Of the two Qualities in one.
TVvo Qualities, a good one, and an evil one, are in one another, as one thing in this World, in all powers in the Stars and the Elements, as also in all the Creatures; and no Creature in the [...]esh in the natural Life can subsist, unless it hath the two Qualities The understanding of the thing here called Quality, is the Foundation of the whole Revelation of Jacob Behme's, and al [...] Mystries of which his Writings are only a description; for all along the seven Qualities are called sometimes 7 Sources, 7 Sp [...]cies, Powers, Operations or Faculties of a thing; also the qualifying or fountain Spirits, which give Model, Image or Frame, the Power, Virtue, Figure, Constitution, Substance, Essence and distinct Beeing of all things that ever were or can be, infrom, and to all Eternity in God, and all Creatures in Heaven, Hell, or in this World. Also the Forms or Properties of Nature, which is the solliter or power of God. And so they are the seven Spirits of God, as in the Revelations of John [...]. 1.
2. For from the two fold Source every thing hath its great mobility running, springing, driving and growing; for meekness in Nature is a still Rest, but the fierceness in every Power maketh all things moveable, running and generative; for the driving Qualities cause a Lust in all Creatures to evil and good.
3. In every Creature in this World is a good and evil Will and Source, which is caused by [or proceedeth from the Stars; for as the Creatures in the Earth are in the [...]r Qualities, so are the Stars; there is nothing in Nature wherein there is not good and evil in Men, Beasts, Fowls, Fishes, Worms, and in all that which is upon the Earth, or in the Earth, or Gold, Silver, Copper, Tinn, Lead, Iron, VVood, Herbs and Grass in the Earth, in Stones, in t [...]e VVater, and all whatsoever can be thought upon: Eve [...] [Page 2] thing moveth and liveth in this double impulse working or operation, be it what it will.
4. But the holy Angels, and fierce wrathful Devils are here to be excepted; the holy Angels live and qualifie in the Light and Meekness in the good Quality, but the Devils live and reign in the fierce wrathful Quality in fierceness, destruction and perdition.
5. And though Moses writes, I am an angry zealous God; Yet the meaning of it is not that God is angry in himself, and that there ariseth a [...]ire of Anger in the holy Trinity: No, that cannot be, for it is written Against those that hate me: In that same Creature the Fire of Anger riseth up.
For if God should be angry in himself, then the whole Nature would be on fire, which will come once to pass in the last day in Nature, and not in God. But in God the triumphing Joy will burn; it was never otherwise from Eternity, nor will it ever be otherwise.
6. Now the elevating, springing, triumphing Joy in God, maketh Heaven triumphing and moveable, and Heaven maketh the Stars and Elements moveable, and the Stars and the Elements make the Creatures moveable; out of the Powers of God are the Heavens proceeded, out of the Heavens are the Stars, out of the Stars are the Elements, out of the Elements are the Earth, and the Creatures come to be.
Thus all had its beginning, even to the Angels and Devils, which before the Creation of Heaven, Stars and the Earth, were proceeded out of the same Power, out of which the Heaven, the Stars & the Earth were proceeded.
Now Hell and the dark World, or the anger of God, is a Gulf of desperation, devoid of the Hope of God, and all good, it is the first ground to the eternal Nature, the place is between the Kingdom of God and this World, and maketh a peculiar Principal dwelling in it self, and hath neither place nor local abode, and is every where inhabiting it self only, and yet it giveth [Page 3] Essence to the Light and outward [...] [...] is, it is the cause of the Source, viz. the Fire [...] the whole Beeing of all God's Beeings.
7. In the Darkness he is an ang [...] [...]ealous God, in the fire Spirit a consuming [...]ire, and [...] the Light [...]he is a merciful loving [...]od, and in the Power of the Light he is, especially above all other Pro [...]rties called God, and yet 'tis all but God manifested [...] who manifesteth himself through the eternal Na [...]ure in ingredient Properties.
8. The Essence of this VVorld [...] in evil and good, and the one cannot be with [...]t the other. But this is the great Iniquity of this [...]Vorld, that the evil over powereth the good, that [...] Anger is stronger then the Love, and this by re [...]n of the Sin of the Devils and Men, who have dist [...]bed Nature by the false Desire, that it mightily and effectually worketh in the wrath as a Poyson in the Body.
9 VVe see very clearly, that there is nothing in this VVorld so evil, but it hath a good in it; the good hath its rise originally out of the heavenly Property, or light VVorld, and the evil hath its Property, out of the dark VVorld, for both VVorlds are in each other as one.
Of the Seven Forms or Properties of the Eternal Nature which make three Principles or VVorlds.
I. Form Astringent, Desire.
IT is the beginning of the eternal Nature; the cause of Essences, as also of harshness, sharpness, hardness, Cold and Substance [...]a Mother of all Salts.
II. Form Bitter, Compunctive.
The motion of the Desire, it cutteth asunder the hardness and attracted Desire, the true Root of Life, a cause of the stirring, so also of the Senses, and the ground of the bitter pain.
III. Form Anguish, Perceivance.
It is a cause of the Mind, wherein the Senses are moved and acted, the ground of the natural VVill, wherein the eternal VVill desireth to be manifested, that is, it will be a Fire or Light; In these three first Properties consisteth the foundation of Anger, and of Hell, and of all that is wrathful.
IV. Fire, Spirit, Reason, Desire.
In the Fire the unity appeareth, and is seen in the Light, that is in a burning love; and the wrath in the Essence of Fire. In Fire and Light consisteth the Life of all things [ viz. in the Will thereof] let them be [...]nsensible, vegetable or rational things, every thing as the Fire hath its ground, either from the Eternal, as the Soul, or from the Temporary, as Astral Elementary things; for the Eternal is one Fire, and the Temporary is another.
V. Form, Light, Love.
This Property is the [...]ire of Love, or world of Power and Light, which in the Darkness dwelleth in it self, and the Darkness comprehendeth it not; in the Light the eternal Unity is substantial, that is, an holy spiritual Fire, an holy Light, an holy Air, which is nothng else but Spirit, also an holy Water, which is the over-flowing Love of the unity of God, and an holy Earth, which is all powerful virtue and working: It is the true spiritual, angelical world of the divine Joy, which is hidden in this visible world.
VI. Form, Sound, Voice, Word.
Proceeding from the divine Powers, which is formed in the Love; the Sound is the understanding, wherei [...] all the Properties understand one another.
VII. Form, Essence, Beeing, Mansion.
This seventh Property is rightly and truly called the ground or place of Nature, wherein the other Properties stand in one only ground, the Contents of the other six, in which they work as the Life doth in the Flesh, also it is a Food of the Fire, where the Fire draweth Essence for its sustenance, wherein it burneth, and the seventh is the Kingdom of the divine Glory. Not that the seventh Property is the Tincture, but it is the Body of it; the Power and Virtue of the Fire and Light is the Tincture in the substantial Body.
It is especially to be noted, that alwayes the first and seventh Properties are accounted for one, and the second and sixth, also the third and fifth, and the fourth is only the dividing, mark or bound. And yet all seven are but one; the last is the Body of the first; They are altogether only the manifestation of God, according to Love and Anger, Eternity and Time.
In the Desire is the original of Darkness, and in the Fire the eternal Unity is made manifest with the Light in the fiery Nature. Out of the fiery Property, and the property of the Light, the Angels and Souls have their Original.
The Darkness becometh substantial in it self, and the Light becometh also substantial in the fiery Desires; these two make two Principles, viz. God's anger in the darkness, and God's love in the Light, each of them worketh in it self, and there is only such a difference between them, as between Day and Night, and yet both of them have but one only ground, and the one is alwayes a cause of the other.
[Page 6]The visible World is the third Principle, that is, th [...] third ground and beginning, this is out-breathed out of the inward ground, viz. out of both the first Principles, and brought into the Nature and [...]orm of a Creature.
But according to the manifestation of the Trinity of God, there are but three Properties of Nature, the first is the Desire, which belong [...]th to God the [...]ather, yet it is only a Spirit; but in the seventh Property the Desire is substantial.
The second is the divine Power and Virtue, and belongeth to God the Son; in the second Property it is only a Spirit, but in the sixth it is the substantial Power and Virtue.
The third belongeth to the holy Ghost, and in the beginning of the third Property, it is only a fiery Spirit, but in the fifth Property the g eat Love is manifested therein.
Now these are the seven Properties in one only ground, and all seven are equally Eternal, without beginning; none of them can be accounted the first, second third or last, but are equally Eternal.
We must represent this in a Typical way, that it may be understood, how the one is born of the other.
- 1.
Dark World, a Similitude of it is a Candle.
- ♄ ☽ I. Harsh, desiring will.
- ☿ ♃ II. Bitter or stinging.
- ♂ ♀ III Anguish till the flash of Fire.
- 2.
Fire World, a Similitude of it is the Fire of a Candle.
- ☉ IV. Fire
- dark Fire.
- light Fire.
- ☉ IV. Fire
[Page 7]3.
Light World, a Similitude of it is the Light of a Candle.
- ♀ ♂ V. Light or Love, whence the VVater of Eternal Life floweth.
- ♃ ☿ VI. Noise, Sound Mercury.
- ☽ ♄ VII. Substance or Nature.
The first Principle.
The dark World, or Fire of Wrath, hence God the Father is called an angry zealous [...]eal. us God, and a con [...]ming Fire.
The second Princple.
The Light World, or Fire of Love, hence God the Son, the Word; the Heart of God is called a loving and merciful God.
The third Principle.
This World of four Elements, which is produced out of the two inward VVorlds [above said] and is a Glass of them, wherein Light and Darkness, Good and Evil are mixt, it is not Eternal, but hath a beginning and an end.
Of God the Father, Son, and holy Ghost.
WHen we consider the whole Nature, and its Property, then we see the Father. When we behold [...] and the Stars, then we behold his eternal Power and Wisdom. So many Stars as stand in the whole Heaven, which are incomprehensible to Reason; so manisold and various is the Power and [...]Visdom of God the Father.
If a man would liken the Father to any thing, he should liken him to the round Globe of Heaven. Thou must not conceive here that the very Power, which is in the Father standeth in a peculiar severed part or place in the Father, as [...] Stars do in Heaven. No, but the Spirit sheweth that all t [...]e Powers in the Father are one in another as one Power.
VVhen I think with my self what is many hundred thousand Miles above the siary Firmament, I find the eternal, unchangeable Unity is there, the only Eternal God, or that [Page 8] only Good, which a man cannot express—His immensenses [...] [...]ighth and depth no Creature, no, not any Angel in Heave [...] can search into it. But the Angels live in the Power of the Father very meekly, and full of Joy, and they alwayes sing in the Power of the Father.
In the Fire God is called an angry God; but in the Ligh [...] or Love-fire, he is called the holy God; and in the dark Nature he is not called God. VVe must make distinction, each world hath its Principle and Dominion: and indeed all is from one eternal Original; but it severizeth it self in a twofoid Source; a Similitude whereof we have in the Fire and Light, where the [...]ire is painful and consuming, and the Light, meek and giving: And yet one were as nothing without the other.
Of God the Son.
YOu must not think that the Son is another God then the Father, or that he is without or besides the Father. No, the Father and Son are not of such a Substance; he is eternally in the Father, he is the Heart in the Father, and the Father generateth him continually from Eternity to Eternity, and the Father and Son is one God, of an equal Beeing in Power and Omnipotence.
Now the Heaven and Stars, and the whole Deep between the Stars signifie the Father—And the seven Planets signifie the seven Spirits of God, or the Princes of the Angels, among which Lord Lucifer was one before his fali; which all were made out of the Father in the beginning of the Creation of Angels, before the time of this VVorld.
Now as the Sun standeth in the midst betwixt the Stars, [...]nd the Earth, enlightning all Powers, and is the Light and Heart of all Powers, and is all the Joy in this VVorld—Even so the Son of God in the Father, is the Heart in the Father, and shineth in all the Powers of the Father, his Power is the moving springing Joy in all the Powers of the Father, and shineth in the whole Father as the Sun doth in the whole VVorld.
Of God the Holy Ghost.
THe holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the Son, and is the third self-subsisting Person in the Deity: As [...]he Elements in this World go forth from the Sun and Stars, and are the moving Spirit, which is in every thing in thi [...] world: So the Holy Ghost is the moving Spirit in the whole Father, and goeth forth from Eternity to Eternity continually from the Father and Son, and replenisheth the whole Father; he is nothing less or greater then the Father and Son.
Here we cannot say with any ground, that God is three Persons; but he is three fold in his eternal Generation, b [...] begetteth himself in Trinity, having three manner of workings, and yet but one only Essence, as may be seen i [...] the over-flown Power and Virtue in all things, but it is especially represented to us in Fire, Light and Air, which are three several sorts of working [...], and yet but in one ground and substance.
And as we see that Fire, Light and Air arise from a Candle [though the Candle be none of the three, but a cause of them] so likewise the eternal Unity is the cause and ground of the eternal Trinity, which manifesteth it self from the Unity, and bringeth forth it self in (first) Desire or Will, which is the Father; secondly, Pleasure or Delight, which is the Son; and thirdly, proceeding or out-going, which is the Holy Ghost.
Of the Creation of the holy Angels: and how an Angel and a Man is the Image of God.
THe Powers in God do operate or Qualifie in that manner as in Nature, in the Stars and Elements, or in the Creatures—No, you must not conceive it so, for Lord Lucifer in his Elevation made the Powers of impure Nature thus burning, bitter, cold, astringent, sower, dark and unclean.
But in the Father all Powers are mild, soft, like Heaven, very full of Joy; for all the Powers triumph in one another. [Page 10] The quality of the VVater is not of such a condition or man [...]er in God as it is in this world.
The bitter Quality qualifieth in the sweet astringent, or [...]arsh and sower Quality, and the love riseth up from Eternity to Eternity. As all the Powers of God the Father rise up from Eternity to Eternity; so all the Powers rise up also in an Angel and a Man into the Head; [...]or higher they cannot rise, for they are but Creatures, which have a beginning [...]nd an [...] end—And in the Head is the divine Council-S [...]t or Throne, and it signifieth God the Father. And the five Senses are the Counsellors which have their Influences out of the whole Body out of all Powers.
Now the five Senses always sit in Council in the Power of the whole Body, and when the Council's Decree is concluded, then the compacted or concruted Judge speaketh it out into its Centre or midst of the Body, as a word into the Heart; for that is the Fountain of all Powers, from which also it taketh its rise.
Now it standeth there in the Heart, as a selfsubsisting Person, composed out of the Powers, and is a VVord and signifieth God the Son; and now it goeth ou [...] from the Heart into the Mouth, on to the Tongue, which is the sharpness, and that so sharpneth it, that it sendeth sorth, and is distinguished according to the five Senses.
From what Quality soever the VVord taketh its original in, that Quality it is thrust forth upon the Tongue, and the power of the destruction or di [...]erence goeth sorth from the Tongue, and that [...] the Holy Ghost.
The Mouth signifieth that thou art an unalmighty Son of thy Father, whether thou art an Angel or a Man; for through the Mouth thou must draw into thee the power of thy Father if thou wilt live.
An Angel must do so as well as a man, though indeed he needs not to use the Element of Air in that manner as a [...]an doth; [...] he must a [...] into himself, through the [...], the Spirit, from which the Air of this World [...].
[Page 11]For in Heaven there is no such Air, but the Qualities are very meek and joyful, like a pleasant cheering breath of Wind. And this the Angel also must make use of, or else he cannot be a moveable Creature; for [...] must also eat of the heavenly Fruit through the Mouth.
Thou must not understand this in an earthly manner, for an Angel hath no Guts, neither Flesh nor Bones, but is constituted and composed by the divine Power, in the shape, form and manner of a man, and hath all Members like man, except the Members of Generation and the Fundament, or go [...]ng out of the Dross; neither hath an Angel need of these. For man got his Members of Generation first in his doleful and lamentable fall.
An Angel sendeth forth nothing but the divine Power, which he taketh in at the Mouth, wherewith he kindleth his Heart, and the Heart kindleth all the Members, and that he sendeth forth from himself again at the Mouth when he speaketh and praiseth God.
But the heavenly Fruits which he eateth are not Earthly; and though they are of such a form and shape as the Earthly are, yet they are meer divine Power.
Indeed it is most certain and true, that there are all manner of Fruits, Plants and Flowers in Heaven, as in this World, and not meerly Types and Shadows: As the Angels are, so are the Vigitation and Fruits, all from the divine Power.
These heavenly Sprouts and Springings thou must not wholly liken to this World; for there are two Qualities in this world, a good and an evil, and many things grow through the Power of the evil Quality, which doth not so in Heaven.
For Heaven hath but one Form or manner, nothing groweth there which is not good; only Lord Lucifer hath deformed and dressed this World in that manner.
Of the Place and Government of Angels.
WHen God Almighty had decreed in his Counse [...] that he would make Angels and Creatures ou [...] of himself, then he made at first three Kingly Governments or Dominions answerable to the number of the holy Trinity, and each Kingdom had the order or ordinance Power and Quality of the divine Beeing.
First, Prince Michael, signifieth the great Strength and Power of God, and is created according to God the Father, that circumference, or space Region, or Province, wherein he and his Angels are created, is his Kingdom which is above the created Heaven.
Secondly, Prince Lucifer this high and mighty glorious beautious King lost his right Name in the fall. He was created according to the quality, beauty and condition of God the Son, and was bound to and united with him in Love, and his Heart also stood in the centre of Light, as if he had been God himself, and his Beauty and Brightness well transcended all. For his circumference Conception or chiefest Mother was the Son of God—his Court, Province, Place or Region wherein he dwelt with his whole Army or Company, and wherein he is become a Creature, and which was his Kingdom, is the created Heaven, and this World wherein we dwell with our King Jesus Christ.
For our King sitteth in divine Omnipotence, where King Lucifer did sit, and on the kingly Throne of expulsed Lucifer, and the Kingdom of King Lucifer is now become his. O Prince Lucifer! how dost thou relish that?
Lucifer had still been an Angel, if his own Will had not introduced him into the Pires Might, desiring to domineer in the strong fiery Might.
Thirdly, URIEL is a gracious aimable blessed Prince and King, he hath his Name from the flash, or going forth of the Light, which signifieth rightly God the holy Ghost.
[Page 13]For as the Holy Ghost goeth forth from the Light. and formeth, figureth, and imageth all, and reigneth in all; such also is the power and gracious aimable blessedness of a Cherubim, who is the King and Heart of all his Angels, that is, when his Angels do but behold him, they are all then affected and touched with the Will of their King.
These three Kingdoms together contain such a deep. as is not of any human number, nor can be measured by any thing; yet you must know, that these three Kingdoms have a beginning and end; but that God that hath made these three Kingdoms out of himself, is infinite and hath no end.
And the three Kingdoms are circular, round about the Son of God, neither of them is further or nearer to the Son of God, for the one is equally as near about the Son of God as the other.
From this Fountain, and from all the Powers of the Father goeth forth the Holy Ghost, together with the Light and Power of the Son of God, in and through all Angelical Kingdoms or Dominions, and without, beyond, and besides all the Angelical Kingdoms, which no Angel or man is able to search or dive into.
Neither have I any purpose to consider of it furthermuch less to write; but my Revelation reacheth even into the three Kingdoms, like an Angelical Knowledge.
Here you must know, that the Angels are not all of one Quality, neither are they equal or alike one to another in Power and Might: Indeed every Angel hath the Power of all the seven qualifying or fountain Spirits. But in every one there is somewhat of one Quality more predominant and strong then another, and according to that Quality he is glorified also.
As the Flowers in the Meadows do every one receive their Colour from their Qualities, and are named also according to their Qualities; so are the holy Angels also But the King is the Heart of all the Qualities, and hath [Page 14] his Court or Residence in the midst or centre, like a [...]ountain; and as the Sun standeth in the midst among the Planets, and is King of the Stars, and the Heart of Nature in this World, so great also is a Cherubim or King of Angels.
VVe are not to understand, that the holy Angels dwell only above the Stars without the place of this VVorld: Indeed they dwell without the Dominion and Source of this world. but in the place of this world; a [...]eit there is no place in Eternity, the place of this world, and also the place without this world is all one to them.
VVe men see not Angels and Devils with our Eyes, and yet they are about us, and among us, the reason is because they dwell not in the Source and Dominion of our world.
VVe understand that evil and good Angels dwell near to one another. and yet there is the greatest immense distance [between them] for the Heaven is in Hell and the Hell is in Heaven, and yet the one is not manifest to the other; and although the Devil should go many Millions of Miles, desir [...]ng to enter into Heaven, and to see it, yet he would be still in Hell, and not see it; also the Angels see not the Darkness, for their sight is meer Light of divine Power; and the Devils sight is meer Darkness of God's Anger: The like also is to be understood of the Saints, and again of the VVicked.
Their agillity or nimbleness is as swift as the Thoughts of a man: yea as the divine Power it self is, yet one Angel is mo [...]e swift then another, and that answerable according to their Quality—Now upon the seventh Spirit of God their Foot doth stay, which is solid like a Cloud, and clear and bright as a Christaline Sea, where they walk upward and downward which way soever they please.
In that seventh Spirit also riseth up the heavenly [...] and Colours, and whatsoever is apprehensible.
[Page 15]Antiquity hath represented the Angels in Picture. lik [...] men with Wings; but they have no need of any Wings, yet they have Hands and [...]eet as men have but after a heavenly manner and kind—At the day of the Resurrection from the dead, there will be no difference between Angels and men, they will be of one and the same kind of form, and our King Christ clearly testifieth the same; To whom shall I liken the Angels, they are like to little Children that walk in the Fields among the Howers, and pluck them, and make curious Garland of them; they take one another by the Hand, and walk together, and rejoyce together.
Here is nothing but a cordial, meek and gentle Love. a friendly courteous Discourse, a gracious, aimable and blessed Society, where the one always delighteth to see the other, and to honour one another. They know of no Malice, cunning Subtilty or Deceit, but the divine Fruits and pleasant Loveliness is common among them.
And know, that we speak from a true ground, and not from conjecture, that God created Angels and men to his own Joy.
Of the Mystery of the Creation, and of the outward World.
SEeing the Prince of the Hierarchies [when he sate in the heavenly Essence in the Rest] did fall, and aspired for the centre of the eternal Nature, he was cast into the darkness, and God by his motion created him another Prince out of this place [but without divine understanding] for a Ruler in the Essence, and that is the Sun.
From this place proceeded in the divine motion the seven Properties of Nature [understand the Planets] which govern the essential Beeing in good and evil [in which [Essence] Lucifer sat, and whence he was cast] and lost his dominion in the Essence.
Now observe.
The Sun hath its own Royal Place to it self, and doth not go away from that place where it came to be at first; as some suppose, that it runneth round about the Globe of the Earth in a Day and a Night, and some of the Astrologers also write so: Here I shall have Adversaries enough that will be ready to censure me, and say, Astrologers understand it better, wh [...] [...]ave writ of such matters; andthey will look upon this great opening as a Cow looks upon a new Barn-door.
But that I write otherwise then Astrologers in some things, I do it not out of supposition, doubting whether it be so or no: I dare make no doubt herein, neither can any man instruct me herein: I have not my Knowledge by study.
Now this Opinion or Supposition is not right, but the Earth roveth [or turneth] it self about, and runeth with the other Planets as in a Wheel round about the Sun: Th [...] Earth doth not remain staying in one place, but runeth round in a Year once about the Sun, as the other Planets [viz. Venus and Mercury] that are next the Sun; but Saturn and Jupiter, as also Mars, by reason of their great Orb cir [...]umference, cannot do it, because they stand so high above, and far distant from the Sun.
The other Planets are peculiar Bodies of their own, which have a Corporeal Propriety of themselves, and are not bound to any fixed place, but only to their Circles, Orb or Sphere, wherein they run their Course; but the Sun is not such a Body, but is only a place or Locality kindled by the Light of God.
Understand: the place where the Sun is, is such a place as you may chuse or suppose any where above the Earth, And if God should kindle the Light by the Heat, then the whole World would be such a meer Sun, for the same Power where the Sun standeth is every where all over, and before the time of Wrath it was every where all over the place of this World, as light as the Sun is now, bu [...] not so intolerable.
For that Heat was not so great as in the Sun, and therefore the Light also was very meek—So that man should not [Page 17] dare to say, that the Sun is an open Gate of the L [...]ght of God, but is as the light in a man's Eye, whereas also the place of the Eye belongs to the Body, but the Light is distinct from the Body.
The Stars are [...] Powers of the seven Spirits of God, for when the [...] of God was kindled by the Devil in this world, then the [...]ole House of this world, in Nature, or the outermost Birth or Geniture, was as it were benumed or chilled in Death, from whence the Earth and Stones came to be.
The Stars are arisen or proceeded out of the kindled House of God's wrath, for the whole House is [...]enumed in Death as the Earth is, whence the Stars also subsist in Wrath and Love.
Before the times of the created Heavens, [...]he Stars and Elements, and [...] the creation of Angels, there was no such Wra [...]h of God, no Death, no Devil, no Earth nor Stones, neither any Stars, but the Dei [...]y generated it self very meekly and lovingly, and formed, [...]gured and framed it self in Ideas, Shapes and Images, which were incorporated [...] to the qualifying or fountain Spirits in the generating.
Of the Earth, &c.
THe Earth is come from the corrupt Saliter of the outermost Birth or Geniture—For on the first Day God drove together [or compacted] the corrupt Saliter which came to be so in the kindling of [...]he Wrath.
In this driving [...], or compaction of the corrupt wrath S [...]liter, was King Luc [...]r also as an impotent Prin [...]e, together with [...]is A [...]ls driven into the hole of the WrathSaliter, into that place where the outward half dead Comprehensibility is generated which is the place or space, in, upon, & above the Earth up to the nature Goddess the Moon—So far reacheth their extent now [...]ill the last Day, and then they will get a House in [...] [...] where the Earth now is and [...] [that is in the [...] Birth in the Darkness] and this will be called the [...]urning H [...]ll.
For Nature w [...] very [...] and thin, or transparent, and [Page 18] all stood meerly in Power, and was in a very pleasant ho [...] temper; But as soon as [...] Fight began in Nature with [...] proud Devil, Nature got a two-fold Source, and the outer most Birth or Geniture in Nature was kindled in the wra [...] Fire, which is called the Wrath of God, or the Burning Hel [...]
But Now when this was done, the Deep became clear, an [...] with the hidd [...]n or concealed Heaven, th [...] Light was seperate from the Darkness, and the Globe of the Earth in the grea [...] Wheel of Nature, was roled or turned once about, and th [...] p [...]ssed the time of one Revolution, or of one Day.
In the duration of the second Day began the sharp [...] tion, and the incomprehensible [...] between the Wra [...]h an [...] the Love or Light was made: And so King Lucifer sirmly strongly, or fast bolted up into the House of Darkness, and wa [...] reserved to the final Judgment.
And so also the Water of Life was separated from the Water of Death, yet in that manner as that they hang to gether in this time of the World as Body and Soul, and [...] neither of them comprehend the other; the Firmament is th [...] [...]liff or gulf between Time and Eternity.
But that God calleth it Heaven, and maketh a division of the Waters gives us to understand, that Heaven is in the world and the world is not in Heaven, the VVater above the Firmament is in Heaven, and the VVater under the Firmament is the external material Water; the palpable water is Death, and the impalpable is the Life.
Moses saith, God created Heaven and Earth, and all Creatures in six days, and rested on the seventh; yet God needed no Rest for he hath wrought from Eternit [...], and he is a meer working Power and Virtue; the understanding li [...]th [...]idden in those Words; could not [...] [...]ve made all his Works in one day? Neither can we properly say, there was any Day before the Sun was; for in the Deep there is but one day [in all.]
Therefore the meaning lieth hidden; [...] understandeth by each days workings, the manifestation of the seven Properites: for [...] saith, In the beginning God created H [...] and [...]arth
[Page 19]This visible World is sprung from the spiritual World, and is only an Effluence of the seven Properties, for it, proceedeth out of the six working Properties, but in the seventh [that is in Paradise] it is in rest, and that [...]s the eternal Sabboth of Rest, wherein the divine [...]ower and Virtue resteth; for the seventh day was the [...]rue Paradise [understand it spiritually.]
That is the Tincture of the divine Power and Virtue, [...]hich is a temperament; this pi [...]rced through Properties, and wrought in the seventh, that is in the substance of all the other.
Now it may be asked, Why did not God bolt up the Devil instantly, and then he had not done so much Mischief?
Answer; This was Gods purpose, and that must stand, which is, he would re-edifie out the corrupted Nature of the Earth, or build again to himself an ange [...]ical Host or Army, viz. a true Body, which should subsist eternally in God—It was not God's intention at all to let the Devil have the whole [...]arth for an eternal dwelling-House; but only the death and fierceness of the Earth, which the Devil had brought into it.
Now if he should have instantly left it to the Devil for an eternal dwelling House, then out of that place a new Body could not have been built: Now what Sin had that space, place or room, committed against God, that it should stand in eternal shame? Sure none: and therefore that was unequal to be so. Also the purpose of God was to make a curious excellent Host or Army out of the Earth, and all manner of Images, Ideas and [...]orms: for in and upon that all should spring, and generate themselves a new, as we see in Minerals, Oars, Stones, Trees Herbs and Grass, and all manner of Beasts after a heavenly [...]orm—And though these Imagings were transitory, being they were not pure before God, yet God would in the end of this Time extract and draw forth the Heart and the Kernal out of the new Birth or [Page 20] Geniture, and seperate it from Wrath and D [...]ath.
But the Death of the Earth, and the VVrath there in should be Lord Lucifer's eternal House, after the accomplishment of the new Birth or Geniture, [...] the mean while Lord Lucifer should lie captive in the Darkness in the deep above the Earth; and there he is now, and may very shortly expect his portion.
Of the Divine Manifestation.
GOd is the eternal immense incomprehensible Unit [...], which manifesteth it self, in it self, from Eternity to Eternity, by the Trinity, and is [...]ather, Son and holy Ghost in a three-fold working.
The first Effluence and manifestation of this Trinity is the eternal VVord or out-speaking of the divi [...]e Power and Virtue—The first out-spoken Substance from the Power is the divine VVisdom, which is a substance wherein the Power worketh.
The Angels and the Soul proceed from God's Essences from the whole Tr [...]e, the Angels from two Principles; and the Soul with the Body of the outward Life from three Principles; and therefore Man is higher then the Angels, if he continue in God.
The inward eternal working is hidden in the visible world, and it is in every thing, and through every thing, yet not to be comprehended by any thing in the things own Power; the outward Powers and Virtues are but the Passive, and the House in w [...]ich the inward do work.
All the other worldly Creatures are but the Substance of the outward world, but man, who is created both out of Time and Eternity, out of the Beeing of all Beeings, and made an Image of the divine manifestation.
The eternal manifestation of the divine Light is called the Kingdom of Heaven, and the habitation of the holy Angels and Souls. The fiery Darkness is called [...], or God's anger, wherein the Devils dwell together with the damned Souls.
[Page 21]In the place of this world Heaven and Hell are present every where, but according to the inward ground. Inwardly the divine working is manifest in God's Children; but in the VVicked, the working of the painful darkness.
The place of the eternal Paradise is hidden in this world, in the inward ground, but manifest in the inward man, in which God's power and virtue worketh.
There shall perish of this world only the four Elements, together with the stary Heaven, and the earthly Creatures, [...]. the outward gross Life of all things. The inward Power and Virtue of every Substance remain [...] eternally.
Of Man, who is made after the Image and Similitude of God.
THe whole Body, with all its parts, signifie Heaven and Earth.
The inward hallowness in the Body of man, with the Wind-pipe and Artaries, wherein the Air qualifieth or operateth, signifieth the Deep betwixt the Stars and the Earth, wherein Fire, Air and Water qualifie in an Elementary manner, and so the war [...]th of the Air and Water qualifie also in the Wine-pipe and Arteries, as they do in the Deep above the Earth.
The Flesh signifieth the Earth, and is also from the Earth—The Blood signifieth the Water, and is from the Water—The Breath signifieth the Air, and is also Air.
The Veins signifie the powerful flowings out from the Stars, and are also the powerful out-goings of the Stars; for the Stars, with their power, reign in the Veins, and drive forth the form, shape and condition of men.
The Entrals or Guts signifie the operation of the Stars, or their consuming of all that which is proceed ed from their Power; for whatsoever themselves hav [...] made, that they consume again, and remain st [...]ll [...] [...] [Page 22] [...]eir virtue and power; and so the Guts also are the [...]onsuming of all that which man thrusteth and stuffeth into his Guts, even all whatsoever groweth from the power of the Stars.
The Heart in man signifieth the Heat, or the Element of Fire, and it is also the Heat; for the heat in the whole Body hath its original in the Heart.
The Feet signifie near, and afar off: for near and [...]far off are all one in God; and so man by means of his Feet can come and go near, and afar off; let him be where he will, he is in Nature neither near nor afar off, for in God these are one thing.
The Hands signifie God s Omnipotence: for as God in Nature can change all things, and make of them what he pleaseth, so man also can with his Hands change all that which is grown in Nature, and can make with his Hands out of them what he pleaseth: he ruleth with his hands the Work, and being of the whole Nature, and so they very well signifie the Omnipotence of God.
The whole Body to the Neck signifieth the round Circle or Sphere of the Stars, as also the Deep within or between the Stars, wherein the Planets and Elements reign.
The Head signifieth Heaven, it containeth the five Senses, viz. Seeing, Hearing. Smelling, Tasting, and Feeling, wherein the Stars and Elements qualifie, and therein existeth the Syderial, or heavenly stary or astral and natural Spirit in Men and Beasts; in this, floweth forth Good and Evil, for it is the House of the Stars.
Such power the Stars borrow from Heaven, that they [...] make in the Flesh a living and moving Spirit in man [...]nd Beast. The moving of the Heaven maketh the [...] moveable, and so the Head also maketh the Body [...]oveable.
Note, The Syderial Body is the highest, excepting [Page 23] the Divine in man; the Elemental Body is only its Servant or dwelling-House, as the four Elements are onl [...] a Body or Habitation of the dominion of the Stars.
The elemental Spirit and Body is inanimate, and void of understanding, it hath only Lust and Desire in it [...] Vegetation is its right Life: the inward Light, and Power of the Light, giveth in man the right divine understanding: But there is no right divine apprehension in the Syderial Spirit: The Syderial Body dwelleth in the Elemental, as the light world in the darkness, it is the true rational Life of all Creatures.
Of the first Man Adam, before, and after the Fall.
ALl things of this world have a two-fold Body, viz. an Elemental, from the Fire, Air, Water and Earth, and a spiritual Body from the Asirum; and likewise a two-fold Spirit, the one Astral, the other Elemental.
Man only among all the earthly Creatures hath a three-fold Body and Spirit; for he hath also the internal spiritual World in him, which is likewise two-fold, viz [...] Light and Darkness, and also corporeally and spiritually this Spirit is the Soul, but this [...]ody is from the VVater of the holy Element, which dyed in Adam, that is, disappeared as to his Life.
Now when God created the Earth, he founded its time when he would keep the Judgment, and sever the evil from the good, and give the evil for an Habitation to the apostate Prince; but being the good in the Occluse Earth was without heavenly Creatures [seeing its Prince was cast out] God created Adam another Hirarch out of this good Ens, to be a ruler of this place, and hence came the Devil's envy against man, and all good Creatures of this world.
The first Free-will which was breathed into Adam, was good; indeed it was both from God's love and anger, viz. from the centre of the eternal pregnatress [Page 24] of the eternal spiritual Nature; but it had the unde [...] standing in it to rule and govern it self, so as it might stand and sub [...]st eternally.
But the crafty distemper or infection, introduced by the Devil, was in the [...]ns of the Earth, whence [or whereof] Adam [...] outward Body was framed: Into this earthly [...]ns the D [...]vil brought his desire by the Serpents cr [...]fty E [...]s. So that the Lubet arose in the Ens of the Body. whereinto the first free-will of the inspired Soul e [...]tred, and assumed the Lubet of the Body, and introduced this Lubet into a Desire or Substance.
And out of this Substance another self-ful VVill did now arise viz. a B [...]stard, a false Serpent-Child; and this B [...]stard A [...]am did originally propagate to his Eve, and Eve to her So [...] Cain, and so one man to another; thu [...] we have now in this earthly [...]lesh this same false will, proce [...]ded from the Serpent's substance, whereunto the Devil intro [...]th his D [...]sire, and tempteth us, and co [...]tinually mak [...]th us lust and long after the devilish Property, viz. Pride, [...], E [...]vy and Anger.
Thus the Devil rideth in and upon Body and Soul [of man] but now the [...]irst in [...]roduced Free-will which, God [...]reathed into Adam, lieth yet in all m [...]n. For it is the true real Soul, the centre of the Fire and Light, a spark of the divine Power and Om [...]ipotence, but wholly hem [...]d in, and cap [...]ivated in this [...] [...] [...].
For Prince Luc fer by his false Imagination had tainted the Limus of the Earth before the Comp [...]ction [or Crea [...]n] it was the place of his Hirarchies; now the ou [...]ward Body of m [...]n was [...]ken out of the Limus of the Earth, in the Verbum Fiat, and formed ac [...]rding to the property of the hum [...]n Life, which was in the Word.
Thus Adam' [...] Fl [...]sh was half Earthly, and half heavenly, wh [...]nce he lusted [...] the Comm [...] and VVill of God: this is, as Paul saith. The Flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the [...]lesh—Adam's Spirit also [Page 25] [...]y the Imagination hath brought a Power into the Earth, and so the Matrix of Nature gave him what he would have.
He must be tempted to try whether he would stand an Angel instead of Lucifer; and therefore God created him not barely an Angel, so that if he should fall, and not stand, [...]e might help him: So that he might not perish in the fierce Wrath, as Lucifer did, there [...]ore he was created out of Matter, and his Spirit introduced into the Matter, viz. into a Sulpher of Water and Fire, that God might again exgene [...]ate a new Life unto him, as a fair pleasant smelling Blossom springing out of the Earth.
For God saw very well, according to the property of hi [...] Wrath, that man would fall, but he would bring him again through, and in the Name Jesus, through the corruptibl [...] Death into the royal Kingdom, whence Lueifer was fallen, in whose stead the man Christ, God and Man in one person, should sit as Hirarch, High-Priest, or the great Prince of men.
[...]oor man did not fall out of a resolved purposed Will but through the poysonous venomous Infection of the Devil else there [...]ad been no remedy for him. Neither hath ma [...] brought the Maligni [...]y and Venom into the Birds, [...]easts. Worms, Stones, Vegetables, and all Creatures, bu [...] Lucifer hath made the house of Love to be a house of eternal Enmity, the house of Light to be a house of Darkness, &c. otherwise, if man had brought Malignity and Wrath into all Creatures, then he could never have looked for Mercy at God's hands, no more then the Devil.
Adam did not desire to prove the first Principle, as Lucifer had done, but his lust was only bent to taste, to prove Evi [...] and Good, viz. the vanity of the Earth, the ou [...]ward Soul was awakened, so that the hunger entred into its Mother, where from it was drawn, and introduced into another Source.
And when this Hunger entred to eat of Evil and Good, then the desire in the [...]ait drew forth the Tree of Temptation, and set it before Adam, then came the severe Command from God—Thou shalt not eat of the Tree of the Knowledges [Page 26] of Good and Evil, in that day thou eatest there of thou shalt dye the Death.
But that Moses saith, The Tree of Life stood in the midst of the Garden; and presently next after setteth down and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: Here lieth the Vail before Moses his Eyes, and the earthly sinful man cannot behold him. The precious Pearl lieth in the [knowledge of] the difference of these two Trees, and yet it is but only one, but manifest in two Kingdoms—He saith the Tree of Life, thereby he understandeth the Property of the eternal Life in the Tree, viz. the second Principle; and by the Words, of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, he understandeth the wrath of the Anger of God, which was manifest by the Essence of the outward World in earthliness, in the Tree of which Adam should not eat; for he should have eaten with the inward Mouth, and not with the earthly Desire, but with the heavenly, for he had such Fruit growing for him, which the inward Mouth could enjoy; indeed the outward Mouth did also eat thereof, but not into the Worms Carkess, for as the Light swalloweth up the Darkness, so the Coelestial swallowed up the Terrestrial, and changeth it again into that whence it proceeded.
Adam was a man, and also a Woman, and yet none of them [distinct] but a Virgin full of Chastity, Modesty and Purity, viz. the Image of God he had, both the Tinctures of the Fire and Light in him, in the Conjunction of which the one Love, viz. the Virginal centre stood, being, the fair Paradisical Rose-Garden of delight, wherein he loved himself; as we also in the Resurrection of the Dead shall be such as Christ telleth us, That we shall be like the Angels of God yet not only pure Spirit, as the Angels, but in heavenly Bodies, in which the spiritual angelical Body inhabiteth, even such a man as Adam was before his Eve, shall arise again, and eternally possess Paradise, not a man or woman, but as the Scripture saith, they are Virgins.
Adam before his Eve, had no [...] such a beastial Body as [...] now have. For if God had created him unto the earthly corruptible [Page 27] naked sick toilsom Lise, then he had not brought him [...]to Paradise; if he had desired or willed the beastial Cou [...]ulation and Propagation, then he would in the beginning [...]ve created Man and Woman, and both Sexes had come [...]orth in the Verbum Fiat, into the division of both Tin [...]ures, as it was in other [...] Creatures.
Every Creature in its arival to this world, bringeth its cloa [...]ing from its Dam, but man cometh miserable, naked, shiftless [...]n deepest Poverty and Unability, and cannot help himself which [...]oth sufficiently show unto us, that he was not created of God [...]nto this Misery, but in his Perfection, as all other Crea [...]ures were, which Perfection the first man fooled away [or [...]] by false Lust.
Now Adam [ if he had stood] should have generated or [...]rought fort [...] after a Magical manner, which had been thus [effected] not by a sundry peculiar issue from Adam's body as now. But as the Sun thorow-shineth the Water, and [...]ends it not, even so to the spiritual Body, viz. the Birth had been brought forth, and in its coming forth had been substantial without Pains, Care and Dis [...]ress in a great joyfulness and delight.
Which after when Venus's Matrix was taken from Adam, and formed into a Woman, must be done through sorrow, pangs and distress, as G [...]d said to Eve, Thou shalt now bring forth Children in Sorrow, and thy Will shall be subject to thy Husband. Wherefore? because it was sprung forth from the mans Will. Eve was half the Adam, viz. the part wherein Adam should have loved and impregnated himself, the same, when as he stood not, was taken from him in his Sleep, and formed into a Woman.
But that the fall might not proceed [or come] from the divine appointment, God made man perfect, and created and ordained him unto Paradise, and forbad him the false Lust, which the Devil stirred up through the Limus of the Earth i [...] Adam's outward Body, with his false Imgination and hungry desire.
And Adam was forty days in Paradise [before his Ev [...] [Page 28] was made] in the Temptation, if he had stood stedfast, th [...] God had so confirmed him to Eternity.
But the breaking [or dividing] of Adam, when the woman was taken out of him, is the breaking or bruising of Christ's Body on the Cross, from the sixth Hour unto the ninth, for so long was the Fiat in Adam Sleep, in the seperating of the Man and VVoman, for in such a space of time the VVoman was compleatly finished [or brought forth] out of Adam into a Female Person [or Image] She is not taken only and wholly out of Adam's Hesh, but out of his Essence, out [...] the Female part, she is Ad [...]m's Matrix.
Now when the pregnant Matrix was taken fro [...] Adam, the woman was every way formed with such Members for propagation as she-is at this day, and so Adam also; for before, when Adam was Male and [...]emale, he needed no such Members, for his Birth wa [...] Magical, his Conception moving in the Matrix [was to be] done through Imagination.
And the beastial worms Carkess of the Bowels, with the formation of other inward principal Members, pertaining to the earthly Life, was hung upon Adam instead of the Female Matrix, and the like worms Carkess was also hung upon the VVoman, instead of the heavenly Limbus; of which the poor Soul is to this day ashamed, that it must bear a beastial [...]orm on the Body, and propagate as the Beasts do.
Now then Adam and Eve standing thus, as man and wife in Paradise, and having yet the heavenly Source and Joy, though mixed, the Devil could not endure that, for his Envy was too great: and seeing he had brought down Adam's Angelical form, he looked now upon Eve, viz. the VVoman out of A [...]am, and perswaded her to the evil Fruit, and she did eat and gave to A [...]am.
This is the Bit upon which Heaven and Paradise departed, where the Cherubim, viz. the cutter off with [Page 29] the naked Sword came, and stood before the Door—His Sword was that of the destroying Angel, which now cutteth man with Heat, Cold, Sickness, Necessity and Death, and at last cutteth off the earthly Life from the Soul.
But though the outward Figure was just so, yet it hath far another A, B, C, internally; the natural man without God's Light, understands nothing thereof.
This Sword is in man, when man conv [...]teth and entreth into Sorrow for his committed Sins, and casteth away Vanity, and stepeth into the Infants Shirt—In this Anxious sorrowful Gate of t [...]ue Repentance the Angel standeth with the [...]ire-flaming Sword, and the Virgin-Bud for [...]th quite through this Sword into Paradise, viz. into the Life of Christ, and groweth forth through this Swo [...]d.
And now the Vi [...]gin-Child standeth with its fair Rose in the new Plant in Paradise, and the poor Soul which begetteth this Child, standeth the whole time of this Life under the reach and swing of this [...]ire-Sword, and is fast bound with a B [...]nd to the gross Beast in the outward World [ viz. this worms Carkess] where the Virgin-child is sufficiently thrust at, and wounded with this Fire Sword: [...]or the Fire-Soul, which in the FireSword of God's anger, is bound to the Serpent-Monster, doth daily amuse it self upon the Serpent-Monster, and sinneth, and even then this Fire-Sword doth cut away the Sins, and devours them into God's anger, where they are examined and judged.
Now God hath cursed the Earth for man's sake, so that Paradise springeth no more thro [...]gh the Earth, for it is become a Mystery, and yet it is continually there; and into that M [...]stery the Souls of the Saints depart. when the earthly Body seperateth [...]tself from the Soul.
It is in this world and vet is out of this world; for this world's Quality or Source toucheth it not: the whole world would have continued to be Paradise, if Adam had [Page 30] [...]ontinued in Innocency; but when God pronounced [...]he Curse, then Paradise departed.
For God's cursing is fl [...]ing, not departing away [but a fleeing, or] a going into another Principle, viz. into himself.
Adam said, I am naked and afraid; Of what was he afraid? he felt in himself the world of God's anger, and feared that it would wholly enkindle it self, and devour him, as happened to Lucifer: therefore he trembled at the Call of the holy Voice, as the Anger trembleth at the Love.
Indeed he was naked, but knew it not, till they did eat the earthy [...]ruit, and then their Eyes were opened, for the heavenly Virgin of God's wisdom departed from them, and then they first felt the Kingdom of the Stars and Elements.
Man had no such beastial [...]esh before the Fall, but heavenly [...]; no heat, nor frost no sickness, nor mishape, or mischief, also no fear could touch or terrifie him, his Body could go through [...]arth and Stone uninterrupted by any thing; for that could be no eternal man which [...] could limit.
The Devil was indeed an Angel, and A [...]am an Image of God, they had both the Fire and the Light, as also divine Wit, [...]ngenuity or understanding in them: Why did the Devil imagin according to the Fire, and Adam according to the Earth? They were free: The Light and Power drew not the Devil into the Fire, but the fierce wrath of Nature. Why did the Spirit assent to be willing whatsoever the Magia maketh it self that he hath? The Devil made himself Hell, and that he [...]ath; and Adam made himself Earth, and that he is. [...]ut can a man make of himself what he will? he hath both before him the Fire and the Light; Will he be an Angel in the Light? then God's Spirit in Christ helpeth him to the Society of the angelical Quire. But will he be a Devil in Fire? then God's anger helpeth him into the Abiss to the Devil.
Now observe further.
God said to the Serpent, the old Devil, Seeing tho [...] hast done this, cursed art thou. And to the creaturely Serpent, which must now become a creature; for the Devil had turned himself into the form of a Serpent, therefore must the Serpent also continue, to it he said, Thou shalt go upon thy Belly, and [...] Earth. Seeing it had seduced man, so that he was become [...]arthly, therefore should also the Devil's Image be earthly, and devour the fierce wrathful Source or Quality, viz. Poyson that should now be its Source or Quality.
And here we are to know, that the Devil figured or framed to himself the Serpent's Image from the Constellations and elements through his Imagination; so. he had great Power till the Lord wholly cursed him, and set the dear Name Jesus for a mark, or limit o [...] seperation, and there his great Power was laid.
Adam was the only man that God created, Eve his Wife God would not create; Generation was to be out of one only—But seeing he fell, so that God must make him a Wife, then came the Covenant and Promise again upon one only, that all should be regenerate and new Born again out of one only, viz. out of the second Adam, not out of the Virgin Mary, but out of Christ the heavenly Adam.
God set his purpose in Adam's Child, and brought his Imagination into the persished Image, and impregnated the same with his divine Power and Substantiality, and converted the Soul's will out of the Earthliness into God, so that thus Mary became impregnated with such a Child as Adam should have been impregnated with—Which Self ability could not effect but sunk down int [...] Sleep, viz. into the Magia, where then the VVoman wa [...] made out of him, which should not have been made, [...] Adam himself should have impregnated in Venus's Matrix. and have generated Magically. But seeing that [Page 32] might not be, therefore was Alam divided, and his own Will of great might and power was broken in him, and shut up in Death.
But now [ Alam being divided] the Man longeth after the Matrix of the Wife, and the VVife after the Limbus of the Man—The woman hath a watry Tincture, and the man a fiery, the man soweth Soul, and the woman Spirit, and both sow Fiesh, viz. Sulpher, therefore is Man and VVife but one Body, and make together a Child.
And therefore ought to continue together, if they once mix—VVhosoever mixeth w [...]ith another, or seperateth from one another, they break the Ordinance of Nature, and such a one is like the bruite Beasts, and considereth not that in the Seed the eternal Tincture lieth, wherein the divine Substantiality lieth hid. Also that is a work which will follow after man in the Shadow, and its Source or Quality will one day be made stirring in the Conscience.
Of the Soul's original, with its Essences, Substance and Property.
THe Soul is a Life awakened out of the Eye of God, its original is the Fire, and the Fire is its Life—Thi [...] is the greatest wonder that the Eternity hath wrought. that it [...] ma [...]e the eternal a corporeal Spirit, which thing no Sense can find out, and it is unfathomable to us.
For no Spirit can sound it self, it seeth well the Deep, even into the Abiss, but it comprehendeth not its Maker; it [...] and diveth into him indeed, but it knoweth not its own making; this is only hidden to it, and nothing else, therefore [...] we are cómmanded to be silent, and dive no further.
The Essences of the Soul came out of the centre of Nature, out of the Fire, with all For [...]s of Nature, all the [...] [...] lie in the Soul. All that God hath and ca [...] do, and th [...]t God is in his T [...]rnary, all this is in the [Page 33] Essence of the Soul, as the virtue of a Tree i [...] in the T [...] that groweth out of it.
The Substance of the Soul is heavenly created, creat [...] out of the divine Essentiality, yet the Will of it is free eith [...] to demerse it self, and esteem it self nothing, and so eat of the Love of God, as a Twig feedeth upon a Tree, or to ris [...] up in its Fire, and be a Tree of it self, and eat of that, and so get Essentiality, viz. a creaturely Body.
The Property of the first Soul was created according to both Mothers, but all Properties lie in it, it may awaken, and let in what it will and whatsoever it awakneth and le [...]h i [...], is pleasing to God, if its Will b [...] in the Love of God, in humili [...]y and obedience.
Of the breathing in of the Soul, and of its peculiar Fashion and [...]orm.
EVery Spirit without a Body is empty, and knoweth not it self, and therefore every Spirit desireth a Body for its Food, and for its Habitation—Hence the outward Image, according to the Spirit of this World, with the outward Fiat, was conceived, and a Body was created out of the Matrix of the Earth; a mass or red Earth, consisting of Fire and Water.
The inward man was in Heaven, and his Essences wer [...] P [...]radisical, his glance in the inward Eye was Majesty, an incorruptible Body, which could speak the Language of God, and of Angels, and the Language of Nature; as we see in Adam, that he could give Names to all Creatures, to every one according to its Essence and Property, [...] was also in the outward Image, and yet knew not the outward Image, [...] inde [...]d the Body hath no knowledge.
And in this two [...]old Body [which was created in the sixt [...] Day, in the sixth Hour of the Day, in the same Hour whic [...] Christ was hanged on the Cross] after the Body was finished the royal Soul was breathed in from within by the holy Ghost into the Heart, in the holy man, into its Principle, like an awakening of the D [...]y.
[Page 34]A [...]d the outward Spirit [ viz. the Air] and the whole outward Principle, with the Stars and Elements, did cleav [...] to the inward, and the outward Spirit breathed its Life in the same manner with the Soul, through the Nostrils into the Heart, into the outward Heart, into the earthly Flesh, which was not then so earthly.
The Source of the Wrath insinuated it self with the breathing in, viz. with the original of the Soul, so that the Soul could not remain God's Image, unless it remained in Humility and Obedience, and yielding its Will into God's Will, or else it were very difficult for a Creature to rule such two Principles, as the wrathful and the outward are, the outward being also born out of the wrathful.
Therefore sure its Temptation was not only the biting of an Aple, nor di [...] it continue only for some few Hours but forty D [...]ys, just so long as Christ was tempted in the Wilderness [and that also by all the three Principles.]
When a Twig groweth out of a Tree, the form of it is like the Tree; indeed it is not the S [...]k and the Root; but yet it is like the Tree: So also when a Mother bringeth forth a Child, it is an Image of [...]er.
So we mu [...]t understand that the Soul is in the form of a r [...]nd Globe according to the Eye of God through which the Cross goeth, and which divideth it self in two p [...]rts, viz. [...] t [...]o Ey [...]s. standing B [...]ck to Back. viz. a holy divin [...] Eye, and a wrathful hellish Eye in the Fire; t [...]is it s [...]ld shu [...] an [...] secretly reign therewith through the Anguish [ viz. through Death] in the second Principle in Love.
We mean the [...] in the Fist Principle, according to the original, hath the form of an Eye, and yet two-fold like a Heart, wherein there is a C [...]ss—And in the second Principle it is a Spirit, and a whole Image, as the outward m [...] [...]s—And in the third P [...]inciple it is a Glass of the whole VVorld. all whatsoever is contained in Heaven and Earth: every Prop [...]ty of every Creature lieth therein; for that Glass is like the Firmament and Stars.
Of the Power and Ability of the Soul.
WE know that what soever cometh out of the [...] and is the ground of it s [...]lf, can [...] it self [...] things—But though the Soul be a Twig out of the Tree, [...] now it is become a Creature, and is its own, it is an Ima [...] of the whole; for when a Child is born, then the Mothe [...] and the Child are two—VVe mean thus, God's Spirit, an [...] the Spirit of the Soul are two Persons, each is free from [...] other, and yet both stand in the first beginning, each hath [...] own Will.
The Soul originally is greatly powerful, it can do much, but its Power is only in that Principle wherein it is, for the Devil cannot reign over God.
The First Power of the VVill of the Soul is, it frameth its own form in the Spirit; also it can frame another Image in the Spirit out of the centre of Nature; it can give another Form to the Body, according to the outward Spirit; for the inward is Lord of the outward; it can change the outwar [...] into another Image, but not durable.
For Adam's Soul having let in the Turba of this VVo [...]ld, that if the Turba see a strange Child, it riseth up against it instantly, and desiroyeth it; it continueth to endure only so long as the inward Spirit can subdue and overpower the outward.
And this Form is called Negromancy, a Transmutation, where the inward over-powereth the outward, for it is natural, and we understand that when we shall be changed, that change will be made thus by the same Turba, which hath the first Fiat in it.
Secondly, if the Spirit were an Angel, the similitude of God, yet the VVill can make it a proud Devil; and also make a Devil an Angel, if it sink it self into Death, into Humility under the Cross, and cas [...] it self into the Spirit of God, and so submit to his Government, then it sinketh into Eternity, out of the Source into the still nothing, which is yet all:
Thirdly; The Spirit of the Soul hath power to ent [...] [Page 36] [...]other man, into his Marrow and Bones, viz. the Sulpher, and to bring the Turba into him, if he [...]se; so far as every one is not armed with the [...] of God, but is found naked in the Spirit of this [...]rld, as may be seen by Witches.
Fourthly; It hath such power, if it be the Child of [...], that it can lead the Turba captive, and can pour out upon the House of the Wicked, as Elias did [...] Fire, and Moses before Pharaoh; for it can throw own Mountains and break Rocks.
This you must understand to be so far as that thing capable of the Turba, by awakening the Wrath, then [...] is possible, but if not, and that the Spirit of God be [...] a thing, then it cannot be, for it would pour Water [...]pon the Turba of the Fire, which would then be as it were dead, and its power would lie in Derision: And therefore Heaven is a middle between God and Hell, viz. between Love and Anger, and was created out of the midst of the Waters, so that the Devil cannot rule with his Turba, the VVater turneth his purpose into derision, as the false Magick, and blinded Inchantment are drowned in the VVater.
The Fifth Power of the VVill, or Spirit of the Soul, is, that it may or can seek all VVonders that are in Nature, viz. all Arts, Languages; Buildings, Plantings, Distraction, Knowledge; it can command the Starry Heaven, as Joshua did, when he commanded the Sun to stand still, and Moses the Sea, that it stood up; also he commanded the Darkness, and it came; it can make an earthly Life, as Moses made the Lice and Frogs, also Serpents, and other Wonders.
It hath Death in its Power, so that it can over [...]ower that, if it ride in the Charriot of the Bride [ viz. the VVill of the holy Ghost] it can bridse and overcome the Devil if its [VVill] be in God, there is noth [...]ng can be named that it cannot subdue.
The Souls power was so potent before the Vanity, [Page 37] that it was not subject to any thing; and so it is powerful, if the understanding were not taken awa [...] from it; it can by Magick alter all things whatsoever are in the world's Essence, and introduce them into another Essence; but the vanity in the outward Airs dominion hath brought a [...] thereinto, so that it doth not know it self; it must in this Life time be it [...] own Enemy, that it may learn to be humble, and continue in the divine Harmony, and not become a Devi [...].
And so the Dev [...]l can do nothing to it, for he is proud Spirit, and would be above the VVonders [...] God, but an humility can bind him; after this ma [...] ner every man may escape the false Magician, an [...] also the [...]; for no Po [...]er can touch him i [...] whom God [...].
Whether the Soul be Corporeal, or not Corporeal?
THe Tincture is the tr [...]e Body of the Soul, for the Soul is [...]ire, and the Tincture ariseth from the Fire, and draweth it again into it self, and allayeth it self therewith, so that the wrathful Source is quenched and then the Tinct [...]re subsisteth in me [...]kness. For the Soul hath no Essence nor Power in it self, but the Fire; and thus VVater proceedeth from the me [...]kness of the Tincture; The Fire is desirous, and where there is a desiring of the original, there is a finding of the original: Thus the [...]ire findeth VVater in the Tincture, and turneth it into Sulpher, according to the Power of all the seven Spirits of Nature, and this is a VVater of Life: And so we see that the Blood is the House of the Soul, but the Tincture is its Body.
The Soul only, beside the Spirit, is a Globe of Fire, with an Eye of Fire, and an Eye of Light, which turn themselves backward into one another, as the VVheel in Ezekiel, that could go on every side, though Babel hath contrived another meaning about it, but a blind one without a Spirit. [Page 38] [...] the meer Soul is not co [...]oreal, but in its Tin [...]ure, a Body groweth, whether it be a heavenly or a [...]ellish Body, and yet is not a Body which can be com [...]rehended outwardly, but a virtual Body, the divine [...]ody, Christ's heavenly Body, the heavenly [...]lesh, which he giveth us to eat in his [...]estament.
But the outward Spirit [it the Soul do not hinder it, but let it in] bringeth its Imagi [...]tion into, and spoil [...] it, o that another strange [...]mage cometh to be in [...] Spirit, in the [...]incture, acco [...]ding to the contents [...] L [...]st, as the covetous come to be a Wolf, the [...]ous a Dog, the proud a Ho [...]se, Peacock, or other [...], also Toads, Adders, Serpents, a [...]d other Worms and creeping things. Now [...]ods Sp [...]rit receiveth not their Images so long as they continu [...] such.
Of the Propagation of Soul [viz.] how it cometh into a Child in the Mother's Womb.
THe VVoman hath gotten the Matrix, viz. the Tincture of Venus [or Tincture of Light] and the Man hath the Tincture of Fire, which you may perceiv [...] by the eager Imagination of both towards one another: For the S [...]d in the Essence eagerly seeketh [...]he Life, the Man's in the VVoman [...] in Ve [...]us, and the VVoman's in the Fire, in the original of Life.
For they must now propagate as Beasts do, in two Seeds, the Man soweth Soul, and the woman Spirit, and being sown in an earthly Field, it is also brought forth after the manner of all Beasts.
Nevertheless, all the three Principles are in the Seed, but the inward cannot be by known the outward, for in the Seed the Soul is not living, but when the two Tinctures come together, then it is a whole Essence; for the Soul is essential in the Seed, and in the Conception it becometh Substantial.
Thus the S [...]ul cometh not at all into the Body, or is breathed into it from without, but the three Principles [Page 39] have each of them its own Artificer, one working Fire in the centre, and the other maketh VVater [...] the Tincture, and the third maketh the earthly MisteryMagnum, and yet it is no new thing, but the very Seed of Man and VVoman, and is only conceived in the mixture, and so only a Twig g [...]eth out of the Tree.
The Soul is not every time new created and breathed in; but is propagated after a human manner, as a Branch groweth out of a Tree, as I may better render it, as a man [...] or sow [...]th Seed, and so a Spirit and Body groweth out of it.
And this is only the difference that the three Principles are alwayes in str [...]fe about Man, each would fain have him: So that many times a wonderful Turba is brought in, while yet he remains in the Seed.
But if the Parents both [...]ather and Mother have their Souls cloathed with Christ's [...]lesh and divine [...]ssentiallity then it cannot be; for Christ saith. A good Tree cannot bring for [...]h evil Fruit; yet the Turba in time ca [...] enter in with the Reason.
So also an evil Tree cannot bring sorth good [...], that is, if both the Parents be evil, and held captiv [...] by the Devil, then an evil Soul is sown, but the Principles cannot yet judge it. nor the Turba neither; it i [...] indeed an evil Chi [...]d, [...]t if it turn. it may with th [...] Imagination e [...]ter into the VVord of the Lord.
Consider this, ve evil Parents, ye gather Money for your Children; get them good Souls, that is more necessary for them,
How and where the Soul is seated in man; also of its Illumination.
THe Soul is in God conceived in the Heart, and the VVord which conceived it was in the Heart, viz. in the centre, and so it continueth in the Figure, and in the Seat as it was comprehended by the Fiat, an [...] so it is still at this day.
[Page 40]It dwelleth in three Principles, but the Heart is its original, it is the inward [...]ire in the Heart, in the inward Blood in the Heart, and the Spirit of it which hath a glance from the Fire is in the Tincture, for it is cloathed with the Tincture, and burneth in the Heart.
The Soul is indeed seated in the inward Principle but it ruleth even in the outward, viz. in the Stars and Elements; and if it be not an Ape, and suffer it self to be captivated, it hath power enough to rule them; and if the Soul demerse it self into God, the outward must be obedient to it.
The outward Essence reacheth not the inward into the Soul, but only by the Imagination; There is nothing else in this world, no [...] [...]or Sword that can touch the Soul, or put it to death, but only the Imagination, that is its Poyson, for it originally proceedeth from the Imagination, and [...] in it eternally.
The Soul is thus enlightned, it is in this world, and [...]lso in God: here in this Life it is a Servant of God's wonders, which it should open with one Eye, and with the other bring them into the beginning before God, and set and cast all its doings into God's will, and by no means say of any thing in this. This is mine, I am Lord of this; for it lyeth if it say so: All is God's, thou art a Servant, and shouldst walk in Love and Humility towards God, and thy Brother for thy Brother's Soul is a fellow-Member with thy Soul thy Brother's joy in Heaven with God is also thy Joy, his Wonders are also thy Wonders.
For in Heaven God is all in all, he [...]deth all, the holy Ghost is the Life of all, there is meer Jo [...] there is no Sorrow, there all is Go [...]'s; one rejoyceth at the Power, Brightness and Beauty of another; there is no Malice nor Envy, for all that remaineth in Death & Hell.
O how cheerful is the Soul when its a [...]ish, sourcè of Fire tasteth God's Light! how exceeding courteous it is! O how it boweth it self before God.
Whether is the Soul of a new-born Child without Sin?
HOw can a Soul be born pure, it cannot be, it bringeth the Turba with it into the World, an [...] [...]s [...]ful in the Mother's [...]omb.
Yet the Soul is not wholly forsaken of God, so far as [...]he Father and Mother are ho est, and in God, for it cometh from the Soul of the [...] and Mother: And although a Child dye in the Mothers womb without Baptism, yet it is baptized with the Spirit of the [...]ather and of the Mother, viz. with the holy Ghost, which dwelleth in them, and the Turba is destroyed in Death; for the Faith's part passeth through to God.
But the matter is far otherwise with wicked Parents, if the Child dye in the Mother's Womb, the Soul of it falleth into the Turba, and reacheth not od to Eternity, it also knoweth nothing of him but it is a Life, according to the Essence and Property of the Parents.
And yet it doth not by this reach to the Inflamation, for that Soul it self hath not yet committed Sin, but it is a Spirit in the Source, quite void of Self-desire; it is like burning Brimstone, like the Ignus [...]arui, and cannot reach God, but remain between Heaven and Hell in the Mystry, until the Judgment of God, which will at last put every thing a part in its own place.
Thus no Soul is born into the World without Sin, be it begotten by holy or unholy Parents; for it is conceived in the earthly Seed, and bringeth the Turba of the Body with it, which also hath begrit the Soul.
And as [...] Abiss. and the anger of God, and also the ea [...]ly Li [...] depend wholly on God the [...]ather, and ye [...]: cannot comprehend and touch his Heart and Spirit; so it is also with the Child in the Mother's womb, if it be begotten by godly Parents, then each Principle standeth in its own part.
When the Turba taketh the earthly Body, then the Heaven taketh the Spir [...]t, and the Majesty filleth the [Page 42] Spirit, and then the Soul is in God, it is free from pain. But while the Soul remaineth in the earthly Life, it is not free, because the earthly Spirit doth with its Imagination always bring its Abominations into it, and the Spirit must be continually in Strife against the earthly Life.
How the outward Spirit is profitable to the Soul.
ALthough the outward Spirit be beastial, yet the inward understanding [Spirit] is able to keep in, and tame the outward, for it is Lord over it; but he that suffereth the beastial Spirit to be lord, he is a Beast, and hath also a beastial Image in the inward Figure in the Tincture.
And he that letteth the Fire-Spirit, viz. the Turba be lord, he is an essential Devil in the inward Image: Therefore he e it is necessary that the outward Spirit pour Water [ viz. Humility] into the Fire, that it may hold that strong Spirit captive, and that seeing it will not be God's Image, it may remain a Beast in the inward image.
Now the outward Spirit is very profitable to us, for many Souls would perish, if the beastial Spirit were not, which holdeth the [...]ire captive, and setteth before the Fire Spirit earthly beastial labour and joy, wherein it may busie it self, till it be able b [...] the Wonders in the Imagination to discover somewhat of its noble Image, that it may seek it self again.
[...]y [...]eloved Children, who are born in [...]od. It ll it you, it was not for nothing, that [...]od breathed the outward Spirit [ viz. the outward Life] into Adam's Nostrils, for great da [...]ger did attend this Image; God knew how it went with Lucifer, and also what the great eternal Magick could do; yea. Adam m [...]ght have been a Devil, but the outward Glass hindred that, for where Water is, it quencheth the Fire.
Also, many a Soul by its VVickedness would become [Page 43] Devil in a moment, if the outward Life did not hin [...]er it, so that the Soul cannot wholly inflame it self.
How the Soul departs from the Body at the Death of a M [...]n.
THe Soul departeth not out of the Mouth, for it did not come in at the Mouth, but [...]t only leaveth the earthly Life, the Turba snatcheth away the earthly Life, and then the Soul remaineth in it own Principle.
[...]or the beginning [ viz. the Soul] continueth i [...] the limit, and letteth the body perish, there is no complaining about it, neither doth the Soul desire it any more; it m [...]st go into its limit, viz. into the wonders of that wh [...]ch it hath been; for sickness unto death is nothing else, but that the Turba hath enflamed it self, and would destroy the Essence; and this is also the cause that the Body dyeth; the Turba thrusteth it self into the fire, and so the outward life is extinguished.
And if the fire of the soul hath not the divine body in the spirit, nor in the will in the desire, then it is a dark fire, which burneth in anguish and great horror; for it hath nothing but the first four forms of nature in anguish.
For the Turba is the exceeding strong harshness and bitterness; and the bitterness continually seeketh the fire, and would evaporate it, but the astrengency holds it captive; so that it is only an horrible Anguish, and continually turneth it self li [...]e a wheel, and imagineth, but findeth nothing but it self, it eateth it self, and is its own substance.
It hath no other substance but that which the spirit of the Soul continually made in the outward life, viz. Covetousness, Pride, Cursing, Swearing, Reviling, Back-biting, Murder, Hatred, Wrath, Falshood; this is its food, for the Turba in the will taketh the substance with it; its works follow it: And although it hath done some good, yet that is done only in a glistering shew and appearance, from an ambitious mind.
[Page 44]Yot if it had comprehended any purity of Love in its will (as many a one that is converted at last in his end) then it thus sinketh into its self thorow the ang [...]sh. For the humble spark falleth down through death into life, and then the Source of the Soul endeth: yet it is a small Twig budding forth into the Kingdom of God. [...] cannot sufficiently be described what refining the Soul hath, and how it is hindred and plagued by the Devil, ere it can get this Spark into it self; but this wise world will not believe this. O that none might feel this by Experience, and then we would gladly hold our peace.
The four Forms of the original of Nature, are the common plague, which every one feeleth, according to his own Turba, but one far otherwise then another; the Covetous hath cold, the Angry, fire, the Envions, bitterness, the Proud, an high aspiring, and yet an eternal sinking and falling into the Abiss, the Scorner swalloweth down the Turba of those abominations, which he here belched forth; the false slandering Heart hath the forth form. viz. the great Anguish.
Thus the condition of Hell is far otherwise then [...]abel teacheth; the Devil is not at odds with his own Children, they must all do his Will the anguish and horror of Hell plagueth every one of them sufficiently in their own Abominations; every one hath his own Hell, there is nothing but his own Poyson that appr [...]th him.
Whither the Soul goeth when it departeth from the Body, be it saved, or not saved.
WHeresoever the Soul is, it is in the Abiss [...] world, where there is no end nor I mit, though it should go a thousand Miles off, yet it were then in the same place, fro [...] whence it went; for in God there is no lim [...]t near and afar off is all one; it is as swift as a thought it is magical, it [...] in its Wonders, they [...]re its House.
[Page 45]The Body retaineth it not, no Wood, no Stone can retain it, it is thinner then the Air, and if it have the divine Body, then it goeth streight as a Conqueror through the Turba. v [...]z. through the anger of God, and quite through Death into God's Essence; it remaineth in its Wonders and Essences, which it wro [...]ght here; it beholdeth the Majesty of God, and the Angels face to face.
The heavenly Body of the Soul is from the pure Element [whence th [...] four Ele [...]ts are brought forth] and that giveth [...]lesh, and the tincture giveth Blood: But all in this world have not Christ's flesh in them hidden in the old Adam; yea, among very many, not one, but the regenerate who are departed from their own w [...]ll into God's will, in whom the noble Gram of Mustard-Seed is sown, out of which a [...]ree is gro [...]n.
Most Souls depart from the Body [...]ithout Christ's body, yet they hang as by a Thred, and are at last in their [...]aith gotten into the will, these Souls indeed are in the Image, in the Spirit, but not in the Flesh; such as these wait for the last Day, when the Image, viz. the Body shall come forth out of the Grave, out of the first Image; for God will raise it up by the Voice of Christ. even that Image which Adam had in his Innocency.
But the earthly Body shall not touch it that must come before the Judgment in the Turba. but after the [...] of the Judgment, the Turba shall swallow it up, and the wonder [of it] shall only remain.
Understand, these Souls that must wait till the last Day for their Bodies, they remain with their Bod es in the still Rest till the last day, without f [...]ling any pain. but in another Principle; they have neither Darkn [...] nor Majesty in the Earth but are at Rest without pain. in the eternal still liberty without touching the Body.
Yet they see their wonders, but they effect nothing in them, for they exp [...]ct [...]od. and are [...] humility; [...]or they are sunk down through Death, and are in another [Page 46] VVorld, yet there is a great space between them and the holy Souls that are in Christs Flesh and Blood, but not a Principle, they are in one and the same Principle.
But a Spirit without a Body hath not that might, which the Spirit i [...] the Body hath, there [...]ore they rest and are under the Al [...] of God, when the last Day shall come forth, and eat of the Bread of God, and put on the divine Body, as is mentioned in the Revelations of John.
But the Souls of the Wicked have another place, viz. in the most innermost. which is [...]lso the most uttermost of all Darkness, they dare not go up and down, they remain meerly with the Body in their Substance, yet not in this world, neither do they touch the Earth.
It hath indeed power enough over the Earth, it can open it without Substance and Preceptibility: But it hath not the outward Principle, it hath not power enough over the outward Spirit, yet it can for a time make Apparitions in the Syderial spirit as many appear again in the Austral spirit and seek Abstinence, & make many afraid with keeping a racket in Houses, all which they do b [...] the Austral spirit till that it be consumed, and then their Tricks lie in the Darkness, and they expect the last Judgment.
Thus there is a difference of places, where Souls are, according to that wherein the Soul is entred; if it be holy and degenerate, then it hath a Body which expecteth only the wonders of the Body at the last Day; for at the Day of Judgment all Souls good and bad shall every one receive their Sentence and Reward.
And you must know, that the Souls of the Wicked have no ease [before the Day of Judgment] their best ease and joy is, when they climb up in the Will in their Works, which they did here, and continually desire to do them more still; it grieveth them that they did not afflict the Honest more then they did; their Will is just so as it was here, they are Spirits of Pride like the Devil, a covetous devouring Spirit: when but the least thought of the last Day entreth them, then fear and horror stirreth in them, they rather [...] that thought [Page 47] alone, and recreate, themselves in Haughtiness.
This is a great Wonder, that an Angel should become such a furious Devil: And so the power of God's anger cometh to be manifest in God; for God hath manifested himself according to both Eyes, in Love and Anger, and it is left free to man, he may go into which of them he will, God throweth none into Wrath, the Soul casteth it self into it.
But you must know that the Wrath hath set its Throat [...]ide open, and draweth mightily and desireth to devour all for it, the Cov [...]sness and the Pride insulting over Humili [...]y.
A [...]d so also Love and Humility have opened [...] Mou [...], and draw with all their Powers, and would draw man into Love. into Heaven: Now into which of these the Soul entreth, in that it remaineth, whether in Love or in Anger; in that Tree it standeth, and there is no deliv [...]nce in Eter [...]y from thence.
VVhether men [...] VVishes do profit them any thing or no?
THe Prayer and Wish of the Righteous pierceth into He [...] ven and not into Hell. No good wish entreth into Hell; but if the wicked leave behind him much Falshood and Deceit, so that the hellish Torment is wished to him in [...] Grave, such wishes come to the wicked Soul; those wishes come to pass with them for that Soul must swallow down [...] Abomin [...]ions, which it committed here, and that is its Food which the Living send after it.
But it is altogether unfit, and doth not beco [...]e the Children of God at all, for thereby they sow into Hell, into the Anger of God, they had need beware lest they also reap that which they sow, if they do not recall themselves, and repent, it will fall out no otherwise.
Furthermore, we give you to understand, according to our Gift, that those Souls [which as it were [...] by a [...]. and but at last enter into Repentance, and so compre [...] the Kingdom of Heaven as it were by a Thred, so that [...] and faith are mixt] are in such a condition, that a hearty Prayer and Wish redoundeth to their profit, and [...] [Page 48] into the poor captive Soul, into its Source, if it be [...] with all earnestness.
For it is neither in Hell nor in Heaven, but in the Gate in the middle Source of the Principle, where Fire and Light sever themselves, and is held by its Turba, that alw [...] seeketh the Fire: But then this small Twig which it hath conceived, viz. the weak Faith deeply demerseth it self, an [...] [...]rnestly reacheth after the Mercy of God, and yieldeth [...] self patiently into the death of that, sinking down, and [...] getteth out from the anguish, and sinketh down from the pa [...] into the meekness of Heaven.
And although many a Soul [...]is held a sufficient while, [...] the Anger cannot devour that small Faith, but must at [...] let it go: But I leave it to him to try what this is, who [...] fully per [...]ereth in Sin till his end, and then first desireth [...] be saved, and then the Pope forsooth, must save him, [...] shall find it by [...]oful experience.
In Popery much iugling [...]ath been invented about this, in saying Mass for a Soul, and that for Money only, but [...] hath been a great Cheat of the Pope, of Babel, for ther [...] is earnestness required to wresile with the anger of God, and overcome it.
Yet we confess, and acknowledge readily, that the Churc [...] of Christ hath great power to ransom such a Soul, if [...] fervency and earnestness it do it as it was done in the Primitive Church, when they had holy People, and holy Priests, who performed their Ministry in real earnestness.
They indeed effected somewhat, but not in such a way as the Pope boasteth of, saying, That he hath the Key and that he can let out a Soul with [...] Blessing when he will, if a man will give him Money; This is a Lye.
VVhether separated Souls take care of human matters.
FIrst, those Souls which yet have not attained Heaven, and so stick in the Source, in the Principle in the Birth, those have yet the human Essence, wi [...]h the Works in them, they diligently search out [...] [...] of [...] [...].
[Page 49]And therefore many of them come again with the [...] [...]irit, and wander up and down in their [...]ouses, and places [...] abode, and [...]ar in a human Shape & desire this and that, [...]nd often times take care about their Wills or Tesiaments, [...]nd also think to procure the blessing of the Saints, that they [...] rest; and if their earthly A [...]airs do still stick in them, [...] take care many times also about thei [...] Children & Friends.
This condition of theirs con [...]ueth so long, till they fall into their Rest, and till their [...] Spirits be consumed, then all such doings cares and [...] are at an end, and they also have no more knowledge thereof, but that they see them in the wonders in the Magick.
After this sort are once received into Grace, they take no care purposely about human earthly M [...]rs but [...] the [...]eavenly Matters which are brought to it by the Spirit of [...], and rejoyceth in them. But there is somewhat still behind, which is this:
A living man hath such power, that his is able with his Spirit to go in [...]o Heaven to the seperated Souls, and stir them up about some Question by a [...] desire; but it must be earnest, it must be Faith that must break open a Principle.
And this we see in Samuel the Pr [...], whom the King of [...]ael raised up, that he might make his [...] [...] to him, though it seem otherwise to some, of whom we may well say, [...] they are blind, and void of Knowledge [...] they speak but their own scholastick Fables, and [...] [...] about that they have no knowledge of in the Spirit. And these are Babel.
Now secondly, the other sort which sink into Death, without a Body, they are wholly in one and the same place of the Principle, in which the first sort are, which afterwards did sink down in themselves; All these take no evil. Affairs upon them, wherein the Turba sticketh.
But when the honest Souls which are alive, send them their Works with their Spirit and Will, they rejoyce in [...] [...] are so a [...]able, that they appear to men a [...]lly in [...], and shew them good wayes, and many times reveal [...] [...] lie in secret, viz. in the Ab [...] of the Soul.
[Page 50]Thus know, that no Soul separated from the Body, [...] into any wicked matter, except it be a damned Soul, which indeed entreth in magically, and hath its joy therein, [...] teacheth most notorious vile Pranks in Dreams; for it is [...] servant of the Devil; and whatsover a wicked man desireth that the devil readily helpeth him to; for he can do it better by the Soul of a man, then of himself, for he is too crude and terrifieth the Magia, so that the elementary Spirit [...] astonished, and awakneth the Body.
Also, this you must know, that all is done magically in th [...] Will, without awakning of the Source. No Soul [...] with its Ess [...]nces of its own accord to please man, unless man raise and disturb it himself.
There are many Villanies in Negromancy, which ca [...] many times vex and torment the Spirits of men, but it [...] do so to no Soul that is cloathed with Christ's essentiality, for that Soul is free.
The third sort of seperated Souls, which are in Abraham's bosom in Christ, having the heavenly essentiality, none [...] stir except they will themselves, as when they have a favour to a Soul that is like themselves; also they take no earthly thing upon them, except it make for the Glory of God, and then they are restless to reveal something in a Magical way.
But then they let no Turba into them, neither do they intercede with God for us, but whatsoever cometh to them they rejoyce in it with the Angels; for the Angels rejoyce at a Sinner that repenteth, then much more the Souls.
Why should they pray to God for us? it lieth not in their Prayer, but in [...] entring into God, when he strongly turneth his Will to God, then God's Spirit h [...]lpeth him without Prayers.
Of the Resurrection, and also of the end of Time.
WHen the last Day shall begin to dawn, then the Deity manifesteth it self once more [and that is the third time] in all Forms, in Love and Anger; and then all things together at once shall be plainly laid open in the sight of all Creatures.
[Page 51] Now here is the End of Time, for then the beginning [...] found the end; and the end is then the beginning, and [...] again into that which it was from Eternity.
If we knew certainly the [...] of the sixth Day, wherein [...] Creation was finished, we could then set you down the [...]ear and Day [we mean the last Day] for it goeth not a Minuit further, it hath its limit hid in the inward Circle.
Therefore know for certain, that the Time is near, for [...] the sixth day Afternoon the Rest of the eternal Day began, [...]nd therefore God instituted the Sabboth of the seventh Day for a Rest, and an everlasting Remembrance.
And as the Rest began on the [...] Day, towards the Evening, and the entrance to the manifestation of the Works of the Creation [the end then taketh in the beginning again, and the six Days stood thus in the Circle as a wonder] so know that ye were created in Paradise and yet are gone out from it into the spirit of wrathfulness, into Death which hath now wrought its Wonders in you these 5500 Years, and upwards.
And now the End hath found the Beginning again, and yo shall see, also feel and find what Paradis [...] hath been, even every one of them that shall be born in God.
But the middle, with the Wonders, which were manifested in the time, continueth forever more, in the beginning and in the end, as an eternal middle, with its Wonders, viz. with the Angels and Men, and their Essences; as also the figures of all Creatures, & all that hath been essential at any time; the Earth with its Metals, also Stones, and all material Substances, [...] Trees and Herbs: All these stand in the Figure in the middle, but quite void of such Essences and Life.
For no Beast cometh again, but its Figure continueth in the Magia, for it arose out of the eternal Glass, [so that now when the [...] Glass breakesh] it must remain in the eternal, as a wonder to God's honour and glory forever more.
[Page 52]Here the Spirit of God will manifest himself forthwith in all the three Principles, and stir up the center of Nature, so that it shall burn in the [...]ire of anger; for [...]ll, both. Heaven, Earth, and the [...]irmament shall be set on fire together, and the Turba will [...] up the earthly world in the [...]ire, and restore it to that which it was before the Creation; only the Wond [...] remain st ll in two Princip es, the third Principle doth vanish quite away all but the wonders.
And then the earthly Life, and the earthly Body will fall away, and the [...]ire will con [...]me them, and the glorious bright Paradisical body of the Righteous shall pa [...] through the Fire with its wonders, which shall follow it and whatsoever is false shall remain in the [...]ire.
The Wicked also must go into the [...]ire, and their earthly Life will also fall away, and their monstro [...] Image will appear in the Spirit, according to the shape of all hideous abominable Beasts like the Devil.
And in that Hour also the wrathful [...] of the darkness shall bring forth the Devils, who shall then receive their wages and lodging, at the hearing of which they tremble.
All the D [...]ad, both good and evil, shall arise every one in his two-fold Body, and shall have the Soul, wit [...] the Spirit in the Body; one shall have the outward earthly [...]fe [or Body] and therein a beastial Image in the spirit of the Soul, and in the inward Image he shall have the essentiality of the wrathful Anger; another shall have the outward Body, & Ch [...] image there in, and the divine Spirit of Lov [...] shall shine in the Spirit of his Soul, which Body, the word Fiat cloatheth again with the true and pure [...] Image.
For the first Body which God created, and Christ [...] with his Blood, that will bring the Wonders with it and enter again into Paradise. and be cloathed with the Majesty of God, and then the [...] of God is with men. [Page 53] For the noble Image was destroyed in Adam, when [...] Woman was taken out of him, so that he retained [...]ly the [...]ture of the Fire, and the woman had the [...]ture of the Spirit, but now they return to them [...]holly again.
[...]or the woman shall receive the Tincture of the Fire, [...] that [...]he shall be as [...] [...]as, neither man nor woman, but a Virgin full of Chastity, without the mem [...]ers of man or woman.
And then they shall no more say, Thou art my Hus [...]nd, or thou art my Wi [...]e, but they are [...]: Indeed there shall some remaining tokens of the difference be in the divine Magical wonders, but none will regard that, for they are all of them me [...]ly the Children of [...], liv [...]ng the Life of Children in the delighting sport of Love.
All the Words which the Mouth hath spoken, which the Air hath received, these the Air shall bring again forth; for it is the Glass of the eternal Spirit, the Spirit seeth them in the Glass: And so man shall be judged according to his Heart, Mind and Thoughts, for the Turba is in all malice [...] wickedness, which is contrary to Love; here will be no making of excuse, for every one will accuse himself, his own Turba will accuse him.
We direct you to the Scripture, for it shall come to pass just according to the holy Scripture. Note, this world will be no more regarded, for all earthly Knowledge and Cogitations shall remain in the Turba of the earthly life in the [...]; we shall have no knowledge more of our Parents, Children or [...]riends who are in Hell.
We shall have some knowledge of Hell, but see nothing of it, save only in the Magia in the Mystery, for the Devils must dwell in darkness, the wrathful Fire which is in them is the r light; they have Eyes of Fire to see withal, all [...] besides is gone, for the Majesty hath swallowed it up, that it may burn in love.
[Page 54]We shall all know one another among our selves by Name; though the earthly Name shall remain in the Turba, we [...]hall have a Name according to our first name in the Language of Angels, which here in this life we do [...] understand; in the language of Nature we understand [...]thing of it, b [...]t here we have no [...]gue to spea [...] it with.
Here [...]; The inward Ens of Christ [which the So [...] [...]th on it for an heavenly Body out of Christs Spir [...] and out of his [...] and Blood] is spiritual, it is a spiritual Body which dyeth not at the death of the outward man; yea, it is not buried, neither doth it rise again; but it is dead and buried, and risen again in Christ for all, and in all, and liveth eternally, for he is passed from Death to Life.
What kind of Matter our Bodies shall have in the Life to come.
THus we tell you, we shall have a Body consisting of Flesh and Blood, such a Body as Christ had, for Ch [...]ist by his In [...]tion is become Man in us: When we are born a new [...] the Water, and of the Spirit, then [...] Christ's Spirit we are born a new of Christ's [...]esh and Blood; we put on Christ.
Christ becometh born in the converted Sinner, and [...]he in Christ becometh the Child of God; this is the Body we shall have in Heaven.
No gross beastial Flesh as we have in old Adam, but [...] [...]esh and Blood, such Flesh as can pass through Wood and Stone, they remaining whole still; as Christ c [...]me in to his Disciples, the Door being shut: It is such a Body as hath no Turba or Fragility, Hell cannot retain it, it is like Eternity, and yet it is real [...]esh and Blood, which our heavenly Hands shall touch and feel, and take hold of, also a visible Body, as that is which [...] h [...]ve here in this world.
Of Paradise; and where Henoch is [as also Moses and Elias.]
WE are able to say with good ground that Paradise is still upon Earth, [...] is in it, [as also Moses and Elias] and yet he hath the Body of [...] Turba in the Mistery; and in the heavenly Mistery he hath the [...] Body, which [...] capable of Paradise.
[...] is not gone o [...]t of this world, he is entred [...]to the Mistery in the VVonders, he is God's Preacher, and after the Turba hath overcome the VVorld, he must be silent till the six Seals have ended their wonders, and till the Angels of the Turba have poured out the r Vials, then the wonders of the Anger are finished [...] then Henoch cometh out of the Mystery again, and entreth into the Ministry, and relateth what hath been done.
But Noab goeth into the other world through the VVater, and callet [...] Moses with his VVonders, and he cometh, for he hath the won [...]rs of God.
For he passed through death, and brought [...] Body through death, when the Turba desired to consume it, and the Devil contended for it, and would have the Turba which was in Moses, because he had ben an angry man, and carried the Turba in him.
But it was told the Devil, that the Turba in the [...] did not belong to him, for it belonged to the Majesty of God, and contained the wonders, and the Turba in the Darkness in the wrath only belonged to him, who is without the City, he must not dwell in the City, in [...] Principle, but without it.
Also Moses his Body is passe [...] through Death, [...]is un [...]able Body which had the VVonders, hath swallowed up that which was earthly in the Turba, and yet not consumed it to [...], but it also is in the [...] and his Turba which killed the first-born in [...], [...] [...] in the water, slew them that [...] [Page 56] the Calf, and swallowed up Corah, Datha [...] and [...] into the Earth, continued in death; For when he dy [...] his Spirit and Soul departed from the Turba, and he [...] mained in the VVonders in the Mistery; and now he [...] become a Lamb.
But though the Body of Moses be d livered from [...] Turba, it must be tryed in the Fire at the end of Day [...]
At the last Day we shall not ascend above the pla [...] of this world, but make our abode here in our [...] native Country, and go into our home in another worl [...] in another Principle, of another Property.
VVhen this outward dominion shall pass away, [...] the very place where the world now stands, there [...] be meer Paradise, for the Earth will be of an heavenl [...] Essentiality, so that we shall be able to dwell any where [...] and be able to pass through and through it.
There will be no Cold or Heat any more, also [...] Night; there is no Death any [...]ore, also no [...]ear, [...] Sorrow, no Sickness, the Earth will be like a Christaline Sea, and all the VVonders of the VVorld will be [...] wholly perspicously, and the Brightness of God shall [...] the Light thereof, and the holy Jerusalem, the great City of God, shall be therein.
The whole world would have been a meer Paradise, if Lucifer had not corrupted it, who was in the beginning of his Creation an Hierarch in the place of this world. But seeing God knew well that A [...]am would fall, therefore Paradise sprung forth and budded only in one certain place, to introduce and confirm Man therein, whom [albeit [...]od saw that he would again depart thence] he would again introduce him thereinto by Christ, and establish him a new in Christ to Eternity in Par [...].
For Lucifer poysoned the first Paradise with his false and wicked Desire; therefore God promised to regenerate it anew in Christ: For the seventh Day which God appointed for Rest, is nothing else but [...] regenérate anew in the Spirit of Christ, in the human [Page 57] Property, wherein the poor Soul shall rest eternally from the source of the six dayes Works, viz. of the six Properties of the Life.
A short summary Appendix of the Soul, and of the Turba, which is the destroyer of the Image; and of Virgin Sophia.
THe Soul is an Eye in the eternal Abiss, a similitude of Eternity, a perfect Figure and Image of the first Principle, and resembleth God the [...]ather [...] his Person, as to the eternal Nature.
The Essence and Substance of it [meerly and purely as it is in it self] is first the wheel of Nature, as to the first four [...]orms, viz. 1. Astringent; 2. Bitter; 3. Fire; 4. Anguish— [...]ire is a similitude of the Soul.
The Soul is an essential [...]ire, and the flash of Fire i [...] the life of it; it resembleth a Globe, or an Eye, of Fire [...] The burning [...]ire in the Source signifieth the first Principle and the Life; yet the Fire is not the Life, but the Spirit of the Source which ariseth from the [...]ire, and goeth forth from the [...]ire like Air. That is the true Spirit of the Source of the life of the Fire, which continually bloweth the Fire up again, and maketh it burn.
Now the Fire shineth and giveth light out of the Source where it shineth, and the source comprehendeth not the light; and this signifieth the second Principle wherein God dwelleth.
[...] we know that the Power is in the Light, and not [...] the [...]ire, the fire only giveth [...] to the light, and the life or the light produceth meekness and substantiality, viz. Water.
Now we understand, that there is a meek life in the light, without Source, and yet it self is an insensible Source, it is nothing but a longing or desire of Love.
VVhich Source we account a Tincture, in which the [...]dding and blossomings hath its original, yet the fire [...] the cause of it, and the meekness is a cause of the [Page 58] Substantiality; for the desire of Love in the Light, [...]eth it, and keepeth it, so that it becometh a Substance, but the desire of fire consumeth the Substantiality.
Indeed the Image dwelleth in the fire of the Soul, as Light [...]elleth in the fire, but it hath another Principle as the Light is such a Source, as is different from the fire.
And so the true Image of God dwelleth in the Light of the fire of the Soul; which Light, the fiery Soul must create in the [...]tain of the Love of God, in the Majesty, by pu [...]ting and yielding its Imagination into it.
But if the Soul do not so, but putteth its Imaginatio: into it self, into its wrathful form of the Source of th [...] fire, and not into the fountain of Love, into the Ligh [...] of God, then its own Source of forceness, astringenc [...] and bitterness riseth up, and the Image of God becometh a Turba, and swalloweth up the similitude of Go [...] in the wrath.
And then the astringent Fiat in the fiery Essence [...] the Soul figureth for the Soul an Image of the imagination, that is, in its Will: VVhatsoever the essenti [...] fire of the Soul desireth, that will be the figure in th [...] Soul. viz. earthlv Figures, that which the will of th [...] Heart casteth it self into, that image the Fiat of th [...] Soul will make, that is as far as the third Principl [...], an [...] the spirit of the Stars and Elements hath power.
So that if the w [...]ll of the Soul do cast it self into the Kingdom of this world, then the outward Kingdom ha [...] power to bring its imagination into the inward Principle and if the inward Fiat perceive that in the fire of [...] Soul, then it becometh pregnant with it, and keepeth it.
And then the Soul hath the image of a Beast in [...] third Principle, and that cannot be destroyed forever [...] except the will of the soul return again out of the [...] Lust, and pierce into the Love of God agai [...], and th [...] it getteth the image of God again, which may be do [...] onl [...] in this Life, while the Soul is essentially in its [...] in the growing of its Tree, but after this Life it ca [...] not be done.
[Page 59]Thus you may understand what the Soul, Spirit, Image [...]nd Turba are; the Soul dwelleth in it self, and is an essential Fire, and its image standeth in it self in the [...]magination, in the light of the Soul, if it cleave to God, if not, then it is an Anxiety in the wrath of darkness, and is an abominable Image, or an image of the Devil.
The Turbae of the Soul which destroyeth the divine Image, is the essential wrathfulness, and s caused by the imagination, or false love and representation, and therefore all lieth in the Imagination, the Image consisteth in that which we suffer to come into our desire.
If the will of the Soul, change it self, then its form will [...] also [...]hanged: For if the source of the Soul be fiery, then it hath also a fiery Image, if the Soul turn its imagination into the centre, into the strong Astringency and Bitterness, then its fair [...]mage is also captivated in [...]he dark Astringency, and infected with astringent wrath. And then this wrath is a Turbae, which possesseth the Image, and destroyeth the similitude of God; for [...] God there is Love, Light and Meekness; but in this Image there is darkness, astringency and bitterness.
Again, the Soul in its real Life and Understanding, [...] in three Kingdoms: The 1st is, the eternal nature, viz. the potent Might of Eternity, the dark & fire-world, according to which God calleth himself a strong zealous [...]gry God, and a consuming Fire, in which the Devil hath wholly plunged and diabolized himself.
The second is the holy light world, where the eternal understanding hath displayed it self through the Fires sharpness, in the light of the great fiery Love-desire, [...]nd turned the wrathful Darkness and fiery Property, to a Kingdom of Joy, which is the true manifestation of the Deity, and is called the holy Heaven of the angelical delight and bliss.
The third Kingdom is the outward Astral & Elemental Kingdom, viz [...] the Air, with its dominering Constellations, [Page 60] wherein all the five outward Constellations rule, viz. Superior and inferior of the four Elements, out of which [Constellation the five Senses take their original, wherein the vegetable and reasonable Life consisteth; this is the Animal [or beastial] Soul, which ruleth over all the Creatures of this world.
The [...]ire-Soul must subsist in the Fire of God, and be so pure as the clear refined Gold, for it is the Husban [...] of the noble Virgin Sophia, viz. [Christ [...]s Humanity, which is] from the woman's Seed, it is the [...]ire's tin [...]ure, and Sophia the Light's tincture, if the tincture of the [...]ire be wholly and throughly pure, then its Sophi [...] will be given it, and so Alam receiveth again into [...] Arms, his most precious and endeared Bride, which was taken from him in his Sleep, and is not any longer Man or Woman, but a Branch on Christ's Pearl-Tree, which standeth in the Paradise of God.
To the description whereof we need an Angels tong [...] and yet we are understood well enough by our School [...] fellows: we have not written this for Swine.
Of the Eternal Predistination, and Election of God.
WHen the Scripture speaks of God's eternal purpose, or Predistination, it speaketh not of a purpose or predistination that hath been long before, for in God there is no beginning, but there is an eternal be [...]inning, where the beginning and the end is all one, the first is continually the last, and the last first: whatsoever [...]od hath begun from Eternity to foresee that he beginneth now also at this day always every moment to foresee.
I can say with good ground thus, that if I were in my Mother's Body or Womb comprehended in his Anger [...] then God hath from Etern [...]ty seen me, & apprehended me in his Anger, & I were from Eternity elected in his ang [...]
But if I convert in Repentance, so that God's love [...] me, then I am from [...]ternity foreseen out of the A [...]ger into the Love; for in God all is eterna [...] [Page 61] [...]hatsoever at this day beginneth to alter in the eter [...], that is from Et [...]nity [...] [...]rnity, equally in the [...], the matter [...]sists only in the Conversation of the Will.
And though it standeth written, that it standeth not in [...] willing, that is only concerning those that desire [...], and [...] will not go fo [...]th out of their [...]ful Will, [...] keep their Sin, and yet will be saved; therefore it [...] not in his willing, but in this, that man go [...] [...]om Sin into God's Grace, and then it lieth in the mer [...]y, and that God doth readily, for [...] hath promised it.
Therefore men should better consider the Scripture, [...] to such Terms or Expressions; for it often speaketh [...]ut of the eternal Mouth, which beginneth every [...]oment.
For when the Scripture saith, he hardneth their Hearts [...] they believe not, and so come not to be saved, then it [...]eaketh of those who would be saved by their own Ability, and their evil Will and Life, those he suffereth [...]o go on in their purpose or predistination, for they will do it.
As also Adam did, he would not be resigned into God, [...] a Child, but be his own, and apprehend and know Good and Evil, and live in all the three Principles; for [...] went out from God's will into his own off-set purpose, and God left him, and then he fell down and slept.
And when he had eat the forbidden Fruit, then God's [...]nger elected him to the damnation of Death, and God's [...]ove spoke against it, saying, The Seed of the Woman shall [...] or crush the Serpent's Head; and that was also the [...]ternal Election, and yet it was also a beginning tempo [...] Election; for how [...]an an Election pass upon a thing when as yet it hath no Root?
God's Anger hath from Eternity continually, and still [...] this very day, electeth it self to be a Darkness, that God's Love and Light might in the Anger become manifest or revealed.
Of Free-Will.
NOw that which is out of the Eternal, as the Soul of [...], that hath also free-will to manifest it self in [...] Light or in the Darkness; not that it hath the Light or Dar [...] ness in its power, but it hath ability to work in good or evil that is in the power of the Light or of the Da [...]ness, and [...] which soever it wor [...]th, that manifesteth it self in it.
The might or power is God's, and the Soul is his [...] a branch in the Tree, proceeded out of God's Mouth, out [...] Love and Anger; all that lieth in it, and is its own property who will then take away the Free-will from it, being it is branch of the eternal Tree & hath Love and Anger in it self?
For the Fire-Soul is a Root proceeded from the divine O [...] nipotence, and therefore it hath Free-will, and nothing [...] deprive it, and therefore it may conceive either in the Fire [...] Light.
The Souls free-will is as thin as a nothing, and though it [...] in its Body indeed, encompassed with the something, yet in [...] or conceived something is in a false distinguis [...] Essence by reason of the original of Sin.
Now if the free-will would approach to God with the Desire, then it [...]ust depart out of its false something; and [...] it now doth so depart, th [...]n it is bare and impotent, for [...] is again in the first nothing: [...]or if it would come to Go [...] then it must dye to its f [...]lse self-hood, and forsake it, and [...] it forsakes the same, then it [...] [...] and meerly as nothing and so it cannot go work or move: if it will shew its Might [...] then it must be in something wherein it doth imaginate [...] form it self. But when man will say, man cannot turn [...] Will towards that which is good, viz. towards Grace, [...] is [...]; Grace indeed standeth in the Abiss of [...] Creature in all wicked men, and the Will need only stand still from [...]icked working, and then it beginneth, as to its self-will [...] dive down into the Abiss. For that which standeth [...] [...] [...] [...]ill together with the [...]ernal One, and becometh [...] [...] there [...].
[Page 63]Can the Will be obedient to a worldly Lord and Master, and for that end stand still for which he would have him? [...]erefore not also to God, especially when the Ability is as [...]given, as a man doth but incline his Will to stand still?
It is better to know nothing, then to Will according to self, for that which knoweth nothing, the will of that passeth away, with the Creaturely Life, and its stri [...]e hath an end, and [...]ath no more source of Torment, as we may understand in [...]rrational Creatures.
For it is the Source and Torment of all the damned that [...]re wishing and woulding, viz. they would that which is [...]lf, and in their woulding they generate Ideas, Species and Formations, viz. contrary Wills and Desires, the Will being [...] strife, so that one thing is manifested in multiplicity where [...]n it is at enmity with it self; but when it is one with the [...]ternal One, then can no enmity be therein.
Therefore it is man's last proof or tryal when he standeth [...]ill to God in all things, then in him Light proceeds out of Darkness, Life out of Death, and Joy out of Sorrow, for God is in, and with him in all things.
Of the becoming Man, or Incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
WHen God created Man as an Image, according to [...] substance, a similitude of, or according to God, then [...] created him out of the Mother of all things, or Substances, [...]nd all the three Worlds; his Body he created out of the outward, and also the inward Substantiality, viz. out of the [...]arthly and heavenly, and inbreathed into him through his [...]pirit a living Breath, that is himself, according to the divine world, and also according to the outward World.
For the Spirit of God is the Spirit of all, and every Life. [...] distinguished into three Principles, or three Worlds— [...] first according to the dark world, according to the first Principle, according to which God calleth himself an angry [...]ealous or jealous God, and a consuming Fire, which is the [...]ernal Nature.
[Page 64] Secondly, According to the Light-world, viz. according to God's love and meekness, according to which he is ca [...] the holy Spirit.
And Thirdly, according to the outward World, the A [...] Spirit, with the Quality or Souree of the Stars and Elements—Thus hath man received a three-fold Life, the Spirit of all the three Worlds.
Therefore we should rightly consider man what he is, & [...] make an earthly Beast of him; and also make no Angel of [...] earthly part; he hath the inward Spirit out of the first Principle, but he should not rule therewith, also not with the o [...] ward, but give up himself to the holy Spirit in the sec [...] Principle, and in the outward Life be as a Child in the A [...] ther's Bosom or Lapp.
The Soul standeth in three Principles, viz. in the eter [...] Fire's Nature, and in the eternal Light's Nature, viz. i [...] the Love Fire, which extinguished in Adam, for which [...] at [...]resent the strife is, And thirdly, it standeth in the Kingdom of this World, viz. in Mortality and Restoration.
When the inward sou [...] ground, viz. the eternal Soul [...] the Father's property of the Word of God, turneth back ag [...] and looks about after i [...]s [...] Pearl, viz. after the [...] Princip [...] then it perceiveth that it was lost in Adam. s [...] whence ariseth its misery, and return again, and as so [...] it returneth again, God giveth his Grace into it again, [...] unknown and not understood by it.
This great unqu [...]eness ariseth in the Soul, that it [...] goeth into Repentance, when i [...] seeth that it hath l [...]t i [...]s [...], neither may nor shall, nor can it any other way [...] [...] first Pearl which i [...] had, and come [...]o divine S [...] [...], unless it turn with its Fires Might wholly again into [...] ground of the incorporated Grace, and give it self up there [...]
We necessarily find it clear, that there is yet another Su [...] stance i [...] ow Flesh, which [...], [...] and [...] [...] that which yet now is [...]; being then it [...] [...] [...] after that which [...] is [...] therefore [...] [...] [...] have been so in the beginning of its Beeing and [...] [Page 65] [...] there would be no sighing, or longing after another thing.
For we know that every Substance sigheth after that out of which it had its first Original; and so our Will sigheth after such a Flesh as God created.
So we clearly understand that we are gone forth out of the Eternal into the Corruptible: For Adam's imagination hath drawn the earthly Quality of the Stars and four Elements into the Limus, and the Stars and Elements have drawn in the longing Malady of the Earth. And thus the heavenly Matter of the heavenly Flesh became earthly.
The true Ens of the Soul, which the Word assumed in the Name Jesus, was of us men from the Female tincture, viz. from the true Adamical Soul, yet from the Property of the Light, which was severed from Adam and put into the Woman, that this Property of the Light might transmute or change the fiery Masculine property again into the Love and divine Humility, and that the Masculine and Feminine property might be quite changed into one Image again, as Adam was before his Eve, when h [...] was neither Man nor Woman, but a Masculine Virgin.
Therefore Christ took his Soul from a Woman, viz. from a Virgin, and yet was a Man; so that he rightly stood in the Adamical Image, and brought the averted severed Properties of Life, in which our Will had broken it self off from God again into the temperature and union. viz. into that one.
For Adam turned his Will from the only Will of God, and Jesus Christ took our Soul again into the only Will of God, and turned the will of our Soul in our Humanity, which he assumed into the only will of God again.
We poor Children of Eve should not in Eternity, as to the Body, have returned again, but our Soul would have eternally continued in God's anger, source or quality with all Devils.
But the becoming Man, or Incarnation of Jesus Christ is become a powerful Substance or Matter to us; for, for our sakes is God become Man, that he might bring our Humanity out of Death into himself, and redeem or release our Soul out of the Fire of God's anger.
[Page 66]And we now with good ground of truth say, that the possibility of the New-birth is in all men, else God were divided and not in one place as he is in another. And herein we exactly know, that man is drawn by the Fire and the Light [...] to which he inclineth into, that he falleth; and yet he may in this Life-time rise aloft again. Also we say, that the true Temple wherein the holy Ghost preacheth, is in the new birth.
The Spiri [...] also testifieth clearly, that Angels and Men have one and the same Image, for God hath made another Angel instead of expulsed Lucifer, and his Legions, out of the same place where Lucifer sate, and out of which he was made, which Angel was Adam: But seeing he stood no [...], therefore God generated to himself a second Adam out of the first, the same is called Jesus Christ.
Also it is plain and clear enough, that [as Jesus ascended to Heaven, so] he will come again in the same Form at the last Day with a divine and glorified Body, as a Prince of the holy Angels, which shall be the men Angels.
Also, we know the becoming Man, or Incarnation of Christ to be natural, as of all the Children of men, the Lord gave himself to be under the Servant, that the Servant might become living, and is in like manner in nine Months become a perfect man, and also continueth a true God—become born into the world through that way and passage as all men are.
Had he not had a natural Soul then he had not in the Person had all the three Principles: What should he then have committed into the Hands of his Father at that present when he dyed on the Cross? Or what had suffered on the Cross, if he had not been natural?
The earthly part which he took to himself out of his Mother Mary, that is, to or upon the divine Substance, dyed away on the Cross.
Thus was the Soul in the Substantiality of God, and as [...] victorious conquering Prince, went into the Hell of Devils that is into God's Anger, and quenched it with God's Love and Meeknes [...] of the divine Substantiality.
For the Love-Fire came into the Anger-Fire, and drown [...] [Page 67] the Anger, wherein the Devil would be God; thus was the Devil taken cap [...]ive with the Darkness, and lost his dominion: The Spirit of Christ took the Devil captive, and drove him out of the Fire of the Soul, and cast him into Darkness, and shut him up under darkness out from the Fire of the Soul, and out from God's fire into the wrathful harshness and bitterness in Cold.
Consider the first four Forms of Nature, and you will understand what the Devil's Mansion is; for before Christ came, he kept the Soul captive in the Turba with the Fire, and though he had not the Spirit of the Soul, yet he had the Root of it in the Turba, but then he was commanded to cease.
While the earthly man liveth, the Soul is continually in hazard or danger, for the Devil hath enmity with, who continually casteth forth his streams, with false and wicked Imaginations into the Stary and Elementary Spirit, and reacheth or graspeth therewith after the Soul's fire, and willeth continually to infect the same with earthly Devils longing and malady.
There must the noble Image defend it self against the Souls fire, and there it costeth striving and fighting sor the Angels Garland: there riseth up often in the old Adam anguish, doubting and unbelief, when the Devil sets upon the Soul.
O thou Cross of Christ! how heavy art thou often- times! how doth the Hèaven hide it self, but so the noble Grain is sown, when that is sprung up, then it brings forth much fair Fruit in Patience.
Thus every little Sprout groweth in the Soul out of the divine Wisdom: It must all press forth out of the AnguishChamber, as a Sprout out of the Root of a Tree, it is all generated in the Anguish.
If a man will have divine knowledge, he must very many times go into the A [...]gitish-Chamber, into the centre, for every Sparkle of the divine Wi [...], Skill or Understanding out of God's wisdom, must become generated out of the centre of Nature, else it is not perminent or eternal; Thus we must [Page 68] aell dye in Christ's Death, if we will possess his Glory.
God and Man is become one Person, one Christ, one God, one holy Trinity in the Humanity, and also in like mann [...] every where, so that when we see Christ, we see the holy Trinity in one only Image.
He is not strange or tyrable to us, but is our Love. Tincture, he is with his Power the quickning of our Soul [...] our Life, and our Souls delightful Habitation. When we find him, we find our Help or Salvation, as in like manner A [...]am should have found him, but he suffer [...] himself to be seduced, and found at length a Woman—Then said he, She [...] Flesh of my Flesh, and Bone of my Bo [...], and took her unto him for a Companion.
So when our Soul findeth him, it saith, That is my Virgin which I had lost in Adam, when an earthly Woman came to be out of it: I have now again found my Love-Virgin out of my Love, I will never more let it go from me again. O! it is a friendly qualifying or coworking Beauty, Brightness, Fruit, Power, V [...]rtue.
For in thè Wisdom the Fall was known e'er man became a Creature, and that according to the [...]ire's property, not according to the Light's property, but according to the first Principle.
And we say of Mary, that before the time of the opening and message of the Angel, she was such a Virgin [...] Eve was when she went out of Paradise, e'er Adam knew her.
Of Metals, and of the Metaline Tincture, and Philos [...] Stone.
THe Metals have the same [...]bstance, condition [...] birth, or geniture as the Vegetab [...] upon [...] Earth have: in Earth, in Stones and Metals, there is [...]-fold Essence, viz. one from the original of the fire dark World, and [...] of the original of the holy lig [...] World.
All this was given [man] for his play, he had [...] [Page 69] knowledge of all Tinctures: All was subject to him, he ruled in Heaven and Earth, and over all the Elements, so also over all the Constellations.
But Metals are in themselves nothing else but a Water and Oyl, which are held by the wrathful Properties, viz. by the astring [...]nt austeer desire, that is, by a saturnine martial fiery Property in the compaction of Sulpher and Mercury to be one Body [or congealed bulk] but if I whoily destroy this Body, and severize each into its own Property, then I clearly find therein the first Creation.
Gold, Silver and precious Mettals, are indeed out of the heavenly Magia thus inclosed and shut up, by or with the kindling: They are another thing then Earth, man loveth that well, and [...] it for his Maintenance, but he knoweth not its ground and original; it is not in vain loved by the Mind, it hath a high original, if we would consider of it.
But we are justly silent of it here, seeing man without that, loveth it too much, and thereby withdraweth himself from the Spirit of God: One should not love the Body mor [...] then the Spirit, for the Spirit is its Life; this we give you to understand in a Similitude, and are silent of the matter, with the ground and original thereof.
But know this, that it was given to man for his Sport and Ornament, he had it by the right of Nature, it was his understanding the outward Bodies; for the outward Body with its Tincture, and the Metalline Tincture are near a kind.
When the Tincture of the outward Body was destroyed by the Devils evil longing, then the Metalline Tincture hid it self from the human, & became an enemy to it; for it is p [...]rer then the perished in the outward Man.
Let this be manifest to [...]ou, ye seekers of the Metalline Tincture; If you would find the Philosophers Stone, then apply your selves to the new Birth in Christ, else it will [Page 70] be hard for you to apprehend it, for it hath a great agreement with the [...]nly Substantiality, which if it were released from the fierce wrath, would be very well seen.
Its lustre signifieth somewhat, so that if we had [...] Eyes we [...]hould well app [...]ehend it.