A Message to the Philadelphian Society, &c.
§. 1. A Voice from out of the Throne of the Majesty on High did [...]hus cry, saying; U [...]seal the living Testimony, wherein new and Fresh things will be revealed. For in as much as there are holy Seekers, and loving Inqui [...]ers, so accordingly my Spirit is at hand, to open Seal after Seal, [...]ill the whole Mystery of a Total and Full Redemption shall be understood.
§. 2. Now the same Voice did a second time cry, saying; Ye [Page 4] that have an Ear, hear what the Spirit saith, cast up and remove all stumbling-blocks ou [...] of the way. For the Lord whom ye have waited for, is drawing near to be revealed, in, and af [...]er a wonderful manner. Therefore as my Dove-Flock do ye assemble, and wait in the Unity of pure Love, praying in the Holy Ghost, who may go forth to multiply more Universally. So shall my Kingdom upon the Earth spread, as Plants of Righteousness in my own Likeness: and so beholding my self in them, my Joy shall be [...]illed. I am your Immanuel, who am the Tree of Life [...] that with variety of Fruits will you feed: and as ye are a Fountain of Gardens unto me, so will the golden Floods from pure Deity [...]low to water you throughout; that in a distinct way ye may grow, and spring, as the Lily, [Page 5] and Rosy Sharon. In the midst of which I your Kingly Shepherd will walk, and familiarly with you talk; so as you shall not complain that I am as a Stranger to you, and gone away to leave you, as if ye were nothing more to hear from me. Know it is far from me, so to desert my Love-Inquirers, who will not leave you to live upon an old and literal stock; for I am that Antient present Rock, that will still follow you, to open and give forth the Powe [...] of All-acting Wonders, that will gush out plenteously.
§. 3. Then the Voice the third time, cryed; Blow the Trumpet, and proclaim the beginning of the Lamb's Reign, who is come to pitch his Throne in Virgin Minds: Into which the Honey-Dews shall fall, to keep [Page 6] them from all Famine and Drought; for that the Fountain [...] of Life now stands open to refresh and cherish every Plant.
§. 4. For a farther Confirmation of this, and in order to gather up prepared Souls to Mount Sion, by the sound of the Trumpet which now blows forth from thence, and to knit them in the pure Unity of the Virgin Philadelphian Church, tha [...] they may be presented as one holy Bride, without the least spot or deformity, by the beloved Bridegroom to his Father; I had a Representation shewed me of the several Gathered Churches, belonging to Protestantism, that came every one in their Order, before the Head-Shepherd, who was sitting upon, the Throne of Judgment. Which alluded to Iesse's Seve [...] Now [Page 7] [...]ons, that were called to pass [...]efore the Prophet.
Now follows the VISION of the Seven Churches.
§. 5. Fi [...]st came the Eldest, which was the Prelatical Function, with their National Church and Disciplin'd Members, who would be owned as the Lord's Anointed: but they were refused, and shut [...]out. The Second were of a more refined Order, nominated by the Name of the Presbytery; these also were excluded as the former: they could not enter, nor have their Mission sealed. Thirdly, came up a sort that assumed the Apostolical Dispensation, in a separated way in the Use of Ordinances more Purely, called Independants, or the Congregational Churches: these were also [Page 8] excepted against, and dismissed Then in the Fourth place, another sort, that imitated the former, but such a Flock as came up all washed, and linked in the F [...]ith of Water-Baptism, known by the name of Anabaptists, presented themselves: these also passed away. Then Fifthly, a Congregated Company, that were in the outward formal Part, wholly looking and gazing after the State of Christ's Reign, and Monarchical Government upon the Earth in a visible manner; not turning into, or e [...]ing the foregoing Reign of the Holy Ghost, as that which constitutes the Heave [...]ly Corporation, named the Fi [...]th Monarchy Church: but these were also disowned. Then did I see a Body greater then any of these, come up with great Boldness, as deeming themselves [Page 9] to have arrived to Perfection, and so visibly distinguishing themselves from all the rest, and said; Now surely the Anointed of the Lord is before him. But a Voice said, Neither are these they; for the Lord seeth not as Man seeth: No Formal Temple shall henceforth be in the everlasting Church of Christ [...]
But of the Stem of David a Virgin Church, which hath known nothing of Man, is yet to be born into this Earth, as to the Manifestation and Propagation thereof.
§. 6. And it was farther shewn me, that as David was one of the Seven, yet least of all set by, or accounted of, so it will be also in the matter of the Anointed Church. For the Spirit of David, who hath derived from Abraham the Spirit of [Page 10] Faith [...] Love, and Meekness, as the Type of Heart-Perfection; (which though it be of no repute, but lieth obscure and hid, yet the Holy One will find out such to be the Blossoming Root to precede Solomon's Day) will bring forth a blessed Offspring, whose Train shall be lifted up to the Throne; where no more Types, or Shadows, or Forms shall be. For all of this kind shall flee away, and dye: no corrupt Figure can stand with the Lamb upon Mount Sion. For to such a Celestial Degree will the Seventh be Anointed, for the Tabernacle-Church, that no other Form but God and the Lamb shall be therein seen, or understood.
§. 7. And it was evidently Revealed to me, that this great Mystery is upon the Agitation [Page 11] now in this very time: And it was thus cleared to me. That as David in his Minority was Elected and Anointed in a secret hidden way by the Prophet of the Lord, yet as to the outward possession of the Kingdom for a considerable time, was not admitted; Saul keeping up his Reign, and David not regarded, or the least looked upon in that Capacity; but the Counsel of the Lord must not by Man be overthrown. For the Election upon the Holy Seed shall for ever stand, and God will bring it forth as a Rising-Sun; upon which shall be no Cloud of the Fall.
§. 8. And it was given me to see, how this Church would be gathered, which should proceed as Stars in the Right hand of the Head-Shepherd. And as it [Page 12] was thus typified out by a Virgin-Woman that brought forth CHRIST after the figure of an Humane Body, as the Rock which the Apostolical Church was built upon. So likewise, according to Iohn's Prophecy, a Virgin Woman is designed of a pure Spirit, and of a bright Sun-like Body, all impregnated with the Holy Ghost, that shall travail to bring forth the First-born, that will multiply and propagate into such a Body, as shall be filled with the Spirit, Power, and Temple-Glory of the Lamb of God. This is the Church that shall be call [...]d The Lord our Righteousness; Because God himself will tabernacle there, a [...]d Sign them with the Mark of his own Name, and adorn them with Miraculous Gifts and Powers, beyond what-ever yet hath been. Whereby all [Page 13] Nations shall be brought in, so that the Increase of his Priestly Kingdom will be very great. And then shall all these Churches afore-mentioned, give up, out of them, those precious lively Stones, which have been herefrom excluded under the covert of a Form. No Bonds, or Imposing Powers there will be, no partition Walls: all these shall fall flat by Sion's everlasting Trumpets; For the Holy U [...]ction must among these new-born Spirits be All in All. And this is the Church that was by the Holy One and True thus defined; against which no exception can be.
§. 9. Objection. It may be objected that true it is, such a Glorious Church will be hereafter, but for the present we do see no such thing; therefore we [Page 14] may hold in with those Formal Ministrations that are now existent, among the highest of those Degrees.
Answ. As to this receive what the Most Holy One hath made known unto me: That though this Real Mount Sion Church, made up of Philadelphian Spirits, is not known in Visibility, yet at present it may lie hid at this present time in the Womb of the Morning Sun. The Virgin-Spirit that is overshadowed with the Holy Ghost in order hereunto, is in the Wilderness, where for a time she must be in Concealment. The last Half Time is now upon expiring. Then, O ye who shall be accounted, worthy to be called out of Babylon, out of that state which is in Confusion, Darkness and Formality, upon whom the Vials [Page 15] of the Lamb will be poured forth, Arise, come ye forth, and return to Sion, being Redeemed from the Earth, and deliver'd from this long Captivity and Bondage under which ye have groaned. Even also amongst those that judge themselves nearest come up to the Apostolical Dispensation, there will be a shaking, and great Frustration. Their Sun of Righteousness will be clouded as in a Mist, and they will see their Light was too short by many Degrees, of what the Virgin Daughter is upon the travel for, and which will be brought forth in this present Age.
§. 10. As therefore I received this Caution from him, who saith, Behold I come quickly; th [...] same I do commend to all those who are waiters for this Kingly Birth of Power; that they would not [Page 16] put far away this Day, nor limit it to future Years, neither be found sticking in any Form, tho [...]gh in the most refined Appearance. But let such wait, every one in their own Place and Station, wheresoever scattered under the Spirits Ministration, which is able to constitute for a perfect Membership, that is suitable to the Head-Shepherd, who will take care suddenly to gather in his True Mount Sion Flock.
§. 11. And one thing more I shall add as from the Lord, [...]or a sign that this Nation's saving Birth is near to be revealed. It may be observed, there is a mighty Spirit of Inquiry, crying, How Long? and a mighty sense of Bondage, Darkness, and Oppression, both Internal and External, under the Prince of Darkness and his Agents in this [Page 17] Region. Now when the Holy One [...], the Seed of Abraham do groan, travail, and cry, as know [...]ng themselves to be in Pharaoh's Land under hard servitude both [...]n Body and Mind; this is a cer [...]ain Foreruner and Token, that [...]he Lamb of God will raise up a Prophet like unto himself, who shall save and deliver his People. As Moses was a Type hereof, so this expected Birth, shall by the Scepter and Rod of God's power, ransome and recover the Captives, that are under the Tyranny of the Pharaoh Prince; which signifieth the Earthly Life, that hath been the Seat of the Man of Sin. These are the glad Tydings which the Spirit of IESVS doth bring to you his scattered Flock, wheresoever dispersed, and howsoever oppressed. And this is from the Holy [Page 18] One, a Call out of the gathered Churches, in order to be gathered up to the Church o [...] Mount Sion: until which time let every one be fervent, worshipping in their own Temple till the Breath of the Power d [...] call them together.
§. 12. For which end the Seven Angels from before th [...] Throne, are going forth t [...] all Parts of the Earth, to an [...] fro, to summon into the Temple of Wisdom, all her Chi [...]dren, and all that will come under her Discipline. The Eve [...]lasting Priesthood is now to b [...] performed by Mount Sion's Inhabitants, which hath been f [...]gured out unto my Intern [...] Sight in a Divine Draugh [...] wherein I was made to see i [...] Spirit the holy Order, Beauty and Glory thereof, according t [...] [Page 19] the Original Pattern, which Moses did view upon the Mount with God, as he went Personally up. So somewhat that is unknown came down into the secret deep of the Mind, and so described first the Holy City, then the Magnificent Temple and Altar, with all those holy Apartments, that are required for Sion's Priests to officiate in.
§. 13. The whole Limit hereof, even to the outmost Court and very Borders, is to be most Holy, according to the Word of the Lord, which thus declared it self afresh, as my Ear was opened to hear. Behold I will do a New thing upon the Earth, and when it springs forth, it shall condemn the highest Forms and Appearances of all visible Worships, which now are reckoned Sacred. For God intends to [Page 20] frame a New Church; which he will delight himself in, and rejoyce over.
§. 14. For a deep Groan, with a Voice, was heard from the Invisib [...]e O [...], saying; Oh, Father, suffer me to put an end to all Oblations and Sacrifices, which are offered by those who are not of the most holy and anointed Priesthood. To which Word my enlightned part did well agree; for I have been of late much di [...]satisfied, at all low and mixed Offerings, which are ministred while yet resident in the Body, both of Sin and Mortality, These not being worthy of a God so holy as is our God, could not be presented from any one in such an imperfect state, because of their Deficiency, as perfect. Upon which Consideration, nothing can be more [Page 21] grateful to us, O my Lord, then to have that New and Living Way revealed, through which we may come to know after what Manner and Pattern thy Worship now is to be, and who also [...]he Worshippers are that be required.
§. 15. Now as to this Virgin Church, the Lord did shew me how, and after what manner it was to be Constituted, with the Invalidity of all that which hath been in a Formal Imitation thereof.
As first in Answer to an Objection, which I made, How such a Pure Church could possibly be in such a Polluted Region?
Which was Answered thus: While I was plunged into deep Introversion in my Spirit, call to remembrance, (spake the Holy One) Abraham the Faithful, unto [Page 22] whom I appeared, and consider how that he became the first Root of that Visible Church which was Peculiar of all the Earth unto me. And farther, this observe, that the numerous Offspring hereof did proceed from that one Seed; for so likewise it will be again. God will send out One, and Another, that shall be after his own Heart, who shall be ordained as the principal Pillars of this New Assembly. And the mighty Spirit of a CYRVS will be absolutely Required both for the first laying the Foundation thereof, and also for supporting it in its progress.
§. 16. Now from hence it was revealed to me, that Abraham and Sarah were a Type of that which should be produced, and manifested in the last Age [Page 23] of the World, according to all the Prophecies that run pointing still to the Glory of Mou [...]t Sion, that hath always been expected to be revealed in every Age since Christ. Immediately after Christ's Ascension it was looked for, and believed in, when the Apostles gathered several Branches relating to such a Church to their Day. But this was not fixed for Substance, because Corrupted since, and so in the Confusion of Babylon, as it is at this Day; the ruines of which are yet to be raised up and a perfect Temple-Body, answerable to the Head-Power. Which now the Holy Spirit hath given the true Model of, in the Figure of Him who was the Beginning of the Israelitish Church, whom God chose, and called from out of his own People, and from the Land of his Nativity: [Page 24] Who in the Spirit of Faith obeyed all, and every Requiring of God. Upon such a Spirit as this was, God will found this Virgin Church, who shall be as the First-born out of Wisdom's Womb, of which Sarah was a Type, who by Faith conceived him, of whom came the great Increase, as to the making up of a Visible Church; Am [...]g the Genealogy of which CHRIST was born after the Flesh; in which Human Property he was Despised; and though he came to his own, yet was neither received, nor owned by them. But now in, and from the Spirit of Faith there will be brought forth, as from the Dead, a New Off-spring, and Virgin Generation, altogether after the purifying natu [...]e of Faith; unto whom CHRIST will Personally appear the second [Page 25] Time, a Body being for that purpose, thus prepared Him.
§. 15. This I can say, I have received from the LORD, that this cannot be until such an holy seperated Congregation be found who have absolutely denyed, and come out of the Old Birth, and all of that Nature's Property, into what is of the Spirit of Faith's Property, and into Love's Nature: Till then, it is but a a fruitless expectation, to believe the Lord will appear from Heaven, before the Church, the Bride, be found thus ready to receive him. Now the approaching Day is near, in which He is moving his Fiery Wheels for the finishing of that Mystery, the Foundation of which was first laid in Human Property: who doth not reveal this great thing by his Spirit, that so some one [Page 26] or other may, in a sweet sense, and Spiritual Emulation hereof, be the First-born of Wisdom, if possible. For a Mother there must be of this Virgin Church, that will appear without Evil upon the Mount of Holiness; whose Increase will be as great as what did spring out of the Loins of Abraham.
§. 16. That Prophecy is yet to be fulfilled, and accomplished, which the Beloved Iohn saw, Rev. 7. where the Twelve Tribes were first to be sealed, before the Angels could hurt, or destroy the Earth. And as it is written, the Number out of eve [...]y Tribe was Twelve Thousand, which summed up, makes up the Hundred and Forty Four Thousand, who with the Lamb shall stand upon the Mount of Sion. Now from hence let all be convinced, [Page 27] that as yet there is not to be found such a Church, as beareth those Characters, that are expressed for Sealing. Therefore it is time to awake out of this dead sleep, and to see where we are in all that fair Appearance, in which Church-Forms and Fellowships do yet abide? The Lord hath several times, both by Vision and Voice, shewn me all to be as an empty fruitless Vine, much void of the Spirit, and Water, and Blood of Life. And now again hath he set before me such Golden Candlesticks, as he himself will walk in the midst of. And I have heard this Cry, saying, Where shall I find Spirits that will go out of the Land of Pollution, and walk with God perfectly, as did my Faithful Abraham; who never stuck at any thing required of him: therefore he became Great [Page 28] and Mighty, because he believed before he possessed. From the same Spirit therefore of Faith, Truth, and Purity, shall the New Covenant be established, for an holy Priestly Convocation, as the First Covenant was with him, according to the Figurative Ceremony of things. So where the same Spirit shall spring again, they shall substantially bring their Priestly Offerings into the very Holy of Holies; because the Mediation is now doing away.
§. 17. O the great Blessing, without all controversie! that will be doubled upon them, who shall put to their Hands to cut the first Stone out of this Mountain-Rock, for the Foundation building of this unblemished Church, which will be upon a daily Increase, till that it come up unto Wisdom's [Page 29] Number Seven: who hath built her Temple upon so many Pillars, and calleth aloud for every one to come, and enter into it. And thrice great will be the Blessing of him, who is chosen from the Womb, to raise up this Temple, and to be made such a si [...]gular Instrument in the Hand of his God. A mighty Standard will be lifted up, to which the Dove Spirits will flock apace, and shelter themselves under it. The Priestly Trumpets are now going forth to summon in the Children of the Captivity under this glorious Standard of the Great God and Saviour, which shall be pitched in the Valley of Dec [...]sion. Many things further in order hereunto were shewed me, and not without great matter of Encouragement unto any such, who find their Hearts bent thereunto.
[Page 30]§. 18. Then was it made known unto me, that where this united Spirit of Faith and Love did find a fixed Birth in any Person, it should go forth with such an Eminent Breath of Power, as daily added to it should be Spirits of like Virgin Purity, preparing for those grea [...] Degrees of Sion's Glory. Who still look forward after the utmost Redemption, out of all that Sorrow and Distress, which the Mortal Image is liable to. For as the divine Sense shall clear up in them, to make them see and feel under what heavy Oppression they are, being subjected to the Pharaoh-Spirit of this World, which will be throwing heavy weights, and imposing servile Works upon them; which suffered must be, and will be so for a while, to provoke and draw [Page 31] out their Cries to the most holy and great High-Priest, that so he may be a Saviour of these his seperated Ones, after a most miraculous way. For therefore he will yet now again, as in the days of old, shew forth his great Wonders. His mighty Hand must be lifted up on high, to bring them out of Egypt, that figured out this Servile Creation, under which each one of Abraham's Seed doth groan. A Prophet will the Most High yet raise up, who shall deliv [...]r his People from all Babylonish Charms, by meer force of Spiritual Arms, and release them from the Tyranny of that Dark Prince, who doth visibly reign all over the World. And how must this be, b [...]t by the Standard of the Spirit, that will in a Moses-like Figure, stretch forth the Royal Scepter of an everlasting Throne-Might? [Page 32] For the Seed of Abraham must still expect to be under Oppression throughout every Age, until the Soveraignty of the Holy Ghost come to be annexed to some holy Souls, by which they may be enabled to do the Wonders of IEHOVAH, in the sight of their Exactors and Oppressors. For by no other way can the Lamb of God set free his chosen Flock, whom he hath purchased with his Blood, but by raising all the Powers of a God, which may go forth in the Birth of That, which shall shake the [...]ron-Rod over all N [...]tions. Then will the Reign of CHRIST have its beginning in Spirit. For before his own distinct and Personal Appearance, his Birth of Power will be first brought forth in some chosen Vessel, or Vessels; as M [...]ses, Ioshua, and Aaron, were Types, anointed to be Heads [Page 33] and Leaders unto the rest, to bring them into the Promised Land: So likewise the Lord hath expresly revealed, and shewn to me, That there shall again be raised up Head-Powers, such as are to be of great Eminency and Favour with the Trinity, whose Dread and Fear shall fall upon all Nations, because of the mighty Acting Power of the Holy Ghost which shall rest upon them; whereby they shall make way for the Ransomed Ones to return with Joy unto Mount Sion. Where the New and Living Priesthood shall according to the Covenant, and Law of the Spirit of Life, be offic [...]ously and effectually performed, after a much different manner then the First; All Similitudes being too short to reach the Essential Top, and highest Degree, wh [...]ch shall be acted by [Page 34] holy and perfect Spirits, within the Walls of the New Ierusalem when it comes down upon the Earth, and by them be offered up as a most perfect Sacrifice in the New Temple.
§. 19. For it was given me to understand and know in very Truth, that such an holy Order of Priests should be Anointed, that was to be what the great High-Priest was in this World, Holy, Perfect, without Guile, wholly Born again of a pure Spiritual Nativity without Sin Even such as our Lord might not be ashamed to own as his Priestly Brotherhood; He only having the Preeminence of being Anointed with a double Degree: yet the Lower Order is to be without Sin; that so there may be no exception, but all freedom to ascend up to the holy [Page 35] [...]phere, where God himself will [...]ppear in an everlasting Taber [...]acle, to talk, and give forth his Mind freely, unto such as do draw near to him in a Priestly Spirit and Body. For the Spirit, which hath opened these Secrets, did declare that it was expedient, [...] thus upon this account it should be.
§. 20. First, because our Head Prince could not yet descend, for that his Bride, the Church, was not yet ready: neither any Temple-Body, as yet, prepared that is able to bear the Glory of his Personality. As God therefore took of the Spirit of Moses, and caused it to rest upon Seventy chosen out to bear the Burthen with Moses: So verily, and in like manner, will the same Spirit of our Lord IESVS be given out to Qualifie and Furnish for [Page 36] that high Degree of Spiritu [...] Government: Which will be pu [...] upon some that yet are in a Mor [...]tal Figure, until another Body be put on them after a Priestly Order: Which will be given when they are called up to enter into the most Holy Place of Purity. When Power also w [...] given to them, proportionable to that State into which they are called, and to the State of that Virgin and Glorious Church which they are chosen, and Redeemed from among Men, to bear up and support, in the Latter Day upon the Earth.
§. 21. Secondly: Now because Christ himself is in the Heavens to remain, till such a Perfect Church be brought up, as hath all those Characters and Marks that the Hundred Forty and Four Thousand are to have; He will [Page 37] [...]ctuate some by the Ghostly [...]ower in an Extraordinary Man [...]er, to Officiate as if he himself [...]ere upon the Earth. This is [...]he Great Design that is Now [...]ertainly on foot to bind the Mi [...]istration of the Spirit withal. [...]or what else in this unbelieving Age will be of Force or Preva [...]ency, but a Power that may work according to Omnipoten [...]y: Which may bear down all [...]hat would still keep up the Formality of Things, that is to [...]e laid desolate.
§. 22. All Oblations and Sacrifices which are weak and im [...]erfect, must have their Cessa [...]ion. For Pure Worshippers, all composed of Life, Power, and Spirit, must now wait upon the Altar for free Entrance into the most Holy Court. For which [...]igh and signal Endowments we [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page 38] are pressed to wait, that so no going out may be, till we be richly furnished with every Gift, to credit our High-Priest withal; who hath made himself a Debtor to us for it; and as we are his Remembrancers, he will stand Charged to make full Payment unto us of these Great Things.
§. 23. This only required is on our part, to suffer the Spirit of Burning to do upon us the Refining Work, fanning us with his Fiery Breath, until all be Pure and Clean. For this Burning and Perfuming Oil of the Holy Ghost, searching every part within us, is the true Consecration for the Everlasting Priesthood, that so we may come near to the Holy Being, and be acceptable Worshippers before his Throne, to Mediate for all these adorning [Page 39] Powers and Gifts, that may demonstrate we are in Election to be the Beginning of that Priestly Church, that is coming out of the Wilderness, like to Pillars of Smoak, and Flames of Fire, terrible in Crystalline Purity; whereby we may display the Banners of IEHOVAH, as the Sealing Character of the Virgin-Church.
§. 24. Upon all the foregoing enforcing Arguments of the Anointing Power, this Word was renewed: Happy art thou, who is like unto thee, before whom a Fiery Law shall go forth, which shall not be after Mount Sinai Inscription, that could never abolish Sin: but this contrariwise shall open as a Spirit-flash of Lightning, that shall judge and try, burn and consume every rising Motion, that from the [Page 40] First Birth of the Earthly Man hath been. Therefore observe and cherish this Burning Spring, into which suffer all and every part to be plunged thoroughly. For this will give witness for it self to be the Tri-Une Baptism.
§. 25. Then was it further revealed, that this Fiery Law would be the Fixation of the Vrim and Thummim. Which was opened unto me, to be a divine sight, from a Fire-piercing Eye, that could have a deep inward search into the secret things of the Deity, and could Prophecy therefrom in a clear Ground; as knowing wh [...]t is couched in the first Originality, bringing forth therefrom, according to the Counsel and Pleasure of the Most High, Things New and Old, even according to the Love-driving of this Fiery Law, which [Page 41] is the high binding Law, that will most naturally, and essentially, from all Mount-Sion Inhabitants, and from the pure Philadelphian Race of all the Redeemed Holy Ones, that are brought out of Babylon, to stand upon this Virgin Mount go forth.
§ 26. For it was expressed, that this Law was before Sin entred, and it should thence again enkindle it self, and obliterate in a known Number, what the Law of Sin hath defaced of the pure Image. And it was also shewn, that this Vrim & Thummim were only to be appropriated to the Priests of the Melcbizedeck Order, that is, to such whose Descent is not to be counted, or recorded in the Genealogy of the Creation which is under the Lapse; but from the Restauration, and the Birth which is from [Page 42] the Olive-Root, that is ever more consecrated to put on this Breast-plate, as the Signal Character of this Holy Function and Heavenly Calling; as it was given me to know from the Lord. The Properties of which extend [...]o all Clearness of Sight and Soundness of Judgment. All which will make for the praise of Him, who shall for us this Transl [...] tion effect, bringing us into the Membership of this most holy Virgin Church and Priesthood.
§. 27. As I was further considering the Refining Work, as being the present Business which the Spirit provokes to in order to those greater Things to be revealed and entred upon; the Word again thus opened it self [...] The LORD, whose Hand is lifted up, sweareth in Truth and Righteousness, that from Abraham's [Page 43] Line, according to the Spirit, there shall arise a most holy Priesthood indeed, that must assume the high Prerogative of Priestly Soveraignity, which hitherto in this Principle hath never in manifestation bear, since the days of the Apostacy. It will begin with the Wise and Perfect in Heart; from such the Scepter of Dominion shall never depar [...].
§. 28. Much from the Lord did at the same time [...]ill my Temple to utter forth, as Four of us were met together to rehearse by way of Prophecy, what an approaching time is drawing near. When this Word more particularly was given to me, That God was coming from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount- Paran, to revive the Work, and to make known where the hiding of his Power hath been. For a Fiery [Page 44] Law shall proceed out of his Mouth, by which he will try all N [...]tions, and divide as under the Everlasting Mountains, and make them bow before him.
§. 29. While my Spirit was Exercised upon these Great Things, there came before me two Pillars of Fire: which at present I only understood to be applicable to our selves, who were met together, as if signifying, that such Pillars as were as burning Lights, did become the Temple of God, and ought there to be for fixation. But the Night following, the Lord opened it further unto me, and shewed me, that they did signifie a more Publick Matter; to wit, some Eminent Spirits these Two Pillars should be, by whom an Entrance or pass would be made into the Secret and Seperated [Page 45] [...]nctuary, where they were to and fixed, to give entrance in [...]o such-like seperated Spirits as [...]emselves, who, as Flames of [...]re, might minister in the Holy Courts in their Priestly Power.
§. 30. O hereby all this do I [...]ee, that the Lord is putting all [...]hings in order; that he may [...]ave a true Temple-Body, all of light, paved with Fire-S [...]ones of Love. For the support of which House, or Body, he will send forth, until he himself shall appear in Person, such Pillars [...]hat shall be tried as Gold, and powerful as the Fire, as being so made meet for the Master's use. I do see in Wisdom's Glass, that the Divine Powers in the Heavens are at Work hereunto very swiftly.
§. 31. As I was still further attentive [Page 46] to hear and see, wh [...] what would be presented beyon [...] the Veil, in relation to the Re [...]fi [...]ing Work, which is to pre [...]pare and make way for the Ma [...]nifestation of this Holy Church I did see a round Glass like a Globe, and at fi [...]st sight it wa [...] all full of Matter, that was lik [...] putrified Blood, black and i [...] coloured. Then saw I the Glob [...] turned with the Vent downward and it was all discharged of tha [...] corrupt matter. Then arose a Spring that filled it again, as with Water, wh [...]ch emptied it self out again. And I beheld the Figure of a Heart with an Engraving thereupon within the Globe [...] And I marvelled how it came there, and no sight of any Person to put it in; and all this was acted, as without any visible Hand. Further, there arose a Golden Liquor in the Globe, and [Page 47] [...]e Heart [...]luttered up and down [...] it, and shined as Gold. This [...]as a wonderful Presentation; [...]to which my Spirit enquired, [...]d I heard a Voice sound, This [...]ews what the Oracle will be, [...]at is filled only with the clear [...]nd true U [...]ction; there will be rising Spring with all floating [...]oy. Consider, oh my Soul, [...]hat Wisdom may open, for a [...]urther Instruction herefrom: [...]or deep is the Globe of Wonders.
A Revelation upon the Vision of the Glassy Globe: Which was [...]hewn me to be the signification of the Oracle, in which the New Heart shall be conceived; upon which God doth engrave his own Name, which from the Foundation of Wisdom, and Spring of all Knowledge and deep Understanding do flow.
[Page 48]§. 32. Now it was testified, and thus opened unto me, that some were Elected for to be fixed Oracles, who are to be clarified for this purpose with pure Water from the Glasfy Sea. Whose Operation should be all forceable to work out the impure Matter of the Bloody Issue, which is the Spring of Sin, that only can be fully cleansed with this Water-Baptism, from the rising Scum of putrified Nature. Which once was as a clear Glass in the first Formation, as it came out of the Hand of the Great Creator, but now so mudded with strange Mixtures, that all Crystalline Beauty of the Globe of Nature is turned into such a swarthy Blackness and Dimness, that nothing is left clear for Spiritual Seeing. Therefore what hath infinite Grace sought out [Page 49] [...]or help and redress, for such as [...]re known by Name, to bear [...]hat high and living Fame, as the Oracles of which, the ever spring [...]ng Testimony, shall daily renew. Therefore they are to be guarded [...]nd secured, with the outspread [...]ng Wings of the anointed Che [...]ubims, that may henceforrh [...]eep off the mortal Dust: which [...] stirred, and raised by the arm [...]d Enemies, that do ride pran [...]ng on, to cast up Earthly Soil af [...]er those Washings, which will [...]reatly endanger that, which [...]e holy separating Water of [...]ife enters in for clarifying of; [...]at so Nature may come to be [...]fined, and made all Crystalline, [...]r God's own Heart to move in.
§. 33, But caution the Holy [...]host hath given to u [...], that as [...]e would be partakers of this [...]gh Ministry, as not [...]n [...]y to [Page 50] speak, but to be in truth th [...] very Oracles of God. The [...] from hence we are given to u [...] derstand, that no unclean an [...] polluted Essences must rest wi [...] us. For the Spirit doth let [...] know, that no mixed Matter ca [...] here agree; for Christ in Spir [...] is demonstrated for this ver [...] end, so to infuse himself as th [...] true Anointing, that he mig [...] inwardly cleanse from these gro [...] pollutions of Sin, through th [...] sending in pure Waters from th [...] dropping Element, which is th [...] true foregoing Baptism that Io [...] the Baptist did figure out. [...] that Water was Visible and E [...]teriour, so this is Invisible, a [...] Internally effectual for Salvatio [...] Here the Name IESVS do become all-saving, because Water is poured into a Ves [...] to rinse and cleanse it, so the S [...] rit of Christ is poured in, as p [...]ming [Page 51] Water for Life renew [...]g, that nothing of the old [...]ent might be felt, for to send [...]rth an evil savour. This is [...] to be done, as not to be li [...]le to D [...]filement, after that [...]e are baptized with this Water [...] Life: then no more dead and [...]trified Flesh is to remain. [...]his is the Wonder of all Won [...]ers, whereby God will yet [...]agnifie his anointed One, by [...]hom all things are to be re [...]red.
§. 34. B [...]t an Objection [...]mes to be answered, This is [...]ch a Washing as is only Figura [...]e, but not yet in any Actually [...]complished, for such a durable [...]arity, as to know nothing [...]re of the Rising Scum, that [...]th make the Spirit of the Soul [...]m and dark; which the Glassy [...]obe do's present the 1st Created [Page 52] Being in, but now all thickne [...] with gross earthly Matter; An [...] how this can be clearly dischar [...]ged, and washed out, so as n [...] more to be infected again there withal, this altogether is incre [...]dible. For no such Person yet but the Lord Christ, hath bee [...] ever known, or recorded o [...] therefore even the Spirit woul [...] never put any upon such Impo [...]sibilities to strive and labour fo [...] that which in this Life-time ca [...] never be reached unto.
The Holy Word of Trut [...] does now reply and cry, Sto [...] oh, stop thou, whose Voice I d [...] well know to be from a Birth that is of a low Sin rooted being, and so willing still to b [...] Only thou art thus far convi [...]ced, that thy Branches that be [...] evil Fruit, are to be croppe off; but the Ro [...] of the Matt [...] may be still allow'd. But [...] gainst [Page 53] this Doctrine, the Pure [...]nd Just One doth declare: who will wink no longer at imperfect Spirits, who do rest in the midst of druggy Senses, as in an easie Bed, out of which they would not be disturbed, but would be contented with what is too short and narrow a Covert: For no [...]hing of naked Adam may more [...]ppear to God's pure Eye. For now, as in the clear Day, the Spirit doth me shew, that this [...]ndulgence to the Imperfect [...]hing, hath in all these latter Ages done great wrong, and hath been a Let to the coming down of the Lordly Dominion. The Old Earth e're this would have been renewed, had not this D [...]s [...]ensation gained upon the whole Creation. But this false Covering is rowling away, and it [...]s given some to believe, that Sin shall be found no more, when [Page 54] the First and Second Baptis [...] shall meet together in the Gla [...] Globe, which will renew old N [...]ture, and will clarifie it to b [...] the Glass of Wonder.
§. 35. But it may be said, tru [...] it is, that such Prophecies ther [...] are, that relate to a New Cre [...]tion, and the passing away o [...] the Old: But the time, whe [...] this Mystery will begin to work we cannot foresee.
For this, it is answered, Tha [...] this is the very acceptable Day and the true Sign is already gi [...]ven, the immediate forerunne is already come to baptize with the Water of Life, that hence forth we may expect the Baptizing Fire of the Holy Ghost; no more Transient, as in the Aposto [...]lical time, but as a Fixed Pow [...]er, that may no more depart till [Page 55] it hath swallowed up Sin and Death in Victory.
§. 36. Thus will the Globe of Nature be cleansed with th [...] Fountain-streams from the Eternal Element, and then it will be purged with Everlasting Burnings, that the Face of all things may be renewed in Nature's Globe, as was seen in the Vision. A pure Heart floating up and down in its own Golden Oyl, that doth issue forth continually from it self, as the procession of the Holy Ghost. If this was not the very Time for the accomplishment, what meaneth the Cry of Elias in Spirit, to come to his Baptism in way of preparation for it? Of a truth I must bear witness, it hath been an unc [...]ssant Cry in the Wilderness of Nature of late Years, and hereby I am so convinced of the [Page 56] necessity, that now I would gladly suffer my self to be plunged, and buried with my Lord in this Baptism, which is the true [...]inking into Death, by which the way of the Kingdom is prepared: wherein God in Nature, an absolute King, Priest, and Prophet will come down, and appear manifestly, to govern and rule thus arbi [...]rarily by his Saints in great Power and Majesty. Having no other Rule o [...] Law, but the Engraving of God in the cleansed Globe of Eternal Nature, so quickned and raised to its ancient degree and matter.
§. 37. Thus it is given me, in the Spiri [...]'s Eve to see, that all Nations, Kingdoms, and Languages, that shall remain in the old Nature, and broken state, of what is found in Mortality, shall be converted and brought in. [Page 57] So many as are numbred in God's Book, shall bow to this New Creation-Government, and shall come to [...] the Pool of the holy Baptizing of the Water of Life, and so agree to wash; and be thereby prepared for the All-pleasant Burning Spirit.
§. 38. It was further verifyed, That those only, who to this perfect degree are come, shall receive the opening Key, for an absolute Dominion over those parts of the World, that in the might and greatness of an Astral Spirit, have ruled as potent and strong. But the divine Magus, that God will ra [...]se, shall far out-do all rational C [...]aft and Subtilty; so that all must be Tributaries and Servants to the anointed of the Most High. This is the Crown that will; be [...]he certain Reward to [Page 58] them, who to these Baptisms do fully arrive.
§. 39. An additional Opening came upon an Objection in my self, that was raised upon the clear Oracle Dispensation, which was this: How we should possibly come to distinguish the true Sound of the Holy Ghost passing through us, without being adulterated by contrary Spirits, that do dash in before the Globe of Nature come to be all fully refined, and the muddy Issue stopped?
This hath been the ground that hath made such deviation and erring from Truth. For the method and manner of God's revealing his Mind is not Now so much by those Local Voices, as before the Anointing of the Holy Spi [...]it was given. For the Patriarchs and Prophets [Page 59] before Christ's sending down the Holy Ghost, had God's Mind delivered unto them by an Express Voice, and plainness of Speech, which was well understood, and known by them to be the express Word of the Lord. And though in those Ages there were false and mixed things, that did enter into some, who did also reveal true Prophe [...]ies from God, yet the Event of things did it shew, and there God's witness was against them. But the very Holy Men of God, who were truly inspired from his Mouth, were ever more attended with a Signal Power, whereby they knew it to be of the Lord: As much might be called up from what is recorded in Scrip [...]ure [...]or to justifie this Truth. But to Answer this grand Objection, how it may be cleared? What i [...] of the Spirit's true dictate, from [Page 60] that which is otherwise? for it must be granted, that it is rare to fi [...]d, that any one hath arrived to that Clarity, that nothing of Soil is cast up in the Mind, to discolour the Golden Spring of Divine Revelation, that does distinctly run. Which is discernible by the Spirit of Sound Judgment [...] that decides and determins all Matters according to the Laws of Christ's Invisible Kingdom, which differs and thwarts all of this visible and exteriour, judging that Kingdom down. For such a superiour wise understanding Spirit doth still survive in some Elected hereunto, as in Moses, Samuel, and Solomon, and so all along according to the gift of God, th [...]t doth run from Age to Age, rising yet more high and eminent, as the Most High takes pleasure to dignifie those, who are of the right [Page 61] Line of Abraham's Seed, to whom the Promise doth belong, that there shall never cease to be a Prince upon th [...] Throne, to judge in Truth and in Righteousness, as God's impartial witness in the Soul. Of this Moses and the seventy Elders were a Type, upon whom God's spirit of Wisdom did rest, for determining of Causes, that the People from day to day brought before them. So verily it is now applied more Internally, to those innumerable generating Essences, that within the circumference of the Mind do still rise as matter of Controversie, to be decided by the true Judge and Law-giver. Who in no wise will be corrupted or byassed, but make all to bow, according to the Light and Eternal Word of Truth. Oh the strange Insurrections of Thoughts, as so many Princes, that would put in [Page 62] to bear part of the Priesthood and Prophetical Function, rushing in as Korah, [...]athan, and Abiram, that rose [...]p with all their Trains, saying, Are we not meet to judge? equal with the Spirit? Why take ye so much upon you? are not we Spiritual? Why may not our Verdict be heard in the Court of the Lord's Tabernacle? This is the Language that may be understood in, and among the confused Thoughts, that would ex [...]lt themselves against the One only Anointed of the Lord in us. Who hath the preeminence to draw nigh to hear, and to receive from the most Holy in a distinct separated way from all the common thoughts that rise from the sensitive ground, that are under all mixed Confusion: Which are the intruding Spirits, that are to be brought to tryal, and hereby it will be made [Page 63] to appear, as in the case betwixt Moses and those murmuring Princes, the Decision was given. God owned and took part with his own meek Spirit in Moses, and gave power to send them down alive into the Deep. And thus it will be carried on Internally; the Lord will raise and magnifie his own true Prophet within us, that shall have a peculiar access unto him in the holy Priesthood, and go apart from the whole Congregation of thoughts, which are denominated for the mixed Multitude. Upon which bounds are to be set, that they break not in, where God calleth his holy anointed One up to commune about [...]he Secret Things, that are yet fur [...]er to be revealed, in order to the [...]tling of the Priestly Kingdom, in [...] [...]eaceable Reign of Christ.
[Page 64]§. 40. For indeed all need there is, for this Wise Solomon to sit upon the Throne to judge the many Causes that will arise, and still come before him for determination: Till such time that all Strife and Commotion from the Astral Spirit shall cease, and no more any such evil occurrent shall be. To which effect, the Spirit's Reign will bring all unto, and every thought that contrarily does stir, and yields not up to these Princely Spirits, that in Love and Meekness, with Truth and Righteousness, doe govern all things in the reign of the Soul, that is to be reduced to this pure and spiritual stilne [...], for a quiet Habitation, in which the Trinity may a [...]ee to dwell, meeting wi [...] [...] in most excellent Harm [...]y, that answers to the Eternal [Page 65] Unity of their own Divine Being.
§. 41. This is that Leb [...]non Glory in all its high d [...]grees. Which the Spirit of Iesus is driving into, from the cursed murmuring Spirits, that still would be mi [...]ng with the Lo [...]d's anointed Prophet within us. Therefore Authority is to be taken in Iehovah's Name, to exclude and throw out, what will not suit to the Priestly Government. For with that Mosaical Spirit, God will only be free with all to tell his Mind, and commit his Secrets to. All other springing Essences that do fly upward from the imaginary part, must be searched, tried, and judged in the superiour Court, by that Unction of God, that is abstracted from all stirring strange Essences, that would [Page 66] readily give in their Votes to corrupt the pure rising Spring of God's Counsel. Which had need to be strongly guarded, for Attempts to thrust in may easily be discerned. But the cry, that I do hear pass through me, is to keep the Oracle clear, that the Heart of God may always live and move there. And for this cause, Ioshuah after Moses doth arise to bring us forward, and on, till we come to possess the choice and rich things, that are reserved to this Day in the New Ierusalem Land, where our Lot does stand, and will be divided to each one, according to their Spiritual Nativity.
§. 42. But it may be further opposed, that this doth not take away all matter of objection, for in doubt we still are, whether there may be found any now, [Page 67] since the Apostles Days, through whom God doth speak expresly; and doth declare without adding or diminishing?
I Answer, according to what is given me to know in the deep Abyss, whereinto my Spirit hath been plunged, by a strong driving power that hath brought me to an Experience of renewed Revelations, and that they are from the true and original ground of Truth And though I cannot father Belief upon others, that the unm [...]xed Oyl of the Spirit is infused into a still mind: yet where this U [...]ction doth abide, it may well be known and distinguished by the poss [...]ssors of it, though not so clearly to others, but to themselves, who live in the light, sight, feeling, hearing, and tasting the pleasant Powers that the holy Spirit of Iesus doth bring in. And I must [Page 68] in a Spirit of Sobriety and humble Ownment of this Gift of the Word of Life, opening and renewing its Witness again, as in the Apostolical times: which bubling Spring, as from a clear and unmixed Fountain, I have often experienced the flowing forth, and by several Effects have known that it doth come from the true royal Priest and Prophet, that is risen up in me, who hath set up his Seat of Judgment, and beareth now a pre [...]ence of Majesty and Power to silence all Flesh, and to vanquish from his Throne all those false and treacherous Spirits, that would have thrust in for the Priesthood, to have prophaned it, through those mixed thoughts that do so aptly throng in. But now through the long continued Exercises of the spiritual Senses, they do know perfectly what [Page 69] is from the true ingrafted Word. Which Word speaks distinctly from those common puttings forth of the Rational Root that do so generally spring, and readily would mix with the sharp, quick, and powerful Word of Wisdom. But this being grown up as an engrafted Word, knows its own true Root, and there abiding as the Lord hath said, we may expect the fruitfulness thereof; as Branches of Righteousness, springing from the Tree of Life, that is in the midst of the Paradise of God; whereby we shall be distinguish'd from all those that grow from any other Root.
§. 43. Thus will the Unction of the true anointed Church, which was shewn me in David, be discerned from that which is false, low, and counterfeit; which shall in his Spirit go forth [Page 70] generating and multiplying it self continually, till all the Antient Prophesies relating to it be fulfilled, and the Covenant established with David, and with his Spiritual Seed be fully performed. For from the Root and Line of Iesse shall the Virgin-Branch spring up, and spread forth it self to an innumerable Increase; whereupon the Holy Ointment shall most plentifully flow.
§. 44. Now at another time a Cry from the Heavens sounded in my Ears, to this effect: O thou that art travelling to bring forth the Omnipotent Birth, which hath for so long a time staid in the place of Breaking [...]orth; yet rejoyce in this that thou shalt see the King of Nations that shall be born in the Almightiness of a Godhead Supremacy. For true [Page 71] [...] is, what thou hast said, and [...]ften complained, that no Dis [...]atch can be made of the Great [...]ork. Which only accomplish'd [...]an be, as Wisdom's First-Born shall [...]ome forth upon the Earth, ap [...]earing no more as an Infant, [...]ut now coming forth in full [...]rown Stature; that both a King [...]nd a Nation, may be born as in [...]ne Day. Now then lift up thy Head.
§. 45. Nay, further the Great [...]LOHIM doth say, The E [...]erlasting Womb shall open, that herefrom may issue forth Powers [...]ndeed, that may be expressed [...]y Acts and Deeds, which all of [...]thers though in Regeneration [...]orn, must far exceed; In that [...] is a Codeified Matter, that will [...]uffer no mingling with Earthly [...]lements. O how strange and [...]mazing will this Lordly Birth [Page 72] be! who will it live to see? This provoked the Virgin Spirit in me to send forth Groans and Cries yet more ardently. For that must be the way, as it is shewn to me, that must unlock this long shut-up Womb; that so the meer and pure Acting Ghost may appear [...] and go forth to do greater Works than in the Day of Pentecost. For I do tell thee, who am thus in pure Virgin. Nature to be born again, that hereby will be produced a present Redemp [...]ion; which will dilate it self so generously to Myriads of Angelical Births, which shall in the Earth be manifested; that so of this sort Saviours upon the Earth may stand, and as Priestly Kings rule and govern over the Babylonish Land, and also turn the long Captivity of the Tribe of Iudah. This may you do, as you may and can [Page 73] abide in Me: From whence all your Powers must proceed. Up therefore, and quicken your pace: see you not the Morning of this Day begins to clear? Therefore blow the Trumpet, and charge all true Sion Spirits, that do love, and long for my Appearance; that they with One Heart, in pure Unity and Accord, do watch, and in Ierusalem the City with [...]n wait for the Birth of this Mighty King.
§. 46. NOw It was further Queried in me, since the several Societies and Assemblies link'd together at this Day in seperated Bodies, have been all rejected and excepted against by Christ, what will be the Signs, Tokens and Characters, by which this Pure Virgin Church shall be certainly known, and distinguished from all other?
Answ. The first and main sign and Character hereof must be, that as this is to be a Pure and Spotless Church, so must it be brought forth from the Virgin Womb of Eternal Wisdom, and so grow to all the Degrees of Perfection, under a strict Law and Discipline, which extends it self so far as to [Page 75] abolish the Law of Sin. Another Sign is, that as it is conceiv'd by the Holy Ghost, it will grow up to such a Manifestation, as is to give absolute Power according to the Resurrection Life of Christ; for that this Church must be agreeable to himself, perfected in the Beauty and Strength of Holiness: who will not own any that shall be found in any Disparity to him. Therefore her Adorning must be with Purity, Power, and Spiritual Gifts; to do and act those worthy things, which he did and acted upon the Earth, as representing the New Ierusalem State. For Spirits that are thus purely begotten, and born of God, can ascend to the Ierusalem Above, where their Head in his great Power and Majesty doth reign; and thereby receive such mission, to empower these to bring [Page 76] down its Glory upon this Earth, having such an Oneness with God and Christ, that will open through the Tri-Unity the Wonders of Time, that will be acted forth by certain High and Principal Instruments, dignified hereunto; and make out that their Redemption is perfectly compleated. For such Invincible Powers will go forth as shall draw to them the scattered Flocks, and gather them into one Fold, out of all Nations and Languages and Kindreds; whose Worship shall consist in nothing but in pure Light, Life, and Spirit, without any degree of Mixture, whereby all outward Formalities must fly away, when God shall thus come to pitch his Tabernacle in Man: And the Ark of his Testimony will so open it self, that Dagon must fall before it. Nothing but the pure Fire and Air from the [Page 77] Holy Ghost, shall be the Or [...]ans through which God will speak for [...]h his Mind; whereby all shall be taught of God, as being only filled wi [...]h God: Which Word of his Speaking through them, will beget a New and Heavenly Generation, that will multiply it self over the Face of the whole Earth; and make the old hereby to vanish and sink away. This is the Bridal Church that Christ will make ready for his Appearance: and until this be accomplish'd and effected, he cannot come down in his Visible and Personal Glory, for the Solemnizing of this Eternal Marriage, which will be the Joy and Praise not only of the Earth, but also of the Heavens: which shall both be united as into One, and the Militant Church and the Triumphant be no longer [...] twain.
[Page 78]§. 47. In order [...]o this the Angel-M [...]ssengers are gone forth to proclaim, That this Day is upon the World dawning, and that the Virgin Wisdom ha [...]h her Representatives upon the Earth that do [...]ravail in the greatness of the Godhead strength, for the bringing forth these mighty Bi [...]ths, that shall rule and subdue all Nations under them; that so the Kingdoms of this World may become one all-pure and powerful Kingdom, in which Christ with his Bride shall rule and reig [...], in the Father's Glory and Might.
§. 48 After this there was heard from Heaven the Sounds of a joyful Acclamation, pronouncing Endless Joys, Powers, Glory and Blessing, to such as [Page 79] should be counted worthy to be the First Fruits of this New Ierusalem Bride. Now what have we more to say, but that the Bride and Spirit in us do acquiesce to this gracious Invitation and Call: Even so