relation of what was past, but also a prophecy of what was to be acted shortly upon that stage) there they were welcomed by a Lady, rather grave than old, followed by a troup of rare Beauties; where (notwithstanding the rest seemed only to be black patches to set off with the greater advantage the beauty of a young Lady who was Monanthropus his daughter, a Lady so accomplished, as if Nature in her, had like that old Painter, borrowed a tra [...]te from the greatest Beauties in the world to adorn one) Philarites, after Megistus and the Ladies had saluted all, and after as he himself had saluted the mother, coming to salute the daughter, and bowing as low as the verge of her garment, being deserted by strength, and overpowered by admiration, did Fali dead at her feet. The wounded Ladies, surprized by his fall, did shout, and by that shout astonished more than formerly, the already commiserating by-standers, who began already to sacrifice thousands of tears to his departed ghost, and were sending their sad cryes to accompany to the Elisian fields his lovely soul; mean while, his admiration which had intimated to his internal bloud and spirits the admirable beauty [Page 16] of ARETINA (so was the young Lady called) sent his bloud gushing out at his veins, every drop striving with its fellow which should first see that hyerogliphick of comlinesse; but he, poor Gentleman, lay as if his soul and body had been divorced in the Court of Heaven, for it refused to return to its old lodging, notwithstanding of the many invitations given it, both by the skill of the Physician, and care of the Ladies: at last some blushes began to appear as the avantcurriers of life, which did somewhat animate the company, whose faces reflected formerly the paleness that appeared in his, each being willing even to wear deaths livery for his sake; at last he began by groans, to vomit up his Melancholy, and to stretch his arms, which when Megistus perceived, he caused carry him to his chamber, where they put him in bed, not fully yet recovered. Thereafter Monanthropus and his Lady waited first upon the unknown Ladies, and thereafter upon Megistus to their Chambers, where Supper was dressed up for them, and two maids were allowed the Ladies for attendants: but Megistus, fearing that Philarites grief might prove desperate, (great Spirits producing nothing which is not great, and as the greatest fires have the greatest flames) resolved, by his wit to assist his friends patience; wherefore calling for Kalodulus [Page 17] his servant, he commanded him to convey himself secretly up to the Seiling of the Chamber, and to take a hollow tree with him, through which he should (after he found Philarites awake, and beginning to complain) cry with a counterfeit voice, Philarites, the gods, as a reward of thy vertue, have allowed thee ARETINA for thy Wife; and, to confirm thee in this truth, have desired thee to send to morrow to that great Oak, which is sacred to Iupiter, and there thou shalt find a Ring, with this inscription, Believe the Gods (for Megistus had gotten such a Ring from one of his fathers Magicians, who had foretold him many fortunat events, and at his departure had bestowed this Ring upon him) Kalodulus, whose love to Philarites made him both willing to undertake, and cunning in the accomplishment, of this enterprise, did secretly climb up where he was desired, and where he could not be discovered because of the darkness of the night; and after half an hours stay, Philarites began to groan, and to second his groans thus: O unfortunate Philarites! hath passion cut the throat of thy reason, or hast thou lost thy wit with thy bloud? wilt thou willingly enter the lists, where stronger spirits have been defeated by weaker enemies, than that lovely object thou saw this evening? wilt thou render thy [Page 18] self uncapable to be Megistus friend, and thy fathers heir, for a fancy which is unpracticable? Yea, which is more, Wilt thou derogate from that Ladies worth, by daring to stile thy self her Lover? Either thou must conceal thy passion, and then why lovest thou? else thou must vent it, and then declare thy self distracted. Kalodulus, who waited this opportunity, spoke as he was taught, and that so cunningly, as that Kalodulus passed really for Mercury (the trunche-man of the Gods) in Philarites conceit: whereupon, falling in an extasie of respect to the Gods, and of joy for the message, he gave Kalodulus leasure to retire himself to his bed, where feigning that he was asleep, Philarites called for him, asking if he heard any thing? who answered, No, sure, for he was asleep: but the other pressing an answer, Kalodulus said, that it was only the effects of his distemper. The night being past, Philarites entreated Kalodulus, to go and dig under the root of the sacred Oak, to see what he could find. But Kalodulus, after some faint disswasion, was at last willing to go: where having gone, he seemed to dig, and at last found the Ring (which he could not miss, seing it was in his pocket) with which he returned to his master, telling him, to aggrage the matter, that he found it wrapt up in an Oaken Leaf. [Page 19] This trick of Leg [...]rdemain was proven by Philarites, his hope to be a vision, and did so animate him, that he was in greater danger to have died for joy now, than he was to have died for grief formerly, like a Lamp extinguished by too much Oyl, the soul in that resembling the body, which is soonest surfeted by the best of viands.
Whilst they were canvassing this strange businesse, Megistus (who being anxious of the event, had risen timously) knocked at the door, and being entered, he began to enquire how he had rested. Philarites commanding Kalodulus to retire, imbracing Megistus, said, Dear Comrade, since the soul of two friends seems to be but one soul bilocated, and lodged in two bodies, which is notwithstanding, not a whit the lesse one soul, no more than the same soul ceaseth to be the same, because it is altogether in the arms, altogether in the head, and in other distinct members: seing then we are animated by the same soul (whereof yours is the nobler part) how can, or why should, we be strangers to one anothers joyes or griefs? My extasie yesternight told you all I can tell you this morning; but albeit it had concealed it, yet I would not. Ye saw how ARETINA'S face disarmed my courage, and forced me to render before I could put my self in a posture [Page 20] of defence; I am love and hers martyr, at which word he trembled. Megistus, who resolved to solace his friends Melancholy, answered: It cannot be you love; for else loves flames would never suffer you to tremble, which is the ordinary effect of cold.
Alas, said Philarites, seing none can behold ARETINA, and not love her, I fear we are Rivals. Truly, replyed Megistus, I love her also; but the difference is, that it appears ye love her as your Mistris, and I love her as a compleat Lady; and albeit I loved her as my Mistris, yet the love I carried to her would strike sail to the respect I bear to Philarites. Alas, said Philarites, the [...]irst part of your discourse makes me think, that you have not remarked ARETINA, and the second part makes me think, that ye who knows every thing else, knows not what it is to love. No, no, replyed Megistus, as my eyes cannot be so far mistaken, as to mistake the Case for the Watch, so neither can my judgement be so hallucinated as to love the Body in stead of the Soul: it is not beauty that I admire either in her or you (albeit both be lovely) no, it is your vertue, which seing I know to be real in you, whereas it is but presumptive in her, I cannot chuse but love you better: But, Philarites, ye jest, when ye say ye love; can it be that your [Page 21] courage, which hath resisted so many men, is not able to resist one woman? stain not your wisdom by loving, before ye know the object to be lovely: stain not your birth, by loving a subject, ye who are born a Prince; stain not your duty, by chusing a Wife before you consult your Father, take a Wife from his hands from whom ye have received every thing else: for, it is not just that he should not chuse her, who is to be Princess of his Kingdoms, and Mother to his Heirs; and seing by the Law of Nations an Heir cannot marry without the Superiours consent, why shovld it be lawfull to you to marry without the consent of your Father, who being your Prince, is your Superiour.
Philarites was about to answer, but was interrupted by Monanthropus, his Lady, and his Daughter, who were entring the Chamber; Salutations being mutually exchanged, and the Ladies seated, Megistus craved the Lady pardon for their yesternights trouble: for, said he, Madam, if your modest looks, and the experience we have of your civilities, made us not expect that your goodnesse would seal us a pardon, we might think our selves as unfortunate, as now we have reason to extoll our good fortune, which hath given us your Ladish. to be our physitian, and your house to be our [Page 22] hospital; the gods, whose service ye respect principally, must be your paymasters: and as for us, all we can do, is to imploy in your service all that remnant of bloud which ye have conserved in our veins. Sir, replyed the noble Lady, the protection of these noble Ladies is a debt which all our sex is not able to requite, and it were an unpardonable sin against the immortal gods, to abandon two Gentlemen, whom they look upon as their Minions; Gentlemen, pardon ye your bad entertainment, and your complementary guilt shall be easily pardoned. Having thus ended, she asked how Philarites rested, and what he needed? But Megistus fearing lest ARETINA'S presence should reinflame him, and knowing that they who were in feavers should not sit so near the fire, entreated the Ladies and Monanthropus to leave him to the care of Doctor Diet, and Doctor Quiet, healths ordinary Physicians, which they did, and went away, accompanied by Megistus, to visit the unknown Ladies; where they found them, entertaining themselves with two Lutes, lent them by their attenders: their Lutes and their Voices strove for preference, yet the Voice carried the applause; and no wonder, seing it is the instrument which the gods themselves have fabricated. Their musick joyned to the description Monanthrop. had made of them [Page 23] to his Lady and Daughter, did so indear the Ladies to them as that still thereafter during their aboad it was hard to separate them, Monanthropus desiring to satisfie his curiosity, and curious to know a person he so much admired, desired Megistus to fetch a walk, leaving the Ladies to their private entertainments.
So going abroad, he conducted him to a Garden, all enamelled with Flowers, chequered all alongst according to their several colours; and thereafter to an Aviary, wherein grew many fragrant odoriferous Trees, wherein Birds of all Nations, and of all colours, nested, and withall shadowed a Walk, wherein one would hear their dissonant voices conspiring to make one melodious harmony, which seemed to be Natures Lute, and which shewed how hard it is for Art to imitate Dame Natures perfection; here Monanthropus used every morning and evening to recreate both his ears and eyes, with variety both of notes and colours, contrariety here producing as pleasant effects, as it useth to produce unpleasant elsewhere: from this they went to a Mount, whose ascent was facilitated by stairs of Marble, and whose stairs was shaded with Orange trees, budding continually, betwixt each two whereof stood a Basin of Marble, whence issued waters of divers colours, receiving their tinctures from Minerals, purposly [Page 24] concealed; upon the top of this Mount stood a house of pleasure, gilded above, and all struck out in windows, the residue of the wall being strong Cristal, whose reflections upon the gilding, did cast a curious lustre; there stood a pair of Organs, moved with a Water-work, with which three cages of Birds, made a melodious consort; above this was a Closet, repleat with Mathematical Engins, whence Monanthropus observed all the heavenly motions: thence they were called to Dinner, where at the entry of the Palace they perceived a young Pedant, who was seating a Lady on horsback, and would needs have the Gentleman who was in the saddle turn the right side of the horse; for, said he, the noblest side should be given to a Lady: but so it is that the right side is the noblest, Ergo. This forced Monanthropus against his inclination to laugh merrily.
After Dinner, Monanthropus and Megistus walked to the Bibliothick, which was richly tapestred with Books, each Science having its own division, and the chief Authors, drawn by a most exquisite Pencil, standing above; the floor paved with Marble, cut out in the shapes of Globes and Spheres: They had scarce fetcht two or three turns here, when Monanthropus (whose Melancholy hungred to be fed with the [Page 25] Legend of Megistus Life) smiling, said; Sir, it is somewhat unmannerly, yet most ordinary, amongst strangers to inquire after one anothers extraction, and the more it is concealed, the more our curiosity is set on edge; men thinking every thing that is hid, like to the hidden Minerals, which the deeper they are concealed in the bowels of the Earth, are so much the more precious; and man hunting happiness (a prey which he shall never catch in this world) and not finding it in what he knows, concludes that it lurks in that which is concealed from him; and man concluding that each desires to reserve for himself what he finds most excellent, imagines that every thing which his neighbour conceals, must be excellent, because he reserves that for himself; others enquire after mens secrets, because they dream, that once having known anothers secrets, they have the revealer at their devotion; Yet, Sir, I hope, that as your generosity will not jealouse me, so your goodnesse will satisfie my enquiry. Megistus who found it an obligation he owed to Monanthropus's civilities, replyed thus: My Lord, albeit my reason did at first, and my experience hath since, taught me the expediency of masking my condition, yet your favours have prevailed against both; wherefore, Sir, ye shall know that I am Son to the King [Page 26] of Ethiopia, and that whilst I lived at my Fathers Court, I began to reflect upon the great advantages that did accrue to Princes by their travels; for these are the mirrours wherein Princes may see their own blemishes, which their own subjects may sometimes laugh at, but will never discover to them: as also the want of foreign languages (which they learn in their travels) obliges them to reveal to Interpreters the most mysterious affairs of State, when they treat with strangers Ambassadors, and makes them unfit to pry into their scope; likewise their travels acquaints them with the humours and interests of other Nations, wherin homebred Princes are sometimes cheated, and often mistaken; by these Princes are obliged to moderate their passions, to inure themselves to hardship, and to converse with men of all conditions: Another advantage they have likewise, which is, that by travelling whilest they are young, they conceal many imperfections, which, to their great losse, their youth would have discovered, if they had lived at home. These and many such considerations, prompted me to travel, and to disguise my name and birth, which, as it forced me to spend lesse, so it capacitated me to learn more than else I could have done. So having come over to Athens, the general rendezvous of all great Spirits, I [Page 27] did there meet Philarites, whose fame and excellent qualities made me cull him out for my intimate Comrade: but, Sir, I will reserve this story for his own narration, that so he may have somewhat to gratifie your Lordship with, his and my condition having robbed us of all other opportunities of doing your Lordship the least pleasure. Monanthropus glad of this discovery, but sorry for his former mistake, did intreat Megistus to remember the Apologie he had made the other day, whereat Megistus smiling, said, That all the reparation of honour which he required, was his Lordships secresie in a matter of such importance, and that he desired likewise, rather out of custom than out of fear, and desired that his Lordsh. should not think it detracted from the confidence he placed on his ingenuity, seing the most intire, and the least jealous friends will desire the like, meerly to signifie that they look upon what is related as a thing wherein they desire secresie, which their friends would else take for matters of no such moment; and withall he intreated, That his Lordship would acquaint him with the true state of affairs, as they stood for the time in that Nation wherin he now sojourned, Seing Intelligence was the soul of Policy, by which it was animated, and without which Statesmen could neither foresee nor shun inconveniences; [Page 28] and of all intelligence that was to be preferred, which was had by one who had been an actor, as his Lordship was; To which Monanthropus courteously replyed, Your Highness (which title Megistus conjured him not to make use of, lest by it he should be deciphered) by your command compells me to do what none but ye could gain from me, for that discourse will reflect upon and detract from my native country, of whose honour I would be as tender as of my Mothers (for seing I am come out of its bowels, I do in a manner esteem it my Mother) as also my narration may seem to receive a false tincture from my discontentment, neither is it fit to make such relations to strangers, who may glean from it some of the hidden Maximes of our State, the concealment of which would make the discourse seem empty, and would leave you, Sir, (seing I must term you so) most unsatisfied; yet seing that same providence which hath sent you thither, perswades me that it hath singled you out, as a Physician to cure our maladies, I shall conceal none of our infirmities from you. Wherefore, Sir, ye shall know, that this Kingdom, (which is one of the first Lodgings given to poor mortals by the immortal gods) was governed alwayes by Kings, and to abridge my story (leaving to history what may be learned from it) [Page 29] Plistus, father to our present Monarch, was a good, but a simple Prince, whereof his Nobles taking advantage, sought to settle the Government really in their persons, that they might imploy the publick treasure, to repair the breaches which their profuse luxury had made in their private fortunes, and the power and honour of the State to satiate their unsatiable ambition: wherupon, first, six, and then moe, combined amongst themselves, and against their Prince, which Plistus, simple in other things, but witty in this, perceiving, became almost distracted with fear, yet providence diverted that blow, which doubtlesse else had murdered both him and his Kingdom; for Mal [...]hus the Mufty (for so they call our High-Priest) convocating all the Priests (whose number the laziness and superstition of our Nation hath made infinit) to a solemn Assembly, went and secretly proffered his service and assistance to his Prince, whose hatred to the Nobles, and whose fear of the event, had made him willing, not only to accept, but even to desire the aid of his subjects; the King having first thanked, and then condescended to imbrace his proffer, they plotted the extirpation of the complotting Noblemen, which was thus acted: The Noblemen and the Priests meeting in Alexandria about the same time, Malchus having taken [Page 30] an oath both of secresie and obedience from all of them, unfolded to them the complot of the Noblemen, and how the King had none to confide in besides them, whose courage might make in one instant, their Countrey and their King eternally happy; he likewise shewed them proof of the Noblemens treason, and of the Kings pleasure: Whereupon, all assenting, he went by way of procession, carrying the Image of Apollo streight to the Lodging where the Noblemen were assembled, where having seized upon them, and upon their papers, which had been shewn him by one of their Secretaries, whom he had bribed, he was presently rescued by the King, who commanded the flocking people to retire home: The King in requitall of this courtesie, advanced presently Malchus to be Chancellour of the Nation, wherein at first he evidenced both so much wit and moderation, as that the gods themselves seemed to be his cabinet counsel; yet at last his ambition, which he had all this time keeped chained by prudence, did at last break prison, and he treated privately with some of the imprisoned Nobles, to ransom themselves by marrying his Neeces, which they willingly accorded to; he likwise perswaded the King that it would blunt extreamly the edge of the peoples envie, and would strengthen extreamly the Kingdom, [Page 31] whose noble parts the Nobles were, and consequently whose weaknesse would weaken the body; and that wise Kings should be like wise Physicians, who should never cut off a diseased member, if there be any hopes to cure it; he sent abroad upon foreign imployments all the active Spirits, fomented all the old jealousies, and created new betwixt the Nobles, so that the King by curing himself of one disease (as it hapneth in the usage of all nimious and vehement cures) fell in another, as (if not more) dangerous, Malchus, finding that one of his own countrymen was unfit to be his Minion and Successour after his death, did chuse one Sophander a Grecian (who had been resident at the Court for the Athenian Senate) to be his Favourite: for, he imagined that if he had chosen a Nobleman of his own Nation, he might have supplanted him; and if he had chosen a base and low-born Gentleman, his extraction being notorious to all the Nation, might have rendred him despicable; and a stranger uncertain of any assistance, behoved to rely upon him: besides, wanting both friends and foes in the Nation, he would impartially without either connivance or revenge, execute all his commands. This fellow, became his creature (and he might well be called so, because he made him of nothing a potent prince) [Page 32] others alledged, that because the people did belch out so many injuries against Malchus for his avarice (making his private chests the publick treasure) saying, that he was in the politick body, like the spleen in the natural, whose growth did proportionally occasion the leannesse of the other members: therefore he choosed this Sophander (whose avarice was his greatest, if not his only vice) that they might after his death by collationing their lives, extoll his ambition by comparing it with his successours avarice.
Now all the Court began to adore Malchus in Sophanders person, each one foreseeing that any imp, ingrafted on such a root, would one day flourish extreamly, and that its shadow should one day be able to shelter those who retired under it, from either the cold chilnesse of poverty, or the scorching flames of envie; yea, the King himself caressed exceedingly this Infant Minion, but so cautiously as that he seemed rather to love him in obedience to Malchus his desire, than out of any secret inclination to Sophander, or aversion from Malchus, albeit these two passions were really the legs whereon his passion did walk. Thus Malchus did by the hand of his pleasure sway the Sceptor of Soveraignity, his fancy being the sole and supream Judge, even in matters of the [Page 33] greatest importance, from whose sentence the Royal Throne it self durst receive no appeal, and whose smiles were the greatest reward that the proudest Egyptian durst pretend to; the office of Chancellour became too narrow an orb for this great Planet to move in: wherefore, as an extraordinary person, he must have an extraordinary imployment, and must be advanced to be first Minister of State, a title not understood by us, and never heard of by our Ancestors, but which suited well with his ambition, both being boundless. None durst now dispute his power, seing none could pretend to know it; and seing the King himself was, who could repine against the condition of a subject? Nothing was presented to him now, but what was confected with the sugar of flattery: not a word dropped from his mouth, but was instantly received in Fames most sacred vessels; and the most erroneous of his actions, were canonized as example for posterity; Yet fear (the ordinary Lacquey of greatness) began to tell his conscience in the ear, that he was rather adored than loved, by those who even loved him best, which made him resolve by the news of his death, to try whether it was love or fear that made the humours of his Compatriots so plyable; in order to this design, feigning himself first sick, and then blazing abroad [Page 34] his death by the mouth of his Physicians, did by the dissembled closure of his eyes, open the fond mouthes of the unwary Courtiers, who were glad to find an occasion to vomit up that poysonous malice, which had even by its venom almost destroyed the vessels wherein it was keeped; but the next morning the Physicians told that his soul had but lurked in, and not fled from his apoplectick body, and he himself being recovered, did deal death most liberally amongst those who were so liberall of their characters of him, whilest they supposed that he was dead. Yet at last death did show, that the armour of greatness was not proof against its darts, and did hurry him away, cursed by all, and lamented by none, the people supposing they had buried him and their miseries in one tomb, did now coin thousands of hopes in the mint-house of their expectation; but their miseries which had begun to ebb by Malchus death, did now begin to flow afresh by the Succession of Sophander, whom the Queen (fearing that the Nobles who did not obey him who was both their Countryman and their Prince, would far lesse obey her, whose reign was but temporary, and whose sex was but fragile) did after the death of her husband, who survived not long Malchus, choose him for her Confident. The young Kings name [Page 35] served them for a rampart against all opposition, and his infancy made the uproars of her enemies be looked upon as a sin greater than Treason, being committed both against the Majesty of a King and the Infancy of a Childe, and rendred them criminal both as men, and subjects. Yet this same innocency which made the opposers so guilty, did likewise give time and life to the far more heinous crimes of the defendants. Sophander having got the Tutory of the young King, acquainted him with all the pleasures which might alienate his mind from affairs of greater importance, but keeped him alwayes a stranger to the Mysteries of State, as things which would certainly disquiet, and might possibly break his spirit: telling him, that it was too soon for him to have his Crown lined with the black Sables of Care, and that he might in his youth commit some Solicismes of State, which might for ever stain his Royall repute: he likewise retarded his Marriage, fearing lest anothers worthiness should fill the room, which he unworthily had gotten in his Princes heart; till at last, overpowered by necessity, he matched him with a neighbouring Princess, whose pliable humour might rather be subservient than destructive to his greatness, I (who had been promoted to be Chancellour immediatly after Malchus death) became [Page 36] now the eye-sore of Sophanders avarice, for he thought my charge void, because it was not filled with one of his Partisans, who might at last like small rivers discharge themselves in the ocean of his Treasures: whereupon I, who scorned like those other Asses, to carry Gold to his bottomless Coffers, did resolve rather to shelter my self in the Sanctuary of a private life, than to bow the top-sail of my integrity to the flag of his ambition; wherefore I retired to this place and condition, which I have alwayes since found a harbour able to shelter me from the most violent storms of pride and avarice, wherewith those are shattered, who sail in the ocean of Court-luxury. This discourse did extreamly satisfie Megistus judgment, and kindle his courage, and Monanthropus perceiving the coals of his courage once kindled, did by the bellows of wit and occasion, endeavour to adde heat to excite the flames which he found already kindled; and it was resolved at last that Eudoxa the elder of these two Ladies should go to Alexandria, where she should stay till by Bonaria's intercession (so was Monanthropus Lady called) she might be admitted to be one of Agapeta (the Kings daughters) Ladies of honour, where she might be serviceable to their designs, and a stirrup wherby Megistus might the more easily mount the saddle of preferment.
[Page 37] Let us now return to visit Philarites, whose love had plunged him in the ditch of Melancholly irrecoverably, who loved nothing in himself except the love he carried to ARETINA, whose good fortune he notwithstanding cursed a thousand times, because it had placed her above the reach of his courtesies, the skilfull pencile of his passion did draw ARETINA'S portracture upon every object that presented it self to his sight; and his noble heart, which was formerly Mars his shop wherein he forged thousands of heroick thoughts, became now an Altar whereon he sacrificed daily his dearest faculties to his lovely ARETINA, his Reason, which had still been the steersman in all his former courses, did in this tempest of Melancholy abandon its charge, presumption assured him, that providence and foresight in this case, were but cowardishness; for, how could one of his courage, especially engaged in such a quarrel, fear Armies of inconveniences? On the contrary, fear assured him that his hopes were meer presumption; for, how could the divine ARETINA be merited by a stranger, destitute of friends and attenders? and how could he think that she who knew the value of every thing, would bestow her self upon one who did not merit her? Thus passion warred against passion, but all of them conspired against [Page 38] Philarites, who, deserted by reason, and assaulted by passion, was brought to so low a passe, as that neither the skill of the Physician was able to recruit his body, nor the perswasions of Megistus able to settle his confused spirits. But that which afflicted him most, was, that occasion never propined him with an opportunity of meeting with ARETINA all alone, till at last occasion repenting of the severity it had used against him, brought at last Bonaria and ARETINA to his Chamber, whom charity had invited thither to assist by their skill and care his natural strength, which was not able for to combate all alone these troups of diseases which did daily attaque him. Bonaria, being instantly called away, left a fair field for his passion to expatiate it self in Philarites, who intended to be very frugal of his time, insisted thus.
Divine ARETINA, the least sparkle of your acquaintance is able not only to thaw the ice of indifferency, but even to kindle the flames of love in a colder breast than mine. But, Madam, the great disproportion betwixt your merit and my naughtiness, obliges me to smother my affection, and yet I know that in smothering it, I shall murther a person who might otherwise live to do you service: My death shall be honourable, if I be not buried in the [Page 39] tomb of your disdain, and yet my life (being imployed in your service) might bud forth in something worthy of your and the worlds noticing: but as for me, I esteem it not, if I receive it not as a donative from your clemency. Fair Lady, I shall alwayes esteem my self more or lesse fortunate, accordingly as ye frown or smile upon me, and your thoughts are the only stars whereby my horoscope may be casten. He stopped here, perceiving that ARETINA had covered her face with a blush, and fearing to offend her whom he so much adored, he patiently waited for this Answer.
Noble Philarites, I know that such Gallants as you, use, like skilfull Comedians, to act still at home those personages which they are to represent publickly upon the stage; wherefore I am confident that ye are inuring your self with such a Country-maid as I am, to those Civilities and Court-modes, which the Ladies at Courts will expect from you, I know your wit sports it self by such genty recreations; and seing it may accomplish your spirit, I pardon you f [...]eely. She spoke this with so charming a grace, and with so much indifferency, as that neither Philarites fear, or hope, were able to glean any thing from it; at last, rising to bid him adieu, she let a Scarlet Ribband fall, which Philarites secretly (fearing [Page 40] to be perceived, and being perceived to be frustrated) snatcht up immediately, and kept alwayes afterwards as the Paladium of his good fortune. After two or three weeks were thus spent, Philarites came abroad, rather seeking an opportunity to entertain ARETINA, than out of a desire to meliorat his health, and whilest they were walking after Dinner in the next adjacent Garden, where all the Knights and Ladies had gone to seek the Arbours protection against the heat of the Sun, they perceived a Gentleman, who in all humility presented Monanthropus with Letters from Sophander, entreating his Lady and Daughters presence at his Neeces Nuptials, who was to be espoused to the Prince of Goshan. Monanthropus alledged indisposition of health for himself, but promised that his Lady and daughter should wait upon his Eminence, and his Neece. Telling him that he was sorry that the distance was not greater, and the Solemnity lesse, that their obedience to his Eminencies commands might the better appear. The Gentleman told him, that seing that Complement could hardly be requited by Sophander himself, it were vanity in him to endeavour an answer.
The next morning the Ladies, accompanied by the unknown Knights, did by Coach begin their journey to Alexandria, and it was almost [Page 41] hard to tell, whether Megistus grief in leaving Monanthropus, or Philarites joy in accompanying ARETINA was greatest. The day being fair at their departure, continued not long so, for the Heavens willing to cause the Earth drink healths to their bon-voyage, did by impetuous showers send it water enough to drink: the Sky, which intended to look chearfully at Eliza's Nuptials, did by wind and rain purge it self of all its malignant humours; Heavens bottles having at last emptied themselves by these furious showers, the Sky did cover its face by a vail of mist, whereby the Coachmans horizon was abridged to the length of two or three paces at most, Providence intending by the hand of this darknesse, to lead them out of that naturall darknesse wherein their ignorance had enveloped them; and now the Coachman did flie fast from the angry face of Heaven, but the faster he drove the m [...]re he strayed; which he never perceived, till time had dissipated the mist, and then both he, and the other attenders, found themselves in a Forrest, where they saw no path nor person to direct them what rout to take: at last the Ladies and Knights, who were walking on foot, (Megistus birth having allowed him Bonaria's hand, leaving ARETINA to now happy Philarites) they perceived an old Hermite, [Page 42] who appeared to have borrowed times beard to cover his wrinkled face and naked breast, who did accost them thus▪ Ladies, it appears that rather errour than intention, hath drawn you hither. The Ladies granted it was so, but told him that they thought themselves most fortunate, in having erred, seing their errour had occasioned such a remarkable rancounter, wherefore they entreated to know his aboade, and the occasion of his solitude.
I am, said he, an Hebrew, who have refuged my self from being a sad witness of the deplorable condition of my Country, whose miseries are mine by adoption. I live here in a Rock, wherein there is nothing worthy of observation. The Ladies entreated they might see it; for, sure (said they) there is nothing worthy of your choice which is not worthy of our observation. Seeing their eagerness, and coveting an opportunity to confer with him, he conducted them to a Rock, elevate somewhat above the circumjacent Valley: where Nature had been the only Architecture, yet so handsomly arched and pended, that it might have passed for one of Arts Master-pieces; within there stood a Table, whereon were some old Volumns, and some of his own Manuscripts; over it hung some Walnut and Fig-trees, which were his only granaries, and which reached [Page 43] him his food in at his window: two steps below the entry without, was a spring of christal water; where the Rock seemed to gush out tears because it could not afford him better liquor: the neighbouring trees seemed to lay their heads together, to skreen his open windows from the scorching heat, and the weary Wildernesse seemed by his dwelling there, to be an house of pleasure. When they were entered and had seated themselves to recreate their wearinesse, and admire his garb and gravity, he began to usher his discourse by some tears (by whose continual streams it appeared he had formerly whitened his snow-white beard) he seconded his tears with this ensuing discourse, in obedience to the Ladies, who desired to be satisfied anent the occasion of his solitude.
Madam, The omnipotent and omniscient God (for I acknowledge but one; for, if there be any God, he must be infinite, and if infinite, he must be one; for, there cannot be moe infinites than one: for else, the one is not infinite, seing he wanteth the perfections of his fellows, and so something may be added to his perfection. And the diversity of your gods, shewes not the plurality of the gods, but denoteth only the diversity of the true God his Attributes: for, he is wife, and his wisdom is [Page 44] represented by your Apollo; He is most irresistible, which is figured to you by your god Mars, &c.) I say, the omnipotent God hath created innumerable creatures, whose greatest use is meerly to shew the power of their Creator; and in every creature there is a masse of mysteries, and each of them is a Volumn too large to be read during a mans whole life: wherefore seing the Court and Conversation sealeth that Book, and trifles away the time, I should and might bestow upon it, I resolved to divorce my self from these adulterating imployments, and retire my self to solitude, which is a hall, wherein through the prospect of meditation, a man may see a compleat muster of all God's creatures; and seing it affordeth a man opportunities to converse with the eternal God, I think it much preferable to the world wherein ye converse most (if not only) with poor mortals, from whom nothing is to be learned, and with whom much may be lost; as also the loud cryes of worldly pleasures will not suffer a man to hear the language of an offended conscience; and the world being sins element, sins seem not heavy whilest one is there, no more than the above-running waters burthens the swimming fishes: There men are affrighted by poverty, and distracted by ambition (which albeit it be alwayes mounting, [Page 45] yet shall never climb to Heaven) every Age seems a season wherein grows a distinct crop of Vices; in infancy, ignorance; in youth, love and vanity; in middle-age, ambition, revenge, and prodigality; in old age, jealousie, dotage, and avarice: yea, the vertues themselves which are to be found there, cannot stand upon their own legs, except they be underpropped by some vice or other; If one love his friend, he will think nothing sin which may gratifie him, and another must maintain his liberality by the oppression of his subjects and servants. But these vices will not lodge with those who lodge in Wildernesses, because they find themselves starved by the indigency of their Landlords, and barrennesse of the soil.
But, Madam, these two Skulls, which lye upon my Table (the one whereof is that of Alexanders, and the other Plato's) albeit they be dumb to others, yet they preach to me the vanity of all things under the Sun, and as skilfull Anatomists, discover to me the sillinesse of crawling man; their Skuls shewn so appositly, did wring tears from the eyes of the beholders, neither did the Hermite now weep alone, and his tears seemed to be like a little water imployed by the Mariners to pump up a far greater quantity. Only Philarites (whose breast was so repleat with other meditations, [Page 46] that there was no room left for such celestiall contemplations) did shed only some few, meerly to accompany those which came in rivers from ARETINA'S eyes. Whilest they were thus drowning the Hermites Cave with their plentifull tears, the rude Coachman told them, that albeit they were staying there, yet the Sun would not stay for them, and therefore intreated their hast. At which the Ladies starting up, they were by the Hermite conducted to their Coach, whence shewing them the way to Alexandria he returned, promising to sacrifice hundreds of prayers for their erring souls. When he was gone, Philarites beholding ARETINA, said, he thought her fair face, mantled with such incomparable colours and charms, did speak as loudly mans excellencie, as the ugliest of those skuls spoke his infirmity. Alas, said Bonaria, fourty years hence the disproportion will not be great, when all these colours shall be hidden in the wrinkles of an old face, and when the frost of age shall have nipped all these flourishes, and the cold wind of time shall have blown away these blossoms which now appear. Certainly, said Philarites, the soul must be an excellent creature, which, as the Sun, produceth imaginary colours in optick prismes and doves necks, so it in a more noble way doth produce really those [Page 47] admirable colours which appeareth in that and other excellent faces; neither can it be thought a disparagement to the soul, that it suffereth these to fade in age, seing in exchange of these it bestoweth upon the body then the real advantages of prudence and experience; which cannot be said to be the least worth, because they are the least beautifull: no more than the Autumn can be called the worst season, because in lieu of the Springs flourishes, it bestows upon us the real fruits which have been knotted in it: and, no doubt, the soul must be a noble Artist, which makes all these veins, muscles, nerves, and noble parts of mans body move so regularly, whose number and varity, albeit they shew the excellency of our fabrick, yet do infallibly occasion our weaknesse; for any one of these many parts can lodge death with all its train: and the finger, or toe, albeit they are most of all others, remote from the heart, yet can they deliver up that citadel of life, the heart, into the hands of death its mortal enemy. Sure, said ARETINA, seing the body is in it self so frail, they are much to blame who are so enamoured with these colours which are so fading. I am confident, replyed Philarites, that none is so mad as to become enamoured of the body in any other sence, but meerly as it is the shell wherein such a rare pearl as the soul is keeped, [Page 48] and as many love the son, because he is son to such a father; even so many love these colours, and that vivacity whereof it can only brag, as they are the effects of the within residing soul; and to confirm us in this, we may conceive that no man is so distracted, as to love that which cannot requite his love nor be sensible of it, and consequently seing it is not the body which is sensible, or which requites love, we may conclude that it is not the body, but the soul, which men dote so much upon (if true vertue may be called dotage) and both history and experience tels us, that men have continued to love those whose beautie had thereafter been murdered by accidents. Philarites was by this discourse so lulled over in an extasie of pleasure, as that he became insensible what pleasure was; or, as it happeneth in all other pleasures, the fear of its short continuance, made him dissatisfied with the present enjoyment; and albeit he called oft to the Coachman to drive slowly, alledging that the nimious motion of the Coach troubled the Ladies delicate complexions, yet in spight of his wishes, and of the bribed Coachmans obedience, they arrived at Alexandria sooner than either he wished or expected. The Ladies retired to their own Lodgings, which were still furnished, expecting them, but the Knights lodged as near as convenience [Page 49] could suffer them. After Supper came Eudoxa, masked, to wait upon the Ladies (for she had been now a fortnight at Court) and acquainted them how all things went there.
The next morning the Knights went to wait upon Sophander, and finding his Secretary in the outer Court, they entreated him to shew his Eminency that there were two strangers who desired to kiss his hands. Sophander concluding that either they had some notable businesse to impart to him, or else, that they were men of extraordinary extracts or endowments (which is the happy lot of all confident persons) else they durst not so confidently address themselves to one of his quality and humour, desired they might advance. Philarites, after mutual salutations, harrangued him after this manner.
Eminent Sir, Fame, who in obedience to the gods decree, hath trumpeted your praises in all Nations, especially in ours; hath invited▪ us to come and serve the Apprentisage of our youth, under the eye of such an expert Artist in all humane policy, as your Eminency is; wherefore, Sir, seing ye are the tutelary Angel of all other strangers, we expect a share in your protection as well as others, and our lives shall still be stages, whereon we shall act the personages of your humble servants.
[Page] Sophander, who had by their equipage perswaded himself of their extraordinary birth, and by their discourse did discover the promptnesse of their spirits, did caress them as persons capable and worthy of the highest Imployments, and proffered not only his protection, but even his service to them. The Knights intreated that he might path a way for them to the Kings presence, and that their first appearance might be under his conduct; which he soon accorded to, desiring them to accompany him, who was then going to salute his Majesty, and to go a hunting with him. Sophander asked their names and extractions; but they craved him pardon for their disobedience in that particular, seing their disobedience might capacitate them the more to do his Eminency service; they went thus discoursing till they entered a Garden where the King was, seeing his Huntsman prepare all things for his Majesties sport. At Sophander's entrance, each strove who might appear most submissive, and a stranger would scarce have known which of the two was the King; and Nature seemed to have given each Courtier two eyes, that he might by them observe both their motions, and two ears, to receive both their commands. Sophander presented the two Knights to his Majesty, whose noble deportments, albeit they had not [Page 51] been presented by Sophander, and whose being presented by him, albeit they had not been of so majestick a deportment, was sufficient to recommend them highly to the Kings eye, but both being joyned, made him confer double respect upon them. Megistus seemed the more martial, but Philarites the more courtly, yet so, as that neither Megistus warlikeness wanted courtiness, nor Philarites courtiness somewhat of a martial behaviour; and as, if Philarites had not been present, Megistus would have seemed the most courtly Gentleman that eye could have lookt upon; so, if Megistus had not been present, [...] would have thought Philarites the most warlike Gallant that Nature could have framed. Megistus was the more learned, but Philarites was the more eloquent; yet so, as Megistus learning supplyed his small want of eloquence, and Philarites eloquence made his inequality in learning with Megistus undiscernable. Thus Nature seemed to teach mortals that she could cast perfection in severall moulds, and that her Grammar did admit two Superlatives.
Megistus, whose vice it was to be Master-speaker (for they did all things by vices) after he and Philarites both had kist his Majesties hands upon their knees, spoke thus:
Sir, it is not to be admired why we come, [Page 52] but it is rather to be admired why all the Gallants in the world come not to spend their best years in your Majesties Court, which is incomparably the best of places; We are come, Sir, to list our selves amongst your Majesties Servants; not that we are so vain as to think that your Majesty needs such servants, but because we stand in need of such a Soveraign as your Majesty, and of such breeding as your Court can afford us; suffer us, like young plants, to grow under the sunshine of your protection, and challenge the fruits when they come to maturity, as properly due to none but to your Majesty. This discou [...]se delivered so accomplishedly, made all the hearers imagine that the speaker was surely Mercury, come there to make parade of his eloquence; and as their deportment, so their personages and equipage made them very conspicuous. Megistus was cloathed in black, which was a pure scarlet dyed black (and seemed to be as if a black curle had been drawn over a cloath of gold) richly embroidered; he carried on his cloak a crescent of diamonds, on his hat he carried a hatband of the same fashion, whose beams were reflected by a plummach of black feathers. Philarites was cloathed in white, his cloak doubled with Mertricks furres, and all richly embroidered with gold and scarlet, carrying a plummach of [Page 53] white feathers, tipped with scarlet. That week seemed to post away, that it might make way for the next, wherein the Nuptials were to be celebrated; and albeit all the three days seemed to run in one, yet the Bridegroom was sorry that Phebus coachman might not be bribed to drive faster; desire, like all other bodies, moving the faster the nearer it approacheth its center. At last came that week and day so much longed-for, whose bright morning ominated happinesse to the longing couple. At ten a clock appeared the Bride, walking betwixt Agapeta and Aretina, who were the two poles of beauty whereon the sphear of love moved: after them followed a company of beautifull Virgins, all wearing the Brides livery, which was white satin, enclining as it were to change its colour, and which appeared, when motion raised its pyle, that it hovered whether it should appear white or not. As they passed alongst a green Alley, to go to Apollo's stately Temple, there stood Mount Parnassus beautified with grasse and flowers; its top was encircled by nine Ladies, each wherof represented one of the nine Muses, and who mingling their voices with the notes of their harmonious, though different instruments, did make the hearers stand motionless, the spirits which formerly moved their other members, having then [Page 54] run all to their ears to recreat themselves with the sweetnesse of that charming musick; the whole Mount lurked a while in the clouds of smoak, which the burning myrrhe, cinamon and frankincense spred over it, which at last evanishing, shewed the by-standers Mercury, who stood upon the top of the Mount, and making a low reverence, delivered thus to the Bride his eloquent Commission.
The Bride surprized with joy, and joying in the surprisal, took the one half which Mercury had proffered her, and marched to the Temple, followed by the Bridegroom, walking betwixt Megestus and Philarites, whom Sophander had placed there, both to gratifie them, and to obviate the contests which precedency might have occasioned amongst the native Nobles; the Churches were so richly decked as if the gods had lent all heavens furniture to decore [Page 55] their Altars, and the magnificence of each thing was such as if Mars and Venus had been the persons to be married.
After Dinner the Gentlemen (whose courage seemed to them rusted whilst they rested) invited one another (albeit none of them needed any invitation besides what they got from the mouth of honour) to ride at a small Ring, which was presented by the Bride; all rode, but all had neither the same skill nor successe: for as the address and skill of some made the Ring seem greater to them than it was, So the lourdnesse of others represented it to them lesse than really it was; But whilst they were thus busied, a Gentleman, ushered by two Trumpets, diverted the Kings eye from being longer the Arbiter of these martial games, who presented him with a Paper, sent by his Master the Knight of Mars, which was read by the Gentleman (to whom the King indulged that favour) and repeated by an Herald, whose tenour was as followeth.
GEntlemen, when I perceived Venus Altars so much frequented, and the grasse growing about the Altar of Mars, I could not but count this amongst the other fits of the worlds dotage; Neither need mortals dispute any longer the preference betwixt Love and [Page 56] Courage, seing the gods themselves had determined it: for they, by chusing a man to be god of Courage, and a woman only to be god of Love, have in a mystical way shewn us, that Courage is as much to be preferred to Love, as man in excellency surpasseth woman; but if Divinity cannot perswade you, consult moral Philosophy, and it will tell you, That Courage is Captain of Vertues Life-guard: for, who durst be just without Courage? and without Courage what a silly thing were Love? which behoved to lye hidden in the womb of a Lovers brain, if Courage as a skilfull Midwife, helped not to bring it to the world? as also all vertues must be voluntary (for if they were not voluntary, they were not vertues) and consequently the more voluntary they be, they must be the greater vertues; whence it follows, that seing nothing is so voluntary as Courage (yea, Courage cannot be constrained) and that Love is oft necessitated either by the irresistiblenesse of the object, or the weaknesse of the Lover, that Courage is the more preferable vertue. And how many miserable creatures are there who would willingly [...] Love, as a guest who neither carrieth respect, nor bringeth advantage to his tortured host, So seing they would willingly be rid of it, surely it must be in it self an act altogether [Page 57] involuntary. Likewise we see, that seing every good is diffusive of it self; surely the more diffusive a vertue is, it must be esteemed so much the more; and of all vertues, Courage extends it self to the advantage of most (nothing being either atchieved or accomplished without it) and of all vertues, Love extends it self to fewest; that being the purest Love which is fixt upon one, and the purest Courage which defends all. But if Philosophy cannot perswade, consult Policy, whereof Courage is the darling, being the Army of Common-wealths, and the Walls of Cities; but albeit Love hath been oft their bane, yet it was never their protector. But if neither of these can perswade, then let him who is dissatisfied appear to morrow, where my sword shall prove what neither of these can, and let him remember, that if none appear, Courage shall be declared conquerour; and if any appear, yet Courage must still triumph above Love, to whom it must owe its defence.
After this Cartel was read, the Herald affixt Copies of it upon the Palace gates, and upon a brazen Pillar, purposly fixt in the Royal Barriere, or Lists, where (as the form was amongst the Ancients) he hung up the Knight of Mars his shield, which those who were to fight on [Page 58] hors-back were to touch on the left side, and those who were to fight on foot (which was reputed the noblest way, as being subject to fewest accidents) behoved to touch on the right side, whence sprang the fashion of carrying shields pendants, so much used in their times; he who triumphed after a ridden combat, carrying his shield thereafter hung by the left corner; and he who triumphed on foot, carrying his shield hung by the corner dextre.
Megistus smiling at the Challenge, asked Philarites, if ever he heard any thing in Athens proven by a sword? No truly, replyed the other, except by argumentum in Caesare, or argumentum ad hominem, be meaned that manner of probation. Megistus and Philarites, who never strove formerly, did now strive who should accept the Challenge, which controversie was at last, by the throw of a dye, decided in Megistus favours; whereupon he took pen and ink, and returned the Gentleman this Answer.
MArtial Knight, Love might have been said never to have erred, if it had not contributed to thy birth, who now like an ungrateful son spittest in the face of thy peerless parent. Why fightest thou in defence of Courage? [Page 59] is it not because thou lovest it? And if so, thou can do nothing in defence of Courage but what Love commands thee to do, whereby thou shewest that Courage is but the arm, and Love the head, and so Love is as far preferable to Courage as the head is to the arm, or the master to the slave; before the immortal gods created the world, they loved one another, but Courage was not then exerced by them, neither could it be: for where there were no wrongs, no miseries, there neither could nor can be Courage, Courage being bestowed upon mortals either to punish wrongs, or endure miseries; and since the world was created, how should the gods be adored if they were not loved? if Love were much imployed, there would be no wrongs, no miseries, and so there should be no need of Courage; And the blessed souls shall no wayes stand in need of it, and yet shall be perfect: which demonstrates that Courage in it self is no perfection. But, Sir, seing ye have no Love, ye can have little Reason. Wherefore, albeit I love extreamly, I do not, notwithstanding, love to blot paper idely, in perswading those who are incapable of perswasion; but shall to morrow appear at the place appointed, and (to retort your Epilogue) if ye appear not, Love shall triumph; and if ye appear, it is because ye love to defend Courage, [Page 60] and so Courage owes its defence to Love.
This Answer was delivered to the Gentleman, who delivered it to his Master; and albeit every person at Court longed to see the event, yet their love to Megistus made them fear to see even what they so much desired, whose generous carriage had bragaded them all on his side.
The next morning Philarites came to gird on Megistus armour, and at the time appointed the Martial Knight (who waited his hour) appeared in the Lists of Honour, which was a large and plain valley, a great part whereof was in the middle pallizaded with stoups of Cipres timber all gilded (as was the custom of old) shewing to the world an emblem of what they were appointed for, which was to be a field where Death was gilded with the specious pretext of Honour and Valour: within was a Tribunal erected for the Judges, upon whose footstool did sit two Heralds, holding in their hands two Swords crowned, and besides whom stood two Trumpets, from whom the signal was to be expected, and by whom the Conquerour was to be conducted home in triumph: Without, were seats for the Ladies, under whom were ranged the Noblemen and Knights, in the midst of whom sat the King, [Page 61] under a Pale of State, with a Crown lying upon his cushion, wherwith the Conquerour was to be honoured, which, to differe [...]ce it from the Kings own Crown, was surmounted by a Lyon rampant, holding in his fist a Sword erected.
After him entered (as the mode was) the party challenged, who at his entry touched the point sinistre of the Challenger's Sword, which hung upon the Pillar, telling him in that language of formality, that he was to fight on hors-back. The Knight of Mars was mounted on a white horse, whose flanks were stained with red spots, as if they had been dyed with the drops of bloud which seemed to trickle down from the wounds, which an exquisite pencile had made upon his armour, whereon was represented a wounded Knight, crowned with Lawrels. The bosses of his bridle were two little Cupids, in whose faces his martial horse seemed to spit his frothy foam; his shield was decored with this device, Cupid throwing a dart at Mars, which his hand meeting on the way, did break in pieces; his Motto was, NOT LOVE, BVT WEAKNES CONQVERETH. Megistus armour was all white, spangled here and there with bleeding hearts; his shield for its device carried Paris giving the golden Apple to Venus; [Page 62] The word was, TO THE FAIREST.
Whilst they waited for the signal, the horses did dance to the musick of their own courage, and by champing on their own bits, seemed angry that their masters would not suffer them to decide the quarrel. The Trumpets at last summoning the Riders to begin their carreirs, their horses, who whilst they stood were damming up their speed, opening now the sluce, did by a speat of speed carry their Masters to a longed-for rencounter, where the Lances pressed forwards by their Masters strength, and pressed backwards by their enemies resistance, did, like weak boats, split in this co [...]ntertide of courage and resistance, resolving rather to break than to be dyed with the valourous and innocent bloud of such incomparable Combitants. The Knights finding themselves deserted by their Lances, sought assistance from their Swords, which had formerly been grave [...]makers to so many valourous Knights. Thus fortune (thinking she had done the Martial Knight honour enough in enabling him to resist so long) inclined to favour Megistus, importuned thereto by the suits of all the bystanders, who would have surely have favoured the Martial Knight, because of his singular courage, if he had been fighting against any else than against Megistus, and in any other quarrel than that wherein he [Page 63] was then engaged, the Ladies eying him as an enemy to their sex; and the Gentlemen hating him as an enemy to the Ladies. Whilst they were trying how to conquer, the Martiall Knight thinking that not to overcome instantly, was to be overcome shamefully, lifted up his arm as if he had been sending it to bring fresh assistance from his patron Mars, (which posture, albeit it was against the rules of the Art, yet he thought Megistus tottering condition might licentiate him to use, hoping to remit himself in his old posture, before Megistus regained his saddle) intended to separate at one blow Megistus from his saddle, and his soul from his body, but he was mistaken; for Megistus vaulting aside, suffered not the Sword to fall upon his, but upon disappointments shoulders; but that was not the only inconvenience of that artless stroke: for the strength imployed being great, and the disappointment yet greater, he had almost been dragged by it out of his saddle, and had almost by his Sword cut the earth, seing he could meet with nothing nearer to resist him; like a dog, who bites the stone, because he cannot meet with the caster; which Megistus perceiving, and unwilling to slight such an opportunity (called by some Masters of that Art, a Tempo) did by a contertemps blow send him posting to the [Page 64] earth, to which he formerly enclined, but irresolvedly; yet albeit he fell, his courage fell not with him, for, in falling, he struck off one of Megistus's horse legs, who not being accustomed to stand upon three feet, fell upon his knees, as if he craved him pardon for the afront his master had done him: The Martial Knight like a ball rebounding by the same strength that threw it to the earth, bolted up immediately. Megistus, who had rid himself of his stirrups, did the like, and now they coaped so furiously as that what formerly they had done, seemed, in respect of what they were now doing, to be but like those essay thrusts, which learners along in a Fencing-school before they put themselves in a posture, and seemed to be but the earnest-peny of that great bargain they were now making: At last the Martial Knight, considering that the bloud which he spent in opposing Megistus, would be better imployed if spent in his quarrel, recoyling three steps, called to the Judges, that, for any thing he knew, it was the god Mars against whom he was fighting, and so, to atone his guilt, he was willing to break his sacrilegious Sword, This merry conceit shewed a quaint wit in him, in whom they had spied a strong courage formerly; and now both of them, throwing away their Swords, did imbrace each other, wrestling as it [Page 65] were who should be kindest. The Judge asked how the Crown should be bestowed? Give me it, said the Martial Knight, and I will place it on the head of this deserving Gentleman. Megistus refused it, and said, that his friendship was too great a prize to remunerate so small a victory. Thus the King and Court returned home, expecting with a long desire the afternoons tilting.
After Dinner, the King, Court and Judges being placed in their respective places, as formerly. The first who entered these Lists of death, was a Knight who seemed dead already: his armour was all black, and made him appear to be deaths armour-bearer: his horse, whose counter was suitable to his masters armour, seemed by his prancing to cut up a grave for his dead master; he was discerned at last to be the valiant Terez, who fought in honour of the deceased Lady Tina, once his dear Mistris; He told the Judges he came there, to beg a pasport from some noble hand to post to heaven after her; where seing he resolved to go, he intended to go in the Chariot of Honour. The Judges at first intended to deny him preference, telling him, That as life, according to the course of nature, preceded death; so in the course of justice, lifes Champions were to be preferred. At which Answer, the black Knight [Page 66] showed some dissatisfaction: Yet the Judges considering that the Bloud Royal (whereof Terez was one) were exempted by their birth, from such trifling ceremonies, and judging it an inhumane act to adde affliction to the afflicted, resolved to authorize his appearance. He carried in his shield a Turtle Dove, sitting upon a leafless Oak; his Motto was, ONLY ONE. Against him appeared two or three Knights successively, who being vanquished, served as steps whereby Terez might the more easily mount Fames theater: At last appeared one Knight, whom the Sun had withered, and seemed to resemble one of those dead bodies whom the Egyptian Mummie had preserved hundreds of years; his shield was beautified with a Dying-man, all withered except one hand, wherein he carried a Scarlet Ribbon: the Motto was, LOVE WORKETH CONTRARIES; meaning, that it could make a fresh body become withered, and a withered hand become fresh; This was Philarites, and that was ARETINA'S Ribbon; the bosses of his bridle were two Lilly Roots, whose leafless stalks served for the reigns.
These two seemed rather to court, than shun death; and the desire they had to k [...]ll one another, seemed not to proceed from any desires they had to live (for providence could inflict [Page 67] no greater punishment as life upon them) but rather, because they desired to have one anothers company in the other world: thus they spent many blows, and shed more bloud than the by-standers imagined their bodies were masters of. ARETINA was told by Philarites heart (which he had depositated in her custody) that the Combatant who wore the Scarlet Ribbon, was Philarites, and that she was the Sun, by whose beams his lovely body had become so parched: whereat she blushed, or rather her bloud, desiring to be judge and witnesse of Philarites courage, came to her cheeks, to try if thence they might descry that noble courage, which it heard all the spectators so much extoll: But Philarites beholding ARETINA (as if her face had been an Arsenal from which he was to expect new armour) did by an irresistible stroak, kill that heart, which grief had formerly so sore wounded; being thrown thus to the ground, he threw up his eyes to heaven as if his soul intended from thence to take its flight to paradise. Philarites running to him, did by his tears wash those bleeding wounds which his sword had formerly opened, to whom the black Knight gave a Diamond Ring, as a memorial of his true respect, which he had after that same manner received from Pilades (ARETINA'S dear [Page 68] cousin and friend) whom he had killed the year preceding in combat. Many regrated his losse, and a witty Gentleman at Court dressed him this Epitaph.
After Supper, whilest Terez ghosts were troubling all their quiet, there entred a fellow, who told his Majesty that he was to shew him a Monster. The King desired he might present it upon a stage, whereon the Commedians used to act, that it might be easily discerned, and the whole Court the better satisfied. Whereupon the fellow mounting the stage, and removing the sheet that covered his promised Monster, there appeared an old fellow, with a pair of large Harts Horns; at which a merry Gentlewoman snuffing, said, A strange Monster forsooth, whereof I have such another lying in my bed at home. The fellow having viewed him on all quarters, did thus begin his description.
This Acteon, is by his kind wife called her Hart, and he is so; for she hath made him so. [Page 69] He came to the world when Capricornus presided amongst the celestial signs, at which time he received the name of Cornelius; the Man in the Moon was Gossip, who, as a Donative, bestowed upon him the fair Cap which he now wears, which his wife fearing he should lose, hath borrowed needls from her kind neighbours to sow it on faster; and where-ever he enters (such is her pride) that she will have five or six to follow him: at last, she did not fancy the name of Cornelius Tacitus (saying that it was not famous) but she would needs have him called Cornelius Publicus (he being the Publican, and she the Sinner) She having one day offended him (as young women do oft old men) he called her Whore; and she, fearing that neighbours might thereafter upbraid him with the name of a Lyar, hired some pretty Gentlemen, who were her acquaintances, to vindicat his name from that aspersion; whereat the good old man (finding that he was mistaken) did, like the Snails when they are angry, shoot out his Horns.
This description ended, they went all to bed, and with that day they ended the solemnity of these Nuptials.
The Second Book.
FOrgetfulnesse did now begin to claim soveraignity over what past, and the pleasures of that famous Solemnity, which had not long since been in its flourish, was now in the fall of its leaf; and every man returned to his former imployment, sorry that pleasure, which had only shewn them a glimpse of the face, should have passed by so quickly; and they resembled now poor Gallyslaves, who after some short recreation, are called back to their former Oars. But Philarites, besides the common melancholy wherein he shared with others, had likewise a private stock of his displeasure, wherewith his melancholy soul traded continually: for, nothing pleased him, seing he could not please ARETINA: his dayes seemed nights, because not illuminated by the sunshine of her smiles; and his nights seemed death, because not quickned by hopefull thoughts: and fearing that Bonaria should bring home her daughter with her, he entreated Eudoxa to cause Agapeta intercede for her stay at Court, which Agapeta did, [Page 71] and prevailed so, that Bonaria returning home left ARETINA with the Princess.
Whilest all others went abroad to hunt, Philarites stayed at home, hunting occasions to meet ARETINA, but all in vain; for Agapeta (whom vertue had glued to ARETINA) thought alwayes she wanted company when she wanted ARETINA; yet, one afternoon ARETINA'S waiting-mai [...] (with whom he kept constant correspondency, and whom his generous carriage, and rich donatives, had gained) acquainted him, that she was to stay at home retiredly till six a clock; for she had alwayes endeavoured, since the last Combat, to wash by her wishes that tauney colour, which the armour and device represented, and was divesting her self of that indifferency towards Philarites which she had used formerly, weighing all his qualities in the ballance of love (which would have proven weighty enough even in the ballance of truth) and his very fame (which is but naturally a thing very light) appeared heavie here.
Whilest she was curiously recapitulating to her self all his endowments, Philarites enters the hall, asking if ARETINA was quiet? she finding her mind in disorder, and accusing her very thoughts, as if they had divulged her secrets to Philarites, (for none knew them but [Page 72] they) resolved not to admit him, yet that resolution was presently re-called by a second, which condemned the first of unmannerlinesse; whereupon she desired that he might advance: for love perswaded her, that the gods, who were his favourites, and are mortals privie-counsellours, had inspired him to choose so favourable an opportunity.
Philarites, at his entry, making a low reverence (as if he would have kist the ground, because she had once trod upon it) said, Madam, I fear that as I am fortunate in finding you solitary, so I am unfortunate in having an opportunity to disquiet your solitarinesse, but my obedience in retiring, if commanded, shall testifie that my errour streamed from ignorance. Sir, (replied ARETINA) your company would be preferred by the finest Wits at Court to any else, and why should I refuse to accept that favour which better than I would entreat for.
Philarites being seated in a chair near ARETINA, did, like a ship newly entred the harbour, discharge a volley of sighs; but his spirits, who had retired to assist his heart presently wounded by a dart, short from ARETINA'S eye, had left his tongue frozen by the cold chilnesse of fear; yet she perceiving by what he had spoken formerly what he would [Page 73] have spoken now, (her cunning supplied his dumbnesse) to enter him in some discourse, and fearing he should enter upon that subject, asked what newes were currant at Court? Philarites lifting his dejected eyes, said, Madam, why should one who hath no interest in the world, such as I am, ask what the world is doing? Truly, said ARETINA, if ye have as much interest in the world, as ye have courage to astonish the world, or had as much need of the world, as it hath of you, I am confident your interest would cede to none. Since my courage cannot he serviceable to you, Madam, (replied Philarites) I value it not; or, at least, since you will not imploy it, for I shall never use it but either in Vertues, or your quarrel; and seing your goodnesse will never engender enmity, my courage shall be uselesse: neither vallue I Vertue so much for any reason, as because it is a thing wherein ye take some pleasure. I thought (quoth ARETINA) that ye had swept away these cobwebs of folly (or of love, as ye will term it) from the cabinet of your generous soul; and I judged alwayes formerly, that none but fools and mad-men were taken in these cobwebs, which that crafty spider, Cupid, weaves, to ensnare poor mortals, but that such strong Courages as yours would easily break through them.
[Page 74] Fair Lady, replyed Philarites, I am not prisoner in follies cobwebs, but in those golden chains which loves fair hands have twisted for me. Alas, Madam, I would have thought my self happy once this morning to have received your commands, but now I think my self unhappy, seing when I have received, I cannot obey them. Ye command me not to love: but that is as unpossible as to command me to banish my reason and senses; for, love and they seem now to be incorporated in one: and ye would think him an unskilfull Physician who would apply nothing to his patient, but would intreat him only to convalesce. Wherefore, Madam, apply the lenitives of clemency to cure my wounded heart, which else is incurable. If ye be really distempered with that passion (said ARETINA) imploy your reason. Alas, Madam, quoth Philarites, ye send me to the wrong Physician; for my reason confirms my passion, and perswades me it is reasonable to love a person of your extraordinary qualities, and that seing all your acquaintances adore your perfections, it were vanity in me to be singular, it imploys, as a guard for it, my memory to remember those excellent discourses which I have heard from you; it imploys my eyes to behold those ravishing looks, and my judgment to ponder the singular effects of your [Page 75] rare prudence: So that (fair Lady) the only sanctuary I can refuge my self in, is your favour. But think ye (said ARETINA) that I will prove so great a stranger to my parents, as to choose without their advice? (for, to chuse without ones consent, is to chuse against his consent, seeing possibly his consent can never be extorted from him, and so by chusing before he consent, we care not whether he consent or not) and especially being a woman, whose reason is weaker, and whose passion is stronger than that in a man, and so the one hath more need to be directed, and the other more need to be restrained than in men; and thereupon she opened a book which lay upon her table, wherein she made him read this subsequent discourse. Experience teacheth that a womans miscarriage is more prejudicial to her self, and more dishonourable to her parents than a mans; and so where the wrong may be greater, the consent of the party wronged seems more requisite; seing the consent is required to skreen the consenter from a future wrong: Whereon hath been built that signal Law, that a man may necessitate his daughter to marry, but not his son: because, if the daughter not marrying, tash her repute, her fathers repute is irrepairably wronged, and her own being, dyed black by immodesty, can never return, neither [Page 76] to its own, nor any other colour. And there is reason it should be so, because where the crime is most to be feared, there the Law should be most strict: And surely women are more prone to imbrace what their passion proffers them than men are; as also, because there is more modesty required in them, the offending of modesty must surely in them be a greater vice. The reason why modesty is more required in them than in men, are first, Because seing that is the main vertue which Nature hath bestowed upon them, they should therefore endeavour to be rich in that; and as men should exceed women in courage, because courage is the vertue of their sex; So women should exceed men in modesty, because modesty is the vertue of theirs, nature having bestowed something upon every species, wherein they are to excel others, suffering them for their greater ornament, to monopolize the perfection of some one quality. Whence every species is necesary in the world, and adds some ornament to it; But the politick reason why modesty is by the Law thought more requisite, and immodesty in the Law more punished in women, because immodesty in women can be more destructive to the Commonwealth, rendring heritages uncertain, and fathers carelesse of their posterity, not knowing if their supposed children [Page 77] be come out of their own loyns; Which was the cause likewise why Adultery was only reputed such, when there was an unlawful familiarity betwixt a married woman and a man, whether married or unmarried; but familiarity betwixt a married man, and an unmarried woman, was not reputed Adultery, albeit now both be punished equally, as being perjury against the immortal gods, whereas then no vow was made.
Philarites laying aside the book, ARETINA continued thus; Sir, as it were absurd in me to love without my parents consent, so it were yet more absurd in me, without his consent, to match with a stranger (for, whom I love, him I intend to match with) for how can I know his extraction whose person I know not? and I will never love him whose extraction I am ignorant of: For I have oft heard my father say, that it was probable that mens spirits alwayes corresponded to their birthes; Whereupon she put in his hands the former book of Essays, wherein she desired him to read this subsequent discourse.
It is certain that the gods who have chosen Princes and Nobles to be their Vicegerents upon earth, will replenish their souls with endowments requisite for the discharge of so weighty an imployment; and seing the imploying [Page 78] unfit persons, is a folly scarce incident to men, it were blasphemy to charge the gods with it; for, albeit the gods sometimes shewes their soveraignity in acting above the reach of our reason, yet seing man is formed after the image of the gods, and seing the rational soul is this image, surely what reason teacheth us, that the gods will do. It might be thought likewise injustice in the gods, if they subjected us to those who could not command; and as it seems prejudicial to us, so it may prove derogatory and destructive to their interest: for, either the arrogant folly, or despicable simplicity of Governors, are the nurseries of all publick combustions and commotions; wherein the very Temples are not exempted from the edge of popular fury. But besides these, Nobility wants not its other advantages, as that of breeding, which seems to be the [...]oul's soul, and the cream of all humane perfections, and that of confidence, their birth being a rock situated above the reach of malices greatest shot. The distance likewise which others must keep with persons of quality, is no weak bulwork to defend their honour, and to maintain their respect: for, the best of men, having much of naughtinesse in them, the retirednesse enjoyned to them by their dignity, and the distance enjoyned to inf [...]urs by their duty, is a skr [...]en [Page 79] which vails over all these imperfections, and conceals what is not worthy of the noticeing; man being like bad merchandize, which looks best when looked upon at a distance, or when presented in a dark shop; so that oft-times what is gilded by retirednesse, passes for the real gold of prudence.
Philarites laying aside the book, looked as if his tongue had been with childe of somthing which it wanted strength to bring into the world, at last said, Madam, ye are loved by one who is subject to none but to ARETINA, and who albeit he be a Prince, yet accompts it a greater happiness, and a more sublime honour to be your Subject, than a Prince in his own Nation. Here he stopped, as if he would have accused himself for not stopping sooner. ARETINA (glad to be now assured of what she formerly conjectured) told him, that there was yet one ingredient requisite to be infused in loves potion, which was constancy; neither resolve I (said she) to cast the anchor of my love but upon some sure ground, which will not suffer it to slip: for, constancy is more requisite in a Lover, than Nobility in a Courtier; and as the one will be required by my parents, so the other will be required by my self, neither will ever I marry but him in whose generous person I see those accomplishments first married.
[Page 80] Six a clock striking, advertised ARETINA that she behoved to wait upon Agapeta, so bidding Philarites adieu, she left him to admire his own happinesse, who returned now as deeply fraughted with joy, as he entred fraughted with grief; like a ship who had unloaded her self of her pricelesse ballast, that she might load her self with rich and precious commodities.
Now love did begin to kindle its flames in the chimney of Megist [...]s breast, which were continually augmented by the bellows of fame, whose mouth brea [...]hed nothing so much as ARETINA'S praises; but that chimney, never heated by the like fire formerly, suffered these coals to kindle but slowly: In the end, Cupid, who had long hovered whether to shoot or not, fearing that Megistus heart, (hardned by the continuall exercise of martial imployments) should be unpenitrable by his darts, at last loosed a shaft (resolving to hazard a dart to conquer such a noble soul) which did wound his poor heart so deeply, as that the hand of his courage could never there-after pluck out the dart; nor yet could the hand of his reason cure the wound: for one morning, going to fetch a walk in the Garden Royal, he perceived, unexpectedly, Agapeta, who was pulling some Cherries, the trees bowing their [Page 81] branches, that she might by her own hand pull their fruit: Megistu [...] saluting her, would have retired, yet so [...] that he shewed a desire to advance; like [...] Fencer, who by a feint would have his adversary believe what he intends not; but Agapela willing to discourse with him, whose discourse each man at Court so much commended, intreated him to advance, telling him that these Cherries would rellish the better that they were eaten in his society, whose presence could make the worst fare a feast.
Madam, replyed Megistus, who feeds on your ravishing looks, feasteth beyond all the dainties that Venus table can afford him. But whilest she was pulling these Cherries, Megistus was pulling the poysoning hemblocks of poysoning love: for, looking upon Agapeta's eyes, he thought they were Cupids quiver, wherein he kept all his mortal darts; every trait of her face seemed a storehouse of sweetness, and her hair, which because of its colour, and curlings, resembled so many gold rings, proved to him chains to fetter the feet of his trembling soul: he was in end awaked out of his extasie of admiration, wherein his love had lulled him asleep, by Philarites, who had traced him from his Chamber, whom Agapeta saluting courteously, they fetcht some walks [Page 82] in the pleasant Alley, recounting the various and charming pleasures of the [...]ast Solemnity; and amongst the other pleasing passages that had occurred, Agapeta told h [...]m how a Lady had fairded her decayed looks, with the youthfull colours that she had borrowed from Art, was deciphered by a young Gentleman, who by the reflection of a burning-glasse, melted away those splendid colours, who seemed shamefully to hast away [...] how soon they were discovered. I remember, said Megistus, of such an affront, wherewith just providence rewarded a young Ladies cheating pains in our Country, who being mistris of a Ball given her at her own lodging, retired alwayes to an inner chamber, where, by a little feather, she sprinkled her face with some white Lilly water, with which she seemed continually to recruit those auxilaries, which she had hired out of Arts territories to assist her weak beauty: a Gentleman perceiving that the Phyol wherein it was, stood in the dark corner of a chamber, which she had purposly obscured (fearing lest light should discover that work of darknesse) went and removed the Phyol, exchanging it with another full of Ink, which the Lady at her return made use of as formerly, besmearing her face with it, and returning, was welcomed by the unrestrainable laughter of all the spectators. [Page 83] It is just, said Agapeta, that the gods should punish those, who by the pencil of vanity will undertake to amend any thing in a piece which hath once past their hands, they are (added Megistus) like those cunning hunters, who cover branches with birdlime to ensnare some silly fowl, which little expects their Art; yet I think that as these are sk [...]llesse merchants, who hazard much, where there is but little to be gained, and where the gain, albeit they escape, cannot ballance the losse if their voyage thrive not; So those Ladies will lose more in their repute, if once entrapped, than the repute of a fine face can advantage them, if discovered; for the one will cry them down below all those at Court, albeit the other can never plead preference to them before all those raying faces which shine there: Yea, I think they accuse themselves of some notable defect, which they think cannot be palliated but by some notable cheat, and detracts extreamly from their own sex, shewing that colour is its greatest ornament, and from ours, in thinking that colour is a sufficient price for our dearest liberty. Agapeta being called-for by a Lady from the Queen, left Megistus in a drooping condition, like a lowring Solsequium at the Suns absence, or like the disconsola [...]e body receiving the flitting soul's last adieu.
[Page 84] Not long after this, an accident at Court disturbed somwhat the quiet of both the Knights, who dragging after them one link of misfortunes fatal chain, were followed by all its fellows.
Some Noblemen at Court not daring to attaque Sophanders grandour in his own person, resolved to affront him in the person of these Knights, his avowed minions, and petitioned the King that their priviledges might not be infringed by his nimious respect to strangers; and that seing their predecessors had planted by their pains, and watered by their bloud, the thriving Vine of blossoming Monarchy in that Nation, that they their successors might now eat with pleasure, and in safety, its delicious fruits; and that strangers might not reap what they had sown, Therefore they entreated his Majestie not to prefer these strangers to them, seing albeit they might be Nobles at home, yet they could not be esteemed as Nobles in Egypt: for, albeit Gentility (because it is a quality dyed with the bloud) be the same everywhere, so that a Gentleman in one Nation is a Gentleman in every Nation, he having received that honour from the hand of Nature, whose subjects all Nations are; whence it comes that a Gentleman of one Kingdom may by the Law of Arms challenge another, seing he leaves not [Page 85] his Bloud when he leaves his Country; yet Nobility is the donative of the Prince, which none are obliged to acknowledge who are not his subjects, and so out-reaches not his Territories, but, like the Loadstone, loseth its energie when without the spheare of its allowed activity: Therefore by the Law of Nations, and of Arms, Noblemen are not accounted such when amongst strangers.
The King calling Megistus and Philarites privatly, told them the quarrel; who entreated his Majesty to satisfie his Nobles, and not to put them in the scales with strangers, whose assistance was lesse valuable, and more uncertain than that of his natives. But the King ashamed of their insolency, and willing to gratifie the generous Knights, told them, that he would advance them to be Knights, and honor them with the Collar of Iupiter, an Order instituted in Egypt, to difference highly-deserving persons from the rabble of ordinary Knights, whom the ambition of the Subject, and lenity of the Prince, had, by making it ordinary, made it despicable; and that thereby they might claim preference from all the other Subjects every-where, without the verge of National Solemnities, such as in Parliaments, Senates, Councils, where none could be admitted but these, whose fortunes lying within [Page 86] the circle of the Nation, might oblige them to riske their lives for their Countries safe [...]y; men being alwayes most willing to go when interest pouseth them: As also it is dangerous to admit strangers to the intimacy of national mysteries; neither is it thought prudence in a King, to admit those to manage affairs who have not estates to be hostages for their fidelity, and to repay the injuries done, during their Government, to private persons. The Knights did on their knees acknowledge his Majesties civilities, but told him that they wished his Majesty not to prostitute these honours to ignominy, by conferring them upon persons, so little meriting; for they were sensible how destructive the impressa of honour was to subjects, draining the purses of su [...]jects in buying them from the hands of profuse Courtiers, who, as they sinned against the King, in abusing his favours; so they sinned against the Gods and Commonwealth, in imploying its price, as suffultors to support the shield of their matchless pride, and how when these abject richlings, or richlesse Gentlemen had once come by them, they behoved to make vanity and luxury to bear up the train of these useless honours: these disadvantages are swelled to a prodigious excrescensie, by another as bulkish as any of the former; for, by that means trade is every-where almost [Page 87] starved, Nobility hindring those who are stocked with money to imploy it in merchand [...]zing, and poverty disabling those who now traffick, from driving a trade suiting with the exigency of the Nation, which makes me entitle my Country to an infinit happinesse, seing traffick and trading effaces not their true Nobility, wh [...]ch two our custom accounteth most compatible; whence accresces this great advantage, that young venturers being descended of noble families, are often recruited by the well-stored C [...]sh of their friends, after that a rude storm, or some other inevitable accident, hath preyed upon their first adventures, Whereas, if they were destitute of this assistance, they behoved to lose their hopes when they lost their stocks, and so the Commonwealth would be robbed of their endeavours, whose spirits were as great as their misfortunes; and, on the other hand, Noblemen by their means are encouraged to put their native commodities to the best fyne.
The K [...]ng, vanquished by their obstinate refusal, condescended not to accumulate them with these his justly tendered favours, telling them that opportunity might ripen for them more satisfying honours.
But the well-spring of Philarites hard fate, ceased never to bubble up fresh misfortunes, imploying all the weapons of discontentment [Page 88] to rout his unconquerable vertue, hating alwayes spirits of such a noble detramp, because they scorn to make her the center of their happiness; as if she would perswade men, that they could not subsist without her assistance: Wherfore seing his quiet could not be disquieted by pride, she resolved to imploy jealousie, whose subtile hands twisted this curious snare for him.
A Lady, sister to the Prince of Goshan, named Pinasa, whose beauty suited well with her birth, and whose birth furnish'd her respect enough at Court, had of a long time looked upon Philarites with loves spectacles, but finding that her portracture could never be drawn upon the ground of Philarites heart, till ARETINA'S were first defaced, studied all means to perpetrat happily, what she desired so passionatly; yet finding that Philarites love could not be cheated, she endeavoured to cheat ARETINA, whose modesty she expected might more probably co-opere with her malice; not permitting her to trace the crook [...]d path of her sinistrous designs, so nimbly as Philarites male passion doubtless either would or could; but finding that she alone was not able to draw malices chariot, yoaked with her self an old hagg in the same imployment, and bribed her venal spirit, which because it was venal, might easily be bribed; who [Page 89] measured every thing; yea, vertue it self, by the yard of money, not caring for heaven, but because it was said to be paved with gold; nor respecting the gods, but because their favour was a mine, out of which much precious treasure might be digged: this wretch did undertake the conduct of that wretched affair, promising, because of her easie addresse to ARETINA, and intimacy with her servants, to pousse it to a wished-for period; Thus launcing out into the deeps of malice, the sails of her diligence, were filled with an unexpected gale of success: the barrennest earth being fertilest of such poysonous weeds; and she, who was fit for nothing else, was by malice exceedingly fitted for this.
And now Philarites hard fortune, which had decreed the event, had likewise marshalled very orderly all the means, by which, as by sinews, this great body of jealousie was to move: for, one day walking in a meadow (whose face was by over-spreading Nylus hid twice a year, that it might appear the more beautifull) did, as unfortunatly, as unexpectedly, encounter a clew of Ladies, whose rec [...]eations had trysted them hither. Megistus and Philarites had alwayes valued highly such company, but never so much as now, seing they appeared to them coppies of their Mistrisses original beauty: [Page 90] after them followed the Martial Knight, and Aristo, Pinasa's brother; thus the number of the Ladies and that of the Knights was equal: salutes being interchanged, Philarites fearing lest the conduct of the Ladies might hatch some private disgusts amongst either the Ladies, or themselves, about their attendance, (and so that they might ignorantly, though innocently, relapse into the same danger out of which they were but lately escaped) and to determine that indifferencie which might oblige all equally to wait upon all, he entreated each Lady to lend him some concealed token, which when he had gotten, and had hudled up in a hat, he desired each Gentleman to draw out one, and that each should attend and entertain her, whose unseen token should fall to his share: for (said he) incomparable Ladies, the hazard is not great where none can chuse what is not excellent, so that I may say, there was never more of Lottry seen where there was lesse of hazard; each of us is happy in the share he hath gotten, and yet each of us may be thought unhappy in wanting what share we want; So that pleasure and disappointment never met so amicably as in this particular.
Thus they spent some time in walking (Lot having coupled them cunningly together) but Pinasa finding that this disappointed the desire [Page 91] she had to banquet her eyes upon Philarites lovely countenance, intreated they might pass some time under the shadow of a neighbouring Arbour; which all obeying, they retired thither, where being seated, Pinasa broke silence thus; Gentlemen, as there is nothing lesse taking than a confused look, and dejected countenance, (where the runaway looks represent the sad spectacle of a flying Army) so there is nothing that can discompose a countenance more, than the fixt eye of a confident Gentleman, whose silence alloweth him time for that imployment, whereby modesty is twice a sufferer, both by the Gentleman who s [...]reweth it a note higher, and by the Gentle womens selves, who tune it a note lower than is either allowable or seant; wherefore I wish we might use some game to sport away time, and to prevent our blushes: But seing our accustomed recreations are covered almost with the gray hair of loathing, I wish Megistus, ye would invent some new one, that the Court might hereafter hug it, as a memorial of your sparkling vivacity of spirit. Madam, replyed Megistus, I have no other sufficiency for the discharge of that duty but what I borrow from your Ladiships commands, wherefore, Madam, it were injustice to refuse you what is your own.
Since there is no absolute perfection but in [Page 92] heaven, nor absolute imperfection but in hell, (the earth participating of their extreamities, as it reconciles both their distances) and seing those even who see their dearest objects in the mirrour of love, see some blemishes in them, (which proveth that the most accomplisht of things wantteth some accomplishment; for if it could be seen any where, it would be seen there) I wish every Lady would tell what imperfection she could dispense best with in that person she most loveth.
What will ye propose, Philarites (continued Pi [...]asa) for this nights entertainment? Truly Madam (answered Philarites) seing discourse is the best physiognimy of our thoughts (the tongue being but Secretary to that skilfull Enditer, the heart) and seing neither prudence, nor respect, will suffer us to pry narrowly into one anothers thoughts; I wish we might hit at some indirect way whereby our enquiry might be somewhat gratified; wherefore I wish one of us might tel her who sits next him, in the ear, some remark of any person here present, at which all the rest might divine, according to their fancy, every one of us endeavouring to conjecture what was the first speaker observation, and he or she who shall be by maniest voices judged to have been most mistake, shall forfeit some pawn, to be disposed [Page 93] of at the discretion of the Society. This last pleased them best; and after they had by its help diverted themselves sufficiently, the night summoned them to remove: and Pinasa willing to bestow something upon Philarites, which might terrifie ARETINA'S jealousie, did let a Ribbon fall carelesly (which she had worn in so remarkable a place at all the last Solemnity, as none could but remark it) which Philarites (in whose hand hers was) taking up, presented her with; but she, willing to imploy it as a chain to fetter his passion, desired him to keep it, as a memorial of her gratefulnesse, for that unparalell'd favour she, and all the remanent Ladies had received at his hands.
Whilest times glasse was thus running, the old Hagg was by the coals of diligence and treachery, kindling the flames of jealousie in ARETINA'S breast, whose ardent affection to Philarites had softned her to an easie reception of it; contentment being like other delicacies, whereof the sweetest becomes soonest putrified, and the souls of the delicatest tramp are like the bodies of the poorest complexion, whose purity bowes soonest to decays scepter; and the fear to be surprized in following the hidden tract of mis-information, is the mean whereby they are often mis-informed; thus love, which perswaded ARETINA that she [Page 94] was unworthy of such a lover as Philarites, did likewise peswade her, that Philarites would pearch his love more worthily upon some other object, and, by being inconstant, would make inconstancy a vertue: But there was more Rhetorick musted up in that dumb R [...]bbon than in all the loquacious Oratory of old Pla [...]eta, and jealousie did enter by the same porch that love first entered: She impeached now Philarites as guilty of high treason against love, and adduced her own eyes as witnesses, who seemed to deluge themselves in tears, lest they should see the sad effect of his prodigious inconstancy, which durst upon his arm brave the sight of affl [...]cted ARETINA; yet her jealousie was glutted with a more pregnant argument of his assured change: for Placeta, who had studied the musick of what enchantment the Tarantula of ARETINA'S melancholy was best pleased with, caused a cunning fellow (who traded in the adulterating of Writs, and resembling every mans character) writ a Letter with his greatest cunning, (giving him a stoln Letter for his pattern) wherein Philarites might be made to exchange his Mistris; whose tenour was thus:
The disconsolate PHILARITES, to the peerless PINASA.
THe torrent of my boundlesse passion, hath in fine swelled to such an excrescency, that the banks of reason are no longer able to restrain it. I find my self guilty, if I evaporate my passion, and choaked if I evapor it not. My reason hath chosen your pleasure as Arbiter, to reconcile these, else irreconciliable antagonists: who [...]e conflicts harrasse that heart, which is only yours. If I courted ever any else but you, it was only to facilitate to me the great task of your love, in regard whereof all my former passions seem but essays. Assure your self, fair Lady, that whilest Philarites lives, he must love; and whilst he loves any, he will love you. I shall keep my love in the prison of privacie, till ye send it a remission; neither shall it ever come abroad but upon the paroll of your permission.
This Letter was given to Pinasa, who being one day at Court, watched by the diligent eye of sorrowing ARETINA, did carelesly, as it seemed, let it fall, within the command of [Page 96] ARETINA'S reach, who stealing it into her pocket, retired to her chamber, to see what she could pick out of it, and having shut the door, did read her ruine in these fatal characters.
O pattern of basenesse, how hast thou betrayed my credulity! how hast thou stifled my hopes, and stained thine own valour! Yet alas, poor ARETINA, thou hast prostitute thy faith to his roguishness, and thou appearedst as willing to be entangled, as he was willing to entangle thee; it was strange thou couldest be so infatuated with a stranger, and now it appears more strange that thou shouldest startle at so necessary an event; thou who wast the envy of Ladies, and the Image adored by Gallants, wilt now be the object of both their laughters; and seing Philarites's bewitching deportment will bundle up respect for him at all hands, the same carriage will surely blunder thee, and thou and he will be like two buckets in the Well of fate and fame, whereof the one must rise to the same proportion that the other falls; and as the ocean of fame ebbs upon the shoar of thy repute, it must flow upon his; and surely his propitious fortune will make all thy acquaintances conclude, that he left off to love thee because he discovered somthing in thee which was not lovely. Miserable ARETINA! who hast banquerouted that [Page 97] stock of fame, which the indulgent gods had once bestowed upon thee, and who hast now rendred thy self as despicable as once thou wast lovely; misery hath once [...]atched thee in its arms, and will never dismiss thee; fame hath banished thee, and will never rehabilitat thee; thy parents joys are massacred in thee, and in the roll of thy crimes stands likewise the black crime of thy paracide; all those additions of honour which served once to adorn the shield of thy repute, serve now as diminutions to it; and, as a punishment of thy crime, thy name shall still last in the registers of infamy.
Thus did ARETINA stand streaming out lakes of tears, as if she would have drowned that Letter, because Philarites's name was written in it; like an implacable Judge, ordaining the malefactor to be hanged in effigie, because he cannot be found in person; and riving out her hair because it afforded him once contentment, her passion verged upon destraction, and the musick of her sury, like the six notes, did raise themselves a degree alwayes higher; she evited company, lest they should upbraid her with her misfortune; and her retirements were as racks wherupon her unapeasable grief did torture her, and her disease was so much the more dangerous that she durst admit no Physician: Thus she lived alwayes [Page 98] dying, and thus she dyed whilest she was yet living.
Yet love, for its own defence, did alleadge, that jealousie might be mistaken aswell as hope, and especially amongst women, whose genius byassed most that way: for as men, because of their courage, are oftenest befooled by hope; so women, because of their innate timerousness, are oftenest betrayed by fear: and of all women, lovers are soonest overcome by fear; for, as their love multiplieth perfection in the person loved, so those perfections multiply fears in the person loving; even as they whose coffers regorge with treasures, fear most the losse of their treasure. Love likewise teacheth us to overvalue others, and undervalue our selves, and so perswadeth us that all the world gapes after what we affect most, and that of all pretenders we deserve least; and so there is reason to fear, that seing we deserve it not, albeit none pretended to its enjoyment, that there is much more reason to fear a losse of what we love, in the throng of so many competitors.
Now Pleasure intended to change its camp, and, like the Sun, to make all the world debtor to it splendor by turns, intending often to aggreage its respect by its absence, and to conciliate respect elsewhere by its presence, so that [Page 99] oftentimes it doth (like all other agents) by the same means, produce contrary events; so that some by being merry, others by being retired; some by being proud, others by being humane, attain, by these contrary midses, to the same end of glory; like two men by opposite wayes meeting others on the other side of perfections globe, to which men may go by contrary motions: For, whilst the Court was bathing themselves in their pleasure, a Currier comes, telling the King that a Navie of strangers were riding before Iris, expecting a safe entry from the next tide; and that some Fishers had by their Flags perceived them to be the Navie of Prastus King of Persia, who disputed propriety in the Kingdom of Egypt: For, Xistus, grandfather to the King who now liveth, was by birth King of Persia, and for his valour, elected King of Egypt, and so Prastus's father, being his first-born, was righteous Heir of both Crowns; but the Nation really scorning to be annexed to Persia, and thinking that slavery too unworthy a recompence for their respectfull choice, elected the second son; because, albeit he was but second son to Xistus, yet he was their Kings eldest son, Prastus's father being born before his fathers acquest of Egypt, and so they preferred him to his elder brother, so that ever since he and his successours, have [Page 100] still waited a quarrel to revenge their unjust resentments.
The King allarmed with these news, did by his fear, adde to the strength and number of Prastus Forces, and by looking upon his own Forces through the wrong end of truths prospect, did see them lesse, and more inconsiderable than really they were; his danger was eminent, and his Forces scattered; his Courtiers dissatisfied, and his Adversaries rich; his Soldiers unexperienced, and theirs most expert; as also, their remoteness from their Country would make them stack all the stock of their courage upon the game; whereas his Souldiers, knowing where to retreat, would care the lesse how to fight. Megistus perceiving that the waves of the King's doubts raged extreamly, intended to calm them by the oyl of his courage, whereupon accosting his Majesty as he was solitary in his Cabinet, he desired a Commission to muster under his Majesties Standard, such as would make their lives their Countreys bulwork, and who might catch some advantage of the unwary Persians, whom either presumption or Sea-sickness, might weaken beyond expectation.
The King loth to hazard that ominous Encounter (for so the first alwayes is) upon so great odds, told him, he would reserve his [Page 101] courage as the spurre whereby all his Army might be incited to ride triumphs carreer, and that a skirmish was not a theatre large enough to Megistus to display his courage upon, nor a handfull of men witnesses enow to so renowned a valour; yet at last, confiding in Megistus's courage, and afraid of the peoples dangerous commotions, he authorized his Designe.
Megistus name was a trumpet loud enough to call together all those who longed to draw the swords of their Courage out of the sheath of laziness, and to sheath them in the bowels of their Countries enemies; and now he had clewed some twelve hundred, who like a snowball became more bulkish the further it was rouled; wherefore he intended in this his first addresses to Agapeta, to usher himself in, with this happy opportunity, and after a profound reverence, said,
Madam, I come to levy new forces out of your looks, to assist me in this combate against your fathers enemies, and to have my Commission sealed by the hand of your pleasure; Who dare resist when ye command? and who would love that bloud which would not kisse the ground for your satisfaction? I know justice will take off that vail wherewith we see her eyes ordinarily mufled up, to behold your [Page 102] quarrel, and will put victories garland in your hand, that ye may crown those who stand in your defence; wherefore, Madam, I am come to resign my heart to you, and to leave it under your cure, and in the hospital of your mercy (where many thousands besides it lies) seing its wounds forbids me to take it alongst with me, and in place of it, I shall fill my breast with a drachm of hopes which I am to expect from the scales of your Ladiships favour.
Agapeta fearing, lest her rudenesse might unfit him for the journey, and desiring to animate him, who only by his example could animate the rest; and who was the axletree whereon courage's wheels was then to roul, told him, that she wisht her wishes could assist him, whose valour was to assist her, and that she thought her self most fortunate, who could salary such Warriors with so little expence of treasure (her smiles being all the solde which was sought) wherefore she entreated him to expect all the favour that a Lady could indulge to him.
Megistus being ready to reply, was called by a Gentleman, who told him, that his Troups were ready to march; so that leaving Agapeta's chamber, he rendezvouzed his glorious Troups, whose glory was sublimated by the presence of Philarites and the Martial Knight, [Page 103] who seemed to be the Diamonds that set the great price upon the Golden Ring of that Assembly: from thence they marched about midnight, and did the next morning arrive at Iris, where they lurked all night in caves, expecting the enemies landing (whom the boisterous wind had hindred from landing till then) which was not a tedious attendance; for the next morning Sotorus, who commanded these Naval Forces, fearing no resistance, because of the unexpectedness of their voyage, and the covertness of their designs) did foot the shoar, as if he had come rather to triumph than to conquer; and expected that victory would meet him half way to welcome him to Egypt: but whilst he was shoaring his Regiments, Megistus giving the signal to those who were in the other two caves, commanded by Philarites and the Martial Knight, did so terrifie by shouts the surprized Persians, that they wished they had never seen Egypt, since they saw nothing in it but unavoidable dangers: That which affrighted them most was some Fire-works, which Megistus (well skilled in the Pyromanticks) had caused dress, whose noise and lightnings perswaded the Persians, that Iupiter had lent their adversaries his thunder-bolts, to punish the unjustness of their quarrel: they saw nothing because of the darknes and the smoak, [Page 104] but what the light of these flames discovered to them, which was nothing else but Death in all her pontificals, and arrayed so variously, as that she seemed not the same every-where; in one corner of the field valour was punishing resistance, and in another, courage was trampling under feet cowardishness; here the soul was flying out of the body at a wounded head, and there at a wounded heart, and in both, the afflicted body was volleying the great ordnance of groans at the beloved souls departure: some sought to seek their graves in the waves, and others, fleeing death, did meet it at their boats (which Megistus did at the first encounter fire, as if by these bonefires he would have testified his gracious acceptance of their visit) Philarites did by his sword subscribe two hundred's pasports for eternity; and the Martial Knight evidenced, that it was easier to overthrow Troups of Persians than to combat Megistus alone: Thus these three conquering Gentlemen, wounded as fast as they could strike, and killed as fast as they could wound, the Persian souls not daring to lodge any longer in their bodies, than they were by their swords summoned to remove, one stroak summing up all the minutes of their process; and the souls themselves most willing to remove, seeing their appartements falling about their ears; Philarites [Page 105] making breaches in the ranks, and in the bodies also of those who stood in them, had his sword bound (as Fencers speak) by the cryes of a young Gentleman, who seeing Philarites ready to strike an aged man (whose courage was in its spring, albeit his body was in its autumn) called, Noble Knight, pity the father of Arethusa, as ye shall be answerable to your fair Mistris; this was the young mans Mistris, whose beauty he imagined all men knew aswell as he. Philarites, moved with his passion, did condonat him his life, desiring him to be debitor for it to ARETINA, and so secured them both as his prisoners.
The fields were become a perfect landskip of terrour, and the greenest pile of grasse was scarleted by the Persian bloud: but the Persians fearing both what they saw, and what they saw not (expecting no relief from the boatlesse ships) were at last compelled to sanctuary themselves in their enemies mercy, and to become their prisoners, because they could not be their conquerours; and albeit the Egyptians would have glutted their revenge with the Persian bloud, yet the noble Knights barred them from that piece of inhumanity; alleaging that seing War was only instituted to secure Nations from danger, and all just Wars were meerly defensive, (for to recuperate our own, [Page 106] is but to defend our own, and so invasion, if it be to repeat what unjust enemies have robbed us of, is but a species of defence; and if it be to rob others, it is no War) that necessarily all who were killed by the hand of revenge, were rather murdered than killed; and that to kill those whom they might save, imported that the killers feared that they durst not coap with them except they were disarmed, and so their cruelty was not only injustice, but verged likewise upon cowardishnesse; and that in killing them, they wounded their own interest: for, thereafter all enemies would by despair heighten their courage, this barbarous custom compelling them either to fight, or dye; and would oblige their enemies, in requital, to deny them their lives upon the like quarter: and as all men should love to save their own life, rather than to cut off their enemies; so all men should be prone to grant quarters when but once demanded: and if War should by that means become a meer butchery, few would frequent it, and the number of cowards would become very bulkish; for, scarce the stoutest of Warriors would go, where he behoved either to gain the field, or lose his life. This discourse perswaded the Egyptians to save alive nine hundred captives (two thousand lying dead upon the place) amongst whom, Sotorus had rendred [Page 107] himself to the valiant Philarites, and they now remained rather masters of the field, than of much spoil, and had bootied little besides the ransom of their numerous prisoners.
Whilst they were thus combating, a capricious Mathematician, who waited upon the Marshal de Camp, fearing lest death should have surprised him before he minded to die, fled at the first shock, and retired to a little Mount, where he observed the Battel, as he used formerly to observe the Stars, by the help of a Telescope, which he carried in his hand in lieu of a Musquet; this Gentleman perceiving Megistus conquerour, posted to Court (being mounted upon a horse, which, because he was fleet, he had bought to carry him away from any danger, valuing his fleetnesse for no other reason) hoping, in requital of his news, to have some donatives bestowed upon him; riding in this equipage faster to Court, than he would have pursued his enemies, he arrived at last at it, where he threw himself at his Majesties feet, describing the Combat to him after this fashion.
Sir, we marched from this City, as from the point A. (demonstrating all upon a Paper) by a direct line to the Citadel of Iris, as the point B. whence by a spiral line, we marched to the Caves of C. where we eclipsed our [Page 108] selves all night; the next morning, before the Sun came from the Antipodes to our Horizon, we marched, keeping the figure of a Paralellogramum, conducted by Megistus, Philarites, and the Martial Knight, who, as three lines, made a glorious Triangle, whereof Megistus, as General, was the Hypotenusa; in this figure we marched to the shoar, where we encountred the Persians, upon whose bodies we carved hundreds of wounds, in form of Isoscoles, Scalenunis, and Trapezias.
This discourse was interrupted by an Envoy from the three Knights, who acquainted his Majesty of their unexpected and compleat Victory: Whereupon his Majesties Pleasant (perceiving the Kings humour fitted for mirth, and intending to twit the Mathematician for his pedantry) told, his Majesty desired to imprison that Persian, alluding to his not understood discourse; which the Courtiers (whom complacence with his Majesty had gladned extreamly) speedily executed, dragging him away from the Royal Hall in spight of his many tears and protestations, that he was an Egyptian.
The Victory being compleated, Megistus sent to the neighbouring Towns and Villages, desiring all both women and children to come to the shoar, that so by a false muster, he might [Page 109] deter the Persians from landing any more Forces: So that they who were aboard of the Navie, being destitute of boats and disappointed (by that numerous, though feeble company, having expected to surprize the Egyptians before they took the allarm) did now hoise sail, leaving their hopes buried, and their companions unburied, upon the Egyptian shoar.
The King glad of the Victory, and glader that Providence had imployed these Gentlemen (whom he affected extreamly) as agents in it, because the Noblemens ambitious undiscretion was thereby checked, and that heaven seemed to authorize his inclinations, intended to welcome them with a triumphant reception; which they fearing, directed secretly this missive to his Majesty, entreating him to forbear both the honour and envy, which they knew would be linked together.
OVr advancement to this charge hath robbed your Majesties most meriting Subjects of an occasion of doing you service; it were unjust that we should expect any other reward for our service, than the honour of being imployed: and seing your Majesties Subjects grudged us formerly that honour, which our birth and your Majesties pleasure [Page 110] entitled us to, how will they now pack up a wrong which they will think wounds their interest more deeply? Be not prodigal, Sir, of those honours which all gape for, and which ye may confer more deservingly hereafter upon your own Subjects; for, albeit the vastnesse of a Kings treasure, and the unlimitednesse of his power, occasion that no profusion either of riches, or honours, can be accounted prodigality upon his part, yet the meannesse of the receivers deserts may make Royal Favours be listed among the other species of prodigality; and the glorious beams of your favours darted upon us, will against your Majesties intention attract the vapours of envie; and possibly your Majesties favour may procure ruine to those for whom ye intend triumphs.
This Letter the Knights wrote, scanning upon what emergents had formerly occurred; and considering how moe vessels were sunk by carrying too large a sail, than by want of ballast; and how all men contributed thousands of wishes to destroy the greatest Minions (men being like Pyrats who pursue alwayes the richest prizes, thinking the poorest sort unworthy of their pursuit) and that high imployments are like high places, whose hight makes the hardest head somewhat giddy.
[Page 111] The King pondering their desire, and reflecting upon the reason of their disassent, was willing to shuffle up all the projected pomp in a meer complement, which at their entry to Court he delivered thus in a most obliging fashion.
Gentlemen, Egypt, whose Ramperts ye have been in this last Expedition, congratulates your safe Return, and her very Rocks trumpets your Praises, which is ecchoed by all her Inhabitants. When I conferred that charge upon you, I was confident, that if the Heavens had any favours in store for us, they would bestow them by your pure and mir aculous hands; So that we all acknowledge our selves your debtors, albeit none dare be so vain as to undertake to be your paymasters.
The Knights making a knee-deep reverence, acknowledged themselves debtors to his Majesty, who had put that opportunity in their hands, and that these applauses were the price of his Countrymens bloud, who were the only root, from which all these noble actions stemmed.
But we must return to recreate melancholy-ARETINA (whom Philarites had confirmed in her jealousie, by not saluting her at his removal from Court; which he had not omitted, but rather passed by, as an encounter which [Page 112] might melt his courage, and fearing that she might have kept him from imbarking himself in a quarrel, to which both his respect to the King, and the purchase of glory, prompted him beyond resistance: yet she interpreted it according to her jealous humour, not unlike a person affected with the yellow jaundice, to whom every thing appears of that colour; or rather, like a cacochimick stomach, which transubstantiates the best of meats in its own malignant humour: for, if at at any time, love perswaded her that jealousie was a cheater; yet even in that case love did rather distract, than recreate her; and she being bound to the stake of jealousie, love by these pulls, did not pull her away, but rather pull her to pieces; like a traitor bound to two horses, whose contrary motions are his funest torments: thus love and jealousie, like two twins, aguued by their discord their comfortless Dame.
Yet in fine, ARETINA (perceiving what indefatigable correspondence was kept betwixt Pinasa and Placeta, and how lavish Placeta was in her invective discourse against Philarites, whom Pinasa so much adored) resolved to fathom this design; whereupon, enquiring diligently where they conversed most, found, that their ordinary appointments were in an Arbour, in the Royal Garden, at five a clock [Page 113] every morning; so that she at last, hit at this expedient for the discovery of this their mysterious correspondence.
She caused the Gardener (who was commanded by Agapeta to obey her in every thing) enter at two a clock, taking her maid with him, and there dig a hollow in the ground, where her maid was to lye; which he was thereafter to cover with a sheet, leaving a rent in the coverlet, whereby she might suck in new supplies of air, and to straw it over with roses and violets, as if they had been placed there to dry at the Sunshine; that place being near the Arbour, she could not but hear all was spoken; neither did the heavens disappoint her wishes, for at five a clock entered the two Correspondents, who being seated within the reach of the maids hearing, Placeta deduced to Pinasa the whole story of ARETINA'S misfortune, dwelling upon every point, as an infallible testimony of her own sagacity; and in the epilogue of her discourse she demanded money to satisfie the roguish Scrivener; who, seing he sold his soul, intended to draw a considerable price for it: Pinasa sucked out the honey of [...]ontentment from these poysonous flowers of their discourse, and glutted her ears with so pleasing a narration: Thus they fat drinking the dregs of ARETINA'S affection, and [...]dmiring [Page 114] somtimes their own conduct, and sometimes their successe, saying that Country Maids were an easie prey to such Eagle spirits as were Court Ladies; and that such a rich herb, as Cunning, could not grow in so poor a soyl as was a retired hermitage:
This discourse ended, they returned to a feast prepared for Placeta, leaving both time and opportunity to ARETINA'S maid, to return home to her Mistris, fraughted with these unexpected and welcome enquiries; where she found her Mistris sitting, as if her soul had bidden her body adieu, and had left it like an appartement without an indweller, her hands crossed, as if she would in that emblem have represented the crosses of her innocent life: at her maid's entry she raised her eyes, like a person whose head being upon the block, starts up once more to see if a pardon can be expected. Her maid unwilling to torture her afflicted Mistris, by twisting new delays, falling on her knees, and throwing her eyes upwards, as if she would have bestowed them upon heaven, as a requital for these favours, said, Madam, Philarites is not unconstant, but Pinasa is a cheater; so she spun out to her the whole web of their discourse, so exactly, as that ARETINA by the help of what her memory furnish'd her from the Letter, and from Placeta's discourse, [Page 115] did easily piece up the whole progresse of their hellish treachery.
ARETINA (who would not unvail her resentments in presence of her maid) desired the curtains might be drawn, for she intended to sleep, and commanded the door should be shut. The maid being removed, she accused her self thus for her former jealousie; O unworthy ARETINA, seing thy credulity hath declared thee such! Was it not enough that thou mightest be vicious by one of those vices, which could reach its poyson only to thy self, without harbouring a vice that stained the repute of such a spotless person as Philarites? was neither his fame, nor thy experience, antidotes sufficient against that venome of jealousie? How darest thou place his portracture in so polluted a room as thy polluted heart? and if fate convoy him to paradise in the chariot of some glorious enterprise, there to punish thee for thy crime, and reward him for his vertue; who shall absolve thee from that guilt which thou hast contracted? and if he pardon thee, that will evidence his goodness, but not thy guiltlesness; and his very smiles shall be thy continuall accusers. Whilest grief was thus triumphing, love replied, that she was not so culpable as she alleaged; for, [...]alousie was at worst but an excesse in love, and excesse is not [Page 116] accounted so heinous a guilt as defects were; seing excess had all that was to be found in the vertue which it transgressed, and superadded somewhat to it: whereas the defect could frame no title to any of the least of vertues perfections. Moreover, seing the greatness of the temptation, was the golden rule whereby Moralists squared the smalness of the vi [...]e; that in this case, the undiscoverablness of their plots min [...]ed exceeding the guilt of her escape. Lov [...] in its plea alleageth also, that albeit womens breasts be ordinarily Cristal-like transparant, yet she had not blazed abroad her passion, nor his crime; but had chosen rather to sit destitute of comfort, than to receive comfort from one whom she behoved to make conscious to her griefs, and his escapes; and how that Philarites himself had been a builder in this Babylon of mistakes, by not saluting her at his departure, and in wearing the Livery of another Lady.
Thus ARETINA loved more now than formerly; resembling in that, a curious Watch, which runneth most soundly when it is first disjoynted, and thereafter pieced up by a skilfull Artist; or the breaches of a besieged City, daubed thereafter with more strength than formerly, by the wary indwellers: Thus she spent some restless hours, till sleep truced up a cessation [Page 117] of arme, betwixt these warring passions.
After two hours sleep (which were not able to defray so much wearinesse) she was awaked by the deafning acclamations of a great many street-runners; whereupon, calling her maid, she desired to know the origine of these confusions; who told her, That the Persians were beat by the two Knights, and that Philarites had captivated the Persian General. This report was seconded by a Letter from Agapeta, who, to congratulat Philarites success, acquainted her with all the passages of the Victory.
The next morning Philarites (the lungs of whose love could breath no air contentedly, but what they suckt in ARETINA'S presence) sent Kalodulus, to learn if he might have acc [...]ss to ARETINA'S chamber, which being indulged him, he came, circled in his passage by the joyfull Egyptians, and being entered, and the servants removed, spoke thus, with a majestick (and yet discomposed) air.
That arm which hath been so fortunate, as to be imployed in your service, and which your interest hath strengthened to the extirpation of your enemies, comes now, by imbracing your feet, to do homage to its divine Princesse: the veins of my courage were filled with no other bloud, than that of love; neither was my sword [Page 118] otherwise edged, than by the whetst [...]ne of true affection: Wherefore, Madam, it is upon your head that Victories garland should be placed, and it is to you that I carry these Bayes of applause, which your too civil Compa [...]riots have propined me with.
SIR (said ARETINA) if ye had resigned your self over to my disposal (as ye long since professed) surely ye were too rash in jeoparding a body which was not your own; and I should think her much mistaken, who would set her heart in a breast, which ye expose daily to so many hazards. Madam, if I knew (replyed Philarites) that my breast were the residence of such a noble guest, doubtless, I would be carefull of it: yet, Madam, I am confident that if such a heart as yours were placed in it, the gods would imploy their special providence to be a buckler to it.
ARETINA'S eye travelled alongst all the proportions of his well limb'd body, whose proportion, his close armour shewed most remarkably. But Philarites eyes dwelt upon each trait of ARETINA'S face, and upon the most negligent motions of her body, as objects proportionated enough to a mans united admiration, in whom he perceived all beauties globe mapped up in small bounds. The next morning [Page 119] their correspondence was somewhat discontinued by Monanthropus arrivall, whom the King had, at Megistus's instigation, recalled to Court. The Knights, at his arrival, waited upon him assiduously, and their attendance reinvited the eyes of the Courtiers to behold him, as a person in whom their Nation had great interest; only Sophander dreamed that his grandour was much ruffled by his presence, and it would be somewhat minced by the respect which all did bear him: neither was he much mistaken, for he became the standard under which the male contents at Court listed themselves, and to whom all true Egyptians made address; and all concluded, that he was a Comet appearing before Sophanders destruction: Yet the King vizarded his real love to Monanthropus, and his real aversion from Sophander, le [...]t the change should prove as dangerous as it was sudden; and Monanthropus imployed his friends, to desire his wellwishers to lowe somewhat, the sails of their nimious respect, till providence should calm the ocean of their misfortunes.
Prastus finding his hopes stifled, and his designs blasted; and being informed of Sophanders murmurings, treated with him incognito, to promove his interest; and in requital, he should, after his conquest of Egypt, be promoted [Page 120] to the Government of it: and if that project framed not, that he should have the same charge in Persia which he enjoyed at that time in Egypt. This was a bait at which Sophanders avarice did greedily bite, and the rather, because he found every accident prognosticated his ruine; and that his misery wanted onely time to ripen it, Wherefore he did now begin to bend all the force of his malice against the Egyptian Monarchy; imploying the experience of State which he gained in their service, to do them now some egregious disservice, yet so covertly as he never seemed to question the Kings affection to him. But finding, that he was not alone able to manage so bulkish a Vessel as that enterprize was, he resolved to imbarque with him others, who shared equally with him in the common enmity which many bore to Megistus and Philarites; but the plight anchor of his hopes, was Misarites, General of the Egyptian Forces, who stormed unapeasably at Megistus success; thinking that no mans hands should have plucked fortunes golden apples beside his own.
Sophander finding Misarites judgment so distempered, by that feaver of passion, thought it fittest to engage him in that quarrel, in which his judgment, if once cooled, would never have allowed him; calling him to his chamber, after [Page 121] he had seen the King spend two hours in privat with the Knights, and after some insinuating discourse, asked him, if he and the Officers of the Egyptian Army had not reapt a plentifull harvest of rewards, for all the bloud they had expended in his Majesties service, when strangers did partage amongst them the booty of honour, which they had foughten for? Sir, (replied Misarites) your condition is more deplorable than ours, because your losse will be greater, we having lesse to lose than you; and our happinesse is consistent with theirs, their aims levelling at higher Offices than ours: but your Eminency and they cannot stand together, seing they desire to stand upon that ground whereon ye stand now; yet your condition is most to be pitied, because your hands have planted these Ciens, whose flourishing branches umbrage this day your greatnesse, shading you from these rayes of your M [...]sters favour which reverberated formerly upon you; and by their roots sucking from yours that aliment of treasure which fed you hitherto: and to conclude, that is the greatest unhappiness imaginable, to have been once happy; and the greatness of the fall is measured from the height of the place fallen from; and seing, Sir, here is no real happinesse or unhappinesse here, but what stands in comparisons (absolute happinesse being [Page 122] entailed upon the gods, and absolute unhappinesse being the portion of devils) our misfortune will seem but a mole-hill, in regard of such a mountain as yours; and men will be so busied in admiring your fal, that hardly they will eye ours. Pardon me (answered Sophander) your fall will be more remarkable than mine: for, it is rather a wonder to see me stand amongst so many Emulators (they being Patriots, and I a stranger; they being many, and I one) than to see me fall; and oft-times great Oaks which are top-heavie, will fall sooner under the hand of a storm, than those of a lesser bulk: but Misarites affronts will weigh more in the ballance of some mens fancies than of others (and that is the greatest affront that the persons affronted reputes such) and of all men none weigh affronts so heavily, as those of your profession: for, glory being your main design, your glor [...] sooner blurred than ours, and your passions (which are alwayes afloat) are sooner incenst than ours; vanity (which is necessary in Souldiers) being of all others passions, the most combustible: and seing your disaster will have moe young men and gallants to be witnesses to it, it must be more insupportable than mine, which being at a Council-Table, will be judged by some few wise old men, who prize not much affronts of that nature; [Page 123] and as the glory of a Souldier glistereth more than that of Statesmen, certainly the foil must be more grievous: Neither is ambition the vice of my age, old men being rather enclined to avarice, than panching to ambition; for old men, not knowing by what means they are able to gain, if necessity urged them to it, are more greedy of it when they can attrap it, than young men whose strength gives want a defiance; as also, they know better how hard it is to gain, and rely lesse upon the large promises of others, than young men do; and their bodies half transubstantiate in the earth, seems to be near in kin to gold and silver, which are but cadents of the same family; We want these sparkls of courage which kindleth ambitions fire, which not only burns in younger breasts, but turns all other humours into its own nature; and that is the soveraign passion in you, to which all the rest must do obeysance: But why should our spirits be thus enthralled to stupidity? and why should we sink in this gulf of misery, seing the arms of our liberty are yet loose, and the shoar of safety is so near? Where is that shoar (quoth Misarites) where we may find a safe harbour? If ye will follow me as your Pilot (replyed Sophander) I shall shoar you safely. I will most willingly, replyed Misarites.
[Page 124] Sophander glad that he was able to complicate such a considerable person in his treasonable plot, devellopped to him the whole mysterie, and promised that if he would go a share with him in the hazard, he should likewayes have a share in the gains; and promised to treat for him with Prastus, and with Sotorus, who (being a prisoner of war there) was commissionate for that effect.
But let us now visite Monanthropus and Megistus, who spent their time as frugally as their adversaries, and who were countermining all their mines, and cantoning their friends and associats, so that most of their exercise was discourse, and most of their discourse was the revolutions, whereby the heavens preached perpetually the instability of humane affairs. Monanthropus desirous to hear the sequel of the Knights travels (begun at his house) entreated Megistus to pursue it; and Megistus, to divert the eyes of his memory from gazing on desolations gastly colours, condescended to spin out that threed to a greater length, and commenced thus.
Sir, after the foundation of Philarites acquaintance and mine was laid at Athens, and its fabrick (cemented by assiduous familiarity) was raised to some height, we resolved to ramble up and down the world, carving always [Page 125] to our selves an adventure by our hungry swords; wherefore, discharging our trains at Athens, we desired Kaledulus only to attend us: and beginning our journey towards Lacedemon, we were outed of our way, by a mist which led us to a Wilderness; where we had not travelled far, when a cry or two (sent from the lungs of affliction) commanded our admiration to follow its tract; we posted to it, knowing that anxieties glasse runt swiftly, and at our coming, found a young Gentleman and a Lady staked to a tree, looking every moment in the face as the harbinger of death, and tearing in such abundance, as that had they remained in that posture but a short time, the tears would have rotted the cords wherewith they were bound; our compassion had scarce fastned its eyes upon them, when we were necessitated to place them elsewhere: for, two naked men, covered with nothing but with their hair (a garment lent them by dame nature, their appear and stepmother) not so much out of affection to them to cover their nakedness, as out of respect to the beholders, and to oblige their modesty) did by their uneven brows (which were to them in place of tongues) cartel us to a combat; their arms were two long poles, to which were fixed two shables (neither did they offer us choice of arms) we judging gallantry [Page 126] but a nicety, where necessity was the quarrel, and considering that they who were outlaws to Nature, might be punished by any of her subjects, (all men being commissionated against such common enemies) and that they who would not kill such rascals, were guilty of the bloud that was shed by them, resolved to make use of all arms, and arm our selves with all advantages against them, Whereupon Philarites pulling out a pistol, sent from its barrel two balls, cloathed in deaths livery, and by them opened a salley-port to his soul to fly out of that nasty prison, wherein it had been too long captivated; his comrads courage fell with him, and deaths horrid face represented in the mirrour of his dying friend, agasted him so, as that he was willing to ransome his life upon his knees with tears, which fear had commissionat to intercede for him; We who thought that to kill a man before he was prepared to die, was to murder the soul aswell as the body, desired him to throw away his weapon, and he should have quarter: but he not accustomed to hear such a dialect, understood us not, so that we were forced to make a demonstration our interpreter; he no sooner understood our mind than he disarmed himself of his weapon, throwing his body open to our mercy; we advanced, but scarce could perceive in him the reliques [Page 127] of humanity, which was all mudded over with the rubbish of desuetude and cruelty, and his tongue exprest it self as if it had but freshly come to the school of the world; whereupon Philarites concluded, that seing he and his companion could understand one another, that the bruits did use possibly an ideom peculiar to themselves, aswell as these, whose expression claimed affinity to that used by them; or, if they had no language, they behoved to read each others sentiments in the characters of thoughts, like the intuitive knowledge of Angels.
We untyed the naked couple, who took their life as a donative from our hands, upon whom fear had made such an impressa, as they could not believe but death had them stil in its claws. We desiring to pull up that poysonous herb by the root, fearing lest it might thereafter spread and pullulate afresh, resolved to know where he nested; he would willingly have quit us, yet in obedience rather to fear than to us, he led us to a cantone of the Wilderness, and shewed us there a hole, whereat he entred; it seemed to be hells porch, and its very stink (occasioned by the boyling of mans flesh) did fortifie it sufficiently against all humane approaches; he called forth at last his wife, and I must say he was fitly matched: for, her face was a rendevouze [Page 128] of all those deformities, that a petulant fancy could have excogitated, and, except in the case of an Incubus, he might have defied all the world to make him a Cuckold: We learned at last, by a discourse composed of semibrievs and crotchets, that she and her husband had lived there fifty years (death having forgot that there lived any mortals in such a corner) and that their son was killed; We lookt in, and perceived that the hole was all pent up with wood, and that their best chear was mans flesh: So we brought them alongst with us to the next Town, where those two lived whom we had released, and committed them to the publick prison.
Thence our inclination (which was the compass by which we steered) led us to Lacedemon, which was then the stage whereon Fortune acted all her Tragedies. This Nation had pilgrimaged through all Governments, and seing it could not unload it self of Rules heavy burden, it did, like the Asse, fetch it from shoulder to shoulder, and so, contrarie to its expectation, past from evil to worse, and from worse to worst of all; We had not marched but two dayes journey in this Lunatick Country, when we encountred a fellow whose eyes sparkled some of that folly which was breasted within him, and by the inorderly Index of his [Page 129] face, we might easily know that the volumn of his thoughts could not but be confused; his equipage was so mean, that he resembled an old Oak, whose starved leaves had fallen away from the stock which was not able to al [...]ment them, to which the obdured earth denied the pension of its ordinary aliment; his motions shewed, that they received no commission from a rational soul, and were like the reelings of a ship, whose rudder the careless Skipper had abandoned: thus did he by his inconsiderableness render himself considerable, and made us notice him, meerly because he was not worth the noticing; he past by us, without giving us a hat, or paying a reverence; and glancing over his shoulder, he said, Friends, think ye who shine so upon earth because of your diamonds, to shine in heaven, circled with the rays of divine splendor? or, dream ye that heaven will suffer your pride to passe unpunished? Ye are mistaken (replyed Philarites) for gorgiousnesse in apparrel betokeneth much humility; for, we think, that we need such weights as these, to be put with us in the ballance of such capricious fancies as yours, else we might fear to be judged but light; whereas ye imagine that your innate worth is able to create respect enough for you: and I pray you, seing the gods have not created these diamonds for our aliment, [Page 130] surely they have created them for our ornament: and we see how they have variegated the fields with flowers, and have enammeled these flowers with diverse colours, whereby our pleasure might be baited, aswell as our necessities supplyed; neither certainly, would they have left man (who is the most excellent amongst all the creatures) naked of these ornaments, if they had not given him reason and fancy to be his provisors, and the whole earth to be his magazine: Neither must we confine ornaments to the narrow bounds of necessity, else why tax ye not the gods likewise of superfluity, for having spangled the heavens with so many and so various stars and constellations, seing they might have supplyed their rooms by two or three Suns or Moons? And Sir, had not these eye-dazling creatures, the Diamonds, concealed by their absence some portion of their makers glory, if they had still been intombed in the earths dark bowels. Well friend (replied he) since I cannot convince you, who lies swadled in the cradle of your follie, and understands not these true mysteries, go read Grandours Epitaph in the person of Ephemerus, who was not long since Prince of this Country, and is now hunting near-by, followed only by two servants; Whereupon he paced away, leaving us puzled in what rank of creatures he was to be placed.
[Page 131] He being gone, Philarites marked that of all mad-men, those were most fortunate, whose madness resembled most the humour of the Country where they lived; as for instance, Seing the Lacedemonians were ordinarily most superstitious, that therfore that madness which was allyed with most superstition (as in that poor fellow) was least discernable amongst them, seing the Natives being inured to continual superstition, would not remark its excess so easily, as they would the excess in any other passion: and on the other hand, strangers who perceived such extravangancies, would rather list them amongst the inclinations of the place, than account them real fits of distraction.
This discourse was scarce at a period, when we overhyed Ephemerus, whose mean equipage and thin train overpowered our admiration; and now our voyage seemed to us admirations ladder, in which the higher we mounted, we discovered alwayes the more; but we concluded that our amazement was now in its Zenith, and could mount no higher; for, in him, we saw the Mapps of fortune and misfortune both in one Carte, and this Gentleman seemed to be a Skeleton, of whose bones, the State-Ravens of his own faction had pickt all the flesh of honour: We associated our selves to him, to try whether those qualities which [Page 132] are often admired in eminent persons, be real, or if they be occasioned only by the sunshine of power; and after some discourse we found, that he stood more obliged to his birth, than to his parts; and that he had been heir to his fathers office, rather than to his endowments; and that, albeit amongst bruits the young resemble the old, because there is nothing in them, which is not propagated, yet amongst rational creatures it is otherwayes; because the soul is not kneaded of any corporeal masse; and Philosophers alleage, that oft-times the wisest fathers, having evaporated either in action or contemplation their finest spirits, beget the simplest children, who seem to be the lees of so fine stuffe. We may see, said Philarites to me thereafter, that albeit in all other visible objects, the higher any body be placed, it appears so much the lesse, yet in State-preferment it is quite contrary; for all the faculties of a person seem aggrandized by his promotion: and that in the Comedy of the World, the habit of a King or Prince neither improves nor impairs the real habilities of the Actor. This Gentleman talkt of hunting, as if it had been the onely imployment quadrating with true Gentility, and that a Gentleman and a Hunter were but the same thing diversly exprest; Whereupon I (willing to tilt a little in discourse [Page 133] with him) alleaged, that of all exercises, it was the least subservient to our necessities, and that Fencing or Riding might possibly be a buckler at occasions to a mans life, and might fit the users of them to serve their Country; but that Hunting was useless to its users, and destructive to the Country where it was most used, by trampling of corns, and alienating the inclinations of Gentlemen from their other imployments, and that it was of all recreations the most destructive to the health; for it obliged men somtimes to ly cold a whole day, waiting for an occasion, and when they had found an occasion necessitated them to move too impetuously and ardently; and at last the losse of their prey, did ordinarily affect them too anxiously: and subjoyned, that I conjectured that Hunting was at first excogitated by Princes and Statesmen, to avocate factious minds from deeper projects, and to divert them from projecting any thing to the prejudice of the State.
Being wearied of his society, from which nothing could be reaped, We retired to the City of Lacedemon: where there were so many and so contrary tides, as that it was dangerous for the strongest vessel to sail safe in it. Amongst many other slaveries, the people complained much of the too frequent change of State-officers (this Commonwealth being like [Page 134] the Moon, which never appeareth twice with the same face) wherby the people were charged with miseries: for, those who were newly installed in their Offices, did like the empty Lochleeches, suck themselves full; and those who were not in charge, were continually plotting the extirpation of those who did officiate; neither could they know how to govern before they were removed from the helm of Government.
Amongst many other passages which occurred during our residence there, I cannot forget one, which was this; An old fellow which had outlived his wit, became so witless as to fall enamoured of a young Girl, who lived at our house, and now all his spirits, which age seemed to have beaten from all the other posts of his soul, retired themselves to the citadel of his fancy, and being garrisoned there, gave old age a defiance. In order to his design, he mustered all those old suits, which had been witnesses to his first Nuptials, which now, because of their mustiness, were as grayhaird as himself, and piaffed daily before our windows, possest by this devil of love; and imagining that he was, not what really he was, but what really he would have been: at last, having leagued with confidence, in a war defensive and offensive against prudence; he entred the chamber, [Page 135] where the young Gentlewoman was attiring her self, where having, by the help of his staff, made an antick reverence, he complemented her in these words.
Lady, all the time that I have spent in the world, hath been spent in remarking that there was never any so beautifull as you are; and all these wrinckles which ye may perceive in my face, are caused by the heat of my passion; as we see the fire contracts and furroweth the parchment. And albeit my age and your youth are of a different temper; yet we see that things of most different, yea, and of contrary qualities, when separate; yet do, when joyned, piece up the most excellentest compositions: and strings of the most various sounds, echoes the sweetest melody: these hairs, which seem gray, are not dyed of that colour by age, but by an accident; and my weakness (which was blazed lately abroad) was not the effect of my decrepedness, but of sickness, against whom none can plead exemption: If there were any to quarrel your beauty, or to account it but second to anies else, ye should see (fair Lady) that there is abundance of bloud barrelled up in these veins; and that in this heart there is courage enough to hazard it in your quarrel.
A young Gentleman (one of her Suiters) stepping in, and intending to twit his folly, [Page 136] said, Fair Lady, ye may believe him anent your beauty; for, whereas others can only adduce two eyes, as witnesses to prove their opinion, he can bring four: for I remarked him yesterday in Church, bestride his nose with spectacles, that by them he might perceive, what his eyes could not. The old Gentleman (like a lamp which albeit it be almost extinguished, yet when irritated by a breath of wind, will flame something more than ordinary) breathed nothing but revenge, and would fain have honoured his sword with such an imployment; but its sheath and it had of so long a time been inseparable companions, that it was very hard to separate them; and rust had so glued them together, that his old arms could not pull it out. The other taking advantage of his misfortune, cried aloud, Oh he hath kill'd me, he hath kill'd me! which cry rendevouzed us all in the chamber, where we found the old Gentleman dashing his sword against the walls, because of its disloyalty to its master.
This affront did not wean him from the breasts of his amorous folly: and seing age was the occasion of his folly, the older he grew, he behoved necessarily to be the more foolish; so thinking himself too far advanced in this river of passion, he resolved to swim, though with hazard, rather than to retire, though with ease.
[Page 137] The next morning, equipaged like one whom we see presented in Taliduce, by some Antiquary, he presented himself at his Mist [...]isses chamber door, where being licentiate to enter, he thanked the gods, who had arrested his sword yesterday in its sheath, lest he should have contaminated her chamber with the bloud of so base a fellow; and continued to perswade her, that it was neither his weaknesse, nor the rustinesse of his sword, which had occasioned the difficulty to unsheath it, only he acknowledged, that after a combate which he had fought not long since, he had forgot to wipe it clean of that bloud, wherewith his adversaries wounds had besmeared it. The Gentlewoman applauded to all, telling him, that his sword looked like a blade which had been Actor of many Tragedies, and that she remembred only to have seen one of that fashion, which her grandfather keeped as an old monument of his family. I heard, Sir, (continued the Gentlewoman) that in a combat ye had all these teeth shaken out by a blow, which we perceive ye now want; and that another blow, whilst ye were rescuing the Royal Standard, left in legacy with you that infirmity, which is perceived in your march. The old man, who dreamed that all these discourses were the relations of these whose friendship he had bought, accorded [Page 138] to all, confirming her fictions by some circumstances; which busk rendred these fictions yet more ridiculous. Weary at last of his impertinency, she entreated him to hear her read a part of a Romance, which had come to her hands lately; but she had scarce spent half an hour in that imployment, when sleep closed those eyes, which saw but dimly when they were open, old men being like Watches, which the older they are, run alwayes the faster, and must be often winded-up by sleep; for, their infirm bodies, and weak vitals, must have more time allowed them to forge spirits, than young bodies require; and Nature, which hates all transitions from one extream to another, will inure old men, to endure death by dying often. Her other Suiter perceiving he was asleep, came from behind the hangings where he stood, and by a sharp knife cut the ribon wherby his breeches were tied up, and thereafter retired softly; the old Gentleman awaked, would willingly have perswaded his young Mistris, that it was not sleep, but an extasie wherein he had been, and that it was occasioned by the sweetness of her voice, and vivacity of her deportment in reading. The other hearing that he was awake, came bolting in, as if he would have challenged the old man for his yesterdayes bruskness, whereupon he rising in haste, his breeches [Page 139] fell about his feet, leaving his thighs like two leafless and withered branches, in whose top an Owl nested; or like an Egyptian Mummy embalmed by Art, which had once been coetanious with the first founders of the Lacedemonian Walls.
Megistus's relation was here interrupted, by a confused noise which tumbled-in at the windows; and Monanthropus looking out, perceived a multitude, whose allarmed-like gestures portended some eminent danger: here, one running did ask his fellow what the uproar meaned? and yet posted by; for his curiosity would not wait for an answer: there, another returned laughing, but not telling why: some through fear, others through curiosity hunted for news: Thus they floated up and down the streets, raging and murmuring like waters fallen from some high cataract: At last Kalodulus entring the chamber, told them, that the basis of that commotion, was a combat betwixt two Persian Captains, who being Rivals in love, resolved to terminate their debate by the dye of a combat; but though they wanted not courage, yet they wanted armour (as being prisoners) neither durst they adventure to seek any from their acquaintances in the City, lest they should have brought themselves within the compass of State-jealousie; at last, revenge [Page 140] and love fornisht them this overture, That they should walk to a Sword-sellers shop, and should look each upon a sword, meerly as if they intended to try them, and that there (which was a remote corner of the City, and early in the morning) they should make courage Arbiter betwixt them: which project framed well; for, before any could mediate betwixt them, the one had lost as much bloud as might have cooled him out of that feaver of love wherein he raged formerly, and there were sufficiently many issues opened in their bodies, at which that unnatural heat might have evaporated.
Let us now return to the Court, which is the Chequer wherein the dyce of favour alters still the game; and where the Courtiers, like so many Moons, wax or wane, accordingly as the Sun of Royal Pleasure darts its rays upon them; all being paved with ice, whereon none can stand because of its slipperiness, unless they be frosted with fortune, and Court-respect; here all things seemed to be moulded a new, and Monanthropus was now the house of the Zodiack, wherein the King's fancy dwelt. For Sophander was looked upon as a person whose ambition towred too high, and who intended to enthronize himself in the affections of the subjects: the King eyed him as his Rival, and [Page 141] the best of his actions were construed to be treasonable: Neither was his Majesty mistaken, for Sophander levelled at nothing lower than the Supremacy of Egypt, and he had now devoted himself to be a Partisan of the Persian Monarchy; and had, as best things when corrupted, become alwayes the worst (evil being the privation of good, and consequently the more numerous the good qualities were in the good, the more numerous their privations are in the evil) So Sophander was from the best of friends, degenerated in the worst of enemies, and tasked himself now with the destruction of the Egyptian Nation; In order to this design, he endeavoured to have Misarites preferred to the conduct of the Egyptian Army, who had combined rather to mislead, than to lead them; and had undertaken to ruine them without a Persian sword.
Prastus encouraged by their undertakings, and by the numbers of his Army, resolved to prosecute the Egyptian War; and the rather, because the body of his own State did begin to amasse noxious humours, through want of martial exercise, and was become so plethorick, that it behoved to be let bloud of by the hand of some forreign War: his Army is sent to Egypt under the conduct of Sotorus (who had been lately ransomed) their landing allarmed [Page 142] the Egyptian Court, whose fears were fed by Sophanders emissaries.
The King commanded to rendevouze all the solded Forces, who being but eight thousand strong, were alwayes upon duty, whereby the rebellion of subjects and the invasion of forreigners were easily cohibited; a lesson which his predecessour had learned from the late Insurrection: He likewise ordered the levying of twelve thousand moe, which being all bodyed together, were subjected to Misarites command. Megistus, Philarites, and the Martial Knight refusing any imployment.
All things thus ordered, Philarites resolved to go seek a pasport from the lovely ARETINA, whom he thus accosted.
Fair Lady, I am come to beg a licence to employ that heart and bloud, which is really yours, in the service of your Prince, and to skreen your Country from its irreconciliable enemies; honour invites me to fight for my Prince, but love entreats me not to abandon my dear Princess; Yet seing loves burning-glasse can inflame at a distance, and seing my soul, where-ever I go, carries alwayes about with it the impressa of ARETINA, and seing I can love in the camp, but cannot be victorious in a chamber, I hope ye will not only pardon my absence, but commissionate me to be absent; [Page 143] that by my absence I may gather lawrels of peace, and triumphing bays, to crown the head of my dear Princess.
If your heart be mine (replied ARETINA) and seing ye have gotten mine in exchange, ye must either go heartless, else stay at home and enjoy it; for I will not render you yours: for, seing I live by it, I cannot live without it; Neither can the King desire you to hazard a womans heart, whose sex exempts them from danger; if you be lost, I lose all: And albeit you were absent, the King will be loser but in a part. Wherefore seing my losse may be greater, and my gain cannot equal his; and seing your interest in me exceeds your interest in him, I hope ye will not rob me of that ye have once bestowed upon me. This discourse was continued by a floud of tears, whereof the least was able to quench the flames of Philarites courage; her sighes, like great ordnances, made breaches in the walls of his resolutions for her perswasions to enter; so that like Mahomets tomb, he hovered betwixt the two Loadstones of Love and Courage: Yet at last the danger of the State in general, and of her father in particular (whose safety moved upon the hinges of their loyalty and courage) joyned with the reiterated promises of shunning danger, prevailed with her, to permit him to risk yet that one [Page 144] hazard: yet her love combated her resolutions, and will and courage fell at variance; neither were Philarites honour, nor her own interest, eloquent enough to perswade her to relinquish without reluctancy, her first intention, her eyes protested against what her tongue spoke, and challenged it for transgressing that commission which her heart had given it.
The Trumpets sounding a march to the Army, did sound a retreat from these amiable caresses, and necessitated Philarites to close that dialogue, which else he had never closed till death had closed his eyes.
Megistus and Agapeta had all this while interchanged amorous glances, but albeit their imployment was the same, the way was most different: for, Megistus studied nothing more than to acquaint Agapeta with his design, and Agapeta studied nothing more than to skreen hers from Megistus, thinking it derogatory to a Princesse to love a Subject: and albeit that Eudoxa ceased not continually to feed the fire of Agapeta's love with the faggots of Megistus praise, yet Agapeta smothered all these flames under the ashes of a prudential silence.
Megistus finding himself consumed away by this hectick feaver of a languishing love, resolved rather to die by hazarding a cure, than to languish without it; and judging this the [Page 145] fittest time to ventilate his passion, resolved to let something of it fall in his discourse to Agapeta: So having gone to her chamber as if he had been to bid her farewell before he initiated his journey, after he had acquit himself of the ordinary ceremonies customarily used in such addresses, and after servants were removed, he spake thus:
Madam, since my heart hath been so arrogant as to pretend to your love, I have resolved to expiat its crime in hazarding it against those who hate your Country, that they may wound it, seing it hath wounded it self, and that they may revenge your quarrel against me, whilst I am revenging against them the quarrel of your Country; every drop of my bloud, supplicates me to be honoured in your service, and forbids me to dispute the lawfulness of the quarrel, seing ye interest your self in it. Madam, albeit I be by birth a King, yet my birth cannot entitle me to your love, whose worth is a Kingdom preferable to the whole Globe, albeit it were all ranged under the subjection of one Scepter: Wherefore, Madam, albeit I be a King, yet in this I accuse my self guilty of treason against the majesty of your worth, and pannels my self willingly at the bar of your pleasure. I know I was guilty even in loving you, yet seing all Egypt is complicated with [Page 146] me in the same crime, I hope, as in other cases so in this, the number of the delinquents will procure a pardon for the crime. Yet, Madam, I am singularly guilty, in having avowed before you my own guilt; which as none but I could be so arrogant as to commit, so none but ye can be so clement as to pardon.
Agapeta hearing that he was a Prince, but not noticeing it, as if she heard it not, resolved not to glut her self with those grapes of love, untill the sunshine of time had ripened them more maturely; yet, lest she should starve altogether his passion, she returned him this Answer.
Sir, it is certainly the feaver of courage wherein ye now burn, which occasioneth that discomposure of spirit which ye now bewray▪ for else Megistus, who is loved by all, would never be so mad as to love Agapeta, who is loved by none; But, Sir, ye may know, that I am one of the Jewels of my fathers Crown, and none can dispose of me, but they who can dispose of it; so that I hope ye will not suffer your self to be so much mistaken, as to shoot at that mark: But really there is another inconvenience in being Megistus's Mistris, seing she who is such will make her self the rival of all those Ladies, who have but once conversed with you, who doubtlesse place their happiness [Page 147] in the fruition of your favour; but, Sir, seing ye plead guilty, and will make me your Judge, I shall, as in all other crimes, so in this, make the crime the punishment: Wherefore, seing love is your gu [...]lt, let love be your torture.
As men should shun, replyed Megistus, to look on you, because of your beauty, so they should shun to converse with you, because of your eloquence: every thing which is either seen in you, or spoken by you, being a snare to entrap unworthy mortals; who must, in spight of prudence, like flyes, flee about the candle which burns them. But, Madam, my love is no infant passion; for, it bears as old a date as since my arrival at Court: and albeit the persisting so long in my guilt, be an aggravation of it (every thought being a new crime, and every moment forging a new thought) yet seing I have avowed my passion, I cannot but avow its birth. Madam, since ye have sentenced me guilty, I beg fetters, which are the badge of guiltiness. Agapeta knowing what he aimed at, gave him a bracelet of her hair, which she desired him to take, not as an approbation of his love to her, but as a reward of his loyalty to her father.
Megistus glad to receive it upon any terms, kissing her hand, went away, telling her, that he gloried more in that badge of her favour, [Page 148] than he would do in all the trophies which could be raised for him upon the ruines of the Persian Monarchy.
The Army was marched, and had left Megistus, Philarites and the Martial Knight, behind, busied in saluting their numerous friends; their visits accomplisht, they posted after the marched Troops, and in their way the Martial Knight, in pursuit of a discourse anent the antipathy betwixt the Egyptian and Persian Nations, fell a chiding Astrologues, because they attributed it to the variety of celestiall signs: these mad fellows (said he) will needs have all the Watches of National inclinations set by the Sun-dyall of the heavenly Aspects, as if the Needle of free-will were obliged to follow the touch of that Adamant; and as if the face of the firmament were like those optick chambers, on whose chamber walls one may perceive what is acted in the streets, to which their backs are turned for the time; but seing the humours of Nations varies, the heavenly Aspects still continuing the same; and seing those influences are corporeal, and so cannot affect the will which is meerly spiritual, I admire how men can fancy any influence, where there is no passibility: But why are the neighbouring Countries alwayes most tainted with this natural aversion, more than the remote [Page 149] parts of the Nations? Is it because the heavens are divided in shires as the earth is? surely all these are dreams of capricious fancies; and it is to small purpose that men should vex themselves by enquiring for a reason of that in the heavens, whereof the reason may with small scrutiny be found upon the earth: for we know that bordering Kingdoms do alwayes war one against another; and these Wars are fathers and mothers to that Antipathy; And who would not hate these who are their successors, who have massacred their antcestors? and for this reason is it, that in these antipathizing Nations, the frontier Countries hate most one another, seing the occasions of fresh quarrels makes them oft purple their fingers in one anothers bloud. And upon the contrary, the remoter Nations, are ordinarily linked in Confederacies; for these Nations that border on the remote frontire of the Nation hated, do in odium of the interjacent Nation, league with those who border upon the other frontier, So that, that friendship is cemented with the common hatred of both the averse Nations; and here mysterie of State is the heavenly Aspect which causeth this contrariety.
This discourse being ended before the journey, they resolved that each of them should maintain a Paradox, which, being as weights [Page 150] added to the paices of times clock, might make it run more swiftly; Philarites being by lot destinat for the precedency, undertook thus the defence of Vanity.
Gentlemen, before I begin to wade through this discourse, I must rid marches betwixt Pride and Vanity; and I call Vanity, an high estimation set by man upon his own actions, and a confidence he hath of being able to perpetrate undertakings above the ordinary reach of humane power; and Pride, that whereby one undervalueth all that is done by others, quarreling it, meerly because it was not done by himself; and not only esteeming highly of himself absolutely (as is done in Vanity) but also over-rating himself, when compared with others. I affirm then, that Vanity is the wheels, whereby honour, courage and triumph moves: for, if Vanity suggested not to man the enterprise of something extraordinary, and if these suggestions were not welcomed by generous spirits, the greatest part of new inventions had been stifled in the cradle of their first conception; Commerce had never been entertained through want of shipping; and new discoveries, both of unknown Countries, and usefull Engins had never been atchieved; and certainly, men should never rise above their own level, if they circled their undertakings within [Page 151] the narrow compasse of their own experience: and seing, in setting a high price upon my own worth, I magnifie the workmanship of the immortal gods, and believes undoubtedly that I am more obliged to them, than really I am; I think my self, as to them, no more culpable, than he who acknowledgeth himself my debtor in a greater sum than truly he is, should be blamed by me: And further, seing mans misery, if sufficiently known, were sufficient to ingu [...]fe him in the depths of melancholy, and to ingrain it more deeply of a black colour; Certainly Vanity is of excellent use, seing it confects sweetly those bitter aigrets, and skinneth over those deep wounds, which are inflicted by the hand of our natural misery.
The Martial Knight maintained, That Prodigality was no wayes to be punished by the Commonwealth; and that Prodigals in reason, ought not to be interdicted, if they sowed not their monies in the furrows of forreign Nations, in which case only the Commonwealth was prejudged; but that if they spent it within the territories of the Commonwealth, they could not be challenged; seing they were masters of their own, and seing the Common-wealth was not endammaged, but rather advantaged; seing their money came in the hands of frugal men (for such are ordinarily those [Page 152] who fleece these sheep) who might improve it more to the publick utility; and if persons of vast estates deborded not in such extravagancies, they would in fine coffer up all the monies of the Kingdom, so that poor Artists, and others, should be totally impoverished; (for the superfluities of the rich, are the granaries of the poor) and these who were once rich, might presume, knowing that they would not be licentiated to dilapidate; and poor (though ingenuous, and ingenious persons) might despair, if they had not such crumbs as these to feed on: but by Prodigality, treasure runs like the Sea, to the water-sources of poor Artists, and from them, by the frugality of others, returns back again to the ocean of Noblemens treasuries; by which circulatory motions, the fabrick of the Universe is maintained in the one, and the fabrick of the State is entertained by the other.
Megistus maintained, That there was no Adultery in the case where the husband allowed his wifes imbracements; and that it was only the husbands dissent, which made the wifes consent be reputed Adultery: for, said he, all the precepts which concern man, may be dispensed with, by man; for, seing the great Legislator hath only made these Laws which terminate themselves in mans advantage, to be [Page 153] bulworks to him against the malice of others, it appears that where there is no wrong done to him, the Law introduced in his favours ceaseth; and as, if there had never been fear of wrong, surely the Law which punisheth that wrong had never been statuted; even so in the case where the party that only can be offended, remits the offence, there the Law ceaseth, because its occasion faileth: And albeit in crimes once committed, the Law-giver may pursue, albeit the party offended desist; yet that is where the crime was once committed, and where the committer hazarded upon the fact, before he had the parties offended consent; and so, as he contemned the Law-giver, as much as he offended a private subject; the Law-giver may insist, albeit the subject desist. And, as in the case of theft, the Magistrate may punish the stealer, albeit none concur with him; yet before the theft is committed, if the person whose goods are taken, consent, there can be no theft; even so, if the husband before the Adultery allow his wifes familiarity, he cannot be said to be wronged: neither can ye obtrude here, that the wife hath chained her self to her husband by an oath, which adamantine chain, the weak hands of a husbands consent can never break; this, I say, cannot be obtruded here: for, seing this is an oath only, and no vow, the immortal [Page 154] gods are not parties, but witnesses in it, (for a vow is only where the thing promised is made meerly or mostly for their honour, which cannot be said here) and so the person in whose favours it is made, may favour the maker so far, as to dispense with it. Nay, but (replyed Megistus) both the Gods and the Common-wealth, are interested in what is enjoyned by that Law (which seems to be one of those Laws which was made in Natures first Parliament) and are as much parties as is the husband; for, if husbands had the keys of that Law put into their hands, they would open a door by them to all wickedness, and would feed the greedy appetite of that monster, Lust; and the souls of creatures, and hearts of subjects, would be so stuffed with this base passion, that no room should be left either for vertue, or gallantry; and the gardens of mens souls should be so overgrown with this spreading hemlock of corruption, that no ground should be found to sow in, either the roses of piety, or lillies of generosity: and albeit ye combat stoutly with the weapon of the husbands consent, yet ye shall never be able by it, to wound one who is covered with the armour of reason; for that husband who would by the hand of his own folly raze down the ramparts of his own honour, and by the mire of his madness pollute [Page 155] the wel-spring of his private satisfaction, might justly be reputed mad and demented, and his consent might be accounted as ineffectual, as it is unreasonable, and so to operate no more here, than the consent of mad-men doth in Law elsewhere.
They were arrived by this time, at the place where the Army had encamped for that night, and were welcomed by the applaudatory acclamations of the Souldiery, each one esteeming them the coals by which the green wood, for their unexpert courages, behoved to be kindled; and their enemies themselves (who were rather rivals of their success than enemies to their vertues) acknowledged them both the patterns and patrons of true gallantry. After they had tendred their respects to the General, they retired to their own Tents (which their servants had already stretcht out for them) and thereafter Megistus exercised a Company of foot in the face of a Regiment, teaching them by what he did, what they should do, and disciplinating those who dreamed formerly, that War was only a flash of artless courage, and that all its precepts might be summed up in that one, of not running away.
Misarites much dissatisfied, that applause should have so hugd these Knights in its arms, and that all should be so much beadsmen for [Page 156] their success, sent a Gentleman to acquaint them (as if in a friendly way) that the Officers of the Army frowned exceedingly to see their own eggs hatcht by others. Megistus could easily have unridled a greater mysterie than this, and conjectured instantly that emulation was the sender of that Ambassage; whereupon they retired to their Tents, but so prudently, as that none could perceive their design in retiring. Where the Martial Knight (to dissipat these clouds of passion which were already conglomerating in the firmament of Megistus face) undertook this subsequent relation for their divertisment. I lodged, said he, with a Merchant in Alexandria, whose wife thought her self the widow of a living man; and so setled her fancy upon a pretty youth, her apprentice, upon whom she conferred those respects which she denied her husband; to whom, albeit she could not in reason, yet she did in fancy, marry her self; and with whom she spent those amorous hours which she could steal either from her husbands assiduous company, or the youths numerous imployments; but when the husband was abroad in the Country, then they reaped the harvest of these pleasures, which they gleaned only at other occasions, and feasted upon those amorous delicacies, which they could only use as [Page 157] desert at other times: But that I may abridge my story, it hapned one day that the husband was by his imployments called to the Country, telling his wife that he would not return of a fortnight; so that they had the reins of their pleasure laid upon their own necks, and thought an occasion to sin was enough to authorize them in sin; but whilst they are in bed together at twelve a clock of the night, the husband wearied with his journey, and disappointed of his projects, returns home, and knocks at the door; the wife conjures her Gallant not to budge, whilst she was opening the door to her husband, which he condescended to, rather to satisfie her, than his own reason: the door was opened, and the kind wife caresses most affectionatly her wearied husband, telling him that it was pity the husband should toil so, in amassing means and money for their wives, who sucked the honey, albeit they brought not home the wax; but said she, Sweet-hart, providence hath led you home this night, that ye might be a target to the innocency of your importuned wife, whose honour your apprentice hath oft and most passionately assaulted; so that in him ye keep a fox at home to devour your own hens, and this night at one a clock (which is not now far off) I trysted him in my chamber, resolving to intrap him; but seing [Page 158] ye can manage that imployment with better success, I entreat you go to my closet, and put on my cloathes, and meet him at the door in that way which he deserves: The honest husband smiling at the conceit, undertook the conduct of that business; and retiring himself to her closet, opened a door to the Gallant to escape, who having shifted himself in his cloaths upon the top of the stairs, returned to act what the wife had promised in his name; and he grating the chamber door, was answered by the husband; the door was no sooner opened, than our Gallant buffets the poor husband most sadly, calling him disloyall base whore, and unworthy to be wife to such a civil Gentleman, as was his master; and that it was not to satisfie his lust, but to experiment her integrity, that he had thus courted her to a parley. The master surfeited with blows, and satisfied both with his wife and servants candour, desired him to leave off to strike him, or revile his wife; but the other continued his rage, till, as he alleaged, the wifes cryes deciphered to him his mistake; and then imbracing his master, did, after a full information, beg pardon upon his knees for his errour: which both of them promised not only to pardon, but also to reward.
Megistus and Philarites had that morning, [Page 159] been comparing the rise of their several affections to their Mistrisses, and each disputed the precedence to his own; Philarites seemed to have fallen into a burning feaver, and Megistus love had crept upon him like a hectick: wherefore they resolved to submit in this to the Martial Knight, who commanded Megistus first to plead his cause, which he obeyed thus.
Sir, Nature, which is equal and proportional in all its periods, seems to ominate a speedy death to that which hath a speedy birth; and it is probable, that that heart of straw which flameth soon, will not flame long; and those creatures whose nativity is ruled by the Almanack of a night, or hour, may expect to meet with their climaterick the next day: whereas that passion which resembleth the Elephant in its slow [...]paced conception, may probably resemble it likewise in its admired bulk, after that it is once conceived: and that love which like the Hart, lodgeth so long in the belly of its dam, may like the Hart prove long-liv'd after its arrival to the world: and those impressions which are made upon the ashes of a soon-inflamed soul, may be easily obliterated; whereas the obdured marble of a resisting spirit, will hardly suffer ever its impressions to be effaced; and seing love should stand upon the basis of reason, the broader that basis is, the longer [Page 160] love will stand; and that soul which resisteth longest by reason, will persist longest by constancy. Philarites contended thus:
Sir, the purest air is alwayes soonest inflamed, and enlightened by the rayes darted from the Sun, and those are but foggie and misty vapours which resist its illuminations; it betokeneth a body wet with the dull phlegm of stupidity, not to be presently heated by a vast fire: and those spirits are not powder fitted for the war of generosity, which cannot kindle at the first touch: great beauties are like the Sun, which spreads its beams all in one instant; and that is the best eye which discovereth immediatly all the excellencies which are discoverable in the objects.
Both parties having closed their plea, the Martial Knight adjudged victory to both: for (said he) Cupid confines not himself to one way of gaming, and all his shafts may be equally good, albeit they wound not equally soon; and the bodies may be equally resistant, albeit the darts pierce not equally deep: for, the difference may, and doth oft proceed from their being better or worse armed, either by indifferency, or inanimadvertency; and albeit the Sun be the same still, yet its heat is not still communicated after the same manner, because of the nearness or other position of the body, [Page 161] which should concentrate its beams.
The Army next morning marched, each expecting that week, once to cope with the Persian Forces, who besieged the Citadel of Iris, and were like to conquer it, because of the paucity of the defendants: Misarites hoping to blunder Megistus with unsuccessfulness, or else willing the Persian (whom he now adored) should possess himself of that strength, commissionated him to march thither with two thousand foot, to try if he could by any means rescue that place, whilst he, and the remanent Forces expected there the advancing Troups from the remoter parts of the Kingdom.
Megistus, accompanied with Philarites and the Martial Knight, obeyed his Order; seeming to rate as a complement, what they knew was an injury; and albeit he commanded them to make brick without straw, yet they shewed as great alacrity as if he had furnished them with means proportionate to such an end. The next morning, they commenced their march, and having at night fortified themselves in a neighbouring marish, they plotted thus to succour the City. The Martial Knight was to choose an hundred stout fellows, who were to carry burdens of provenant to the Persian Army, they were to drop in to the Camp by two and three, as if they were coming to provision [Page 162] the Army, but were enjoyned to value all things so highly, as that there should be but little sold til their number were compleat; and that thereafter, those who were within should sally out upon that corner where they were lodged, with whom they should instantly joyn, and march in to the Citadel, whilst the others were disputing the event with courage: This undertaking framed prosperously, and the Citadel flanked with fresh Souldiers, and encouraged by the conduct of the Martial Knight, was now impregnable.
The noble Knights fearing that the malice and skill of their adversaries at Court might somewhat (if not altogether) misreport their ingenuous procedures in that expedition, (malicious spirits being like corrupt stomacks, which can corrupt the best of viands) resolved to narrate the whole tract of what was done in a Letter to his Majesty, whereof the tenour ran thus.
JVstice hath unsheathed her sword in your Majesties quarrel, and in all probability resolves to defend you once, who hath so often defended her: The prudence of your General commanded the attempt, and the obsequiousnesse of your Majesties servants under subscribing▪ atchieved it; seconded rather by the [Page 163] benignesse of your fortune, than either by our own courage, or multitude of our followers. The rescue of the Citadel of Iris, hath undertaken the prologue in the tragedy of the Persian misfortunes, and we hope shall like an usher, hold aside the tapestry, till the succeeding rable of their misfortunes enter in at the same door. This smiling skie, promises a bright sunshine at noon: and we hope your Majesty shall one day pull with satisfaction the fair fruits of victory, after these blossoms of successe are ripened, by the heat of your Armies courage; who will, we hope, allye their great valour, to your good fortune: which is both the expectation and wish of your Majesties most loyal subjects,
Megistus addressed another Letter to the divine Agapeta, wherein he discoursed thus.
MY reason (befooled with credulity) perswaded me whilst I lived at Court, that lapse of time, and distance of place, might have effaced some of those impressions, which the diamond of passion had engraven upon she long resisting cristal of my love-fearing spirit: but [Page 164] I find now that I have been abused in this, by my credulity; for I perceive that the wound is not cured by distancing it from the sword which made it; and that love resembles an impetuous river, which swelleth the more the farther it runneth from its source; and that albeit the weakest wit might wade through it near its fountain, yet the strongest reason is not able to ford it, when it hath run farther off. Madam, every beautiful face which I see, hath some trait in it, which proves a remembrancer to me of those incomparable lines which the Pencil of Nature hath drawn in yours; but they are but dull copies of such an original, and can represent it in nothing else, besides in making me infortunate, in beholding that, which I can only behold and not enjoy. I lye here, tortured by the sharp ague of passion; sometimes scorched with the flames of love, and at other times frozen by the cold chilnesse of despair; and as in all poysonings, so in this, I must seek the antidote from the same body, whence came the poyson. Fair Lady, live happy, and dart forth one ray of your happinesse, to enlighten the darkned soul of melancholie
Philarites vented his passion to his dear AR [...]TINA in another Letter thus.
IF this paper had not been dampt in the floods of my tears, the flames of my zeal had burnt it to ashes; neither can I but envie its happinesse in kissing your fair hands, a happinesse sufficient to border and limit the most unsatiable of mortals: and so being its rival, I would certainly destroy it, if it did not promise to acquaint you with the ardour of my respects to you. Oh that there should be greater distance betwixt this and Alexandria in ground, than there is in the Mappe, that so I might see that Sun, with whose shadow I must now rest satisfied; and that I might adore that Deity, by which I intend to be saved. Madam, I have sacrificed all the flesh of my parched body upon the altar of love, and were it not that my soul thought that it could be serviceable to you in its present dwelling, it would leave that ruinous fabrick wherein it now remains. Madam, be not so unmindfull of him, whose both happinesse and torture it is, that he is too mindfull of you; and bestow one thought upon him, who bestowes so many upon you; and who cannot, nor will not be happie, except in being esteemed, fair Lady,
[Page 166] Whilst Philarites was dispatching this Envoy, a young Gentleman desired access to Megistus, which being granted him, he did with a chearfull countenance deliver his mind thus.
ALbeit the desperatnes of my design, might make you eye me, as either distracted or malecontent, and like one, who being in fear to drown in the gulf of despair, is content to hang by the smallest twig of comfort that he is able to grasp to; yet the publick advancement of my Nations interest, makes me over-look all such difficulties, and willing to exchange my own losse with their gain: for, I think it most reasonable, that one member should rather be cut off, than that the whole body should be endangered; and especially such a member as is already in apparent danger of being lost: wherfore, Sir, seing the Enemy is to passe this night alongst a wooden Bridge over the Nile, hoping to attaque unexpectedly your Camp, I entreat ye may suffer me to inclose my self in an Arch of it, with some barrels of Powder, that when such a number of them as your Army is able to encounter, hath past alongst it, I may blow up the Bridge, and so stop both the passage of those who are not already past, and the return of those who are gone over. Sir, lest my intruding [Page 167] my self in this danger, and the horrour of the danger it self, should make you think it is rather treachery than affection which hounds me out to this enterprize, ye shall be pleased to know, that these ravenous Physicians, who have these two years preyed upon my fat purse, and practised all their cheats upon my wasted body, have at last told me, that my cancer shall at last irrecoverably period my dayes: Wherefore, Sir, finding that I could not by Art prolong my dayes, I resolved to do it by fame; and to sweeten the harshness of death by the generous manner of it, that so my parents might have the breath of my praises to dry up the tears of their compassion; and that by destroying one subject to my Prince, I might preserve him two thousand; having thus satisfied my reason, I resolved to satisfie my Conscience, which is that great Controller of all our actions; whereupon I addressed me to a Priest, my intimate acquaintance, who perswaded me, that it was as lawfull for the Civil Magistrate (whose command he desired me to ask) to dispose of me for the publick utility, as it was lawfull for a private person to ransom his life by the losse of a member, and that such a generous resolution was a key able to open the gates of Paradise: and if it was lawful for a man to hazard his life in battel, where [Page 168] he could kill but two or three; how much more lawful was it to buy the safety of many friends, and the destruction of so many enemies, with so worthlesse a farthing as my single life was?
Megistus having deliberated with Philarites the expediency of this Overture, resolved to accept the offer: whereupon, having both thanked and encouraged the young man, having heard that the Enemy was to passe alongst the Bridge the next day, he went under silence of night to the Bridge, and opening an Arch thereof, he inclosed in it the Gentleman, together with some barrels of Powder, and some Match; and guarded the Bridge with some Souldiers, lest any should carry intelligence to the Enemy of their intention: The next morning, the Enemy (according to expectation) appeared in view, which made the two Knights make a shew as if they would fight (for they were now four thousand strong) and having, after some resistance, abandoned the Bridge, they suffered the Persians to passe alongst it, three thousand of them being on this side already, Megistus caused shoot some Peeces of great Ordnance (which was the signal condescended upon betwixt the Gentleman and him) and which was instantly obeyed; for, he having fired, the Powder did, to the terrour of [Page 169] the spectators, and ruine of the passers, blow up both himself, them, and the Bridge, and sent them all to heaven in a fiery chariot, their bodies convoying their souls half way, and would have entered the upper spheares with them, if heaven had not shewed its unwillingnesse to lodge such contaminated guests, as bloudy carcasses were: those who had passed over, finding themselves destitute of the assistance of their friends (who were able to contribute nothing now but their prayers and wishes) resolved to imbrace an honourable death, since they could not procure to themselves a long life, and to shew, that rather fate, than fearfulnesse, had occasioned their overthrow; yet courage had its eyes so dazled with the unexpectednesse of their former disaster, that it could not see what was fittest to be done in that juncture of affairs; and they beheld their enemies through the multiplying-glasse of fear, and as those for whom Providence had displayed a Banner. The Knights assaulted them whilst thus perplext, and put in disorder the ill-marshalled right wing; and as ordinarily those who draw one link of fortunes chain, will make all the rest follow it; So this partial victory was seconded by a total, and the Persians were forced rather to imploy their tongues in demanding pardon, than their [Page 170] swords in seeking victory, leaving the two Knights both the victory and the field, as the recompence of their gallantry:
These news wrought as different effect at Court, as the Sun doth upon the earth, when it causeth the roses smell sweetly, and the marishes stink insufferably, producing effects according to the dispositions of the bodies wrought upon: Thus all the truly generous spirits at Court shared with these noble Gentlemen in their good fortunes: (virtuous men honouring true Generosity, as that whereby they either have already been, or hopes to be honoured) but Sophander and his faction, made the sunshine of their glory, appear as dapled with some obscure spots, and alleaged, that it was intolerable arrogance in them, who were but strangers, to place the Martial Knight in the Citadel of Iris, which being a frontier Town, could not be disposed of but to a native; and that it was the custom of Egypt not to bestow frontier strengths, either as appanages upon the children of their Prince, nor as governments for the use of strangers: as also, they challenged them for fighting the Persians, albeit with advantage, yet without order, Misarites having only commissionated them to rescue Iris, and no more; and if private persons should follow rather the dictates of their own reason, than [Page 171] the commands of their Superiours, Government were unnecessary, and ruine behoved certainly to attend such disorder: and albeit fortune should make such undertakers victorious, yet it could not justifie their undertakings; neither could the dammage which might ensu [...] upon such exemplary contempt, be compensated by the advantage which might accrue from an accidental victory.
Amongst all their friends at Court, none were so much satisfied, nor esteemed themselves so much interessed in these victories, as Agapeta and ARETINA, who kindled bonfires of joy in their breasts, to congratulate their great success; and albeit they could not then in modesty nor prudence cry up these noble exploits themselves, yet they respected all those who did it. Sophander, who had at the council table of his own thoughts, declared himself an enemy to the Royal Faction, concluded now, that the only way to ruine the King, was to ruine these noble Gentlemen; knowing that those who would fell a great Oak and pluck it up by the roots, behoved first to cut the earth about it: to effectuate which, he bribed a Mesopotamian at Court, to confess the pedigree of his Prince Megistus, and at last to declare to the King, that he had carried Letters from him to Agapeta: and now confident [Page 172] of this fellows perseverance in his roguish business, he addressed himself to the King the next morning thus.
Sir, if my being entrusted by you, the confidence I have in you, and the experience I have of you, did not imbolden me to unfold to your Majestie such mysteries of State, as is that which I am presently to discourse of, I would not dare to dip in affairs of so great importance; and seing Princes have not the leisure to pry into all particulars, nor informers either the opportunity or confidence to give them immediate information of what toucheth them, I think it is prudence in Princes to imploy Ministers of State to learn, and duty in Ministers of State to acquaint Princes with what they have learned; and since all Subjects are tied by their condition, to detect what may wrong the State, or endanger the person of their Prince, what a strict obligation is laid upon Minions to disclose to their Masters, what may ruine them and their Subjects? and albeit there be great danger in being misconstrued by their Prince, yet expediency should not be disputed in those actions which are commanded by duty. Sir, this Gentleman, named Megistus, is of a birth rather answerable to the extraordinariness of his qualities, than suitable to the meanness of his equipage; his deportment tels, that he is a [Page 173] Prince, and my author confirms me in it: for, I am informed by a Mesapotamian (whom I have brought alongst with me) that he is Son to the King of Ethiopia, and is come to your Court to court your daughter. Sir, this may seem improbable: yet if we ponder the hazard he runs in travelling abroad, and the desire parents have to keep their children under their eye (especially when he is their successour and the expectation of a whole Nation) your Majesty may think that is not altogether impossible; but Sir, if ye consider the pains he is at in your service, and the perils he layeth himself open to in a forreign Nation, ye may eye it as probable. And if yet further, ye examine the correspondence he keeps with your Daughter (which this fellow will assure you) ye may justly conclude it certain. Where the danger is great, the proofs needs not be most clear (neither can we expect plenary probation in those plots which are hatched so covertly) and the fear of a disease is enough to command its prevention: Neither can there be greater danger anywhere, than here; for, Megistus being by birth, a Prince; in stature, handsom; and by fortune, successfull; it may be feared that your Daughter will prefer his bed to that of a subject, upon whom she fears ye will bestow her: And if once he master her affection, [Page 174] (which is easie where he is so accomplished, and hath so few competitors) she will die, if she marry him not; or your Crown will be carried to a stranger, if she marry him: Neither lies all the danger there; for it is to be feared, that if he married once your Daughter, either your Majesty behoved to nominate her your successour, and then possibly they will rather hasten than expect your death; or else, if ye do it not, he may secure himself in your Kingdom, by the assistance of your mercenary or discontented Subjects, into which two files, all the Commons, and many of the Nobility may be ranked. Sir, I know he is your Favourite, and so I may be misconstrued as being thought to to fear that he is my rival; but, Sir, I know that a Prince will not stay long here to inherit your Majesties favour, and so to slight his own Royal Inheritance at home; Sir, it is rather my affection to you, than my dislike of him, that animates me thus to inform you: wherefore, I hope your Majesty will endeavor a cure, since you know the disease, and will not suffer repentance to be your first informer.
This discourse some what allarmed the King, yet considering how oft Sophander had betrayed his belief by such like State-cheats; he resolved to suspend his judgment, till the matter were fully determined by Mo [...]anthropus's advice, [Page 175] and knowing that Sophandor and he were of different humours and contrary judgments, he knew that such contrary ingredients might make up the dose of a most solid advice; and that his own judgment, which Sophanders discourse had crooked a little to his side, might be streightened by Monanth [...]opus's drawing it somewhat to the other; and resolved by this means to keep the scales of Court equal, by placing them each on a side; Wherefore sending for Monanthropus, he laid out the whole matter before him, who returned him this Answer.
Sir, albeit it was my interest, yet it was never my humour to detract from any of your Majesties servants; for, by ranting against their insufficiency, I behoved to challenge your simplicity in making choice of them. But, Sir, I may the more freely give your Majesty my advice now, that I never gave you it till it was desired; and I think, that as in witnesses, so in advisers, those who intrude themselves, are to be suspected; and the rather, because the person delated is of so unspotted a repute, that his very deportment is able to answer all the cavils that his enemies can object against him; and, Sir, since that accusation is only seconded by a presumption, his generous humour and singular successe (the one whereof testifies his [Page 176] affection to vertue, and the other whereof testifieth the gods affection to him) is able to fortifie him against ten thousand such weak assaults; and the general presumption of all mens being presumed good (the only hinge of all credit amongst men) added to the particular presumption of his repute, is too strong a defence, especially for a defender whom justice owneth always of her client in all actions, and secondeth in all combats; and we have a proverb, called Suffragium Minervae, whereby we signifie, that if any be accused and the votes of the Judges be equal, the Defendant is absolved, because that goddess voteth likewise the absolution of the party accused: And seing he proveth him a Prince, meerly by his deportment, I may by the same argument conclude, that he will do nothing unworthy of a Prince: but admit he were a Prince, we cannot conclude thence, that he resides here upon that design; for, else he had never abandoned the Court, where he might enjoy the frequentation of that beautifull Princess: Sir, it is most unprobable that he could dream of joyning two Crowns which lye at so great a distance, as lye the Crowns of Egypt and Ethiopia; certainly he knows that by force he could never subject Egypt to him, and without force Egypt would never suffer it self to be adjected to Ethiopia; [Page 177] by which course they would forfeit their Princes presence, and be in fine possibly reduced to a Province; Wherefore, Sir, condemn not a Prince upon so frivolous grounds, but rather re-examine your authour, to see what more truth ye are able to milk from him. This motion pleased the King exceedingly, and sending for the Mesapotamian, he threatened him to professe whether what he had spoken to Sophander, was truth or not, or was voluntarily informed or not; telling him withall, that he would cause presently streatch him upon the rack, because he had heard that Sophander had bought that Confession from him. The poor fellow fearing that all was deciphered, and begging the King's privacy, he confessed ingenuously the progress of the whole matter, and that he never heard any inclination which his Prince had for Agapeta; neither delivered he her any Letters from him; but that that lesson was dited to him from Sophander's own mouth: but contrariwise, he knew, that it was concluded by Megistus's father, that he should marry a neighbouring Princess, whose estate was adjacent to Ethiopia, and did secure it as a frontier, albeit it was but of small revenue, and she of mean parentage; and he heard at Court, that his father answered those who upbraided him for bestowing his son and gaining [Page 178] no Allies by him, That marriage could never solder up the cracks which were in Princes friendship, and that Princes might be friends, but their Crowns were alwayes enemies. The King satisfied with this Confession, dismissed him after he had rewarded him, and enjoyned to him that he should never reveal to Sophander what he had acknowledged to him.
Monanthropus, after he was gone, resumed his discourse, thus; Sir, those who intend to perswade too eagerly, are not unlike those, who fearing to shoot short of the [...]r mark, shoot often over it. I am confident, if Sophander had not been distracted by envie against Megistus, he would never have endeavoured to perswade your Majesty, that a business of so great moment could have come to the ears of such a fellow as this; but, Sir, since his pretended reason, which was alleaged to be zeal to your service, is now found not to be the cause of his information, your Majesty may perswade your self that there is some poysonous hook lurking under that pleasant bait; and ye may justly turn the edge of your jealousie, which he hath desired you to unsheath against Megistus, against himself; and since Sophander is a stranger by birth, and by inclination most avaricious, ye have reason to fear his projects, and eye narrowly the comportment of his creatures, [Page 179] by whose motion ye may come to know the nature of that machine which moves them.
The King thanked Monanthropus for his advice, and entreated he would tell him how he behoved to carry himself in a business so ticklish. Your Majesty (replyed Monanthropus) must seem to believe Sophander, and may to him promise, to narrow your affection, and abridge your respects to Megistus, whereby ye may the more covertly discover by his advices to you, what his scope is in this his passion.
After Monanthropus had thus enstated Megistus in the Kings affection, he acquainted Megistus with what had passed by this Letter.
SInce unkindness is a vice, I will not requite it; and albeit I regrate that ye should conclude me unworthy of half a sheet of paper, yet I shall rather think my self so unworthy, before I think you mistaken. Your great successe hath made all men your admirers, and some your enemies; fearing lest your noble hands should unwreath that yoke of slaverie which they have so laboriously tied upon this poor Nation. Sir, admire not that Pirats follow alwayes the richest Vessels; for, as vertue, which reigneth in you, imployeth you as her [Page 180] subject, to maintain her honour; so vice, which reigns in them, entreats them to deface yours. Sophander hath informed the King, that ye are Prince of Ethiopia, and intended to court his Daughter, and enjoy his Crown; but I have counter-informed, and his Majestie is now fully assured of your innocencie, and resolveth to rely mainly upon your conduct and courage; So, if ye intend to gain his Daughter, lose not himself; and manage your passion with more indifferencie than lovers ordinarilie do: consider that Kings have long ears, and many parasits to fill them with detracting clamours▪ Sir, leave not off to be a Prince, when ye begin to be a Lover; but since ye are a Prince who loves, love rationally like a Prince; and let those whom ye are born to rule, see that ye can rule your self: I know love scorns to live under the tutory of reason, thinking it too severe a master, and knowing that if it had reason for its associate, all its victory would be attributed to reason; whereas now it shews, that it can both war and triumph, not only without reasons assistance, but even against and over reason: Yet, Sir, seing the danger is great here, a Ladies Honour and Crown being at stake, I hope your prudence will deal warilie, where your unwarinesse may be so prejudicial to her and you both: all the Nobles of this Nation [Page 181] will band against you, and will think this Crown too large for any strangers head; and that the Throne of Egypt is too easie a seat for any besides themselves: And ye will learn by the change of affection in those who pretend now to be your friends, that love is but the handmaid of interest; and that as they love you now for their own interest, so they will prefer hereafter their own interest to your love. Whatever be the carriage of others, if ye mannage these affairs prudently, ye shall find Monanthropus your very humble servant.
This Letter came to Megistus hands as he was sending away the captives to Misarites, to be disposed of at his pleasure, and after he had dismist them, he did reade it, and thereafter retired to his chamber, fearing lest any of the Soldiers should discover the pangs wherewith he found his soul tortured; he did now conclude that his love-voyage would be dangerous, seing at his first lancing forth he was encountred by such storms; and to admire the folly of men, who having received freedom as a patrimony from providence, did, like unfrugal heirs, sell their ancestors old inheritance; their thoughts did no sooner appear, than love mustering all her forces presently, quelled them, battering them with no other Ordnance than that [Page 182] picture of Agapeta which Megistus carried in his breast: Could such a prize as this (said love) be gained without a contest? and would ye marry a woman whose affection were not tryed by the competition of many rivals? how should her love, or their courage be known, without opposition? or, can things be deemed difficult when undergone for her? Ye think both her face and endowments incomparable, and they are so; wherefore, if ye would proportion your deserts to them, shew your patience to be so too; and think not strange, that vertue, to shew the world for their instruction an example of constancy, should, like all wise teachers, cull out you, who is one of her prime scholars, to make men admire her skill in your proficiency; neither can she be so unjust, as not to reward your pains with lawrels: if your voyage be harsh, there is a good harbour attending you▪ and albeit the storm be boistrous, yet if the vessel of your resolution be strong, ye need not fear: fear puts on oft-times the vizard of terrour and difficulty upon the face of our undertakings, to terrifie us, which if ye can by the hand of courage pluck off, ye will find your projects very smooth-faced: seing ye are entered into the river of difficulty, look not to the under-running streams lest your head by troubled, but look over to the shoar of contentment, upon [Page 183] which ye intend to set foot; complain not of the loss of your liberty, for necessity, in things that are excellent, is to be preferred to liberty: Thus we see our liberty is no wayes impaired by loving the immortal gods, nor by loving that which is good, albeit we do both the one and the other necessarily; Yea, rather we are infinitly obliged to them for necessitating us to love something, which possibly if we were left to the disposal of our free will, we might possibly relinquish; and these same gods who have bestowed freedom upon us, do likewise excite us to love: So that seing love is of a divine extraction, it must be of a most pure essence: the gods disdaining to put their impressa upon any mettall that is not in it self excellent: and that it is the effect of some divine influence we may conclude from this, That it were impossible for Nature to raise instantly such an emotion in the soul as [...]ve occasioneth, whereby it is transported beyond the ordinary limits of its ordinary strength; yea, often produceth effects contrary to its wonted humour: so seing it makes cowards stout, and fools witty, we may infer that this is not natural; for, naturally no cowards can be stout, nor no fools witty.
Having ended this melancholious contemplation, he called for Philarites, who helped [Page 184] him alwayes to bear the burden of his grief; and related to him the whole passage circumstantiated, as he had learned it from the Letter. Philarites, not a whit dismayed, told him, that at Court the minds of Courtiers changed fashions as oft as their cloaths: and as fortune changed oft-times her favourite, so her favourites changed oft-times their affection; the reason whereof was not, because Courtiers were of a more facile humour than others, (for ordinarily they were men of the most pregnant spirits, with which facility can never suit) but because their affection was never so deeply fixed, as the affection of those who lived retiredly; for, seing they had many to bestow their affection upon, they could not bestow much of it upon all; whereas those that live retiredly, meeting with few worthy of being beloved, fix all their love upon those few: Neither was th [...] [...]ove of Courtiers unlike an anchor, which albeit it be great and strong in it self, yet, if it be not deeply fixed, will be raised by the first storm; As also, mis-informers at Court were so many and so busie, and the jealousie of Courtiers so great, that it was wonder how love lasted one week even in the most constant among them: And I am confident (said he) that providence useth the unconstancy of favour at Court, as an argument [Page 185] to deter generous spirits from places which are ordinarily in themselves most vicious; And albeit Sophander promised upon our first appearance at Court, to befriend us, yet it is one of his tenents, That a Statesman should be a servant to his word, to obey it in a rational way; but that he is not obliged to be a slave to it, in obeying it in things both against his reason and interest; and I heard a Gentleman say, that he defended ordinarily, That all State-promises were no longer obligatory, than things continued in the same way they stood when the promise was made: for, said he, I promise, because I am informed, or imagines, that the person to whom I promise is of such a temper; so that if he be of a different or contrary temper, the condition failing, the thing conditioned cannot be sought; and since promises are ordinarily donatives, there is reason the donator should have the priviledge of explaining his owne mind; for, seing they to whom I promise can pretend no right to the thing promised, but because I willed it; therfore if my will be not clear, their right is null: and seing none can be so well acquainted with my will as my self, none should be admitted to explain it but my self: and ordinarily, so many and so great inconveniences would follow upon the observancy of such promises at Court, that there would [Page 186] be greater danger to the Commonwealth in keeping them, than there could redound to any private mans conscience by the breach of them: but, Sir, (continued Philarites) think not strange that fortune should graple with you; for it is her ordinary, never to list her self but against some noble spirit, whose conquest were worth her pains, scorning the easie victory which she might have over silly clowns: but possibly she intends to try your courage, which when she comes once to know, she will think you worthy to be her minion: She can command weak spirits, but great ones are born to command her: And since the mustering false hopes is able to make a man victorious, and the basest of men gain oftimes, because others think that their brags and threats are true; how much more shall the best of spirits (amongst whom ye may be ranked) become victorious, if they but hope really that they shall conquer? hope resembles a bridle, whose motion is able to recover the stumbling feet of our courage; And how many Armies have gained more by presages, and happy omens, than they could have done either by skill or numbers? This is the reason why speeches are made to Souldiers; and for this audacious spirits are usually most fortunate.
This discourse was interrupted by a Letter [Page 187] presented from Misarites, wherein they were ordered to return to the Camp with those under their conduct; which they were most willing to obey, knowing that the Souldiery there might easily be misinformed of what was done at such a distance from them: The next morning they did begin their march, and being after two dayes arrived, they were welcomed by the acclamations of the Souldiers (but coldly entertained by the Grandees, whom Misarites had poysoned) who, in spight of all misinformation, admired the rare qualities of these noble Gentlemen: for, albeit it be an easie task, to defame amongst the vulgar sort, those, whose prime quality is wit; because their wit, which should antidote all these aspersions, is not easily perceived by that sort of people; yet it is hard to defame those whose chief part is courage, because the most ignorant cannot but see that; and ordinarily the vulgar sort is more led by their sense than by their reason.
Misarites delayed alwayes to fight, pretending that it was fitter to starve than to fight the Persians; who being far from home, could not subsist long in a forreign Nation: but his intention was to ruine the Egyptian Army by these delayes, who finding themselves near home, and overburdened with hardship, did drop away daily. Nothing was acted all [Page 188] this time, except by skirmishes; wherein Misarites imployed all those whose courage was formidable to the Persians, and whose loyalty was formidable to himself, and many of them were swept away by this means; neither omited he to entice the Knights with this point of honour, but all in vain: for they resolved to reserve themselves for archievements of lesse hazard, and more honour. Misarites caused likewise mix the meal, which was sent to the Army with lime and chalk; whereby diseases became both numerous and dangerous, and the whole Army began to resemble an Hospital, wherein there was greater need of Physicians than of Field-Officers: He likewise, together with Sophander, perswaded the King, not to send the Army their pay, assuring him that poverty was the best encouragement to fight, for it made them fight couragiously, out of a desire to gain the Enemies spoil; whereas those who were rich, were unwilling to hazard what they were assured of already, for what they were not sure to gain. Sophanders drift in this, was to reserve the money for himself; but Misarites scope was meerly to turn the Souldiers malecontents: Neither ceased the Knights covertly to make the Army remark these passages, thereby to enrage them against Misarites.
At last, Megistus trysting Misarites his Secretary [Page 189] o [...]e morning to his chamber, after some previous discourses, whereby he sounded his thoughts, spoke thus freely to him; Sir, it is not to discover the treason of your master, but to learn some evident proofs of it, that I sent for you this morning; his complot with Sophander and the Persian is already detected; and ye are mad who imbarques your self in such a quarrel, ye walk upon a narrow precipice, wherein there is great difficulty to stand, and certain ruine if ye fall: think not that the Gods will suffer Princes, who are their Deputies, and who govern for them, to be circumveened by such treacherous designs; in vain have they been at so much pains for the defence of his honour, if they abandon it now: and albeit it did thrive in your hands, yet after the game is plaid, there will be danger in your Master's parting the stakes with Sophander; who will lay him aside when he findes that in peace he stands not in need of him: But albeit your Master did injoy his promised preferment, who knows but he will cause cut your throat, both fearing lest you should thereafter upon some discontent divulge his cheats, or fearing that he could not safely therafter imploy you, who betrayed your Prince? Wherfore if ye desire to perpetuat your happiness, and to prevent your inevitable ruine, desert that, interest, and [Page 190] own the interest of your Nation, and I promise you in his Majesties name greater preferment, than ye are to expect from your Master; Neither need you stumble at this, as a breach of trust, and as a sin comitted against the affection which your Master bears to you, for ye should pay the oldest debt first; and ye were a subject to your Prince, before ye were a servant to Misarites; wherefore ye should endeavour to acquit your self of your duty to his Majesty, as being both of greatest importance, and of oldest standing; Neither doth your oath of fidelity, given to your Master, oblige in things unlawful; for the gods will not be witnesses in things abominable, and there is no oath whereto they are not called as witnesses; they will not suffer a man to be bound to the stake of impiety by such sacred chains; and since the thing sworn is unlawfull in it self, there can be no confirmation of it by oath: for, how can ye confirm that which is not? as also, Sir, all oaths are given with this proviso, that they wrong [...]ot our Superiours; for, our subjection to them not being ours, we cannot dispose of it without their advice.
This discourse surprized so the Secretary, who entreated some time to advise; but Megistus fearing that he might detect him to his Master, or at least, might dissemble with him, [Page 191] told him, that to relate things already done, there needed no consultation, which was only required to prevent things to come, wherefore he insisted passionatly for a present discovery; which the other, convinced by his conscience of his errour, and considering that he had already half confessed the truth of what was doubted, by seeking some time to solve the doubt, which else had been needless; desired Megistus to swear in his Majesties name, what he had promised, and that he should unriddle to him the whole mysterie; which when Megistus had done, the Secretary spoke thus.
Sir, I cannot tell whether it be by sagacity, or divine inspiration, that ye come to know this mysterie, but it must be by either; for those who were privy to it, were all of them so much concerned, that I am confident they would never divulge it: but, Sir, you have conjectured rightly, for my Master hath devoted himself to the Persian service; and one day by a compact betwixt him and the Persian General, I was desired to walk out to the [...]ield, where I would find a Persian, of such a statu [...]e and garb, who would suffer himself to be taken my prisoner; which succeeded accordingly, and whom I conducted to my Master, and who was brought to his bed-chamber, upon pretext as if he would examine him privatly; my Master commanded [Page 192] him to prison for two dayes, but thereafter enlarged him upon his promise to stand by the Egyptian quarrel, so that he walk'd up and down the Army, and was countenanced by the most eminent in it; till at last acquainted both with our strength, and knowing fully Misarites mind, he made shew to go out one day in a party, but forgot to return: and yesterday there came a Trumpet, under pretext of treating for some prisoners, but secretly he delivered my Master some Letters.
Megistus did send immediatly for Philarites, to whom he related all that had past, and after some debates what was fittest to be done, they concluded, that they would acquaint some Colonels with it, who were not of Misarites his faction; as also a young Nobleman, who was the King's sisters son, and thereby had much command and following in the Army: after they were all assembled, and had taken an oath of secresie, and had heard the case deduced, they resolved that same night (because two of their Regiments were upon the guard) that the King's sisters son Stirias, should take the Letter, and ensure Misarites, and immediately divulge the Letter to the Army; but they concluded presently to acquaint the King with what had past, that he might secure Sophander as they were to secure Misarites, lest [Page 193] if they were not secured both at once, the imprisonment of the one, might advertise the other of his danger; wherefore they wrote to his Majesty this Letter.
YOur eminent danger must now move your inclination to be more rigid than at other times; and albeit Sophander be your Confident, yet ye must make him now your prisoner. Prisons were made for Traitors, and courage suiteth well with Princes. He and Misarites have conspired against your Majestie with the Persians; we have secured the one, secure ye the other; and let neither his reiterated protestations, nor his cunning discourses buy him off from a condign punishment. We have sent alongst Misarites Secretary, to whose loyalty your Majestie owes the discovery of the whole plot, and who hath been as honest as his master was disloyal; We hope your Majestie will recompence the one, and punish the other: and that ye will acquaint your humble servants, who shall be preferred to Misarites his Charge, that so all confusion may be avoided, and the ruine of your affairs here prevented.
The two Knights addressed also another Letter to Monanthropus.
[Page 194] After this Gentleman was dispatcht, and the Guards set, Stirias, accompanied with the Knights and the Officers, went to Misarites Tent, and there made him prisoner: he would h [...]ve raised some tumult, but was prevented by Stirias, who calling the other Officers, shewed them and the Souldiers the Letter, and immediatly prevented the tumult, and arrested two or three others who were of the same cabal: this done, the Guards were commanded to let none passe who might acquaint the Persians with what had occurred, but to lie quiet till to morrow; for, in the twilight they resolved to set upon the Persian Army, who were secure, relying upon Misarites infallible affection to them: The Souldiers witnessed by their looks, their joy and willingnesse to fight, weary of the insupportable fatigue of that slow-paced War. Whereupon the Council of War preferred all in one voice, Megistus to be General in the interim, and Stirias and Philarites to command in vice of the other reduced Officers: at midnight they marched, the sickest among them shewing himself healthfull, and the most sullen shewing himself chearfull. At two a clock in the morning, they assaulted the Persians; ilk defended trenches; who opprest with sleep, and distracted with fear, could neither give nor receive orders; some had their [Page] beds turned in their graves; and others were from the imbracements of their dear friends, sent to the cold imbracements of cruel death: Sotorus was, after much resistance, taken prisoner, and in his conquest ended the conquest of the field; the General being like the heart of the Army, which is the last part in the body which lodgeth life. Thus ended that War so formidable to the Egyptians, that they had concluded necessarily their own ruine; and so glorious to these two Knights, that they only were esteemed the wel-spring, whence flowed that large river of happinesse, whose streams fatned so all Egypt. The diligence used at Court was as great as what was used in the Army: for, immediately upon the receipt of the above-mentioned Letter, the King commanded Sophander to prison, each at Court contributing his assistance to his disgrace; hoping that many small Vessels might be built with the ruines of that bulkish one; and each one endeavouring to testifie his own innocency, by the rigour of his carriage to Sophander; and now the Court, which resembles ordinarily an Orange tree, whereupon there is alwayes some fruit flourishing, some blossoming, and some withering; did now resemble an Aspen tree, where all the leaves trembled, rather by an innate quality, than by any outward storm; [Page 196] So all trembled here, rather astonisht with the novelty of the accident, and fearing unjust informations (which are ordinary at such occasions, of which private enquiries takes advantages, and when it is a crime even to be dilated) rather than from a consciousness of their own guilt. A servant of Monanthropus admiring the inconstancy of Court favour, presented his Master with these lines.
[Page 197] The Court was upon this occasion remodelled, and all those who had been Sophanders confidents, were either imprisoned or disgraced, as persons in whom the King could not confide; and now Monanthropus was the only Minion, by whose advice, and through whose hands all things passed.
The War being ended, the King, to secure himself at Court, resolved to call back the Army, and ordained the two Knights to be received in triumph, and withall posted away a Commission to Megistus to command in chief: The Commission being received, Megistus begins his march to Alexandria; and stopped by a Warrant from the King, four miles from the City, till all things should be in readinesse for his reception. The next morning they entered, all the streets being tapistred as they passed alongst, and Guards standing upon both sides. After the Infantry, marched Megistus, with Philari [...]es on his right hand, and Stirias upon his left: In the Market-place stood a Scaffold, whereon was represented the Parliament of the gods, before whom Themis, as goddess of Justice, and Mars, as god of Courage, did plead which of them should be preferred to welcome these worthy Gentlemen; at last Mars was preferred for the Armies better satisfaction; who at their arrival delivered them this speech.
After that scene was ended, there appeared an Egyptian loaded with fetters, and making his approaches to the Knights, entreated them to untye his fetters, which they did accordingly, and thereafter he made them this gratulatory.
Invincible Gentlemen, this that ye have now done, is but an emblem of that ye have done formerly; It is not so mysterious that I n [...]ed to explain it: Our liberty is a debt which [Page 199] we owe you, and our thanks are the only coyn we can pay it in; all the by-standers participates with me in the common freedom, and would return with me the common thanks, if order would permit it: our thanks and your merits are no wayes proportionable, the one being empty, and the other excellent; but our admiration, and your deserts hold a better proportion, both being inexprimable; they are twins both springing from the womb of your Courage. Live then happily, worthy Princes, and inherite these praises, which ye have purchast by your blood and pains.
The reception at Court exceeded in splendor that of the Market-place, and the rather, because Agapeta and ARETINA were there, in whose affections the Knights desired more to triumph, than in any thing else; caring only for those honours they had received, as means to make their peerless Mistrisses honour them the more: all the inventions at Court was imployed in honouring the Knights, and they were esteemed wittiest who pleased them best: Tiltings were continually used; for, courage being once wakened, behoved to have some exercise till it were fully re-setled; neither could it change its pace so extreamly, as to fall from a gallop to a still standing, but behoved to retire by piece-meal: this joy was in it self [Page 200] great, but was thought the greater, that it was the successor of a pannick fear; and at last the King resolved to sacrifice Sophander to the honour of their solemnities: for, many thought it not fit that such a plodding head should have leave to rest upon its old shoulders, and that there could not but ensue great alterations amongst the Nobles upon this late innovation; and those who were postponed, might probably study his releasment, desiring rather he should bear sway, than their own competitors; and expecting by his releasment, to return affairs to their old confusion; that a living man might alwayes finde friends, but dead dogs would bite none; that to keep him in perpetual firmance, was in it self illegal, prisons being appointed rather to reserve men for punishment, than to be a punishment it self; and that it differed as far from punishment, as the means did from the end for which they were appointed; or, if perpetual imprisonment was at all convenient, it was only, either where the person incarcerated was furious, and so there was fear that in executing the body, they should kill both soul and body; or else, where the criminal was a person loved by the people, whose death would irritat them; or else, of great following, so that their expectation of his life, or fear of his death, would justly poise all his [Page 201] friends undertakings, and over-awe all their insolencies: But that neither of these was to be expected by Sophanders execution, whom all hated, and none loved; and possibly, if it were continued, he might convey away out of the Nation most of his Estate (which he had ever keeped in movables, as being most transportable, and so it was best to wring the spunge so long as it was full: The King resolved to execute him presently, and therefore sentenced him to be hanged in the Market-place; but the Church-men petitioned his Majesty, that he might be first examined by them, being one of their number; and as being the ambassador of the immortal gods, he should not be sentenced by any mortal Prince; and that they behoved to examine first, whether what he had done were done for the glory of God, in which case there could be no crime, and to which none were Judges but Church-men: for, if the secular power might at pleasure cut off Ecclesiastick members, it would follow that it were in his power to suffer a Church to be, or not; for so he might hang them at his pleasure: neither should ever any vice in the State, or Statesmen be purged or enveighed against; for, all such reproofs should presently be declared treason: And seing Ecclesiasticks were naturally too prone to connive at vice, they should now be [Page 202] necessitated to do out of fear, what they did formerly but by omission and negligence. The King rejected this Petition, and told them that as they cognosced upon the errours of Laicks when committed against their power, so he might cognosce upon the escapes of Ecclesiasticks, when committed against his; that Sophander had offended as a subject, and so behoved to behoved to be punished by his Prince, and that it were safer being a shepherd than a King, if they who were ordinarily governed by some two or three factious fellows (the best of Ecclesiasticks alwayes shunning command) should be Judges competent to treason; wherfore, seing they had their protection from him, it was fit he should challenge subjection from them, which consisted in nothing more than in this.
Megistus hearing that the King resolved to cause hang Sophander, thought, that albeit he could not beg his life, as being a Trai [...]or, yet that he would endeavour to mitigate the manner of his death, as being his old friend and patron; whereupon both Philarites and he entreated his Majesty, that he would cause cut off his head, and not hang him, as being once honoured by himself with the title of Chief Minister of State; and that it was customary amongst all Nations, to punish in the least eminent [Page 203] way those who had been most eminent in dignity, both because the smallest punishment is greater to them, than the greatest would be to others, as also, because punishments being ordinarily inflicted, not for what was past, because that could not be re-called, but for prevention of the like by that rigour for the future; and so seing fewer great ones would probably incurre these guilts, the Law needed not punish them so severely, as it did the meaner sort, who would more frequently fall in the crimes forbidden. That Maxime holds only true (answered the King) in those crimes which degrade not a man of his honours, as in combats and private injuries, which crimes are consistent with true honour; but in treason and treachery, the committer declares himself unworthy of his honours, and consequently should not enjoy those priviledges due to them; yet, to satisfie your desires, I am content his head be struck off, and his body buried.
At the day appointed for his Execution, all the City, yea, and the Nation flocked to the Market-place; some to satisfie their inhumane revenge, (which that circumstance of time made most unjust) others, to remark the period of humane glory; and a third sort, to glut their boundlesse curiosity. After some time so [Page 204] spent, Sophander appeared upon the Scaffold, in his gown and night-cap, whose age and gravity drew tears from his most inveterate enemies; after he had setled himself a little, he gave the spectators this farewell,
I Am by providence presented here as an emblem of unconstant grandour; I wish my case may be remarked by all, but imitated by none: I am set up as a beacon upon the rockie shoar of Court-favour, that ye should not approach the place where I have splitted; I mean not that ye should all retire your selves from Court, for that were impossible, seing the Nation must be governed by some; and unlawfull, seing Nature hath bestowed publick spirits upon some, that they might imploy them for the profit of all; but I mean, that none should thrust themselves into the crowd of Minions, wherein many have perished in entring, and all have perished almost before they could retire: And that all should be so wise, as to be the last who will go to Sea in such storms, and the first who will retire from them: I know many are taken with our greatnesse, but they consider not our hazard; many envie our access [Page 205] to our Prince, but they advert not the misinformations given in to him against us; some eye greedily our riches, but remembers not our vast expences and numerous attendants: And, on the other hand, they see the poverty of a private life, but are strangers to its contentment, and contemns its lownesse without weighing its security: thus greatnesse, like a whore, presents her self unto us fairded, whereas chast vertue appears only in her homely habite; and, believe me, albeit ye may for a season recreate your self more ticklingly with the first, yet ye will live more contentedly with the second: O! who were lodged but one night in the breast of a Grandee, to see what confusion of thoughts were there, would thereafter buy himself off from the ensnaring pleasures of that anxious life; May ye not consider that the gods who have created all things for the use of man, have made things which are most usefull and good to be most common? and so, seing they have ordained many to be governed, and but few to govern, we must conclude those who are governed to be happiest: for, if they had thought Crowns and Scepters as requisit for mans happiness, as were private estates and cottages, they could have made as many of the one as of the other, and created as many [Page 206] Kingdoms as there were men to be Kings in them; yea, I believe that Kings and Courts were ordained, not to make happy those who lived in them, but to maintain the happinesse of those who lived remote from them: your sleep is not interrupted, whilst we are disquieted; neither is your danger worth the noticeing, whilst ours is often inevitable: consider the number of our competitors, the multiplicity of our businesses, our own fears, and the Princes jealousies; and you will soon conclude, that we are like poor peasants who make and sell good wine to others, but drink little or none of it our selves. Since there are so many reasons to disswade us from being ambitious, we must conclude Ambition to be a cunning Sophister, which can solve all those unanswerable arguments. I remember that the Christians observe, That seing it tempted the Angels, before they were corrupted with any other sin, it is no wonder it should tempt us who are but men, and already tainted with sin; and that since it was the first sin, it must necessarily be the sin we have greatest inclinations; for, seing we imbrace first ordidarily that we affect most: Ambition then is the Devils first-born, and so no wonder it claim precedency before all other vices; and as ordinarily proud men of [Page 207] all men have alwayes the greatest train, so Pride it self of all vices hath still the maniest attendants; for, it must be waited upon by covetousness, to fill its prodigal coffers; with revenge, to repair its imaginary affronts; with murder, to remove all those who stand in its way; and in fine, it is the great bellyed vice, which spanneth all the rest. Gentlemen, if I were speaking this to you, incircled with my former honours, ye might imagine I enveighed against greatness, as wishing all others to flee it, that I might share alone in it; or, if I were to live banished, ye might say that I disparaged it, because I could not retain it; but being to dye, ye may be confident that all I say are the dictates of meer ingenuity. I am now upon the brink of my grave, and can leave you nothing in legacy but my tears and precepts; which, if ye follow, may repair the great losse this Nation hath suffered by me.
Thereafter he called for Megistus, and craved him pardon for misinforming his Majesty against him▪ and gave him privatly some Papers, wherein were some remarks, usefull for those who were to govern Egypt; and prophesied to him his future advancement (which was thereafter [...]o small encouragement to Megistus) [Page 208] for, said he, the soul being certainly of a divine extraction, would fore-know many strange events, if it were not ignoranced by the unproportionatness of the bodily organs to such contemplations, and when it is emancipitated from the power of the body, as in feavers, death-beds, swoonings, extasies, and womens histerick passions, we see it acteth and foreseeth things extraordinary. Thereafter he recommended his friends and nephews to Megistus, and Megistus to the people, and loyalty to all of them; and so had his head struck off by the Executioner, and received by Megistus.
The next morning there was this Epitaph posted upon his Tomb.
Megistus sadned exceedingly, partly by the uncertain condition of mankind, partly puzled with the thoughts of Sophanders prediction; retired to his chamber, where his Landlord, a witty fellow, came presently to solace him, and related to him this story, which had occurred that same day in the City.
A young Country Gentleman, accustomed at home to whistle following the plough, to domineere amongst a great many Countrey [Page 209] Clowns, and to feed a kennel of dogs, was by his friends brought into the City to court a young Citizen; whose beauty lay in her coffers, and whose perfections were counted by thousands: yet this Jet was able enough to draw straw to it, and her blacknesse did cast a curious lustre when enambled upon gold; his friends cared not whether she had a golden mind, seing she was a golden mine; neither looked they to her age, seing it was a golden age: to speak truth, such a statue fitted well such a worshipper. Being come to the City, he was all gilded with gold: and indeed such an harsh pill had need to be so; and ye would have sworn that his cloathes being upon him, were another Iasons fleece, and himself the sheep: Thus accouted, he marched up and down the City, dreaming that all persons were busied in viewing him, and pointing out his finger, asking who was that, or the other; which a young Gallant perceiving, watched till he holding out his finger to a Coach, to ask what a Cart was that so covered? which his servant not hearing at first, as being a busie as his master; he asked the second time, with his finger outstretched, What was that? to which the other Gallant, making a low congie, answered, That it was his Honours finger. He admired likewise for what use served those Chests that [Page 210] men carried about the streets (meaning the Sedans) to which a merry bystander answered, That it was to carry Gentlemens hounds and dogs, lest else they should stray, or be robbed by the Courtiers; whereupon the Youth addressed himself to the bearers, and commanded them to take in his dogs (for the other had perswaded him, that if he spoke calmly to them that they would think him blunt and silly) at which the bearers, thinking he spoke so, only to affront them, and knowing by his garb that he was but a fresh-water Citizen, reviled him most pitifully, saying that the shepherds in the Country were much to blame, who suffered their sheep so to stray, and that they behoved to fleece him; whereupon they pulled away his cloak, and had not restored it, if his servant, who went up and down crying that his Honour was massacred, had not amazed many people, who caused restore him his cloak, each one swearing that what he had spoken, was spoken out of simplicity: home he went with his cloak lined with this affront; and the next morning was admitted to see his Mistris, who albeit she was not fair, yet could go fair to cheat him; and was able to play her cards so, as that she was able to counter and beast such a Gentleman; and if they had begun the game, doubtless she had by turning up alwayes the [Page 211] ace, made my Gentleman throw down his cards.
The Gentlewoman being informed of his pure wit, resolved to let him see some of hers; whereupon she commanded her maid to put on her cloathes, and to sit in her chair, and receive the visit for her; and withall, after the young Gallant should begin to extol her beauty above all others, that she should then ask what he judged of her maid? All things being thus ordered, she sent to entreat his friends, that none of them should come to her chamber with him the first day, because she would be too bashfull if any else were there to remark her; to which they easily condescended.
The Gallant the next day enters, and putting his arm about her neck, kisses his Mistris loudly, fearing that else that they had imagined that he had not kissed her at all, and thereafter tumbling back confusedly, made another low reverence, where he lost misfortunately the paper upon which his compl [...]ments were written) (which he very often repeated at home to his uncle) He entreated her to sit down in the highest chair, thinking that to be some preferment: whereto the Gentlewoman wittily answered, Sir, the woman should be lowest. After this debate was ended, he insisted thus.
Mistris, when I came first to Alexandria, I [Page 212] thought this City the prettiest thing in the world, but now when I see you, I esteem nothing of it; for, I think that all our Country maids, may be handmaids to you; whose beauty is as far preferable to theirs, as this City is to ours. Here he stopt, hearing a horse passe by upon the street, and called for his servants to look if that was his young horse or not, and thereafter insisted thus; Madam, I believe that my father's house hath all accomplishments requisit for sweetning the harshness of a solitary life, only it wants such an accomplished Lady as you are, to be Mistris of all, (and there he recounted to her what choice fields for hunting, and what excellent pasturages for h [...]rding, were there) But Sir, replyed she, seing we see Country Gentlemen leave all these rural pleasures, pretending to come to the City for converse; and those who are in the City, leave their well deckt chambers, and sumptuous parlors, and go abroad to recreate themselves with their friends, we may infer, that society is preferable to all these; for, when ye come to the City, ye acknowledge it is to better your spirits; and when we go to the Country, our end is only to refresh our bodies, So that the Country may be thought as justly to cede to the City, as the soul is preferable to the body. O Madam, but ye could make any [Page 213] place happy; and happy were the son of that father who might be husband to such a compleat Lady as ye are. What think you of my maid, if compared with me (said she) I think her a beautifull young Gentlewoman (quoth our Gallant) but no beauty when compared with you: Whereupon the Mistris, who had played the maid hitherto, did now sit down in her own chair, and commanding her waitingmaid to stand by her, she thundred thus the poor simple Gentleman.
Sir, I admire the lesse what hath past, that I expected to hear what I now hear; but I admire that men should lavish out so profusely praises of what they know not: for, Sir, if we were so simple as to believe, that your heart conceived what your tongue brings forth, ye might rather wish us in Bedlam than in your Beds; and if we are so wise as to discern your dissimulation, ye may conclude, that we think you as unfit to be our husbands, because of this last, as ye might judge us unworthy to be your wives because of the first; wherefore, Sir, consider for the future, that albeit women are so discreet as to connive at your dissimulation, yet they are not so ignorant, as not to know it. Ye wrong our sex hugely, by thinking us so simple, and your own, by making us conclude that ye are all dissemblers: and of [Page 214] all vices, dissimulation is one of the worst, because it not only is evil in it self (as being a cheat) but likewise is an abuse of what is good, even of respect and friendship, making them bauds to your vicious cheats: Sir, those strings are not well tuned, which are tuned too high; and those praises are but flatteries, which are palpable lyes; yet, Sir, I pardon you more than others: for, as those who shoot seldom, must be pardoned when they shoot over; So those who complement but unfrequently, must be pardoned albeit they do it imprudently.
The Gentleman struck dead by these thunder-bolts of wit, remained speechless, as if his soul had fled away for shame; he essayed often to speak, but his words no sooner peeped out, but smelling this reply, they retired back to their old quarter in great disorder; leaving their master helpless without them, who had been formerly but little holpen by them. Since his own soul hath left him, said Megistus, it is reason we leave him also, and so he went to bed.
The Third Book.
THe next morning Megistus went to to tender his respects to Monanthropus, and at his entry, told him, That it was not too little, but rather too much respect, which had estranged him so from waiting upon his Lordship at his chamber all this while; and that he shunned much to be so sacrilegious, as to rob he State of those hours which would be spent in its service, if they were not mispent by such trifling visits as his were. After this they discoursed of present affairs, and after these, Monanthropus entreated Megistus to walk some time in the garden, and there to continue the story of the Lacedemonian War, which Megistus at his entreaty commenced thus.
My Lord, I will not trouble your attention, in making it trace all the tracts of fortunes wheel in that Commonwealth, whose reelings were so many, that it appears she intended to shew the world how often she could turn in a short space; Those who stuck upon her, were in her Circumgirations crusht to pieces, only [Page 216] those were preserved, who▪ foreseeing her inconstancy, did leap off, exchangeing necessary ruine with a voluntary fall: and albeit their story resembles your Nilus, the sources of both being unknown; yet I shall acquaint your Lordship with those mysteries which time hath now unmasked: for, albeit Statesmen often gild their greatest cheats with specious pretexts, yet time at last wears out that gilding, and then all things appear in their true colours: and as from gray-haired men, so from gray-haired stories, truth is often best learned; Wherefore my Lord, please to know, that Lacedemon and Athens were enemies as vindictive as old, till at last by the marriage of the King of Lacedemons daughter, with the King of Athens son, the Crowns were both molten in one; or rather the one lined with the other, (the gods making often friendship and amity, the eldest son of such marriages) After Sophus his succession to the Crown of Lacedemon (for he was an Athenian born) he enobled many in Lacedemon, both fearing lest he should lose many friends, if these many pretenders losed their suits; as also, because in making them Nobles, he made them friends; and that those who had gotten patents from him, would imploy both their estates and patents for him; knowing that if he fell, their honour behoved to fall [Page 217] with him: There were others who alleaged, that he intended to make the Nobility lesse powerfull, by making them more numerous; and by dividing this great torrent of popular command in many chanels, he made it foordable for his wit, even where it was deepest: for, as it is hard to gain one of ten, so it is easie to gain one of twenty: and those plots which might easily have been concealed amongst the Noblemen if they had been few, were easily learned from them when they were many; and forreign Princes, who intend to invade the Countries, may easily gain one Grandee, (who being one of few, might be formidable to his own Prince, and most helpfull to his enemie) whereas it was difficult to gain many, and they were not very dangerous when they were gained: yet whatever was the reason which did instigate this wise Prince to this, certain it is, that this obfuscated much the resplendent rays of Honour and Nobility; for Nobilities great priviledges, being preference amongst themselves, and respect from the people, their preference must be the lesse worthy, by how much the moe competitors they have; and their respect from the people must be the ebber, that the people is obliged to divide it amongst manie: This wise Prince likewise, finding what great influence the Priests of that Nation had [Page 218] upon the people, and perpending how hard (if not impossible) it was for a Prince to gain all their affections, or retain them, when once gained; resolved to chuse some few to govern the rest, by whom he might govern the others at his pleasure; and to whom he might intimate his thoughts without trouble or fear of discovery; and by whom he might antidote the factions, which he foresaw either their own pride, or the factious Nobility might hatch amongst them; as also, that thereby the sons of Noblemen, and possibly his own friends, might have some void Charges and Offices, whereto they might pretend; and wherein being once installed, they might evidence more loyalty to him, than strangers would do: as also, that the Nobility might be counterpoised and might not share alone in all the Offices of State, in whose hands they were more dangerous than in the hands of Ecclesiasticks, whose revenues were not great, nor whose vassals and kinsmen were not numerous: these the other Ecclesiasticks grudged infinitly, not so much because they thought their promotion illegal, as angry because they were not promoted themselves, ambition perswading the soberest amongst them, that the higher they were, they would be the nearer to heaven. Many judged likewise, that he was most ill satisfied [Page 219] with the Lacedemonian Senate, which was composed ordinarily of the wittiest and turbulentest persons in the Nation, and intended often to have each City choose, as their Representative, some Residenter, who might understand best the necessities of his Town, and would nible lesse at the Royal Prerogative; whereas Lawyers, and others, being often commissionated by them, dipped too much in what belonged to the King, and too little in what concerned the place represented by them; and in Athens when it was tabled, whether each County and Town should be licentiate to chuse any they looked upon as fittest, it was concluded by the Nobles there that this choaked their interest; for, if they should be permitted to chuse the Lawyers or Wits of the Nation, the Nobles should be topped by them in all debates, and upon all occasions.
He likewise was most unsatisfied, with the dependences of the Tribes of that Nation upon their own Families, and upon the Princes thereof; to whom the King in their affection was but second; for he esteemed these, the storehouses of faction and nurseries of oppression; none daring either follow the Royall Standard, except under their conduct; nor daring countenance a stranger if not in bloud or affinity with them: and as that wise Prince [Page 220] often said, these could not be properly thought his subjects, who were so much in subjection to others, nor could not imploy both their hands in upholding the Throne, the one whereof was busied in paling up the Prince of their own Family; and so by dividing their hearts betwixt their Prince and him, they made them unserviceable for either,
These seemed but dwarf discontentments, when placed beside that gyant prejudice, which was conceived against him, because of his irregular and monster-like affection to Phratus his Minion; who enhanced all the Royal favour, as due to none but to himself; whose mean extraction, when collationed with his top-high preferment, seemed insufferable to those of higher birth, and lower fortunes; but these adverted not, who seing no familiarity nor intimacy can be, betwixt those amongst whom there is no equality; that therefore Princes must advance some one above all the rest, to whom he may communicate, and in whose breasts he may pour out his greatest secrets, that so he may not be vexed alwayes, in bowing down to speak to them, or to hear what they would speak to him; and customarily Princes pile out those, whose birth cannot occasion any fears that they will entertain any nimious pretences: These Favourites are the [Page 221] skreens which defend Kings from popular malice, and the pack-horses upon whom all enmity and miscarriages are laid; and their ruine is often the main article of pacification betwixt the King and Subject▪ who to repay their many taxations and losses, seek no other requital than their destruction; and whom Princes themselves often suffer, like spunges, to suck in treasure from the people, knowing that when they are filled by them, they will devour lesse of what pertains to the publick cash; as also, that they may wring them when they are full, and so be thanked by the people, for retaking that treasure from the Favourite, which if they had immediatly taken from themselves, they had been most bitterly exclaimed against: this Gentl [...]man was but meanly born, and ascended to honours parlour, rather by the back-stairs of private affection, than by the publ [...]ck entry of merit; and ordinarily those thrive best, for all the difficulty of agrandizing ones self at Court, is at the first entry; and commonly those who are well descended, have all the bars of difficulty laid in their way by their competing equals; and many to pull them down, whilst they are mounting, whereas many persons mount these stairs undiscoveredly, without being once leted: Yea, oft-times they imp themselves in some Noblemans train, who in flying high drawes [Page 222] them after him: Another great mean of his advancement, was his favour amongst the Ladies, who are more prodigal of their encomions, to those whom they affect than are their wary husbands; and whose sex and charms procure often both countenance and respect, to those whom they once honour with the title of their Favourite; non daring offend such, lest they should be forced to take up the cudgel of enmity against a Lady; and all being most ready to signifie their respect to these Ladies in the persons of their Favorite, seing most want the means of engaging themselves: from this grain of mustard-seed did grow up that large stalk, whose fruits did thereafter so bite the mouths of all the Nation, and by this sparkle was kindled that great fire, which did thereafter both scorch his enemies, and warm his friends; and whose flames were the only lights which shew Courtiers the way to preferment. Yet the people ceased not to cry out against him, as the Canicular Star, which made the influence of Court so noxious; all the dayes of his reign being their dogg-dayes; his prodigality was called the occasion of the many taxations, and his pride the reason why all others were disgraced: which a zealous friend to his Majesty did one day thus remonstrate to him.
Sir, it is not your own, but your Favourits [Page 223] prodigality which uncoffereth your treasury; for, all Kings that ever reigned in Lacedemon, have successively lived at the same rate that ye live, yet have their treasuries often grown fatter, whereas yours becomes daily more lean: but the reason why one King spends more than another, is, because their Minions are more or lesse profuse; for, when a King chuseth for his Favourit a lame wit, which needs silver stilts to uphold him, then is the treasure impoverished; he feareth all, and so must bribe many; and his intelligence (I mean not for his Princes maintenance, but for his own) must be maintained at the publick charge; as also, the frequency of your Majesties Nobles at Court, is one of the moths which consumes this poor Nation; for, luxury having made lean their purses in an instant, they must be privatly interlarded with publick treasure, and the carcase of some Pension or Monopolie, must be presently thrown to them to feed upon: neither is this the only inconvenience which ensueth upon their constant attendance at Court, for they must, when there, contend with one another, whose train shall prove most sumptuous, and so like two stones knocking against one another, both must necessarily lose some of their substance; it is at Court that all their jarring [...] are commenced amongst themselves, and it is [Page 224] there that their plots are hatched against the publick interest; and as a body whilst it is in health, is still amassing humours, which will certainly one day give life to some disease; So your Majesty may expect that their frequent meetings here, will one day occasion some War, which neither ye nor they will be able to quench; their stay at Court occasioneth the misgovernment of their estates at home (it being the masters eye that makes the horse fat) and what was formerly spent at home in hospitality, is now spent at Court in luxury: they bring alongst with them the sons of the Gentry, and these return back to their Countrey fraughted with vice and vanity; and so the mony which the poor country men buy with their sweat, must be sold for silks and spices; and we must give forreigners things that are necessary, returning nothing but what is superfluous; and by this your enemies War is maintained against you with your own money, and your Natives unable themselves to war for you because of their e [...]eminate imployments, which they now use: Wherefore it is the wish of all your Subjects, that you would command all your Nobles home till they be called-for, and so pull from them those firebrands of vice and luxury, whereby they enflame the Nation.
That which heightned the popular fury, was, [Page 225] that he never courted their favour, holding it as a maxime, That seing that which made Subjects formidable to their Prince, was, their too great popularity, (for, seing Kings endeavour so much to enthronize themselves in their Subjects affections, they both do and look upon all such as their rivals, who court the same affection with them) and therefore it was reasonable to believe, That to renounce any share in the peoples affection, was the true way to ingratiate himself with the King; intimating thereby to his Prince, that his favour was the dye, from which they were to expect a good or bad game; and no doubt but this is the surest way of subsistance: for, a Grandee may subsist by the favour of the Prince, without the favour of the people, but cannot subsist by the people without the favour of the Prince; with this proviso, that the Prince, upon whom he depends, be not so silly as to depend upon his people; for else it is not good to depend upon him, lest when the Subject begins to open his mouth against his Prince, the either timerous or facile Prince, throwes his Confident in their mouthes as a lump to stop it.
Whilst these things were upon the file, this excellent Prince dyed, leaving after-ages an evident proof, that the ocean of affairs hath its own tydes, and fair gales (which are to be expected, [Page 226] not commanded) and in which interims the Prince may recreate himself with his lawfull pleasures; for, this Prince was never one who lost his pleasure for his business, nor his business for his pleasure: Some tainted his royal repute with cowardishness; but since Kings, except they be rash, are not tolerated to spend their own bloud, it follows, that his crime was that he was too frugal of the bloud of his subjects; which any sound wit will interpret to be rather love than fear; but to what purpose should he have unsheathed the sword of his courage, seing the sword of his wit conquered all his enemies; neither is it an imputation to a Physician, that he prevents all diseases so dexterously, as that he suffers not his patients to fall in any disease. Many did misconstrue this worthy Prince in many things, never considering, that it is as unbeseeming a subject to censure the actions of his Prince, as it is ridiculous in a patient to find the pulse of his Physician; for, since Princes are often acted in what they do from principles unknown to us, and have aims which we are strangers to, and seing the motives and ends of the agents, are these things which determine our actions, it follows that it is not only absurd, but even impossible for subjects to discant truly upon the actions of their Princes: and since a Deputy is only answerable [Page 227] for his carriage or miscarriage to him, by whom he is deputed; and the Gods are those who have commissionated Princes, it must be undeniable that they can be arraigned before no tribunal else, but theirs; but admit, that really they escaped at some times, and upon some occasions, that proves only they are men, and who denies that? but if they must be condemned for that, I should desire him who hath spent his life (though private) without an omission, to cast the first stone at them; and if private men who have time to deliberate what is incumbent to them to do, and few to remark what their failings are, cannot notwithstanding plead exemption from infirmities; what may Kings plead, who are over-charged with businesses, mis-informed by Sycophants, and have thousands of eyes to eye the meanest of their escapes.
To him succeeded Anaxagius, a Prince whose perfection taught the world, that all Princes who had devanced him, had their goodness allyed with some imperfection when compared with his, and by which future ages may measure the perfection of his successours; him providence sent to the world, fore-seeing that these crooked times would need such a streight patern as was his integrity: and that innocent and vertuous souls (whom that age [Page 226] [...] [Page 227] [...] [Page 228] would abominate) needed the patronage of such an accomplished patron: so that it seemed that providence hath casten his soul in a peculiar mould, wherein none had been formed formerly; a person whom vertue would have chosen to be, if birth had not already made him a King; and whose innocent life convinced all men, that greatness and goodness were not incompatible; in his heart lodged a compleat body of accomplishednesse, only it wanted a splean; and by him all concluded, that goodnesse as well as vice wanted not its own excess; yet such an excess as, seing it was in him, could not be vicious: Neither was this soul ill lodged; for, as the soul was a pure diamond, so it was enchassed in a body of pure gold; his face was both a King's face, and the face of a King; and all the other members of his body were such, as suited well with such a face; so that neither could the eye in his body, nor the judgment in his life challenge the least imperfection.
He stept no sooner up to the Royal Throne, than his enemies began to belch out their malice against him; considering, that if they perswaded not the Nations of those imperfections which they alleaged he was tainted with, presently, that he would shortly refute them by his admirable integrity; Wherefore an Athenian [Page 229] Nobleman named Prastus, dispersed many Papers, flush of aspersions against his Majesty, at least, they were after search, found to be in his cabinet: whereupon he is arraigned, and a great Favourite, who was likewise his too great wel-wisher, is pickt out to be one of his Ju [...]; who finding, that he behoved either to lose his Master, or his Friend, was at first mu [...]h perplexed; but at last (as the worst of inventions are alwayes the readiest) resolved, that as his Judge, he would first condemn him; and then as his intimate, he would intercede for him: which he did effectuate, and procured him a remission for that crime, for which he formerly found him guilty. Whereat a true friend to his Majesty much offended, did remonstrate to the King his errour after this manner.
Sir, your Majesty having once by Law condemned Prastus, if ye now absolve him, ye must condemn the Law which found him guil [...]y: for, if he be guiltless, the Law did wrong in sentencing him; and if he be guilty, the Law is wronged in your absolving him. Neither admire I, to see your Nobles intercede for him; for who knows but these in this plead for their own case? and if either they, or any of them, be already, or shall be hereafter found guilty of those crimes, with which he was charged, then they may alledge for themselves, [Page 230] not only what they now alledge for him, but likewise may triumph in this precedent; So that in sealing a pardon for him, ye abrogate all the penal Statutes, and layes up remissions for all that shall have the confidence but to seek them: C [...]der, Sir, that this Nation is naturally factious, [...] being commanded by Nobles, who have the Commons fully at their devotion, and that your absence feeds this humour in them, (the face of a King being able either to charm subjects to a complyance, or to command them to obedience) but what may ye expect, if they be once connived at by those who should punish them? the Law was the only mastiff which kept the house from robbers, but if his mouth be musled, what security may be expected, the Law should be most rigid and best observed, where vices are most enticing, and to which we are most propense; wherefore, seing nothing lures us so strongly as a nimious desire of liberty, and the desire of self-rule; nothing should be so severely punished as Rebellion, which is the product of both these: and if even when Laws are execute against them, the numbers of such offenders are numberless, what may we expect when the Law prevaricates and sideth with them? Sir, the lesse able men are to resist the wrongs done them, or to foresee them, the more grievously should the offenders be [Page 231] punished; as poyson is more grievous than murther (so that the horrour of the punishment is the best guard against these) therefore of all treasonable plots, defaming Libels should be most severely punished, because it is most difficult to detect those, and when they are detected, it is impossible almost to refute them, neither is truth, soap sufficient to wash out the spots which Libels make, apprehension being enough to perswade men of what they fear. Sir, after he is released, will not his enemies vaunt, that either in courage ye durst not, or in justice ye could not condemn him? so that either ye must proclaim your self rash in the first, or a coward in the last; And who will as Judge condemn any attached hereafter as a Traitor, knowing that the person so condemed by them will survive their sentence to prove their enemy? And thinks your Majesty, but Prastus will endeavour to revenge this affront? neither will he ever ponder your courtesie in pardoning him, but will rather eye the affront done in once staging him: the wound may be cured, but the cicatrice will remain; and if the children of Traitors are often secured, often banished, and often forfaulted; because the Law presumes that they will yet possibly avenge the death of their fathers: how much more may we conclude, that a peson whilst alive [Page 232] himself, will resent his own disaster more jealously. Sir, augment not the number of your enemies, by recalling to life Prastus, who is already civilly dead, and remember that ye have thorns enow in the garden of your Kingdom, albeit ye plant none your self; neither can ye expect any thanks from Prastus for this act of superstitious clemency, for your Favourites who have interceded for him, will reap those, and he will say, that ye declared sufficiently your malice against him in his condemnation, albeit thereafter ye declared your affection to those intercessors in his absolution; and, Sir, since the papers were found with him, certainly he must be the leading card in this fa [...]al game, and the ring whereupon all the other keys hung. And I fear, Sir, ye must one day treat with him as your party, whom ye now pardon as your supplicant. But, Sir, seing ye fear the peoples envie on the one hand, and yet dread Prastus loyalty upon the other, to extricate your self from both these difficulties, keep him in prison, and in suspense, feeding him alwayes with hopes of releasment, providing his friends and dependants carry soberly; by which means ye will secure him, and he will be an hostage to you for the good behaviour of others.
The Court-favourite who bestirred himself [Page 233] so much for Prastus, was one named Taurus, whose honours were the donative rather of his Prince, than of his birth; for, he was by birth but a Gentleman, rather of great parts than a great fortune; but being of a singular spirit, and accute wit, was commissionated by the Athenian Gentlemen to represent their grievances at Court, and to reside there as their Legier, to manage their employments against the Nobles of their own Nation, with whom they had then some debates: the Courtiers (who study alwayes mens humours as much as their business, knowing that most of men make it their business to satisfie their own humour, and that as men love not others so well as themselves, so they endeavour not so much to satisfie others as themselves) did smell at last, that if he were created a Nobleman himself, his zeal against the Nobility would cease with his interest, wherefore finding, that his pulse did beat highly, they perswaded the King to enroll him amongst the Peers, which promotion cooled soon that feaver of respect which he had evidenced for those who employed him, so that he wrote home to the remanent Gentlemen, That since he ceased to be what he was when they commissionated him, he behoved likewise not to act now what they had entrusted to him, and that seing he was a Nobleman, he hoped [Page 234] they would construe it to be no breach of trust, that he antagonisted not the Nobilities interest: for, since we are desired onely to love our neighbours as our selves, it is presupponed that self-love will alwayes be the more prevalent; as the square is alwayes streighter then that which is squared by it: and he thought that he did acquit himself sufficiently of his trust, in acquainting them of what had past, and in fore-warning them, that their Residents charge did now stand empty. The Gentlemen finding themselves thus befooled, resolved thereafter to imploy alwayes two or three, knowing that they could not then be so easily bribed.
This Taurus did thereafter find the King's ear alwayes very open to him; and as he was happy in being his Master's Confident, so each man thought himself happy if he could but once obtain the favour as to be his; yet his Majesty was much mistaken in this choice, for this wit was too subtile to be imployed in such subtile times, and it did afterwards prove so sharp that it cut himself; sharp wits being like sharp razors, which should only be used by very stedfast hands; else, if the hand vary, the razor cannot but make some gash, which was sufficiently verified in Taurus: for he endeavoured so much to cheat all, and please all, that [Page 235] he was in fine cheated by all, and pleased none; for, not being able to head one faction himself, he was alwayes zealouzed by both the other factions, who endeavoured both to ruine him, seing neither of them could ensure him; for as winds that changes oft, are hated by all sailers, because they can neither serve those who are to go or come; So these changelings are neglected by all parties, neither can they ever advance themselves, for whoever gains, they will be still losers, whereas if they did constantly adhere to any faction, they would either gain when their interest were masters, or at least they might secure themselves by their own parties capitulation; neither are ever these changlings admitted to the cabinet-counsels of either, nor know ever more nor what the revealers fear not to divulge.
He was admitted by his Prince to oversee his treasure, wherein it was thought, that his Prince was much misted, and wherein he himself did likewise bewray some weaknesse; his Princes errour was, that he should have promoted one whose estate was yet to be founded by the government of his Cash, which was all one as if he would put his full trencher to the mercy of a hungry dog, and especially seing it was notory, that not only his necessity but even his humour poused him too much to these designs; [Page 236] his own errour was, that he should have begun to reform those errours in the State, which, because of his poverty, and humour, were concluded to be inventions, hatch'd rather to enrich himself than his master: Thus flourished, and thus perished Taurus, whose wit occasioned both his advancement and his ruine, like one thrown down those same stairs, by which he mounted.
Taxes and gabels are as necessary in the politick body, as the spleen is in the natural, yet in both they engender many diseases; private men thinking that lost which goes from their own privat coffers: and as patients often judge the moneys bestowed upon Physicians ill imployed, after they find themselves re-instated in their former health, attributing their recovery more to Nature than to his pains; So subjects, when they are enstated in that peace, which the vigilancy of their Prince, aided by their taxes, hath procured for them, judge their taxes superfluous: never pondring in the scales of prudence what advantage the reap by them (which indeed the meaner sort who complain most, cannot faddom) but ruminate still upon the losse in once paying them; yet this natural aversion they have from them, is oft scrued up to a greater height by the bad choice of those who are by the Court destinated to [Page 237] collect them, who being avaritious and odious persons, for those alwayes offer most for the farm of them, knowing by their rigidity to repay those vast sums, and so are still preferred; which incites the people to abominate those taxes more than formerly, knowing that not only they go from themselves, but likewayes go to fill the purses of these detestable miscreants; Neither is the unequall distribution of these taxes a small disadvantage to the Prince: for, as it grieves a man to pay any at all, so it grieves him yet more, that they should pay more than others; So that whilst the friends and clients of some Courtiers are spared, others must bear their burdens; and so men being alwayes prone to compute their own wrongs by the Arithmetick of comparisons, those who are wronged, judges their injuries so much the greater, that they see their neighbours totally exempted: for, albeit the Prince may satisfie his people, in telling them the true cause of such impositions in general, or hoodwink them in forging reasons where there are none; yet there is no Court-sophister so cunning as to shew a reason why some are exempted, others not; whereupon those who are extortioned, they exclaim first, and then are oft-times seconded by those to whom no wrong was done at all, who hope by these vociferations to get [Page 238] these impositions totally banished; or else do fear, lest the case of their vexed neighbours may one day become their own, seing they have no leases of these favours more than others, and which they know to be mortal, aswell as those who indulge them; but if people would advert how that twenty or thirty crowns a year, keep off either a forreign war, or prevents a civil, which would moulder away the half of their estates, if not prevented; yea, and rob the wife of her husband, and the father of his children; they would then condemn themselves, because they now condemn their Prince: and it is often seen, that those Nations flourish best, and conquer most, whose subjects are poorest, and whose treasures are fullest, the riches of subjects occasioning their luxury, and their luxury kindling a war (that which is fattest kindling alwayes soonest) whereas the riches of the publick cash are a rampart against publick invasions, and forceth strangers not to interrupt the Nationall Commerce, nor to abridge, but rather to enlarge their Priviledges.
These contemptible grievances, were the small Machines which first moved that bulkish body of the popular fury in Lacedemon; not against the King, but against Court-parasites, as they pretended; the mal-contents of that [Page 239] Nation, who were then members of the Senate, taking occasion of Anaxagius his present necessity, being engaged by a National consent in a forreign war, which, as it tended to the repute of Lacedemon, should have in reason been prosecuted upon their charges; Some thought, that these debates might have been easily reconciled: for, many (at least some) of these taxes, had been granted to some of Anaxagius his predecessors, for their own life-time only; the subject thinking, that the securest way to preserve his priviledge, and the Prince thinking it sufficient to satisfie his present necessity; and considering that if his successors were able, either by love, or power, to command their people, that then he might prorogate that tax for their life-time also; but if contrariwise, his successors would be so simple, as rather to beg, than to acclaim these taxes as due, that then they could never expect to obtain them, albeit they had been granted as appanages of the Crown; wherefore seing the Senat denyed them only as due by succession, they thought, that the King might either have past altogether from the superfluous desire, to derive them to posterity, or at least might have superceded the prosecution of his royal prerogative till a more favourable occasion, wherein his treasure might be richer at home, his affairs [Page 240] in better order obroad, and the grievances of his people fewer; and till he had been more surely fixt himself in his newly mounted throne, and that for the present he might have acquiesced to a personal concession of those taxes, which they could not refuse him more than to his predecessors, seing his necessities were as (if not more) urgent than theirs. Others advised him not to passe from, but to change these taxations, in others as lucrative, and lesse odious; such as the imposition of a tenth part of all pleas and legal pursuits, as should be found to be calumniatory, and intended to vex litigiously their honest neighbours; which would be both profitable to the treasury, and pleasing to the subject; both because these taxes seem alwayes most tolerable, which are least universal, and which the subjects may evite; and which if they evite not, not the Prince who is the imposer, but the subjects who are the contraveeners are to be blamed; as also, because those taxes are for repressing of vice, and so must be in themselves good, seing they are contrary to what is evil. He was likewise desired to change all corporeally-penal Statutes unto pecunial mulcts; as the cutting off of an arm, unto so many crowns: for, by cutting off the arm, in place of satisfying the Commonwealth which is offended by the crime, the Commonwealth [Page 241] is yet more wronged by augmenting the number of her beggars (such as those are, who being mutilated of their members, cannot employ them for to gain their bread) and so necessitated in charity, to aliment those, who have wronged her in malice.
There is also another mean, whereby this grievance of levying money by taxes may be averted, and that galling sore cured by an easier remedy; which is, By heightning the Crown Rents to the true avail, whereby the King's purse may be fed with what growes upon his own ground: but the Officers of State have alwayes opposed this, as an enemy to their expectations; for, if this were used, then should not Courtiers get Lands, worth five hundred pounds yearly, as if they amounted not to three hundred pounds; nor should they exchange or buy Lands from the Prince at so easie a rate, as now they do. Princes likewise, should hear the meanest grievance of the poorest subject, against Toll-masters, themselves, and not refer the cognizance of such debates to his Courtiers, who being pensioners to these money-suckers, cannot but acquit themselves as favourable Judges, where their interest is debateable: As also, by such Delegations; Customers are encouraged to fleece the poor people, who, like sheep, dare not open their mouthes, and the [Page 242] Prince is robbed of the right of appellations, which should be accounted one of the chief Jewels of his Crown: besides this, many judge it expedient that the Prince should, after that such taxes are granted to him by the people, assign portions of it to those to whom he is debitor; as to Ambassadors, to Merchants, to his Navie, &c. whereby he may save the expenses of Collectors; as also he may obviate the importunity and avarice of Courtiers, who absorbes it often in gifts and pensions, before the King receives it in to his coffers. Others alledge, that the Prince should compel those, who having farmed the customs have inriched themselves, hereafter to be his Customers, allowing them a petty sallary, and so to inform him how he may inrich himself with his own, as they have inriched themselves with what is his; and in my own judgement I prefer either of these wayes, to that way which hath been formerly practised by the Lacedemonian Senate, in deputing some of their number to distribute what is granted: for, either these will condescend through complacency or fear, to follow the current of the Kings inclinations, and in that case are superfluous, or else the King and Court will become their implacable enemies, in which case all become factilus. There were many other advices furnished to his Majesty, but his Courtiers [Page 243] pressed him not to suffer his Royal Prerogative to be so obumbrated, and that he who yeelds once ground, is alwayes followed, and is glossed to be of kin to a coward.
This grievance in the State, was seconded by many grievances in the Church; the Church and State being like the soul and body, whereof the one followeth alwayes the temperament of the other.
Pretended zeal is alwayes the step-mother of true loyalty; and such a crime as treason would seem horrid, if it were not palliated by imaginary Religion; and many Statesmen, perpending how many Religions have been at first hatch't, meerly to tame wild humours, which albeit they have been known to their first founders to be the product of their own brains, yet have thereafter been by their posterity imbraced as sacred truths, and the violaters of them punished as blasphemers, do therefore conclude, that possibly, if not probably, these truths which they now profess, are come from the same mint-house, since they carry the same impressa; and therefore are meerly subservient to their secular ends: and that seing they cheat others in making profession of their zeal for Religion, when really they have none, nor cares for none, Why may it not be probable, that others have after the same way, hatch'd these [Page 244] opinions which they and others do in a manner believe; as also these Statists see, that events ordinarily answer their expectation, and are consequential to their designs, which induceth them to believe, that providence and policy differs only as do two words: as also these two maxims, That all men have more or lesse of implicit faith which obliges them to believe what Ecclesiasticks say; and that other, That we ought not to confine Religion within the narrow boundaries of reason: I say, these two induces men oft to anchor their faith upon that which is in it self most unreasonable, and stimulates men to act many things not only without asking a reason why they should do so, but even oft-times when there are many pregnant reasons tendered them why they should not do so, and when men are once engaged in these bigot quarrels, their order is both inexprimable and irresistable; they fear not death, since they expect to be covered by the target of providence; or, if they fall under Religions Standard, they are confident that their cause will canonize them; they respect not friends, nor spare not their relations, as thinking themselves more nearly realted to the gods than to any else: and thus oft-times the gods are made the patrons of rebellion, and their temples, asyles in which the wickedest offender dare sanctuary himself.
[Page 245] This was one of those pretended quarrels, which both the Lacedemonians and Athenians incensed the people by, against Anaxagius; the Nobles in both Nations, finding that the Mufties did enhance all preferments, and were beginning to seek restitution of those Churchlands which had at first been doted to pious uses, and which were thereafter, because of the debordings of Churchmen, taken by the State, and bestowed upon the Nobles, because else, they had never condescended that old abuses should be reformed, seing they were still disposers of those Church Revenues themselves before that innovation; the Nobles therefore resolved that they would pull away those Mufties from about the Throne, pretending Religion, and intending gain; alledging that these were innovators, and did busie themselves only in State affairs.
These were the main hinges of all the Lacedemonian troubles, yet they were not the sole; for besides these may be numbred the nimious clemency of the Prince, and the depraved factiousness of the subjects: As for the Prince, he was a superstitious adorer of his subjects repose, and desired rather to have his own, than his subjects bloud spilt; and albeit it was oft remonstrated to him, that the surest way to reign, was by the scepter rather of power than [Page 246] of love: for power and austerity was in his own hand, and depended upon none else; whereas the scepter of love was swayed by the hand of a popular affection, which was as volatile as themselves; and by it he was rather their slave, than their Prince, and that his rigidity (if it were a fault) yet was but personal, and infected none besides himself; but his clemency, was the nursery of all those enormities wherewith the Land swarmed; and seing vicious persons sinned not, more through fear of punishment, than through love to vertue, that Prince who bewrayed too much clemency, did proclaim an im [...]unity to all vice; and that subjects were like a top which did run the fleetlier that it was sometimes lasht; neither could that Prince expect to be obeyed, who punished not disobedience, notwithstanding of all those Remonstrances made to him by his friends, and of all the dangers which were foreseen by his prying spirit; yet he resolved st [...]ll, rather to be good than great, and to make the hearts of his subjects the throne whereon he would only sit; saying, that it was the part of a subject to revenge, but of a King to pardon; and seing the actions of predecessor Kings, were the register of their successors, he resolved to learn his posterity how to pardon; knowing that revenge and corruption would teach them to [...] [Page 247] well how to punish; that the gods, whose vicegerents they were, gloried more in this attribute than in any else, and that the King of the Bees (which is an hierogliphick of Monarchy) wanted a sting: these were his principles, and proved his bane: and he who was mistaken in nothing else, was mistaken in this; for, albeit the gods arrogate clemency as their special attribute, yet that is because the injuries of mortals cannot reach them; whereas the rebellion of subjects can, and oft doth ruine Princes: and the omnipotent gods can at any time easily both foresee and repair those wrongs which they have suffered, yet a King and his government may receive a wound, which none will be able to cure; and he may, by the malice of his adversaries, be thrown into a ditch, out of which none can recover him: And albeit a Prince may pardon those crimes which are committed against his own person, yet he neither can nor should pardon those crimes which are perpetrated against his government and authority; which since it is not his property, and to which seing he is only administrator, he can no more delapidate, than a tutor can dispense with those who wrong his pupils estate. As to the perversnesse of the subject, it was also one of the cards wherewith this fatal game was played; for, albeit at first the crime resided in few, yet [Page 248] did thereafter extend it self to all; for, albeit the number of those who disaffected the Royal interest in the Senate was but small, yet those few vexed all, and perverted many of those who were at first but neuters, and those publick Conventions are like Watches, which will not go soundly if but any wheele or pi [...] be in disorder: for as in the natural, so in the politick body, a sore in any part is able to disquiet all the other members: thus it is here; for those who were dissatisfied, did so by the pestiferous breath of their treasonable discourses, infect others, that they became now as numerous as they were formerly viperous; and at last dared to ventilate those treasonable discourses even in the Senate-house; thinking that the only way to engage the remanent members in their quarrels. Anaxagius challenging these discourses, and desiring the authors should be put in the claws of justice, this was refused him, so that now the cancer of jealousie did begin to spread, and one of the Senators when this debate was tabled, enveighed thus against the Kings suite.
Gentlemen, seing I am to enter the lists of this debate, I am glad I should have Justice for my Client, and you for my Judges, not meerly because I know that ye are interested (albeit that be likewise true) but because I know you [Page 249] to be both judicious, and experienced; judicious, whereby ye may know what is reasonable, and experienced, whereby ye may know what hath been the uncontroverted priviledge of this House; and albeit all the Lacedemonians were assembled, yet would I appeal by choice to your judgments, to whom I must necessarily now appeal, as being chosen by them to be their Representatives. Gentlemen, seing Liberty is that by which we are differenced from beasts, it follows necessarily, that the more free men are, the more they are elevated above a brutal humour, and the more Liberty they lose, the nearer they verge upon brutishnesse: how necessary must Freedom be to subjects, seing without it they are rather slaves than subjects; and of all the Liberty which subjects can contend for, that of debating freely before any Taxation or Law be statuted (which is our case) is the most considerable: for, seing Kings are very apt to impose and exact Taxes, without the assistance of a Law, surely they will be more rigid, when they will have the patronage of a Law to assist their rigidity, and sein [...] after any Statute is once made, the subject is not free to controll it, it is necessary that he have some freedom indulged him in controlling it before it be statuted; and who dare use this freedom, when it is hedgedin on all sides by fear of Treason, and of Court-hatred? [Page 250] whereby he will certainly risk, and may possibly lose both his life and fortune; and albeit the marches of subject-priviledges be already narrow, yet they will be more narrow when such precipices are the marches; for then none will dare to approach the outmost lines, fearing that fall which may prove irrecoverable; and if it shal be licite to a King (who may prove a Tyrant, for goodnesse was never entailed uninterruptedly upon any one succession) to challenge what is here debated freely, may he not alwayes forge some quarrel to pick out alternatly, those whom he perceiveth most able to counterpoint him, and so shall leave us like Wine which cannot rellish well when the spirits are once extracted; and albeit ye be all of you eminent, both for wit and experience, yet there are, and shall alwayes be some more eminent than others (for albeit all run well, yet all cannot run equally) whom if the Prince who shall then reign, do remove, their absence, and the terrour injected upon other therethrough, will certainly render this Judicatory altogether useless: Remember, Gentlemen, that ye are the Hedge, planted to defend the Garden of this Nation from all oppressory incursions; if ye be not pointed, and stick not near one another, enemies will either leap over, or break through, and especially where the design is, to steal away [Page 251] the golden apples of the subjects priviledges, and seing your antcessors, have preserved for you this freedom, as a patrimony, endeavour to derive it to your posterity; neither do ye prove banquerouts, of what your fathers have been so parcimonious; and as ye all endeavour to accumulate riches for them, so endeavour also to secure their priviledges, without which their estates are of small value.
This discourse did stir up those sparkles of rancour, which lay formerly smothered in many of their breasts; and they concluded, that it was both fit and just, to owne and intercede for those who were challenged; and at last, finding, that they could not prorogate their sitting themselves, without the Kings special advice and consent; and finding that their many and great projects could not be perioded without some considerable time, they resolved to buy a lease of some years liberty to sit, with the grant of a taxation; and the rather, because they considered, that they had most unjustly irritated his Majesty already, as also, that these Taxes would in fine be taken, if they were not given; wherupon their seance is continued by the King, and the taxes are immediatly exacted by their special approbation; yet so, that they inform the people every-where under-hand, that their assent was extorted from them, and [Page 252] that such a small morsel would rather sharpen than satisfie the appetites of the insatiable Courtiers.
Now fear of being punished in some, and misinformation in others, did alienate their minds fully from their obedience; Loyalty was now accounted slavery, and the meanest act of jurisdiction, tyranny; yet businesses were not so ripened yet, as that the leading men durst yet appear publickly, but the prologue of this tragedie was committed to the people, who in a tumultuary way were sent with extravagant Petitions, sometimes against the Favourits, and at other times against the Mufties, the people being like the Sea, which the Nobles, Priests, and Wits, like so many Winds make stormy or calme at their pleasure: In Athens the women were ordinarily imployed in such expeditions, knowing that both their number and sex would plead immunitie for them from any deserved punishment. And because their simplicity like the straw could kindle soonest; neither could they be repressed, either by harrongues or the sword, the ordinary calmers of such tempests, for as to reason they could not patient so long, as to hear it, nor ponder it so maturely, as to understand it; neither would any man staine the lustre of his sword with the blood of a woman: Yet Autophilus the Vice-roy in [Page 253] Athens, was desired to punish the husbands of those irregular women, knowing that they instigated them to, or at least connived at their disorders; either of which was a crime which merited incarceration: as also, the husbands punishment would easily tame these reasonless creatures; Or else, to lay fast some of the plodding Nobles, whom they might keep as hostages for those heteroclite factions. But Autophilus, as we shall hear afterwards, favoured too much their projects, to punish their courses; for he, hating the Mufties secretly, did desire both the King and them to act what might most incense the people, and so made their own actions their burriers. The first mark at which they did shoot those darts of popular fury, was on Basilicus, a Lacedemonian (knowing that the way to weaken Anaxagius, was to waste the bloud of his principal veins) upon him they fastened the teeth of their envie, and it must be treason against the people, not to punish him as a traitour; his accusation is founded upon some excerpts gotten from one of his Majesties Secretaries; but what needs proofs, where death is once decreed? His Majesties rigidity, which could never be exerced against his enemies, must be now burrier to his friends, like an unaturall heat in the body which can consume it self, but cannot consume the [Page 254] meat which should rather be consumed by it.
When any thing falls to pieces, it is surely near ruine; and when a Nation doth by faction become two, it will probably at last become none at all: wherefore when the Nobility doth like an hair, begin to branch it self; the King, like a skilfull Barber, should crop it in that place, for certainly the hair it self cannot then grow longer: Factions are those State-convulsions, which can hardly be cured except they be soon adverted to, and after the ring-leaders of factions have once engaged many innocent subjects in their quarrel, it is both difficult and dangerous to repress them; and they being the roof under which many poor innocents have retired, ye cannot pull down the roof without smooring those who are under it.
Another great inconvenience in factions (as there is nothing convenient in them) is, That where the Standard is once erected, all the criminal and discontented persons run to it, and must be both received and protected, both to requite their kindness, and to invite others, So that these prove not only the sanctuaries, but even the encouragers of malefactors; and as that person cannot but be concluded distracted, who dashes his one hand or foot against the other; So, that State must be thought demented, wherein the one half clashes against the [Page 255] other; Lacedem [...]n and Athens joyntly, were both disjoynted now by factions in their Church, some adhering to their old rites and ceremonies, whereupon they were called Saturnists; others were perswaded to imbrace the new, were named Iovists; worshiping Iupiter, because they conceived him most rational, albeit not so old as Saturn, and who influenced most strongly upon Princes; these last, were both more zealous, and more numberous, and did at last impropriate to themselves all the Offices of the Nations, whereupon many flocked to them, making Religion a mine, out of which they expected to dig gold in abundance.
In the State of Athens there were likewise two factions, who like two twins strugling in the womb of the Commonwealth, tortured vehemently their miserable mother; the one faction was led by Autophilus, a man of a profound prudence, and who had even from his youth suckt the breasts of State-education, and had so familiarized himself with its mysteries, that they were become now no wayes mystical to him; but whose misfortune it was, that his fortune could rise no higher, except it had disputed preference with the Royal Throne; and that is the unhappiness of those happily born subjects, that naturally ambition elevates them alwayes above their own level, and yet their [Page 256] present state admits of no higher to which they can pretend, without rivalling their Prince. So ordinarily the eminentest of subjects, are born either to be fools or traitors; from which they can hardly be diverted, except some forreign imployment abroad, or formidable Prince at home, either feed or starve that genial humour: This made many alledge, that Autophilus did in thoughts design himself to be Prince of Lacedemon, intending to marry Anaxagius neece, and by inveighing against the Queen, to get all her children declared bastards; and his sisters other children declared rebels, by engaging them in a war against the Nation: but these projects were so improbable, and so treasonable, that none could assent thereto, but were rather construed to be forged by his enemies, than to be his own, either wishes or hopes.
The other faction was founded by Phanosebus, a man of a deep reach, and one who might have shared in the highest imployment, if he could but have expected it patiently; but he, like many others, did spill, by drawing violently to him, what he might have had entire, if he had waited till it had been bestowed upon him willingly: Many characterized him to be a man of more wit than vertue, and of more cunning than of either, many followed him (as was said) meerly because they hated the other; so [Page 257] that he stood more engaged to the others miscarriages, than he did to his own abilities: those who adhered to him, were such as could signifie nothing without him, and yet who with his assistance were successfull enough, yea, and too much; like ciphers, which without a figure signifie nothing, yet when joyned to a figure makes the figure signifie more than it could do alone: Some in the body of this faction acted the mouth, and were fitted for nothing else; others the hands, to execute what they had commanded; and some the feet, to run where any thing was to be acted, till at last these many parts got adjoyned to them a Nose, which, because of its bignesse, overshadowed the face, and made the rest seem terrible; which, as is rela [...] in Lacedemon, did thereafter fall by the pox; yet possibly these are but jealousies, and not proofs which can be adduced against him.
Both these factions fomented the increase of the Iovist faction, and were but like small rivers running in to swell up that ocean: for, albeit they differed in their aims, yet seing they aimed both at the ruine of the Saturnists, they concurred in that who could concur in nothing else; like two travellers, who albeit their dwellings, or homes, be far separated, do ride together whilst the way is the same; Yet the Iovists favoured more Phanosebus faction, both [Page 258] because they were most favoured by them, as also because they jealoused Autophilus to be too subtile.
Amongst the Phanosebists there was one Oranthus, a Gentleman whom hundreds of years cannot parallel, as if Nature needed so much time to bring forth such an Elephantine vertue, and whereof a Nation could lodge but one, as if it were not able to bear two such great burdens of worth; this Gentleman was in affection a Iovist, and persisted so, but hated in the end the Phanosebists, as persons whose interests was their god, and whose godlinesse was their gain: for, finding whom they intended to share the Provinces amongst themselves, under pretext of regulating abuses, and preventing insurrections, did forsake them, because he found that they had forsaken their duty, and refusing their proffers, refused them also his assistance; thinking it Treason rather than Reason, to assist them who resisted their Prince, and persisted in their Rebellion: Yet did he alwayes love the Iovist interests, albeit he hated some of their darlings, and relinquished not their party, albeit he relinquished their persons; wherefore finding his danger both imminent and eminent, he posted to Anaxagius, and was by him commissionated to command his Army in Athens; but before he went thither, he [Page 259] assembled his friends, and disclosed thus to them all the mysteries that had past.
Gentlemen, State-designs are like herbs, which cannot be known at their first starting-up; and errours may be pardoned, if they be not continued; especially, where the pretexts are so specious, and the dissimulation so deep: this is both our case, and our misfortune, and I may say our misfortunate case; we have been nose-led by some, whose ends have been to end our loyalty, and to plot the ruine of him who hath kept them and this Nation from ruine ever hitherto; they pretend piety, but who can be so childish as to think that these would open so liberally both their veins and purses for that in publick, for which they would not open their very mouths in private? and how can we think that those who would not bestow scarce a crown in charity, or an hour in prayer, clemency, and pardoning of others, which are the essentials of Religion, will bestow all their time and estates for the maintenance of what is but ceremonial. Gentlemen, let us not give suck to these bastard projects, nor credit to these improbable discourses, but let us both condemn and resist these intentions, let us pay our Prince the tribute of respect, and respect such as will become his tributaries; they have not yet monopolized the affection of the Nation, let us endeavour [Page 260] to get them disaffected, and let our swords cut the knot of such plots: the design is somewhat practicable, because the people cannot always be cheated; for time will decipher cheats, and such vast projects cannot be prosecuted without vast expences, and many will weary of paying those who are traytors, who would never weary to be traytors themselves; for certainly, all men have, as they are men, some inclinations of being loyal and honest; and if they unpath themselves from it, it is to follow the tract of some golden or gilded vice; which if they misse, they will presently return: and it is impossible that where all seek, that all can find, especially where there is so little to be found by any, and where the Grandees will endeavour to enhance all: They are likewise divided, and the one may help to destroy the other, whilst we are endeavouring to destroy both. Anaxagius, against whom they war, is so good, and his cause so just, that it were an offence against the immortal gods to think that they will not favour him, and blesse it; and albeit they be numerous, and we few, yet let us not be discouraged; for desperat and unjust exploits flourish alwayes most first, whilst the actors have not time nor conveniency to reflect upon what they are doing; but at last when that fervour is abated, their honesty will [Page 261] encrease; Our cause is honourable, seing it is in defence of him who is the source of honour, and we shall finde our recompence payed us, both by our Consciences and our King; afterages shall admire our memories, and erect memorials of our loyalty; and what we do by our swords, shall be done over again by the pens of learned Historians. But to what purpose shall I enlarge my self, seing I know you to be Gentlemen, whose ancestors have been the ramperts of this Nation, and loyal subjects to their Prince? Is it possible that ye are heirs to all their estates, and to none of their worth? or, may ye expect obedience from your yeomen, who will not defer it to your Prince, to whom ye are tyed by many oaths, whereas they are tyed by none to you? and under whom your predecessours have lived hundreds of years, whereas theirs have lived under you but since yesterday; Can ye be so rigid exacters from others, who are so bad payers your selves? Let us then hazard our lives before they be taken from us; or at least, lest we live to say, that we have lived too long, as having out-lived the freedom of our Nation, and security of our Prince?
All admired, and the most part allowed this discourse, and condescended to list themselves amongst his followers, and to run the common [Page 262] hazard with him, knowing that the hazard could be but either small, or at least glorious, where the Conducter was both so skilfull and so generous.
This good cause was followed with good success; for, the Athenians considering, that the raising of an Army was requisite, if not necessary, seing that which is unnatural cannot be maintained without violence, and thinking, that the only way to make themselves formidable to their Prince (those capitulations being most favourable which are written with the point of the sword) and most fit, seing it would remunerate their friends and dependances, as being a mean to afford them salaries and employments, did raise a numerous Army well equipped: For horse-courses which had been alwayes much frequented, both out of pleasure and policy in that Nation, had stored them with excellent horses: And surely that Nation is happy, where trains consist most in gallant men and able horses, which may serve aswell in war as in peace; rather than in laquies, who are both roguish and undiscreet; and in coaches, which are both expensive, effeminate and useless; and which habituate men so, that they can neither ride, nor suffer themselves to be exposed to the fa [...]igues of wind or rain: that Nation was likew [...]se well armed, each mans [Page 263] house being an arsenal, and each arsenal able to arm numbers of men; which some keeped for pleasure, but the most part for intestine discords; for to be neighbours, and to be at variance, were alwayes joyned: Peace having thus prepared the materials, it was easie for war to arm it self, which did afterwards like the prodigal, spend totally that great stock which its predecessor had laid up for it. Neither was their Courage wanting more than Arms; for none was so niggard of his life, as to spare it at this occasion: Yet this chariot of war had other wheels besides that of courage; for, young men went out of gallantry, old men out of zeal, and both out of avarice; knowing that Lacedemon, where they were to march, was a rich meadow, where they might all feed abundantly, leaving their host nothing but their leanness to pay their reckoning; so that they seemed like bees to go out of their barren hive, to suck honey from the flowers of the neighbouring gardens; this was the golden whistle wherewith their cunning huntsmen called these grayhounds to the prey; and it is oft the greatness of the prize which makes the goodnesse of the cause. After these were all marched, Oranthus entereth the Athenian bounds, backt by none but by the Royal Commission, which made his cause good, but not [Page 264] his party strong; Yet at last some from all corners flocked to him, the Royal Standard being an Orator eloquent enough, to perswade those who could hear with loyal ears, and who reverenced not their estates as their King, thinking gold the prince of hearts as it is of mettals: It was reported by some, that the Iovists had placed domestick Priests in each family, for the service of their houshold gods, to remark mens actions, and to convince themselves, or at least to tutor the wives, by whom they might thereafter know the husbands; and that this restrained somewhat the confluencing of the subjects to Or [...]nthus: but these were rather personall prejudices, than true conjectures. Others alledged, that Oranthus pride deterred others from joyning with him, as being a person, who as he was in worth equalled by none, so who in pride surpassed all: But that likewise was a mistake, for what was called in him pride, was really prudence; for he considered prudently, that those who kept a distance with all, will be tempted to reveal their secrets to none, and will have time and convenience to canvasse fully what is fittest to be done upon every emergent; However, if this was his fault, he was happy in being tainted with no other fault but this; and his excess in his carriage to his equals, was compensed [Page 265] with the moderation used by him to his inferiours; for, as they branded him with the one, so they could not but allow him the other: It was admirable how a body inured to much ease, could endure so much trouble: for, in spight of his former custom, he accustomed himself to dispense with what pleasure he enjoyed formerly, shewing the world, that as his spirit was of gold, so his body was of brasse, and it appeared that he had changed his body as well as his opinion; or rather, that his body resolved rather to suffer the hardest of hardships, before it would suffer so rare a soul as his was to change its dwelling, and quit its imbracements; grasse was his best bed, stones his ordinary pillows, and the heavens his continual cannopy; his drink was water, and his diet opportunity; his counsellors few, and his enemies many, and yet it appeared that providence kept those from him, meerly to shew that without these he could conquer, and that Oranthns alone was strong enough for these many.
The Senate of Athens resolved to fight him before he became stronger, whereupon they dispatch'd some Forces under the conduct of Phanosebus, who was no sooner seen than vanquish'd; as if he had come not to fight, but to render only, he himself whose leggs was [Page 266] armed with swiftness, did run as if he had pawned his life against death, who should run fastest: After this many followed the Conquerour who would not have followed Oranthus, and seing fortune came to encamp with him, many came to incamp with fortune. It was thought folly in Phanosebus, whose strength lay mainly in his wit, to hazard in those imployments, where rather strength than wit was requisite; for, as some said, it was an unbeseeming a Statesman to act the Souldier, as it was to a Physician to practise in Law, and especially where the adversaries valour was redoubled, and that by so doing he wronged himself without wronging his enemies; for thereafter many said, that he was neither stout nor fortunate: whereas if he had stayed at home, he might have salved his repute in both, and might have kept himself as a Reserve, making his friends, after they should have been often beat without him, hope that they should conquer when he went alongst with them; and seing fortune is half play-maker in all humane actions, it is a great disadvantage for a great undertaker to be thought misfortunate: but surely his motive was, that he feared lest Oranthus should flourish too much, and that it would be too late resisting him when he would become both more skilful, and more famous.
[Page 267] This victory was seconded by many others, so that he conquered as oft as he fought; yea, rather he could not fight without conquering; all his actions were maturely deliberated, and speedily executed, and so could not be but successfull: His Army consisted partly of natives, partly of forreigners, the one whereof did emulate the other in courage, and so could not both but act gallantly, seing gallantry was their motive: The forreigners behoved to fight, knowing that else they had not any where else to [...]refuge themselves, in having neither their own homes, nor the houses of their friends to shelter them, and would not flee because they knew not where. The natives were assured of the gallows, if they ensured not themselves by their courage; and their quarter was no pardon, but a respit from death; not a preserving them from the sword, but a reserving them for the block, that so ignominy might be put upon themselves, and terrour left upon their welwishers.
Many of that Nation exclaimed against the cruelty used by his Souldiers, and their other exorbitances; but these adverted not when his Army wanted pay, and so he was necessitated to allow them plunder; neither should they have so exclaimed against him upon that account, seing their relenting in coming in to [Page 268] him did oblige him to imploy strangers, whose enormities were the only crime of his well-disciplined Army: neither was it strange to see those who were starved in the hils and deserts, eating oft nothing but roots, and drinking nothing but water, drink and feed somewhat liberally when they came where they might have it, and even exerce some cruelty towards those who caused those their many miseries; however, a General may govern men, yet cannot he make men, not alter their inclinations [...] and as they relate at Athens, never General [...] so reconcile different humours, nor govern so prudently rash and impudent Souldiers, as he did; his Army was divided in factions, and opposed by factions, yet did salve the inconveniency of the one, and guard wise against the inconveniency of the other, making himself an arbiter when they were at variance amongst themselves, and a target when they were assaulted by their enemies.
The Phanosebeans and the Autophilists, were vying all this while for precedency, the Clergy and Cities adhering to the Phanosebeans, many of both being stipendiated by him, the Nobility and Gentry following Autophilus; their main aim being to repress the Mufties, thinking to stop there; but it is hard for any who tumbles down the hill of vice, to stop till he have [Page 269] once run down to its root; for vice is none of those manageable horses who can be stopped in the midst of their carrier; and since man is naturally so depraved, as that he cannot abstain from what is ill; what may we expect of him when his depraved humour is fortified by these depraved habits? and many have gone aside from their way, intending presently to return, who having once strayed, were never able to return to it; and the immortal gods deal most justly with mortal men in this: for, to think that men can be good at pleasure (much more then, to think that he is able to exchange vice for vertue in an instant) is to exalt man upon the pinacle of arrogances temple; and if the event answered the expectation, besides the original depravednesse of mans humour, man should likewise be invited both to be wicked, and to continue in his wickedness by this happie and succes [...]full encouragement; neither should goodnesse be taken as a donative from heaven, but should be esteemed such a flower is might grow in the baddest soil upon earth.
Albeit then the Autophilists intended not to spin out the threed of their opposition to their Prince to such a length as the Phanosebeans did▪ yet, being once engaged, the hatred they bore some privatly-well-affected persons, and their desire to overreach the Phanosebeans, did oblige [Page 270] them both to act and suffer what did really run crosse to their humour.
Yet in spig [...] of all endeavours used by the Autophilists, the other faction were the darlings of the Iovist Clergie, which Cletus, brother to Autophilus, perceiving, he resolved to defeat them with their own weapons, and to pretend as much zeal as the others could; whereupon knowing, that all extraordinary changes must be effectuated by extraordinary means, he alledgeth that he is pang'd by his conscience for his but luke-warm affection to the Iovist faction; and sending for some of their Grandees, he entreated them to suffer him to appear in sackcloth before the Altars, to hear sacrifice offered there for himself to atone this sin; they thinking his remorse to be heart-deep, agree to the motion; So that Clitus is now admitted to prostrate himself before the Altar, in the presence of many thousands, whom the extraordinarinesse of the action, as a bell, had called hither, where with all pomp and solemnity imaginable, he is absolved from that crime; and is permitted to harrangue the by-standers, whose hearts, like good ground; were soon softned by those showres of tears, which deluged from his eyes, and were perswaded that he was now, because of his piety, incantonized amongst the gods, so that now [Page 271] the Iovists (glad to bridle the one faction with the fear of the other, and willing that they should emulate one another, hoping thereby to aggrandize their own respect) did carress both almost equally.
Phanosebus would never imbrace any charge himself from the Senate, knowing that thereby he would be obliged to appear always himself, and to subscrive Papers, wherein the actings of these times should be preserved, and reserved as monuments of their madnesse: as also he should be necessitated thereby to remain alwayes at Athens, and should want the conveniency of retiring himself at inconvenient occasions, but he caused prefer these, who being his creatures, he was confident would be at his devotion.
At last Ora [...]tbus, oppressed by their numbers, and deserted by his money-less Souldiers, becomes their prisoner; betrayed by an ignominious rascal, who sold that pricelesse Gentleman to the Athenian Senate, buying with his price perpetual infamy to himself and his posterity; and is by them condemned to be hanged publickly, and his legs and arms to be fixt upon publick poles: who being brought to the Scaffold, delivered this Speech.
I Regrate not so much my own fall, as I do the fall of the Royal Standard, and that mine enemies should use my ruine as an argument to prove the goodnesse of their quarrel: I know they deck my death with their inhumane triumphs, to make death seem the more terrible to me, and my cause seem the more undesirable to others: But as for me, seing the cause for which I suffer is just, the more I suffer, the more the immortal gods and my kind prince are my debtors; and the more remarkable they make it, the more famous shall it prove to posterity. I have alwayes esteemed them happy who lye upon the brinks of times impetu [...]s river, remarking how it glides away swiftly, bubling up bells here and [...] (whereof the greatest are alwayes the least durable) and dissolving them instantly, whereof two or three somtimes joyn together and shortly ruine each other; and in other places, foaming through rage and spight, [...] some rock or stone retards its violent course; but unhappy are th [...]se who delights too much to swim in it, and as it were by way of compliment, to run alongst with its streams: yet seing happinesse consists in action, and since it is unnatural in any man, to be a willing (or at least an idle spectator of his Countries miseries (for to be [Page 273] idle, is in some wayes to be willing in things commanded by duty) I admire him most who acts most for it, and who, like the bees, will sting him who intends either to remove or to wrong their hive, I am condem [...]ed as guilty of treason, because I obeyed my Prince, against whom treason only can be committed; and seeing it had been treason if I had disobeyed, how can my obedience make me a traitor? I am accounted cr [...]el, but can truly be no more reputed such, than he who endeavours with rebukes and lashes to reduce a run [...]agate and runaway servant to the obedience of his kind and condescending master: Neither I hope shall others be frighted by these my sufferings, s [...]ing misfortun's balls can [...]t hit alwayes the same mark; and I hope others shall be admitted to build that pallace to which we have only served as Quarriers; and albeit they should meet death either in the Camp, or up [...] a Scaffold, why should that terrifie them? seing to die so is to die in the arms of honour▪ after which they may expect to have a Monument of Fame erected for them: Whereas those who put the hour-glasse of their life in the trembling hand of fear, will oft-times have it broken un [...]xpectedly, by a fall both dishonourable and irrecoverable.
[Page 274] This discourse being ended, the Executioner first hanged, and then quartered him; and the very Scaffold, dyed with his blood, seemed to blush at the cruelty of his Judges; all condemning their cruelty, and admiring his courage, so that Sampson-like (as Christians use to say) he overcame moe at his death than he did in his life: teaching Statesmen never to execute publickly, those who are loved generally; and thus was extinguished by the puddle of faction and malice, that lamp which was kindled by the hand of providence.
Anaxagius affairs in Lacedemon were by this time wholly ruined; for, the specious pretext of liberty being displayed as a banner by the Senate, all the Commons rendezvouzed themselves under it; and albeit their consciences, and experience did therafter inform them sufficiently of their errour, yet fear of being punished, obliged them to continue in their crime, telling them in the ear, that albeit their cause was bad, yet their danger was inevitable.
Anaxagius own servants likewise did sing their own parts in this treasonable song; for they (as they pretended, when challenged by their friends) fore-seeing their masters ruine, which they were not able to resist, resolved rather to stand without him, than fall with [Page 275] him; like those who having sailed long in a pretty ship, finding that she is like to split, do break away a piece off her, whereon they may come ashoare in safety. But it is no wonder to see the Devil, who cheated the judgement before the commission of the sin, cheat the conscience after it is once committed; and by such impious sophistry, defend his cheats against the just accusations of piety and duty. These miscreants did pick nightly his Majesties pockets, and send doubles of his Letters to his enemies, whereby both his plots were discovered, his friends laid open to his enemies malice, and likewise his own repute hugely tashed; for, some finding their correspondence with him, and only known (as they thought) to him, thus revealed; concluded that he beho [...]ved himself to be the revealer: And certainly, [...]his scarred even his most loyal friends from corresponding with him, who albeit they durst [...]ot harbour such disparaging thoughts of him [...]s that was, Yet shunned to throw themselves [...] that snare, wherein they saw others both [...]atched and murdered.
Another cardinal errour in Anaxagius, was, That upon the tumults and insolencies of the [...]ulgar sort in the City of Lacedemon, he re [...]quished the City, fearing that these fat [...]l [...]omets did animate some signal alteration: But [Page 276] by his flight, he rather encreased their jealousie, than evited their clamourous malice, which was so swift-footed as to pursue him where [...]ever he went; for, in his absence the author [...] of these seditions, did not now fear to be revealed, nor, when revealed, to be so sharp [...] punished as formerly: Whereas if he had stayed at Lacedemon, his generous and modest [...] portment would have refuted most of thes [...] malicious and groundlesse discourses whic [...] were now openly ventilated against him; th [...] City likewise finding, that he misconstrue [...] them so far, as to think himself not secur [...] whilst amongst them, did now joyn with th [...] Senate, cordially advancing them money, wher [...] by both Army and Navie was maintained, an [...] whereby those who followed Anaxagius wer [...] entised to cantone themselves in the Senat [...] faction; neither could the Senate comman [...] the Navie without the Navie from whom [...] its materials could only be expected. Where [...]upon a Gentleman said to his Majesty one mor [...]ning, That a King was like the heart, whic [...] when it is by any unnatural motion remove [...] from its wonted seat, that certainly its dissolution must ensue shortly.
It is likewise firmly believed by many in th [...] Nation, that the Senate fearing lest the K [...] of Egypt, brother to their Queen, should se [...] [Page 277] some auxiliary Forces against them, did by their Ambassadors buy with considerable sums Sophander's friendship, representing likewise covertly, that such a War would pick his Masters purse, leaving little or nothing to his friends and favourites, who otherwise might expect largely; and that it was the interest of Egypt, to see Lacedemon in such a hubbub. They likewise treated with the Commonwealth of Corinth, to advance them Arms, promising that they should have liberty of fishing in their Seas, without any toll: a priviledge which the Corinthians feared Anaxagius would both question and recall.
The Sun of Anaxagius power was beginning to set, the Nobles, of whom his Army consisted mostly in Lacedemon, were, like flies, returning in the cool of the evening; and many attributed his ruine to their military disorders, and unskilfulness: for, each of them behoved to be preferred to some command in the Army, which occasioned, that those who had followed martial imployments abroad formerly, were constrained to sue for imployments from the Senate; as also the jars and emulations which were amongst themselves, destroyed the common unity, and made the Souldiery fear, that the house which had so many rents, would one [...]y fall; and that those would prove in end [Page 278] wisest, who retired soonest: But contrariwise the Senate governed their Army most prudently, preferring experienced Souldiers to the most eminent charges, and proveanting them most opportunely upon all occasions; for, having the City at their devotion, it did suppediate them both with money, pitch, cordage, and other materials for their Fleet, and by the assistance of the Fleet they victualled their Army in all places: whereas Anaxagius Army destitute of such necessaries, were constrained to prey upon the Country, and thereby lost totally their affections. The Senate likewise doted their Army with all priviledges imagi [...]able; for they licensed the Apprentices of all Cities, and of all Trades, to serve in their Army, and there to fulfil those years for which they were bound to their Masters; As also they recompensed with Offices in the State all such as had merited well of the State in the Army, and received their lame Souldiers in hospitals, and pensioned some others who were more eminent, and erected tombs for those who were killed in their service; punishing severely all who either openly or covertly promoted or favoured Anaxagius interest.
The Senate weary at last of being either authors or spectators of these bloudy conflicts, which hapned daily betwixt Anaxagius Armies [Page 279] and theirs, resolved to patch up these differences, and to seek now by treaty what they formerly would have extorted by war; perceiving that they expended more treasure in the pursuit of their priviledges, than they could gain by them, albeit granted: and that Anaxagius successors would re-assume what Anaxagius would be obliged now to concede; which the Army perceiving, and concluding that their gain would be hereby totally drained; for the intended peace behoved to infer a disbanding of their Forces: and albeit an Act of Amnesty would lull them asleep in a promised security, yet old quarrels would be one day wakened by the malice of those, whose friends and kinsmen they have cut down; or by the avarice of Courtiers, who would endeavour to render them criminal, because their estates were opulent: Wherefore they concluded, that it was fit to possess themselves of Anaxagius person, that so a peace should not be concluded but at their pleasur [...], or at least if it were concluded, that it should be to their advantage; and that any courtesie should be conferred upon him, might be taken as a donative bestowed by them. These were the pretexts which Autarchus, General of the Lacedemonian Forces, used, to induce his Souldiers to an assent in this particular, but his thoughts levelled at [Page 280] another mark; for he was at this time laying the foundations of his future greatness, a structure which his subtility and boldness did afterwards rear to an unspeakable height.
Autophilus did now finde by the designs broached, that he and his adherents would be smothered under the ruine of Anaxagius government, if it did once fall; and that those Merculiasts (for so were they termed who owned the Army, because they worshipped Mercury) intended to pluck up the branches of Nobility, with the root of Monarchy, did now condemn his first projects as disloyal in themselves, and, as prejudicial to his own subsistance; whereupon he addresseth himself to Anaxagius, and gets a Commission from him to levy thirty thousand men in Athens, which he effectuated accordingly; for, his faction, which was numerous in it self, was swelled up greater by the concourse of those who affectionated Oranthus; and who found that Phanosebus would have massacred them, if they had not refuged themselves at this Altar. But both the one and the other were animated by the horrid usage which their Prince did meet with from the Mercurialists: those who had been loyal formerly continuing so still; and those who had been disloyal, thinking their zeal for him now, the only way to deprecate [Page 281] his wrath, and satisfie their own consciences.
This Army marches, carrying alongst with it both all the warriours and warlike furniture of the Nation; and, as providence had taugh [...] that Nation formerly, that few, assisted by it, might beat many; So it taught them now, that many, when resisted by it, might be beat by few; teaching in both, that it useth numbers rather as a shadow than a sword, imploying sometimes those, lest ordinary means should altogether be neglected, and vanquishing often without these, lest ordinary means should be too much relyed upon; and least, in both, divine patience should be omitted. But these proved like the Witches, who can do ill, but cannot do good; and albeit they had raised the Devil of Rebellion, yet could they never lay him again, the heavens disdaining that any of its infant projects should de nursed by those who were once its enemies.
Phanosebus had all this while opposed this design, not but that he wished the releasment and enlargement of his Prince; but hating that he should be released by the Autophilists, esteeming every thing lawfull or unlawfull, accordingly as it could advance or rebute that interest. Wherefore after the Autophilists were marched, he levyes some inconsiderable persons, who had lyen at home, like some chaff in [Page 282] the corner of a barn, after the wheat is all carried away. These were with much cunning trysted to the fields, not out of any intention to fight (for if they had dreamed of that, they had never moved) but as if it had been only to recreate themselves; yet then they were once mustered, they mustered all their courage in their faces, which they were necessitated to do, because their hearts refused to lodge such an unruly guest; and seing their breasts were already filled with golden hopes, they judged it folly to fill them with thoughts of steel: thus they resolved to conquer all, because they saw none to be conquered; and cartelled by their eyes all who would swear that they had neither arms nor courage: Here stood one in arms, complaining that his iron coat was too stiffe; and besides him stood his fellow, whose armour was armed with rust, which desired to be left at home to recruit the plough as formerly, pleading exemption, as not being betwixt sixty and sixteen, and so not obliged to go to the fields, but by twenty years older than both; telling him how they had fifty years since hindered his fathers flight, who because thereof had vowed never to bring them abroad again: and withall that the bearing armour was too weighty an imployment for a clown, but whilst they are thus busied, an old wife, or rather one [Page 283] so old as that it could not be known whither she was a wife; complained to a Captain, that her son had stollen away from her, a thing wherein her hens hatched their eggs, which he called a steel-cap, and which was at that present upon his head; which the young Captain slighted, calling her old hagg, and telling her that they were vexed in defending her and such others from their enemies: whereat she became inraged, and commanding her old hands by a young heart, pulls him from his saddle, from which the least pull could easily have invited him, the saddle it self disdaining to serve such a childish master: The field wherein they mustered appeared a comedy, wherein cowards acted gallantry; but that gallantry was defectively monstruous, because it wanted hands, yet they seemed Basilisks, who could kill with their eyes, which seemed granades, from which they did shoot thousands of murdering looks, their mouthes were the Arsenals where they kept all their arms, yet their safety lodged in their legs, which had proven their trusty friends in many other occasions: When they were all thus convocated, the trumpet breathes them out a march, but, alas, their unexperienced horses begun to dance at such musick (where those danced best who had learned least) and did instantly send their masters [Page 284] to the ground, as if they wished them to dance there also, seing they could not dance on horseback: their Commanders thought, that they had lighted to kisse hands with the ground their old acquaintance, with which these clowns had spent most of their time; but alas, they, poor creatures, did lie there, perswaded by fear, that they had been overthrown by their enemies, and like assaulted travellours, who throw away to the robbers their purses before they should be violently taken from them, were breathing out their souls willingly to death, fearing lest it would open another passage than their mouth to facilitate their esc [...]pe. But amongst those many, who were all remarkable, there was one whom fear had marked for its own head-quarter; this fellow had gotten from his wife a linen bag, with some raw flesh, which had sealed its impressa in bloud upon the outside of the bag; which the coward perceiving in this twilight of fear, imagined that it had been tinctured with his own bloud, which occasioned his present death: here lay one opening his eyes, and presently closing them again, fearing, lest fear should wound them, if they were not armed with his eye-lids: only in this playing the gallant, that he could not endure to see either himself, or his friends wronged: over him crosse-wayes, did lie another, [Page 285] crossed extreamly by his own timer [...]usnesse, crying. misericorde, misericorde, imagining firmly, that his enemies was searching i [...] his bowels where his life was hid: Not [...] from them was a third, who had covered his face with a mask of paleness, desiring not to be known, and hoping that none could expect to find life, where no bloud was to be seen, and had given order to his looks, to tell those who had searcht for his life, that it was gone to the other world to complain of their hard usage▪ yet at last, time perswaded them to believe thei [...] eyes, witnesses, which they had formerly declined as suspect; so that now they re-assembled themselves, like [...] who had formerly fled from a shower, [...] met, did conclude that trumpets were unlawfull instruments, and as being musick, were to be abominated, as contrary to the rites of their Church; and determined also, that they would to convocate them use a bell, a conceit which as it suited wel with their Ecclesiastick ceremonies, so fit for such a flock of sheep: But the great debat [...] was, what they should carry in their standard yet at last they agreed to carry a sheep in it, to testifie the innocency of their cause, with [...] bell about its neck: but to testifie that thei [...] innocency was armed, they were perswade [...] by their General to give the sheep horns; al [Page 286] things thus prepared, they take their horses, and are advised by him to make them observe Lent, in not giving them flesh for fourty dayes, as a punishment for dismounting their masters: and now these bastard sons of Mars, upon whom he had bestowed rodomantade words and looks; being ready to march, they, by the help of a stone, mount their weak horses, being sadled with straw, and bridled with hair, and seemed at every step to have wagered, whether their horses did rise higher from the ground, or they from their saddles; resembling a young Gentleman, who at his first setting to Sea, is deserted by his feet, and tossed by the merciless waves, looking on horseback like patients on a close-stool: thus [...]grech fruit were flourishing in their march, tumbled up and down by their unskilfulness in horsmanship, like the young bud of tender branches by a gentle gale of Northern wind; the more the horses vaulted, the nearer they clapt their spurs to them, but the poor beasts who understood no more such imbracements, than their beastly masters did understand the Art of Horsemanship, did, by kicking and flinging, show their displeasure: whereupon a witty fellow told some of them, That it was no wonder that their irrational beasts could not abide to be spurred cruelly by their masters, seing the masters themselves [Page 287] could not endure (though rational) to be spurred gently to their duty by their Prince: Which observe touched them so nearly, that they vowed never to fight any till that fellow were removed; which behoved to be obeyed, albeit their General entreated them to permit him to stay, to learn them how to sit on horseback: which was refused, whereof the Gentleman seemed very glad, fearing that if ever they did engage with their enemies, they should either leave him, else he behoved to leave his courage. But before I leave this discourse, I must tell you a pretty jest of a Gentleman, who being appointed an Officer in the Army, was as dejected thereat as if they had condemned him to fight, albeit in the justest of quarrels, a punishment which he judged too great for any crime; yet home he comes, and imparts the whole matter to his wife, who entreats him not to accept it, telling him how unfit he was for that charge, having fewed out his courage to his tenants, and that his complexion was so sweet, that he would not abide to stand where blood was shed. Notwithstanding whereof, he entreated her to let him see a calf killed, which she denyed him, swearing that it would make such a noise, that few were so stout as not to tremble at it; but that to experiment his courage, she was willing to let him see a chicken [Page 288] murdered; yet, to satisfie his desire, he behoved to see a calf killed: so the poor beast (I mean the calf) was brought to the utter court, where the Gentleman stood beholding it, and there seeing the knife in its throat, and hearing the poor beast bellow so sadly, the compassionate Gentleman, seemed to die for comradship with it.
By this time the Athenian Army in Lacedemon, under the conduct of Autophilus, was advanced as far as the heart of the Country, but their discipline was as bad as their courage was great: for, some by drinking, others by plundering, lost both the affection of the Lacedemonians, and their own senses, which seemed to leave them, because they were so disorderly masters, who, to satisfie their pleasures, drowned them at all occasions, and thinking Anaxagius sufficiently obliged by them, if they drank his health; And surely he had been so, if they had thirsted as much for Blood as for Wine, and imployed their hands as well as their cups, bestowing that health in his quarrel, which they debauched in the tavern, and which ominated to the Lacedemonians their extirpation, and deterred them from joyning with them; they intended not to fight that season, expecting that Anaxagius wel-wishers would adjoyn themselves as limbe [...] to their [Page 289] body: they marched slowly, and at a great distance one B [...]igade from another, pr [...]tending that they would not over-charge the Country by their vast numbers: but as this was their mistake, so it proved their bane; for Autarchus hearing of this sol [...]cism in discipline, falls upon them unexpectedly, and routs them before they heard that he was upon his march: sending the one half running back to tell the other half that they were beat; So that report routed more than he, albeit he routed all those who came in his way, and they were scattered like sheep pursu [...]d by a lion, and abandoned by their shepherd, thinking their capitulation good enough if their life was pardoned; yet those who were together, fought so generously, as that they evidenced sufficiently, that it was rather want of officers than of courage which made their companions fl [...]e: Those who fought, were commanded by o [...]e Milet [...], a Gentleman of a well tempered courage, whose prodigal hands did deal death liberally, and wounds freely, till his veins denied him b [...]oud, and his arms strength, both challenging him for having already banque [...]rupted too much of his stock, and thus overpowered by [...]ultitudes, and fainting through exces [...], he becomes their prisoner; who judged themselves happy when become masters of that sword, which had mastered [Page 290] them so oft formerly, and were overjoyed to see it in their own hands, which they feared so much whilst it was in his.
We may perceive by this defeat, how nimious confidence is alwayes waited upon by tragick disasters, and how the gods disappoint those who appoint for themselves boundlesse honours, which they assure themselves so of, as that they think that fate cannot rob them of them; and it is just that prudence minde them who will not minde it, and thinks it derogatory to their valour to fight under its colours, scorning deliberation as superfluous, where the conquest is certain, and thinking it cowardise to doubt, where courage concludes the project infallible: this is that vice which makes youth madness, and one Statesman worth twenty Souldiers, and causeth the look of a wise man conquer more than the sword of a fool; and he who wears not his sword in the sheath of prudence, but keeps it alwayes naked, will doubtless one day cut himself by it; and will, when conquered, be hung up as a trophee of deliberations true worth, in fames immortal temple. Prudence is courage's eye, without which it is blinde, and so may be easily overcome by what is weaker, and will stumble where there is no difficulty; this was partly the cause of their total ruine, for they wen [...] [Page 291] rather to triumph than to fight; but because they did not fight, they lost the triumph.
Autarchus who had long been hovering, whether to aspire to the chief (if not the sole command) of the Nations, did now resolve to set up for it: for, he found that all the old factions had weakned one another, and would still continue so, and that by picking quarrels against the members of the Lacedemonian Senate he had expunged those who were most loy [...] [...] Anaxagius, installing some of his favourites in their vice, only he found the Army planted with many who favoured excessively the Senate, as being members in both, and so tyed too narrowly his actings, and informed too opportunely anent what passed there; to remedy which, he entreats the Senate to advert how dangerous it was for the Nation, to suffer any person to command in both, whereby he might one day command both, and how superfluous it was, seing one enhanced the salaries and imployments which might entertain many, especially now when they stood in need of many servants, and stood in fear of some few masters; as also, that their charge in both was neglected by their retaining both: In order to which the Senate declares, That no person shall be member of both Senate and Army; which made many choose rather to abandon [Page 292] their offices in the Army, than in the Senate, hoping that the Army should be soon disbanded, and finding that its members were already hated by the people, and might probably be punished by the Prince; and that from the Senate they might expect a civil imployment more lucrative, and of lesse danger; and that the Army were but servants to the Senate, whose members they might cashier at pleasure, and who could never know the mysteries of what was commanded; [...] Autarchus became sole Arbitrator of the whole Army.
There was one thing yet wanting to settle him, which was an association with the Athenians; wherefore he goes in person thither, as if he went to root up the remainders of the Autophilist faction; but his intent truly was, to ensure the Phanosebeans to his interest, whom he knew would close with him upon his own terms, to have the Autophilists destroyed, whereas he feared that after Autophilus were once destroyed, and his faction extinguished, they would not so willingly associate with him, and here the event answered his expectation; for, at his coming to Athens, and his meeting with Phanosebus, they after some previous treaty, agreed in these Articles; That Autophilus who was then prisoner in Lacedemon, [Page 293] should be beheaded; and that Phanosebus, in requital of this, should destroy all who opposed the Lacedemonian Senate in Athens; and that none should be admitted to any publick office in Athens who had served in that war, except such as the Senate of Lacedemon should approve: this they did, fearing lest else each Nobleman should bring in his friends, which those Athenians who were there could scarce hinder. This Treaty ended, Autarchus stayes with them till all uproars were setled, all suspect persons secured, and all the Judicatories filled with those of Phanosebus faction, and in testimony of their respects to him, they court him, feast him, and present him with some rich Jewels.
After Autarchus return to Lacedemon, he endeavours to weaken the Country musters, pretending that they were too obsequious to the Nobility, and those too much devoted to Anaxagius; and albeit the continual custom of Lacedemon might plead for their continuance, they being only at first instituted, and since continued to supply the want of Armies, could not be now either necessary, or convenient, where the Senate were served by a dutifull and potent Army: By which means, he obtains from the Senate, that these should be discharged; Yet whilst this was a doing, he [Page 294] causeth prorogate the treaties betwixt the King and Senate, purposly that he might afford Anaxagius well-wishers some hope, and so keep them quiet, till his own faction were well feathered, that they might flee abroad upon their own wings.
Yet the carreer of his ambition stops not here, but he prevails with the Senate, threatning some, and alluring others, to execute Autophilus; and thereafter his fury flies at so high a pitch as to stage Anaxagius, and after some formalities of process, O horror, or something more horrible than horror! they condemn him as a traitour, and even those who were traitors to him; and as in all furious and desperate exploits, this is no sooner intended than executed.
That fatall day being come wherein wickedness was to shew to the world its masterpiece, the Army is made to approach near the City, and those whose humour was known to be barbarous, and whose crimes were by themselves judged unpardonable, were chosen to be upon the guard, where about ten a clock Anaxagius comes forth upon a scaffold, which was all covered and hung with black, wearing Majesty in his looks, albeit they had devested him of its robes; his very face might have vindicated him from more probable crimes than [Page 295] those they could charge him with, and it seemed that he came rather to take up, than to lay down a Crown: After he had setled himself a little and beckened for silence, he gave the bystanders this farewell.
AMongst the many miseries wherewith miserable mans life is chequered, it is none of the least, that man should be mans torturer: but amongst those afflictions which spring to men from one anothers malice, those are most insupportable, which are caused by near relations, seing it is a double affliction both to themselves afflicted, and to be afflicted by friends, from whom else they might expect some assistance; and what stranger will not condemn him as horridly guilty, to whom his relations are willing to be bourriers? It is not the fear of death (for my life hath not been so sweet of a long time, that my death needs to prove bitter) No, it is the fear of what disorders will ensue upon my death which thus appales me; Neither would I grieve, if I judged that the one might prevent the other: but why should I not grieve, when I see that the one will occasion the other? And seing I fear that these Leeches will find the blo [...] of a King so fat and sweet, that it Will [...] them to suck out greedily that of the [...] [Page 296] for, since neither the priviledge of my person, nor the justnesse of my cause, was able to restrain the hand of injustice from stretching it self out against me, what subject (in none of whom either of these is to be found in a more eminent way) can expect exemption? or, if he be exeemed, he owes that more to his fortune, than his innocence; And what a misery is it to live, where both life and fortune depends upon a may be? and to live where vertue can neither expect preferment, nor evite punishment, the one being now the price of perjury, and the other the effect of hazard: As for my crime, it is such, as the worst of Kings cannot be guilty of, seing it can only be admitted against Kings: And so, seing not any one person can be both accuser and defender, no King can be accounted a Traitour. It is true, some Lawyers do alleage, that a King, selling his Kingdom to a stranger, or betraying it to an enemy, commits Treason; but the reason in both these, is, because after he hath sold his Crown, or willing by treachery to convey it to another, he ceaseth of his own consent to be King, and so being a private person, may be guilty of that publick crime; but to sit upon the bench of [...]ustice, and there ma [...]ked with the [...]ard of Law, is condemn a King, is a pr [...]tice never hitherto attempted by the worst [Page 297] of men, and so must be judged most horrid; for, if it had not been so, sure some one of those many Traitors (who have been both many and malicious in all ages) would have excogitated this expeciency, to varnish the [...]glin [...]sse of their crime: for there is no evil which is judged practical by hellish persons, but histories swarm with instances of it, only this the worst of men have deferred to perpetrate, as being the worst of actions, till Iustice should in the end become so old and weak, as that it was not able to defend it self against even the highest of injuries: And as to those who were my Iudges, they had either no power; else if they had any, they derived it from me: for, if they condemned me as members of the Lacedemonian Senate, then they derived their authority from me, who only did establish it, and it was in obedience to my command, that the respective Counties elected them to be their Representatives: and consequently, when I was staged by them, they annulled their own authority, even then when they exerced it against me: but if they pannelled me not, as commissionated by that Senate, how could they be said to represent the Lacedemonian State, more than any other did; and so they judged me, without being constituted Iudges themselves: But no wonder to see those who neglect the [Page 298] main, slight likewise particulars. As for me, I pardon these wrongs they have done me, judging it the prerogative of a King to pardon, whereas it is the part of a subject only to revenge; which since it argues parity, suits ill with royal Majesty. Neither value I any injury they can do me; for, seing they make me exchange earth for heaven, misery for infinite felicity, I account their wrongs, favours, but I grieve for those grievous wrongs which I fear will be exercised to you wards; for, seing happinesse consisteth in being vertuous, and since patience is one of the cardinal vertues, I can in being patient without their permission make my self happy in spight of their malice; for surely, since the gods will remunerate men according to the pains taken in their service (a piece of justice which the most unjust among men could hardly decline) Certainly, there is no vertue can expect a greater reward than patience, seing there is no vertue which toils so much for it: Neither is there any vertue which is not acted in acting patience; for, in not grieving too much, we act temperance; in resisting the assaults of rage, we evidence true fortitude; and in submitting to the heavenly powers, we manifest our justice: but my soul is troubled, at the trouble which I fear is a preparing against you; and as the preservation [Page 299] of your priviledges was my main care whilst I lived (esteeming the repose of the subject the only patrimony of the Prince) so now, nothing vexes me more at my death, than to foresee how these miscreants will glut their malice with your bloud, and their avarice with your estates; for, how can these love other mens children, who have murthered their own father? and how can they fear murder, who are guilty of parritide? Yet be not totally discouraged; for certain [...]y, those who cannot suffer a superiour in the beginning, will not in the end suffer a competitor; and this Scepter which they have screwed out of my hand, will prove a bone, for which these mastiffs will one day fight amongst themselves; and after that this Land hath raged in this feaver of rebellion for some space, it will at last recall its banished judgment, and judge it expedient to call home its banished Prince: and I am confident, that this disaster shall prove to my family but like a potion of physick, which may procure some sicknesse at first, but will perpetuate its health for the future; for when ye ponder how ye owe the conquest of your sweet Country to the courage of my Antcestors, who without them durst never have attempted it; and how ye owe your pure Religion to their zeal, without whom none of you would have dared its [Page 300] Reformation; as likewise, how hundreds, yea, thousands of years, joyned to the experience of your antcestors, may be adduced as witnesses to depone in its favours, when ye advert how your Taxes and Gabels will augment, and your Iustice diminish daily; when you see your streets dyed with bloud, and your faces with paleness, oppression your Legislatour, and pride and violence the executors of these Laws, then your consciences will upbrade you with your defection, and torture you for your injustice.
After this discourse was ended, the Executioner (acknowledging the wickednesse of his imployment by the masking of his face) did end his unparallel'd life.
Pity it was, to behold how pity by its iron mace of sorrow broke the hearts of the beholders; for not a face there was scarleted by one drop of bloud, as if all their bloud had been transubstantiate in water, to suppeditate tears to their prodigal eyes, which stood like clouds, first darkned with sorrow, and thereafter distilling in showres of tears, which did trickle down, as if they would bury themselves also in that ground wherein his princely body was to be intombed; neither was those eyes judged fit to behold heaven, who had not first washen themselves with tears shed for him▪ [Page 301] or if any weeped not, it was, because they resembled those vessels which are so full, that they can drop none; or else, because their souls sick of an appoplexy of grief, had forfaulted all its senses and faculties; but amongst many others, there was one, whom grief had enraged, and whom rage had so grieved, that retiring to his chamber, he quivered out these dolfull notes.
O distracted heart! why borrowest thou not wings from dispair to flee after thy peerlesse Prince? if thou stay in the dark dungeon of my cloudy breast, thou shalt be fed with sorrow and drowned with tears. O supernal powers! (if I may call you powers who suffer your selves to be overpowered by injustice) must we term you both good, and gods, seing ye permit such innocent souls to be ballated upon earth by violence and oppression? is it not enough, that ye should send us a barren and heavie age of iron, but that ye must likewise edge it with steel, that it may the better cut to pieces our grieved souls? Was not the treasure of mans misery great enough before, but that ye behoved to augment it with their new coined afflictions? O earth! why swallow ye not such miscreants? is it, because ye fear to contaminate your pure bowels with such contagious carcasses? if so, [Page 302] vomit up your flames of fire, to cleanse your surface of that pest. O heavens, ye are most wronged! wherefore the punishment belongs to you; scorn ye to be bourriers to such vile persons: if so, commissionate frogs and serpents to devour them. O Pluto, why recallest thou not thy brethren? and hell, why suffer ye your vice-gerents alwayes to roam abroad? is it because ye fear that they would extinguish your flames with their fruitless tears? or is it, because ye fear that they would deserve your scepter better than your self, as being more expert in the art of wickednesse than ye are? or, intend ye that they live upon earth to the end they may imbitter the lives of those who are in it?
With that he rises all in fury and cryes,
After this he would have killed himself, but prudence whispered him iu the ear, that it was fitter to live and see the fatal period of those [Page 303] Regicides; to which resolution he acquiesced, washing his hands in innocencie with his streams of tears.
The heavens likewise gloomed at what past, and Phoebus looking sullen and posting by, seemed to bestow no more light upon Lacedemon than he glanced to them over his shoulder, disdaining to look streight to those, who were not streight themselves, and the clouds keeping up their rain, darkned the face of heaven, either unwilling to fatten the earth, which was by its fruits to fatten those Traitours; or fearing to let its drops fall in a Country where Kings were murthered; the air likewise (each attome whereof seemed swell'd with rage) because so grosse, as that the grossest lungs could not breath it, nor the sharpest eye pierce it. Thus Nature seemed to clothe all her houshold in mourning for the losse of her dearest darling, and she became enraged at these villains, for breaking that Tableau which she had distinated as a remembrance of her exquisit skill to all ages.
Theopemptus, eldest son to Anaxagius, succeeded to him, a Gentleman of a noble spirit, and well limb'd eloquence, who knew well by the bridle of cunning, to govern the fierce monster of popular fury, and whose genius (quadrant-like) was able to measure the height [Page 304] of the highest imployment to which it was applyed, and who by the art of patience, could make the rarest flowers of vertue and generosity, grow in the cold and barren soil of affliction, which did continually yeeld so abundantly the seeds of precepts and example, as that thereby in short time he stored therewith the gardens both of Court and Country, which was formerly judged impossible, because of the largeness of the one, and weediness of the other: yet providence judged fit to enamel this golden spirit with the black colour of adversity, giving him an opportunity thereby to evidence, that chance did not share with him in his vertue, but that he could be vertuous, not only without the assistance, but even in spight of the resistance of that blind (though ordinary) helper: or, if chance played ever in his game, it was because it knew none could be a loser who was associated to such a gamester: and so, that to which all thers were debtors, was a debtor to him, who thought it more princely to give, than to receive. The Synod had pained themselves oft, to draw him to be their Leader, thinking it easie to perswade a young Prince to be an absolute King, and fore-seeing that he would be very helpfull to them, seing the sons presence would impatron their defection from the father; and seing [Page 305] the father behoved either to condescend to their overtures, fearing lest the people might uphold the Crown upon his tender head, which was not yet strong enough to bear it; else, if that framed not according to their wishes, they might keep the son, as an hostage for the fathers obedience, intending to cut him off how soon the father cut off their hopes: these were the endeavours of wicked Autarchus, who as he was wicked in this, so was blind in not perceiving that providence perceived his bloudy designs.
The Mercurialists, who had a long time pedled under the Jovists, did now begin to trade for themselves, these were persons whose zeal was so hot, as that it burnt their charity, and whose charity was so cold as that it did frieze their natural affection, interesting themselves in all businesses, and busying themselves with all interests; who sighed not so much out of piety (albeit that was pretended) as because they saw their faction crossed, or themselves not advanced; and whose tears gushed out, fearing that if they stayed within, they should be contaminated by their pestiferous breasts, which the dullest of men might by the breath of their words know to be infected: these had in their hearts abjured their Prince, and perjured themselves (perjuring themselves in so [Page 306] far as they had abjured their Prince) and by tolerating all sects, and slagitious persons, had almost possessed all the Offices of the Army; and who were perswaded to desert the Jovist faction, when they resolved to desert their Prince, knowing that these two justled one against the other, whereupon they proclaim immunity to all crimes, providing the criminals be willing to associate with them in the crime of treason, when any thing was to be agitated in the Senate, they sent abroad those members who were of the Jovist faction, imploying them either in levying men or monies in the Country, or in transactions of small importance up and down the City, and under pretext of guarding the Senate; they placed alwayes guards of their own cabel (for all the Souldiers followed their principles, as those which licensed them most to satisfie their own irrational appetites) and by that means hindred all the Senators, who were not of their judgment, from entring to give their judgments in subjects debatable; and this cheat they used when Anaxagius was declared by the Senate guilty of treason, as we related formerly; yea, at that time they caused some of the Guards call them out of the House, pretending some particulars with them, whom when they came they pulled away, not suffering them to enter till the debate [Page 307] was ended, and hurrying away others to prison, alledging an order from the Senate for what they did, which none durst challenge, seing they dared once to alledge it: But after Anaxagius death, all the Jovist faction removed themselves, abhorring by their presence to authorise such illegal actings: as also Cyrus Generall of the Army, resigned his batton, finding that Autarchus endeavoured both to defame and ruine him in the Army.
Meetings amongst subjects have alwayes been esteemed unmeet by the Prince, as being the nests wherein the Cockatrices of Rebellion are oft hatcht; and seing in them treasonable projects are oft, at least may be easily ventilated, the Prince hath reason to advert to them, and may justly prohibite them: for, since they resemble Incorporations, they should aswell as those be authorized by his permission, but especially such Conventicles as dare not admit light to be a member; wherfore Law justly presumes that to be done illegally which is done secretly: for, if the actors might avow publickly their meetings, it is not probable that they would be at the pains to hunt for privacies, especially, seing ambition prompts the least vain amongst men, to act what they think allowable before witnesses: In these Conventicles all the cheats of that faction were hatched; [Page 308] for, whilst they perswaded men that they were sacrificing at these times to the immortal gods, they were really but borrowing the seal of devotion, that they might affix it to the forged writs of their own capricious and rebellious fancies, and were afterwards inhibited by Autarchus, when sole Governour; who knowing best by what means he had cheated the people himself, knew best how to close those back-passages upon others; and who by condemning it in others, acknowledge it damnable in himself.
The Athenians perceived now their errour, in believing the Lacedemonian Senate; and Phanosebus did now conclude, that since Autophilus and Oranthus were removed, he would monopolize his Princes affection; wherefore he moves the Senate of Athens to send to Corinth, where their Prince lived in exile, to bring him home, which is done instantly, and Theopemptus is brought home privatly, lest the Lacedemonian Fleet should have ensnared him at Sea: but all who had served Oranthus, or stuck by Autophilus, were banished from Court, and Theopemptus is necessitated to submit to all the determinations of the Phanosebean faction, who vex him daily with new suits, and fill his Court with new favourites, whose clownishnesse dissatisfied his noble and [Page 309] courtly spirit; and whose ignorance tortured his accute wit and vast experience: all affairs were chewed by the rotten teeth of these dolts, who determined all things in their private conclaves before they came to the Council-table, studying rather how to crosse, than how to serve their Prince; yet shunned that wise Prince, either to offend them, or to seem to be offended at them; for albeit he was so judicious, as to discern their follies, yet was he so prudent as to dissemble his resentments, knowing that cheats are like flowers and herbs, which are best discerned when they flourish most, and most hated when best discerned.
The Lacedemonian Senate, hearing that the Athenians had refuged Theopemptus, resolved to send an Army against them, under the conduct of Autarchus, who assured the Senate that he was confident of many friends there, and their factiousness would prove his intimate well wisher; as also, that it was surest game to fight Theopemptus in Athens, lest if he marched into Lacedemon, his Army might prove like a ball of snow, which the further it rouls, grows alwayes the greater; and that possibly the command of a King, joyned to his diligence, might piece up those differences, which did like wedges, for the present, cleave assunder that rent Nation. Besides these, Autarchus [Page 310] design was, to engage further the Lacedemonian Senate in that rebellious quarrel, and to imbrew so their hands in the Bloud-Royal, as that no capitulation might be able to wash it off; and by this new imployment, to acquire new respect to himself from the Army, and to render the Army necessary in the Commonwealth, fearing lest they should come to want respect, if they come once to want imployment. He marcheth to Athens with a well equipaged and long-experienced Army; having exact intelligence from his Army of all that passed there. The Phanosebeans who only commanded both Church and State, made head against him, but their Army was so misgovern'd by a Committee from whom they received all their Orders, that Autarchus needed none to conquer them besides their own unskilfulness and confusion. Sometimes in matters of greatest expedition, they could not be convocated, and when they were assembled, their opinions fought each one against another, whilst all should have imployed themselves in fighting against the common enemy: thus they continued to distract that poor Nation by their distracted fancies, till at last Autarchus falls upon their Camp privately, and cuts them▪ all to pieces.
That old Army being beat, a new Army is [Page 311] ordered to be levied; and now Cletus who succeeded to his brother Autophilus, gains to his party, some of those who owned Phan [...] sebus interest formerly, and by their assistance obtains (after many and long debates at the Council-table) that all those who had followed Autophilus and Oranthus faction, should be re-admitted to their old charge, and admitted in others then vacant, alledging, that else the Counties who were much enclined their way, would never engage cordially in his Majesties quarrel; for, who would be so mad as to fight in that Army, where they feared their own Commanders more than their enemies; or, who would strengthen that Army by new Levies, who would be imployed to assist their inveterate enemies at home, after they were once victorious abroad? Adding, that who could hinder any man to quench that fire which was burning his own house? or, who could hinder a son to defend his mother?
The Phanosebeans finding themselves beat from all these bulwa [...]ks, did at last retire (as their custom was) to the Citadel of Religion, alledging that their consciences could not allow them to associat themselves to those, whose sins would prove like so many bosome enemies; and that to contract friendship with such, was to declare war against the immortal gods: yet [Page 312] Theopemptus had so cunningly insinuated himself with the Jovist Priests, that the greatest and wisest part of them, did not only tolerate, but likewise approve that association, by which the Phanosebeans became enraged, and devoted themselves to the Lacedemonian faction, albeit many thought that Phanosebus self continued loyal.
Cletus (a singularly well accomplisht Gentleman) became by this means Theopemptus darling, and promotes exceedingly their new Levies, so that in a short space an excellent Army is drawn to the fields; yet they were so wearied by delayes, and starved with hunger by the Phanosebean Officers, that many dropt away, being near home, and many were affamished; occasions of fighting were neglected, and the loyallest persons sent upon desperat exploits: which Theopemptus perceiving, and fearing that the continuance of this evil should prove an irremediable evil in the end, resolved to march to Lacedemon, having assurance from some, and well-grounded hopes from others in that Nation, that they would assist him: but at his entry, the Athenians, who wanted pay, and feared both the tediousness of the journy, and treachery of their Officers, did like Northern Ice, drop away before the Southern Sun, and were at last overtaken by Autarchus [Page 313] (to whom those fresh forces whom he left behind did joyn incontinently) and so did dissipate that poor handfull, whom the tediousness of the journey had left alive; yet in spight of all enquiry, providence so mudded the eyes of those who enquired after him, that he escaped their hands, and blows a gentle gale out of its mouth, which conveys him over to Corinth.
Autarchus hoises up now the sails of his ambition, which were instantly [...]illed with the smiling gales of success, and placing confidence at the helm, steers streight for the haven of Supremacie. He marries his daughters to the most eminent Officers of the Army, and diggs deeply in the secrets of the wives, that he might learn the secrets of the husbands: he bribes the Astrologues to foretel his conquests, making his wishes the heavenly houses by which they foretold his successe, and instigates a great many Enthusiastick persons to prophesie his happiness, authorizing themselves by revelations, by which means he animates his own, and terrifies his adversaries, wringing new pay and priviledges to the Army from the Senate, by which he both fortifies the Army, and brings a masse of odium upon the Senate.
The door whereby he was to enter Supremacies parlour, was now bolted by no other [Page 314] bar, than by his jealousie of Anarchus interest in the Army; who in all this war being his colleague, he feared he might become his competitor; wherefore he perswaded him, to suit for the Government of the Isle of Patmos, and perswaded him, that if he would lay down his charge in the Lacedemonian Army, that he would procure it for him from the Lacedemonian Senate; for in the present scarsity of Offices, none could enjoy two at once, especially of two so eminent as those were: Anarchus imbraces the proffer, choosing rather to be first in the Army of Patmos, then second in the Army of Lacedemon, and demits his charge, which he no sooner demits, than the Senate by Autarchus instigation, presently accepts, and therafter slights him; whereupon he is constrained to retire home, byting his lip because he had condescended to that unfortunate transaction.
The stage being thus cleared of all incumbrances, Autarchus begins to act his chief scene, and endeavoureth to irritate the Army against the Senate; which he might the more easily effectuate, by reason that the Senate did now begin to discover his roguery, and the Armies tyranny, and were endeavouring to reduce some of their Regiments, and affront some of their Officers; which Autarchus adverting to, ordered all the nearest lying Regiments to [Page 315] march up unexpectedly to the City; and coming one morning to the Court of the Palace where the Senate did then sit, he closes the gate, lest any of the number should escape; and turning him to the Souldiery, opening his mind thus to them.
Fellow Souldiers, your bleeding wounds and wounded bodies, deserve better requital from this Senate than frowns or threats; and albeit ye be not actually in service against their enemies, yet that is no more a reason why ye should not be paid and cherished as formerly, than a Mariner who hath served his Master in a storm at Sea, should be shaken off and refused maintenance when he comes a shoar: Ye have abandoned your houses, and renounced your trades, that ye might make their Army your house, and their service your trade: And must these, in whose hands ye have put the sword, take your swords from you, and ruine you after that ye have ruined their enemies? What may this Nation expect from these Masters, who refuse maintenance to the best and loyallest of their servants? and seing they disoblige us so much, who have so much obliged them, what shall the rest of the Nation expect, who have never obliged them at all? And may we not see that their quarrel against us, is our just [Page 316] pay, which otherwise they might coffer up themselves? What shall the world say of us, if that after we have banisht Monarchy, we establish Tyranny? and to counterpoise the antiquity of the former Government, should not we endeavour to evidence as much wisdom and moderation in this, which we are to establish, as the former could alledge antiquity or prescription? Remember that courage and prudence have so strict an alliance, that valour without prudence, is no valour, but rather temerity: wherefore if ye shew not prudence after these many victories, wherewith fame hath crowned you as with so many lawrels, your former victories will be attributed either to blind chance, or to your enemies imprudence; and how can ye be termed prudent, if ye suffer your selves to be trampled upon by the feet of Tyranny? Wherefore make the world witnesses of your gallantry, in refusing to serve those, who could neither prize nor reward your services, and settle in your own persons that Government which ye have suffered so much for.
All condescended to this overture, and Autarchus dismisses that ignorant rabble, who had formerly by his assistance thrown out those worthy patriots, who had been their former colleagues, and by this means, he who had been [Page 317] in appearence so much an enemy to Arbitrary Government in the person of Theopemptus, became an affecter of it in his own; and was declared by the Army Governour of Lacedemon and Athens in this interim; promising to render up his power to the first Senate which should be legally conveened, by the Authority of the People; Proclamations are immediatly issued out, to remonstrate to the People the reasons of raising the Senate, and of establishing the Government for the interim in the person of Autarchus: but both these actions were so black that they could receive no other tincture, and the faces of their cheats so large that no vizard could be found big enough to cover them.
Autarchus endeavours to retain by cheats, that power which he had gotten by force; and because he perceived that the Church had been an occasion of many great alterations in the State formerly, by reason that the Ecclesiasticks debated every thing, and retarded most of what was resolved by the State; he therefore resolves to moddel such an Ecclesiastick Government, as might wholly be subordinate to the Civil; for which cause amongst those many Religions which were at that time professed in Lacedemon, he chooses one, which allow no publick Conventions amongst Ecclesiasticks; [Page 318] which being once setled, he sets himself to crush the faction of Theopemptus, which he doth by inhibiting all publick Conventions, wherein mutinies might be hatched, such as horse-matches, feastivals, &c. he carresses some of all factions, shewing thereby that all might, if they pleased bring favour; and supports the weakest faction, that so it might by his assistance counterpoise the other, knowing that by these, all joynt Insurrections would be retarded, and that the one in odium of the other, would unseale one anothers mysteries, and countermine one anothers projects: He disarmed the people, whereby he both disabled them to act any thing to his prejudice for the present, and weaned their spirits from all martial imployments for the future; and likewise filling his own Arsenal richly, he made himself seem terrible to all that wisht his ruine. Being thus secured against foreign Incursions, he endeavours to secure himself against intestine broils; lest else he might prove like to one of those theeves, who leaves their own door open whilst they go abroad to steal from their neighbours; to obviate which, he imploys the most eminent amongst the Officers, as Counsellor [...] of State; both, lest they should repine at his being the sole Arbitrator in all affairs, and tha [...] they might bear an equal share in the odium o [...] [Page 319] what was done by him to displease the people; yet lest they should twist themselves too far in the Government, he appointed alwayes some festival dayes of worship for the gods, wherewith to busie them, whilst he himself is busied in dispatching matters of the greatest moment; and lest those who were Governours of Cities, and Countries, should insinuate themselves too far in the affection either of Soldiers or Countrymen, he transplanted them oft from one place to another; and to prevent the idleness of the Soldiers, (which might have given them both leisure and opportunity to fall by th'ears amongst themselves) as also to have some pretext to levie moneys from the people (which poor people he fleeced like a sheep at his pleasure) he warred continually against some neighbouring Prince, buying to himself repute with the bloud of the Souldiers, and money of the people.
Amongst his many other State-sophismes, this was one most remarkable, because oft reiterated. When Autarchus had notice given him by his Spies, of any Royallist who had more avarice than money, and who could be no longer honest, than he was rich; he presently sent for them, and after he had convinced them, that he was master of their life and fortunes; and of their [...]olly in adhering so [Page 320] pertinaciously to Theopemptus faction, he proffered them considerable sums to owne his interest; and to seem to draw a faction for Theopemptus, pretending Commissions for that effect, and getting a great many hands to subscrive some Remonstrance, and especially the hands of those whom he suspected to be loyal, or knew to be rich: which being gotten, that he should acquaint him with the Rendevouze appointed, or suffer himself and the Papers to be apprehended by some of the Souldiery: by which means he rid himself of the most eminent, and enriched his treasury by the alledged treason of his most considerable enemies, and made his own wit to be admired, and brought his adversaries to that passe, that they could not trust one another.
Another stratagem which he used to ensnare that generous Prince, was this: He had notice given him of one called Asebus, whose poverty behoved to have some bone to gnaw upon, albeit he should have drawn it out of the devil [...] side; him Autarchus sent for, hearing that he was an Agent for the Royal faction, and after many allurements (it being easie to perswade where avarice opens the ear, and necessity play [...] the Oratour) he prevails with him to go to Theopemptus, and carry alongst with him six thousand crowns, and assure him of the like sum [Page 321] yearly, in pension from some friends in Lacedemon (whose purses loyal compassion had opened) Theopemptus desires to know their names; but Asebus pretended that he was sworn not to tell that, wherewith he rests satisfied; but perswades himself that the senders were his friends, and that Asebus was a confident of theirs, else they had never trusted him, and a friend of his, else he had never undertaken the imployment; and thus he acquaints him with all his designs, which the other no sooner know than he reveals them to Autarchus. Yet the gods (who are not idle spectators, but just judges of mens knavery) deciphers h [...]m at last; for having one day seen some dispatches which were sent to Lacedemon by Theopemptus, he acquaints Autarchus, who apprehends and executes the Gentlemen who were entrusted: whereat Theopemptus extreamly enraged, accuses a Nobleman, who had only seen those Letters besides Asebus, the Nobleman vindicates himself, but not being believed by his Prince, he runs in fury to Asebus his Cabinet, and there finding some Letters of correspondence from Autarchus to him, he causeth him to be presently apprehended.
Amidst these triumphs, triumphing death cuts his treacherous dayes, and hurries him to [Page 322] eternal torment, who tormented others here; And thus died the most hatefull Tyrant who ever lived, leaving behind him a son, in whose simplicity the gods punished the fathers cheating prudence; this was that Ephemerus of whom I spoke formerly, who being nominated by his father his successor, was admitted by the Souldiery, not so much out of any respect they bore him, as fearing that if the charge were declared vacant, emulation should cut the throat of their quiet. It was thought that Ephemerus (finding his own insufficiency) resolved to recal Theopemptus, but his design was choaked by timorousness, fearing least the Army perceiving his design, should ruine him, and disappoint his project: Others thought, that his enemies used only this, as an argument to perswade the Army to relinquish him, as they did afterwards. However, he was induced by some who favoured the Royal faction, especially by Monus General of the Athenian Forces, to convocate a Senate, whereby they expected to establish Monarchy. Anarchus all this while, like a boyling liquor could not contain himself in a private condition, without running over, and like the children, chose rather to be burnt in the sunshine of a publick imployment, tha [...] stay in the shade of privacy; wherefore he deals with some Officers to recall him, and entering [Page 323] in a confederacy among themselves, they deal with Morus General of the Lacedemonian Forces, to concur with them in perswading Ephemerus to set the Senate a packing; which Morus (poor fool) assents to, and whereof Ephemerus is simply perswaded, the one induced by the glory of governing the Army, who was to govern all; and the other terrified by fear, concluding that the Army would assume by force, what was denyed in favour. Thus we see glory makes men too credulous, because it ponders danger too little; and fear makes men too credulous, because it ponders danger too much; the one not seeing what is, and the other seeing more than is: which are the two ordinary diseases both in the eyes of body and mind. And as in things corporeal, so also in spiritual productions, we see monsters both in defect and excesse engendred; prudence missing its mark in the one, as nature misseth hers in the other: for, as hot-spurr'd ambition will not suffer prudence to stand to hear its errand; so leaden-footed fear suffers the occasion to slip before it brings prudence up to the place where it should act; and as one who runneth can never see any object which he posts by exactly; so one may dull his sight after such a fashion in looking too long upon one object, that he may come to see nothing, [Page 324] because he hath looked too much: And premeditation is like the fire, whose flames shew equally little light at first when it is kindled, and at last when it hath burnt too long. But Ephemerus was hugely misted by his own folly in this (fear being alwayes like a mist, which makes the object appear greater than it is) for, seing there are only two wayes, either to acquire or retain Supremacy, the one by a pretended authority, such as the Senate was; and the other by irresistable force, such as the Army was: and since he was confident that Anarchus had debauch'd the Army from his obedience, he should never have abandoned the Senate. Neither did Morus evidence lesse folly in colluding with Anarchus, for he might have seen (if the eyes of his reason had been open) that since Anarchus was able to dissolve the Senate by the assistance of the Army, that he might in time by their assistance ruine him far more easily, who was but a single person; and seing many of those who commanded, had been under Anarchus his charge, when they were Morus his competitors and equals, he might have concluded that they would far more willingly obey an old master, than one but late equal; as also, that the Souldiery who had been victorious under his conduct (and so were confident of his courage and prudence) would [Page 325] more cordially follow him than any else; and by Autarchus eying him as his competitor, Morus might have feared to take him in to be his colleague. No sooner is the Senate dissolved, than the Army establishes that old Senate which Autarchus had at first dissolved; for seing they found that the Nation could not be satisfied without a Senate, they resolved to establish that wherein many of themselves were members, and whom because of their paucity they might easily command. Yet many judged that they recalled these fools, not out of any affection, but meerly because they were not able themselves to settle their own differences in so short a time; which conjecture was approven by the event: for, these Officers of the Army, finding that the Senate consulted them not in all particulars, nor called them to fill up the vacant places which were many amongst them, did endeavour to re-assume that power with which they had invested those ingrate fellows formerly; who look'd upon their restorers, as if they had only been their servants, which they perceiving, ordered the casheering of these daring Officers, and especially of Morus and Anarchus; but being hated by the people, as those Leeches who had suckt the Bloud Royal, and as those burriers who had strangled the tranquillity of the Nation, and [Page 326] being jealoused by the Army, as the persons who endeavoured to wrest the power out of their hands, they were turned out by Anarchus, and the whole power was retained by the Army; who resolved to subject themselves to none, and to make all subjects to them: Hereupon Monus, whom the late Senate eying as a Royallist, had called to bear charge in Lacedemon, intending really to have laid him fast by the heels, did refuse alwayes, pretending that he was bound by promise to the Army of Athens, not to remove thence till they were compleatly satisfied of their Arrears; whereby he found a pretext to excuse his stay (seing he knew that they could not advance so much money) and endeared himself to the Souldiery, and did fully engage them to him; and now perceiving, that the Commonwealth would one day perish by their convulsion fits of schism, to which it was so subject; and knowing by its change of colour, that it did begin to faint, resolved to lay hold on this occasion, and to purge away these malignant humours out of the body of the State, whilst they were thus commoved; wherefore he declareth War against the Council, because they had banisht the Senate; yet covertly he hated the Senate as much as them, but resolved by helping the weakest, and by ruining the Army, to re-establish Theopemptus: [Page 327] for effectuating whereof he cashiers instantly all such in his Army, as he feared did encline too much to Anarchus, and morgages all his Plate and Jewels for money to pay his Army, making the Athenians advance the superplus; for they were perswaded, that if Anarchus gained, that all their goods should be confiscated, and their lives, if not endangered, at least imbittered: As also, he advances one degree all his Officers, obliging them to fight for their own dignities, if they would not in his quarrel. Many judged Monus a fool in this attempt, like those who seeing only the first draughts of a pencile, though never so curious, yet thinks the face deformed, whereas the skilful Painter himself, or any exquisit Artist, knows that it will prove well: for, he considered wisely, that all the Senates faction, and which was more, all the Royal faction, would owne him, and that possibly he might gain some of theirs (expecting pardons for their crimes) but that doubtlesse they could never debauch any of his; that the Cash being in the Senates hands, and at their disposal (none being in a capacity to levie money except a Senate) and the Cash being the breasts by whose milk the Army was kept alive; he knew they could not long subsist without it; likewise he found by his well founded intelligence, that dispair was [Page 328] arming all men, in all the corners of the Nation. Yet to encourage his souldiers, he convocats all the nobility of Athens, and communicats to the wittiest amongst them, his design, to re-establish Monarchy, and desired them not to startle at any publick protestations to the contrary, which necessity might wring from him; and desires them to be ready waiting his call, and for that effect he fills up all the vacant places in his Army with Athenians, and author [...]zes the rest to wear Arms as formerly. But the Mercurialists in Athens endeavoured to oppose his designs, alleaging that he desired a convocation of the Nobility, only to ensnare them, and laboured to impede the payment of those taxes which he required, pretending that Anarchus would cause them be payed over again, and not only so, but would likewise impute the first payment of them to the Nation, as an unpardonable crime: by this means they thought to have hindered the payment of the Souldiers, and without that, they knew that Monus could not subsist; As also they endeavoured to set the Nobility and Citizens by the ears, alleag [...]ng that the Nobility laboured to cry down usury, and to necessitate their Creditors to accept Lands for their Money, which would ruine Trade. But such was the zeal of the Nation, for the re-establishment of Theopemptus, and [Page 329] such was their affection to Monus, that these Fanaticks gained nothing by all their pains but ignominy to themselves, and a curse to their posterity: Anarchus Army hearing that the Athenians were all in Arms covertly, and fearing ambushes in a Country where they were both unaquainted, and hated; and knowing that Anarchus wanted money to pay their Arrears, whereas Monus had paid those who served him, they refuse to advance to Athens, whereas it was thought, that if he had advanced immediately, that most of the Souldiery enclining his way, that they had deserted Monus and followed him. Whilst Anarchus is upon his march from Athens, the Senate is setled in safety at Lacedemon, by some Officers, whom the Council had disobliged, and whom the Senate had bribed with promises of future preferment; which necessitated Anarchus to return; but in his return, all his Souldiers either dropped away privatly, or revolted openly; which for [...]ed him to make his capitulation, but robbed him of the means of capitulating handsomly: Monus follows, and marches straight to Lacedemon, and in his march, is welcomed by the applauses of the people, and addresses of the Gentry, and found an unanimous desire in all men to have Theopemptus called home. At his entry to Lacedemon, [Page 330] he is carressed by the Senate at first, yet afterwards they conjecture that he byasseth Theopemptus way; wherefore to try him, and to make him odious to the people, they imploy him in razing down the gates of the City; which he obeyes, fearing to be discovered too soon; but obeyes so wittily, as that he makes the odium rebound upon themselves; malice being a ball, which, if thrown violently, bolts up presently upon the thrower; and in stead of making the City his enemies, he gains them to be his friends; whereat the Senate shewes themselves dissatisfied, fearing that such an honest servant would never satisfie such roguish masters. Monus resolves joyntly with the City, to procure the re-admission of those, who being Colleagues with their present Senators, were excluded because of their adherance to Anaxagius; which he effectuates happily, and thereby puts a bridle in the head of that unruly beast the Senate: yet, albeit those who were re-entred were the more numerous, the old members so perplext them by debates, and so oft discovered their secrets, that they brake up the present Senate, and called a new one.
In this Senate Theopemptus is called home; not limited by conditions, as some desired; for how could Subjects give Law to a King? and possibly these conditions would have been by [Page 331] the next ensuing Senate, declared T [...]reason, and the Treaters declared Traitors, but absolutely each endeavouring who should strengthen his prerogative most.
At his Proclamation the people kindled innumerable bonfires, as if by them they intended to purge the air of these Nations, which had been polluted with blasphemy against the gods, and rebellion against the King formerly; or else, as if they intended to bury in these graves, and burn to ashes those cares, wherewith they had been formerly afflicted; Their flames mounted so high, that one might have thought that they intended to carry news of those Solemnities to heaven; and the smoke covered the T [...]owns pend-ways, lest heaven should have discerned the extravagancies whereof the Inhabitants were guilty; for gravity was banished as an enemy to their duty, and madnesse was judged true loyalty; the trumpets were ecchoed by the vociferations of the people, and those vociferations seemed to obey the summons of the trumpets; the bells likewise kept a part with the singing multitude, so that both bells and people did both sing and dance all at once; and the air no sooner received these news, but it dispersed them to all the corners of the City, and ears of the Citizens; it being no crime to be in this a [...]ale-bearer; and the [Page 332] bullets did flee out of the Cannons, as if they intended to meet him half way: wine was sent in abundance to the earth, that it might drink his Majesties health also, and the glasses capreoled in the air, for joy to hear his name: some danced through the fire, knowing that the wine had so much m [...]dified them, that they needed not fear burning; and others had bonfires kindled in their faces by the wine which they had drunk.
And as Theopemptus was remembred, so Monus was not forgot, some admiring his loyalty, some his prudence, and many both: for, he finding that the Army was the Ramparts which defended the late Tyrannie, did macerate it as much as was possible: for the old Senate by his connivance, did levie their County Bands, which served as a counterpoise to the Armies weight; those Officers who shewed themselves dissatisfied, were reduced, and their Regiments disbanded: but lest the Souldiery should repine and mutiny, they were instantly received into the County Bands; and those Regiments which were continued, were either given to loyal persons, or those who were disloyal were gained by a certain expectation of pardon, and future imployment; for which cause it was surmised, that Theopemptus intended for his own safety, to keep a standing [Page 333] Army, whom he was to pay; as also, the Senate caused rumour, that they were to apprehend such persons as they jealoused, whereupon if they were guilty, they presently either fled, or drew a faction, in both which cases they afforded certain proofs of their knavery, and furnish'd the Senate the means to ruine them. And because their presence over-awed alwayes the Senate, it was ordered, that the City Bands should guard the City, and the Army should remove from it, So that the venom being once removed from the heart, the cure of the body was thereby much facilitated; the Companies likewise of every Regiment, were dispersed into all the corners of the country, under pretext of preventing Insurrections; But really their design was to impede their mutinies, and to make them the more conquerable, if they should dare to oppose that royal design, some of them were sent unto Athens, because the Revolution was to begin in Lacedemon; and others were sent to assist forreign Allies, at the suggested request of their Ambassadors.
All things being thus prepared, Theopemptus enters the City of Lacedemon, in the greatest pomp that loyalty, or luxury could invent: Above him at the Gates stood clouds, as they seemed, which rained down Wines of all sorts, and at each side of the Gates stood a large [Page 334] Glass, the one whereof afforded a perspective of a Country, where all the trees were dismantled of their leaves, and all the flowers blasted by the winde; wherein widows were bathing their starving babes in their compassionate tears, and where tax-masters were beating the peasants, who declared upon their knees, that they could not pay their taxes: In the other Glass was to be seen, a pleasant Spring in the ruffe of its pride, and a Prince sighting against a Tyrant with one hand, and sowing gold and money with the other. These and many other expressions of joy were presented to him, whose recital might be as tedious as the view was pleasant. At the same Gate stood all the Senators and Citizens in robes, amongst whom one delivered his Majesty this harangue.
Most gracious Soveraign,
ALbeit your Return hath effaced these sad impressions which our miseries had engraven upon our spirits, yet duty hath reserved an idea of them, that by comparing them with the happy condition wherein we are like to live under your Government, we may find what a vast difference there is betwixt Monarchy and Anarchy, betwixt slavery and subjection: We know now what a silly carcass a body is without a head, and what a madnesse it is for a body to brain its head against [Page 335] the rocks of danger and rebellion. Your Majesty is our head, and nature teacheth all men to guard that, even with the hazard of their other members; and Physicians prescribe moe maxims for its conservation, and moe medicaments for its cure, than for the cure of any part beside. Ye may be confident, Sir, that we who have had our purses robbed so oft by Tyrants, will not now refuse some part of them to our lawfull Prince; and who should command the childrens purses more freely than the father? Our refusing to defray your necessary charges, may procure to us national affronts, and lose us our forreign interests: and herein consists our mutual happiness, that as our Nation hath a Prince who will require lesse than they would willingly contribute, so our Prince hath now a people, who upon all honourable emergents will cordially contribute more than he will demand. And we who have been flung in heaps, that Tyrants might over our bellies and upon our shoulders mount their unjustly acquired thrones, will doubtlesse willingly lend our hands to help our born Prince to ascend that Throne, which his birth, and our prescribed consent, hath built for him; and as a company of Merchants who are linked together in one society, cannot be accounted the lesse rich, that their [Page 336] gold lies not in their private coffers, but in the common cash; So Subjects are not to be lookt upon as the lesse powerful, that their strength lies in the hands of their Prince. Princes desire only to be powerfull, either to restrain the insolencies of Forreigners, or to suppress the insurrections of mutinous Subjects; So that seing we are protected by the first, and but justly corrected by the last, we can never in justice repine at the powerfulnesse of our Prince. Sir, seing man desires to sway Dominions Scepter, and hates to stoop to the shrine of anothers power, doubtlesse they had never willingly subjected themselves to Monarchy, if they had not been convinced by their reason, of its signal advantages. It is that Government which preventeth the emulation of competitors, which concealeth what is to be acted, and is able to remedy those evils which delay might make insuperable: neither of which advantages can be expected, or hath ever been perceived in a Commonwealth: and as amongst figures the pyramide stands most firmly; so amongst Governments, Monarchy (which in the geometry of policy, may be called the pyramide) is of all others the most sure-footed: whereas that round figure, the Commonwealth, is globe-like always rolling; And as it is reasonable, that the gods should [Page 337] govern men, because they are more rational than men, and that man should goven bruits, because he is more rational than those; So amongst men, it is rational and just, that because some are more ingenious than others, and one yet more ingenious than these some; that therefore those few (such as are Nobles) should govern the rest of the people; and that one Monarch should govern those few Nobles. Neither is it fit, that those who understand once the mysteries of State-affairs, and who have their Intelligence setled once with Forreign Princes and Ministers of State, should then be removed (as we see is, yea and must be done in Commonwealths) for that were to remove one from a trade when he hath past his apprentisage, and if these be not removed, they will prove Monarchs at last; so that in shunning one, we shall have many; and those many, because of their factions and treacheries (for all can neither be honest nor concordant) shall be more insupportable, and lesse usefull than that one. Sir, our rambling to and fro, tasting all Governments, evidences our folly, but addeth to your glory; for none can alleage now that it is only your birth, which hath entitled your Majesty to these Crowns, which is the ordinary opprobrie wherewith other Princes are upbraided; no [Page 338] Sir, for now the hand of our reason hath subscribed your election; and if there be any thing more desirable in elective Monarchy, than there is in hereditary, your Majesty may justly pretend to both; we have nothing to excuse our defection, but over-powering necessity, so that we may be compared to a stone which violence may take from its place, and throw up in the air, but its natural inclination will draw it presently to its former center; for no sooner did occasion acquaint us with the possibility of your Majesties return, but immediatly our acclamations and bonfires joyned hand in hand to testifie the ardour of our desires, and height of our zeal for your re-establishment: and for the future, our chearfull obedience shall attone our former obstinacy, for which we shall ever stand in the sackcloath of repentance: And since all good is desirable, and is desirable, because it is good; the more desired any thing is, the better it may be judged to be; and I am confident, never Nation desired more passionatly, nor expressed more vehemently their desires than we at this time, whereby we have according to our small abilities, witnessed what high thoughts and great expectations we have of your Majesties incomparable goodness: and as both our wishes and expectations of your goodness are [Page 339] great, we hope your Majesties endeavours to satisfie both, will be as great as either: and that since injustice hath made our former Tyrants abominable, that ye will by justice make your Reign amiable; remember, Sir, that as the contests and litigiousness of private persons, together with the desire to have them terminated, was the first motive which invited men to bow to Monarchy; So it will be now, that which will endear Monarchy to all. Remember, Sir, that all your noble ornaments are badges of that noble vertue; your Scepter is given you, to shew your Legislative power, your Sword is given you to punish those who disobey it, and your Crown as a reward for acting in obedience to it. That is the vertue which Moralists esteem so much, that they think it can have excess; a quality which is attributed to no other vertue, besides these that are divine; such as the love of God, and such others. Your Courts of Justice are the stomack of your Kingdom, which first digests truth and equity, and then diffuseth it to the remotest parts of that politick body; But, Sir, if the stomach be corrupted by depraved or flegmatick humours, what a languishing condition will the body be redacted to? as to war against neighbouring States, and such like martial imployments; [Page 340] they are not necessary, but as they defend Justice; and may justly be compared to a hedge about a garden, which bears no fruit themselves, but defends these trees which do bear; whereas Justice is that fruit-tree which bears the golden apples of peace, plenty and vertue, and under whose shade your subjects may rest securely. All we can do is, to submit to your Decrees, and to pray to the eternal and omnipotent gods, to accumulate your Majesty with all prosperity and happiness.
The Nation did now begin to look like a body reconvalescing after a feaver, which grows more fat than it was formerly, and like a woman brought to bed, did forget its former miseries: and I remember that being in a barg [...] of pleasure, which was covered with gold and cristal; after we were weary with musick, we fell a discoursing of the poverty of these Nations; for seing the mines did every year cast a golden fleece, and seing forreigners had never forraged the Country, it was strange to see such an ebb of treasure, where there used formerly to be so many spring-tydes of wealth: To this another Gentleman answered, That in all nations, there was much of the substance of gold lost in gildings, laces, and embroideries much treasured up by misers, and lost by thei [...] [Page 341] unexpected deaths; That fires in towns, and shipwrack and sights at Sea, sunk much of it; and that the low value which was daily put upon it, lower than formerly, made it seem more scarce. But besides these, there were some reasons peculiar to this same Nation; such as its being cashed up by those who hid it, fearing to be called rich, and fearing publick borrowings (which was the ordinary practice of those Rebels) or, because those who borrowed, payed but small usery for it, and bankrupted often with it, so that the danger was great, and the profit small: As also the money formerly was in Noblemens hands, who because of other exigences were alwayes using it; whereas those wretches who had it now, did lay it in coffers, living rather conform to their low births than their rich fortunes; Likewise neighboring Nations by raising the value of it, drew it to them; neither did any coin passe here, but what carried the impressa of the Nation, which made no Nation send in money to it.
After this discourse, we did begin to debate, whether in these times wherein the Country swarmed with Traitors, a kinsman or friend could in reason intercede for his friend or kinsman who was a Rebel? which one Philanax alleaged was unlawfull; for else (said he) man [Page 342] being naturally enclined to rebellion, (sparkling ambition flying naturally upwards) if the fear of punishment did not deter them, their numbers should increase immeasurably; and who would fear, if friends would interceed for them, and if intercession could ransom them? and what Rebel wants some friend or kinsman? but rather loyal persons should be ashamed of such relations. Likewise men are born subjects to their Prince, aswell as kinsmen to their relations, and so nature requires subjection to their Prince, as much as affection to their friends: And as for friends, there can be no friendship where there is no vertue, and there can be no vertue where there is no loyalty, and much perjury; and seing a kinsmans intercession may make him guilty of all the blood that a spared Traitor may spill, thereafter no man can be obliged to interceed for a Traitor, though a friend, no more than he can be obliged to comit murder upon his accompt. And since it is problematick in Law, whether a father ought to dilate his son, who hatcheth rebellion, or shelter him after it is once committed, doubtless it will determine, that a friend (whose relation is remoter than that of a father) should not interceed (seing to interceed is to shelter) for a notorious Rebel.
[Page 343] My Lord, this discourse hath (I fear) rather racked your patience, than satisfied your judgment, except your patience be as great as my discourse hath been tedious, which is morally impossible, your soul being a vessell, which can hold no more than is measured by the true standart of vertue. Yet I expect your Lordships pardon, since the excrescency of my Narration flows from a conceit which I have, that I can never serve your Lordship enough; and this makes me desire, that if I be any wayes criminable, my crime may be too much service.
The Fourth Book.
THe hard-hearted ice had now dissolved it self in tears, through rage to see it self conquered by its enemy the Sun, who advancing to his former height, from which that rebel, Winter, had degraded him, was sending forth his beams in troops, to subdue Winters auxiliaries; and in that sweet moneth of May, wherein the earth, as a badge of her gratefulness to the Summer, begins to put on its livery; and when the air layes aside that vail of thick mist, wherein it lapped it self during the coldnesse of the Winter. In a [Page 344] sweet morning of that sweet season, the two Ladies, Agapeta and Aretina, who had lien together the last night (resolving to overtake the Sun in bed) did rise very early, leaving their Waiting-maids lying in Morpheus imbraces, who was begetting on them that bastard babe called Laziness; and so were necessitated to play the hand-maid to each other, which was notwithstanding no great task, seing their cloathes seemed most willing to hing upon them, as if they knew how much they were honoured by being theirs. Yet the Ladies were no sooner entered the Garden, than they perceived the Sun walking in the heavens, who had risen that morning sooner than formerly, to view that pleasant prospect which the earth afforded him; and, like an indulgent father, seemed to rejoyce, to see those lillies and roses, which were the off-spring of his own rayes. At the corner of a hedge they encountred Megistus and Philarites, who were signetting that sweet air, with the yet more sweet names of their matchless Mistrisses. Philarites would willingly have tendered his respects to them, but his heart, which did climb up his throat, as if it would have propined it self to Aretina, had already stopt the passage: which Megistus perceiving, and bowing, as if he would have by that posture, shewed the Ladies how much [Page 345] he esteemed himself below them: Fair Ladies, said he, if our attendance upon you might suit with your diet and quiet, we should court the imployment with thousands of wishes, and acquit our selves of it with all possible endeavours. Gentlemen, replied Agapeta, seing we cannot meliorate you by our society, we dare not vex you by such fruitlesse attendance, neither is there any thing in such a barren imployment, whereby ye could advantage your already accomplisht spirits, except in evidencing the strength of your patience, in vanquishing without anxiety the importunacy and impertinencies of two, rather innocent than well accomplisht Ladies. Accomplishments, said Megistus, were very imprudent if they choosed not to lodge in such rare bodies as yours are; for, I am confident they may travel the world over, before they finde any such other receptacles; and as for us, seing nature glories of you as of her master-pieces, the best of men, and much more we, may be vain of the title of your servants; an honour rather to be wished than merited. Gentlemen, answered Aretina, if nature had intended to glory in our shapes, she would have made us Megistus and Philarites, whose praises are so large and numerous, that no mouth is large enough to contain them, but all mouths run over of them; and to express [Page 346] whose praises, duty endeavours to make each tongue eloquent. Incomparable Ladies, said Philarites, we have acted nothing since our arrival here, but what we have acted as your servants, so that if men admire us, it is because we are persons upon whom ye are pleased to lay your commands (attributing that to desert, which is the meer effect of favour) and so by telling us that we are admired, ye remember us of those vast obligations which we owe you. Well, Sir, replied Aretina, since ye have disarmed my tongue of complement, and hath turned the edge of my own weapon against me, it were high time to yeeld, to which I am the rather willing, that I know that all that I can yeeld to you, is yours by merit formerly; for since we owe our lives to you, and since all that a man hath he will give for his life, it is clear, that ye may challenge as yours, all that we could bestow as our own. Agapeta desired them to end these complements, and that each of them would remark something in that Garden, where every thing was remarkable, and that I may begin, look how the flourish peeps out of its green palace, to behold this sweet moneth, and to smell that excellent perfume, wherewith the Sun hath poudered the heads of the undergrowing hills. Aretina remarked how time had borrowed youth from an old [Page 347] apple-tree, to lend it to a young cherry-tree which grew not far from it, whose coat was so long worn, that it was now all in rags; See ye not (continued she) how it hath stood so long that it is now weary, and would willingly lie down, if the carefull Gardener had not provided a staff for its age to lean upon? and yet in spight of age, ye see how its fruits do flourish, ripening alwayes as the tree grows old, and bringing seeds in their bosome wherewith to plenish the earth after they are gone, and the tree fallen. Observe, fair Ladies, said Megistus, how these red roses blush, and these tulips grow pale, through anger to see their beauty so outstript by yours, and how these cherries, albeit they be but hard hearted creatures, yet understand their duty so well as bow downwards to do you obeisance, and would willingly throw themselvs at your feet, if their stalks did not hinder them; and how yonder pond hath drawn your picture, and placed it in its bosome, presenting it to you when ye approach, to indicate the high value it sets upon your beauty, and concealing it when ye are gone, fearing lest any should rob it. Philarites recommended to them, to advert, how the gods had cleared the sky purposely that morning, that they might have the fuller view of them; and how the grass propi [...]e [...] their [Page 348] shoes with their pearly drops, which seemed to kiss their feet in token of subjection. This gave them occasion to laugh at one anothers pretty conceits, wherein their wanton inventions seemed to sport themselves.
After this, they went to repose themselves a little in an Arbour, where all the branches had laid their heads together, to resist the scorching Sun, and to shelter those who refuged under its protection, and whose walls like strainers, did separate the light from the heat, keeping out the one, and letting in the other; refuting thereby the opinion of some Philosophers, who opinion that light is nothing but fire dilated, and that fire is nothing but light contracted. Megistus and Agapeta stayed a little behind, both that they might the more freely entertain one another, and that they might give Philarites the conveniency of entertaining Aretina, who finding that none eyed him, threw up his eyes, as if he durst not fix them upon Aretina, and passionatly sighed up these few words. O heavens, what favour have I done you, that ye should lend me this hand? or rather, wherein have I offended you, that ye should, as a punishment, crown my soul in this ocean of joy? Can I, miserable Philarites, be so happy, as to find an occasion of evidencing to Aretina, how that his happiness [Page 349] depends solely upon her? Whereto Aretina smiling, replyed, Can passion conquer unconquerable Philarites? or, is it Philarites pleasure, to act the personage of an enamorato, to testifie how exquisit he is, not only in real vertue, but even in apparent passion? Philarites would have proceeded further, but was interrupted by the cryes of one who came running to him, and who look'd like one who had propined his wit to love for his Mistris sake, thinking all donatives besides, unworthy presents for so divine a passion; his flaming zeal which had stayed within so long as there was any thing unconsumed for it to feed upon, did now flash abroad at his nostrils, and by its smoak had obfuscated his native colour: his eyes by their rolling and continual motion, witnessed that they missed the object, whereon they desired to fix their rayes; and the variety of his motions, shew the lightness of the body which was moved, his words were cut to pieces by his inconsiderate irresolution, and the torrent of his discourse resembled a river, which the broader it grows, grows always the shallower; such was the heat of his passion, that it made him tear off all his cloaths, and his looks and thoughts strove, which should change oftest. This was the miserable Moragapus, who was enamoured of a young Lady called [Page 350] Calista, who gave him a very kindly requittal of his love, which an Alexandrian Gallant, who was his rival, perceiving, perswaded him that Calista had deserted him, and had bestowed her affection upon another; whereupon Moragapus, who lived then in the Country, desires to return to the City, but was impeded by his father, who conjectured his errand, and who protested withall, that as he had fettered himself by love, so he should be fettered by chains, if he turned not proselyte to a fathers entreaties. This made Moragapus melancholy, and his melancholy did dictate to him some expressions, which enraged his father, so that he hermitaged him in a chamber, denying him company, which was the sole cure of his sick fancy, and diversion, which was the only probable mean to recover him out of his frantick love: this restraint did fully fling him over the rock of distraction, upon whose edge he stood formerly (passion resembling those spiritfull horses, who stir most and are maddest, when the bridle is most straitly held by the rider; and men resembling oft fine cloathes, which corrupt most when they are kept closest; and the will is of the nature of these things, which spill by being packed up in too narrow bounds) and thereafter he became so demented, that whereas they kept him formerly under restraint for [Page 351] prevention, they were obliged to do it now, through necessity: at last the mercilesse fire having one night seized upon his fathers house, he was brought out, and amidst the confusions wherein all were involved at that time, he escapes their hands, and comes streight to Alexandria, and finding the Garden door open, he enters, and apprehends Aretina to have been Calista, whereupon he runs to her, and flings himself at her feet, quivering out the irregular notes of his ill tune'd passion; leaping from sentence to sentence, and sometimes running over one sentence twice, till Aretina, sorry to see this tyranny of madnesse, assured him, that Calista was in another corner of the Garden, which information posts him away, (his light body being easily blown away by the least puft of perswasion) and accidentally he spieth Calista walking upon the brink of a deep pond, which was hemmed in with marble, he no sooner spies her, but he runns to her, and she no sooner spies him, but that terrified with the unexpectednesse of the sight, (for it had been concealed from her) and fearing some outrage, she offered to step back, but her gown feltring her feet, trips up her heels, so that she falls in the pond, her weight and haste carrying her to the bottom: but the water, which seemed to glory that so rich a pearl was to be [Page 352] found there, did throw her body presently up again, as if it intended to shew that she was in its possession; yet albeit the water shew her, she could shew no appearance of life, for death (that rather tyrant than conquerour) who like a rigid creditor, exacts of us that last debt oftimes before the ordinary term of payment) had possest it self of all the chief forts of her soul, and had displayed his ordinary standard, paleness, in her face, to shew that the place was conquered: at her fall, the water did flee circular-wise from her body, fearing to be accessory to the murder of so choice a person, and look'd drumely at so tragick a misfortune; yet she might have escaped, if the thrice infortunate Moragapus had not leapt in after her, and there by strugling to save her, had not drowned both himself and her.
The Knights and Ladies who knew nothing of this sad occurrant, were sitting all this while in the Arbor; and Megistus was remarking from Moragapus looks (wherein all might have read his distraction) how much they were to blame, who blamed Phisiognomy, as an Art both artless and uncertain: for, said he, seing the dullest amongst men, may perceive by that fellows looks, his madness; certainly others of more prying spirits, and a more frequent observation, may come to discern the nature of [Page 353] less observable looks, for there is not so great a disproportion, betwixt those evidently known looks, and others that are less discernable, than there is betwixt an artlesse observation, and a serious and experimental remark; for as an unexperienced clown, can see nothing in the face of heaven, albeit a skilfull Astrologue can prognostick from it, what weather is to be expected; So a skilfull Phisiognomist may perceive, what is undiscernable by the eye of a skillesse guesser: And we see, that different tempers have different faces, the Melancholians looks, differing for from those of a Flegmatician; and so, since these temperaments are natural, we may conclude, that the difference of those looks which are proper to them, must be likewise natural, and if natural, why not discoverable by Art? seing it is natural to man, to know all Natures operations: for, albeit there be many Provinces in the Globe of Learning, which are yet unknown (mans laziness restraining him from such new adventures) yet the Needle of Reason being observed, we may come to coast Natures greatest difficulties. We see likewise that a mans looks, changes as his thoughts, which argues clearly, that there is some connexion and dependance betwixt the thoughts and looks: for, our bodies do resemble a lanthorn, wherein that divine light, the soul, is [Page 354] placed; and our faces are the horn through which may be easily perceived, whether the within shining light be in it self clear, or not; and it would appear very suitable to divine Providence, that ingenuity should wear some badge whereby it may be known, and being known may be respected; whereas roguery, wearing its own colours, may be found out, and so evited, lest else honest men should be cheated upon all occasions by soulless knaves.
Your sex is much obliged to this poor fellow, said Agapeta, for he hath vindicated you of that aspersion wherewith generally all men are tainted, which is, That all their passion is but simulate; wherefore, Sir, I could wish to hear from you, whether men can be really enamoured of such ugly faces at all, and whether they can be so deeply taken with the best, as to become distracted through missing them?
Madam, replyed Megistus, providence seems for ornament, to have filled the gallery of this world with faces strangely different; yet, on the other hand, when we consider, how the most exquisit pencile is not able to draw two faces in nothing unlike, we may judge, that this variety hath been rather the effect of chance, than pains; and if we consider what a great variety of thoughts are to be found in the world, there being some dependance betwixt thoughts [Page 355] and faces, we need not admire the difference of faces: for, mans face being patched up of so many traits and colours; and the eye (which influenceth hugely upon the looks, the face changing according to the difference of the eye, as a picture doth by the several positions of an optick glasse) being so varying in it self, it is rather a wonder, to see how two faces should be found any-wayes like, than that two faces should be so dislike; wherefore, Nature having produced all men and women to be coupled together, and nothing being so able to couple them as affection, it hath given several inclinations to men and women, whereby they are in a manner constrained to love those different faces; for, man being naturally incompleat, needs a fellow-helper to accomplish him; and as every piece will not serve to accomplish and fill up the vacant room of what is wanting, neither is it enough that it be either greater, or of better stuff, So it is not sufficient, to make a man love a woman, that she is of nobler extraction, richer, or wittier than her whom he loves: no, that is not sufficient, for it is likewise requisit, that she be exactly adapted to his fancy; for, if all men loved only those who were wise, rich, or noble; there being many women who can pretend to neither, there should be many who behoved for ever to live [Page 356] unmarried, and albeit a man may think that he could marry any of many hundreds whom he sees, yet he is in that mistaken; Not unlike an Artisan who takes up several pieces, thinking them fit enough to fill a void, which when he applies he finds most unfit. And the difference of the eyes which look, makes the difference oft of what is looked upon; for as in a plain glasse, that object seems great which is lessened much by a concave mirrour; so some eyes judge that beautifull, which others account ugly; and if reason were imployed as the only proxenet, yet we should see as much of this variety in the love of faces, as we see there is in the love of opinions; and as there is no opinion so absurd but it will still find a patron; so there should be no face so ugly, but it should find a lover: And seing there would be such different choices, even albeit reason were umpire; what may we expect from fancy, whose acts being but simple apprehensions, must be more different than the acts of the judgment, which never traces in any path except where reason is its guide. And as to the other question, which your Ladyship proposed, Whether loves storms may blow so furiously, as to shatter our reason, and may appear so terrible as to fright us out of our wits: I believe certainly, Madam, that it may; for, as a person may [Page 357] over-reach himself so, to the effect that he may grasp that which is placed in a high place above him, that he may disjoynt his body thereby; so the soul of man may endeavour so to reach up the hand of desire, that it may disjoynt it self by its nimious attempt; and a mans reason may flie for shame to see it self so disappointed, as that what it desired most to enjoy, should be enjoyed by another: And as the body may weary it self so, in hunting and traversing to and fro, as that it may by that immoderat travel, fall in some uncurable disease; so, the soul may by too anxious cares run it self in some insuperable distemper; Neither can I blame altogether such a generous wit, as scorns to outlive its own felicity, and who desires to understand nothing, after he understands that his Mistris disaffections him; for then, the wit which formerly served him as an ornamen [...], will then serve him only as a torturer. And such a lover may appositly be compared to one who draws a cord, or any thing else to him, with such vehemency, that if it break, he must undoubtedly fall; and his wits may be said to leave their old residence, that they may by roaving up and down, try if they can find her whom they so much admire, and adore so intensly; Yet, Madam, albeit I revere passionatly that divine vertue, Love, I cannot notwithstanding, [Page 358] but hate that species of it, which being nursed by avarice, languishes thereafter in discontentment (and no wonder that such foul milk should occasion an ill tempered complexion) neither can I comprehend how true lovers can be soldered together by gold, a mettal which the gods seems to have hid in the bowels of the earth, lest our avarice should have taken notice of it; must that dross which carries only the impressa of some Monarch, be preferred to the rich mettal of true love? which bears the effigies of the immortal gods, and which is only forged in heavens mint-house, whence nothing that is impure proceeds, and where nothing that is pure is lacking: And must the Suns bastard be preferred to that celestial off-spring? Are Venus chains become weaker than formerly through too much usage? or hath the Suns continued influence, refined gold to a greater excellency than it was of in the dayes of our predecessors? Can avarice, which ingendreth murders, rapines, thefts, and rebellion, be the parent of so divine and heroick vertues? or can that which cannot incite a man to the acts of generation, be the basis of that whereby all true generation is warranted? as also there is much imprudence in this choice, for gold having made a man dispense with the tenderness, lameness, or uncomliness of a wife, [Page 359] she brings him forth such children, as that their ugly shapes, and crabbed humours, makes him ashamed to term himself their father; and who needs more money to patch up those imperfections in each of them when they are to be matched, than he received by his match with their mother? beside what treasure he must squander daily amongst Physicians and Apothecaries (from whom they must buy a lease of their life) to maintain that ruinous fabrick which totters from the first day it was founded; neither need I swell up this sum of their fathers miseries, with either his inward frettings, which must be as numerous as are the views which he hath, either of his deformed wife, or formless children: or the outward opprobries, wherewith he hears both her and them daily aspersed, by jeering neighbours and railing adversaries, who are glad to find something whereon to fix the teeth of their envie; who will not miss to upbraid him with his avarice, and them with their defects; and albeit there be no infallibility, yet there is much probability in that conjecture, that such as is the body, such must be the soul, Nature having like a wise merchant, bestowed the finest cases upon the richest Jewels or Watches. There are lkewise another race of Cupids bastards, who love assoon as they are acquaint, and these love [Page 360] oft times because they are not well acquaint; they love oft, before they try one anothers tempers, and so joyn oft with those of contrary tempers, and this being as opposit in their humours, as fire, water, and the other elements, they agree oft as these assimbolick elements do, the one extinguishing the other, and the one devouring the other; and as the conjunction of these can never parentate any production, so their copulations are oft barren, and never very fruitfull. Neither do the inconveniencies which accress from hence sist in their personal prejudice only, but turns also to the prejudice of many others, for of these two who are so unfitly matched; the one might have been a good wife, if she had marryed another husband, and so it occasions that others misfortune; and the other might have proven a good husband, if he had married another wife; and so that match hath occasioned that other womans prejudice. Wherefore seing willing rashness marreth so many marriages, I admire why Judges and Legislators should by constrained inconsideratness occasion moe; for, if a fantastick youth, demented by a fond passion, do promise marriage to a woman, they oblige him to marry her, albeit [...]e neither understand what is the strength of a promise, nor the nature of marriage, a thing in it self not so reasonable as legal; and [Page 361] yet, if straitly examined, will scarce be found legal: for, if the consent or promise of a mad man, or a fool, will not oblige him to a performance, why should they who are both mad and fond, either through love, or lust, be so straitned? and that they are either ideots, or furious, may be conjectured by the effects, (which are the means whereby in all cases such persons are dig [...]osced) for if they were not such, they would never throw themselves away upon such bargains, nor sell themselves and their liberties at the rate of one hours pleasure; and if we may justly account him distracted, who sells an opulent fortune for a toy, how much more may we conclude him such, who exchanges his liberty, which is by far more excellent than his fortune, for that which is much worse than a toy? and if the Law rescinds bargains, where the buyer is cheated in a half, why should they confirm this, wherein he is cheated in all, and where he gains nothing but discontentment, which is worse than nothing? and if we will turn over the Records either of history or experience, we will learn there, what murders, rapins, and massacres have budded from this same root, which this same promise springs from, even from distracted love, whose slames burns oft reason to ashes, and contagins all the faculties of him with whom it resides; [Page 362] and if the Law obliges not him, who hath tied himself by a causeless paction, albeit of the smallest importance; how can it tie him to perform a promise which hath no cause, or if it hath any, is such a cause, as is abominable and filthy, and so rather invaliditats than corroborats the thing promised; and I am confident, that the expectation of a promise, induces many to whore, who otherwise would continue chaste (many being content to sell their chastity who would never bestow it freely) and it is most sacrilegious to see that divine contract, which should be only celebrated in the temples of the immortal gods, celebrated in bordels and whorish beds.
This discourse ended, Agapeta entreated the Knights to remove a little, to prevent misconstruction; for, said she, our tender repute may be easily wounded, except it be armed with caution, and our favours which we bestow upon you as strangers, will be certainly envyed, except they be palliated by prudence: The Knights, in obedience to their desire, removed presently, leaving the Ladies to their private entertainment, and congratulating their own indicible happiness: but Philarites was scarce arrived at his chamber, when a Letter was presented to him by a Gentleman, whose joy could scarce suffer him to deliver it. Philarites as [Page 363] impatient to know what was in it, as fearfull that it was to recall him home, broke it open, and trembling did read it thus.
YOur silence and absence have founded an opinion of your death in the minds of all my Nobles, who now cantone themselves in factions, hoping either to snatch the Crown from my old head whilst I yet live, or at least to vie for it immediatly after my death. Great mens ambition is never so fast asleep, but that the least touch from the hand of occasion is able to awake it, and when it begins once to stir, neither the respect which they bear to their Prince, nor the thundrings of an accusing conscience, are able to terrifie that fearless monster: the fear of your death, and of their rage, do like two ropes, drag me to my grave; and how can the weak natural heat of an old heart resist the coldness of age, when joyned with that of melancholy? and when an old man is laid upon the death-bed of grief, his speech will surely be laid shortly. Wherefore, Son, if ye have not forgot your duty, aswell as your country, return home immediatly after the receipt hereof, and relive both your Father, and your Crown, whose languishing condition requires your assistance; for my weak hands are no [Page 364] longer to sway such a Scepter, nor my old head [...]able to support a Crown, which care and rebellion hath made weightier than it was formerly.
This fatal Letter did put Philarites resolution to a bay, his fathers condition, and his own affection divided equally the forces of his mind betwixt them; his fathers condition required a cure, and yet his affection to Aretina would not suffer him to be the Physician: knowing that whilst he endeavoured to recover his lost Crown, he hazarded the losse of Aretina, who was dearer than his Crown to him. To unkernel which doubt, he sends for Megistus, who perswaded him, presently to obey his father; For, said he, will ye hazard Aretina's Crown by your lingring? or, would ye wish to marry her, except ye had a Crown to bestow upon her? or think ye, that she will mind him who minds not his own businesse? Sir, Love requires that ye should ensure your Ladies Kingdom, Nature requires that ye should assist your old Father, Justice requires that ye should punish Traitors, and Gallantry requires that ye should rather follow, than flee dangers. Let not your Valour be like the Physician, who can cure others, but not himself: and whilst those who know you not, talk of your courage and conduct, let not your subjects, who know [Page 365] you, smile at your esseminate cowardishnesse.
This discourse determined the question, betwixt Philarites affection and his courage: so leaving Megistus, he march'd streight to Aretina's chamber, where finding her alone, (Monan [...]hropus being gone to the country) he enters, waited on only by a chearful countenance, and after a low obeisance made, he thus expresseth himself to her: Incomparable Aretina, my Fathers commands, and the necessities of my Nation, rather drives, than takes me away from this place: neither is it so much to ensure a Crown, as it is to ensure your Crown, that I undertake this pilgrimage. If I wanted natural affection, I were unworthy to be your Servant; and if I wanted a Crown, I were unworthy to be your husband: Wherefore I come to beg your permission to return home, to satisfie the one, and to fix the other; hoping in my absence, to testifie my constancy, and by my speedy return, to witness what a high value I put upon your presence, in which I taste the choicest of contentments, and without which all things besides seems but tastless to the palate of my pleasure. Aretina surprized, but not dejected at what she heard, did, much to his satisfaction, deceive his expectation; returning him this sweet answer. Philarites, Vertue and I are not at such odds, as that ye [Page 366] must displease the one, to obey the other; no▪ Philarites, I am confident the gods will prove a target to defend you, whilest ye prove the sword of your family: my sex makes me fearfull, yet my experience makes me confident of the unalterableness of your affection; and I know you to be too generous in every thing else, to prove base in that, wherein the basest of men prove often generous. Wherefore go, invincible Philarites, victory waits for you; only, remember your friends, when either your leisure, or pleasure, can steal an hour from your more weighty imployments, and with that she imbraceth him, and intreats him instantly to be gone: for, said she, a womans courage should be tryed, not tempted, and if ye would wish me to pers [...]vere, take from me by your speedy removal, the means of repenting. Philarites was confounded by this command; for albeit she gave him leave to go, yet she did that with so much grace, that it invited him once yet to stay wholly. But whilst he was thus debating what was fittest to be done, she fell upon an expedient her self, of taking at her own hands what she desired from him; for stepping in to her closet, and closing the door, she left him alone, obliged in civility to depart her chamber. Yet in retiring, she glanced over her shoulder, and then, only one tear broke the pr̄ison of her [Page 367] fair eyes, prest out by the multitude of those other tears which stood behind it; but no sooner was she entered, but that unruly crowd forced themselves a passage, and as a volley of small shot, discharged themselves in honour of Philarites intended voyage: who rather dissembling than quenching his passion, went to Agapeta's chamber, accompanied by Megistus, to tender his respects to her, for his Majesty was then gone abroad; to whom, immediatly upon his return, he addressed himself, and by whom he was dismist with many extraordinary testimonies of his singular affection to him, ordering his Guards to wait upon him to the utmost confines of Egypt, and all the Ordnance to send their shot a piece of the way with him: he ordered likewise by the Lord Chamberlain, that his Master of Ceremonies, should carry to him some Jewels, and that the Kings Jeweller should carry to him some Plate (for these were the formalities of all those Nations) all which he refused, accepting only from the hands of Agapeta (to whom the King entrusted that particular, hoping by the quality of the giver to oblege him to accept the gift) his Majesties Portrait, richly deckt with inestimable Jewels, which he accepted, telling her, that he thought himself much honoured, by having the means when he pleased of coming in his Majesties [Page 368] presence: and so he departed Alexandria, all who met him, proffering him their attendance; but he, acknowledging their courtesie, told them, that his business with Megistus required some retiredness: and thus they two rode out together, followed only by Kalodulus, whom Megistus commanded to wait upon Philarites, and prest him further to accept of his attendance, alleadging, that he could not now abandon him in difficulties apparently greater, and certainly such as related to him more nearly, than those wherein they had been formerly joyntly engaged; but Philarites declined it most resolutely: for, said he, our affairs here requires that one of us should be present, and my pressures at home are not yet come to that maturity, but that I alone may suppress them, So that since your presence is necessary in the one, and would be superfluous in the other, I will entreat your stay; and if these weeds wax higher, I will then, and not till then, entreat your absence; and will in this play the wise General, who keeps the choice of his forces as a reserve, till the latter end of the day. Whereupon, locking themselves in one anothers arms, they shewed more compassion than could be expect [...]d from men of such a vast courage, bold mens veins and eyes being filled with bloud, whereas those of compassionat men are filled [Page 369] with tears, for those objects which move the one to compassion, move the other to revenge; We see ordinarily that steel cannot be softned, nor can the fiery flint be hollowed by the falling drops of water, as the softer stones are: yet sometimes sorrow, which cannot beget revenge, nor ease it self that way, breaks out in compassion, and when the heat of affection tempers the steel of courage, it becomes plyable at pleasure. After this Philarites ships in, and by the help of the complacent winds (who whistled like a waggoner to move the ship to run more swiftly) in a short space, takes leave of Megistu [...] long-tracing eyes, who stood upon the shoar both sorrowfull, and glad of his so ready passage. After a fortnights journey, he arrives in Thracia, and writes to Evander his father, to provide Coaches, Suits, and Attenders for him, and shortly enters Bizantium the capital City of Thracia, and passeth alongst all its streets, with a cavalcade of all the Nobility and Gentry of the Nation, who, conscious to their own guilt, and fearing that it would be revealed by some of their Colleagues, each laboureth by his discovery to prevent the rest of the Complot: and thus, every one fearing to speak to his neighbour of a Combination, they acquiesce to what Philarites commanded; yet he, desirous, like a good Physician, that that [Page 370] ulcer should ripen, that so it might break, and purge the body of some pestilential humours, suffereth some to be dissatisfied, who running to their arms, flocked to one Philenus, a Thracian Nobleman, whom he had immediatly upon his return secured, and whom he caused the Jaylor suffer now to escape, who rendevouzed shortly six thousand men; for he expected, if not to gain the field by fighting, yet at least, to ensure his life and estate by capitulation; to which effect, he writes presently to Philarites, promising to draw all under his command to his Highness obedience, upon the security of his life and fortune: This Philarites no sooner received, but he dispatches copies of it to his Agents in Philenus Armie, who disseminate amongst the Soldiery Philenus treachery, who used them only as means to gain his own, and not their peace, which so alienated the hearts of his dependers from him, that they quit him peice-meal; whereof Philarites (who with two Regiments of Horse waited this occasion) being ascertained, falls upon him and his Confederates, and suffers few of them to escape; which catastrophe of these bold rebels brought the Nation to its former obedience.
Let us again glance a little at Aretina; upon whom Ophni Duke of Iris had look'd through the prospect of respect; which usually aggrandizes [Page 371] all things that are represented by it; which dye had tinctured so all his thoughts, as that neither the soap of pains, nor the Fullers earth of reason, were able to return them to their former colour: love being like pitch, which no sooner touches than it sticks; and which when it once sticks, can hardly be removed: wherfore finding that this barbed arrow which Cupid had stuck in him, could not be drawn back, without leaving its head in the wound, he resolves to drive it forward, and resolves either to lose himself, or to gain her; seing without her, he concluded himself fit for nothing: and albeit the vastness of her fortunes (being only heir to a potent Duke) were golden mountains, over which his meaner condition (being low in his estate) could scarce scramble; and which being past, the difficulties were not yet all overcome, for she was yet fortified by her fathers honours, and her own beauty; to batter all which ramperts, he could bring no other engyns, besides those of importunity, patience, and confidence: but alas, poor Ophni, the fort of her affection is strongly manned by the high thoughts she hath of Philarites, and is provisioned daily by the perswasions and cunning of Megistus and Agapeta, and all the avennues of her servants and familiars are already blocked up with gold (cemented with [Page 372] civility) by Philarites during his last residence at Court; and as to thy pains, these small ordnance will never reach her, love being like to these shapes which are casten in a mould, which if they be not rightly moulded at the very first, can never (or at least hardly) be helpt by any future endeavours; and the wild fancy is of the nature of all other untamed beasts, which must be taken at a start, else can hardly be laid hold upon.
He endeavours by company, to conjure away these hopgoblin fancies, but all in vain; for, albeit whilst he is with his friends it leaves him, yet no sooner leaves he them, but instantly it returns to him; for albeit a melancholian may, like an ill-going clock, have the index of his humour put right by the hand of a friend, or of company, yet the in-works of his soul being distempered by that corrupt rust, he will presently run wrong as formerly. Finding no solacement here, he wanders in woods and groves (the ordinary galleries of such enamorato's) but there he is more distempered than formerly; for those fancies which could not follow him foot for foot in the crowd of Court, finds now room to walk side for side with him; for meditation being but a digested representation of what species and ideas were hudled up in the memory formerly, it can do nothing else, but [Page 373] make a more of what was but a much formerly: and so, if it find a man to have much prudence, or piety, it will make him to have more of both; whereas if it find him to have much impiety, or passion, it will screw them up to a greater height: and hence springs that proverb, that a solitary person must be either a Saint or a Devil; for, it being an extraordinary custom, it must argue an extraordinary genius; and albeit meditation be a mirrour wherein one may see himself represented without errour or flattery, yet it is such a mirrour as is the Sea, which if troubled, can represent no object whatsoever: Even so, if meditation be tossed with the storms of passion, its surface can represent nothing but horrour. And man being sociable naturally, as we see by all the faculties of his soul, and number of his senses, which were useless, if he were cloistred up in an Hermitage: for, why was the tongue given him, but to express to others his own thoughts, and to answer theirs? why his ears, but to hear others, &c. doubtless therefore his retiredness must be supernatural; and so either angelical, or diabolick. And the gods by distributing some perfections to one, some to another, have necessitated us either not to aim at any further accomplishment, or if we do, to learn it from one another; and how can that be done but in [Page 374] society? As also, in heaven we shall be fully happy; and yet there shall be there no hermitages, but we shall cleave together; which evidences, that hermitage and happiness roul not upon the same axletree. But neither could Ophni sing a requiem to his passion here, for his love presents to him the disparity of their fortunes, and this starts avarice; his love muster [...] to him all those who may pretend to be his rivals, and that starts up his envie, or at least, a passion less vertuous than emulation: his love terrifies him with the numbers of her fathers honours, and that puffs up his ambition. And thus hounded by all these raging passions, he knows not where to run, nor how to shelter: he tumbles down upon the ground, as if like an itchy horse, he meant to ease himself by rubbing with it; and immediately starting up, with his arms crost, he pawes with his foot, as if he intended to beat the earth, because it could not relieve him; but finding the earth could not help him, he throws up his eyes to heaven (an ordinary posture even amongst disconsolat Atheists, fore-ordained by providence to prove their dependance upon supernal powers) thinking that the other goddesses had taken her up there, to be their colleague. After this he turns to the by-running streams, but they glide away so swiftly, as that they will not stay to hear [Page 375] him; and the fishes, as if it were in derision, leaps up, to shew him what a priceless thing is freedom. The inhospital air likewise, to aggrege his misfortunes, no sooner receives his doleances, but each part of it, as if it were weary of them, posts them away immediatly to another part yet remoter, and at last refuses flatly to carry them any further: he vexes to see the crows, like frugal masters of families, build their nests, and feed their young ones; and to see those organists of heaven, the chanting larks, from their natural cage the firmament, quiver out their melodious notes, the air opening it self willingly to receive such a pleasant harmonie: and all these free from court care, and afflicting affection; whereas he, who brags of being created the master of all these, hath his head toiled with the cares of his family, and his breast burnt with the flames of love. At last, being refused shelter by all these, he addresses himself to that bold undertaker, confidence; who perswades him to return to Court, and promised to make way for him. I am (said confidence) that skilfull Physician, who hath recovered thousands of patients, after that others have condemned them to die; I am that bold Warriour who hath oft recruited desperat Armies; and by my hands have gallant and overweening Ladies been thrown in the arms, of by [Page 376] them despised Gentlemen. Goutish fear is never able to overtake his prey, and he stands so long hearkning to reason, that the bird is flown before he come to the nest; I strike so oft that I must kill at sometime; and I rally so suddenly, that I can never be beaten, or if I be beat, none dares twit me, lest I fall foul on them also. And I pray you (continued confidence) as a Ladies favour is the greatest prize in the world, so her refusal is one of the smallest affronts: for, since all men confesse that none can sufficiently merit a Ladies favour, what wrong is done, or what affront is received in not obtaining what was not merited; and seing a womans choice is attributed to her fancy, what wise man will esteem you a whit the worse, that her fancy conceited that ye were worse than ye are? He may be a good archer who misses his mark once, and an excellent merchant who loses one adventure: choice things are like diamonds of the rock, to gain which, pains are required; neither is the lame hands of fear, fit to dig in the mine of golden love. Fear is a cold humour, and so extinguisheth these divine fires, whereas courage is an oyl fit to conserve it. She loves you possibly, albeit she proclaims it not; and there may be fire in that which seems only an hard flint; she intends like all other women, to set a price upon her affection by the difficulty [Page 377] of obtaining it, and will have the race to be long, [...]eing the prize is great; she will have you to [...]ause the world take notice of her worth; and [...]elf-love, and vanity must needs have that come [...]y of Courtship entertained, because they are so [...]ickled by it. And it is reason, that she should have some time to try his humour, to whom she [...]ntends to subject hers at all times. When we buy that which is of any value, a slight view will not satisfie us; neither would ye your self bestow your childe without a most strict enquiry what his qualities and estate were upon whom ye bestowed her.
To extricate himself from these jarring debates, he sends for an old Priest who was Monanthro [...]us intimate acquaintance, and had likewise served his own father formerly, and communicates his design to him, and entreats him to deal with Monanthropus, which the Priest undertakes, and represents so cunningly to Monanthropus Lady, that he gains by her mediation her husbands consent; with this proviso, That Ophni should bestow his daughters estate upon her eldest son, who should carry her Name and A [...]ms, and that the second should have the Dutchy of Iris. To which Ophni agrees, since the honour of his own family was not in the least obfuscated thereby, which was to be maintained intire, in the person of his second son. This being agreed to, betwixt [Page 378] Ophni and the parents, they begin to sound the daughters inclinations, and her mother presses first, that she should marry, that the estate might be entailed upon her; whereas if she who was her mother, dyed, her father might marry a second wife, and so settle the estate upon her children. Aretina seems not to heed that discourse only she said she would consult with time ( [...] Counsellour whom experience had made wise) and that many young Ladies had been accounted famous, for living chast [...], but never any for marrying too soon; that the bearers were oft-times broken by pulling fruit too soon; and that she would rather live without a husband, than marry without singular affection; for, seing a conjugate life was hedged in with so many thorny difficulties, and attended by so many dangers to those of her sex, she resolved never to marry, til [...] she found one for whom she would be willing to hazard dangers, and encounter difficulties. At last the mother thinking that her daughter was like those who wil never bargain til they see their merchant; or like those merchants, who wil never sell freely till they see money; proposed to her a match with Ophni Duke of [...]ris (having formerly commanded her Nurse and Maids to speak of him with all respect possible) wherat Aretina smiling told her, that such a big tree as a Duke, was not fit to be engrafted upon any other root; meaning [Page 379] [...]at he would never relinquish his own family, [...]o maintain the honour of any's else. What, said [...]onaria, if he bestow the estate which comes with you upon your eldest son, and his own up [...]n his second son? really, replyed Aretina, I would not marry one, who honoured so little [...]is ancient family, to which he owes all the difference, which there is between him and his ser [...]ant, and for whose support his predecessors have [...]oiled so much: for as a man should, and doth [...]ove his father more tenderly than his Prince; so [...] man should love his old heritage better than his Country: and I should hate him, who betrayed his Country to pleasure a Mistris.
Ophni had always hitherto with much instance [...]nd a superstitious observance payed his respects [...]o Aretina, speaking with his eyes what his mouth durst not; but at last finding that darts thrown at so great a distance could wound but [...]ightly, imboldned by her parents assistance, he expresses thus his passion to her one morning.
Madam, it appears that Nature, like all Artisans, becomes daily the more skilfull, and that in shaping [...]thers she hath been studying how to shape you, and hath also as they do, reserved the choicest of her stuff till she was fully assured of her own skill. Since therefore every thing that is new excites admiration, and since every [...]hing that is ex [...]raordinary is new, I hope, incomparable Lady▪ that ye will pardon those who adore with respect, [...]hat nature hath made matchless by her skill, and since [Page 380] she shews more art than formerly, why should not we a [...]mire more than formerly? As for me, Madam, I a [...]knowledge that admiration invited me to know, and th [...] knowledge engendred love; but oh! better to have co [...]tinued ignorant, than to have become arrogant: for sin [...] love intends a conjunction, it must make a parity; and is arogance to wish that love should make a parity, whe [...] nature hath made such an imparity. Yet, Madam, suff [...] me to respect you, since respect hath imbosomed in it [...] subordination; and be confident, that my desires sh [...] never advance beyond the skreen of a profound respec [...] till it be ushered-in further by your irresistable com [...]mands, or at least connived at by your permission.
Aretina shunned to use any eloquence in he [...] answers to him, but rather in discourse, gesture [...] and all her other actions, endeavoured to reclai [...] him from his passion by a feigned shew of imper [...]fection; but all in vain, for his disease had con [...]tinued too long to be now cured, neither was h [...] so blinded by his passion, but that he saw he [...] dissimulation: which because it argued so much wit, did engage his affection more deeply tha [...] formerly. Her father continues to press her, but she declines the match, protesting that albeit she had no inclinations for any else, yet she had a [...] aversion from Ophni; and to marry her to him▪ were to tye an eagle to a stone, or make a fish flie [...] in the air: for that was as much contrary to he [...] humour, as these actions were contrary to theirs.
Aretina finding her fathers perseverance in [Page 381] [...] wherein she intended to shew so much ob [...]acy, acquainted Agapeta with it, who revea [...] it to Megistus, and disswaded her likewise [...] it; and one day it was Megistus good for [...]e to have an occasion to flout Ophni; for at Marriage of one of the Officers of the Crown, [...]re was a solemnity to be used of running at [...]e Tilt, wherefore Megistus feigns himself in [...]sposed a day before, but at the day appointed [...] mounts himself in a blue armour, over-spread [...]ith the Ivie and the Vine twisted together; in [...] shield for a device, he carried two Hands [...]asping one Sword, and defending one Heart; [...]e word was, If against one, against both. [...]fter that the Kings nephew had run his course [...]gainst the Martial Knight (who was now retur [...]ed to Court) and had almost broken his heart [...]ith rage, because he could not break a spear [...]ith success in presence of Agapeta, whom all [...]he Nation did destinate for his Mistris; Ophni [...]ppeared next, who longed to give proof of his [...]itherto unexperimented valour before Aretina; [...]is armour was painted over with a green field, [...]herein some fruits and flowers were beginning [...]o flourish, but lookt as if blasted with a cold [...]ost, and their leaves engrailed or beaten with [...]ail; in his shield he bore Cupid, piercing a fla [...]ning heart, and yet trampling upon it; the word was, Too cruel to be a god. Against him appeared [Page 382] Megistus, who had but presently entered th [...] field; carrying upon the top of his spear Aret [...] na's Picture, which made Ophni presently t [...] single him out of the croud to be his antagonist [...] but the other sent a Trumpet to meet him, an [...] desired to know if he carried her Picture also which Ophni presently produced; whereupo [...] both the Pictures were delivered to the Judges to be given to the Conqueror. This done, they begin their carreer, and at the first encounte [...] breaks both their staves, with equal success; an [...] then drawing their swords, they bestow many blows very freely, but courage was not able to defray Ophni's charges in contesting after tha [...] fashion with Megistus; and albeit Ophni fough [...] for a Mistris, and Megistus only for a Friend, ye [...] there was greater disparity betwixt the Champions, than there was betwixt the Quarrels. Yet even in the Quarrel, Megistus had the advantage; for albeit he fought not for his Mistris, yet he fought before his Mistris, from whom no vizard could disguise him; neither desired he to be so disguised, but that she should know him; wherefore enraged to see an apprentice so resist him, he ramasses his courage, and by an irresistible blow, bears Ophni to the ground, so bruised that he was scarce able to recruit himself; and thereafter rides to the Judges, who deliver him both the Pictures.
[Page 383] Whilst all the eyes of the company are fixt upon Megistus, some enquiring after his name; others admiring his courage; and none daring yet to appear against him. The Kings Nephew vanquish'd by grief, aswell as by the Martial Knight, falls a swouning (shame contracting the heart, and denying the body a fresh supply of spirits; as its opposit, confidence, dilatats it, and sends it fresh supplies flushly) which withdraws [...]ll mens admiration from Megistus, each running to recover the other, giving Megistus leave to re [...]re secretly to his bed without being noticed.
The Tilting ended, Ophni retires to his chamber, distracted with rage, and confounded with shame, trembling by the chilness of the one, and burning by the heat of the other; cursing providence for the niggardly allowance of strength it had bestowed upon him; and his own heart, for daring to engage in a quarrel which it was not able to maintain. Yet Monanthropus and his Lady, who valued not much such trifling affronts, did prosecute their former intention, but with very bad success: for Aretina, who could never remember Philarites but with affection, could never remember Ophni but with disdain: neither could her affection taste any more satisfaction in his society, than a stomach which is full already of excellent entertainment, is able to rellish an ordinary dish which is set before it. Which at last [Page 384] Ophni perceiving, he resolved to undermine, what he could not storm, and plots this project.
Monanthropus had now retired to hsi own Country-house, for a fortnight, where Ophni goes to give him a visit, after that he had first hired a Pirat, who frequented those coasts, to go and lye before the house secretly. At his coming there he deals with Aretina's Nurse (whom only of all her servants his bribes, and her Mothers commands, had gained to his faction) to tryste Aretina down to the shoar one morning very early, where she was no sooner come, than the Pirat who waited behind a rock with fourteen men, falls upon her, and her Nurse, and Maids, and makes them prisoners; which Ophni at some distance perceiving, comes running to them, with his sword drawn, as if he would have rescued her, and begins to combat with the Pirat, whereupon he who held Aretina, holding a sword to her breast, swore that he should kill her, if he yeelded not: This seemed so to prevail with him (joyned to the cryes of her hellish Nurse, who knew all the mysterie) that he submits, and becomes their prisoner, and are all carried a shipboard, Aretina's Maid only excepted; whom Ophni had ordered, that she should be suffered to escape, both fearing that she favoured too much Philarites, as also, that she might inform Monanthropus, that Ophni was not accessory to [Page 385] the plot, but rather testified much courage in fighting, and much affection in rather yeelding, than that she should have suffered by his resistance. At their entry a ship-board, the Pirat testified very much respect to Aretina, protesting that he had no design in her surprisal, but only to oblige her father thereby to mediate his peace with the King: For which reason likewise, he thought himself most fortunate, in having intrapped Ophni, whose friends at Court might be very stedable to him: wherefore he permitted them for their mutual solacement to stay all day long in one cabine, allowing each of them a several cabine at night. But all these opportunities, albeit seconded with much importunity, both from Ophni, and the old Nurse, could not pull Aretina's ear so low, as to hear what they pres [...]ed in relation to that match; she seemed to undervalue those dangers, which would doubtless have seemed terrible to others; For, as she said one day to the Master, high spirits were like high mountains, whose tops being abvoe the cloudy firmament, were no wayes troubled with the storms and tempests which molest the valeyes; [...]nd that great minds were like great bodies, which scarce the greatest windes could move out of their places; these discourses astonisht the [...]yrate, and rendered Ophni yet more desperate [...]hen formerly; finding that neither fear nor [Page 386] love, necessity nor affection, were able to effectuate his design; for when he spoke to her of his passion, she told him that neither the present place, nor her present humour could permit her to treat of such matters; which required calmness of spirit, and the assistance of friends, of both which she was destitute at that present; as also, that she was confident, the world would misconstruct that love, whose birth-place was a prison; and would blame that choice, which was made when there was none else present to be chosen.
These endeavours were unexpectedly blasted by an accident, which manifested how much the divine powers affected that match, betwixt Philarites and Aretina, which they themselves had at first made. For Aretina one morning, alledging that she was indisposed, entreated the Pirate to set her ashoar to take the air, and the rather, because she heard that the coast whereupon they failed was the coast of Thracia, where she knew her dear Philarites residenced for the time. To which the Pirate, at the entreaty of Ophni, after some reluctancy, condescended, knowing that the adjacent Land was a meer Wood and Desert, where no surprisal was to be feared; and suffered Ophni to go alongst with her, in company with himself and twelve others of his train, well armed; and after they had sent one to view the shoar, who returned, assuring them that all was secure: [Page 387] They came ashoar themselves, and for their recreation went up to a pleasant Wood, where the thickness of the trees afforded them a pleasant shade. They were but immediatly seated, when the clashing of armour near the shoar, invited their curiosity to try who were the combatants, and so starting up, they perceived two Knights, disputing with equal courage, a quarrel wherein their fury made Ophni believe that they were much interessed. Ophni who never used to be an idle spectator of such disputes, girding himself in the Pirats armour, after he had past his parole to return a ship-board (lest else his complot with the Pirate might have been discovered) he runs down to them, offering to be umpire betwixt them: But they were so busied with their contest, that they had neither time, nor desire to imbrace or thank him for his proffer. At last the Knight with the black feathers called to the other, to leave off their groundless combat, assuring him, that Aretina was the only Lady living, for whom he carried any affection; and that albeit he had spared to strike at him hitherto, endeavouring only his own defence, yet hereafter he was to expect no further favour: and as to Arethusa he disclaimed any interest in her, besides what all others of her sex and endowments might justly challenge. The other (who because of his mask) was only to be designed by his bucquet [Page 388] of white and red feathers, throwing immediatly down his sword, lighted from his horse, and craved the other pardon; protesting, that next to Arethusa, he would honour him above all the world. Whilst they are thus imbracing one another, Ophni who raged to hear Aretina owned by any besides himself, cryes, Sir, whatever you are who wears the black feathers, you must satisfie justice for daring pretend to Aretinas favour, and before ye depart from this place, my sword shall punish such unpardonable arrogance, and with that drawing upon him, he forced the Knight with the black feathers to depute his sword to answer for him, and in sharper terms than Ophni expected; for at the second blow, Ophni's armour suffered the black feathered Knights sword to enter at a breach, which his strength had made for it, near the heart, out of which, in a very short time the life issued out, waited upon by a floud of blood, running away, as it seemed, from the merciless hand of pale death. The Pirat and his attenders perceiving Ophni engaged, had hitherto keeped back, fearing to rob him by their assistance, of a victory which might possibly endear him to Aretina, but now seeing him fall at his enemies feet, did run down to revenge a death, which with so much grief they resented: the two Knights did joyntly encounter them with so much courage and resolution, that [Page 389] four of these Pirats were killed before either of the Knights had received one wound, and whilst the Knight with the black feathers was dispatching another, two Gentlemen who missing their Master the black Knight in the morning, had traced him thither, came galloping up, one whereof struck the head from a fellow who was drawing a blow to strike his Master. The other Knight likewise had by killing the master Pirat, perswaded the other two to flee to their boat; but they were easily overtaken by these two Gentlemen, who were on hors-back, from whom they begged their lives upon their knees, which was granted them, and so they were brought back to the two Knights; the one whereof, and who wore the black feathers, was the generous Philarites, who stood disarming Ophni, whose head-piece he no sooner took off, than he knew him to be his intimate friend the Duke of Iris, to whose civilities he had been so much addebted during his residence at the Court of Egypt: it astonisht him to see the Duke in that place, and it grieved him to consider that his sword should have put him in that condition: and albeit he remembred how the quarrel was for Aretina, yet friendship provoked him to a compassionat resentment, and to deck the mournfull hearse of the Duke of Iris with pearly tears; albeit he could not but hate the lover of Aretina: But whilst Philarites [Page 390] eyes were writing in tears Ophni's epitaph, Aretina (whom her two keepers had abandoned) not knowing who these Knights were, had flung her self at his feet; but no sooner raised she her eyes, nor threw he down his, but the rayes which were darted from either, seemed to know one another at their first approach, and posted as it were back to acquaint the body from whom they were sent, what a strange encounter they had met with. Philarites no sooner perceived that this was the divine Aretina, than presently raising her with both his hands, he throws himself at her feet, who was lying at his formerly, and with an accent which spoke passion, he thus expresses himself. Peerless Aretina, it is a crime to doubt who thou art, seing none resembles thee; or, how can he forget thee, who minds nothing besides thee? for the meanest of those hundred curious traits (which are but mean when compared with what we see not) is able to convince the dullest amongst men, that ye are doubtlesse Aretina; and the only thing which disswades me from believing it, is, that my destiny hath been so hard formerly, that I can hardly now believe that it would permit Aretina to land in a place where Philarites might be serviceable to her. Here Aretina interrupted him, saying, That he was injurious to the most and ever just gods, in alledging that they favoured not a person of his high [Page 391] deserts; neither were his petty afflictions to be listed amongst real misfortunes: for as the earths off-spring is ripened by the cold and dark nights, aswell as by the hot and bright Sunshines; even so, generous minds are accomplisht oft-times as much (if not more) by their misfortunes, aswell as by their success: wherfore use moderatly this occasion, which ye seem so to value, and lose not by your insolence that affection in Thracia, which your modesty & patience gained in Egypt.
After this, she entreated him to lead her to some retired house, where she might recreate her weather-beaten body; which sickness formerly, and joy now both had, and did infeeble extreamly; for our life being a lamp, it cannot no more be said to burn well, when by the nimious heat of joy it is all on a fire; then when cold melancholy seems to extinguish its flames. By this time the other Knight, who was the renowned Aristobulus had come up, and after his surprisal (occasioned by the extraordinariness of Aretina's beauty) was somewhat over-past, he accoasted her thus. Madam, I hope ye will pardon me for calling in question what you are; for my heart, as a subject to the divine Arethusa, hath taken oaths of supremacy and alleagiance, whereby it is bound to acknowledge none her equal, either in beauty or endowments; wherefore, Madam, I wish ye were no mortal, lest your being such [Page 392] should tempt me to commit treason against her beauty, by forcing me to acknowledge that it is but second to yours. Arethusa's beauty (replied Aretina) is so much noted and admired by all who have but heard the smallest catalogue of beauties recited, that it's rather a jest than a complement, to place such an ordinary face as mine in one file with hers, to whom it were a disparagement, to say that my face and hers had any traits that were common to both; the one having nothing, and the other wanting nothing, which the proudest amongst men can esteem praise-worthy. After this they retired to an house of pleasure, which Philarites father had caused build for himself, whilst he was young; and which Philarites self had caused repair and replenish, wherein he did often solace himself with the rememberance of her whom he now enjoyed; after their arrival, Aretina fetcht a short walk about that sweet place; which lurked in the bosom of a wood, fearing (as it were) to be discerned by any, upon the brink of a shallow river, to whose bottom the weakest eye might easily travel; and whose streams mumured as they past by, because they were not suffered to stay longer in so sweet a place; and where the hand of accident, had carved in the surface of the over-topping rocks, thousands of various shapes and figures, to recreate a melancholy fancy, and which, like a stone [Page 393] book, seemed full of apprehensive memento's. Here Philarites used oft to read, as he imagined, the story of his love. Something represented to him Aretina, something Agapeta, and something his kind friend Megistus. At other times he thought them emblems of his love, and at a third time, he thought them horoscopes of his good or ill fortune, accordingly as he himself was for the time affected. After this they entered a chamber, wherin pleasure had made parade of all her richest furnitur, and here, whilst the supper was a preparing, and Arist [...]bulus was gone to sleep after his long watching, occasioned by his torturing jealousie; Aretina leaning upon a window (in at which the vine and orange trees seemed to peep, as if they desired to admire the sumptuousness of the room) entreated to hear a brief relation of his adventures since his departure from Egypt.
Madam (replyed Philarites) my journey was rather pleasant than memorable: for after that a gentle gale had civilly convoyed me over to Lacedemon, as if I had been related to Neptunes family. I landed at [...]pis, where I did meet a great many officious servants, some whereof carried my boots, and others my spurrs, and I believe some were so willing to testifie their respects to me, that they would have carried my purse also, if I would have suffered them: At supper my [Page 394] Landlord came to taste my wine, and alleadging it was not good enough, desired the Drawer to fetch some out of another tun, which liked him not neither, wherefore he desired (after he had chided him) that he should bring some of another colour; but finding that my servant grumbled (which was really to see so much wine forced upon us by a cheat) he rose himself from the table, and as if my servant had been offended at the badnesse of the wine, he said that he himself should go fetch some better, and albeit my servant entreated him to stay, telling him that he was mistaken, yet he would needs go, craving us still pardon for his Drawers mistake: so down he goes, and brings up that same wine which had been presented to us formerly in a flaggon, and fearing lest my servant should discern that it was but little more than half full, he did out of civility to my Lordship, fill it himself; and pouring it in a glass, coloured somewhat like the wine, to conceal its sophistication, he holds it up to the candle, sweating that it was a lovely wine, but that it had ripened no where so well that year as it did the last. His discourse all the time of supper, was in praise of the Egyptian Nobility, whose generosity and liberality he commended much, without mentioning any other vertue. After supper, he caused remove my clogbag out of my servants chamber (as my servant told me [Page 395] afterwards) telling the Chamberlain, that albeit he served a Nobleman, yet he knew by his looks and deportment, that he was a Gentleman, and so it was not fit so to embarass his chamber; but to morrow he made us pay for that chamber also, alledging that if it had been void, he might have had a guest for it, but if that occasion had not offered, we should not have payed for it. Thereafter when I askt why there were so many cheaters in that Town? they told me, that all frontier Towns were so: for being accustomed with strangers, whom they prefumed ignorant of all prices, they extortioned them at their pleasure.
The next morning I took horse, and having dined at Elpis, I strayed in the afternoon, and could find no house, till at last the dark clouds clad in the nights livery, did usher their melancholy mistris into our hemisphere, and told me, that after that darknesse did set its guard, strangers were not permitted to passe. Wherefore I retired to a castle, which I saw afar off; and by the time I came to it, the charitable heaven had set forth its lanthorn the Moon to shew passengers the road: and as I entered at the gate, I saw a poor fellow helping an old bridle at the moonshine: My servant thinking it had been the hostler, called to him to hold the horses: but at last came one of the servants, who hanging out the sign of a, Please your Worship to that poor fellow, [Page 396] gave us to understand that he was a Knight, he advances to us, and told us that we were out of the road; for Thesbone the next Village was but two leagues off, where we would be very well accommodated; but Kalodulus assured me that it was three, and entreated me to stay: wherefore I at last perceiving that this was the Master of the house (who stood helping his bridle at the Moonshine to save a candle) I told him, that I behoved to stay that night. This made him reply, that he could not accommodate me, for all his furniture was transported to his other house. At this reply, his son who was an ideot, cryed out, Ha, ha, father, devil another house have ye. This put the father out of countenance, but he desired us not to notice what he said. At last, overcome by our importunity, he rather suffered than invited us to advance, and welcomed us as an old miser welcomes death, when the Physician assures him that he cannot live: but all the sport was, to see with what a troubled countenance, the Lady was brought to bed of a consent to let us stay; meer necessity supplying the part of a Midwife to that hard and painfull birth. After we entred the house (which seemed because of the infrequency of the indwellers, like a body without a [...]) the Knight with a discourse of the poverty of the Nation, and of the greatness of the taxes, joyning to this, that [Page 397] large houses, such as his, were monuments of the builders folly; for besides the money spent both in building and maintaining them, they did likewise invite strangers to lodge, and enemies to garison in it. Whilst we were thus passing time, I heard my Lady scold at her servant, for suffering all the beer to run out, by pulling the spigget out of the barrel, and thereupon coming in to us in a chafe, she ex [...]used her own misfortune; but she told us that we should have a drink of whey, which was very wholsom in that hot season; as also, we should have sack to correct its coldness: so the sack is brought in a great bottle, and all is filled out in a big glasse, and given to the Lady, who drinks to me, but when I intreated her to taste it a little better, she told me, that albeit that sack was not hot in the mouth, yet it was very hot in the stomack, and that the Physicians had forbidden her husband to drink any more than two spoonfulls of it; but I no sooner got it in my hand, than I drank it off: foreseeing that I was in a place, where all the year was a continued Lent, wherefore I resolved to make drink aliment, albeit Philosophers and Physicians both call that much in question. At supper we had some pulse, egs, and pease, but no flesh; for, as the Lady said, she could hardly in conscience suffer a poor pullet to be murdered to satisfie her appetite. Truly wife, added her husband, that is [Page 398] good philosophy; for flesh is not thought natural food for man: for we see that children (in whom nature is not adulterated by custom) love fruit better than flesh; as also, if it were natural, we might eat it as nature hath provided it; but now we see that we roast, seeth, and fry it, else it cannot be eaten: as also, nature hath bestowed long and small teeth upon those beasts, and long beaks upon those fowls, which most devour flesh for their aliment; whereas it hath given man teeth long and broad. Physicians also esteem it not so wholsome as other meats are, for it being before concoction, equal to our flesh, it is by concoction sublimated above it, and so not fit to feed us: and we find that when it corrupts (for all of it cannot become aliment) that it is of all putrefactions the most hatefull; for bread, roots, and such like things, albeit they putrifie, yet stink not; but flesh, when corrupted, stinks extreamly. After supper, we went to bed, without having any drink put in our offer, to excuse which, the Knight alleadged, that he heard that it was the custom of our Country, for the Egyptians used to say by way of proverb, that he who goeth to bed thirsty, riseth wholsome; for thereby defluxions were occasioned. The next morning the Knight appeared in an old sattin doublet, having a little piece taffata hanging down from it, to perswade us that it was lined with it, but I perceived [Page 399] that it was only doubled with green linen. He wore likewise silk stockens, but exceedingly shattered by age, to conceal which he had folded them all in degrees. After I rose, I went to the Garden, where my Lady was gathering nettles to make broth for us; I perceived she wanted her stockens and shoes, which she thought was concealed by the length of her gown; whereupon (to revenge my self upon her for my bad entertainment) I took her hand and walked alongst a place with her full of nettles, which, as I perceived by her countenance, did burn her feet; yet durst she not complain, fearing to discover thereby her own nakedness. After my departure from this, my stomach had almost expired, leaving me nothing but hunger in legacy; a debt so urgent, that I behoved to ride to a neighbouring Village to satisfie it: but whilst I was in my way to it, the angry heavens, sighed wind, and weeped rain for the suns absence, which some troubled clouds had imprisoned all that morning; I over-hyed a fellow, whose gray hairs, rather than grave garb, informed me that he was ancient; he was riding in a pair of Spanish leather boots, which the excessive rain had mollified so, that they seemed to become tender-hearted at the heavens weeping condition; his head had been well poudered, and by the rains assistance had made excellent morter; yet all the morter which was there, could [Page 400] hardly have patched up those cracks which I perceived thereafter to be in his brain: His cassock was of black satin, which was so hospital as not to refuse the rain lodging; thus he rode and bathed all at once. After we had ridden half a mile together, he asked if I had ever heard of a Physician called Nisus, who lived in that Country, whose skill had kept so many alive, that the inhabitants complained that the place was become too populous. I who perceived, or at least conjectured by his habit, that he was of that faculty himself, told him that I had oft heard of him; and that it was reported that he could defend the weakest body against the strongest assaults of death, and that he could chase out deaths ordinary avantcurriers, melancholy and sickness, albeit they were once entred; and that the great-grand-children of ancient families had conspired against him, for starving so their wearied expectations, for none dyed (as I heard, except some few Sextons, whom want of imployment had quite famished; Truly (continued I) I would ride forty miles to see him. Good Sir, replied my companion, ye extoled him too much; but such as he is, Sir, he is your servant, for I am the man: At which I seemed so overjoyed, that grasping him kindly (though rudely) in my arms, I pulled him quite from his horse; and thereafter, craving him pardon, I helpt him up again. After a miles [Page 401] march, his horse did begin to weary, and at last became so uncivil, as to refuse to bear his master company; whereupon the Doctor lights down, and taking up his foot, he endeavours to find his pulse, which he swore was a caprezant, and that he behoved to cause give him a clyster; but (ah misfortune) whilst he is musing upon the disease, the horse, weary of standing upon three feet, kicks his Lordship into a ditch which stood near by, whence we could hardly pull out: when we had pulled him out, Kalodulus sayes to him, Truly, Sir, it appears ye dive deep in any thing wherein ye once enter; but I admire why ye carry with you such a horse, except it be that because ye are a Physician, ye cannot want a skelleton for your anatomy. After he was re-mounted, he entertained me with a description of a Lady in Nisbena, whom he loved dearly, describing all the parts of her body, as if he had been anatomizing; and to conclude all, he took a Letter out of his pocket, which he had directed to her, and whereof he bestowed upon me this copie afterwards.
Fairest of all created creatures, yea, fairer than Diana and all her Nymphs, albeit they were chopt in one; the harmony of your well-agreeing colours, makes my pulses dance to their musick; and your beauty, like a great gale, hath so filled the sails of my desires, that it hath driven me out of the harbour of ease, into the ocean of Love. A surfet of your disdain, hath (as all cold things do) easten me in a feaver of rage: your Answer [Page 402] to this Letter must be the crisis, by which I am to prognostick my death, or recovery; But I hope, Lady, that ye will not murder him, who hath saved so many, and who hath been born to s [...]ve mankind. Ye may perceive the strength of my love, which makes me so eloquent that I [...] Mercury if he were a woman; And albeit ye undervalue my plethorick eloquence, yet all our Ladies here are struck by it in a le [...]ha [...]gie of admiration. O my pret [...]y lovely thing, love him who loves thee best of all things, and send a receipt for this disease to your sick Nilus.
We arrived that night at Lacedemon, where at supper I did meet a young Gentleman, whose grave asp [...]ct did conc [...]l [...]at respect to what he was to speak; after supper I invited him to my chamber, and there I did enqui [...]e how affairs byassed in that Nation, and who was the Axletr [...]e upon whom that large orb of Court did roul; after this we digressed from Courtiers, to Court-imployments, whereupon he thus charactered to me the emptiness of that so much desired trade.
Sir, my experience hath pilgrimaged through most, and my meditation through all those follies wherwith our reason is ensnared, and whereby our happiness is betrayed; yet amongst them all I perceive that none hath gained so many proselytes, as Court-vanity: There it is that men run to ruine in Coach, and flee with feathers to folly; and I am confident, that if men took as much pains to gain favour in Heaven, as they do [Page 403] [...]o ingratiat themselves at Court, that they could no [...] miss to be canonized as the most eminent in the Kalender of Saints. That is the Butt at which all men level the arrows of their affections, and that is the Idol which all men worship. Wherefore, Sir, at my first arrival at Court, I endeavoured to find out the reason why in the circle of humane happinesse, Court was made the only center, to which all the other pleasures, like so many lines, tended, and in which they were all terminated; but I must acknowledge, Sir, that without borrowing the eyes of those who so much admire it, I shall never be able to see in it that satisfaction and amiableness, which they so much dote upon: But to make your judgment judge, I shall relate to you the trade which I conceive most of them drives. All night they wrestle with their giant, fears and cares, til at last, necessary, with much difficul [...]y, draws the curtain of rather slumber than sleep before their wearied eyes: but yet their judgment no sooner leaves off, than their fancy begins to work; and as they thought whilst awake, so now whilst asleep they dream of competitors, and enemies; of mis-informations, and challenges; and after some time their eye lids start up in spight of sleep, and then their minds are presented afresh with a large inventory of by-pastaffronts, and future fears, all written with the black ink of disquietness. And [Page 402] [...] [Page 403] [...] [Page 404] thus they toss and tumble, where a poor Country-man would find much refreshment; sometimes upon one side, sometimes upon another, their souls (which only in this, are masters of, and command their bodies) drawing the bodies after them, and making them toss and turn, as they are tossed themselves. After that the Sun hath sent its rayes to salute them in its name, then they must sleep, because sleep is then unnatural: the morning being thus spent, they spend (or rather mispend) the forenoon, betwixt a comb and a mirrour, consulting now and then their pages, whether they be well drest or not. And now they ask whether the King be gone a hunting, or not? (his motion being the only science which they study) and if not, they post to Court, putting that complement upon his Majestie, that for haste to wait upon him, they dispense with their matines. And there, like Democritus atomes, they wander up and down in the sphere of chance, and possibly stand in some antichamber, like those pictures which the cunning needle hath depenciled in the curious hangings; meditating upon nothing but how to make some Grandee take notice of them, or how to pay an earth-deep reverence to any whom they know to be a Court-darling. At dinner they surfet one day, and are starved another, their purses being like the damme of an ill-going Mill, which must [Page 405] be clused up two dayes to make it go the third; there, if they meet with any Country Gentleman, they tax him for being unfashionable in his cloathes, and rural in his deportment, thinking thereby to disarm him of his confidence, that thereafter they may foil him at pleasure. And really, Sir, I perceive that they mould their fashions and modes of new every year, not so much to pleasure their vagrant fancies, as to make Courtship an Art which one must be alwayes learning: For, if these stood alwayes fixt upon the same center, a Gentleman who had spent a year at Court, and then had retired to the sweet bosom of a melancholy life, might know as much as they, but now they in this, (and in this only) must learn something from the nothing-besides-knowing Courtier. This done, they proceed to discourse of affairs of State, dropping a word or two of some mysterious forreign transaction, and stopping there, as if they would not decipher so great a project; and shake their head, as if they could prognostick the event, of that whereof they know not the cause. Wherefore, Sir, I will recount to you a jest, put lately at this Court upon one of these State-mountebanks, by a Country-Gentleman, who coming one morning to visit the Courtier, he asks what news? none, sayes the Gentleman, save only that Thrastus, one [Page 406] of the Thracian Nobles, is dead; which they say is an irreparable losse to our King. Thrastus dead, replyed the other, the gods forbid, for he was one of our intimate friends, and with that he fetches a turn or two, folding his hands, and testifying much grief; wherupon the Gentleman turning to one of the by-standers, tells him in his ear, with a smile, that in conscience he never heard of any such person: After dinner is ended, they return to Court, carrying alongst with them their Country friends, and in their way salutes hundreds of persons, whom they scarce know, pretending that these are their special good acquaintances: And if the King smile (though his smile be occasioned by some inward thought) they will swear it was upon them; or if he call them, though meerly by accident, and desire them to do any thing of the meanest concernment, they will pretend that it was a w [...]ighty particular which he did communicate to them. After this manner they mis-spend much of that little time which providence hath not given, but lent them; making their bodies their souls, and their pleasures their paradise, till at last, after they have acted the personage of youth in this comedy of Court, age dismantles them of all those ornaments and perfections, which made them formerly be accounted Gallants, and then [Page 407] they are turned off without any reward, besides the hatefull name of an old Courtier. Oh then happy he who impales himself within the circuit of a Country Cottage, suffering his thoughts to travel all over the large orb of the creation; and when they return loaded with the spoil of solid knowledge, feasts them with home-bred morality; there none compets with them, neither are they opprest by any, their time is not trifled away by idlings, nor their humour violented by debauch'd persons; how much then are we obliged to Court, which like a boil in the body politick, draws to it all those malignant humours, which else might hugely annoy all the other members? But I admire what pleasure can the Country be debarred from, whereof the Court participates; for, whilst the species of all these soul-delighting pleasures, are in the eye, they are no pleasures, (else brutes might t [...]ste that true sweetnesse) and when they are from the eye conv [...]yed to the inward faculties; then they differ nothing from pleasures meerly imagined; so that a Country-man, may under the shade of some great Oak, or upon the bri [...]k of some murmuring River, tast as much pleasure, in envisaging or viewing his own contemplated happiness, as a Courtier can in eying the real objects of Court delights. There are some who [Page 408] (like the Whales) never leave the Ocean of pleasure and publick imployments, till they be wounded by the darts of affronts, or discontentment; and then they run ashoar upon a private life, but, like ships beat into a harbour, stay no longer there than the boistering storms arrests them in it. These are not the true disciples of sacred prudence, else the same experience which sent them thither, would retain them in it, and their life and their resolution, should have the same period.
Philarites was interrupted here by a Troop of Gentlemen, all masked, who entering the Hall, made such a noise, that Philarites was thereby invited to visite these unacquainted guests; but no sooner did they see him, than rushing on him, they advertised him, that he was their prisoner, and thereafter carrying Aretina alongst with them, together with Aristobulus, whom they found asleep, they march down to the shoar, whence by their shallops they were carried a ship-board.
Here is continued the History of ARETINA, which was too abruptly ended in the former page.
THe Sun seemed to decline, that he might bath his scorching, and scorched beames in the cool Ocean: And Hespe [...]us was beginning to rendesvouze his sparkling Spangles, in the azure Heavens: When these incomparable prisoners, Philarites, Aretina and Aristobulus were brought aboard of that Pirat-Ship: The melancholy Aretina had nothing to consolat her in her disconsolat captivity, except the presence of her dear Philarites, whose danger notwithstanding did imperfectionat extreamly the sweetness of his presence, which jealousie was transubstantiat in despair by the Captains placing each of them in distinct Cabines, leaving only melancholy for their attender, and a keeper for their train. Aretina had scarce envisaged their Avantcurriers of fear, and breathed up her first sighs: When the Captain entering her [Page 410] Cabin, entreated her to come forth to observe something that was very remarkable; Aretina knowing that it was folly to disobey the entreaties of these who may at pleasure command, obeyed [...]: But alas, poor Lady! No sooner did the [...] fourty Torches, handed up by as many [...] Souldiers, discover to her tearbe-dimed eyes the Deck of their Ship, then with it, it discovered likewise to her, fettered Philarites, who expected patiently the bitterest insults of his enemies rage. Aretina starting back, had almost deluged her soul in tears, and evaporated her life in sighes, had not Philarites by this discourse arested that inundating passion.
Madam, (said he) Albeit Death be the greatest of changes, yet shall it never be able to change the greatness of my affection to you; neither is there any thing in this the archest of terrours, which afflicts me besides the thoughts of leaving your favours unrequired, and your person unguarded, yet, Madam, I hope that the unexpectedness of this fatality, will pardon the first, and that the Omnipotent Justice of the never good relinquishing Gods, who have arsenalled thousands of thunder bolts in the clouds, to execute their just commands, will never suffer the last to be opprest: for, albeit some complementary Athiests, thinks it a disparagement to the Al-disposing Dieties, to eye and predecree [Page 411] the meanest of actions, yet it were a great ebness of faith, to believe that they would relinquish a person, for whose satisfaction, and to celebrate whose praises all the rest of the world seems (next to that of the immortal Gods) to have onely been created: but should I fear misfortunes, seing, ye (Divine Princess) can by bedewing my Hearse with one tear, make me accomplishedly happy. And seing I die regrateing my separation from you, let me die regrated by you, and erect for me a monument in your precious remembrance.
This discourse had almost entranced the passionately compassionate Aretina, when her father Monanthropus (who had all this time been an undiscovered witness to what had past) touched with the affliction of his daughter, and sufficiently convinced of her affection to Philarites, which he could never formerly believe; issued out, and imbracing her, entreated her not to fear the event of a fatherly experiment. Megistus did at the same time unvizard his face, and running to Philarites, hugged him in his arms. Whilst one of the Souldiers did unty him, immediately thereafter they entered the Cabine; and having shut the door, Monanthropus relates to them (whilst they were yet astonished with amazement) how that Megistus had ploted that supprisall, to convince him of the mutuall [Page 412] affection that they caryed to each other; and thereafter turning him to Philarites, he assured him that he esteemed his daughter happy, in being noticed, and much more in being loved by a person of such eminent qualities, but that he was sorry that he was able to bestow no better requital upon him; to whose valour he owed first his life, and next the rescue of his daughter, who only made his life and estate desirable to him. Philarites interrupted him here, with this reply, Sir, albeit I had as really engaged by my services the immortal Gods, as ye in complement acknowledge that I have engaged you, yet could not the treasure of their unexhaustible al-sufficiencie, remunerat me with any thing more acceptable then Aretina; So that, Sir, if you will Authorize my pretentions to serve her, you shall thereby put me above the power of desiring any new addition to my present happiness, to whose hight, fate shall not be able to add the least measure. After this, imbraceing Megistus, the Gods (said he) fearing that man who placeth all vertue in advantage, would never put a true estimate upon friendship, if it were not seconded by reall advantages, do oft afford friends occasions of succouring each other in their mutual extreamities; neither have I time, nor you modesty, to hear me catalogue your favours, which I shall alwayes esteem as such, as [Page 413] that none but you could bestow them; and as oft as my pulse beats minuts, my heart shall coine thankfull resentments of them.
Thus did these overjoyed lovers, and generous friends, both admire, and congratulate each others happinesse; thanking fate for her complacency, in leaving them nothing to seek now, but the continuation of what she had bestowed already, and unbridling their own passions with an indicible satisfaction, yet such a satisfaction, as that albeit it was compleat for the present, did notwithstanding receive a new accomplishment from the apprehension of the future; and albeit love possess't intirly all the corners of their breast; yet were they repleat with friendship like a tunn, which albeit it be full of burnt coals, will never the less hold its just measure of water. Neither did the intensness of their friendship, cool, in the least, the heat of their love, but both like two hands, did by their mutual heat excite mutual order in each other.
Philarites glad to have these Nobles in a place which he was born to command, entreated they would do him the honour to go ashoar, to recreat their incommodat bodies, against whom the sea, and season had us'd so much rigor. And to this they presently condiscended, and went ashoar at that same place from which they were carried; but whilst they were walking through [Page 414] the forrest, which verged upon the ocean, the clashing of armour not far from the beaten path, did awak the courage of the three generous Knights, and importuned them to ride hitherwards: at their arrival upon the place, they perceived a Gentleman, whose armour was windowed with breaches, and whose blood was removing from its shattered lodging; beside him lay two of his servants slain; against him fought only one, who, to their admiration, was covered with Philarites armour, which the bearers sword (seconded by much skill) had so well defended, as that they had as yet suffered but little in the quarrel; they were scarce advanced his length, when he had disarmed his adversary to whom he thus spoke.
Sir, these who fight without a quarrel, fight oft without success; neither are the Gods so idle spectators of humane actions, as to suffer courage to be the sole arbiter of such conflicts: your civil inquiry might have probably gained you a friend, whereas your rudeness hath lost you your sword, and your want of discretion, hath put you now upon the discretion of your enemy. Noble Sir, (replyed the other) your armour occasioned both my inconsideratness, and my mistake; for they induced me to believe that you were Philarites, against whom my revenge was only levelled. You are not much mistaken in this quarrel, answered the other, albeit ye be [Page 415] mistaken in the person; for our quarrel shall still be one, though our persons be different. Upon this, Philarites presently started out, and calling aloud to him who was the conqueror, hold, Noble Sir, (said he) least ye pluck from that Philarites, for whom ye pretend so much friendship; the occasion of punishing one of his own disloyal subjects, who breaths by his clemency, that life which he would so willingly hazard against him; he shew him formerly by continuing his life, how little he feared his malice, and now by condiscending to fight him, he will evidence how little he dreads his courage. This discourse surprised both the vanquished, and vanquisher; but Megistus and Philarites were as much surprised, as either of the other two; when he who had spoken so affectionately by throwing off his cask, shew them the face of the Martial Knight; who having come to Thracia in pursuit of the Pyrate, and for the defence of Aretina, had accidentally fallen upon the before-mentioned house of pleasure, which because he had lost his own armour, he had taken alongst with him that morning, and because of them had been pursued by this Gentleman, whom he had now disarmed, who was Osiris, general of that rebellious Army which opposed the interest of their native Prince: The King of Thracia, after these three old and intimate acquaintances had [Page 416] witnessed to each other their kynd resentments of former favours. Osiris ashamed of his ingratitude, and fearing punishment, humbled himself upon his knees before Philarites, and made him this confession. Generous Prince, albeit the immense number, and unpardonable qualities of my crimes, might detract from the truth of what I am to say, yet believe, Sir, that my conscience sick now with repentance, will freely vomite up these noxious humors by which it was formerly so much distempered: It is not, Sir, that I intend to buy with this confession the continuance of my life, which because it is so spotted with errours, will be persecuted by legions of divine punishments; I rather abhorre then desire it, no Sir, it is the sence of duty, presented to my Judgement by a dying temper, which wrings it from me, wherefore, Sir, I shall unbury to you a mistery, wherin your repose is much interessed; and by which, if I cannot wipe off my former rogueries; yet at least, I shall evite the Commission of new crimes. Sir, many of your Nobles (of whom I shall deliver yow a particular list) have combined amongst themselves, to levy an Army, hoping that I should have, according to my undertaking, either killed you privately, or have brought you to them as a prisoner, in order to this design.
I have waited at yonr house of pleasure till [Page 417] this morning, at which time, perceiving this Gentleman in your Armour; I followed him expecting to have had you at my devotion, but providence, whose decrees are unrepealable, hath ordered it otherwise. Our rendesvouze is to be six dayes hence, so that, Sir, ye may prevent the disorders which we have projected.
Aristobulus had all this time darted such looks at the Martiall Knight, as evidenced sufficiently his rage against him; but at last, when that impostume of rage broke, it blustered forth this envennomed matter,
Base Menaleon, dares fate declair war against the immortal Gods, by shouldering up an Interest, which is so much their enemie: and shall the feet of thy cowardishness, be still so swift as to carry thee away from their and my just revenge: no, no, thou must resolve to quite that Life, which thy want of Courage endeares to thee above thy Repute; and I will rather resolve to pudle my Sword in the blood of a Traytour, then suffer thy Treason to remain unpunished.
The Martiall Knight convinced that Philarites and Megistus knew his courage; resolved to shew them his patience, and so returned this answer.
My innocency (Aristobulus) needed not the patronage of my Sword; if ye had as much [Page 418] patience, as I have courage; yet seeing ye will choose no other Umpires, but our Swords. Assure your self, that my courage is not so fast a sleep, as that it needs such clamorous opprobries to awake it: nor is my Sword so fixt in its Sheath, as that it needs such shrewd pulls to pluck it out. Come, come, experiment that Gallantrie which ye so call in question; and receive a just punishment from him, who was once willing to pardon your escapes.
They were brisling up their despight, ready to exchange their noble Lives: when Philarites (whose common Friendship to both made him an Enemie to both their. resolutions) lodged Aristobulus in his armes; intreating Megistus to keep fast the Martiall Knight, Aristobulus screwing himself out of Philarites embraces, and finding that his revenge behoved to be differred till another occasion: bolted away, leaving the Martiall Knight this adiew. Dregg thy worthless Life, through these disasters, which the just Gods are preparing for thee; and live fears Martyre, till occasion suffers thee to relaps within my power. Philarites rode after him, hoping to reconcile them, but all in vain, for Aristobulus horse carried him away.
Philarites was because of this discourse, and at the intercession of the Martiall Knight, [Page 419] induced to pardon Osiris; and returning to Monanthropus, and Aretina, (who were much satisfied with the sight of the Martial Knight) it was resolved, that Osiris should be left at the house of pleasure, both as an hostage of what he had promised, as also to ease him because of his desperate wounds. And that Philarites should endeavour before the six dayes were expired to ensure the Bonte-sense of that irreconcilable faction.
Affairs thus ordered, Philarites entreats them to go alongst with him to visite the sweetest Hermitage in the World; wherein they might see a Gentleman, who being a stranger, entreated my Father (said he) to gratifie him with some retired valley, wherin he might cloister up himself for the residue of his Life; whereupon this valley was given him, in which he hath at his own expence built a House, Orchard and Garden: which the Universe cannot equall; here hath he lived these fifteen years by past, tutured by the rigidest austeritie, humane nature is able to endure; by this time they were advanced as far as the avenues of the house, where, betwixt two files of well ranged trees, coasting upon the water, they perceived a Gentleman, walking the pace of a funerall; followed by two pages in a mourning liverie; his face mantled with Melancholy, resembled a [Page 420] rich cloth of Gold, concealed under a black Tirfanie, where the coruscant splendor did but scarsly p [...]ep out. His cheeks stood like empty palaces, where those noble Guests, Beautie, and Vivacitie, had lodged formerly; and his whole body resembled an house of pleasure, appropriated to be a Charnell house. They no sooner perceived him, than they lighted down, and after the first Salutes, Megistus thus bespoke him.
Sir, it is not to divert, but to divertise you, that we come to profer you our attendance; wherefore if ye apprehend, that our Society suits evil, either with your leasure, or pleasure, We beg that ye would congediate us instantly.
Gentlemen, (replyed the Melancholy knight) ye may easily perceive, that my hard destiny hath placed Melancholies all destroying Sword, at the door of joyes Paradice, to forbid me a free entrie: and albeit it change the kinds of my torture, yet it never changes the desire, and designe it hath to torture me. Yet Company is a torture which seems more unsupportable to me than any other; because I am sensible, that others there suffer with me; yee are now in a place, wherein yee can observe nothing that is worthy, besides the unvaluable worth of him who bestowed the use of the place upon me.
This pleasant valley, which was mantled [Page 421] with a pleasantly pyled grass, was Garlanded every where by nature, with curious flowers; in its middle did run a sweet river, which by its frequent windings, shew how unwilling it was to leave so sweet a valley; one of its bancks was twifed with Orange, Figg, and other pleasant trees. Whose fruit hang down, as if they seemed desirous to fall in the lap of their Grandmother the Earth. From this, they went in to a well proportioned Chappell, whose floor being white Marble, was indented in the middle with many Deaths, Heads, don couriously in black. It was hung round with dead mens Skuls, in each whereof stood a great waxe-taper, which brunt continually, from the middle of the roofe did hing a hearse of cipress, all deckt with faded flowers, under it stood the statue of a young Lady, in white Marble likewise, wherein the artist had been so happy, as that it seemed twains with her whom it represented; at the one end was placed an Altar, all in black Velvet (with which all the room was Tapistred) all spangled with wormes, tears, and bleeding hearts wrought in golden Embroidery. It was then the hour, wherein he used to celebrate the obsequies of his dead Lady: wherefore he entreated Aretina, and the other Knights to share with him in his devotions, which when they had yeelded to, there entered two Gentlewomen [Page 422] in deep mourning, with two Lutes; who were consorted in their singing by two Priests; all choise voices, the Organ likewise helped them to tremble out these lugubrious Lines;
He had all this time kneeled before her Statue, and prosused so his tears, as that he seemed to wash the place whereon her Statue stood. Devotions ended, they dined; and after dinner he conducted them to a Park, where under stately Oaks, and tale Firres, did run a great many Dear, whose heads were so well branched, that they seemed to glory in being natures Cuckolds, the Lyon, Leopard, and Tygre likewise (tamed as it were by the dejectedly magestick looks of [Page 423] their Master) grazed contendedly. From this they entered a Garden, where all the Figures were cut out in Deaths-heads, and hemmed in with Dead-mens bones: in one corner of this Garden was a walk, guarded upon both sides by Cipress-trees, each whereof was topped by a skull; at the one end stood a Tombe, and at the other a Grave; here Aretina begged of him the Story of that Peerless Lady, whose death he so devoutely bemoaned: to which he returned this answer.
Madam, that question renewes to me these Convulsion-fits of dispare, by which my tortured Soul is so much distempered, and rackles that sore, which is incurable, though the Gods themselves were my Physitians; for I mourn for what is past; and since it is impossible, that the preterit should be recalled; it is impossible that my wound should be cured: Yet, Madam, lest I should seem not to prefer to my private repose, the satisfaction of one who is so farr in affinity with her, as to be of her sex and qualitie. I shall relate to you that tragick History, which embiters to me the legend of my Life.
Whilst Lacedemon grovelled under the feet of fate, burriured by the hand of its own Patriots; a Knight called Lacetus, married a Lady who shortly dying, left one Daughter, whose beauty and parts, made her fully equivalle [Page 424] numbers of other Children; and who, because of her features, as well as of her oneness, was every way singular: it appears that the Excelcellency of this one, encouraged him to marry that he might beget moe, so that before his widowes bed had left the impression of his first Lady, he gives it that of a second; who after his young Daughter had creeped up to the years of marriage, seing that she extenuated her beauty, and fearing that she might extenuate her Sons fortune, she treated her with all these rigours that a step-humour could suggerate to her: blunting her confidence, and narrowing her expence, so that her fathers house did appear a prison to her. A young Gentleman who lived in the same Countie, and was there much admired both for the greatness of his parts, and goodness of his humour; regrating this downweighed condition, frequents much Lacetus house, and goes oft a hunting with him; hoping to gain Pisetas affection▪ (for so was the Daughter called) neither failed he in his project, for importunity and opportunity, did in end engage Piseta to him. Which Ipsetus (this was the Gentlemans name) managed so discretly, as that none could bottome the mistery; at last press'd by Piseta, that he would relive her from that servitude, under which he truckled: and desirous to enjoy so peerless a Mistress, he [Page 425] suits for her at her fathers hands, who deferred his answer till he should const [...]t his oraculous wife; who disswaded him from the match, and endeavoured to affront the Gentlem [...]n; and after many delayes which [...]he [...] continually, her rage at last lanced [...] self [...]o far, [...] to cause threaten him: Whereupon [...] conflicts, resolves to [...] [...]tained Piseta's consent and [...] ▪ never either to love or marry and person else▪ which he desired she might se [...] with a Sacred Oath: not that he jealoused the stabilitie of her Faith, but to secure himself against these doubts, and future jealousies, which is too anxious, Love might suggest to him. Ipsetus is no sooner gone, then that pernicious Step-mother, whom the custom of doing mischief, had made bold to execute, and the intense desire to [...] this poor Lady, had made cunning to contrive all that her hellish-heart could invent; did now with more cruelty and less fear then formerly, continue to afflict poor Piseta. But amongst her other projects, this ensuing prank was the blow which was hardest to be warded; because it disarmed her of her Fathers protection; which she sconced her self alwayes with formerly. She writes a Letter, as directed from one, Noretus, a pedling Merchant of Lacedemon: wherein he thanked her for the encouragement she gave him to continue [Page 426] in his affection, and regrated with her, her Fathers and Step-mothers rigour. This Letter she sewed in a Pin-cushion, which a dying Lady had bestowed upon her, and which because of that, she had alwayes kept very diligently. This being done, she addresses her self to her husband, and there with tear-bedabled eyes, she condoles his Daughters folly; which did so prostitute her affection, and might possibly prostrate her body to such mean persons as Noretus was, and acquainted him how she had received Letters from him; and as she was informed by one of her Maids, was coverted up in her Pin-cushion: Wherefore, she resolved to seek presently the Pin-cushion before himself. Piseta is sent for, from whom her Step-mother seeks it; whereat Piseta, sorry that her Step-mother should seek that, which she behoved to refuse; denies modestly with a blush to give it. her Father perceiving that she both blushed and denyed it, flings away immediately to her Chamber; and taking it away with him, rips it up, and finds the Letter, which soothed all that was told him. When he had collationed this with Noretus, giving his daughter some Gloves and Ribbons, (which the honest Gentleman had given out of his affection to the family which had alwayes imployed him) all is concluded infallibly; This so inflamed him, that those flames of rage [Page 427] brunt his fatherly affection to ashes; and armed him with the cruellest of resolutions against her: wherupon calling for her, he first chid, and then beat her; so that scarce so much life was left her, as to resent the miseries under which she lay loaded. But after that her hard destiny had lent her further strength, that it might sport it self yet longer with her afflictions, she teared away her year like dayes, in regrating the sadness of her misfortunes, till at last like a too young branch, she yeelds under the unsupportableness of her burden; and resolves to leave her Fathers house, which her Step-mothers malice had enchanted: and to sanctuary her self in some unknown corner, where at least none should upbraid her with the disproportionatedness of her condition to her birth: having thus packt up these Jewels which her Mother had delivered to her Nurse to be given her, she steals away one morning to Lacedemon; but being wearied with such foot Journeys, she retires into a meddow, a mile from the City, where after half an hours stay, she perceives a Lady with her waiting maid come in a hackney Coach, to breath in some Country-air. After they had taken a walk or two, Piseta accoasts the Lady, and laying out his condition to her, entreated her Ladiships charity in promoting her to some service; the other who was a Baud, glad of such a servant [Page 428] accepted her in her own service, assuring her that she should be tasked with nothing that was difficult: So that both being willing, she takes her in Coach with her, and alots her a Chamber very well equipaged, and the next morning cloathes her in a new Gown, and all other necessaries. That night I (whose youth clustred forth continually new grapes of wickedness) came in to ravell away my time and moneys in that mother City, and recoursed immediately to the house of that old Baud, where I used to feast my lust at all occasions; at my entrie she rejoyced (as she said) at my good fortune; for she was able to give me the fairest and sweetest Maid she had ever eyed; but told me, that I behoved to double her Salary: I who thought gold but money, when imployed to such uses, pactioned with her for a double fee: Whereupon she brought me in to Piseta's chamber, and retiring, lockt the door behind her. Piseta was imploying her time and needle very industriously, when my approach startled her: I must acknowledge that never any was so admiration-beaten as I was, at the first sight of that divine beauty; but when I began to carresse her, she entreated me to be more reserved, and the more I pressed her, the more she recoiled: at last, longing to enjoy so desirable an object, I asked, why dwelt she here, being of so coy an humour. I came here to [Page 429] serve my Mistress, but not to suffer such uncivil addresses (replyed Piseta) which suits as ill with your discretion, as they do with my modesty: This answer touched my very soul, and finding that chance rather then resolution had guided me hither, I informed her, how she was in a mistake; whereupon, poor Lady, falling upon her knees, she begged from my Sword, an issue to her endless troubles; and told me her birth, and the occasion of her coming there; with such speats of tears, as were able to hurrie away before them, the strongest bancks of obstinat perversness, and with so pathetick expressions, as were eloquent enough to enforce the greatest of cowards, to unsheath his sword in her quarrell. I found by her relation, that she was the same person whom I was to go in suit of, and acquainted her with my Name and Style, which did much encourage her. Lady (said I to her) if I shall extricat you out of this danger, and re-enstate you in your former liberty, will you condiscend to marry me, to which after some reluctancie she at last condescended; upon which I went to that old Baud, and menaced her with the discovery of her wickedness, if she dismist not that young Lady, whom she had so betrayed, and withall satisfied her for what expence she could alleadge she was at, and brought her to mine own house, [Page 430] where I waited upon her without offering the least indignity to her person, till our love was, authorized by Marriage.
But alas, this summer of joy lasted not long; for a fourthnight after our Marriage, a Pilgrim did one morning desire to speake with Piseta, whose devotion made this suit very acceptable. When she came in view, the Pilgrim after a profound reverence thus occoasts her; Madam, My misfortune must sure be unavoidable, when notwithstanding, both of the number and zeal of my services, and in spight of your own vertuous inclination, it hath carryed you to forfeit your engagment to me, and because that my happiness, and your honour, were insolvably twisted together, to enrigide you so far against me, as that ye were content rather to risk your own repute, then to suffer the integrity of my happiness: if I shed not my blood in your quarrell, it was because ye wanted daring enimies, and if ye were kept from the knowledge of what I suffered for you, it was out of fear to make you suffer with me; but that I was racked continually by your disasters, the Gods who are now my punishers, may in that be my witness. But alas, Madam, I had offended too much these just Dieties, to expect such promotions from them, and they were too intimatly knowing to your condour, to suffer; that match to be made in [Page 431] Heaven: neither would I (if I were not weary of this Life) remember the Gods, by re-iterating my complaints, how I was guilty of so boundless presumption, which deserves as many chastisements as there dwells Thunderbolts in the Clouds to punish it withall; yet, Madam, as one who reposes all his weight upon one thing, must needs fall if that fail him, so seing I only lived to do you service, I must now die since my services are rebuted, and with that pulling a Dagger out of his sleeve, he sent it to his own heart, to acquaint it that he behoved to die: Piseta convinced that this was her dear Ipsetus, and reflecting upon her own ingratitude, retired immediately to her Chamber, and there uncloathing her self, she went to bed, and calling for me, immediatly she expressed her self thus to me.
It must be an unsupportable burden of grief (Dear Husband) which your al-curing presence is not able to alleviat, and since I am criminell, both in slighting my Oath, and in murthering the lovely Ipsetus, why shou'd I yet commit another crime in endeavouring to evite the punishment? And since I was not so vertuous, as to take example by others, I should be now so vertuous, as to desire others to take example by me. My own conscience hath sentenced me guilty of death; why should not then my [Page 432] own grief execute that so just a sentence? and why should I by prolonging my life, leave my self a possibilty of being yet more vitious? No, no, Dear Husband, the Gods are too just, to suffer me to live to betray you, who hath betrayed him whom I loved once as well as you. And since the bonds of promise were not, they have reason to try, if the bonds of death be strong enough to fetter me. Neither could they suffer that your progeny should have been contagioned by the vitions Leprosie of such a Mother, or that your liberty of matching one to your vertues, should have been forbidden you by the valueless Life of the worthiless Piseta.
These words epilogued her life, and made me a lifeless witness, of her tear-creating death, leaving me nothing but as much grief in Legacie, as my never idle eyes shall be able to pay, although they imploy the whole stock of my moisture, for acquitting me of that obligation.