The Law of God Ratified, By the GOSPEL of CHRIST: OR, THE HARMONY OF THE Doctrine of Faith, WITH THE Law of Righteousness.
Wherein, many of the Types and Rites of the Ceremonial Law are unfolded: And the Moral Law adjusted a Rule of holy living to all, though justified by Faith.
As it was delivered in several Sermons, Preacht to the Parochial Congregation of Mayfield in Sussex, by Mr. Mainard late Rector thereof, publisht since his Death.
‘ Col. 1. 27, 28. — [...]. 2 Cor. 3. 14. & 18. — [...]’ London, Printed for Francis Tyton at the Sign of the three Daggers in Fleet-street. 1674.
THE Epistle Dedicatory.
To Mrs. Elizabeth Baker Widow: To Captain Iohn Baker and his Wife: And to Mr. Iohn Baker and his Wife. To Mr. Clement Read: and to the rest of the Inhabitants of Mayfield in Sussex, Auditors of these ensuing Sermons.
THe high Opinion he hath of you (who desired me to dedicate these Sermons to you) commands me to make good my compellation, by bearing a particular respect to that worth, and love for those Graces and Profession in you, which were sufficient to determine the Publisher of these Sermons to the choice of you to be Countenancers of them, now printed and exposed to publick View, which you first heard from your own privater Pulpit. The Publisher makes the Church somewhat [Page] a debtor, but Mayfield very much a debtor to him for his care of your spiritual profit and advantage: to which end these Discourses (delivered in such plainness (as becomes the truth) and with such clearness as may capacitate any amongst you to read, understand, and gain by them) are set before you. That of your faithful Monitor, now dead, might be said (as is in somewhat different sense said of Abel,) Being dead, he yet speaketh, Instruction unfolding that which many would else not discern, Caution, that you avoid what he knew was dangerous and might prove deadly, And Exhortation, perswading you to weighty instances of obedience and constancy. If it be, as doubtless it is, a Truth that the Legal and Mosaick Rites were the Gospel vailed, this piece deserveth your serious perusal; for it takes the vail from off the face of Moses, and doth with plainness and brevity explicate many of those divine Riddles and heavenly Hieroglyphicks, on whose out-side too many of the Jews (like unexperienced Children gazing on Pictures,) determin'd their eye inapprehensive of the import of them. I would give you some [Page] account of the Subjects handled in this ensuing Treatise, but it is publisht that your reading might inform you. Nor will I doubt your readiness to view that with your eye, which, I believe, much pleased your ear. And I hope your desires to profit by it, wish my Epistle brief, that you may be taken up with the seasonableness and pertinency of the Subject. A piece which, I assure you, doth very particularly express the temper of its Author, who could have walked abroad (as easily as most) in a gorgeous dress of rich learning; but he was as well versed in this part of self-denial, and resolved to practice it, as he was vers'd in Authors, and knew how to use them. He preacht it to you, that you might understand it, and his Son-in-law hath taken care it should be printed, that you might read and remember it. I wish that, among the many eagerly snatcht occasions men take to publish their own Conceptions More would take this course, and print, for the use of particular places; some of the choice and profitable Sermons of their own Ministers, as soon as might be after their death, when, in all likelihood, the mourning remembrance of their dead [Page] Minister will enhance the value of his living Sermons, whilst the sense of their loss, in the death of his person, would increase the care (of some at least) that they lose not his Counsels, Exhortations, Reproofs and Comforts which (by this means) do survive him. I know many are so obstinate in their Vnbelief, and so unperswadable to Obedience, they will not promise to believe or obey, unless one arose from the dead to witness to the Promises, and to require their Obedience. God shew them mercy, opening their blind eyes, and perswading their hard hearts! If there be any such among your Inhabitants of Mayfield (and alas! in so great a Parish there are too too many,) Behold here is that which of all courses seemeth to come nearest to such a condescension. Though your Minister be not sent from the dead, yet providence sends (as it were) from his Grave: And if you will not obey Commands, nor follow Counsels, nor be warned by Cautions in his writings, you would not be perswaded if he came from the dead. But of you in particular I have no jealousie, to whom this Epistle and the Book is dedicated. Instead of perswading [Page] you to read it (of which I am perswaded you are very forward of your selves) I shall adventure (and, I hope, with no more boldness than success) to move you to bestow many of these Books among your poorer Neighbours, who will gladly read Mr. Maynard's Book, when perhaps they have as little mind to read other mens Works as they have knowledge of their persons. Promote knowledge of Christ, and saving Grace, by the means which are most likely to do it; hereby you shall (through the blessing of the Lord) turn many to righteousness, and shine as the brightness of the Firmament for ever, which is that great thing that (with hope of success) is for you all, and for the rest of the Churchof God, the prayer of
The Contents of the several Chapters.
- NO justification by works, to Gentile or Iew transgressours of the Law, and how: yet the Iew had advantage by the Law, which is not voided by doctrine of Faith. Corrupt nature dispute perversely against the truths of God, partly out of ignorance and mistakes. Christ's righteousness the matter of our justification. Prepossession of false opinions pervert the Scripture; this ruin'd the Iews, obstructed the Gospel among the Greeks. Pride natural to us, and opposite to the Gospel. Love of sin, of the world, pervert truths of the Gospel: the danger of this as rejecting the remedy, or turning it to the increase of the disease. Errors easily increas'd. How Errors found in godly men, while sometime the carnal are free from them.
- Grace abhors the Perverting of truth: So Moses, Elijah, &c. St. Paul, &c. For, hereby God is dishonoured, the New Nature is thwarted. Errors broken out are hardly limited, easily overgrow the truth: So the bulk of Popish Errors did: So Arianisme did. Errors divide the Church: So the Errour of the Necessity of Circumcision, the Errour about [Page] keeping Easter in Victor's time. Pope's Supremacy now divides the Church. Such divisions occasioned by Preaching old forgotten truths; but the fault in those that will not endure such doctrines. Satans malice, and some mens weakness: So the inundation of Popish Superstitions broke in. How much we should resent these things: their danger: Toleration of them discussed, in the Objections for Errours answered.
- Objections against truth many times are double falshoods; this riseth from Ignorance, Credulity, malice, and want of Arguments to confirm errours. No strange or new thing that men erre and are slanderous. Protestant Ministers are no promoters of Antichrist, but his great Adversaries: lessening them greatens Antichrists interest. Seducing Sectaries expedite Antichrists affairs. Satan hath still hindered reformation by such ways.
- A Threefold Law, first given to the Gentiles with the Iews: the other given only to the Iew. Law of nature and its use. The Ceremonial cannot justifie, nor the Moral, yet neither made void by Faith. Faith confirms the Ceremonial Law: what this is, 'tis of God, how long to last; abus'd or not understood by [Page] many of the Iews, who precisely observed Ceremonial cleanness, palpably neglecting moral purity. In what sense doctrine of Faith doth not abolish the Ceremonial Law. The dispute between Iews and Samaritans, and whence it arose; when, and how long continued. Divine worship in spirit and truth, not limited to any place. Law Ceremonial, a School-master to bring us to Christ, full of deep mysteries and spiritual realities, cleared by the Gospel. These unfolded in explication of Circumcision, seal of that promise, I will be their God, which contains all grace and comfort, is made good to us in Christ: the Covenant sealed by Circumcision, the same that is sealed by Baptisme. Passeover what, its occasion, the circumstances of it; its meaning in each particular applied to Christ. Actual faith in Christ delivers from Curse of the Law, should excite to thanfulness, holiness, exercise faith, preparedness for our duties, godly sorrow. Feast of first Fruits, when enjoyned, excite to endeavour a rising to newness of life.
Few Creatures appointed for Sacrifices: three sorts of Beasts, two of Fowls, all meek, resembling Christ, as we should. Korban whence derived, how apply'd to Christ, through whom we are made nigh to God. Burnt offering, [...]. Its import to us, the rites in offering it, blindness of the Iews, and to be pittied: deep slaine of sin, it is deadly to the sinner or his [Page] surety: Christs Bloud precious, shed that we should not live in sin. The continual burntoffering Christians should offer morning and evening; as most likely the Iews did pray and praise God in their Houses. [...] its signification: Imputation of sin to Christ speaks Gods love of Compassion to sinners: sin base and shameful. The blood of [...] sprinkled before the Lord on the Golden Altar; the meaning hereof: Its inward fat burned, what meant: some other rites in the offering it, and their import. [...] what it was, noted Christ and how, a sufficient sacrifice therefore, fit to be trusted in. How the [...] noteth the Christians sacrifice, and apply'd. Oyle used in the meat offering: its purport with other rites of it explained. Salt with all Sacrifices, and its meaning. The Covenant of Salt. The drink offering wherein it consisted. The Peace offering, what, and on what occasion; meaneth whole Christian duty in general, to be offered to God through Christ. Peace-offering might be male or female, part of it to be burnt, part for the Priest, part for the offerer; hence our Communion with God inferr'd. How Sacrificers are partakers of the Altar. Priests under the Law were sacred persons, especially the High-Priest, type of Christ, whose is an eternal Priesthood. The Garments of the High-Priest and their meaning, viz. the holiness, beauty, and glory of Christ in general. A more particular view of each part of the Garments, their import, and our instruction. Ordinary Priests were in a sort types of Christians who [Page] are to be spiritual Priests and Sacrifices. Ministers of the Gospel no where called Priests in the New Testament. Tabernacle and Temple agreed in some, differed in other particulars: how each signified Christ to dwell with us, in much humility and love, we ought therefore to unite our selves to him, estrange our selves from sin: scandalous sins should not be cause of gladness in any who observe them in others. Temple and Tabernacle signify'd each be liever.
Sin defiles the whole man, the heart first, the outward man next: sin begins in the heart. Altar made of Shittim wood, the meaning; covered with brass, its purport; the Godheadpreserving the humane nature under its sufferings. Where the Altar was placed, its meaning.
The Altar of incense, its meaning. The Ark what in it, and their Import. The mercy seat, the Cherubims looking down towards the Ark.
The fire used in Sacrifices, its meaning: Christs love to us, undergoing such sufferings for us, requireth love from us to him.
This fire came from Heaven, never was to go out; such should Christian zeal be.
Sacred observances, as restraint from unclean beasts: so not in their own nature; the meaning equalleth all mankind in their Original. Gods Soveraignty in chusing Israel incomprehensible: [Page] His infinite goodness calling the Gentiles, who should be thankful, and take heed of unbelief and all sin. Our liberty to use all wholesome food: Blood whether now forbidden? Probably a Natural though secret reason, why so many Creatures were forbidden to Israel? Prohibition of eating blood, Acts 15. explained.
Festivals Religious among the Iews, noted our Christian joy. What feasts these were. At the time of the feast of Harvest, Christ sent down the Spirit on his Apostles, who were to gather in the Harvest of the Gentiles.
Feast of ingathering about our September. the meaning of it well applyed in three or four particulars.
The feast of Trumpets, the type of Preaching the Gospel, and calling to faith and repentance: who are deaf to this, shall be astonied at the last Trumpets sound.
The various washings in use among the Iews well unfolded, shew Christ the accomplishment of them, and our Christian duty of dayly purging our selves in the fountain of his blood.
St. Pauls design to deliver to us the doctrine of justification by grace. This clear'd by reducing all men under an examen: The Gentile examined and cast by Law of nature transgressed: The Iew examined and cast by the written Law moral transgressed. There is [Page] a Law of nature, this not nulled by Faith: What this Law is, in the particular description of it? Tis engraven on the heart, given by Christ, yet different from that he gives Believers who follow him. It was a perfect rule before the fall, it is yet of great use, though much impaired. The [...], that he was to be served, and worshipped, that he created all, being himself eternal and omnipotent, wise and good. This Law declared what is good and what evil, in some measure. Excellent discourses of Philosophers. Yet is it an imperfect Rule now, cannot guide sinners to blessedness: discovers not the great mystery of the Trinity, or the state of perfection man was Created in; his fall, and recovery, &c. An additional imperfection from the heart on which it is written, as from blurr'd paper the words or Letters are imperfectly read: Yet useful it is to Gods glory, to humane Societies, as remote preparators to receiving the Gospel; in which much above, nothing contrary to, the light of Nature; it justifies God, leaves man without excuse, not increasing this light, not acting up to it. This defect of theirs was sin against God, who as Lawgiver to all, hath given this Law, punisht the breakers of it, before the Law given on mount Sinai. Rom. 5. 13, 14. illustrated. These punishments were just, as severe, in every age, and ruine of several Monarchies. The sins of Christians greater than of Heathens or Iews. What Christians are in name, in participation with Christ, who is dishonoured by their sins, which many [Page] Heathens abhor. Seneca and Pliny abhor'd Drunkenness, Tully decry'd Frauds in Contracts.
Moral Law written, abridged in the ten Commandments, established by the Doctrine of justification by faith, though it excludes the Righteousness of works from our justification, not excluded from all other use. None justified by works of the Law, because all are born in state of sin. Works of faith follow justification as fruit, are imperfect examined by the rigor of the Law, which bears not the least aberration, requires the whole of mans heart alwaies, in highest degree of love to God, and for his sake to man our neighbour, nothing must be omitted, or wanting, or defective. Mans works cannot justifie before the infinite justice, holiness and Majesty of God our Lawgiver. Man to be saved, was found in sin; is saved by grace: from which they fall, who would be justified by the Law, being a Covenant of nature quite different from the Gospel. Works justifying in St. James sense, Jam. 2. 24. explained. Iustifying faith is an Active principle, as prevalent habits are. They miserable who are not in Christ, because condemned: no middle State: outward fairness insufficient, inward change necessary. Historical faith doth not justifie. Iustifying faith hath sense of its need of Christ, who is a complete Saviour, and wherein this compleatness is. How earnest [Page] we should be to be found in him, careful to bring forth much fruit, but not to trust in it, keep the mean between the dangerous extreams of a dead faith, and resting on the works of Faith.
How Christ establisht the Law; by fulfilling it which he did without destroying it, what occasion of that, Mat. 5. 17. how made under the Law though he was the Lawgiver, bound therefore to fulfill the Law perfectly, so became a perfect High-Priest according to the type wherein every blemisht person was prohibited medling with the Priestly function. Sinless perfection necessary to the Sacrifice Christ offer'd in offering himself. Fulfilling the Righteousness of the Law, is an establishing of the Law; to the exactness whereof man was at first created, the Law of our Creation afterwards exemplified in the decalogue: Satans design to obliterate this Law by our sin, to bring us under a Law of sin, how this effected, hence God dishonoured, man destroyed, both arising from Satans malice against the glory of God, and happiness of man: This work of Satan Christ came to destroy, and hath done it, which no meer creature could have done, Angels could not, and why. This work is really a repairing man, though expressed by destroying of Satans work: so raising up the dead, is called destruction of the Grave. 1 Joh. 3. 8. at large unfolded, Christ God imprest on our nature in himself, the absolute perfection of that holiness the Law required of mans nature, Christ hath fully satisfied [Page] the Law, and accomplisht the Prophecies concerning him, which was God, the coessential word, who made all, supports all in heaven and earth, and doth it as primary efficient cause and final for his own glory, so was without robbery equal with God, yet became man, uniting the humane nature to the Godhead, which supported the humane nature, gave value to the sufferings of it, in which nature, he made under the Law, was in capacity of suffering the Curse, which the Godhead, fountain of life and blessedness was not liable to: Who come not to Christ, are expos'd to all that their sins deserve, and the Law threatens: Sin then is bitter, and will be the shame of Sinners. Who are in Christ, have sound foundation of comfort, Christ hath satisfied the Law for them. To whom his perfect righteousness is imputed: so the Law establisht, this enlarged and illustrated, Debts paid by surety the debtor discharged the payment imputed, God imputes it, and of Grace or freely to the Believer on his believing in Christ. So faith justifieth not meritoriously, nor efficiently, not materially or formally, but objectively and instrumental [...]y, as apprehending Christ his righteousness: Hence our blessedness, joyned with our Sanctification. How Christ establisht the Law, by perfectly fulfilling all the Righteousness which it required: Contraiwise the doctrine of justification by our works makes void the Law in great part, reducing its Commands to the scantling of that obed [...]ence, which is pretended to justifie us. [Page] The mystery of Christs immense love to us. Believers should be humble and will be [...] Great sinners may be encouraged to come to Christ, whose righteousness is the righteousness of Jehovah. Look to the truth of your faith, the suitableness of your life: justified ones are sanctified ones. The Law is made a rule of holiness in life, to those that are justified without works of the Law, and this by the Authority of Christ, who hath for us satisfied it as a Covenant, and now ratified it as a Rule to us; we cannot live justified by it, we must live sanctified to it. The Law as Covenant of works, useful to Believers, to humble, awaken, and drive them to seek a remedy: The Law a Rule useful to believers, keeping them poor in spirit, in sight of what they once were, what they still are: It is useful to quicken and stir them up to greater study of holiness. Our Redemption no prejudice to the Law, rather an exalting of it. The peaceable comport of the Law and Faith, which oppos'd to each other, is great error of Antinomians. High Presumption to boast of justification by Faith, and yet be the servants of sin against the holiness of the Commandment. He is out of Christ who continues in sin, in contempt of the Law, and to the abuse of free grace, which imparteth inherent Righteousness to sanctification, as it imputeth Christ his righteousness to justification.
PAge 5. line 2. read these. p. 17. l. ult. add here. p. 18. for when, l. 18. r. even. p. 21. for Circumcellions, r. Circumcellians. p. 32. l. 19. for Corrupts, r. Corrupt. p. 33. l. 2. r. [...]. l 13. r. Hymenaeus. p. 37. l. 16. r. Consequents. p. 44. l. penult. r. exhort. p. 53. l. 12. r. tolerable. for Chap. IV, r. V. p. 125. in the margin, for Officers, r. Offerer. p. 130. l. 33. dele him. p. 153. l. 22. r. persons. p. 160. l. 1. for An, r. any. p. 212. l. 2. for no, r not. p. 239. l. 21. r. woman. p. 240. l. 17. for state, r. stead. p. 243. l. 6. r. enduring. p. 263. l. 25. r. For.
THe holy Apostle in this divine Epistle according to the wisdom given unto him (as his fellow Apostle saith of him) having laid down that great fundamental truth of the Gospel, 2 Pet. 3. 15. that righteousness and everlasting life is to be obtained by faith; Rom. 1. 17. that is, by the perfect Righteousness of Christ imputed to Believers by God the Father, and applied by Faith, proveth it by shewing that none are justified any other way; and this he cleareth by making it evident that all sorts of men Israelites and Gentiles are sinful and guilty before the Lord, and therefore none of them justified by any works of their own in the fight of God. He proveth the Gentiles to have sinned against the law, and light of Nature and Reason; the Israelites to have sinned against that Law, not only so, but against the written Law, and [Page 2] that both Ceremonial and Moral; against th [...] Ceremonial Law, in that they rested in the outward observation of it, not looking to the substance and end of it, and so their Circumcision was made uncircumcision: The moral Law condemned them because their corrupt natures were enmity against it, contrary unto it; they sinned against it in omissions, commissions, their best performances fell far short of the full perfection of it, and therefore they all stood condemned before the Lord, whose exact justice alloweth of no righteousness but that which is every way perfect. These things being cleared from the 17th verse of the first Chapter to the 20th verse of this third Chapter: Then he declareth another way of justification revealed in the Gospel, even by the full satisfaction and perfect righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, imputed by God the righteous Judge of all the world to Believers, and applied by faith: And having proved this, in the latter part of this and in the two next Chapters, he in [...]rt [...]th th [...]se words in the end of the third▪ Chapter, Do we then &c.? although he had not finished his discourse of free justification by faith through the righteousness of Christ, yet he wou [...]d put in a caveat against the licentious [...]buse of this excel [...]ent Doctrine, though it seemeth a little out of order, not tying himself so precisely to method as to negl [...]ct the vindicating the honour of Christ, and the preventing, or removing of such a mistake upon which poor souls are apt to [Page 3] make Shipwrack. Parts of the words. So that in these words we may note, first a Question or Objection, Do we make void the Law through faith? secondly an Answer: 1. By way of detestation or abhorrence, God forbid! or, let it not be, far be it from us. 2. By way of denial implied in a contrary Assertion, and that with advantage, We are so far from making void the Law through faith, that by this doctrine we establish the Law. Do we make void the Law? Do we make the Law a vain, empty, useless thing, of no force? Do we take away all authority and binding power from the Law? through faith, through the Doctrine of the Gospel, teaching men another way of obtaining justification and righteousness, by the perfect righteousness of Christ, apprehended by faith without any respect unto or consideration of the works of the Law? [...] Let it not be, far be it from us; Yea, we establish the Law, we give more honour to the Law, we acknowledge more fully and truly the perfection, purity, authority of the Law, than they do, which teach and seek righteousness by the works of the Law. From this objection may be noted this point: Doctr. 1. That Ignorance and malice is apt to mistake, slander or pervert the most precious Truths of the Gospel; or thus, The corrupt Nature of man is apt to corrupt the most precious Truths of the Gospel. So in this present Chapter: Rom. 3. 1, 2. For the Apostle having before proved the people of Israel had as much need of the Righteousness of Christ to save them from condemnation, and [Page 4] to justifie them and present them as righteous before God, as the Heathen; their sins and guilt being as great as that of the Heathens or rather greater. It seems hereupon some were ready to argue: What advantage then hath the Iew, and what profit is there of Circumcision? As if they had said, this doctrine taketh away all difference betwixt Iew and Gentile; it giveth unto Israel the peculiar people of God no more priviledge or dignity in things pertaining to God, than to the worst of Heathen Idolaters; it was to no purpose that God distinguished them from other Nations by the ordinance of Circumcision: Thus is corrupt Nature apt to corrupt the precious Truths of the Gospel. But the Apostle shews that the Iews had much advantage over the Gentiles, chiefly, because that unto them were committed the Oracles of God: They had the word of God, the writings of Moses and the Prophets given by the inspiration of the holy Ghost, directing them to the Messias to whom they were to seek for Righteousness, and in whom they were to believe that they might be justified: They had Sacrifices prescribed them by the wisdom of God, as special helps to strengthen their faith in the perfect Sacrifice of Christ the Redeemer; and therefore they had much advantage above the Heathens, if they improved it for their eternal good; and yet notwithstanding all this, it was as impossible for them to be justified by their own works and righteousness, as for the Heathens, and they [Page 5] had as much need of Christ and his righteousness for justification as a [...]ese. In this the Iews had the advantage above the Heathens, that they had far better means to lead them unto Christ than the Heathens: Herein they were both alike, that neither the one nor the other could be justified and saved by their own works, but only by Christ and his righteousness. Again in this regard, the condition of the obstinate and unbelieving Iews was worse than that of the profane Gentiles, that they sinned against greater light and means, not improving their priviledges and advantages but receiving the grace of God in vain. Ro. 3. 5, 6, 7, 8. Then followeth another objection, If mans unrighteousness commendeth the Righteousness of God, if Gods Righteousness in justifying sinners be the more gloriously manifested by reason of mens wickedness, how then can it stand with the righteousness of God to punish men for sin? and again, if the glory of God, his rich Grace, do appear and shine forth so much the more admirably by the heinousness of peoples sins, why should any flee from sin, and not rather add sin to sin, doing evil that good may come, that Gods grace may be the more manifested to his glory? The Apostle rejecteth these with detestation, shewing that notwithstanding all their perverse cavils, they shall find God a severe judge, and that their damnation is just: for it doth no way lessen the guilt of sin that God getteth glory by it; for sin in its own nature tendeth to the darkning of [Page 6] Gods Glory, and men by sinning dishonour God; but such is the infinite perfection of God, that as he commanded the light to shine out of darkness, though darkness be contrary to the light, so he can work good, and get himself glory out of the evil of sin, which in it self tendeth to rob him of his glory. So in the sixth Chapter of this Epistle, shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Rom. 6. 1. &c. The Apostle had shewed before that all had sinned in Adam, besides the guilt of their own actual sins, yea, even such as lived before the Law was given by Moses; and that by the publishing of the Law sin abounded, the guilt of sin increased: but then withal, he added, that where sin abounded grace did much more abound; the free love and favour of God was gloriously manifested in pardoning sin, thus heightned and aggravated by the express Law, and in freely justifying sinners condemned by the written Law. Hence this Question or Objection, to which the Apostle answers with detestation (as before) and withal sheweth that they who are justified by the righteousness of Christ, have received the Spirit, and so dye to sin and live to righteousness, and are engaged hereunto by their Baptisme, and therefore it is in vain for any to hope for justification, and pardon of sin through Christ, who yeild themselves up to the service of sin. So verse 14th, he saith to Believers, ver. 14. Ye are not under the Law but under Grace: Hence again a Question or Objection of corrupt nature or carnal reason, What then? [Page 7] Shall we sin because we are not under the Law but under Grace; May we not therefore sin securely if we be free from the Law, if the Law have no power nor authority over us to condemn us? The Apostle answereth this after his usual manner with detestation, and then more fully, Know ye not that to whom ye yeild your selves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? They that are just [...]fied by Christ, and freed from the curse, the condemnation and rigour of the Law, are the Members of Christ, and servants of righteousness; but they that sin securely upon a conceit that they are freed from the Law, are indeed the servants of sin, and this service of sin tendeth to everlasting death. The General Reason of the point. The Reason of this in general, is, the contrariety of mans nature unto God and his Truth since the fall, since the Image of God was defaced, and the Nature of man corrupted by sin; so that the powers of the soul thus degenerated are become cross and opposite unto the counsel and truth of God. 1 Joh. 4. 5, 6▪ They are of the world, therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them: we are of God, he that knoweth God heareth us, he that is not of God heareth not us; hereby know we the spirit of Truth and the spirit of Error: all of us are naturally of the world, and all remain so, unless the Lord do effectually by his grace call them out of the world, and so their worldly minds and hearts are unsutable and opposite unto the mind and truth of [Page 8] God. Particular Reasons. More particularly, 1. Ignorance is a great cause why men deprave the Scriptures and pervert the Truths of God: the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. All are naturally darkness, Joh. 1. 5. and therefore full of contrariety to the light and truth of God; ye were sometimes darkness, Eph. 7. 8. saith the Apostle, to those that then were light in the Lord; the best of those whom God hath savingly inlightned by his spirit, were sometimes darkness. Col. 3. 9, 10. Lye not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the Image of him that created him. They that are regenerated are renewed as in other regards so in knowledge; This sheweth that the old man is possessed with darkness; Corrupt Nature is void of saving knowledge, and therefore in that condition men are apt to put light for darkness, and darkness for light. Mat. 22. 23, & 29. &c. The Sadduces that denied that great Mystery of the Resurrection of the body, I conceive, were much pleased with an Argument whereby they hoped to nonplus the Lord Jesus Christ; they seemed not directly to deny the Resurrection, but only to desire a Resolution in a difficult case, concerning [...]a woman that had seven husbands, & out-liv'd them all: The Question was, which of those seven should enjoy her for his wife at the Resurrection; but the Lord Christ telleth them they shewed gross ignorance in that wherein they thought themselves ve [...]y acute: saith he, Ye do err, not knowing the [Page 9] Scriptures nor the power of God: and first sheweth them how by the Almighty power of God, the bodies of the Saints at the Resurrection should be so wonderfully transformed and glorified, that they should not need nor desire marriage or other things of the like natrue, no more then the Angels do which are Spirits and have no bodies; then he proveth by the Scripture that the dead shall rise, Now this ignorance is more or less gross in several persons; Ignorance greater or less and whence. some that are not so grossely ignorant as others, yet being weak in knowledge and judgement, are apt to miscarry in this kind: First by misunderstanding some Texts or passages of holy Scripture, so it seemeth the Saints at Thessalonica mistook what the Apostle had written to them in his former Epistle, when speaking of the last day, 1 Thes. 4. 15, 16, 17. he saith, This we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep; the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the Trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the Clouds, to meet the Lord in the Air. Where twice he speaketh of himself (if we look on the bare words) as if he should live to the end of the world, as if Christ should come in glory before Paul should leave this world: I conceive, he spake by way of supposition, that if he, and other Believers then living, should [Page 10] remain to the last day, then they should be thus translated to Glory; and as he saith elsewhere, they should not dye, but should be changed and this he might do to teach others by his example to live in a continual expectation o [...] Christs gloriou [...] appearing, especially considering that the day of death was to them as the last day, not that he did peremtorily determine any thing concerning the time which was unknown: now compare this with what he writeth to the same Church in the next Epistle, 2 Thes. 2. 1, 2, 3. Now we beseech you Brethren, by the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit or word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand: Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of Perdition &c. It seemeth some went about to deceive them under pretence of Revelation implied in the word Spirit, some by word of Mouth, as if the day of the Lord should come in that age, and these might abuse those words of the Apostle in his former Epistle, therefore he saith, by Letter (or Epistle) as from us. Now Satan might have this pollicy, and set a certain day, and that within a short time, that when they saw it did not come to pass at the time foretold, they might doubt of the thing it self, whether ever it would come to pass; but the Apostle shews them that there must be a great change before that day, a [Page 11] general Apostacy or falling away, and the revealing that man of sin, the Son of perdition.
Secondly, by drawing false inferences and conclusions from some places of Scripture. So in the present Text, from that [...]ound doctrine of the Apostle concerning free justification of sinners through the righteousness of Christ, without any respect at all to the works of the Law, it seemeth some drew this inference or conclusion, that the Law was made void: and do not the Antinomians the very same [...]t this day? yea, do not many among us harbour the same conceits in their minds, as if it were enough only to pray to God to pardon their sins for Christ his sake; as if they [...]eed not labour after conformity to the Law [...]n righteousness and holiness. On the other [...]de, Luk. 13. 3. whereas Christ saith, Except ye repent ye shall likewise perish. Joh. 3. 3. Except a man be born again, Heb. 12. 14. he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Follow Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. From these and the like Scriptures, some it seemeth draw false conclusions, as if by repentance, by holiness, by prayers, and other duties, they might in part satisfie for their former sins; and as if Repentance, Regeneration, Holiness, were not only things accompanying justification and salvation, but proper causes: But ye must consider,
First, that Christ his satisfaction and righteousness is the full, perfect, and only cause of [...]ustification and pardon of sin, and that no holiness, no duties of the persons justified, do [Page 12] help any thing at all towards their justification; it is the Righteousness of Christ imputed to them, which maketh up the whole matter of their Righteousness in the sight of God, and covereth all their sins.
2 Secondly, on the other side, Regeneration, Repentance, Holiness, are concomitants, things accompanying justification and salvation, and evidences of it: So that although none can procure pardon of sin, nor justification in the least degree, by any graces or duties of their own, yet none can have any [...]ound hope that their sins are forgiven, or their persons accepted of God as righteous, without Repentance, Regeneration, and Holiness; because none have their sins pardoned, and their persons justified, but such as receive Christ into their hearts by Faith. Now Christ alwaies cometh by water and blood by his holy graces to wash and sanctifie the Soul, as by his blood and merit to justifie and procure forgiveness of sin. As the light of the fire giveth no heat, and the heat of the fire giveth no light, yet the heat and light are joyned together in the fire; so righteousness imputed to the soul for justification and forgiveness of sin do not sanctifie, and on the other side, Repentance, Regeneration, holiness in Believers do not justifie, yet they are joyned together, and where one is, there is the other, and the latter is an evidence of the former. I conceive it is a common case with many to mistake in this kind, because they want judgement rightly to draw inferences from Scripture [Page 13] gro [...]nds: so the Anabaptists, because they read of persons baptized when they made profession of faith and repentance; hereupon they draw conclusions against Infant-baptisme: whereas the case is not alike, for those examples are of converted Jews or Heathens, not of such as are born of Christian-parents; whereas they should rather argue, that because Infants born of Church-members under the old Testament, were circumcised as Church-members by the Lord command; therefore Infants born of Church-members under the new Testament are to be baptized as Church-members now.
Thirdly, Prejudicate opinion, the cause of perverting the truth through Ignorance. prejudicate opinions, false conceits, sutable to corrupt Nature and carnal reason, forestalling the mind, and being entertained aforehand, make people very apt to deprave or deny the Truth when it is presented to them. I conceive this was the cause why the Jews were so obstinate in rejecting Christ and his doctrine, not receiving and obeying him as Christ; because their carnal minds were forestalled with conceits of a Messias that should come in state as an earthly Prince, and erect a glorious worldly Kingdom amongst them, and this prejudice moved them to corrupt the Prophecies of the old Testament, and to distaste the doctrines of the New; they liked not to hear of a crucified Redeemer, the doctrine of the Cross was to them a stumbling-block, they did not close with a spiritual Kingdom of Christ, attended with persecution: yea, Christ his Disciples were [Page 14] not free from this disease, and therefore when Christ foretold his own sufferings, Peter presumed to rebuke him, and there was a contention among them for the chiefe place, as if they expected great worldly honours and dignities by following Christ: On the other side, the Grecians were prepossessed with the rational principles of worldly wisdom and Philosophy, and so despised the Gospel as foolishness, though indeed there were such heights and depths of divine wisdom in the mysteries of the Gospel, as never came into the head of the wisest men amongst them. The carnal Israelites were forestalled with an opinion of their own righteousness, and so rejected the doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ, Rom. 10. 3. For they being ignorant of Gods righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God. Ignorance and prejudice, the fruit of ignorance caused them to disrelish the Truth of the Gospel.
Secondly, 2. Reason of the Point. the love of sin is a cause why men pervertor reject the Truths of the Gospel. The Gospel and word of grac teacheth to deny ungodliness, Tit. 2. 11, [...]2. and worldly lusts, &c. This is distastful to a soul wherein sin raigneth. The Gospel requireth Christians to dye to sin, to mortifie their members which are upon the earth, to live to righteousness, to walk in newness of life.
Thirdly, 3. Reason of the Point. the pride of corrupt Nature is very contrary to the Gospel which teacheth to be poor in spirit, to empty our selves of all self-sufficiency, [Page 15] to go out of our selves, to become fools that we may be wise, to be less than nothing in our own eyes, to receive all of meer grace, the free love and favour of God, to present our selves in anothers garment before God in the righteousness of Christ, for the covering of our shame, and cloathing of our nakedness, to look for no acceptance of any service but by anothers worthiness, the merit of Christ.
Fourthly, 4th Reason of the Point. corrupt and inordinate self-love may move men to reject or corrupt the Truths of the Gospel, which teacheth self denyal, and the renouncing of all that is dear unto us, so far as it standeth in opposition against Christ, Then saith Iesus unto his Disciples, Mat. 16. 24. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his Cross and follow me. The Gospel striketh at the right eye, at the heart, and root of the most beloved lusts; How then will self-love rise up against it?
Fifty, 5th, Reason of the Point. inordinate love of the world, of things below, being deeply rooted in corrupt Nature, raiseth rebellion against the Gospel, and moveth men either to reject or corrupt the Truths revealed in it. Felix trembled at Pauls discourse and commanded him away: the young man went away sorrowful, when Christ required him to fell all and give to the poor, and follow him, [...] 16. 14. in hope of treasures in Heaven: The Pharises who were covetous, when they heard Christ speak against that sin de [...]ided him; Love not the world, [...] neither the things that are in the world; if any man love the world, the [Page 16] love of the Father is not in him; So if any man love the world inordinately, the love of the Truth is not in him, for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.
The Use of this may be,
First, to teach us to see and bewayle the corruption of our nature, 1. Use of the the first Doctr. and withal, to make us sensible how dangerous it is to continue in our natural estate, destitute of the spirit of Christ; Our corrupt nature is apt to corrupt and deny the precious Truths of the Gospel▪ it were a dangerous and malignant disease of the body, that should turn the best physick into poyson, and either cast it out of the stomach as soon as it is taken in, or grow worse by occasion of the remedy: Our natures are wholly overspread with the deadly disease of sin and corruption, and there is no part [...]ound in them, as the Apostle saith, Rom. 7. 18. I know that in me, that is, in my flesh dwelleth no good thing: He had much good in him through grace, a great measure of the spirit of Christ, but in his flesh, so far as he was carnal, so far as he was not renewed by the holy Ghost, [...]o far there was no good thing dwelling in him; which sheweth that in them which are not regenerate, there is nothing spiritually good, nothing suitable and pleasing to God: Whence these two great evils follow;
1 First, an inclination to reject the Remedy [...]; like a corrupt Stomack that gives no entertainment to the Physick, leaveth it no time [Page 17] to work the cure, but presently casteth it out. So do many in the state of corrupt Nature, they hear the Truths of the Gospel which the Lord hath appoynted as pre [...]ious Remedies against that disease, and reject them, cast them up again, either denying them in the secret thoughts, not believing them, or not seriously minding or regarding them. So the Apostle told the unbelieving Iews, Act. 13. 46▪ it was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you, but seeing ye put it from you, and judge your selves unworthy of everlasting life; Lo we turn to the Gentiles. He charged them for putting the word of God from them. The Apostle had put the word of God home to them, and they put it from them; thus it is with many: The Gospel is tendered to them as necessary physick sent down from Heaven, and ministred to them by the Preachers of the word, but they put it from them; either they do not take it down, or presently cast it up again.
Secondly, there is an inclination in corrupt Nature, to corrupt the Truths of the Gospel, and to make them occasions of increasing the disease, and so to make the Gospel to become the servant of death unto death. 2 Cor. 2. 16. Corrupt Nature is apt to make both the law and the Gospel occasions of increasing these diseases of the soul concerning the Law, Rom. 7. 5, the Apostle saith, when we were in the flesh, the motions of sin which were by the Law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death: This explaineth afterwards as in other passages; [Page 18] wherefore the Law is holy, 1 Pet. 2. 8. and the Commandment holy, and just and good; the Law is perfectly holy, and just and good, and therefore cannot be properly the cause of any thing sinful and unholy, Was that then which is good made death unto me? God forbid! But sin that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good, that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful; such is the malignity of corrupt Nature, that it worketh evil out of good, and maketh the pure and holy Law of God an occasion of sin, the more sin is forbidden, reproved, threatned, condemned by the Law; the more vehemently is the corruption of nature carried after sin. So for the Gospel, the Apostle Peter saith, that Christ preached in the Gospel, is to them that are disobedient, ver. 12, 13. a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence; when to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient, whereunto also they were appointed. They stumble and take offence because they like not those terms upon which Christ is offered to them in the Gospel. How dangerous is it then to continue in this estate of corrupt nature? How earnest should poor souls be with the Lord to deliver them? The body is in a sad estate when all both food and physick increaseth some deadly disease in it. The word and Gospel of God is both food and physick, and corrupt Nature is apt to make it an occasion to increase sin, and aggravate condemnation. Cry mightily to the Lord to work a through cure upon your souls, to change and renew [Page 19] your natures, to send his spirit along with his word, that it may overpower the diseases of your souls, and be unto you the favour of life unto life.
Secondly, Use 2, This may teach us not to think it strange, that so many pretious Truths of the Gospel are denyed and rejected in these days, so many parts of Scripture abused with false interpretations and corrupt glosses, so many errors and lyes maintained instead of Truths. Corrupt nature is a full fountain sufficient to send forth a multitude of these poysoned streams. It is a fruitful wombe to conceive and bring forth abundantly, ignorance, mistaking the sense of Scripture, drawing false conclusions from the word, filling the mind with mists and clouds of prejudice against the Truth, Love of sin, Pride, Corrupt and inordinate self-love, excessive love of the world and outward things. These and the like distempers of corrupt Nature, What truths may they not corrupt or deny? What errours and false opinions may they not breed and cherish?
Now when Satan the Father of Lyes, either more immediately by himself, or mediately by his instruments worketh upon corrupt nature, then followes strong delusion or efficacy of error whereby people are brought to believe lyes tending to damnation. 2 Thes. 2. 12. Yea, such is the power of Satan joyning with corrupt nature in the producing of false doctrines, that one error begetteth many, and one Seducer deceiveth many; one blind guide draweth [Page 20] a multitude into the ditch with himself: yea, one Heresie may soon over-run a whole Country, and spread suddenly from one Nation to another. How soon did the Heresies of Arius overcome the world, and how were the Kings and Kingdoms of the earth made drunk with the cup of the Whore of Babylon, lying drenched and drowned in Popish errours, Superstitions and Idolatries; and like horns fastned to the head of the beast, imploying their power to maintain the tyranny of Antichrist, and to suppress and persecute the truth, and them that were sincere and zealous in professing and promoting it. And,
Thirdly, Use 3. upon the same ground, we may see the cause of such wicked practices as are used to advance and establish errours: Satan and mans corrupt nature joyn together in the breeding of them. False doctrines have an hellish original, and so are carried on by hellish means; What juglings were used by the Arians to delude the Emperor Constantine, to bring the Champions of the Truth, especially Athanasius into disgrace and suspicion with him? how importunate were they to obtain a toleration, and to be received into Communion with the Church; covering their wolvish natures under sheeps cloathing, while they were weak and kept under, but casting off the sheeps skin when once they grew numerous and strong, and had Emperours for their turn, and appearing in their own colours, devouring the sheep of Christ, making [Page 21] havock of the Church, and exercising outragious persecution against them? Much is related also of the fury and cruelty of the Circumcellions; As for the Papists, what Country in Europe almost hath not had experience more or less of their bloody butcheries? how many thousands of Saints and Martyrs have they murdered with fire and sword, and put to cruel torments in Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Netherlands, England and Scotland? Among the rest the barbarous Massacres acted upon the Protestants at Paris in France, under pretence of friendship, and a royal wedding, and the like cruelty executed in other Cities of that Kingdome, and the hellish Powder plot here in England, are sufficient evidences by what spirit they are led: and this latter is on the one side, I conceive, matter of perpetual infamy and reproach to the Whore of Babylon; and on the other side, an everlasting monument of the goodness of God, and his watchful eye over his Church, in discovering this work of darkness, laughing to scorn the counsels of his Enemies, and commanding deliverance for his people in this Land, by which means the Gospel and ordinances of God are continued among us to this day. But by these and the like examples it may appear, that Satan and the corrupt nature of man closing together, do both bring forth dangerous errours, and contrive wicked means to maintain them. Hence it is that they have dealt perfidiously with men to work their own ends, having first dealt [Page 22] falsly with God in denying his Truth, and (as much as lyeth in them) falsifying his word, putting false constructions upon it, and drawing false conclusions from it. And therefore none ought to stumble at the multitude of errors and false opinions, so as to question the Truth and certainty of Religion, but rather so much the more to use means to be established in the Truth, by searching the Scriptures with diligence, earnestly praying to the Lord to open their understandings, to lead them into all Truth, and confirm them in it, to frame their hearts to receive the love of the Truth, and to keep them from being led away with the error of the wicked.
But some may question. Two Questions Answered. If Satan and corrupt nature are the cause of errours, what is the reason then, 1. That some of the godly are drawn into Error? 2. What is the cause that many carnal persons, and many notoriously wicked, are free from Errours, yea, at such times and in such places where errours and sects abound. For answer to the former I conceive.
First, Answ. to 1. Some of note for profession unsound at heart. that many who have been of note for godliness were never sound; they were but chaffe in the Lords floore, aud so easily blown away with every wind of false Doctrine. Saith the Apostle Iohn, 1 Joh. 2. 18, 19. Little children, it is the last time, and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time: These lesser Ant [...]ists were forerunners of the great Anti [...]hrist, but whence [Page 23] came these petty Antichrists, even out of the bosome of the primitive? apostolical Church; for saith this Apostle, They went out from us, but they were not of us: for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us; but they went out, that they might be made manifest, that they were not all of us. If these that were in communion with the Church of Christ in those purest times, were unsound at the best▪ and afterwards discovered their unsoundness by departing from the faith and Church of Christ, and becoming open enemies to the Truth, have we not cause to think that many, who in these days imbrace false opinions, were never upright when they seemed most zealous for the Truth and wayes of God? And therefore what need have all to search their hearts, and while they seem to stand take heed least they fall, by l [...]bouring to ground themselves upon the Lord Jesus Christ by faith unfeigned.
Secondly, 2. Answ. to 1. Query. Some err because their knowledge is but in part. I doubt not but sincere Christians may fall into some lesser errors, because they do but know in part; There are degrees of ignorance in them and the remainders of corrupt nature which may darken their minds, and expose them to the danger of erring, partly through the weakness of their own judgements, partly through the sleight of men and cunning craftiness, whereby they lye in wait to deceive, partly through the high esteem which they have of some men. So it is thought that multitudes were carried away with Luthers Name, and the eminency of his gifts, [Page 24] and the great service done by him to the Church of Christ.
Lastly, 3. Answ. to 1. Quaere. God permits it to teach us how to esteem men. I conceive that the Lord may in his wisdom suffer some eminent Saints of his to err in some things, that men may learn not to think of men above that which is meet, but to give that great prerogative of infallibility to the God of truth alone, who hath revealed his Truth in the holy Scriptures: and therefore Christians should try all spirits and doctrines by this Rule, bring them all to the Law and to the Testimony, concluding that if they speak not according to this Rule, it is because there is no light in them, no light in their doctrine, so far as it will not endure the trial of Scripture light; yea, the Apostle speaks very high in this case, Though we, or an Angel from Heaven, Gal. 1. 8. preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preached, let him be accursed. If it were possible for a blessed Angel to preach false doctrine, we must reject and cleave to the Scripture against all contradiction.
For answer to the Second Question: In as much as Satan, Answ. to 2. Query. Carnal persons may be constant to some truths, and whence. and the corrupt nature of man, are the cause of Errours and Heresies, What is the reason that many carnal persons both such as are of civil conversation, and fair moral principles, and also such as are loose and licentious, yea openly profane, are free from errours in such places and ages, where & when false doctrines abound; whereas they are such in whom the corruption of nature raigneth, and such as are held captive by Satan according to his will?
[Page 25] For answer to this I conceive,
First, that some such persons being naturally quick of apprehension, 1. Answ. From Natural quickness of judgment. and judicious, may be so clearly convinced of some truths, that though many deny them and oppose them yet they will stand to them, especially when there is liberty for all sides to hold and profess what they list, and a man may stick to the Truth without loss and danger: in such cases natural Conscience is a strong tye upon mens spirits, to cause them not willfully to deny a known Truth.
Secondly, 2. Answ. From affectation of a seeming constancy. Some may affect the reputation of constancy, being loth to be noted for light vain and fickle persons; and therefore in as much as it was their lot to be trained up from their childhood in the truth, they will cleave to it, howsoever others cast it off, so long as they see they may do it with safety. They account it a childish thing to hearken to every novelty and vain fancy (as indeed it is) and therefore not becoming their gravity. It may be they would have been as obstinate in error had they happened to have been taught it in their youth, as now they seem to be constant in the Truth. Is not this apparent in divers at this day, who stand firm in doctrinal truths, and remain perversely stiffe, in old Ceremonyes and superstitious observances, which have no footing in the holy Scriptures, because they have been trained up in both? On the one side they were trained up under sound doctrine concerning the main points of faith: On the other side, they received some [Page 26] superstitious observances by tradition, and therefore they will part with neither,
Thirdly, I suppose Satan having possession of carnal persons another way, 3 Answ. Satan [...] sure of them a [...]other way. doth not much temp [...] some of them to renounce the Truth and entertain errours, because they are not such as are likely to do him any special service in promoting false doctrines.
Fourthly, many carnal persons may be engaged to stand for the Truth against errors because some whom they respect, 4. Ans Hoped advantage from those that hold the truth. or upon whom they depend, or of whom they look for some advantage, go that way.
Fifthly, many carnal persons seem to be indifferent in matter of Religion: 5. Answ. From their indifferency to opinions in Religion which keeps them from New ones. They are serious, and hearty about things that bring in profit, in following their business, or in pursuing their pleasures, in satisfying their lusts; they think it no great matter what men hold or profess in matter of doctrine. When the Iews accused the Apostle Paul for teaching false doctrine, saith Gallio the Roman deputy, If it be a question of words and names, Act. [...]8. 15. and of your law, look ye to it, for I will be no judge of such matters. See how slightly he speaks of matters of Religion, as if they were but empty words, whereas the Question between Paul and the Iews was one of the weigtiest that ever was in controversie. scil. Whether the Lord Jesus were the Christ? And so Festus another Roman Governour relating Pauls Case to King Agrippa, accused by the Iews▪ said, When the Accusers stood up they brought none accusation of such things as I supsed, & 25, 18, 19. [Page 27] but had certain questions against him of their own superstition, and of one Iesus which was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alive. It seemeth he thought these things to be frivolous queries not worthy of the cognizance of so great a Magistrate as himself: whereas the R [...]surrection of Christ from the dead (which was in question between Paul and his adversaries) was such a fundamental point, as that mans salvation depended upon it. Thus it seemeth many are kept from embracing errours, because they hold it a matter of no great weight, what men profess in point of Religion. But let all that mind their salvation receive the love of the Truth and walk in it, hating and shunning every false opinion, and every false way, out of sincere love to the Lord Jesus Christ, and true zeal for his Glory. So much of the Question or Objection.
THe Answer is, first by way of abhorrence or detestation [...] Let it not be, or far be it from [...]s; which our translaturs render, God Forbid: I suppose because this English phrase is used in cases of like nature; howsoever the Apostle by these words signified that he abhorred and detested such a consequence, as to make void the Law by the doctrine of free justification [Page 28] through the righteousness of Christ applied by Faith. Hence may be noted this point: 2. Doct. Gracious hearts abhor opinions which oppose the truth of God.
That gracious hearts do exceedingly abhor those opinions which corrupt or oppose the truth of God. Heresies and false doctrines are odious to the godly.
1. This may appear in many examples, Proof. 1. From examples. Of M [...]ses. and first in the old Testament. Moses did exceedingly abhorre the wicked counsel of Balaam whereby he taught the Midianites to deceiv [...] the people of Israel, so as to draw many of them from the worship of God to Idolatry; and therefore saith he to the people, Num. 31. 3, 7, 8, 14, 15. arm some of your selves to the war, and let them go against the Midianites and avenge the Lord of Midian: which they did, and slew the Males, and five Kings of Midian, and Balaam himself, who gave this wicked counsel: But Moses was not satisfied with this execution, but was wroth with the officers of the Host, and said unto them, have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the Children of Israel through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord; and then he commanded them to kill all except the women children which were Virgins: And it seemeth that this was one of the last acts of Moses his life, for the Lord said unto him, ver. 1, 2. avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites, afterwards shalt thou be gathered unto thy people: of Elijah. it was a work fit for him to do when he was ready to leave the world. How odious were those [Page 29] Prophets of Baal, to that zealous Prophet Elijah! Saith he, take the Prophets of Baal, let not one of them escape: 1 King 18. 40. and they took them, and Elijah brought them down to the brook Chishon and slew them there. of Micaiah. Micaiah shewed his detestation of those lyes spoken by the false prophets, when he told the King, & Ch. 22. 23. now therefore behold the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy Prophets. The like may be shewed of the Prophet Ieremiah, of Ieremiah. Jer. 28. 15, 16. & 29. 21, 22. ver. 31, 32. how he abhorred the lyes of those false Prophets, Hananiah, Ahab, Zedekiah, and Shemajah, but I come to the Examples of the New Testament. And first to begin with Iohn Baptist, of Iohn Baptist. Mat. 3. 7. who came to prepare the way of the Lord, with what zeal did he detest the corruption of doctrine brought in by the Pharises and Sadduces? When he saw many of them come to his Baptisme, he said unto them, O generation of Vipers, & 15. 6, 7. of our blessed Lord. Who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? But above all, take the blessed Example of the Lord Jesus Christ, with what heavenly zeal did he manifest his detestation of the false doctrine taught by the Scribes and Pharises? Thus have ye made the Commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Mat. 16. 12. And he gave his Disciples this Caveat, Mat. 23. Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharises and of the Sadduces: which is meant of their corrupt doctrine. How sharply doth he reprove them, and how many woes doth he denounce against them? Joh. 10 8. He calleth such, Wolves, Theeves and Robbers. And the Apostles and servants of the Lord [Page 30] Jesus Christ, being led by the spirit of Christ▪ did abundantly discover how exceedingly they detested and abhorred Heresies and fals [...] doctrines. of St. Peter. 2 Pet. 2. The Apostle Peter inveigheth with much vehemency against false Teachers, & calleth their corrupt doctrines damnable heresies, whereby they denyed the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. He terms their ways pernicious, and shews how they make merchandise of souls. He calleth them pernicious, self-wil [...]ed, and such as are not afraid to speak evil of dignities, wells without water, speaking grea [...] swelling words of vanity: with divers other expressions. of St. Iude. Jud. 11. St. Iude agreeth with St. Peter, and among other passages, compareth false Teachers to Cain, Balaam, Core. The Apostle Iohn calleth them Antichrists, adversaries to Christ, 1 Joh. 2. 19, & 4. 1. and false Prophets. They are called deceivers; yea, it is said, ver. 10, 11. If there come any unto you, 2 Joh. 7. 10, 11. and bring not thi [...] doctrine, receive him not into your house, neithe [...] bid him God speed, for he that biddeth him Go [...] speed is partaker of his evil deeds. In the Revelations written by St. Iohn, Rev. 2. 6. the Angel o [...] Minister of the Church at Ephesus is commended for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans. & 14, 15, 16. Pergamus is threatned, because in that Church was found those that held the doctrine of Balaam, and of the Nicolaitans, and therefore tis added, ver. 20. Repent, or else I will com [...] unto thee quickly, and will fight against the [...] with the sword of my mouth. Thiatira is blamed for suffering the woman Iezabel which [Page 31] called her self a Prophetess to teach and seduce. A great part of this book declareth the wickedness of the Whore of Babylon, the Antichristian popish faction, the mischief they do, the Judgements of God hanging over them, and how odious their false doct [...]ines and false worship is to God and his people. The Apostle St. Paul as he laboured and wrote more than the rest, of St. Paul. Rom. 16. 17, 18 so he is very plentiful in declaring his detestation of false doctrines and false teachers: In his Epistle to the Romans, [...]he earnestly exhorteth the Saints, I beseech you Brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them: for they that are such serve not the Lord Iesus Christ but their own belly, and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. He speaketh of those that cause divisions contrary to [...]ound doctrine, not of those that oppose false doctrine and corrupt customes, whereupon sometimes divisions may follow through ob [...]tinacy of those that resist the truth. How largely doth he declare against that fundamental errour of them that denyed the resurrection: 1 Cor. 15. 2 Cor. 11. 13, 14, 15. He calleth them corrupt teachers, false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ, Ministers of Satan, and imitating their Master, transforming themselves into the Ministers of righteousness, as he being the Prince of darkness transformeth himself into an Angel of light. How sharp and severe is he this way, in the Epistle to the Galatians, Gal. 1. 8, 9 Though we, or an [Page 32] Angel from heaven, preach any other Gos [...]el unto you than that which ye have received, let him be accursed: As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other Gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Yea, he spared not that great Apostle Peter, but withstood him to the face, and gave him a publick reproofe, because he did but warpe a little, and by withdrawing from the believing Gentils, for fear of offending the Iews, gave occasion to men to question the doctrine of free justific [...]t [...]on through the righteousness of Christ alone, and to think that circumcision and the ceremonies of the Law were necess [...]ry to justification. Gal. 3. 1. Again, saith he, O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you that y [...] should not obey the truth? shewing, that t [...] be led by [...]alse teachers, is to be befooled and bewitched. Corrupts teachers bewitch and make fools of their followers. Again, saith he, & 5. 12. I would they were even cut off that troubl [...] you. He calleth false teachers dogs, evil workers, Phil. 3. 2. the Concision; and sheweth that such are apt to beguile others with enticing words, and to spoil them through Philosophy and vain deceit, Col. 2. 4. 8, 18. after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ, intruding into those things which they have not seen, vainly puffed up by their fleshly minds. How notably doth he set forth Antichrist and his followers, speaking of a grand apostacy and general fal [...]ing away, 2 Thes. 2. and calleth the head of it, the man of sin, the Son of per [...]ition, who opposeth and exalteth himself, &c. He calleth [Page 33] the mystery of Antichrist, the mystery of Iniquity. He calleth him that wicked one ( [...]) signifying the lawless one, a term exactly agreeing to the Pope, who trampleth upon the laws of Christ at his pleasure, and exalteth his own Laws. He sheweth that his coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, 1 Tim. 1. 19. 20. &c. He sheweth that to fall into Heresie, 1 Tim. 4. 1, 2. is to make shipwrack of faith, 2 Tim. 2. 17. and that for this cause he delivered Himeneus and Alexander unto Satan. 2 Tim. 3. 1. He sheweth that Heresies are doctrines of devils, and Lyes spoken in Hypocrisie; and foretelling the perillous times that should come in these last dayes, that men should be lovers of their own selves, &c. then he addeth, of this sort are they which creep into houses, ver. 6. and lead captive silly women, laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning &c. He compareth them to Iannes and Iambres that withstood Moses, meaning I suppose, the Egyptian Sorcerers or Juglers: so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith; and afterwards he sheweth the miserable progress that they shall make, scil. from bad to worse; Evil men and Seducers shall wax worse and worse, ver. 13. & 43, 4. deceiving, and being deceived. Yea, he sheweth the folly of those that hearken to seducers. The time will come, when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves [Page 34] teachers, having itching ears, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, an [...] shall be turned unto fables. He calleth fals [...] teachers, Tit. 1. 10. 11. & 3. 10. 11. unruly and vain talkers and deceivers whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert who [...] houses, teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre sake: And he giveth this charg [...] to Titus concerning such; a man that is a [...] Heretick after the first and second admonition reject, knowing that he that is such, is subverted and sinneth, being condemned of himself▪ It is conceived that the Epistle to the Hebrew was written by this Apostle, Heb. 13. 9. 10. and how largely doth he there confute the corrupt doctrine of them that maintained the necessary use [...] legal cremonies, and giveth this admonitio [...] Be not carried about with divers and strang [...] doctrines, and saith, We have an Altar where [...] they have have no right to eat, which serv [...] the Tabernacle; shewing they have no pa [...] in Christ, which obstinately prefer the sh [...] dows of the old Testament before Christ the [...] substance.
Secondly, to these Examples may be add [...] divers Arguments or Reasons, 2. Proof of the Doctr. by Argument. whereby it m [...] appear why Heresies, false doctrines, opinnions that oppose or corrupt the truths [...] Christ, are odious to the godly, and abho [...] red by them.
First, because the glory of God is exceedingly wronged by false doctrines and Heresies, 1. Reason from the glory of God wronged, &c. an [...] the grosser any such Heresies are, the more [...] God dishonoured by them. God the Fathe [...] is such as Christ witnesseth of him, Joh. 7. 28. he th [...] [Page 35] sent me is true, yea, he cannot lye. God the Son is Truth. God the holy Ghost is the spirit of Truth. Tit. 1. 2. Now what a high disho [...]our is it to the God of Truth, Joh. 14. 6. & ver. 17. when lyes are fathered npon him, and attributed to him? errours and false opinions in matters of Religion are taught, professed, received as Truths of God? What is this but to go about to derive darkness from light? lyes from the Fountain of Truth? The Apostle disputing against that great errour of them that denyed the Resurrection of the dead, 1 Cor. 15. 15. bringeth this Argument amongst others, that Christ is risen, and the resurrection of the Head proveth the Resurrection of the Members; and sheweth that divers absurdities would follow, if the resurrection of Saints should be denyed, among the rest this, We are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God, that he raised up Christ, whom be raised not up, if so be the dead rise not. They that maintain any falshood in point of Religion as a Truth, they bear false witness of God, as much as in them lies, they make him a lyar, the Author of falshood: Which tendeth highly to the dishonour of his great and glorious name; and therefore all that are born of God, all that love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, abhor errours and Heresies.
Secondly, 2. Reason. Godly have an Antipathy to Heresies. There is a contrariety in the hearts of the godly, against errours and Heresies. They have in them a principle of opposition against false doctrine. A stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him, Joh. 10. 5. for they know not the [Page 36] voice of strangers. There is something within them which suiteth not with strange doctrine, but is averse from it. For,
1. They are begotten with the word of Truth▪ Of his own will begat he us with the word of Truth. 1. From the New birth. As they are new creatures, Jam. 1. 18. they have their original from the word of truth; it i [...] as it were one of the ingredients of their new nature, and so in that regard there is a natural antipathy and contrariety betwixt them and false doctrines. 1 Joh. 3. 19. The Apostle Iohn saith o [...] the godly, we know that we are of the Truth They do as it were derive their new being from the Truth; and therefore errour and fals [...] doctrine is hateful and abominable in their sight.
2. They are the children of the God of Truth▪ they are united unto Jesus Christ who is ful [...] of grace and truth; 2. They are Children of the God of truth▪ they are led by the spirit of Christ who is the spirit of truth: and therefore abhor and detest lyes spoken in Hypocrisie.
Thirdly, The godly have learned that errou [...] tend to the destruction of poor Souls, Reason 3. Errours destructive to Souls. and therefore Peter calleth them damnable Heresies Paul calleth them doctrines of Devils. It [...] said they eat like a canker or gangrene, whic [...] is such a malignant disease, that it require [...] the cutting off of a limb, otherwise the who [...] body is in danger to be destroyed. Now [...] people of God being tender and compassionate toward immortal Souls, How can the [...] chuse but abhor such deadly poyson when the [...] find it offered by Seducers, and readily swallowed [Page 37] down by the simple. Is it not strange that some would have protection and encouragement given to all false doctrines, and to those that spread and propagate them, and that under a pretence of tenderness? Is it not rather a high degree of cruelty, to protect any in destroying Souls, to give them full liberty to wander about with their Plague-sores running upon them, freely to spread their contagious and pestilent Errours to the infecting of thousands.
Fourthly, 4. Reason. Spreading nature of Errors one errour begetteth many; one false principle may be the cursed root of many rotten branches, and a spring of many streams. How many gross absurdities (as the Apostle sheweth,) follow as conse [...]uents from that one grand errour of denying the Resurrection of the body; as that Christ is not risen, the preaching of the Gospel is vain, the faith of believers vain, and they still in their sins, under the guilt and power of them, and when they die they perish, and that they have hope only in this life, and so are of all men most miserable, because they expose themselves to the scorn and malice of the wicked in hope of a better life. And doth not experience shew how people, when once they depart from the truth, fall from errour to errour, and with giddy heads run about in a maze of vain delusions. Satan the Father of lyes having once seduced and gotten them into his circle, leadeth them from one bypath to another. Now how can a man be truly godly and not abhor false doctrines, [Page 38] which are such a fruitful spawn of a venemous Issue: Many flying serpents being hatched of one Cockatrice egg.
Fiftly, 5. Reason. Errors apt to overtop Truth and how. Errours are apt to overgrow the Truth, as Tares and other weeds are ready to overcome the corn. And that 1. by corrupting one doctrine of the Gospel after another. And 2. by oppressing and persecuting the sincere professors and Preachers of the Truth. It seemeth the errours and corruptions of Popery were first winked at, being taken up by particular persons, not generally owned, then they became more general and overbore the truth, then they were armed with power, and so opposed and persecuted the sincere maintainers of the truth. The Arian Heresie at first was kept under, at length prevailed so as to raise most bloody persecutions against the Truth▪ The outrages of the Anabaptists, and sue [...] as pretended to Revelations; how notoriou [...] were they when once they got a head at Munster in Germany? But our age seemeth to exceed former times in this kind that errours and heresies among us have been armed almost at their first appearance. It would appear a strange Monster, if a child should b [...] born in armour: such a monster, if I mistake not, I have read of, born in Germany about the time of the late wars. Is it not prodigious to see armed monsters born amongst us, errours and heresies with swords by their sides, Pistolls, Muskets, Pikes [...]n their hands at their first coming into the world almost? Who knoweth the disma [...] [Page 39] events and mischief such things presage, if the Lord Christ who is the Truth, and whose name is the word of God, should for our unworthiness forbear to ride forth on his white horse conquering and to conquer? But what gracious heart doth not both abhor and tremble at those things that tend to the suppressing of the Truth, and rooting out of those that are of the Truth and for the Truth?
Sixthly, 6. Reason. heresies spread speedily. Errours aud Heresies are apt to spread far and wide in a short time, from a person to a family, from the family to a Neighbourhood, then over a Province or Country, then over a Nation, then from Nation to Nation, and so over the world. Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth. The Arian Heresie being a little spark at first in Egypt, in a short time did spread over Asia and Africk, and took hold of divers parts of Europe; Job 1. 7. for the devil himself hath declared it, that his business is to go to and fro in the earth, and to walk up and down in it, and he is very swift in his motion, and active in his work, and who that hath any zeal for Christ doth not abhor such a growing evil, such a spreading mischief?
Seventhly, 7. Reason. Errors withdraw Souls from the means of grace Errours and Heresies are apt to draw poor souls from the means of grace. They are deadly diseases, and withal, of such a cursed nature, that they take off the heart from the remedy. They cause people to withdraw from those assemblies where the truths of God are taught, and the unsoundness of [Page 40] such errours is laid open. And then it is as the Devil would have it, when he can so bewitch poor souls, as to make them drink down deadly poyson, and then refuse to take a purge, But as this is pleasing to Satan, so how grievous is it to them that tender the good of poor souls, to see them dangerously sick and altogether unwilling to be healed, or come near the means of the cure?
Eightly, Heresies and false doctrines make woful rents and divisions in the Church. 8. Reason. Errours devides the Church. 1 Cor. 12. 27. Eph. 5. 23. & 4. 3, 4, 5, 6. The Church is one body under one head, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostle speaking to the Church, says, now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular. Christ is the head of the Church, and he is the Saviour of the body; and therefore the Apostle exceedingly presseth the members of the Church to endeavour to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace: heaping up arguments of unity. Saith he, there is 1. one Body. 2. one Spirit. 3. one H [...]pe. 4. one Lord. 5. one Faith. 6. one Baptisme. 7. one God and Father of all. Shall the members of one body fight each against other? Is it not monstrous for them that should be quickned with one spirit to strive against each other, as if they were acted by contrary spirits? Shall they that [...] called to one hope be at defiance among them [...]selves? Can the Servants of one Lord bea [...] arms against each other, and one party no [...] fight against the Lord himself, by contending with their fellow Servants? Shall those that are called to the profession of one faith, embrace [Page 14] contrary beliefs? Is it not odious to see those that were washed in one laver of Baptisme cast dirt upon each other; or stain their hands, yea their consciences with the blood of each other? Is it not horrid to see the children of one heavenly Father, (or such as profess themselves to be so,) to hate and destroy their brethren. Now how clearly doth Scripture witness, how sadly doth experience prove, that errours and heresies make woful rents and divisions? In one of those places formerly mentioned, Rom. 16. 17. saith the Apostle, I beseech you Brethren mark them which cause di [...]visions and offences contrary to the doctrine which we have learned, and avoid them: by teaching contrary to sound doctrine, dangerous divisions are caused and great offences given. What a grievous rent was likely to have been made in the Primitive Church, by them which would have perswaded the believing Gentiles that Circumcision was necessary to Salvation, had not the Apostles and Elders, meeting together in a Synod at Hierusalem, carefully suppressed this errour at the first appearing of it? It is said Paul aud Barnabas had no small dissention and disputation with them that taught this false doctrine. In the Synod it self there was much disputing. Act. 15. 1, 2. In the Epistle directed by the Synod to the Churches of the Gentiles, it is said, We have heard that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, ver. 7, 24. subverting your Souls, saying ye must be circumcised, and keep the Law (scil. of Ceremonies,) to whom we gave no [Page 42] such Commandment. And although this Errour was for the present much restrained, yet how did it break out again afterward among the Galatians? And therefore the Apostle calleth these false teachers the Concision instead of the Circumcision, Cum ecclesiam conscinderent & lacerarent, seeing they did as it were cut and tear in pieces the Church of Christ with their false doctrine; or as another saith, he called them the Concision, Phil 3. 2. Beza. tum quod ecclesiam pravo dogmate scinderent, tum quod simplciores a Christo abscinderent, because by their corrupt opinion they did both cut asunder the unity of the Church, and cut off the weaker sort from Christ. But if we should speak of the Rents that were in the Church by Errours and Heresies mentioned in the Ecclesiastical Histories, it would amount to a large Volumn. What a rent was like to be made in the Churches by Victor Bishop of Rome, about the year 198, about a business of small moment, scil. the time of keeping Easter, inclining to excommunicate many famous Churches of Asia dissenting from him, had not some more moderate men, especially Irenaeus Bishop of Lions, restrained his rashness, though agreeing with him about the thing in controversie? What worse divisions were made by the abominable Heresie of the Maniche's in Iudea, Egypt, Greece, Thrace, Spain, and other places? But as the blasphemous Heresie of Arius was raised in a time when the Church was free from heathen persecutors, so what dismal Rents and divisions [Page 43] did it make in the Church, when there were Bishops against Bishops, Churches against Churches, Councels against Councels? So the Macedonians, Nestorians, Eutichians, Monothelites, and others, how sadly did they tear the Church in pieces? That false and proud tenent of the Papists, making the Pope the universal Bishop and head of the whole Church, what a breach hath it made between the Eastern and Western Churches for many hundred years? and what is the reason that there is no reconciliation made all this while between them and the Protestants, but because they remain so obstinate in their errours, Heresies, and Idolatries, against the manifest light of the holy Scriptures? The stiffeness of those that are called Lutherans in adhering to their corrupt opinions, hath made a miserable and lasting breach amongst the Protestant Churches. But though we should not look either far back or far off for examples in this kind, our own Land, and our present times, may afford us more then enough. Have we not breach upon breach, divisions and subdivisions, many rending themselves from our Churches, and then again making new rents among themselves; and yet when there is an opportunity, to act mischief against the truth and the Preachers and Professors of it, they can make truce with each other for a time, and conspire together to carry on wretched designs, as the Pharises and Sadduces, as also Herod and Pilate did against Christ. But here I think it needful to put in a caution or two.
[Page 44] First, Caution 1. some are apt to lay the blame of these divisions upon those that maintain sound doctrine; either when they labour to revive the truth after it hath been kept under by old errours and corrupt customes, or to defend it against new heresies and attempts of Seducers. When men see them constant and inflexible, that they will not suffer themselves to be bowed and biassed according to the crooked fancies of those that are Seducers, or seduced, how ready are they to condemn them for Schismaticks, froward men, enemies of peace? But this is a dangerous mistake and a very great injury to them that stand for the truth, and to the truth it self. For,
1. The people and Ministers of Christ are bound to stand fast in the Truth against all opposition and contradiction: So the Apostle sheweth that one end why Christ ascending into Heaven gave gifts unto men, Eph. 4. 14. 15. Ministers and ministerial abilities, was, that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lye in wait to deceive, Prov. 23. 23. but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, who is the head even Christ. Buy the Truth and sell it not. The peace of the Church is greatly to be esteemed and endeavoured, yet we must not sell the Truth to buy peace. Iude accounted it needful for him, to write unto the people of God, Jude 3. 4. and exhrrt them that thoy should earnesty contend for the faith (scil. the truth or doctrine [Page 45] of faith) which was once delivered unto the Saints; for (saith he) there are certain men crept in unawares, &c. The Apostle Paul gives a strict charge to Timothy, 2 Tim. 1. 13, 14, 15. hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me in faith, and Love which is in Christ Iesus. Hold it fast whatsoever means are used to wrest it from thee, that good thing which was committed to thee, keep by the holy Ghost which dwelleth in us. Then he addeth this, thou knowest that all they which are in Asia be carried away from me. I conceive the word all is not to be taken universally here for all absolutely, but indefinitely, for the generality of those in Asia the lesser; and therefore Timothy being left at Ephesus, a chiefe City of Asia was likely to meet with many Adversaries, and much contention, in holding fast the form of sound words; yet the Apostle would not dispense with him in this case, he must stick close to the Truth. Tit. 1. 9, 10, 11, 13. So he telleth Titus, that a Minister must hold fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and convince the gainsayers, for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the Circumcision, whose mouthes must be stopped, &c. And then he addeth, wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith. Is it not very likely that contentions and divisions would follow hereupon?
Secondly, Therefore consider that when contentions and divisions follow upon the faithful preaching, professing, maintaining of the Truth, [Page 46] or the right administration of holy Ordinances, the fault is in those that will not indure sound doctrine, but take offence when none is given, either because their errours are confuted, or their sinful practices reproved. If divisions and contentions follow upon the publishing and asserting the Counsel of God; they are the cause of it who resist the Truth: for was not this the case of our Lord Jesus Christ himself and his Apostles? Many of the people when they heard Christ, said, Of a truth this is the Prophet: others said this is the Christ: Joh. 7. 41, 42, 43. & 10. 19, 20, 21. but some said shall Christ come out of Galilee, &c. so there was a division among the people because of him. There was a division therefore again among the Iews because of these sayings, and many of them said he hath a Devil, and is mad, Why hear ye him? Others said, these are not the words of him that hath a Devil; Can a Devil open the eyes of the blind? Yea, Mat. 10. 24, 25, 26. the Lord Christ forewarned his Disciples, Think not that I am come to send peace on the Earth, I am not come to send peace but a sword, or (as it is in Luke) division: For I am come to set a man at variance against his Father, and the Daughter against her Mother, Luk▪ 12. 51. and the Daughter in Law against the Mother in Law, and a mans foes shall be they of his own houshold. Christ is the Prince of peace, and his Gospel is the Gospel of peace, and the proper end of his coming in the flesh, and the great business that he undertook was to make peace between God and men, and so by consequent, between men and men, and this design took [Page 47] effect accordingly in those that savingly received Christ and his Gospel, and yeilded up their hearts to him; but divisions and stirs and contentions followed by accident, not from the Nature of the doctrine delivered by Christ and his Apostles, But 1. From the malice of Satan. 2. From the Corruption, Blindness, Perverseness of mens Spirits.
First, Divisions from Satans malice. Mans frowardness. From the malice of Satan, who looked upon the powerful preaching of Christ his Gospel, as an Engine of battery planted against his strong-holds. He being the Prince of darkness, extreamly hateth the Light; and therefore whereas he possessed all in peace before, when the light of the Gospel breaketh forth, he betaketh himself to his arms, standeth upon his guard, striveth to keep possession of the hearts and souls of men. Yea, he is not content to make a defensive War only, but rageth and laboureth to put out the light, stirreth up his instruments to oppose and persecute those that receive the love of the Truth, and give up their names and hearts to Christ.
Secondly, The Corruption of mans Nature, the blindness and perverseness of their spirits is a cause of the [...]e divisions and commotions. Their ignorance, errours, lusts, sinful courses are reproved by the word, yea, others receiving and obeying it, is a condemning of their unbelief, impenitency, disobedience; and therefore they are easily perswaded by Satan to oppose and persecute the Truth, and them that embrace it. So that [Page 48] it is from the malignity of their hearts that divisions follow. I may add yet a third cause,
Thirdly, Act. 14. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And that is the weakness of some who for the main do embrace and love the Truth▪ but for want of more clear and solid judgements do differ and dissent in things of les [...] moment, whereupon follow estrangements, and too much alienation of affection, And a [...] Satan and the world took occasion to stir up contention and cause division, upon occasion of Christ his coming and preaching: so also upon the publishing of the Gospel by hi [...] Apostles, and by consequent, by other faithful Preachers of the Truth. Paul and Barnabas at Iconium, so spake, that a great multitude both of the Iews and also of the Greek [...] believed: Here was the proper effect o [...] Christs spirit working in the Gospel preached; it made peace between God and men, and united Iews and Gentiles together, who wer [...] odious to each other. Now see also the effect of Satans malice, and the perverseness o [...] unbelievers, in taking occasion hence to cause divisions, But the unbelieving Iews stirred u [...] the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the Brethren. It seemeth these mischievous persons then began to kindle the fire of contention in the breasts of ignorant persons, but it did not presently flame out. And therefore in the third verse we find that these faithful servants of Christ went on in their work without interruption: Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, [Page 49] which gave testimony to the word of his Grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. But at length this fire of Hell that lay smothered under the ashes brake forth, the multitude of the City was divided, and part held with the Iews, and part with the Apostles, and an assault was made both of the Gentiles and Iews, People and Rulers, to use them despitefully and stone them, so that the Apostles fled and preached the Gospel elsewhere. Here it is as clear as the Sun, that the unbelievers and enemies of the Truth were the cause of this division. If we should trace the Apostle Paul in his travels from place to place, where shall we find a place free from divisions? not caused by his preaching, but following occasionally from his preaching, Satan and his Agents kindling the coals of contention. The Apostle could not bring men to Christ by his Ministry, but he must of necessity wrest them out of the power of Satan, and call them from the course of the world; and thereupon Satan and the world were enraged, and so contentions and divisions followed.
Second Caution.
The use of this may be,
First, 1. Use. To teach us more seriously to lay to heart and bewayle the great and lamentable inundation and overflowing of Errours and Heresies among us. Rev. 8. 13. Saith Iohn, I beheld and heard an Angel flying through the midst of Heaven, saying with a loud Voice, Woe, Woe, Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth by reason of the other voices of the Trumpet of the three Angels [Page 50] which are yet to sound. Before we may read of seven Angels with their seven Trumpets, now after four of them had sounded and sad consequents followed, here is a solemn preparation made against the sounding of the three last. It seemeth the reaso [...] is because the calamities following, should be more grievous than the former, and accordingly an Angel flying through the midst of Heaven denounceth three woes to the Inhabiters of the Earth. It is supposed this Angel was Gregory 1. Bishop of Rome, said to fly through the midst of Heaven, or the middle space between Heaven and Earth, because on the one side he came nearer the heavenly purity of doctrine and worship than his Successors; but was yet far below that heavenly purity of the primitive and Apostolical times, and so declining toward the earth according to the corrupt times wherein he lived: who by foretelling that the King of Pride was at hand, Antichrist was at hand with an army of Priests follow-him, gave warning of these woes approaching. Soon after this warning given, the fifth Angel sounded, which is the first of the three woe-bringing Trumpets, (as they may be called) and the first consequent following is thus expressed, And I saw a Star fall from Heaven unto the Earth, and to him was given the key of the bottomless Pit. Rev. 9. 1. It is conceived that this Star noteth out both the Pope in the West, and that false Prophet Mahomet in the East; who though [Page 51] they differed far from each other in their particular way of acting, yet they both promoted the main design of the Prince of darkness, and therefore may well be represented by one Star falling from Heaven, and said to have the Key of the bottomless Pit. They fell from Heaven, from the heavenly purity of the true Church often called Heaven in this Book. About three years after the death of Gregory, his Successor Boniface the third, received of Phocas the perfidious Emperor (who murdered his Master Mauritius the Emperor with his children) the Title of Universal Bishop, and so a vast power to work mischief in the Church, which accordingly was put in execution as it followeth, And he opened the bottomless-pit, and there arose a smoak out of the Pit as a smoak of a great furnace, and the Sun and the Air were darkned by reason of the smoak of the Pit: The smoak of errours and superstitions like a most loathsom fogg, came out of the bottomless pit darkning the light of the truth, and blinding the eyes of men, the efficacy of errour and strong delusion bewitching multitudes of poor souls. Besides this, out of the smoak came locusts upon the earth, huge multitudes of Monks and Fryers like Locusts overspreading the earth, devouring the fruits of it. These came out of the smoak of the bottomless pit, the smoak of errours and superstitions; for when such doctrines passed for currant, that men might be saved by observing vain humane traditions, that [Page 52] there was a Treasure in the Church filled up with the merits of those that had an overplus besides what was needful for themselves, and that they who were benefactors to the Monks should be partakers of their merits, how mad was the world in building Monasteries, and giving their Land and goods to the Friers, devoting their children to that profession? Yea, it seemeth divers noble persons, and some Kings and Queens turning Monks and Nuns. And as the smoak of the pit did breed the Locusts, so the Locusts encreased the smoak, and made the mists of darkness greater and thicker, multiplying errours and superstitions. If this were one of those grievous woes, whereof the Angel flying through the midst of Heaven gave warning to the world; how should we be humbled and ashamed in respect of the great earthliness, dulness, senselesness of spirit that is among us, yea too much in those that have some love to the Truth, that this great and woful evil doth so abound with us, and is so little laid to heart? Should not the very thought of it startle us, that such thick and dark vollies of smoak in our days, should break out of the bottomless pit, and cover so great a part of our Land, darkning the Air and Sun, eclipsing the Light of the truth, and putting out the eyes of many, and so many Locusts, deceivers, and deceived, coming out of the smoak of errours? This ought to be for a Lamentation. But how many that profess themselves Christians set [Page 53] their hearts so much upon their own private concernments, their business, wealth, ease, and pleasure, &c. and those that have something of a publick spirit, yet confine their serious thoughts to the external good of the Common-wealth, that they little or nothing regard these destructive evils that are of a spiritual nature. If Gallio his temper (who when complaint was made to him about differences in Religion, slighted them as words and names, and cared for none of these things) may be thought tolerably, or at at least, not much to be marvailed at in an Heathen, yet doubtless it is shameful and odious in a Christian. What! a Christian, and not moved that Christ who is the Truth is so highly dishonoured, by lyes and falshood taught and received instead of Truths; that multitudes of poor souls are in a ready way to be destroyed by damnable doctrines; that errours beget errours, and are likely to overgrow the Truth, to spread far and wide; that so many are both infected by them and alienated from the remedy, shunning the publick Ordinances where sound doctrine is taught; that such bleeding wounds and Rents are made in the Church. Art thou a Christian, and so one that pretendest to be begotten with the word of Truth, and hast thou no such principle of contrariety planted in thee against errours and false doctrines, as to make them bitter and grievous to thee? Some may raile at those that are misled, and others may make a sport of their folly; but [Page 54] how small is the number of those who like Christians mourn for them as dishonourable to Christ, pernicious to souls? How deeply was the holy Apostle affected with the obstinacy of the Iews in their errours, in preferring the ceremonies of the Law above Christ the Substance; and their own imaginary legal righteousness, above the perfect righteousness of Christ applied by faith. I say the truth in Christ. Rom. 9. 1, 2, 3. I lye not, my Conscience also bearing me witness in the holy Ghost, that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart: for I could wish that I my self were accursed from Christ for my Brethren, my kinsmen, according to the flesh. How passionately did he express himself to the Galatians, Gal. 4. 19. who had once embraced the pure doctrine of the Gospel, but afterwards suffered themselves to be so deluded by seducers, as to seek justification by the Law, My little children of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you. He felt such sorrow, such fear, such strong and compassionate workings of heart towards them, as were answerable to the pangs of a woman in child-bearing. Saith the Psalmist, I beheld the transgressours and was grieved, Psal. 119. 158. because they kept not thy word: This I conceive doth plainly concern both transgressions in practice and in doctrine or belief. Both these forts of transgressiours are guilty of not keeping Gods word. They that live in a course of sin, they keep the word in their judgement and profession, but keep it not in their lives [Page 55] and actions. They that go on in errours keep not the word so much as in judgment and profession. Besides, how can a man forsake any truth of God which he hath once received, but he must ipso facto, in that very act transgress in point of practise? He transgresseth that precept, Prov. 23, buy the truth and sell it not: that of the Apostle, be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, &c. and that, hold fast the form of sound words, &c. Now the Psalmist beheld those with a mournful eye, I beheld the transgressours and was grieved, &c. Is it not a sign of a graceless heart to behold transgressours without grief? If we moan not for these things out of spiritual respects; the Lord may justly make us mourn for those outward evils that they may bring upon us. The Divel as he is the Father of lyes, so he is a murderer. Spiritus mendax est homicida; and they that are led by a lying spirit, if they can establish their facton and party so as to grow confident of their power, may soon discover a murtherous spirit; and then those that are lukewarm and indifferent in matters of Religion, may feel their fury as well as they that are most zealous.
Secondly, Vse 2. This truth may shame those who plead for a toleration of all sorts of errours, Hereticks, Seducers, false prophets. It seemeth the Apostle Paul accounted them intolerable, when he pronounced them accursed, and wished them cut off.
[Page 56] But such pretend Christian charity, 1. Obj. meekness mercy. I answer, 1. Will they boast of more love than Paul had, 1. Plea for tolerating all &c. Answered. who could have wished himself accursed that Israel might have been saved? Will they pretend to more meekness than Moses, who was very meek above all the men which were upon the face of the earth? and yet ye heard how he acted against Balaam and the Midianites, [...]um. 6. 12. 3. Ex. 22. 28, 29. and we find also that he caused three thousand to be slain for Idolatry. If men will approve themselves to be of such a spirit as Paul and Moses, let them shew meekness and love in [...]earing and forgiving private and personal injuries offered to themselves: and on the other side, manifest true zeal for the Truth and glory of Christ. 2. Charity and mercy is to be shewed to souls, 2. Answer. especially that they may not be poysoned with damnable heresies. Is it not gross hypocrisie to pretend much tenderness towards deceivers, and to have no bowels of compassion towards poor weak creatures whose simplicity is abused, and whose souls are daily insnared by their mischievous subtilties. Is this become a point of charity, to desire that ravening wolves may have free liberty, without check or controul, to make havock of the flock of Christ? 3. Answ. 3. I say that charity is to be shewed to Hereticks not by suffering them to add sin to sin, and to give them protection and encouragement in acting mischief, but by restraining them from their sin: Ministers and private Christians doing their parts in discouraging their errrours, praying for them, [Page 57] &c. Magistrates using their power to curb them. Answ. 4. 4. I grant a difference is to be made; as the Apostle Iude, having spoken very sharply against Hereticks towards the end of the Epistle saith, Jud. 22, 23. Of some have compassion, making a difference and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire. Some may err in less matters, and out of simplicity, and carry themselves humbly and modestly, not troubling the peace of the Church: such are to be tenderly dealt with as Brethren, while they shew themselves willing to be informed. Some may agree with the Church in all main and most substantial points, and differ in things that seem not clearly laid down in Scripture: these if they do not proudly and obstinately reject the truth, I suppose ought to have much moderation shewed towards them. Again there is a great difference between the simple and weak that are misled, and those that are cunning seducers and deceivers of others. More severity is to be used towards seducers, than those that are misled by them: Yet even these are to be heard and means used to convince them out of the Scriptures, to be admonished exhorted, patience and long suffering to be exercised toward them. If after all such means used, they remain obstinate, neither forsaking their errours, nor ceasing to draw others from the truth: How can it suit either with zeal for Christ, or love to souls, to suffer them to go on?
It may be Objected that the weapons of this 2. Obj. [Page 58] warfare are spiritual, and therefore no other are to be used. I answer, that Ministers weapons are spiritual; but they according to their calling, may call upon the Magistrate to use other weapons against those that despise spiritual weapons, as against drunken [...] Adultery Murder, &c.
Some it may be will say that many Magi [...]es are not able to judge of the truth or falshood of Doctrines. 3. Obj. Answ. I answer, it is the duty of Christians in general to labour that the word of God may dwell in them richly in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. This is required of Christians whether private persons or Magistrates. Col. 3. 16. 25. 2. If some false doctrines be so artificially painted over, and have such fair colours put upon them, that it's hard to discover their falshood: a godly Magistrate may have the assistance of such as are more exercised in this kind than himself.
Fourtbly, 4. Obj. Answ. it may be said, that conscience ought not to be compelled. I answer, I am fully of that judgement, and therefore I conceive none ought by any violent courses to be enforced to profess any doctrine contrary to their own consciences, though their judgements be never so erroneous. But when any cannot be content to err alone, but are restless and active in corrupting others, and will not forbear though often admonished; in such a case, to remedy so great a mischief, either by banishment or imprisonment of the offenders, is no violence to their Consciences, but a just punishment upon the outward man. It [Page 59] may be they will say, They are bound in conscience to teach others the same things which they believe themselves. I answer, Then I conceive the Magistrate should think himself bound in conscience to stop them in their course, and if nothing else will do it, to shut them up as he would do one, who having the Pestilence, offereth to thrust himself into throngs of people to infect them.
Fifthly, Obj. 5. Some it seemeth have found out a strange conceit, that the examples of those godly Kings of Iudah in punishing Idolaters, is no rule for Christian Magistrates now; because they were tyes of Christ, Luk. 1. 32, 33. who is called the Son of David according to the flesh, and of whom it is said, the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his Father David, and he shall raign over the house of Iacob for ever. Answ. I answer, 1. If this reason were of any force, it would as well take away from the Magistrate all power of punishing other offences as well as this, or at least take away this proof. 2. As the reason is frivolous, so we find that others are commended in Scripture that were not of the family of David nor types of Christ. To pass by that execution of Moses and the Israelites upon Balaam and the Midianites, for seducing the people, 1 King. 18. 40. Observe the act of Elijah, in slaying the Prophets of Baal. Some may say Elijah was a Prophet. I answer, This execution was no Prophetical act, but an act of Magistracy, for which in this extraordinary case, Elijah was Authorized immediately [Page 60] by the Lord himself, to whom all power and authority belongs. But how clear is th [...] in the case of Iehu King of the ten Tribe [...] who though he was not upright, yet because he destroyed Baal out of Israel, brake down his Image and house, 2 King 16. 24, 25, &c. 30. and made it a draugh [...]-house, slew the Worshippers of Baal, and the Idolatrous family of Ahab, he was both commended and rewarded by the Lord, in so much that the Kingdom was settled upon him and his to the fourth Generation.
Sixthly, Obj. 6. Answ. Some may say Christians should be very tender of shedding of blood. I answer, 1. I am clearly of the same mind, and I wish some of our Laws were mittigated, and some other punishment were laid upon some offences, which among us are made Capital. But what shall we say to such that can be content to see men loose their lives for sheep-stealing and horse-stealing, and yet cry out upon it as an high degree of cruelty, if Blasphemers, and those that draw others from the Ordinances of God into damnable Heresies, should be put to death? Have we not had such among us, who have been very tender hearted Patrons of Hereticks, not only sparing their lives, but countenancing and preferring them; and yet when any out of principles of Conscience have opposed their usurped power, their feet have been swift to shed blood. 2. I conceive Magistrates in restraining Heresies ought to be very wary in taking away life. I wish, 1. They would take them from all publick [Page 61] Offices of trust and power. 2. Discountenance them. 3. Suppress their Meetings. And if any be obstinate and refractory, there be other wayes to curb them besides Capital punishments; as Fines, Banishment, Imprisonment. But for Blasphemers, I know not what authority under Heaven, hath power to dispense with that Law so expressely delivered by the God of Heaven, Lev. 24. 16. He that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, he shall surely be put to death.
Seventhly, Ob. 7. out of Mat. 13▪ 22, 30. Some I believe think they have a Protection for Hereticks, to preserve them from the hand of justice, in that Parable of the Tares, where the Housholder would not have the Tares rooted up, lest the Wheat should be plucked up with them, but would have both grow together until the Harvest. I answer, Answ. 1. I see not how this can exempt Hereticks from punishment, more than perjured persons, Theeves, Traitours, Rebels, Adulterers, Murderers, or other Malefactours, For what are Tares but all sorts of persons, that are not Wheat to be gathered into the Barn. And therefore in the exposition of the Parable, v. 41. the Tares are declared to signifie all things that offend, and them that do Iniquity. And therefore I conceive these Servants are not the Magistrates, who are not forbidden, but commanded to use their power for a Terrour to evil works: but the Angels whom the Lord will not have to pluck up all the Tares before the Harvest day, scil. the end of the world. And in the exposition [Page 62] of the Parable I find nothing either restraining civil Magistrates, or Church Officers, in proceeding against notorious and scandalous offenders. 2. Parables are not to be pressed and urged in every particular circumstance: but the Scope is to be considered. And I conceive the Scope and design of this Parable is to shew that there shall be a mixture of good and bad in the world until the last day, when the separation shall be made. And therefore in the third place, How earnest should we be in praying to the Lord, Vse 3. to preserve our selves and others from being led away with the errour of the wicked, to reduce those that are led aside, to open their eyes, and humble their hearts, that they may acknowledge their failings, and return to the Truth, to frustrate the subtil devices and mischievous attempts of deceivers, to fill the Magistrates with a spirit of wisdom, zeal, and courage to improve their authority for the Lord Jesus Christ, in putting a restraint upon the enemies of his Name and Truth, to stir up in them bowels of compassion towards poor souls, who are dayly in danger to be insnared and bewitched by them. Besides all the other mischiefs done by false Teachers, I conceive this one were enough to stir up all that truly fear God, to desire their restraint, that they draw many poor creatures from publick ordinances, from the ordinary means of knowledge, grace, and salvation: And how can they do the Divel a more acceptable service, or open a readier way for Popery, [Page 63] Profaneness, Atheisme, and all manner of wickedness to break in upon us?
So much of the Apostles Answer by way of abhorrence or detestation.
NOw followeth the other part of his Answer, by way of Negation o [...] Denyal. Concerning which, I grant it to be an Affirmation in respect of the form of the words, if they be considered as a sentence by themselves; but consider this clause as an Answer to the former Question or Objection, and so it is a Denial, and more than a Denial, in regard of the matter of it, it is a Denial with advantage. The Question or Objection is, Do we make void the Law thro [...]gh Faith? implying that the doctrine delivered by the Apostle concerning justification by faith, doth make void the Law, that is, that by maintaining this doctrine, that they who receive Christ by a lively faith, applying his righteousness, obedience, and satisfaction, to themselves, and relying wholly upon him for justification and salvation, are accepted of God as truly righteous, without any consideration at all of any works of theirs done in obedience to the Law; that they hereby do make void the Law, or take away the use and authority of it. This the Apostle doth most strongly deny, by affirming the contrary, [Page 64] yea, we establish the Law. If he had said no more but this, we do not make void the Law through Faith, it had been a denial of that which was objected. But to add strength to his denyal, he affirms the contrary, that the doctrine of justification by faith, is so far from making void the Law, that it confirmeth and establisheth the Law. So that the Apostle shews that there was a double falshood in this Objection: For if the doctrine objected against, had neither made void the Law, nor established it, it had been false to say, it did make void the the Law: but to say it made void the Law, when it was so far from making it void, that it did establish it, was a double falshood. Again, it seemeth the objection was made both against the doctrine, and them that taught it, Do we make void the Law through Faith? scil. the Apostle and other Gospel-preachers? And the Answer cleareth both, Yea, we establish the Law: The doctrine which we preach, and we in preaching this doctrine, are so far from making void the Law, that both our doctrine, and we in teaching it, do establish the Law.
Hence may be noted this Point, Doct. 3. Complicated falshood charged sometimes on truth and the preachers of it. That such things have been Objected against the Truth, and them that stand for the truth, as are doubly false. I conceive there is an Objection implied in the speech of our Lord Christ, Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets; Mat. 5. 17. I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. It seemeth some either did Object, or were [Page 65] inclined to object against the Son of God, that he came to destroy the Law and the Prophets. Now he shews that there was a double falshood in this surmize: for 1. He did not come to destroy them. 2. He came to fulfill them in such an exact and perfect manner and measure, as the best of men that ever came before him were never able to do. So when he had cast the Divel out of a dumb man, that was possessed, so that the dumb spake, & Mat. 9. 34. and the multitude marveiled saying, it was never so seen in Israel, See Luk. 23. 2. with Mat 22. 21 the Pharisees said, he casteth out Devils through the Prince of Devils. There was a double falshood in this envious and Blasphemous cavil. They accused him as a confederate of the Devil, who both by his doctrine and works made it appear that he came to destroy the works of the Devil. The Lord Christ having said, I am the light of the world: Joh. 8. 13. he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. The Pharisees said unto him, Thou bearest record of thy self, thy record is not true. This was doubly false; for he is the truth it self, and neither did nor could speak any untruth. So when the Lord Jesus had opened the eyes of one that was born blind, on the Sabbath day, Some of the Pharisees said, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the Sabbath day. This was doubly false: If a man be accused for breaking the Sabbath, when he doth some work of necessity, which is permitted on the Sabbath day, though not commanded, it is a false [Page 66] accusation: but when he is accused to break the Sabbath, for such a work as is a work suitable to the Sabbath; there is a double falshood in such a charge. Now such was this, and other miraculous works wrought by the Lord Christ on the Sabbath. They were not only things permitted to be done on that day, but they were special and choice Sabbath day works; for they were divine works, works of divine and almighty power, works tending to prove and confirm his doctrine: yea, proofs and evidences of that great doctrine, that he was the Son of God, the Christ, the Saviour of the world. So those enemies of the Gospel at Philippi fal [...]ly accused Paul and Silas, and slandered their doctrine, Act. 16. 20, 21. saying, these men being Iews, do exceedingly trouble our City, and teach customes which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans. Here was a double falshood. For,
1. It was lawful for them to receive and observe the things taught by Paul, &c. 2. It was not only lawful but necessary. They were bound to receive them as the counsels and commands of the Lord Jesus, exalted to the right hand of God, as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, to whom every knee mnst bow, &c. To whose Soveraignty both the Romans, and all other nations of the world were subject. So the unbelieving Iews of Thessalonica cried out against them, & 17. 6. These that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also. Now this had been false, [Page 67] if Paul and Silas had done neither good nor harm in the world. But it was doubly false; For they were so far from turning the world upside down, that they laboured mightily to set the world in order: They found the world wofully disordered, full of confusion, and as it were turned upside down, by the subtilty and malice of Satan, and the wickedness of men: the Divel the worst and basest of all the creatures raigning over the World: man at first made after the Image of God, and Lord of the rest of the creatures, so far abased as to worship stocks and stones, yea, the Images of Birds and Beasts, &c. and inslaved to divers lusts and vile affections. Now Paul and Silas, and other faithful Preachers of the Gospel, taught such a doctrine as tended to the remedying and rectifying of these disorders and confusions, to put the world into a right posture, to beat down the strong holds of Satan, to cast him out of his usurped Throne, to deliver the people of the world out of his power, to rescue them out of the slavery of sin, to reconcile them unto God by Christ, to subject them to his authority, to restore them to his likeness. So there was also a double untruth in their other accusation, These all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar. This had been false if Paul, &c. had spoken nothing at all either for or against Caesars Authority: But it was a double untruth to lay such a charge upon them, that taught obedience and subjection to Caesar. Let every soul be subject, Rom. 13. &c. Yea, and Paul [Page 68] directed Titus to teach thus, Tit. 3. 1. Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey Magistrates. This proceedeth,
1. From Ignorance I suppose in some, who not having their senses exercised in the word of God, 1. Reason of the Point. do grossely mistake things that are delivered, and misunderstand the words and meaning of those that bear witness to the truth. Such it may be was the case of those unbelieving Iews, Act. 17. 18. who complained of Paul and Silas, that they turned the world upside down: And those Heathens at Athens who said of Paul, he seemeth to be a setter forth of strange Gods, because he preached unto them Iesus and the Resurrection: Whereas his endeavour was to perswade them to renounce all strange gods, and to turn to the only true and living God. Others seem to have taken his speech for vain babling: Whereas I believe it was the most serious weighty discourse that ever was uttered within their Walls since the foundation of their City was laid. But they were trained up in heathenish blindness and ignorance, and therefore no wonder if they were subject to such gross mistakes: For saith the Apostle, we preach Christ Crucified, 2 Cor. 1. 13. unto the Greeks foolishness. The most excellent wisdom that ever was revealed to the children of men, is accounted foolishness by ignorant and foolish men. I conceive,
Secondly, This may proceed from misinformation in some, Reason 2. From Credu [...]ity. who being weak credulous persons do take things upon trust without judicious trial and examination, giving credit [Page 69] to false reports, of such as speak evil of that which they understand not, or of such as for base ends do slander the truth, or those that profess and preach the truth. So when Demetrius minding his trade and gain, had stirred up an uproar among the ignorant people of Ephesus, Some cried one thing, and some another, for the assembly was confused, and the most part knew not wherefore they were come together. And yet it seemeth this rude and ignorant multitude joyned together to make up the common cry. All with one voice about the space of two hours cryed out, Great is Diana of the Epbesians. How many have made loud clamours against the truth, Act. 19. 32, 33. and them that preach and profess it, upon the false suggestions of others, themselves not being able to give a reason for what they say!
3. I conceive many do this out of malice against those that maintain the truth. Reason 3. From malice. The malignity of their Spirits is not satisfied with lesser calumnies than those of a double dye. Act. 24. 5, 6. Tertullus the Oratour was not content to term the blessed Apostle Paul, a pestilent fellow, (as our English hath it,) but a Pest or Plague as in the original: and then accused him for a mover of sedition among all the Iews throughout the world, and one that went about to prophane the Temple: Whereas he endeavoured to prevent or suppress sedition or tumults, and endured great afflictions, and was exposed to extream dangers by the turbulent and seditious adversaries of the [Page 70] truth, and instead of being a Plague, he was one of the chiefest instruments of good to the world that ever was, and instead of going about to Profane the Temple, he shewed special regard of the supposed holiness of the Temple even after the date of it was expired, that he might not give offence to the weak: and yet the Iews assented to their Oratour, in these most false suggestions, saying that these things were so.
Fourthly, It seemeth many do this for want of Arguments to confirm their false opinions, and overthrow the Truth: And therefore they lay on load, heaping up railings instead of reasons, false and reproachful accusations, instead of convincing demonstrations; thinking to disgrace those truths which they cannot disprove, and to discredit those teachers the light of whose doctrine they cannot resist. And how ready are the weaker sort to be scared from the truth, and alienated from those assemblies where it is taught by such shifts as these? A bold face and a rolling tongue pouring out store of opprobrious language against the truth, goes a great way with the simple. What an out-cry was made by the Iews of Asia against Paul, Men of Israel help: This is the man that teacheth all men every where against the people, and the Law, and this place: and farther, brought Greeks also into the Temple, and hath polluted this holy place. And all the City was moved, and the people ran together, and they took Paul and drew him out of the Temple, and went about to [Page 71] kill him. How soon are the multitude stirred up, and set in a rage by the meer clamours of those who outragiously exclaim against the truth, and them that maintain it? Men of Israel help; as if all were like to be lost, unless Paul and his doctrine were suppressed. So when they that disputed with Stephen, were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake, Act. 6: 9, 10, 11 Then they suborned men, which said, we have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses, and against God, and they stirred up the people. They were beaten from their arguments, and then sought to over-bear him with false accusations, and the ignorant people were ready to hearken to them.
First, Vse 1. This may teach us not to think it strange, if the Truth and those that profess it be evil spoken of in these times; if things that are doubly false be objected against it and them. Eccles. 1. 9. Solomon saith, There is no new thing under the Sun: Certainly this is no new thing, as ye have heard by divers examples out of Scripture; it is a practice as antient as the Apostles dayes. Paul and his Ministry did not escape these envenomed tongues. Nay, the Lord Christ himself, together with his doctrine and works, was thus traduced. Why should it be expected that the servants should be above their Master, or the truth in their mouths be more free from false reproaches than it was in his? If ye hear such things in these dayes, consider that the Divel doth but keep his old wont. If the doctrine [Page 72] of free justification be slandered as licentious, and tending to carnal liberty, was it not so in Pauls time? If the Ministers of the Gospel be called Antichristian, Baals-Priests, and the like, by Hereticks and Sectaries, it is no wonder; the Divel seeth them to stand in his way and hinder his work. I think it is easie to prove that there is a double falshood in this reproach. For first, they do not promote the interest and Kingdom of Antichrist either in regard of discipline, doctrine or worship. Not in regard of discipline; they are far from seeking to bring men into subjection to him as the visible head of the Church, or to exalt his authority above Kings and Princes, and above the Laws of Christ. Nor in doctrine; they teach not Popish opinions. Nor in worship; they are no Patrons of Idolatry and superstition. But secondly, They are so far from being Antichristians, that I am perswaded that they are the greatest and most considerable opposites and adversaries to Antichrist that are in the world. And therefore there is a double falshood in this charge. And I think it very probable that the Jesuites were either the first instruments of Satan in broaching this reproach, or else are very apt to promote it and set it on; that by crying down the Ministers of the Gospel as Antichristian, they may make way for Antichrist to get ground amongst us with the more ease and speed. How easie were it to demonstrate, that Ministers of the same order and the same judgement with those that [Page 73] now by foul-mouthed adversaries are branded for Antichristian, have been principally instrumental under Christ to overthrow Popery, and to prevent it for recovering its former strength? For the eminent instruments in this work were, Luther, Melanchthon, and Bucer, and others of Germany. Calvin, Beza, Iunius, Chamier of France. Zuinglius, Oe [...]olampadius, Bullinger, Grinaeus, of Switzerland. Whitaker and Reinolds of England, and divers others. Besides the diligent and constant endeavours of Ministers in preaching, clearing, confirming the Truth, and through the Lords blessing, grounding and establishing the people in it against Popish errours and Antichristian corruptions. As for Sectaries, who are so liberal in bestowing such Titles upon the Ministers of the Gospel, have they not occasionally at least given much advantage to Antichrist, and as it were opened a back door at which to let him in again? 1. By seeking to discredit the Ministers of the word and their Ministry. 2. By drawing many people from the Ordinances, and so preparing them to take such impressions as Satan and his instruments are ready to put upon them, and (if opportunity be) to receive the mark of the Beast. 3. By multiplying divisions and factions, and setting up party against party, and thereby taking a ready course to make Religion ridiculous in the eyes of worldly Politicians, filling the minds of the simple with doubting and amazement, as not knowing which way [Page 74] to take. And, 4. Hereupon ministring occasion to the Jesuites and Friers to perswade the people that there will be no certainty, no end of divisions, no remedy against sects and errours, but by uniting themselves to one visible head the Pope, and returning to the bosom of the Mother Church of Rome: yea, it is verily thought that many of the Popes Agents and Emissaries are now very active among us, disguised under the appearance of Sectaries, labouring to encrease contention among us, for the designs of Antichrist. I conceive it is very observable, that those Sectaries which cry down the Preachers and Professours of the truth as Antichristian, have usually come in the rear, and a day after the fight as it were; for when they that are sound in their principles have set upon the work of reformation, and through the good hand of God some hopeful beginings have been made, then have crept in Anabaptists and other Sectaries: So in Germany, Switzerland, Geneva, England. I conceive, the Divel finding that, upon the bre [...]king forth of light, those old errours and corrupt customes will not be digested; he then stirreth up some to pretend to reformation, disguising himself that way, that he may both hinder the work and blemish it. This it seemeth was his practice about the time of Christs coming in the flesh, to raise up false Christs and deceivers, &c.
I Conceive it is clear, that the Apostle, in the two first Chapters of this Epistle, speaketh of a threefold Law: one of which was given to mankind in general, both Gentiles and Israelites; the other two were peculiarly delivered to the people of Israel. The first of these, scil. that which was given to mankind in general, is that which is called the Law of Nature, consisting of those notions of good and evil, which were left or new written by the Lord in the minds of men and women, after that the nature of mankind was corrupted by sin; which Law, though it be now imperfect, yet in many things it sheweth the difference between good and evil, and hath power over the Conscience to inform, convince, excuse, and accuse. The other two delivered peculiarly to the people of Israel, are the Law of Ordinances of Ceremonies, and the Law moral. And the Apostle proveth that none of these Laws can justifie the strictest observers of them: all men and women being naturally corrupt, and possest with principles of opposition against the purity and perfection of the moral Law: and those that are renewed by grace, being [Page 76] but imperfectly conformed to the Law. As for the Law of Ceremonies: it is in its own nature no perfect rule of righteousness, but consisting of figures and shadows, and such earthly and carnal observances as had a mystical signification of spiritual and heavenly things. The Law of nature is comprehended in the moral Law, delivered in the Scriptures, first published to Israel, and then communicated together with the Gospel to the Nations of the world. So that that which is imperfectly written in the minds of men naturally, is perfectly declared by the Law written by the finger of God in Tables of stone, scil. the ten Commandments, and more fully opened in other parts of Scripture. And therefore though it was expedient for the Apostle to speak distinctly of them in the former part of his discourse, to convince both Israelites and Heathens of their unrighteousness and g [...]ilt; yet in this place I conceive, the Law of nature and the written Law, may well be comprehended under one, and so I take the Apostles meaning to be, that by the doctrine of free justification through the righteousness of Christ, both the Ceremonial and moral Law are established.
To begin with the former, Doct. 4. observe this point, That the Law of Ceremonies is established by the doctrine of the Gospel. Faith establisheth the Ceremonial Law. And how this is to be understood. Or thus, The doctrine of free justification through the righteousnes of Christ apprehended by faith, establisheth the Ceremonial Law.
[Page 77] For the right understanding of this, we may consider,
First, Sect. 1. In general, What these Ceremonial institutions were.
Secondly, Sect. 2. How they were misunderstood or abused by ignorant and carnal Israelites.
Thirdly, Sect. 3. How they are established by the Gospel, or doctrine of justification by faith.
First, 1. Law of Ceremonies instituted of God, and to what end. These Ceremonial Ordinances were instituted by the Authority of God himself, as parts of his outward worship and figures of heavenly and spiritual things, to be observed untill the death of Christ. 1. They were instituted by the authority of God himself: Gen. 17: 9, 10: So Circumcision was commanded immediately by God himself, to Abraham and his posterity. So the Lord gave express directions to Moses and Aaron, Exod, 12. 1, &c. & 24, 25. concerning the Ordinance of the Passeover, and Moses being fourty days and fourty nights in the Mount, received Ceremonial Laws from the Lord to be observed by the people.
Secondly, Heb. 8. 5. They were parts of Gods outward worship. Some of them more directly and properly, as the Sacrifices which were to be offered to the Lord only; so also the sweet Incense, and divers others. Other of them, more improperly as things subservient to the worship of God: as the Altar of burnt-offerings, the Ark, the Golden Table, &c.
Thirdly, They were figures of Heavenly and spiritual things. Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God, when he was [Page 78] about to make the Tabernacle. For see (saith he) that thou make all things according to the patern shewed thee in the Mount.
Fourthly, They were to be observed until the death of Christ. Above when he said, Sacrifice and offerings and burnt-offerings, and offering for sin, thou wouldst not, neither hadst pleasure therein, which are offered by the Law. Th [...] said he (that is Christ,) Heb. 10. 8, 9, 10. Lo, I come to do thy will O God. He taketh away the first that he may establish the second. By the which Will we are sanctified, by the offering of the body of Iesus Christ once for all. The Ceremonies of the Law were to continue until Christ offered himself in sacrifice, and then they were to be taken away, and to give place to his all-sufficient Sacrifice: and accordingly the Lord Christ himself manifested in the flesh, and made under the Law, did in his own person observe the Ceremonies of the Law. But at his death, Mat. 27. the veile of the Temple wa [...] rent in twain from the top to the bottom: which I conceive signified both the abolishing of legal Ceremonies, and the opening of the way into the heavenly sanctuary by the death of Christ. Now there being great abundance and varieties of these Ceremonial institutions, I conceive they may be reduced to four heads. Instituted Ceremonies are of four sorts.
1. Sacraments. 1. Sacraments.
2. Sacrifices.
3. Sacred persons and things subservient to holy uses.
4. Sacred observances.
[Page 79] 1. Sacraments; and those ordinarily were two,
1. Circumcision, 1. Circumcision. Its use. whereby they were solemnly admitted into the Church, and visibly sealed as parties to the Covenant.
2. The passeover, 2. Passeover. wherein they were admitted by faith to feed upon Christ the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, slain in the eternal counsel of God before the foundation of the world, and to be actually Sacrificed in the fulness of time.
2. Sacrifices. 2. Sacrifices, which were of four kinds. 1. Whole burntofferings. 2. Meat-offerings. 3. Sin-offerings. 4. Thank-offerings, Vid. Cap. 5▪ or Peace-offerings, and among these especially the daily burnt-offering presented to the Lord morning and evening every day in the year.
3. Sacred persons and things. 3. Sacred persons and things Such were the Priests and Levites, especially the Highpriest. The holy places, 1. A Tabernacle. 2. A Temple, with the several parts. Consecrated days and times; the feasts of the passover, of Pentecost, of Tabernacles, the new Moons, the weekly Sabbaths as limited to the last day of the week, &c. The utensils of the Sanctuary; the Altar of burntoffering, the golden Altar of Incense, the Loaves, the Table of shew-bread, the Ark, Mercy-seat, &c.
4. Sacred observances. 4. Sacred observances. Their divers washings and purifyings, absteining from divers creatures as unclean, with very many usages injoyned.
[Page 80] In the second place consider how these things were understood or abused by ignorant or carnal Israelites. Sect. 2. I conceive 1. Ceremonies misunderstood by the Iews. That many of them had little or no knowledge of the mystical signification or spiritual meaning of these types and shadows: 1. Many had very little knowledge of their mystical signification. they did not see Christ in them.
2. That they rested in the outward work. 2. They rested in the outward work done. If they were outwardly Circumcised, they looked not after the Circumcision of the heart, mortification of sin, self-denyal, regeneration: having fed upon the Lamb with unlevened bread in the feast of the Passeover, they minded not the Lamb of God, nor sought after the unleavened bread of sincerity and Truth. When they offered Sacrifice they looked no farther than the beast that was slaine, not minding the perfect all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ. It seemeth they were so far from this, that when Christ according to the antient Prophesies and types, had offered up himself in Sacrifice for the sins of the world, they made his death an occasion of stumbling, and took that to be an argument that he was not the Christ, which was one of the main evidences that he was the Christ. In their legal washings, how did they rest in the purifying of the flesh, without any care to wash their hearts from wickedness? Did not they rest in the High-priest of the order of Aaron, without minding an eternal High-priest after the order of Melchisedeck? A multitude of such instances might be given.
[Page 81] Thirdly, 3. They had more care to observe these than the moral Law. They seemed to have minded the outward observation of these ceremonial ordinances more than the keeping of the moral Law. So the Lord complaineth by the Prophet Isaiah, Isa. 1. that they rebelled against him, knew him not, forsook him, provoked him to anger, revolted from him, had hands full of blood: and yet it seemeth they were very forward in the ceremonial observances, bringing a multitude of Sacrifices, burnt offerings of Rams, fat of fed beasts, Bullocks, Lambs, He-Goats. Though these were more costly, yet they were more forward in these services than in moral duties, cleansing their hearts and hands from sin, &c. Is there not a notable evidence of this in the actings of those Iews who killed the Lord of life? Joh. 18. 28, 29, 38. They seemed to be so scrupulous in point of Ceremony, ch. 19. 4. that they would not enter into the Court or Judgement-Hall, least they should be defiled, but that they might eat the Passeover, ver. 13. and therefore Pilate the Judge was fain to come out of the Court and wait upon them to hear what they could say against him, and it seemeth being wearied with going in and out, at last he removed and sate upon a Judgement-Seat without doors: in the mean time, these wicked murtherers were so violently bent to shed innocent blood, that they defiled themselves with the guilt of a most heinous sin, straining at a Gnat, and swallowing of a Camel.
Fourthly, 4. They rested on it as Righteousness to Justification. It seemeth they relied upon these Ceremonies, or the observation of them, as a [Page 81] part of that righteousness whereby they hoped to be justified in the sight of God. The Lord having planted a Church at Antioch, Act. 15. 1. Certain men which came down from Iudea, taught the Brethren, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses ye cannot be saved. Saith the Apostle, Gal. 5. 3, 4. I testifie again to every man that is Circumcised▪ that he is a debtor to do the whole Law. Christ is become of none effect to you. Whosoever of you are justified by the Law, ye are fallen from Grace. Doth not this intimate that they relied on the Ceremony of Circumcision, in part for justification, and under Circumcision I understand other Ceremonies of the Law.
Fifthly, I conceive it is very clear, that they thought these legal Ceremonies were to be obserfor ever unto the end of the world. 5. They thought these should be perpetuated to the [...]d of the world. So in the place mentioned before, they said, Except ye be Circumcised, &c. And so it seemeth they counted it blasphemy to say that the Lord Jesus should change the customes delivered by Moses. Act. 6. 13, 14.
Thirdly, Sect. 3. The Question is, How the Doctrine of the Gospel concerning free justification through the righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith, How faith doth establish the Law of Ceremonies. doth establish this Law of Ceremonies. To this I Answer, 1. Negatively.
2. Affirmatively.
1. Negatively, 1. Negatively not continuing he [...]m. This doctrine of the Gospel doth not establish the Law of Ceremonies by confirming and continuing the observation of it, but on the contrary, take it away. So Stephen b [...]ing accused for saying that Jesus Christ Act. 7. 37. [Page 83] should change the customes delivered by Moses, told the Iews, that Moses said unto the children of Israel, A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your Brethren like unto me, him shall ye hear. The Lord Christ was the great Propher, by whose spirit Moses and the rest of the Prophets were inspired. And as he had directed Moses to deliver these Ceremonial ordinances to Israel, to be observed untill his manifestation in the flesh, and departure out of the world again: so now he was to be heard as one of unquestionable authority, declaring unto the Church his will and pleasure, concerning the ceasing of these observances. That passage between the Lord Christ and the woman of Samaria, is notable to this purpose: He by telling her of her sinful course, had convinced her thus far, that she made this acknowledgement, Sir I perceive thou art a Prophet, and therefore it seemeth thought that he might be able to resolve a Question of great moment, Joh. 4. 19, 20. 21. wherein she desired satisfaction, and that was this, Our Fathers worshipped in this Mountain, and ye say that in Hierusalem is the place wherein men out to worship the Father. I conceive, the occasion of this controversie between the Iews and Samaritans, was this; The Samaritans were the posterity of those Heathens whom Salmanasser King of Assyria had placed there instead of the Israelites whom he carried away Captive, and embraced a corrupt Religion mixed of Heathenisme and Judaisme. Toward the end of the Persian Monarchy, [Page 84] Manasses the Brother of Iaddus the High-Priest married the Daughter of Sanballat a prime man of Samaria: whereupon he was required of his Brother to lay down his office, his Marriage being condemned by the Law. Manasses acquainted Sanballat with his loss, and let him know that though he loved his Daughter, yet he would not for her sake lose so great a dignity as that of the Priesthood. Sanballat answered him, that if he would keep his Daughter for his wife, he would make him an High-priest, and with the license and consent of Darius King of Persia build a Temple upon Mount Gerizim for that purpose. But Darius being overthrown in battel soon after by Alexander of Macedon, he made this suit to him, bringing him eight thousand Souldiers to serve him in the Wars, and readily obtained his desire. So that this became a receptacle to divers fugitive or apostate Iews, who were guilty of breaking the Law by pro [...]aning the Sabbath, eating meats forbidden, or the like crimes. This Temple having stood about 200 years, was ruined by Hircanus, about a hundred years before Christ his coming in the flesh or more. Now as they that embrace errours and corrupt inventions of men in things pertaining to Religion and religious worship, are obstinate in cleaving to their fancies: so the Samaritans would make comparisons between their Temple which was founded without warrant from God, yea, against his word, and the Temple [Page 85] of Hierusalem which the Lord owned for the peculiar place of his worship. Yea, and after their Temple was laid desolate, they seemed to please themselves with the imagination of the holiness of the ground on which it once stood; and therefore saith the woman, our Fathers worshipped in this Mountain, &c. as if Mount Gerizim were still an holy Mount, though the Temple was down: and so there was great enmity between the Iews and Samaritans. But observe the Answer which the Lord Christ gave her, Jesus saith unto her, Woman beleeve me, the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this Mountain, nor yet at Hierusalem worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship; for salvation is of the Iews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and Truth, for the Father seeketh such to wrship him▪ God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in Truth. ver. 25. 26. The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come he will tell us all things. Iesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. I conceive in this Answer, the Lord Christ sheweth,
1. That both the Iews and Samaritans were in an errour: for it seemeth both of them thought that the Lord had confined his most solemn worship to one certain place throughout all ages, as one party said at Mount Gerizim, the other at Hierusalem; and that the Ceremonies and Sacrifices there used should [Page 86] be alwaies continued: Bus the Lord Christ told the woman, that God had not limited himself to either of these places, and that the time was now at hand, when it should be as free to worship God in any other place, as in either of these.
2. He passeth sentence for the Iews against the Samaritans in this Controversie. So far as concerned the present state of things, saith he, ye (scil. ye Samaritans) worship ye know not what: We (scil. we Iews) know what we worship, for salvation is of the Iews. Ye Samaritans do ye know not what in your worshipping, ye know not God aright, ye have no warrant from his word, either for your Temple, once standing on this Mount, or for limiting the worship of God to this place, or for the way of worship; Ye blindly follow the groundless Traditions of your Fathers: But we know what we worship, we follow the directions of God himself, delivered by Moses and the Prophets, both for the place and manner of Gods worship, for salvation is of the Iews. They are the Church of God to whom God hath committed his oracles, teaching the way of Salvation, and of whom as concerning the flesh, Christ the Saviour of the world was to come.
3. He confirmeth and amplifieth the first part of his Answer, shewing that the Lord in a short time would set up a more spiritual way of worship in his Church, more sutable to his spiritual Nature, to which these carnal ordinances and Ceremonial ordinances should give place.
[Page 87] Secondly, 2. Affirmatively. I Answer affirmatively, that the doctrine of the Gospel, 1. shewing how Ceremonies attain'd their proper end. and in particular, this Gospel-doctrine of free justification through the righteousness of Christ, doth establish the Ceremonial Law. For,
1. Then is a thing established, 1. Leading to Christ. when it attaineth its proper end. Now by the Gospel, the Law of Ceremonies attained its proper end: For,
1. The end of it was, to be a School-master to bring men to Christ. Circumcision sealed the righteousness of faith, which Circumcision it self could not give, but was to be found in Christ: it taught men to look after the Circumcision of the heart which was to be had in Christ alone, by union with him, by faith, and partaking of his spirit. The Passeover pointed out unto them Christ, the Lamb of God without spot, which taketh away the sins of the world. The Sacrifices directed them to Christ the perfect Sacrifice. The blood of the Sacrifices led them to the sprinkling of the blood of Christ, which alone was sufficient to take away sin. Now these and other Ceremonies attained their end in Christ, and in the justification of sinners through the blood, death, satisfaction, righteousness of Christ apprehended and applied by faith, according to the doctrine of the Gospel, and so this Law of Ceremonies was established, and the validity of it declared. But on the other side, they that pretend so much zeal for Circumcision and other Ceremonies of the Law, making it a [Page 88] part of the matter of their justification, and resting in the bare outward observance as pleasing to the Lord in it self did cross the main end of the Ceremonial Law, and propose such false ends as were impossible to be attained.
Secondly, 2. Shewing that they were not empty appearances, but Types of great things. The doctrine of the Gospel, making Christ the end of the Law for righteousness, in whom wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption and salvation alone is to be had, sheweth that the Ceremonial Ordinances were no empty shadowes and vain appearances, like those of the Heathen, but significant signs and Types full of deep Mysteries of exceeding great weight and importance, pointing at the person of the Lord Jesus, his office, his actings, his sufferings, and the fruits and benefits of these: whereas they that so stiffely opposed the strict observation of the Ceremonies of the Law against the doctrine of Christ delivered in the Gospel, what did they make of them but begerly elements, empty appearances without fruit, use or profit? So that the Preachers of the Gospel did honour the Ceremonial Law, though they took away the observation of them, by declaring the substance whereof they were shadowes; and the observers of the Ceremonies in the times of the Gospel did greatly disparage them.
Thirdly, 3. Illustrating by them it self, and the great Mystery of Christ. The doctrine of the Gospel doth still establish the Ceremonial Law, as an illustration of the mystery of Christ in the Gospel, and sheweth that great use may still be made of them that way: for the Ceremonies were as it were visible Prophesies [Page 89] of Christ, and the things of Christ. And as Prophesies are dark before they are fulfilled, but clear after they are accomplished, and do much illustrate the events: so these Ceremonies were obscure resemblances of Christ; but now since what they signified is fulfilled, the comparing the Types with the Antitypes giveth much light.
The Use which I intend to make of this point is, Vse 1. to compare some of the principal Ceremonies of the old Testament, with the Mysteries of the Gospel, that so we may more clearly see how they are established by Christ, and that we may improve them for our edification. And first to begin with the Sacraments of the Ceremonial Law; and there in,
1. Circumcision. Sect. 1. The institution of this Sacrament is laid down, 1. Circumcision instituted. Genesis the sevententh: saith the Lord to Abraham, This is my Covenant which ye shall keep between me and you, Gen. 17. 10, 11. and thy seed after thee: every man child among you shall be Circumcised, and ye shall Circumcise the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall be a token of the Covenant betwixt me and you. Deut. 10. 16. and what it signified. And elsewhere Moses saith to the people of Israel, Circumcise the foreskin of your heart and be no more stiffe-necked. This sheweth that the Circumcision of the flesh directed them to the inward Circumcision of the heart, the mortification of sinful lusts, inordinate affections, Rom. 2. 29▪ and all sorts of corruptions. To which agreeth that of the Apostle, Circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit, and [Page 90] not in the letter, whose praise is not of men but of God. Rom. 4. 11. The same Apostle saith that Abraham received the sign of Circumcision and seal of the righteousness of faith. These Scriptures compared together, shew that Circumcision did seal the Covenant of Grace between God and his people: on the one side confirming the promises of God to them, as a seal added to the blood of his Covenant, on the other side engaging them to answer the ends of the Covenant by Circumcising their hearts, mortifying their corruptions, and forsaking their sins. The sum of Gods, promises sealed by the Sacrament of Circumcision, is delivered in these words, I will establish my Covenant between me and thee, Gen. 7. 17. and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting Covenant, to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee. I conceive this conteineth as much as all the promises of the Gospel: For what is there in all the promises concerning pardon of sin, justification, adoption, the graces of Sanctification, the comforts and joyes of the holy Ghost, Communion with God, strength against temptation, protection against the assaults of Satan and the world, hearing and answering of prayers, support under afflictions, victory over death, everlasting life and salvation, and other promises and priviledges granted to Believers in the Gospel, I say, what is there in all these which is not comprehended in this promise, I will be their God? God is all sufficient, he is all in all, and when he giveth himself he [Page 91] giveth all good things and blessings; and this was sealed by Circumcision: Now this promise and Covenant is fulfilled in Christ; for out of Christ, men and women are both strangers and Enemies to God, and have no interest in him. The Lord is so far from being their God, that he is their Enemy, saith the Apostle, When we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son. Rom. 5. 10. The best of men and women are in a state of enmity with God until they are reconciled by Christ. And that Covenant sealed by Circumcision wherein the Lord promised to be the God of Abraham and of his seed was the same for substance with that where he saith, Gen. 12. 2, 3. I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing, Gen. 22. 18. and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. I conceive the promise of Christ is twice included here: when it is said, I will make thee a blessing; and again, in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Abraham was made a blessing, and the Nations and families of the Earth were blessed in him, Rom. 4. 3, 11. in this regard, because Christ according to the flesh or humane nature was to issue out of his loynes; according to that, in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, that is in Christ. So that Abraham found that in Christ which was sealed to him by Circumcision, Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness, and he received the sign of Circumcision, a seal of the righteousness [Page 92] of faith which he had, yet being uncircumcised. Circumcision attained its end in Christ, and he was the substance of this shadow: in him believers are reconciled to God, and he becometh their God, and they are made his people being justified by his righteousness; and by his spirit they are circumcised in heart, their corruptions are mortified, and their body of sin destroyed, which is an evidence of their union with Christ, and justification by him: and this may move us to labour to be found in Christ, that we may be circumcised in heart, that the power of sin may be killed in us, that we may be conformed unto his death, Cor. 4. 11. our sinful lusts and affections being crucified by virtue of his death on the Cross, that so as the Apostle saith, we may be circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the Circumcision of Christ.
2. In as much as circumcision was a seal of that Covenant whereby God gave himself to his people to be their God in Christ, and a seal of the righteousness of saith, and so of the pardon of sin and justification through the righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith, It is clear, that all the Arguments of the Anabaptists fall to the ground, which they build either upon the pretended difference of Baptisme and circumcision, or of the Covenants sealed by them, or upon the incapacitie of Infants: for it is evident that the same Covenant which is confirmed by Baptisme [Page 93] was also sealed by circumcision, and if Infants under the old Testament were capable of circumcision, how are they made uncapable of Baptism under the Gospel? And accordingly you may observe how the Apostle compareth baptisme and circumcision together, Col. 2. 10, 11, 12. and sheweth how the latter cometh in place of the former; for having warned believers not to hearken to those who would bring them in bondage unto Iewish Ceremonies, he telleth them, ye are compleat in hi, (scil. in Christ) a [...]d so need not to observe those shadows of the Law, in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ. So that they have the same circumcision in Christ w ch their Fathers had under the Law, and therefore needed not the outward circumcision: But lest any should think thus, our faith under the Gospel needeth outward helps to confirm it, as well as theirs under the old Testament, he addeth these words, ver. 12, Buried with him in baptisme, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who hath raised him from the dead: as if he had said, instead of Circumcision ye have the Sacrament of baptisme, signifying the same thing, and sealing the Covenant of grace and righteousness of faith.
Secondly, Sect. 2. The other Sacrament was that of the Passeover: 2. Passeover instituted. this was instituted by the Lord while Israel was in Egypt, Ex. 12. 3, &c. and was first celebrated that same night that they came out of [Page 94] that house of Bondage. The sum of the ordinance was this, that every family should chuse a Lamb, a male of the first year without blemish: they were to separate it from the rest of the flock on the tenth day of the Month, setting apart four days until the fourteenth day at even: when it was to be killed, they were to take of the blood and strike it upon the two side-posts, and on the upper door-posts of the houses wherein the Lambs was to be eaten, and the same night they were commanded to eat the flesh of the Lamb roasted with fire, and with unleavened bread, and bitter herbs: but if any family were too little for a Lamb, it was to joyne with the next, and they were to eat it in hast with their loines girded, their shoes on their feet, and their staffe in their hand, as men prepared to travel. The reason that was given for it is this in effect, that the Lord that night would pass through the Land o [...] Egypt and smite all the first born, ver. 12, 13. both of man and beast among the Egyptians; but would spare those houses of the Israelite [...] when he saw the blood of the Lamb on the door-posts. This in it self was a great deliverance, but there was a far greater mystery and deliverance intended, The mystical signification of the Passeover. which was accomplished in Christ.
First then, 1. Purity and perfection of Christ. The Lamb was a figure of Christ whom Iohn Baptist according to his office pointed out to the people, saying, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world: Joh. 1. 29, 30. and another day, Behold the Lamb of [Page 95] God. 1 Cor. 5. 7. And the Apostle saith, Christ our Passeover is Sacrificed for us. 1 Pet. 1. 18, 19. And the Apostle Peter saith, Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as Silver and Gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your Fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot. As the Lamb appointed for the Passeover was to be without blemish, so Christ the Lamb of God was without all blemish or spot of sin actual or original, being conceived by the divine power of the holy Ghost in the wombe of a pure Virgin. Humane Nature of Christ. Again as the Lamb of the Passeover was taken from the rest of the flock, so Christ in regard of his humane Nature was taken from the rest of mankind, and made one person with the Son of God, that he might be all-sufficient for this great end, scil. to take away the sins of the world. The Lamb for the Passeover was set apart certain days before it was slain, Christs being set apart for this work. Christ was set apart in the eternal counsel of God, fore-ordained before the foundation of the world. ver. 20. And as the blood of the Lamb was to be put upon the door posts of the Israelites houses, that so the destroyer might pass over them, and not destroy any of them; whereas the first-born were slain in those houses that were not marked with the blood of the Paschal Lamb: Sprinkling of the blood of Christ for salvation. So the most precious blood of Christ is to be sprinkled by faith upon the souls of Believers; his blood, death, satisfaction, righteousness, is to be applied to their souls by faith unfeigned, that so the [Page 96] destroying curse of the Law, and wrath of God may not abide upon them, but pass over them; while others who have no interest in this Lamb of God and his most precious blood, lye open to the curse of the Law, and the wrath to come. So that we see also how this Ceremony and Sacrament of the Passeover attained its end in Christ, and is accomplished in him, and in that sense established. And in particular, this is declared in the doctrine of justification through the satisfaction and righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith: For as the houses marked with the blood of the Paschal Lamb escaped the destroyer: so those souls who by faith unfeigned, apply the blood and righteousness of Christ to themselves, are delivered from condemnation, and accepted of God as righteous. Let us labour to improv [...] this,
First, As the Israelites were never delivered out of Egyptian bondage until they kept the Passeover: 1. Use of the Mystical part of the Passeover. so let us assure our selves, that As it had been impossible for any men and women to get out of the slavery of sin and Satan, Keep the spiritual Passeover with actual and lively faith. unless the Lamb of God had been slain for th [...] Redemption: so none are actually redeemed and delivered from this woful bondage, untill they keep the Passeover in a spiritual manner, until they imbrace Christ the Lamb of God, and feed upon him by the lively actings and exercisings of faith unfeined. Many may be convinced of their misery, and sigh for hard bondage as the Israelites did [Page 97] in Egypt, but they cannot be made free unless they keep this Passeover. If the Son shall make you free, Joh. 8. 36. ye shall be free indeed: If ye be found in Christ, and feed upon this Lamb of God, ye shall be free indeed, not otherwise.
Secondly, Vse 2. Admire with all Thankfulness the infinite goodness of God, Admire and be thankful to God. who before the foundation of the world, provided such a precious remedy for poor sinners, even a Lamb without blemish and without spot, [...]eparated from the rest of the flock; one of the seed of the woman, set apart from among all the rest of the children of men, and personally united to the eternal Son of God, that so he might be a full and perfect propitiation for sin,
Thirdly, Vse 3. As Christ is a Lamb without spot, so let all that will be saved by him, Imitate Christ in his spotless life and nature. labour to be more conformed to him in holiness, purging themselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, 1 Joh. 3. 3. for every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself as he is pure. What is that but an unsound self-deceiving hope, which doth not stir up the soul to conform it self to Christ in purity and holiness?
Fourthly, Vse 4. Labour with all diligence for faith unfeigned, Get an unfeigned faith. whereby ye may sprinkle the most precious blood of Christ upon your Souls, applying his death, suffering, satisfaction, righteousness to your selves, that ye may escape the destroying curse of the Law, and wrath of God, that being justified by faith in the blood and righteousness of Christ, there may be no condemnation unto you. What had [Page 98] it profited the Israelites that the Lamb for the Passeover was slain, if they had not followed the Lord his direction, in putting the blood upon the door posts of their houses? What shall it profit any that live under the Gospel that Christ the Lamb of God is slain, and in the preaching of the word, set forth as it were crucified before their eyes, if they do not sprinkle their souls in particular with his blood, rightly applying his satisfaction and righteousness to themselves? Will not the Lord look upon them rather as Egyptians then Israelites, and deal with them accordingly?
Fifthly, Vse 5. As they did eat the Lamb at the feast of the Passeover: Keep the Passover always but especially at the Lords Supper, with love and sincerity. So let Christians endeavour every day to keep this feast unto the Lord, by feeding upon this living bread, upon the body and blood of Christ, in lively actings of faith upon him; and more especially in the use of his ordinances, his word, and the holy Supper. As they kept the Passeover with unleavened bread, so let us keep the feast, not with old leven, neither with the leven of malice and of wickedness, 1 Cor. 5. 8. but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Mat. 16. 6. 12. The Lord Christ warned his Disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharises and of the Sadduces; Luk. 12. 1. and though at the first they mistook his meaning, yet afterward they understood it of the doctrine of the Pharises and Sadduces; so he said unto his Disciples, Beware of the Leaven of the Pharises which is Hypocrisie: So that all manner of evil outward [Page 99] and inward, in heart, in opinion, in conversation, may be comprehended under this Leaven; and they that will rightly feast with Christ, and feed upon him, must strive to purge out this Leaven of sin and errour, and keep the feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Sixthly, Vse 6. This feast of unleavened bread which was joyned with the Passover was to be kept seven days, Keep it more and more towards perfection. and seven in Scripture is noted for a number of perfection, and therefore let Christians labour to purge out more and more the old Leaven of sin and corruption, and to walk in sincerity and truth all the days of their life, even till the seventh day; that is, until they come to keep an eternal feast and Sabbath of Rest with Christ in his glorious Kingdom.
Seventhly, Vse 7. As they kept the feast with their loins girded: Be ever waiting ready for the Lord. So let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning, and ye your selves like unto men that wait for the Lord, when he will return from the Wedding, that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately: Luk. 22. 35, 36. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching. They that wear long garments need to gird them up, when they are either to walk or to work. They that would have communion with him need to call in, and gather up their straggling thoughts, their wandring minds, their loose affections, to unite the powers of their souls, to fix them upon Christ, and the things of Christ, that they may be always ready for [Page 100] any way or work of Christ. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, 1 Pet. 1. 13. be sober and hope to the end, for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Iesus Christ.
As they were to eat the Passeover with their shoes on their feet, and their staffe in their hand, as being ready for their departure out of Egypt: so let those that will rightly keep the spiritual Passeover, and feed upon Christ, be affected as strangers and sojourners, expecting daily their departure out of this world, labouring to be ready to enter into the heavenly Canaan: How should they condemn that earthly mindedness, when they are of such a temper, as if they had a continuing City here, not seriously seeking one to come?
Eighthly, Vse 8. They were to eat the Passeover with bitter herbs; Feed on the Lamb of God with godly sorrow. let those then that would indeed feed upon Christ unto eternal life, feed upon this Lamb of God with bitter herbs of Godly sorrow for sin, Zach. 10. 12. holy anger and indignation against themselves, afflicting their souls, looking upon him whom they have pierced by their sins, and mourning for him as one mourneth for his only Son, and being in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born. Let them feed upon Christ by faith with self-denial (which is as it were a bitter herb to the flesh) denying themselves in their dearest lusts and carnal affections, not sparing the right hand or the right eye. Let them joyn repentance with faith, otherwise they can never keep [Page 101] the feast according to the mind of Christ.
Lastly, Ye may read of the Law of the Passeover and unleavened bread; Ult. Improved as a pledge of our Redemption. and presently after that the ordinance of the first-fruits. Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Lev. 23. 5. 6, &c. 10, 11. when ye be come into Land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheafe of the first fruits of your harvest unto the Priest, and he shall wave this sheafe before the Lord to be accepted for you, on the morrow after the Sabbath the Priest shall wave it. It is conceived that this Sabbath, or day of rest, was the first day of unleavened bread, scil. the fifteenth day of the first month, on whatsoever day of the week it fell, but in the year wherein Christ suffered, it fell upon the last day of the week, so that it was a double Sabbath; the paschal Sabbath and the weekly Sabbath meeting together upon the same day. Now the sheaf of first-fruits was to be waved or offered before the Lord on the morrow after the Sabbath, which was the day on which Christ rose from the dead. See how the Apostle applyeth this, Christ is risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that sleep. 1 Cor. 15. 20. It seemeth there was such an exact agreement and correspondence between the Type and the Antetype, the shadow and the substance, that the Lord Christ arose from the dead, the very same day that the sheafe of first fruits was to be offered; and he arose as the first fruits of them that slept, or of the dead. I conceive the meaning is, [Page 100] [...] [Page 101] [...] [Page 102] that as the first fruits being offered to God, did sanctifie the whole increase of the fruits of the earth that year; so Christ as the first fruits of the dead arose from death to eternal life and glory; and in himself, and his resurrection, did as it were offer up to God the dead bodies of all his members, not always to lye under the power of death and corruption, but to be raised to immortality and everlasting glory. Let us labour then to have part in the first resurrection, rising with Christ by virtue of his quickning spirit to newness of life, that this may be an earnest and sure evidence unto us of a second resurrection to everlasting life. So much for the Sacraments of the Ceremonial Law.
SEcondly, Of the second Sacrifices and their meaning. in the next place follow the Sacrifices. It seemeth there were but few sorts of creatures used for Sacrifices. Of sensible creatures such as have life and sense, What kind of Beasts and used in Sacrices. but five sorts: whereof three were of four-footed beasts scil. Bullocks, Sheep, and Goats, old or young, and so comprehending under them Calves, Lambs and Kids; Clean and Meek. and two sorts of fowls, as turtle doves and young pigeons. Thefe were creatures that were meek and gentle above many others, and such as were in a special manner subject and serviceable to men: so [Page 103] the Lord Christ who was appointed to be a Sacrifice to the justice of God, Mat. 11. 29. was meek and lowly in heart, Act. 8. 32. He was lead as a sheep to the slaughter, Phil. 1. 2, 6, 7, 8. and like a Lamb dumb before the shearer, so opened he not his mouth: who being in the form of God thought it robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a se [...]vant and was made in the likeness of men, and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross. None that are unclean or cruel, used. Lions, Bears, Tigres, Leopards, wild-beasts, beasts of prey, fierce and cruel creatures; Eagles, Hawks, Vultures, or other ravenous fouls were not appointed for Sacrifice: These were not fit to represent the Lord Christ in his state of humiliation, in his suffering condition, as he was appointed to be a Sacrifice for sin: Rev. 5. 5. It is true Christ is called the Lion of the Tribe of Iudah, I conceive to represent him in regard of his mighty powers, in protecting his Church, and subduing his enemies, but not to resemble him as a Sacrifice, for so he was in a state of suffering and of service; and therefore Christians according to his command should learn of him who is meek and lowly of heart, and be content to be conformed to him in sufferings, taking up his Cross and following him. They should be useful and serviceable as Christ was, who was figured by such creatures offered in Sacrifice.
2. Ye may note in general, that an offering presented to the Lord, was called in [Page 104] the Hebrew Korban of [...] to draw near. [...] This may teach us that none was fit to offer an offering to the Lord, but only the Lord Jesus Christ, and those that come to God by him; for all mankind since the fall were a far off at a great distance from God, but the Lord Iesus Christ being God and Man, is nigh unto the Father. In regard of his Godhead, he is the only begotten Son of God in the bosom of the Father, as he is man personally united to the Son of God, he is one person with the Son of God, and being without spot of sin, he came near to God to present himself an offering and a Sacrifice unto him. Secondly, none can come nigh unto the Lord to offer any spiritual Sacrifice to him, or to have any inward communion with him, but in and by the Lord Jesus Christ, Eph. 2. 13. But now in Christ Iesus, Ye, who sometime were afar off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ. Christ being nigh to God, drew nigh unto him actually with the sacrifice and offering of himself, and so made way for sinners who were afar off from God by their sin and guilt, to draw nigh to God by virtue of his blood; that applying his blood, satisfaction, and righteousness to themselves, they might be made nigh unto God in regard of their estate, being taken into Covenant with him as his confederates, and so into Communion, and that they might draw nigh unto him from time to time, in offering spiritual services and sacrifices to him by Jesus Christ. Let us all see our great need [Page 105] of Christ, there is no coming nigh unto God but by him, neither in respect of our estate, nor of our services, but in Christ there is access to be had in both respects. But more especially,
First, Sect. 1. The burntoffering. This was called in Hebrew [...] which signifieth ascending or ascension, Special consideration of burntofferings. because all the flesh of the beast being burned upon the Altar was to ascend or go up towards heaven in fire: Lev. 1. [...] the meaning of it 1. in its ascension. so the Lord Jesus Christ when he was here on earth in the flesh, offered up himself to his father in heaven; the infinite virtue of his Sacrifice ascending to the Throne of God, for the appeasing of his wrath and satisfying of his justice for sin. This may teach us also that we should present our whole selves, souls and bodies, sacrifices living holy acceptable to God, and that they which will thus present themselves to the Lord must be heavenly minded, their souls and hearts must be raised and ascend upward: How many carnal, outward, dead hearted services are dropped down before the Lord, that never ascend upward, having nothing of heaven nor of Christ his spirit in them.
Secondly, 2. The offerer laid his hand on the head thereof. ver. 4. He that offered the burntoffering was to lay his hand upon the head of the creature that was to be slain: so he that will have benefit by the sacrifice of Christ, must lay hold of him by the hand of faith.
Thirdly, 3. The Bullock to be killed and the blood poured out. The Bullock for the burntoffering was to be killed, the blood of it to be poured out: this, 1. was fulfilled in Christ, according as it [Page 106] was Prophesied of him, Isa. 53. 7, 8, 9, 10, 12. He is brought as a Lamb to the slaughter, He was cut off out of the land of the living, ver. 9. His grave and death are expresly mentioned, thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, ver. 12. He hath poured out his soul unto death. And Daniel Prophesied that Messiah or Christ should be cut off or slain, Dan. 9. 26. and without shedding of blood there is no remission.
1. This may move Christians to pitty, Vse 1. and earnestly pray for the poor blinded Israelites, that the Lord would be pleased to take the vail from their hearts: Heb. 9. 22. Is it not lamentable to consider that they should make the Cross and death of Christ a stumbling block, whereas his death and sufferings are so clearly foretold in the Law and the Prophets which themselves acknowledge to be the word of God? Yea, all those millions of sacrific [...]s slain and offered according to the Lord his appointment, did clearly foreshew the death of Christ, and the shedding of his most pretious blood for the sins of the world. But how is man left to the darkness of his own mind, and blinded by Satan?
Secondly, Vse 2. See here how odious sin is in the sight of God which nothing could wash away but the blood of Christ, figured by the death and blood of these legal Sacrifices: for it is not possible that the blood of Bulls and Goats should take away sins, Heb. 10. 4. these did signifie the blood of the Son of God infinitely more pretious, of sufficient virtue to wash away the greatest and foulest sins. How should we [Page 107] tremble at sin? Should we not look upon every sin as bloody, as murtherous, either as slaying the sinner himself, or as killing his Saviour? either thy sin must be washed away with the blood of Christ, or it will cost thee more then thy best blood is worth.
Thirdly, Vse 3. This is for comfort to souls burdened and oppressed with the guilt of sin, that that one sacrifice even Christ himself, figured by so many millions o [...] sacrifices is offered to satisfie for sin; Act. 20. 28. that that blood figured by the blood of so many offerings is shed to take away sin; and that God hath purchased his Church with his own blood: it is the blood of God because of him who is God and man in one person, 1 Joh. 1. 7. though not the blood of the God-head. The blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God cleanseth from all sin; it is of infinite value, it is of more virtue then all the bloody sacrifices of the Law.
4. Woe unto those wretches that dare to swear prophanely by this pretious blood, or by those bleeding wounds of the Son of God. Is not this to trample under foor the blood of the Covenant?
4. Vse 4. The death of these sacrifices may teach us [...] kill our dearest sins, to slay our lusts, to mortifie our corruptions: Rom. 12. 1. Christ did not dye for sin that thou mightest live in sin, but that thou mightest dye to sin, and live to him ye righteousness and holiness. I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God, that [...] present your bodyes a Sacrifice living, holy and acceptable to God; a Sacrifice and therefore slain [Page 108] and yet a living Sacrifice. Present your selves a sacrifice dying to sin, and a sacrifice living quickned with grace, living in the spirit. Again, among all the burnt offerings, ye may take particular note of the continual burnt offerings sacrificed to the Lord every day, Numb. 28. 3. one Lamb in the morning and another in the evening: so the people of God had need every day morning and evening to flee to Christ, and to apply his sacrifice and satisfaction to themselves, and through him to seek pardon of God for their dayly sins and infirmities, every day sprinkling the blood of Christ the Lamb of God upon their souls.
2. This may stir up Christians dayly to offer up a morning & evening sacrifice to the Lord, in confession of sins, prayers, praises, thanksgivings. We read of special blessings which the Lord vouchsafed at those times. 2 King. 3. 20. The King of Iudah, Israel, and Edom, with their Army, were in danger to perish for want of water, and in this great distress they had recourse to the Prophet Elisha: now it is said ver. 20, and it came to pass in the morning when the meat-offering was offered, that behold there came water by the way of Edom, and the country was filled with water. So Dan [...]ul having prayed with much importunity for the Church which was then in captivity, saith, Dan. 9. 21. the man Gabriel (to wit the Angel Gabriel in the likeness of a man) being caused to fly swiftly, touched him about the time of the evening oblation, and so (as it followeth [Page 109] there) opened the counsels of God unto him according to his request. I conceive it is very probable, that the people of Israel in their several houses did use to pour out their prayers to God about the time of the morning and evening sacrifices; and that Daniel and others of the godly, when they were in captivity did observe those times though then the Temple was destroyed, and the daily sacrifice interrupted.
A second sort of Sacrifices were sin offerings, Sect. 2. Sin offering considered, opened and applied. this kind of offering is called in the Hebrew expresly [...] Sin, because in a typical or figurative way, the guilt or sin of him for whom the sacrifice was offered, was laid upon the creature sacrificed. Lev. 4. 3. Its name. So the Apostle sheweth that God hath made him (scil. Christ) to be [...]in for us who knew no sin, 2 Cor. 5. 21. that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him. The sinoffering called sin, figured the imputation of mens sin to Christ, who had no sin of his own, bnt voluntarily took upon him the guilt of mens sins, as a surety taketh upon him anothers debt.
1. See here how exceedingly the Son of God abased himself for sinners, Vse 1. Condescension of Christ. as to stand under the guilt of numberless sins. If we consider the infinite holiness, glory and Majesty of Christ, is it not evident, that this degree of humiliation and abasement passeth all understanding; Admire therefore his infinite love and unconceivable goodness which moved him hereunto: Learn highly to exalt and honour him.
[Page 110] 2. See here the baseness of sin, 2. Baseness of sin. which th [...] abased the Son of God, when he took the guil [...] of it upon him, out of compassion to sinner [...] No outward estate, condition, calling, imployment, doth so abase any, as the least sin doth, in the Lord his account; and yet ho [...] vain is the corrupt heart of man, in being ashamed of many other things more th [...] of sin: yea, how many are there that ar [...] ashamed of holi [...]ess, and ready to glory i [...] sin.
3. If Christ did thus abase himself for th [...] sins of others, 3. Humiliation of our selves. as to be made a sin-offering or to be made sin by imputation: How shoul [...] we take shame to our selves, and be exceedingly humbled and abased for our own sins As David, 2 Sam. 24. 12▪ I have sinned greatly in that I ha [...] done, I have done very foolishly. And [...] I abhor my self, Job 42. 6. and repent in dust [...] ashes.
2. The blood of the sin-offering was to sprinkled seven times before the Lord, 2. The manner of sprinkling the blood of it. and se [...] is noted for a number of perfection. The Sou [...] and Consciences of sinners are so deeply sla [...]ned and defiled with sin, Lev. 4. 6. Seven times before the Lord, that they nee [...] much purging. How often should we labo [...] by [...]aith to sprinkle the blood of Christ upon our souls, and to apply it to our selves This blood of the sin-offering was to b [...] sprinkled seven times before the vail of [...] holy place: or before the Vail. so it is the blood of Christ [...] maketh way for believers to the mercy-seat which their sins had shut up against the [...] Having therefore Brethren boldness to ente [...] [Page 111] into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the vail, Heb. 10. 19, 20, 21, 22. that is to say, his flesh: and having an high-priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true [...]eart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water: with hearts and souls sprinkled with the blood of Christ by faith, and so purged from the guilt of sin; and bodies washed with pure water, being baptized outwardly and inwardly with water, and the sanctifying graces of the holy spirit.
3. Some of the blood was to be put upon the horns of the sweet incense Altar, 3. Sprinkled on the horns of the Altar. scil. the Golden Altar: so Christians are to ground their faith and confidence in offering up the Incense of prayer upon the blood and Mediation of Christ, Lev. 4. 7. its meaning. having no hope of acceptance, but only through him and his satisfaction and intercession. The Golden Altar being a type of Christ as he intercedeth for his people. The blood of the sin-offering put upon this Altar may intimate unto us that Christ intercedeth with his Father, and pleadeth for his people, by presenting to him his blood, the merit of his death, and fulness of his satisfaction, which he underwent, not for himself (who had no need) but for them.
4. The fat of the Inwards, 4. Fat of &c. Sin-offering to be burnt. Its meaning. Kidneys, &c. were to be burned upon the Altar. The fat may signifie carnal security, senselessness, and sottishness, Lev. 4. 8, 9, 10, Isa. 6. 10. in heavenly and spiritual things. [Page 112] Make the heart of this people sat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes: and the Kidneys and fat upon them may signifie fleshly lusts; and therefore as these things were consumed by fire upon the Altar; so let Christians earnestly pray and labour for more and more of the spirit of Christ, to consume and burn up their earthly and carnal affections and sinful lusts. Isa. 4. 3, 4. And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Sion, and he that remaineth in Ierusalem shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Hierusalem, when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the Daughters of Sion, and shall have purged the blood of Hierusalem from the midst thereof by the Spirit of Iudgement, 5. The sin-offering carried out of the Camp, and its meaning. and by the spirit of burning.
5. The skin of the Bullock for the sin-offering and all his flesh, Lev. 4. 11, 12. with his head, and with his leggs, and his inwards, and his dung, even the whole Bullock was to be carried without the Camp, where the Ashes were poured, without the City after they are setled. and there to be burnt; and as this was to be done without the Camp while they were in the Wilderness (as they were when these things were written) so it seemeth after they were settled in Canaan, Heb. 13. 11, 12. it was done without the City. The Apostle giveth us the interpretation of this Mystery, For the bodyes of those beasts whose blood is brought into the Sanctuary by the high priest for sin, Joh. 19. 17. are burnt without the Camp: wherefore Iesus also that he might sanctifie the people with his [Page 113] own blood, suffered without the Gate. And he bearing his Cross, went forth unto a place called the place of a Skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha. It seemeth this was a loathsome place without the City, where they executed the vilest offenders: and so at that time there were two malefactours Crucified with the Lord Jesus Christ, one at each hand: A place of a skul where there were (it is likely) many skuls and bones of such as had been there put to death: even as the sin-offering was burnt at the place where the ashes were poured out.
First, Vse 1. Here we have an other evidence of the wonderful abasement of the Lord of glory; thrust out of the Camp, out of the City, as an outcast, as an unclean and cursed thing: so extreamly was he vilified, whom all the Angels of God worship, and to whom every knee must bow of those in heaven, &c, And therefore let us make the same use of it as was formerly hinted.
Secondly, Vse 2. In particular, let us make the use of it which the Apostle points us to; Heb. 13. 13. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the Camp, bearing his reproach. Both Iews and Gentiles conspired together in Crucifying the Lord Christ, and therefore Believers must go out of the Iews Camp, and out of the worlds Camp, bearing the reproach of Christ; they must not joyn with the obstinate Iews in observing legal Ceremonies, nor be conformed to the world, but labour to be conformed to a crucified Saviour, and be content [Page 114] to endure scorn, reproach, persecution, for Christ, following the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. Many will seem to close with Christ if they can find him in the Camp, if they can enjoy their credit, their favour with the world, their earthly interests: But how few will go forth to him out of the Camp, bearing his reproach, so as to be rejected by the world, and dealt with as outcasts and the off scouring of all things? For saith the Apostle, here have we no continuing City, but we seek one to come. ver. 14. If Christ suffered without the Gate of the City, let us not be so affected as if this world were the place of our rest; Let us not mind earthly things, let us have our conversation in Heaven, labouring to make sure of our interest in that everlasting inheritance; Let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entring into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. The Apostle urgeth from this Type of the sin-offering, that they which would still rest in the observation of Iewish Ceremonies had no right in Christ, Heb. 4. 1. We have an Altar whereof they have no right to eat which serve the Tabernacle, for the bodies, &c. as before. The bodies of the sin-offerings were burnt without the Camp, Heb. 13. 19. and so the Priest did eat no part of their flesh, whereby was signified that they who would feed upon Christ, and partake of the benefit of his sacrifice, must leave the Tabernacle or Temple, Priesthood, Sacrifices, Ceremonies of the Law, now that Christ hath suffered; for thus are all established [Page 115] by Christ, not so as to be observed much less to be rested in, but so as to attain their end in Christ, in whom it appeareth that they are no empty shadowes, but lively types of great and weighty Mysteries whereof also they are useful illustrations.
Thirdly, Sect. 3. Meat-offerings considered. Their name, [...] Lev. 2. 1. I proceed to somewhat of meat-offerings. It seemeth these were sometimes offered by themselves, and sometimes joyned with other sacrifices, as they were offered by themselves, we have them set down Lev. 2. The original word is taken for a gift or present: so these meat-offerings were to be given and presented to the Lord, and this offering was to be fine flower of the purest part of the wheat, Of what matter fine flower. Of the signification. and so it is conceived to signifie the perfect purity of Christ offering himself to God for his people, resembled by pure flower without any mixture of bran. The Lord Christ is brought in speaking to his Father, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not, Heb. 10. 5, 6, 7. but a body hast thou prepared me, in burnt offerings and Sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. Then said I, Loe I come (in the volumn of the book it is written of me) to do thy will O God. I conceive here those three sorts of sacrifices are mentioned, burnt-offerings, sin-offerings, and meat-offerings, none of these could satisfie the justice of God for the sins of men, and therefore he prepared or fitted a body for his Son, an humane nature fitted to suffer for the sins of men, a pure humane nature (as the pure flower of wheat) by the miraculous operation of the holy Ghost. This [Page 116] humane nature united in one person with the Son of God, was sufficient to make full satisfaction to the infinite justice of God, which all the sacrifices of the Law could not do. In respect of his body or humane nature, he was fitted for a sacrifice; in respect of his God-head, he was an all sufficient sacrifice of infinite value. Labour then to lay hold on Christ by faith, and to turn to the Lord by repentance, that ye may have interest in this most pretious offering, this compleat and most perfect sacrifice, every way fitted for this use; for as Christ is the only Son of God, he is most nigh unto the Father, the same God with the Father, and infinitely beloved of the Father, of infinite worth and excellency, and so able to make full satisfaction to his justice: As he is the Son of man, so he is nigh unto men, their Brother, one of the seed of that woman who was the Mother of all living, one of the same nature, and so of a nature fit to suffer, and therefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him.
2. This meat offering of fine flower seemeth also to signifie the offering up of believers to Christ, Signification. because the members are to be conformed to their head. They shall bring all your Brethren for an offering to the Lord out of all Nations. Isa. 66. 20. The word there translated offering, is the same that elsewhere is rendred meat-offering. Rom. 15. 16. Suitable whereunto is that of the Apostle: saith he, that I should be the Minister of Iesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministring the [Page 117] Gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the holy Ghost. Although the Gentiles were prophane Idolaters and defiled with manifold abominations, and so fitly resembled by the beasts that were unclean under the Law, yet the Apostle preaching the Gospel to them, and the holy spirit of Christ working in and with his Ministry upon their souls, were renewed, cleansed, sanctified, and so presented as an acceptable offering to the Lord,
1. Let all Christians pray for the Success of the Gospel in all places, Vse 1. Pray for success of the Gospel. particularly in the place where they live, that those that are unclean may become an acceptable offering unto the Lord, being sanctified by the holy Ghost. Is it not much to be lamented, that where there are many people living under the Gospel, the Lord should have so few offerings? that so few shloud give clear evidence that they are as fine flower sifted from the bran of their natural corruption, and so fit to be presented as meat-offerings to the Lord; and how restless should each particular soul be, until 'tis thus sifted and sanctified by the holy spirit, that it may be a holy offering unto the Lord.
2. Oyl was to be poured upon the fine flower. This may signifie the annointing of Christ concerning whom it is said, Oyle to be added, a Part of the meat offering. Its meaning. God even thy God hath annointed thee with the Oyle of gladness above thy fellows. Those pretious graces of the spirit poured forth abundantly upon Christ, Heb. 1. 9. were resembled by oyle, Joh. 1. 14, 16. and therefore [Page 118] it is said of him, He is full of grace and Truth, [...]. 3. 34. and of his fulness have all we received and grace for grace. He hath an overflowing fulness of this heavenly oyl, of these spiritual graces enough for all that are united to him, for God giveth not the fpirit by measure unto him. Let all be stirred up to come to Christ, and turn unto him that they may receive of his fulness grace for grace. They that are wholly empty of saving grace may receive from him, they that have some beginnings may receive increase from him. Is it not want of exercising faith upon Christ, and keeping close to him, that maketh Christians so defective in grace? It is said the pretious ointment upon the head of Aaron the High-priest went down to the skirts of his garment. The unconceivable fullness of grace poured upon Christ the eternal High-priest, Psal. 133. 2. is ready to distill upon his members if they be not wanting to themselves.
3. There was also frankincense put upon this meat-offering: 3. Frankincense. so the Lord Christ gave himself for his people an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling favour, Eph. 5. 2. and God the Father proclaimed from heaven concerning him, Mat. 3. 17. This is my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased. The sweet odour and savour of Christs sacrifice is so pleasing unto the Father, that he is appealed toward all that are truly united to Christ, and reconciled to him by Christ: and this also maketh the services of such well-pleasing to the Lord; the sweet savour of Christ his Sacrifice perfumeth their offerings.
[Page 119] 4. An handful of this meat-offering was to be burnt upon the Altar as a memorial, 1. Part burnt on the Altar. and the rest belonged to the Priests, Lev. 2. 3. the Sons of Aaron.
1. The memorial may signifie that the Lord is moved to remember his Covenant of grace by the merit of Christ his sacrifice. Not that the Lord is subject to forgetfulness, or needeth to be put in remembrance, but it is spoken after the manner of men, and to help the weak faith of his people, and therefore they may assure themselves that the Lord will ever be mindful of his Covenant and shew himself faithful in his promises.
Again in a Secondary way it may be a ground of much comfort to the people of God in respect of their duties and services which they offer up to God by Christ in sincerity. The Lord will have them in remembrance: the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble remember all thine offerings. Psal. 20. 1, 3. So the Angel told Cornelius, Thy Prayers and thine Alms are come up for a memorial before the Lord. Act. 10. 4.
5. The remnant of the meat offering was to be Aarons and his Sons who were Priests of the Lord. 5. Remainder was the Priests The Apostle inspired and directed by the holy Spirit argueth thus from hence, Do ye not know that those which minister about holy things, Lev. 2. 3. live of the things of the Temple, 1Cor. 9. 13, 14. and they which wait on the Altar are partakers with the Altar? Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel. They that did service at the Altar under the old Testament did partake with the [Page 120] Altar, as here in the meat offerings the Altar had part, and they that waited on the Altar had part. So the Apostle shews that it is the Lords own ordinance, that they that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel. They therefore that oppose the ma [...]ntenance of the preachers of the Gospel, do resist the ordinance of God, and presumptuously oppose his supream authority.
6, The meat offering was to be seasoned with salt. 6. Salt added to the meat-offering and why. Yea, it seemeth this was to be used, not only in this case, but also generally in all Sacrifices, for so it is said, Every oblation of this meat offering shalt thou season with salt, Lev. 2. 13. neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the Covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat-offering, With all thy offerings thou shalt offer salt.
1. Salt consumeth crude and raw humours and preserveth from putrefaction and rottenness: 1. Preserveth from putrefaction. so Christ by his spirit seasoneth the souls of true believers, and worketh out the natural corrupt distempers of their hearts, and where the spirit of Christ is wanting, men are left to the bent of their own spirits: How wofully are they filled with corruption, and rottenness, and therefore it is said, Have salt in your selves, get the graces of the spirit to season your hearts. Mar. 9. 50.
2. Salt maketh things savory and of good relish: 2. It gives a savour. How unsavory and loathsome is a carnal unregenerate soul in Gods account, that savoureth not the things of Christ his spirit, Rom. 8. 5. for they that are after the flesh do mind or savour the things of the flesh. They are [Page 121] loathsome and unsavory unto the Lord, they have not salt in themselves, But they that are after the spirit do mind or savour the things of the spirit, they have salt in themselves though not of themselves, they have it of Christ, yet they have it in themselves.
3. Salt when it meeteth with sores causeth smart. 3. it causeth sores to smart. The grace of the spirit, and the word of grace in which the spirit worketh, seemeth smarting to corrupt hearts, yea, to gracious hearts so far as they have corruptions remaining in them; but they that will present themselves living, holy, acceptable sacrifices to God through Christ, must be willing to be salted with the grace of Christ his spirit, and with the word of grace though the flesh smart, For every one shall be salted with fire, Mar. 9. 49. and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. Every one that will be acceptable to God must be salted with fire, the power of Christs spirit as a fire from heaven to consume the dross of their lusts, and to refine their souls. And every sacrifice, &c. Every one that will be a pleasing sacrifice to God▪ must be salted with this salt of the sanctuary, He must have the graces of Christ to mortifie his corruptions, and to cause him to savour the things that be of God; and the spiritual sacrifices which he offereth, the duties which he performeth must have a tincture and favour of Christs spirit in them.
4. Salt preserveth things from perishing, 4. It seems to perpetuate the Covenant. and so may note unto us perpetuity; therefore [Page 122] it is called the salt of the Covenant of God, and a sure and everlasting Covenant is called a Covenant of salt: 2 Chron. 13. 5. so Abijah pleading the right of Davids posterity to the Kingdom of Israel, said, Ought ye not to know that the Lord God of Israel gave the Kingdom over Israel to David for ever, even to him and to his Sons by a Covenant of salt? This was imperfectly fulfilled in David and the Kings that sprang from his loyns before Christ his coming, but it was compleatly verified in Christ the Son of David after the flesh, to whom God gave the throne of his Father David that he should raign over the house of Iacob or Israel for ever. The Covenant of grace established by Christ his sacrifice, is a covenant of salt that shall never fail. How earnestly should we labour to break off all leagues with sin and Satan, and turn to the Lord by unseigned repentance, and lay hold of Christ by faith, that in him we may be reconciled to God, and made parties to this unchangeable Covenant, Lev. 23. 13. enjoying the everlasting blessings and priviledges of it.
2 [...] To the meat-offering was added a drink-offering, a quantity of wine. The meat-offering consisting of fine flower, and the drink-offering of Wine, how fitly do they resemble the pretious body and blood of Christ, which is meat and drink indeed, upon which Christians are to feed by faith? And how exactly doth the bread and wine in the Sacramental supper of the new Testament answer to this meat and drink offering consisting of the same materials?
[Page 123] Fourthly, Sect. 4. Now followeth the peace-offering [...] conceive this was offered especially in a way of thankfulness for mercies and deliverances, 4. Peace-offering considered. [...]ometimes upon a conditional vow made be [...]ore, Its occasion. sometimes without a vow; Lev. 3. 1, &c. and therefore may also be called thank-offering: 1. Its meaning, viz. whole Christian duty in general. and [...]hese may signifie the duties of Christians in general, their spiritual sacrifices and services, which they are to offer unto God continually in thankfulness for his saving mercies towards them in Christ. And therefore the Apostle having largely shewed that the sacrifices of the old Testament were not to be observed in the times of the Gospel, Heb. 13. 15, 16. since they are fully accomplished in Christ, toward the end of that Epistle he calleth upon believers to offer spiritual sacrifices by him (scil. by Christ;) therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his Name, but to do good and to communicate forget not, for with such sacrifices God is wellpleased. All these and the like spiritual sacrifices believers are to offer up by Christ their high-priest in his name, presenting them to the Father by his hand, that they may find acceptance through him, and whatsoever we do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Iesus, Col. 3. 17. giving thanks to God and the Father by him: all these sacrifices are to be offered in his name, and to be presented to God by and through him.
2. For a peace offering and thank-offering, Its matter: whether male or female at liberty. liberty was given to sacrifice either male or [Page 124] female: so saith the Apostle, There is neither Iew nor Greek there is neither bond nor free, Gal. 3. 28. there is neither male nor female, for y [...] are all one in Christ Iesus. The Lord maketh no difference of persons now, either in respect of Nation, condition, or sex, if they be in Christ, (whatsoever they are in other regards) the Lord accepteth them in his beloved Son, and they may present themselves as living holy sacrifices unto him, assuring themselves that he will graciously receive them; and by the same reason they may offer up their services and duties to him by Christ as spiritual sacrifices.
3. The fat and the kidneys of the peac [...]-offerings were to be burnt upon the Altar, 3. The fat to be burnt. The rest, Lev. 7. 34. but what was to be done with the rest of the flesh, to the Offerer. Priest. that you may find in Lev. 7. the breast and the right shoulder were to be given to the Priests the Sons of Aaron, whereof the former was to be waved before the Lord, the latter to be heaved or lifted upwards, and then they were to be given to the Priests. ver. 15. with It seemeth the rest of [...] flesh of the peace-offerings was to be eaten by him that brought the sacrifice of the peace-offering before the Lord, who together with his family was to celebrate a holy feast with spiritual rejoycings before the Lord.
1. The breast was to be given to God▪ for what was given to the Priests was given to God, 1. 2 Deut. 6. 7. because it was given to the Priest for the attending on the service of God. The Priests part, breast. This may teach us to give up our breasts, hearts, affections [Page 125] to God in holiness and ob [...]dience, Prov. 23. 26. My Son give me thine heart. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, Mat. 22. 37. and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
2. The breast was to be waved before the Lord, or shaken to and fro. The original word is taken for sifting with a five: so this waving of the breast may teach us what stir [...]ings of heart, must be waved. what lively workings of spirit and affections there should be in Christians in performing services to the Lord. It is not a dead soul without spiritual, life and motion, Isa. 30. 28. which the Lord regardeth, but it is a wave-breast that he calleth for, an active heart and soul, a stirring spirit like that of David, Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name. Psal. 103. 1.
3. The right shoulder was to be heaved up before the Lord, 3. [...]ht shoulder Priests due or to be lifted up. This may [...]each Christians to lift up their souls to the Lord as David, Psal. 25. 1. Vnto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul: Col. 3. 1, 2. to seek the things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God, Phil. 3. 20. [...]o set their affections on things above, Improved to prove Gospel maintenance for Ministers. not on things on the earth, to have their conversation in Heaven. These parts being to [...] given to the Priests by the Lord his command, here we have another ground esta [...]lishing the maintenance of Gospel Ministers [...]ecording to that of the Apostle mentioned be [...]. The Officers part.
The rest of the flesh of the peace-offerings [...]ting to be eaten by him that brought the [...]rtices, with his houshold, rejoycing in the [Page 126] Lord, may teach Christians that as Christ offered up himself in sacrifice to God to satisfie his justice for the sins of his people, so he inviteth them to feed and feast upon him by faith, with rejoycing, with joy of the holy Ghost: this they should do in reading and hearing the Gospel, in meditating upon the word, upon Christ and the things of Christ. Its signification. And in the use of the Lords supper, I conceive this feasting upon the remainder of the facrifice was a special act of Communion which the people of Israel had with God, part of the beast being offered to God on the Altar, part being given to God for the use of his Priests, and the remaining part being eaten by him and his houshold who presented his sacrifice: so that in this ordinance they had special fellowship with God, shewing the great priviledge of true believers who have fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. Saith the Lord Christ, Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, 1 Joh. 1. 3. I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me: Rev. 3. 20▪ How careful should Christians be to keep constant communion with God, that their negligence may not deprive them of this blessed priviledge? Saith the Apostle, Behold Israel after the flesh: 1 Cor. 10. 18. are not they that eat of the sacrifices partakers of the Altar? I conceive the Apos [...]le in this place sheweth the Christian Corinthians that it was not lawful for them to feast with their Idolatrous neighbours in their Idol-Temples, upon the [Page 127] remainders of their sacrifices offered to Idols, because their feasts were Idolatrous and kept in honour of their IIdols: so the Israelites in eating of their peace-offering, were partakers of, or with the Altar: the Altar had part, and they had part, then saith he, the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to Divels and not to God, and I would not that ye should have fellowship with Divels: ver. 20, the Gentiles in scrificing to Idols sacrificed to Divels, and when they offered part of the sacrifice upon the Idols Altar, and feasted and fed upon the rest in honour of these Idols, they had fellowship with Divels: and on the other side, the godly Israelitet in the time of the old Testament, offering part of their peace-offerings to God upon the Altar, and presenting part of it to him for the use of his Priests by his command, and then feeding upon the rest, had fellowship with God. The Lord Christ having offered up himself to God for his people, doth also now offer himself to his people, that they may feed upon him, and in feeding upon him by faith, may have communion with the Father and the Son. So much of Sacraments and sacrifices.
Now in the third place may be considered, sacred Persons, Sect. 5. and things subservient to sacred or holy uses: Sacred Persons considered. and first the Persons; and among these Priests, Priests, &c. and principally the highpriests or Cheif preists: this officer was an eminent type of the Lord Jesus Christ, and, [Page 128] 1. In regard of his commission or calling to the Office. No man taketh this honour unto himself but he that is called of God as was Aaron. Heb. 4. 5. 6. So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest, but he that said unto him thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee. As he saith also in another place, Thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck. The Lord Christ as he was man, was immediately called of God to his office: As he is God, the act of calling was his as well as the Fathers, Mat. 12. 18. their acts being the same. So God saith of Christ as he is man, Behold my servant whom I have chosen. & 8. 4. He was called and chosen of God to be an eternal high-priest; and how wonderfully was his calling and commission ratified and evidenced by many infallible signs and tokens! When he had cured a Leprous person, he said, Go thy way▪ shew thy self to the Priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded for a Testimony to them, that this work may witness that I am called and sent of God: and when he had cast a Divel out of the Dumb man that was possessed, so that the dumb spake, the multudes marv [...]lled saying, It was never so seen in Israel; since Israel was a Nation and a Church, Mat. 9. 32. 33. there never was a man raised up among them gave such evidence that he was called of God. Nicodemus though a young Scholar in the School of Christ, saith unto him, Joh. 3. 2. We know that thou art a teacher come from God, for no [...]an can do these miracles that thou dost except God be with him. Had [Page 129] he known Christ more perfectly, he might have said, except God be in him, except he be personally united to God; Mat. 21. 23. for Christ did these things by his own authority, and by his own power had declared so much, and yet such was the ignorance or insolence of the chief-priests and Elders, that they took upon them to examine him saying, By what authority dost thou these things, and who gave thee this authority? Had they not been grossely (if not wilfully) blind, they might have seen his authority abundantly and most gloriously confirmed by his mighty works.
1. Here see the unspeakable goodness of God, Vse 1. instead of those imperfect High-priests under the old Testament, See Gods unspeakable goodness, &c. to call one to the office who is most perfect every way, Heb: 7. 26. even the man Christ Jesus, personally united to his only and eternal Son, even one who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher then the Heavens, ver. 24. 25. one who continueth ever, and hath an unchangeable Priesthood, being able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
2. Therefore neglect not to come to him, and to God by him. 2. Come to Christ, neither And,
3. If ye come to him in truth, 3. Doubt in coming to him. doubt not but he will save you to the uttermost, having a peculiar call from God for this end above all other creatures in heaven and earth.
4. See the humility of the man Christ, 4. See Christs humility, &c. who did not usurp this high office and dignity, but took it upon him as called of God: How [Page 130] great is their presumption who rashly thrust themselves into such imployments in the Church to w ch they were never called of God.
2. In respect of his annointing, but of that I have spoken in the meat-offering.
3. The garments and ornaments of the High-priest were expresly appointed by the Lord, 3. Garments of high Priest significative. who gave particular directions about them. These things might seem to be of small moment considered in themselves, but the spiritual mysteries are to be regarded which were shadowed by them.
1. In General, They are called holy Garments for glory and for beauty. 1. In General, what they signified. I conceive these may signifie the perfect holiness, the incomparable beauty and glory of the Lord Jesus. Ex. 28. 2. His perfect holiness both in his state of humiliation and exaltation, his beauty & glory chiefly in his state of exaltation, as he now sitteth on the right hand of God. Labour for an eye of faith to behold the beauty and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, which if it were clearly discerned, would eclipse all worldly glory, take off the gloss of the creatures and make them appear as dead and withered things. The reason why we are so ensnared with earthly vanities is, because we look upon things in a carnal manner with fleshly eyes, not with a spiritual eye of faith, not with such an eye as Moses did, seeing him him who is invisible, and so despising earthly things. Heb. 11. 27. Labour for union with Christ, that partaking of his Spirit ye may partake of his holiness and graces, and so of his beauty [Page 131] and glory. Holiness beautifieth and adorneth the soul and ptepareth it for perfection of heavenly beauty and glory, whereas sin doth both defile and disfigure the soul, filling it with deformity. This being noted in general I intend to mention some few of the particulars. 2. What particular Garments, &c. and their Import.
First, The two precious stones upon the two shoulders of the Ephod, or Priestly Robe, wherein were ingraven the Names of the twelve tribes of Israel, 2. Stones. six in one stone and six in the other, Ex. 28. 9. &c. on his shoulder. so that the high-priest bare their Names upon his two shoulders.
1. This may note unto us, 1. Support by him. the support which the Lord giveth unto his Church and to all the living members of it. Mat 16. 18. He beareth them as it were upon his shoulders, Hence it is that his little flock hath been preserved in the midst of so many wolves from age to age, Vpon this rock I will build my Church, aud the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. What a blessed priviledge have they that are in Christ, being built upon him as a rock immoveable, and upheld by him, born upon his shoulders who is their eternal high-priest.
2. See how precious the people of Christ are in his account, 2. The Price Christ sets on his people. as if their names were engraven in precious stones and set in ouches or bosses of Gold.
2. The breast-plate of Iudgement, 2. Breast-plate of Judgement. in which was to be set four rows of precious stones, three in a row, Ex. 28. 15. &c. [...] in all twelve stones of several kinds, and in these again were ingraven the twelve names of the twelve Tribes of Israel [Page 112] and so Aaron was to bear the Names of the Children of Israel in the breast-plate of judgment upon his heart, when he went into the holy place, for a memorial before the Lord continually.
1. See the tender love and affection which the Lord Christ hath toward his people, 1. Signification. he beareth them upon his breast, upon his heart continually; he shall feed his flock like a shepherd, he shall gather the Lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom, Isa. 40. 11. next his heart, and therefore it seemeth the Church prayes to Christ, set me as a seal upon thine heart: Cant. 8. 6. that tender love which moved him to let out his heart blood for their redemption is still so powerful and prevailing with him that he beareth them upon his heart in heaven.
2. Ought not Christians then to bear Christ upon their hearts, 2. Signification. to entertain him to dwell in their hearts by faith, to cleave unto him in love, and walk in him following the guidance of his spirit?
3. Christ this eternal high-priest beareth the Names of his people upon his breast-plate or heart, 3. Signification. now that he is in heaven, before his Father, for a memorial before his face continually. I conceive this noteth Christ his intercession for his people; He presenteth their names before his Father in Heaven, as the High-priest did in the holy place on the earth, which was a figure of Heaven. Blessed are they whose Names God the Father readeth engraven upon the breast-plate written upon [Page 133] the heart of his beloved Son, in whom he is well-pleased. What is there that such may not obtain of the Father through the Son? And how should all labour to give in their names, and to give up their hearts to Christ, that he may bear their names upon his heart for a memorial before the face of God continually.
Thirdly, 3. Part of Garments of high-Priests. Vpon the hemme of the High-priests Robe were placed golden Bells, and Pomegranates, that his sound might be heard when he went in unto the holy place before the Lord, Exod. 28. 33, 34, 35. and when he came out: so the Lord Christ entring in to the most holy place in heaven, Its Significaion. after his death and resurrection, maketh a most sweet and pleasing sound in the ears of his Father far, beyond that of golden bells; his mediation and intercession in behalf of his people, grounded upon the merit of his death, sacrifice and satisfaction, maketh heavenly melody before his Father; Heb. 12. 24. Jesus the mediator of the new Covenant and the blood of sprinking, which speaketh better things than the blood of Abel. And these Pomegranates may well resemble the sweet savour of Christs sacrifice. Again, Aarons bells were heard to sound, not only when he went in to the holy place, but also when he came out. Now although the Lord Christ as he is man continueth within the most holy place not made with hands, and doth not come out again, yet he sent down his spirit upon his Apostles soon after, and caused these golden bells to give a most pleasant [Page 134] sound throughout the several Quarters of the world, publishing the glad tidings of pardon and salvation through Christ to the comfort and refreshing of many thousand souls, and the precious promises of the Gospel published in the name of Christ, were as Pomegranats that yeilded a pleasant smell to the reviving of many fainting hearts and drooping spirits. Had we circumcised hearts and ears, gracious spirits, heavenly affections, how pleasant would the sound of the Gospel preached, how sweet would the promises of it be unto us?
Fourthly, 4. Ornaments of the High-Priest. The Lord gave this Command, Thou shalt make a plate of pure Gold, and grave upon it like the engravings of a fignet, Holiness to the Lord, Exod. 28. 36, 37, 38. and this golden plate was put on the forefront of the Mitre, and so to be worne on the forehead of the High-priest that he might bear the iniquity of the holy things which the Children of Israel should hallow in all their holy gifts, and it was to be always upon his forehead, that they might be accepted before the Lord. The Inscription I suppose may be read, either Holiness to the Lord, or, the Holiness of the Lord.
1. Here see how the Lord Christ whose holiness and righteousness is of infinite worth and value, Its signification▪ the holiness and righteousness of Iehovah, of him who is very God, taketh away the iniquities and pollutions of the duties, services, spiritual sacrifices offered by his people. Aaron did bear these but in a figure and in a way of representation, Christ [Page 135] did really bear them, and his holiness and righteousness of Jehovah is imputed to them, and is alone sufficient to take away all their uncleanness, and to procure acceptance for them. How should Christians be humbled, that such is the corruption of their natures and imperfection of their graces, that the best of their services, the holiest of their offerings, have such iniquity cleaving to them, that they need the imputation of Christs righteousness to cover them. And again, this may comfort them that are in Christ, and are sincere in their services, and stir them up to thankfulness, that such a precious remedy is provided them in this case, even the Holiness of Jehovah.
2. This golden plate with this Inscription on the forehead of the High-priest, 2. Signification: may intimate unto us, that God the Father in the forehead and face of his beloved Son, readeth such an inscription of perfect holiness and righteousness that beholding his people in him, he accepteth them as perfectly righteous through him: that as this golden plate with this inscription was placed so eminently on Aarons forehead, that it was visible and obvious to the bodily eyes and sight of the people of Israel: so the perfect righteousness and holiness of the Lord Jesus Christ is eminently visible to the spiritual eye of his peoples faith, that they may receive sweet comfort in the assurance that their iniquities are taken away through him, and may behold the Fatherly love and kindness of the Father towards [Page 136] them, and his gracious acceptance of their sevices in the face of Jesus Christ. One thing more was to be added before, 5. Ornaments, &c. Urim and Thummim. as belonging to the breast-plate of Judgement, scil. Exod. 28. 30. Vrim and Thummim▪ concerning which there is a great question What it was? Wherein it seemeth that neither Iewish nor Christian writers are yet agreed, Whether it were these words engraven upon a golden plate and put upon a breast-plate, or whether the twelve precious stones upon the breast-plate were so called, or what other thing it might be? Howsoever the meaning of the words is plain, which being both of the plural number, signifie Lights and Perfections. their meaning. These may point out unto us the fulness of heavenly Light, wisdom▪ and knowledge, and perfection of grace that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Saith he, I am the light of the World: again, Joh. 8. 12▪ & 14. [...]. I am the Truth. And the Apostle saith, In him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, Col. 2. 3, 9. for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bedily. This may shew that all by nature are darkness and imperfection, and therefore needing such a Saviour who is fullness of Lights and Perfections, Ye were sometimes darkness▪ but now are Light in the Lord. Eph. 5. 8. & 2. 4, 5. God who is rich in mercy, for his great Love wherewith [...]e loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses and sins, Col. 2, 10. hath quickned us together with Christ. And ye are compleat in him, who is the head of all principality and power. They that are natur [...]lly full of spiritual death, darkness, imperfection, receive [Page 137] spiritual life, light and grace from Christ, when once they are truly united to him, and so are compleat not in themselves but in him, upon whose breast are Vrim and Thummim, in whom is fullness of Lights and Perfections. And Malachy who seemeth to be one of the last Prophets before Christs coming, to raise up the hearts of the godly in expectation of Christs appearing in the flesh, told them, or rather God speaking by him, assured them thus, But unto you that fear my Name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing under his wings, Mat. 4. 2. with light to deliver you from darkness, and with healing graces; the influences of his heavenly perfections to cure the diseases, defects, distempers, of your souls.
Sixthly, 6. High-Priest appointed, &c. for men, &c. The High priest was appointed for men in things pertaining to God, to offer gifts and Sacrifices for sins: Heb. 5. 1. so the Lord Christ was ordained for men in things pertaining to God to offer Sacrifice for sins. Eph. 5 2. Christ hath loved us and given himself for us, Heb. 9. 14. an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works, to serve the living God? Where it is manifest that he is both the High-Priest and the Sacrifice, both the offerer and the offering; as he is the offering or sacrifice, so he was figured by such sacrifices as those formerly spoken of. As he is the offerer or High-priest, so he is figured by the High-Priest [Page 138] of the old Testament. None was worthy to offer this sacrifice of infinite value but Christ himself; and the infinite worth of Christ, God and man, who as the High-Priest or Sacrificer presented this offering to God the Father, and the infinite worth of the same Christ presented as an offering, may assure the greatest sinners which truly turn to the Lord and come to him, that there is enough done to make atonement and reconciliation between God and them; only take heed least by neglecting so great salvation, the infinite worth of the High Priest and sacrifice prove in the Issue an aggravation of your guilt and condemnation.
Seventhly, The High-Priest having killed the Bullock of the sin-offering, 7. What the High-Priest did, &c. How it signified what Christ should do. was to take a Censer full of burning coals of fire from off the Altar before the Lord, and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small, and bring it within the Vail, Lev. 16 12. scil. into the holy of holies, and then fire the Incense, that the cloud of the Incense might cover the mercy-seat, and then to sprinkle of the blood of the bullock upon the mercy-seat, and before the mercy-seat seven times [...]: [...]eb. 9. 7, 11, 12 so first the Lord Christ having sacrificed himself entred with his own blood, scil. with the merit and virtue of his blood, into the most holy place within the vail, that is, into Heaven it self; into the second, sci. the most holy place, went the High priest once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errours of the people, but Christ being [Page 139] being become an High-Priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building, neither by the blood of Goats and Calves, but by his own blood, he entred once into the holy place having obtained eternal Redemption: so that the merit and virtue of Christ his most precious blood is always presented before God in Heaven, in behalf of those that truly lay hold on Christ. Also the sweet incense put upon the fire in the Golden Censer, and resting as a cloud upon the mercy-seat, may teach us that the sweet incense of Christ his sacrifice and offering make way for the Persons, Prayers, and services of Gods people, that so they may approach to the mercy-seat or gracious presence of God in Heaven. The blood also sprinkled upon and before the Mercy-seat, may note unto us, that the blood of Christ procures mercy with God for repenting and believing sinners, and maketh way for them to draw nigh unto God. And so much for this eminent Type of Christ. The High-Priest of the old Testament figuring Christ the eternal High-Priest.
In the next place, somewhat might be spoken of the inferiour Priests which were of the posterity of Aaron. These I take to have been Types of the Members of Christ, of whom it is said, that Christ hath loved them, Rev. 1. 5, 6. and washed them from their sins in his own blood, 1 Pet. 2. 9. and made them Kings and Priests unto God and his Father: Rom. 12. 1. to whom also [Page 140] Peter saith, Ye are are a chosen generation a royal Priesthood, an holy Nation, a peculiar people. And these are first to offer themselves as sacrifices to God; I beseech you Brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies, that is I conceive, taking a part for the whole, their bodies and souls, their whole selves, a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable unto God. And therefore all that will approve themselves unto God, must look upon themselves as under a double consecration, as dedicated to God under a twofold Notion and Respect, both as Priests and as Sacrifices; How then should they study, labour, and follow after holiness? Both Priests and sacrifices under the old Testament were consecrated to God as holy. He that was unclean was not fit as a Priest to sacrifice. How should they strive to be holy as the Lord is holy, who should be both Priests and Sacrifices? And therefore it is said, Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, ver. 2. that ye may prove what is that good, that perfect and acceptable will of God. As the Priests were chosen out and separated from other men, and consecrated as holy to the Lord, and the sacrifices were chosen out and severed from the common herds and flocks, to be offered up to God: so Christians must not be conformed to this world, nor follow the common throngs and herds according to the course of the world, but be transformed, new framed in conformity to Christ, that they may be both Priests and sacrifices acceptable [Page 141] to the Lord. Secondly, as Priests of the new Testament, they must offer holy services and duties of obedience as spiritual sacrifices to the Lord. Psal. 4. 5. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart O God thou wilt not despise. Psal. 51. 17. So the Apostle speaking of that contribution which the Philippians sent unto him, being a Prisoner for the Gospel of Christ, said, I have all and abound, Phil. 4. 18. I am full having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to the Lord. It might also be noted how the Priests and Levites were teachers in Israel, as Christ is the great Preacher and Prophet of the Church: but I know not whether herein he be not more lively represented by the Prophets of the old Testament, this belonging to his Prophetical office. But here by the way, I think it seasonable to put you in mind that in all the new Testament, I am confident it cannot be found that the Ministers of the Gospel are called Priests in respect of their particular calling or office. The extraordinary Ministers are called Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists: the ordinary are termed Pastors, Teachers, sometimes Bishops or Overseers, Elders or Presbyters, never Priests; for a Priest by office is one that offereth sacrifice for Propitiation, for appeasing the wrath of God: and so there is no Priest of the new Testament but the Lord Jesus Christ: and therefore when [Page 142] prophane persons do in scorn call the Preachers of the Gospel Priests, they commit a double sin, and shew double prophaneness: 1. Attributing that name to them which i [...] proper to Christ. 2. Accounting that Title of Christ a word of reproach. And therefore I find not, that Ministers of the new Testament are any where called Priests in Scripture, but only as all other true believers are, which Christ hath made Kings and Priests to off [...] spiritual sacrifices. If the Popish shavelings will take upon them that Title, as pretending to offer the very body of Christ to God i [...] the Mass, What is that to the Ministers of the Gospel who detest that abomina [...] on?
Sixthly, Sect. 6. Sacred things &c. Take notice of some sacred thing [...] that were subservient to sacred or holy [...] ses. And,
First, As 1. Tabernacle and Temple. The Tabernacle, which the Lord directed Moses to raise, instead whereof afterwards Solomon erected a Temple. In some things these two agreed, in some they differed.
1. Both of them were framed by the Lords appointment: 1. Agreeing. For the Tabernacle th [...] Lord gave command to Moses, Exod. the 25 and the 26. And David shews that the Lord made choice of Solomon his Son to build hi [...] house and his Courts, 1 Chron. 28. 6, 11, 12, 19. and David gave to Solomon the pattern of the Temple, and th [...] things belonging to it by the spirit: all th [...] said David the Lord made me to understand by his hand upon me, even all the works [...] this pattern.
[Page 143] 2. Both were dedicated to God as places designed for his special presence, 2. In writing. and therefore each of them was called his house, both were places appointed for special ordinances of God, Yet they differed. not to be used elsewhere. They differed in that the Tabernacle was a slight frame of boards and Curtains, the Temple a substantial building. The Tabernacle was a moveable Tent that might be carried from place to place: The Temple fixt upon its foundation in one certain place. I conceive both of them did,
1. Primarily signifie the precious body, 1. And chiefly signified Christ dwelling in our nature. the flesh, the humane nature of Christ: the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, [...], as in a Tabernacle, in a mortal weak body, Joh. 1. 14. exposed to sufferings and death. Christ being come a High-Priest of good things to come, Heb. 9. 11. by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands, &c. So the Lord Christ calleth his body a Temple, Joh. 2. 19, 21. destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up: The Iews seemed to take it of the Temple of Hierusalem, but he spake of the Temple of his body. As God is said to dwell in the Tabernacle and Temple made with hands, because there he vouchsafed his special presence, there he setteth up his worship and ordinances: so God dwelleth in a peculiar manner, in the humane nature of Christ; in him dwelleth all the fullness of the god-head bodily, or substantially. The godhead is united personally to the humane nature of Christ, for verily he took not on him the Nature of Angels, Col. 2. 9. Heb. 2. 16. [Page 144] but he took on him the seed of Abraham. The Lord Christ made choice of the Nature of Man for his Tabernacle, 2 Tim. 3. 16. rather than of the Nature of glorious Angels. Hence that part of the great mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh; the invisible God taking the humane Nature into the unity of his person became not only visible but actually seen and manifest in the flesh. This sheweth,
1. His wonderful condescension and voluntary abasement of himself, that he who filleth Heaven and Earth, was pleased to dwell as it were in a Cottage, in the flesh, in the Nature of man. The Creator became a creature, yet still remaining the Creator: The Son of God became also the Son of man. He who made all things as he is God, was made of a woman as he is man.
2. Herein appeareth his unconceivable love to mankind, that he was pleased to become bone of their bone, and flesh of their flesh, their kinsman of the same blood; A&. 17. 26. for all Nations of men are made of one blood: so that there is a consanguinity between Christ and other men; Heb. 2 [...] 11. he was pleased to become their Brother, he is not ashamed to call them Brethren.
3. Let all be stirred up to turn to the Lord and lay hold of Christ, that they may be united to him, as he is united to their Nature, though not by the same kind of union; but as he is personally joyned to the nature of man, so they may be spiritually [Page 145] united to him, receiving his spirit, embracing him, by faith that through union with him, they may be united to God, for the Father is in the Son. In as much as Christ hath made so near an approach to us, as to become one person with our Nature, let us take heed lest we become guilty of despising his love, in suffering sin or the world to keep us at a distance from him, 2 Pet. 1. 4. to withhold us from closing with him; for he partaking of our Nature, hath made way for us to partake of his divine Nature, by participation of his spirit and graces: for by the exceeding great and pretious promises of the Gospel, men may be partakers of the divine Nature, that is, by Christ partaking of the humane Nature, who is the substance of the Promises, Heb. 1. 6. and in whom they are all, Yea and Amen.
4. How should Christians abhor to defile themselves by sin, to pollute that Nature of man in their own persons, which Christ in his person hath exalted to the right hand of God, far above Angels, Principalities and Powers. When he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, And let all the Angels of God worship him, all the holy Angels worship man in the person of Christ. Take heed then of abaseing the Nature of man in your own persons to the service of sin; and abase your selves exceedingly before the Lord, for abaseing your Nature in this kind.
Again in a secondary consideration, I take the Tabernacle and Temple, 2. They signified the Church of Christ. for a representation of the Church of Christ, the multitude of Believers. [Page 146] Iohn saw the new Hierusalem, and heard a voice saying, Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men, Rom. 21. 2, 3. and he will dwell with them. So the Church of God is called the house of God, for (saith the Apostle) Ye are the Temple of the living God, as God hath said, 1 Tim. 3. 15. I will dwell in them and walk in them. 2 Cor. 6. 16.
1. How should all that live within the Church, Vse 1. professing themselves Christians, take heed of defileing the Lords Tabernacle, and polluting his Temple by sin? How highly is God dishonoured when his Temple is polluted; when any live in a course of sin, or commit gross acts of sin where his Gospel is preached or professed? Lev. 16. 15, 16. The Priest was commanded to bring the blood of the Goat of the sin-offering within the Vail, and there to sprinkle it: then it followeth, he shall make an attonement for the holy place because of the uncleanness of the Children of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins; and so shall he do for the Tabernacle of the congregation that remaineth among them in the midst of their uncleanness. See the cursed [...] nature of sin, it defileth the Tabernacle and Temple of the Lord it polluteth his Sanctuary, his Church, when it is committed within his Church, that is among those that profess themselves Christians, attend upon his Ordinances, believe his Gospel: Ye that harden your hearts in any evil ways, and make light of continuing in sin, though ye live in the visible Church, humble and [Page 147] judge your selves before the Lord, depart from iniquity, otherwise assure your selves your sin will find you out.
Secondly, Vse 2. It is a great height of wickedness when any rejoyce in scandalous sins committed within the Church, and make a sport of them: Do not these shew themselves prophane graceless wretches? If thou hadst any sincere love and respect to his glory, thou wouldst not take pleasure in such things as tend highly to his dishonour, but rather bewail and lament them. I conceive the Apostle in the 2. of Corinth. mentioneth his former Epistle written to the same Church, and there he saith, 2 Cor. 2▪ [...]. Out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote unto you with many tears, for in that Epistle he had reproved divers disorders and scandalous sins committed in that Primitive Church which was of his planting, and it was such a matter of grief unto him, that he wrote about these things out of much affliction and anguish of heart, with many tears: With what a spirit are they led, who make a sport of such things? Scandalous sins i [...] the Church are to be reproved and lamented as things that defile the Sanctuary of Christ, and dishonour him: but who can find in their hearts to rejoyce in them but they that are Enemies to Christ?
Again, 3. Tabernacle &c. noted particular believers, The Tabernacle and Temple represented particular Christians, each true believer being a spiritual Temple to the Lord. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you? 1 Cor. 3. 16, 17. If any [Page 148] man defile the Temple of God, him shall God destroy. Flee fornication: Every sin that a man doth is without the body: chap. 6. 18, 19. but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What! know ye not that the body is the Temple of the holy Ghost which is in you? Both body and soul is to be consecrated and dedicated to God as his Temple for him to dwell in by his spirit. The body is as it were the outward Court; The inferiour faculties of the soul may be compared to the inner Court within the first Vail: The superiour faculties, the Understanding, Judgement, Conscience, Will, may be likened to the inmost Court within the second Vail, the principal and most holy place of the Temple. Now as all the Courts of the Temple and Tabernacle were holy being consecrated and dedicated to the most holy God, and sanctified to his holy services and ordinances, and were to be kept holy free from profanations and defilements: so the souls and bodies of Christians are to be consecrated and sanctified as holy Temples to the Lord, and to be kept from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, and to be cleansed dayly; and when they are defiled by sin, the Lord is dishonoured and his wrath is provoked, he accounteth it a defiling of his Temple; whereas the Apostle s [...]emeth to say that every sin except fornication is without the body, &c. I conceive it is to be understood comparatively, that Fornication. Adultery, Whoredom, and sins of that kind, do in more special [Page 149] manner defile the body than other sins; other sins defile the body also, scil. outward acts of sin wherein the body or any of the members of the body act sinfully. And when the body is defiled with sin, the heart and soul is first defiled, for sin beginneth there, For out of the heart proceed evil [...] murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, [...] witness, Mat. 15. 18, 19. blasphemies, these are the things which defile a man: these and all other sins are the things which first defile the heart and soul, where they are conceived and bred, and then so many of them as are brought forth into outward act defile the body also, some of them more some less, according to their natures and degrees. Now there is a severe threatning formerly mentioned, If any man defile the Temple of God, him shall God destroy. As ye desire the salvation of your souls and bodies, to prevent the destruction of both, take heed of defiling these Temples of God, make a through search, and cast out all the filth which ye find there, by sincere repentance and reformation; watch against all future defilements: and as atonement was made for the Tabernacle by the blood of the sin-offering, so seek to clear your selves from the guilt of your sins by the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus applied by faith.
Seventhly, S [...]ct. 7. Next to the Tabernacle or Temple, Altar and its Import. ye may take notice of the Altar of burnt-offering, Heb. 13. 10. and as the sacrifices offered up on this Altar, and High-priest who was the principal officer, were Types of Chirst, so [Page 150] it seemeth was the Altar, We have an Altar whereof they have no right to eat that serve the Tabernacle.
1. It was commanded to be made of Shittim Wood which is thought to have been a choice kind of wood that would not rot, Made of Shittim wood, what is meant. and so fit to resemble the precious body of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom it is said, He whom God raised again, Exod. 27. 1. saw no corruption. The Lord Christ though he freely laid down his life for his people, Act. 13. 37. and suffered death, yet He rose again in so short a time as to prevent all putrefaction and rottenness, He saw no corruption, and as he preserved his own natural body from corruption, so he shall deliver his mystical body, his Church, and the members of it out of corruption, and raise them incorruptible. But,
2. The Altar was to be over-laid with Brass, 2. Over laid with Brass. for though the wood might be free from rotting and corrupting, yet I conceive it could not endure the force of that fire which was to burn upon it, and therefore it was to have a brazen covering. Exod. 27. 2. Its import. This seemeth to note unto us the Godhead of Christ united to his manhood, or that strength which the Godhead thus united gave to the manhood, whereby it was so mightily for [...]ified, that the wrath of God due to the Sons of men did not consume it, as the wood of the Alta [...] was not consumed by the fire wherewith the Sacrifices were burnt.
[Page 151] 3. This Altar was placed by the door of the Tabernacle, 3. The place of Altar, and its meaning. of the Tent of the congregation; it seemeth this was set in the open Court that all the people might see it, Exod. 40. 29 and behold the Sacrifices offered upon it, that their hearts might be raised in expectation of that great and all-sufficient sacrifice of Christ which alone satisfieth for sins: so now Christ in the preaching of the Gospel, is set forth as it were crucified before the eyes of believers. The Altar upon which the sacrifices were offered was set by the door of the Tabernacle at the entrance into it: whosoever will have a place in the Courts of the Lord, and abide in his house for ever, must get entrance by Christ and his sacrifice; sin shutteth the door against all, only Christ makes way for those that truly come to him and by him to God. Saith the Lord Christ, I am the door, Joh. 10. 9. 14. 6. by me if any man enter in he shall be saved. And again, I am the way, &c. No man cometh unto the Father but by me: whosoever will come to God, enjoy his favour, enter into Covenant, and have communion with him, must come to him by Christ.
4. There was an Altar to burn Incense upon of the same wood with the former, 4. Altar of Incense. but overlaid with pure Gold: Exod. 30. 3. Christ is the Golden Altar upon whom the prayers and other services of his people are offered up as sweet Incense unto God, by whose merit and intercession they find acceptance. Exod. 30. 9. 2. No strange Incense was to be offered thereon: so no strange worship must be offered to God in [Page 152] the Name of Christ of mans deviseing, only such services are to be presented to him as the Lord himself hath appointed in his word. In vain do they worship me, Mat. 15. 9. teaching for doctrine the traditions of men. The Lord alloweth not any strange Incense to be offered up to him.
Eighthly, Sect. 8. There was the Ark overlaid with pure Gold, Ark overlaid, &c. into which was put the Testimony: by which I understand the Tables of stone wherein the Law was written by the finger of God. Exod. 25. 10, 11, 16, 17, 21. This Ark was a special token of God his presence with his people, and upon the Ark was placed a mercy-seat of pure Gold, and the mercy seat was put above upon the Ark. As the mercy seat was set above upon the Ark wherein the Law was, so the Lord in dealing with repenting and believing sinners in Christ, exalteth and magnifieth his mercy, and covereth their sins whereby they have transgressed his holy Law: He sitteth upon a mercy-seat to receive poor sinners that fly from the curse of the Law for refuge to the riches of his grace in Christ. Let all poor souls without strive and hasten to escape from the severity of Gods dreadful justice to his mercy-seat through Christ, whose blood hath opened a way unto it. They that are sincerely willing to renounce their dearest sins, and to yeild subjection unto Christ, may have free access to the mercy-seat, and receive an answer of peace in Christ. This Ark wherein the Tables of the Law were written, and the mercy-seat was of [Page 153] the same measure for breadth and length: Ex. 25. 10, 17. so they that will have their hearts assured of the saving mercy of God in Christ, must have the Law of God written by the finger of God in their hearts; they must be regenerate and renewed by the spirit of Christ, and conformed to his holy Law. Poor souls pursued with the guilt of their Consciences and curse of the Law, must flee to the mercy-seat of God in Christ; though as yet they do not find any such work in themselves; but they cannot have their hearts established in the assurance of this priviledge that their sins are forgiven, Heb. 8. 10, 12. until they find this gracious work wrought in them, and therefore the Lord in d [...]c [...]aring his Covenant joyneth these two together, This is the Covenant, &c. I will put my Laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be merciful unto their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. The Lord promiseth to the same pr [...]sons to pardon their sins, and to write his Laws in their hearts: As for those that go on securely in sin and yet rely upon the mercy of God in Christ for pardon of sin, they deceive themselves. The Ark wherein the Law was put and the mercy-seat were just of the same size: Act. 5. 31. and repentance which is a change of heart and life, is always joyned with forgiveness of sins. There were two Cherubims of beaten Gold at the two ends of the mercy-seat with their faces one to another looking towards the mercy-seat: Exod. 25. 18 19, 20. so the holy Angels attend upon [Page 154] God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, for the service of his Church ministring for them who shall be heirs of salvation. Heb. 1. 14. They are ready with their wings stretched out to execute the will of Christ, and do his pleasure for the protection and good of his people. 2. The holy Angels look into the mysteries of Christ in his Gospel, as the Cherubims toward the Ark and mercy-seat, which thing the Angels defire to look into. 1 Pet. 1. 12. And the Apostle having spoken of the glorious Mysteries of Christ in the Gospel, Eph. 3. 10. made known to him by revelation, and made known by him in his Ministery, who preached among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, addeth this, to the intent that now unto the Principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God. How inexcusable is the negligence of those that will not take pains to be acquainted with the mysteries of Christ which the glorious Angels did search into.
Ninthly, Sect. 9. The fire that was used in the sacrifices of the Law, The fire on the Altar, Its meaning. may be considered,
1. As the fire burned the Sacrifices which were offered to the Lord: 1. It consumed the Sacrifice. so the fire of Gods wrath fell upon Christ for the sins of the world, when he offered himself in sacrifice to his Father to satisfie his justice; and therefore he was in a grievous agony, Luk. [...]2. 44. and his sweat was it as were great drops of blood falling down to the ground, Mat. 26. 38. and he complained my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death. [Page 155] And when he was upon the Cross, he cried out with a loud voice saying, ch. 27. 46. My God My God why hast thou forsaken me?
1. See here the Love of Christ toward sinners, Use of this. 1. interposing himself between the burning wrath of God and them; that which was of such a scorching heat to him, would have been a consuming fire to them.
2. How should the hearts of believers be inflamed with love to Christ, who endured the flames of divine wrath to save them from everlasting burnings?
3. How restless should all be until they are sound in Christ, that his righteousness may shelter them from the fire of Gods wrath? How unsufferable will that be to them which was so grievous to him.
Secondly, 2. Came from Heaven. This fire came from Heaven, there came a fire out from before the Lord and consumed upon the Altar the burnt-offering, Lev. 9. 24. &c. And so in the Temple built by Solomon, 2 Chron. 7. 1. fire came down from Heaven and consumed the burnt-offering and sacrifices: so the Lord sends down that heavenly fire of his spirit upon his people to consume their dross, warm their hearts with holy flames of love and zeal, Mat. 3. 11. refine their spirits. So Christ is said to Baptize his people with the holy Ghost and fire.
Thirdly, 3. Kept always burning. This fire was to be kept burning upon the Altar continually and never to go out: Lev. 6. 13. Christians having once the heavenly fire of grace and holy affections kindled in their hearts by the spirit of Christ should [Page 156] labour to keep it continually burning, take heed of quenching the Spirit.
Tenthly, Sect. 10. The Vail may be taken notice of: Exod. 26. 31. The Apostle intimateth a twofold va [...]l, Heb. 9. 3. for he speaketh of a second Vail: Exod. 26. 36. I conceive then this second and inward Vail was that which was hanged before the most holy place, and the first was that hanging mentioned; there being three Courts in the Tabernacle, the first and outermost where the people were: the second where the Priests were, between the which two was the first Vail: the third which was the most holy place, into which went none but the High-priest, and this was divided from the middle Court by the second Vail. So the Mysteries of the Gospel were hidden in a great measure before Christ his coming in the flesh, by a Vail of Ceremonies which are now revealed in Christ, at whose death the Vail of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to th [...] bottom. Mat. 27. 51.
Something may be spoken also of Sacred Observances, which were required of Israel under the Ceremonial Law, these being [...] many and of great variety, I intend to touch some of them and pass by the [...]. And,
1. Consider that restraint that was laid upon them in the use of the Creatures; Sect. 1. many of these they were forbidden to eat, Lev. 11. as being unclean, Deut. 1. 4. not in their own Nature, but by the ordinance of God, in this Law of Ceremonies.
1. This sheweth whereas Israel and other Nations were all alike by Creation, being all [...]ade of one blood in the first man and wo [...]n, from whom they all descended as so many branches of one common root or stock, [...]nd were all alike corrupted by sin unclean in the sight of God, and children of wrath: yet the Lord according to the Counsel of his own will, was pleased to make a diffe [...]nce or distinction, separating the Nation [...] Israel from the rest of mankind, conse [...]rating the people of Israel as a peculiar people to himself, and rejecting the rest as [...]nclean. So it is said to Israel, Thou art an [...]oly people to the Lord thy God, ver. 2. and the Lord [...]ath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto [Page 158] himself above all the Nations that are upon the Earth. Then followeth this prohibition, restraining them from eating divers Creatures, Psal. 135. 4. The Lord hath chosen Iacob for himself, Psa. 147. 19, 20. and Israel for his peculiar Treasure. He sheweth his word unto Iacob, his statutes and his Judgements to Israel. He hath not dealt so with any Nation, and for his Judgements they have not known them. Num. 23. Balaam extolling the priviledges of Israel, among other passages saith, For from the top of the Rocks I see him, and from the Hills I behold him. ver. 5. Loe the people that dwell alone and shall not be reckoned among the Nations, although Balaam spake it, yet the Lord put the word in his mouth. The people of Israel dwelt alone, being separated by the Lord from the rest of the world, as a peculiar people and Church of God, and was not reckoned among the Nations; they were not put into the common account, and therefore the Hebrew [...] and the Greek [...] translated Gentiles and Heathen signifying properly Nations, and being used in Scripture for all people except the people of Israel, agree exactly with this passage, and shewe [...] that Israel was not reckoned among the Nations.
1. This sheweth that the Lord as a Soveraign, a supreme and absolute Lord dealeth with his creatures according to his pleasure. What man is able to give a reason why this people should be preferred above all others? That for so many hundred years the rest of [Page 159] the world should be excluded as aliens from the common-wealth of Israel, &c. and Israel alone taken into Covenant with God? It was not for any Righteousness the Lord sound in them, as Moses told them, understand that the Lord thy God giveth thee not this good land to possess it for thy righteousness, Deut. 9. 6. for thou art a stiff-necked people: Ph. 7. 7. it was not because of the greatness of thy Nation, or the multitude of thy people. The Lord did not set his love upon, and chuse you because you were more in number then any people (for ye were the fewest of all people) but because the Lord loved you, &c. It was a pure act of grace, and work of Gods free love towards Israel; and therefore the Apostle as one transported with admiration of that which he could not comprehend, breaketh out into this exclamation, O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God, Kom. 11. 33. how unsearchable are his judgements and his wayes past finding out!
2. Let us magnifie the goodness of God towards the Nations of the world in these latter days, that he hath sent his only begotten Son into the world, manifested in the flesh, to break down the partition-wall that was between Iew and Gentile; that as now that difference between several sorts of beasts, &c. is taken away, so that they are not opposed to each other as legally clean and unclean, as they were under the Law of Ceremonies: so the difference between Israel and other Nations is now also abolished, [Page 160] and it is as free for an people as for the posterity of Abraham to partake of the Covenant of grace in Church-priviledges, both was declared to Peter by a vision and a voice from Heaven; for Cornelius an Heathen Captain being directed by an Angel to send for Peter, Act. 10. 10, 11, &c. the Lord prepared this Apostle for the journey, by casting him into a trance, and causing him to see Heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him as it had been a great sheet, ver. 28. wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts, and wild-beasts, and creeping things, and Fowls of the Air; and there came a voice to him, Rise Peter, kill and eat, but Peter said, not so Lord, for I have never eaten any thing common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again the second time [...] what God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. Now when Peter came to Cornelius and his company, He said unto them, ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Iew to keep company, or come unto one of another Nation, but God hath shewed me that I should not call any common or unclean. The Lord spake of beasts, &c. Peter rightly applyeth it to men: so that the Lord Christ took away the difference of clean and unclean that was under the Ceremonial Law, both between men of several Nations, and between other Creatures. How should we in particular stir up our selves to be thankful to the Lord, that he hath reserved us for these times, wherein it is as free for us descended [Page 161] from Heathen Ancestors, to partake of the Priviledges of God his Covenant, as for the people of Israel; yea, when the Israelites being natural branches are cut off through unbelief, we may be grafted in by faith. Let us take heed then least our unbelief, impenitency, security, deprive us of this blessed priviledge; for though none now are unclean, in respect of the Nation whereof they are, more then others, yet all are unclean in the sight of God, who remain dead in trespasses and sins, out of Christ, whose Natures are not renewed and cleansed from their filthiness.
3. Observe with thankfulness the liberal use of the Creatures which God hath given to his people now under the new Testament through Christ, above that which he allowed the people of Israel under the old Testament, for now every Creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving. 1. Tim. 4. 4. Nothing that is wholesome for mans body is to be refused as unlawful: 1 Cor. 10. 23. and so the same Apostle saith, All things are lawful for me, viz. all sorts of meats, for of such things he speaketh in that place; and therefore whereas blood in particular was forbidden under the old Testament, it is now lawful.
But it hath been objected that blood was forbidden upon a moral reason, Obj. taken from the Nature of the the thing forbidden, because the blood is called the life of the Creature. Answ. For answer I conceive, Gen. 9. 4. this is no moral reason, [Page 162] but a natural reason, implying a mystery, scil. to shew that men should abhor cruelty and bloodshed: and so I suppose if we did throughly understand the Natures of all the Creatures which the Israelites were forbidden to eat; there might be some natural reason given for it comprehending the Mystery. Again, it seemeth there was also a farther Mystery in the prohibition of blood; Lev. 3. 17. for eating of blood and fat are both forbidden together; scil. such fat as used to be sacrificed, because the blood and fat were both in a peculiar manner to be offered unto God. The blood poured forth signified the taking away the guilt of sin by the death of Christ and shedding of his blood. The burning of the fat (it seemeth) signified the mortification of sin by the spirit of Christ; and so they might be forbidden both the eating the blood and fat, to teach all not to take to themselves the honour either of their justification or of their sanctification, but to ascribe it wholly unto Christ. 1 Cor. 1. 30.
But it may be said, Obj. that blood was forbidden after Christ his death and resurrection, by the Apostles and Elders in the Synod of Ierusalem. Act. 15. I Answer,
It was but a temporary decree imposed upon the believing Gentiles, Answ. 1. that they might not give offence to weak believers among the Iews who were not yet clearly satisfied about the abolishing of legal Ceremonies, and the extent of that Christian liberty which Christ had given them.
[Page 163] Secondly, Sect. 2. An other Ceremonial observance, was the keeping of their solemn festivals. Observance of Feasts.
1. In general. These feasts may intimate unto Christians that gound and matter of joy which true believers have through Christ, 1. In general. and accordingly that duty of holy rejoycing in Christ which they are called unto: so the Angels said unto the Shepherds, Luk. 2. 10. Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be unto all people, for unto you is born this day in the City of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. Phil. 3. 3. And the Apostle saith, We are the Circumcision which worship God in the spirit, and rejoyce in Christ Iesus. This is that spiritual feast which the Lord promised. Isa. 25. 6. In this mountain shall the Lord of Hosts make unto all people, a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.
2. In special, In particular, Three Feasts▪ Exod. 23. 14, 15, 16. ch. 34. 22. there were three solemne feasts which they were commanded to observe every year.
1. The Feast of unleavened bread, which was annexed to the Passeover: of this somewhat hath been formerly spoken.
2. The feast of Harvest, which was called the feast of weeks, it seemeth because it was as it were a week of weeks, after that other feast of the Passeover and unleavened bread; scil▪ seven weeks, the same that is called Pentecost, it is called the feast of Harvest, their Harvest being much earlier then ours in that hot Country. This may teach Christians to stir up their hearts to sincere thankfulness [Page 164] unto the Lord for all his blessings, particularly for the increase of the fruits of the earth, that they may serve the Lord with joyfulness and gladness of heart for the abundance of all things. Deut. 28. 47. At this Feast of Harvest, of weeks, or Pentecost, the Lord Christ having ascended into Heaven about ten dayes before, did in a more glorious manner send down the holy Ghost upon his Apostles, that so he might furnish them abundantly with gifts, Act. 2. graces, abilities to gather in his Harvest, to bring in the Nations of the earth into his barn, into his Church, which before were in the open field of ahe world, being strangers to Christ, and subject to Satan the God of the world and Prince of darkness, He had said unto them, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to Harvest. Joh. 4. 35, 37, 38. And herein is that saying true, One soweth and another reapeth: I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour, other men laboured and ye are entred into their labours. The ancient Prop [...]ets that foretold of Christ his coming, death, resurrection and ascension into Heaven, and that great and glorious Harvest wherein the Nations of the world should be gathered into Christ, were [...]eedsmen that did not live to see this rich crop brought into the barn: they died long before the Son of God was manifested in the flesh, and the Gentiles converted, but the Apostles were called to Harvest-work, to reap what the Prophets had [...]own, to gather in the Nations of the earth unto Christ; and here the Lord [Page 165] Christ told them it was Harvest-time, the fields looked white [...], the fulness of time was come, and they were the reapers that must bring in his Harvest, which he had so dearly paid for, even with the price of his most precious blood; but it was needful that that they should be furnisht in an extraordinary measure and manner for such a work, and therefore the Lord Christ said unto them, Luk. 24. 49. Behold I send the promise of my Father upon you, but tarry ye in the City of Hierusalem until ye be endued with power from on high: do not fall rashly upon the work until I have fitted you for it; and so he told them, Ye shall receive power after the holy Ghost is come upon you, Act. 1. 8. and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Hierusalem and in all Iudea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth: after ye are thus fitted and enabled for so great a work, ye shall go over the large field of the world to bring in mine Harvest; and accordingly at this feast of Harvest, the day of Pentecost, the Lord Christ sent down his spirit upon them, wonderfully enabling them for this service.
Thirdly, 3. Feast. There was a third feast, scil. the Feast of Ingathering, Exod. 23. 16. at the end of the year, when they had gathered in their labours out of the field; Lev. 23. 34, 39. 40. I conceive when the last of their fruits, their vintage or Grapes, &c. were gathered in: This I take to be the same which is called the feast of Tabernacles: This was to begin on the fifteenth of the seventh month which seemeth to answer to our September, [Page 166] and continued seven days; and again, it is said to be at the time when they had gathered in the fruit of the Land; and they were commanded to take boughs of goodly trees, branches of Palm-trees, and the boughs of thick trees, ver. 42, 43. and willows of the Brook, and to rejoyce before the Lord their God seven days; they were also commanded to dwell in Boothes seven days, that their Generations might know that the Lord made the Children of Israel to dwell in Booths when he brought them out of the land of Egypt. Neh. 8. 15, 16. This feast was solemnly kept after the peoples return from Captivity.
1. This again may stir up Christians to thankfulness unto the Lord for all his blessings, and particularly for the fruits of the earth as before.
2. This dwelling in Booths and slight Tents or Tabernacles made of green boughs in memory of their condition when they came out of the Land of Egypt, the house of bondage, may teach Christians often to call to mind their afflictions and low condition out of which the Lord hath at any time delivered them; especially they that are in Christ should often and seriously remember that woful bondage and misery under sin and satan, and the danger of condemnation, out of which the Lord Christ hath delivered them, and labour to be exceedingly thankful for it.
3. They were to go out of their dwelling houses to dwell in booths when they had gathered in [Page 167] their fruits, least when their barns and storehouses were plentifully filled they might forget God who gave them all these things, and set their hearts upon the Creatures, resting in their outward enjoyments, giving themselves up to voluptuousness, like him spoken of, Luk. 12. Soul thou hast goods laid up for many years, eat, drink and be merry: but God said unto him, Luk. 12. 19, 20. thou fool this night shall thy soul be required of thee; then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided? Learn then in the midst of the greatest abundance, to raise up your hearts above all earthly things, to make God your portion, to walk with him in the light of his Countenance.
4. This dwelling in Booths or Tabernacles may teach Christians to be affected as strangers here on earth, having no continuing City in this world, their bodies being slight and weak frames easily dissolved, like summerhouses made of green boughs that will suddenly wither; labour then to make sure of a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens, purchased by the blood of Christ for all those that are sound in him: in as much as ye have no continuing City here, seek one to come, and labour for sound evidence to clear your title to it.
Fourthly, Besides these three great feasts, there was to be a memorial of blowing the Trumpets upon the first of the same seventh month; Lev. 23. 24, 27. and then upon the tenth day of that month, a day of Atonement, solemne humiliation, [Page 168] repentance, and afflicting the soul: so the silver Trumpet being sounded in the preaching of the word, summons the hearers to repentance, to afflict their souls, to abase and humble themselves, to turn to the Lord with all their hearts, Isa. 58. 1. Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a Trumpet and shew my people their transgressions and the house of Iacob their sins. This silver Trumpet was sounded by Iohn Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Iudea, and saying, Mat. 3. 1. 2, 3. Repent ye for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, for this is he that was spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah saying; The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths strait. Yea, the Lord Christ himself in his own person sounded this Silver Trumpet, From that time Iesus began to preach and to say Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. He who gave himself for a sacrifice, and poured forth his blood to make atonement and reconciliation between God and sinners, did preach repentance to them to prepare them for atonement and reconciliation. It is very lamentable to consider how many live under the sound of the Silver Trumpet many years, and yet are not prepared for atonement and reconciliation to God through Christ, nor brought to the beginnings of sound and saving repentance; but either are secure, careless, deadhearted, minding earthly things, or resting in outward performances, or openly profane and wicked. Oh how dreadful will the sound of that Trumpet be at the last day? for the [Page 169] Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Arch-Angel, and with the Trumpet of God. 2 Thes. 4. 16. I say how dreadful shall the sound of that Trumpet be to such who go on hardning their hearts in security and impenitency against the sound of the Silver Trumpet of the Gospel.
2. The day of atonement and humiliation was about four or five days before the feast of Tabernacles wherein they were to rejoyce before the Lord: so sincere humiliation and repentance make way for sound spiritual joy; Matth. 5. 4. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted; godly sorrow maketh way for heavenly rejoycing: But when a man goeth on to glut himself with the pleasures of sins or earthly contents, not afflicting his soul for sin, he hath no part in this spiritual feast: to such belongs that sad threatning, Wo unto you that laugh now, Luk. 6. 23. for ye shall mourn and weep.
Fifthly, Consider their manifold washings with water in divers Cases, to purifie themselves from legal uncleannesses, Lev. 14. 6, 7, 9. & 15. 13. Ceremonial pollutions; as when any was cleansed from the Leprosie he was to be sprinkled with water mingled with blood seven times, and afterwards to wash both his cloaths and his body in water; so they that had running issues when they were cleansed from them, were commanded to wash their cloaths and their bodies in water, and so in divers other Cases. Now the Apostle Iohn proves that the Lord Jesus is The Christ, 1 Joh, 5. 6, 8. 10. thus, This is he that [Page 170] came by water and blood, even Iesus Christ, n [...] by water only, but by water and blood, and i [...] is the spirit that beareth witness, because the spirit is Truth: whereas there was great use of water and blood in the Law of Ceremonies, the blood of the [...] and the water many wayes used for cleansing and purifying, it sheweth that all these things were accomplished in Christ, and attained their end in him, he performed and fulfilled what was signified and typified both by water and blood. His blood was shed as the blood of the most perfect sacrifice to take away the guilt of sin, and to justifie sinners and save them from condemnation; and the sanctifying spirit and grace of Christ, cleansing his people from the filth of sin, washing their hearts from wickedness, and making them holy as he is holy, and therefore he addeth, ver. 8, there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, the water, and the blood. And ver. 10, He that believeth hath the witness in himself; He that savingly believeth in Christ, being united to him by faith, hath this threefold witness in himself: the spirit of Christ witnessing with his spirit that he is in Christ, reconciled to God by Christ, an adopted child and Heir of God through Christ the only begotten Son of God, and Heir of all things: the blood of Christ cleansing his Conscience from the guilt of sin; the grace of Christ resembled by water, sanctifying him and conforming him to Christ in holiness; so that such an one hath an evidence in his own [Page 171] soul, both that Jesus is the very Christ, and that he is his Christ; for he findeth that Christ hath fulfilled that in and upon his soul which was figured by the blood and water under the Law of Ceremonies. This is a blessed and most precious priviledge which all that are under the Gospel should labour with all diligence to make their own. Oh, what an happiness is it for Christians to have this threefold witness in themselves! In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. 2 Cor. 13. 1. Here are three witnesses beyond exception. A Christian having this threesold witness in himself, in the poorest outward estate, is richer and happier, then all the treasures of the earth and all the Kingdoms of the world can make him; but how few are they that have any other witness of their interest in Christ but their own fancy? how few do seriously and diligently seek for any other? In that great and last day, how will ye stand in the presence of God when numberless sins are charged upon you? Will ye say Christ hath satisfied for your sins, what shall this profit you unless ye be united unto Christ? Will ye plead that ye believe in Christ, and so are made one with him, where is your witness? Oh take heed of appearing before the all-seeing God without a witness? And therefore I beseech you consider seriously of your condition, and rest not till ye are in Christ, and until he come into your souls both by water and blood, and give you the witness of his spirit.
[Page 172] 2. Those frequent washings under the Law of Ceremonies, may stir up Christians to frequent endeavours dayly to purifie themselves as Christ is pure, 2 Joh. 3. 3. to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, 2 Cor. 7. 1. perfecting holiness in the fear of God, Zach. 13. 1. to draw cleansing and sanctifying virtue from Christ more and more by faith. They were to wash their bodies and cloaths, to be sprinkled with water seven times. There is a fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness, a fountain of most precious blood, and water of most Soveraign virtue: the sufferings of Christ and the grace of God are to wash away the guilt of sin, and the uncleanness and pollution of sin. Do not forsake your own mercies and neglect so great salvation. It is sad that when such a precious fountain is opened, so few are washed and cleansed. Thus much concerning the Ceremonial Law, to shew how and in what respects it is established by the doctrine of the Gospel.
THere are two other Laws mentioned by the Apostle in the former part of this Epistle, by neither of which men can be justified in the sight of God: One is the Law of Nature, the other is the Moral Law, written and delivered in the Scriptures. It was needful for the Apostle to speak distinctly of both these: For,
1. His great design was to make known the only way whereby men might be justified and accepted as righteous in the sight of God, the righteous judge of all the world, that so they might be everlastingly blessed and saved; whether by their own works and performances, or by the grace and free favour of God, imputing to them the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and working faith in their hearts by his spirit, thereby enabling them to receive Christ and apply his righteousness to themselves.
2. For the deciding of this question, or the determining this controversie: the hearts, lives, and actions of men were to be tried and examined by a rule of righteousness which the supream Law-giver had given unto men.
3. The Apostle in this dispute having to do with two sorts of people: 1. The Gentiles, [Page 174] or such as were strangers to the commonwealth or Church of Israel, who had no written Law of divine Authority among them, he dealeth with them another way, and goeth about to convince them of their guiltiness and unrighteousness and sinning against the Law of Nature. 2. The people of Israel who for many hundred years had been the peculiar Covenant-people or Church of God, and who had the moral Law of God written briefly with the finger of God in Tables of stone, and more largely opened in other parts of Scripture, by holy men inspired and moved by the holy Ghost. These he trieth by this more full and perfect Law, and proveth them guilty of sin against the Law; and so concludes that both Israelites and Gentiles were guilty before God, and there was none of them righteous by his own works, no not one: and therefore all of them were to go out of themselves and to flee to Christ by faith, that being found in him they might be freely justified by his righteousness. I conceive therefore that the Question or Objection in this Text being occasioned by the Apostles former discourse, doth concern all those Laws which he mentioned before, by which he proveth that men could not be justified, scil. the Ceremonial Law, the Law of Nature, and the moral Law written; and accordingly the Answer taketh in all, Yea we establish the Law. But because these two do concern the same things, forbidding the same sins and commanding [Page 175] the same duties; and what is more imperfectly contained in the Law of Nature, is far more perfectly declared in the Moral Law written. I do not hold it so necessary to shew how these two are severally established by the doctrine of the Gospel; for if this be made evident concerning the moral Law written, which being more large and full comprehendeth the Law of Nature in it, it will follow that the Law of Nature is established also. Notwithstanding in as much as the Apostle hath shewed that none can be justified by the light and Law of Nature, I think fit to speak something briefly of that also, as conceiving it to be included in this Objection, and the Apostles Answer to it. The point then which I observe is this,
That God hath given to men a light and Law of Nature: Doct. 5. God hath given men a Law of Nature. This I take to be plainly expressed in divers passages of the first and second Chapters of this Epistle, and twice implyed in this verse:
1. In the Objection, Do we then make void the Law through faith? Doth the doctrine of justification through the righteousness of Christ applied by faith, excluding all other ways of justification, make the Law of Ceremonies, the Law moral, the Light and Law of Nature (as formerly mentioned) of no effect, altogether void, of no force or use?
2. In the Answer, We establish the Law; and as the Law of Ceremonies, and the Law moral, so the Law and light of Nature: so [Page 176] that the Apostle sheweth according to the point, that God hath given unto men a light and Law of Nature. Rom. 1. 19, 20, 21. That which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath shewed it unto them; for the invisible things of God are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse [...], because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, &c. Where it is manifest the Apostle speaks of the Law and light of Nature common to men in general, even to those that had no light of Scripture, nor written Law of God, Rom, 2. 14, 15. For when the Gentiles which have not the Law, do by nature the things contained in the Law, these having not the Law, are a Law unto themselves: which shew the work of the Law written in their hearts; their Conscience also hearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while (or between themselves) accusing or excusing one another. For the underderstanding of this point let us consider,
1. What this Light or Law of Nature is? It may be described thus, It is the knowledge which God hath given unto man in their natural estate since the fall of men, 1. What this Law is. whereby he hath in some degree made known unto them himself, Description. and the good they ought to do, and the evils they ought to shun.
1. It is given of God: so in both those places of Scripture mentioned before, in the one [...] is said, God hath shewed it unto them: It is given of God. in the other, they shew the work of the Law written in their hearts. Now who can write [Page 177] immediately upon the heart and soul, but God who is the Father of spirits, who formeth the spirit of man within him, and therefore I do not call it the Law of Nature in this sense, as if it were propagated from Adam by natural generation, but because it is given of God to men as generally, as if it were born with them. The Prophet sheweth that God giveth to the Husbandman his skill and knowledge, for his God doth instruct him unto discretion, and doth teach him; this also cometh forth from the Lord who is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working. So the Lord saith of Bezaleel, I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom and in understanding and in knowledge, Isa. 28. 24. & 26. 28. and in all manner of workmanship, to devise cunning works, to work in Gold and in Silver, and in Brass, &c. So that if God be the giver of skill and ability for arts and handy-crafts, we need not doubt but he is the Author of the light and Law of Nature given unto man, whereby they see a difference between truth and falshood, good and evil; and the Lord may give excellent gifts of this kind to such men, to whom he giveth no sanctifying and saving graces.
2. It is a knowledge. So it is said, they knew God: they have a knowledge. So it is said of Christ, Rom. 1. 21. that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Joh. 1. 9. The Son of God giveth this common light generally to men. This light differeth much from that light of life which Christ giveth to them that [Page 178] follow him, whereof he speaketh, Chap. 8. I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, Joh. 8. 12. but shall have the light of life. This is meant of a spiritual saving light leading men to everlasting life, which is given to none but them that follow Christ: but there is a common light and knowledge which Christ giveth to them that are strangers to him; yea, to such as are his enemies.
3. This Light and Law of Nature, 3. In their natural state. is given unto men in their natural estate since the fall, since their nature was corrupted by sin. Before the fall, while man was in the state of primitive integrity, as God had created him in his own likeness after his Image, that is in wisdom righteousness and true holiness, the light and Law which God implanted in man was clear and perfect, man had an exact Rule imprinted upon his soul to walk by. But this Rule being defaced by the sin of man, the Lord gave men some degree of light and knowledge in this state of corrupt Nature, which in many things might restrain their corruptions from breaking out into such extremities as Satan and their own lusts might stir them up to, and whereby they might be reduced into a more orderly course of life: and manifest effects of this have been found, not only in natural persons living under the Gospel which were strangers to the life of grace, but also in many Heathens who never heard the doctrine of salvation; yea, in some heathen Persecutors of the Church, as Trajan, [Page 179] Antoninus Philosophus, and Iulian the Apostate.
4. It was said in the description that by this light of Nature God hath in some degree made known himself unto them. 4. Hereby they do somewhat know God. So the Apostle saith, that which may be known of God is manifest in them, Rom. 1. 19. for God hath shewed it unto them, I conceive by this [...], that which may be known of God, the Apostle meaneth that which may be known of God without special Revelation, such as is declared in Scripture; this was manifest in them by that common general light of Nature which God had given them: For,
1. They had inward principles of Natural light. And,
2. They had the works of God,
1. His works of Creation; For the invisible things of him from the beginning of the world are clearly seen, ver. 20. being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead. The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his handy-work; their line is gone out into all the earth, and their words unto the end of the world. The creatures do as it were speak out the excellency and glory of their Creator to all the Nations of the world.
2. His works of Providence: God hath made of one blood all Nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation, that they should seek the Lord, if happily they might [Page 180] feel after him and find him, though he be not far from every one of us, for in him we live, move, and have our being. So the same Apostle told the Heathens that God in times past suffered all Nations to walk in their own waies, not giving them the light of his word to guide them in the way of salvation, nevertheless (saith he) He left not himself without witness in that he did good and gave us rain from Heaven, Act. 14. 16, 17, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness: by his works of Providence he made some discovery of himself unto them. I conceive by this light of Nature within them, and the light which was held forth unto them by the works of God from without, they might know that there was a God, and that this God was of infinite perfection, eternal, almighty, most wise, good, righteous, that he was to be served and worshipped iu such a way as was pleasing to him, that as the world was made by him, so both it and all the creatures in it were under his government, that as a righteous judge he would punish evil doers, and reward the righteous. They might by the light of reason, conclude that none of the creatures could make themselves; for nothing can act before it hath a being, and therefore all the creatures must receive their beings from a cause that was before them: hereupon they might assuredly gather, that there is a first universal cause of all things, who is eternal without beginning, of infinite perfection. The orderly and perpetual motion [Page 181] of the Heavens, Sun, Moon, and Stars: the continual succession of day and night: the Spring, Summer, Harvest, Winter: the correspondency and Harmony that is between the Creatures, being fitted and suited to each other; the sun drawing of vapours from the earth, and waters into the air, there to be botled up in the Clouds, the Clouds sending down showers upon the earth, the earth bringing forth grass, herbs, corn, and other fruits for the use of men, beasts and fowls; and the beasts and fowls themselves, fitted for the use of men; the senses of the body and their objects fitted and suited to each other: there are sounds and voices, and an ear to receive them, there are colours, and there is the eye fitted to behold them, so of the rest; yea, how exactly are the several parts of the same body fitted and suited to each other? These and many other things discernable by the light of Nature, might clearly convince men that there is a God of infinite power and wisdom who is the cause and Author of all.
Fifthly, 5. By that light they know somewhat of good and evil. It was said that by this light and Law of Nature, God hath given unto men in some degree to discern the good which they ought to do, and the evil which they ought to shun. So ye heard before, the Apostle saith, The Gentiles having not the Law, do by nature the things contained in the Law; they do some things contained in the written Law of God, though they have not this Law: How? by Nature, by the Light and Law of Nature; and in so doing they shew the work of the [Page 180] Law written in their hearts. The Heathen Philosophers have written much in commendation of moral virtues, and set forth the odiousness of many vices and dishonest practices. Abimelech King of Gerar blamed Abraham, when out of weakness calling his Wife his Sister, he seemed to lay a snare before him, and give him occasion to commit adultery unawares: What hast thou done unto us? and what have I offended thee that thou hast brought on me and on my Kingdom a great sin? Thou hast done deeds unto me that ought not to be done. So he said to Sarah concerning her Husband Abraham, Behold he is to thee a covering of the eyes, Gen. 20. 9, 16. unto all that are with thee, and with all other: thus she was reproved. Thus much of the description.
Secondly, This Law of Nature is imperfect. We may consider the imperfection of this Law and Light of Nature.
1. In general, 1. Not able to bring to bliss. It is not sufficient to bring men to blessedness and salvation. The Lord Christ saith, Joh. 14. 6. I am the way the truth and the Life, Act. 4. 12. no man cometh unto the Father but by me, neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other Name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Rom. 10. 13, &c Whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved: How then shall they call on him on whom they have not believed? It must be a prayer of faith, and where sound faith is there are other saving graces. And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear [Page 181] without a Preacher? so that the light of Nature was not sufficient unto salvation.
2. In special, 2. Particularly defective in, I conceive the Law and light of Nature was defective and imperfect,
1. In it self: 1. It self. I suppose it did not make known unto men the great Mystery of Trinity in unity, three persons in one God, nor the state of perfection wherein man was created, nor his woful fall and revolt from God. Their own experience taught them that the Nature of man was inclined to evil, the powers of the soul disordered, the senses misleading the affections, the affections leading reason captive; but they had no light to discover to them the first cause of all this mischief: they were as far to seek concerning the Remedy. That great depth of the Incarnation of the Son of God, of God manifest in the flesh for mans Redemption, was hidden from them: their own Consciences accused them and condemned them as guilty, but they had no light to shew them how divine justice might be satisfied; they knew not of the blood, righteousness, sacrifice, satisfaction of Jesus Christ God and man, that is sufficient to take away sin and to make peace between God and sinners. The light of Nature could not enable them to see into the mystical union between Christ and believers by his spirit and their faith. The doctrines of free justification by the righteousness of Christ imputed, of Regeneration, Adoption, Sanctification, Communion with [Page 184] God, Resnrrection unto glory, are not revealed by the light of Nature. This light did nor shew them how to walk before God, unto all pleasing; it did not teach them the right way of mortifying their lusts, of walking in the spirit; it did not discover to them the special institutions of God, and ordinances of his worship.
Secondly, 2. In the subject in which it was. It was defective and imperfect by reason of the subject, the soul of man in which it was: This light and Law of Nature being given to men in their corrupt natural estate is much darkned by the Natural blindness, errours, vanities, lusts that are in the minds and hearts of men; as if a man write upon fowl and blurred Paper, how much is lost of that which is written? and how hardly is it read, sometimes a sentence broken off in the midst, here and there half words, one letter mistaken for another: so the light and Law of Nature being put into the defiled hearts and souls of men, hath many defects in it.
Thirdly, Sect. 3. It may be considered of what use this light and Law of Nature was, sith▪ it was defective, The use of this Law of Nature. and not sufficient to lead men to salvation. It might be useful,
1. For the glory of God, 1. For Gods glory. who by this means had a witness in the hearts and Consciences of men, of natural men, yea▪ of Heathens, that he loved righteousness and hated wickedness, their own Consciences pleading for God against them.
[Page 185] 2. It was of use for the preservation of humane societies, 2. For preservation of humane societies. in families [...]nd Commonwealths, keeping men within some limits of common honesty, and preventing those outrages which the violence of mens lusts, and the power of Satan might hurry them into.
3. I conceive it might be useful as a remote preparative for the receiving of the Gospel in some to whom the word of salvation was tendred, 3. A remote preparatory for receiving the Gospel. for though the pride and prejudice of mens natural spirits might cause them to resist the holy Ghost, speaking in the Gospel preached: yet the light of nature well improved, finding nothing in the doctrine of the Gospel contrary to it, but far above it, might incline the minds of many to attend to a far higher and more glorious light, shining in the doctrine of salvation. I speak of this but as a remote preparative whereby ingenuous spirits might be moved to give heed to the Gospel, but it must be a far higher cause even the mighty power of Christ his spirit, that can bring them to receive the Gospel in an effectual and saving way.
Fourthly, Sect. 4. How doth this light and Law of Nature leave men without excuse? How doth it leave men without excuse. I conceive,
First, Because they did in many things shut their eyes against the light, not seeking to increase that light received, by improving their reason and understandings: as one Candle lighteth another, so one degree of light improved [Page 184] begetteth another, and so there is lumen de lumine, light (as it were) springing from light, whereas light smothered endeth in darkness.
2. Because they did not act according to that light received, nor walk according to those natural abilities which they had. The Heathens lived in gross Idolatry against the light of Nature, whereby they might have learned that dead Images were utterly unfit to represent the living God. Carnal Christians sin against the light of Nature: as in many other things, so I conceive in not submitting to that higher light of spiritual Mysteries, so as to receive the love of the Truth that they may be saved. The use of this may be,
1. To inform us, that Acts againt the Law of Nature are sings against God, not only as they are against his written Law, Vse 1. but also as they are against the Law of Nature, because (as the point sheweth) God hath given unto men this light and Law of Nature: the impression of this Law of Nature upon the hearts and souls of men, is one of the acts of his legislative power. I conceive when the Prophet saith, The Lord is our Iudge, the Lord is our Law-giver, the Lord is our King, he will save us, Isa. 33. 22. he speaketh of God in reference to his Church, to whom he hath a more peculiar Relation of this kind: He gave them his Law written in the Scripture, and he raigneth over them as a King in a special maner, Psal. 33. 62. Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord, and the people whom he hath chosen for [Page 185] his own Inheritance: the Church is the Lords Inheritance. A King may have an hereditary▪ Kingdom which he maketh greatest account of, and he may have other tributary Kingdoms subject to him to which he giveth Law also. So David was King of Israel in a peculiar manner, but he had also the Kingdoms of Edom, Moa [...], Ammon, Syria, &c. under him. The Lord looketh upon the Church as his peculiar Kingdom, and to them he hath given a perfect Law in writing in the holy Scirptures; but besides that, he hath a universal soveraignty and Dominion, the Authority of a Law-giver over all the Nations of the world, Psal. 47. 2, 7. Iews, Turks, Indians, &c. The Lord most high is terrible, he is a great King over all the Earth. And again, God is King of all the Earth. And so he is a Law-giver to all the Nations of the Earth: If he giveth not the light of his word and his Law written in the Scriptures to many Nations, yet he giveth to them all the light and Law of Nature; and therefore the transgressions of the Law of Nature are sins against God. The Apostle saith, until the Law sin was in the world, Rom. 5. 13, 14 but sin is not imputed where there is no Law: nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after tbe similitude of Adams transgression. Sin was in the world before the Law was given on mount Sinai, But how can it be just to charge sin upon them who had no Law against which to sin? Nevertheless death raigned from Adam to Moses, [Page 188] even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression: Who are they? Some seem to understand Infants only, who sinned not actually in their own persons as Adam did, yet dying in their infancy, were guilty of original sin. Others take it for all that lived between the time of Adam and Moses who sinned not after the similitude of Adams transgression, because they sinned not against an express Law, given by revelation from Heaven, as Adam did, who sinned against that express prohibition of God, forbidding him to eat of the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, under the pain of certain death and destruction. I conceive this latter sense more probable, because of that special limitation of time from Adam to Moses; for the case of those that dye in their Infancy, for ought I know, is the same, whether before or after the time of Moses, before and after the Law written; but the condition of those that lived between Adams time and that of Moses differed from those that lived after. Now the Apostle sheweth that death the punishment of sin fell upon them, so did many other judgements, the flood destroying the old world, the showr of fire and brimstone upon Sodom fell within the compass of that time; and therefore certainly they were guilty of sin, and justly punished, because these calamities▪ were the just judgements of God, who is the righteous judge of all the world; and therefore although these sinned not against any [Page 189] positive Law of God delivered to them either by word or writing, yet they sinned against the light and Law of Nature which God had given them.
Secondly, Vse 8. This may shew us the reason and the justice of those severe executions of God upon Heathen Nations, who had no Scripture nor written Law to sin against. They sinned against the Light and Law of Nature, Rom. 1. 18, &c. for the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath shewed it unto them, &c. The Judgements and Calamities publick, national, private, personal, brought upon any of mankind in several ages, are evidences of Gods wrath and displeasure against them, and therefore proofs of their sin and guiltiness against God; otherwise the Lord who is perfectly righteous would not bring these evils upon them: and among the rest, the death of the body is a universal declaration of the wrath of God against mankind for sin. If any should be free from all other evils, yet this alone would be a sufficient proof of their sinfulness; and therefore the Lord said unto Adam, and in him to each particular person of his posterity, soon after he had sinned, and they had sinned in him, Dust thou art, and to dust thou shalt return. By one man sin entred into the world, Gen. 3. 19. and death by sin, Rom. 5. 12. and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. Euery dead [Page 188] Corps, every Funeral that ye see or hear of, all the persons that have died from the beginning of the world unto this day, have by their death manifested the wrath of God against sin, and mens guiltiness before the Lord: for though through the grace and mercy of God in Christ, the death of a true believer is turned into a blessing and made an inlet or entrance into everlasting life, yet in its own Nature it is a consequent of sin, and sin was the original of it. In special, the Heathens who had not the mind of God so fully revealed to them as those within the Church, yet had the Light and Law of Nature, and in sinning against that Light and Law were justly punished; for they held the Truth in unrighteousness. This common Light and Law of Nature was the Truth of God, und they by opposing their wills and lusts against it, and so not following the guidance of it, were found guilty of fighting against God and crossing that Light which the Lord had given them, and therefore the Lord dealt with them as Enemies. So the Lord punished Sodom and the Cities adjoynning with fire and brimstone. So the Canaanites and Amorites were destroyed for their sins against the Light and Law of Nature, Gen. 15. 13. 16. and Israel was planted in their Land. The Lord told Abraham that his seed should possess it, but not until after four hundred years, Why? Because the iniquity of the Amorites was not yet full: so that it was the fullness of their iniquity which was the cause of their destruction; it was because [Page 189] their sin was come to its full height, that they were rooted out. So the Lord having forbidden Israel the practice of divers great sins saith, Defile not your selves in any of these things, for in all these things the Nations are defiled which I cast out before you. Lev. 18. 24. 25. And the Land is defiled, therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the Land it self vomiteth out the Inhabitants. The Lord threatned divers grievous Judgements by the Prophet Amos against many Heathen Nations, Amos 1. & 2. Syria, the Philistines, Tyrus, Edom, Ammon, Moab. All the miseries of war brought upon Heathen Nations, what were they but revelations and reall demonstrations of the wrath of God from Heaven for their sins against the Law and Light of Nature? The ruining of the Babylonish Monarchy by the Medes and Persians, of the Persian by the Macedonians and Grecians; the Macedonians by the Romans; of the Roman by the Saracens and Turks on the one side and divers Northern Nations on the other; these and the like were just Judgements of God upon Heathens for sins against the Light and Law of Nature. So I conceive the cruel Spaniards were unjust executioners of the righteous Judgements of God upon the poor Indians or Americans for their sins against the same common Light and Law of Nature: for the Lord executeth just Judgements by wicked men, yea by Divels, who aime not at all at the Lords end, but either delight to exercise their malice and cruelty, or act thus to [Page 192] make a ful conquest, and utterly disable a people to make head again.
Thirdly, Vse 3. This may clearly convince us that the sins of Christians are far more heinous then the sins of Infidels and Heathens, because they sin against the same Law and Light of Nature which Heathens did, and beside against a far clearer Light and more perfect Law delivered to them in the holy Scriptures of the old and new Testament; for the Light and Law of Nature though it was given to the Heathen, yet it was not peculiar to them, it was not limited to them alone, but was common to them with others: it is given also to Iews who have the old Testament also; it is given to Christians who have both old and new Testament, and therefore their sins are highly aggravated. So the the Lord by the Prophet Amos, having threatned heavy Judgements against those Heathen Nations mentioned before, then turneth his speech to the people of Iudah, Thus saith the Lord, Am. 2. 4, 5. for three transgressions of Iudah and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof, because they have defiled the Law of the Lord, and have not kept his Commandment, and their lies caused them to err, after the which their Fathers have walked; but I will send a fire upon Iudah and it shall devour the Palaces of Ierusalem: they had the written Law and Commandments of God which the other had not, and therefore they despised and kept not; they had the Truth of God revealed from Heaven, and delivered [Page 191] to them by Moses and the Prophets immediately inspired by the holy spirit of God, but they rather chose to walk in lyes after the example of their Fathers, Amos 2. 4, 5. and therefore their sins were much more sinful than those of the Heathens. Then he threatneth Israel, scil. the rest of Israel, the Kingdom of the ten Tribes who followed the sin of Ieroboam; charging them first with barbarous cruelty and oppression contrary to common humanity, because they sold the righteous for silver, and the poor for a pair of shoes. I conceive he speaketh especially against that great sin of Judges and Magistrates, in perverting justice for Bribes, and withal against them which hired such corrupt officers to act unjustly by giving them rewards; They sold the righteous for Silver, they exposed the innocent to the lust and will of their Adversaries for mony, and the poor for a pair of shooes. ver. 6, &c. either because being once corrupted with some considerable gains, they afterward were so hardened in their sins, that they would pervert justice for a pair of shooes, for a triflle; or else because they could not get much for giving sentence against a poor man in his Cause, because their Adversaries would not offer much to have their will of them who had little to loose: these corrupt judges would transgress for a petty-bribe where no more was to be had. That pant after the dust of the earth on the head of the poor, ver. 7. or as one readeth it, that pant or breath after the head of the poor, that they may cast it down to the dust of the [Page 192] earth: If we take it the former way, the sense may seem to be this, when they have overthrown the poor and laid him in the dust, such is there inhumane cruelty, that they are not satisfied with his misery, but desire his utter ruine and destruction. 2. An other sin was abominable uncleannness, that Father and Son would lye with the same woman; which is set forth and heightned with this aggravation, they prophaned the holy Name of God, pretending to be the people of God, and yet committing such lewdness: this highly redounded to the Lords dishonour above the sins of meer Heathens. 3. Their wicked glorying and triumphing in their oppression and prophaning that worship which themselves had embraced as religious, laying themselves down upon clothes laid to pledge by every Altar, keeping the garments of the poor which they had taken to pledge, and being so far from restoring them according to the Law, that they durst lye upon them by the very Altars, and drink the wine of the condemned in the house of their God, feasting themselves in the Temple of their God with the very spoils taken from those whom they had unjustly condemned, these sins of Israel are aggravated divers ways in the words following: There Israel and Iudah are both joyned together, Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you O Children of Israel, Chap. 3. 1, 2. against the whole family which I brought up from the Land of Egypt, saying, You only have I known of all the families of the earth, [Page 193] therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities: The Lord had owned them above others, and made himself known to them above all other people, and therefore their sin was greater than others, and they might expect more gievous punishments: How much more are sins of professed Christians more heinous than those of the Heathens? who have greater light then the people of Israel had, having the new Testament added to the old; who have the Lord Jesus Christ set forth before them in the Gospel, not under Types and shadowes, but clearly, not as to come, but as already come, actually crucified for sin, buried, risen again, ascended into Heaven? The Lord Christ sheweth that the sins of Corazin and Bethsaida were more heinous than those of Tyre and Sidon, and their condemnation would be more intolerable in the day of Judgement, Mat. 11. 22. because they sinned against greater light. The like comparison he maketh between Capernaum and Sodom. And the very Name of Christian is an aggravation of the sins of those who profess themselves Christians. This Name was first given to them that professed the faith of Christ at Antioch, because of the great success of the Gospel there. Barnabas and Saul or Paul, a whole year assembled themselves with the Church and taught much people, Act. 11. 26. and the Disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. The denomination of a Christian is derived from the blessed and glorious Name of Christ himself as he is annointed [Page 194] of God the Father with the spirit above measure: What signifieth a Christian then, but 1. A member of Christ united to him as the head of the whole mystical body of the Church? How great is the sin of those that can themselves Christians, and suffer themselves to be led by Satan the enemy of [...], readily entertaining his suggestions and temptations, serving this Prince of darkness in the work of darkness? Saith the Apostle, Shall I take the members of Christ and make them the members of an Harlot? 1 Cor. 6. 15. God forbid, or let it not be: What, know ye not that he which is joyned to an Harlot is one body? for two saith he, shall be one flesh. It is a fearful thing for a man professing himself a Christian, that is, a member of Christ, to make himself a member of an Harlot: or for a woman making the same profession, to make her self the member of a fornicatour or Adulterer.
2. The name of a Christian signifieth one that partaketh of the annointing of Christ, of the same spirit and the same graces, in some measure wherewith Christ was annointed above his fellows, 1 Cor. 1. 21. yea above measure: He which stablisheth us with you and anointeth us is God. The graces of Christ derived from him to Christians, Ex. 30. 23, 24. are compared to that precious ointment under the Ceremonial Law, that was made of principal spices, pure Myrrhe, sweet Cynamon, sweet Calamus and Cassia, sweet Aromatical choice ingredients, which being artificially compounded [Page 195] together, what a sweet and fragrant smell did it yeild? But how far doth the sweet savour of that spiritual ointment, the graces of the spirit derived from Christ to true Christians, excel this material ointment? How great is their guilt in the sight of God that profess themselves Christians, that is, anointed of God, and yet cherish in their hearts noisome and unsavory lusts, and wallow in the mire, and in the stinking sinks of abominable sins? who profess themselves Christians, i. e. anointed with heavenly gragrac [...]s, and yet remain graceless and profane.
3. The Name Christian signifieth a Disciple, a Scholar, a follower of Christ. How great is thy sin? 1. If under this name thou livest in ignorance, dost thou not herein cast a great reproach upon the Lord Jesus Christ? Hast thou been 20, 30, 40 years his Disciple, his Scholar, and hast thou learned little or nothing all this while? Hadst thou any sincere love to Christ and his doctrine, how is it that thou hast profited no more? 2. Wilt thou call thy self a Christian, that is, a Disciple or follower of Christ, and dost thou not cease to act and walk contrary to him, in drunkenness, in riot, revellings, chamberings, wantonness, &c. Dost thou not herein highly dishonour Christ in calling thy self a Christian or follower of Christ? Is not this as if thou shouldst say Christ taught thee these things, and walkt before thee in such ways as these? Oh take heed lest thou be [Page 196] found guilty of a kind of real and implicite blasphemy! Is it not either a mocking of Christ, or an implicite blaspheming of Christ for people to call themselves Christians, that is, followers and scholars of Christ, and to go on from time to time in lewd and wicked courses? How grievous is the sin of them that live under the Gospel and are more obstinate, more stubborn, Mat. 11. 2 [...]. more hardned in their sins than divers of the Heathens! Mat. 12. 41. So the Lord Christ sheweth that the Heathens of Tyre and Sidon would have repented in sackcloth and ashes, if the same means had been afforded them which Corazin and Bethsaida had. The men of Nineve shall rise in judgement with this generation, and shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Ionas, and behold a greater then Ionas is here. If the Ninevites abounding in wealth and pleasure, their City being the head of the Assyrian Monarchy, an Heathenish people, did so far relent at the preaching of Ionas who came among them from a strange Nation; Oh tremb [...]e to think of your account if ye continue to harden your hearts against so many sermons, so many messages brought unto you in the name of Christ and confirmed by his Authority. Will ye be able to hold up your faces before the men of Nineve in the day of Judgement? How grievous is the sin of professed Christians living under the light of the word and Gospel of Christ, who on the one side having nothing in them better then the wiser sort [Page 197] of Heathens. And 2. Live in such practices as the better sort of Heathens abhorred and scorned? 1. How many living under the Gospel have nothing in them better then some of the Heathens; nothing practically better, no better frame of soul, no better resolutions and affections, nothing of Christ his regenerating spirit, nothing of his renewing grace, nothing of the new creature. It may be they have some more knowledge of Christ and his Gospel then Heathens; so have the Divels: but they have no better hearts than Heathens. 2. How many such live in the ordinary practice of such sins which the wiser sort of Heathens abhorred and scorned? How disgraceful was drunkenness by the light of Nature to sober Heathens, and how did they despise drunkards? What discourses have Seneca and Pliny against drunkenness, setting it forth not only as odious but as ridiculous, shewing the baseness and sillyness of such courses: Yea, Are there not many Turks at this day who would scorn to make themselves such sotts as many professed Christians do? What notable passages hath Tully against chearing and indirect dealing in matter of Contracts, Bargains, &c. The like may be said of many other Cases. Let us then lay to heart the abounding of sin and wickedness among us against the light and Law of Nature, aggravated by the light of the written Law, the everlasting Gospel of Christ, and yet humble our selves and cry mightily unto the Lord, if it be possible [Page 198] that his wrath may be turned away from us; and let us every one in particular exceedingly tremble to be found Christians in name, and Heathens in heart and life, and therefore worse than meer Heathens.
I Proceed now to the Moral Law, concerning which the Apostle saith it is established by the doctrine of Justification through the Righteousness of Christ apprehended by faith without any consideration of the works of the Law performed by the person justified. By the the Moral Law I understand, the Law written in the Scripture, whereof we have a brief sum or Abridgment in the ten Commandments, which again is contracted into a narrower compass, Mat. 22. 37, 38, 39. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest Commandment, and the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self. The Law thus abridged, is largely unfolded in other parts of Scripture, with the additions of many threatnings against disobedience, and promises to obedience. 1. then I intend to propose a general point of doctrine, and then to point at the particulars comprehended in it. The general doctrine is this,
[Page 199] That the Gospel teaching the free justification of Believers without consideration of any works of theirs done in obedience to the Law, 6. Doct. In general propounded. but through the Righteousness of Christ alone, applied by faith, doth establish the moral Law. So it is shewed in this Text, Through faith the Law is established. That which I desire to clear unto you is, How the Moral Law stablisht by faith. how or wherein the moral Law is established by faith: this may be shewed.
- 1. Negatively.
- 2. Affirmatively.
And so we may come to the several branches or special doctrines comprised in this general.
1. Negatively, Sect. 1. Negat. thus, The moral Law is not established, but declared to be of no use for the justification of sinners in the sight of God, by the doctrine of justification through the Righteousness of Christ imputed of God and applied by faith: Or, more briefly for help of Memory thus,
Iustification by faith in Christ, 1. Particular Doct. excludeth justification by the works of the Law. This ye may take as a point of doctrine implied in the Text, if it be compared with the Apostles foregoing discourse, to which it hath relation. For the Apostle speaketh of it as of a thing strongly proved and concluded as clear and certain, that it being declared and demonstrated that none have fulfilled the Law but all are found guilty of sin against the Law, therefore none can be justified in the sight of God by the works of the Law; hence [Page 200] it followeth that there is no way remaining for any of mankind to be justified and approved righteous before God, but only through the righteousness of Christ imputed to them of God and applied by faith: Hereupon ariseth the Q [...]estion or Objection in the Text, Do we then, &c. and the Answer is, Yea, we establish the Law, that is, it is established in other respects, and for other ends and uses, but is declared to be void and of no use at all for the justifying of sinners by any works which they can perform in obedience to the Law. So that as the Ceremonial Law is declared by the doctrine of the Gospel to be of no use either for justification of sinners or for outward observation, and yet established in other respects as hath been shewed: so the moral Law by the same doctrine of the Gospel, is declared to be of no force for justification of sinners, and yet established in other respects. For the present the Negative is to be considered. So the Apostle having spoken of the priviledges of the people of Israel above the Gentiles, as in other regards, so chiefly because unto them were committed the oracles of God, then moveth a Q [...]estion, What then? Are we better than they? No in no wise: for, we have before proved both Iews and Gentiles that they are all under sin, Rom. 3. 9, 10. as it is written, there is none righteous no not one. The Israelites though they had outward Church-priviledges above the Gentiles, yet were no better by Nature than they; they were children of wrath by [Page 201] Nature as well as others, and it was as impossible for them to be justified by their own righteousness or works of obedience to the Law, as it was for the Heathen. Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight. Two things may be considered here for the opening and confirming this point. ver. 20. The point cleared by, 1. General grounds.
The first is this, What grounds there are in general to prove that none can be justified by their own works p [...]rformed in obedience to the Law.
2. How this is declared by the doctrine of the Gospel. 2. Particular declaration of the Doctrine of the Gospel. Of the former, the general grounds may be three, The first taken from the consideration of the state of man, as he is in and of himself. Three general grounds- 1. From mans state, 2. From the nature of the Law. 3. From God. The second from the Law. The third from God who is both the Lawgiver and Iudge.
1. From Man. He is from his birth a lump of flesh filled with carnal lusts and fleshly corruptions. That which is born of the flesh is flesh▪ and in this flesh dwelleth no good thing, Joh. 3. 6. and this carnal and fleshly mind is enmity against God▪ Rom. 7. 18. it is not subservient to the Law of God, Ch. 8. 7. 8. neither indeed can be; so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God, they are all dead in trespasses and sins▪ inclined to walk according to the course of this world, according to the Prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience, Eph. 2. 1, 2, 3. and are by Nature the children of wrath; Gen. 6. 5. and therefore every imagination of the thoughts of mans heart by Nature is only evil [Page 202] continually: and therefore the Apostle counted all things which he had of himself out of Christ loss and dung, Phil. 3. 7, 8. for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus: all his own righteousness and best performances out of Christ were as loss and dung, and therefore of no weight nor worth towards his justification, of no value at all towardrs the satisfying of Gods justice.
If any say that after he was in Christ renewed by his spirit his works were of some value, Obj.
I Answer, 1. That is nothing to the business in hand; Answ. 1. for when once the soul is united to Christ it is already justified upon another account, scil▪ through the perfect righteousness of Christ, and none can find acceptance with God for their persons or services until they are in Christ and justified; and therefore these services and duties make nothing towards their justification, but follow upon their justification.
2. The best duties of the best saints of God in this life are not answerable to the perfect purity and exactness of the Law: 2. From the Law's exactness. and that is the second ground whereby it may appear that none can be justified, or approve themselves righteous before the Lord by any works of obedience to the Law, scil.
1. The consideration of the purity and perfection of the Law.
2. The severity of the Law, not bearing with the least aberration or swerving from it or transgression against it.
[Page 203] 1. The perfection of the Law. The Law is holy and the Commandment holy and just and good. Rom. 7. 12. 14. The Law is spiritual, it is a compleat and perfect rule of righteousness, and it is not for the imperfection of the Law that it doth not make men righteous, but it is because of the imperfection and corruption of men who cannot answer the perfection of the Law.
1. The Law requireth a full and perfect conformity of the whole man, of all the powers of the soul and affections of the heart, and so of all the sences and parts of the body, to the strait and pure rule of the Law, that there should be nothing contrary to the Law, nothing defective or wanting. This is the voice of the Law, Deut. 6. 4, 56. Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, This perfect love includeth perfect knowledge, faith, &c▪ and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy migbt, and these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart. The Law requireth a perfect conformity unto its self, that the whole heart and soul should be filled with the love of God, that the whole strength of the heart and soul, all the might of the inner man should be bent upon God, and carried after God in love, and so by consequent that there should be nothing in the heart or soul in the least degree contrary to the love of God, not the least love of any sin, nor the least inclination towards it; for the least declining of the heart or soul toward sin is contrary to the Law, which requireth the whole heart or soul to [Page 204] be given up to God in love, and that with all its strength or might: yea, the least remission of love, the want of love in the full perfection of it, is an [...], it is against the Law, and condemned by the Law: the want of the perfection of holiness and righteousness in the [...]rame of the heart and soul is against the Law. I am the Lord your God, ye shall therefore sanctifie your selves, Lev. 11. 44. & 19. 18. and ye shall be holy, for I am holy. The Lord in his Law proposeth himself, his own perfect holiness as a pattern of holiness to men and women. So the Lord in his Law saith, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self. So that the least want of love unto our neighbour, the least defect in love is condemned, the least inclination contrary to love is forbidden. Then again whatsoever is contrary to the right order of the affections in relation to God and our neighbour is against the Law, for the Law commandeth to love God with all the mind, &c. And this is the first and greatest Commandment, that of love to our Neighbour is the second, and therefore love to God is to hold the chiefest place: and so the weighty and principal duties of the first Table, scil. those toward God are to be looked at as the principal, and love to our Neighbour is to be subordinate unto this love to God. God is to be loved for himself: Men are to be loved in the Lord and for the Lord. Now every inordinate affection, every disorder of the affections this way, is against [Page 205] [...]he Law. When the first and greatest Commandment is (as it were) turned into the second, when any man hath an higher place or greater share in thine affections then God.
The Law forbiddeth and condemneth whatsoever in the heart or soul is contrary to any Commandment of the Law: not only [...]ctual thoughts, but the inherent corruption, every inclination to evil, whatsoever distemper there is in the heart and soul contrary to any branch of any Command either of the first or second Table. 1 Joh. 3. 4▪ All sin is [...] whatsoever is contrary to the Law. Now the very inclination to sin is contrary to the Law and therefore sinful. Every inclination to distrust, to Idolatry, superstition, to the dishonour of God, &c. is condemned by the Law. This is the sin that naturally dwelleth in every one, the corruption of Nature propagated from Adam, the body of sin cross and contrary to the body of the Law in every point, in every iota or title. 3. All omissions of duties towards God and men are condemned by the Law. 4. All commissions of sin in thought, word, and deed, are condemned by the Law, every evil thought, every vain thought, every profane, [...]ngodly, obscene, unchast, malicious speech, every idle word, every action contrary to the Law, grosser actions, looks, gestures. And as we are to consider the perfection of the Law: so on the the other side take notice of the severity of the Law. 2. Laws severity. The Law spareth not the least sin, but denounceth a curse against [Page 186] every one, Cursed is every one that confirmeth not all the words of the Law to do them, Deut. 27. 26. and as the Apostle hath it, Gal. 3. 10. Cursed i [...] every one that continueth not in all things written in the book of the Law to do them. Nothing contrary to the Law can escape the curse o [...] the Law. The word spoken by Angels, was steadfast, Heb. 2. 2: and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward. This word was the Law, in the delivering whereof, the Lord was pleased to use the ministry of Angels. Gal. 3. 19. Such is the severity of the Law, that it spareth no transgression or disobedience, but layeth a penalty upon every one.
3. Consider the perfect, 3. From the infinite purity of God. the infinite justice, holiness, purity, majesty of God, who is both the Law giver and the Judge, who gave his pure and perfect Law, and who will judge impartially by the Law, Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be more pure than his Maker? Joh. 4. 17, 18, 19. Behold he put no trust in his servants, and his Angels he charged with folly. How much less on them which dwell in houses of clay whose foundation is in the dust. Saith the Psalmist, O Lord my God thou art very great, Psal. 104. 1. &c. thou art cloathed with honour and majesty, who coverest thy self with light as with a garment: behold the Nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the ballance: Isa. 40. 15, 16. behold he taketh up the Isles as a very little thing. ch. 6. 1, 2, 3. All Nations before him are as nothing, and they are counted to him less than nothing and vanity, [Page 207] The Prophet Isaiah in a glorious vision beheld a representation of the divine Majesty, saith he, I saw the Lord sitting upon a Throne high and lifted up, and his train filled the Temple: about it stood the Seraphims, each one had six wings, with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly, and one cried unto another and said, holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory. With what terrour, glory and majesty did the Lord appear on Mount Sinai, Exod. 19. 16. 10. 18. when he published the Law to the people of Israel? There were Thunders and Lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the Mount, and the voice of a Trum [...]et exceeding loud, so that all the people that was in the Camp trembled, and Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoak because the Lord decended upon it in fire, &c. And Moses told the people, Deut. 4. 24. The Lord thy God is a consuming [...]re, Rev. 1. 14. even a jealous God. Now lay these things together, His eyes were as a flame of fire. the woful corruption of mans Nature every way contrary to the holy Law of God as darkness is to light, having nothing in it conformable to the Law, the [...]umberless sins of omission and commission [...]f each person against the Law, the just [...]igour and severity of the Law denouncing [...]curse against every transgression and dis [...]bedience, the unspeakable, unconceivable, [...]finite purity, justice, majesty of God, who [...] both Law-giver and judge: And then [...]ow clear is it that none can be justified in [Page 208] the sight of God by any works of theirs performed in obedience to the Law?
Secondly, 2. The doctrine of the Gospel declares this. But there was a second thing proposed, scil. to shew how it appeareth by the doctrine of the Gospel, that none can be justified by any works performed by themselves in obedience to the Law. The Angel said to Ioseph concerning Christ, Thou shalt call his name Iesus, Mat. 1. 21. for he shall save his people from their sins. He shall save them, and therefore their own works shall not save them. He shall save them from their sins, and therefore he found them in their sins, poor, guilty, condemned creatures, and such as could not be saved or justified by their own works or righteousness. The Lord Christ the night before he died said, This is my blood of the new Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Mat. 26. 28. The Lord Christ did shed his most pretious blood for the remission or forgiveness of sins: He by his death and obedience satisfied the justice of God, for the sins of those who could not satisfie for themselves by any works of righteousness of their own: compare this with that of the Apostle, I do not frustrate the grace of God, for if righteousness come by the Law, Gal. 2. 21. then Christ is dead in vain. This sheweth clearly that justification by the righteousness of Christ and justification by a mans own works performed in obedience to the Law cannot stand together. Christ died to purchase forgiveness of sins, and justification for his people; but if any would be justified by [Page 209] the Law, they go about to frustrate the grace of God, as if Christ had died in vain. Christ is become of none effect to you, Gal. 5. 4. whosoever of you are justified by the Law, ye are fallen from grace: when he saith, Whosoever, &c. he doth not grant that any are or can be justified by the Law, Heb. 7. 25. but whosoever rely upon the works of the Law for justification, hoping to be justified by the Law, they loose the benefit of Christs death and satisfaction. The Lord Christ is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, and therefore none of them do save themselves, or justifie themselves in any part. Gal. 3. 11, 12. There is a most clear place to shew that justification by works, and justification by faith cannot stand together, that no man is justified by the Law in the sight of God is evident, for the just shall live by faith, or, the just by faith shall live, and the Law is not of faith, but the man that doth them shall live in them. Justification, righteousness, everlasting life and salvation, is obtained by faith in Christ, applying his righteousness to the soul; but the Law is not of faith, but the man that doth them shall live in them. The Law is a Covenant of another Nature, the man that doth the works of the Law shall live in them. There is no possibility of being justified by the Law, unless a man could perfectly fulfill it: this is impossible for any man to do. 1. Because of the corruption of his Nature which is every way contrary to the Law. 2. Because all, and far more than all that he can do for [Page 210] the time to come is due debt to the justice of God, and cannot make the least satisfaction for his sins past, no not for any one of those numberless sins whereof he was formerly guilty. 3. Because the best mans righteousness is imperfect, and falleth short of the perfection of the Law, & no righteousness can satisfie the justice of God, but that which is compleat and perfect; and therefore the righteousness and performances of the holiest men are of no account at all in the sight of God towards their justification.
But it may be said, Ohj. that the Apostle Iames saith, Jam. 2. 24. Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, Answ. and not by faith only. For Answer to this, I conceive, That this Apostle Iames here directeth his speech to this end, s [...]il. to shew the vanity and folly of those who deceive themselves with a shadow of faith, presumptuously fancying to themselves an interest in Christ, imagining that their sins are forgiven, and their persons justified by his death, satisfaction, and righteousness, but their faith is not sound, it is not such a faith as truly receiveth Christ into the heart, whereby Believers are made one with Christ, possessing him, partaking of his spirit which stirreth them up to conform themselves to Christ, to follow him, to bring forth the fruits of the spirit; and therefore he saith, ver. 20. Faith without works is dead. So it is a working faith which justifieth, because such a faith alone doth truly lay hold of Christ and his righteousness: On the other side, holiness and [Page 211] good works do not at all justifie believers in a proper sense, but evidence the persons to be justified, because they shew that such by faith unfeigned are united unto Christ, whose righteousness alone doth justifie, and therefore he saith, ver. 14. What doth it profit my Brethren, if a man say he hath faith and have not works? Can faith save him? He speaketh of such as say they have faith, not of those that have a lively saving faith indeed. So ver. 19. he speaketh to such, Thou believest that there is one God; thou dost well, the Divels also believe and tremble. So that he sheweth that a dead faith is but such a faith as the Divels have, which is far from justifying and saving those that have it.
2. I conceive his meaning is, Answ. 2. that holiness and the fruits of faith do declare and manifest true believers to be justified before men. A man will say thou hast faith and I have works; shew me thy faith without thy works, ver. 18. and I will shew thee my faith by my works: as if he had said, Natural life shews it self by the motions and actings of life: so doth spiritual life evidence it self by the motions and actings of spiritual life. True faith embracing Christ and his righteousness for justification, is a principle of spiritual life: Thou therefore who pretendest to have this faith, how canst thou make it appear, how canst thou shew or declare it, when thou puttest forth no motions or actings of spiritual life?
The use of this may be,
[Page 212] 1. To shew us the miserable and woful estat of all that are not in Christ. 1. Vse. They are no justified, The misery of all out of Christ. they cannot be justified in that condition, for there is no way for men to be justified in the fight of God by any works of their own performed in obedience to the Law, and if they be not justified, then they are condemned, there is no middle estate between these two. So the Apostle implieth, where speaking of those that are in Christ, he faith, Rom. 8. 33, 34. It is God that justifieth, who is he that condemneth? This sheweth that they that are justified and accepted as righteous in the sight of God are not condemned, and so on the contrary, they that are not justified are condemned: All then that are not in Christ are in the state of condemnation, so it is implied, ver. 1. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. So on the other side, there is no justification, no salvation to them that are not in Christ Jesus, He that believeth not is condemned already, Joh. 3. 18. he is condemned for his sin, the sentence of condemnation is passed upon him by the Lord, and he wanteth a sound saving faith to lay hold on Christ, and his righteousness, whereby alone he might be justified and freed from the sentence of condemnation, and therefore while poor souls remain in this condition, what can they do, but treasure up wrath against the day of wrath, and the revelation of the righteous judgement of God? People may attend upon ordinances, Rom. 2. 5. perform [Page 213] divers duties in publick and in private, and yet still lye under the sentence of condemnation: They may make some kind of reformation, refraining from some outward gross acts of sin, they may be civil and orderly in their conversations above many other, and yet the wrath of God may still abide upon them. In this case it is not enough to alter your course in some things, but your state and condition must be altered: nothing can help you while you are out of Christ and stand upon your own bottoms. Rom. 9. 31, 32. Israel which followed after the Law of righteousness hath not attained to the Law of righteousness: Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the Law. Those Israelites that were zealous of the Law, and sought to be justified by it, while they were not in Christ their zeal was not according to knowledge, and they might take a great deal of pains, and use earnest endeavours to attain Righteousness, to approve themselves just in the sight of God, but all was in vain: they attained not to such a Righteousness as could bear them out in the sight of God, the righteous Judge of all the world. They were like men that run very swiftly, but run quite out of the way and never come near the mark.
But some may say Our case is not like that of the unbelieving Israelites, Obj. for we look for justification, forgiveness of sin and salvation by Jesus Christ.
[Page 214] I Answer; Answ. It is not the hearing of Christ preached nor an historical faith, believing that none can be justified but by the righteousness of Christ, no nor a conceipt that we are justified by him, that makes your case differ in the main from that of unbelieving Israelites: ye have some Notions which they had not, but ye are in the same state wherein they were, i. e. ye are out of Christ, and therefore while ye content your selves with this condition, your endeavours after righteousness are like those that run out of the way.
And therefore in the second place, See your extream need of the Lord Iesus, and go out of your selves, flee to him, and give your souls no rest untill ye are found in him. Consider, as ye cannot be justified by your own righteousness or works done in obedience to the Law, whether ye look upon your selves as ye are in your selves, or upon the purity, perfection, and severity of the Law, or upon the infinite justice, holiness or majesty of God; so on the contrary, Christ and none but Christ is able to justifie you by his righteousness in all these respects.
1. He is a Lamb without spot and blemish, and that from the first moment of his conception. Mat. 1. 20. So the Angel said to Ioseph, Thou Son of David fear not to take unto thee Mary thy Wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the holy Ghost, the blessed Spirit framing a body for Christ in the womb of a Virgin, Job. 14. 30. free from all stain of sin. There was never any thing in him contrary to the perfect purity [Page 215] of the Law, no inclination to evil. Saith he, The Prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. Satan could find nothing of his in Christ to fasten upon, no sinful infirmities or Corruption in the least degree; and therefore in respect of Christ himself, he could have no power by his instruments to take away his life: but in regard of the sins of others which he took upon himself, and for which he voluntarily gave himself an offering and a sacrifice.
2. If we look to the Law, Christ hath that in him which is wanting in us, he answereth the exactest Purity and highest perfection of the Law. He was perfect in Love. That which we have, Psal. 40. is applied to Christ by the Apostle, Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire, mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin-offering hast thou not required: Psa 40. 6, 7, 8 then said I, Lo I come, Heb. 10. in the volumn of the Book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will O my God, yea thy Law is within my heart: his heart was filled with the love of God, and full of the Law of God, he was freely ready to do or suffer any thing for his Fathers glory. As the Law is holy, so he is the holy and the just one. As the Law is spiritual, so he was annointed with the holy Ghost. He received the spirit not by measure. He is a quickning spirit. As the Law is a perfect rule of Righteousness: Mat. 3. 15. so Christ fulfilled all Righteousness.
3. He endured the uttermost rigour and severity of the Law. He bare the penalty of it, Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all [Page 216] things which are written in the book of the Law to do them: Then it followeth, Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law, Gal▪ 3. 10. 13. being made a Curse for us, for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a Tree. The Curse of the Law is enough to swallow up all the guilty souls in the world, and to keep them under for ever, but Christ bare this Curse and overcame it, he payed the uttermost farthing that was due to the justice of God for the sins of his people: he fully discharged all those vast summs wherein they were indebted. Saith the Apostle, Eph. 5. 2. Christ hath loved us and given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor. Heb. 9. 14. Christ through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God. What tongues of men or Angels are able to declare the weight and worth of that which is noted in this expression, That Christ gave himself an offering and sacrifice for sins; What could the extreamest severity of the Law require more than this, when the Son of God gave himself to satisfie it.
4. He is every way able and fit to stand before the infinite justice, purity, holiness, Majesty of God; he is the express Image of his Fathers person, and the brightness of his glory; and he is able to bear the brightness of his glory. Of him the Father witnessed, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased: Mat. 3. 17. He being in the form of God, Phil. 2. 6. thought it no robbery to be equal with God. He being God and man, as he was man did undergo the penalty and Curse of the Law, and by the [Page 217] power of his Godhead overcame it, and being God and man, he is able to bear the brightness of his Fathers glorious Majesty, and to stand before his perfect justice: saith the Scripture, When he had by himself purged our sin, Heb. 1. 3. he sate down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. Now then in as much as the Lord Christ is every way a compleat and most perfect Saviour, Labour out of a deep sense of your lost condition in your selves, and your extream need of him, his satisfaction and righteousness, to go out of your selves, to break off your sins by repentance, to flee to Christ, to close with him by faith unfeigned; that being found in him, his righteousness may be imputed to you of God, and accounted yours, and ye may be accepted through him: Be exceedingly earnest with the Lord to work in you that pretious faith of his elect: Cry unto him to stretch out his hand, to put forth the divine power of his spirit and grace, to draw you effectually that you may come to Christ, and being cloathed with his righteousness, ye may not be found naked, but the shame of your sins may be covered, and ye may have holy boldness and confidence before the Lord. What a blessed priviledge hath the soul which can say with the Apostle, I am crucified with Christ, Gal. 2. 20. nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God▪ who loved me and gave himself for me. How happy shalt thou be, if finding thy self in Christ, and [Page 218] finding Christ dwelling in thine heart, thou canst assure thy self that thou art washed in his bloud from all thy sins, that he hath crossed all thy sins out of the Debt Book of Gods justice, that he is thine Advocate with the Father, and the propitiation for thy sins, pleading thy cause at the right hand of God, and bearing thy name among the rest of the Israel of God, upon his breast-plate for a memorial continually: Bend thy care and endeavour to the uttermost toward this one thing necessary, to make sure of Christ, and his most perfect Righteousness.
5. Renounce all trust, abhor any degree of confidence in thine own Graces, duties, services. Grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, watch alwayes, fear alwaies, bring forth much fruit, labour to do holy duties in sincerity with servency of spirit, strive after perfection more & more, that thou maist fill thy mouth with arguments, abundance of evidence, that thou art truly united unto Christ by a lively principle of faith unfeigned, and so justified by his Righteousness; but do not entertain the least thought that way, as if all that thou hast done or canst do should make the least satisfaction to the justice of God for any of thy sins, or any way help toward thy justification: In a word, Take heed of splitting thy soul against either of these two Rocks, either on the one side deceiving thy self with a dead faith without holiness and fruits of faith, and so thinking thy sins to be pardoned, and thy person justified, when it [Page 219] is nothing so: Or on the other side resting with any confidence upon any graces or duties. Labour after these, and look upon them as evidences of the soundness of thy faith, but lean not upon them as grounds to support thy faith. So much for the Negative.
Let us now consider the Affirmative, Affirmatively. Sect. 2. whereby it may appear how and in what regard the moral Law is declared to be established by the doctrine of Faith. I conceive the Law is established in five respects:
First, By that full obedience performed to the Law by the Lord Iesus Christ.
Secondly, By that full satisfaction which he made to the Law in bearing the penalty of it.
Thirdly, In the imputation of his perfect Righteousness to Believers.
Fourthly, In that he establisheth the Law as a Rule of obedience for his people.
Fifthly, In that he conformeth his people to the Law: and these may be so many branches of the general point, and therefore so many special points of doctrine.
1. Then observe this point, That the Lord Iesus Christ did establish the Law by fulfilling it: or, He did perform full and perfect obedience to the Law, and so establish the Law: Wherein you may note two particulars,
First, That Christ did fulfill the Law.
Secondly, That in fulfilling it he did establish it,
1. Of the former; So he said, Think not that I am come to destroy the Law and the Prophets, [Page 220] I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. Mat. 5. 17. I conceive this speech was delivered soon after the Lord Christ began publickly to preach, and this was seasonable to prevent or remove dangerous prejudices or mistakes. For besides that general expectation of the Messias about that time, the Scepter being departed from Iudah, and they being subject to a Forreign yoak, there were many extraordinary things which happened at the Birth of Christ; Then the Testimony which Iohn Baptist gave him, Mat. 3. 16, 17. the Heavens opening, the holy Ghost descending upon him in the visible form of a Dove, God the Father by an audible voice from Heaven, proclaiming this is my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased; His fasting forty days and forty nights when he was led of the spirit into the Wilderness to be tempted of the Divel; Mat. 4. His wonderful diligence in preaching in divers places; His glorious miracles in healing all manner of sickness and diseases, especially in delivering those that were possessed with Divels; The great multitudes of people following him from Galilee, Decapolis, Hierusalem, Iudea, and from beyond Iordan, in somuch that his fame was spread abroad suddenly beyond the borders of the Land of Israel throughout all Syria: These and the like things might well raise the peoples expectation, and give them occasion to look for some notable change to be wrought by him: and as men are lead by divers principles, are upon such occasions apt to fancy some one thing some another; so it is likely [Page 221] the most did expect that he should set up an earthly Kingdom; some might think that he would take away the Law, which God delivered to their Fathers by Moses, and the doctrine of the Prophets, and hereupon some might seek advantage to disparage his person and his doctrine; others might hope that he would open a door for carnal liberty, as in our dayes upon occasion of far lesser changes, some have embraced strange fancies, as if the time were come to cast off those ordinances, which Christ hath appointed to be used until the end of the world, as if an universal liberty must be granted to all corrupt opinions, Heresies, Blasphemies, under colour of favouring tender Consciences. Now the Lord to remedy these things, telleth plainly that He came not to destroy, but fulfill the Law and the Prophets.
1. He fulfilled the Ceremonial Law, by exhibiting the substance of those Types, and accomplishing those things which were signified and represented by them.
2. He fulfilled the Prophets, verifying their prophesies, teaching, doing, and suffering that which they foretold.
3. He fulfilled the Moral Law. 1. Doctrinally rejecting the [...]orrupt interpretations then received, and giving the true and full sense of the Law. 2. He fulfilled the Law practically, by performing full and perfect obedience to the Law, Mat. 3. 15. which is the thing in hand: Gal. 4. 4. So he said before, It becometh us to fulfill all Righteousness. God sent forth his Son made of a [Page 222] woman under the Law, He was made under the Law by his own voluntary act, taking upon him the Nature of man, and the office of a Mediatour between God and men (though as God he was the Lawgiver;) and therefore having put himself into this estate, he was bound to obey the Law fully in every particular, and could not have failed in one jot or tittle without being guilty of sin; and therefore all those Texts which declare his perfect Righteousness being compared with this, do prove that he performed perfect obedience to the Law: Act. 7. 12. So where Stephen calleth him the just one, 2 Cor. 5. 21. and Paul saith, He knew no sin, 1 Per. 1. 19. scil. no sin either original or actual, 1 Pet. 2. 22, 3, 18. either of commission or omission, in thought word or deed: and Peter saith, He was a Lamb without blemish and without spot, who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: and that he suffered for sins the just for the unjust: these and the like passages compared with that place, prove that he performed perfect obedience to the Law, for being as was said made under the Law, it was absolutely necessary that he should fulfill it, that he might approve himself to be the just one, knowing no sin, a Lamb without blemish and without spot, &c. because every [...] whatsoever is against the Law is sin, whatsoever is contrary to the R [...]le of the Law, whatsoever is defective and falleth short of the perfect purity of the Law is sin; and therefore in as much as the Lord was made under the Law, and yet was found to be without [Page 223] all spot of sin, when he offered up himself in sacrifice, and poured forth his blood for the sins of the world: It is most clear, that he performed full and perfect obedience to the Law, and this was necessary:
1. That he might be a perfect High Priest. The Priest in the old Testament being a Type of Christ, was to be without outward blemish in his person or body, Lev. 21. 21. No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the Priest, shall come nigh to offer the offering of the Lord made by fire: and in the next Chapter, there is a severe threatning against any of Aarons posterity, Chap. 22. 3. if having any legal uncleanness upon them, they should presume to meddle with the holy things of the Tabernacle: suppose they were polluted with Leprosie, or a running Issue, or by touching an other that was unclean, &c. This figured the perfect purity and holiness of Christ, the true and eternal High-Priest, who was to offer up himself in sacrifice to God, for such an High-Priest became us, Heb. 7. 26, 27. who is holy, harmless, undefiled, seperate from sinners, made higher than the Heavens, who needeth not dayly as those High Priests, to offer up Sacrifice, first for his own sin, and then for the sins of the people, for this he did once, when he offered up himself. He is an High-Priest, holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and whereas the High-Priests of the old Testament were subject to sin, and therefore needed to offer sacrifice for their own sins, as well as for the peoples; He being free from sin offered not, [Page 224] needed not to offer for any sins of his own: They offered dayly, often renewing their offerings, because they were imperfect, and had respect to the perfect offering of Christ, but he offered himself once for all for the sins of his people; His sacrifice being most perfect and compleat, never to be renewed.
2. It was necessary that the Lord Christ should perform full and perfect obedience to the Law, that he might be a pure offering, a spotless sacrifice to take away the sins of his people. How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit, Heb. 9. 14. offered himself without spot to God, purge your Conscience from dead works to serve the living God? That the vertue and efficacy of Christ's blood might reach to the inward man, and purge the soul and Conscience from sin: it was necessary that he should offer up himself a sacrifice without spot, as one whom the Law could not charge with the least aberration or swerving from the perfect purity of it.
The second particular noted was, that the Lord Christ by fulfilling the Law, did establish it. Here we may consider,
First, That God gave man his Law in the Creation, writing a perfect Law of Righteousness and true holiness in the mind and heart of the first man and woman, God created man in his own Image, Gen. [...]. 27. in the Image of God created he him, male and female created he them. Now what was this framing of man in the image of God, but the fashioning of his [Page 225] heart and soul according to the wisdom, purity, holiness and righteousness of God, which was the writing and imprinting his Law upon the sould of man, as he gave to other creatures natural properties, See Eph. 4. 24. & Col. 3. 10. and natural instincts according to their several kinds, each of which was a Law unto them, scil. the Law of their Creation. So he imprinted the likeness of his own wisdom, Righteousness and holiness upon the first man and woman, as the Law of their Creation. Now this likeness of God, his holiness and Righteousness imprinted upon the souls of our first parents, was the same for substance with that moral Law written in the Scriptures; for as the moral Law written in the Scriptures is a declaration of the wisdom, Righteousness and holiness of God, and a rule of Righteousness and holiness to men: So was that Image and likeness of God imprinted upon the souls of the first man and woman: It was the moral Law written in their hearts and minds.
Secondly, Consider that the great mischeivous design of the Devil,
1. Was to destroy this Law of God written in the heart of man, to deface the likeness of God, his wisdom, holiness and Righteousness, in their souls, to make void and abolish the Law of mans Creation for ever; that none of mankind should ever have either knowledge or ability or will to do any thing pleasing unto God; and therefore the Apostle declaring the woful ruines of mankind brought upon them by sin and Satan, and shewing what all are [Page 226] by nature, saith, Rom. 3. 10, 11. There is none Righteous, no not one, there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God, none Righteous, none able to please God, none that understandeth, none that know how to do it, none that seek after God, none that have a will truly bent and resolved upon it.
2. To subject and enslave the souls of men and women to a contrary Law, Rom. 8. 2. to the Law of sin and death, called a Law of sin in regard of the nature of it, and a Law of death and destruction in respect of the end toward which it leadeth: His design was to fill the souls of men with darkness, errour, false conceits about things that concern salvation, with rebellion against God, and his Law, with lusts and corruptions, inclining him to all manner of sins against the Law, and therefore it is said, they are all gone out of the way, Rom. 3. 12. they have a Law of sin in their hearts and souls, that hath turned them quite out of the way, to which the Law of God directed them, and set them in a course derectly contrary to it.
3. I conceive the Devil herein aimed at two things: 1. The dishonour of God. 2. The destruction of mankind, excercising his malice both against God and man. 1. The Devils being cast down by the justice of God from their glorious estate and habitation for their Apostacy from God, and reserved under chains in darkness, acted an high degree of rebellion against God, opposing him in his Soveraignty, in h [...]s legislative power and Authority, [Page 227] striving to abolish the Law, and to deface the likeness of God's holiness out of the minds of all mankind for ever, that God should have none amongst the children of men, to serve, obey, and honour him, but all of them should become slaves and vassals to the Devils, being led captive by them at their will. 2. They aimed at the destruction of mankind, to bring them into the same condemnation with themselves, by blotting out the Law written in their minds according to which they should have walked, and according to which they shall be judged, and bringing them under a contrary Law of sin and death: so then God having written this Law in the soul, and the Devil having blotted it out, and brought mankind under a contrary Law of sin.
In the third place let us consider the work of the Lord Iesus Christ that was to destroy the works of the Devil. 1 Joh. 3. 8. Saith the Apostle Iohn, He that committeth sin is of the Devil, for the Devil sinneth from the begining; for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil. He that committeth sin, he that maketh sin his business, sinning with the full bent of his will, is of the Devil; He remaineth in that condition into which the Devil brought mankind at the first, subject to the Law and power of sin, which is quite contrary to that Law of righteousness and holiness which God imprinted upon the soul of man in the Creation; for the Devil sinneth from the beginning, he [Page 228] sinned and fell from God, and he drew men into sin, and still leadeth them on in a course of sin and disobedience against God. Now (saith the Apostle) for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil: He doth not say barely that the Son of God destroyed the works of the Devil; but for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that &c. one great work of the Devil, as ye heard, was to deface the likeness of God in the soul of man, and to bring him under a Law of sin. This work among others, Christ came to destroy, where note, 1. That no meer Creature was able to destroy this work of the Devil.
It may be some may think that good and holy Angels might be as able to undo this evil work, Obj. as Devils or evil Angels were to do it.
But it is not so, the reason is not because the good Angels have less power than the Devils, Answ. but because of the nature of that work of the Devil, for the work of the Devil was a destroying work, as hath been shewed; it was the destroying of the Law of mans Creation which was written in his soul, the defacing and blotting out of Gods hand-writing, the likeness of Gods holiness, and the subjecting of man to the destroying Law of sin; it was the taking away of mans spiritual life, by dividing him from God the fountain of life. Now to destroy or undo this destructive work of Satan, is to abolish that Law of sin and death in man, and to write that contrary [Page 229] Law in the soul of man, which Satan had blotted out, that is to restore man to the likeness of God, to fashion him again after the Image of God, in knowledge, Righteousness, and holiness, to raise man, whom Satan had murdered, to spiritual life. Now it requireth a far greater power to repair and restore, then to destroy, one Murderer may take away life, all the Angels in Heaven, nor all the men on earth cannot restore life to the dead: None but the living God can do it, who is the fountain of life: So the Devil, and man yeilding to the Devils suggestion, could destroy spiritual life. The Law written in the heart of man, that primitive perfection and integrity of mans Nature framed after the Image of God, in knowledge, righteousness and holiness, but no meer Creatures, none but the Prince of life, the supream Law-giver, by whom all things were made, could restore spiritual life, write this primitive Law in the soul of man.
But it may be Objected, Obj. That this work which the Apostle Iohn saith Christ came into the world to do, is a work of destroying.
I Answ. Awsw. We are to consider the object of this destroying work of Christ, what it was that Christ destroyed; that was a destructive work wrought by the Devil that great destroyer and Murderer: Christ came to destroy that destruction which Satan had wrought; & to destroy destruction is to repair and restore that which was destroyed, to destroy death is to [Page 230] restore life: So the Apostle speaking of the Resurrection of Believers to glory, saith When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, 1 Cor. 15. 54. and this mortal shall have put on immortality; then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. Death had slain thousands of Saints, and Christ by restoring them to life, raising them to immortality and everlasting life, shall swallow up death in victory: So in the Prophecy of Hosea, Hos. 13. 14. I will ransome them from the power of the grave, I will redeem them from Death, O death I will be thy Plague, O Grave I will be thy destruction. The Lord may be said as it were to kill death, and to destroy or bury the grave, when he ransometh his people from death and the grave, and raiseth them up to everlasting life: So in this case, when Christ is said to destroy the destructive works of Satan, ye must understand that he was to restore that which Satan had ruined. This no meer Creature in Heaven and Earth was able to do; and therefore in the second place, the Son of God undertook it, it was a work of Almighty power to restore the Law of mans Creation, spiritual life, the Likeness of God, his Righteousness and Holiness to any of Adams posterity, to any of the seed of the woman, and to inable any of them to perform [...]ull and perfect obedience to the Law: None but God could do it, and therefore the Son of God, who is very God performed it. The Devil seemed for ever to have deprived mankind of the Image of God, and for ever [Page 231] to have disabled all the Sons of men from fulfilling the Law, but the Son of God confounded Satan herein, and destroyed this destroying work of the Devil, by restoring that which he had destroyed, by framing one of Adams posterity, one of the seed of the woman, after the Image of God in righteousness and holiness, and inabling him perfectly in every point to fulfill the Law.
Thirdly, The Apostle shews how the Son of God performed this great work, it was by the manifestation of himself; For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, &c. His manifestation was his incarnation, his being made flesh, taking the nature of man into the unity of his person, for the Son of God in his divine nature is invisible, not manifested, but when he became Man he was manifested and made visible, and so framed this humane nature thus united to his God-head after the image of God in perfect Righteousness and holiness, and inabled it to perform full and compleat obedience to the Law. And thus the work of Satan was destroyed, one of the Sons of Adam, one of the seed of the woman after the fall of mankind, being inabled to fulfill the Righteousness of the Law.
Fourthly, Ye may note by the way, that I do not speak of this as the full sense of this Text, as it this were all that Christ did in destroying the works of the Devil, and in restoring what he had ruined, but I speak of it as a part of the Apostles meaning, and a part of that work of Christ concerning the point in hand.
[Page 232] Fifthly, Observe that by this work Christ established the Law: For first, As the Law was given to man, so the Son of God took upon him the nature of man, and subjected it to the Law, as it is said, he was made under the Law. 2. He wrote this Law of perfect holiness and Righteousness upon this humane Soul, thus united to his God-head. 3. In this nature of man, He perfectly fulfilled the Law, by all which he acknowledged the Law to be a perfect Rule of Righteousness, which as man, he was bound to obey, and so did really confirm and ratifie the Authority of it, whereas on the contrary, they that taught m [...]n to seek justification, and to approve themselves as Righteous in the sight of God, by their own personal works of obedience to the Law, though they pretended to magnifie the Law, they did make void the Law, because their Righteousness was far short of what the Law required; and therefore to profess that they looked to be justified or found Righteous in the sight of God by their own imperfect works done in obedience to the Law, was to accuse the Law of imperfection, and so to make void the Law. Saith David, The Law of the Lord is perfect, Psal. 19. 7. and therefore none can be justified by the Law, unless their Righteousness be perfect. Now for sinful men whose natures are contrary to the Law, whose sinful omissions and commissions are numberless, whose best works are exceedingly imperfect and defective, to profess themselves justified by the Law, is to deny the perfection [Page 233] of the Law, and so to abolish or make void the Law.
So much for the first particular point comprehended in the general doctrine. The second is this:
That the Lord Iesus Christ established the Law by making full satisfaction to the Law: Sect. 2. where note two particulars:
1. That Christ did make full satisfaction to the Law.
2. That hereby he did establish it.
1. For the former, When Christ was gloriously transfigured upon a certain mountain in the sight of three of his Disciples, Luk. [...]9. 30, 31. Behold there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias, who appeared in glory and spake of his decease, which he should accomplish at Ierusalem. These two holy men of God, who many ages before had been taken out of this world, by an extraordinary dispensation of God, were sent to meet the Lord Christ upon this Mount; and why these two? Moses was the Lawgiver, I mean the ministerial Law-giver, the Minister, Servant, or Instrument of the Lord, by whom God who is the only authentical, the supream Law-giver, delivered, and as it were handed over his Law to the people of Israel; Elias was one of the most eminent among all the Prophets, and exceeding zealous of the Law, 1 King. 18. 40. & 19. 14, 15, 16, 17. and by an extraordinary warrant from God, slew divers hundreds of false Prophets for Idolatary, and for teaching the people to transgress the Law, [Page 234] and when he complained against Israel for their heinous sins against the Law, the Lord directed him to annoint Hazael to be King over Syria, Iehu to be King over Israel, and Elisha to be Prophet in his stead, as so many executioners of Gods justice upon backsliding Israel for their horrible sins against the Law. It seemeth then that these two were sent to shew that the Lord Jesus Christ was he of whom the Law and the Prophets spake, whom the Ceremonial Law shadowed out by Types and Figures, who was to perform full obedience to the Moral Law, and make full satisfaction for the transgressions of men against the Law, and to accomplish what was foretold by the Prophets; and it is said expresly, that they spake of his decease, which he should accomplish at Hierusalem. They spake of his death and sufferings, whereby he should make full satisfaction for the sins and transgressions of men against the Law, and fulfill the sayings of the Prophets. It is not barely said he should dye or suffer death, but that he should [...] accomplish his decease, He should fully and compleatly suffer such a death as should make full satisfaction to the Law: He should undergo the full penalty of the Law, and make full payment of all the debts which the Law could charge upon his people. To make this appear more clearly, consider these particulars:
1. That the Lord Iesus Christ was very God, Joh. 1. 1, 2, 3. in the beginning was the word, and the word [Page 235] was with God, and the word was God, the same was in the beginning with God, all things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. The Son of God is called the word, God the Father manifesting himself by the Son, as a man maketh known his mind by his words or speech. There is the coessential word of God, and there is the declarative word of God; the Son of God is the coessential word of God, of the same essence with God the Father. The declarative word of God is that which we have in the holy Scriptures: So Christ prayed to his Father for his people, Sanctifie them through thy Truth, Joh. 17. 17. thy word is truth. For this cause, 1 Thes. 2. 13. saith the Apostle, thank we God without ceasing, because when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but (as it is in truth) the word of God which worketh effectually in you that believe. These and the like places shew the folly of those who seem to hold, that there is no other word of God but Christ, whereas it is plain, that the holy Ghost calleth the word written in the Scriptures, and the word preached and taught according to the Scriptures, the Word of God, scil. his declarative word, but Christ is the coessential or co substantial word of God: and here it i [...] said, He was in the beginning, declaring his eternity, when the world and the creatures in it were made, He was not made, but he was from eternity, before all things; and accordingly he saith to his Father, Joh. 17. 5. O Father [Page 236] glorifie thou me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was, that is, from all eternity. And the word was with God, that sheweth the personal distinction betwixt the Father and the Son, who are one God and two distinct persons, then his God-head is expresly asserted. And the word was God, the same God with the Father, all things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made, all the Creatures were made by Christ of nothing, and therefore he is very God, Col. 1. 16. for by him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in Earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or Dominions, or Principalities or Powers, all things were Created by him and for him, and he is before all things, and by him all things consist, not only all visible Creatures on Earth, but also all the glorious Angels of Heaven were created by him, and his eternity is declared, He is before all things, his Almighty power is asserted, by him all things consist. The frame of the world would fall in peices, the Beings of the Creatures would be disjoynted, dissolved, did not his Almighty Arm hold all together: He upholdeth all things by the word of power, and least any blasphemous adversary of Christ his God-head should object that Christ might create the world as a [...] instrument and inferiour Agent under the Father. The Apostle telleth us, All things were created, Heb. 1. 3. not only by him, but also for him; He is the principal Agent, and he is the cheif [Page 237] end of the Creation: They were made for his glory, a clear evidence to prove him to be very God, the same God with the Father, for it is the peculiar Prerogative of God to be the highest of the whole Creation, for whom all things were made; Rom. 11. 36. for of him, and through him, Phil. 2. 6. and to him are all things; to him in this place, and for him in the other, have the same sense, and the original is the same in both, [...]. The Apostle shews, That Christ being in the form of God, thought or judged it to be no Robbery to be equal with God, in all eternity he was in the form of God, he was really, properly, essentially God, and therefore judged it to be no robbery to be equal with God. This cutteth off all cavils, for how could it have been less then an high degree of robbery or Sacriledge, for any one that was not as truly and properly God as the Father, even the same God with the Father, to judge himself equal with God, in as much as God the Creator is infinitely above the most excellent of the Creatures.
Secondly, He took upon him the Nature of man, Joh. 1. 14. the word was made flesh. The eternal word or Son of God who was before all time, without beginning of dayes, was pleased in the fulness of time to be made flesh, not by transmutation, but by assumption, not by turning his unchangeable God-head into flesh, but by taking flesh, that is, a true humane Nature, soul and body, into the unity of his person, so uniting the nature of man to [Page 238] his God-head, as to make it properly his own; to become one person with himself, the God-head being never separated again from the manhood, nor confounded with it, both natures remaining distinct, but never divided from each other, the same Christ remaining perfect God and perfect man: so where it is shewed that being in the form of God, &c. it followeth, But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a Servant, and was made in the likeness of men, and found in fashion as a man, Phil. 2. 7, 8. &c. And without controversie great is the mystery of Godliness, God was manifest in the flesh. This is indeed a great mystery, of such an height and depth, and far exceedeth the reach of mens understandings, yet a most certain and infallible truth to be received by faith, 1 Tim. 3. 16. and it was necessary the Redeemer of manking should be both God and man, that he might satisfie the justice of God, and bear the penalty of the Law due to the sins of the world. First, It was necessary that he should be God.
1. That he might inable the humane nature to bear the weight of Gods wrath and revenging justice to support the manhood from sinking under it, and being swallowed up of it, whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that he should be holden of it; Act. 2. 24. death had taken a prisoner whom it was no way able to hold, Jesus Christ as he was man, suffered death, and lay dead in the grave, but as he was God, he raised his humane nature from the dead. [Page 239] Secondly, That the infinite worth and excellency of his God-head might make his sufferings of sufficient value to satisfie the justice of God, and the severity of the Law for the numberless sins of the world, the same man that suffered being one person with God, and so his sufferings, being, though not the sufferings of the God-head, yet the sufferings of God, that is, the sufferings of him who is God, and therefore it is said, Act. 20. 28. that God hath purchased a Church with his own blood. And what is there, which the blood of God was not sufficient to purchase? Secondly, It was necessary Christ should be man, that he might satisfie the Law, and bear the penalty.
1. That he might be subject to the Law; for it was impossible that the God-head should be made under the Law, because the Law received its Authority from God, and therefore could have no Authority over him; therefore he was made of a womnn, and so made under the Law.
2. That he might be in a capacity to suffer the full penalty of the Law; for it is impossible for the God-head which is the fountain of life to dye, or to bear the Curse, being the fulness of blessedness: and therefore saith the Apostle, Heb. 2. 9. We see Jesus who was made a little lower then the Angels for the suffering of death. He that being very God, was infinitely higher then the Angels, took into the unity of his person, a nature a little lower then the Angels, scil. the nature of man, and that for the suffering of death, and so for the satisfying of the Law.
[Page 240] 3. That He might make Satisfaction to the Law, and bear the punishment of it in the s [...]me nature of man, Heb. 2. 16, 17. in which the Law was transgressed and broken; for verily, He took not on him the nature of Angels, but He took on him the seed of Abraham▪ wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his Brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful High-Priest, in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people, to make satisfaction for the transgressions of the people against the Law, and to reconcile them to God the Law-giver.
3. He took upon him the guilt of mens sins, putting himself into the state, and standing in the state of guilty sinners, as it were putting his Name into their Bond, and voluntarily taking their debts upon himself; all we, like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. If the whole Congregation sinned, Isa. 53. 6. they were to bring a young Bullock to be offered for their sin, Lev. 4. 15. and before it was killed, the Elders of the Congregation representing all the people under the Government, were to lay their hands on the head of the Bullock before the Lord: It seemeth b [...] this Ceremony, they did as it were put off the sins of all the people from the guilty sinners, upon the Sacrifice: So the Lord Christ, before he suffered for the sins of his people, first took upon himself the guilt of all their sins, for he hath made him [Page 241] to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him, 2 Cor. 5. 21. the guilt of mens sins was imputed unto him, and put upon his account, as his righteousness is imputed to Believers, and accounted theirs.
4. He subjected himself to the Curse of the Law, Gal. 3. 10, 13. due to men for their sins against the Law; for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the Book of the Law to do them: then it followeth, ver. 13. Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law, being made a Curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every on that hangeth on a tree. Thus he exposed himself to the flames of divine wrath, which would have been a consuming fire to a meer Creature: but as the wood of the Altar for burnt offering was overlaid with Brass that it might not be devoured by the fire: so his humane nature being united to the God-head, was so fortified to endure the burning heat of the wrath and Curse of God, that it was not consumed by it, but although the God-head was inseparably united to the manhood, and did not leave it for a moment, yet it did so withhold its divine influence from the Manhood for a time, that it suffered extream and unconceivable torments in body, but especially in soul, as appeareth in the holy story; for though God the Father loved him infinitely as his Son, and as one that was perfectly holy and righteous in his own person, yet he executed his justice upon him to the full, as he [Page 242] presented himself before him, burdened with the guilt of mans sins against the Law. It pleased the Lord to bruise him, Isa. 53. 10. he hath put him to grief. Rom. 8. 33. Saith the Apostle, He spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us. He spared not his own Son; He found him engaged to satisfie the Law for the sins of men, and therefore he executed the severity of the Law upon him, and spared him not, but delivered him up for us all, saith the Text. He did as it were deliver him up with his own hand for sinners, delivering him up by the hand of his love, towards sinners, to the hand of his justice, to be punished for their sins: so that I conceive it may be said that Christ had judgement without mercy, that through him mercy might glory over judgment toward repenting and believing sinners.
Fifthly, He actually suffered death; He did shed his most precious blood, Phil. 2. 8. He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, Isa. 53. 12. even the death of the Cross. Matth. 27. 50. He poured out his soul unto death. Joh. 19. 33, 34. Iesus when he had cried again with a loud voice, yeilded up the Ghost. When they came to Iesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his leggs, but one of the Souldiers with his Spear pierced his side, ver. 41, 42. and forthwith came thereout blood and water.
Lastly, That it might be manifest that the Prince of life was really dead for the satisfaction of the Law, He suffered his body to be caried to Prison, to be shut up in the grave, and held under the power of death untill the third day. Now in the place where he was crucified [Page 243] there was a garden, and in the Garden a new Sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid, there laid they Iesus. Thus ye see the Lord Jesus Christ satisfied the Law to the full, endured the rigour, and bare the penalty of it. Secondly, by satisfying the Law, and endruing the severity of it, he established the Law. I suppose it is not necessary to speak much of this particular, because the opening of the former giveth light unto it, breifly thus: 1. The Law required perfect obedience, as ye heard, the full performance of every branch and tittle of it. 2. In case of disobedience, transgression, defect, and failing in obedience, the Law denounced a grievous penalty, a Curse, Gen. 2. 17. death and destruction, as was noted also, yea the Law given to mankind in Adam, had the sentence of death annexed, In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. 3. Hence it followeth, that if neither the Law be fulfilled in a way of obedience, nor satisfied by the inflicting of the punishment, then it is made void, and declared to be of no force, to have lost its authority, its vigour, and to be frustrated of its end. 4. Thereupon we may infer by the rule of contraries, that the Lord Jesus Christ having in the nature of man born the full penalty, severity, and Curse of the Law, due to the sins of men against the Law, and by his God-head, to which his humane nature wherein he suffered is personally united, gave sufficient value and worth to his sufferings, to make full satisfaction to the Law, to the uttermost, that the Law in [Page 244] its greatest rigour could require: hence it clearly followeth, that Christ established the Law. This was a reall and full acknowledgement of the Authority of the Law; the wonderful abasement, the grievous sufferings of the Son of God, were signal evidences, infallible demonstrations of the force and authority of the Law; the Lord of glory appearing in the form of a Servant, to make way for satisfying the Law: he that is the brightness of the Fathers glory, enduring the shame of the Cross, did abundantly witness to the world the Authority of the Law. The Lord Jesus Christ spared not his most precious blood, but freely poured it forth to satisfie the Law, for the sins of his people, and thereby ratified and sealed the Authority of the Law.
How should this be improved to stir up poor souls without delay to turn to the Lord, Vse 1. and flee to Christ? For in as much as the Lord Jesus did both perform perfect obedience to the Law, and bear the full penalty and curse of the Law, and by both these establish the Law; it sheweth clearly that the Law standeth in full force against all that are out of Christ, they being guilty of sin against the Law, are subject to the Curse of the Law; for being not found in Christ, they have no part in his perfect righteousness and full satisfaction, and therefore are every moment in danger of the sentence of condemnation denounced by the the Law. It is true that Christ hath fully satisfied the Law: But what doth this help [Page 245] them that remain in their natural estate of impenitency and unbelief? That full satisfaction which Christ made to the Law, ratifieth the Authority of the Law, and proclaimeth to the world, that the Law spareth none that are under the Law, and so are all that are not in Christ, and so under grace; and therefore rest not one day in this condition; sin lieth at the door, he avenger of blood is at thy back, the voice of the Law is, pay that thou owest: It is a groundless plea to say, Christ hath paid all, if thou remainest out of Christ.
Secondly, Vse 2. If sin were so exceeding grievous and bitter unto Christ, Oh let it not be sweet and delightful unto thee! It sin imputed were such an unspeakable torment to the Lord Jesus Christ, What a shame is it for any that pretend to be members of Christ, to make it the matter of their contentment? Dost thou call thy self a Christian, and canst thou see the Son of God abased for sin, put to an open shame, buffetted, spit upon, crowned with thorns, and sweating drops of blood, exceedingly afflicted in soul, bleeding and dying upon the Cross for sin, and yet canst thou hold up thy head, take a pride in sin, glory in it, despise reproof, gain by it, thrive by it, rise by it, get preferment by it, sport and solace thy se [...]f with it, and still own the name of a Christian? What is this but to be an Enemy to the Cross of Christ, harbouring in thy bosom, that Enemy which fastned and nailed him to the Cross?
[Page 246] Thirdly, Vse 3. Here'is ground of sound comfort for them that are in Christ, He hath made full satisfaction to the Law, he hath paid the debts of his people, cancelled the bond of the Law, redeemed them from the Curse, the Law can exact no satisfaction from them, he hath fully cleared all accounts, There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesus, Rom. 8. 1. who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit: But of this somewhat may be spoken upon the next point.
The third particular followeth. Sect 3. viz. That the Lord Iesus Christ established the Law by communicating his perfect righteousness to Believers: where, as in the former points there are two Branches.
1. That the perfect righteousness of Christ is communicated to Believers. 1. Branch.
2. That hereby the Law is established. Concerning the former, ye heard before of the perfect Righteousness of Christ, who both was a Lamb without spot, knew no sin, and performed compleat obedience to the Law, and also did undergo the punishment and Curse of the Law due to the sins of men and women, and so made full satisfaction to the Law. Now that which is to be cleared is this, That this perfect Righteousness of Christ is communicated to Believers.
2. How it is received by Believers.
3. What are the effects and consequents of the righteousness of Christ thus communicated and received.
[Page 247] For the first, 1. The righteousness of Christ is communicated to Believers, not by infusion, but by imputation, 2 Cor. 5. 21. not so as to be inherent in them, but so as to be imputed to them; so as to be accounted theirs; for he hath made him to be sin for us that knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. As the sins of men were not infused into Christ, so as to be inherent in him, but imputed to him: so the Righteousness of Christ is not infused into Believers, so as to be inherent in them, but is imputed to them and accounted theirs. The satisfaction which Christ hath made to the Law is imputed to them, that is, reckoned to belong unto them, as if they had satisfied the Law in their own persons. Rom. 4. 22, 23, 24. So it is said of Abraham, it was imputed unto him for Righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him: but for us also to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him who raised up Iesus our Lord from the dead. As if a King should pardon a great Malefactour for his Fathers sake, who had done some eminent service to the State, his Fathers deservings might be said to be imputed to him, accounted his, as if they had been his own; and when a surety payeth anothers debt, the payment is imputed to the debtour, and accounted as done by him, and he is as fully discharged and esteemed out of debt, as if he had paid it with his own mony: so Believers have no Righteousness of their own to satisfie the justice of God, but the Righteousness of Christ [Page 248] is imputed to them, that is accounted theirs; as if they had been perf [...]ctly righteous by performing perfect obedience, and making full satisfaction in their own persons to the Law; and here ye may observe who it is that imputeth the Righteousness of Christ to Believers 2. Of what nature this act of imputation is.
1. It is God that imputeth the Righteousness of Christ to Believers, saith the Apostle. David describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth Righteousness without works; Rom. 4. 6. it is God who imputeth Righteousness unto justification, and it properly belongeth to him as the supream Judge; Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect? It is God that justifieth, Who is he that condemneth, it is Christ that died, yea, rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Rom. 8. 33, 34. Here the Apostle seemeth to set before us a representation of the highest Tribunal or Court of Judicature, intimating or supposing the persons indicted, the Accuser, the Judge, the Advocate; the Persons indicted or arraigned, the Elect of God, true believers: the Accuser, implied in those words Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect? the Judge, God; it is God that justifieth, the Advocate▪ Christ who, first died, and so made satisfaction for the sins of his people. 2. Rose again, and by this his deliverance, out of the grave the prison of Death, made it evident that their debts were fully discharged. 3. He is at [Page 249] the right hand of God, which is a sure argument that he is highly in the Judges favour. 4. He improveth his interest in the Judge, by making intercession for his people, presenting his merit and Righteousness to his Father, to be imputed to them, and accounted theirs, and therein pleading his satisfaction, made in their stead, for their pardon and justification. But the thing for which I bring this place at the present is, to shew that it is God who imputeth the righteousness of Christ to Believers, it is he that justifieth, God is the efficient cause, the Authour of the imputation of Christ his righteousness to his people, and so of their justification, It is one God which shall justifie the circumcision by faith, Rom. 3. 30. and the uncircumcision through faith, scil. all sincere Believers, whether Israelites or Gentiles. Now the works of God toward the Creatures, are the works of all the three persons of the God-head, Father, Son, and holy Ghost, and therefore Christ, as he is Mediator between God and man, presented his righteousness unto God, to be imputed to his people for their justification; as he is God, he imputeth his righteousness, merit and satisfaction to them, and justifieth them. 2. Consider of what nature this act of imputation is, whether it be an act of Justice or of Grace. I conceive this Act of God, imputing the Righteousness of Christ to his people, is an act of grace or free favour, & undeserved love; Being justified freely by his grace, through the Redemption that is in Christ Iesus, Rom. 3. 24. whom God hath set [Page 250] forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his blood. It is said Believers are justified freely: and then again, by his grace, the latter explaining the former; freely, that is, by his grace and free favour: for though the Righteousness and satisfaction of Christ is of infinite merit and worth; yet 1. God the Father by a pure Act of Grace, gave his Son to dye for sinners: so it is said here, whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood: 1 Joh. 4. 18. herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 2. Christ, as he was man, was freely chosen of God for this purpose; so God saith concerning him, Behold my servant whom I have chosen: The man Christ Jesus was freely chosen of God to become one person with the Son of God; Mat: 12. 18. the Son of Mary did not merit to be personally united to the Son of God, but was freely chosen of God, to be exalted to this incomprehensible dignity, glory and Majesty, far above all other creatures, Angels and men, and from this personal union to which he was freely chosen, proceedeth the greatness and all-sufficiency of his merit. 3. God in his Law hath denounced the penalty of death, the Curse, everlasting destruction, against every one that was guilty of sin against the Law, and he was not bound to accept of satisfaction at the hand of another in their stead, nor to hold them discharged of the guilt of their sins, upon the account of anothers sufferings for sin, and therefore it was an Act of meer [Page 251] grace in God, to accept of Christ his satisfaction in behalf of sinners, and to impute his righteousness to them, and to account it theirs for their justification. And so it was according to the Covenant and Agreement which God the Father freely made with Christ, according to which agreement, Believers are given to Christ: so he saith to his Father, I pray for them which thou hast given me, Joh. 17. 9. for they are thine: Behold I and the children which God hath given me, Heb. 2. 13. those lost sinners whom God gave to Christ, as Mediatour and Redeemer, to save them by his death and satisfaction: to them God the Father, by his grace, that is, freely imputeth the Righteousness of Christ, & accounteth it theirs, accepting them as righteous through him.
Secondly, Observe how the Righteousness of Christ is received by believers, that is, by faith unfeigned: the Righteousness of God without the Law is manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, Rom. 3. 21, 22: even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all, and upon all that beleive the Righteousness whereby Believers are justified, is the Righteousness of God; it is such a Righteousness as God hath revealed; as he hath appointed for this end; as he approveth and accepteth; such a Righteousness as he giveth to Believers, this Righteousness is received and applied by the faith of Jesus Christ: not by the faith which Christ hath, but by the faith which Believers have in Christ, not by the faith whereby Christ believeth, [Page 252] but by the faith whereby men believe in Christ. Believers being united to Christ by the spirit on the one side, and by faith on the other. God imputeth the Righteousness of Christ unto them, and they receive and apply it to themselves by faith: ver. 28. So in that conclusion of the Apostle, Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the works of the Law. In these and many other places, where faith is said to justifie, Divines understand it to be meant not meritoriously; for so Christ justifieth by his merit, procuring justification for sinners: not by way of efficiency, for so God justifieth, as the Author of justification, as the Judge, imputing Christ his righteousness to Believers, and so justifying them: not materially, for so the righteousness of Christ justifieth, as the matter of justification: not formally, for that is by way of imputation, but faith justifieth. 1. Objective, not by force of its own Act of believing, but by vertue of its Object, which it apprehendeth, scil. Christ his righteousness.
2. Instrumentally, Faith justifieth by applying the righteousness of Christ to the Believing soul, whereby it is justified.
3. Observe the effects, or Consequents of the righteousness of Christ thus imputed of God, and received by faith, they are delivered from the guilt of sin, Rom. 4. 7, 8. & 8. 1. Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. Christ his righteousness is accounted theirs, and so their own sins are no longer [Page 253] accounted theirs, and so they are free from condemnation. There is now therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. They are accepted as righteous in the sight of God, because the perfect righteousness of Christ is imputed to them, who perfectly obeyed the Law▪ and fully suffered the penalty of the Law, hereby also they have an interest in everlasting life and salvation, Rom. 8. 30. Whom he justifieth, them he also glorified. Again, a constant consequent of the righteousness of Christ communicated and imputed to Believers, for their justification is regeneration, conversion, sanctification; for the same faith which applieth the Righteousness of Christ to Believers for the forgiveness of sin, and for their justification, doth unite them to Christ, so that they partake of his spirit and sanctifying graces.
The second Branch of the point is, 2. Branch. That the Lord Iesus Christ by communicating his perfect Righteousness to Believers doth establish the Law. This clearly followeth upon those things which have been spoken, for in as much as the Lord Jesus Christ performed obedience to the Law, and suffered the full penalty of the Law, and then communicated his perfect Righteousness to Believers, making them one with himself, uniting himself to them by his spirit, and uniting them to himself by faith, that so himself and his perfect Righteousness might become theirs, and that hereby they might be justified and accepted [Page 254] as righteous in the sight of God. This was an effectual declaration, a real acknowledgment of the force and Authority of the Law: for hereby he witnessed that the Law was such an authentical and indispensable rule of righteousness, that none could be justified and accepted as righteous in the sight of God the supream Lawgiver and Judge, but by such a Righteousness as was fully answerable to the Rule of the Law, and therefore because in this corrupt state of Nature, wherein all mankind are, since the fall, no man could have performed perfect obedience to the Law in his own person, but all must have lain under the sentence of condemnation, and utterly perished. The Lord Christ having taken upon him the Name of Jesus, and the office of a Saviour and Redeemer, to save his people from their sins, yet would not save them in an illegal and irregular way, not by his royal prerogative without respect to the Law, but by fulfilling the Righteousness of the Law in his own person, and then communicating his perfect righteousness to them, investing them with it, cloathing them with this spotless and glorious robe of his Righteousness. On the other side, the contrary doctrine of justification by the works of the Law, teaching that men might be delivered from Condemnation, and approve themselves as righteous in the sight of God, by their own inherent holiness and works performed by them in obedience to the Law, did deny the force, the vigour and Authority of the Law, because the holiness [Page 255] and performances of the best of them did fall far short of the perfection of the Law. Now to say that men may be justified by the works of the Law, whose works did not answer the righteousness required in the Law, was to declare the Law to be void, to have lost its power, to condemn the transgressours, of the Law. But Christ having fulfilled the righteousness of the Law, and born the full punishment of it, and communicated his righteousness to Believers; hath dearly and abundantly ratified the Authority of the Law, and so as the Apostle saith, Rom. 10. 4. Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth. The Law attaineth its end in Christ, because He hath fully answered and satisfied the Law, and communicateth his perfect righteousness to his people, that they might be justified and saved without the least prejudice to the Authority of the Law.
The use of this may be, Vse 1. to stir up Believers exceedingly to admire and magnifie the Lord Iesus Christ, who being very God, the supream Law-giver, from whom the Law received all its force and Authority, was pleased by a voluntary Act of his love to become man and so to be made under the Law; to subject himself to the Authority and power of the Law, to perform perfect obedience to the Law, and to bear the Curse of it, and then as it were to make over, and communicate to poor guilty condemned sinners, this his perfect righteousness for their justification and salvation; and therefore the Apostle prayed thus for Believers that Christ [Page 256] may dwell in their hearts by faith, Eph. 3. 17, 18, 19. That ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all Saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. It is an height and depth which Creatures cannot reach, a breadth and length which they cannot measure, but those that have interest in Christ, Jer. 23. 6. and his perfect righteousness, should labour to view and surveigh it diligently, that they may see into it more and more, and advance and magnifie the Lord Jesus Christ, who is Iehovah their Righteousness.
Secondly, Vse 2. This may take down the natural pride of mens hearts, the best of Adams posterity except Christ alone, would have been accursed and condemned wretches, had they not been justified and saved by a borrowed Righteousness, by the Righteousness of another, even of Christ, communicated and imputed to them, and accounted theirs, Where is boasting then? it is excluded: Rom. 3. 27. By what Law? of works? nay, but by the Law of faith, that is, by the doctrine of the Gospel, which declareth that the only way for men to escape condemnation, and to appear righteous before God, is to become poor in spirit, and as wretched, guilty, lost creatures, to go out of themselves, and renounce all hope and confidence in themselves, and all their own abilities, duties, and performances, and to flee to Christ alone, that they may be justified by his righteousness, and accepted of God in him, to come as poor naked wretches, that have never a rag of [Page 257] their own to cover their shame, and to beg of Christ white rayment, the spotless covering of his righteousness: this doctrine excludeth boasting, and confoundeth pride, if there be any thing for which thy heart is apt to be lifted up, either to think highly of thy self, or to despise others, remember that if thou art an unbeliever, thou standest guilty, and condemned before the Lord, and so hast cause instead of exalting thy self to be exceedingly abased, and to be restless, until thou be delivered from condemnation, and hast obtained pardon and justification through the righteousness of Christ: If thou art a true believer, remember thou art justified by a righteousness which was never wrought by thee in any part, but wholly and only by the Lord Jesus Christ, and out of the riches of grace and mercy, communicated and imputed to thee, whereof thou wast as unworthy as any of them that lye under the sentence of condemnation; Hast thou not then a double cause of humiliation? 1. Because of thine own guiltiness and unworthiness in thy self. 2. Because so rich a favour was freely bestowed upon thee; for the greater the gift is which is bestowed upon unworthy persons, the more cause have they to be low in their own eyes, the bounty of the giver, and greatness of the gift, casteth shame upon the unworthiness of the receiver.
Thirdly, Vse 3. This may encourage the worst of men and women, the chief of sinners, to come to Christ, and to turn to the Lord. Here is a perfect [Page 258] Righteousness, a full Satisfaction, here is a Saviour and Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, who hath performed perfect obedience to the Law, and suffered the punishment of the Law due to the greatest sinners, for the greatest sins: and therefore as was noted before, he is called Iehovah our Righteousness; for though Believers are not justified by the essential Righteousness of Christ, as God; yet I conceive the infinite worth of the infinite Iehovah, God the Son, raiseth that righteousness which he hath wrought for sinners, to such an unspeakable value, as is sufficient for the sins of the whole world: How inexcusable then is their neglect, who rather lye in their sins, then seek to Christ? And on the other side, what a door of hope is opened to them who are discouraged through the greatness of their sins; What can hinder thee from receiving pardon and obtaining full forgiveness? Not the greatness of sin, for Christ hath done and suffered that which is abundantly sufficient to answer all, nothing can hinder thee but an impenitent and unbelieving heart.
Fourthly, Vse 4. Let Christians be stirred up exceedingly to labour after truth of faith, and strength of faith; for as the Righteousness of Christ is that for which Believers are accepted as righteous with God: so saith is that grace whereby it is applied to the soul, the Father of the distressed child cryed out and said with tears, Mark 9. 24. Lord I believe, help mine unbelief: and the Apostles said unto the Lord, Luk. 17. 5. Increase our [Page 259] Faith. Pray earnestly for faith, and for strength and increase of Faith, that ye may be established in the faith, and confirmed in the assurance of your interest in Christ, and his perfect righteousness: this is the Sheild which quenched the fiery darts of the Devil. What may Christians expect, that the Devil should rather aim at, than the destroying or weakning of their faith, to divide them from Christ, to dissolve the marriage bond between him and them, to strip them of their wedding garment, the robe of Christ's Righteousness? And what should Christians endeavour more than the strengthning of their faith?
Fifthly, Vse 5. Let all that are in Christ, justified by the Righteousness of Christ, labour to walk as becometh those that are partakers of so rich a blessing. This was one great end of Christ his coming into the world, and performing this glorious work of Redemption, that he would grant unto us, Luk. 1. 74, 75. That we being delivered out of the hand of our Enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life: and therefore the Apostle having spoken at large of this doctrine of justification by faith in Christ his Righteousness, Rom. 12. 1 [...]. exhorteth Believers thus, I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies as a Sacrifice, living, holy, acceptable unto God, &c. of him are ye in Christ Iesus, 1 Cor. 1. 30. who of God is made unto us, wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: those to whom Christ is made righteousness for their justification, to them [Page 260] he is made sanctification, conforming them to himself in holiness. Justification and Sanctification are, 1. Distinct. 2. Unseparable, neither to be confounded together, nor separated from each other: They are distinct, Sanctification is no cause nor part of justification. No man is justified for his holiness, but only for the righteousness of Christ. On the other side, sanctification and holiness is unseparably joyned with justification; whosoever is justified is also sanctified, when sin is forgiven, it is also mortified.
Do not flatter your selves with a perswasion of the pardon of your sins, and the justification of your persons, while ye want the beginning of sanctification. Saith the Apostle, Ye are washed, 1 Cor. 6. 11. ye are sanctified, ye are justified in the name of the Lord Iesus, and by the spirit of our God. All that are washed from the guilt of sin in the name of Christ, and by the virtue of his blood, being made partakers of righteousness unto justification, are also washed by his sanctifying spirit and grace, from the filth and pollution of sin, and made partakers of his holiness.
In the next place, we have the fourth particular, Sect. 4. Doct. That the Lord Iesus Christ established the Law, by making it a rule of obedience to his people. 1. Christ made the Law a rule of obedience to his people. 2. Hereby he established the Law▪
1. Concerning the former, Mat. 5. 17, 18. the Lord Christ saith, Think not that I am come to destroy the Law and the Prophets, I am not come to destroy, [Page 261] but to fulfill; for verily I say unto you, till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law till all be fulfilled, the Law is established as a perpetual rule to direct Christians in the ordering of themselves, all the powers of their souls, affections of their hearts, their thoughts, words, and actions; and therefore Christ himself in divers passages following, presseth, not only the outward but also the inward observation of the Law, a certain man asked Christ this question, Mat. 22. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39. 40. Which is the great Commandment in the Law? Iesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind: This is the first and great Commandment, and the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self: on these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets. I conceive the Lord Christ in this answer doth clearly confirm the Law, as a Rule of obedience by his Authority. 1. He doth as it were open the bowels of the Law, and discover the soul and spirit of it, shewing that it consisteth in two things, 1. Intire, and perfect love to God. 2. As subordinate hereunto, sincere love to our Neighbour. 1. Because all things commanded in the Law are, either love to God and man, or such things as love supposeth, as the knowledge of God, or such affections, thoughts, words, actions▪ as accompany or flow from love. 2. All sins of omission or commission towards God or man, are either want of love, or such as proceed from the [Page 262] want of love. Now in that Christ doth so highly extol these two Commandments which comprehend the substance of the Law, he established the Law as a rule of obedience for his people.
Secondly, In this speech, he had respect, not only to the ten Commandments delivered Exod. 20. but also to the doctrine of the Prophets throughout the old Testament, saying, On these two, &c. The Prophets opening and enlarging in particulars, what is generally comprized in the ten Commandments: and if we compare this with what we had before, where he saith, he came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets; we may gather, that he established the Law delivered by Moses, and expounded by the Prophets, as a Rule of obedience to his people. Again, how frequently doth the spirit of Christ in his Apostles establish the Law, as a rule of obedience for his people. What are those things which the Apostles by the Authority of Christ and his Name, require of Christians but things commanded in the Law? And what are those sins which they call upon Christians to shun, but sins forbidden in the Law? Let Love be without dissimulation: Rom. 12. 9. abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good, &c. What multitudes of instances might be given in this kind, 1 Tim. 1. 5. and therefore saith the Apostle, The end of the Commandments is Charity out of a pure heart, and of a good Conscience, and of faith unfeigned. These are things required in the Law. Tit. 2. 11, 12. The grace of God which bringeth salvation [Page 263] to all men, hath appeared, teaching us, that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world. The Gospel and word of grace which Christ hath revealed to the world, and confirmed by his death, teacheth those things which are the substance of the Law; and therefore Christ hath established the Law, for a Rule by which his people are to act and walk, As he which hath called you is holy, 1 Pet. 1. 15, 16 so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Lev. 11. 44. because it is written, be ye holy for I am holy. The spirit of Christ in the Apostle, alledgeth the very word of the Law as ratified by the Authority of Christ, as a rule of holiness to which his people must conform their hearts and lives. But it may be Objected, Obj. that divers passages of the new Testament make against this, such as these, 1 Tim. 1: 9. The Law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient. And the Apostle saith to them that are in Christ, Ye are not under the Law, Rom. 6. 14. but under grace. God sent forth his Son made of a woman, Gal. 4. 4, 5. made under the Law, to redeem them that are under the Law. Answ. Fo Answer to thes [...] things, consider, That the Law may be considered two wayes. 1. As a Covenant of works, severely requiring full and exact obedience and perfect righteousness upon pain of the Curse: and so Believers being in Christ, are not under the Law but under grace. The Lord hath reconciled them to himself in Christ, received them into a Covenant of grace, discharged them of the curse of the Law, and sentence of condemnation, [Page 264] justified and accepted them as righteous through the righteousness of Christ, given them access to his mercy seat, so that the Law is not made for a righteous man, as a covenant of works. Believers are not to be judged according to the rigour and severity of the Law, nor subject to the curse or condemnation of the Law, and therefore the Apostle saith, Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law, being made a Curse for us: but the lawless and disobedient natural persons, being out of Christ, and standing upon their own bottom, and so being to answer the justice of God upon their own account, are under the Law as a Covenant of works, and subject to the malediction, Curse and condemnation of the Law. Gal. 3. 13. Secondly, The Law may be considered as a Rule of life, as a direction to true Believers, guiding them in the wayes of God, teaching them how they ought to walk and to please God, how to walk answerably to his saving mercies, and spiritual blessings communicated to them in Christ: and in this regard the Law is established by Christ, for the use of his people; and so I conceive in this sense, the Law is so far from being a Covenant of works, that it becometh a part of the Covenant of grace, or a Rule subservient to the Gospel. 1 Thes. 4. 2, 3. So the Apostle telleth the believing Thessalonians, Ye know what Commandments we gave you by the Lord Iesus, the Commandments which he delivered to them were given by the Lord Jesus, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by vertue of his Authority and [Page 265] Commission received from him? Now what Commandments were these? Even the same that are delivered in the Law, in some of which the Apostle giveth instance: First in general, This is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should be sanctified, and so conformed to the Law of God in all things.
Then in special, That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour, not in the lusts of Concupiscence, &c. In a word, the Law is of use both unto them that are out of Christ, and to them that are in Christ: To the former it discovereth the contrariety of their Natures, hearts, and lives, to the mind and will of God, their utter disability to fulfill the Law, and thereupon makes known unto them their woful estate, that they lye open to the wrath and Curse of God, and the danger of everlasting condemnation: and so the Law may be of use: 1. To take down the natural pride that is in men and women, to cause them to see their own vileness and lost condition, to renounce all confidence in their own imaginary righteousness, to abase themselves to the dust before the Lord, Rom. 3. 20. For by the Law is the knowledge of sin. Secondly, The Law may be of use to such, to drive them out of themselves, to seek after the remedy, to cause them to flee to Christ, that they may be washed in his blood from all their sins, justified by his perfect righteousness, and so redeemed from the Curse of the Law, and delivered from the wrath to come. 2. To true Believers the Law may be useful.
1. To humble them, and make them poor in spirit, and low in their own eyes. And that, 1. In respect of their state by Nature. 2. In respect of their present condition, now that they are renewed by grace. In the former respect, they may see in the glass of the pure and holy Law of God, the woful deformities and blemishes of their souls, as they were of themselves, their numberless omissions and commissions, and being inlightned by the spirit of Christ, these things are the more manifest to them. Secondly, In respect of their present condition, as they are renewed by grace though they have the spirit of Christ conforming them in some degree to the Law, yet by comparing both the frame of their souls, and their thoughts, words, actings, conversations, with the pure and spiritual Law of God; they find themselves far short of the mark, and that they need daily renewed acts of grace and free pardon from the mercy seat.
Secondly, The Law is of use to direct them, to shew them what frame of spirit, what wayes are pleasing to the Lord, who is the Law-giver, and Author of the Law.
3. The Law is useful to Believers, to quicken them and stir them up more and more, to purge themselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, to cleanse their hearts from those corruptions which are contrary to the Law, and to labour after an increase and growth in all holy and sanctifying graces, and to strive after farther perfection, saith the Apostle, [Page 267] Brethren, Phil. 3. 13, 14▪ I count not my self to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus. It seemeth the Apostle, notwithstanding that great measure of the spirit of Christ, which he had received, and the great improvement made of his Talents, the eminent services done to the Church, yet looked upon the mark, as being far before him, a great way beyond him, that is, that he was far short of the perfection of holiness and righteousness which the Law required, and therefore he did reach forth and press forward with all his might. When the best Christians find how far they fall short of that height of perfection which the Law calleth for, scil. to love the Lord their God with all the heart, and all the mind, and all the soul, and all the might, &c. May not this be a powerful motive to quicken them, to use all holy endeavours for the perfecting of holiness in the fear of God?
Secondly, The Lord Christ, by making the Law a rule of life and holy obedience for his people hath established the Law. It is true he hath redeemed sincere Believers from the Curse of the Law, but that was done without the least prejudice to the force and authority of the Law, because himself did bear the Curse in his own person, and so he did both save his people from the Curse of the Law, and yet fully satisfie the Law, but [Page 268] herein did Christ put an high degree of honour upon the Law, that though he had made full satisfaction to the Law, in behalf of his people, yet he will have the Law to remain as a Directory and Rule of holiness and righteousness for those that are appointed hei [...]s of salvation. He hath made the Law a Rule for the ordering of his Royal family, of his spiritual Kingdom. The Lord Christ hath exalted the Law to a great height of dignity, in that himself being the Law-giver, and having united Believers to himself by his spirit, and ruling in their hearts by his grace, yet requireth them to attend to the Law as the Rule by which they should regulate and order their hearts and wayes.
The use of this may be, first to shew the errour of those who seem to deny the use of the Law for Believers in any kind, as if they were to bring them in Bondage under a Covenant of works. How usual is it with men to mistake the meaning of the holy Scripture, and in special to take those things as absolutely meant, which are to be understood only in some respect. So in this case, because the Scripture sheweth that Christians are not under the Law, therefore they seem to say, they have nothing to do with the Law, and that the Law hath not any thing to do with them: but though they are free from the Curse of the Law, yet the Law is still of great use to them, to guide them in such a course of holy obedience wherein they are to glorifie God, 2 Pet. 2. 18, 19, and to walk worthy of the Lord to all pleasing. [Page 269] The Apostle I conceive speaketh of such licentious libertines, and Antinomian teachers, who when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them that live in errour, while they promise them liberty, they themselves are yet servants of corruption; for of whom a man is overcome, of the same he is brought in bondage. Is it not common with many to complain of bondage under the Law, who on the other side remain in a miserable bondage under their lusts?
Secondly, 2. Vse. This may open the eyes of those self-deceivers, who pretend faith in Christ, as if their sins were pardoned through his satisfaction, and their persons justified by his righteousness without the works of the Law, and thereupon sin securely, not caring to order their hearts and waye [...] according to the Law, nor to make it the rule of their lives: The Apostle notably sheweth the folly of such, for having proved that Believers are freely pardoned and justified by the righteousness of Christ, without any consideration of their own works done in obedience to the Law, insomuch that he saith, Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: Rom. 5. 20. whereas sin abounded in men, Chap. 6. 1, 2. the grace and free love of God did much more abound, and gloriously manifest it self through Christ towards Believers, in pardoning their sins, and accepting them as righteous; thereupon he proposeth a question or Objection, What shall I say then? Shall we [Page 270] continue in sin that grace may abound? as if some licentious person turning the grace of God into laciviousness, should say, if our best works be of no force or weight at all towards our justification on the one side, and the grace of God on the other side, be gloriously illustrated by occasion of our sins, why should we fear to sin against the Law, or be careful to walk according to that Rule. The Apostle answereth by way of detestation, God forbid; or, let it not be: Let not so vile a thought enter into the heart of any Christian.
Secondly, By way of confutation, How shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? know we not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ, were Baptized into his death; therefore we are buried with him by Baptisme into his death, that like as Christ was raised up from the de [...]d by the glory of the Father; even so we also should walk in newness of life, as if he had said, they that are justified by the righteousness of Christ applied by faith, are by the same faith united unto Christ, and therefore dead to sin, as Christ died for sin; and raised to newness of life, as Christ rose from the dead; the spirit of Christ thus manifesting the vertue of Christ his death, and the power of his Resurrection in them, and so leading them in the way of holy obedience according to the rule of the Law. They therefore that fancy to themselves pardon of sin, justification, and salvation through faith in Christ, and give up [Page 271] themselves to walk according to their own lusts, and not according to the Law of God, do highly dishonour Christ, and delude their own souls; for the Apostle Peter speaking of him, And him hath God exalted with his right hand, to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. The Lord Jesus Christ is exalted to be both a Prince and a Saviour, to rule and to save as a Prince, to give repentance whereby men and women are subjected to his government, and to his holy Law; and as a Saviour to procure for them forgiveness of sin and justification. They then who would have their sins pardoned through Christ, but not their souls subjected to the will and Law of Christ, they would have but an half Christ; they would have Christ the Saviour, but not Christ the Prince; and this is the way to have no Christ at all, no portion nor interest in Christ. I beseech you therefore as you love your souls, take heed of this soul deceiving fancy; and as you desire Christ for your Saviour, so obey Him as your Prince, according to his holy Law, which He hath established as a Rule of life for his People.
Texts of Scripture Explained occasionally.
- 2 Thes. 2. 1, 2, 3. page 10.
- Rom. 7. 18. p. 16.
- Revel. 8. 13. p. 50.
- 1 King. 18. 40. p. 59.
- Mat. 13. 22, 30. p. 61.
- Acts 7. 37. p. 83.
- Joh. 4. 19, 20, 21. p. 83.
- Gen. 22. 18. p. 91.
- Lev. 1. 4. p. 105.
- 2 King. 3. 20. p. 108.
- Dan. 9. 21. p. 108.
- Heb. 10. 5, 6, 7. p. 115.
- 1 Cor. 9. 13, 14. p. 119.
- 1 Cor. 10. 18. p. 126.
- 2 Cor. 2. 4. p. 147.
- 1 Cor. 6. 18, 19. p. 148.
- Num. 23. 5. p. 158.
- Rom. 1. 19. p. 179.
- Rom. 5. 13, 14. p. 188.
- Amos 2. 4, 5. p. 191, 192, 193.
- Gal. 5. 4. p. 209.
- James 2. 24. p. 210.
- 1 John 3. 8. p. 227, &c.
- Luke 9. 30, 31. p. 233, 234.
- John. 1. 1, 2, 3. p. 234, 235.
- Mat. 22. 35, to 40. p. 261, 262.