WHereas, Thou bid me write unto thee, my proofs, for a Woman's speaking in the Church; and because Mens speaking there, relates thereto, I shall add somewhat of it also; therefore to satisfie thee (if I can,) I think best to do it by way of Query, (the fewer words) that I may give occasion to none to say I go about to teach thee, who art a Teacher to so many People.
TO the Queries above, I do not hear that he intends me an answer in writing; the best answer I desire is, That he make choice of Christ's
inward and spiritual Grace, for his only Teacher, then may he be enabled to prevail with many of his hearers to obey the same. This indeed would be a happy day which I have long hoped for.
The truth is, since he had the Queries above, he has in his Pulpit advised his Hearers,
To cleanse their Souls from sin: Alas! what doth that avail, together with his telling them of the Torments of Hell, except their minds are turned into the Centre of their Souls, there to Worship God, in his
inward and spiritual Grace, for nothing else can cleanse their Souls from Sin, and make them become Worshippers of God in Spirit and in Truth; silently waiting (out of their own thoughts:) A strange thing to this Preacher,
John 4. who has already derided waiting in silence upon God; for he can preach, pray and sing when he will, contrary to the Primitive Christians
One of this Preachers hearers (whom I sent the Queries to him by) told me, he did believe he was not yet satisfied, that a Woman should be permitted to speak in the Church, caused me to add the Queries that follows, (otherwise I think I had writ no more) yet hoping he may turn in his mind to
Christ's Grace in himself, so may he turn many to a righteous and holy Conversation; then will he shine as a bright Star in the Firmament of Truth; he having such a fair opportunity to win Souls to God, (having such a great number of Hearers.) Oh! happy is that man that turns one Soul to God that is) to obey Christ's
inward and spiritual Grace faithfully! Oh! that God in mercy would be pleased to shew him in what he trusts, but God's time is the best time for
him and the
Turks and
Jews to see their blindness: God's will be done.
Lastly, God knows my heart, I do not write the following in Enmity to any Person or Persons whatever, but only in what I can incline my Readers to chuse God's Grace in themselves to be their Armor to keep off the Snares of the Devil and develish Men.
And that none that reads these Lines, may any longer reject the Chief corner Stone, the said
Grace or
Light in them, that beams
[...] the Sun of righteousness in their Souls, whereby they may
[Page 5]plainly see all the crooked by-paths of the World, the Flesh and the Devil, that leads to everlasting misery after Death; and also may see by that Light from Christ in them, how to walk safely in the strait and narrow, but delightfull Path, that leads to God's Kingdom to have a Life of endless Joy with God for ever, so be it,
The second part of Queries: which, I hope, will fully satisfie this Independent Preacher, That a woman may speak in the Church, when moved by
God's Grace so to do.
15. Hast thou not read, that the ancient Jews was not for permitting Women and Children to ask Questions in the Church, and was not
Paul of the same mind?
16. Is not Male and Female all one in Christ, and whether any but Deceivers will limit God, that he shall not send a message by a Woman.
17. Did not God send a Woman among your persecuting Brethren in
New-England, with her face blackt, as a sign to them for their wicked lives, that the Black-Pox should come upon them, which accordingly came to pass?
See Geo. Keith's Visible Church in
18. Dost thou believe that
Paul ever forbid any Woman to speak or teach in the Church, that was moved thereto by the Spirit of Christ? And whether a woman was not a fellow labourer with
Paul in the work of the Gospel?
19. Whether
Paul ever forbid any other women to speak in the Church, except those talkative women in the Church of
Corinth, who troubled the Church with their unprofitable questions?
20. Hast thou not a strong zeal against a womans preaching found Doctrine? I wish thy zeal was as strong against thy women Hearers, who are now so stiff-necked as to carry the
Devils Towers on their heads, whilst thou art teaching them to leave pride: And the men that are so proud as to wear womens Hair that was bak't in Pyes to make it remain in Curles, and must be powder'd too. Is not this abomination? Look back to your ancestors called
Puritans, whose short Locks, little Bands, and plain modest Apparel became a Cross to the vain World? But you as well as all other religious Professions, have degenerated from their first Innocence; and how many of thy proud hearershast thou admonished
[Page 6]for their pride at their own houses, as is thy duty, if a true Preacher?
21. Was not that woman that
Jesus met at
Jacob's Well,
Joh. 4. a Preacher, who declared to the men of the City,
Come, see a man that hath told me all that ever I did, is not this the Christ? Can any man now preach better Doctrine? and was it not a woman that published Christ's Resurrection?
22. Did not
Luther affirm, That every good Christian, (not only Men, but even Women also) is a Preacher?
23. How darest thou preach against pride, when most of you seek as much as you can to promote pride; for do not you uncover your heads, bow and bend oftener to a fine long Tower or Topknot, than to God? Doth not such worshipping Images make the proud hearts more puff't up with pride, making those Idols deck themselves the finer next time (if they can) that they may be the more worshipped and bowed unto? You calling men frequently Sir, Sir, at every turn, to flatter them though mean in the world,) and the women Mistresses to flatter, when you have read
Joh. 5 44.
How can you believe, that receive honour one of another? and against
flattering Titles,
Job 32.21, 22. 1
Thess. 2.5. And to call
no man Master, that is not really your Master. But you can twist these Doctrines of Christ to serve self-interest, as you do that Doctrine of not
swearing at all, Matth. 5.34. James 5.12. and others, being out of the true Faith, that's without
respect of persons, James 2.1, 2.
24. Was
Franciscus Lambertus in the right or no, who writes,
‘But above all things be carefull thou follow not the manner of Hypocrites, who have written almost more by word, what they are to say, as if they were to repeat some Verses upon a Theatre, have learned all their Preachings, as they do that act Tragedies (or Plays) and afterwards when they are in the place of Prophesying, pray the Lord to direct their Tongues, but in the mean time shutting up the way of the holy Spirit, they determine to say nothing but what they have written. O unhappy kind of Prophets, yea, and truly cursed, which depend not upon God's Spirit, but upon their own Writings or Meditations? Why prayest thou to the Lord, thou false Prophet, to give thee his holy Spirit, by which thou mayest speak things profitable, and yet thou repellest the Spirit? Why preferrest thou thy Meditation or Study to the Spirit of God? otherwise, why committest
[Page 7]thou not thy self to the Spirit. Again, (saith he) The Sheep of Christ seeketh nothing but the Voice of Christ, which he knoweth by the Holy Spirit, wherewith he is fill'd, he regards not learning Tongues (or Languages
To make a Minister, for that avails not.) or any outward thing, so as therefore to believe this or that to be the Voice of Christ his true Shepherd, he knoweth that there is need of no other thing but the Testimony of God's Spirit,
&c. Tract. 5. Prophecy,
Chap. 3.24.’ And doth not Dr.
Everard, an Independent, write
the only method that holy Men of old observed, was to speak as they were moved by the Holy Spirit?
25. Whether or no, are not such Teachers gross Hypocrites, that at the end of their Worship say to their Hearers,
I commit you to God's Grace, when they intend no such thing; for if their Hearers chuse
God's Grace in themselves for their chief Guide and only Teacher, and by the help thereof come to forsake the Devil and all his Works, the Pride and Vanity of this wicked World, throwing by those hellish Towers from the Womens Heads? These vain Teachers will be the first that will mock them, and it may be tell them, you are going to be a Quaker, and that they think is the odiousest name they can give them; little considering what these Teachers forced poor Men and Women (calling them Godfathers and Godmothers) to Promise and Vow for Infants, that they shall forsake the Devil, and the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, which brings to a state of perfection, and yet these Teachers will deny that Perfection is attainable on this side the Grave, contrary to Scripture,
Matth. 5.48. and 11.29, 30.
Joh. 1.8.
Gen. 6.9. 1
Joh. 5.3. and and 2.4. and 36.
Rev. 22.14.
Eph. 4.11, 12, 13.
26. Is it not great Hypocrisy in thee, to bid thy Hearers when thou art in thy Pulpit,
To cleanse their Souls from Sin; and out of thy Pulpit say to me, We must sin every day as long as we live? And also to tell them in thy Pulpit for Doctrine,
The reason why so many die in sin eternally, is because they will; and at other times tell them, That a certain number of Souls are elected and the rest reprobated to Eternity before they have done Good or Evil, (is not this Mystery
Babylon in one of her sinest dresses?) Alas! none are reprobated before they have acted much Evil; nor are Infants that know not Love,
Rom. 4.15 and 5.13. as full of Sin, as a Toad is full of Poyson, as a Member of thy Church said in my hearing; The Election is in Christ the true Seed, and all that joyns
[Page 8]to him are entring into the Election, and continuing faithfull comes to be chosen.
The reprobate Seed is the Devil, who rules in the Hearts of wicked People that obey not Christ's Grace in them so, by a continual Resistance of the Reprooss of God's Grace comes to be in a reprobate State.
27. Has not many poor Souls been almost (or quite) distracted about, your Sin-pleading Notions, and the frothy Lives of too many of you, but most chiefly about a Notion you are said to hold,
That God bids men believe, and be saved, and not gives power to do so?
And have you not said to such poor bewildered Souls,
Your Distraction is in order to the work of God upon your Souls? fear not, if you die, you shall go to Heaven; for once in
Grace ever in Grace, contrary to these Scriptures,
Ezek. 18.26.
Joh. 15.6.
Rom. 11.20. 1
Cor. 9.27. 2
Pet. 1.10.
Heb. 3.12, 13. and 4. 11. and 6. 4, 5, 6. and 12.15. 2
Tim. 4.3. and 4.10. and 2.17, 18. 1
Tim. 1.18, 19. and 4.1. 1
Thess. 3 5. 2
Pet. And remember how by your judging young
[...]man, late of
Cardington, you brought into distraction. See somewhat thereof in p. 218. of the
4th Edition of the
Young-man's Companion.
28. Has not those of thy Church lost Christian Charity, that said (as I am informed) that if the Quakers should have one Meeting in your Meeting-house (I once desiring it one day when you might spare it,)
They should never after think to go into it again? Fie, fie, pray no more for the Conversion of the
Jews and
Turks, what would you have them to convert to? For what can they expect from you, that has so little Love for your Fellow-Christians that truly worship the same God, as you say you do, owning Christ Jesus, a Patron of Meekness and Lowliness, and that his Followers should be so.
But for brevity sake I shall now pass by several of your Actings; yet to a little mind you of your want of good example, in bringing Boys with you to the Meeting, and let them play at the Door in Sermon-time by making of Noises, throwing Hats at each other (with thy
He cannot be a true Teacher, that has no authority to rule his ouin Family well. Be
[...]rders) and into my Orchard adjoyming, and also throwing Stones into the middle of my Orchard to sp
[...] my Trees, that I verily believe the Boys have thrown Cart loads of Stones from your Meeting-yard into my Orchard within these 5 years last past, thy Hearers laughing or smiling to see them, and yet
[Page 9]you will order no man to keep good Orders in the time of your Worship, though the Magistrates have often told you of it; yea one of the Magistrates told me, that be said to some of you, It was a shame you kept
[...] Discipline and that it was more like a Play-house, than a place of Religious Worship; yet though I have been often wronged by these things, I bear no Enmity to any of them.
Now considering that some of those People that have seen the first part of the Queries in writing, begin to consider that there's no true satisfection to the Soul in h
[...]ing man's wisdom preach,
Act. 2.4. 1
Cor. 1 17, 20, 21. and 2, 3, 4, 5. 2
Cor. 2.17. tho they have been learning of Man 30 or 40 years, and neglect the Teaching of Christ's
[...] my heart to publicsh them in the fear of God and true Love to all; hoping they may be of some service to these who have not yet chosen Christ's
inward and spiritual Grace for their Teacher.
[...] I am very sensible,
[...] are a few
[...] Hearts amongst this People, whom my Soul dearly loves. I
[...] after Righteousness, that God might
[...] them therewith, and that Righteousness might fill the
[...]. Hearts of all Men and Women. These, I say, truly loves all People, yea their very Enemies.
These, and all such as these, where-ever they are walking at present, (and of different Forms of Worship at this time) are of the true Seed of
Sion, of whom glorious things are spoken of in the Holy Scripture, and which the Lord loves above all the Dwelings of
Judah, above all the Out-works of formal ways of all Professions, it's they that honour the God of Heaven, and maketh his Name to be loved in the Earth.
These truly noble self-denying Souls will not go to any place to preach before God has sent them; and if sent, will be of
Paul's mind, To work with their hands rather than to make the Gospel changeable. And in the mind of
Prosper, an ancient Protestant, who saith,
That he that takes any thing for Preaching, and is able to live of himself, loth it not without Sin. Oh that many more might be rais'd up, that delights in a holy Conversation to please God, that the Name of the Lord may be magnified in the Earth, is the Prayer of