The Faith of the Fathers.

OR, The Articles of the True RELIGION, All of them Exhi [...]ited In the Express Words of the Old Testament.

Partly, To Confirm those who do prof [...]ss that RELI­GION of God, and His MESSIAH.

But Chiefly, To Engage the JEWISH NATION, unto the RELIGION of their Patriarchs; And, Bring down the Hearts of the Fathers into the Children, and the Disobedient unto the Wisdom of the Just; and so, To make Ready a People prepared for the Lord.


Beginning at Moses, and all the Prophets, He Expounded unto them, in all the Scriptures, the Things con­cerning, THE CHRIST.

BOSTON in NEW-ENGLAND. Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen. 1699.

Isa. 40.3, 5. Prepare ye the way of the Lord; And the Glory of the Lord, shall be Revealed.
The Memorable Words of Rabbi Samuel Marochianus, in his Book, about, The Coming of the Messiah. THE Prophet Amos Expressly mentions, that Fourth Crime [Amos 2.6.] of, Selling the Iust one for Silver, for which we have been in our Captivity. It m [...]nifestly appears to me, that for that Sin of Selling the Just one, we are Justly punished. It is now a Thousand Years, and more; and in a [...]l this while, we have made no Good Hand of it among the Gentiles, nor is there any likelihood of our ever any more Coming to Good. O my God I am afraid, I am afraid, Lest the Iesus, whom the Christians Worship, were the Iust one Sold for Silver!

To the JEWISH Nation.

ONE thing that Satisfies Ʋs Christians, in the Truth of Christianity, is Your Obstinate Aversion to that Holy Religion. Our Blessed JESUS, the Author of our Faith, foretold your continuance under the Circumstances now come upon you, un­til the Times of the Gentiles in the Four Monarchies, just now Expiring, are Expired. And your own Inspired Prophets, who are now more Ours, than Yours, foretold your bei [...] paenally given up to the Deafness, Blindness; and Hardness now upon you. But, behold, a Proclamation here sent you from Heaven, invi­ting you, to persist no longer in your Damnable Rebellion against the CHRIST of God! [Page 4] Here is now put into your Hands, an Irresisti­ble and Irrefragable Demonstration, That tho' you say, You are Jews, you are not so. If in this Essay, the Common Translation of any Text, is at all varied from, 'tis done with as Good Authority as any that there is for the Common Translation; and most Commonly with the Authority of your own Jewish Writers. Be amazed, O ye Rebellious & Rejected People of our Great Lord Messiah; We Christians, have by the Wonderful Work of God, been brought unto the Faith of the Fathers; but you are fallen from that Faith, & under Strong Delusions, you are Pining away in your Ini­quities. Return, O backsliding Israel! All that we Christians desire of you, or for you, (and we all desire it!) is, That you would Return to the Faith of the Old Testament. Be it known to you, That if you do not now Sub­mit unto our Blessed JESUS, all the Glori­ous Oracles of the Old Testament, will come in, as Witnesses against you. In the Name of the Great God, I demand it of you, That you Seriously Consider the Things here laid before you; And be now at last Astonish'd, that you have all this while no more Consider'd 'em.

The Faith of the Fathers OR, The Whole RELIGION, of our Blessed Lord MESSIAH; Taught, In the Express Words of the Old Testament.

Quest. IS there any more than One God, the First Cause, & the Last End, of all things?

A. No. It is written, Jer. 10.10, 11. The Lord, [JEHOVAH,] He is the True God, He is the Liv­ing God; The Gods that have not made the Heavens and the Earth, even they shall perish from off the Earth, and from under these Heavens.

Q. Is the One God, Infinite in all Perfections?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 147.5. Great is our Lord, and of Great Power, His understanding is Infi­nite. And again; Psal. 145.8, 17. The Lord is Gracious, and full of Compassion; slow to Anger, and of Great Mercy; The Lord is Righteous in all His ways, and Holy in all His works.

Q. Are there not Three Persons in the One God; Namely, The LORD, the WORD of the Lord, and the SPIRIT of the Lord?

A. Yes, It is written, Psal. 33.5, 6. The Earth is full of the Goodness of the Lord; By the Word of the [Page 6] Lord were the Heavens made; And all the Host of them by the Spirit of His Mouth.

Q. Can there be One God in Three Persons?

A. Yes. It is written, Deut. 6.4. Hear O Israel; The Lord, our God, the Lord, is One.

Q. Hath not God, a Son? Or, Is not that Word of God, which is the Second Person in God, the Son of God?

A. Yes. It is Written, Prov. 30.4. Who hath Established all the Ends of the Earth? What is His Name, and what is His Sons Name? And again, Dan. 3.25. The Form is like the Son of God.

Q Doth not the Son of God, become a Man; or, assume a Man, to Subsist in One Person w [...]th Himself?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 80.17. Let thy Hand be upon the Man of thy Right Hand, upon the Son of Man, whom thou madest strong for thy self. And again, Exod. 15 3. Jehovah becomes a MAN of War.

Q. Doth not God Intend a Number of Elect Men, to be the special Delight and People, of His Messiah thus becoming a Man?

A. Yes It is written, Prov. 8.22, 23, 30, 31. Doth not Wisdom Cry? The Lord possessed me, in the Beginning of His way, before His works of old: I was set up from Everlasting; Then I was by Him, and I was daily His Delight, Rejoycing always before Him; Rejoycing in the Habitable part of His Earth, and my Delights were with the Sons of men.

Q. Is there not an Eternal Covenant between God the Father, and his Messiah, concerning His Elect?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 89.3, 4. I have made a Covenant with my Chosen, I have Sworn to the Beloved, my Servant; Thy Seed will I Establish for ever.

Q. Ha's the Decree of God, from Eternity pur­posed, all that in Time comes to pass?

A. Yes It is written, Isa. 46.9, 10. I am God, and there is none Else; my Counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.

Q. Was not God the Creator of the World, and of Man in the World?

A. Yes. It is written, Gen. 1.1, 27. In the Be­ginning, God Created the Heaven and the Earth; And, God Created man in His own Image.

Q. Doth not the Providence of God, Extend unto all the parts of His Creation, and all their Motions?

A. Yes. It is written, Dan. 4.35. He doth ac­cording to His Will, in the Army of Heaven, and among the Inhabitants of the Earth; and none can stay His Hand, or say unto Him, What doest thou?

Q. Did man Fall from God, at the Instiga­tion of Satan, soon after His Maker placed him in Paradise?

A. Yes. It is written, Gen 32.3, 4, 5, 6. The Woman said unto the Serpent, we may Eat of the Fruit of the Trees of the Garden; But of the Fruit of [Page 8] the Tree, which is in the midst of the Garden, God hath said, ye shall not Eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye Dy. And the Serpent said, ye shall not surely Dy; ye shall be as Gods, knowing Good & Evil. And when the Woman saw, that the Tree was Good for Food, and that it was pleasant unto the Eyes, and a Tree to be desired, to make one wise, she took of the Fruit thereof, and did Eat, and gave also unto her Husband, and he did Eat.

Q. Is the First Sin of the First Man, whom God made our Common Head, now justly Imputed unto all the Children of men?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 43 27, 28. Thy First Father hath Sinned; Therefore I have given Jacob to the Curse.

Q. Is every man, that is by ordinary Genera­tion Descended from Sinful Adam, Depraved with Original Sin?

A. Yes. It is written, Gen. 8.21. The Imagi­nation of mans Heart, is Evil from his Youth.

Q. Can any man, Depraved with Sin, Perfect­ly keep the Commandments of God, or make him­self Righteous?

A. No. It is written, Eccl. 7.20 There is not a Righteous man upon Earth, that doth Good, and Sinneth not.

Q. If a man be not Righteous, but Wicked, is not the Everlasting Wrath of God in Hell, the portion of that man?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 9.17. The wicked shall be turned into Hell.

Q. Did God Promise, that His Messiah, should be Born of a Woman, and suffer Bruises, to deli­ver His people, from the mischiefs done by Satan unto them, in their Fall?

A. Yes. It is written Gen 3.15. The Lord God said unto the Serpent, I wi [...]l put Enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy Seed and her Seed; It shall Bruise thy Head, and Thou shalt Bruise his Heel.

Q. Must the Messiah, that Suffers for us, be God, as well as Man, that so there may be infi­nite Merits in His Obedience, and that so He may be able to convey all the Blessings purchased by His Obedience?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 45.6, 7. Thy Throne, O God, is for ever and ever; Thy God hath Anointed thee with the Oyl of Gladness above thy Fellows. And again, Isa. 9.6. His Name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellour, God, The Mighty, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. And again, Zech. 13.7. Awake O Sword, against my Shepherd, and against the Man that is my Equal, saith the Lord of Hosts. And again, Mal 2 15. Did not He make One? Yet had He the Residue of the Spirit; And wherefore One? That He might seek the Seed, who is God. And again, Psal 2.12. Kiss the Son; Blessed are all they that put their Trust in Him With Jer 17.5. Cursed is the man that Trusteth in Man

Q. Were the Sufferings of the Messiah, by [Page 10] Humbling Stripes from the Rod of God, necessa­ry to Redeem His People, from the Wrath of God, which they Incur by Falling into Sin?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 89.26, 27, 30, 31, 32. He shall [...]y unto me, Thou art my Father: Al­so I will make Him my First born, Higher than the Kings of the Earth. His Seed also will I render Eternal. But if His Children Forsake my Law, and walk not in my Judgments; if they break my Statutes, and keep not my Commandments; Then will I visit their Transgression with the Rod, and their Iniquity with stripes.

Q. The Time for the Messiah's Appearance, or, the Birth of the Promised Seed; must it be, while the Jewish Nation should yet Enjoy Governours, and Law-givers, of their own, and a Civil Polity among themselves?

A. Yes. It is written, Gen. 49.10. The Scep­ter shall not depart from Judah, nor a Law-giver from between his Feet, until Shiloh come.

Q. Was the Messiah to be Born, while the Second Temple was yet Standing?

A. Yes. It is written, Hag. 2.7, 9. I will shake all Nations, and the Desire of all Nations shall come, and I will fill This House, with Glory, saith the Lord of Hosts. The Glory of this Latter House shall be greater than of the Former, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Q. Was the Messiah to be Born, Shortly after the Last Book of the Old Testament was written?

A. Yes. It is written, Mal. 3.1. The Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His Temple.

Q. Was the Messiah to be Born, within Four Hundred and Ninety Years, after the going forth of the Pers [...]an Proclamations, to Rebuild Jerusalem.

A. Yes. It is written, Dan. 9.25. From the going forth of the Commandment, to Restore and to build Jerusalem, unto the Messiah the Prince, shall be Seven Weeks, and Threescore and Two Weeks; and after the Threescore and Two Weeks, shall Messiah be cut off.

Q. Must there be Two Comings of the Messiah?

A. Yes. It is written, Zech. 9 9. Behold thy King cometh unto thee, Lowly, and Riding upon an Ass. And again; Dan. 7.13. Behold, one like the Son of Man, came with the Clouds of Heaven. And thus, it is written, Psal. 96.13. Rejoyce before the Lord; for He cometh; for (a Second time) He cometh to Judge the Earth.

Q. Was the Conception of the Messiah, to be in one of the Cities belonging to the Ten Tribes: (namely, Nazareth!)

A. Yes. It is written, Jer. 31.21, 22. Turn again, O Virgin of Israel, Turn again to these thy Cities; For the Lord hath Created a New Thing in the Earth; A Woman (Alone) shall Conceive a Man.

Q. Was the Nativity of the Messiah, to be [Page 12] in Bethlehem, one of the Cities belonging to the Two Tribes?

A. Yes. It is written, Micah 5.2. Thou Beth­lehem Ephratah, It is a Small Thing to be among the Thousands of Judah; but of thee shall he come forth unto me, that is to be the Ruler in Israel.

Q. Was the Messiah to be Born of a Virgin?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 7.14. The Lord Himself shall give you a Sign: Behold, A Virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His Name Immanuel.

Q. Was the Messiah, to Work many and mighty Miracles, at His Appearing?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 35.4, 5, 6. God, the Recompence, He will come, and Save you. Then the Eyes of the Blind shall be opened, and the Ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped; Then shall the Lame leap as an Hart, and the Tongue of the Dumb shall Sing.

Q. Was the Messiah to be a Publick Preacher of the Gospel, Three years and an Half, and then to Dy for His Gospel?

A. Yes. It is written, Dan. 9.26, 27. The Messiah shall be cut off; He shall confirm the Cove­nant with many for one Week, and in the midst of the Week, He shall cause the Sacrifice, and the Obla­tion to cease.

Q. When the Messiah comes to work out our Salvation, at Jerusalem; Is He to Ride into Je­rusalem upon, a Colt, the Fole of an Ass?

A. Yes. It is written, Zech. 9.9. Behold, thy [Page 13] King cometh unto thee; He is Just, and having Salvation; Lowly, and Riding upon an Ass, upon a Colt, the Fole of an Ass.

Q. When the Messiah first Appears to the Jewish Nation, is He to be Despised and Re­jected of that Nation?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 53.2, 3. When we shall see Him, there is no Beauty, that we should de­sire Him; He is Despised and Rejected of men, a Man of Sorrows, and Acquainted with Grief; And we hid as it were our Faces from Him; He was Despised, and we Esteemed Him not.

Q. Was the Messiah to be Betray'd into the Hands of His Murderers, by one of His own Disciples.

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 41.9. Mine own Familiar Friend, which did Eat of my Bread, hath lift up His Heel against me.

Q. Was the Messiah to be Sold, for Thirty Pieces of Silver, and a Potters Field afterwards bought for those Thirty Pieces?

A. Yes. It is written, Zech. 11.12, 13. They weighed for my Price Thirty Pieces of Silver. And the Lord said unto me, Cast it unto the Potter; A Goodly price, that I was prized at of them!

Q. Was the Messiah notwithstanding His Do­ing all things well, to be Tryed and Iudged, as an Evil doer?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 53.8. He was taken from Prison, and from Judgment; He was cut off out of the Land of the Living.

Q. Was the Messiah to be wonderfully Silent and Patient, under the False Accusations, with which His Accusers Load Him?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 53.7. He was Op­pressed, and He was Afflicted; yet He opened not His Mouth; He is brought, as a Lamb to the Slaugh­ter, and as a Sheep before her Shearers is Dumb, so He opened not His Mouth.

Q. Was the Messiah to be further Afflicted, with Vinegar and Gall given Him to Drink, in the midst of His Afflictions?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 69.21. They gave me Gall, for my meat, and in my Thirst, they gave me Vinegar to Drink.

Q. Was the Messiah to be Stipt and Robb'd of His Garments, by those that would Cast Lotts upon them?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 22.18. They part my Garments among them, and cast Lots upon my Vesture.

Q. Was the Messiah to be Buffeted, and Scourged, and Spit upon?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 50.6. I gave my Back to the Smiters, and my Cheeks to them that pulled off the Hair; I hid not my Face from Shame and Spitting.

Q. Were the Sensible Manifestations of the Di­vine Love be for a while, Sadly with drawn from the Messiah: and being thus Deserted, was He under an Eclipse, to Lament His Desertion?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 22.1. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Q. Was the Messiah, to be Crucified, or, to undergo a Death, wherein His Hands and His Feet, should be Nailed unto a Cross?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 22.16. They pierced my Hands and my Feet.

Q. Was the most Innocent Messiah, to be joyned in His Death, with the worst of Male­factors?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 53.12. He hath poured out His Soul unto Death, and He was Num­bred with the Transgressors.

Q. Tho' the Messiah was condemned unto a Death, wherein the Bones of tho miserable use to be Broken, yet was not a Bone of Him to be Broken?

A. No. It is written, Psal. 34.19, 20. Many are the Afflictions of the Just one, but the Lord de­livereth Him out of them all: He keeps all His Bones, not one of them is Broken.

Q. Was the Dead Body of the Messiah, to be Embalmed, with Myrrhe, and Aloes, and Spices?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 45.8. All thy Gar­ments Smell of Myrrhe, and Aloes.

Q. Was the Dead Body of the Messiah, to be Buried, in the Tomb of a Rich man?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 53.9. Tho' they ap­pointed His Grave with the Wicked, yet it was with the Rich, in His Death.

Q. Was the Messiah on the Third Day after His Death, to have a Resurrection from the Dead?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal 16.10. Thou wilt not Suffer thy Holy one to see Corruption. And again, Hos. 6.2. After Two Days will He Revive us, in the Third Day He will Raise as up, and we shall Live in His Sight.

Q. Was the Messiah, after His Resurrection, to Ascend into the Heavens?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 68.18. Thou hast Ascended on High, then hast led Captivity Captive, thou hast Received Gifts for men.

Q. Is the Ascended Messiah, to Sit at the Right Hand of God?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 110.1. The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my Right Hand, un­til I make thine Enemies thy Foot stool.

Q. Must the Messiah be a Priest? And this in an higher order of Priest hood, than the Aaro­nical?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 110.4. The Lord hath Sworn, and will not Repent; Thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek

Q Was the Messiah to offer a Sacrifice, yea, to offer Himself a Sacrifice, to God, for our Tres­passes?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 53.10. Thou shalt make His Soul a Trespass-Offering.

Q. Was the Messiah, (as a Priest Entring into the Holy of Holies,) to make Intercession for those, for whom He had been a Sacrifice?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 53.12. He bare the Sin of many & made Intercession for the Transgressors.

Q Must the Messiah have an Heart and Life, Exactly conformed unto the Law of God in all things?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 40.6, 7, 8. Sacrifice and Offering thou didst not desire, Burnt-Offering and Sin-offering thou hast not Required. Then said I, Lo, I come, I delight to do thy will, O my God yea thy Law is within my Heart. And again, Isa. 53.9. He did [...] Violence, neither was any Deceit in His mouth.

Q. Must the Messiah, Endure the Essentials of the Punishment, that is due to us, by the Law of God, for our Sins?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 53.5, 6. He was wounded for our Transgressions, He was Bruised for our Iniquities, the Chastisement of our Peace was upon Him, and with His Stripes we are Healed. All we like Sheep have gone astray, we have Turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the Iniquity of us all.

Q. Is the Active and Passive Obedience, which the Messiah, becoming our Surety, yielded un­to God for us, the only Righteousness, that Sin­ners may plead with God, for their Justification?

A. Yes. It is written, Dan. 9.24. He is to make Reconciliation for Iniquity, and bring in Everlasting [Page 18] Righteousness. And again, Jer. 23.6. This is His Name, whereby He shall be called, The Lord our Righteousness. And again, Psal. 71.16. I will make mention of Thy Righteousness, even of thine only.

Q Is it Only by Faith in the Righteousness of the Messiah, that Sinners come to Enjoy His Righteousness, for their Justification?

A. Yes It is written, Isa. 53.11. By the know­ledge of Him shall my Righteous Servant Justify ma­ny, for He shall bear their Iniquities. And again, Gen. 15 6. He Believed in the Lord, and He counted it to Him for Righteousness.

Q. Doth the Moral Law, contained in the Ten Commandments, continue the Rule of Life, to the Children of men? And, will all that the Messiah hath Justifyed, Ende [...]vour all possible Obedience to that Rule, & with Repentance mourn over all the Defects in their Obedience?

A. Yes. It is written, Micah 6 8. He hath shewed thee, O man, what is Good; And what doth the Lord Require of thee, but to Do Justly, and to Love Mercy, and to walk Humbly with thy God?

Q. Is the Messiah the Great Prophet of His Church?

A. Yes. It is written, Deut. 18.18, 19. I will Raise them up a Prophet from among their Brethren, and will put my words into His mouth, and He shall speak unto them, all that I shall command Him. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not Hearken unto my words, which He shall Speak in my Name, I will Require it of him.

Q. Is the Messiah the Great King of His Church?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 2.6. I have Set my King upon my Holy Hill of Zion.

Q Must the Israelitish Nation for their con­tempt of the Messiah, be made a Contemptible, and a Miserable Nation?

A. Yes It is written, Psal. 69.23, 24, 25, 27. Let their Eyes be Darkned that they see not, and make their Loins continually to shake; Pour out thine Indig­nation upon them, and let thy wrathful Anger take Hold of them. Let their Habitation be Desolate, and let none dwell in their Tents. Add Iniquity to their Iniquity, and let them not come into thy Righteousness.

Q. Quickly after the Killing of the Messiah, must the Roman Armies, (with Eagles in their Ensigns) bring an horrible Destruction upon the City and the Temple, of the Jews that Kill Him?

A. Yes. It is Written, Dan. 9 26, 27. Messiah shall be cutt off, but not for Himself: and the People of the Prince that shall come, shall Destroy the City, and the Sanctuary. Abominable Wings, shall cause the Desolation.

Q. Were the Destroyers of the Jews, to make one of their Solemn Feasts, the Season, Occa­sion, and Advantage of their Destruction?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 69.22. Let their Table become a Snare before them, and that which should have been for their Welfare, let it become a Trap.

Q. Were the Destroyers of the Jews, to be partly [Page 20] Three Factions among themselves, horribly preying on one another, and partly the Caesar, whom they would call their King?

A. Yes. It is written, Zech. 11.6 8. Lo, I will deliver the men, every one into his Neighbours Hand, and into the Hand of his King, and they shall Smite the Land; Three Shepheards also I cutt off in one Month: and my Soul loathed them, and their Soul also abhorred me.

Q. Must the utter Loss of their Genealogies, be one Special & Signal Article, in the Destruction, that comes on the Unbelieving Jews?

A. Yes. It is written, Psal. 69.28. Let them be Blotted out of the Book of the Living.

Q. Must the Destruction, and the Dissipation of the Jewish Nation, continue a Long while upon it?

A. Yes. It is written, Hos. 3.4. The Children of Israel shall abide many Days, without a King, & with­out a Prince, and without a Sacrifice. And again, Lev. 26.18, 21, 24, 28. I will punish you Seven Times more for your Sins. Again, I will bring Seven Times more Plagues upon you, according to your Sins. Again, I will punish you yet Seven Times for your Sins. Again, I, even I, will chastise you Seven Times for your Sins.

Q. When the Jews are by God, given up, to Blindness of Mind, and Hardness of Heart, must the Gentiles be brought in, to the Knowledge of God, and His Messiah?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa 65.1, 2. I am sought of them, that asked not for me, I am found of them that sought me not; I said, Behold me, Behold me, unto [Page 21] a Nation that was not called by my Name. I have spread out my Hands all the Day unto a Rebellious People. And again Isa. 52.15. He shall sprinkle many Nations. And again, Isa 49.6. I will give thee for a Light to the Gentiles, that thou mayst be my Salvation unto the End of the Earth.

Q. Do's the Messiah at His Coming, make the Temple Service to Cease, and Abrogating the Law of the Mosaick Rites, introduce another Law prescribing the Rites of Evangelical Worship?

A. Yes. It is written, Dan. 9.27. He shall cause the Sacrifice, and the Oblation to cease. And, Isa 42.1, 4. Behold, my Servant, whom I uphold, mine Elect, in whom my Soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon Him, He shall bring forth Judgment unto the Gentiles. And the Isles shall wait for His Law.

Q. Is there any Intimation, That a Sacred pouring of Water, and a Sacred using of Bread & of Wine, are to be the Rites which the Messiah would make the Sacraments of His Covenant?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa 44 3. I will pour water upon him that is Thirsty, I will pour my Spirit upon thy Seed, and my Blessing upon thy Offspring. It is also written, Gen. 14 18. Melchisedek, the King of Salem, brought forth Bread, and Wine; and he was the Priest of the most High God.

Q. When the Gentiles, are by the Faith of the Messiah, made the People of God, must there then cease, the Difference of Meats, which once made a Distinction between the Jews & the Gentiles, & are all Meats to become Lawful unto all men?

A. Yes. It Is written, Gen. 9.3. Every moving Thing, that Liveth, shall be meat for you; even as the green Herb, have I given you all things.

Q. Must the Fourth Monarchy, under which the Church of the Messiah is to be gathered and afflicted among the Gentiles, be at length divided into Ten Kingdoms?

A. Yes. It is written, Dan. 2.41. Whereas thou sawest the Feet & the Toes, part of potters clay, and part of Iron, the Kingdom shall be divided. And again, Dan. 7.7, 24. Behold, a Fourth Beast, and it had Ten Horns. And the Ten Horns out of this Kingdom, are Ten Kings, that shall aris [...].

Q. Must there arise among the Gentiles, & even in that Wicked Kingdom of the Romans, a Little Bishop, who shall with a Sharp fighted Craft, not only Extend his Temporal Jurissdiction, over Three of the Ten Kingdoms, & his more Spiritual Juris­diction over near a Third Part of the old Roman Empire; but also, blasphemously Assume to himself the Power of a God, & cruelly persecute the People of God, for twelve hundred & sixty years together?

A. Yes. It is written, Dan. 78, 25. I considered the Horns, & behold there came up among them another lit­tle Horn, before whom, there were Three of the First Horns pluckt up by the Roots, & behold, in this Horn, were Eyes, like the Eyes of a man, & a Mouth Speak­ing great Things. He shall Subdue Three Kings, and he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the Saints of the most High, and think [Page 23] to change Times, & Laws, and they shall be given into his Hand, until a Time, and Times, and Half a Time.

Q. Must the Nation of Israel, in the Latter Days, be brought in, to the Belief of the Messiah, against whom they shall with Incureable Infidelity, Rebel, until those Dayes?

A. Yes. It is written, Hos. 3.5. Afterward shall the Children of Israel Return, & Seek the Lord their God, & David their King; and shall fear the Lord, and His Good One, in the Latter Dayes. And again, Isa. 60 2, 3, 20, 21, 22. The Lord shall arise upon thee, & His Glory shall be seen upon thee; And the Gentiles shall come to thy light; The Lord shall be thine Ever­lasting Light, and the Days of thy mourning shall be Ended: Thy people also shall be all Righteous; They shall Inherit the Land for ever. I the Lord will hasten is in His Time.

Q. After the Four Monarchies Exhibited in the Visions of Daniel are Ended, and particularly the Papal Empire, which is the Fourth, in the Last Form of it, comes to its End, shall the Nation of Israel, be Advanced into a great Condition of Power and Glory?

A. Yes. It is written, Dan. 7.23, 26. The Fourth Beast, shall be the Fourth Kingdom upon Earth; but the Judgment shall Sit, and they shall take away his Dominion, to Consume, & to Destroy it unto the End. And the Kingdom, & Dominion, & the Greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the People of the Saints of the most High. And again, [Page 24] Mic 4 8 Even the First Dominion, the Kingdom shall come to the Daughter of Je [...]usalem.

Q. Will our Lord Messiah, then make His De­scent from Heaven, in Heavenly Glory, and come to the Eternal Iudgment of the World?

A. Yes. It is written, Dan 7 9, 10. I beheld, until the Thrones were pitched down, and the Ancient of Dayes did Sit, whose Garment was white at Snow, and the Hair of His Head like the pure Wool; His Throne was like the Fiery Flame, and His Wheels as Burning Fire. A Fiery Stream issued, and came forth from before Him; Thousands of Thousands Ministred unto Him, and Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand stood before Him; the Judgment was Set, and the Books were opened.

Q Shall there be a Resurrection of the Dead, at the Descent of our Lord Messiah?

A. Yes. It is written, Isa. 26.19. Thy Dead shall Live, as my Dead Body shal they arise; Awake and Sing ye who dwell in the Dust; for thy Dew, is as the Dew of Herbs, and the Earth shall cast out the Dead.

Q. After the Resurrection of the Dead, shall the Raised Saints, Eternally Live & Shine with the Lord Messiah, while Others are Damned unto Eternal Confusion?

A. Yes. It is written, Dan. 12.1, 2, 3. There shall be a Time of Trouble, such as never was, since there was a Nation, even to that same Time. And many from being Sleepers in the Dust of the Earth, shall Awake; some to Everlasting Life, and some to Shame and Everlasting Con­tempt. And they that be wise, shall Shine as the Brightness of the Firmament, and they that Turn many to Righteous­ness, as the Stars for ever and ever.


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